#hooo boy i still have one prize left to do
tcohs-messenger · 7 years
A Question to Answer - AsraXApprentice
@natsitohtori‘s prize for the 500 follower giveaway~ We have a lovely Valentine’s Day based date with Asra and their OC Adam! Absolutely a pleasure playing with him and this cute scenario~!!
Asra was especially quiet, dragging a spatula through the pan with barely a sound. Faust had abided to his request too, coiled up in a ball on the shelf with eyes poking out, simply watching as he cooked. He hadn't woken up this early in... years probably- but he had a good reason to do so today. After a few more minutes of flipping and prodding, he plated eggs, simmered skink, and some other hand-picked favorites.
His feet padded softly, hushed with barely a creek in the floorboards as he ascended to their bedroom. And inside- thank god- Adam was still asleep. Asra slipped inside, setting their plates down on the bedside table and sitting down next to Adan's sleeping form. He always loved the way he looked when he was still so deep in slumber, almost always with his face buried into the pillows and once very covered by the blankets now having them slipping to the floor. Sometimes he snored, but usually he had soft, dreamy breaths that only entranced him even more. Asra leaned in close, laying back in his previous spot and dragging a hand slowly, sweetly through his dark hair. Adam stirred, slowly drawing awake with the continual petting through his hair. When he opened his eyes, Asra grinned at him.
"Morning handsome, I made you breakfast."
Adam grinned back, eyes squinting cutely in post-sleep. "Mmm, you made me food- that's so sweet of you, but you didn't have to-" he insists softly, although he certainly wouldn't refused it. He stretched out, giving a prolonged groan as sleep left his muscles, and sat up. "Even skink? What a special occasion." He grabbed the plate and gobbled every bit eagerly, actually liking the taste of skink as opposed to what most people preferred.
Asra ate a bit slower, thoughts stuck on what the day would hold. It was Valentine's Day, and although he usually didn't give it much meaning (he just preferred spontaneous days of love and care rather than a scheduled one) he knew that this one was special. He had been planning for it this entire year, writing out detail after detail, and organizing it exactly as it should be- only to realize that it was dumb. Organizing love so thoroughly would never work. So, he instead just made a general plan and promised to stick to it. "Are you excited to go out on the town, handsome? I can show you off whilst we prance, wouldn't that be fun?"
Adam blinked a few times, chewing on the utensil in his hand before responding shyly, "I suppose so- you don't have to go over the top for me though, you know?" Not to say that he wasn't flattered, but being dotted on so much always made him flustered.
But Asra didn't care. He grinned and took both of their plates once they were both finished. "Ahh too bad, I already have everything planned! Besides, it's not going over the top if it's for you- you deserve it. Now, get dressed and we'll head out~ Today's all about you and me and we're going to make the best of it- I have so much planned- " He winked in Adam's direction, just catching the glimpse of his blush before heading down the stairs.
The moment Adam had appeared, dressed and adorable as usual, Asra was grabbing at his hand and bounding out the door. With so much to do and so little time in the day, he wanted to get started and quick. With threaded fingers, the two had meandered through the marketplace, still as bustling as usual, but the people seemed to kindly part for them as they went. Of course, to start off their day, they had to have fresh bread.
"Ahh Asra and Adam! What a delight! Would you like the usual?"
Asra's quick glance to Adam had been enough of a confirmation, and they both nodded in unison. They sat at their favorite table, at peace with gentle talk as they waited for their bread to bake.
"You look so beautiful today- mmm no, you always look beautiful. But today especially you are stunning," as Asra speaks, his chin settles into his palm, and he leans into the table, close enough to where just having Adam leaning in as well would most certainly cause their lips to meet.
Adam grins in an adorable manner, cheeks coloring and shuffling in his seat as he revels in the compliments. To help mend his appearance, he nuzzles into the scarf he wore and looks down at the carvings in the table. "You say that even though you're the more stunning one? I can't stop myself from swooning every time I see you-"
Asra gives a hushed laugh. "We can agree to disagree- or maybe we'll just say it's a tie~"
"Alright- we're tied!"
"Here you two are-" The baker approached with two grandiose loaves of pumpkin loaf with an exaggerated warning about how hot it was. Just as Adam was pulling out a few coins, the baker held up a hand to stop him. "No, no- this one is on the house. It's a special day after all, yeah? And you two are my favorite regulars!"
Adam's cheeks flushed, but he didn't linger too much. The baker was stuck in his ways, this was well known, and he would not accept one coin. "Oh no look at you- having to enjoy pumpkin loaf~" Asra mocks softly, winking cutely as he pulls apart the soft bread and bites into it.
