#hope that my worst fears about her arent confirmed
artbytesslyn · 5 months
How about Falin for the character bingo, also absolutely love your art!❤️
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kyyuri · 3 years
silent cries || kim seungmin
a series: reasons why skz broke the relationship off
lower caps intended ! taglist open for this series ! permanent taglist open as well !
word count : 764
warnings: might contain profanities
genre : angst
a/n: ik ive been mia for a while ,, ive been really stressed due to exams but i really wanted to give yall some content so here is my attempt to revive this series that has been put on hold for a really long time. i hope u enjoy it !
when he chooses your bestfriend over you
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you played with the hemline of you skirt. it was SO awkward. this was supposed to be a picnic planned for you and seungmin only, but somehow he insisted for your bestfriend, yena to come as well. why ? you had no clue either. “here babe.” he said as he passed you a strawberry shortcake, not forgetting to hand one to yena too. you gave him a weak smile as you placed the plate on the ground, opting to take a sip from the coffee he had ordered. it tasted bitter.
“ so yena, how’s your progress on mr kim’s project ?” seungmin asked, taking a bite into the cake. “the same, nothing. i swear to god mr kim can kiss my ass. he made the work so hard, ugh ! “ seungmin chuckled at her reaction. all you could do was sit in silence. it didnt help much that you didnt arent in mr kim’s class. “you know, if you really needed help, we could do it together right ?” yena’s face brightened up immediately as she forced a smile with her mouth full of cake “really ?! youre such a god sent seung ! i literally love you so much-“ the words had slipped unintentionally. yena’s eyes widened in horror “ NO WAIT Y/N I DIDNT MEAN IT THAT WAY-“ you gave her an awkward chuckle, assuring her that it was fine.
you caught yourself staring into blank space as they continued their long rant about how horrible mr kim was as a lecturer. poking at the strawberry cake infront of you, you were bored to your death. what kind of date is this ? you thought. and thats when it all clicked. it wasnt supposed to be a date with you, but her. he was just obligated to bring you with him because you were his girlfriend. come to think of it, you were always the one who initiated things, whenever HE initiates something, yena would somehow have a part to play in it.
did he only agreed to date you for his own benefits ? did he ever truly love you ? all those ���i love you” exchanged, did he ever mean any of it ? you were drowning in your thoughts until someone called your name, snapping you out of it. “y/n ! stop playing with your food… its getting everywhere. why didnt you eat it ? its your favourite…” that sentence confirmed your suspicions, your worst fear. “no.” “no …? i-im lost…”
you were unsure what happened but something inside you snapped. “ no. im done. im done with this hangout. im sitting here like a fool, watching you flirt with her ?! “ seungmin stared at you, offended. “excuse me ?! i set this up for you ! i just thought you would appreciate it if i like your BEST FRIEND come with. unless youre saying you wish she wasnt here.” a scoff youve been holding in left your mouth. “ dont put words in my mouth. but at this point, if this keeps up, i wont mind admitting to that. considering how IM ALLERGIC TO STRAWBERRIES and her FAVOURITE cake is STRAWBERRY shortcake. and lets not forget how you got me an expresso knowing damn well i only drink mocha and SHE only drinks expresso. “
“you dont seem to mind it at all. “ you were dumbfounded. how could he say such things ? “ i didnt want to say anything because i wanted to see how far things would go… but its gone far enough. “ tears threaten to spill from your eyers. “you dont love me anymore do you ?“ you mustve looked pathetic in their eyes. “i know that i-i just need to hear it from you in order to move on. “ he looked you dead in the eye. “ i dont love you anymore. i love yena.” you didnt expect the second part at all. it hit you so hard you couldnt hold it together anymore. “y/n im so sorr-“ yena said as she attempted to hold onto your arm. funny how the hands that once brought you comfort was now seen as disgusting by you. “dont touch me !” yena looked away guiltily. “lets break up y/n. im sorry things turned out this way. “ seungmin said as he handed you a tissue. at least he wasnt THAT heartless. “i always knew you loved her. even more than you loved me. have a good life. the both of you.” and with that, you walked out forever, never looking back.
perm taglist: @soobin-chois @aksemy @ja4hyvn
all works here are strictly mine. please do not translate or steal them without permission. © kyyuri
all works here are strictly mine. please do not translate or steal them without permission. © kyyuri
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daniyanii · 3 years
Soft Yandere Dabi
You remember the exact day you met him. You were just doing your day to day job as a florist. You loved your little shop with everything you had left, because well....it was all you had left.
Many years ago your shop was actually your fathers. You used to run around smelling the flowers and playing with the petals in your own world while he worked to give you everything he could. Life was good...until it wasn't.
One day while you were playing in the back room, your father was being robbed. He was always a prideful man and would refuse to give up, but that was his downfall. He refused to give the money not because he was greedy, but because he was saving up to give you a real christmas that year.
After he refused the money the robber was fed up. Your little dream world was interrupted by a single gunshot, something heavy dropping to the floor, and rummaging through the cash register.
You heard the bell on the front door ring quickly as whoever committed this crime ran off. You were completely frozen with fear, but you slowly inched yourself out the room. Once you hit the main room you were horrified to see blood spilling down the small steps that lead behind the counter.
"Daddy?" your high voice whispered out
But you got not response, the only sound that filled the room was the spilling of blood and your jagged breaths.
You had to no choice but to walk up the steps since that was the only way to get behind the counter. You always used to run around barefoot so you had to step directly in the warm trailing blood. When you peeked behind the counter it confirmed your worst nightmare.
Your father had been shot dead.
You remember running to his body and screaming. Begging him to move or talk, asking him not to leave you. But after a few minutes of crying and pleading you knew it was over, he was gone.
He wasn't the first parent you had seen dead either. Your mother killed herself by overdosing a year prior. It took you hours to realize she wasn't just sleep. You remember bouncing on her chest laughing, and begging her to get up. But after your poured water on her hand and when she didn't move you knew something was wrong.
You always tried not to think about it but without fail it remained a constant replaying memory. It was like an annoying fly who just wouldn't go away no matter how many windows you open. You took the pain and trauma from both of those situations and pushed it all the way down to your feet. Whenever you thought about it in public you would just put a smile on your face like always and keep moving.
One day a young man came in staring at the ground, refusing to look up at you. Nevertheless, you still smiled and greeted him like all your other customers.
"Do you have any sunflowers?" He mumbled out still looking as far down as he could.
