#honorary prof challenger mention
ogsherlockholmes · 4 months
ACD writing A Study in Scarlet: Here's an idea, I've worked very hard on it and I'm very proud, do you like it? You don't? I'll fix it, let me fix it, I can make it better.
ACD writing The Sign of The Four: This is better, in fact, it's perfect. Cyclical structure and everything, check it out, Fleshed out characters, amazing storyline, I know you're going to like this one.
ACD writing anything Holmes related afterwards: Here, take this. I thought of it in the bathroom and wrote it on a piece of toilet paper. I don't care what you do with it just take it, now, I hope it's shit so you stop asking for it. Is there a deeper meaning? Stop asking me questions. Anyway, have you heard of Professor Challenger?
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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When acquaintances miraculously survive a plane crash unscathed, they conclude that since they are "living on borrowed time" they should band together for hazardous adventures. The four—pilot Kyle "Ace" Morgan, daredevil Matthew "Red" Ryan, strong and slow-witted Leslie "Rocky" Davis, and scientist Walter Mark "Prof" Haley—became the Challengers of the Unknown.
Soon famous, the Challengers accept many "unknown challenges" from The Pentagon, mad scientists, and people with a problem. Over time the "Challs" establish the hollowed-out Challengers Mountain as headquarters. Later they adopt an hourglass logo to symbolize time running out. They encounter genies, common and sophisticated thieves, rocs, aliens and robots good and bad. Their adventures later veer toward superheroics, and take in everything from occult menaces to Bermuda Triangle mysteries. The Challengers travel through space, time, and other dimensions. They encounter the likes of the Doom Patrol, Deadman, Swamp Thing, Jonny Double, and the Sea Devils, with whom they fight the criminal group Scorpio.[15] June Robbins, a computer genius and archaeologist, joined the Challengers for many adventures as an "honorary" or "girl" Challenger. June first officially joins the team after the rogue robot 'Ultivac' seemingly kills one of the original Challengers. However that man returns thanks to heroic efforts of modern medical science.[16]
When Red is killed,[17] a teen rock star/engineering genius immediately wages a vendetta against the three-man team. "Tino Mannaray" turns out to be Martin Ryan, Red's kid brother, who blames the team for his death. Red eventually returns; though blown up, he had been dosed with shape-changing Liquid Light and rendered amnesiac, but still nearly conquered the Pacific as a Tiki god.
As the team's challenges become more occult, Red's brother Tino is blinded. Red donates an eye to his brother and dons an eye patch. Eventually Red receives an eye transplant. Prof becomes possessed by an evil spirit and is shot by a villain. While he recovers, Corinna Stark, a mysterious blonde with mystical knowledge, invites herself onto the team. The Challengers fight occult alien-monsters in backwoods villages and dark dreams, and Rocky and Red fight for Corinna's affection.
The Challs are later semi-retired, their mountain a theme park, and their adventures disregarded as cooked-up articles in a tabloid, The Tattletale. The nearby town has renamed itself Challengerville, managing to thrive on the team's name. A cosmic entity, which prides itself as "the personification of all evil", influences the entity Multi-Man to blow up the mountain. The town is destroyed. Hundreds die, including, seemingly, Prof and June.[18] The surviving Challengers are placed on trial, but eventually freed with the testimony of Superman. They are, however, ordered to disband.[19]
A tabloid reporter, Moffet, becomes involved with the group after several unexplained incidents. Moffet begins to piece together many seemingly unrelated massacres. Red became a violent, vigilante mercenary. Ace becomes an addled mystic, losing new-found friends due to inattention and incompetence. Rocky becomes lost in a life of luxury and ends up in an insane asylum.
Eventually the three reunite, and with Moffet's aid, find a strange portal near what was once Challengerville. They discover Prof and June, pregnant, "alive" in a strange "phantom zone". The dark demon confronts them and the final battle comes down to Moffet and a neutron bomb. The decision to attack is literally taken out of his hands by Multi-Man, who sacrifices himself to destroy the demon.[20]
"The New Challengers of the Unknown", including ghostly Prof and June, were poised to take on menaces in the dark corners of the world.[20]
Later, four new Challengers pursue X-Files-like horrors. They are Clay Brody, NASCAR driver; Brenda Ruskin, physicist; Kenn Kawa, radical games designer; and Marlon Corbet, commercial pilot, who also miraculously survived a plane crash. They stopped sacrificial wackos, drug-juiced zombies, vengeful ghosts, Amazon cults, Lovecraftian monsters, mass suicides, humming buildings, and other oddities. They were advised by Rocky Davis, older and grayer and alone. It was eventually revealed the original Challengers were dematerialized by a mad scientist's ray-weapon. The same ray caused both plane crashes, as well as others. Soon the original Challs reappeared, helped the young Challs defeat the madman, then walked back into oblivion (minus a wounded Rocky) to shut down a runaway Tesla field. The young Challengers vowed to fight on.
