#hopefully i can finish it for luffy's birthday
skipar00 · 2 months
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so im re-rendering smth
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mangekyuou · 2 years
Hi can i request a modern one where Sabo and y/n have a one night stand after Luffy’s birthday party and Sabo can’t believe he slept with one of his little brother’s bffs, so he avoided her. Y/N is obviously hurt by this, so she distance herself from him and misunderstands take place.
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✸  now playing  . . .     RADIO SILENCE。  
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✸    pairing! . . .  f!reader x sabo.
✸    type of love! . . .  romantic.
✸    cw(s)! . . .  angst. modern au. alluding to sex. alcohol consumption. she/her pronouns used. not proofread. minors DNI.
✸    wc! . . .  1.6k.
✸    notes! . . .  wrote this entirely on my phone, so hopefully i caught at least most of my mistakes. probably not my best. definitely did not know what to name this lmaoo thank you for requesting, i hope i did you justice !!
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Why he even thought this was a good idea in the first place was beyond him. This wasn’t how he imagined the conversation happening, but it was now or never.
No more hiding. No more avoiding one another. They needed to be mature about this. Even if it meant talking about their one night stand in broad day in Sabo’s car in the nearly empty mall parking lot.
Other than the engine running and the sound of the A/C blowing, inside the car was silent. ( y/n ) turned her attention to the other cars in the lot, counting and memorizing license plates, anything to keep her from looking the other way. While Sabo found himself staring at the steering wheel he was still holding, trying to put together the right words.
“( y/n ), I…what happened at your place…I just—”
“Just…don’t. Please…please just take me home.”
It was Luffy’s birthday party. The boy knew how to party. As his best friend, it was already known she was going to be there. Hell, she was helping plan the event because Luffy sure wasn’t going to do it all himself…nor did she trust him to.
Some more of their close friends came to help bring everything together. Even Luffy’s brothers came by to help out. When they arrived Nami was anything but settle when nudging (basically punching) her in the shoulder with a teasing “Your man’s here.”
“He’s not my man,” She retorted. But alas as the blond walked by, she couldn’t help but grab a few passing glances. The look on Nami’s face said it all, but she wasn’t here any of it.
When the party finally came along, rather than be on the dance floor with everyone, she was stuck in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, nursing a drink she was trying to decide whether or not she was enjoying the ‘Jungle Juice…but on a budget' because someone wasn’t willing to pay for better alcohol.
Laughing at the look on her face, Sabo entered the kitchen with a bottle of beer of his own, “I brought two twelve packs. I thought maybe Ace would want some too, but I think he prefers the punch. Want one?”
“Hit me,” She grinned, placing her cup on the counter next to her. Sabo opened up the fridge, pulling out a bottle identical to the one he was drinking from, and handing it to her. Rather than returning to the spot he stood, he took his place right next to her.
Twisting open the cap, she took a swig from the bottle, “That’s the good shit.”
“You get me. Looks like I got a new drinking partner,” He cheered, the two clinking their bottles together.
It was clear to anyone that they had chemistry. Even if it hadn’t before, seeing the blond watching her drink, rather watching her lips pressed against the bore of the bottle resisting the urge to lick his own lips.
They were off in their own little world together, ignoring the party the best they could. Neither of them had noticed just how close they had gotten, they were damn near touching at this point.
‘I wanna kiss her.’
‘I wanna kiss him.’
Going through both of their minds. The alcohol flowing through their veins only adding fuel to their deep desires.
She finished her bottle, throwing it from where she stood in the trash, just barely scoring. She turned to him, “It’s kinda stuffy in here with everyone around, you know?”
“Definitely agree.”
“Wanna go have a party of our own somewhere else?” She had gone for it, lacing her fingers into the belt loops of his pants pulling him forward. The space between them was finally closed. “You sure know how to persuade a man.”
Her apartment wasn’t far, a short walk down the street. She hardly had the chance to open the front door before the blond’s lips were on hers. Her fingers found his belt loops once again, this time pulling him into her bedroom for what their bodies were yearning for.
When the morning sun shined through the blinds, he was gone. Not even a trace of him had been left. She had pulled out her phone, expecting some kind of message from him.
There was nothing. He had just left.
Just her luck, she would see him again the same day as she headed back to Luffy’s apartment to help clean up from the party. The blond was already on his way out of the door, accompanied by a hungover Luffy who was holding his head. She was just about to knock on the door when Sabo opened it.
His eyes carried an unclear mixture of different emotions that was hard for her to read. Was he surprised to see her here? To see her so soon? Was he even happy at all to see her?
“Morning Luffy,” She greeted her friend who rested his head on her shoulder, groaning about his bad hangover. ( y/n ) looked to Sabo, “Hey…Sabo.” She greeted him with a kind smile as she usually did. The blond gave an awkward wave before giving a short, “I gotta go.” Leaving Luffy and the rest of the clean-up to her and the others that were still inside.
That wasn’t what he usually did.
He always seemed so excited to see her, many times even running over to pull her into a tight hug, resting his chin on top of her head and expressing how glad he was to see her. Even if he had somewhere to be, he still made sure to check on her and how she was doing.
How he had said only a few words to her, and could barely look her in the eyes. Even after what happened between them. It cleared up for her. Nothing had ever been so clear before.
He was embarrassed of her, of what happened.
“I’m sorry, ( y/n ). I really am…” He apologized. She finally looked at him. When his eyes had met hers, he had finally seen the tears welling up in her eyes. It tore his heart in two. “You’re…sorry? For what Sabo? For trying to pretend like it didn’t happen? Or for just leaving without a word the next morning? Or better, maybe you’re sorry about AVOIDING me after it happened like I…like I was some disease to you!”
She let out an exasperated sigh, looking down at her hands, “I thought we connected. I thought…there was something there. I don’t know why I thought that. Why…why would you do that? Are you that embarrassed of me? What about me is so EMBARRASSING to you?”
“You’re not embarrassing to me. Nothing about you is embarrassing to me!”
Her features had softened. “What?”
