#hoodlum gospel
gatekeeper-watchman · 9 months
January 7th, 2024 Scriptural Devotion
Daily Devotionals for January 7, 2024
Proverbs: God's Wisdom for Daily Living
Devotional Scripture:
Proverbs 1:20-23(KJV): 20 Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets: 21 She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying, 22 How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge? 23 Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you. Proverbs 1:20-23(Amplified): 20 Wisdom cries aloud in the street; she raises her voice in the markets. 21 She cries at the head of the noisy intersections -- in the chief gathering places -- at the entrance of the city places she speaks: 22 How long, O simple ones and open to evil, will you love being simple? And the scoffers delight in scoffing, and (self-confident) fools hate knowledge? 23 If you will turn (repent) and give heed to my reproof, behold, I (Wisdom), will pour out my spirit upon you, I will make my words known to you.
Thought for the Day
Verses 20-21 - The author of all wisdom is the Lord God Himself. One of His names is WISDOM. The above Scripture is a picture of God's call to all men everywhere. In the typical city of ancient Israel, ordinary citizens were in its streets, businessmen were in its marketplaces, and leaders were found in the meeting places within the enormous gates of the city's surrounding walls. God calls people of every occupation, from ordinary citizens to the highest officials, to heed Him and be saved. God, through His evangelists and servants, sends His gospel message to the marketplace and cities of the world.
Verses 22-23 — The Hebrew word for simple in these verses means "foolish, easily enticed, credulous, inexperienced." Therefore, we see that the Lord is telling us not to be foolish, but to apply His wisdom in all that we do. If we learn to be responsible and deal righteously, He will promote us to places of leadership. God desires to put us in positions of authority to help others learn His ways. He is using Christian businessmen today to bring godly principles into the marketplace. Any nation that aligns its economic principles with God's Word will prosper. The opposite is also true; nations failing to do this will not be blessed, but suffer poverty and economic failure. These same principles also apply to personal finances.
Prayer Devotional for the Day
Father, please give us wisdom in all our personal affairs so that we might walk in Your blessings and prosperity, and that we, in turn, might be able to bless others. Lord, give us wise men in the places of authority to lead us as a nation. May Your wisdom be applied in the marketplaces of our land and also to our economic situation at the highest levels. Father, give us wise men to rule over us -- men who will be just and fair in their dealings, men of character. Protect us from the hoodlums and false accusers whose arrogance divides us and allows us to not feel anger for their despite. Thank you for teaching us Your ways and giving us the gift of the Holy Spirit. In the precious name of Jesus, we pray, Amen. From: Steven P. Miller @ParkermillerQ,  gatekeeperwatchman.org Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups, Sunday, January 7, 2024, Jacksonville, Florida., USA.  X ... @ParkermillerQ #GWIG, #GWIN, #GWINGO, #Ephraim1, #IAM, #Sparkermiller, #Eldermiller1981 Founder on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Sparkermiller.JAX.FL.USA
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powertrumpeter · 1 year
Clampdown On Christians In Nigeria.
Many Nigerian rulers have a complex: whether inferiority or superiority complex. When Muslim rulers climb to power at any level, they see people of Christian religion as contenders, or outright adversaries. Then, they do everything possible to subjugate and oppress them, under suitable pretext.
That is the crux of the matter, down through the history of this country. You hear of sponsored religious riots in the North; terrorists burning down churches; and kidnap of Christians who pay heavy ransom. You also hear of one legislation or the other, to restrict or cage Christian activities, including holding crusades. Yet, they talk about unity or oneness of Nigeria. This is shear hypocrisy.
Nigerian taskmasters, who are dominated by Muslim North, with Yoruba collaboration, are hell-bent to suppress, humiliate, and reduce Christian population in Nigeria, by all means. They have tried various regulations to cage Christian religion. These include registration of churches; even to recording of Church offerings. There is another obnoxious bill to seek permission, before any Church can be established, or hold crusades. Christian crusade is the nightmare of any religious fanatic.
All these Satan-inspired laws, and suppression of Christians won’t survive the test of time. Nobody born of woman, can stop the spreading of the gospel. The preaching of the gospel, has gone far beyond Church premises, and crusade grounds. When the chips are down, we will overrun and conquer everywhere for God, despite all man-made obstacles, including backing terrorists against Christians.
"2 Corinthians 10:4-5 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ" _ 2Corinthians 10:4-5.
Look at the carnage going on in Southern Kaduna for instance. Over one hundred persons, mostly Christian were recently massacred within three days. And nobody is doing anything about it. The country’s President and Governor of Kaduna are both of Muslim religion. Thousands of Christians have been killed, raped, and their house burnt by sponsored Muslim militants for years, under the rulership of former Kaduna Governor El-Rufai. He kept quiet over the killings for eight years as Governor. God will judge him.