Superboy discovers the missing Challengers —Ace, Red, Prof, and June—in Hypertime. The team was waging guerrilla war against Black Zero (a Superboy variant). With Black Zero defeated, the team returns to Earth, but loses Red along the way. Reunited with Rocky in Metropolis, hosted by Rip Hunter, the original Challengers vow to explore Hypertime, "the greatest unknown", to find Red.
Two Challengers partake in Infinite Crisis. Rocky Davis and Prof Haley help stem the escape of prisoners from Blackgate Prison.[21] Rocky fights in the Battle of Metropolis. He is one of dozens of heroes fighting the opposing army of the Secret Society of Super Villains. The Society is ultimately defeated.[22]
Later, on a world without superheroes, a blogger, a hip hop artist, an eco-terrorist, and two others discovers they'd been genetically enhanced and chip-programmed to be soldier-pawns by the Hegemony, a cabal of billionaires who secretly run that world. Made slaves on a Moon base, three Challengers blow up the base, escape to Earth, and declare war on the Hegemony until (like the obliquely mentioned earlier Challengers) their "borrowed time" runs out
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justforbooks · 5 years
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The historian Mostafa Abdel Hamid el-Abbadi in his personal library in Alexandria, Egypt, in 2012. He developed plans to revive the ancient Great Library of Alexandria.
Professor Abbadi’s dream of a new library — a modern version of the magnificent center of learning of ancient times — could be traced to 1972, when, as a scholar at the University of Alexandria, he concluded a lecture with an impassioned challenge.
It was President Richard M. Nixon who blew wind into the sails of Professor Abbadi’s ambitious proposal. When Nixon visited Egypt in 1974, he and President Anwar el-Sadat rode by train to Alexandria’s ancient ruins to observe their faded grandeur. When Nixon asked about the ancient library’s location and history, no one in the Egyptian entourage had an answer.
In 1988, President Hosni Mubarak laid the foundation stone for what would become the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, a $220 million seaside cylindrical complex. Designed by the Norwegian firm Snohetta, it comprises a 220,000-square-foot reading room, four museums, several galleries, a conference center, a planetarium and gift shops.
It opened in 2002, hailed as a revitalization of intellectual culture in Egypt’s former ancient capital, which is now its often neglected second-largest city.
“With the founding of the new Bibliotheca Alexandrina,” Professor Abbadi wrote in 2004, “the ancient experiment has come full circle.”
The professor did not share fully in the glory. He, like other scholars, had been critical of some aspects of the finished library and maintained that the builders had been careless during the excavation, unmindful of the site’s archaeological value.
When the library was officially opened, in a ceremony attended by heads of state, royalty and other luminaries, he was nowhere to be seen. He had not been invited!
Mostafa Abdel Hamid el-Abbadi was born on Oct. 10, 1928, in Cairo. His father, Abdel-Hamid el-Abbadi, was a founder of the College of Letters and Arts of the University of Alexandria in 1942 and its first dean.
Mostafa el-Abbadi earned a bachelor’s degree with honors there in 1951. A year later, he enrolled at the University of Cambridge on an Egyptian government scholarship. He studied at Jesus College under A. H. M. Jones, the pre-eminent historian of the Roman Empire, and earned a doctorate in ancient history there in 1960.
Two years before, in Britain, he had married Azza Kararah, a professor of English literature at the University of Alexandria, who had earned her doctorate at Cambridge in 1955. She died in 2015.
Professor Abbadi’s book “Life and Fate of the Ancient Library of Alexandria,” published in 1990 by Unesco and translated into five languages, continues to be widely cited by scholars.
In that book, one of several he wrote or edited, he blamed Julius Caesar for the ancient library’s destruction, countering one politicized narrative that holds Arabs responsible.
In interviews and papers, Professor Abbadi asserted that although it was not the world’s first library, it was the first universal library, housing an estimated half-million texts from many countries and in many languages, including Aristotle’s works and original manuscripts by dramatists like Sophocles.
“He was without doubt the doyen of Alexandria,” Dorothy Thompson, a Cambridge fellow and honorary president of the International Association of Papyrologists, said of Professor Abbadi. “He made Alexandria known in the English-speaking world in the 20th century.”
In 1996, he was elected president of the Archaeological Society of Alexandria, founded in 1893. He lectured throughout the world and received many academic and government honors.
In an email, the biographer Stacy Schiff, author of the acclaimed “Cleopatra: A Life,” cited the novelist Lawrence Durrell, author of the tetralogy “The Alexandria Quartet,” in writing of Professor Abbadi. “Every bit the representative of what Durrell called ‘the capital of memory,’” she said, “he seemed to hold whole civilizations in his head.”
When the library opened in 2002, Professor Abbadi donated a rare 16th-century copy of “Codex Justinianus,” the codification of Roman law under Justinian I in the sixth century A.D. It was one of the first books to sit on the new library’s shelves. Before his death, the professor donated his and his wife’s roughly 6,000 books and academic papers.
Yet during the construction and afterward, he found the project wanting. “We have a great name, fortunately,” he said of the library in an interview with The New York Times in 2001. “The challenge is living up to it.”
