#hong's anatomy
ts19009 · 4 months
Hong's Anatomy: Part 2
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Pediatrician surgeon!  Joshua x pediatric surgeon!  Female Reader 
Synopsis: Coming to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital wasn’t on your bucket list, that’s for sure, but when you meet the head of your department, Joshua Hong, it's one of the only things that constantly brightens your day. 
Warnings: swearing, made up medical terms and procedures, i have no idea if any of this is medically accurate it’s just for story, flirting, smut (18+) (fingering, oral: f -receiving, penetrative sex, no protection, aftercare)
Words: 5.4k words
You hadn’t been on a date in at least a year. What do you even wear to a non-official date with your co-worker? 
You were going to a fairly fancy restaurant, so casual was out of the question. It was down to two options. The red or black dress.
You had done your hair and makeup nicer than you normally do for work, it was fun getting dressed up like this after work. 
Just like you had planned, Jeonghan rang your doorbell right at eight. To which you opened it to see him in a dress shirt, holding a bouquet of flowers. 
“Good evening Doctor. L/N. These are for you,” he smirked, bowing and then handing the flowers to you. They were beautiful lilies with a few tulips scattered in the bouquet. 
“Come in, I just need a few more things,” you said, opening the door more for him to slip himself in. He immediately darted for the couch and layed down. 
“I had an awful shift today. Someone double booked me and I had to do back-to-back surgeries right at the end. Please tell me you had a better day.” 
“Somewhat. No double surgeries, but I did skip out on my lunch break, so I’m starving,” you said, making sure that your earrings were on correctly and grabbed your purse. “Now, I’ve waited on you long enough.” Jeonghan smiled, and got off of the couch offering his arm. 
“So tell me. Why did you ask me out?” Jeonghan asked, taking a sip of his wine. You took a minute. You didn’t want to say it was to try and “get over” his best friend, so you brought up the other truth. 
“My therapist challenged me to make one new friend by our next session next month,” you admitted. 
“You don’t have any friends here?” He questioned again.
“Well now I do. You, Joshua, Rose, Jake. You’ve all been very nice to me. I would consider you my friend.” 
“Am I just a friend?” 
The question caught you off guard, and made you choke on the wine you had just sipped. You quickly brought your napkin to your mouth to prevent spitting on him and coughed. 
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t expecting that question.” Jeonghand had a smirk on his face, but was patient while you wiped your lips. “To be honest, I didn’t think this was a date until Jake told me. He was eavesdropping on our conversation and told me to “have fun on my date”.” 
“It’s only a date if you want it to be.” He was smooth, putting the ball in your court. 
“I think calling it a date would be fun, but I’m going to be honest. I can’t promise another date,” you warned. 
“I expect nonetheless,” he chuckled, holding up his wine to cheer you with. 
“Cheers. To making new friends.” You chuckled at his statement and took a sip of wine before your food came.
“How was the date?” Joshua asked, walking up to you at the Ped’s desk. You had just finished your rounds and was about to start prepping for your first surgery. 
“Dinner was good, thank you for asking,” you said, Joshua chuckled but nodded. “Just trying to make some friends.” 
“I’m your friend. Am I not?” 
“This is the first time you’ve called me your friend, but I guess you are now,” you said, not looking up from your tablet which caused Joshua to dramatically exhale. 
“What surgery do you have first?” He asked, trying to change the subject. 
“A poor little girl who has 3rd degree burns is looking for a skin graft. Jeonghan and I are going to try and give her a skin graft and then try to get her to generate new skin.” Joshua’s face soured at the mention of his best friend. 
“Good luck. That sounds like a rough case.” You nodded. When doing rounds you saw the poor girl who was in pain by just speaking due to the blistered and bleeding skin. 
“I asked Jeonghan to start without me. Watching her during rounds was awful. I don’t know if I could watch her when she was being put to sleep,” you scoffed. 
“Jeonghan is pretty good at cases like that. He’s good at detaching himself when he needs to,” Joshua said, ‘I gotta get going to my first surgery, but good luck with yours!” 
You nodded and waved goodbye as he hustled down the hallway. What did Joshua mean when he said Jeonghan was good at detaching himself? 
I guess you’d have to find out by being his friend. Or potentially more. 
About an hour passed when you were paged to finally head into surgery. Jeonghan had sedated the girl and had already started the skin grafting. You were kinda just there in case anything went wrong and as an extra hand. 
Plastics is way out of your knowledge. 
“How’d it go?” You asked, as Lia gowned and gloved you. 
“It was hard on her, but she fell asleep fast. Let’s just hope we only have to do this once for her sake,” Jeonghan noted. He hadn’t looked up from her face yet, but you could tell he was pretty focused, so you didn’t say anything else. 
“Okay. I’ve got the burnt and dead skin off. Let’s get that skin graft on and can you start prepping the fluid for the regen process?” Lia nodded and started getting out syringes and brushes. 
“I can help with the grafting,” you offered. 
“Sure,” Jeonghan nodded. You carefully picked up the individual strips of graft and carefully put the piece on her cheek bone. Then Jeonghan quickly took a bowl or solution and a brush and brushed over the graft to ensure it would stay and in hopes that it would spark regeneration underneath. “Perfect. Just like that, good job Doctor. L/N.” 
“He let me do a skin graft Joshua,” you exclaimed, clearly excited. 
“That’s exciting,” he said, clearly not as excited as you, but trying to be nice about it. 
“And he said that he could already see signs that the regeneration process will go well and that she can grow her own skin!” Joshua smiled and looked up from his tablet. 
“Congratulations on the successful surgery,” he said, before moving away. 
“Wait? Did I do something wrong?” You asked. Confused where his cold attitude was coming from. 
“I lost my patient. She had a stroke and died on the table. So while I am happy that you did something new and saved YOUR patient, I’m trying not to be sad or angry that I lost mine,” he said, not briefly looking at you before looking to the ground and walking away. 
Leaving you to feel like a jerk. 
“What just happened?” Jeonghan asked, taking a seat next to you. He had seen the entire interaction take place. 
“I was just telling Joshua about the skin graft, but he was going through a hard time and had to leave,” you said, not wanting to make Joshua out to be the bad guy or share your interaction entirely. 
“Ahh I see. Joshua tends to bottle up his feelings and then they come crashing down all at once. Maybe he was upset because he hasn’t been in a while,” Jeonghan explained, leaning against the desk. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, of course,” you stuttered, “Just a little shaken up.” 
“Doctor Y/N!” Jonah exclaimed, as you rushed into your first patient's room. “He’s seizing!” 
“Roll him on his side and push 10 milligrams of diazepam,” you ordered, as Jonah nodded and rolled the boy to his side. You quickly listened to his heart beat before moving to the side so that Jake could push the medication. A few moments later the boy stop seizing and stilled. 
“Can you book a CT scan for him Jake?” He nodded and left the room while you looked at his chart. The CT scan you had was almost three days old. A lot can change in that time. 
When the boy Michael was in the machine, Joshua popped his head into the room. 
“Ah sorry, I’ll come back later.” 
“No, we’re almost done. Just be a minute or two,” you tried to argue.
“No, I was just wanting to copy some scans to study and teach Carter,” he said, pointing to his intern. Kennedy Carter. 
“Well why don’t you both come in and try and help me find out what’s causing the boy’s seizures?” You suggested, as Josua looked to Kennedy, who was nodding. “He’s been having seizures for the past two weeks. One more and I'm scared he won't come back.”
Kennedy looked at the scans as Joshua looked at her charts. 
“Epilepsy?” Kennedy suggested, but Joshua shook his head. 
“His scans eliminate that and his charts say that he’s been in a stable environment for over a week. Did you page Doctor. Xu?” Joshua asked, as you nodded your head. 
“He suggests that we do a removal of the section that stimulates the seizures. That because he’s so young that his brain will adapt and make up for the missing section,” you say, “like a modern day lobotomy.” 
“That sounds crazy,” Kennedy chuckled. 
“It sounds like the best option, because we can’t figure out what’s causing the seizures,” you say, “we’re done now Albert. We’re going to get you back to the room.” 
Albert nodded and closed his eyes as the nurses transported him to another bed and rolled him back to his room. You only stayed a few more moments to finish some charts, but moved out of the way for Joshua and Kennedy. 
“I’m looking forward to the party Friday. Will you be there?” Joshua asked, interrupting your charting. You had gotten the invitation from Vernon, but hadn’t given it much thought, but it was Tuesday, you probably should let him know. 
“I think so, “ you muttered, “I’ll be a little late, I don’t get off till 10.” 
“I’ll save you a drink then,” Joshua grinned, as you looked up from your charting, a light blush spreading across your cheeks. You quickly glanced at Kennedy, who was smirking, but luckily, she didn’t say anything. 
 “Doctor. Xu, are you sure this is the only way we can prevent seizures?” Albert’s mother asked. Mingaho sighed, but nodded. 
“Albert’s condition is quite rare, we can’t get to the bottom of why he’s seizing so often. So we figured that stopping them all together would be better than letting them go on while we think of what’s causing them.” You nodded. 
“I agree with Doctor. Xu. The long we wait, the harder it gets on Albert. He’s lucky to remain as intact as he is,” you admit, “the sooner we act, the better.” 
Alberts mother sighs and looks to her husband. Alberts Stepfather. 
“Alright, just help our boy,” he says as you and Minghao both nod. 
“Of course,” you smiled, “we’re going to go take him up now. If you want to say a few words, now would be the time.” Albert’s mother nodded and darted into his room while her father gathered her purse and coat before going in. 
“Have you ever done this before Minghao?” You asked, watching Albert’s mother and father wrap him in a hug. Minghao looked around and grabbed your elbow before guiding you down a little further, assumingly away from the family. 
“No, but this is our only option,” he whispered, “Doctor. Jeon is the only one who has done it, but only once and he refused to do it again.” You sighed and nodded. This wasn’t going to be easy or fun. 
Scrubbing in was always the worst part of surgeries. It took, what felt like forever. All any surgeon wanted to do was dive right in and start operating, but sanitization was just as important as anything else. 
So when you were scrubbing in for your surgery you looked up at the gallery to see Joshua and Kennedy. 
Great. Something else to think about. 
“Are you going to the party on Friday?” A voice sounded from beside you, breaking you out of your thoughts. It was Minghao.
“I am. I just told Vernon,” you answered, “what about you?” 
“Yup, I wasn’t going to at first but Joshua convinced me. Told me that there was a new type of spiked tea that he was bringing,” he chuckled. That’s right, Mingaho Xu was a yoga, meditating, tea lover when he wasn’t operating on brains. 
“Then I’ll see you at the tea kettle,” you joked as he chuckled and nodded at you before heading into the OR. 
Maybe making friends wasn’t as hard as you thought. 
Once Mingaho had opened Albert’s brain up, he took a few moments to make sure everything was in order before starting to cut a good section out of the left side of the brain. 
Your job was to make sure that the brain stayed moist so you would spray it with saline and then you would start operating after the section was gone and seal up any brain bleeds. 
You only looked up at Joshua once. He was watching you closely and smiled down at you pretty quickly. Before you could smile back the monitor started beeping rapidly. 
“Brain bleed Doctor. L/N!” Minghao said, not looking up, but pointing to the bleed. It was a medium sized bleed and located right in the center of the cut. You were quickly handed a a suction and irrigation device and started washing away the bleed. 
“Doctor L/N,” Minghao warned, you only had a few minutes before the bleeding would completely kill the brain and leave the patient brain dead. 
“Almost,” you said, very concentrated. A few seconds later the bleed stopped and the machines stopped beeping as well. “All clear Doctor. Xu.” 
Minghao nodded and resumed. After removing the remaining section of the brian Minghao let you close and then checked in on Albert’s vitals that were going steady. 
“Albert’s out of surgery, he did really well,” you said, to Albert’s mother and stepfather. They both cried out in joy and hugged each other. 
“Can we see him?” You nodded. 
“It’ll just be a few minutes, and we need to keep him in a coma for a few days, but you can sit with him until visiting hours are over.” They nodded and smiled before sitting down and waiting for a nurse to come let them in. 
This was your last scheduled surgery, so you were now just on call. You had been up for a good six hours, with a total of maybe three hours of sleep. 
You needed a nap. 
You had found a fairly quiet on-call room close to the Ped’s unit, and close to the food court if you wanted a snack mid nap. You had only slept there once, but now seemed like a perfect time. So quickly, but quietly made your way to the food court and ordered a sandwich and iced coffee. 
Just as you got to the on-call room, you could hear someone behind the door. 
Shit, someone was in there. 
You knocked on the door, praying that the person was leaving. You could hear the ruffling behind the door before it opened a few seconds later to reveal Joshua, donning a gnarly bedhead. 
“Hey,” he yawned. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up,” you apologize as he shakes his head and raises his hands. 
“No, I was getting ready to leave,” he reassured, “were you wanting to sleep here?” You nodded and raised your lunch. 
“I like to eat here then take a power nap. It’s the only fairly quiet place on this side of the hospital.”
“Tell me about it,” he chuckled, “well it’s all yours.” You nod and step in, watching him move around and collect his coat and throw out his can. “You did amazing in your surgery by the way. I didn’t stay for the whole thing, but I watched you fix that brain bleed.” 
You smiled, “thanks. I haven’t done a lot of neuro, so I really enjoyed it.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he smiled, “have a good lunch Y/N.” 
You indeed were late to the party much later than you hoped for. You got home at ten, and didn’t get back out the door until almost eleven. Luckily, you texted Jeonghan and made sure that the party was going to last longer. It was, so when you pulled up to the party it was almost midnight. 
“Y/N!” Jeonghan exclaimed, opening his door to see you with a bottle of wine. “You made it.” 
“I’m so sorry I’m late. I didn’t get out of work until ten,” you sighed, handing him the wine. He smiled and led you to the living room where everyone was. 
“I’ll get you a glass, just wait a minute,” he smiled. You nodded and took a stand by the fire place. 
“Y/N!” Joshua said, from across the room. You smiled and waved at him as he approached you. “You look great! I don’t often see you out of scrubs.” 
