#honestly this is about aspec pearl
birdinabowl · 8 months
your fav is a-spec
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liauditore · 1 year
if u r doing the ship bingo still, then any bigb ship u like + scott/bigb pls?
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ofc anon!! any excuse to ramble more abt ships lol
Before I go on I feel I should mention that my Bigb at least is like.. somewhat aspec? i honestly don't really know where that headcanon came from but it just kinda stuck lol so that plays into how I see Bigb ships a little bit. Idk I just can't see him specifically really being Attracted to anyone.
(i rarely share my sexuality headcanons cus all of them are fragile and very very easily changed with time and sometimes i contradict my own headcanons so yanno. but they are definitely there in the back of my mind. taunting me)
Uhh I haven't really seen this one before at all? The only interactions I can remember are the ones from limlife when Bigb jumped in between of Scott and Pearl after he hits her (my heart went brr) and when they killed eachother in the finale and scotts computer had a fit lol.
but yeah I suppose you could make a hateship out of this?? or if you think they could be best friends then you'd have to do some explaining and put them in situations for it to work methinks.
This one's just not talked about enough imo. I love angsty grian headcanons to death and like.. Idk I think it's sweet how even though he doesn't really associate super hard with Bigb, he still goes running to him when times to tough. I like to think it's cus Bigb's just this really kind figure who Grian knows he can go to for comfort when the chaos of everything else gets to be a bit too much.
He also kind of tries to pull Bigb into that chaos but it never works cus Bigb's got the personality of one of those soft warm towels they give you at hotels. He has his share of mischief in him but he's not going to be going around murdering people with tnt minecarts anytime soon.
It's like whenever Grian gets to the point of "I don't want to play the game anymore!" he goes to Bigb to sulk and thats very cute to me.
It was super hard btw to choose just one ship for this omg but uhh lightning round Bigb is also Pearl's (new) bestie, Lizzie's bestie, Ren's bitch wife and Cleo thinks they had a really bad break up while Bigb didn't realise they were supposed to be dating.
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