He found the library’s book collections for students inadequate. And the construction, in his view, had been done without proper archaeological surveys and excavation, even though the site was in what was called the palace quarter in the era of the Ptolemaic kings.
Standing on the balcony of his apartment nearby, he videotaped bulldozers digging up historical artifacts and plunking them into the sea.
“The ensuing scandal forced them to stop work and permit an emergency salvage archaeological dig,” Max Rodenbeck, then the Middle East bureau chief of The Economist, recalled.
Sure enough, a large mosaic of a sitting dog, from the second century A.D., was discovered at the site. It is now in the library’s antiquities museum.
Professor Abbadi had persuaded the Egyptian authorities to establish that museum, an endeavor that took him to dusty government storerooms and archaeological sites as he built out the collection. In a Luxor crypt that had not been opened in three decades, he stumbled upon ill-preserved wooden funerary boxes from King Tutankhamen’s tomb.
He also raised money to acquire hundreds of volumes of texts from early Christianity.
Yet the government did not invite Professor Abbadi to the library’s official opening, apparently because of his criticism of the project.
“No Egyptian newspaper mentioned his name at all,” said Prof. Mona Haggag, a former student of his and head of the department of Greek and Roman archaeology at the University of Alexandria. “It became the project of the presidents, of the people who cut the rope, the people who stood on the front stage, and not of Mostafa el-Abbadi.”
As his “Life and Fate of the Ancient Library of Alexandria” was distributed among the guests at the event, he passed the day in his own library, at his home overlooking the Mediterranean.
Professor Abbadi, a Cambridge-educated historian of Greco-Roman antiquity and the soft-spoken visionary behind the revival of the Great Library of Alexandria in Egypt, died on Feb.13, 2017 in Alexandria. He was 88.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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urbandesignlab · 4 years
Mr. KIM Chanho received an honorary mention award of President of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information at the 10th EDISON Challenge
Mr. KIM Chanho, a MSc student (Urban Design Lab, Advisor Prof. KIM Youngchul) received an honorary mention award of President of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information at the 10th EDISON Challenge (EDucation-research-industry Integration through Simulation On the Net) organized by the Ministry of Science and ICT of Korea on August 11. The project title is "Analysis of Urban Conditions for Performance Evaluation of Outdoor Air Purifier". Congratulations!!
0 notes
big--news · 7 years
'I do not understand the mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion' - Says Adv. Arvind Datar
Pune, 25 November 2017: ''Adhaar card should not be made mandatory. Other documents for identification- like Voter id, Passport etc. should be enough to be linked with the bank accounts. I do not understand this mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion,'' expressed Arvind Datar, Senior advocate of Madras High Court.
''If you want Adhaar, take away all other things. Today I must have a Pan Card, Passport & many other identification numbers,'' he said. Adv. Datar was speaking on the topic 'The Right to Privacy- Past, Present and Future', today at Navalmal Firodia Law College, in a lecture organized by Pune International Centre (PIC).
Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, President, PIC, Dr. Vijay Kelkar, Vice President, PIC, Kumar Ketkar, Senior jornalist, Prof. Amitav Malik, Trustee, PIC, Prashant Girbane, Honorary Director, PIC, were present among the dignitaries.
'The right to left alone must be respected irrespective of the technological improvement,' Datar quoted. He mentioned several cases & judgments that involved right to privacy in some or the other way. Also the case that he presented & lost in the Supreme Court regarding linking Adhaar with the Pan Card.
''According to the Adhaar act, Adhaar card is for ensuring that the government subsidies go to the correct person. As per the section 3 & 7 of the act,Adhaar is optional. So not everyone need to take Adhaar card. In last year's budget, the government said that If you do not link Adhaar to your Pan card, your Pan card will be invalidated. One gets a Pan card after doing a thorough check. Now If he or she doesn't show their Adhaar, their Pan card will get cancelled, which has no point. If the Adhaar is optional in the parent act, then how it can be made mandatory in the Income Tax Act. This was my argument in the case which I lost,'' he said.  
''Every time answering the debate, the governments points to the terrorism in J & K  & the black money. They say that linking Pan to Adhaar will be useful to weed out fake Pan cards. We argued that, As per the government data, only 0.4 percent of the Pan cards are fake. So why torture 99.6 percent people & ask them to link Pan with Adhaar,'' Datar mentioned.
He also mentioned the privacy controversies with the non state actors like Social media.  Datar said that, From the legal standpoint the future will be extremely exciting & challenging time. ''Every technological benefit has a flipside. If you see the history of the constitutional law, It's a history betweenthe liberty of an individual & the needs of the state,'' he said.
0 notes
sangli-varta · 7 years
'I do not understand the mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion' - Says Adv. Arvind Datar
Pune, 25 November 2017: ''Adhaar card should not be made mandatory. Other documents for identification- like Voter id, Passport etc. should be enough to be linked with the bank accounts. I do not understand this mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion,'' expressed Arvind Datar, Senior advocate of Madras High Court.
