#honorary bunny
one-bunny-a-day · 10 months
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shh, you're today's bunny
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bun-a-day · 1 year
Long eared jerboa??
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107🐇04.17.23 long eared jerboa
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dailylagomorphs · 2 years
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homopessimist · 2 years
do you ever see a character and think “yea i want to put him in a situation”
that’s me with matthew lloyd
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bielbunny · 10 months
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Had a conversation with a really good friend of mine (who's not on Tumblr unfortunately) a while ago. Insects are really strong for their size, so a 6ft tall moth would be really really really strong Strong enough to put a *lot* of weight and not be the least out of shape, more than enough to carry a chubby bunny pretty easily and flex about it
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ratasum · 2 years
Days pass. The next step looms. How to move forward becomes harder to see.
Or: Qirri struggles to cope with the reopened wounds of childhood trauma.
“Oh by the pinion gears- we’ll be overrun at this rate!”
It was strange, to have those thoughts rattling around in her head. Or perhaps “strange” wasn’t the exact right word. Perhaps it was better to say unsettling. It wasn’t as if she didn’t remember the events of Claw Island as clearly as if they’d happened yesterday.
Trying to breathe in the sickly mixture of briny air and the sour scent of rot and decay from the once dead shambling in their direction.
Struggling with shaking hands to try to put together a rifle turret, head down, breathing already labored, before being interrupted by someone screaming for her to move and looking up. A risen abomination. Massive, fast, barreling down on her with incredible speed.
She couldn’t move. Couldn’t react. Her rifle was right there!
Grab it, grab it GRAB IT-
Her grip tightened on the ventilator mask in her hand, checking over the crack that ran through it. No point in repairing this one- the damage was pretty severe. A total loss. Maybe she ought to consider Yao’s idea of using a modified breather like the ones some of the miners used out in the Jade Sea. She’d have to ask them to get her one she could take a look at.
Or maybe see if Joon had one. She tended to keep all sorts of tech lying around the mansion sometimes.
Deft hands began to dismantle the one she was holding, pulling out ruined filters and unscrewing the tubing that had led to the dispenser tank she kept hooked to her belt. That part seemed undamaged at least. It could be reused.
Damn ley abomination. Just her luck it would hit her just like that. Garrus’s voice crying out her name, concerned as always, still rung in her ears-
“Qirri look out!”
In the moment of time it could have taken for her to be trampled into the dirt, she found the wind knocked out of her as someone bodied her out of the way, turning around just in time to see the abomination slam into Garrus instead. She saw his arm crumple, watched him roll out of the way and hit the ground hard.
He hit the ground and he did not move.
Her shoulders curled tightly inward as she gave her head a hard shake, dispelling the memories as best she could. Of one of the charr Lionguard pulling Garrus up to get him out the gates. Of Forgal and Tybalt and dear, dear Sieran hurrying them all out to get them to safety. Of Sieran cradling her face and insisting it would be all right-
“I should have known I couldn’t rely on a child.”
“You were too little, ruby eyes. Too small, too young. I should have known you could never handle this weight. You could never be strong enough.”
“Poor, weak little ruby eyes…”
The gasp she let out was so sharp it sent her into a coughing fit. She’d been having more of them since that damn cave, harsher too, leaving a burning ache in her chest after each one. There was a doctor Rama recommended back in Seitung who may have suggestions on a higher dosage or perhaps some new medication that may soothe her lungs better.
Not that it would do much to soothe her mind. That had been Sieran’s voice, hadn’t it? But it hadn’t been Sieran. She had to remind herself of that. Sieran would never speak to her in such a way, would she?
Her ears twitched as she laid out the components of the device in front of her. Broken. Useless. Her hand went to her throat briefly, rubbing lightly, considering the burning sensation that felt as fresh and raw as it had when it was new. How much more could she push herself without her body finally giving out?
“You’re weak. Sickly and frail. You were never good enough to be my student. You were a failure as a student, and you were a failure in Maguuma.”
“You were never. Never worthy.”
She covered her mouth on another cough, only to this time be interrupted by a hand on her back, a familiar voice speaking softly as it inquired, “Chief?”
Immediately Qirri whipped her head around, blinking up at Yao as they looked back down at her. Their expression was one of clear concern, and their free hand held a small saucer on which sat a cup of steaming tea.
“Oh- Yao. I’m sorry, I- did you need something?”
“I heard you coughing so I figured you could use a break.” They moved their hand from her back, reaching over to arrange the components of her old ventilator out of the way to set the tea down in front of her. “Ginger green tea. It’s good for the lungs.”
Qirri turned her head back to look at the cup before reaching for it, pulling it closer to herself on the table. The warmth bled into her hands, and the smell of it gave her at least some small sense of grounding in all her unease and the bitter memories of the all too recent fight. “...thanks, Yao. I don’t think I’ve taken much of a break at all today.”
They chuckled at that, tugging one of her loose braids gently. “I figured.” Then, after a moment, they reached out to scrub a thumb against her cheek, brushing away tears Qirri didn’t even realize had fallen. “...are you sure you’re okay? We can see about getting you a train back. Rama, Gorrik, and I can make sure Garrus stays safe. You can get back with Taimi and Joon at the mansion.”