“Hey, we got drinks together twice,” you joked. Joshua chuckled and raised his hands. 
“Sorry. Haven’t seen you out of scrubs in a while,” he corrected as you chuckled but rolled your eyes. 
“You look good too, and I’m sorry I haven’t asked you out after work in a while,” you started but was interrupted by Jeonghan. 
“This is really good wine!” He said, handing you a glass and taking a sip of his. “Oh, hey Shua. Did you want a glass?” 
“No no, I have a glass of whiskey somewhere here,” he answered, “I just promised Y/N that I’d save her a drink and was going to offer her one. But it looks like you beat me to it.” 
Jeonghan smirked, “not my fault you didn’t open the door.” Joshua just smiled and then sent a little glare his way. You could feel the tense atmosphere and looked between the two men glaring at each other before Chan interrupted. 
“Joshua, is this your whiskey? Can I have it?” He said lifting the glass and pointing to it. 
“No Chan..” he sighed, “I’ll be right back,” he smiled at you and sent another little glare at Jeonghan before rushing to save his drink. 
“What was that about?” You asked Jeonghan, who just shrugged. 
“Me and Shua have always gravitated toward similar people. Both friendship wise and romantically, it’s caused a few arguments in the past, but we’ve always come out okay on the other side.”
“You’re interested in me?” You exclaimed. Jeonghan chuckled and nodded his head. 
“Was that not obvious? I mean I did ask if our last date was a date. I mean I can’t speak for Shua, but I can tell he definitely doesn’t just like you as a friend.” 
Hearing the blatant confession made you blush on both cheeks and caused you to look away, not being able to look Jeonghan in the eyes. Two very attractive, hard working, kind men. Interested in you? This doesn’t sound real. 
“Sorry, I managed to get my drink back,” Joshua chuckled before playfully glaring at Chan. “What did I miss?” Jeonghan just smirked and took a sip of his wine before making his way to the patio where Seokmin and Wonwoo were. 
Joshua stayed practically glued to your side the entire night. You would wander to each of the rooms talking with almost every person, but Joshua would wander with you, fetching you new drinks, food, and contributing to conversations. The moment he went to the bathroom Mingyu chuckled. 
“He’s pretty keen on you,” he smiled. 
“So I’ve been told,” you blush, “I don’t mind.”
“I mean, he’s practically waiting on you hand and foot.” 
Right before you could say anything else, Joshua returned from the bathroom looking down at his phone. 
“I just ordered an uber, do you want to ride with me?” He asked, as you looked at the time. It was just hitting three. 
“I better, thanks,” you smiled, as Joshua looked up from his phone and smiled. Everyone was slowly starting to leave, Seungkwan, Chan, Mingyu, and Jun were the only ones left and they were all in the living room watching a rerun of a football game.  You both made your way and took a seat on the couch together before the uber pulled up. It was quite a tight fit for the both of you, your knees were touching and because of the amount of drinks you had, you started leaning your head on his shoulder. 
“Y/N, the uber’s here,” Joshua said, nudging your shoulder and helping you stand up. “Thanks for the party Jeonghan, I had fun.” 
Jeonghan smiled, and gave him a hug, before giving you a hug as well. 
“Let me know when you both get home,” he smiled. You nodded and waved to everyone while Joshua was waiting for you at the door.
“Thank you for the uber I had a good time tonight,” you blushed, at Joshua. He had insisted on walking you to the door. 
“I had fun as well. Let’s do it again sometime,” he smirked, as you playfully rolled your eyes. You were quite close, you leaning against the door and him standing almost a step away. 
He smelled like vanilla and you could hear his steady breathing. You could still feel a light buzz due to the few drinks you had, but he was getting closer. 
“Joshua,” you looked up at him to see his face awfully close to yours. 
“Tell me to stop,” he whispered, leaning in closer. 
“That’s the thing. I don’t want you to stop,” you whispered back, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your lips together. He reached up and cupped your cheek with his right hand. “Joshua,” you moaned as you both moved further into your home and he pressed you against the door. “What about the uber?” 
“Should I tell him to go on?” He panted, out of breath from all the kissing. You nodded and Joshua smiled, before kissing you again. “I’ll go tell him that I’ll be staying.” You nodded and watched him quickly run out to the uber. 
You smiled, and fixed your hair in the mirror before Joshua knocked on the door again. You opened it to see no uber and a handsome doctor waiting for you. You wrapped your arms around his neck again and practically pulled him inside. 
“Did. I. Tell you. How. Gorgeous. You look. Tonight?” Joshua confessed in between kisses. 
You giggled, but didn’t stop kissing him, running your fingers through his hair and pulled him towards your couch. The back of his knees hit it and he fell backwards onto it. This was it, you hadn’t slept with anyone in well over a year, let alone kissed anyone. You were extremely nervous, and Joshua could tell by the look of your face. 
“It’s okay, we can go slow if you’d like,” he smiled, pushing his hair out of his face and starting to undo the buttons on his dress shirt prompting you to start undoing your shirt as well. 
You hadn’t worn anything fancy, but luckily it was all matching. When your shirt had hit the ground Joshua was looking up at you, smirking again. You leaned down and connected your lips again sitting on his lap. Joshua’s hand went up to cup your cheek again while the other ran down your side and squeezed your hip, before dipping it into your skirt. He slipped a finger under your panites and snapped the fabric against your hip before moving lower towards your core. 
Before he could go any further, you moved to take your skirt off and throw it right by your shirt. Joshua’s shirt hadn’t been completely discarded, but simply unbuttoned, you quickly pushed it off his shoulders as he slid both his hands to his pants and also discarded them. 
You went back to kissing for a few moments before one of your bra straps started falling off your shoulders. Joshua chuckled and pushed them both off before undoing the clasp in the back and letting it fall off, leaving you almost completely bare. You shuttered as Joshua started pressing kisses down your neck. While he was kissing down your neck to your collarbones and then chest you slid your hands that were in his hair and around his neck to run up and down his chest. He wasn’t ripped to shreds, but he was definitely toned. You ran your hands across his abs before he started kissing your chest more passionately this time. You moaned and pulled his hair a little harder than before, letting Joshua laugh. 
“God, you’re so hot,” he moaned again before he started kissing farther down towards your stomach. Sooner or later he was right in between your thighs.
“Joshua,” you moaned as he kissed along your legs.
“It’s okay babe, just relax and have fun,” he smirked, sliding your panties down your legs and throwing them by the t.v. “Do you have work tomorrow?” He asked, as you shook your head no. “Good,” he said before diving in and attaching his lips to your core. His tongue went straight to licking your clint, causing you to throw your head back and arch your chest. 
Joshua continued to lick and suck at your core while one of his hands went up to massage your breast and the other to hold your hips down. 
“Stop moving so much babe,” he muttered. You whined and pushed his head down. He continued to lick and suck on your clit as you moaned more and started moving your hips into his face more, getting closer to finishing. “Stop moving!” 
“Then make me cum,” you moan, looking down at Joshua. He was smirking. 
“I’m trying, but I can’t if you keep moving,” he said using both his hands to hold you down and went right back between your thighs, this time using his nose to rub your clit while his tongue licks around your hole. “Tongue or fingers babe?” 
“God, your tongue. It was doing so well,” you sighed, taking one of his hands and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. He nodded and started licking and sucking on your clit again, this time faster making you come in a matter of minutes. Just as you finished your climax, Joshua slid two fingers into your hole and started moving as well. “What are you doing?” You cried, still sensitive and watched him slide up and kiss you. 
“You don’t have work tomorrow, we’re gonna go all night baby,” he flirted, still fingering you. 
“It’s already nearly five in the morning,” you whined as Joshua added a third finger. 
“I’ve never had morning sex before,” he grinned, “and to think, we’re not even in bed.” 
“Morning couch sex. Who woulda thought?” You joked before moaning at a particular spot that Joshua hit with his fingers. 
“I’m not opposed,” he said as you came again. This time Joshua gave you some time to breathe. “That was quite lovely,” he said, sitting up and throwing your legs over his lap. 
“Do you want to keep going?” You asked, as he started massaging your ankles. 
“Again, I’m not opposed to doing more,” he said. 
“Do you want to go to my bedroom?” You asked, as he stopped massaging your ankles and nodded. You smiled and held out your hands and stood up, he took them and you practically pulled him straight off the couch. 
“Your place is really nice for only being here for a month,” he complimented. 
“Thanks, I had to buy new furniture and decorations for a place that I really only sleep in,” you joked, “I guess I’m doing more than sleeping now.” Joshua smirked but didn’t say anything as you opened your bedroom door and flicked on the lightswitch which controlled the bedside lamp. 
Joshua held your hand and guided you to the bed and gently laid you down before laying beside you. He was still holding your hand and started playing with your fingers.
“Do you have any condoms?” He asked, you shook your head. 
“No, but I’m on birth control and I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone in a long time,” you say as he stops playing with your fingers to look up at you. 
“I’m clean as well, but it seems like Joe already told you,” he joked, referring to your first day after work, when Joe admitted that Joshua hadn’t been on a date in the six years he had lived in Seattle. “Are you sure you don’t want a condom?” 
You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him on top of you. “I’m sure. I just wanna feel you.”
Joshua smiled and grabbed his cock, before lining it up with your entrance. 
“You’re so wet,” he moaned. 
“You did make me cum twice before this,” you joke. 
“Har har,” Joshua jokes back, “works out in our favor though,” he says before pushing himself into you. He didn’t push himself fast, but it was enough to catch you off guard. His one hand reached out and grabbed yours, pinning it above your head, while the other cupped your cheek more and started kissing you to swallow your moans. 
“Oh,” you moaned. 
“That it baby,” Joshua sighed into your mouth as he pressed himself all the way into you.  When he got all the way in, he stopped to let you adjust to him, he could feel you clenching around him and it drove him crazy. About 20 seconds later you finally felt good enough for him to start, so you squeezed his hand for him to start. 
Joshua smiled and started thrusting into you at a steady pace. Everytime he would slam his cock back into you it sent you seeing stars.
“Josh, it feels so good,” you moaned, arching your back, letting your chest and perked nipples brush against his. Joshua smiled and moved his other hand that was holding your leg around his waist to squeeze your nipple. You moaned again, clenching around him harder this time feeling a building pressure in your stomach. “Don’t stop.” 
“I won’t,” he moaned, pressing more kisses against your neck and face before thrusting into you a few more times and then cumming. He let out a groan, but continued to keep thrusting into you, bringing the hand that was holding your hand to rub circles on your clit until you started to feel the pressure in your stomach burst. 
You came hard. 
Joshua smiled and brushed some sweaty hair away from your face as you caught your breath and started kissing you again. You could feel the cum dripping down your thighs, you needed a break. 
“I can’t go again. I need a few minutes,” you whispered, pulling away from the kiss to try and catch your breath again. Joshua nodded and pressed one last kiss to your lips before slowly pulling out of you and reaching over to the bedside table for tissues. 
He carefully opened your legs and started cleaning you up while you took a sip of water. You winced when the cloth hit your core, but Joshua didn’t really flinch and continued to wipe around your legs. 
When Joshua was done, he got off the bed and picked you up, carrying you to the bathroom. Damn, he was good at sex and made sure to provide aftercare, you really know how to pick’em. 
After you peed Joshua carried you back to bed. You lifted the covers and slipped under as Joshua went back to the living room to get some clothes. He came back in his boxers and your underwear. 
“Can you go to my closet and get a sleep shirt? You can grab a shirt too if one looks like it fits,” you asked. Joshua nodded and walked into your closet. A few minutes later he came out in your old oversized band shirt and a new pair of panties and oversized shirt, for you. 
He handed them to you and crawled into bed next to you. 
“I can stay right?” He asked, as you nodded. 
“We’re still drunk. So yeah, you can stay,” you said, snuggling up next to him and nuzzling your face into his shoulder. You both laid there in silence for a while before Joshua looked down to see you fast asleep on his chest. 
taglist: @asasilentreader , @myjaeyunn, @gaslysainz @itsnotjop
A/N: Omg this is my first ever smut. I looked over it a few time to make sure it all made sense and was fluid, but if there are any weird things about it lmk. Anyways! So happy and excited that they did have sex because it opens up boyfriend Joshua core and I'm excited to dive into that. Don't worry, we're still going to get some love triangle with Jeonghan, but this defiantly adds something to the mix.
Anyways! I hope you enjoyed! And feel free to talk to me in the comments <3
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lu-is-not-ok · 1 year
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nekoekko-art · 1 year
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hc Hong Lu actually has tattoos (clouds motif mostly) but they're all hidden away 'cause he tends to wear a lot of layers! (also he has the most tattoos in this whole company, second place is probably Ryoshu (also a hc))
no tatt vers below:
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inkyminx · 7 months
Happy Valentine’s Day (Again) Everyone
Have two sketches I though were funny 🌸
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2nd drawing Inspiration By @gojosatoruwifey ~ https://gojosatoruwifey.tumblr.com/post/734019986327273472/if-we-reverse-the-role-i-think-chung-myung-will
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whatdoscissorsdo · 2 months
i wanna know what goes on inside the head of neurosurgeons bc why are they always portrayed in tv to be insanely passionate about cutting people up... i cant even imagine purposely injecting myself with something... im so scared of blood
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camandemstudios · 1 month
🎞️ Cam&Em Studios Presents...
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Cam [ @highvern] and Em [ @gyuswhore] are proud to welcome you into the 2024 academic year with the Seventeen TA Collab! Take a look at our Course Options collated by your favourite writers, taught by your favourite members!
📆 Choose your Class Times and Professors below!
‼️Some classes contain NSFW content, remember to check the warnings on each lecture before registering!
register for classes so you don't miss out 📌 join the taglist with a visible age indicator on your blog!
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🎓MSc Economics: Choi Seungcheol & TA!reader
📋Course Name: ex-conomics by @ugh-yoongi
📚Lecture Posted Here!
