#honestly truly? i think he was secretly a bit jealous that i managed to pick up all THAT and he just couldn't seem to get the hang
iii-days-grace · 9 months
i was thinking about what that ex-Disney Imagineer said to me the other day, on my movement and timing, when she seemed legitimately delighted to see me gliding around my coffeeshop and serving customers. like
im damn good at hitting my marks on stage time in time over and over and over and over with other people WHILE HOLDING A BIG LIVE SNAKE! i may be an anxious autistic adhd weirdo who scares hoes, but that's gotta count for something!
and it actually, genuinely healed my soul a little bit to realise that's still coming through. i loved that dance so much that my body still follows the steps for me, even in a completely different place and time.
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koushisatori · 4 years
All you have to do is ask
It’s me again! This isn’t beta-read yet, but I’ll do so tomorrow after lunch!! But i need to get this out of my drafts asap and...well, here you go!!  Edit: 16.11.,13:10: I beta’ed it now and weeded out dumb mistakes (and made new ones, probably ) !  ♡ ~('▽^人)  
oikawa x f!reader
genre: small bit of angst, fluff
warnings: someone kinda trying to force themselves onto you??
word count: 3.4k
note: this was supposed to be a drabble, now look at what it turned out to be </3</blockquote>
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Tooru was sure that he had saved at least thousands of people in his last life to deserve you liking him back
you didn’t play ‘’unreachable’’ but he had to out in some work for you
especially with his fan club being all over him all the damn time, 
but you never gave him any reason to doubt your intentions with him which is why he took wooing you very seriously
both of you actually spend a lot of time by just talking and getting to know each other due to that
for example: he liked taking you on cute little and spontaneous dates on volleyball-free afternoons and would then walk you home after
or on lunch breaks that you (at first) spend with him alone 
(sometimes he waits at your classroom door to pick you up if it’s manageable for him - aka if he’s not swarmed by people with confession letters)
later you both are consequently joined by Iwa, Mattsun, and Makki 
the last two loved teasing him with their ‘fun facts for lunch’
’’(Y/N)?’’ you hear Makki sing even before you can see any of the other three. next to you, Tooru groans in advance 
’’Did you know that ‘Kawa can reach a g’’ as soon as he’s eye to eye with an insect larger than your pinky finger?’’ the strawberry haired boy says, mattsun next to him wagging his eyebrows 
the professional that you are easily suppresses a grin, you merely chuckle amused 
’’Who isn’t afraid of bugs larger than that? There are way smaller things that could kill you!’’ you exclaim with wide eyes ‘’...and I’ll gladly channel all my bravery and…’’ you look around before leaning forward, the two boys following your example, intrigued by the secretive expression on your face ‘’…annihilate everything and everyone that might scare Tooru or make fun of hi’’ – ‘’WOAH, (Y/N)-‘’
they had tried to flirt with you just to fuck with Oikawa (so with no real intention) but they had to realize rather quickly that this was a hopeless task – you couldn’t tell that people were flirting with you unless they spelled it out
(literally that one meme;   you: ’’were you flirting with me, Tooru?’’ Tooru: did for the past half-year, thanks for noticing tho <3’’)
Don’t worry you know the setter well enough by now to be able to tell when he does, and really - only Tooru’s flirting matters to you
it also makes you blush furiously, now that you truly get it, but we’re not talking about that
Iwaizumi took you to the side one day while you were waiting for Oikawa to finish his training
he asked you sternly if you were sure that you would be able to handle days, weekends, and sometimes weeks in which Tooru would unintentionally prioritize Volleyball over you
said, that you had to find a balance on the fine line that was leaving him be with his training and stopping him from overexertion (and really ruining his knee)
after assuring that yeah, you would because you genuinely liked him, volleyball obsession and all, and that wanted to be with him, Iwa let go of any rest reservations he had had against you and joined the general teasing
Okay, moving on
as soon as his and your interest in each other became clear, you kept a clear distance from other males (and females, ‘yer that desired, as you should btw)
if they pushed it, you unmistakable stated that you’re not interested in other advances because you liked someone
Like??? Oikawa really just had to say the magic words at this point, you'd say yes in an instant
for god's sake tf is he waiting for?!!
despite you being obvious with your interest in the setter and disinterest in everyone else regarding this you constantly get approached by admirers
some people need it spelled out that you mean what you say, honestly
A thing Tooru liked so much about you was your kindness, but it also was the reason that - as already said - some people still thought they might have a chance
it’s not your fault, your natural charm is like...the 8th wonder of the world!!
due to your impeccable behavior and perfect grades, you obviously were the teachers’ favorite student to pick to help out other students
cue to: oh, look!! you're chosen again *sigh*
up until now, the tutoring never bugged Tooru too much, it was more like an itch he couldn’t scratch
but usually, they weren’t after school (giving up your lunch break, you’re a hero) and never awoke any rumors
your latest ’student’ seemed to think that he was close to ’’winning you over’’, though, that you were secretly but undeniably head over heels for him by now
’’I’ve heard that he plans on asking (Y/N) out today!’’ - ‘’No way! Even with Oikawa-Senpai obviously being interested in her?’’ - ‘’Yes!’’ - ‘’Death wish~’’
Tooru had to hear it in between classes and while he trusted you (and the last comment made him chuckle a bit), this was not the case for that guy
You: go home after class, Tooru, I need to give another tutoring session :(
of course, he wanted to hear none of that, especially with the hushed words fresh in his mind
meanwhile, you vividly imagined his annoyed expression reading it and the cute little huffing sound; you couldn’t help but smile softly to yourself </3
Tooru Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→: I’ll wait for you, (Y/N)-chan, Iwa-chan and me wanted to try out something anyway (^.~)☆
Tooru Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→: also, I waited to try out the sweets at the patisserie for too long to not eat my weight in cake twice today, so you better hurry if you want me to share with you
His answer clearly stating: I will wait for you, don’t take too long
Okay, maybe he was a bit jealous 
that this guy gets a reward – another hour with you alone - for being stupid ?? it obviously fed into a crazy fantasy and it was unfair
Oikawa reminded himself that he had no reason to be jealous, especially since he had yet to ask you out and make it official
(it had to be perfect and cute just like you, okay? no rom-com was able to prepare him for the real thing!!)
training – for the first time in years – dragged on endlessly
his mind kept wandering, and after the first 5 volleyballs to the head, courtesy of a very annoyed Iwaizumi, said one took matters into his own hands dragging his sulking best friend out of the gym
‘’If you’re jealous, Shittykawa, then fucking confess already.’’ Iwaizumi says with his no-bullshit voice, letting go of Tooru's jacket. 
While it was obvious that Oikawa is, in fact, super fucking jealous, he chuckles and puts on an easy smile. ‘’Silly Iwa-chan! I’m not- OUCH!’’ The brunet yelps, holding the back of his head and looking at his childhood friend with a pout. 
‘’First of all, fuck you, Shittykawa, for thinking I’m falling for your dumb act.’’ The ace growls, narrowing his eyes. ’’(Y/N) is a beautiful girl. Of course, Extras try to get close to and confess to her, you morron.’’ The spiky-haired let’s out a tsk-sound, seeing Tooru’s wide eyes. ‘’I at least hope you are aware that she is waiting for you to ask her out officially, right? It’s literally on you to put your foot over the line between a girl friend and your girlfriend. But if you take too long, she’ll eventually be fed up with waiting…so why in hell are you stalling?’’ Iwaizumi huffs, crossing his buff arms over his chest.
With a shrug, Oikawa looks up to the sky before his gaze travels down to settle on his feet, shuffling from side to side. ‘’I’m scared that making it official will do more harm than good, Hajime. She never said something else but…is she really fine with me forgetting basic things over Volleyball? Or will she leave me after a while like my last girlfriend? Because she realized Damn, he’s really into volleyball. I also don’t want to hurt (Y/N) by asking her to be mine and then…being me and screw everything up again.’’ Tooru whispers quietly, trying to hide the vulnerability while intentionally avoiding his best friends eyes. 
‘’You’re dumb, Tooru.’’ 
Well…that’s not what he was expecting Iwaizumi to do or say. A punch against his upper arm or chest maybe, or a kick to the shin – always with love but still painful enough to get the message across. But not a soft-voiced statement paired with a sigh. 
‘’I hate...’’ Iwaizumi says, waving his hand up and down. ‘’...why do I have to do...the emotionally charged pep talk.’’ He grumbles, pulling his hand over his face before he looks up directly into Oikawa’s insecure but also curious eyes.
’’You might not be aware of it, but things already are different compared to last time. (Y/N) does not just accept your passion, but supports you fully. With the amount of time she spends on the bench doing her homework and cheering for everyone when we do training's matches, while remembering our schedules and matches, she’s practically an inofficial second manager. By any means, she’s a perfect match to your madness, it’s scary.’’ he jokes, thinking of all the small things you do for his best friend that - in the end - make him trust you even more.
‘’But…what might be more important to you right now is that you’re not behaving like last time as well. You still are so freaking stupid and overexert yourself…but you check up on her whenever you take a water break. If it's asking in person or sending her a message. You make sure to have at least two free afternoons where you spend time with each other, which is two days more than you did last time by the way. You have that stupidly dopey smile on your face when you see Y/N. I mean…nothing ever breaks your focus after you set foot on the field and yet here we are, standing outside because all you do is mope around instead of playing!’’ The spiky-haired player huffs.
After a moment of silence, Tooru cries out an ‘’Iwa-chan, you do love me!’’ while draping himself over his best friend. ‘’Oi, Trashykawa!’’ the other protests with a fake angry voice, yet hugging the other back for a second before he pushes him off nonetheless. 
‘’Okay, now move your ass, the pinning you two are doing is a pain to witness.’’ Iwa says accusatory before going back into the gym, leaving Oikawa to make a decision. 
Hurrying through the gym to the changing rooms, Tooru nearly makes it out unseen until Yahaba is half asking, half yelling from the other side of the hall. ‘’Oikawa-san, where are you going?’’ 
With a wide grin and his signature peace sign (it’s for his own emotional support here, okay, his nerves are killing him), the Captain turns around to announce ‘’I’m finally getting myself a girlfriend!’’ before he quickly leaves his hollering teammates. 
(Oikawa was quite sure to hear Mattsun yell something like ‘All of you! Pay up!’ and Kyoutani muttering an ‘I’m leaving.’ somewhere in his vicinity.)
5 Minutes later, the brunet looks through all the classrooms in the hallway you should be in, teaching a good for nothing that was adamant about trying to steal you away from him. Tsk. 
Right after turning around the corner, Tooru hears a dull thud, followed up by a soft gasp that made his insides churn uncomfortably. That it’s immediately followed by a low, deep voice doesn’t help at all with calming Oikawas heart beat. He slowly creeps closer to the slightly ajar door to the room with the treacherous sounds. The soft whimper following was unmistakably you, and his heart suddenly felt like it was on the verge of breaking for a second.
Should he turn around and leave? Perhaps Iwaizumi was right with you being tired of waiting for him. Maybe you were tired and accepted someone else? 
Luckily, a gruff inner voice growls – surprisingly sounding like his best friend – and mentally slaps him. You never gave him a reason to doubt your affection! And if he had to fight for your affection then so it be! Also, you wouldn’t engage in something inappropriate out in public. There was a 99,9% chance of him misinterpreting everything due to his own insecurities, and you being uncomfrotable right now. Unacceptable. 
With his resolve strengthened again, the setter finally takes the last steps over to the door. Standing there, he finally could understand the words being spoken. Oikawa suddenly had a presentiment of what was happening inside.
Meanwhile, you were struggling unceasingly. ’’It…it is flattering that you…that you like me, honestly!! And…there are surely many other girls that would feel honored to be confessed to by you, but I like someone else, I’m sorry. Please, accept my choice!’’ you say, damming your voice for shaking and underminding your own statement.
’’Ah, ah, pretty girl, it’s not nice to lie.’’ the guy in front of you chuckles. The usage of such a pet name makes you cringe in disgust. There’s only one person allowed to give you tese kind of names. ‘’I know you like me, too. You with your cute little blush when you talk to me and lingering soft touches-‘’ 
A scandalized sound of protest leaves your lips. You were just short of stomping your foot. ’’I did no such thing! I-’’ But as before, your words meet a seemingly deaf ear. 
’’I will be the best boyfriend a pretty girl like you could ever wish for.’’ Moving closer, the guy slowly backs you up until you meet the chalkboard behind you. ’’Come on, give in.’’ He murmurs, hitting his hand against the board next to your head, which forces a scared whimper out of you. ‘’I’m all you need.’’
Stepping into the room, Tooru couldn’t believe his eyes and ears,. The blood in his veins slowly but surely starts to boil. 
’’Please, let me leave! I told you, I am not interested. I am with-’’ You plea softly, one hand pressed against the guys’ chest to stop him from coming any closer, – did he really try to kabedon you against the chalkboard? - while your other was hidden from his view. Even though you were trying your best, the distance between the two of you was insultingly sparse, the guy making up for the lack bodily closeness in general by leaning forward enough for your faces to be separated by only a few inches. You could probably feel his breath on your face. Tooru really felt like punching the guy.
’’What’s so special about the pretty boy anyway? He has many girls running after him to choose from, let me have you. I’ll treat you better! I have so much free time and I would spend all of it on you. Let me take you out for a coffee, pretty girl, or dinner. Hm? I’ll prove my words directly. I mean…he hasn’t even asked you out! It’s unfair how he is keeping you on the back burner, stringing you along. To you…’’ suddenly the boy moves closer, lowering his voice to a sultry murmur ‘’…and to m-‘’ 
’’That’s enough.’’ Oikawa says, his tone icy, sending shivers down the other male's spine. You on the other hand… 
’’Tooru…’’ you whisper, relief evident, as you watch him move closer to you as fast as humanly possible. Yet you still aren’t able to reach out. ’’Please, Tooru…’’ 
Upon hearing your soft whimper, his brown eyes follow yours to your other hand, realizing that said one is still in the firm grip of the guys' right. At that a clearly dangerous growl leaves the usually sweet brunet. ‘’If you don’t let go of her in the next two seconds and leave her be for good in 5, I can and will break your arm.’’ Oikawa threatens with an overly sweet, yet terrifying smile, wrapping his own hands around the guy's wrist, blunt nails pressing painfully into the sensitive flesh on the inside.
With a hiss, the guy finally pulls back his hand. It allows you to seek shelter behind the tall setters back. Your fingers tightly hold onto his shirt while you peek at the other from behind him. ’’Aww, come on, pretty boy,…’’ he says, voice provoking, the words clearly meant to degrade Oikawa. ’’…let me have some fun with sweets over there, and when I’m done you can have her all to yourself.’’ To top of his words, he winks at you. 