''If you want Adhaar, take away all other things. Today I must have a Pan Card, Passport & many other identification numbers,'' he said. Adv. Datar was speaking on the topic 'The Right to Privacy- Past, Present and Future', today at Navalmal Firodia Law College, in a lecture organized by Pune International Centre (PIC).
Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, President, PIC, Dr. Vijay Kelkar, Vice President, PIC, Kumar Ketkar, Senior jornalist, Prof. Amitav Malik, Trustee, PIC, Prashant Girbane, Honorary Director, PIC, were present among the dignitaries.
'The right to left alone must be respected irrespective of the technological improvement,' Datar quoted. He mentioned several cases & judgments that involved right to privacy in some or the other way. Also the case that he presented & lost in the Supreme Court regarding linking Adhaar with the Pan Card.
''According to the Adhaar act, Adhaar card is for ensuring that the government subsidies go to the correct person. As per the section 3 & 7 of the act,Adhaar is optional. So not everyone need to take Adhaar card. In last year's budget, the government said that If you do not link Adhaar to your Pan card, your Pan card will be invalidated. One gets a Pan card after doing a thorough check. Now If he or she doesn't show their Adhaar, their Pan card will get cancelled, which has no point. If the Adhaar is optional in the parent act, then how it can be made mandatory in the Income Tax Act. This was my argument in the case which I lost,'' he said.  
''Every time answering the debate, the governments points to the terrorism in J & K  & the black money. They say that linking Pan to Adhaar will be useful to weed out fake Pan cards. We argued that, As per the government data, only 0.4 percent of the Pan cards are fake. So why torture 99.6 percent people & ask them to link Pan with Adhaar,'' Datar mentioned.
He also mentioned the privacy controversies with the non state actors like Social media.  Datar said that, From the legal standpoint the future will be extremely exciting & challenging time. ''Every technological benefit has a flipside. If you see the history of the constitutional law, It's a history betweenthe liberty of an individual & the needs of the state,'' he said.
0 notes
flash--news · 7 years
'I do not understand the mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion' - Says Adv. Arvind Datar
Pune, 25 November 2017: ''Adhaar card should not be made mandatory. Other documents for identification- like Voter id, Passport etc. should be enough to be linked with the bank accounts. I do not understand this mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion,'' expressed Arvind Datar, Senior advocate of Madras High Court.
''If you want Adhaar, take away all other things. Today I must have a Pan Card, Passport & many other identification numbers,'' he said. Adv. Datar was speaking on the topic 'The Right to Privacy- Past, Present and Future', today at Navalmal Firodia Law College, in a lecture organized by Pune International Centre (PIC).
Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, President, PIC, Dr. Vijay Kelkar, Vice President, PIC, Kumar Ketkar, Senior jornalist, Prof. Amitav Malik, Trustee, PIC, Prashant Girbane, Honorary Director, PIC, were present among the dignitaries.
'The right to left alone must be respected irrespective of the technological improvement,' Datar quoted. He mentioned several cases & judgments that involved right to privacy in some or the other way. Also the case that he presented & lost in the Supreme Court regarding linking Adhaar with the Pan Card.
''According to the Adhaar act, Adhaar card is for ensuring that the government subsidies go to the correct person. As per the section 3 & 7 of the act,Adhaar is optional. So not everyone need to take Adhaar card. In last year's budget, the government said that If you do not link Adhaar to your Pan card, your Pan card will be invalidated. One gets a Pan card after doing a thorough check. Now If he or she doesn't show their Adhaar, their Pan card will get cancelled, which has no point. If the Adhaar is optional in the parent act, then how it can be made mandatory in the Income Tax Act. This was my argument in the case which I lost,'' he said.  
''Every time answering the debate, the governments points to the terrorism in J & K  & the black money. They say that linking Pan to Adhaar will be useful to weed out fake Pan cards. We argued that, As per the government data, only 0.4 percent of the Pan cards are fake. So why torture 99.6 percent people & ask them to link Pan with Adhaar,'' Datar mentioned.
He also mentioned the privacy controversies with the non state actors like Social media.  Datar said that, From the legal standpoint the future will be extremely exciting & challenging time. ''Every technological benefit has a flipside. If you see the history of the constitutional law, It's a history betweenthe liberty of an individual & the needs of the state,'' he said.
0 notes
varansai-varta · 7 years
'I do not understand the mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion' - Says Adv. Arvind Datar
Pune, 25 November 2017: ''Adhaar card should not be made mandatory. Other documents for identification- like Voter id, Passport etc. should be enough to be linked with the bank accounts. I do not understand this mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion,'' expressed Arvind Datar, Senior advocate of Madras High Court.
''If you want Adhaar, take away all other things. Today I must have a Pan Card, Passport & many other identification numbers,'' he said. Adv. Datar was speaking on the topic 'The Right to Privacy- Past, Present and Future', today at Navalmal Firodia Law College, in a lecture organized by Pune International Centre (PIC).
Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, President, PIC, Dr. Vijay Kelkar, Vice President, PIC, Kumar Ketkar, Senior jornalist, Prof. Amitav Malik, Trustee, PIC, Prashant Girbane, Honorary Director, PIC, were present among the dignitaries.