The blond looked out of the windshield, though he could still feel her eyes on him, “You’re my baby brother’s best friend. I’m supposed to be the big brother looking out for him. Not fucking his best friend! But I fucked up that night. I knew the consequences of my actions and I still did it because I don’t see you as just a friend or just some girl I like to hang around sometimes.”
“Why…why not just tell me? Why make me believe what I did for weeks?” She questioned, “Look at me.”
He did as she said, turning his head to face her. He could not stop his hand from reaching out to her, wiping away the streams of tears flooding her face, “I thought I’d be able to handle it on my own. But I still have those feelings for you. I still really like you, ( y/n ) and I don’t know how to handle it. Luffy is my baby brother. And I know he wouldn’t care but…”
She shook her head at him. “But what? You just said it yourself, he wouldn’t care. You’ve taken care of him for years. He drinks like he’s 45. You can stop babying him now and just live your life the way you want to live. Just because he’s your baby brother doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be happy. You deserve to be happy too, whether that’s with me or someone else.”
She melted into his soft touch, “You boys and depriving yourselves of happiness for each other. Luffy nor Ace would be happy to hear you deprive yourself of happiness for their sake.”
“That’s true. Thank you for hearing me out. I’m sorry for everything. I truly never meant to hurt you, ( y/n ). That is the last thing I would ever want. And I understand if you don’t forgive me, how I made you feel is unforgivable.”
She removed his hand from her face with her own hand, placing it on the center console, “Glad you see it that way. Because I don’t forgive you. But maybe after some time to think things over. If it wasn’t clear already, I like you too Sabo.”
“You do?”
“You know, for guys who aren’t related by blood you and Luffy sure do share a lot of same traits. Yes, I like you. I have for a while now,” She confessed, “But don’t get any ideas. I’m still mad at you, you know?”
“Right, sorry.”
A brief silence washed over the couple. He looked out the window remembering they were still in the mall parking lot, “Wanna go to the food court? My treat.”
“Sure. Could never turn down a free meal. Should we bring something back for Luffy?”
“Can empty my pockets for it? Hard pass.”
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nyasha-of-germa-66 · 4 years
Hello! I just found your blog and I'm in love with it ❤v❤ Could I maybe ask for hcs for Luffy, Law and Kid (separately) with a 45/55 year old friend who's like their mom figure who also lives on an small island with her grandkids and they accidentally called her "mom" in front of their crews and they're embarrassed and later she talks to them alone about not being embarrassed because there's nothing wrong with that? I'm so sorry if this was too much to ask for!
Hello, hello! Hopefully, my failure to post at a reasonable time hasn’t tainted your view of my blog, but if it did... I completely understand haha.~ I really loved this request, it was so wholesome and creative! I hope you’ll enjoy, and thank you so much for the request and your patience! 😁
Accidentally Calling Motherly Friend “Mom” HCs - (Luffy, Law, Kid)
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Dadan and Makino were perhaps the closest people that Luffy could consider as mother figures, but now he's very close friends with one woman who's motherly inside and out. He sees the way she treats her grandchildren, and he feels as though she treats him in a very similar way.
On top of that, Luffy's crew is always teasing him about how his friend is almost like his mom, the way she frets over him and constantly feeds him along with her grandchildren and the way she hugs and comforts him as if he was actually her son.
With all of his crew's teasing and his friend's motherly personality, it's no wonder that one day Luffy slips up and calls her "mom." He doesn't even realize he's said it until Usopp or Nami points it out to him.
Now, Luffy rarely, if ever, gets embarrassed, so to see his cheeks begin to grow a rosy tint before he pulls his straw hat down to hide his face is truly a strange sight to witness.
Things are a little awkward afterwards with Luffy staying relatively quiet, only speaking when spoken to but with a mopey tone in his voice. He wants to run back to the Thousand Sunny, but he reckons Zoro or Franky will stop him, maybe even Robin, too.
Luffy eventually finds a chance to leave when his friend's grandkids ask him to go outside to play, to which he happily accepts and flees the scene. How could he say something so weird?
Once the children are done playing, they go inside to wash up and grab some snacks while Luffy chooses to stay outside. He's so caught up in his thoughts that he hardly hears his friend walking up to him until she takes a seat next to him and puts a hand on his shoulder, startling him quite a bit.
She laughs and asks him why he's outside by himself, and when he tells her its about the embarrassing mishap, she laughs and brings him into a tight hug. Seeing her lighthearted reaction, he'll laugh, too, saying that he doesn't even know why he called her "mom" in the first place since he's never called anyone that before.
As she reassures him that she doesn't mind being called "mom," Luffy's wearing a huge grin on his face and joking about how he's finally found himself a mom.
It's not obvious since Luffy is almost always grinning and laughing, but after this encounter, he's just gleaming with joy. Blood-related or not, anyone who treats him like family would get nothing but the best from him.
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From time to time, Law will mourn the loss of his family even after all the years that have passed, especially when it's their birthdays or the anniversary of their death. The death of his family weighs heavily in the back of his mind, but he never once thought he'd become so close to another motherly figure.
Law was surprised at all of the advantages of having a motherly friend to dote on him. He likes to think that he's got his life figured out and that he's capable of handling himself, but he learns so much from this friend that he'll often call her up in search of advice.
His crew absolutely adores his friend and her grandchildren, so they've all pretty much integrated themselves into her family. They even go so far as to call her "mom," too. Unfortunately, the crew's habit of calling her "mom" must've grown on Law subconsciously.
Out of the blue during one of their visits to the small island, Law mistakenly call his friend "Mom" and doesn't even pick up on it. The room suddenly grows quiet as his friend and his crew stare at him in bewilderment.
He's confused at first, and when they reveal to him his slip-up, he looks on with astonishment at his embarrassing mistake. Just what was he thinking!?
His face goes red, of course, because his crew is laughing and teasing him about joining them as his friend's "adopted children." And all he can really do is slump back in his seat and pull his hat down over his face.
Luckily, he's not the center of attention for long since the conversation quickly changes to a new subject, but he replays the memory in his head over and over again, wanting to throw himself into the ocean. With everyone else preoccupied, he makes a quick escape to the other room where he grovels at his mistake.
