#honestly i tagged it dc titans because it would fit that fandom too
katesofheaven · 2 years
Teen Titans fans! In case you missed it:
My ongoing slow burn bbrae fic The Old Switcheroo is very nearly finished on ao3! Only one (or possibly two) more chapters.
Go check it out here!
Rating: Explicit
Word count: ~41k
• Team bonding/banter, action, violence, angst, angst, angst, romance, fluff, smut, angst! And then a bit more angst for good measure.
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
fic writer tag ^^
tagged by: @haechanhues and @sankyeom <3
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
bts w1 and exo are the only two groups i wrote for before that i don't write for now heh
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
tbz, skz, enha, atz, occasionally txt, day6 and nct
3. how long have you been writing?
i used to draw my own comics and write them do those count lol i started at like 8 or 9 i believe. my teacher found out and she wrote it into my report book at the end of the year and said i was creative lmao
4. on which platforms do you post your stories
i have a bunch of published work on aff and a bts fic hit 600 subscribers so that was fun. definitely not tumblr.
5. what is your favorite genre to write?
slowburn angst is my fav. i think i have some magic talent for writing a slowburn romance that ends up in flames HAHAHHA i mean, as exhibited in hostis and lmll, though the endings are vastly different
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
depends. for hostis i was a pantser LMAO i wrote and published it as and when i liked to. i could post a chapter without having begun on the next and somehow I'll still get it out in the next 4 days.
for lmll i finished it WAY before hand and by the time i published c15 i was already done with the epilogue.
for my other non-series pieces i just think of a plot that i buy and i can see in my head then i throw in a song or a playlist to guide the vibes of the fic before i start
7. one-shot or multi-chapter?
ok i personally LOVE writing multi-chapter because it helps with building suspense and keeping readers waiting for the next chapter etc, and i have more time to plan/more opportunities to make time gaps or time jumps without making it awkward. like i don't think i could've written lmll which had a plot timeline of about 4 months in 1 chapter.
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
i think if it fits the vibes and gets the accurate idea out then all's good
9. what is your longest published story?
no clue. it's either hostis or lmll because they were both 20 chapters. i have a w1 fic that crossed 10 chapters, an nct fic that crossed 190 pages on word doc (in which idk how many words that is), a few bts fics that are also of comparative length. honestly idk lol.
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
i really love writing fantasy honestly and slowburn angst honestly. i grew up watching stuff like winx club, teen titans, harry potter as well as horror movies like IT. my dad and i are also avid watchers of the dc/marvel franchise and I'm lowkey obsessed with the idea of people having powers and abilities so this explains works like atlantean, siren, the sinister seven, the enigmatic eleven. i loved working on spiderman juyeon.
i loved writing lmll too (over hostis WOOPS) because i just bought their relationship so much more than the one in hostis WOOPS X2 and i was particularly proud of myself for making my readers sob in the last 3 chapters of lmll. some of them cry around the mid point too because that's when my tsundere oc starts opening up :")
11. favorite request you’ve written and why?
this one.
would you believe me if i said i didn't know what to write right off the bat LMAO but it ended up being one of those fics that i go back to to read the tags in the rbs and the feedback
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
a lot of angst. unrequited love that's later being reciprocated. wanting to protect someone. the knawing feeling of knowing that you're about to lose someone but you can't do anything about it. obligations in career. mismatched long term goals between couples.
now that's written it down somewhere i feel like I'm giving myself a shot in the head LMAO FK THAT'S LITERALLY ME NAUURRR
13. current number of wips?
i can't even count because i don't actually know which ones I'm gonna actually work on
14. three things you have noticed about your writing?
i include actions a lot within dialogues, i find it more natural to do that since you're not a statue while speaking
i use a lot of one-word descriptives when there's like a scare scene or like a revelation. like 'blink.' 'turn.' 'he stops.'
if i want to make my readers cry, i just need some good music choices to drive my motivations.
15. a quote you like from a published story?
uh... no clue. i feel like my quotes work best given the context like- when jang won says 'love me a little less' in lmll, which is also the title, and you'll find out why she says it later on.
16. a quote from an unpublished story?
"i can't hurt you. even if i wanted to, i can't, and i won't."
[you'll need context for this quote to hit more but I'm not releasing this one any time soon]
17. space for you to say something to your readers~~
i am so so so lucky to have you take the time and effort to read my works <3 my inbox is always open for you to chat with and i won't say much here because i interact with enough of you to know that i must've done something extraordinary to receive such warm and enthusiastic responses. <3
tagging: @bbangsoonie @youshineshine @starlightjoong @yeongwvnhi @ateez-elena
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runnfromtheak · 4 years
fanfic author’s tagging game (yay!)
Thank ya darling for tagging me!!!! @boyblunder-thedarkheir!!!!!
AO3 Name(s): LostandLonelyBirds aka RUNNFROMTHEAK
Fandom(s): Primarily Batfamily (so, Dick Grayson) and Young Justice (along with DCU obviously, but I also dabble into Miralculous Ladybug, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, and MCU (none of which I will ever seriously write for? Idk man).