'The right to left alone must be respected irrespective of the technological improvement,' Datar quoted. He mentioned several cases & judgments that involved right to privacy in some or the other way. Also the case that he presented & lost in the Supreme Court regarding linking Adhaar with the Pan Card.
''According to the Adhaar act, Adhaar card is for ensuring that the government subsidies go to the correct person. As per the section 3 & 7 of the act,Adhaar is optional. So not everyone need to take Adhaar card. In last year's budget, the government said that If you do not link Adhaar to your Pan card, your Pan card will be invalidated. One gets a Pan card after doing a thorough check. Now If he or she doesn't show their Adhaar, their Pan card will get cancelled, which has no point. If the Adhaar is optional in the parent act, then how it can be made mandatory in the Income Tax Act. This was my argument in the case which I lost,'' he said.  
''Every time answering the debate, the governments points to the terrorism in J & K  & the black money. They say that linking Pan to Adhaar will be useful to weed out fake Pan cards. We argued that, As per the government data, only 0.4 percent of the Pan cards are fake. So why torture 99.6 percent people & ask them to link Pan with Adhaar,'' Datar mentioned.
He also mentioned the privacy controversies with the non state actors like Social media.  Datar said that, From the legal standpoint the future will be extremely exciting & challenging time. ''Every technological benefit has a flipside. If you see the history of the constitutional law, It's a history betweenthe liberty of an individual & the needs of the state,'' he said.
0 notes
srinagar-varta · 7 years
'I do not understand the mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion' - Says Adv. Arvind Datar
Pune, 25 November 2017: ''Adhaar card should not be made mandatory. Other documents for identification- like Voter id, Passport etc. should be enough to be linked with the bank accounts. I do not understand this mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion,'' expressed Arvind Datar, Senior advocate of Madras High Court.
''If you want Adhaar, take away all other things. Today I must have a Pan Card, Passport & many other identification numbers,'' he said. Adv. Datar was speaking on the topic 'The Right to Privacy- Past, Present and Future', today at Navalmal Firodia Law College, in a lecture organized by Pune International Centre (PIC).
Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, President, PIC, Dr. Vijay Kelkar, Vice President, PIC, Kumar Ketkar, Senior jornalist, Prof. Amitav Malik, Trustee, PIC, Prashant Girbane, Honorary Director, PIC, were present among the dignitaries.
'The right to left alone must be respected irrespective of the technological improvement,' Datar quoted. He mentioned several cases & judgments that involved right to privacy in some or the other way. Also the case that he presented & lost in the Supreme Court regarding linking Adhaar with the Pan Card.
''According to the Adhaar act, Adhaar card is for ensuring that the government subsidies go to the correct person. As per the section 3 & 7 of the act,Adhaar is optional. So not everyone need to take Adhaar card. In last year's budget, the government said that If you do not link Adhaar to your Pan card, your Pan card will be invalidated. One gets a Pan card after doing a thorough check. Now If he or she doesn't show their Adhaar, their Pan card will get cancelled, which has no point. If the Adhaar is optional in the parent act, then how it can be made mandatory in the Income Tax Act. This was my argument in the case which I lost,'' he said.  
''Every time answering the debate, the governments points to the terrorism in J & K  & the black money. They say that linking Pan to Adhaar will be useful to weed out fake Pan cards. We argued that, As per the government data, only 0.4 percent of the Pan cards are fake. So why torture 99.6 percent people & ask them to link Pan with Adhaar,'' Datar mentioned.
He also mentioned the privacy controversies with the non state actors like Social media.  Datar said that, From the legal standpoint the future will be extremely exciting & challenging time. ''Every technological benefit has a flipside. If you see the history of the constitutional law, It's a history betweenthe liberty of an individual & the needs of the state,'' he said.
0 notes
udaipur-patrika · 7 years
'I do not understand the mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion' - Says Adv. Arvind Datar
Pune, 25 November 2017: ''Adhaar card should not be made mandatory. Other documents for identification- like Voter id, Passport etc. should be enough to be linked with the bank accounts. I do not understand this mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion,'' expressed Arvind Datar, Senior advocate of Madras High Court.
''If you want Adhaar, take away all other things. Today I must have a Pan Card, Passport & many other identification numbers,'' he said. Adv. Datar was speaking on the topic 'The Right to Privacy- Past, Present and Future', today at Navalmal Firodia Law College, in a lecture organized by Pune International Centre (PIC).
Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, President, PIC, Dr. Vijay Kelkar, Vice President, PIC, Kumar Ketkar, Senior jornalist, Prof. Amitav Malik, Trustee, PIC, Prashant Girbane, Honorary Director, PIC, were present among the dignitaries.
'The right to left alone must be respected irrespective of the technological improvement,' Datar quoted. He mentioned several cases & judgments that involved right to privacy in some or the other way. Also the case that he presented & lost in the Supreme Court regarding linking Adhaar with the Pan Card.