With the way he had tensed up the first moment, you half expect Tooru to suit the action to the word, and really break his arm...instead, Oikawa looks the other dead in the eye, while saying ’’Hey, (Y/N)-chan,? There’s that really sickening wretched smell in here, it’s kind of painful. I’d like to take you somewhere nice, will you get your things?’’
You hastily nod and do as you are told while Tooru continues to stare the other down, keeping his attention away from you and using the slighty height difference to his advantage. The moment you reach him, Oikawa finally lets go of the others wrist, grabbing yours instead. You tug him to the door as quick as possible, when suddenly life found its way back into the other. 
‘’Hey, what did you mean?’’ he asks, half angry, half clueless. Unable to accept his loss. 
Oikawa turns back one last time, a smirk settling on his lips while his eyes twinkle with amusement. ‘’I said, that a mouth breather as pitiful as you are is a disgrace to be in the vicinity of someone as amazing as her.’’ And with that, you both finally leave.
(Y/N)-chan…are you alright?’’ Tooru asks once you left the school grounds. His thumb drawing little circles on the back of your hand. 
You nod before you eventually look up, worrying your lip. ’’Thank you. I…I was really scared. Even though I'm sure that he would have done something…something…’’ you swallow down the nasty words, shuddering slightly. ’’I’m glad you came to save me, Tooru.’’ You finally settle on, pink coloring your cheeks. Beckoning him to lean down a bit by waggling your finger, you softly craddle his face and press a kiss to his cheek. The blush becoming more intense now with every passing moment.
Before you can pull back your hands, though, his had already found purchase on yours, keeping them - and you - in place. Everything about this moment felt right to him. Maybe now was the right time. ’’Pretty girl...’’ he murmurs, assessing your reaction. (He notes, pleased, that your blush intensifies, and your smile turns all giddy. He needs you to forget about that douchebag calling you that. He would repeat it until all you remembered was his voice using it.) ‘’I kind of really, really, really want to kiss you right now…’’ He whispers, the warmth of his cheeks telling him that he was most likely sporting a blush similar to yours. ’’…Will you be mine? Will you allow me to hold your hand? To kiss you silly? To steal bites of your food and make up for it with compliments and as many cuddles as you wish? Will you allow me to brag about you being my girlfriend and force you to wear my jersey to all my matches now and in the future?’’ His eyes didn’t leave yours for a second. He enjoyed watching yours light up as if he had just hung the stars in the night sky, or as if he had made you the best present a girl could wish for. 
’’Tooru…I thought you’d never ask…’’ you say with a smile so affectionate that it makes him feel mushy and warm all over. And then he finally closes the gap. 
The moment your lips meet for their first kiss is better than anything he had ever imagined. It isn’t a firework exploding, nor an unbalanced fight of passion and dominance. Instead, it’s gentle. A loving flow and exchange, wrapping you both in a blanket of warmth. A bubble just for the two of you. He understood what Iwaizumi meant with different, because – even though this relationship just started – he knows, that with you he had found a completely new world of comfort and love. Being with you already felt like coming home.
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thesolotomyhan · 4 years
Narcos México: Dating them would include: (4/7)
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I low key feel so insecure because my headcannons be hella long, I’m so sorry in advance because I may have gotten carried away on this one😅. Enjoy!
Let me know if you want to be added on the tag list! ❤️
Tags: @fandomnerd16 , @visintaes
Warnings: NSFW!
My ramoncito is such a hot head and filled with heated emotions, impulsive if you may
You were the wrecking ball that crashed into his life when he first met you,,, but in a good way
At first, when he would try to talk to you, he would stutter his words out to you, his palms were sweating, and it suddenly felt like the room was 200 degrees,,, he was getting BEYOND frustrated with himself
He honestly doesn’t even know how he asked you out or even why you agreed to go on a date with him but either way it was the best thing he’s ever done
Ramon rambles on to no end about you when you’re dating, te presuma el cabrón
“Te lo juro, mi mujer está bien pinche guapa, mi muñeca es un ángel de Dios”
Ramon’s kisses are the literal definition of passion and lust, like wow
I just know Ramon would sneak up behind you to pick you up when you come visit him at his house,
You’re just talking to Enedina or something and next thing you know, you feel someone excitedly pick you up and twirl you around
“Mi princesa, que haces aqui?” Wow
The other thing that comes to dating Ramon is the need of patience from you, he’s not one to openly talk about his worries even if he trusts you with his whole heart
Every time Benjamin is worried about Ramon’s attitude, he’s calling you to come talk to him
Because you’re always successful in talking him through his doubts and anger issues,
all you have to do is bring his eyes to focus on you and soothe him with words until he can actually think straight
The puppy eyes he gives you when you tell him you love him with your alma and that it’s going to be ok🥺
Jesus, the sheer amount of gifts this man will give you is just out of this world
Like it’s not even a surprise anymore to his family when a truck load of roses and other fancy shit arrives one day, they’re all like, oh yeah Ramon’s going on a date with his novia, right?
He does it because he can’t get over the way your face lights up, it makes him feel proud that he’s the only one able to do that
Ice cream and antojito dates are a must, ok 🥺👉👈. , don’t look at me
He loves taking you to club dates too, like he’s the definition of “live life to its fullest”
That and because he’s just embobado with the way you dance and how close y’all would dance together
Like can you imagine, dancing to the beat of the music with your ass grinding up against his hips as like your reaching behind you to grab hold of his hair,, and his hands are on your hips— lord, Ramon fucking lives for that
“Mira lo duro que me haces sentir, princessa” ok- Let me leave before I get carried away
I just know, all the dates he takes you on are always fun and it’s where you both lose track of time
Soft!Ramon is what I live for, I can see after your dates end, he’s leaning his forehead on yours and smiling at you🥺
He can’t let go of you
, it makes him so fucking happy when he wakes up in the morning with you cuddling into him, it’s how he always wants to start his mornings
Look, Ramoncito seems like the one not looking for marriage or that soft shit like Benjamin.
but when it comes to you, his heart just fucking ruptures with passion and el amor verdadero, he can’t help it
He can’t even begin to think about even losing you to some cabrón, and him not being the one enjoying your presence
your the only one who has truly captured his heart without even trying and he never wants that feeling to go away, I’m sobbing
So he definitely fiddles and secretly looks into engagement rings👀 with the help of Enedina’s advice because we all know she would be so excited that Ramon found someone that makes him sane and truly loves him
“No la quiero perder, Dina, no se que haria sin ella”
I can’t, you make him so SOFT that even everyone in his family pitches in to help convince him propose to you- they love seeing you two together-
Even if someone just looks at you the wrong way,; or for making a bad comment towards you,, he’s already 0-100 real quick and pulling his gun out
This man causes so much disruption because no hijo de la chingada is going to get away with disrespecting you
You know that once scene at Roxanne where Chapo and Cochi were bullying Francisco and then all hell broke loose,, yeah now imagine like Cochi trying to get a rise out of Ramon by “jokingly” catcalling you- oooop
“¿Cuándo vas a prestarme a tu vieja, Ramón? a lo mejor puedo chingarmela mejor que tú”
Oh no, no no no,, you’re already trying to grab Ramon’s arm as he does a full 180
Red, that’s all Ramon sees as he’s already swinging and hell breaks loose once again-
Even though Ramon would just love to kill Cochi right there for saying that, he can't, but he’ll get it one of these days 👀
Ramon loves to pick out outfits with you as well, he likes giving his opinion about which outfit would slap and would go along with his,
he wants to make people jealous about how hot Ramon’s mujer looks, like the fucking smug look he has on his face as he walks in with you
He has pride in how only he gets to touch you the way he can while others can only drool and watch from afar
Ramon is always having his hand resting on your waist or your ass, and you can’t tell me he would not give an occasional squeeze or slap to your ass, like this bastard would
Ramon would be one to have you sitting on his lap all the time with his arms wrapped around you, making you laugh as he lightly kisses your neck-
In the end, Y’all are just a fun af couple, attached to the hip and inseparable, I’m in love
Oooooohhhhh boy, does my man have SO many kinks, but we’ll get to that in a minute
He’s one to never turn down a blowjob from you, like the intense gaze he’ll give you as he sees you gagging on him
This man loves his pleasure, he’s desperately thrusting into your mouth as he lets out the loudest groans all the while tangling his hands in your hair- ok
Ramon fucking lives for seeing you in his bed
From the beginning where your smiling up at him, naked for him and pulling him down to get him to do something
To the end of the night when your whimpering and trembling after he’s done with you, like damn
The roughest sex happens with Ramon
I’m gonna say it…. Because it’s the truth
Ramon will eat you out until you can’t even speak right and your trying to weakly push him away
This mf will laugh into you as he forces your legs open and fingers you-
“Sé que puedes hacer uno más, solo uno más para mí bebé”
As he’s forcing you to look at him as he harshly rubs your sensitive clit-
Ramon has to see your facial expressions, he has them engraved into his memory and he also just loves seeing how he can make you feel, the way your soul leaves your body-
Jesus, this man is never fucking quiet, and that goes for you too, he hates seeing you trying to be quiet
“No te calles, no, dejen que nos escuchen”
He has a way of making you feel that he’s touching you everywhere and that, just by itself makes you lose control of yourself
At the beginning, Ramon is setting a pace where he’ll try to go slow and hard at first because you can’t tell me that this man also loves soft sex 🥺
but damn, he can’t hold himself back, nopeeee, not right now with the way you’re desperately groping him and saying his name
Ramon starts to tear off your bra and panties because he feels like he’s going to explode if he’s not inside you in the next 2 seconds
You’ll pull him down to kiss him as he pushes into you, wow
God, his thrust game, his hand game, everything,, is just over the top
He’s not letting you catch your breath after your orgasm before he’s changing positions and pounding you again, not losing momentum
You’re literally shaking and begging him to stop from all the pleasure but you just go back to moaning as he picks up the pace,,,,
You’ll have tears of pleasure rolling down your checks as you feel him spread your legs even more, the emotions, I’m here for it
Ahem* my next point ,, choking kink, you know my man has one,
He has you laid out onto his bed beneath him as he adds a bit of pressure to your neck as he grips your hip with the other hand
Like shit, his fucking hand is so big, it just easily latches onto your neck-
Possessive af alright, he wants you to be screaming his name so it’s the only thing on your mind
He just needs to feel you and claim you all over again as his mujer
“Puto Cochiloco, hijo de su reputa madre, piensa que te puede hacer gritar como yo puedo”
you know he’s taking his frustration out on you after that encounter, he needs reassurance that only he can make you cum the way he can
Angry/Frustrated sex would be the only time he’ll let you roll your head back, because like wow, you’re always screaming his name out as you grip onto the bed frame
Fuck- when he’s thrusting from behind you, doggy style
He’ll pull your hair as he growls into your ear about who you belong to as he sneaks his hand in between your thighs again-
“Quien es tu papi?”-
And unlike Benjamin, he’s not one to hide your night of passion
He’s marking you up in the most visible fucking areas and always laughs when you scold him in the morning when your trying to cover them up
The Soft Sex, yeah, he only does that when he’s celebrating something with you, like either it’s your anniversary your birthday or something like that
The eye contact is a must in this situation, alright
He’s never looking away, like he’s looking up at you as he just devours your core and he holds your hands near your hips
Fuck, the softest but hardest thrusts as he grips your hip and lifts your leg to wrap around him
And this man still manages to give you multiple orgasms, doesn’t matter if it’s rough or the softest sex, he’s still doing it
overdosed on sex is what happens with Ramoncito
But he would be one to pepper kisses everywhere and praise how good you were for him-
The best feeling in the world for him is waking up to you sleeping on his chest with your clothes scattered all over the room- aight imma just head out
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iworshipkeanureeves · 4 years
There Are No Rules (2/3)
Keanu Reeves x Reader (The Devil Wears Prada AU)
A/N: We are getting closer to @toomanystoriessolittletime​ birthday, so I’m updating the story dedicated to her birthday challenge. This one is a little dramatic with a lot of mixed feelings and some angst, but I hope you’ll enjoy it :)
Summary: Reader applies for a job in a fashion magazine where Keanu is editor-in-chief.
Warnings: angst, brief mentions of alcohol
Words: 3.2K
-Part 1-
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“Keanu Reeve’s office, how can I help you?”
These words got carved into Y/N’s brain over the past couple of weeks. She had been repeating them at least fifty times a day, usually through her gritted teeth, and most of these calls would eventually leave her on the verge of tears.
No matter how much she hated this job, every day seemed easier than the previous one. Y/N felt like she was finally getting the hang of it all, and it was a little glimpse of hope that perhaps she was going to survive this madness. Maybe she was stronger than she thought she was.
Was Reeves as terrifying as everyone had told he would be? Yes, but in a strangely different way.
He had never really shouted or insulted her directly, yet Keanu had his way with words to make Y/N understand how immensely she had failed assigned tasks. Sometimes just his presence was fearsome, as his nit-picking gaze would land directly on Y/N’s desk, making her guts squeeze. Even if Y/N knew she was doing everything correctly, she felt like it wasn’t enough, it was impossible to live up to his standards.
When not in meetings, Keanu would sit in his office swiveling in his chair, enjoying the spectacular view of the New York skyline. Honestly, it didn’t appear like he was doing much, but Y/N could tell from his focused eyes that his mind was constantly at work.
Creatively Reeves had no rules, but when it came to his office, he preferred having everything structured. Every morning Y/N would receive a text stating Reeve’s breakfast order, and she had to get it before he came to work. A cup of plain black coffee, ready on his desk on time, was essential in order to make the day better for the whole office. Y/N was responsible for that, and whenever she failed, every co-worker would be badgering her for the remaining day.
The worst of them was Emily, who wouldn’t shut up about her upcoming Fashion Week in Paris and all expensive garments she was going to be able to wear. Y/N was neither bored nor jealous, but it was very hard to concentrate hearing Emily babbling for the whole day. Eventually, it would leave Y/N making more mistakes, which led to even more disapproval received from Reeves.
It was one of those calm days when Keanu didn’t have much on his hands. “Y/N, come over,” he called, and based on his frigid tone, Y/N immediately knew something was wrong. “Where are the Valentino samples I asked for the run-throughs?”
Y/N could already feel her hands sweating and her heart beating through her chest. “What?” her brows furrowed with tears threatening her eyes, she was simply too tired. “But you never mentioned those…”
“Please tell me you’re kidding,” Reeves sighed expressing his disappointment, which at this point was so familiar to her. “Will you ever do anything right here?”
Anything right…?
His words left Y/N helpless. For the past couple of weeks she had been working hard like never before, giving all her energy to keep the office organized and satisfy every single one of Reeves’ whims. Yes, she had made a few mistakes, but they were nothing compared to how much right she had done.
It was the moment Y/N realized she had had enough, she wasn’t even an assistant anymore, she was Reeves’ maid and it was time to save the last bits of her dignity.
