#honestly it’s a good thing gojo **** cause i have been much less invested since
sailermoon · 9 months
sometimes i think im done being mentally unwell about jjk and then i see some art on my dash and it makes me go no…not yet.
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tojikai · 2 years
This chapter may very well be the one that has upset me the most. I had to put my phone down 3 times out of rage and frustration. This is absolutely unbelievable. I have so many words for Gojo that I don't think Tumblr would allow me to express with the limited word count. (I would also like to note that I wrote this as I reading)
I've finally realized what's making me so upset they only care about themselves. They don't actually care about y/n and her feelings. I've noticed that especially since Gojo said how he hopes y/n would wake up so he can apologize 🙄. They keep trying to distance themselves from the actual issue at hand while inserting themselves into the situation. How are you going to keep telling yourselves that you aren't guilty when you are both the cause of what's happening right now? How do neither of you see that what you've done is wrong? Gojo couldn't keep it in his pants and Rie didn't say no or refuse that kiss while knowing that Gojo was in a relationship. And I love how Gojo somehow finds ways to make what happened not Rie's fault when it is. I mean, closure really? Who wants closure from your ex's new girlfriend? What force moved her to think that she was doing something? Honey expel it it's a demon. She's either really dense or a conniving little hussy. Because no kind person in their right mind would ever do anything like what Rie has done. The best thing that either of them could've done from the very beginning was exit from y/n's life.
When Rie finds out that Gojo has been lying to her imma start laughing. I genuinely could care less about them and their relationship. Every mention of them doing anything "romantic" just aggravates me. Rie you got together with a man who has the emotional intelligence of a horny middle schooler who apparently couldn't get over a crush from high school and you really thought he was going to be loyal? Y'all got together because of him cheating. Like fr? How'd you think this was going to turn out?
I can't wait until y/n knows that he cheated. (Wait a minute because I finally got to the end. I cannot wait for this next chapter. Gojo is really in it now.) Because it's either going to be her breaking point or the thing that allows her to move on with her life. Now I understand why Suguru and Shoko haven't said anything to y/n about it because they think Gojo told her. I hope they finally cut him out of their lives too when they find out that he hasn't told y/n. Genuinely don't understand why they keep forgiving him. I honestly would've cut him outta my life if I knew he was cheating on my friend. But to each his own I guess.
Y/n deserves the whole universe. She has never had a hostile thought towards the two of them. Instead of blaming the people at fault she somehow thinks that she's the problem. I mean she's lying in a hospital bed apologizing. Y'ALL SHE'S APOLOGIZING. She's a better person then I'll ever be that's for sure because I would have definitely knocked Gojo out by now.
Keep up the good work. I have never been this emotionally invested in a long fic for a while. Make sure to drink water, get some sleep, and to not overexert yourself.
oooohhh wow i really like this analysis, it's so well put together :0 i like your take about gojo and rie's relationship and how it all happened between them :> also your analysis of yn's character is so on point. like , that's literally her🥺 she doesn't think anything bad about or against them. she's simply selfless, just trying to get by on her own :'(( this is such an interesting read !! Thank you so much !! I'm glad that you're enjoying it and please take care of yourself too ~
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: Ahh I really love your art, especially the way you present your story telling in the comics!! I smile every time I see them on my timeline haha thanks for making my (and likely many others) day! Wishing you all the best!!
Thank you so much!!!!! Especially glad to hear you think my comics’ storytelling works ;O; it means a lot!
Anon said: your satosugu arts give me life omg it's so beautiful and i love how smitten gojou is in all of them😭❤️ thank you for giving us pleasant escape from the disaster that is canon
AH GOSH thank you!!! Gojo lives all his feelings to the fullest doesn’t he! He’s a lot of fun to think about as happy and in love, he gives of the feeling of a warm hug to me ;; back in high school Geto was more reserved with his feelings, but I think he’d show it in his own very soft ways.....ahhhhh man, I love them ;;
Anon said: Your Satosugu is giving me life and also the fluff i need because HOLY SHIT THOSE CHAPTERS ;-;
I KNOW gege really looked at the old gen and went “enough with these dudes” huh lmao but I’m excited to see how everything is gonna turn out from now on! Esp since having been abandoned by the elders the protags are gonna have at the same time more options and less wiggle room.......... interesting!! Can’t wait!
