#hope other ppl wanna read it too not just fandom people 👉🏻👈🏻
ccorinthian · 1 year
Unedited little post canon Domingo drabble I wrote abt him having a paranoia moment in the middle of the night while I was going through one myself hehe. set in a post canon au where he’s saved from the basement from nacho & they move to a different state :3
679 words
His body wouldn’t move. Domingo kept his eyes closed, despite facing the wall and the darkness that engulfed the room. Every muscle clenched, every joint ready to spring into action like a trapped hare. Breathing came irregularly, if at all, struggling to pass through his rapidly tightening chest.
He tried to focus on his breathing; not the way his hair raised on his neck with every little sound: the crack of a stepped on twig; a drop of water against the window frame; a solitary car passing by on the dark, empty road in the distance.
Breathing in and out, and trying to get control over his muscles. The fibres release gently, slowly, with his deep, focused out-breaths. Only to then tense up again the moment his thoughts crept anywhere
(He was there)
but his breathing.
His body ran cold. He pretended to be sleeping. Eyes hard shut
(Because he’s holding something)
against the wall. Body resting snugly beneath warm sheets, feet tangled, legs tucked up beneath his already tight chest. It heavily affected his
(He’s at the door)
(Why didn’t you close it?)
breathing and
His neck hairs
(He’s found you)
Domingo couldn’t move, his body wouldn’t respond, every vessel throughout his frozen flesh doubled in size to pump adrenaline
(It’s just a hormone)
and cortisol
(Nothing but hormones)
to prepare his fight or flight —
or freeze.
If the rabbit sits still, the wolf may walk by. Even if it’s staring. Sight isn’t the sense of the wolf, it can’t trust its eyes; it must abide by its nose, and when the whole area smells of rabbit then nothing does.
Thus other senses must be engaged, and the still rabbit will neither be heard nor seen.
(It’s a good strategy against animals, perhaps?)
(A human stares because he’s found you.
He sees you)
Still. Domingo lies still.
(Then what happens)
(When the rabbit is cornered?)
(When it’s caught)
(Does it offer itself to the wolf?)
(The game is over)
(Does it let itself be killed?)
Before his own brain is capable of reacting to his muscles springing to life, trashing his entire body around on his spring mattress to hit the lights and sit up and face the intruder. One hand on the switch, the other reaching for the bat by his bedside.
No gun, though, he wishes he had one — but they’d sworn them off… with a still notion hanging in the air afterwards that the oath had a heavy implication of the concept of “until”.
Tonight was thankfully still not the point of “until”.
All the tension immediately dropped from his body when he was faced by nothing but a chair that’d been demoted to laundry pile, illuminated in the flickering lights of his wall mounted reading light.
One of his legs was already out of his blanket, ready to engage, and, of course, his hand clenched tightly around the cold metal of what could only be his oldest belonging.
It took a moment for him to orient himself. Let his aching muscles rest, and finally feel how his heart raced in his chest, previously muffled by the hard mist of adrenaline. It was important to take it slow, he’d noticed, after his first few bouts with these kinds of episodes.
Just moving a limb too fast could reactivate the system.
(Or a stray thought)
The focus became his breathing once more as he slowly sat up, following with an almost comically loud stretch as if to prove to himself that the room was indeed empty. Finally, he glanced at his digital alarm clock whose numbers would often be the culprit for the ways shadows were cast across the room in humanoid shapes, ironically enough to ground himself in reality.
3:42 am.
World asleep beneath the dense carpets of stars that covered the skies in ways reminiscent of the desert, free from cities and light pollution;
Wasn’t tonight supposed to be full moon?
Maybe Nacho was awake.
It couldn’t hurt to send him a text and invite him for a beer on the porch.
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