“Oh come on,” her eyes were beginning to fill with anger, tears evaporating in the feverish air. Y/N didn’t even notice her clenched fists with nails digging into her damp skin. “Most of the things I do here are right, they are freaking perfect,” she breathed out, nearing to his desk. It looked like she was ready to fight him.
“It’s nice that you think so, but…”
“You never even notice, do you?” Y/N cut him off with a slight rise in her tone. “All you do is sit in your office, drinking coffee and flipping through the same couple of pages for the whole day,” she knew she was exaggerating, but Y/N was furious, she wanted to make Reeves feel bad, just like he had been making her this whole time. “You know, you couldn’t even manage to tell me to go get those samples, maybe you should start doing things right yourself?”
“Oh sweetheart,“ Reeves exhaled fixing his expensive scarf and stood up in need of reestablishing his dominance over Y/N, his wide shoulders were blocking the sun and casting shadow over her enraged face. He confidently walked around his table, and as Y/N saw him getting closer, she got scared not knowing what he was about to do next. Luckily, Reeves stopped crossing his arms and was ready to say something, but Y/N interrupted him again.
“Don’t sweetheart me,” Y/N knew she had crossed the line and there was no way back, disrespectful words had already escaped her throat, so she decided to go even further. “I am the only one here working my ass off, while Emily is barely functioning on her messed up diet. And yet somehow she’s still taking all the credit for my work. I-I just can’t deal with you and your crazy people anymore. You’re all delusional here,” she was practically shouting at this point.
It all felt like a dream to Y/N, she could barely understand what was happening, and her hammering heart was leaving her lightheaded. Y/N was gasping for air, all trembling and looking a little disoriented, Keanu could see that she physically wasn’t doing well.
Y/N felt his presence closer than before, his warm breath tickling her forehead. “Go on, I’m listening,” Reeves said, raising his hands up to her shoulders for better support. His words were unbelievably calm again, but this time it seemed like Keanu had no intention to intimidate, he genuinely wanted for Y/N to slow down a little and breath. She was questioning though, whether Keanu truly cared for her, or he just didn’t want to deal with the problem of Y/N passing out in front of him.
“I’m done,” she grunted escaping his grip. “I’m so. Fucking. Done.” Her words were quiet but convincing.
For a moment they stood still, Y/N was breathing deeply, debating whether it was time she should turn around and go, but Keanu’s sly smirk managed to catch her eye. “What’s so funny?” she asked, still annoyed, but slowly realizing she had been acting a little crazy, Y/N was beginning to regret her words.
“I’m proud of you, Y/N,” Keanu grinned, leaving her extremely confused.
“What?” She expected Reeves to be angry with her, maybe even come back with more hurtful words. But he didn’t.
“You’re done walking around with those sad puppy eyes, and I can finally see that you’ve got something in you. I saw that fire burning inside, keep it up.” He was about to come closer again, but tucked his hands back in the last second, keeping a polite distance.
“U-uh, okay..?” Y/N was still in shock, trying to understand how he could be so nice to her all of a sudden, especially after this little tantrum she had just thrown.
“Now I can be sure you’ll keep things in place here when I and Emily leave for the Fashion Week,” he tried to locate her sight, checking if she was fine. “Unless you really meant it when you said about being done, but I don’t think you did,” he gave her one last encouraging grin and returned to his usual state, solid and untroubled.
Indeed she wished she could take her words back, Y/N needed this job more than anything, she wasn’t going to find another one soon that would pay enough, and she couldn’t afford to be unemployed. She had secretly applied to a couple of other magazines, but since no one had reached back to her yet, she had to settle for what Reeves was offering her.
Still, it left Y/N wondering whether Keanu had been playing her all along, pulling strings one by one in order to see how far she can go before lashing out. She felt like his little toy, maybe one of his creative projects, something for him to have fun with. But Y/N was having no fun at all.
“I’ll go call Valentino about the samples,” Y/N exhaled turning around and rushed to the phone. Her heart was still racing with adrenaline flowing in her veins, and honestly, she was proud of herself too.
At 1:00 AM Y/N’s phone rang and she really thought about not answering it. Just in case, she decided to open her eyes and check the caller’s ID, unfortunately, it said Keanu Reeves.
In an hour, Y/N was standing on his doorstep holding a custom Tom Ford suit tailored just for Reeves. Of course, Keanu made them work on it until the very last night before leaving for Paris, and Y/N had to be the one bringing it to him.
“What took you so long?” He reproached opening his front door. Y/N was expecting to find him all pampered in some chic robe, but he was wearing simple jeans paired with a grey t-shirt, and his hair was messily falling over his face. To Y/N’s surprise, he looked like a normal human being, completely different from what she was used to see.
“Sorry, I was trying to be as quick as possible,” she smiled apologetically, hoping he wouldn’t be too mad.
Keanu just sighed opening his door wider, implying Y/N should come inside. She was immediately looking around for something to hang the suit on, so that she could quickly turn around and go home.
“Yet, here you are, wearing a full face of make-up,” he spoke locking the door, and Y/N took this as a sign that he wasn’t going to let her easily leave. “You know, showing up twenty minutes earlier would have impressed me much more.”
“Come,” he invited her up the stairs, waiting for Y/N to make up her mind. She was quite reluctant at first, lagging in the hallway, but she was also very intrigued, and ultimately, curiosity took over her.
Y/N was following Reeves mesmerized by the penthouse he was living in. High ceiling and tall white walls decorated with colorful artwork, it seemed like he was living in an art gallery. Every painting was more eccentric than the previous one, but it wasn’t happy kind of art. In fact, Y/N felt surrounded by a somber ambience, and the quietness of his home only added to it.
“So, you live here all alone?” Y/N realized she knew nothing about his personal life, no one had even gossiped about him in the office.
“Mhm,” Keanu hummed, showing the way to his living room, where his luggage was set ready, together with the rack curving from numerous expensive suits, which all looked the same to Y/N. “Hang it here,” he commanded turning to the console table to pour himself a drink.
Y/N was very careful, afraid the rack wouldn’t hold any more weight. Fortunately, everything went fine, and she was about to leave the room, when Reeves stretched his arm handing the bottle to her. “Help yourself,” he offered, leaving Y/N unsure whether she should accept it or not.
“U-uh, I think I should go,” Y/N kind of wanted to agree, she was interested to learn more about him, but at the same time she thought it would be wise to keep a professional distance between them.
“Do you have someone waiting for you?” He was unexpectedly persistent to make Y/N stay, and she didn’t really know what to think of it. 
“No, I just don’t want to disturb you,” she was trying to turn him down, but her words didn’t sound too convincing. Maybe it was his tacit loneliness bringing sympathy to Y/N’s heart, which was forcing her to stay for a little longer.
“Be my guest.” His arm was getting tired, so he pushed the bottle further, practically sticking it in Y/N’s hands. Instead of waiting for another rejection, he went past her and got himself comfortable on the sofa in front of the fireplace.
For a minute Y/N still hesitated, she wasn’t afraid to tell him no, but there was something mysteriously captivating about Reeves and she wanted to explore it further. Y/N poured herself a modest glass and went to join him for a conversation.
“Did you force me to go get you Tom Ford in the middle of the night just because you wanted company?“ she asked jokingly, but then immediately realized it was probably true and the question might have sounded a little offensive.
“Don’t you already know the answer?” Keanu mumbled looking down, and Y/N couldn’t believe it was the same man that she had been terrified of before. Now he seemed vulnerable and exposed, without that mask putting a stone cold expression on his face.
“Can I ask you something else then?” Y/N was much softer now, sipping her drink and thinking if the alcohol was going to start working soon.
“Go ahead,” he smiled.
“Why did you hire me?” It was the question bothering Y/N from the very beginning. She had been feeling so out of place at Vogue that even she wouldn’t have hired herself there.
“I needed some fresh air, I was getting tired of seeing the same kind of people.” Y/N was looking at him hypnotized, his husky melodic voice was like music to her ears. When at Vogue, Y/N would pray for Reeves to just shut up and go away, but now she felt like she could sit for hours just listening to him. “Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate Vogue girls, I really fancy them. They live on caffeine, nicotine and five hundred calories a day, yet they’re still always perfect and on top of their game, it’s impressive… But honestly, they can be depressing sometimes, and I thought I just needed someone like…” Keanu stalled, thinking about his next words. “Like you,” he silently said.
“What am I like?”
“I don’t know, you’re just different. You seem like you don’t care at all.” Keanu put an empty glass down, shifting his core towards her.
Every little move was bringing them closer, and Y/N knew she was walking a very thin line here. “And that’s good?” Y/N asked getting a little bolder, she was curious to know more of his opinion on her.
“It’s definitely not bad,” Keanu murmured, gazing into Y/N’s eyes. They both had their elbows leaning on the backrest and Y/N felt Keanu’s hand gently landing onto hers. She was trying to think of possible questions to keep the conversation going, but his touch was too distracting, and Keanu got the chance to speak first.
“What would you do if I kissed you now?” He asked, locking his eyes on Y/N.
Her mind went blank and she didn’t know what that was supposed to mean. Briefly she thought that maybe the words were all in her head, just her imagination disclosing her deepest desires, but very soon she realized this was a real question.
Maybe Keanu was playing her feelings again, provoking and expecting a reaction, but fuck, she really wanted him to kiss her. Part of her hoped it was the alcohol speaking, but Keanu only had so little of it that it was an impossible case. It was all him, loud and clear, asking Y/N what she would do if he kissed her…
“A-are you going to?” Y/N stuttered, feeling the weight of his sturdy palm pressing on her.
A long silent pause followed after her words, or maybe time just felt different as Y/N was anxiously waiting for Keanu’s actions, she was desperately holding herself back from falling into his lips.
“No,” Keanu suddenly came back to his senses sliding his hand away. It was obvious he felt uneasy too, getting all flustered and trying his best to stay composed. “That would be highly inappropriate. I am your boss.” He exhaled with disappointment in his voice.
“Y-yes,” Y/N gulped, downing the remaining of her drink.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, that would be inappropriate.” Y/N stretched her arm trying to grasp the handbag lying next to her on the sofa. “And I should get going, it’s late,” she blurted standing up and heading towards the exit. Y/N completely understood that running away was not very mature, but she thought it was better this way than staying to talk this through and saying something much more stupid.
Meanwhile, Keanu was rushing after, following her to the front door looking all worried. Y/N was relieved remembering she would not have to see him for another week and she foolishly hoped that everything would be forgotten once he came back. Keanu, on the other hand, had something else in mind.
“Wait” he grabbed Y/N by the wrist, turning her away from the door. “Come to the Fashion Week with me.”
Keanu struck Y/N with his words for the second time this night. She knew they had to leave in the morning and Emily was probably sitting at home with her bags full, getting ready for the event she had been dreaming about for so long.
“What?” Y/N knew that agreeing would make her a terrible person. “No, I can’t, Emily would never forgive me,” she was eagerly shaking her head, failing to understand what the hell was happening. She didn’t want to reject Keanu, but betraying Emily like that was not an option too. What would that make her? No different than any other person from Vogue.
“Why do you care?” he asked moving closer, and all Y/N could focus on was his lips, the ones she almost got to taste tonight. “Just please don’t tell me she’s your friend, because trust me, there are no friends in this business.”
“No, we’re not friends, but still… Don’t you understand how mean it would be to do so?” Y/N was trying to uphold her values, but Keanu was ripping them away from her.
“Has she ever been nice to you?”
“Well not really, but…”
“Great, I’ll call her to tell the news,” Keanu said with his chest almost pressing Y/N to the door, while he was working behind her to undo the lock. For a moment Y/N felt like Keanu was kidnapping her, but at the same time, she knew that a simple ‘no’ coming from her could resolve everything. She just didn’t want to say it. “I’ll pick you up at eight, good night,” Keanu smiled letting her go.
“Good night…” Deep down Y/N knew how wrong it all was, she didn’t feel like she deserved it, not to mention how devastated Emily was going to be, and on top of everything, there was that awkward kiss moment, which Y/N still couldn’t fully comprehend.
Nonetheless, it was Y/N’s chance, her big opportunity to put herself out there, make connections, and maybe soon she was going to be the journalist she had always dreamt being of.
-Part 3-
Tag-list: @keandrews @rdjloverxxx @jadore30-deactivated20200603​ @danceoftwowolves
98 notes · View notes
saiilorstars · 4 years
Previous Story || Current Masterlist
Chapter 7: Memory Lane
Pairing: 10th Doctor x OFC
Taglist: @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel @stareyedplanet @perfectlystiles [If you’d like to be a part of this OC’s works/edits, let me know!]
Minerva’s face claim: Victoria Camacho // (Kaeya’s face claim: Michelle Trachtenberg)
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Chapter summary: The Doctor finally gets to confess what he's been thinking about in the past few months. Maybe then he'll feel less guilty.
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"You know I can't paint, Doctor. Why not give it a rest?" Minerva sighed as she tried placing down her paint brush for what seemed the billionth time. Every time she did so, the Doctor would pick it right back up and place it in her hand. This time wouldn't be different.
The Doctor took her hand and kept the brush in it, "Nonsense, you're doing wonderful!" He gestured to the canvas in front of them.
Minerva was painting, rather badly she believed, the scenery they had in front of them; a Japanese cherry blossom park. It was Sakura, the cherry blossom festival, and the park was more than beautifully decorated with lanterns that would be lit in the night, families in their respective gatherings, market stands of food and trinkets set up around, and the beautiful cherry blossom trees.
The Doctor had surprised Minerva with this trip in the morning, telling her it was just a random surprise. Secretly, he wanted to bring her somewhere entirely peaceful so she could rest from the crystal's effects and also distract herself from her family problems. The Doctor truly hated how badly Minerva was feeling for things that weren't her fault. All that guilt was mixing with Kaeya's crystal's effects and he was afraid it would damage her health to the point of...well...death. He didn't know just how strong that crystal was but he knew it could go up to terrible stakes. After the planet of the Ood, a planet basically of snow, he wanted to bring Minerva somewhere nice and calm where the crystal was less likely to act.
Though the specific location of the cherry blossom festival wasn't that warm as he wanted it to be. Still, it was a decent cold that humans were used to. But it didn't stop him from actively trying to hand over his coat so Minerva could wear it and stay warm. He doubted her kimono could really be that warm.
But oh that kimono...
As peaceful as he wanted it to be, he could not stop himself from actively trying to steal kisses from her. He wanted Minerva's day to be serene and here he was trying to snog her every opportunity he had. Not very calm, was it?
Minerva was styling a traditional Japanese kimono for the event. She, along with Donna, outright refused to attend the festival without the proper attire. So, Minerva came out wearing a blue and pink flowered patterned kimono that wrapped around her body quite beautifully. The sleeves were bell styled, although not too loose, and her v-neck was a bit lower than usual. Minerva's hair was picked up in a braided bun with a few strands of sticking at the sides of her face. The only thing she'd done differently was that instead of wearing the usual traditional geta sandals, she wore blue flats; the necklace the Doctor had given her for her birthday also dropped proudly around her neck.