In the same Kaduna State, a passenger train moving from Kaduna to Abuja was ambushed by Terrorists in the North. They robbed the train, killed many passengers, and kidnapped many; including prominent people. Those pampered hoodlums, had a field day engaging in wanton destruction of lives and property. They decided to be releasing their captives piecemeal, after payment of heavy ransom running into hundreds of millions of naira. Those terrorists made billions, from the kidnap business along with their Northern elite backers. None of them was arrested till date, despite Kaduna being the hob of military installations in Nigeria.
The same Muslim terrorists invaded Kuje prisons in Abuja, and freed all their colleagues in detention there. They even had the audacity to conduct ceremonies and make long speech. No security personnel ever changed or resisted them. Why can’t hypocritical Nigerian Government and their religious bigots roll out law to cage or prosecute them? Their hatred for Christians to survive in Nigeria, will bounce back on them.
They think that reducing Christian population and caging them, will help to perpetuate themselves in power. Those religious bigots, employ the tactics of violence and deprivations, to pursue their narrow, political agenda. There wickedness will find them out. There is nothing hidden under this sun that shall not be made manifest.
God said, the soul that sins, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him. And the wickedness of wicked, shall be upon him –Ezekiel 18:20.
Why can’t they roll out laws both in the National and State Assemblies, against terrorism and banditry ravaging the whole country? Instead, they aid and abet terrorists and bandits, as well as share from ransom collected from victims? Many top government officials are their backers, who benefit financially from the evil business, Why should they keep quiet, when all these atrocities are going on? A lot of Northern Muslim elite are their financiers and their patrons.
Those religious hypocrites will be happy to see Churches in Nigeria closed down; and Christians barred from holding elective or high public offices. The truth remains that majority of all those politicians and elite, who parade themselves as Muslims are in occult. Even their Christian counterparts are not left out. They are deeply involved in secret societies. Also, they are patrons to ritual killers, kidnappers and terrorists. They consult juju men or babalawos, as well as having shrines in their homes or offices. I challenge all of them to prove me wrong! They are far from God. These charlatans have skeletons in their cupboards. They use religion to garner political support to loot the treasury.
God said, “Thou shall have no other gods before me. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me” –Exodus 20: 3-5... https://powertrumpeter.org/blog1/let-justice-be-done.
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garudabluffs · 2 years
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College stars’ name and image deals vs. the health of athletic departments
Mar 15, 2023
"Bruce Schoenfeld, book author and frequent contributor to The New York Times magazine, recently wrote about the effect of NIL deals on how athletic departments are funded. He joined “Marketplace” host Kai Ryssdal to talk about the future of funding college athletics and the problem confronting many athletic directors.
The following is an edited transcript of their conversation."
READ MORE https://www.marketplace.org/2023/03/15/college-stars-name-and-image-deals-vs-the-health-of-athletic-departments/
Jalen Rose tries to set record straight on Fab Five March 11, 2023
"Rose, in case you read this column to feel old, just turned 50 years old in January. And while his tenure at Michigan was filled with success — two consecutive trips to the NCAA championship game (1992, ‘93) – it was also clouded with controversy because of apparent illegal cash gifts given to prominent members of the Fab Five, including Rose, by Detroit businessman Ed Martin."
“When you look back at the journey, it was disappointing how we were vilified,” Rose told the Globe. “I know where it came from. It came from a place where a majority of the people covering us didn’t look like us, didn’t relate to us, and aren’t where we’re from. As hip-hop turns 50, that’s my metric that reminds me how mainstream America has changed so much because in the early ‘90s when we were listening to rap in the locker room by the people that I just described. We were considered hoodlums and thugs."
“At that time, and it really didn’t start changing until the 2000s, multiple media members used those terms on TV and in print to describe players in the NBA and the NFL, in particular. And some of these personalities still exist in high-profile positions.”
“Now, when you look at music and rap music and the people who were making it go double platinum were the same parents that didn’t want their kids wearing long shorts, black shoes, and black socks,” Rose said. “And did not appreciate at the time what the Fab Five was bringing to the table. That cultural dynamic played out via a person like Ed Martin."
Ed Martin dies - The Michigan Daily
"Martin pleaded guilty [in May] to conspiracy to launder money, the former auto worker told federal prosecutors he took gambling money, combined it with other funds and lent $616,000 to the four Michigan players while they still were amateurs."
— Ed Martin, who admitted he gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to former Michigan basketball players while they were in high school and college, has died, a federal prosecutor confirmed Saturday.