''According to the Adhaar act, Adhaar card is for ensuring that the government subsidies go to the correct person. As per the section 3 & 7 of the act,Adhaar is optional. So not everyone need to take Adhaar card. In last year's budget, the government said that If you do not link Adhaar to your Pan card, your Pan card will be invalidated. One gets a Pan card after doing a thorough check. Now If he or she doesn't show their Adhaar, their Pan card will get cancelled, which has no point. If the Adhaar is optional in the parent act, then how it can be made mandatory in the Income Tax Act. This was my argument in the case which I lost,'' he said.  
''Every time answering the debate, the governments points to the terrorism in J & K  & the black money. They say that linking Pan to Adhaar will be useful to weed out fake Pan cards. We argued that, As per the government data, only 0.4 percent of the Pan cards are fake. So why torture 99.6 percent people & ask them to link Pan with Adhaar,'' Datar mentioned.
He also mentioned the privacy controversies with the non state actors like Social media.  Datar said that, From the legal standpoint the future will be extremely exciting & challenging time. ''Every technological benefit has a flipside. If you see the history of the constitutional law, It's a history betweenthe liberty of an individual & the needs of the state,'' he said.
0 notes
khabar-chandigarh · 7 years
'I do not understand the mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion' - Says Adv. Arvind Datar
Pune, 25 November 2017: ''Adhaar card should not be made mandatory. Other documents for identification- like Voter id, Passport etc. should be enough to be linked with the bank accounts. I do not understand this mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion,'' expressed Arvind Datar, Senior advocate of Madras High Court.
''If you want Adhaar, take away all other things. Today I must have a Pan Card, Passport & many other identification numbers,'' he said. Adv. Datar was speaking on the topic 'The Right to Privacy- Past, Present and Future', today at Navalmal Firodia Law College, in a lecture organized by Pune International Centre (PIC).
Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, President, PIC, Dr. Vijay Kelkar, Vice President, PIC, Kumar Ketkar, Senior jornalist, Prof. Amitav Malik, Trustee, PIC, Prashant Girbane, Honorary Director, PIC, were present among the dignitaries.
'The right to left alone must be respected irrespective of the technological improvement,' Datar quoted. He mentioned several cases & judgments that involved right to privacy in some or the other way. Also the case that he presented & lost in the Supreme Court regarding linking Adhaar with the Pan Card.
''According to the Adhaar act, Adhaar card is for ensuring that the government subsidies go to the correct person. As per the section 3 & 7 of the act,Adhaar is optional. So not everyone need to take Adhaar card. In last year's budget, the government said that If you do not link Adhaar to your Pan card, your Pan card will be invalidated. One gets a Pan card after doing a thorough check. Now If he or she doesn't show their Adhaar, their Pan card will get cancelled, which has no point. If the Adhaar is optional in the parent act, then how it can be made mandatory in the Income Tax Act. This was my argument in the case which I lost,'' he said.  
''Every time answering the debate, the governments points to the terrorism in J & K  & the black money. They say that linking Pan to Adhaar will be useful to weed out fake Pan cards. We argued that, As per the government data, only 0.4 percent of the Pan cards are fake. So why torture 99.6 percent people & ask them to link Pan with Adhaar,'' Datar mentioned.
He also mentioned the privacy controversies with the non state actors like Social media.  Datar said that, From the legal standpoint the future will be extremely exciting & challenging time. ''Every technological benefit has a flipside. If you see the history of the constitutional law, It's a history betweenthe liberty of an individual & the needs of the state,'' he said.
0 notes
amritsar-daily · 7 years
'I do not understand the mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion' - Says Adv. Arvind Datar
Pune, 25 November 2017: ''Adhaar card should not be made mandatory. Other documents for identification- like Voter id, Passport etc. should be enough to be linked with the bank accounts. I do not understand this mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion,'' expressed Arvind Datar, Senior advocate of Madras High Court.
''If you want Adhaar, take away all other things. Today I must have a Pan Card, Passport & many other identification numbers,'' he said. Adv. Datar was speaking on the topic 'The Right to Privacy- Past, Present and Future', today at Navalmal Firodia Law College, in a lecture organized by Pune International Centre (PIC).
Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, President, PIC, Dr. Vijay Kelkar, Vice President, PIC, Kumar Ketkar, Senior jornalist, Prof. Amitav Malik, Trustee, PIC, Prashant Girbane, Honorary Director, PIC, were present among the dignitaries.
'The right to left alone must be respected irrespective of the technological improvement,' Datar quoted. He mentioned several cases & judgments that involved right to privacy in some or the other way. Also the case that he presented & lost in the Supreme Court regarding linking Adhaar with the Pan Card.
''According to the Adhaar act, Adhaar card is for ensuring that the government subsidies go to the correct person. As per the section 3 & 7 of the act,Adhaar is optional. So not everyone need to take Adhaar card. In last year's budget, the government said that If you do not link Adhaar to your Pan card, your Pan card will be invalidated. One gets a Pan card after doing a thorough check. Now If he or she doesn't show their Adhaar, their Pan card will get cancelled, which has no point. If the Adhaar is optional in the parent act, then how it can be made mandatory in the Income Tax Act. This was my argument in the case which I lost,'' he said.  