"Of course I do! Let me show you." You spoke with enthusiasm since surprisingly no one ever asked for sunflowers. Plus....they were your dad's favorite.
You stepped down the steps, and lightly grabbed his hand to lead him to the flowers. He seemed to tense at this but didn't pull away.
"Theyre all the way back here since people aren't usually big fans of them." You explained but quickly shut up, feeling like he wasn't one for small talk. You let go of his hand when the sunflowers came in view.
"There they are, beautiful as ever. I'll leave you to it, any other questions you have I'd be glad to answer." Since his head was slightly up now he could see you but you couldn't really see him, you still gave him your warmest smile and began to walk back to the counter.
"Um, can you actually help me pick one? I'm not very good at this." He spoke deeply, he knew that any other day he would have wordlessly walked in and wandered till he found what he needed, grabbed the first one he saw and left. But something about this woman made him have to talk to her. She radiated this warmth that even he couldn't make.
"Of course! It's not like there's anyone else in here." She turned around smiling again
She began asking him simple questions only flower related. She could tell he was a private man due to his lack of responses and she would respect that. After they picked which ones he wanted they traveled back up to the counter. He had subconsciously fully lifted his head up, displaying scorched skin and stitches. He didn't even realize until she spoke again.
"I'm sorry but your eyes are just beautiful." She confessed to him which made his eyes widen
Half of my face is burnt to a crisp but she noticed my eyes first? And complimented me...she must be joking
"I'm sorry again, I didn't mean to upset you and overstep. Here you go, free of charge." She quickly recanted once she saw his face frown
When he went to grab the flowers his hands grazed hers. He expected her to snatch her hand back after feeling the scorched skin, but she gently let go once she was sure the flowers were in his grip.
"It's alright. Thankyou for the flowers and helping me but I must pay you." He reached to his pocket but she pulled his hand out, holding it for a second.
"No need. It's nice to actually have a customer on the weekdays. Consider it a gift!" beaming brightly and the dark man
That damn smile again, why is it so enchanting? Is that her quirk?
"What's your name?" He blurted out before he could stop himself, and subconsciously tightened the hold on her hand
"Y/n L/n. What about you stranger?" Her smile never once faltered and she didn't even think about pulling her hand away
Why isn't she scared of me? Or is she just good at acting?
"Dabi. My name is Dabi." He bluntly responded
"Well Dabi, I hope to see you again. You seem like a good man." Y/n had always been like this, her kindness knew no limits. Anyone else would’ve immediately labeled Dabi dangerous…which he was
"I- Okay." For once Dabi didn't know what to say
After that day he stalked her non stop. It was such a surprise to see that once she was in the "safe" confines of her home how fast her smile dropped. How on most days her eyes would immediately begin to water as she scolded herself about being weak.
It saddened him to see how draining it was for her to act so nice. She wasted her kindness on anyone and everyone, and it took a lot out of her.
He had finally worked the courage up to go back. This time he knew he'd have to have her forever.
"Hey Dabi! Nice to see you again." she exclaimed
She remembers my name?
"Hi Y/n." He spoke lowly trying to avoid eye contact since he knew she was probably disgusting by his burnt skin and stitches
"More sunflowers?" she questioned since most people always got the same flowers
"Um, I guess you could say that." He answered knowing she wouldn't get it, but he knew that whenever he saw sunflowers (or any flower for the most part) he couldn't help but see her smile.
He considered her a flower, more specifically a sunflower.
"Well you know where they are. Need any help picking them out?" She questioned while he just nodded in response
She took a deep breath and walked down the very steps that haunted her. Almost as if she could still feel the warm blood between her toes She refused to show her pain so she did what she always did....smile the pain away.
When they got to the very back where no one could see them, he grabbed her hand. Not forcefully, but he had a good grip on her, scared that she would snatch away.
but she didn't
and in that moment he knew
she was his and his only
"Dabi are you okay?" She asked smile slowly dropped as she saw his nervous face
"Why aren't you scared of me?" He blurted out, needing to know the reason.
Her warm smile came back as she grabbed his hand a little tighter
"Well, you haven't given me a reason to be. You're really nice, and I have no room to judge anyone."
Dabi's heart was beating so fast he could hear it. He no longer could live without her, what was to come next had to be done.
"W-Would you mind taking a walk with me?" He asked nervously, knowing that any normal person would practically scream no
"Of course, the shop is slow today anyways. Come on." She took their hands and intertwined their fingers
Dabi could feel all the blood rushing to his cheeks. He never had a woman, or anyone touch him like this so willingly.
She let Dabi lead and after quite some time she realized he was walking her out of town.
"Dabi where are we going? Town is back that way." She questioned
"I-I'm selfish. I need you, I want you, and so I'll have you. You'll learn to lik-." Dabi was cut off by lips touching his
His heart damn near stopped
He had never been kissed before
He'd never even had a hug
And here she was kissing him first
"Dabi I already like you. I'll go anywhere you want, but what about my shop? It's been in my family for generations." She replied softly
I'm fucking dreaming arent I?
"W-We can arrange t-to have it looked after." He was in such shock he could barely talk
"Okie Dokie. Then lets go!"
"Are you serious? You're not gonna run or scream and call me a monster? You'll just come with me willingly?" He stared at her with udder disbelief, expecting her to kill me
"Will you protect me?" She ignored his questions and dropped her smile to know she was serious
"With my life. You'll never be hurt again." He didn't even hesitate, wrapping arms around her waist, not pulling her in for a hug because he didn't wanna scare her.
"Will you give me your loyalty?"
"There is no one else I could ever feel like this for. Only you." He confessed truthfully
"And you promise not to leave?" She was tired of everything in her life leaving
So what if Dabi wasn't "normal"?
So what if she would never leave his sight?
She finally had someone again, and she didn't wanna have to let go again.
And he wasn't letting her go
So it would all workout
"I will never leave you. And you can't leave me. I-I love you." Dabi couldn't believe he just said that but he really couldn't believe what happened next after that
"Then what are we still here for. I'm ready to go home with you." she said while pulling him in for a deep hug
He just inhaled her scent, she smelled so floral and ethereal.
He couldn't believe she wanted to be with him.
