#hope you liked this ! i haven't posted a drabble--especially a request in my inbox--in a while <33
rosesradio · 1 year
hi i saw ur taking drabble requests, this is a bit vague but maybe a really fluffy portbowell drabble please? idk maybe something like telling each other jokes but i don’t mind if you do ur own thing with this one!
hii !! <3 hope you don't mind this is a longer drabble, it's a bit of a think piece on ej's character & leans more into the caswen/queer aspect of portbowell (my longer fic i'm working on has povs with each character & all, but there's only so much you can do with a drabble lol)
warnings: talk of ej's relationship with his dad, discussion of being in the closet, i think like one sex joke/reference but other than that it's pretty pg
word count: 1.1k
"You will never be truly happy if you keep this whole 'rebellion' act up. If you would just…follow the path I laid out, success would come as easy as breathing, EJ."
EJ could remember, clear as crystal, the words his father had spoke when he'd told him he wasn't going to Duke. For the first time, it wasn't a fight--not a noticeable one, anyway. It was something underhanded, the guilt-tripping. But EJ stood his ground, time and time again. The so-called "self-help" books EJ had received in the mail at camp (that were really just "how to manipulate your minimum-wage employees and make millions")? Return to sender. The letters threatening to send him to the Caswell Success School? Those made a good fuel to the camp fire.
Of course, it was easy to defy his father from the safety of halfway across the country. When he got back, however, and was cut off…that was a little harder to deal with than some hate mail. Luckily, Ashlyn's parents were quick to take him in. The timing was almost perfect--he'd helped Gina move her stuff out to live at her mom's, and she helped him move his stuff in.
A lot of this whole change wouldn't be possible without Gina and Ricky. Ricky was…something new. Over the course of camp, they'd spent a lot of time together; they had water balloon fights, worked together to scare the others on initiation night, roasted s'mores together. EJ never thought he'd ever have feelings for a guy the way he did then, especially not with Ricky, especially not while he had a girlfriend. After a long talk with Gina, EJ found out Gina and Ricky liked each other, too. So, they all three started dating. Their friends were skeptical at first, but it didn't take long for them to be supportive.
It had all been working out really, really well, and EJ couldn't help but be surprised. He thought it was too good to be true, that it'd all fall apart. Instead, they had a lot of fun together watching movies (EJ loved old slasher movies, Ricky was okay with them, and Gina did not like them at all, so picking out movies wasn't always easy), they went out to picnics and tried out different craft tutorials on YouTube. When they did have issues, they talked through them and tried to work out solutions. It was…really nice compared to how some of his old relationships had fallen apart.
Today, however, was their first pride festival together. They were late meeting up and missed the parade, but they were still able to go around to the booths. It was, unfortunately, scorching outside; EJ had no idea how all these couples were holding hands, but he couldn't imagine it was fun, so he was glad Gina and Ricky had silently agreed not to hold hands.
"Oh, what's this?" Ricky stopped at a booth handing out little pride flags, grabbing a bi one for himself and one for Gina--she'd told them during one of their long talks that she had a small crush on Nini at one point, which wasn't surprising, considering most of their theatre group did at one point or another. Ricky grabbed a third for EJ, but hesitated--while EJ was out to their friends, it was still weird and awkward. Once, Carlos asked when he knew he liked Ricky, and EJ blushed so much he almost started sweating and had to leave the room.
EJ wasn't out to anyone else, though, like his aunt and uncle. They'd accepted Ashlyn (where had she gone? She had to be here with Maddox and Big Red somewhere…), but he just wasn't ready. Ricky had only joined the relationship two weeks ago, and EJ didn't want all that attention.
"Sorry," EJ said with a sigh, impulsively glancing around, as if on the lookout for anyone he wouldn't want to see--even though his dad was in St Louis, and his aunt and uncle were out with their book club.
"It's okay, Eej," Gina insisted, going on her tip-toes to kiss his cheek. "Thanks for being here with us."
"Yeah, it's fine," Ricky said. "I guess I'll just have to make it up to you with some ice cream."
"You don't have to do that," EJ replied. "I mean…" he looked around. So many people…gay couples holding hands, supportive parents wearing "free mom hugs" and "free dad hugs" shirts, gender non-conforming people, a group of guys in leather harnesses (which, if EJ thought too much into, he'd definitely discover something about himself, holy hell). And everyone here seemed genuinely happy, even the ones waiting to buy a five-dollar lemonade. Even the ones that could be in the closet, not holding any pride flag. There were so many people…he was safe.
"Hey, Ricky?" EJ asked, finally looking back at him. He couldn't help but smile--Ricky was wearing this weirdly cute tank top that said "pride month" until the letters faded into the rainbow phrase "demon". He also had on a rainbow beaded necklace--they'd all made those together while watching Bridgerton (Gina had introduced it to him and Ricky; they had mistakenly called it a "girl's show", but were thoroughly invested five minutes in). All in all, he really liked Ricky. And he liked liking him.