Number of fics: 22 I will admit to (how do you have so many, my dear @boyblunder-thedarkheir​? What is your secret?)
1. Fic you spent the most time on: Are we talking writing or thinking about writing, cause those are two very different answers. I spent the most time writing this bitch of a fic I’m working on right now, and the most time thinking about the two latest installments of my main series, Death is But An Illusion (aka How Could He and How Could It Be). I agonize over every goddamn detail with Dick’s anger, Jason’s Jason-ness, and every person’s every move and word. I am a mess, and I’m going to be murdered if I don’t update them soon. I am not sorry about that XD
2. Fic you spent the least time on:  You Came Behind Me Secretly and Shattered Every Piece of Me (There's Blood On My Hands) aka my pick-your-own-canon clusterfuck of Dark!Dick Grayson and Dick Grayson being traumatized and tortured with no comfort (Some of them are so fucked up I question my own mind). I take less than an hour to write 80% of them, cause they’re short, and they very rarely take any time to plan. Fun and easy!
3. Longest Fic: At present, he had a chest full of heart and a body full of scars (pain became the only way that he could ever learn)  is my longest, but the fic I’ve been hinting at on my other tumblr, @lostandlonelybirds​ is easily double the length (why do I do this to myself? Why am I like this?) the long boi (named one, not the one I won’t shut up about) is easily my best fic at the moment, and I’m so excited to write a sequel whenever I get the chance.
4. Shortest Fic: With Bated Breath and Pain You See (We're Nothing More Than Memories) technically, I have one shorter than that, but it’s a collab that wasn’t my original idea so I’m not counting it :)
5. Most Hits: You Came Behind Me Secretly and Shattered Every Piece of Me (There's Blood On My Hands) why do you people like this trash-fire so much? I don’t understand
6. Most Kudos:  How Could He which does not surprise me.
7. Most Comment Threads: Technically, How Could He followed by the trash-fire AU title thing I’m too lazy to type again, but I’m gonna love on this one: Just Close Your Eyes (No One Can Hurt You Now) because it’s my baby, and it deserves it okay?
8. Fave Fic You Wrote: Ooo we are doing a top five.
             5. How Could It Be (Jason is precious and sad and Dick is oblivious, and I love one-sided pining wayyyy too much)
             4.  How Could He (I put my life force into this stupid fic, so ofc it’s here)
             3. I'm Scared to Live But I'm Scared to Die (I'm Numb Inside) (the suicidal boy, major trigger warning)
             2. I See Things That Nobody Else Sees (And It's Slowly Killing Me)  (the only fic I’ve ever written from Cass’s perspective, and definitely one of the creepiest and most fucked up. Bruce does not look good here)
             1. he had a chest full of heart and a body full of scars (pain became the only way that he could ever learn) (so ummm Bruce doesn’t look good here either? RHATO #25 if DC wasn’t cowardly and let Dick react how he actually would, aka fuck Batman is the new motto)
9. Rewrites?: Fuck. All my older ones? Everything? Who knows.
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning:
Let’s do two. I’m nice.
First comes from How Could It Be:
“You loved him,” Donna says, ignoring his barb. “You loved him, and no one’s seen you or heard from you and I’m concerned, damnit.”
 She punches his shoulder roughly, and he’s reminded of her strength, no matter how small she seems in her dead best friend’s sweater.
 “I’m fine. Peachy-keen. Couldn’t be fuckin’ better. Honestly, you should be more concerned with Replacement, don’t think he’s slept in—”
 “Jason.” Her voice is firm, even as her eyes swim with tears and she holds her arms tight to herself, breathing in the well-loved item’s scent. Jason wonders when Dick wore it last, if Donna had taken it from his abandoned Gotham Penthouse or his Chicago Apartment. He wonders if he’d left it draped over the couch, like the natural disaster he was, or if it had been folded neatly in a drawer.
For someone who prides himself on not being sentimental, Jason suddenly wishes he had something of Dick’s too.
 “I’m here because I care, and because if Dick was here, he’d be doing the same thing I am.”
 “But he ain’t here,” Jason snaps, “Is he?”
 Donna’s head falls, and he feels like a giant jerk. He just… reacts poorly to that name, hasn’t heard it spoken since the transmission and subsequent funeral, since the guy he’d had the hots for since wearing the scaly panties had his mask ripped away and his life taken in front of Bruce’s eyes (who, to absolutely no one’s surprise, failed to save his son).
In the aftermath, no one said Dick Grayson’s name, always Nightwing, or some inane nickname the superhero community had for him. Last time he said it was to Damian, a failed attempt at comfort. But even Jason’s form of mutual grieving had been better than any of Bruce’s shit ideas. Bastard immortalized the ripped costume from his own son’s corpse (not that it had been the first time) and hadn’t even had the decency to give it a plaque (No ‘Good Soldier’ or ‘Good Son’, just a bare glass case with a bloody suit). Which… was weird. Jason was far from B’s best friend, but even he noticed something seemed strange, off, just not quite right. Like the funeral he didn’t speak at, like the breakdown none of them had witnessed beyond a one-off rage fit
“B, what the fuck happened down here?”