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
Hey Rosy i know you do not talk about it and i am sorry but right now i am so confused,why is some people going to the conclusion that it is going to be a love triangle(when Jason especifically said there arent and they hated it) between Bellamy/Echo/Clarke(when clearly actors sai nothing pointing to it or confirmed it,all the opossite Bob said bellamy is not in any relationship,Tasya said about them there is to much bagage between them,she is seeking for friendship and family,1/2
they tolerate each other,bob said bellamy did not forget or forgive,basically we get nothing in the trailer or interviews pointing to that,and they know if that’s going to happen they need to get the fandom ready,so i don’t get it how this fandom makes all about ships and romance when Jason(not my fav)is all the time staying away from that,i’m sorry i just want to ask you,because some people is so concern and they get to that conclusion for what beliza said about bellarke still don’t get it 2/2.
I don’t know. I think because they are afraid of it, and they need to make themselves face their fear of it so they won’t be disappointed if it happens? The same way people don’t like to be hopeful of Bellarke because they’re afraid they won’t get it. They say they’re being “realistic” but believing you’ll NEVER get what you want just because you want it is no more realism than believing you’ll always get your way just because you want it.
Pessimism is not realism. It is specifically choosing to look at worst case scenarios and considering them to be inevitable. Because life (or JR) hates you. 
I do not think the evidence in the story so far, in the preview materials, or in the cast and crew commentary at ALL leads to the inevitability of B/cho. Is there a possibility? Sure, but it’s not the most likely scenario at all. The best reasoning for romantic Be/cho is that they are two good looking people stuck in the same place alone for 6 years. That’s it. Proximity.
Because Echo’s storyline in the show has not been AT ALL romantic. Their relationship has not been about romance AT ALL. What the actors have said about it has not hinted or teased at B/cho romance AT ALL. When they started L’s storyline, it was romantic from the start. They talked about love. L looked at Clarke longingly. She talked about Clarke’s intentions towards Bellamy. She KISSED her. Bellamy’s relationship with Echo has always been about being comrades in war, trust, loyalty, battle, enemies, allies. They don’t talk about love. It’s not even on the table. 
I don’t know. I’m tired of it. And people can’t let go of it. 
I don’t care about B/cho. I think it might have happened over the timejump and I don’t think it’s important. The issues of loyalty, feeling left out, jealousy, not being loved enough, these are all there WITHOUT a love triangle. They literally don’t need one. Clarke is set up to feel abandoned, because she was literally ABANDONED. Whether there’s another love interest or not, all those love triangle angst issues are built into the narrative. 
I don’t, however, think JR would make Bellamy a cheater. And I don’t think he would make him a person who abandons his girlfriend to be with someone else. That is Finn. Finn was NOT a good guy. Bellamy is a good guy. And he’s grown and matured in the past 6 years. They’re not going to paint him as disloyal when his character has been defined as doing anything for his people. 
This theory doesn’t fit what I already know of the story or Bellamy.
Fandom don’t care though. Fandom cares about drama, gossip, shipwars, fear, anxiety, and soap opera style story machinations. This is not a soap opera? No one cares. 
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randomstarmuffin · 5 years
[It's dumb and non productive but I am going to post this anyways. Please ignore me and my whining but it needs to be out there, if only for a little while. This is really stupid, to willfully post about my breakdown publicly, but if it tells you anything at all I really dont care right now.]
Lol dont mind me just crying in my car bc I finally made an appointment with a psychiatrist and my worst fears were realized which is that i DONT have adhd and I went and made a fool of myself being so sure about it to all these health professionals but it's so STUPID because i cant give up my laundry list of symptoms that just! Make sense! And I can't like. I cant even say anything I mean I didnt say anything and to be fair I got the depression thing confirmed which is great but I dont know. I dont know! Maybe I was so focused on ADHD being the answer because I didnt want to face up to the depression or something but I have to wait til monday to see my therapist and even then I still feel like a fool! She was taking me seriously and everything. This is probably why I didnt want to make the appointment. I got my hopes up that maybe my brain was just Like That but nope it's not and I feel like shit for thinking it was when people actually have to deal with it and I just wanted this One Thing to make sense and my stupid pride still secretly thinks I'm right and hes wrong and I just. Fuck me. I have to go to work in a few hours? Fuck. I dont want to go inside because I dont want my mom to have to deal with this even tho shed be mad if she knew I was avoiding her for this exact reason and I'm just a fucking mess. I guess I should take those prescribed drugs or something for that. Fuck. Is it unreasonable or reasonable to want a second opinion on something like that. Or is there something else that's like adhd but you're still able to correctly click a button when boxes appear on the upper part of the inside of other boxes or am I just a total fool. Fuck. On the bright side I havent been able to properly cry for myself and myself alone in a VERY long time so maybe that's a progress of some kind. I guess. God it's so STUPID I'm finally making myself take care of myself and somehow I'm still setting that process up for failure why cant I just be glad to get the antidepressants and TRY them I've been sitting here for like 20 minutes not wanting to go inside. I was fully prepared for the whole "psychiatrists arent the most personable" thing and wasnt going in with expectations that thered be a connection or to even like him but GOD DAMN excuse me for not expecting to walk out and madly avoid the guy on the sidewalk so I could safely get to my car and start crying. Its dumb because I always thought this could be the case, I guess. Like, even knowing it was probably coming, ... I dont know. I dont know. I'm sorry I'll shut up now I wish you could do readmores on mobile but I'm clearly avoiding interacting with the people I know irl so I'm just gonna leave this here so the universe knows I was alive and did in fact have feelings. I dont know. Maybe I'll delete this in a second. On the bright side I got myself to stop crying...