"Well- he works so hard and he's always so kind to us, he deserves to get paid at least..." Either way, Adam ate as well, humming as the bread just about melted in his mouth.
Of course, neither of them could completely finish their bread. They wrapped up the rest and were off once more, but not without Asra sneakily slipping a few coins into the baker's pocket.
"So, where are you sneaking me off to this time?" Adam had his full trust devoted to the other, even while being blind folded and dragged by the hand for much too long to be a casual stroll.
Asra was grinning to himself, fingers twining tighter with the other's. "Don't you worry, we're almost there. It's someplace you've been to before-" he lets slip some information, already seeing the entrance of their destination in sight. "Can you feel it calling to you?"
Adam grins to himself, holding Asra's hand tighter. "Mhm, I do. I'm trying not to think about it though so it remains a surprise."
"Fair enough." At the entrance, Asra stops him and undoes the scarf tied around his eyes. They stood before an expansive yet somewhat hidden cave, and Adam knows it all too well. "This isn't a test this time, I promise. Shall I guide us?"
Adam was smiling the entire time, fondness of the last time they came here filling him with calm. He nods, threading fingers with Asra and wondering where this was all leading to. Of course- they eventually came to the hearth of the cave, at the edge of too deep water and lily fronds, but where else was this going? Before Adam could even ask, Asra leapt out onto the pads and towards the blooming flower in the middle.
"Asra! What are you doing?!" Adam was certainly not worried or scared for his health, but it was bewildering none the less and imbuing him in anticipation. Asra hesitates just before the flower, observing it as though looking for something- imperfections perhaps? But then he extends a hand- "Don't grab the flower, dear gods! You know it doesn't end well!"
Asra perks up, raising a brow in almost believable confusion, but very quickly grins cheekily. "Okay, but only since you said so~" Adam can feel the teasing air as Asra steps back over the pads, meeting him back at the shore but not quite stepping off of the pad. Instead, he extends a hand in invitation. Adam hesitates, knowing full well if he grabbed it and joined him then both of them would submerge- but Asra was smiling warmly with unbridled excitement in his eyes. "Come- you can trust me."
Oh yes, he certainly could. That hesitance continued for only a moment before he grabbed Asra's hand and leapt on with him-descending into the water as though it were a whirlpool.
It sucked them both down, deeper and deeper into a chasm of nothingness. As soon as the darkness had engulfed them, though, it had receded like opening the door to a lit room. Asra sunk deeper, dragging Adam with him as they descended, falling through this opened door and immediately ascending into another plain, a world between worlds.
"Gods- you sneaky thing, you had me worried." Adam scolds lightly after taking in a sharp breath. They both crawl out and onto the sand, panting after their quick but strenuous journey.
"I know. But I wanted it to be a surprise, look-" As they laid on the banks, Asra pointed to the sky to where countless stars not only shimmered, but almost seemed to pulsate, even move with intention. Along with them, fogs and mists of varying colors danced and swayed, almost musically.
Surprising it was, had the sky here always looked like this? Adam wondered this for the longest time as he watched stars swirl up in the abyss, occasionally dancing with one another before parting and going their separate ways. As he watched those clusters, Asra did his own observing, wistfully looking over his partner and admiring every part of him in calm silence.  It was moments like this that made Asra realize that even now, after so many years, he was still dumbstruck and hopelessly in love.
He can feel the gaze stuck on him. Adam lingers for a while, melting in the feeling of being admired so closely. He hadn't been this confident in years, perhaps never. Eventually, he turned and faced the magician with a sleepy smile. "You're not looking at the sky..." he observes quietly.
Asra smiles cutely, turning on his side and leaning over Adam. "Very true- I'm more enraptured by you than any other worldly or even mystical wonder." As his words taper off, he leans in closer and chastely connects their lips, bringing them both to sigh.
"We should probably get going. If we stay too long we might not be able to get back at all~" Although it did seem far fetched, Adam didn't know enough about this place to be able to tell if Asra was kidding or not. Besides, as the sky had begun to darken, the mists had died and the stars had grown lazy- and hunger was beginning to set in too.
They held hands tight as they wadded into the water, taking preparation in making the treacherous descent once more. After sucking in a deep breath, they plummeted, becoming engulfed in the suffocating and dark cold. It was harder this time, now with navigating underwater tunnels and looking for the glint of anything shimmering in the distance.
Asra pulled Adam's hand close, pressing both of their palms into the cave wall to reveal sigils in blue hues. Adam hummed, bubbles coming from his nose in muted surprise. They followed the markings until they found their exit and shot out of it with needed, heavy breaths.
The water lilies seemed stronger this time, effectively holding both Adam and Asra up as they clung to them for support. Although exhausted, Adam had never felt so fulfilled and pleased; this had been a perfect day.
