#hope this helps at least a little bit?? hopefully it’s the lind of information you were looking for haha 😅😅
hisfearlesshaz · 1 year
hii!! i’m the american anon that wants to move to italy! thank you so much for your input! i saw that you’ve also lived in the Netherlands and that’s a place i’ve also been recently considering as well!! could you tell me a bit about what it’s like to live there? i’ve heard that there’s a bit of a housing shortage as well in Amsterdam recently! do you think it’s difficult to get a job there if you aren’t from there? i also love how people seem to bike everywhere!! i’ve been studying italian for a few weeks because it’s definitely still one of my top choices. my plan is to move to the uk, then eventually make my way over to italy or the netherlands. i feel like that would be a little bit easier for me. did you like living in italy or the netherlands better? i think there will always be cons about every country you go to, but i think i would take the cons of italy, the netherlands, and the uk over the cons of the united states any day lol. thank you!!!! ❤️
Hi!! Glad to help hahah :)))
So! I actually lived in Belgium, not the Netherlands, but I LOVED it. Best six months of my life and I’m not even joking hahaha. I’ve been to the Netherlands and it’s basically the same except for the size because Belgium is reeeeally small. About the size of Maryland but with double the population. The train sister is quite good so you can reach every “big” city in 1h (there are like 3 big cities, so it’s not that hard really hahaha). I lived in Ghent which is in Flanders so they speak Flemish and Dutch (they’re kinda similar but don’t tell anyone I said that) and some also speak French. The weird thing about Belgium is that they have three official languages (French, Dutch, German) depending on the region but as I said to Gina it doesn’t really matter as everyone speaks English. Can’t have a damn private conversation in public ever even though you’re in a foreign country 😂
Belgium is like the less cool sister of the Netherlands but I think it’s very underrated!!!!! They’re very open and welcoming and progressive. Everyone bikes there as well 😂 you have to pay attention because bikes RULE and if you’re on foot you have to stop to let them through (which is absurd to me, being Italian, bc here you see a few bikes and THEY stop lol). Anyway the housing “crisis” is common in both countries, I think. Maybe a bit better in Belgium? Not sure though, sorry 🤷
As for job opportunities, I think it’s easier than in other places (now I’m talking about both countries). They’re very international, and obv it depends on what kind of job you’re looking for an show qualified you are but overall I think there’s a good job offer (my professor once told me that the province I was in had an employment rate of 80% in people aged 20-60). Again, idk anything specific about the Netherlands but I know more than one person that moved there and found a job quite easily compared to Italy.
Now! Moving on to Italy ;))
I can’t say I want to keep living here, honestly. The south is left behind, work is hard to find unless you’re somewhat specialised, the cost of living is levitating and the government sucks. However, we have a history of unstable governments so who knows how long it will last hahah
There are some new awful waves of homo/transphobia and hate crimes + being an ex fascist country that never truly went away completely. However it’s full of people that fucking hate fascists and nazis and manifest their disapproval regarding right wing parties (that are currently governing) and policies. I have to admit that I’m not that much into politics because I’m tiiiiiired of it being always the same shit if not worse and I think this is a widespread feeling (less and less people care and vote so this obviously makes everything get worse 💀).
The transportation is good only in big cities and between them, really. I lived 50km away from uni and it took me TWO HOURS with at least two different means of transportation. Now that I live in the city, though, I can go wherever I want very easily even though I’m in the outskirts. Milan (which is where I live and study haha) is beautiful, but very busy and definitely not the most beautiful city in the country. I like living here though, you have everything you need and more + the cultural scene is quite active and there are always events of any kind. I have to say it’s a bit more clean than, for example, Rome. It’s called the economical capital of Italy so as you can imagine finding a job here is easier than in other places. Many people from the south actually migrate up north to have better job opportunities (which means that the south keeps lagging behind etc etc and it SUCKS because the south is sooo beautiful and the living conditions could be so much better if we had a good government that knew how to handle stuff to use the resources we have ☹️).
So, Milan is good for work and stuff but people are definì less welcoming than the rest of Italy. Everyone is always busy lol. However (it’s fucking sad to say but it’s true) I’m pretty sure that since you’re American and not from somewhere in Africa, South America or Asia.. people would treat better. There’s still this kind of myth about the American dream, you know? I think it’s the remains of our ancestors migrating to America to have better life opportunities (only to be treated as garbage like they threat immigrants here 💀 sometimes I can’t believe how fucking stupid and plainly ignorant some people can be).