Fab Five scandal doesn't tell full story of Ed Martin: 'He helped everybody' DETROIT (AP) 04/30/2018
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"Even casual sports fans know the CliffsNotes version: When five high school All-American superstars join forces in Ann Arbor, they become the richest freshman haul in NCAA hoops history."
"By becoming NCAA championship finalists as both freshmen and sophomores, the Fab Five obliterated the age-old basketball gospel that a team can’t win with five newcomer starters. And with their baggy shorts and black socks, they revolutionized basketball’s dress code. Overnight they reduced snug uniforms to laughable fashion relics.
Of course, the college basketball world had been transformed into a multi-billion-dollar cash machine long before King, Rose, Jackson, Webber and Howard ever took to a court together. Nevertheless, the impact of the prized quintet penetrated deep into the NCAA’s bottom line. It took merely one game for the collegiate sports industry to recognize just how lucrative the Fab Five could become."
"The Fab Five’s first year, 1991, also marked the beginning of a seven-year, $1 billion mega-deal between CBS and the NCAA that gave the network the rights to broadcast every game in the tournament. The agreement, announced in 1989, poured nearly $143 million a year into the NCAA’s coffers — nearly triple the size of the previous contract. The NCAA’s own magazine, Champion, described the deal as “stunning” and a “game-changer.”
Just as significant was the fact that 1991 also marked the start of a new compensation system for tournament entrants that found each college or university earning more money for each postseason victory. By 1995, with college hoops now in the midst of a TV ratings explosion, the NCAA and CBS were negotiating a contract extension through the 2002 tournament that was worth $1.725 billion."
"Even as freshmen in 1991, they may have been young, but they were nothing if not street smart. Each of them knew what it was like to be coveted, to have seemingly mature adults swoon over them. Their rare gifts on the hardwood sparked outlandish promises even as their intimidating bald heads and black game socks took off in popularity. Jimmy King says the look was the Fab Five’s nod to the Black Power sentiment that infused hip-hop culture during that period. Young but not naive, they understood the attention, power and revenue their brand could generate. But they also were painfully aware of how the same NCAA system that used their talents to turn athletic directors and TV execs into millionaires ensured that they could never receive a dime of those riches."
READ MORE https://www.freep.com/story/sports/college/university-michigan/wolverines/2018/04/30/fab-five-ed-martin-booster-book/548714002/
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purplesixbeats · 3 years
🔥 Hoodlum - Gospel Instrumental Beat [ Part 2 ]
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blackrockstar · 6 years
Last rehearsal tonight with my bro @1andonlyclassic and the band before the big release this Thursday @patronaathaerlem ! Check out this sweet piece by @linda_oudendijk ft: ~ @rolitomyerss on drums @dim_viber on bassguitar @bjv00_ on Rhodes & Hammond @wernerprost on leadguitar @linda_oudendijk on bgv’s and me on rhythm guitar & vox ~ Tickets are still available via patronaat.nl or send me a dm! #live #soul #love #music #country #hiphop #gospel #street #bornagain #hoodlum #brixton #telecaster #harmony (bij Q-Factory Amsterdam)
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gingerling · 5 years
your justice is just another word for murder. but i'm just another gangster to you, eh? the type of boys to slang cocaine in the hollow jowls of alleyways, slippin' crystal rocks to junkies, tote guns through the loops of our pants, treat the peaceful streets like a battlefield—yet a another war we weren't drafted for by the wrinkled hand of our dear uncle sam: shooting whoever's dressed blood-red and veined-blue, except the white that bleached out our culture. 
we're the type of boys to sag the jaws of their pants, wrap their black heads in the embrace of a durag, slur their words and drip their tongues inside the sea of african-vernacular and waves of cusses,  and who worship the words of an unraveling madman instead of a passionate poet on the radio. 
you called it: rap. i called it: poetry. you called: violence. i called it: news. you called it: trash. i called it: art. you called it: the problem of america. i called it: this is america. 
but i guess it doesn't matter since i'm just another gangster to you, eh? like that black boy you shot in the convenience store on that monday night? what a thug he was! slithering his dark-chocolate hands onto that milk-chocolate bar, and inside the maw of his baggy coat pockets. he was committing a crime, you say? he was a young boy. a tired boy. a hungry boy. a thieving boy. a black boy. a negro boy. you just couldn't wait till he turned around, your milk-ivory hands caressing, itching to pull the black trigger on the poor nigger.  
like a young buck, frightened and scared, he ran. and you could've grabbed him by the hand, he was there, in your grasp, you could tell him to put it back—but that would've been too good for a black boy him. a thief like him. a pickpocket like him. boys like him never learn you said. that's why you had to pull the trigger. the steel claws of your bullet ripped through my brother like a unheard crescendo, as if moses had ruptured clean through the threads of his tendons, the tongues of his tissue, and the twine of his tender flesh—splattering his beating heart on the cold isle floors, a red gory sea enveloped a boy of ten as he was declared dead and dismissed as nothing more than another criminal
"clean up on aisle 1! there's a dead boy in my store! he's sinning up these aisles with his innocence!"