"Mm, hey- the flower-" Asra motioned toward it, was something wrong? Adam wadded closer, seeping in concern that perhaps they may be sucked down once more. He wouldn't dare to touch it- but he looked closer.
Tucked into the petals, a band of intricately carved gold was being cradled  cushioned by the expanse of the plant's petals. It seemed almost natural, as if someone simply asked the flower to hold it for the time being. "Asra..." His name left Adam's lips in an awe-struck sigh. Asra raised a brow, peering over the flower back at him.
"Yes, Adam?" Adam didn't respond, still staring dumbstruck at the flower and its gift. Asra did the honors, gently plucking the ring from the flower's middle. "So- may I have an answer, dear?"
Adam swallowed, finally closing his slacked jaw. As Asra offered the ring to him, he found himself dumbly muttering, "I think I need a question to answer first."
Of course, Asra laughed, absolutely glowing in the atmosphere that was engulfing them. "Adam, will you marry me?"
And, of course, Adam's response came in a sharp, quick breath, "Absolutely."
(Wanna see something else like this? Shoot me a message~!)
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jacepens · 4 years
Hi I see that you're taking requests so if you're not too busy, I got something for you: do you remember the Assassin's Creed thing that Tyranny of King Washington game? Yeah, so a tyrant King George Washington AU but also involving Lafayette as like a French prince or something who is placed in an arranged marriage with George?? And like Lafayette is slowly goes corrupt like his husband and they're soon like this completely sexy evil power couple kinda deal?? Thank you!
Anon how dare you know my heart so well!! I recently played Assassins Creed III and the Tyranny of King Washington. I don’t know if you know the story behind it, because this is definitely based off the game but hooo boy this is incredible. Thank you so so much for giving me an excuse to rant about this. Because oh my god I adored playing Tyranny. (And making fun of King Washington.) 
Real quick: for those who don’t know the game (which might also be you anon, I don't know) the reason that in the Tyranny of King Washington, Washington goes absolutely insane with power, is because he’s got an Apple of Eden which is an Assassin’s Creed thing that’s basically an old godly relic that is extremely manipulative and powerful. But anyway, here is your little story that I had way too much fun with :)
EDIT: I just added a few morbid details to some of the things Lafayette asked for because I felt they were quite important to see. So you know, if you read this before you saw those details, I’d recommend you at least glance at it again;). EDIT 2: ok ok sorry to be so indecisive but there is now just a dash more sexy at the very end.
Spoiled Rotten to the Core
A burst of golden light was all it took to bring men to their knees. Was all it took to conjure visions, control minds, bring entire countries to their knees.
King Washington. The name alone made anger rise hot in his chest, made him remember and grieve all the things that name stole from him. 
Being Prince of France in a war-shaken world made everything he’d ever dealt with before feel like nothing. 
No one was powerful enough to stop him. Hundreds, thousands, tried and they all ended up in the same place. Six feet underground—if they were lucky, that is. He’d read it was quite common for decaying bodies to be left strewn about the American countryside with no respect for life or death. It was despicable.
But then, King Washington made Lafayette an offer he would be a fool to refuse.
Famine, war, destruction, plague—it all weighed heavy on Lafayette’s mind. He had done everything he could to secure his country alongside his father, the King. They were one of the few countries still standing that had not fallen to the plague of America, and they were one of the world’s last beacons of hope.
King Washington, who seemed to live on another plane of existence entirely, descended upon their country with fury and destruction in his eye. 
Lafayette hunkered down, sobbing and waiting for the worst to be over knowing that they were done—they were finished! 
Miraculously, they were still standing at days end. 
And then King Washington promised his country could continue to thrive and be sovereign and independent from America—all he had to do was marry him. 
Before Lafayette was able to make the choice for himself, his father was already throwing him on a boat and carting him off to the capital of Washington’s new world. New York City.
Washington’s palace was a grand threat looming over the shore. And Lafayette’s heart was caught in his throat. 
When the boat docked, the area became flooded with eager people, so tightly packed together nothing could break through.
Lafayette was paraded through the city like a prize. Their new King! They cried, weeping tears of joy, but Lafayette wondered if those tears were not of joy but of sorrow. 
Lafayette was granted permission inside that grand structure they called the palace with a blindfold over his eyes. It was yanked off once he was inside and he was allowed to gawp at the sheer opulence and magnificence of the interior. The exterior may have looked like a threatening symbol, but inside? Why it made Lafayette’s heart soar in a very particular way. A way that his heart craved to feel again.
Meeting King Washington was a strange experience. Just like the feeling he got in the palace, he felt the same way about Washington. Cool, stoic, and wearing decadent clothes only worthy of a King.