#normal#negative#todays energy is.... bad#and hey! there goes my last bit of desire to even attempt finishing that game for the jam#so fuck me i guess#i also have a favor halfway in progress for a friend regarding a t shirt design and i dont know what to do about it anymore#i KNEW letting myself think i was even a little right or capable of self analysis was going to fucking bite me#and yet i did it anyway#ignore me#like honestly please ignore me it was horrible enough trying to be vulnerable enough#to answer the stupid depression questionaire after he told me nope youre totally fine#idiot youre like a 4 on the not adhd scale#youre not even on the adhd scale#the fuck is your deal#shit. mayb i should yell do i need to yell#i dont wanna yell though#ugh. and he made sure to specify that the drugs he was prescribing wouldnt affect sex drive or something#like dude i dont know what to tell you thats a non issue#why he accepted the depression questionaire at face value but didnt care about the self screening adhd test i brought#im not sure#but theyre both like his specialties or whatever so#goes to show me whats up i guess#like i thought the adhd and anxiety would be bigger issues but ha. jokes#i guess at a certain point i should just accept the depression is a major problem and all so. maybe its overdue#anyway i really really hope the universe puts out a lot of good energy for everyone else since im not getting any of it#let me sponge away the bad for yall#is it fucked up if i go about the rest of my day and make sure no one notices#i dont know anymore. probably. anyway im. shutting up now
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tumblunni · 6 years
Because tangeants again lol
Recognise that its fuckin stupid and bigoted to expect us to believe someone is a villain INSTANTLY after seeing that they're queer, before they even do anything. Don't spend your entire damn game having the characters go "eww its that disgusting person of ambiguous gender we should kill them because gross" rather than.. Yknow.. "Excellus fuckin murdered those people". Recognise that literally doing this is gonna make your character LESS villainous and MORE sympathetic long before you finally get to goddamn showing them do anything bad except say "ohoho i wanna be a princess". And it'll make bunni REALLY PISSED OFF because nobody wants to feel sad for an asshole murderer yet THAT SADNESS IS FOREVER ENGRAINED IN MY SOUL NOW
Seriously fuckin hell it even made the heroes look less heroic! I felt like Excellus was almost justified in becoming a murdering selfish monster if she spent her entire life being treated that way by both sides in this big good or evil conflict. Why the fuck should she give a shit if she's being degraded? Like FUCKIN OBVIOUSLY murdering people and wanting to conquer a random japanese country as a mad dictator is not a remotely logical reaction to being misgendered. But like they could have changed some stuff and made a perfectly good sympathetic villain who gets manipulated by the bigger bad because of her sad past of being treated like shit and like she feels like this is her only option to be herself. And then maybe you can reignite her hope in the world and her self esteem and moral centre and help her redeem herself and team up with you to take out the real horrible fucks with no sympathetic motives. Instead she's friggin played as THE one who's evil cos she has no sympathetic motive. Like that's her whole Thing, she's supposed to just be selfish and greedy and horrid. Your damn bigotry somehow failed your own story as well as failing all trans people ever!
Or like yknow.. If you want an asshole fuckboi then actually write an asshole fuckboi. Scrubby scrub the trans = bad shit from this plotline and you do indeed have a selfish monster who murders a bunch of innocent people and gets his just desserts. You had a ready made simple character archetype and you were so preoccupied shoving your transphobic screed into your game that you fucked it up!
So yeah i think either make this goofy ohoho trans auntie a good character, make the asshole ohoho bad character a cis man, do both at once, or like even i'm not opposed to having a trans villain exist but like seriously make them a synpathetic villain. If they're the only trans character in the plot its already gonna send a bad message if theyre in the role of "worst most underhanded jerk villain", even if it WASNT also transphobic as fuck. So a sympathic trans villain or adding more LGBT characters so it doesnt seem like this one individual was designed to make a statement on your entire feelings for a minority.
like seriously please do not do this stupid thing of mooshing every stereotype together from every LGBT identity and acting like theyre all the same thing?? Like man i fuckin HATE that anime trope that yknow.. The gay man says all this trans stuff cos he's ~just that flambouyant~ Like being a drag queen is what 100% of gay men are, 24/7, and anyone saying theyre a trans woman is just one of those drag queens who's really getting into character. Or just.. I dunno. I cant even wrap my head around what train of logic must have led to that stereotype in the first place! And its so fuckin annoying as a queer person trying to talk about why this is bad queer stereotyping, it just makes me extra sad to straight up not know what pronouns to use for the character so i feel like i'm being just as horrible to them as their creators were. Like man i've only settled on going for "she" for Excellus cos after years of looking into it it does seem like the original japanese was indeed specifically using stereotypes of trans women and not trans men or nonbinary people. Though all languages do seem to call the character male it seems pretty strongly to be a "i believe that trans women are men and can never be women" kind of thing, rathe rthan the character herself calling HERSELF male. She calls herself a woman in both english and japanese, and its just that the english has everyone else use male pronouns for her and added the non-canon "explanation" that she only acts like a trans woman because she has something wrong with her balls. (Ugh!) And in japanese on top of calling herself a woman she also uses feminine (and specifically trans/drag queen coded) variants of "I", and other common speech pattern traits used for negative stereotypes of trans women. Though again we do have other characters calling her a disgusting perverted man instead. Sigh!
Ok ok ALSO BIGGEST FUCKIN FIX! dont draw the character like a horrible distorted cariacature goblin in an entirely different art style to everyone else. Seriously its so annoying how they tried to make you agree with "excellus is disgusting just for acting queer" by LITERALLY DRAWING A DISGUSTING CHARACTER. If you take away the weirdass overdetailed horror movie monster face, there is nothing ugly or even "manly looking" about her! She's just like somebody's perfectly normal chubby aunt or something. You could go out in any street all over the world and see five of her! I hate it cos its almost like psychological manipulation or something? Like i've seen so many lets players who arent bigoted but merely oblivious still agree that excellus is ugly and disgusting and comical because of it, cos all the implications of transphobia/homophobia flew over their heads and all they saw was a character drawn to look monsterous. And just.. This is so common. Its the overwhelming japanese stereotype of trans women. Draw them looking INFINATELY MORE MANLY than the cis male characters. So manly that it really hammers home how "obvious" it is that a man in lipstick or dresses "just looks wrong" and of course there's NO way they could ever pass and ha ha look how deluded they are that they think they look pretty. It's horrid. It really is. Seriously I like to point at Tabitha from Pokemon ORAS for a good counter example, cos he's also an ambiguously transgender character from a game that came out around the same time and by some weird coincidence they look very similar. Except for the literal entire face. The literal entire exact same face, just its drawn hideous and distorted on the one who's supposed to be a negative trans stereotype, and drawn exactly like everyone else on the positive one. And there's not one example in the whole game of anyone calling Tabitha ugly because he looks trans, or even insulting his weight or anything. Same damn character design, just drawn without bias and treated like a human being. I mean seriously right down to them having the small "evil eyes" but with Tabitha he's always drawn with them in a perpetual sort of happy face and then his pose with them looking similar to Excellus is supposed to be a BADASS MOMENT of this comic relief villain showing his worth! And hw literally has red eyes on top of it! His design is even MORE "evil" yet just not drawing it as a stereotype entirely changes the player's perception and he became beloved by many. Whereas with Excellus even the trans people in the audience couldnt relate to her and just felt fuckin sad.