The Batcave was a disaster, dents glaringly obvious in several vehicles and a large spiderweb crack across the Batcomputer. Bruce closes the screen down, but Jason manages to catch a spiraling eye.
“Nothing, just…”
Bruce looks at the spare Nightwing costume none of them had taken down yet, still clean and ready for use (too bad its owner died and would never wear it again).
“Dick?” Jason questions, and the way Bruce’s eyes snap to his face is almost suspicious, almost enough to arouse concern.
“Yes. I—”
Jason sits next to Bruce on the desk, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I miss him too, Old Man. Don’t mean you need to be an ass about it.”
 A memorial next to Jason’s own, but Dickhead’s is empty and broken from Damian’s fists and grief, and Jason’s is just gone. No one told him why, it was just gone.
Kind of like Dick.
He wonders if Bruce would have told him if the video hadn’t been broadcast, if he would’ve told anyone. B did love his fuckin’ secrets.
 “No,” she whispers, and he can hear the tears in her voice, can feel her grief as keenly as his own. It’s palpable, tangible, “He’s dead, and I’m alive, and I don’t know how to handle it.”
 And then, to Jason’s mounting horror, she starts crying openly.
Second comes from my one I’m working on rn with Stray!Dick called I See Sunset In Your Eyes (I Hate This Part Right Here)
“Come on,” Wally says with a pout, dragging an overly amused Jason and Dick with him through the karaoke bar doors. “Donna and Roy are waiting for us, and Dick had to take forever to primp.”
 Dick shrugs with a grin.
 “Beauty takes time, time I can tell you did not take.”
 Jason snorts, and Wally glares at him.
 “At least I don’t take five hours to finish getting ready.”
 “At least I can last longer than five minutes.”
 “Ouch!” Roy butts in, throwing an arm around Jason and Dick’s shoulders. “Claws are out tonight!”
 “Speaking from experience?” Jason asks, eyebrow raised.
 Dick smirks without comment, sauntering past the group towards the table Donna’s lounging at.
 “Hey gorgeous twin of mine,” He greets with a kiss to her eyes. She smirks, rolling her eyes at him.
 “You’re just stroking your own ego with the twin tacked on, Wonder Boy.”
 Dick bumps his shoulder against hers.
 “Can’t I stroke both our egos?”
 “You can stroke mine,” Wally mutters, turning red when Stray winks at his phrasing. Jason and Roy both facepalm, groaning. “Not what I meant guys!”
 “Why Kid Idiot,” Dick replies, hand on his heart, “I had no idea you could be so forward~!”
 Wally glares, waving over the waitress.
 “Round of shots, on this dick,” he jerks his thumb at Stray, offering up his fake ID. She doesn’t bother checking it, probably because this is Gotham, and they were all in uniform. “Whisky, please.”
 “Trying to get me drunk?” Jason jokes. It is, after all, his first big outing with the Titans for non-mission reasons. Stray had practically dragged him out of the Manor with a wink at Alfred and a middle finger for Bruce, saying that Jason needed to have fun outside of books.
Jason knows better than arguing with Dick Grayson-Kyle when he wants something, Stray trained him well.
 “Of course, Batboy,” Roy replies, “It’s not a Titans outing if Stray is fully dressed and everyone’s sober.”
 Dick shrugs.
 “You’ll have to get some real liquor in me if you want me to do anything like last time.”
 “Last time?” Jason asks, looking to Donna for an answer. Dick snorts. You get near naked one time…
 “Boy Blunder ended up in just his boxers in a dancing cage drunk of his ass. Everyone thought he was one of the strippers, and he made, what, three-hundred dollars in bills?”
 “Five-hundred,” Dick replies proudly, offering the waitress a twenty as she came back with their drinks. “Keep the change, darlin’!” He adds with a wink.
 She flushes, making Jason frown.
 Stray, of course, notices this and elbows Jason.
 “Don’t get jealous, Blue Jay, it’s not becoming.”
 Jason does not blush. He doesn’t, and that’s the hill he will die on.
 “I’m not. On an unrelated note, pass me a shot.”
Jason is the master of changing the subject, Stray thinks sarcastically, passing him a shot and downing one of his own.
 “Five bucks says alley cat blacks out,” Roy says smugly as Dick makes a face, the way he always did with heavier liquors. He glares at the redhead, who shrugs unapologetically.
 Donna eyes them both speculatively, taking a sip of her own drink.
 “Twenty says he gives a lap dance before he blacks out.”
 Roy snorts.
 “I’ll take it,” and to Dick, “Don’t do it, for me.”
 Dick bats his eyes innocently.
 “Lil’ old me? I would never do something so…” He trails a finger down Roy’s chest, making him swallow roughly. “Scandalous.”
 Donna grins victoriously as Roy groans, trying and failing to hide his excitement.
 “I hate you. I hate you both.”
 Tagging whoever sees this, I suppose? 
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