When his motherly friend enters the room to check on him, he apologizes for making things awkward. He's more than surprised at her lighthearted response saying that she doesn't mind being called "Mom."
It's comforting to hear her say that, and her kindness and acceptance is something he cherishes. He sees his own mom in his friend, and it's almost as if he's been reunited with his deceased mother, just through a whole different person.
Despite the horrible first experience of calling his friend "Mom," Law feels relieved at having someone he can consider family, almost like he's filled a hole in his heart that he never knew he had. And with his friend's fondness toward the nickname, Law decides he'll call her "Mom" but only when the two are alone.
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Kid has never really prioritized making friends or building strong relationships with his family, but he does make one exception for a very special lady.
Sure, she tends to scold him for his reckless behavior and his unprecedented cruelty which gets on his nerves, but he can never bring himself to dislike her in any way. He's much too attached, and the pros of having her as a friend far outweigh the cons.
Her constant encouragement and support of his dreams are more than welcoming to Kid. And for that reason, he's sworn to protect her island and her family, often mentioning that she's the only person to ever get this kind of treatment from him and that she should feel lucky.
One day during a particular visit, Kid is spending his time catching up with his motherly friend, while Killer and a few others are playing with the grandchildren in the same room. Meanwhile, the kids keep calling for their mom to watch them do somersaults despite their mother being in the middle of a story.
She apologizes to Kid for the disruption and turns her attention to her grandchildren for a moment, praising them for their impressive skills before returning to Kid to continue her story.
As Kid was waiting for the mother to finish, he noticed a new picture frame hanging on the wall. Curious, he decides to ask her about it. And in the midst of the children chanting for their mom and Kid preparing to ask his question, he accidentally says, "Hey, Ma, what's-?" He barely manages to catch himself, and it's absolute torture for him.
His face is nearly as red as his hair, and he doesn't even know how to react. He can hear muffled chuckles from his crewmates with Killer trying to shush them. When that fails Killer shoos the children and small group of pirates outside, leaving Kid to pout alone with his friend.
Kid tries to tell her it was an accident and that she ought to forget about it if she knows what's good for her. They're nothing but empty threats, and his friend knows that. So instead, she gives his arm a comforting squeeze and tells him that she doesn't mind if he refers to her as "Ma" since she finds it fitting.
He tries to argue with her, but she uses her motherly skills to quiet his fussing and convinces him to calm down. He's still embarrassed, of course, yet he's now able to calmly ask her to never bring it up again since his crew is likely to poke fun at him later. And she agrees, much to his relief.
It's comforting to know that such a close friend is willing to consider herself family to him. In fact, he's delighted to hear her say that, but Kid feels that it's better if they remain friends. After all, it'd be hard on his friend and her grandchildren if someone they considered family never returned from the seas again. But hey, he now knows someone he can call "Ma."
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kaizoku-pirateking · 3 years
One Piece 1000 Logs Thoughts/Moments of Cherishing - 1000+ word count for a masterpiece
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I usually don't post stuff like these BUT One Piece took my heart and made me emotional in many ways after reaching the 1000th episode
The very first time I notice One Piece are from many posts about it, I don't pay attention to any of the posts back then. But, not until a friend of mine he said that I should watch One Piece as it was worth it
Episode 1; slightly had made me piqued my interest back then, I never had watch any characters as a pirate or have devil fruits so I was confused by Luffy's body, I even thought that devil fruits are very rare and only Luffy has eaten it XD
Being experienced to Naruto (which I had watched before One Piece), because of the old quality of drawing back then, I was used to the old animations considering it's made <2010's
My first love or the character whom I fell inlove first was Shanks! I just love his funny and comforting personality so much, Actually I had or coincidentally watched Episode 1 of One Piece was when it's Shanks birthday so I was definitely in shocked
As time and episodes goes by, I had always been excited and learning many information's and adventure Luffy are getting, I thought that maybe even if Luffy had only 10 crew members he and his teammates will go stronger. And I was correct
Seeing each of them backstory had made me cried so much on how much pain they experiencing through the past, Especially Sanji's as because on how his father and sibling treated him as such
In Marineford, I always believe in Luffy that he can save Ace, but it shocked me when he was killed. “Not everything will always be accomplished” by anonymous. I was left stunned, wide agaped when hearing Ace's last wishes and words. He can't even see his little brother becoming the King of Pirates
The best arc for me in the whole One Piece for me might be Dressrosa, first off is because of Corazon; even if he and Law aren't biologically or blood related he still treats Law as his son and it warms me up so much—He even protected the poor boy until he died by the hands of his brother, Doflamingo
On this episode, we had discovered so many things about them. They, The Strawhat Pirates and the Whole One Piece character's will always be in my heart. I knew Luffy can beat Kaido and once he do he will be more closer in becoming what he achieved of
But of course, Everything will always come to an end. But hopefully not yet and we can experience once more different feelings with them
I am grateful to Eiichiro Oda for making a masterpiece, Some people are still hesitating if they should watch the anime as because it's long. And I must tell you, you won't regret it at all after you finished the 1000 episodes you would feel like it's not enough. And that's how we feel too as a long time One Piece fan, I'm grateful to had met this amazing one piece community that lies in Tumblr. I'm happy I had met you all and One Piece.
One Piece will always be here with me even when the time comes. Someday, If ever One Piece are finally gone IT won't be gone or vanish forever. It's always will be marked in out minds
I had fallen inlove for many of these characters and their dedication towards something they want to achieve in the future
The rivalry between Kid, Law, and Luffy is something I fancy or like. They despite being enemies they still trust each other and knew after their alliance they would be back becoming an enemy.
[SPOILERS!! I'm worried about Sanji's wellbeing and hoped he will be fine by the end of Onigashima, Despite wanting to be killed and asked that to Zoro for a favor I don't think Zoro will do it—Even if he hates Sanji he's still a nakama and something Luffy doesn't want to happen.]
I laughed many times with them and their good and gold moments.
As I watch the One Piece Episode 1000 I'm happy to able to reach the impossible along with you all and the crew. Everything Luffy did and his crew are just in whole 2 years. I'm excited to know what will he and his crew will do more for the following episode.