🖇️Course Overview: you supported seungcheol through years of being an aspiring athlete, and all you got to show for it was your undergraduate degree and an awkward, stuttered apology when he dumped you to go semi-pro. now he’s back after an injury derailed his career, and there’s only one problem: you’re the only one available to tutor him. you - 0; the universe - 1. talk about no return on investment.
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🎓MSc Structural Engineering: Yoon Jeonghan & TA!reader
📋Course Name: building blocks by @the-boy-meets-evil
✂️ Course Outline 📚Lecture Posted Here!
🖇️Course Overview: agreeing to be the teaching assistant is the last thing you want in a semester where you're already swamped with work. but, you need a letter of recommendation from the professor and you're out of other options. enter jeonghan, the menace who signs up for the class seemingly on a whim and disrupts your entire routine.
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🎓M.A. Spanish: TA!Joshua Hong x reader
📋Course Name: How to be a Latin Lover by @haologram
✂️ Course Outline📚Lecture Posted Here!
🖇️Course Overview: the dreadful semester has started — meaning your summer vacation has come to end, and so has your summer fling…or has it?
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🎓MSc Human Anatomy: Wen Junhui & TA!reader
📋Course Name: pulse points by @wheeboo
📚Lecture Posted Here!
🖇️Course Overview: Being the TA for your anatomy class has always been really rewarding, especially stemming in your passion for the medical field. But as it’s approaching the peak of the school semester and labs have gotten more intense, you aren’t surprised to be dedicating your time to tutoring your strangely handsome, dorky, yet enigmatic classmate during after school hours — and reassuring him how to not be afraid of dissections.
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🎓MSc Zoology: TA!Kwon Soonyoung x reader
📋Course Name: Araneae by @haologram
📚Lecture Posted Here!
🖇️Course Overview: when you realize your friend (with benefits) actually has feelings for you, a tangled web of lies and avoidance ensues.
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🎓MSc Chemistry: TA!Jeon Wonwoo & TA!reader
📋Course Name: endpoint by @highvern
✂️Course Outline 📚Lecture Posted Here!
🖇️Course Overview: Senior year of college is meant to be full of celebration and smooth sailing. Years of work culminating in the final semesters that will send you off into the real world where clubs, sports, and weekends packed with hungover volunteering to pad your resume no longer mattered. It’d be a piece of cake if it wasn’t for your fuck buddy turned coworker having the same plan. But only one of you can get the department’s most coveted recommendation that all but guarantees your acceptance. Tension rises and the nearly four year thing you’ve had with Wonwoo approaches its endpoint.
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🎓MA Classics: TA!Lee Jihoon x Reader
📋Course Name: Oh, Agony! by @cheolism
📚Lecture Posted Here!
🖇️Course Overview: when you both find out that your boyfriend, lee jihoon, will be the ta for your classic literature class, it is agreed your relationship will take a temporary pause . no public dates, no pda; and, most tragically, no sex. nothing that can give away the truth to your relationship. only, it really is easier said than done.
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🎓MSc Astronomy and Astrophysics: TA!Lee Seokmin & TA!reader
📋Course Name: Do Stars Collapse Into Black Holes, or Fall Into Something Unknown? by @idyllic-ghost
📚Lecture Posted Here!
🖇️Course Overview: Starting your second year of your master’s degree in astrophysics, and your first year as a TA, you were stressed enough - but the universe knows no bounds for your suffering. Seokmin, your handsome and annoyingly smart classmate, just had to become your colleague. As if you weren’t hard on yourself already, Seokmin’s presence only proved to fuel your self-loathing. But does he hate you too, or do you need to open your eyes and come back down to Earth?
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🎓MSc Psychological Research: TA!Kim Mingyu & reader
📋Course Name: Statistically Speaking... by @gyuswhore
✂️ Course Outline 📚Lecture Posted Here!
🖇️Course Overview: In all your years of academic endurance, you’ve never failed. A 100% success rate, despite you cutting it close at times. However, the line graph that is your life starts tanking somewhere around the time you began taking this hellsent Statistics in Psychological Research class. With a professor that wouldn’t know his ass from his head, and an overworked, overenthusiastic, and overcaptivating TA, it couldn't possibly get any worse than this. However, statistically speaking,…it could.
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🎓MFA Studio Art: TA!Xu Minghao x TA!Reader
📋Course Name: Perspective by @tomodachiii
✂️ Course Outline 📚Lecture Posted Here!
🖇️Course Overview: Xu Minghao hates you. You've been sure of it ever since you met him. And when you find yourself working alongside him as a teaching assistant for your painting professor, you think you might hate him too. But one late night, two semesters, and three exhibits later, you find your perspective beginning to shift.
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🎓MSc Creative Writing: Boo Seungkwan & TA!reader
📋Course Name: Put It In Writing by @bitchlessdino
✂️ Course Outline 📚Lecture Posted Here!
🖇️Course Overview: You keep things professional--as you should--even if one of your students is someone you hooked up with one night before the college semester started. Meanwhile, Boo Seungkwan is anything but honest--he's a writer after all--but if he is honest about one thing, it's about wanting to write a new story with you.
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🎓MS Computer Science: TA!Chwe Hansol x TA!Reader
📋Course Name: love between the lines by @etherealyoungk
📚Lecture Posted Here!
🖇️Course Overview: despite the initial nerves of your new gig as an english literature TA, you’re ready to tackle the new job. that’s where you meet vernon, the computer science TA, and he’s interesting to say the least. he’s all about coding and numbers while you live and breathe poetry and novels. it’s clear that you both have contrasting interests and personalities - but they say opposites attract, right?
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🎓MSc Mathematics: Lee Chan x TA!Reader
📋Course Name: rates of change by @wqnwoos
📚Lecture Posted Here!
🖇️Course Overview: Your first semester as TA throws your previously unassuming college life into disarray, fuelled almost entirely by the brown-eyed and charming student who’s slipping closer to failing with every lecture. And in return for your mathematical assistance, Lee Chan decides he’s going to set you up with the guy you’ve been persistently pining over for a year and a half. It’s a simple equation: you teach him calculus, and he’ll teach you how to flirt. Except, as you’re both quick to discover, mathematical equations don’t translate over to real life as easily as you’d expect.
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cheolism · 2 years
gentlemen do it in cars
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joshua hong x female reader
summary: joshua decides to take you in the car after you bring him home to meet your parents.
wc is approx 2k
genre: smut, established relationship. minors do not interact. not edited bc i love to reread it later and see all my errors
warnings: reader has female anatomy. pet names (good girl, baby), use of slut (not derogatory). car sex (magical car seats that are big enough). fingering, finger sucking; unprotected sex. "gentleman" joshua vs dom josh. slightly mean joshua.
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"Aw," Joshua cooed, one of his hands leaving to grab your phone. He unlocked it using his birthdate, reading off the message that had just pinged you. "It's from your mom. 'We absolutely loved having Joshua over and can't wait to see the two of you again! If you ask me, he's definitely a keeper. It's nice seeing you with someone who knows how to treat you right.'"
Joshua chuckled, tossing your phone back up front. He leaned back over you, his hand returning to where it had been fisted in your hair. All the while his fingers continued their pace inside of you.
He fingered you tortuously with long, perfect thrusts that hit you in all the right spots. The drag of his fingers against your walls had your toes curling, fingers scrambling against the seat for some sort of hold.
Josh brought his face down to your neck, running his lips over your skin. His voice was low when he spoke, but no less melodic, filling your ears and sending fluid from your cunt. "What do you think, baby? Think I know how to treat you right?"
He accentuated his words by thrusting his fingers into you in one swift movement, brutally hitting that spot inside of you that had you whining in his ears like a whore.
Josh mouthed along your skin, teeth skimming and sending your nerves on edge in anticipation for his bite.
It was so hot. He hadn't unclothed you all the way, your hoodie hanging off of one arm to reveal your torso, your pants pushed down around your ankles. Josh was completely dressed still, only his hair mused from where you couldn't help but sink your fingers in whenever he kissed you.
Josh laughed as you let out a high moan, arching your back into his hands. He began picking up the movement of his fingers, the pace becoming hurried, abusing your g-spot relentlessly.
"If only they could see their perfect little girl," he hummed, nose brushing along the tendon in your neck. Josh pressed an open-mouthed kiss there before trailing his mouth along your collar. "See her getting split open by my fingers in the back of my car on some dirt road."
Josh removed his fingers from you, a long, high whine of protest escaping your lips. Josh shushed you, pressing a kiss to your mouth. He settled his hand back in your cunt, skimming circles over the hood of your clit. "Settle down, baby. Just need you to cum for me before I fuck you, okay? You know how hard it is for me to fit if we don't."
You nodded, panting as his thumb expertly maneuvered to your clit. Josh's lips returned to your neck, kissing and sucking.
"Josh," you whispered, your throat refusing to allow your voice to go any higher. You repeated his name, trying to lift your hips.
"Let me handle it." Josh swiftly shoved his fingers back into your cunt. You clenched around them greedily, eager to have something filling you again. His thumb settled on your clit, finally, and you couldn't help but grind your hips against his digits.
"Easy, baby," he laughed, eyes bright as he watched you grind against his fingers desperately. "If you calm down I'll do all the work for you."
Once you were settled, Josh went about making good on his promise. His fingers hit your g-spot with every single thrust; his thumb grinded down on your clit in time.
You tossed your head back against the seat, eyes shutting. Your panting rose in volume as he continued his attack, your body constantly searching out his hand. It felt so good, heat and pressure building.
It sounded so lewd. Your cunt sucked him in audibly, squelching around his fingers. You could hear his mouth working against your neck, the way his breath seemed to get heavier with every passing second.
"Josh, Josh, Josh --"
He breathed against your neck, warm air making you shiver. He hummed, tongue leaving his mouth and running along your breast. Josh began to suck a hickey into the plush flesh there, ignoring the little sob that left you.
"Josh, Josh, please."
Josh laughed pityingly. "Okay, baby. You can cum now."
His fingers were fast and harsh, his thumb never leaving your clit as he played with it meanly. It was so much, it was all so much. The feeling of heat trapped between the two of you, the pressure building and mounting, the electricity that seemed to come from his thumb as it bullied your clit.
Then Josh was biting down on your breast, teeth sinking in. You let out a loud moan, back arching into him, the tension in your gut snapping and sending a flood of release out of your cunt.
Josh worked you through your orgasm, humming softly and pressing kisses against your sweaty temple. Once you settled, chest heaving, he slowly brought his hand from your cunt.
When you whined he laughed, obviously pleased at your neediness. Josh's fingers settled on your lower lip, tugging. "Open up."
Obediently you parted your lips, taking his fingers into your mouth. You loved the weight of them on your tongue, loved how they filled up your mouth and made you constantly work your throat in an attempt to take them both.
Sucking, you drank in your juices and clean off his fingers. Josh's eyes, which were normally so soft and sweet and kind, were hooded and dark, watching you with satisfaction.
Josh took his fingers from your mouth, though you attempted to follow them. Josh laughed then, and not able to help himself, leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "So needy, aren't you, baby? Don't worry, I'll give you something better than my fingers."
He pulled away from you, kneeling on the seat. You watched, entranced, as his long fingers worked at the button and zipper of his jeans. Watching Josh take his clothes off was always something that had you drooling, eyeing as his forearm muscles worked, muscles flexing and veins bulging.
Josh shoved his pants down to his knees, moving back between your thighs. He lifted your lower half, one of his hands tugging down your sweats as he went. You lifted your hips, helping him. Once your pants were off, his large hands settled on the small of your back. "Okay baby, you ready?"
At your nod, Josh slowly began to push inside of you. Your cunt was still loose from his fingers, but that didn't stop Joshua's dickhead from catching on your hole. You winced at he continued to push, your hole protesting.
Then your cunt gave, his cock sliding in. You let out a soft whine, feeling it stretch out your walls. Immediately you were met with the delicious feeling of being full. It was like something had been missing all this time and it was Joshua's cock that cured that feeling.
Joshua stopped once his hips were flush against you, his dick settled inside of you. His dickhead brushed against your g-spot with every shift, drawing little whimpers out of you.
"That's it, baby," Joshua murmured. His eyebrows were furrowed, jaw tight in an effort to keep himself still as your cunt stretched itself around his dick, getting used to the intrusion. "Good girl."
Your mouth parted at the praise, your hips involuntarily twitching, pussy clenching. Joshua let out a low swear, his fingers digging into you.
"Josh," you whined, trying to wiggle your hips against him in an effort to get Joshua to move. "Please move, Josh."
Slowly Joshua began to pull out of you, the drag of his cock against your walls making your cunt clench around his dick in an attempt to keep him nestled inside.
"Fuck," Joshua swore. "Your cunt's so tight."
Once his dickhead caught on your rim, Joshua adjusted. His hands settled on your hips, holding you up. You braced your feet against the seat, trying to help him.
Then Joshua snapped his hips forward at the same time as he dragged your hips towards him, impaling you on his dick. You couldn't help but let out a cry, back arching and toes curling.
Each thrust was met with him dragging your hips, using his strength to manipulate his body to his will. He used you like a toy, like a sleeve, nothing more than a means to an end.
His fingers dug into your flesh, nails catching. Every time his hips met cunt you clenched, fluid gushing from your cunt. He harshly fucked into you, the head of his dick abusing your g-spot, hitting it with the expertise of a man who had long memorized your body.
Joshua leaned over you, releasing your hips. He pulled out of you entirely, and immediately your eyes narrowed in on his cock. It slapped against his stomach, tall and angry, glistening with your juices.
His hands returned to your hips, and you allowed Joshua to turn you over and onto your knees. You pressed your head down onto the seat, huffing, your chest heaving as you attempted to catch your breath.
His dick slid into you easily, your cunt thoroughly stretched. Joshua draped himself over your back, putting himself flush against you once more. It was hot, too hot, especially with his body trapping the heat between you two.
You said nothing, however. You just listened to the sound of his pants as he filled you, tilting your neck when he began pressing kisses along it. Joshua's lips trailed over your shoulder blades, moving to follow along your back.
