#honorable mentions for red lights and maknae on top bc i love those mvs as well
dontwannalove · 2 years
Okay so bit of a random question, but it's for a project im working on:
What are some of your favorite SKZ music videos?
I wanna make sure I cover people's favs and not just the popular ones! (Tho those are usually people's favs too lol that's why they're popular cx)
sorry that i'm only now getting around to answering! alright this is actually such a hard question bc so many of their mvs are good and i'm definitely going to list some of the popular ones. anyways some of my favorites are time out, thunderous, back door, god's menu, venom, miroh, freeze, top, scars, winter falls, and get cool
(ok im stopping there before i end up listing almost all of them lolol)
also good luck with your project!! i hope that whatever you're planning and working on turns out well!! :))
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