#honestly im not. super involved in the community.. fandom space... in general to care about pro / anti stuff....
ruporas · 1 year
hi, saw that ask about proshipping, could you explain what you mean by "tag inappropriately"?
yeah sure! using trigun as example, there's just one ship (k/v) that makes me uncomfortable for a lot of general + personal reasons and as far as i'm aware, pro/shippers tend to engage with that pairing the most. since i tend to look at the tags on my art, if i happen to post knives and vash in just exploring their strictly familial / platonic bond and see in the tags it's tagged inappropriately as a ship, it'd make me upset and uncomfortable.
bc ppl can see charas interact and sometimes assume its romantic even if that's not the artist's intent; that's just a natural thing that happens and it's understandable, hence my answer to that ask being to just lessen the chance of it being tagged inappropriately.
generally, i dont really care who follows me, i'm just more concerned about the tagging/replies part bc that's what i can actually see. if my wish for some chara interactions (and i tend to explicitly state in the artwork caption if it's the case) to not be tagged/interpreted as romantic can be respected, then it's fine for anyone to interact with it. hope that makes sense!
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If you could change anything about the direction aos has taken and the plots they've used, what would you change?
Y’ALL this is a loaded question. lemme keep this brief also general trigger warning for self harm/suicide mention
a) aos was promoted as a look behind the scenes of shield, their tagline was “not all heroes are super” but WAIT HANG ON A MINUTE WE FORGOT THAT YES THEY HAVE TO BE and don’t me wrong here i love that agents of shield is superhero daisy johnson’s origin story but the original concept was so good???? like a little ragtag group of regular people coming together and dealing with superhero shit??? amazing
b) goodbye winter soldier u ruined the team bus family
c) things get so dragged out and repetitive??? hydra just kept coming back in different ways, fs got dragged out for so long, ward just kept getting dragged into the plot, how many similar shady organizations have we seen, etc etc time to let some things go
d) this ties into the dragging things out thing but- shorter seasons. look I wasn’t wild about the three “pod” s4 thing when they first talked about it but it WORKED. I liked the tighter storylines. like I know most people want as much of this show as they can get but imagine if they kept the seasons shorter I feel like they could tell a better story
e) I would get them some gosh darn honest to goodness burn your eyeballs out powered by the sun blindingly bright fricking lightbulbs
f) buddy the dog is there with no explanation he’s just there also he’s the new director
g) lets handle self harm and suicide and depression a little better please it would be great for my mental health ok thanks
h) i honestly cant remember what most of season three was about so i guess we can scrap the whole thing????? except for 4722 hours?????
i) bobbi and hunter wouldn’t get written out of the show just to go die in canceled spin off land
j) I ACTUALLY REALLY PREFER THE WHOLE MONSTER OF THE WEEK STRUCTURE??? this also ties back into point d but like season long plots are fine and all but the case of the week adventures in season one were so much fun and it helps me actually remember what happened in each episode (see point h)
k) we could talk about the shows (and the fandoms) treatment of characters who aren’t white or straight or male but i don’t get paid enough/am not in a position to accurately discuss such things. just know that i have eyes and i have seen u all. i’ve seen what you all are capable of. i remember.
l) listen. LISTEN. you know what we really need? a new graphics design team. we could add a new vfx team too but that’s for a whole other reason
m) everything about will daniels is the same except he’s played by someone else. idk. bob morley. i dont care. just not dill pickles.
n) more backstories. which i think they actually got better with in s4 but like, what do we even know about half of these main characters, let alone side characters???
o) why spend half a season on inhumans just to drop the afterlife inhuman community thing and then two years later make an inhuman show but without the inhumans you introduced on aos like its such a mess
p) [insert name of every dead character ever] lives
q) we’re bringing back the night night guns
r) women dont HAVE to punch people to be strong characters ok most of our female characters here on aos are involved in stem but they only get to have “cool badass female empowering moments” when they fight someone like whats up with that
s) longer lasting consequences (im look @ u fitz’s magical disappearing brain damage or every time the government is like “this is the end of shield!!1!” but shield is still there or the fact that people dont have more emotional trauma over the things that have happened???)
t) you get a redemption arc you get a redemption arc everyone gets a redemption arc i dont even care (yes even THAT PERSON. WHOEVER YOU ARE THINKING OF RIGHT NOW. THEY GET REDEEMED. OK BYE)
u) every so often people just stare directly into the camera like on the office. don’t question it.
v) harold the hungry space rock was actually undercover in hydra but is really a shield agent and he joins the team and has a badge and everything. don’t question it.
w) closure on certain characters. like yeah sure some of them they don’t want to give closure on because maybe they’ll come back some day but like where is joey. where is mike. what happened. explain.
x) 4x15 never happened. end of story. bye.
y) lbr i would’ve canceled aos and let these incredibly talented actors and actresses move on to better things a while ago
z) literally just read this all the replies to this tweet okay there are way more serious issues that could have been dealt with in this list that i didn’t even want to get into but there are some good opinions in those replies and at the end of the day none of it matters because this is the show that we have and this isn’t the framework. we can’t just get rid of our regrets re: this show. and im sure if we could, we would just find new things to complain about 24/7  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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