He gripped his scepter that brimmed with power, and Lafayette was drawn towards it. He craved that gentle golden light that King Washington possessed, craved the power he gained. Worst of all, he craved Washington. 
When he gripped his chin and stared into his eyes, as if he was inspecting a piece of fine china, Lafayette felt an unfamiliar sensation shudder through him. Would he disappoint? Washington left without a single word being said, and Lafayette felt traitorously like he wanted to scream and demand he come back that instant. 
He was laid to rest in the comfiest of beds and surrounded by the hundreds of beautiful things that had caught King Washington’s interest over his years as ruler. 
Was that all Lafayette was to him? He wondered with growing sickness. A beautiful Prince that happened to gain his interest? Interest already so quickly moved on. 
Their wedding was lavish and a display of pure opulence. Lafayette was gifted a grand new ensemble to get married in, and dozens of new outfits to show his station as King. King Lafayette. 
A crown was placed upon his head and the crowd chanted his name, thousands of people from below. Lafayette was overcome with adoration for the people below, and the way he understood he could now control them.
He laid in bed with Washington that night, unused to seeing him in such an informal air. The only thing exchanged was a few kisses before Washington suddenly screamed and shouted that he needed to leave at once. He saw that possessive glimmer in his eye, all for that damn scepter, and Lafayette left him to go back to his own room.
He was disappointed to say the least.
As months with Washington wore on, Lafayette understood more and more that he really was there to serve as some sort of pretty pet. But one that Washington readily spoiled.
All it took was Lafayette pressing a few kisses to his lips, and whatever he wished for was his.
He wished for many things as the boredom grew. He wished for paintings and artifacts from across the world, new animals to be displayed in the zoo, and even a little poodle to try and take the loneliness away. As his boredom and curiosity grew, he began demanding more unique experiences. What possessed him to do so, he wasn’t sure. When he asked George for a traitor to slaughter, so he could revel in the sight of their sickly blood slowly draining out them by Lafayette’s almighty sword. When he asked, begged, pleaded if he might throw them in the tigers den just to see what might happen. The angry thought burned in his heart—it was what traitors to King Washington deserved.
Until it dawned on him heavily one day that there was only one thing in the entire world that could make him happy. Two things, perhaps. 
The power, and the one who wielded it.
He smiled as he entered the throne room to see King Washington, quickly turned to look at him, a little smirk dazzling his face. Lafayette quickly set himself down in Washington's lap, as he knew he so enjoyed, and quietly pressed kisses to his cheek and down his neck.
It was strange, the way he enjoyed him. They hardly ever exchanged a word together and yet here Lafayette was, working to earn his affections. His arm encircled around his waist and Lafayette sighed and shifted closer. 
“You want something else, don’t you?” Washington purred, suddenly bringing his lips to Lafayette’s neck.
He let out a gasp, “Only your affections, my highness.”
“Ah, but you earned that long ago.”
“Did I really?” Lafayette giggled, pressing his nose to Washington’s, “Because it’s my understanding that husbands who love each other are supposed to share.”
Washington roared, suddenly shoving Lafayette back, but Lafayette held firm to his throne. “You dare.” He hissed, unmistakable anger coursing through him.
“Don’t you see it, my highness?” Lafayette dropped to his knees before him, “you chose me for a reason. Two is better than one, don’t you agree?” He hummed, dragging his palms and digging his fingernails up Washington’s thighs. He continued to fume above him, but Lafayette could practically hear that resolve chipping away, could hear a faint humming his ears. “Ah, do you hear it? Bring it out, show me that golden apple and it will show you just how much you need me.” He whined.
He watched with anticipation, could see it like a shivering line around Washington as he reached and pulled the apple from it’s scepter. Lafayette sat up, trying to press forward, his heart hammering loudly, seconds away from everything he could ever dream of—. 
He began weeping as Washington pressed it into his palm, tears rolling down his cheeks as his eyes were opened to the knowledge of the universe. He saw strange men with godly powers crushed by this apple, he witnessed entire galaxies being birthed just with the tap of a finger, he saw the way into every person’s heart, he felt every weakness suddenly overwhelm and consume him before he could begin to breath fresh air again. 
King Washington took the apple from his hand, and brought him up into his lap again. Lafayette grinned, a sickly dark and previously unknown grin to his face. His fingertips brimmed with power that he could feel rushing through his veins. He saw the way to destruction, a clear path ahead of him with Washington at his side. 
“You are beautiful, you know.” He heard Washington growl in his ear, breath hot.
Lafayette hummed and then leered, mind overflowing with new ideas. “Then allow your beautiful King to show you his gratitude for granting him such a gift.” He purred, sliding back down to his knees.
This world was not yet the last they would conquer. 
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