Her hands tightened slightly on the teacup, rasping out a gentle sigh. “No. I won’t leave Garrus alone like that. He… what if he needs me?”
“...I think he’d understand, chief. But it’s your decision. I’m not gonna press.” They stood straight after that, glancing around at all the devices and tools she had laid out around her. “...I was planning on putting on some Kaineng rice noodles for lunch. Do you want some? It’s got a hot broth. Might help your throat.”
Qirri nodded, watching for a moment as Yao started towards the door of the small room she had holed herself up in. Her ears perked, and for a moment, a thought rippled through her head. “...hey Yao?”
They blinked, then turned to look towards her, looking expectant as their hand rested against the door. “Yeah chief?”
Her mouth opened, then closed, considering what she wanted to say. She wanted Rissia. She wanted to cry. She wanted to go home. But none of those things came out. “...could you see if we can get our hands on one of those jade tech breathers the miners use? I want to tinker with it for a little bit.”
The disappointment that crossed Yao’s face was incredibly brief, and they gave her a lopsided smile in return. “You got it, chief. One breather coming up!”
They headed out the door, closing it behind them as Qirri turned back to her desk, picking up the teacup to take a good sip. It felt good going down, soothing against the burning sensation curling into her throat.
This time, though, she felt the tears start to roll down her cheeks, letting out a little hiccup before setting down the teacup and pressing her face into her hands, shoving her glasses out of the way. They were ugly, rough, painful sobs, racking her small frame as she curled forward, ears drooping, chest tight.
What was she going to do?
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hermywolf · 4 months
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adore the entire city team ofc but these four i would battle armies in their name i would kill and die for them
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fellstcr · 2 years
⚔️ //  “...so  the  flow  of  time  has crossed  our  paths  once more.”  probably  a  rather  odd  thing  to  say  ,  when  the  words  had  come  after  byleth  had  just  torn  through  the  stem  of  a  large  and  imposing  plant  that  had  sprung  up  from  the  ground  in  a  rush  of  thorny  vines  and  spiked  leaves.  where  it  once  had  snapped  its  pointed  maw  and  dripped  liquid  poison  ,  it  now  lay  lifeless  on  the  ground  ,  acidic  green  steam  rising  where  the  remnants  touched  anything  organic. 
            ahead  of  them  was  an  expansive  jungle  ,  filled  with  fauna  that  rustled  in  the  depths  ,  and  flora  that  rose  high  above  their  heads.  oversized  palm  fronds  the  size  of  an  entire  person  ,  and  bright  flora  that  ,  much  like  this  carnivorous  plant  ,  likely    posed  more  of  a  threat  than  your  average  meadow  daisy. 
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         byleth  turned  to  peter  and  tilted  her  head.   “and  it  is  fortuitous  that  it  did.  have  you  lost  your  traveling  companion  ,  peter?  ...  or  did  you  venture  into  these  hidden  realms  alone?”
@prieldi​ / — down you go
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ofvaporex · 2 years
I'm hesitant on making a verse because we have no idea if we'll get Ratchet content later in the series but.
Ratchet having effectively fucked off after the war because he was old, tired, and just didn't want anything to do with any secret organizations or continued fighting, so he works as a physician at a human hospital instead.
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ssahotchnerr · 4 months
Okay but Ellie absolutely adoring Rossi though 🥺 he’s her unofficial grandpa and he’s her godfather 🥺 and the two of them love spending time together and making as four years old Ellie says “sphetti” and he absolutely spoils his goddaughter & honorary granddaughter
omg 😭 dave's absolutely her godfather - cried when you and aaron asked him 😭 he brought flowers for you and a stuffed bunny for ellie when he visited the hospital after she was born, and you and aaron asked him immediately 🥹 it was decided way early on in your pregnancy that the you of two wanted him to be her godfather - it pretty much went without saying. and if jess is busy and you and aaron want to go out or whatnot, dave's always the designated babysitter 🥹
i love the idea of reader craving dave's cooking while pregnant with ellie, so it only makes sense ellie comes out loving her grandpa dave and all his cooking too 🥰 plus they bonded early on too - while ellie's a newborn, dave's one of the few that's able to soothe her crying, by simply holding her in his arms. plus she's the very first baby girl within the bau fam, so everyone has a soft spot for her - especially dave 🥹
ellie standing on a chair besides him as he makes all his special pasta dishes 🥹 hehe he's telling her all the steps and what ingredients go in when, even letting her dump onions or tomatoes in the pan herself - with a very watchful eye so she doesn't accidentally burn herself or get too close. "sphetti" stop 😭💕💕💞💓💞 he slowly teaches her Italian too 😭<333
dave also gets her her own little chef apron!!! hehe it hangs in his kitchen at all times, alongside his apron and she wears it proudly
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themakeupbrush · 7 months
Bad Bunny, Chris Hemsworth, Jennifer Lopez, Zendaya, and Anna Wintour will serve as this year's official co-chairs for the 2024 Met Gala.