''Every time answering the debate, the governments points to the terrorism in J & K  & the black money. They say that linking Pan to Adhaar will be useful to weed out fake Pan cards. We argued that, As per the government data, only 0.4 percent of the Pan cards are fake. So why torture 99.6 percent people & ask them to link Pan with Adhaar,'' Datar mentioned.
He also mentioned the privacy controversies with the non state actors like Social media.  Datar said that, From the legal standpoint the future will be extremely exciting & challenging time. ''Every technological benefit has a flipside. If you see the history of the constitutional law, It's a history betweenthe liberty of an individual & the needs of the state,'' he said.
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rajkot-patrika · 7 years
'I do not understand the mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion' - Says Adv. Arvind Datar
Pune, 25 November 2017: ''Adhaar card should not be made mandatory. Other documents for identification- like Voter id, Passport etc. should be enough to be linked with the bank accounts. I do not understand this mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion,'' expressed Arvind Datar, Senior advocate of Madras High Court.
''If you want Adhaar, take away all other things. Today I must have a Pan Card, Passport & many other identification numbers,'' he said. Adv. Datar was speaking on the topic 'The Right to Privacy- Past, Present and Future', today at Navalmal Firodia Law College, in a lecture organized by Pune International Centre (PIC).
Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, President, PIC, Dr. Vijay Kelkar, Vice President, PIC, Kumar Ketkar, Senior jornalist, Prof. Amitav Malik, Trustee, PIC, Prashant Girbane, Honorary Director, PIC, were present among the dignitaries.
'The right to left alone must be respected irrespective of the technological improvement,' Datar quoted. He mentioned several cases & judgments that involved right to privacy in some or the other way. Also the case that he presented & lost in the Supreme Court regarding linking Adhaar with the Pan Card.
''According to the Adhaar act, Adhaar card is for ensuring that the government subsidies go to the correct person. As per the section 3 & 7 of the act,Adhaar is optional. So not everyone need to take Adhaar card. In last year's budget, the government said that If you do not link Adhaar to your Pan card, your Pan card will be invalidated. One gets a Pan card after doing a thorough check. Now If he or she doesn't show their Adhaar, their Pan card will get cancelled, which has no point. If the Adhaar is optional in the parent act, then how it can be made mandatory in the Income Tax Act. This was my argument in the case which I lost,'' he said.  
''Every time answering the debate, the governments points to the terrorism in J & K  & the black money. They say that linking Pan to Adhaar will be useful to weed out fake Pan cards. We argued that, As per the government data, only 0.4 percent of the Pan cards are fake. So why torture 99.6 percent people & ask them to link Pan with Adhaar,'' Datar mentioned.
He also mentioned the privacy controversies with the non state actors like Social media.  Datar said that, From the legal standpoint the future will be extremely exciting & challenging time. ''Every technological benefit has a flipside. If you see the history of the constitutional law, It's a history betweenthe liberty of an individual & the needs of the state,'' he said.
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madras-times · 7 years
'I do not understand the mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion' - Says Adv. Arvind Datar
Pune, 25 November 2017: ''Adhaar card should not be made mandatory. Other documents for identification- like Voter id, Passport etc. should be enough to be linked with the bank accounts. I do not understand this mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion,'' expressed Arvind Datar, Senior advocate of Madras High Court.
''If you want Adhaar, take away all other things. Today I must have a Pan Card, Passport & many other identification numbers,'' he said. Adv. Datar was speaking on the topic 'The Right to Privacy- Past, Present and Future', today at Navalmal Firodia Law College, in a lecture organized by Pune International Centre (PIC).
Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, President, PIC, Dr. Vijay Kelkar, Vice President, PIC, Kumar Ketkar, Senior jornalist, Prof. Amitav Malik, Trustee, PIC, Prashant Girbane, Honorary Director, PIC, were present among the dignitaries.
'The right to left alone must be respected irrespective of the technological improvement,' Datar quoted. He mentioned several cases & judgments that involved right to privacy in some or the other way. Also the case that he presented & lost in the Supreme Court regarding linking Adhaar with the Pan Card.
''According to the Adhaar act, Adhaar card is for ensuring that the government subsidies go to the correct person. As per the section 3 & 7 of the act,Adhaar is optional. So not everyone need to take Adhaar card. In last year's budget, the government said that If you do not link Adhaar to your Pan card, your Pan card will be invalidated. One gets a Pan card after doing a thorough check. Now If he or she doesn't show their Adhaar, their Pan card will get cancelled, which has no point. If the Adhaar is optional in the parent act, then how it can be made mandatory in the Income Tax Act. This was my argument in the case which I lost,'' he said.  
''Every time answering the debate, the governments points to the terrorism in J & K  & the black money. They say that linking Pan to Adhaar will be useful to weed out fake Pan cards. We argued that, As per the government data, only 0.4 percent of the Pan cards are fake. So why torture 99.6 percent people & ask them to link Pan with Adhaar,'' Datar mentioned.