I think I also have to mention that Italian bureaucracy is fucking awful. Like. For real. The worst thing ever. It takes ages for the smallest, stupidest things, you still need to do a lot of stuff in person and not online and in general it doesn’t work really well. I have no idea how it works in the rest of the world but I know that it’s been like 9 months since a relative of mine passed away and we’re still waiting for the succession to be done. To make another example: to have the passport you have to take an appointment and the first free slots are usually after at least three months. Then you need to go to that specific place which must be in your province of residence and it takes like 10 mins to sign the docs and let them take them your fingerprints and THEN you wait like two more weeks for it to be ready to be picked up. I swear it’s so!!!!! Frustrating!!!!!!
Now that I read back what I wrote I realised that it doesn’t sound really positive 😂🥲 maybe it’s bc as I said I want to move so I tend to take into consideration all those things that make me wanna go abroad.. Anyway in conclusion I kinda agree with the other anon that messaged Gina. It’s a beautiful place but more like for holidays than for living. In my opinion.
I think that going to the UK is obviously a good choice, but I’m not sure it’s gonna be that easy to go live in the continent afterwards, after the brexit mess and all that. It’s fucked up, really. It was sooo easy before that :((
I think the best option (but, like, I’m no one to tell you what’s best, obviously jdjdjs) is would be to go the the Netherlands or Belgium and from there moving wherever you want. I think it would be way easier since they’re parte of the UE etc. + as I said like ten times they’re very very nice places to live in :))
This has gotten very very long and I’m sorry haha 😅 can you tell I have something to do that I really don’t want to do? Anyway if you have more questions or other stuff you’re curious about feel free to ask!!!
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M!Robin/Linde C-S Support
Written by  darkaeromirage
Robin: Amazing how many interesting books there are still to read in this library. I’m glad that (y/n) doesn’t mind me reading through so many of these. Though, I do wish that they would allow me to read some more of the books based on Ylisse’s future… I suppose it can’t be helped.
[The sound of a door opening catches Robin’s attention.]
Robin: ! Who’s there?
[Linde then appears through the doors.]
Linde: Oh… sorry about that, Robin, I wasn’t expecting anyone in here.
Robin: Ah, Linde, nice to see you. What are you doing here?
Linde: Well, I’m trying to continue my studies. I want to learn all that I can about magic… hopefully to improve upon what I already know and increase my understanding of my tome, Aura.
Robin: Aura… That’s Light magic if I’m correct?
Linde: Mmhmm. Aura is among the few Light magic spells that exists in my world. I received Aura from my father, Miloah. However, it is very difficult to learn and master.
Robin: I couldn’t tell given how seamless your control over it is.
Linde: Hehe, thank you. Tell me, what types of magic exist in your world, Robin? Your world is the future of mine, so I’m eager to know.
Robin: Well, we have Fire, Thunder, and Wind which comprise Anima and we have Dark magic, which can only be used by Dark mages. As for Light magic… there’s little to no Light magic around anymore that can be found.
Linde: Really…? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised given how difficult Aura is to master. Besides my Father and I, very few people could wield it. It’s disappointing to know that Light magic didn’t prosper.
Robin: Hmm… curious.
Linde: What is?
Robin: Well, from what I’ve read in both the library in Ylisse and the Askrian library… Light magic exists in one form or another across the realms. It even existed before the time of Ylisse, as proven by you and Aura.
Linde: You have a point. That reminds me, I’ve spoken with many of the other heroes here in the Order. Many of have commented on the various types of Light magic in their worlds.
Robin: Exactly. Although, this begs the question; why is Aura the only form of Light magic in Archanea? Which that itself begs the question; what happened to it between the time of Archanea and the time of Ylisse?
Linde: I never thought about it before seeing all of this. Robin, do you think there are any books that contain any knowledge of how Light magic came to be in Archanea? It might also hold the answer as to why Aura is the only Light tome in Archanea.
Robin: Hmm, I believe the Askrian library might have some books that explains how Light magic appeared in Archanea, as well as what happened to it. Though we should ask (y/n) if it would be alright to check… they’ve said that I can look through as many books as I’d like, so long as I don’t read anything of my world’s future or tell anyone what I’ve read.