When the “We Are” Re animated version play I smiled and sense of great adreline rushed on me. It had been long since I last feel something excitement like this. The opening change a lot
But even if it change there's one thing I noticed about it being played, It's not just about reminding the episodes back then, but to tell us that we will restart. That we are all back to Episode 1 after Luffy had beaten Kaido and more ferocious enemies will come after them especially the new marines
I hope this will last forever but it won't, I'm ready to accept the fact that every episode/chapter we take the closer we are to the end. Thank you once more Luffy snd your crew for bringing me so much memories to always remember. I'm indebt to you forever
And for the last time I love their goals. Luffy wanting to become a Pirate King, Zoro as the greatest swordsman but In order to become one he must defeat Mihawk, Sanji who dream to find the All Blue
Nami who wants to travel across the whole world and draw the whole One Piece Map, Usopp being the greatest man in the sea, Chopper who wants to be a great doctor, Franky who wants to build the best ship, Brook who wants to meet Laboon once more, Robin who wants to be free like everyone else—and Jimbei the newest recruit he wants humans to become and live the same ranking as the fishmans
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Jake Reviewcaps Stuff: Amphibia: Truck Stop Polly/A Caravan Named Desire
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A day two days late but no dollars short, we reach the middle of the Plantar family vacation. Polly super runs away from home after feeling negelcted and gets a neat trucker hat while Hop Pop is forced to choose between his love of theater and aiding and abetting, Sprig tries to fit in with the cool kids and Anne tries to just finish her damn Koala puzzle already. The show must go on under the cut
Okay first why this was late... I had a LOTTT of cleaning to do for a vistor coming to the house, so while I did get the episode watched I didn’t have time to write about it till today.. ironically hours before my sister from another mister is having her wedding,  a small one in her backyard with all the food pre-packaged, but still it’s obviously a lot .. and yes this has been going through my head. 
Point is life’s been busy, this isn’t the first thing to get delayed, but I do want to try to get these out on saturday at least.  Second.. these eps faced an uphill battle.. see like the Lost Harp of Mirvana during my ducktales coverage earlier this year, this is what seems like an average ep from the summaries given out by disney.. right before a stream of far more important and intresting ones.  For this one it’s two fairly standard eps.. right before another fairly standard one.. that then leads into finding out both what Sasha’s doing and presumibly, why she’s still on the bad guy side like the intro suggests or if the intro is just lying. We won’t know till next week. And to make matters worse after that we have Kermit the frog’s episode.. as in kermit doing voice work not whoever his voice actor is now just doing a diffrent voice. And i’m so glad disney is continuing this beautifully insane idea that started when Fozzy voiced a character on Big City Greens. See this is good quality use of your muppets. Hopefully muppets now will keep this up later this week. Anyways paired with Kermit is the long awaited gravity falls homage “Wax Museum” with Alex Hirsch himself doing both stan stand in, a stan-in if you will, teh curator and frog soos. Which is the greatest name in Disney history since Sharkbomb. Oh and THEN, we finally get to newtopia and finally meet marcie.. and if that weren’t enough, the newt king is voiced by keith motherfucking david, disney royalty as voice of Goliath in Gargoyles (Which I really need to get off my ass and watch already, I have no excuse for taking this long. At least with Darkwing Duck the absolutley baffling airing order that isn’t disney plus’ fault for once but they scould still fix is a mild one.. if not enough of one) and Dr. Facilier in “The Princess and the Frog”, in which he sang one of the best villian songs in the disney canon. Never fails to kill me. He also should’ve been sexist man alive by now but fuck if I know why he hasn’t been.. even at 64 he’s still in the running and I will not back away from that sentence. That man can get it and his wife is a very lucky woman. SO yeah, Sasha, Kermit, Frog Soos, and then a one two punch of Marcy and keith fucking david, followed by i’m assuming a good helping of world building in newtopia and i’m not assuming thanks to the episode summaries including guest voices even MORE Keith David. So yeah like Mervana proceding Fenton and Boyd and then Daisy! an episode i’d been waiting for since last year’s comiccon, and was not disapointed by, this episode is before a giant pile of stuff i’ve been waiting for plus a thing I had no idea was coming with Keith David. And this show isn’t alone: next week’s owl house is another king episode about him making a big style wish that goes wacky.. right before we get Willow and Amity’s backstory, then the episode where hopefully the gays will win. This isn’t a new thing and will doubtfully occur again but like with Mirvana I gave these eps a fair shake. How did they shake out with the added pressure? let’s find out.
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Truck Stop Polly
We start in the Wagon, or Fwagon as the family calls it but i’m not because no. Just no. Plus there isn’t a catchy song for caulking your Fwagon sung by the talented, and recently engaged congradulations Joey and Lauren now that was the kind of news I needed this week, Joey Richter. 