"clean up on aisle 10! there's a boy crying his heart out to a world that won't listen. he's staining my tile floors with his tears!"
and on the contrary to your belief he bled red. not black. but red. i could tell that you were surprised—from the warmth of his pure blood poisoning your peach-palmed hands. he bled scarlet-red, ruby-red, crimson-red, rose-petal red. it was as if you were surprised his blood was the color of yours. something living and human. but he's just dead and doe-eyed now. nothing more than just a dead black boy to mark off your check-list—just so you could feed your fallen melody with his heartbeat as your drum.
i called this: murder. you called this: justice. i called this: pain. you called this: beauty. I called this: death. you called this: art. 
but i'm just another gangster to you, eh? and i find it funny. my attire, my clothes, you deemed ghetto, and uncolonialized, and uncivilized—fits those cotton-fed kids so well. what a style they say! they're making such a statement! it suits them so well! can't you see? how those cornrows crown their aristocratic-kingly heads so prettily? how those braids—the same braids they cut off my sister's skull—look so cute on little becky and her friends? it's trend! it's a fashion, haven't you heard? the fashion—fashioned from their lack of compassion for the boys and girls in the ghettos who die wearing the same thing sends a certain passion in my throat, and keeps on thrashing, till i can't speak no more— 
the buried poet beneath my lungs and the passage of my ribs begins to scream—
EVERYBODY WANTS: to be black. EVERYBODY WANTS: to see black. EVERYBODY WANTS: to act black. BUT DON'T NOBODY WANT: to be black. 
EVERYBODY WANTS: the power to say 'nigga' but as soon a cop pulls the trigger, they scatter! as they all watch a black man's blood spatter—seeping onto the floor, no one keeps score, as nobody says anything any more. always. they keep their silence. as nobody wants a black man's violence. 
BUT EVERYBODY WANTS: to speak black. EVERYBODY WANTS: to see black. EVERYBODY WANTS: to act black. EVERYBODY WANTS: to move black. BUT DON'T NOBODY WANTS: to be black.
EVERYBODY WANTS: the chocolate complexion, the flesh of confection, fetishized in all ivory directions, but they pull off the brown when they go outta town, cause nobody wants to get pulled over for a beat-down, yet you dare wear my color as your gown. as nobody wants to carry my fate—as nobody want's to carry ebony's burdening weight.
EVERYBODY WANTS: to dance like negros feet, but they don't know the rhythm of defeat, they don't hear black thunder recoiling against the streets, that's why their legs struggle against the roaring beat, their fingers wriggle like rancid meat, their torso's harden like expired sweets, their feet falter as if swimming in concrete, everybody wants to mimic negro's tone but they don't know words that come from bones, and since they don't have a culture of their own, they'd rather wear mine over their rusted throne.
BUT EVERYBODY WANTS: to be black. EVERYBODY WANTS: to feel black. EVERYBODY WANTS: to act black. EVERYBODY WANTS: to move black. BUT DON'T NOBODY WANTS: to be black.
AND YOU'RE WELCOMED TO BE BLACK AS LONG AS YOUR READY: to seethe black, as long as you're ready to rage black, as long as you're ready to fear black, as long as you're ready to hold back, as long as you're ready to cry black, as long as you're ready to fight black, as long as you're ready to die black
OR DO YOU PREFER TO GO BACK? as lightness never fades—but darkness never cracks
but i imagine i'm still another gangster to you, eh? the type of boys who're violent by nature, ruled by the laws of the streets and savagery—the type of boys who destroy things until there's nothing left, the type of boys to leave destruction in their wake with the talk of retribution in their mouths. and if i am a force of nature, i imagine myself to be a storm. a storm with tempest for teeth, with fingers wreaking havoc like heaven's wrath. a storm louder than a heartbeat rattling against zeus' skull, louder than thunder clamoring in the awning sky—a storm that captured calm and put it to death because a storm lives once more. but boys like me aren't storms, i suppose. boys like me are nothing more than a dark reckoning of sudden executions and false accusations
and i guess you're right. i am nothing more than a gangster. i am nothing more than a gangster with gangly black arms. i am nothing more than a hoodlum with hooded-eyes and hungry heart craving true justice. i am nothing more a ruffian with rough earth for flesh. i am nothing more than a thug with thick skin and thin vows. i am nothing than what you paint me to be. so i guess i am nothing more than a fallen poet who bleeds sickly sweet sonnets, burning ballads, empty elegies, weathered worthless words, gospels of vicious verses, lying lines of lyrics, and unholy ominous odes—as i am nothing more than a pile of bare blood and bones
as i ask myself was it worth speaking to you as you pulled the trigger—a bullet right in my back stopping me cold in my tracks—(i forgot i had stolen something as well)—lying in the puddle of my blood i say your wrong. i am now nothing more than a statistic. a dead boy. a black boy. a dead boy. a black boy. a dead boy. a black boy. a dead boy. a black boy. it all adds up the same. it all ends leads up to the same: a dead black boy. 