The Doctor truly felt like he was being tested. How far could he resist his Clever Girl's charms? She was just too beautiful.
...which made it all the much harder to control himself.
"Doctor, can't we do something else?" Minerva turned to him, oblivious to his thoughts, "It's useless, I can't paint."
"What are you talking about? That-" he pointed to the canvas, "-is wonderful progress!'
The pair stood beside a lake, a small bridge to their right that connected them to the other side of the large park. The Doctor had suggested Minerva try and paint the scenery. The lake was quite beautiful, bright blue with fresh cherry blossoms floating downstream and even a couple of fishes swimming by. The trees were letting dozens of loose cherry blossoms down. It was a scene that deserved to be painted, and who else to paint it than the most beautiful woman in the world?
"It's horrible," Minerva pouted. She had attempted to paint the left side of the lake and she thought all the cherry blossoms were too pink and uneven.
"No it's not," the Doctor wound an arm around her waist as he stared at the canvas. He saw the delicate cherry blossoms painted beautifully and realistically. The half side of the lake was painted with the exact brilliant blue it had. He didn't understand why Minerva was so keen on putting down her work. It was she that had wanted to paint back in China, and she did make progress with blue butterflies!
"You're just saying that because you're my boyfriend," she crossed her arms, "But the truth is I stink at it and it's nothing." She shook his arm off her and turned away.
"Hey, where'd that come from?" he reached for her arm and turned her to him, "Putting down your own work like that isn't something you do. What's wrong, Clever Girl?"
"Everything, my family and me...it's all wrong," she looked at the canvas behind them, "I'm nothing," she mumbled sadly.
"Where did that come from?" the Doctor frowned, appalled at such a thought.
"There's something I haven't told you," she fiddled with her fingers.
"Which is?"
She sighed, "Marisol has called a few more times...and I keep answering."
"Why, Minerva?" the Doctor sighed, already seeing where this was headed.
"It's been three days," she looked down, "And I stupidly think each time she's just calling to accept my apologies..."
"Minerva, what on earth could you be apologizing to her for?"
"I don't know!" she started sniffling, "I just wanted to fix something with my family. I thought if I apologized she'd accept it and forgive me for what ever I did...but she hates me, she despises me apparently," she burst into sobs, "She outright despises me and I don't know what I did."
Minerva didn't understand why she garnered so much hatred from her cousin. As a kid, Marisol was always rude to her, making her feel like she was truly nothing. Olivia would try to defend her little sister but she wasn't always there for Minerva, which left it wide open for Marisol to attack. Minerva couldn't remember doing something to provoke Marisol. Marisol just liked making her feel bad for no reason. As children, Marisol would steal Minerva's toys, push her around to the point of actually physically hurting her. And when Minerva would tell her parents, Marisol always convinced them she was innocent and Minerva was lying. And as they grew, things got worse. In middle school, some of Minerva's classes would be in an upper division...into Marisol's classes to her dismay. Marisol would always make jokes to her friends about Minerva, only making Minerva feel worse. Things were now at their worst now that they were both young adults. Over the phone wasn't much of a difference; Marisol would get straight to the point and insult, gloat, and belittle Minerva.
Minerva just didn't understand what she'd done to her cousin.
The Doctor had taken her into a hug with a big sigh, "Minerva, we've talked about this. Stop trying to get forgiveness for something you didn't do. You've done absolutely nothing wrong!"
"No, it seems like I always do everything wrong!"
"No, no you don't. And it honestly surprises me that you would let such an awful woman taint your self esteem like this. You know you're amazing, you know you're clever, skillful, etc., why do you let one of the worst people take that away from you?"
"I...I don't know," she confessed. She honestly didn't. She always had a good image of herself but when it came to her family, it just went down to the sewers. Her family, while running away from them, did mean a lot to her. She didn't care that her parents didn't love them, she did. She loved them and all she wanted was for them to forgive her.
And perhaps that was the problem.
By desperately wanting to be forgiven, she'd accept any insults in hopes that they would see she was truly sorry and forgive her. Since Marisol was closer to her mother nowadays, perhaps the woman could get her mother to forgive Minerva. That's why, when Marisol called those last three days, Minerva did her best to express how sorry she was and how much she accomplished just for her family. But Marisol had other ideas, she kept shooting Minerva down, insulting her in every way possible and gloating just how much she was enjoying the attention Sophia was giving her instead of Minerva. That while Minerva was off doing silly little paintings and traveling, Sophia was giving her love and affection to Marisol instead of her daughter.
And it broke Minerva's heart.
She viewed her painting as something insignificant that could never compare to her mother's love. It was awful, nothing...
"Tell you what, as soon as we get back to the TARDIS, we'll chuck the cellphone into a black hole, yeah?" the Doctor offered, really going to do that despite what her answer was.
"But what will we do when Martha tries to call?" Minerva tried stopping her sobs.
"We'll get a new phone, upgrade it and it'll only have her number."
"And grandma's?"
"Of course," he rubbed her back, relaxing only slightly that she had managed to stop crying.
"And Uncle Aaron's? Astrid's? Jack's?"
" Yes, yes, and...um..."
Minerva giggled at his resistance to add Jack's number. Even though the immortal man had made it perfectly clear he had no interest in Minerva whatsoever, the Doctor was still prone to be jealous. And seeing the kick out of it, Jack would often have some fun.
"Oh I love your giggles," the Doctor sighed, now much better.
"Or...we could just block the number," she offered, "It's a lot easier."
"Blocking it is!" the Doctor nodded as he rubbed her tears off her face, resting his hands over her cheeks afterwards, "Now then, I'd like to see your gorgeous smile."
Involuntarily, Minerva smiled, her face warming up, "So...do you really think my painting is coming out okay?"
"I think it's coming out beautifully. You're making such good progress, really."
"Think I could give Leonardo da Vinci a run for his money?" she glanced at her canvas, perhaps it wasn't that bad...
"Oh definitely, but you'll never compete with him because you're never seeing him again," the Doctor declared.
"Overly jealous, Martian," she informed as she got on her toes.
"Have you seen yourself? I have a right to be jealous," he leaned down to ease her struggle of her toes.
"I'm plain and simple," she declared and kissed him.
That was far from it, the Doctor thought. To him, she was a goddess that seemed to captivate him more with each day.
~ 0 ~
"These are some funny fishes," Minerva remarked, she and Donna knelt down on the edge of the running lake.
"You're telling me, I think that one has only one eye," Donna tried leaning forwards to get a closer look at a fish that had caught her attention.
"What? Where?" Minerva leaned forwards as well, though with her curiosity she nearly slipped into the lake if it hadn't been for Donna yanking her back.
"Minerva they're just fish!" Donna laughed, "You don't need to drown for them!"
"Sorry, sorry," Minerva blushed in embarrassment, pushing strands of her hair behind her ears as she took another look at the lake, "These fish are just marvelous to me," she sighed in content, "Martian, please tell me you didn't see any of that?" she looked behind her to where the Doctor stood. She tilted her head when she noticed he seemed a bit...distant, "Martian?" she called again, her blush slowly fading, "You okay?"
The Doctor blinked, his ears working just fine as he heard her and yet...his mind was somewhere else.
"Where are we going, Kaeya?" the Doctor struggled to walk up the snowy hill. It was a very small hill but with its heavy snow covering every last inch it proved to be quite the challenge for him.
Kaeya simply bit her lip with a knowing smile, "Somewhere. It's really nice and I want to show you."
"Can't you just tell me what it is?"
"Where's the fun in that?" she crossed her arms, "It's a really lovely place, I promise."
"Is there any place on this planet without snow?" he earnestly asked, struggling even more while she stood just a couple feet away in calmness.
"This is the Silver Monsoon, there is no such thing as 'snowless'...except for houses."
"Or castles," he murmured, recalling the size of the castle Kaeya lived in. It was simply beautiful and made of ice.
Kaeya laughed, "C'mon," she gently thrust her hand forwards and blew away a clear path for the Doctor, "Before we get caught," she giggled and reached for his hands, pulling him up to where she was.  The Doctor blinked at their proximity, their faces just inches away from each other. Kaeya smiled softly, her hands still in his, "Is something wrong?" she quietly asked.
"N-nope," he shook his head and stepped back, blushing, "So where's that place?"
"C'mon!" she let go of one of his hands and used her other to pull him towards a small lake, one that was not iced as was their usual preferred lake to meet up in.
"Another lake?" the Doctor tried not to sound as disappointed as he really was.
"This one's different," she promised as they reached the edge. She let go of his other hand and knelt down, passing a hand through the lake, "Isn't it beautiful?" she looked at the creatures swimming peacefully in the lake, "When you brought me the book of aquatic life on Earth, I kept thinking of this lake. I think it has the most beautiful aquatic creatures the Monsoon has to offer. They're marvelous," she sighed happily, "Don't you think?" she looked up.
The Doctor nodded, kneeling down beside her and dipping his hand into the lake, "Quite," he looked at the princess with a soft smile, she returning the gesture.
"Oi, spaceman?" Donna called, finally managing to get through the silent man.
"Huh? Yes?" the Doctor blinked rapidly as he looked at the two women.
"Are you okay?" Minerva stood up, dusting herself off as she walked up to him.
"Y-yes," he nodded.
"You seemed kind of lost."
"And more than usual," Donna added from behind.
"Thank you Donna," the Doctor cast a small glare her way before taking Minerva's hands in his. "I was just thinking, nothing important."
"Are you sure?" Minerva raised an eyebrow, "It's been happening a lot lately. Anything on your mind?"
"Just you, dear," he gave her a peck.
Minerva chuckled lightly, "Smooth, Martian."
"Always," he grinned and placed another kiss on her lips.
"Em, so how about before you start snogging we head over for some lunch?" Donna cleared her throat before the pair got lost and forgot she was there.
"Lunch sounds delightful," the Doctor said as he held one of Minerva's hand in his up, "Would you care for some good ole lunch, dear?"
"Is that another date?" she raised an eyebrow.
"Mm, yes, but this one has no adrenaline in it, I'm afraid."
"Well, you'll have to make it up to me somehow," she warned with a smirk.
"Oh don't you worry, I'll definitely find a way," he kissed her hand and led them off.
Donna gave a mock roll of the eyes before following them. Suddenly, she felt like she had seen a faint blue glow behind her. She turned around and scanned the area but saw nothing out of the ordinary. She shook her head and continued walking after the pair, figuring she'd imagined it.
~ 0 ~
"Fish cakes?" Donna Noble asked, watching in disgust as the Doctor picked one up, "As in...fish...cakes?"
"Please don't eat it, Martian," Minerva pleaded, doing her best to keep her self calm. She sat on the man's lap, Donna sat across them on a lunch table, "I won't kiss you anymore if you do."
The Doctor grinned, waving said cake in his hand, "What? This wasn't for me, silly," he tapped her nose.
"Then who-"
The Doctor stuffed her mouth with the fish cake, raising his eyebrows as he awaited for her to chew and swallow it...
...much she liked forced him to drink her coffee and strawberry crepe in 1969.
Minerva made faces as she forced herself to chew, the thing was horrible! Donna was smiling in amusement, knowing it was just the Doctor trying to mess with the Clever Girl and get her to smile. Neither knew it was also for a bit of sweet revenge Minerva owed him.
"So, how was it?" the Doctor asked, smirking, when Minerva had swallowed.
"H-horrible," she shivered and reached for a napkin off the table, "That was horrible! Why'd you do that!?"
"You did that to me in 1969, your birthday!"
"But I made you drink maple syrup coffee! That was sweet, not disgusting! And I gave you strawberry crepes! Those two were delicious and it didn't make your breath smell bad! You smelled like strawberries and I like strawberries," she started pouting, the Doctor internally sighing as he knew she would get him to do anything she wanted when she did that, "I smell like fish and no one likes fish! And now you're not gonna wanna kiss me anymore cos I said if you ate it I wouldn't kiss you anymore and-"
The Doctor had went ahead and kissed her.
Donna rolled her eyes and reached for a strawberry, how Minerva didn't see that coming she did not know.
"Delicious," the Doctor parted, smiling softly at his Clever Girl that still seemed in doubt.
"I could gladly go ahead and prove it again," he shrugged innocently.
"Don't you dare, spaceman," Donna called, not about to see a snog while she ate, "I wanna keep my food in my stomach."
Minerva blushed and reached for a grape, while the Doctor may not be affected by the fish cake she sure was. She picked several up and dropped them into her mouth, "Sorry Donna," she chewed.
"Tell me, how did Martha stand you two?" the ginger joked, shaking her head.
"She left when we got together," the Doctor said absently, stroking Minerva's side of her face. He just loved how smooth and warm her skin was, knowing, and practically beaming, it was red and warm because he was touching her.
"Smart Martha," Donna mumbled.
"We should go visit her soon," Minerva suggested, really excited to introduce her best friend to her ginger sister, "I'm sure you two would get along really well!"
"Anytime you want to go, just say the word," the Doctor said to Minerva. He would secretly want to see their old companion as well, but Minerva's need was much stronger than his. They were best friends and of course phone calls wouldn't be the same. And besides that, Martha was really the last companion they could actually visit. Rose wasn't here anymore, nor Mickey, so those two were out of the question.
"We should," Minerva nodded, "Martha said she was going to be transferred to the states for her UNIT work. Apparently they found an odd case in a hospital or something like that. Dr. Jones, on the case!"
"She's a doctor, now?" the Doctor asked, surprised he had missed that important detail.
"UNIT rushed it for her since she was a bit...experienced," Minerva smirked, "Because you know, who's better at saving the earth from aliens than the woman who saved the planet on her own?"
"Well...I helped too you know," the Doctor mumbled, mock offended.
"I know you did, that's why you got me!" she pointed at herself with a beam and laughed.
"What a reward," he Eskimo kissed her, both chuckling, "I'd stay another year locked up just to get you."
"Really? In all those awful conditions the Master had you in?" Minerva asked and the Doctor simply nodded. Minerva blinked, surprised he'd willingly be in a cage just for her.
But the Doctor was quite sure of himself. All that horrible year the only thing he had to do to pass the time was think...and in thinking, his mind always wandered to the Clever Girl, Minerva. He would think about their time together, ever since Rose's departure, and he cursed himself for wasting so much time. Those times in 1913, as short as it was. were precious to him. As a human, he truly had fallen in love with Minerva. That woman had worked her way into his hearts with such ease and in such a short time it actually shocked him. He especially thought about their kisses, oh their kisses...even as an elderly man his hearts beat at the speed of a teenager when they came into mind. The one that really stuck in his mind was the one in 1969, the "secret" kiss as he thought before. It had been a kiss that he had went for, as wrong as it was to practically steal it from Minerva, but it was the kiss that made him accept his feelings for her and that's why he though about it the most.