But no Bessie isn’t being caulked down for glue, Sprig and Anne are driving the wagon, Hop Pop is asleep, as he probably hasn’t slept and Polly.. isn’t doing so good. She’s clearly missing home seeing Miss Croaker.. onlyt o find a rock.. and then because this is Amphibia some kind of nightmare that reminds me of a baby xenomorph. Anyways the reason Polly ain’t doing so good is well she’s like.. 5, on a scary trail with no one to comfort her, and none of the old comforts of home to help her forget her very likely death before she’s even big enough to rip a man’s heart out with her bear hands. I mean that’s been in her 7th birthday plans for like, forever. She TRIES to replicate old things, first trying for story time.. which fails because while Hop Pop tries, he can’t stay awake because he apparently, as the episode will prove out, hasin’t heard of caffine, while trying to get her older siblings to read to her just gets them and her in trouble when she gets bessie ran into something and Polly’s attempt at bath time afterword just floods everyone out. Thankfully while the episode does go with the “Character tries things multiple times and is destined to fail” thing, something i’ve seen a lottt in animation and as i’ve made clear in my handful of loud hosue reviews i’m not a big fan of it... but it works well here. It takes up only a portion of the episode and is used well. Nuff said. But it’s with the aftermath where things really start to shine and we really get why this episode works: Polly messed up bad yes.. but she’s also , again 5. Her family just sorta forgot that 5 year olds need a lot of attention because this is one who probably has ripped a man’s heart out... the bear hands thing is more just because it’s cooler that way. But Polly isn’t really thinking about anyone else but herself and this episode reveals a problem polly has: She puts up such a tough front she has trouble  opening up.. which makes sense. Polly wants to be taken seriously, as seen with the inn episode last season, and likely feels acting her age will just get them to stop doing that.. but as we saw there while she’s utterly capable in a crisis.. she’s still a small child, it’s still scary and she needs what all little kids need as much as she needs a freshly ripped out heart with breakfast. But what really makes the scene is, as Polly hides, Hop Pop loudly and crushingly for the poor tadpole, outright wonders if they should’ve just left her with Ms. Croaker. And yeah this is a .. hard thing to hear.  That her only parental figure regrets bringing her and feels he woudl’ve been better leaving her away from her family for what’s at the very least a month and will defintely be longer.. and not just because of future episode synopisis. And if they succeed with anne.. one of them wouldn’t be coming back. She’d miss telling her big sister good bye and that’s a LOT to take away from her and probably explains,besides Polly being badass, why they still took her: She may never see Anne again. And if Anne can’t get home, she wouldn’t of b een there for her. Polly tears up and it’s a ROUGH scene. But what really makes this scene already amazing work.. is the immdite followup. Sprig and Anne are both shocked by this and Anne , in typical “the character only heard the bad part” fashion, and as Della has proven even full grown adults aren’t immune to this so don’t feel too bad polly, asks if he really meant that. And he didn’t. It’s what makes the scene work so hopping good: it’s realistic. We’ve all had moments where a parent, a friend,  or even ourselves has just said something, something hurtful, or yelled or screamed or what have you at osmeone without meaning it.. and sometimes you can’t take that back. But we’ve all been pushed to the limit, stressed or tired or upset and just.. snapped and said something terrible. And it’s this realness that really makes it worse. Hop Pop explains he’s just exausted.. which makes sense. He has trouble deligating, being utterly terrified of Anne and Sprig taking up watch duty, and has probably been driving without sleep for a week at the LEAST given the trip’s been said to have gone on longer than planned. So he’s not in any good shape, and Anne and Sprig do consider she had her reasons. Anne does give Hop Pop coffee for the first time, which perks him right up. Polly however is still hurting and decides to use 5 year old logic and leave a fake, a convient purple ball she find sthat she dresses up with a sleep mask and her bow, and figures once they find out she’s not there, they’ll feel bad and come back. it’s a short sighted plan but we’ve all probably thought of something like this at her age. I once ran away from home carrying among things i’ve forgotten by cyclops helpmet from the x-men.. must’ve been from the 80′s as by the 90′s he let his hair out. Wish I still had that thing or at least a cyclops visor. Love that guy. This naturally backfires as while Sprig and Anne try talking to polly, Sprig thinks she’s alseep and warns anne never to wake her.. never... how.. how many stabbings did she give you before that sunk in man? Are you okay sprig? Polly naturally freaks the fuck out upon thinking her family abandoned her, but vows to start a new life.. with flapjacks and more story times. She dosen’t know anybody.. cue swampy joe from last season. A welcome return, horay! Anyways Swampy naturally not leaving a child to die because this is amphibia and not an average night in Monkey D Luffy’s childhood, and also gets her a sweet trucker hat off screen. I assume she put it on exactly like this. Polly gripes about the situation.. but in a refreshing and suprising, to both me and polly, change of pace we don’t get them agreeing or her getting a new life: The Truckers point out the main issue: She’s homesick, and she’s trying desperatley to seek comfort in old rituals without adapting to the fact that some simply don’t work as well in their new situation or taking the fact her family is busy and this is stressful for them too into account. It’s also a nice moral for thes quarantine times; sometimes you can’t get normal back easily, and have to adapt and you have to consider others feelings as hard as it might be. They also peg her being so hardned on the outsdie she dosen’t let things in and again while this is new.. it does track. We’ve rarely seen polly upset, or vunerable or any of that.. so this simply makes it a character trait.. that part of why she rarely acts like the 5 year old she is is she’s scared of letting people in and loosing what ground she’s gained with Hop Pop. As for why their so wise it’s because when your alone driving for miles on the open road you have nothing but self improvment.. and in a great bit the lone female trucker among them got her PhD, and celebrates with her friend with a high tounge. Of course bigger problems arrive. Turns out taking some random object you found without checking for a zany scheme isn’t wise as a man comes in wondering where his roc’s egg went.. roc’s bein ga type of bird.. a giant bird. That kills the first frog it sees upon hatching, like imprinting only more horrifying.. so like the twilight version of imprinting then. And yes i’m aware i’m bashing twilight still, and while I largely don’t care, having an 18 year old man romantically imprint on a baby, rapid aging or no, is fucking creepy and not a good ending for the character. And yes that actually happened. Polly gets Soggy Joe, now speedy joe complete with hat and yes you need to call him that Polly finds out, to give her a lift back home. Meanwhile back home, Anne decides to read to polly anyway. I mean she just watched her sorta girlfriend sacrifice herself and then get carted off by the scary asshole who wanted to presumibly put her grandpa’s head on a spike outside his tower as a warning. Polly stabbing her a few times dosen’t really stack up. But she discovers she’s not there and gives out a code purple.. which ges the rest of the family right on time. Polly and Joe catch up with them and find the roc emerging out of the caravan and everyone fighting. Thankfully polly static clings on Joe’s fringe seats, which Joe grumbles about, and builds up the static before having him fast ball special her into the bird, which beats it. Polly takes credit for about five seconds.. before Hop Pop uses her full name as he’s pissed.. not about the giant death bird, a giant bird trying to murder you seconds after birth is just an average tuesday on this hell planet.. though i’d still trade it for our hell planet if they could get streaming down. No like any good parent he’s upset she ran away.. and devistated when Polly tears up and reveals she heard his whole thing earlier, with Hop Pop gently apologizing and explaning he took just how grown up she is for granted, with the Anne and Sprig naturally agreeing and the four hug. I do wish Polly apologized.. but it still works anyway as she’s still 5, she does feel bad about it, and she did just save their lives. The episode would’ve been slightly better with it but works fine. Soggy Joe offers to tow them, because he’s a class act, and Hop Pop decides to have storytime with everyone.. Anne points out she’s 13 but eh why not. Also I did like getting conformation how old she is as before it was just conjecture by me that she was 13 or 14. For the record as you can tell I peg polly as five, Sprig as 9 or 10, and Hop Pop as me shrugging. Also Polly’s normal story is a gritty noir story about a man trying to murder his wife’s killer.. which is funny enough and explains a lot about polly enough.. until we get a POP UP BOOK POP UP OF A HAND HOLDING A KNIFE. Just.. (Chef’s kiss) my god. Of course Anne loves it. 