Oh also i guess Excellus is implied to be a trans woman and Tabitha is implied to be a trans man? But i don't think game freak was trying to say anything about trans men being more valid or whatever, cos the first canonical LGBT character of any sort was a trans woman npc in the battle maison. And tabitha being trans isnt really confirmed as clearly as she was. i hope someday theyre able to confirm an LGBT main cast member but until then i will forever hold onto the glimmer of hope that was given to me by Beauty Nova.
Also seriously Tabitha and Excellus both also look EXACTLY LIKE ME IN REAL LIFE so I kinda took Excellus extra hard and latched onto the Tabitha headcanon so much more because it was good healing after all that nonsense. Tho I also did considee nonbinary Tabitha at the time, because his japanese name is a gender neutral one that's merely like 75% female, rather than a 100% feminine one. But then his old RSE design was very masculine so i think maybe a trans man is what they were trying to imply if they did indeed do it on purpose. Anyway i probably would have translated his name as Ashley cos it has the same "technically neutral but more popular with girls" aesthetic while also keeping the same fire pun as Homura. I have no idea how on earth Tabitha is supposed to be a joke, honestly. Tho i meam maybe he's just the one type specialist on the entire poke-earth who doesnt have a joke name?
ANYWAY thank you terrible transphobic stupid manga i read today for reminding me that i love Tabitha. And also the developers love Tabitha. And also all the characters in universe love him, like seriously the only difference between the devon dialogue of him and Shelly is that they mention the other scientists nicknamed him tabitabi. And its so cute how seriously they said it too?? Its like "our boss tabitabi,the most feared and respected genius man".
Lovv dat tabb
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Then, a look of epiphany came over her drowsy, yet unbelievably beautiful eyes, as she realized where she was. She woke up startled by the sound and an instant worry drifted across her tired face. "No, my Queen," came a stranger’s voice from behind the doors, "I am Pratikamin. She was confused and concerned to find a man other than her husband outside her door in the middle of the night. " Draupadi sat back down and pull her blankets up to her neck. Draupadi was dragged into Chambers Someone was walking to Draupadi’s chamber - someone unwilling and slow by the sound of their footsteps. No reply came for a few seconds until suddenly we heard sobs. "I am coming, Nakula," she said and started to get out from under the covers exposing the breasts that had been caressed for a good part of the day past. There was anxiety in her voice as she repeated, "Is my husband alright? " "I cannot go … Wait, did you say ‘ordered’? " Draupadi stared intently at the door as did I. I was ordered by Emperor Duryodhana to bring you to his presence immediately. Draupadi, furrowed brows and all, asked, "Arent you one of Yudhisthira’s men? A long minute later, the courtesy of a polite knock on the door filled the room. The emperor… Yudhisthira played a game of dice with Duryodhana and Shakuni," Draupadi’s gasp was audible at the mention of the Pandava’s weakness, "Your husband gambled away all of his possessions, his empire, even his own brothers. " The look on her face and slump of her shoulders reflected the thousand questions that had arisen in her weary mind, but Draupadi was a Queen. " "Yudhisthira gambled away his brothers? It was not her husband. He would never do such a thing," said Draupadi, "My husband is a man of morals. " "The mind cannot see what wine does," said Pratikamin between stifled sobs, "Yudhisthira ordered his brothers to obey. " "My Queen," the voice finally came from behind the door, "I have been ordered to bring you to the courtroom right away. She spoke with the calmness of one when she responded, "You meant Yudhisthira, Pratikamin. but," the sob interrupted him again, "My Queen, Yudhisthira staked you next in the game, driven by his madness. He fell prey to every ruse laid out by Shakuni. Her lips trembled when they spoke again, "Please tell me he was stopped. Even if he would dare do such a thing, his brothers would never have let him. He allowed himself to be enslaved by that sly Shakuni. He is not going to be pleased —" "He tried but. I would not repeat those words if I were you. " Draupadi’s angry exclamation, however, did not extend to her body. She slid out from under the covers and and rushed to put on her sexy bra and g-string, before putting on her red sari. Come out now or I shall break down these doors. A thunderous noise echoed across the room and her heart as a powerful fist banged on the doors and shouted, "Draupadi! Draupadi quickly put on her lacy black bra, a matching thong and suspender belt and sheer black stockings. " Draupadi pulled her covers further up to her neck at those words. She put on her petticoat and blouse, and draped her red sari on top. The sound of the fiend’s shoulders trying to break the door down was waking up every fear within her. " Draupadi was incredibly brave and interjected with rage in her voice, "How dare you! " She hoped but what came was much worse than Pratikamin’s sad reply. She could feel him feasting on her form, a form that was only just hidden under her skimpy sari. Her nipples were obvious through the bra and the rear shot of her arse left nothing to the imagination. He eyed her body from head to toe. The doors to her chamber fell. ," she screamed, hoping someone would hear her but nobody did. Dushasana invaded the privacy of his own sister-in-law. "Leave this instant, Dushasana and I shall forgive you your trespasses," Draupadi said, holding onto her clothes tightly. You have no right to speak unless I ask you to," he said and stepped towards us. Draupadi stepped back. Her hands clenched around her waist, fearing the worst and then it happened. Draupadi began to shake in fear. Dushasana reached her even as she backed towards the wall. She squirmed in his hands, one hand beating his, trying atk hairy amateur pussies to loosen his grip on her hair, and the other struggling to keep her breasts in place to avoid any pics of hairy cunts more humiliation. Her heart sank and her feet struggle to stay rooted. The fear in the air struck her speechless. "Get out now," she screamed, hoping someone would come to help her. Dushashana grabbed a visible distressed Draupadi by the hair. He dragged her body, her mind, her fears, into the midst of men she wanted not to exist. " Bheema got up off his knees unlike his other brothers and ran up towards him. Such was the fear the vicious eyes of Bheema instilled in the Kaurava that he let go of Draupadi’s hair instantly and moved away. He dragged her towards the sound of manic laughter signaling the intentions of evil men. "Bheema, I ordered you to kneel. His hands gripped a handful of her hair and pulled her away from the wall. Draupadi ran forwards towards Bheema but something stopped her. He dragged us into the lamp lit darkness of the Hastinapur courtroom. Yudhisthira nodded as if confirming her fears. Now get back," commanded the vile Kaurava, his voice spitting venom. Draupadi in Courtroom "DUSHASHANA, HOW