Then Joshua lifted himself off of you, his hands settling on your hips. With less urgency than before he began to slide into you with long, careful thrusts that had you softly crying out, rocking your hips back into him.
It felt delicious the way his cock hit your core, the drag of his length against your walls. His hips slapped against your ass, the sound of skin hitting skin just as lewd as the noises of your cunt.
You were going to have to clean the seats, you faintly realized as your juices gushed from you.
Joshua huffed, moving again to place a foot on the floorboards. When he began thrusting it was powerful, intentional. Every thrust was planned and calculated, Joshua seeking out your release alongside his own.
"Gonna cum in my car, baby?" He cooed, one of his hands moving from your hips. His fingers skimmed along your skin as he moved his hand around, trailing across your stomach as he set out for your clit. "Gonna soak my car seats like a desperate little slut?"
You nodded against the seats, eyes squeezed shut. When his forefingers pressed against your clit you couldn't help the little scream that left you. You could faintly hear Joshua chuckle. "What a good girl you are, letting me fuck you like this. You're a good girl, aren't you?"
Nodding, you let out a soft little moan. Joshua's fingers began rubbing against your clit furiously, his hips picking up pace as he drove into you. He was almost harsh with it, the way he used you.
"Say it for me," he murmured, voice nearly lost to the squelches of your cunt, the slap of his balls against the back of your thighs. "Say it, baby."
"'m a good --" You broke off, mouth involuntarily parting at a particularly good thrust. With a gasp, you continued. "'m a good girl."
"Yes you are." Joshua took your clit between his fingers and squeezed, your body jolting at the roughness. You were cumming before you realized it, however, heat rushing through you and blinding you.
When you came back, Joshua was holding you on his lap. You could feel his cum leaking from your hole, combining with your own orgasm and leaving your thighs soaked.
Both of his arms were around you, your head on his shoulder. Joshua was humming softly, hands gently carding through your hair.
"Joshie?" At his little noise of acknowledgement, you pulled back just enough to look up at him. His dark hair was stuck to his forehead from sweat, eyes slightly tired from the sex. But still he smiled gently, as if he hadn't just fucked your cunt in a car.
"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" He raised a hand, brushing the hair that had stuck to your face from sweat away. "Doing okay?"
You nodded against him, moving to press a kiss to his neck. You let him continue holding you, his soft little song filling your ears.
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fatehbaz · 10 days
What it meant to "do geology" in Hutton's time was to apply lessons of textual hermeneutics usually reserved for scripture [...] to the landscape. Geology was itself textual. Rocks were marks made by invisible processes that could be deciphered. Doing geology was a kind of reading, then, which existed in a dialectical relationship with writing. In The Theory of the Earth from 1788, Hutton wrote a new history of the earth as a [...] system [...]. Only a few kilometers away from Hutton’s unconformity [the geological site at Isle of Arran in Scotland that inspired his writing], [...] stands the remains of the Shell bitumen refinery [closed since 1986] as it sinks into the Atlantic Ocean. [...] As Hutton thought, being in a place is a hermeneutic practice. [...] [T]he Shell refinery at Ardrossan is a ruin of that machine, one whose great material derangements have defined the world since Hutton. [...]
The Shell Transport and Trading Company [now the well-known global oil company] was created in the Netherlands East Indies in 1897. The company’s first oil wells and refineries were in east Borneo [...]. The oil was taken by puncturing wells into subterranean deposits of a Bornean or Sumatran landscape, and then transported into an ever-expanding global network of oil depots at ports [...] at Singapore, then Chennai, and through the Suez Canal and into the Mediterranean. [...] The oil in these networks were Bornean and Sumatran landscapes on the move. Combustion engines burnt those landscapes. Machinery was lubricated by them. They illuminated the night as candlelight. [...] The Dutch East Indies was the new land of untapped promise in that multi-polar world of capitalist competition. British and Dutch colonial prospectors scoured the forests, rivers, and coasts of Borneo [...]. Marcus Samuel, the British founder of the Shell Transport and Trading Company, as his biographer [...] put it, was “mesmerized by oil, and by the vision of commanding oil all along the line from production to distribution, from the bowels of the earth to the laps of the Orient.” [...]
Shell emerged from a Victorian era fascination with shells.
In the 1830s, Marcus Samuel Sr. created a seashell import business in Houndsditch, London. The shells were used for decorating the covers of curio boxes. Sometimes, the boxes also contained miniature sculptures, also made from shells, of food and foliage, hybridizing oceanic and terrestrial life forms. Wealthy shell enthusiasts would sometimes apply shells to grottos attached to their houses. As British merchant vessels expanded into east Asia after the dissolution of the East India Company’s monopoly on trade in 1833, and the establishment of ports at Singapore and Hong Kong in 1824 and 1842, the import of exotic shells expanded.
Seashells from east Asia represented the oceanic expanse of British imperialism and a way to bring distant places near, not only the horizontal networks of the empire but also its oceanic depths.
The fashion for shells was also about telling new histories. The presence of shells, the pecten, or scallop, was a familiar bivalve icon in cultures on the northern edge of the Mediterranean. Aphrodite, for example, was said to have emerged from a scallop shell. Minerva was associated with scallops. Niches in public buildings and fountains in the Roman empire often contained scallop motifs. St. James, the patron saint of Spain, was represented by a scallop shell [...]. The pecten motif circulated throughout medieval European coats of arms, even in Britain. In 1898, when the Gallery of Palaeontology, Comparative Anatomy, and Anthropology was opened in Paris’s Museum of Natural History - only two years after the first test well was drilled in Borneo at the Black Spot - the building’s architect, Ferdinand Dutert, ornamented the entrance with pecten shell reliefs. In effect, Dutert designed the building so that one entered through scallop shells and into the galleries where George Cuvier’s vision of the evolution of life forms was displayed [...]. But it was also a symbol for the transition between an aquatic form of life and terrestrial animals. Perhaps it is apposite that the scallop is structured by a hinge which allows its two valves to rotate. [...] Pectens also thrive in the between space of shallow coastal waters that connects land with the depths of the ocean. [...] They flourish in architectural imagery, in the mind, and as the logo of one of the largest ever fossil fuel companies. [...]
In the 1890s, Marcus Samuel Jr. transitioned from his father’s business selling imported seashells to petroleum.
When he adopted the name Shell Transport and Trading Company in 1897, Samuel would likely have known that the natural history of bivalves was entwined with the natural history of fossil fuels. Bivalves underwent an impressive period of diversification in the Carboniferous period, a period that was first named by William Conybeare and William Phillips in 1822 to identify coal bearing strata. In other words, the same period in earth’s history that produced the Black Spot that Samuel’s engineers were seeking to extract from Dayak land was also the period that produced the pecten shells that he named his company after. Even the black fossilized leaves that miners regularly encountered in coal seams sometimes contained fossilized bivalve shells.
The Shell logo was a materialized cosmology, or [...] a cosmogram.
Cosmograms are objects that attempt to represent the order of the cosmos; they are snapshots of what is. The pecten’s effectiveness as a cosmogram was its pivot, to hinge, between spaces and times: it brought the deep history of the earth into the present; the Black Spot with Mediterranean imaginaries of the bivalve; the subterranean space of liquid oil with the surface. The history of the earth was made legible as an energetic, even a pyrotechnical force. The pecten represented fire, illumination, and certainly, power. [...] If coal required tunnelling, smashing, and breaking the ground, petroleum was piped liquid that streamed through a drilled hole. [...] In 1899, Samuel presented a paper to the Society of Arts in which he outlined his vision of “liquid fuel.” [...] Ardrossan is a ruin of that fantasy of a free flowing fossil fuel world. [...] At Ardrossan, that liquid cosmology is disintegrating.
All text above by: Adam Bobbette. "Shells and Shell". e-flux Architecture (Accumulation series). November 2023. At: e-flux dot com slash architecture/accumulation/553455/shells-and-shell/ [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticisms purposes.]
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ts19009 · 4 months
Hong's Anatomy: Part 1
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Pediatrician surgeon!  Joshua x pediatric surgeon!  Female Reader 
Synopsis: Coming to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital wasn’t on your bucket list, that’s for sure, but when you meet the head of your department, Joshua Hong, it's one of the only things that constantly brightens your day. 
Warnings: swearing, made up medical terms and procedures, i have no idea if any of this is medically accurate it’s just for story, flirting, no smut…yet?
Words: 3.5k (not quite 5k words, but I had to end this part like this)
“Julia Harring, fifteen years old, kidney failure. Waited six months on the donor list and today is finally the day,” Surgical intern Jonah read, as Julia nodded.  
“Why do both of you have to work on me? I thought it was only one big fancy surgeon per patient?” Julia asked, referring to both you and Joshua. You chuckled and checked her monitor to record her stats. 
“This is a bigger surgery Julia. You should be grateful that Doctor Hong and I are both making sure that your transplant goes well.” Julia rolls her eyes and smiles. 
“I have to go see another patient, but I’ll see you in the OR,” Joshua smiles, as you nod and Julia waves, before making his way down the hall. 
Julia smiles and looks at you from the corner of her eye, “he’s hot.” 
“You think so?” You joke back, as she nods. “Doctor Hong is quite popular here, so I’m sure you aren’t the only one that thinks that.” 
“Including you?” 
You pause in the middle of changing her I.V to look around the room. Luckily there was no one, but if anyone did here, it would be incredibly embarrassing. 
“I think Doctor Hong is a lovely person and an incredible surgeon, I haven’t paid attention to his appearance,” you state resuming changing the I.V as she scoffs. 
“Please, you were both making eyes at each other the whole time. Don’t tell me you don't like even thinking of becoming a thing with him?” Julia said, lifting her arm both for the I.V and to shrug. 
“I don’t have time to make it a ‘thing’ with Doctor Hong Julia. If I was a ‘thing’ with Doctor Hong, I wouldn't have time to help you,” you say inserting the I.V causing Julia to wince. “Don’t touch the I.V for a bit, I’ll get someone to catch up with you right before the surgery.” Julia nodded, as you left the room and asked Green to check up on Julia’s vitals before the surgery and report to you before your pager went off to go down to the pit. 
“What’s going on?” You asked, watching a whole bunch of people benign wheeled across the pit and placed in the rooms. 
“School bus accident, dozens of kids were injured,” Joshua exclaimed rushing to room one, “go to room five.” 
You nodded and put on a fresh pair of gloves before making your way into room 5. “What’s their case?” 
“Mikayla Thurthey, nine years old. Broken arm, broken rib, punctured lung. If we move the fractured rib or anything on the right side the lung starts leaking and fluid can flood the lung,” Mingyu said, working busily around the room. 
“Shit,” you muttered under your breath, watching the little girl in front of you crying. “Can we get an OR?” We need to fix the arm and fix the lung right now?” Mingyu nodded, and started wheeling Mikayla down the hall to the elevator. While you were running down the hall, you saw Joshua giving a boy CPR and pulling out a crash cart. 
“Okay, can you work on the lung. I can do the arm?” Mingyu asked, as you nodded and started washing your hands. 
“How many more kids were like this?” You asked quietly. Slightly terrified of the answer. 
“Just two. Mikayela and Justin, the boy Josua was working on. The rest were hurt, but with a few broken arms and legs or whiplash. These two were at the back and got the grunt of the force from the accident.” You nodded, and took a deep breath.
“Let’s do this,” you said, as you both headed into the OR. 
Once you had gotten to the lung you noticed the puncture and started thinking about what to do. You moved quickly and removed the debris and instructed Green to keep consistent suction on the site to prevent the fluid from flooding the lung while you started working on repairing the site. 
“More suction Green,” you calmly asked, as Green got closer into the site. “Mingyu?” 
“Yeah?” He asked, not looking up. 
“She’s hypotensive, can you back off the arm from a second,” you said, as Mingyu backed away from her arm and looked over to see you working on trying to steady her episode. 
“Green? What do you do when someone is hypotensive?” You asked, as Green paused for a moment, but quickly responded. 
“Ensure effective manual ventilation of the lungs,” He responded confidently. 
“Yes, but she’s already on ventilation, and it’s not helping,” you challenged. 
“I don’t know then,” he confessed as you nodded. 
“That’s okay, we’re going to get you to not only suction but also apply some air pressure on the site to make sure that it’s getting ventilated properly. It’s okay that you don’t know, this doesn’t happen very often,” you reassured him, as he nodded and started applying the pressure. A few moments later, her vitals went back to normal and Mingyu resumed working on her broken arm again. 
After the surgery, you were given a lunch break, so you decided to eat outside in the ‘greenhouse’ section of the hospital. Once you got there you saw Joshua sitting on the bench you’ve claimed, crying. 
“Joshua?” You asked, slowly approaching him. He quickly spun around and wiped his tears away. 
“Oh. Hi, sorry,” he started, “I was just leaving.” 
“No, please don’t go,” you reached out, “are you okay?” 
You assumed it was because of the boy, Justin, was the reason Joshua was crying, but you wanted him to tell you. 
“I should be better with losses. I’ve had a ton of them,” he sighed, “but Justin was so scared when he was awake, he kept asking for his dad and asking me if his friend Mike was okay.” You empathetically nodded and placed a hand on his shoulder as he started to cry more. 
“You did everything you could,” you tried to reassure him. 
“I know I did. I always try my very best and it wasn’t enough. He died scared and alone,” he sobbed. “He didn’t die alone,” you interrupted. 
“You were there with him, Rose was with him, there were people who cared about him when he died. He wasn’t alone.” Joshua took a deep breath, trying to calm down his breathing, and nodded. 
“How did your surgery go?” He managed to stay in stuttering breaths. 
“It went well. Managed to fix her punctured lung and broken arm and I had a teaching moment with Green,” you said, as Joshua wiped his nose and nodded. 
“That’s good.”
You both sat in comfortable silence watching the clouds move above your heads, before his pager went off. 
“I have to go check on Julia. Her surgery is right after your lunch, so I’m gonna go make sure everything is okay,” he said, wiping his nose one last time and standing up, wiping his hands on his pants. 
“Okay, I’ll be there right when I’m done,” you smiled, as he nodded and started to head in before pausing. 