Honorary chairs are Loewe creative director Jonathan Anderson and TikTok CEO Shou Zi Chew.
The dress code is "The Garden of Time."
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fairyhaos · 1 year
Who in svt do you think snores the loudest? ( i feel like itd be the bears)
ohhh it's mingyu for sure pls like this man has the loudest snores. honorary mention also goes to dokyeom (iconic snorrrrkkk mimimi snores) and seungcheol (rumbly grandad snores) . but mingyu literally snores so loudly that he's choked on them before and accidentally woken himself up
on the other end of the spectrum is jeonghan (angelic), jihoon (doesn't sleep) and minghao (is minghao). honorary mention on this side goes to joshua (makes small snuffly noises like a little baby bunny)
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bun-a-day · 1 year
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258🐇09.15.23 honorary bunny sentret
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kurenainospeedyjumper · 2 months
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honorary bunny day sentos
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starsteel-absol · 1 year
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pokemon i associate with! honorary mentions go to calyrex and scorbunny bcs,, bunny 🐰
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thelarriefics · 5 months
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SPRING FIC REC: Below you will find fics that take place in spring, have a springy feel, etc. 
📖 always you (i should have known) by @28goldens (60k)
“Oi, now we’re talking. Came running to ol’ Tomlinson for help, gotta say Harold,” He crossed his arms over his chest, and Harry watched as his eyes looked him over. “It's very out of character for you.”
“Yeah, well, don’t feel too special, you're my last choice,” Harry subconsciously crossed his arms as well, giving Louis his own look over.
“Oh, that's a lot of power, I’m your last resort!” He wagged his finger at him, letting out a cackle. “Alright, hit me with it.”
Harry’s lips pursed as he slowly started to regret the words about to spill out of his mouth, “I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend.”
or the one where harry and louis cant stand each other and fake date to make someone jealous.
📖 (I'm Dreaming of a) One Night Inn by @lululawrence (54k)
When everything Louis had planned for his life falls through, and on his birthday no less, he's left with no other option but to regroup and start over again. The road of life isn't always straight and it certainly isn't always easy, but sometimes it's those twists and turns that find you your closest friends and—if you're really lucky—the love of your life.
Louis just happens to be very lucky.
A Holiday Inn AU.
📖 Blush by @dip-lou-in-honey (33k)
Harry is a young omega, presented at his first Royal ball, when he first meets Louis, the King. They're immediately infatuated with each other, but in the ancient hallways of the castle, whispers travel far and wide, and what they want is not what they're allowed to have.
📖 Tip Toe Through The Tulips by @peachbootylouis (27k)
Ever since moving to Manchester, it had just been Louis and his dog Clifford against the world though it had never felt like enough. It’s not until Clifford quite literally sniffs Harry out while on a walk that Louis realizes he’d been looking for someone like this flower child all along. A fluffy one shot filled with fur and flowers.
📖 To Begin Again by @chloehl10 (23k)
Harry’s ready to spend a fun Easter morning with his two children at the park, but it’s thrown into chaos when an over-excited dog and his owner come barrelling into their lives...
📖 Sakura Sunset by @mizzhydes (16k)
Harry and Louis have a tradition. Every spring they stand below hundreds of dazzling cherry blossom trees in Kew Garden, and year after year they come back to walk amongst the trees and experience that love over again.
This year everything changes. Louis is offered a once in a lifetime opportunity in Silicon Valley, California.
Only after Louis has left does Harry realise he made the biggest mistake of his life breaking up with Louis, and he has to live with the consequences of his actions.
Four years later, Harry discovers that Louis has returned to London, and in an effort to find the closure he desperately needs, he must tell Louis the truth behind their break up so he can move on with his life.
📖 The Prince and The YouTuber by @haztobegood (12k)
The Annual Rosendal Spring Gala hosted by the Royal Family is the most prestigious fundraiser in the country. When a problem with the honorary foundation arises, Crown Prince Louis Tomlinson must pick a new worthy foundation on short notice. He discovers the perfect replacement in an unlikely place, while watching his favorite YouTuber, Harrysparkles.
📖 Love You To Want Me by @rainbowsandlovehl (11k)
Niall coerces Louis into doing 'spring cleaning', which is basically cleaning their flat which leads to Louis finding the pair of braces he used to wear back in early Uni days. Harry, Niall's bandmate has a strange but visible reactions to the braces.
📖 Chubby Bunny by @littleroverlouis (2k)
Harry spends his Easter Sunday basking in the spring breeze while playing games with the smallest Tomlinsons, and a package of marshmallow Peeps.
Louis is stuck in a sweltering bunny costume for the enjoyment of all around him.
Harry offers him a chance to peel himself out of the costume and indulge in some of the fun.
📖 my lap is the best place for you to be by @bottomhaztoplou (1k)
Omegas, especially pregnant omegas, are expected to ride in their marriage partner's lap, usually on their knot, during carriage rides so as to minimise any jostling that may harm the pup.
Heavily pregnant in mid-April, Harry lifts his skirts and sinks down onto his waiting alpha, his body easily taking Louis inside himself.
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