DARE YOU! " The answer to the perfect question did not come from the Kauravas. "You should have listened to us," said Bheema and knelt back down next to his brothers, "Look what you have done. He dragged her as she tried to pull away from the him with all the might in her body. It came from Yudhisthira himself. " "Alright," said Draupadi with a new resolve in her voice, "If Yudhisthira had already lost himself in this loaded game of dice as I have heard from your servant, pray tell me how he has the right to wager me. Dhritarashtra did not try to defend his stance as a man who allowed it to happen. There was no fake sense of self righteousness voiced by Drona. What possessions does a slave have to play with? Though I was mad to wager you in a game, I was well within the rights to do so once my master permitted me," he said with absolutely no remorse. Draupadi was in utter shock when Bheema, instead of punching the maniac in the face, stopped and turned to his older brother. Draupadi, however, did not take it quietly. The strange thing about the answer was how unsurprising it was at that moment. You made the vow to me on the day of our wedding. Duryodhana, don’t you think she deserves the same treatment as her husbands? " It was Karna who said the dreaded words. "You were my possession, my dear. "Enough with the talk. Yudhisthira and his brothers were up on their feet and baring their teeth. His naked form had been further stripped of its ego by the stinging words of his humiliated wife. "And you vowed to protect me with your life, Yudhisthira," she scoffed. Duryodhana said without the slightest fear, "You’re right, Karna. " Draupadi spat on the floor next to where he stood and replied, "I am slave to no man and I shall not obey the words of one. Yudhisthira was not proud. Bhishma got up from his seat, but stayed rooted to his spot unable to decimate the utterer of the worst set of words Hastinapur had ever heard. "Oh my dear Draupadi, your husbands are not strong men. " The Pandava’s watched in silent horror as Duryodhana continued, "Draupadi, I command you to strip yourself of that miserable piece of cloth that is draped around your form. They have nothing to do with Indraprastha anymore," he said walking around the five of them hanging their heads in humiliation, "They are idiots who were enslaved in a game. Even Shakuni was taken aback by the gravity of those words. " Bhima yelled, "Stop! " Duryodhana said, "Shakuni, handcuff that bafoon and gag him! Then he took out a handkerchief and tied it over his mouth. " The sly Shakuni walked over and slapped handcuffs behind Bheema’s back. With a deep breath, Dushashana, tore her sari, and yanked up her blouse up over her head. Dushanasha rip this whores clothes off her body. " murmered members of the courtroom in open admiration of the sight. Draupadis Clothes are torn off Duryodhana continued, "I want to fondle your boobs. Dushasana leant forward slightly as he stared at Draupadis substantial rack. You could hear a pin drop in the courtroom, as all eyes were riveted Draupadi’s breasts. Duryodhana walked to the front of the five Pandavas, looked back at their faces with disrespect and turned to look at Draupadi. The way her enormous melons were stuffed into the skimpy piece of lingerie meant that more of her firm round breasts were left bare than covered. Beneath the blouse the busty Queen was wearing a black satin bra that encased her big breasts, pushing them up and together into a magnificent cleavage. His eyes wandered all over her. "Dear Lord," he pulled a hanky from his pocket and mopped a few beads of sweat from his brow. The crowd all lustfully sighed in wonder at the sight of Draupadis lingerie-clad body. She was still wearing her high heels, which made her fabulously long legs look brilliant in the sheer stockings, complete with suspender belt and garters. But Duryodhana still wasnt done. Her dark nipples were clearly visible through the intricate lace of the bra and there was the small dark patch of her pubic mound discernible through her tiny g-string. "Step off of the stand and walk past the seated guests. "Continue, lets see her legs and pussy" said Durydhana to Dushana. I am the wife of the five strong sons of Indraprastha who will rip apart every brick in this city for even thinking it. She was trying to move as little as possible, but as she walked her breasts still jiggled, and her ass cheeks rose and fell and quivered. " Draupadi stepped down from the stand, and walked slowly past the riveted eyes of the Kauravas, with her head down. Even Bhishma sucked in a sharp breath as Draupadi revealed her glorious bra-clad hooters. "Sit on the edge of the table and face your husbands, and spread your legs" roared Duroydhana. Draupadi looked at him like a scolded puppy, Dushashan then tore her skirt like an animal. Dushashana said, "Brother, maybe if we can see her breasts. Draupadi complied, trying to hide her sizable assets. " "You have crossed a line, brother," the words came from among the Kaurava brothers, "You have pushed us all into a dark corner with no way out. Then she walked past Karna and Dhrona. " "Vikarna, did you decide to take their side like uncle Vidura and Bhishma? "This is not a matter of sides, brother. As she walked by the Karna, he had an insolent smirk on his face. It’s a matter of morality. Let them get a close look. She is a slave," reminded Duryodhana matter-of-factly, "Did they not insult us at Indraprastha by honoring that wretched Krishna over Bhishma? You must never treat a woman the way Draupadi is being treated right now. " Duryodhana Asks Draupadi to sit on his Lap "Your husbands did not stop there. The courtroom was starting to buzz again and get out of control. " "It was not a threat and Draupadi is not a good woman. Bheema’s enraged swearing and assurances to break Duryodhana’s thigh did nothing to quell the trembling in Draupadi’s heart. Right where you belong. He had propositioned a woman who was akin to his sister, the Queen of the land. " Dushasana taunted his younger brother. " Vikarna held his hands to cover his ears, ashamed, "Threatening to disrobe a woman in the midst of men at the courtroom of Hastinapur is a crime against all good women. Yudhisthira looked down at the floor with shame as did the other men from Indraprastha. Draupadi looked around to see if she could reason with anyone. They let you fall into my hands and I did not even have to try hard," he said and to my horror, patted his right thigh and said pointing to it, "Now be a good slave and come sit on my lap. Before she even tried to say a few words, a frail and aged man came running towards us. The woman who is supposed to carry the Kuru bloodline is now scared in her own home," Vidura said as tears began to roll down his face, "We have seen too much already. She took a step back in shock. Do not think you will ever be absolved of the crime of humiliating a woman –" He never finished his sentence as Duryodhana’s feet made contact with Nakula’s face. Undo your sons’ actions and save them the wrath of every decent man present. He had openly indignified the daughter-in-law of the Kurus. " It did not make a difference that the four younger Pandavas tried to charge at Duryodhana. The other three younger Pandavas stood up where they were and looked at the