“Thanks for letting me talk and comforting me like that. I’m supposed to do that for you.” 
“We can treat it like a currency, I’ll comfort you, if you comfort me later?” You joked, as he chuckled, and looked down at the grass. 
“So I’m in debt, great. Haven’t dealt with that in a while,” he joked back before heading inside. Leaving you alone to think about the vulnerable moment you just shared. 
“Doctor L/N?” Joshua asked, coming up to wash his hands right next to you. 
“Doctor Hong?” 
“Would you mind keeping our interaction, more specifically the… crying aspect of the conversation, private?” He whispered, as you nodded and shut off the water. 
“Of course. I expect none the less when it comes my turn,” you said as he turned to see you and smiled, before putting on his mask.
“Let's go save a life.”
You nodded and walked into the OR to see some nurses you've never worked with before. Jennie, Yuna, and Jake, and a new anesthesiologist Jay. 
“Hello everyone, let’s save this girl's life,” you said, as everyone nodded in agreement and started getting to work. Joshua made the first incision while you made sure the bleeding was controlled and moved a few organ’s around. Jonah had just gone to receive the kidney, since it was very delicate and had to be handled carefully and in a timely manner. 
After about thirty minutes of Joshua making sure everything was okay, you started to make an incision on the lower abdomen to make room for the new one when Jonah came into the room with the new kidney. 
Joshua took the kidney and slowly took it out while you back up a bit to let Joshua fit it in the new cavity. He placed it in when all the sudden the monitor started beeping rapidly. 
“What’s happening?” Joshua asked, trying to not move too quickly and damage the kidney. 
“She’s clotting and bleeding out!” You said, grabbing the suction and trying to clean up the pool forming. “Push Coumadin and get me some rag’s please!” You instructed Yuna and Jennie as they nodded while Jay worked on adding the Coumadin. “Put the kidney back, it’s gonna be a bit.” Joshua nodded and carefully put the kidney back and started moving to stitch up the bleeding. 
You waited a few moments for the blood thinners to kick in but they weren’t working quick enough. 
“Push more Jay!” You exclaimed, as Jay nodded and added more. Finally her blood started to thin out and her vitals were getting better. Joshua quickly finished up the stitches and picked up the kidney again placing it in the cavity and working on attaching it properly. 
Right before closing Julia up you noticed some of her numbers weren’t looking quite right and didn’t want to stitch her up with unbalanced numbers.
“Can we test the kidney before we close?” You asked Joshua, as he nodded. You watched it, waiting for the color to appear into the kidney, which normally took up to two minutes after being placed in the body. 
“Shit.” Joshua said, looking up at the clock. It had been about four minutes and the kidney was starting to look gray, instead of coloring. “It’s dying!”   
“We’ve opened up a spot for her though,” you mumbled, trying to think of a solution when all the sudden the machines started beeping.
“She’s crashing!” Rose said, as everyone started running around. 
“We did everything right! What’s going on?” Joshua confessed as you heard the machine flatline. “Shit, get the crash cart!” 
You started compressions, and whipped your head to look at Joshua who was looking at her vitals wondering what was going wrong in the surgery, wile Rose handed you the paddles.
“Charge to 300. Clear!” You said, as Juila convulsed, but no heartbeat. 
350, “Clear!” 
400, “Clear!”
“Charge to 450,” you exclaimed as Joshua sighed and looked at you trying desperately to save Julia. 
“Y/N,” he muttered, “she’s gone,” he said. Trying to pry you from her body. 
“No, she was in here for a kidney transplant, not a heart failure!” You cried, looking around the room to see everyone with their head down. 
“Time of death, 17:21.” Joshua said, breaking the silence. You looked to Joshua to see him covering the incision and started to feel sick. 
“Can you close alone, Doctor Hong?” You asked, as Joshua nodded. You quickly took off your mask and gloves and darted out of the OR.
“Y/N?” Joshua asked, walking up to you at the Ped’s desk. You were looking over Julia’s charts again. 
“I don’t get it. She was fine, they wouldn’t have given her the kidney if she wasn’t fine, why did her heart just stop like that? The blood thinners don’t stop your heart like that, it must have been something else,” you exclaim, not looking up from your tablet. 
“You’ve been here for a long time, you need to go home. You can do some more research when you get back,” Joshua pleaded, trying to take the tablet from you. 
“No, Y/N. You had two long surgeries, you’ve been here for twelve hours. You legally have to go home now,” he chuckled, but you could tell he was serious. Technically, he was your boss. So you listened and slowly put the tablet down. 
“Julia was my first loss. I’ve been here for almost a month and she was my first loss,” you quietly confess. Joshua wouldn’t have heard it if he wasn’t facing you.
“You’re very lucky you’ve gone this long without a loss,” he answered. 
“I know. My last job, I lost two kids on the first day, but it doesn’t make this loss any easier.” 
“Of course,” he said, “the hard part about this job, right?”
Letting the loved ones know that they just lost their person is always the hardest part and unfortunately, that was Joshua’s job today. Julia’s parents were in the waiting room and her father was pacing around the room. 
This was also the hardest part of the job. 
“Excuse me, Mr. and Mrs. Harring?” Joshua asked the couple as they both nodded and stood up. 
“Is Julia out yet?” Her mother asked. 
“There was an unfortunate complication during Julais’ surgery. We were performing her transplant when her heart suddenly stopped beating,” Joshua explained, “we tried everything we could, but we couldn’t save her. She unfortunately passed away.” 
Julia’s mother covered her mouth whilst letting out a sob, and her father furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and held his wife. 
“What? I thought she was in there for her kidney? How did her heart stop?” Her father asked, tears also running down his face. 
“We aren’t sure, the operation was going extremely successful. Neither I, nor Doctor L/N could figure out why. We tried everything we could though to try and start her heart again,” Joshua explained again, as her mother turned around and buried her face into her husband's shoulder, crying even harder. 
“I’m so sorry for your loss.” 
“Thank you Doctor,” her father choked out, before turning and burning his face into his wife's hair and crying as well. 
Joshua waited for a few seconds before heading back to the desk. He sighed, and ran a hand through his hair before grabbing his tablet and started filling out paperwork. 
He had lost two patients that day. He was also ready to go home. 
“So, how’s your new job Y/N?” Your therapist asked. 
You had been going to the same therapist ever since you graduated college. She was a lovely woman that you met when you lived back in South Korea. She really helped you during your internship and residency. You managed to keep in close contact with her even after you moved. 
You sighed into the phone and took a sip of wine. 
“It’s going well, I really like my coworkers. I’m still getting used to it and I haven’t made any real friends,” you confess. 
“Why haven’t you made any friends?” She asked, you could hear her typing away on her laptop. 
“Well at first I was just trying to keep up with the pace of the hospital. Then I was trying to just be liked by everyone. I never took time to get to know anyone,” you said, “I did ask someone out.” 
“Oh! That’s good. Tell me about them,” she exclaimed. 
“He’s technically my boss? Kinda, he’s the head of the Ped’s department, so we work together quite a bit. On my first day he asked me out, then the next day I asked him out, but we haven’t hung out since.” 
“Are you wanting anything romantic out of him?” You sighed, and took a minute to think about the question. Not quite sure if you knew the answer. 
“I don’t know. I mean he is very attractive and we do have pretty good chemistry,” you blush, “but again, we work together. So it’s complicated.” 
“That doesn’t sound like a no.” 
“Jisoo,” you warn, “it’s not a no, but I don’t want to rush into anything.” 
“That’s perfectly valid, but you’re all alone in a big city. Romantic intentions or not, you should still try and spend some more time with him,” she said, as you sighed. There was only a few minutes left in your session, so you both called it a night and promised to call again next month. Something you weren’t expecting from Jisoo though, was homework. 
Make one close friend by next month. 
You were always the type of person to do your homework immediately. Assigned all the semester's course work? It was done by the end of the month. So when you got homework from Jisoo, you wanted to get it done immediately. Which meant that you needed to get started immediately. 
Joshua wasn’t coming in until halfway through your shift, so that meant that you had half a day to come up with ideas of how to befriend others. 
“Why the long face?” Jeonghan asked. You never really see him in the Ped’s department, so seeing him was a surprise. Now was the time to try and make a new friend.
“I was just thinking how it’s a friday and that I don’t have any plans after work,” you confessed, “do you want to go for dinner after work?” 
“Dinner?” He asked, you could tell he was quite taken aback, but he had a smirk on his face. “I’d love to.” 
“Great. I get off at seven, but I’d like to go home and freshen up,” you said, as Jeonghan nodded. You both exchanged numbers and agreed that he’d pick you up from your apartment at eight, and go out to dinner. 
Good progress toward your homework. 
“See you at eight,” he smirked, before heading into one of his patients' rooms. 
“Did you just score a date with Doctor Yoon?” Jake asked, as you turned around and tried to hide your blush. 
“Maybe, he didn’t call it a date,” you replied. Jake rolled his eyes.  
“I heard that whole conversation. It’s a date Y/N.” 
“What’s a date?” You heard behind you. More specifically, Joshua’s voice. 
“Y/N is going on a date with Doctor Yoon,” Jake answered. You looked to Joshua to see a little look of surprise on his face. 
“It’s not a date, I’m just trying to make some friends,” you mumbled, “and Doctor Yoon seems like a good friend.” 
“He is a very good friend, I would know. He’s my best friend,” Joshua said, putting his hands in his pants pockets and crossing his legs. 
Shit. Again. 
You just set up a date with your boss/kinda crushes best friend.
A/N: OMG, this was quite the chapter. I had a lot of fun learning/ making up some medical procedures. I tried my best to be as medically accurate as possible, but google can only tell you so much. Also, Jeonghan has been added into the arena! I love the banter that Joshua and Jeonghan have and I just new that I had to have his smirky/sassy attitude! I really do hope you like this ♥
taglist: @asasilentreader , @myjaeyunn
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rubyreduji · 1 year
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(🎤) — most popular , (🎸) — personal favorite
other masterlists
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★ professor!seungcheol 🎤
➥ series, smut ➥ a smut series featuring biology professor choi seungcheol and his favorite failing student, you
★ the art of learning how to knock
➥ 4.4k, smut, male reader ➥ seungcheol really should learn how to knock
★ sweetest thing
➥ 1.7k, smut ➥ your boyfriend just wants to help you celebrate your job promotion in the best way he can think of
★ us and the stars
➥ 2.3k, smut, fluff ➥ sitting under the stars on the hood of seungcheol’s car puts a lot of things into perspective
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★ good to me
➥ 2.1k, smut, sub!jeonghan ➥ sometimes jeonghan just needs you to take care of him
★ fighting for your love
➥ 5.5k, smut, ft. jeonghan ➥ when you couldn’t pick who to date between joshua and jeonghan, you weren’t expecting to result in a fight, literally
★ the christmas boyfriend
➥ 12.7k, fluff, smut ➥ when you tell your mom the little white lie that you have a boyfriend, you don’t expect it to evolve into bringing your friend with benefits home for christmas. what can go wrong?
aftercare king jeonghan x svt play thing reader (smut) 🎤
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★ baby please come home
➥ 2.9k, fluff ➥ they’re singing deck the halls, but it’s not like christmas at all
★ fighting for your love
➥ 5.5k, smut, ft. jeonghan ➥ when you couldn’t pick who to date between joshua and jeonghan, you weren’t expecting to result in a fight, literally
★ hello kitty, you're so pretty
1.7k, smut, cat hybrid!reader ➥ joshua bring home something new for you two to try together
best friend josh x reader (smut)
pool boy josh x milf reader (smut)
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★ charcoal stained hands
➥ 3.1k, fluff ➥ jun falls in love on a tuesday afternoon in an art studio
★ anatomy lesson
➥ 1.5k, smut ➥ you help jun learn female anatomy
valentine’s day present (smut)
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★ in front of chan and everybody 🎤
➥ 2.4k, smut ➥ when you and you boyfriend started having sex, you didn’t expect him to be so shameless about it. it doesn’t seem like his roommates are too shameful either.
★ my best friend's mother (is the one for me)
➥ 4.2k, smut, milf!reader ➥ jihoon’s mom has got it going on
★ pretty girl
➥ 2.6k, smut, cubby!reader ➥ soonyoung just likes to appreciate how beautiful his girlfriend 
★ boyfriends
➥ 5.6k, fluff, ft. jihoon ➥ you ask your producer out. too bad he already has a boyfriend, or is it?
★ feels so good 🎸
➥ 3.6k, smut, trans male reader ➥ you and soonyoung wake up, and have sex. that simple really.
★ birthday presents for a tiger 🎸
➥ 3.1k, smut ➥ it’s your neighbor’s birthday, you decide to give him a gift
soonyoung somnophilia drabble (smut)
rainy day thoughts (fluff)
fanboy hoshi (fluff) 🎸
giving soonyoung head (smut)
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★ the story of us
➥ 3.6k, angst w/ a happy ending ➥ now i’m standing alone in a crowded room and we’re not speaking…
★ good to be bad
➥ 10.2k, fluff, descendsnts!au, ft. mingyu ➥ moving to auradon brings many new things, good and bad
★ work husband
➥ 1.7k, fluff, ft. mingyu ➥ your two coworkers get a bit too involved in becoming your “work husband”
★ the peephole 🎤
➥ 5.0k, smut ➥ wonwoo can’t stop thinking about how he wants to ruin his roommate, the peephole in his wall isn’t helping tamper those desires either
perv wonwoo x roommate reader (smut) 🎤
perv wonwoo x roommate reader pt 2 (smut)
perv wonwoo x roommate reader pt 3 (smut)
getting a tattoo of another member's initials (reaction, suggestive)
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virtue-boy · 10 months
Random JSTOR Daily articles that looked interesting
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synthetickitsune · 6 months
Pretty Skirt, Handsome Man ✧ h.js
Pairing: Joshua Hong x gn!reader (w/ f!anatomy) Genre: smut Summary: When your boyfriend so kindly informs you he'll be wearing a skirt when he comes home, there's only one possible way the night will end. Word count: 1.5k Warnings: unprotected sex, shua wears a skirt A/N: so idk if what he wore today was an actual skirt but it was close enough for me to get obsessed with the idea
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Fingers pulling on his collar, sharp threats attacking him as he laughs and pulls you away from the door that he barely manages to kick closed with you all over him. Kicking off his shoes is even more complicated, but he manages although it costs him a look that could kill a man. 