but tell me was it out of wickedness or weakness that you killed me? tally up your numbers, and tell me, how many of us are dead? is it the birth of a nation that sets the land and boys like me free? am i just another melanin martyr with darkness in my skin but with dying light in my soul? please tell me as the streams of blood is reaching my throat, making it hard to speak—
i know you feel me staring as i watch you file out the police report: a failed robbery (a failed boy, a failed system, a failed child, a failed future)—you forgot to fill out those white lines and pages of blank paper; the bleak future of our america. i hope that you'll tell them how i screamed for you to stop and how your bullets pulled me apart—
but i guess it doesn't really matter in the end because i'm just another gangster to you, huh?
"in another life your death had mattered. although i can't promise to give you justice i can try to make your death an art." 
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agirlinhell · 5 years
Clementine was born to a Twilight father and a civilian mother - her father was hunted down during the Twilight hunt several years before the start of the series and her mother died giving birth to her. Thus, this left the infant Clementine in her mentor, Lee Everett’s hands, and he protected her with his life until she was nine years old when he’d sacrificed himself to save his adopted daughter from rival gangs who had wanted to hire her in their group. 
Ever since that day, Clementine had been on her own for three years... until she found and took care of a heavily pregnant woman named Rebecca who had been on the run from a man named Carver and his gang. She died shortly after giving birth to a son to whom she named AJ, or Alvin Junior, in honor of his late Twilight father who gave his life to protect his mother, and shortly after her death, she began taking care of the infant at age twelve, for if she didn’t, no one else would. Clementine was always aware of her abilities as a Twilight and only used her superhuman abilities whenever she needed to defend herself or AJ. Her dog tag is A/1, ranking her just below Nicolas Brown, Doug and Galahad. She is noted for being incredibly violent and destructive when it comes to defending AJ. 
Ever since she’d been taking care of AJ, she’s been targeted by several gangs and factions, including Carver’s group, who believes that AJ is his biological son. Clementine has taught AJ how to defend himself at the age of four and older. The city of Ergastulum was a place of corruption and sin, with made men, petty thieves, prostitutes, mob syndicates, the mafia, hoodlums and corrupted police, the city was every individual for themselves, a dog-eat-dog world, and Clementine is certainly no exception. Her life changes forever when she meets Alex Benedetto at age seventeen, the songstress at Bastard. Soon after their meeting and taking pity on Clementine and the young AJ, she takes them in to join Benriya and the Handymen, mercenaries for hire who take on jobs from powerful mob syndicates and the police alike, no one else can handle, deeds too dirty for even its jaded inhabitants in this criminal’s paradise to touch. Clementine and AJ, although young, are both valuable members of Benriya. Clem currently assists Alex in the office as a secretary while occasionally taking jobs from the police and mob syndicates alongside Worick and Nicolas. However, when a fierce and secretive underground organization begins seeking to hunt down and assassinate the Twilights and to cause upheaval in Ergastulum, Clementine will not be able to avoid this coming war but her goal remains clear: protect AJ and her new makeshift family of renegades no matter what.
This verse will most likely be roleplayed out with @forgedvalor but anyone else with a muse from GANGSTA are totally welcome to interact!
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adviseastro · 3 years
Angel Number 3333 – The Real Meaning
Numbers are one of the numerous ways that Angels decide to impart. These numbers are Angel numbers! Each number has its particular importance and importance. I have insight with the number 3333. At the point when I was in third grade, I rode transport number 3. Number three is the position I hold in class (because of my last name). I was 9, and nine is separable by 3. Thus, in 3333. What is going on with the number 3? What is the meaning of this number? I have these inquiries as a main priority. Isn't that right? Anyway, what precisely is the importance and which means of Angel number 3333?
Scripturally, number three addresses the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The number 3333 is, hence, a more profound significance of three since it is a succession of four threes. The number 3 likewise implies development and augmentations. In the New Testament Gospel books, Jesus Christ, during the change, has three followers with Him. The three followers were Peter, James, and John. Peter addresses light, James love, and John's life.