attacker menacingly. "Stay kneeling," Duryodhana ordered again, and added to the shock of everyone present, "It’s time I punished you for disobeying me. "O’ great Bhishma, son of the most sacred river of the north, you have been an example to my husbands all their life. Bhishma did not say another word. "Dhritarashtra, do you see what your negligence has led to? It was as if sanity and decency had left Hastinapur for the evening Draupadi was violently placed on Duryodhana thigh, her posterior on the end of Duryodhanas knee, her uncovered, g-string clad bottom that was touching his leg. How can you remain silent watching this? "Get lost, asshole," screamed Draupadi in anger as Duryodhana suddenly grabbed her around the waist and pulled her further up on his lap. " "Draupadi, I apologize for what has transpired today, but I am bound to the throne of Hastinapur and I shall serve the will of the king. " "O’ king," Nakula spoke up this time, "Has Shakuni’s vileness taken over you too? Not a single other word came. "So what do you me to do, slave? " he asked, giving her thigh a rough squeeze. Draupadi was enraged and humiliated but was not able to do anything. "Answer me, you whore! Duryodhana rested one hand on Draupadis smooth, bare thigh and the other on the small of her back. When you beloved this short article as well as you want to receive more info with regards to pics of hairy cunts i implore you to visit our own site. Draupadi was too embarrassed by the sadness of the moment to even look at them as she turned away from them and looked at Bhishma. " yelled Duryodhana as his hand stroked over the firm, smooth sphere of Draupadis right ass-cheek. Her eyebrows rose in rage as she felt something hard in his lap jutting up against her perfect ass. Sitting on Duryodhanas lap had positioned Draupadis expansive bosom right at his eye level and the horny man was making the most of it, eyeing up her remarkable cleavage lustfully. Duryodhana groaned as his hands moved over the lovely young womans tits. " Duryodhana gave a lustful grunt of appreciation as he reached out and cupped Draupadis ample bra-clad breasts in his hands. She could clearly feel his erect pressing insistently upwards against the underside of her thigh. Draupadi gasped as she felt a hand slide up the inside of her left thigh, she glanced down to see Duryodhanas hand move between her thighs, once again cupping the mound of her pussy. She suddenly gasped as she felt Duryodhanas hand drop down from her back to slip up beneath the back of her g-string and rest of her bare right buttock. She was even more shocked when his hand slipped inside the waistband of her black thong and his probing fingers stroked through the neatly trimmed pubic hair above her pussy. "Oh, let’s rape this bitch, Shakuni, Karna, Dushana" cried Duryodhana. Showdown: The Gangrape of Draupadi! He couldnt believe this was happening, and this was without a doubt a dream come true. Shakuni and Dushasana each lowered one of her bra straps, and Dushasana tugged at her bra clasp in back, jerking the womans torso a little as he tried to figure it out. " gasped Draupadi in protest as Duryodhanas fingertips crudely brushed down along the slit of her slightly moist pussy. Eventually he got the bra open, and let it drop off Draupadi. She sucked in a breath as Duryodhana squeezed her ass, then slid his hand over to stroke her other buttock. The beautiful Queen gave a wince as her husbands’ cousin brother roughly squeezed, his fingers sinking into the firm flesh of her bosom. She stared up at the ceiling, batting her eyelids as she fought back tears. They had seen her nipples before, as she leaned over in her sari, but this was the first time at seeing Draupadi completely topless. They felt wonderful, much bigger than his hands even, and incredibly firm. They were immense, perfectly round spheres that sat high on her chest and barely needed the support of her bra. Draupadi s firm melons were topped by delicious looking nipples that jutted out slightly. The feeling became general, as hands roamed down to her thong and wormed their way inside the flimsy garment. There was a brief pause in the action as all four men admired her topless form. Draupadi tried to cover her melons with her hands, but it was only seconds before Karna and Shakuni and Dushasana all fought for her naked tits, grabbing them and squeezing them crudely, jostling Draupadi as she silently endured having her tits felt. Duryodhana finally tugged the thong down her butt with ease and down her legs, exposing her gorgeous butt and tight wet pussy. Draupadi let out an involuntary gasp as she stood topless before the courtroom. Once more, there moans of awe from around the courtroom for the beautiful work of art. "Hey, her pussys all wet! " gasped Shakuni as he saw Draupadi s magnificent breasts finally uncovered. At first they held her arms to keep her from resisting, but as Draupadi surrendered to the molestors they let go of her arms. " All four men took turns making out with Draupadi, as they fondled her. Like a bunch of squirmy jerky boys they twisted her this way and that to bring her lips to theirs and gain access to her body parts, in the most brutal manner. " "I told you," said Karna, as he sucked on her left nipple. He stood to Draupadis left side, took her left hand, placed it on his cock, and made her stroke it. " Exclaimed Duryodhana as his middle digit wormed its way in and out of sister-in-law. Eventually the hand jobs became general just as the feeling was, with all four men grabbing Draupadis hands and making her stroke their cocks, which led to a littlegiggling as they nearly had sword fights with their dicks over the rights to get hand jobs. Soon all four men had dropped their pants and surrounded Draupadi with their naked cocks. He pushed sister-in-law back down on her table. Her bare ass got squeezed, jiggled, and lifted, and her pussy got rubbed and had fingers inserted in it. ," Vikarna tried to stop them again, "She is the Queen. Dushasana was the first man to pull off his pants and boxers and expose his hard hairy cock. She is the crown princess of Hastinapur. "Lay back," was his only order, and Draupadi hesitantly but obediently lied back in the centre of the court. She gave hand jobs to Dushasana and Shakuni, Duryodhana rubbed his dick head along her ass and up and down the Queen’s ass crack, and Karna leaned forward and let his dick head get tickled by her hairless pussy. Have you heard of any noble woman being wed to five men? Duryodhana stood between her legs and spread her knees with his hands. Kaurava hands rapidly felt her ass and rubbed her hairy pussy mound. As the head grazed Draupadis wet outer lips, she emitted a moan, and one weak whimpering, "no," but otherwise offered no counter. He opened her pussy lips with his left hand, and aimed his dick head at her with his right hand. Draupadi emitted another "Ohh," and a few moans, as Duryodhana slowly slid in and out of her. Do our traditions allow such an immoral life? There were also giggles when Draupadi emitted little squeals and squeaks when someone or other would squeeze her too hard or penetrate her too much, or bite her neck too sharply. Duryodhana slid his cock into her warm wet tunnel, slowly letting his whole shaft disappear into the dark