So then he cursed himself for wasting all the time before that. Sure, it was about half a year in Earth terms where he started falling for Minerva, but it was precious time for Minerva and her human lifespan. He could've done so much in six months, taken her to the most amazing places he could think of. He could've had her in his arms, comforting her when she needed to be, kissing her when he'd like...he'd wasted all that time and it only made it harder to look at the poor girl being tortured by a man he was responsible for. The Master, the man who killed his past love, had been to the brink of killing Minerva.
He liked to think that the year-that-never-was was more of a punishment for him hurting Minerva. The only thing he loathed was that Minerva had also been punished. And, even after so much of her pain, she still accepted him. In a miracle, he'd finally gotten his Clever Girl.
"I would without a doubt, of course you'd have to be safe and sound and far away from the Master," he tapped Minerva's nose.
She blushed, "You're so sweet.."
"And since silence has fallen..." Donna swayed her head, there was another kiss to be shared.
"Believe me, dear, no one compares to your sweetness," the Doctor looked his Clever Girl over, neither him or her hearing Donna's remark.
He looked at the woman on his lap and simply could not believe he could have gotten her, even more that she actually wanted to be with him. He...was no good man, he knew. Minerva was the complete opposite; despite having a horrible childhood, she was absolutely sweet and kind, a little too much for her own good he often admitted. And having those qualities, he didn't know why she wanted him when she deserved someone much better, a kind, a good man...someone who hadn't killed an entire species. But for her Minerva to openly decide she wanted him, even after knowing what he'd done, a Martian who was a gazillion years older than her, was simply 'wow'. There were no other words that came into mind. It was a miracle.
Minerva blushed deeper as his eyes lingered on her, "Believe me, you're worth all the tortures," she leaned in and the two kissed.
"I really dread to think what you did before I came along," Donna took a sip of her drink as the pair parted.
"We behaved," Minerva replied, looking at the Doctor with a sly smile as she bit her lip, "Just like Martha said to, right Martian?"
"Y-yes," the Doctor cleared his throat.
Donna didn't need to know they snogged almost all the time during their first months of being in a relationship, it wasn't as if they did something they shouldn't have. They simply kissed and spent all their time together, going on dates, giving each other educational lessons like Minerva teaching the Doctor how to use a blender and he teaching her a new language. They only kissed at times...well, whenever they got something right on their lessons...or when they were happy...or sad...or crossed...or...just in the mood.
Donna just smirked, as if they could pull one over her, "Yeah right, let me guess: you snogged in the console room, kitchen, pool, library, Minerva's painting room, and I'm willing to bet every last part of the universe."
"Shut up," was all the pair had to sat on that topic.
"Just know that when I meet Martha I'm telling on you," Donna smirked even wider when the pair blushed deeply, "That's right, you're both in big trouble."
"I'm not afraid of Martha," Minerva shrugged, looking at the Doctor to see he was actually a bit more concern, "Martian?"
"It's a bit easier for you not to be afraid, dear," he leaned to her ear and whispered, "I'm the one that's snogging her best friend."
"Yeah, which I give consent to!"
"Still..." he mumbled and looked away.
"Aww, don't worry, I'll protect you from big bad Martha," she pecked his lips.
"You two are ridiculous," Donna remarked, "You find an excuse to turn everything into a kiss."
"If you want Donna, I can set you up with someone," Minerva offered, "Like I said, there's some planets with some real good looking aliens."
Donna pretended to think about it,"Well...I don't know, I might get stuck with a long streak of nothing like you did," she gestured to the Doctor.
Minerva laughed which then made Donna laugh...all while the Doctor frowned and looked between both women.
"This is my cue to leave," he declared and moved to get up.
"N-no!" Minerva pushed him down. Before she was forced off his lap, "I'm sorry, Martian. You know I don't think that," she rested her head on his shoulder and absently stroked his chest, "You're wonderful."
"Kiss up!" Donna called.
"Shut up, Donna," Minerva lifted her head and kissed the Doctor's cheek, "So, am I forgiven?"
"I can't really say no to that face," the Doctor sighed, "So yes."
Minerva beamed and gave him another kiss, "Yes!"
"Oi, here eat this before you snog," Donna chucked Minerva a grapefruit which she barely caught.
"Hm, I've never had grapefruit," Minerva shrugged before eating a bit...only for her spit it out to the side, "And I never will again!" she pursed her lips together and shivered, "Now that was really awful. It's sour!"
The Doctor blinked at her, finding her adorable and yet in the back of his mind...there was something else that popped up.
"So what exactly is this?" Kaeya blinked as the Doctor placed a brown basket in front of her. Without waiting for an answer, she dropped to her knees and started picking up the various types of food inside.
"It's fruit from Earth," the Doctor replied as he squatted down beside her, "They brought some to Gallifrey just for some tastes and so..."
Kaeya glanced at him with a smirk, "You 'borrowed' them?" she raised an eyebrow.
The Doctor stared at the basket with a small smile, "Perhaps..."
"You realize you can't borrow food, right? I'm sure that's a similarity your planet and mine share."
"They won't miss it," the Doctor waved it off and picked up a fruit, a grapefruit, "Try some."
Kaeya took the fruit and and tore it apart in a wonky half, "Try it with me," she held one half for him. The Doctor took the half and awaited her to prepare, "Ready?" she asked and he nodded, "Bite!"
Both took a bite of their fruit at the same time and garnered different tastes. The Doctor thought of it sweet but Kaeya thought it was plain sour!
The Doctor let out a big laugh when Kaeya started making faces, the princess spitting out what was left in her mouth, "No, no, no, that is VERY bad!" she decreed.
"What? It was good!"
"No, it was bad," she threw her half and then snatched the Doctor's to throw it as well, "Grapefruits are not allowed on the Monsoon. Never, never, never."
The Doctor stared at her for a moment and smiled, "You're adorable."
Kaeya blushed, "You're not so bad yourself," she chuckled and started searching through the basket again.
The Doctor shook his head upon returning back to the present moment, something that didn't go missed by Donna. Minerva was too busy looking for something decent to eat to notice anything.
"Minerva, do you mind?" the Doctor quietly gestured if she would allow him to stand.
She looked at him and nodded, "Sure thing," she stood and was immediately sat down when he had stood, "Is something wrong?" she asked when she noticed how pale he'd gotten so suddenly.
"Yeah," he swallowed, "Just, um, gonna go see about some horses."
"Oh no, no horses please," she pouted, "You know how I feel about them."
"Don't worry," he smiled, "Your Martian will be right there protecting you from the big bad horses," he teased and set a kiss on her lips.
"He better be or I'll kill him," she warned weakly after their kiss.
The Doctor smiled and set another kiss but on her head, "I'll be back," he whispered and walked off.
What was going on with him? Why did his mind choose to play this games with him!? He was happy where he was, he wanted Minerva, he lo...he wanted her and only her. Why must he keep thinking of Kaeya?
"Oi, spaceman!" he heard Donna holler behind. He looked over his shoulder to see the ginger grabbing the side of her kimono in order to catch up to him, "Where do you think you're going?"
"Donna, don't leave Minerva alone," he shook his head.
"Oh, she didn't mind. I told her I was getting changed for that horse thing. Mention horses and she wants nothing to do with it apparently," Donna shrugged, "But in reality I came for you. What's going on?"
"Nothing, why would you think something's going on?"
"I'm no idiot," she whacked his arm, "I've noticed how distant you've grown at times, like you're just not there with us. Now I told you this before, spaceman, I'm here to help both you and Minerva. What's the matter, eh?"
"I don't want to leave Minerva-"
"And yet you don't want to be with her right now and that means something truly bad is going on," Donna crossed her arms, "C'mon, I told you once to tell me the story. I'll listen, promise," she put a hand on his arm.
The Doctor looked past her towards the table where Minerva had been left in and sighed, "Find someone to keep her company, please? It won't be right to leave her."
Donna nodded, "Yeah, I'll get one of the new friends we made."
"Just no men around her age," he warned, "...or any man actually."
Donna laughed, "Yeah, got it," she gave a thumbs-up and hurried to do her task.
~ 0 ~
The Doctor and Donna walked through the small woods that served as a place for the horse riding to take place in, Donna now changed into more comfortable clothes including a a purple jacket with a black blouse, jeans and small black boots. Donna had convinced Minerva to spend some time with one of the families they had met earlier in the day while they were off 'horse riding'. With her terrible fear of horses, Minerva hadn't even questioned it and simply went with the family.
"So, wherever and whenever you want to start," Donna sighed lightly, doing her best to be patient with the Doctor.
He'd been silent (for the first time) for a quite a while now and Donna feared he'd never talk. But the Doctor took a breath and decided to go with the most urgent thing at the moment, "I keep thinking of Kaeya," he declared. He looked down when Donna's eyes widened, feeling ashamed of himself.
"What? What do you mean?" she asked.
"It's been happening lately, and it's bad I know, but...I can't stop it."
"Well, do you have feelings for her?"
"No, no, I just...look, Kaeya was and will always be something truly important in my life. She was my first love, a love that was never lived," the Doctor swallowed, "But I've got Minerva now." Just at the mention of her name he felt himself slowly relax and even smile a little, "She's my everything and I don't want to lose her by telling her about this."
"What do you think of Kaeya right now?" Donna decided to ask, perhaps there was a different reason for seeing the other woman that the Doctor hadn't picked up on.
"It's weird, I..." the Doctor paused to gather coherent words in his mind, "...sometimes, there's these little things that Minerva does or says that...remind me of what Kaeya used to do. I never really noticed how similar they are at times. It's peculiar to me."
"But they're not completely the same are they?"
"No, they're both kind women but there's sharp differences between the two," the Doctor nodded with assurance, "Kaeya never spoke out, she never had the courage to do what she wanted, no matter how much it harmed her. Minerva does, she did. She left her parents and went out to travel because she wanted to. Minerva's bold, she's got attitude, she's got sass, and..." he smiled softly, "...she's one woman you do not mess with."
"Except for when it comes to her family," Donna added with a sigh, making him sigh in agreement.
"That's all their fault, not Minerva's," he said, "She's all those things I just said because it's her personality. Kaeya always dreamed of being like that..." he sighed, "...but it never happened."
"Well listen, it's my understanding that you and that princess shared centuries together so naturally it's going to be popping into your head at times, but I wouldn't worry about it. What I think is going on is that you've never really spoken about her to anyone but Kaeya herself. I think you have all these memories of her that are trying their best not to be forgotten."
"So what do I do about it?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Talk to me about her," Donna nudged him, "C'mon, tell me about this snow princess."
"What do you want to know?" he raised his shoulders awkwardly. He would think a sister, whether by blood or not, would never want to hear about her sister's boyfriend's past love.
"Why didn't you ever take her away from that planet?" Donna began at the very beginning of her curiosity.
"The Moontsays are bound by the cold, they'd need to adapt slowly to warmer climate and Kaeya never had that opportunity. If I were to take her somewhere, she'd die."
"Ouch," Donna made a face, "So that's why you visited her instead?"
The Doctor nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets, "Yeah. At first, when I had no TARDIS of my own nor a family, I would steal the TARDIS I have now from its place and take it for a joyride to the Monsoon."
"Didn't you get caught?"
"I knew when to take it; I had every visit to the Monsoon perfectly calculated...when to go and when to come back."
"You were on a tight schedule, then? Blimey, what a 'date'," Donna chuckled.
"It had to be that way," the Doctor shrugged, "Kaeya had to sneak away from her home, from her guards, everyone. We'd usually meet on this lovely iced lake."
"And what did you do all that time you were there? I doubt you paraded down her city's streets or anything like that," Donna smirked, "What did you do, spaceman?"
"Donna," the Doctor looked away with a deep blush on his neck that slowly crept onto his face.
"This was before you met Minerva, everyone's got a past, no need to be ashamed," Donna shrugged.
"We didn't do anything bad," the Doctor assured but kept receiving elbows on his side like Minerva would, "Ow! Ow! Ow!"
"Tell me the truth!"
"Alright fine," the Doctor stepped away from Donna, his hands in front of him to protect himself from the ginger, "So...you have to understand, Donna. I first saw Kaeya as a child, both of us, and I continued to see her each year for a couple minutes before the spaceship I was in would fly away from the Monsoon. One year, as a teen, I tried sneaking out of the ship to see her, and I was caught, so I went a long time before I saw her again."
"Aw, that's sad," Donna made a face.
"It was, that's when I stole a TARDIS for the first time, the TARDIS I would one day really steal and never give back," the Doctor smiled, "But by the time I did that I was over the age, a 'young adult' as Earth terms would proclaim. Kaeya was no longer that child I saw from a ship. She was...a beautiful young woman," he breathed, "She kissed me that first time we met face-to-face."
Donna rolled her eyes, "Is there any woman you haven't snogged?" the Doctor gave her a look up and down to answer her question and so Donna immediately pointed at him, "And it's staying like that," she warned.
"Kaeya and I...we knew nothing could happen, at least for the moment," he continued his story, actually finding it easy to talk to Donna for some reason, "But we still 'courted' as she used to say. We kissed, we had small dates on parts of the Monsoon, but it never went beyond that," he turned serious at the last words, "Never. I had plans for us, I wanted to marry her and take her away and show her the universe...but it never happened," Donna set a hand on his arm for encouragement, "One day my parents decided to arrange a marriage for me, claiming it was for the best. Of course they didn't know I'd been secretly visiting the princess of the planet most Time Lords despised. They'd chosen a woman for me, a 'proper' Time Lady."
"Did you tell them?" Donna asked quietly.
"I didn't have plans to tell my father, he was one to truly advocate against Moontsays. But my mother, she...was neutral. She never said anything kind but never anything bad about Moontsays. I wanted to tell her, but..." the Doctor shrugged and looked down, "...I was a coward. I felt everything was out of my control. There was a bride chosen, my bride apparently, and I was to marry her."
"What did you do, then?"
"I ran straight for Kaeya," he swallowed, "She was waiting for me like always, this big smile on her face as soon as I stepped out...but then she saw me...and she knew something was wrong."
"You told her," Donna gave a small, sad smile, "You did the right thing, you know? Most men would have simply stopped coming altogether, or worse...lie to her about it."
"She was the only one I couldn't lie to. I told her everything, and...you know how I told you she'd let Minerva and I be if we really wished?" he asked and Donna nodded, "I know she would do that because that's exactly what she did the first time. She actually encouraged me to marry another woman," he bitterly laughed, "That was Kaeya, too sweet for her own good."
"Like Minerva," Donna remembered his words from the beginning.
The Doctor nodded, "Kaeya didn't get angry, she didn't yell, she just...told me to go marry."
"Oh, that's...that's awful," Donna couldn't really find any more to say about that. There was nothing to be said. The woman gave up her love without a fight, just like the Doctor assured she would this time around when she'd find Minerva.
