#honestly don't follow me if you aren't pro palestine
adelle-ein · 7 months
regarding your latest post, at first i had rted one or two jackson hinkle posts since the sheer numbers on his posts seemed to encourage the idea that there would be more reach of the videos he was bringing attention to, but his account felt odd to me and once i snooped a little and realized he's a white supremacist it became clear that the fact that he was getting so many numbers compared to the sources the videos he posted were originally from is precisely what was so insidious about it all. and that's, like you said, true of quite a few white supremacist accounts that are trying to capitalize on this situation. it's so despairingly evil. i'm really sorry you're having to see so many people rt from those kind of sources, i can't imagine how frustrating it is, and i really hope more people bring attention to it. i did see a post going around on twt about jackson hinkle being a white supremacist but i'm not sure if there have been any made about some of the other figures. are there any names you would particularly recommend watching out for?
Yeah, Hinkle is a huge one that I've seen going around. In my case, I have a lot of big name nazis already blocked, so it's hard for me to know for sure if people I follow are rt'ing directly from them. I hope not, but there's no way for me to be sure, and frankly they've demonstrated such bad judgement I wouldn't be surprised. I will say that off the top of my head Nick Fuentes and Andrew Tate have joined the "pro-palestine" cause (obviously not genuinely), and both are dangerous nazi lunatics. I would also STRONGLY discourage interacting with Hasanabi, who is ostensibly a "leftist" youtuber but has joined many far-right and bigoted causes in the past, including helping kick off the mass harassment of Amber Heard last year. If you want to support the charities he's done streams for, donate to them directly, don't go through him or give him publicity.
The ones I'm mostly seeing people retweet aren't big names, they fall into one of two categories:
a) "Meme accounts" made specifically to spread nazi rhetoric, generally with blue checks. Honestly, treat a blue check as a red flag, ESPECIALLY if it's not under a real name. Check the bios and timelines. Like I said, greek statue avatars are a favorite of these and are massive red flags. Emphasis on "manly" or "male" strength is really common. Also look out for "conspiracy" themed language, ie "what THEY don't want you to know" "the REAL news" "the REAL truth" "[x] supremacy" "jewish supremacy" "deep state/elites" etc. They use memes a lot, which like…don't retweet memes and jokes about people dying just in general, maybe (that's another complaint i have about the way people are behaving), but also know it's a red flag. If the bio isn't enough then scan their timeline and see what else they've posted, especially before October 7th. You'll almost certainly find out and out antisemitism and transphobia. Also bear in mind that gold checks just mean paying Musk more money, they're not necessarily "legacy" or legitimate sources or anything like that.
b) This one is sadder, but younger teens who recently discovered politics and have just completely been indoctrinated and are lashing out at all Jewish people as a result. Go to their timeline and see them talking about how antisemitism isn't real, how the Hamas attacks were completely fake, how the entire conflict was manufactured to make "them" money, and Holocaust denial (and generally interacting a lot with the above listed nazi accounts.) They often support Russia and similar politically too because they're angry at America. There's a lot of them on here as well. It's sad but it's dangerous and they shouldn't be given platforms. This one is easier to not notice, though, since they aren't necessarily hardcore white supremacists, just kids who got roped in and aren't necessarily going to be blowing as many dogwhistles in their display names, icons, etc.
in general just be careful, be mindful, and seriously keep an eye out for blue checks -- a LOT of these accounts have them.
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such-a-fellow · 6 months
Making a pinned of my various links, because I'm kinda shifting where I hang out these days. Between the changes in site structure and culture, the endless moderation issues, and the vocally pro-israel CEO I just don't really have the motivation to be here as often, or feel that I'm getting what I want to out of this site the way I used to. I don’t feel i can really enjoy using a site i’m honestly on just to blog about my hobbies and shit when this is the situation here and when so many other people who are just trying to hang out, make art, or share resources are being harassed or kicked. I'll be around here still and post some art and whatnot til I get my neocities blog up and running, but I think I’m phasing out, lads.
However, some of you aren't half bad, so I'd love to keep up if anyone's so inclined! Feel free to add me anywhere whether we're mutuals or not! I use the same username pretty much everywhere for consistency.
Personal Neocities website : under slow construction, since I'm learning html from the ground up, but I plan to blog, post art and various projects, etc.! I think this is where I'll be the most, so please feel free to hang out or watch me fumble through building the thing in the meantime. Frankly I think we should just all make neocities sites.
Cohost: I'll probably be here more than any other socials! art, unfiltered stupid thoughts, etc., (so pretty much like here lol)
Ao3, if you want to be jumpscared when I post fic once every 2 years
My discord @ is such_a_fellow5832
SpaceHey: an absolutely delightful classic MySpace clone. I'm not on there too often but I highly recommend it.
StoryGraph: if you're the type who likes to follow peoples' Goodreads, I guess. This doubles as a plug for StoryGraph, which is miles better than Goodreads and isn't run by Amazon.
anyway free palestine, fuck capitalist internet, etc.
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