wetness. "Oohhh," moaned Duryodhana. Dushasana almost punched Vikarna, but he did not have to, for Shakuni had stepped up between them and said, "She is married to five men, Vikarna. Duryodhana tried to lift her thigh to get a better angle, but did his best to get into the saddle, and manage to stand between her legs and hump her fairly rapidly. He lifted both of her long legs and threw her knees up over his shoulder, until her legs were sticking straight up in the air. Duryodhana tried a couple of different positions with Draupadis long dangling legs, but eventually tried new. This allowed him the deepest penetration, and he fucked her rapidly. Dushasana sat on the other side of the table of Draupadi, and made her stroke his cock while she fucked Duryodhana. Shakuni and Karna grabbed the Queens tits and played with them as their friend fucked her. " "Oooohh" whimpered Draupadi, her torso being jiggled as Duryodhana fucked her, her brown tits jiggling in unison on her chest. Dushasana sidled up close to the table, pulled Draupadis head and torso to the edge, forcibly turned her head towards him, and offered his cock to her lips. Draupadi moaned between clenched lips and tried to shake her head, but as the persistent Dushasana held her hair tighter, she parted her lips and allowed the cock head to enter her mouth. "This feels SOOO FUCKING GOOOOOD! "Mmmm, mmmm," moaned Draupadi through the dick in her mouth. " Draupadi lied on her back with her long legs hanging off the edge. "Slap slap slap," was the sound of Duryodhanas pelvis slapping into the back of sister-in-laws rippling ass and thighs. But the Kaurava hung on, and just as Draupadi stiffened and shuddered through an orgasm, she let loose a wad of jism deep into her pussy. Duryodhana took a moment to run his hands up and down her long thighs, knees, and calves. Draupadi rocked from side to side, almost throwing Duryodhana out of her. Shakuni emulated Duryodhana, fucking deeply into nieces pussy. Soon Draupadi was moaning louder, sucking more furiously, and writhing more as her tits and nipples got tweaked, and she stroked the other two cocks faster. Duryodhana pulled out, and his place between Draupadis legs was quickly filled by Shakuni. The experienced wifes lips felt soft, but she sucked like she knew what she was doing. He got back into the game, replacing Dushasana next to Draupadi, and made Draupadi suck the sticky dick that had just exited her pussy. She bobbed her head over the shaft, and soon it was glistening with her saliva. Within moments Duryodhana was already on the verge of orgasm again. As Shakuni came in her, she shuddered and gyrated through another orgasm. Draupadi hummed on Duryodhanas cock as she moaned and squealed at apparent physical delight from the cock in her. Only days ago, just touching his sexy sister-in-laws bare legs would have been the greatest thrill of his life. Karna heard a choking sound emanating from sister-in-law, and looked up to see cum dribbling out of her mouth from Dushasanas dick. "Ohh, thats it, Draupadi, ohh, Im close! " He shot jizm into the back of sister-in-laws mouth. Shakuni approached her and appeared to be consoling her for just a moment, helping her to sit upright, and hugging her naked torso. Draupadi lied back untouched for just a moment, crying. Shakuni apparently came in Draupadis pussy, and pulled out and let Duryodhana take his place. My nephews ought to be ashamed. This time she did not choke, but swallowed and gobbled the cum, and on Duryodhanas orders licked his cock clean. "Oh poor niece, look at the state of you. "Im just kidding, you dont know how long Ive waited to fuck your beautiful young pussy ever since you married the Pandavas, you total whore" He laid on the table ordered her to stand up and lie on top of him. Draupadis pussy was empty for the moment, so Duryodhana made her concentrate on sucking him off. Duryodhana had only cum a minute before, but he never even got soft. She was thrusting her pelvis in and out, fucking the perverted old Uncle. Draupadi squealed again as he made her slide down onto his hard cock. This goes totally against our Dharma" "Hahaha! Duryodhana and Dushasana were back up on their feet, and played with Draupadis huge tits as Shakuni fucked her. Karna took a moment to taunt the Pandavas, and then joined the others in feeling up the naked Queen. Her tits were at his eye level, and he had his head buried between them. Then Duryodhana knelt on the table in front of Draupadi, and made her suck his dick as she got fucked. Draupadi offered no resistance, and just spread her legs and offered her juicy pussy and succulent orbs to Shakuni, who slid his cock into her pussy and fucked her commando style. Duryodhana climbed onto the table right behind her. Draupadi moaned again, and whimpered one "Oh, please, dont. " But Duryodhana ignored her, and began to work his cock, which was still fresh with Draupadis pussy juice and saliva, into her ass. He took his cock in his hand, and aimed it at sister-in-laws puckered asshole that was sticking up towards him. And while the Kaurava wouldnt classify fucking sister-in-laws ass as better than fucking her pussy, it was something hed never done before, and reveled in his power over his helpless whimpering Draupadi. Duryodhana could see that Draupadis knees were shaking as Shakuni was fucking her, and he noticed her butt up into the air. It was a great feeling just having his crotch nestled in between her soft buns. It was a tight fit, and a little too much friction, but as he thrust in and out, he was soon ready to explode again. Shakuni pulled her down on his lap, facing him, her legs up on either side of him. Karna reached under Draupadi and toyed with her vacant pussy, not far from Duryodhanas cock. Draupadi moaned and groaned as Shukuni come inside her. She was sticky with sweat and cum, and perspiration dripped off of her nose. Duryodhana looked up to see Dushasana laughing at Draupadis husbands, and Karna was playing with her tits again. " As her asshole relaxed and loosened, Duryodhana fucked her ass faster. " Draupadi threw her body around the table as much as the cock in her asshole would allow. She was being crudely double-penatrated by her cousin & uncle! She raised her head, let out a bark like a dog, and tightened her asshole around Duryodhanas cock. Dushasana fucked her pussy faster, "UUURRRGGGGGHHH! As he ran his whole hand over her crotch, he apparently found some spot that drove Draupadi wild, for she let out a yelp, and continued yelping as Dushasana rubbed her there before placing his dick into her pussy. Duryodhana grabbed Draupadis hips and pulled back and forth on her torso. Draupadi was grunting and chortling in a most un-ladylike manner. Draupadi, lying on her tabletop in a foetal position, was still sobbing. Finally the gyrating Draupadi bucked him off, and he finished his orgasm by dribbling cum on her ass and back. As each found their clothes, the Kaurava’s got hold of the remains of Draupadis Sari and wipe their bodies off. Duryodhana suggested to all that they get wiped off and dressed. Duryodhana free atk hairy login women pics let flow some jism into Draupadis asshole. Draupadi collapsed, face first, onto her tabletop, panting and sobbing and moaning.
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