"Yeah?" Ricky replied, smiling right back at him.
EJ then pulled Ricky close, pressing his lips to his in a kiss that lasts only a few seconds, Ricky's hands resting habitually on EJ's biceps (because of course). He then pulled away to see Gina, who appeared happy but confused, as if EJ had just tried to explain the rules of water polo or the lore behind a certain slasher movie franchise.
"What does this mean?" She asked, reaching a hand out to squeeze his for a moment--it was still too hot out for it, but worth it.
"Nothing," EJ shrugged. "Just wanted a kiss, and I figured that was okay here. It's…a start. And I could put the flag in my room, maybe…?"
"Do whatever you're ready for," Gina said. "You know that we're here for you, but…this is really exciting, Eej!" She threw her arms up around him and hugged him, to which he laughed and hugged her back. It was unbelievable to think that they thought of him this way--like he was so cool and brave. If anyone was cool or brave, it was them--they showed him every day that everything would be alright, and things were getting better.
Sure, he wouldn't be the most successful CEO by age twenty-five like his father wanted, but he was happy. Truthfully, seeing how happy his two best friends--his boyfriend and girlfriend--were, he couldn't imagine being any happier.
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silentium-symphony · 4 months
hey yall! just wanted to update you on where I'm at :)
sorry for being rather inactive!! turns out they weren't kidding when they said that research position would be time consuming 😵‍💫😵‍💫 that + regular classes + projects + exams + social life (especially since this is my last semester and I won't be seeing my friends for... well, ever) + a new relationship?!?!?!?!? = I've been very very busy and haven't had a lot of time to write, or even be on Tumblr for the most part. this also means that requests are gonna have to stay closed for the time being... sorry yall :(
but!!! I don't plan on leaving any time soon! it's just.... gonna take a while for me to get anything out. I have a bunch of things going on in my life that (unfortunately) take precedence over writing, but I still really wanna write some stuff for you all. to do that, I've been thinking about posting shorter fics or drabbles or (what i call) 'bullet point fics' while working on longer fics on the side. that way, this blog doesn't collect dust, I still have a creative outlet, and you can keep reading!
also, I've been thinking about moving my fics over to ao3. I had a really horrible dream that *everything* on my blog got deleted SOOOO for my peace of mind as well, i'll be moving all existing and future fics to my ao3 incase smth goes wrong on tumblr (which will be linked in my pinned post)!
you can also find some old fics I've done in other fandoms teehee
please don't laugh I've had that acc since like middle school ASJSOQLSPA
my inbox is always open if you wanna chat or talk about random stuff like pigeons or fish or my research heheh! I get so excited when I see a lil message sitting in my inbox, so please don't ever hesitate to reach out!!
that should be it--thank you for being patient w me. tbh, I've been really struggling creatively, and real life isn't giving me much of the break I need to recuperate. I'm hoping this new format going forward will help w that!
love you all and take care!!! :) ♡
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pandorasword · 1 year
Logically speaking comfort and love is two different things even if now chaeri is with hongjoon deep down she knows it's not truly what is her heart desire and that will cause problems in the long future and also especially right now he will notice that and that will cause insecurities and chaeri will try to ease him up and they will be in this circle and Jungkook is stubborn with the people he loves he will not sit ideally like that especially if he knows that chaeri has still feelings for him so he will fight for her .
And i think chaeri need to solve this for her not to regret her decision later on and those what if and let out of her fears if you love someone fight for him and right know she is in a position where she can do what she wants without fearing the company and to s not hurt herself and other people so that's why reasonably i think jk is the best option not for like he is my bias or i want hongjoon because he is my bias but by the fact and what i noticed from chaeri that flame of love for jk is still going and strongly to she is just scared . I hope i didn't make it long and love you.
Hi!!! I am always so happy when I get thoughts and opinions about Chaeri's story 🫶🏼 Literally, I am like this every time I find my inbox full:
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For those I haven't yet answered, even though they did not send an actual request, it's because their opinion probably made me think of something to write about, and so I'll reply directly with a little piece of Chaeri's life.. So I hope it is always worth waiting for my lateness lol
Getting back to us, though, thank you for sending me your opinion about this bitter love triangle.
I really like that you ground your thoughts over what you have read and personally perceived (because it can vary from person to person) from my posts, and not on a preference given by which artist you prefer between Hongjoong and Jungkook. This is very mature and not at all to take for granted!
As for how Chaeri feels, I can't tell you for sure. As an author I expect that she might take a path, but as I often say the story sometimes seems to go on by itself and I am amazed at my decisions too. It's bizarre but that's how it is, which is one of the aspects why carrying on this blog is always so much fun for me.