Final Thoughts for this Episode:  A really good one, that has  a lot of intresting dynamics and remembered Polly’s age without overwriting her character.. it still felt in character and was a nice reminder she’s still a young child, just one that can Volt Tackle large birds and who likes noir revenge quests as her bed time story. It added some more depth to Polly and it was something she really needed, giving her a vunerable side again and expanding on that. The first third does drag a bit.. but once the episode gets going it gets really fucking excellent.. while “child feels neglected and runs away” isn’t a new story, it works here both due to it’s realism, giant muder bird, or birderer if you will, non-withstanding, and due to being rooted in the Plantar’s characters.  It’s damn good and like Mirvana was a nice suprise of an episode. 
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A Caravan Named Desire Suprisie a wedding is exausting and not only did I have to abandon finishing this review to get ready for it, but was too tired to actually finish this when I got home.  Aw well. Let’s keep it going. 
We open as our heroes are about to enter the thirsty swamp, another desert region, but this time more deserty. Anne scoffs at needing hydration.. before a cut to her utterly dehydrated and pouring the canteen on herself.. which she pulled up including sprig who gives out a whee. As adorable as it is chuckle worthy. Hop Pop is worried because as his faviorite plays says the area is full of terrible monsters and bandits.. and the kids groan because he’s clealry talked about this play a lot. As it turned out Hop Pop always wanted to be an actor, but gave it up.. and this is where I feel the episode missed some good character stuff: We never find out a lot about Hop Pop at that age: why he wanted to buck tradiition when why by present day he’s nothing but tradition, or why he gave up after one failed audition.. it’s not a bad episode, but I feel we missed out on an opprutnity to learn more about Hop Pop’s past, an area the show really hasn’t dug into apart from “He and sylvia were into each other once and he has a rvial and now he’s dating Sylvia for real this time so yay”. And speaking of which it is weird he hasn’t brought her up.. I mean he dosen’t have to miss his girlfriend every 5 minutes, that’d get fucking annoying , and the silver age fantastic four comics where Johnny storm would constantly pine for a girl he met for all of 5 minutes, carried over to the 90′s cartoon but toned down, are proof that’d be annoying. But it’s still just.. weird it hasn’t come up once so far.. we have a full season for it too, but it just feels like the show abrubtly left most of it’s supporting cast behind without asking how any of htem felt about Anne and the plantars leaving after spending a full season having them go from mildly tolerated to beloved by the town, especially Anne.  Anyways before Hop Pop can bring up his one time as Tony in the wartwood production of west side story, they have worm sign and soon a sandworm is chasing them because of course Amphibia has sand worms. Their thankfully saved by a mysterious woman and her caravan, Renee Frodgers, the writer of the play Hop Pop won’t shut up about and no one else cares about.. kind of like me with.. everything. Pretty much everything. But with auditions going on Hop Pop gladly follows Renee back into her office, while a nearbye actor kid offers to take the Plantar kids to the kids car. Sprig and Polly are entirely on board, but Anne’s answer?
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Turns out when Anne was widdle, somewhere from 4 to 6, she was in a school play about dental hyginee as a tooth tripped.. and everything caught fire. “4 out of 5 detinsts say I was traumatized.”, a great line. So Anne’s noping out of this one and decides to instead work on her Kola’s of Passion jigsaw puzzle.. which if that’s for an animatied ripoff of titanic but with Kolas I will give all my money to see that.. well no I need that but I do have an unopened can of pringles on my desk and a penguins of madagascar dvd I got for free at a garage sale. Will that work? Please? So we have our two main plots and running gag: Sprig trying to fit in with the kids, hop pop living out his dreams and anne trying to finish a puzzle. And since the plots really don’t intersect till the last moment apart from one scene with Anne, i’ll be covering both seperatley.  Sprig’s plot is very simple: He wants the theater kids to like him, the lead actor treats him like crap, Polly gets accepted but is just sorta there htis episode outside of one great gag that we’ll get to in a moment, and eventually sprig just gets fed up and tells the guy off. It’s not all that enjoyable as I relate a bit too much to desperatley wanting to be liked in high school by people who were utter dicks.. and breifly in college online, so it brings back too many bad memories but hte punchline of sprig jumping back into frame in cosutme the minute he gets acceptance for telling the pissant off is priceless.  Now with that out of the way, back a few minutes ago Hop Pop tries auditioning but tries to hard and fails, and dosen’t get the part, in part because he has no experince but later storms back in and tells Renee off.. and that honest passion gets him the lead. And .. turns out Hop Pop is a master actor getting love from the masses and living out his dream. Again it’s where I wish we got more drive, more of his past. I don’t know why other than “I want to act” why Hop Pop wants this so bad or why it means so much. I know what he wants, paul, but not WHY he wants it. I do get time constraints.. but if that was the case.. why keep the sprig subplot? He could just be an extra or stage crew or making a puzzle with anne or some other shenanigan that required less screentime. I do REALLY like spirg, this season if nothing else has made me realize how good the character is, I just feel for this episode the other minutes could’ve gone better to set up Hop Pop’s love of acting and past better and give us more of how Hopidah went from a wannabe actor ready to leave tradition behind to someone who clings to it like something clingy. This episode isn’t bad but there’s more it could’ve done.  