Linde: Mind if I join you as well? (y/n) and Alfonse were kind enough to allow me into this library to keep my knowledge on magic sharp, so they might be willing to allow us to check the past of Archanea.
Robin: Sure, the more the merrier. Maybe looking through these might allow us to find a way to revive it…
Linde: I would love to see that.
[Robin and Linde have reached support rank C.]
Robin: Interesting…
Linde: Hello, Robin.
Robin: Oh, hello again, Linde.
Linde: Have you found anything on what happened to Light magic before the time of Archanea?
Robin: Not yet… though it is amazing that there are so many different types of Light magic out there.
Linde: Yes, especially learning that Aura exists in different variations within the realms of Jugdral, Magvel, and Elibe. Talking to Delthea about her Aura… well, ‘Dark’ Aura, was truly amazing… using your own life energy to cast magic is so innovative.
Robin: Agreed. I wouldn’t have imagined any of these before being summoned here. The many variations and different ways to cast them has been a treat to learn.
Linde: It has been. Even though we’re no closer to finding out why Aura is the only form of Light magic on Archanea, it’s been fascinating to learn all of this.
Robin: Yeah… Although Linde, there’s something I want to ask.
Linde: Oh? What is it, Robin?
Robin: You’ve mentioned that you ‘inherited’ Aura from your father, Miloah…
Linde: Uh, yes, I did.
Robin: … There’s more to it than that… isn’t there?
Linde: What… makes you say that?
Robin: Whenever you’ve talked about your father, you hesitate a little when mentioning him…
Linde: Ah. I suppose you’re more perceptive than I thought. Although, with you being a tactician, that shouldn’t be surprising to me.
Robin: Linde… what happened to your father?
Linde: … My father… he was killed by Gharnef, who began the War of Shadows because he wasn’t chosen to wield Aura. Before Miloah died, he had used whatever magic remained in him to spirit Aura away and into my possession.
Robin: …
Linde: Before he left to fight, he had told me that if I had obtained Aura from him, that something bad had happened to him and that I had to hide away from Gharnef. Thankfully, it was easy to manage by disguising myself as a man… though I was eventually caught by a group of bandits. I was brought to a slave market where I would’ve been sold off if Marth and his Army hadn’t intervened.
Robin: Dear Naga… no one should have to go through something like that.
Linde: Well… now you know how I came into possessing Aura and what happened to me after. Even though he’s gone, I feel like I sense my father’s presence through it.
Robin: He sounds like a great man.
Linde: Mmhmm… he’s the best father I could’ve asked for. I only wish that he was still alive.
Robin: … I wish I could’ve met him. But, Linde… why did you tell me about your past?
Linde: Hmm?
Robin: You could’ve omitted it, but you told me anyway… why?
Linde: Well, I can’t explain it… but I feel like I can trust you. In the time that I’ve known you as we’ve been reading together, it feels as though you have this air around you that reminds me a little bit of Marth himself… kind and trusting. Always willing to lend an ear and a helpful hand.
Robin: I'm… honored to be put in such high regards. I’m glad that you trust me…
Linde: *gives a smile* Anyway, let’s keep looking for more information on Light magic before the day ends.
Robin: *smiles back* Gotcha.
[Robin and Linde have reached support rank B.]
Linde: Ah, this must be it.
[Linde goes through part of the Askrian Library to find Robin who is looking at a book intently.]
Linde: Robin!
Robin: Huh. O-Oh, Linde. What happened?
Linde: I think I’ve found what we were looking for. This book says that the first Light magic spell that was created in Archanea was Aura authored by none other than Gotoh, the man who gave my father the tome. Unlike all other variations, this Aura required one to be worthy of wielding it, such as my father… beyond that, only women with good intentions could wield the tome.
Robin: … I see… interesting.
Linde: There’s more. Sometime after Archanea was established, several of its people, who knew of Gotoh, wished to study Aura’s power and sought him out to create common forms of Light magic… but unfortunately, no one could find him. The very last attempt was just before the War of Liberation in Archanea, caused by Medeus… no one lived. Gotoh himself didn’t appear until many years later in Khadein, opening a magical academy with my Father and Gharnef as his pupils to decide who was worthy of wielding Aura.