I am in the process of writing a quite "tough" Drabble. I say "tough" because writing it is turning out to be a challenge, the emotions I feel while processing it overwhelm me and it actually makes much harder for me to keep going without stopping every now and then. I hope that through this Drabble, which I hope to release by the end of the month, you will be able to understand why, at that given time, Chaeri and Jungkook were no longer good for each other and all that it subsequently implied. What I think is the saddest aspect about their relationship was how the deep love they felt for each other - crushed by the suffocating imposition of not being able to be together - burned them out, consuming all their strength
I hope I will also be able to make a little clearer (through the Drabble) the dynamics of the mixed feelings we see both of them having when they are in situations where they cannot ignore each other.
Let me know if you'd perhaps appreciate me releasing a "teaser" of this, to get a better idea about what I'll be posting, since I'm not sure the day I'll be able to get around to posting it (also because I have some requests yet to be processed)
As for Hongjoong, I think he is an ideal kind of person for Chaeri. He is exactly the opposite of her, and he was brave enough to show his relationship with her to the world from the very beginning, because he wanted so badly to experience their relationship to the fullest. So, I can empathize with Chaeri's position who, "traumatized" by a situation in which keeping her relationship a secret made her life almost impossible, saw a light in what he wanted and could offer to her. There is only to understand whether, as you said, for Chaeri it is true love or it is comfort.
That said, thank you so much again for spending a few minutes of your time reading my blog, I appreciate it so much!
Love you 💘
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zv5x · 3 years
Ngl, I saw some Yan!pico x a caring goth!reader in the tags a while back and I haven't been able to get my mind off of it bc ohmygodmybrainrotman- I was just wondering if you could make a short little drabble about it or even share your thoughts? If your requests are closed feel free to deck me across the continent-
Ohh, I remember what post you're talking about! It was a nice concept imo, so I'm happy to give my thoughts on it! And don't worry about requests being closed, I have them open permanently so you can hop in my inbox whenever you please! It's always open! Anyways, i really hope you enjoy these! Don't be shy if you want me to adjust anything or take another request for you! Stay safe and remember you're loved!
(This also reminds me of my oc Nico so much since she dresses goth and I ship her with Pico haha, it makes me love this concept even more^^)
( :̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
So basically, imo, having a goth s/o for Yan!Pico would amplify his yandere tendencies by 110%
You're one of the good ones, you're really not like the others, especially the goth kids he had to deal with within his life, you're special, you're different. Most importantly, you're you. It's even more of a reason to keep you with him, is it not?
You thought Pico was possessive and obsessive as a regular yan? Whoo, (Y/N), be ready for the new "perks" of being goth around him. Pico is obsessed with the idea of people coming to take you away from him or hurt you, and he's especially afraid of the other goths (those that are affiliated with Cassandra especially) ruining your innocence
Pico is extremely suspicious of basically everyone, and his paranoia causes you to be under questioning at the most unexplained times. You could just be holding him in your arms running your fingers through his hair when something he heard on TV sets him off, and next thing you know you're being held at gunpoint as Pico demands to know that you love him and that you'd never leave or betray him
Being goth means you're at a much higher risk of being kidnapped by Pico. Every goth kid he's seen has been a monster out to see him in pain, and he can't let you fall victim to them or even become one of them yourself, so he sees no other solution than to just shield you from it all, keeping you alone all for himself
It was probably Nene and Darnell that told Pico that even though you're goth you're actually a really good person to be friends with, and it was probably them who tried talking to him about his growing obsessiveness as well. Pico brushed them off, wondering why they weren't happy for him. He has a loving s/o, one who he can protect and love without any risk, and here they are acting like his relationship is "conserning" or whatever
However, if you decide it would be a good idea to confront him yourself or lord forbid, break up with him...let me just say your current objective would be to survive. Confrontation to Pico is betreyal, and his delusion about you being a flawless, perfect angel will be absolutely shattered in an instant. If you can calm Pico down without him shooting you, then you deserve a metal, cause holy shit will he lose it. Screaming at you that you turned out to be just like them, just like her, and that he's going to make you pay for even thinking you could get away with manipulating him like you did. Pico is calm-downable from this point on, but it's just really hard, you probably have to pry his gun from his hands and throw it across the room for even having a chance at getting him out of his meltdown. Just hold him in your arms and tell him you'd never hurt him, that even though everything he's been through was so horrible and scary, it's all over and he'll never have to deal with anything like that ever again, and that you'd never betray him like they did
He'll be thankful you calmed him down, for sure. And will try his best to make it up to you by protecting you with his life. Just, be sure to not break any of his delusions about you unless you're a survival expert, cause Pico is not afraid to meet you right in the afterlife if that's what he feels he has to do to be with you
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