"After that, all our courting ended," the Doctor continued, this time uncaring if Donna was listening. He simply wanted to get it off his chest, let the emotions take over once and for all to finally stop thinking of the princess. Donna had been right, he needed to stop bottling it and just let it go.
"Anything that went beyond friendship vanished between us," the Doctor said, "I didn't want to stop seeing her, even if friends was the only thing we would ever be. But before getting married, I met my bride-to-be and I told her everything."
"You did that!?" Donna blinked, "Isn't that a big no-no!?"
"I thought maybe if I told her, she'd break things off and I'd be free again..." the Doctor shook his head, "...but she told me it was fine. She had no intention to break what ever was going on with Kaeya and I. She didn't want to be married, she apparently had had her own love who passed away. She wanted no love from me, she said she was only doing this for her family. But there was never to be any love between us. Actually," he took a breath, "She encouraged me to go see Kaeya whenever I could. She understood perfectly what it was to have a real love."
"That's big of her," Donna remarked.
"She was a good woman, I never had one complaint about her. Admittedly, if I had to have been in an arranged marriage, it would've been with her. She understood what my situation was like, the only difference being her love had died a couple months before her family told her about the arranged marriage. There was only thing she wanted in the world," the Doctor took in a breath, "A child. She wanted a child to dedicate her life to."
"Oh, see she didn't go light on the question," Donna gave a small chuckle.
"As a wife she had a right," the Doctor sighed, "But every time I saw my children, I couldn't help wonder what they would be like if they were..."
"Kaeya's?" Donna raised an eyebrow, smiling when the Doctor nodded, "It was impossible not to think of that."
"Throughout all that time, all those centuries, Kaeya was there for me. She loved seeing the pictures of my children, even grandchildren. She said she loved them because they were mine, and I knew she was telling the truth. She met one of them, you know."
"She did?" Donna blinked, "What happened!?"
"She met my granddaughter, Susan," the Doctor let a small laugh as he remembered at day, "Along with her two teachers, our current companions at the moment. They got along so well it stunned me."
"You expected some cat-fight or something?"
"No, Susan wasn't the violent type, but...this was a woman that was not her grandmother. Obviously, I was a bit afraid of what could happen," the Doctor smiled as he sighed in content, "But Kaeya was so kind, so welcoming. They grew to be very close, Kaeya even admitted once to me that she liked to pretend that Susan was our granddaughter."
"Did she ever...marry herself?" Donna curiously asked, "Have any grandchildren of her own?"
"No," he shook his head, "She remained unwed her entire life. She claimed she didn't want anyone else that wasn't me. I told her, I begged her, to make her own life. I even offered to stop visiting her if that would help her move on..."
"And what she say?" Donna could guess the answer by his shameful face.
"Never," he whispered, "She stayed single and waited for me to visit. After things ended with my marriage, I tried to tell her she needed to make her own life. Heck, I even decided to age just so that she could distance herself from me."
"You 'decided' to age?" Donna raised an eyebrow, "I thought you didn't."
"Well, the first incarnation you can decide whether or not you want to age, of course if you do decide to age ultimately you'll have to regenerate due to old-age."
"And you thought Kaeya would be that shallow she'd stop loving you because of some wrinkles and gray hair," Donna said in amusement.
"I made the mistake," the Doctor nodded, "She never stopped, despite the little phases I went through. Each incarnation she greeted me with open arms and a kiss on the cheek, nothing beyond that though. We kept true to our word, friendship only. She died when I was so far away, at least I thought she did, and I've lived with that guilt for so long now."
"But she's coming back," Donna reminded, "And you think of her because of your guilt. Of course there's going to be similarities between her and Minerva but that doesn't mean anything bad. I bet there's similarities between Minerva and I."
"Oh, there are," he cut her off, "Both bold, sassy-"
"I'd be very careful with your words, spaceman," Donna wagged a finger, "But my point is, let the past go. Kaeya is coming back and eventually she will make her own life. The past is the past, it's okay to spare her a thought now and then," she set a hand on his arm.
"But why now? Why when I'm happy am I thinking of her?" he insisted.
"There's no real answer for that," Donna sighed, "But perhaps it's because, like you said, that love with her was never lived, and now that you've found someone you can have...old memories come back. But don't fret about it."
"Should I tell Minerva of this?" he turned to her, nervously awaiting an answer.
"I think only you can decide that," she pointed, "I won't say anything, I'm gonna say that right now. It's not my story to tell."
"I'm afraid, Donna," he admitted, "I'm afraid of how she'll react to it."
"Just think on what's right for her and you, you'll figure it out," Donna assured and gave him a hug, practically knowing what he was going to do already.
~ 0 ~
Eventually, the Doctor and Donna had found Minerva back at the par. They found she had changed from her kimono, claiming it had gotten cold. She had grabbed a green, loose blouse with a black three-quarter sleeved blazer, and her silver necklace. She wore dark blue jeans and black, knee length boots with a small heel. Her hair remained in its bun although with the rubbing she had just done, it grew messier at the top.
The trio were looking at a nearby pond back in the woods, one that seemed to be full of fishes, even several frogs on their lily pads. Donna was really engulfed in them, hearing the Doctor explain what each fish was and what they did. Minerva was also interested...but she couldn't help feel like something was watching them. Every now and then she would look around in case there actually was someone stalking them. But there was absolutely nothing...and then...
She heard whispers...in her head.
It was like a couple voices were overlapping with each other, all trying to say something but nothing was coherent. She rubbed her temple, happening to look back and see a...a...blue light? Yes, it was a blue light. And it seemed to almost...glow. It was like a blob of blue light just floating in midair. She knew that light, at least she think she did. It was the same one that had appeared in the Valiant, not to mention the one that had teleported her out of the Titanic spaceship. But what was it doing here? And why did she feel like it calling her? Without thinking, she found herself walking away from the Doctor and Donna, the two distracted to notice her leave.
Minerva was determined to see what exactly that light was, why it had chosen to save her. She walked further into the woods, trying to pay attention to the whispers she kept hearing. However, everything was so jumbled up she couldn't make out anything coherent. She came to a stop in a small clearing where the blue light stayed by some trees ahead of her.
"Who are you?" she decided to speak out in a calm way. If she angered what ever it was, she may regret it and that was something she didn't want, "Listen, I guess you're alive, looks like it," she studied the light, "What do you want?"
The blue light glowed at her words, consuming the trees ahead of her. Ice started emerging from the roots, quickly rapping itself around the trunks...branches...leaves...
And then it rushed front the roots to the ground, almost chasing towards Minerva.
Minerva screamed and jumped back, "What are you!?" she cried, feeling her chest tighten for some reason. She felt...cold. She placed her hand over her heart, feeling it compress her chest, making it harder to breath.
"Minerva!?" she could hear the Doctor call, Donna calling after her a second later.
"H-here!" Minerva tried to yell but the air was leaving her body rapidly. She fell to her knees, her hand clutching her chest. The light reached up to her knees, just barely touching her. She screamed again. She could have sworn the ice hissed, like it was also in pain. She stared at the light suddenly rush away from her, almost running away her. She blinked, hugging herself while she shivered, her eyes watching the light seemingly fading...in a near sad manner. With it, the ice started disappearing into nothing.
"There you are!" the Doctor ran out from behind, dropping beside her to check what was wrong. He'd only heard her first scream and immediately realized she wasn't with then anymore, so he bolted to find her.
Minerva trembled as she pointed ahead, the Doctor turning just as Donna arrived to see the last of the ice from the tree's leaves disappearing.
"What the hell is that!?" Donna gaped.
"It was the light, the blue light from the Titanic" Minerva looked at the Doctor, "I think...I think it was hurt. It touched me and it got hurt, just like me. Doctor my chest hurts, a lot," she screwed her eyes shut from the pain, "It's like I can't breath!"
The Doctor knew it was the crystal complicating it for her and quickly took her into his arms. In extreme cases like these he could treat it like asthma and give her an inhaler. But he needed the TARDIS and so he quickly headed to the box, "It's okay, it's okay, shhh," he rubbed her back.
Donna had stayed behind and frowned as she stared ahead, tilting her head in confusion. She looked around and saw a small spot where ice had remained near a trunk of a tree.
"Donna!" he heard the Doctor shout for her.
Donna quickly turned and ran to catch up with the pair, "Is she going to be alright?" she looked at the barely conscious Minerva.
"Yeah, I just have to get her somewhere warm and give her an inhaler," the Doctor replied with haste.
"But I don't want to leave the festival," Minerva complained quietly.
"You're not staying, Clever Girl," he shook his head.
"Please, I want to stay in the festival."
"Minerva, I'm putting you to bed and that's that," the Doctor declared. But with that look she was giving him, a sad hopeful look, with her face stained of tears...he knew it wouldn't be easy to keep his word.
~ 0 ~
The Doctor was reading over Minerva's test results in the TARDIS med-bay, heavily sighing as he reached the end.
"Well?" Donna asked, standing beside him.
She had returned from checking on Minerva in her room, the girl asleep with dozens of blankets around her and on, her room's heater on full blast. To her, it literally felt like the freaking sun, but for Minerva...it seemed just right.
"Same as always, simply the crystal," the Doctor laid down the papers on the table in front of them, "And that I'm useless. Nothing new there!" He crumpled up the papers and threw it to a wall.
Donna laid a hand on his arm, "Hey, it's not your fault. You're doing everything you can."
But the Doctor shook his head, he was utterly frustrated because he couldn't do anything for Minerva. The only thing he can do is bundle her up in blankets and blast a heater, fat lot of good that was! He was useless because the one person he truly lo...cared for, was in danger and he couldn't do a damn thing. He couldn't even figure out what that little blue light was!
"It's alright," Donna cut into his thoughts.
"I should be able to cure her," he muttered, "She shouldn't have to live like this...I..."
"But she's happy, and that's what matters."
"Is she? Is she truly happy, Donna? Because I know anyone who lived like this wouldn't be too happy."
"Minerva is happy. And you wanna know why?"
"Enlighten me."
"Because she's with you," Donna smiled when the man's head snapped to hers, actually looking surprised which only made her laugh, "Doctor, she's told me all about you two and how you ended up together. The girl practically beams when you enter the room. And right now, when she feels 'sick', the only thing she wants to feel better is you. You think you're not doing anything for her but you are, you're really helping her just by being with her. Sooo, with that being said," she moved behind him and started pushing him for the doorway, "Go and see if she's woken up yet and make her feel better."
"Donna Noble you are something," he had to smile at the ginger as he was pushed.
"Yeah, yeah, temporal temp, non-important, blah, blah, now go!" she pushed him out to the hallway.
"Yes, but before," he spun around to face her, plopping a kiss on her forehead, "You are very important and I shall not have you running around my TARDIS without knowing so!"
She smiled softly, touched at his determination, "Thank you, spaceman."
"You're welcome," he nodded and went off to find his Clever Girl.
He went straight to her room, opening it just slightly to poke his head inside...only to see her bed was completely empty.
"Minerva?" he called, now coming inside. He looked around and saw no one so he went for the bathroom door, knocking on it several times, "Minerva? Are you in there?" he knocked again and awaited for an answer that never came. Cautiously, he opened the door just a crack, in case she hadn't heard him, "Minerva?" he poked his head inside, seeing no one around and so coming inside. He walked around, seeing nothing.
Where had that Clever Girl gotten to?
~ 0 ~
Minerva rested her back against a tree, her legs propped up to her chest, and her head tilted up as she stared at the dark sky above. She did her best to ignore her shivers or trembles, even if they were small she did still feel cold. She told the Doctor she didn't want to leave the festival yet, and even as the Martian refused to let her stay...he had kept the TARDIS in the festival where they had originally arrived. So, when she woken up and realized neither him or Donna were around...she made her escape.
But as she kept looking up to the sky, her mind seemed to drift back to the blue light she encountered earlier. That light...it felt...odd. It felt familiar in a way, but then again it had protected her back in the Titanic ship so she figured that was the reason behind it. However, she kept thinking on the noise of pain it had given when it touched her. It sounded like it had been in as much pain as she'd been. But that begged the question of why it had tried to touch her. Had it known that it would hurt both parties? Why had it even tried to touch her in the first place? For what purpose? The light was active, that much she knew, classified as alive who knew...but it had made a conscious move towards her. It even talked. She was sure those whispers she heard in her head were coming from the light, but what did it mean?
"I thought I'd find you here," the Doctor came around the tree, startling her out of her thoughts.
She looked up with an apologetic smile for her escape, "You stayed in the festival..."
"Of course I did, my Clever Girl asked me not to go," he held a red blanket in his arms, "I also assumed you had made your escape so quickly that you didn't bother getting something warm," he knelt down beside her and wrapped the blanket around her shoulders.
"Maybe," she confessed, biting her lip, "Are you mad?"
"No, of course not," he took a seat beside her, "Though I still say you should've stayed in your room where it was warm."
"That's boring," she scowled, "Boo. I wanted to come out and watch the rest of the festival..."
"While you shivered?" he pointed to her trembling body.
"Petty side effect," she waved him off, "Plus, I've got a Martian who always keeps me warm," she smiled slyly.
He caught her smile and shook his head, "You just love testing me, don't you?"
"Because you always fail me when talking about recreational mathematics, yes, I do."
"It's really not that hard, Minerva. I explained to you what the prime numbers was and-"
"La, la, la, la, la," Minerva covered her ears, "La, la, la, no math at a festival, la, la, la-"
The Doctor simply turned her head and kissed her. Minerva laughed against their kiss, she always won that argument. Every time one of the Doctor's lessons were about mathematics, she would push it aside or act so annoying that the man really only had the option of kissing her to make her shut up. Oh well...
"You are sneaky," he rolled on top of her, either legs of his on her sides so he wouldn't hurt her. He didn't weigh too much, at least he liked to think he didn't.
"You're the one that swiftly moved over me," Minerva bit her lip as the Martian neared her lips again.
"Are you still cold?"
She nodded, "My forehead is cold," so the Doctor moved up to kiss her forehead, "And my temples," two kisses were given to her temples, "My cheeks are cold too," she giggled as he kissed her cheeks, "And then these are extremely cold," she tapped her lips.
"You are very demanding aren't you?"
"Well, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't keep my Clever Girl warm?"
"A very bad one..." Minerva smiled sweetly.
He just laughed and kissed her again. This time, though, he didn't plan on giving her a short little kiss, no...
Minerva's giggle broke through the kiss at the sensation of the Doctor's fingers brushing repeatedly on her sides, "Doctor," she gasped as his fingers moved to her back. Her skin was turning into goosebumps, but the good kind...a good set of chills she never experienced before, chills he provoked with his soft fingers.
Suddenly, though, the Doctor pulled away, feeling guilty about everything he told Donna earlier in the day...something that Minerva had a right to know about as well. He knew what was right. He was already hiding something monumentally big from her, the least he could was tell her of the lesser secret.