Anyways the good times, and the tour and if your curious the wagon is being stored somewhere on the caravan since they can’t safetly travel alone, end when Hop Pop walks in on Renee planning a heist. Now granted instead of the obvious of “oh their just theives’ the troop are legit actors, directors etc... the heists are because, much like on earth, no one supports the arts and they need money to keep going and keep putting on shows, hence Renee and her two goons rob the towns they visit during the more powerful moments of Hop Pop’s performance. And this is something like. While “Character wants to do something and ends up getting recruited by shady people for a scheme to do it” isn’t at all new, here it’s intresting because instead of being bad at it or the scheme being related to the heist or the normal twists.. Hop Pop is legit good, we even see a bit of his performance later and loved, instead of just being so bad it’s useful, and the theives aren’t just after money but keeping their art alive.  So Hop Pop is conflicted and turns to Anne.. and ruins her puzzle because of course he does, but while Anne tells him the obvious: Stealing is bad even to support our badly unfunded arts, otherwise modern artists would be pulling daring heists all the time.. seriously that should be a show, Hop Pop decides he’s such a godo actor he can convince himself nothing’s going on. Sprig comes in for his subplot and annoys anne further and also dosen’t listen to her and Polly.. just tells Anne she loves her with Anne screaming it back. It’s a great punchline to the scene and also really sweet. Aww.  So Hop Pop tries to get used to aiding and abetting but realizes during his big scene he just.. can’t turn his concsen off, outs renee then gets into a chase with her, with renee making hte mistake of detaching the front car to escape.. only to end up Worm food. She’ll make good spice at least.. I guess? I don’t know how Dune works. She’s arrested, and Hop Pop and family book it after the kids accidently spill he knew about the crime ahead of time and did nothing. The end. 
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zonamievents · 5 years
ZoNa Summer Festival Day #3
Theme: Paradise Rating: PG / K Word Count: 2,769 words
Zoro was only one sip deep into his drink at the bar when an inquisitive murmur caught his attention. “Say, you look really familiar.”
Brow arched, his mug to his lips, He stared down the bartender and her studious leering. He immediately recoiled and lowered his drink in order to answer them as fast as he could, “Uh, yeah?”
The crow’s feet around her eyes pulled tightly as her frown lines tugged down. Zoro thought she had given up when she ripped her beady eyes away from him, until she placed her attention on his crew mate, “You do too. Have we met somewhere before?” 
“It’s our first time on this island.” He tried to distract her with the truth.
The sharp gasp she emitted proved he had failed. The mess of silver curls on her head bounced around her face when it finally dawned on her. “You’re Roronoa Zoro, aren’t you? And you - you’re Nami. I’m a big fan of your wanted posters.” 
“Thank...you.” feigning graciousness, he could hear the way the navigator responded with apprehension. 
The woman behind the counter didn’t seem to notice. She was still too excited to have them in her bar. “The name’s Venus. Welcome to the Wedge.”
“Nice to meet you Venus. I’m glad we found such a friendly place for my birthday.” Nami sighed happily. Zoro side-eyed her as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and leaned forward with the biggest grin encompassing her face. He knew what her goal was.
But apparently, Venus was easily taken by her nonchalant behaviour. “Is it really? Well then, the next round’s on me.”
“How kind of you!” squealed the birthday girl.
When the bartender turned away, Zoro made sure to whisper to her, “What a sneaky trick.”
“Hey,” she shot back immediately behind her hand. “Do you want an extra mug to drink, or not?”
Zoro saw her point right away and returned to an upright position in his seat. 
The place was rather lively in his opinion, most likely a popular scene for the locals of the island. A well kept dive, the Wedge was exactly the type of place he liked to drink at: cozy, lively enough to have some kind of energy charged up inside but quiet enough that he could drink in peace. If Venus wanted to intrude on their conversation for a little while and offer them a free drink in the process, he didn’t have any right to complain.
“So where’s the rest of the Straw Hat crew? They ain’t celebrating with you?” wondered Venus as she pulled out two icy-looking mugs. The sight alone made Zoro crave his next drink, compelling him to down whatever beer he had left in front of him.
Nami took over the conversation while he chugged. “Nah, we’re the heavy drinkers of the crew. If I want to drink my body weight and then some, I’m going out with this guy.” 
The affirming slap on his shoulder was not something Zoro enjoyed.
Venus, however, chuckled with great amusement. “I knew you were my favourites for a reason! I’ve had every version of your posters posted on that back wall ever since you were given bounties. You’ve really come a long way in the last few years.”
Such a nostalgic comment made Zoro turn to face Nami and he wasn’t at all surprised that she always looked in his direction. It was like they were silently observing one another while imagining the first version of each other that they had met. She had always been cunning, her cleverness her greatest asset at any point in time. Nevertheless, the girl he met in Orange Town - an ironic name if he ever heard one - could not compare to the woman who sat next to him on her birthday.
Thinking about her in such a way made a certain word he never really used pop into his head: flourish.
“We’re mostly alive due to stubbornness.” Zoro admitted with a cheeky smirk. When Nami didn’t immediately scold him for his summarization of their adventures, he knew she agreed.
In fact, she made sure to tack on, “Our captain set a precedent that we can do whatever we want, so long as we make it out alive.” “And it’s been working out pretty well so far.” Zoro pointed out, nudging his empty mug towards Venus’s side of the counter.
The older woman got the hint and reached for the two mugs she had resting in front of her. Filling them up as she carried on talking, she scoffed. “I’ll say. You’ve all got some pretty lofty ambitions if you’re willing to take on the enemies that you do.”
Disclosing their dreams easily enough, Nami admitted, “It’s easy to dream big when your captain is determined to find One Piece and become the King of the Pirates.”
Venus didn’t let her stun stop her from delivering their new drinks. The shock in her violet-colored eyes was obvious, though. “I suppose that’s true. So you’re all doing your damnedest to cause a ruckus no matter where you go or who you meet, huh?”
Zoro quickly guaranteed her, “Not here, though. This beer’s really good.”