“Baby slow down, please,” Joshua grins in a way that suggests he means the contrary. On a different occasion, you’d probably do as he told you, knowing he wants the opposite, but today - well, you’re in no position to waste your time on teasing him. No matter how entertaining he might find it.
“No,” you say simply as you push his shoulders. Hard. He lands on a sofa and hurries to sit up straight with a disbelieving laugh that gets swallowed by your lips. You pull him into a messy kiss as soon as you straddle his lap. 
Truth be told, he did sort of expect you’d go wild for him - just not as wild as you were.
“Babe, you’ll hurt yourself,” he warns, seriously this time. His hands steady your hips and give you a firm squeeze. You take a second to glare at him. 
“I won’t,” you say.
He resorts to laughing again, helpless as to what he should do with you, as riled up as you were. Not like it didn’t have a certain very pleasant effect on him as well. He was well aware you were crazy for him as he was with you, but this? This was new. This made him feel tension in his abdomen and lust in every fiber of his body.
“We’ve had this conversation before,” he reminds you with a cocky smirk, “We’ve tried this before.”
You groan and grab his wrist. He lets you. He doesn’t flinch, only watches with amusement as you unceremoniously guide his hand between your legs. “It’s different now.”
The difference is immediately obvious the second Joshua’s fingers find your sopping center and it wipes the smirk off his face. His throat dries up. First - he didn’t expect you not to wear anything under your shorts, and second - all you did was pull him into a sloppy make out session once he walked through the door. And yet here you were so wet and horny you were all over him and demanding like he’s never seen before. 
“All this just for me? Just because I wore a skirt for you?” he muses and watches with awe as you grind down on his fingers.
“It’s a very pretty skirt and you’re a very handsome man, Joshua, fuck-” your voice breaks as he slips his fingers inside you with a malicious grin on his face, “Need you inside.”
He coos at you in response. His foolish attempt at not succumbing to your pretty sighs even as his cock twitches impatiently under the fabric that’s quickly getting soaked. You’re dripping all over his fingers and your thighs. He doesn’t have to move at all while you ride his fingers and grind your clit on the palm of his hand. Wet sounds fill the room, mixed with your voice getting higher with desperation. His name leaves your lips over and over like it’s a chant. It’s intoxicating. Who is he to deprive you of his cock when you’re begging for it so eagerly?
You basically tear off your shirt and shorts in a second. Then your hands are on his hips, pulling off his boxers and hitching up his skirt as soon as he pulls his fingers out of you. He doesn’t understand the gibberish you’re muttering, but every word he does recognize is one curse or another. All he can do is lean back and let you take control. His hands run up and down your thighs. If he knew the extent to which you’d appreciate the outfit, he would have let himself be talked into the skirt much earlier. 
Every single thought flies straight out of his head the moment he feels your slick cunt rubbing on his dick. He takes in a sharp breath and grips your hips for dear life because he doesn’t fully trust his body at the moment. 
“How are you this wet, honey?” he asks a little breathlessly while trying to calm down.
“It’s too wet, Shua, need your help” you push against him more, easily grinding your clit against his tip as it slips between your folds. 
He sees the tremors wrecking your body and while it will be a nice punishment to have you get off by just grinding on his dick some other time, the feeling of your juices pouring down his shaft has him swearing under his breath and working fast to grab his cock to line it up to your entrance.
He lowers you slowly, focusing his last bits of sanity on the fact you were not stretched too much. He doesn’t want to hurt you, although the expression on your face is anything but pained. His eyes close and he takes a deep breath. Or that was the plan - ruined by your lips on his. But he would never deny you kisses.
He wonders, briefly, where did this submission come from. His hands squeeze your hips but offer no directions, letting you ride him as you please. You fuck yourself on his cock hard and fast and it’s exactly what his body craves. You feel so good around him, so perfect, just what he needed after a long day. A sweet treat for his hard work. It takes a moment before he realizes the whines he hears aren’t yours - they’re his.
“Needed you so bad, Shua,” you whimper between the assault on his lips, “Ever since you sent me the pics and told me that’s what you’ll be wearing on the way home.”
Your fingers fidget with the first few buttons of his shirt, yanking it open and clawing on his bare shoulders to ground yourself, to get leverage.
“Take it, baby,” he hisses in pleasure, “Take what you need.”
He tries to be mindful and not hold you too hard, but with you bouncing on his lap so eagerly? Joshua has a one track mind to climax. He’ll let you do anything, anything if it gives you pleasure. The marks can be covered, and he’s not thinking about the consequences anyway.
He’s not thinking at all. You’re clenching around him, not giving his cock - or him - any space to run away from the pleasures of your body. Selfishly he indulges in it, he massages your ass in his hands and helps you keep the rhythm. He’s trying to hold out, trying to find something to distract him because he wants to last - he wants this to last forever. He’s not usually this sensitive, but your warm pussy feels so good around his dick after he danced in the cold the whole night. You’re moaning and mewling right into his ear that he feels so good that you need him, you’re keeping him right here with you in this moment, drowning out even his own pathetic whines begging you not to stop.
You don’t, and your release comes fast and unexpected and he finally - finally - lets go and pounds into you through your high and soon he follows after you. Only he can’t stop. Sweet words of reassurance spill from his lips, responding to your weak pleas as he fucks you and himself to the edge of overstimulation.
He’s completely spent when he slowly lets you rest with his cock deep inside you. His hair sticks to his sweaty skin. It feels a little disgusting, but then you move and his concern is fully on you. You, who just… laugh.
“That was quick,” snickering, you look at him. Your body is shaking, otherwise you seem fine though. Joshua scoffs.
“You still came first,” he reminds you with a quick peck to your forehead. Then whimpers and squirms when you clench around him.
“I won’t next round, don’t worry,” you give him a lazy wink. 
“There is going to be a second round?” he challenges, slowly caressing your naked back. You lay your body on his and he’s basking in your warmth and reassuring weight grounding him and adding to the pleasant buzz in his body.
“Yeah, you let me wait for so long, so I deserve it,” you hum as if it was the most obvious thing on the planet.
“It’s been an hour,” he rolls his eyes.
“More if you count the concert as well,” you counter.
“Did you get horny watching the performance,” he teases - but at the same he’s genuinely curious. You slap his shoulder.
“Of course not, I enjoy the performance. Then get horny after,” you explain, pointedly meeting his gaze.
“Well, in that case, my pretty doll, you deserve the second round.”
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seongwars · 2 months
away with the wind | twilight
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Pairing: dragonrider!Seonghwa x ex-dragonrider!Reader AU: dragon rider au | strangers -> lovers Summary: a spinal injury forces you to retire from dragon racing, and with it, the end of your engagement to Song Mingi. Park Seonghwa, a rising star in the world of dragon racing and heir to the prestigious House Park, seeks a new dragon after an unfortunate accident on the skyway. As the saying goes, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Word Count: 6.8K (sorry I got carried away) Warnings: not proofread, seonghwa doing wrongs, angst
a/n: first version of chapter ix! i was also watching derry girls while writing this so listen to 'independent love song' by scarlet if you wanna get the feel for the last scene of this chapter
Fic Masterlist
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The grand chamber was dimly lit, the only sources of light being the flickering holographic displays and the soft glow of the council members’ robes. The air was thick with anticipation as the council awaited the presentation.
“Ready whenever you are, Dr. Kang,” Lord Hong announced, his voice resonating through the chamber.
Yeosang, standing beside the holographic projector, bowed respectfully. He took a moment to adjust the hologram, ensuring every detail of Ajax’s anatomy was perfectly visible. The room fell silent as the intricate projection came to life, displaying the necropsy report for Subject 4201.
“Necropsy report for Subject 4201. Subject is a male, approximately 11 years old, measuring 20 feet in height with a wingspan of 40 feet. Initial examination reveals extensive claw marks along the dorsal scales, likely from recent combat.”
Yeosang zoomed in on the damage inflicted by Starshine during the Inferno Cup. Lady Lee brought her hand to her mouth in feigned horror, prompting Yeosang to roll his eyes at her theatrics. He then brought up the next holographic display.
Swiping over to the dragon’s head, Yeosang brought forward the manifestation of Ajax’s brain, enhancing the size of the organ for the Council’s scrutiny. 
“The brain shows signs of abnormal growth in the amygdala, the region associated with aggression and fear responses. This hypertrophy suggests heightened aggression and unstable behavior. Further examination of the neural pathways reveals signs of synaptic plasticity, which may indicate a history of adaptive responses to high-stress environments. This could result in unpredictable and erratic behavior patterns.”
“Is this a common trait in Longhorns, Dr. Kang?” Lord Kim interjected.
Yeosang maintained his composed demeanor, though he felt slightly irritated at Lord Kim’s prodding. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he ensured his tone remained respectful yet authoritative. 
“While hypertrophy in the amygdala is not uncommon in Longhorns, the extent of the growth observed here is unusual,” he explained, his voice steady. “Further studies are necessary to determine if this is an isolated case or indicative of a broader trend within the species.”
Lord Kim nodded, the soft rustle of his robes barely audible as he leaned back in his chair. Yeosang then moved on to the next hologram, which flickered to life, casting a light that manifested into Ajax above their heads.
“In summary, subject 4201 exhibits significant physiological power and complexity,” Yeosang began, his voice steady and clear. The hologram displayed intricate details of the dragon’s anatomy, each scale and muscle rendered with precision. “I’ve concluded that the observed unpredictable behavior indicates potential neurological instability. End of report.”
Chairman Jang’s eyes narrowed as he leaned forward, the light catching the sharp angles of his face. “And the report of parentage?” he asked.
Yeosang adjusted the hologram, bringing up a new set of data. “The DNA test results showed no significant anomalies, your grace. The dragon’s genetic makeup is consistent with what we have documented in our archives. There are no indications of any unusual lineage or mutations.”
Lord Kim studied him for a moment, his gaze penetrating. “Are you certain, Dr. Kang? This information is crucial to understanding where this Longhorn may have originated from.”
Yeosang nodded, maintaining his calm facade. “Yes, your grace. I am certain. The DNA results confirm that this dragon is of standard lineage.”
“Lord Kim, we have all the information we need. Continuing this investigation is a waste of our resources and time,” Lady Lee snapped, her voice sharp and echoing slightly in the grand council room.
“We need to be thorough,” Lord Kim insisted, his tone unwavering. The flickering light from the hologram cast shadows across his stern face, highlighting the furrow in his brow.
“The dragon’s physiology and neurological state are well-documented. We have other priorities that demand our attention,” she countered, her words heavy with urgency.
Lord Hong nodded in agreement, the soft rustle of his robes breaking the silence. “Lady Lee is right. We are diverting valuable time and effort. This report should be concluded.” His voice was measured, a stark contrast to the rising tension between his colleagues.
“If Dr. Kang has reported no abnormalities in his findings, then we must move on to the next agenda item,” Chairman Jang interjected with finality. “Thank you for your time, Dr. Kang.”
The room fell silent, the air thick with unresolved conflict. Yeosang remained silent, grateful that the focus had shifted away from his lie, but acutely aware of the brewing storm between the Council members.
“Would it be possible for the copies of the report to be made available, Dr. Kang?” Lord Kim interjected, his eyes boring into Yeosang, challenging him to reveal the truth.
Yeosang hesitated, his fingers trembling slightly as he adjusted his glasses. “The report is rather unremarkable, your grace,” he replied coldly, staring straight at the elder.
Lord Hong’s eyes narrowed. “Is there a problem, Dr. Kang? The Council has a right to see the report.”
Yeosang tightened his jaw, feeling the tension ripple through his muscles as the Council’s insistence caught him off guard. His irritation simmered just beneath the surface, barely contained.
“Of course, I will ensure the report is made available,” he said smoothly, his voice dripping with false sincerity, masking the venom beneath. “I just need a little more time to… finalize some details.”
“Finalize what details? Are you implying that this report today was not conclusive?” Lord Kim’s voice was cold and unyielding, each word a deliberate challenge.
Yeosang’s eyes flashed with annoyance, but he quickly masked it with a calm facade. “I assure you, Lord Kim, the report is thorough. However, there are always minor adjustments to be made for clarity.”
Kim Sangjoong’s gaze hardened, his suspicion evident. “Minor adjustments? Or are you buying time to cover up discrepancies, Dr. Kang?”
“That’s enough,” Chairman Jang’s voice concluded, the tone unmistakable, leaving no room for argument. “Dr. Kang, you have until the end of the day to produce copies of the report to the Council.”
Yeosang felt a surge of anger but forced a smile. “I understand your concern, Lord Kim. Rest assured, the report will be delivered by the end of the day, as requested.” His tone was polite, but the underlying threat was present.
The room remained tense, the air thick with unspoken conflict. Yeosang knew he had to tread carefully, but he relished the challenge.
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Seonghwa strode through the hallways of the Park estate, his footsteps echoing off the marble floors as he awaited the results of Ajax’s necropsy from Kim Sangjoong. The grandeur of the estate, with its high ceilings and ornate decorations, did little to calm his racing thoughts.
“Ms. Jang,” he called out, his voice calm yet authoritative. His mother’s assistant looked up from her desk, immediately recognizing him. She adjusted her glasses and gave him a polite nod.
“Yes, your grace?” she asked, her tone respectful but familiar.
“I need a list of all the attendees from the Inferno Gala,” he requested, his eyes scanning the room. “Sponsors, stakeholders, riders—everything.”
Ms. Jang nodded and quickly began typing on her laptop. The soft clacking of keys filled the room as Seonghwa paced back and forth, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. He glanced at the clock on the wall, each tick amplifying his impatience.
After a few moments, Ms. Jang handed him a sleek tablet. “Here it is, your grace,” she said. “The complete list.”