Anon said: hey hey hey i just found your acc and i'm so invested in it already GDJSKALA I LOVE YOUR ART as a beginner like can't draw a circle beginner i truly admire your work also do you have any tips on what i should do to improve my art? because i'm on the brink of giving up istg cause my progress is just none there's no progress idk what to do like pls help me HAHAHHAHA idk what to watch how to practice what to do nothing absolutely nothing but i'm trying my best to hang on cause whenever i keep seeing artists like you it just makes me hang on and be like just keep going but even though i say that i'm going nowhere still so pls help... - 🍄
Ah man, I’m glad I can make you feel like keeping trying!! I answered an ask like this a while back here and I can’t say I have anything new to say on the matter? I hope it’ll help you! In the end the biggest suggestion I can give you is to try to figure out what it is that you want to draw and just draw it! Even if you don’t know how to, just draw it the way you can! As long as the act of drawing itself makes you happy more than the final result you’ll keep up with it and the improvement will come for sure! 
Anon said: your art always brightens my day. thank you for sharing it!
Thank you for liking it!!! ;;O;;
Anon said: Idk anything about jujutsu kaisen (I hope I write it well), but seeing your fanarts tempts me to start watching it 😍😍😍
I hope you’ll like it if you do try it!!!!! It’s not a story for everyone, but it is a great story for its own genre! And the studio animating it is doing a wonderful job of making it a work of art too TT0TT
Anon said: Hi! Don’t mean to bother but I wanted to let you know that the user yslkeii on tik tok has reposted some of your art. It’s the “some of my favorite dilfs” video, I think the thumbnail is a photo of Levi Ackerman. She knows that none of the artists in the vid allow reposts but won’t take it down so I figured I’d let them know
Thanks for letting me know! Sadly, I have literally no clue how to act on this for tik tok orz if they could at least credit................ I’m not even too opposted to having my stuff used in videos if there’s credit...................................sigh
Anon said: Hello, I was wondering if I could use some of your old mha art as a reference? I won’t post it anywhere, or trace your work I promise!
Sure you can!! If you don’t mean to post it you don’t even need to ask for permission! Just, you know, my stuff is full of mistakes everywhere so don’t take it too much as a good source for proper anatomy reference and stuff like that!
Anon said: a thought i've been sitting on, having not seen it, that is sending me. gojo/geto color pallet swap
You know, I did see that a while back! White-haired Geto and black-haired Gojo, it was stunning! Didn’t look much like themselves though, Gojo especially hahaha the white hair is really distinctive of him, isn’t it? With it black he kinda looks like first-year!Yuuta with sunglasses hahaha
Anon said: Hey! How you doing? So, i wanted to ask you if I could use one of your Kamijirou's fanarts in my Twitter edit, with credits of course! I hope you get mad with this shitty ask, i totally understand if you don't let me use, is your right ♡
I’d prefer it if you didn’t, sorry!!
Anon said: huhghhuhfjfjd i was scrolling thru your art and i hit a todokiribaku thing you made for a friend an d honestly that's all ive ever needed in life. your friend's taste is impeccable *sobs*
She does doesn’t she!! That’s still one golden ot3, I doubt that’s gonna change any time soon
Anon said: sfdghffgdgd gojo has the right idea. they should just make out
They should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish they had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said: i've been looking at your art for months and i //just// realized you've started drawing noses from different angles *facepalm*
I’m trying my best!! It’s one of the things that limited my style the most AND one of the most difficult things for me to tackle, so I’m giving it a shot but still, you know, expect them to stay inconsistent for a while haha
Anon said: so five ish years ago i followed you for haikyuu, then got into bnha through your art and now im very tempted to watch jujutsu kaisen because of you as well
ANON!!!!!! I’m so glad and happy you kept me company this long and through this many fandoms!!!! TTATT if you do try jjk I hope you’ll like it! And if you don’t and decide to leave that’s okay too, I’m just really grateful you stuck around this long already!!! ;;A;; <3<3
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