Number three is additionally an image of confidence and absolution. Jesus was killed close by two hoodlums making individuals executed at Golgotha three on the said day. One criminal, be that as it may, asked Jesus for absolution, and he was pardoned, and a guarantee of everlasting life was made to him by Jesus.
3333 profoundly implies something more huge than we can grasp. Number 3333 comprises of the vibrations and otherworldly impacts of numbers 3 and 33. The Bible 33 connotes the guarantees of God. Angel Number 3333 shows that godliness is near you and in your life when you continue to see it. To get to the guarantees of God, one needs to keep the confidence and live as per the desire of God.
What does the number 3 mean? I should let you know first that number 3 has to do with help, consolation, increment, development, motivation, and sign. Number 3 for the most part alludes to the Ascended Masters who strolled on Earth. I accept number 3 has to do with development and the climbed aces wish to help you.
In addition to the fact that they wish to help you, however they will. They will consistently respond to you. You must tune in. Continuously attempt to keep your eyes and ears open. Search for signs that they are attempting to speak with you and attempt to impart back.
The significance of 3333 uncovers that this holy messenger number is emphatically associated with widespread energies. The presence of this number in your life shows that you are unified with other worldliness. Your life is a profound one; subsequently, the presence of the holy messengers surrounding you. The abilities and gifts you have you can use to support others and yourself.
3333 importance exemplifies inventiveness in the entirety of its structures. Try not to be short of sharing what you have been honored with the remainder of the world. This number comes to you to uncover to you that you have incredible relational abilities. Utilize your relational abilities to communicate with individuals who will assist you with creating and improve personally.
Your divine messenger, through this number, urges you to stay hopeful in all that you do. Achievement and plenitude will be your part in the event that you notice the messages of the holy messengers and embrace them. Your holy messengers will free you up to the profound gifts that you have. Utilize your gifts to help the less lucky in the public arena.
Presently, what does 3 in the repetitive grouping 3333 mean? What is the significance of Angel number 3333? Angel Number 3333 shows that the Ascended Masters and Guardian Angels have arrived as of now. They wish to help you to remember their Love and backing. They likewise need to help you in your development and attempts. As of now, you should call upon them regularly as they know about your position and circumstance. They realize the most ideal way to approach your life.
They will assist with directing you through this stage in your life. I would likewise propose taking their assistance and counsel. Basically I would think about it. All things considered, your life is all dependent upon you, and you shouldn't accomplish something that you don't wish to do.
3333 angel number impacts your affection life. Individuals who have this number worth the presence of Love in both heartfelt and individual connections. You can't have significant companions in case you don't offer them the Love that you hope to get as a trade off. Your companion and accomplice won't be completely dedicated to you assuming you don't regularly show the amount you love and worth them. Holy messengers additionally push you towards adoring others in light of the fact that no human on Earth can exist without Love.
The Bible lets us know that Love is the best gift ever and that God is Love. In this manner, in case God is Love, we should cherish every one individuals around us similarly as we love ourselves. Individuals who have this number are heartfelt, delicate, and enthusiastic. They love with everything that is in them with no reservations. They fall head over heels effectively and remain in Love for the remainder of their lives.
Such individuals face difficulties in their affection lives, yet they don't surrender without any problem. They take each issue in turn and tackle it without making a fight. Individuals with the number 3333 as their angel number blow up effectively when they are undermined or misled. Assuming you are dating such an individual, ensure that you keep up with trustworthiness at all levels. When misled or undermined, they become upset and ruinous, which is certifiably not a decent sign. You will just live in harmony and concordance with such an individual on the off chance that you love, regard, and are straightforward with them.
What is going on with Angel number 3333? Allow us to attempt to respond to this inquiry. I accept that the Ascended Masters and Angels know best and couldn't want anything more than to be of help. Sending you Angel number 3333 is their method of telling you. I call upon them on many events.
Many are the occasions when I've even cried to them and just conversed with them. I recall when I was somewhat more youthful and going through some serious hardship with my natural dad. They told me the best way to remain solid and get past it easily from my asking and arguing to them.
I accept they saved me from terminating everything. Likewise, despite the fact that they can't through and through react, they do give indications in their ways. Perhaps they will show you through Angel numbers or possibly through something different. Just you will know.
Right off the bat, in light of the Doreen Virtue, 3333 angel number implies that Ascended Masters are near you. A portion of the Ascended Masters known to people incorporate Moses, Jesus Christ, Mary, and Quan Yin. These Ascended Masters are close to you to uncover that they are consistently with you and giving you the help you really want. Divine help will empower you to accomplish your objectives and prevail throughout everyday life. Your fearlessness will increment, and you will actually want to handle anything that comes your direction.