He also mentioned the privacy controversies with the non state actors like Social media.  Datar said that, From the legal standpoint the future will be extremely exciting & challenging time. ''Every technological benefit has a flipside. If you see the history of the constitutional law, It's a history betweenthe liberty of an individual & the needs of the state,'' he said.
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kochi-age · 7 years
'I do not understand the mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion' - Says Adv. Arvind Datar
Pune, 25 November 2017: ''Adhaar card should not be made mandatory. Other documents for identification- like Voter id, Passport etc. should be enough to be linked with the bank accounts. I do not understand this mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion,'' expressed Arvind Datar, Senior advocate of Madras High Court.
''If you want Adhaar, take away all other things. Today I must have a Pan Card, Passport & many other identification numbers,'' he said. Adv. Datar was speaking on the topic 'The Right to Privacy- Past, Present and Future', today at Navalmal Firodia Law College, in a lecture organized by Pune International Centre (PIC).
Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, President, PIC, Dr. Vijay Kelkar, Vice President, PIC, Kumar Ketkar, Senior jornalist, Prof. Amitav Malik, Trustee, PIC, Prashant Girbane, Honorary Director, PIC, were present among the dignitaries.
'The right to left alone must be respected irrespective of the technological improvement,' Datar quoted. He mentioned several cases & judgments that involved right to privacy in some or the other way. Also the case that he presented & lost in the Supreme Court regarding linking Adhaar with the Pan Card.
''According to the Adhaar act, Adhaar card is for ensuring that the government subsidies go to the correct person. As per the section 3 & 7 of the act,Adhaar is optional. So not everyone need to take Adhaar card. In last year's budget, the government said that If you do not link Adhaar to your Pan card, your Pan card will be invalidated. One gets a Pan card after doing a thorough check. Now If he or she doesn't show their Adhaar, their Pan card will get cancelled, which has no point. If the Adhaar is optional in the parent act, then how it can be made mandatory in the Income Tax Act. This was my argument in the case which I lost,'' he said.  
''Every time answering the debate, the governments points to the terrorism in J & K  & the black money. They say that linking Pan to Adhaar will be useful to weed out fake Pan cards. We argued that, As per the government data, only 0.4 percent of the Pan cards are fake. So why torture 99.6 percent people & ask them to link Pan with Adhaar,'' Datar mentioned.
He also mentioned the privacy controversies with the non state actors like Social media.  Datar said that, From the legal standpoint the future will be extremely exciting & challenging time. ''Every technological benefit has a flipside. If you see the history of the constitutional law, It's a history betweenthe liberty of an individual & the needs of the state,'' he said.
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jammu-local · 7 years
'I do not understand the mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion' - Says Adv. Arvind Datar
Pune, 25 November 2017: ''Adhaar card should not be made mandatory. Other documents for identification- like Voter id, Passport etc. should be enough to be linked with the bank accounts. I do not understand this mania of making Adhaar compulsory in illegal fashion,'' expressed Arvind Datar, Senior advocate of Madras High Court.
''If you want Adhaar, take away all other things. Today I must have a Pan Card, Passport & many other identification numbers,'' he said. Adv. Datar was speaking on the topic 'The Right to Privacy- Past, Present and Future', today at Navalmal Firodia Law College, in a lecture organized by Pune International Centre (PIC).
Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar, President, PIC, Dr. Vijay Kelkar, Vice President, PIC, Kumar Ketkar, Senior jornalist, Prof. Amitav Malik, Trustee, PIC, Prashant Girbane, Honorary Director, PIC, were present among the dignitaries.
'The right to left alone must be respected irrespective of the technological improvement,' Datar quoted. He mentioned several cases & judgments that involved right to privacy in some or the other way. Also the case that he presented & lost in the Supreme Court regarding linking Adhaar with the Pan Card.
''According to the Adhaar act, Adhaar card is for ensuring that the government subsidies go to the correct person. As per the section 3 & 7 of the act,Adhaar is optional. So not everyone need to take Adhaar card. In last year's budget, the government said that If you do not link Adhaar to your Pan card, your Pan card will be invalidated. One gets a Pan card after doing a thorough check. Now If he or she doesn't show their Adhaar, their Pan card will get cancelled, which has no point. If the Adhaar is optional in the parent act, then how it can be made mandatory in the Income Tax Act. This was my argument in the case which I lost,'' he said.  
''Every time answering the debate, the governments points to the terrorism in J & K  & the black money. They say that linking Pan to Adhaar will be useful to weed out fake Pan cards. We argued that, As per the government data, only 0.4 percent of the Pan cards are fake. So why torture 99.6 percent people & ask them to link Pan with Adhaar,'' Datar mentioned.
He also mentioned the privacy controversies with the non state actors like Social media.  Datar said that, From the legal standpoint the future will be extremely exciting & challenging time. ''Every technological benefit has a flipside. If you see the history of the constitutional law, It's a history betweenthe liberty of an individual & the needs of the state,'' he said.
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