Seonghwa took the tablet and offered her a small smile in thanks. As he walked back to his quarters, he scanned the names, noting familiar faces and new ones, the organizations they represented, and the teams they raced for. Each name brought back memories of conversations, deals, and promises made. He needed to ensure that every attendee was accounted for and that no detail was overlooked.
“Treasure Holdings, Blue Bird Airways, Answer Tech,” Seonghwa muttered to himself, activating the hologram interface. These were big name sponsors in dragon racing and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. 
He swiped to the next category of Aurora’s political elite, scanning the list with a practiced eye. Names like Lady Baek and Lord Yoon stood out, both well-known figures in the political landscape. As he continued down the list, he reached members of the Council and their guests. Lord Hong Bum Soo and Lady Hong Sara, Chairman Jang Ki Young, Lord Kim Sangjoong and Lady Kim Miyeon–
She was never one to miss an event, especially one of this magnitude. He quickly re-scanned the rest of the list, hoping it was a mistake, but her name was nowhere to be found. Had she been deliberately excluded?
Lady Lee’s absence was not just unusual—it was a glaring anomaly. Taking out his phone, he dialed Kim Sangjoong, hoping for news of the necropsy report. The phone rang a few times before Lord Kim answered. “Seonghwa, what’s the matter?”
“I have news for you, should you have any to share with me,” Seonghwa said, his tone measured.
The elder chuckled softly, shaking his head. “I regret to inform you that the report returned without any anomalies. It was conclusive, indicating that the dragon is of standard lineage.”
“That can’t be,” Seonghwa said, his voice laced with disbelief. “Y/N showed me Ajax’s anatomy in video footage a few months ago. She noted that his angulation was much more moderate than a Longhorn’s, and his wings were longer. He also exhibited an unusual level of speed and agility.”
The elder’s eyes widened slightly. “That does sound…unnatural for the breed…” He paused, his gaze drifting out the large, arched window of his office. He noticed Lady Lee in conversation with a young lab assistant, her animated gestures contrasting with the assistant’s calm demeanor.
“Your grace?” Seonghwa’s voice brought him back to the present.
“Yes, apologies. Please continue.”
“I wanted to let you know that I pulled the guest list from the gala and noticed that Lady Lee was missing.”
The elder’s brow furrowed in concern. “That’s certainly odd. She never turns down an opportunity for an event given her rather…vainglorious nature. Her absence is highly unusual.” Lord Kim glanced at the ornate clock on the wall, noting the late hour. If he were to leave now, it would be an opportunity to learn more about Lady Lee’s next moves.
“It seems Lady Lee is just about to leave for the day,” Lord Kim informed the younger. “Thank you for the information, Seonghwa.” He quickly pocketed his phone and hurried towards the exit, his mind racing with possibilities. The corridors of the capitol building were beginning to empty as the day drew to a close, and he needed to act fast.
The soft murmur of conversations and the shuffle of footsteps filled the air, creating a symphony of end-of-day activity. The tension in the air was palpable, each step Lord Kim took echoing his urgency.
“Ah, Lady Lee! Will you be attending General Choi’s birthday celebration?” he called out, his voice cutting through the ambient noise, and scaring the lab assistant. The young man, not much older than 20, bowed before taking his leave. 
Lady Lee paled, her confident demeanor faltering for a moment. “O-Oh? Is that this weekend?” she stammered, her eyes darting around as if searching for an escape. She forced a smile, though it didn’t reach her eyes.
“I must have overlooked it. I’ve been quite busy with…personal matters,” Lady Lee said, her voice wavering slightly.
“Personal matters?” Lord Kim pressed, his curiosity piqued. “Well, I hope everything is alright.”
She hesitated, her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her sleeve. “Yes, well, it’s nothing that concerns the council.”
Lord Kim nodded slowly, not entirely convinced. “I see. Well, I do hope you’ll make it to the celebration. Miyeon and I look forward to seeing you.”
“Thank you, Lord Kim. I appreciate your concern,” she replied, her voice steadying. 
As Lady Lee turned to leave, Lord Kim watched her closely. There was something off about her behavior, something that didn’t sit right with him. Her usually confident demeanor seemed strained, and her eyes darted around nervously. His mind raced with questions, each one more urgent than the last. What was she hiding? And why did it feel like time was running out?
[Lord Cash Money]: Results are in 
[Lord Cash Money]: Nothing out of standard
You let out a huff as you read Seonghwa’s message and sent back a quick ‘Thanks’. Dismounting Cirrus, you felt the cool leather of the saddle beneath your hands, but an uneasy feeling settled in your chest. You knew Ajax was definitely not half Fury, but something else entirely. The thought sent a chill down your spine at the implications of what his other half might be.
The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across the manor as you helped Sohee down from the saddle. You slung her backpack over your shoulder, the weight a familiar comfort, and dialed the only person you knew you could vent to besides your grandmother and sister.
“I hate the government,” you said, balancing your phone between your shoulder and ear while you toed off your shoes and hung up your niece’s backpack. The scent of oil pastels and dragon scales lingered in the air.
“Who doesn’t?” Jongho’s voice came through the line, gruff yet playful. You could almost picture his mischievous grin. What’s going on?” he asked, his tone shifting to one of curiosity and concern.
Choi Jongho was the oldest son of the Dune Choi Family and cousin to the Auroran Choi Family. Although they were considered one of Dune’s noble houses, your families had been breeding partners for as long as your grandmother could remember.
Jongho had always been like a little brother to you, his presence a constant in your life—a mix of annoyance and comfort that only a true sibling could provide. His sharp wit and the shared history between your families created a connection that was unbreakable, no matter how much he might drive you crazy at times.
“The test results came back conclusive. There’s nothing out of the ordinary with Ajax’s lineage.”
“Bullshit,” Jongho snapped, pacing his room. “I watched the footage you sent me, read through the pedigree, and everything seemed off. Someone’s tampering with the results.”
You nodded, frustration evident. “Exactly. I’m thinking there has to be something more nefarious in his lineage. Ajax has always been promoted as a hybrid between a Fury and a Longhorn, but I don’t think a Fury fits the bill. It has to be a breed that’s aerodynamic.”
Jongho furrowed his brow. “Aerodynamic, huh? That narrows it down a bit. Maybe something with a sleeker build? A Wyrm variant? Or a Razorback?”
You snickered. “Hongjoong is going to have your head if he hears that. But even those breeds don’t seem quite right. There has to be one that’s also intelligent. Ajax was somehow able to learn Cirrus’ maneuvers, and I know for a fact Mingi couldn’t have taught him that flip.”
Jongho sighed, massaging his brow. “I’ve always told you I didn’t like him nor his ugly dragon. I plan to set up shop in my uncle’s library and we can dig deeper when I’m in town. You’re coming to his celebration, right?”
You groaned, pulling your pillow to your chest. “Do I have a choice?”
“If you don’t, I’ll tell everyone you think San is handsome.”
Rolling your eyes, you retorted, “San is handsome. That doesn’t work on me anymore.”
Jongho smirked, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Fine, then I’ll tell everyone about the time you fell into the fountain trying to impress him.”
You gasped, sitting up abruptly. “Choi Jongho, you wouldn’t dare!”
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The grand hall of the Choi Estate was a sight to behold, a testament to the family’s wealth and status. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting the family’s storied history, their vibrant colors and detailed embroidery telling tales of valor and honor. The atmosphere was one of celebration and reverence, as friends and family gathered to honor the Choi patriarch on his special day.
San’s father, the elder General Choi, greeted guests up and down the hall, offering glass after glass of champagne and other spirits. His laughter boomed through the room, a testament to his larger-than-life personality. You managed to dodge him, offering your grandmother as a sacrificial lamb as you slipped away, her knowing smile indicating she was more than willing to take one for the team.
You weaved through the crowd, feeling a bit out of place in your simple but elegant strapless black gown. Its understated design contrasted with the more extravagant attire around you, yet the gown’s classic cut and the way it hugged your figure made you feel confident and poised.
“Are you here for a funeral or a celebration?” a familiar voice quipped behind you.
You whipped around to find San, the young General Choi, clad in a perfectly tailored suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and commanding presence. The corners of his mouth twitched into a smirk as he took in your startled reaction.
“Very funny,” you replied, rolling your eyes but unable to suppress a smile. “I was just trying to avoid your father’s relentless hospitality.”
San chuckled, his laughter a deep, comforting sound. “He does have a way of overwhelming people with his enthusiasm,” he admitted, glancing over at his father, who was now engaged in a hearty conversation with a group of military officials. “Looking for someone?”
“Just a familiar face,” you murmured, your gaze drifting away from the General. You scanned the crowd, your heart pounding as you searched for a certain someone. Striking, charming, refined, and utterly infuriating, with an undeniable pull—a magnetic attraction you couldn’t ignore.
“Am I not a familiar face?” San cocked his head, giving you one of his infamous cat-like smiles.
“Yes, but you’re not the one I’m looking for,” you scoffed, hitting his arm playfully. 
San brought his hand to his chest, feigning a dramatic gasp. “And here I thought I was unforgettable.”
“You are, just not in the way you think.”
“Ah, so there is someone! Now I’m intrigued.”
Unbeknownst to you, a pair of dark eyes watched from a distance. Seonghwa’s jaw tightened at the sight of you engaging with San, his usually composed demeanor slightly ruffled. A flicker of annoyance crossed his features as he struggled to maintain his cool amidst the growing irritation.
Trying to maintain his composure, he excused himself and stepped out into the cool night air. The distant noise of the party faded behind him as he took a deep breath, struggling to make sense of his conflicting emotions. How could he be so torn over someone who didn't even know how he felt?
“Seonghwa?” a familiar voice called out, breaking his moment of solitude. He turned to see Yeri, a former fling, standing a few feet away. She offered a tentative smile, as her eyes widened in calculated interest. 
“Yeri,” he acknowledged, his voice neutral but with a hint of underlying tension. 
There was a brief, awkward silence before Yeri spoke again, her tone measured and deliberately soft. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
What had started as a casual, no-strings-attached situation between Seonghwa and Yeri had quickly turned into a short-lived romance riddled with miscommunication and trust issues. Seonghwa's demanding training schedule left Yeri feeling neglected and alone, while her need to maintain control on the crumbling relationship only added to the tension.
“Yeah, it has,” he agreed, his gaze drifting to the city lights beyond the terrace in an attempt to avoid the emotional weight of the conversation. 
“How’ve you been?” she asked, her tone smooth, almost tender though her eyes remained sharp.
“Fine,” he replied, his irritation from earlier slowly ebbing away, replaced by a different kind of tension.
She studied him for a moment, her expression thoughtful and probing. “You seemed a bit tense back there. Everything okay?”
Seonghwa sighed, leaning against the stone rail as his eyes wandered towards the grand hall, your figure only a few feet away from him. “Just… a lot on my mind, I guess.”
“Want to talk about it?” Yeri’s voice broke through his reverie, carrying a nostalgic note. 
He hesitated, then shook his head. “It’s not important.”
Yeri took a step closer, her gaze growing more intense as she searched his face for cracks in his resolve. “We used to share everything, remember? What happened to that?”
Despite their history, Yeri couldn't help but reach out to Seonghwa, feeding on his vulnerability to keep him tethered to her. "I know things ended badly, but we've both changed. Maybe we could give it another shot?"
Seonghwa’s emotions were a tangled mess as he looked into her pleading eyes. “You know that things weren’t good between us.”
Yeri took a step closer, her fingers lightly tracing the outline of his jaw. Her touch was gentle, almost tender, as she searched his eyes for any sign of resistance. “Why does being together have to be the only option?" she whispered. She leaned in, her breath warm against his skin, and her lips brushed against his.
Seonghwa knew it was wrong, but he just needed an escape, allowing himself to be drawn back into her orbit. The kiss lingered on his lips like a bittersweet memory as he pulled away, his eyes clouded with regret. “We can’t do this here,” he whispered, his voice barely audible.
She nodded, understanding the need for discreteness. They walked in silence, the tension between them almost tangible as Seonghwa led them away from prying eyes. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was losing himself in the process, compromising his values for a fleeting moment of solace.
“There you two are,” Jongho interrupted, sidling up to you and San with a glass of whiskey in hand. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he took a sip.
“Finally decided to grace us with your presence,” you teased, unable to hide the smile that spread across your face. Then, your brow furrowed in concern. “Wait, aren’t you too young to be drinking alcohol?”
In a rebellious gesture, Jongho lifted the glass again and finished off the remaining whiskey before sticking his tongue out at you playfully. “Age is just a number,” he retorted, letting out a satisfied sigh. 
“I’m using this as an opportunity to network and improve diplomatic relations between Dune and Aurora,” he added with a mischievous grin, gesturing around the opulent room filled with dignitaries engaged in animated conversations.
San rolled his eyes at his younger cousin's antics. “I wouldn’t exactly call selling dragons a networking opportunity,” he remarked dryly.
“I’m just trying to keep the family business afloat,” the younger Choi chuckled, unaffected by his cousin's skepticism. 
Before you or San could respond, the room fell silent as Song Tae Gyu entered, his face unreadable. The grand hall, once filled with lively chatter and laughter, now buzzed with hushed whispers. Snippets of conversation about “Mingi,” “the Council,” and “unstable dragon” floated through the air like a dark cloud.
“Song Tae Gyu has some nerve showing up after what his son pulled,” Jongho sneered, his gaze fixed on Mingi’s father with a stone-cold expression. Ever the purist, Jongho’s disdain was palpable. You could almost feel the weight of his contempt for the way the Songs had let their son disgrace their house and the sanctity of dragon racing.
“He’s simply carrying out his duties to my father,” San reminded his cousin, his voice composed despite the discomfort evident in his body language. He glanced around the room, noting the wary eyes and cautious glances directed at Song Tae Gyu. “I know the Songs feel terrible about the incident, but as a vassal House, they have their obligations.”
San’s words were measured, but you could sense the underlying tension. The incident with Mingi had cast a momentary shadow over the evening, and the presence of Song Tae Gyu only served to deepen the unease. 