Also, Angel Number s are giving close consideration to your life, and this is confirmed by the presence of the number 3333 surrounding you. Experiencing this heavenly messenger number ought not panic you, yet you should accept its messages and live by them. Become more friendly and told the world the individual that you are imaginative.
In conclusion, this number connotes the extraordinary things that are to occur in your life. Gifts will come your direction in a greater number of ways than you can envision. Embrace this change, and you will be cheerful eventually. Contemplate and implore, and your supplications will be addressed individually as time unfurls.
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toogalaxyflower · 3 years
Abuja estate panics as robbers raid Dunamis church, stab guard
Abuja estate panics as robbers raid Dunamis church, stab guard
Fear gripped residents on the District Centre Estate, Phase 4, Kubwa, in the Bwari area council of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, following the invasion of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre by suspected robbers on Monday. The hoodlums were said to have stabbed a security guard, identified only as John, in the stomach and ripped off his intestines. The gang members, numbering over 10,…
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gistnaija-ng · 3 years
Robbers invade dunamis church in abuja, injure security guard
Robbers invade dunamis church in abuja, injure security guard
No fewer than 10 armed robbers, on Monday, invaded the Dunamis International Gospel Centre in Bwari, Abuja, and brutally stabbed a security guard on duty.According to reports, the hoodlums stabbed the security guard, identified only as John, in the stomach and ripped off his intestines.This has since caused panic for residents of the District Centre Estate, Phase 4, Kubwa, in the Bwari area…
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toriexpress · 3 years
Breaking: 'Unknown gun men' attacks Dunamis Church in Abuja, stabs security guard
Breaking: ‘Unknown gun men’ attacks Dunamis Church in Abuja, stabs security guard
Armed men raided Dunamis International Gospel Centre on Monday, October 4, and stabbed the security guard. The hoodlums, numbering over 10, were said to have arrived in the church from the shanties and slums in the neighbourhood. On getting to the church, they stabbed a security guard, identified only as John, in the stomach and ripped out his intestines, Punch reports. The hoodlums reportedly…
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celebritiesng · 3 years
Armed men stormed Abuja's Dunamis Church and stabbed a guard.
Armed men stormed Abuja’s Dunamis Church and stabbed a guard.
On Monday, October 4, armed guys entered Dunamis International Gospel Centre and stabbed the security guard. The hoodlums, numbering in the tens, were claimed to have entered the church from the surrounding shanties and slums. When they arrived at the church, they stabbed a security guy, only named John, in the stomach and ripped his guts out, according to Punch. The hoodlums allegedly demanded…
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powertrumpeter · 1 year
Watch "Bill To Regulate Practice Of Christianity In Nigeria - Sonnie Ekwowusi" on YouTube
Clampdown On Christians In Nigeria.
Many Nigerian rulers have a complex: whether inferiority or superiority complex. When Muslim rulers climb to power at any level, they see people of Christian religion as contenders, or outright adversaries. Then, they do everything possible to subjugate and oppress them, under suitable pretext.
That is the crux of the matter, down through the history of this country. You hear of sponsored religious riots in the North; terrorists burning down churches; and kidnap of Christians who pay heavy ransom. You also hear of one legislation or the other, to restrict or cage Christian activities, including holding crusades. Yet, they talk about unity or oneness of Nigeria. This is shear hypocrisy.
Nigerian taskmasters, who are dominated by Muslim North, with Yoruba collaboration, are hell-bent to suppress, humiliate, and reduce Christian population in Nigeria, by all means. They have tried various regulations to cage Christian religion. These include registration of churches; even to recording of Church offerings. There is another obnoxious bill to seek permission, before any Church can be established, or hold crusades. Christian crusade is the nightmare of any religious fanatic.
All these Satan-inspired laws, and suppression of Christians won’t survive the test of time. Nobody born of woman, can stop the spreading of the gospel. The preaching of the gospel, has gone far beyond Church premises, and crusade grounds. When the chips are down, we will conquer everywhere for God, despite all man-made obstacles, including backing terrorists against Christians.
Look at the carnage going on in Southern Kaduna for instance. Over one hundred persons, mostly Christian were recently massacred within three days. And nobody is doing anything about it. The country’s President and Governor of Kaduna are both of Muslim religion. Thousands of Christians have been killed, raped, and their house burnt by sponsored Muslim militants for years, under the rulership of former Kaduna Governor El-Rufai. He kept quiet over the killings for eight years as Governor. God will judge him.