Robin: … So, it never had a good chance to take root. That’s a little disheartening.
Linde: I’m afraid so… However, I’m going to try and change that. Once peace has been restored to Askr, I plan on using what I’ve studied here to go and help with creating common forms of Light magic in Archanea… by my world’s future, Light magic should become a stable part of my world’s Ylisse.
[Robin remains deathly silent on what Linde said.]
Linde: Robin…? What’s wrong? This is a good thing, isn’t it?
[Linde then notices the book that Robin was reading.]
Linde: Hey, mind if I ask what that book is?
Robin: Huh?… Hmm, I’d rather not say. It’s better that you don’t know.
Linde: That book contains something, doesn’t it? I need to know it.
[Linde grabs the book and opens it to the bookmark that Robin had placed.]
Robin: Linde! Wait-
[Upon reading the passage… Linde’s eyes widen in shock.]
Linde: What? ‘The war against the Fell Dragon… The Schism…’, ‘The loss of all Valentian magic, Archanea’s Starlight… and…’ Oh no… ‘All Light magic in Archanea…’ Robin…
Robin: I… I’m sorry… I had only just discovered that today…
Linde: … Even if I did set out to restore Light magic, it won’t survive to your time.
Robin: Linde, are you going to be alright?
[Linde looks toward Robin with a crestfallen expression.]
Linde: … I suppose it… was never meant to be.
Robin: I’m so sorry…
[Robin and Linde have reached support rank A.]
(y/n): Sigh… well, we’ve decided to forgive this little mishap, but please… I ask that you two don’t do that again. Understood?
Robin and Linde: Yes, (y/n).
[(y/n) leaves.]
Robin: Linde… I’m so sor-
Linde: Robin… it’s alright. I was hopeful that maybe we could find a way to bring Light magic into my world’s future… although that was wishful thinking in the face of an inevitable force.
Robin: Linde… listen, I’m certain that I can think of something to revive Light magic in Ylisse.
Linde: Robin, do you really think that Light magic can be brought back with no base to work with?
Robin: Nothing is ever truly lost… I’ll ask a few members of the Shepherds from my world to help once Askr knows peace here. We’ll find a way to bring it back. It’s the least that I can do for you…
Linde: But won’t it be difficult? You don’t have to go through with it.
Robin: It likely will be, but I’m certain we’ll find a way to bring Light magic to Ylisse. And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen for you.
Linde: *blushing* Ah… (This kindness… This willingness to lend a helping hand to me… to be willing to do this for me… Does he…) Umm… Robin?
Robin: Yes, Linde?
Linde: It’s a silly question… but what do you think of me?
Robin: Huh? Hmm… well, I’d say that you are the brightest woman that I’ve come to know in the Order of Heroes. I’d even say you are the best person that I’ve come to know since being summoned here.
Linde: Would… you say that you… love me?
Robin: *blushing* !?
Linde: Robin, you are the smartest, and by far, kindest person I’ve ever met. I think I’ve fallen for you. But… if you don’t feel the same…
Robin: Linde… I feel the same for you too.
Linde: Y-You do?!
Robin: Yes… it made my heart soar seeing you so happy when we were discovering things about Light magic together and seeing how much more you wanted to learn. Your bright smile is something that I’ve come to love and appreciate from being with you.
Linde: Robin… you’re making me blush.
Robin: Although, there’s one problem… we’re from separate timelines. Once peace returns to Askr, we’ll have to return home… And we’ll be unable to see each other again.
Linde: Oh… No, I’ll find a way.
Robin: Linde, do you know what you’re saying?
Linde: I do. While we were reading, I came across a few passages about Dragon Gates. They are capable of traversing through time itself across different realms. If I can find one in my world, once everything has settled… I’ll come find you, so that we’ll be together.
Robin: Linde… I’m speechless.
Linde: Don’t worry… Even if we’re a couple millennium apart, I’ll find a way to you.
Robin: Are you sure about that?
Linde: Completely. *confidently smiling* Besides, you’ll need a base for re-creating Light magic with Aura.
Robin: *warmly smiling* I’d love that, though just you coming to be with me is more than enough. When you do reach our time, the Shepherds and I will welcome you with open arms.
[Robin and Linde have reached support rank S.]
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