“Ah, Tae Gyu! So glad you could make it!” the elder General Choi exclaimed, clapping a hand on the man’s shoulder. “I was just telling everyone about the time you and I got lost in the ravine and had to spend the night in a cave. Remember that?”
The room erupted in laughter as Lord Choi recounted the tale with exaggerated gestures, painting a vivid picture of their misadventure. Even Song Tae Gyu managed a small, grateful smile, the worry lines on his face softening.
Jongho rolled his eyes but couldn’t suppress the small grin tugging at his lips. He took a sip from his glass, the warm liquid sliding down his throat as he mulled over his father's words. "Your father always knows how to lighten the mood," he muttered to San before turning to face you, swirling his empty glass in a playful gesture to signal his exit from the conversation.
“I’ll be around tomorrow if you want to dig through the records. I’m sure we’ll find something on that wannabe Longhorn.”
“What did you say?”
“Nothing, just bullshitting.”
“No! About the wannabe part.”
Jongho stared at you incredulously. "He's a poor example of the breed, just like how his rider is a poor excuse--"
The mention of the word "wannabe" caught your attention like a firework exploding in your mind. You could feel your heart racing as you frantically searched your knowledge for any clues about this breed.
Wannabe… Imitation… Copy… The word echoed in your mind, reverberating with increasing intensity. Your breath caught in your throat, and your heart began to race as you frantically sifted through your mental catalog of dragon breeds and their levels of intelligence.
Dreamwood Ridgeback, biddable with high emotional intellect… Cascade Wyvern, alert and confident… Star Fury, fiercely intelligent but too rare… Nettled…
A sudden realization hit you like a bolt of lightning. You turned sharply to face San, your eyes widening with urgency and determination. "Do you have a copy of a breed encyclopedia?" You could almost feel the gears turning in your head, piecing together the clues and making connections. It was all starting to make sense now.
San looked momentarily puzzled, his brow furrowing as he tried to process your sudden question. Before he could respond, Jongho stepped in with a confident grin. “Of course they do, I left one here to read during summers,” he said, patting San’s shoulder in a playful yet slightly condescending manner, acknowledging his older cousin’s limited mental acuity.
“Longhorns aren’t meant to be particularly intelligent,” you began, your voice steady but urgent. “But if Ajax was able to learn Cirrus’ maneuvers, there could only be one breed that matches the description.”
The three of you exchanged tense looks, the weight of the mystery pressing down on you. Without another word, you all turned and rushed out of the hall, each step bringing you closer to uncovering the truth.
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You were met with the scent of aged paper and polished wood as San pushed open the library doors. You couldn't help but pause to take in the vast collection, your fingers tracing lightly over the spines of leather-bound books before delving deeper into the labyrinth of shelves. Lost in your admiration, you turned a corner and suddenly froze.
There, in a secluded nook, you found Seonghwa tangled up in the arms of a woman. The intimate scene was a stark contrast to the peaceful setting of the library. Your breath caught in your throat, and your heart pounded in your chest.
“Oh shit!” you gasped, the words slipping out before you could stop them. Your hands flew to cover your mouth as Seonghwa and Yeri sprang apart, their faces flushed with embarrassment. Seonghwa’s eyes darted toward yours, panic evident in his expression. 
San, ever the protector, rushed to your side and positioned himself between you and the unexpected sight. For a moment, no one moved. The silence was deafening, broken only by Jongho’s approaching footsteps. 
“Gods, I’m so s-sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt!” you stammered, your voice attempting to sound casual despite the hurt and confusion swirling within you. Why am I feeling this way, you wondered, the question demanding an answer that you can't give. 
You had always kept your relationship with Seonghwa strictly professional, despite the occasional flutter of emotions. Yet, seeing him with someone else stirred something unexpected within you. Was it jealousy? Or something deeper that you hadn’t acknowledged before? The thought unsettled you, adding another layer to the already tangled web of emotions you felt towards him. 
“I-I can explain–,” Seonghwa fumbled as he buttoned his shirt, the movements clumsy and rushed. He haphazardly threw his jacket back on, the fabric wrinkling under his frantic efforts. Yeri, equally flustered, tried to smooth her disheveled hair, her cheeks burning with shame. 
“We were just catching up. It’s been a long time since we last saw each other.” Her voice was shaky, betraying her own discomfort. 
“Well,” San began, addressing Seonghwa and Yeri. “If I had known the library would be used like this, I would have extended some charity to our esteemed guests.” His tone was polite but edged with a steely resolve that left no room for argument. “I’m sure we have a room befitting his grace as it appears that he is in desperate need of a hiding place—like a rat scurrying back into its hole.”
Yeri's face erupts in a fiery flush of humiliation as she hangs her head in shame, unable to bear the insulting words from San. San raises an eyebrow, daring either of them to stand up to him. "I'm leaving," she mumbles, quietly excusing herself without saying another word. As she walked away, the oppressive tension lingered in the air.
“R-Right. Well, I need to borrow the breed encyclopedia, so if I could just…” You fidgeted awkwardly, your finger darting around as you tried to locate the book. Jongho, noticing your discomfort, pointed to the upper shelf behind the former lovers. 
“It’s right there,” he said, his voice cutting through the thick silence as Seonghwa stepped aside to let you through. His eyes, filled with guilt, followed your every move.
"You good?" San asked, his protective instincts kicking in.
“I’ve got it, I just have to climb up,” you replied, your tone firmer than you felt. 
You began taking off your heels, the action giving you a moment to collect yourself. The cool marble against your bare feet contrasted the heat of your emotions. Lifting the skirt of your gown, you prepared to climb the ladder to the upper shelves when you felt Seonghwa’s hand on your arm. The unexpected touch sent a shock through you, and his grip was gentle yet firm, silently pleading for attention.
"I'll do it," he insisted, speaking in a low and earnest voice. You paused, looking up at him, meeting his eyes. In that moment, the vulnerability in his gaze disarmed you, but the hurt and confusion still swirled within your mind. 
Reluctantly, you stepped aside, allowing him to retrieve the book. Each movement he made was careful and deliberate, as if he were trying to prove his worth through this small act. You watched him reach the upper shelf and retrieve the encyclopedia, its weight seemingly insignificant in his hands. 
San’s eyes darted between you and Seonghwa. He couldn’t make sense of why Seonghwa was so insistent on helping you, a rare display of protectiveness that went against his aloof nature. A knowing smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.
Seonghwa handed you the book, his hand lingering for a moment longer than necessary, as if he wanted to say something more. His eyes held a silent plea, a desperate hope for a chance to explain himself, but your focus remained elsewhere, avoiding the intensity of his gaze.
“Thank you,” you murmured, clutching the book to your chest, its worn cover a small comfort as you put distance between yourself and Seonghwa. "I should get going," you suggested with exasperation evident in your voice. 
The intensity of the situation was suffocating, and you needed an escape. Without waiting for a response, you turned on your heel and walked away, each step feeling like a small victory against the turmoil that threatened to consume you. 
A wave of guilt washed over Seonghwa knowing that he was partially responsible for your sudden departure. His chest tightened and he clenched his fists, feeling the sting of his own actions. He stood there, paralyzed by the weight of his guilt, until San’s voice cut through the fog of his thoughts.
“I must say, your ability to find yourself in compromising situations never fails to impress me. It truly is a talent,” he remarked with mock admiration.
Seonghwa’s eyes flashed with anger as he spat out through gritted teeth, “And you seem to take great pleasure in reveling in another’s misfortune.” His voice was thick with venom, each word a dagger aimed at San.
“Isn’t that exactly what you were doing to Y/N?" San replied, his tone casual and unbothered, as if Seonghwa’s seething rage was nothing more than a mild inconvenience. 
Seonghwa opened his mouth to retort, but his words caught in his throat as his gaze fell to the ground. There, lying abandoned on the floor, were the heels you had left behind. The sight of them hit him like a punch to the gut–a reminder of your abrupt departure. His anger gave way as he walked over to pick up the shoes.
“I didn’t know,” he muttered, more to himself than to anyone else. “I didn’t mean to hurt her.”
“Well, she’ll be hurt more if she steps on a sharp object without any shoes on,” Jongho quipped dryly, his tone mixed with pragmatic concern. His eyes silently urged Seonghwa to go after you. 
Seonghwa stood there for a moment, clutching your heels, his mind racing. He couldn’t let you leave like this, not without explaining himself. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he set out after you, determined to make things right.
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“You did not fly all the way home without your heels,” Sunmi yawned, cradling Siwoo in her arms. Your nephew let out a string of babbles, his tiny face scrunched up as if he were reprimanding you for your forgetfulness.
“Just did,” you said with a shrug, lifting the skirt of your gown and wiggling your bare toes in the air. “I mean, it’s not like I planned to leave my heels there and honestly, I didn’t even notice until I got home,” you lied. 
Sunmi’s eyebrows knitted together in concern as she studied you. “What happened?” she asked, her voice softening. She shifted Siwoo to her other arm, his tiny head resting against her shoulder. The gentle rise and fall of his breathing seemed to mirror the rhythm of your own anxious heartbeats.
You sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the evening’s events, the exhaustion and emotional turmoil finally having caught up with you. “This happened,” you said, holding up the encyclopedia for her to see. The book felt heavy in your hands, not just in weight but in the significance of what it represented.
“I think I might’ve figured out the other half of Ajax’s pedigree. I didn’t have my own copy so I borrowed Jongho’s. I’m going to do some work,” you explained, determined to solve the mystery you’ve been chasing for months now. 
You retreated to your study, sliding into your desk chair. Your fingers trembled slightly as you flipped through the pages, each one filled with intricate illustrations and detailed descriptions of various dragon breeds. A sense of awe washed over you as you read through breeds, old and new—each more fascinating than the last. As you continued, your anticipation grew, until finally, your eyes landed on the page you were searching for. 
You studied the avian-looking dragon. Its sleek, streamlined body was adorned with grotesque feathers hanging from its gangly, mismatched wings. The large, bug-like eyes bulged with an eerie intelligence, giving the dragon an almost alien appearance. They stared back at you with a knowing, unsettling awareness. Its sharp, curved beak-like snout added to its avian resemblance, but instead of elegance, it exuded menace and predatory intent, as if ready to strike at any moment.
“Found you,” you whispered, a triumphant smile spreading across your face. Your mind raced with the implications of this discovery, the pieces of the puzzle finally coming together. As you scribbled notes on your scratch pad, thoughts of your job at the Institute surfaced; the resources and access you had there could be invaluable for digging deeper into the investigation and revealing the truth about Ajax. 
A sudden knock against your doorframe startled you from your thoughts. You blinked, momentarily readjusting your glasses to make sure you weren’t imagining things.
Seonghwa stood in the doorway to your office, the soft light from the lamp casting a glow that accentuated his sharp features and the depth in his eyes. The usual strands of his updo were windswept, adding a touch of wildness indicating that he wasted no time trying to find you. His tie hung loosely around his neck, its knot undone splayed over his chest–and your stilettos, with their long, thin heels hung from his hands. 
“You forgot these.” He held out the heels, his expression sheepish as his eyes darted between the shoes and your face. The contrast between his usually confident demeanor and the awkwardness of the gesture made him all the more endearing.
Your fingers brushed against his in a brief, electric touch. “Thank you,” you said, touched by his thoughtfulness. “You didn’t have to come all this way.”
He stepped closer, the scent of his cologne filling your senses, creating an intoxicating blend that heightened the tension between you. His eyes, usually so guarded, now held a vulnerability you’d never seen before.
“I realized I’d never see you again if I didn’t bring them,” he said, his words tumbling out quickly as if he feared losing the courage to say them. “And… I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Seonghwa’s gaze lingered on you for a moment, taking in every detail of your appearance. He noticed your furrowed brow and the slight tilt of your head as you spoke. His eyes traced the curve of your neck to your collarbone, where the strapless black gown rested. The way the lamplight highlighted the contours of your features made him forget how to breathe.
“You haven’t changed out of your gown?” he asked, his voice softening with genuine curiosity and admiration.
You yawned and stretched slightly. “It’s too pretty to take off.”
“It suits you.” You felt a blush creep up your cheeks, and you looked away, trying to hide your smile.
“Guess I just didn’t want the night to end.” 
He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling as he tried to steady himself. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
You raised an eyebrow, feeling a knot form in your stomach. “What are you apologizing for?”
“I made a mess of things, and you got caught in the crossfire,” he confessed, his voice cracking. “Seeing you hurt because of what happened in the library has been eating away at me. I never, never meant to hurt you. It made me realize that I don’t want to lose you.”
His words hung in the air, heavy with regret and desperation. You could see the anguish in his eyes, the way his hands trembled slightly as he spoke. You looked down at the heels in your hands, feeling a swell of emotions rise within you before setting them down. 
“You’re only human, Seonghwa,” you said softly, despite the storm swirling within you. “We all make mistakes. What matters is that you’re here now, trying to make things right. So, thank you.”
You let the words settle between you before taking your own breath. “While you're here, I’m…thinking of going back to the Institute,” you say. “I think I’ve figured out Ajax’s missing half but I don’t think our case against the necropsy will be very effective if I don’t have access to all the necessary resources.” 
Seonghwa’s expression shifted from relief to a playful glint as he leaned in. “I bare my soul to you and you’re already leaving me?”
You scoffed. “I wouldn’t consider that soul baring,” you smiled, trying to ignore the flutter in your chest.
"Guess I'll have to visit you every day since you'll be close to the capitol," he murmured, his voice deep and teasing as he leaned in. “I don’t plan on letting you go back to Wooyoung that easily.” Seonghwa's hand takes hold of your face, his thumb sweeping across your jawline.
You welcomed his touch, yet the weight of your true feelings was almost too much to bear. A raw ache in your chest served as a painful reminder: Seonghwa was not yours, and he never would be. You had accepted this, even if it stung more than you were willing to admit. 
<< viii | daylight | x >>
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taglist: @litolmochi @syubseokie @park-simphwa @szakias
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