"What's going on with you, Martian?" Minerva sighed, her fingers tracing the sides of his face, "You've been acting weird lately, an extra weird for you."
"Minerva, there's something I need to tell you," he moved beside her, wondering if he would be able to hold her hand after he told her about Kaeya.
"What is it?"
"First, I just want you to know that I'm happy with you, okay?" he decided to go for her hand and hold it. At least if she got angry he would have the satisfaction he'd held her hand.
"I'm happy with you too," she smiled and gripped his hand.
"Minerva, I've..." he took a deep breath and let everything go as Donna had said, "...I've been thinking of Kaeya a lot more lately," he shut his eyes and awaited for the worst, even unconsciously gripping her hand in case she wanted to snatch it away from him.
"And?" Minerva blinked.
The Doctor's eyes snapped open and turned completely to face her, "And? What do you mean 'and'?"
"Just what it means," she shrugged.
"Minerva, I just told you I'm thinking about Kaeya, and..."
"You expected me to yell at you or something?" Minerva raised an eyebrow, sighing when the Doctor nodded, "I'll admit, it isn't to my greatest like that you think about her but it's natural. We're searching for her and clearly that's going to bring up some old thoughts about her. But thank you for telling me this," she rested a hand on his cheek, "I feel so special because you were honest with me. Frankly, I'd be a upset if you denied that you've been thinking about her."
"You would be?" he made a face of confusion.
Minerva nodded, "Because then you'd be lying to me," immediately, the Doctor's eyes darted to the side in guilt of his secret. She had no idea of the crystal that laid in her heart and he didn't want to think of what she'd do when she found out, "So it's okay, Martian, I'm not angry," Minerva assured him, "And thank you for taking me into consideration in all this."
"You're not...upset or anything?" he knew a smart person would stop insisting but he needed to make sure she was alright.
"No, truthfully, I've been thinking of her too," she admitted, "There's a lot of things that don't make sense about her encounter with the Master."
"But my thoughts aren't from that moment..." he said shamefully.
"They're from your time together," she finished what he couldn't, "It's okay, Martian. I wouldn't want you to act like nothing happened between you and her. That would be good for no one. I like being realistic, you know that. You think of your ex-girlfriend, to put it in simple terms. Big deal."
The Doctor took her hand off his face and gave it a kiss, "You are absolutely wonderful."
"And you are absolutely brilliant," she countered.
The Doctor leaned forwards and rested his forehead on hers, one of his hands still clutching Minerva's, his other making a trail up and down the side of her face. Her piercing jade-green eyes looked up at him with such softness and kindness in them it made him nearly melt. He felt like he could stay in this spot for an eternity as long as Minerva was right in front of him, the way she was. There were so many feelings rushing through him he didn't know what to say next, or what he could do.
"Minerva, I think I l..."
However, Donna approached the two with a big, red, rectangular gift box in her arms, "Oi!" she hollered, "There you are!"
The Doctor looked back at the ginger and saw the box, his eyes widening when he saw the box, "N-n-n-no! What are you doing with that? That wasn't for tonight!"
"What was?" Minerva asked, looking at him with confusion.
Donna took a seat in front of the two, leaving just enough space between them to place the box in, "Well the TARDIS was humming or whatever it does and then she showed me the gift," Donna explained, "Now what is it?" she leaned forwards with a smile that just screamed curiosity.
"It's not for you," the Doctor snapped then sighed, looking at Minerva, "It was for you."
"Me? But...it's not my birthday, it's not Christmas, no anniversaries or anything..." Minerva blinked, considering any other possible special occasion that could require a present.
The Doctor chuckled as he watched her grow more concerned she'd missed something, "No silly, I just wanted to surprise you. You've been a bit depressed lately so I figured I could help boost your mood up with that," he nodded to the gift.
"In that case, open it!" Donna exclaimed and patted the box.
Minerva sheepishly reached for the present and placed it on her lap, slowly ripping off the wrapping paper from the corners. She could make out a rather large square as she pulled down the paper, but when she opened it...her mouth hung open.
"A new Wahoo," she whispered, passing a hand down the box.
Donna scowled and tilted her head, "What is it?"
"It's um, an old game I used to play with my grandfather when I was a kid. A guy gave me one of these last year for my birthday but...it got left behind in 1969," Minerva looked at the Doctor, smiling softly, "Did you buy me a new one?"
"I figured what could make my Clever Girl happier than her favorite childhood game board?"
She leaned over and gently kissed him, "That could have," she whispered.
"I don't get it," Donna shook her head. How could a silly little game board make everything better? "Minerva, if you already had one why would you want another one?"
"It was left behind in 1969," Minerva reminded, "We were stuck there for a couple of months and a friend I made gave me one of these for my birthday. Though if I do recall..." she looked at the Doctor, "...it had made some one a tad upset..."
"Upset? Why would you be upset?" Donna asked him.
"Because it made her happy and it wasn't me that made her happy," he grumbled.
Just remembering that moment where Minerva had become so excited for the present that Jerome gave her made his blood boil. He wasn't upset she was happy, no. He loved seeing her happy, even back then. But it irritated him knowing that it hadn't been him that made her so excited and happy. It had been another man, another man that clearly had feelings for her and managed to snag a date with her meanwhile himself couldn't even confess his own feelings for her.
He loathed those days in 1969 where Minerva was closer to another man that wasn't him. Only he was allowed to make her smile, comfort, touch her, hug her, only him. And to see Minerva going on a date with Jerome and not him was, was...infuriating. Yes, infuriating because that meant Minerva could've fallen for Jerome and then that would lead to boyfriend and girlfriend and that was something the Doctor wouldn't stand for. That date of hers had been the breaking point of his indecision; the Doctor wanted Minerva to fall for him and only him. He wanted to be the one to ask her on a date, to give her that first-date kiss and hopefully become a boyfriend to her...and not Jerome. He was a helpless jealous idiot, but for Minerva he would be anything.
"Jerome was a nice," Minerva shrugged, biting back her laugh when the Doctor snapped his head to her, already annoyed he was talking about the man, "But I had my feelings somewhere else...on a certain Martian," she looked at him with a sheepish smile, "Now he made me truly happy when he decided to play with me."
"Well, can you teach me how to play?" Donna asked, taking the box from Minerva to look at it, "It looks weird..."
"It's fun, I promise," Minerva assured, gesturing her to start opening it. She then turned to the Doctor, "And you, thank you so much," she lunged on him when she kissed him, successfully pushing him to the ground, "Thank you!" she peppered kissed his entire face.
The Doctor laughed as he reached for her face, stopping her and unfortunately her kisses, "Glad you liked it."
"I promise I won't lose it," she swore before giving him one last deep kiss that left him with a burning desire for more. She sat up and started helping Donna set up the game, "Donna, you're gonna love this!"
The Doctor sat up and reached for the blanket Minerva had dropped behind. He wrapped it around her and scooted closer to her, watching her ecstatically rambling to Donna the instructions for the game. She truly did sound like him when she spoke that fast and excitedly, but she sounded so much better simply because it was her.
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lcthebtswriter · 7 years
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Request: Reader and Veronica are a couple but reader actually likes Cheryl who secretly likes her too
Genre: angst
When Veronica Lodge arrived to Riverdale, no one knew things would go south so quickly.
Before your girlfriend was Cheryl Blossom, queen bee and wearer of an emotional mask only you seemed to have the courage to lift away. Hesitantly the Blossom girl allowed this, inviting you into her life and forming a bond you never would have expected to hold. On the weekends you stayed at her house, the both of you falling asleep in her bed and sneaking glances at each other through half closed eyes. When school started back up is when you divided, and that’s why you welcomed Veronica into your heart. Cheryl had no intention of doing so herself, so why would you bother with someone who didn't want you back?
“(Y/N!)” Veronica called from across the lunch table. You had zoned out again, eyes focused on the container of greasy french fries the school provided. Betty, Jughead, Kevin, and Archie gawked at you, uneasy as to why you completely ignored the last five minutes of drama-filled conversation. You picked up a fry, stirring it in a ketchup puddle you squeezed onto the tray before tossing it behind you and onto the grass. “Did you hear me?” Your girlfriend asked, and as you looked into her large brown eyes you suddenly felt guilty for thinking of Cheryl.
Shaking your head, you sat up straight to show Veronica you were now fully attentive. “Sorry, what were you saying?” You asked, and winced when Veronica rolled her eyes teasingly. She was so innocently unaware of how traitorous your thoughts were, and knowing you were going to break her heart in the end absolutely shattered yours.
“I said,” Veronica smiled, “Now that we’ve all got a little arm candy, we should go on dates together.” Arm candy - the term could refer to you or Veronica considering whose side was more justified. You agreed to date Veronica because she was kind and sweet, while she asked you out because it just fell into her lap. Study sessions turned to flirty talks in a corner booth at Pop’s, and then you were making out at the drive-in. Somehow you ended up leaving behind the one girl you truly desired, so how were you going to break it to Veronica? Were you even going to?
Archie raised a hand, gaining your friend’s attention as he interjected Veronica’s excited chatter. “I don’t have any arm candy,” he sighed. Jughead shook his head while Veronica tossed one of your fries at the redhead. “You could always take Grundy,” you suggested. This caused the table to erupt into hushed laughter, the sound distracting you from having to face reality for just one moment until your eyes caught Cheryl Blossom coming at you from the right.
She looked absolutely stunning (as always). Her red hair clashed with the grey dress that clung to her body, but she radiated authority with a leather jacket and black belt. If there was one thing you knew about “Cheryl Bombshell,” it was that she used her appearance to distract people from seeing her true nature - the vulnerable side. You spent enough time with Cheryl over the summer to realize that and although she wouldn't even look at you, there was something in her eyes that screamed desperation. Cheryl was upset, but about what?
“What are you hens clucking about over here?” Cheryl asked, feigning interest as she popped one of your fries into her mouth. Veronica perked up at Cheryl’s question. “We were just making plans for later tonight. I’m thinking Pop’s,” she answered.
We. Who was included in that one word? You and Veronica, or you and Cheryl; maybe neither of them if you planned on breaking all ties with both girls. The thought sent an uneasy chill down your spine, and you blinked slowly like the action would clear your scrabbled brain.
You set your gaze on Veronica, watching as your girlfriend talked to the first girl you had ever fallen in love with. Ronnie made it seem so easy to do, and you were jealous of anyone who wasn’t under Cheryl’s heart wrenching spell. Why the hell did you ever choose to leave her in the dust?
Jughead decided to chime in with his usual sarcastic remark: “As always.” You noticed Cheryl glancing at you, hand on her hip to establish dominance that had you scoffing and focusing back on playing with the food in front of you. Veronica looked at you curiously, eyebrows drawing together before she returned her attention back to the redhead. “You can come along if you want to. The more the merrier, right guys?” Veronica said as she looked to Kevin, who only held his hands up as if to say he had no opinion on the matter. Your girlfriend’s eyes fell upon you, silently asking for permission and making your heartbeat pick up speed.
“Yeah, sure. Cheryl can come, whatever.” You stood, slinging your backpack over one shoulder before picking up the tray of food you paid for as soon as the dismissal bell rang. If Cheryl was tagging along then who was to say you wouldn't be gawking at her the entire time? You couldn't let Veronica catch you even though you were positive she knew. Veronica had a brilliant mind, and if she wasn’t the least bit suspicious of your true feelings then she was in denial.
Behind you was Betty, her blonde hair swishing in its ponytail as she caught up with you. The blonde called your name, her footsteps managing to keep up with your long strides into the cafeteria. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Betty asked as you dumped your uneaten food into a trash bin. She continued to follow you to the next class, quietly waiting for you to work up the courage to answer honestly. After you sat down next to each other, you sighed loudly and turned in the seat to face Betty.
With her being the only one who knew of your true feelings, you trusted Betty to hold the emotions you were prepared to spill in one class period. “I think I need to break up with Veronica,” you confessed. The slug of guilt gurgled in your stomach, twisting when Betty’s face fell in disappointment. “She said you would say that,” Betty replied. Your eyes widened, fear grasping your shoulders as you asked Betty what the crap she meant by that. Her hands clutched the wooden top of the desk, body facing the board as she distracted herself and rifled through the backpack in front of her. “Betty!” You demanded as the last few students filed into the classroom.
Betty’s harsh gaze met yours and it was in that moment you wished to disappear forever. “Veronica said she’s been doubting your relationship since you and Cheryl were chosen for 7 Minutes In Heaven. I think she knows, (Y/N).”
Your heart fell into your stomach at the news, palms sweating as your mind asked itself why Veronica hadn't said anything. It also questioned why Betty never decided to tell you until then, but you didn't bother asking and turned to focus on the teacher. Maybe at Pop’s you could break the news to Veronica and stop leading her on; she was too good of a person to be treated that way.
To say the group outing was tense would be like claiming the sky was blue: obvious. The entire time, Kevin and Archie were separating themselves from you and Veronica, and Betty and Jughead snuck off to their own booth. Veronica played with the straw of her milkshake, Cheryl at your side before eventually it was just the three of you. Knowing what was running through Veronica’s mind, you were going to take your wallet out to pay and leave before your girlfriend slipped out of the booth. She tossed a twenty dollar bill onto the table before storming out. You got up, telling Cheryl to wait while you talked to Veronica.
“Veronica!” You shouted across the parking lot of Pop’s, the red neon sign casting an ominous glow over resting cars and the back of your girlfriend’s body. She walked on, her sobs breaking the quiet of the night as you begged her to stop. “V,” you sighed.
She turned around so quickly you were afraid she would get whiplash.
“You love her, don’t you?” Her voice was calm despite the shakiness due to her crying. You wanted to reach out and hold her hand; wanted to promise everything would be okay and that you loved her, but you were sick of lying. Veronica could see it written all over your face and she knew the day would come where you would pluck up the courage to admit it. Your silence was all it took to have a sigh of defeat leave Veronica’s mouth. Refusing to meet her eyes, you lowered yours to focus on the puddle you stood in. How badly you wished to dive into the murky shallows, able to block out the pain you were granting Veronica.
Head raising, you bit your bottom lip and looked back at Cheryl, who sat in the booth like you told her to and stared out the window. Veronica smiled, although you could see the heartbreak in her tearing eyes. “It’s okay,” her voice cracked. She inhaled sharply, and all you could do was gape at the girl whose heart you just tore in two. “I already knew,” Veronica added. The statement only made you feel more guilty, and you broke down crying in the middle of the parking lot.
“V, I’m so sorry,” you cried. Veronica’s arms wrapped around your torso, pulling you into a warm hug even though you could feel her tears hitting the top of your head. “I’m so sorry,” you repeated, hand over your mouth in a desperate attempt at containing your sobs. Veronica sniffled before letting you go to wipe away her running mascara. She chuckled at herself before taking your face in her hands. Together you cried and looked into each other’s eyes, forgiveness passing between you both in silence. Veronica nodded as if she accepted her own suggestion, and then she stepped back and lifted her head high.