In the same Kaduna State, a passenger train moving from Kaduna to Abuja was ambushed by Terrorists in the North. They robbed the train, killed many passengers, and kidnapped many; including prominent people. Those pampered hoodlums, had a field day engaging in wanton destruction of lives and property. They decided to be releasing their captives piecemeal, after payment of heavy ransom running into hundreds of millions of naira. Those terrorists made billions, from the kidnap business along with their Northern elite backers. None of them was arrested till date, despite Kaduna being the hob of military installations in Nigeria.
The same Muslim terrorists invaded Kuje prisons in Abuja, and freed all their colleagues in detention there. They even had the audacity to conduct ceremonies and make long speech. No security personnel ever changed or resisted them. Why can’t hypocritical Nigerian Government and their religious bigots roll out law to cage or prosecute them? Their hatred for Christians to survive in Nigeria, will bounce back on them.
They think that reducing Christian population and caging them, will help to perpetuate themselves in power. Those religious bigots, employ the tactics of violence and deprivations, to pursue their narrow, political agenda. There wickedness will find them out. There is nothing hidden under this sun that shall not be made manifest.
God said, the soul that sins, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him. And the wickedness of wicked, shall be upon him –Ezekiel 18:20.
Why can’t they roll out laws both in the National and State Assemblies, against terrorism and banditry ravaging the whole country? Instead, they aid and abet terrorists and bandits, as well as share from ransom collected from victims? Many top government officials are their backers, who benefit financially from the evil business, Why should they keep quiet, when all these atrocities are going on? A lot of Northern Muslim elite are their financiers and their patrons.
Those religious hypocrites will be happy to see Churches in Nigeria closed down; and Christians barred from holding elective or high public offices. The truth remains that majority of all those politicians and elite, who parade themselves as Muslims are in occult. Even their Christian counterparts are not left out. They are deeply involved in secret societies. Also, they are patrons to ritual killers, kidnappers and terrorists. They consult juju men or babalawos, as well as having shrines in their homes or offices. I challenge all of them to prove me wrong! They are far from God. These charlatans have skeletons in their cupboards. They use religion to garner political support to loot the treasury.
God said, “Thou shall have no other gods before me. Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me” –Exodus 20: 3-5... https://powertrumpeter.org/blog1/let-justice-be-done.
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naijastudio · 3 years
Three People Have Been Arrested In Connection With The Robbery Of Tope Alabi
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Three suspects have been detained by police in Ogun State for allegedly robbing a provision/drinks store and depriving the proprietor, Tope Alabi (not the gospel singer), of large sums of money. The suspects were apprehended at Oke-Ore, in the Atan-Ota region of Ogun State, on Thursday, July 22, 2021. The accused are Anu Ibikunle, Rasheed Bisiriyu, and Adebowale Dada, according to the state's Police Public Relations Officer, Abimbola Oyeyemi, in a statement sent to the media this weekend. According to Oyeyemi, the police were able to apprehend the suspects after receiving a distress call from the command's Atan-Ota Divisional Headquarters at 9.45 p.m., informing them of the underworld invading a provision and drinks shop in the Oke Ore area. He said that the hoodlums had taken the owner, Tope Alabi, hostage. The Divisional Police Officer, Atan-Ota, CSP Abolade Oladigbolu, mobilized his troops and proceeded to the crime location in response to the distress call, according to Oyeyemi. When the suspects saw the police officers, he claims they attacked them before fleeing. He claimed, "They were hotly pursued and the three of them were eventually arrested." According to him, the hoodlums also had one locally made pistol, two live cartridges, and many hazardous charms. Meanwhile, Commissioner of Police Edward Ajogun has ordered that the suspects be immediately transferred to the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department for a confidential investigation. The CP also urged members of the public to report any unsettling situations to the police as soon as possible. Read the full article
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purplesixbeats · 4 years
Hoodlum - Gospel Instrumental Beat [ Part 1 ]
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zionchronicleinfo · 3 years
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Lession To Learn!! Copied 👇 My fellow pilots I missed you guys I was attacked by car snatchers on Friday night around after 8pm in front of four square gospel church kubwa they requested me and entered my car 3 of the hoodlums humble me with their gun took my phone, cash #29500 still panel beat me and push me down from my car after they spread chemical inside my eyes and zoom off with my car but the car was tracked down in madalla I went with police to recover the car they just vandalized the car when they were searching for the tracker but I still thank God he who preserved me and recovery of to the car, pls we have to be sensitive and curious about the rider we carry this days our life worth more than the earning may you also help to pass the information to other platform for them to be vigilant and observant is only the living can attest. (Form a Pilot) Requesting for us to Post and enlighten others...! (at Abuja, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNpbUxAA78L/?igshid=thlamzebxtaw
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