#honorable mention also to rhys darby: big in japan
neonpigeons · 2 years
Top 5 Rhys characters 😁
this shouldn't be that difficult and yet.
1. to the surprise of no one,,, murray hewitt from flight of the conchords
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he's soooo goddamn pathetic. just a soggy and crumpled up piece of paper. he's trying his best. I wanna kiss him about it.
2. also not a surprise, stede bonnet in ofmd.
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he's a very close second honestly. my good time boy... soggy and beautiful.
3. the show is pretty meh overall, but steve from wrecked my beloved
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and then season 3 with jonno roberts... top tier
4. short poppies!!! he was every main character so like it's hard to pick one but louise is my favorite. she's so cute and pretty 🥺 rhys looks good as a girl, what can I say.
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(only pic I have on hand lol)
5. nigel billingsley from the new jumanji movies... I know he's barely in them but like he looks so good and I would love if he had a bigger role in a future sequel.
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like what if he gets transported out of the game somehow?? an npc suddenly in the real world?? suddenly given free will and sentience?? idk I have ideas lol if they need a writer for the third movie... hit me up.
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