Veronica pointed behind you, right at a waiting and even more confused Cheryl. “Go get her,” Veronica smiled. You were going to protest, but your now ex-girlfriend was off and walking down the street, a taxi already waiting for her as if she knew what was going to occur. After watching the car drive off, Veronica safely inside of it, you turned to face Pop’s and wiped away your tears with the sleeve of your sweater.
If you broke one girl’s heart that night, you'd be damned not to fix another’s.
You walked back into Pop’s, a shy smile on your face as you took Veronica’s spot across from Cheryl. Neither of you spoke as you processed what happened, the Blossom twin hesitant to take her eyes off the now empty milkshake she ordered minutes ago. Inch by inch your eyes met Cheryl’s, and she took it upon herself to break the tense silence. You were expecting a crude comment or sassy remark, but was met with a kind: “Are you okay?”
The obvious answer was no, of course, but you didn't want to make Cheryl feel as blameworthy as you felt so you replied with a light chuckle and, “Are you?” Cheryl tilted her head, an eyebrow raising as she rested her hands on the tabletop. You pushed away Jughead’s half eaten burger, marveling at how he hadn't taken it with him but focused on Cheryl’s response: “I’m sure we’ll be fine.”
We. There was that word again, only this time you knew it included you and Cheryl.
Her hand reached across the table to hold yours, a sign of moral support for the struggles that awaited you both. One day, you vowed, you would hold Cheryl Blossom’s hand not because of sorrow, but because you had broken one heart to obtain hers. No longer were you a part of Veronica Lodge’s group, but you and Cheryl were on the way to becoming the couple you wished to be for months.
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emclarkerps · 7 years
❦ - Something they hate about your muse // ✎ - A reason they’re jealous of your muse. // ♪ - A secret they’re keeping from your muse. // ♤ - What they thought about your muse when first meeting for new babies
Brynn ---- Abel
❦ - Something they hate about your muse - I honestly don’t think there’s anything Brynn could possibly hate about Abel. He’s her hurricane. Her family tries so hard to be perfect but it’s such a facade, everything is fake, and everything with Abel is just so real. She doesn’t need to pretend with him.
✎ - A reason they’re jealous of your muse. - Brynn is jealous of Abel’s ability to just go with the flow and not get caught up in things. She’s quick to anger, while he just lets things roll off his back, and she wishes she could do that sometimes. She’s also jealous of his home life. Her parents didn’t really care much about her and just saw her as a materialistic thing growing up, while he had all the love in the world from his large family.
♪ - A secret they’re keeping from your muse. - Her parents really don’t approve of Abel. He’s the one thing in their eyes that is keeping Brynn back from achieving greatness. They wish she would marry someone rich and high class that could take over their business, and they see Abel as just an airhead that couldn’t possibly comprehend the serious business of a law firm as large as theirs. Of course, Brynn just turns a blind eye to this, because she loves that big airhead with all her heart.
♤ - What they thought about your muse when first meeting - Abel amused Brynn. His inability to sit still for five seconds, his easy going nature, he was just so different from what she was used to. She couldn’t help falling in love with him.
Austin ---- Bonnie
❦ - Something they hate about your muse - There isn’t much to hate about Bonnie, if anything at all. The worst thing on his list of things he doesn’t like is probably that she clogs up the DVR with trashy TV shows.
✎ - A reason they’re jealous of your muse. - Austin is pretty jealous of Bonnie’s ability to cook. Even if things don’t turn out well and they end up ordering pizza, at least she doesn’t need to worry about living down that one time she set fire to a box of spaghetti...but he does.
♪ - A secret they’re keeping from your muse. - Austin doesn’t keep secrets. There’s not a single thing that Bonnie doesn’t know about him. That happens when you’ve been together longer than you can remember. (Maybe that’s his secret...he can’t remember their anniversary. It’s just been so long!)
♤ - What they thought about your muse when first meeting - He was three and handed her a dandelion. Not a yellow one that had already bloomed, but one of those fuzzy ones that you can blow on and they blow away. And that’s just what she did, she blew the little specks all over the place and he cried, because he had picked that flower just for her and she ruined it.
Avery ---- Wyatt
❦ - Something they hate about your muse - Even long after they’ve been together, Wyatt is extremely competitive in everything that they do. Sometimes Avery wishes he could just relax some and enjoy their time together and realize not everything is a competition.
✎ - A reason they’re jealous of your muse. - Avery gets pretty jealous when he wins against her. She’s just more graceful about it and it just drives her to do better next time.
♪ - A secret they’re keeping from your muse. - She wishes he would just man up and ask her to marry him. Everyone else around them is getting married, and sure, it’s not a race, and yes, they’ve been together the least amount of time, but out of all the things to take their time on, why does it need to be this?
♤ - What they thought about your muse when first meeting - They were twelve and at soccer camp. Avery had just moved to the area, and of course everyone saw her as this tiny girl on a team full of boys, so what damage could she possibly do? Well, she won the scrimmage match against his team that day and managed to score a goal on him specifically. Avery decided right then and there she was going to compete against this guy as much as she could, and win more often than not, just to see another one of his meltdowns, because that shit was amusing to her.
Evan ---- Liana
❦ - Something they hate about your muse - It isn’t that Evan hates the old Liana, because even back in high school he was secretly in love with her, but it’s more so he’s disappointed in the way she used to act. He knows it’s because of the way she was treated by Jake, but it still hurts to think about her actions. 
✎ - A reason they’re jealous of your muse. - Evan is absolutely jealous of the way that Liana can be so outgoing. He’s so shy that he feels it’s held him back in different aspects of life, while Liana is like a light around everyone. She could make friends with a rock. 
♪ - A secret they’re keeping from your muse. - Evan spent a bit of time in a juvenile detention center. It wasn’t really his fault, he was actually defending himself, but the cops didn’t see it that way. Some kids jumped him while he was walking home one day. It was kids from the nicer part of town, probably some of Jake’s friends. And when one kid started hitting him, he swung back and the kid ended up in the hospital. It didn’t look good, and it wasn’t like his dad had the money to bail him out. It wasn’t for very long, and his record would have been expunged because he was a minor at the time, but he doesn’t want Liana to see him as a monster, especially after what she’s been through.
♤ - What they thought about your muse when first meeting - Honestly, he thought she was a bitch. Then again, everyone who didn’t truly know her either thought she was queen bee or that she was a bitch, so you can’t really blame him. But then he began to notice things, which happens when you live your life in the shadows. Small things like the look of guilt she had after a fight, the sadness in her eyes, and how she hesitated before hugging her boyfriend back. It was the little things that he took interest in, and why he left her small gifts, in the hopes that she would eventually realize it was him, but of course Jake took credit for it.
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murderincrp · 8 years
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“Eighteen-year-old MECHANIC and HACKER that goes by the alias ‘PIDGE’. Her allegiance lies with SALVATORE.”
zhou jieqiong is a born princess. she grows up in shanghai, her parents always having plenty of money to devote to their only daughter. she never wants for anything, and is raised in glamour and privilege. her father is the ceo of a successful security system company; her mother is a former supermodel. they both love their daughter more than the whole world, even though she doesn’t get to spend as much time with her father as she’d like, since he’s constantly busy with work.
( she didn’t yet know how to express it, but she loved them too, because they were her whole world. )
jieqiong is a prodigy, they quickly discover – multiple times, she’s caught trying to disassemble one of her parents’ many cars, or otherwise managing to bypass her father’s company’s firewalls and access the company’s top-secret files.
( little did she know just how dangerous those files were, as they recorded the company’s connection to a notorious korean gang, black lotus. )
when jieqiong is thirteen, the family moves to seoul. she doesn’t really pay attention to why – something about the company starting a new branch. it makes little difference to her. she’s been tutored in korean, japanese, and english since she had barely even learned to speak chinese, and she didn’t have any real friends in shanghai, anyway – just people who hovered around her, jealous of her natural beauty and talent.
she’s already a couple years ahead of where she should be in school, and starts attending a high school in seoul. she’s leagues ahead of everyone else in her class, and she likes it that way. she spends classes not paying attention, instead reading her own books on how to build robots and cars. teachers soon stop calling her out on it when they realize she can answer any question posed to her, and passes every test with flying colors.
she’s soon pushed one more year up, her parents wanting her to finish high school as soon as possible so she can start university. she ends up in the year under two boys who she quickly realizes are more like her than anyone else she’s ever met – they’re the ones behind all the hacking into the school systems, the ones the other students idolize for their daring and talent. jieqiong, talented though she is, is more skilled at working with her hands to repair or build a machine than at hacking into software, and she does her best to pick their brains about how best to do it, to learn from them and help herself improve.
( jeon jeongguk and min yoongi, whether they meant to or not, taught her the last bits of hacking knowledge that she needed to accomplish the mission she’d been planning for months. )
her father has become more reserved and secretive ever since they moved to seoul, and while jieqiong knows her mother’s worried that there’s another woman, jieqiong thinks it’s something much bigger than that. she managed to tap her father’s cell phone after practicing doing it to her own phone, and once she has access to his calls she hears sometimes confusing, but always intriguing conversations.
she picks up early on that whatever he’s doing has something to do with the gang black lotus. she recognizes the name from the constant news stories she hears about seoul’s gang wars that seem to always be going on, and she thinks she remembers seeing the notorious gang’s symbol in those encrypted files she managed to hack as a child.
so jieqiong, using the knowledge she gleaned from observing and talking to jeongguk and yoongi, hacks her father’s office computer from her own laptop, being careful to slip through the firewalls and security systems in ways that she knows from her classmates will keep her from being caught. or at least, she hopes she’s doing it right.
part of what she finds doesn’t surprise her: she’d already pretty much known her father was working with black lotus, supplying them money and protection through his company. any building protected by their systems, the gang has easy access to. jieqiong must admit, it’s a valuable asset for a gang to have. she herself knows how successful her father’s company is – according to his files, over half the city uses their systems.
what does surprise her is something she hadn’t suspected: her father betrayed black lotus. she doesn’t know why he did it – maybe to be honorable and do the right thing, maybe another gang paid him well, maybe the right person threatened jieqiong and her mother’s lives – but she can see it plain as day in his email records: he gave syndicate the same information, the same easy access to every building protected by his security systems.
he’s hardly even covered his tracks; he hadn’t even deleted the email. cursing her father’s stupidity, jieqiong’s fingers fly over the keyboard as she tries to cover it up, tries to hide what her father had done. she deletes the email, deletes the history, tries to cover it up with encryption and places a couple suspicious-looking emails in her father’s account, well hidden enough that he won’t find them, but that any black lotus hacker will. they’re actually empty, of course, except for a virus that will immediately be released upon any computer that opens the emails. she doesn’t expect the virus to stop them, of course, but hopefully they’ll slow them down enough for jieqiong to figure out some way of protecting her father.
( she failed. )
her parents are together when the black lotus soldiers attack. jieqiong is home, still trying to find a way to completely erase what her father had done, to hide it from whatever hacker in black lotus might be looking.
she doesn’t find out that she’s too late until a police officer shows up at the door, their face that of someone carrying terrible news, who knows that what they’re about to say can’t be avoided, but they wish with all their heart that it could be.
they tell jieqiong that her parents have been murdered, her father shot while he drove to some social event and her mother killed in the subsequent crash. the police aren’t sure, but they suspect that the murder had to do with gang activity.
( jieqiong blacked out, and all she remembers of the hours following her parents’ deaths is an overwhelming darkness, a weight of guilt and pain that felt like it would crush her into oblivion, and the sound of her own screams. )
she tells the police everything they want to know: everything she found out, everything her father did, everything she tried to do to protect him. she hardly remembers the debriefing, hardly remembers how she showed the police her laptop, showed them the records of her father’s phone calls and the email she tried so hard to bury.
she drops out of school. she struggles to see the point of it now. she’s put under the police’s protection for her great skills with computers and her proximity to the man who tried to betray black lotus. her only relatives are back in shanghai, but the police agree that it’s too dangerous to send her back there. she’s put instead in a foster home, but hardly pays attention to the adults there. she spends her days in the house’s garage, where the man of the house has an old-fashioned vintage car that he lets jieqiong mess around with once he realizes her talent with mechanics. for a while, that’s all she does, taking the engine apart and putting it back together again until she grows bored of working on the same car over and over.
her “foster parents” try to send her to school, but she gets around it easily, instead wandering around the city with her laptop, piggybacking on any internet she can get and trying to collect her own information on black lotus and the people who murdered her parents. after several weeks, she’s growing impatient with the police, who seem to have made no progress whatsoever, and she soon begins nursing the idea of revenge, of tearing down black lotus herself, of avenging her parents by taking out not only the members who killed them, but by taking down the whole gang. she often finds herself fantasizing about the fall of the huge gang, about taking down all of them for the sake of justice after years of their tyranny.
( she knew the methods she’d like to use were far too violent to be truly condoned by “justice,” but she didn’t care. she wanted to watch them burn. )
it’s almost natural that she ends up in salvatore, the gang of “good guys” who work closely with the police, but are far more willing to go beyond the wall of the law to accomplish their goal of restoring seoul to its former glory. jieqiong doesn’t really care about that, though. she works for her own sense of justice, constantly pursuing her own goal of bringing the biggest and most powerful gang in the city down and watching it burn, burn as she has ever since they killed her parents.
( she knew she was being selfish, working for her own means like this. she honestly didn’t care. )
jieqiong is, first and foremost, highly intelligent. she’s often bored by those around her, but will rarely show it. she takes part in most conversations for the sake of collecting allies, and she does favors for people with the knowledge that she can call them in later, get them to work for her. she’s manipulative, but secretly so. she tries to be as nice as she can on the outside, only letting a handful of people know her true intentions, and even then never letting everything slip. she knows better than many that it’s a dog eat dog world, and she knows better than to let any one person know too much.
though she may think she acts primarily on revenge, being in salvatore for so long has its effect on her. while her main goal is still to bring down black lotus for good, she finds herself working truly for the liberation of innocents more and more often as time goes on. she imagines other children losing their parents to gang violence like she lost hers, and it motivates her like almost nothing else. she can’t stand the thought of allowing this senseless violence to continue even longer.
she’s stubborn, though, and selfish, and refuses to admit her own kindness and sense of justice even to herself. she tells herself over and over of her goal of revenge, staring at the image of black lotus’s symbol hanging on her bedroom wall by her father’s old pocketknife. she stabs it with her own knife every night before she goes to bed, and removes the knife every morning when she wakes up, revealing another hole in the too-familiar symbol.
even with her selfish motivations and habits of secrecy, not everything she shows to others is a farce. she truly is a lively person, which is part of what makes it so easy to be friendly with the ones she works with. she refuses to open up too much to anyone, but she’s always enjoyed having friends nonetheless, even if they are all boring most of the time.
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