hoodieseasoned · 1 month
cub doodle,,, cuboodle even
a joe hills doodle,, my goodness,,, a joodle !!
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I'm finally putting my foot down and trying to work out nice looking designs for my au,, mainly focusing on faces atm, considering i haven't actually drawn majority of the hermits much if at all,,, it's such a struggle bc nothing looks like how i want it to but i also can't tell what's wrong with the drawings to fix it :(
between this and my last posted cub drawing (which was also my first ever,, I've drawn him a couple times between that and this one but they've not been very good yeesh) I've basically not changed at all,, still looking mildly annoyed at something lol
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bonus joel doodle (joeldle ? smallishdoodle ? ) bc i think this one's nice at least (he has yet to dye his hair because of sad backstory reasons),, also is my go-to pose obvious yet ?
have a cleo too :)
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don't look too closely at the saddle/perspective, i gave up completely with the horse also i felt too lazy to look up a reference for a riding vest (is it called a vest in english ? that's how lazy i am, i don't even know !) so she's just feeling very brave here
(can't relate,, technically I'm allowed to go without a vest now that I'm over 18 bc stable rules don't enforce it on adults,, but i tried it once when i forgot mine at home and I've never felt more naked,,,, how do the professionals do it ??)
this is now so wordy i could tag it as hoodip,, maybe i will
someday i will write actual things for this au,, for now it lives in my sketchbook and one very messy google doc document
(i enjoy using parentheses)
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hoodieseasoned · 2 months
i keep forgetting my tiktok is glitched like 90% of the time and keep getting jumpscared by combinations like this
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hoodieseasoned · 7 months
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my friend who has never seen even a second of a mumbo jumbo video, ready to humor me in my moment of weakness
on another note any other people here who find mumbo's name to be a really satisfying stim bc i do and it messes up my brian just a little every time
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hoodieseasoned · 6 months
guys i
i drew scar
and i forgot,, to draw,,
the scar ....¿???!!!??!!?¿??!!?¿!!
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hoodieseasoned · 8 months
I've had this hermitcraft au idea absolutely infesting my brain for about a week now and normally with these things i just let them pass NOT because i don't want to write them but i just never have the energy for it
today, i sat down for the first time in like, maybe a year and wrote for like almost three hours straight,, tbh it was mostly just bullet points to frame out how i want to do this but i also ?? managed some short ??? scenes and dialogue ???????
i dont want to be overconfident bc there's still a big big chance I'll abadon this thing soon after i run out of energy but man,, it is pretty damn nice to be writing again
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hoodieseasoned · 8 months
sorry babe can't watch the new minecraft series yet I'm going out to get drunk tonight
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hoodieseasoned · 8 months
mumbo jumbo is the most difficult hermit to draw in my opinion and it's only bc i never know how much distance i should put between his mouth and mustache (or non at all ???)
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hoodieseasoned · 6 months
scrolling through the feed,, accidentally pressing the share button on a post and simultaneously sending that post to some rando,,, the second long cold panic and then relief when you manage to hit undo in time
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hoodieseasoned · 6 months
in a constant mood of Want To Draw Something
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hoodieseasoned · 8 months
argh i want to take part in hermit horror week since i never have the energy to take part in challenges but now that i have energy,,, i have no ideas at all,, not a single one
i wanted to start planning early so i won't be too busy later
but now the empty page just haunts me (ooOOOOoooooOOOOOOOooooo)
maybe I'll just head to bed before i start scaring myself lolol
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hoodieseasoned · 8 months
i added some alt texts to a couple of my posts, idk if they're sufficient but hey hopefully they're somewhat helpful
I'm trying to draw a docm77 design currently but it's not going well, i want him to be one of those creeper-centaur creatures i see a lot in fanart but every time i try drawing the creeper part of his body it turns out suspiciously close to looking like a horse
I've drawn too many horses in my life, every other four-legged animal i draw is just horses in disguise i think (except cows, i am actually pretty decent at drawing cows)
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hoodieseasoned · 9 months
i have colored the flats in for my jimmy-lizzie-joel empires art, and i have, for some unknown reason, decided to do that all on one layer
there's nothing to add, I'm just trying to look into myself to find which part of my brain decided on that idea and then shake that one part around very violently bc What The Fuck
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hoodieseasoned · 10 months
i will try to avoid turning this acc into a solely one fandom acc like i kinda did with my previous one,, to avoid abandoning it again hsjsksk
so for now probably marble hornets, ocs, genloss and qsmp mainly ? i kind of draw in bursts so don't expect consistency from me
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