“Happy to hear that,” Venus laughed softly at his promise. “With what I’ve seen from your crew, I think you’ve got what it takes to do just about anything.”
“That’s what we keep telling ourselves.” Nami concurred after she released a satisfied ‘ah’. He knew she was a huge fan of cold beer, so she didn’t need to show her enjoyment for Zoro to know that she was having a great time. 
But then, the mood took a bit of a nose dive when Venus inquired, “Any idea what you’ll be looking forward to afterwards?”
Sloppily, in unison, both of the Straw Hats at the bar responded, “Huh?”
Taking a moment to rest, the barkeep leaned on her forearms until she was nestled against her countertop comfortably. Then, she explained, “I don’t think there’s anyone out there on the open seas that’s got what it takes to do what your crew can do. So, have any of you thought about what you’ll do after you make it to the end of the road? What happens when your captain becomes the King of the Pirates?”
It was too broad a concept for Zoro to take, if the truth be told. For a man like him who trained everyday with Mihawk’s face in mind, who accepted the challenge of every enemy at a moment’s notice, imagining what life would be like after Luffy achieved his dream was not something he thought of often. He was much more interested in finding the thrill of the battle he was in or working hard to be ready for the next one. To wonder what kind of satisfaction he’d find if his dream was already obtained was something he didn’t let himself dwell on for fear of becoming blinded by his passion. 
Sure, the odds of that all of their dreams would be achieved at the same time were possible, but it was very slim. 
What was he going to do if Luffy became King of the Pirates but he hadn’t beaten Mihawk yet and claimed his title?
Unable to find an answer, he faced Nami. She was much more articulate than him, so he hoped that she had an answer ready. There was hesitation in her big brown eyes, yet she didn’t allow the lull in the conversation to carry on for very long. Poised, she replied, “Well, my dream is to make a map of the entire world, so I’ll need to keep going until I make my dream come true.”
When Venus didn’t start praising Nami the moment she finished speaking, Zoro realized she was awaiting his answer too. Having been put on the spot, he answered, “I’m going to become the world’s greatest swordsman. If I can’t beat Dracule Mihawk beforehand, I guess I’m going to have to go look for him.”
Venus appeared to feel complex emotions over their answers. With her brows knitted and her smile having fallen, she asked them both, “So you’re just along for the ride with your captain?”
“Yeah,” Zoro assumed that it was fair for her to word it that way. By this point, however, he was growing rather tired of the conversation. The urge to be protective of Nami was the only thing keeping him present in the moment. After all, having some strange woman chastise them for not thinking about their futures at twenty-one was really condescending to him. 
If it wasn’t for the free drink, he might have told her to piss off.
“Well, ain’t that sweet? You tell your crew that they’re all welcomed her any time.” Venus ensured them as she pushed off of the countertop and quickly strolled away. 
Zoro watched her go like a guard dog and only planned to take a sip of his drink when he knew she was distracted by another customer. “We’ve already skipped a few islands,” Nami said softly, clearly lost in thought. “So I’d have to go back and visit places we missed.”
Zoro huffed, “Yeah, I guess so.”
“I wonder if everyone would want to go with me?” The question could have been open-ended, but her tone implied that she wanted an answer. 
“Why wouldn’t they?” he grumbled in response. This wasn’t a topic of discussion he was fond of, he knew now, as it meant thinking about what was beyond the dream he had been fighting to achieve for his entire life. 
Knowing Nami wanted to dive into such unknown waters made him feel uncomfortable, to put it lightly.
He took her explanation as a sign that he could down his beer while she spoke, meaning he could hopefully leave the rest of the conversation to a more inebriated version of himself. “I don’t think Brook, Robin or Franky are going to want to do anything more than settle down once we’re done. I mean, Brook just wants to see Laboon. And Robin…”
“Hm?” He asked her to carry on while guzzling his drink.
Nami whipped her head in her direction just so she could frown at him. “Unless she’s got another Poneglyph to find or Franky has another boat to make, they’re gonna want to find a place to put down roots. Get it?”
He knew his silence would be enough to tell her that he didn’t.
“Ugh, men.” Nami groaned.
He groaned in response to her disappointment. Throwing his mug down, he shot back. “Well the rest of your crew mates are men so I guess you want any of them to go back with you.”
“Sanji’s goal is to see the All Blue, but after that, he could just end up going back to Pudding or the Baratie.” Nami pointed out.
Zoro whispered to himself, “Good riddance.”
She didn’t hear his insult, so she kept going. “Once Usopp believes his the bravest warrior on the sea, he can just do whatever he wants. We both know he should go back and see Kaya though, that poor girl.”
That, Zoro agreed with. “He’ll have actual stories to tell her now, not just some made up lies.”
“Maybe he’ll take Chopper to see her, make sure she’s doing well.” Nami mused. 
When her tone of voice dropped into a lifeless state, Zoro couldn’t help but notice how her mood suddenly became pensive and withdrawn. Her face looked like it was incapable of smiling while her mind was so heavily occupied. They went out for drinks whenever they could and sometimes, their conversations did become serious. However, it wasn’t usually to the point of her retreating inside of herself where he couldn’t reach. 
Trying to turn her mood around, he offered her an idea. “I’ll bet you my entire debt that Luffy will go anywhere in the world with you. If you’re out on the open seas, he’ll be there.” 
The mention of their captain tugged Nami free from the shackles of whatever dark thoughts she was thinking. To his surprise though, the suggestion made her sigh. “You may be right. I have no idea what that idiot is going to do once he’s got his treasure. I bet he’s as clueless as you are.”
Her accurate observation of him made him bashful. Zoro didn’t know what to do while she finished off her own beer, so he took the time until she finished her last gulp to come up with a response. “So? I have my goal, and then I’ll have to fight to keep it.” 
Nami opened her mouth to speak until she actually mauled over his words. Then, she said, “I guess that makes sense. Mihawk has to fight you off if he wants to keep the title now. Once you get it, you’ll be challenged all the time probably.”
“Only I won’t hide on some secret island forever.” Subtly, only because his idol couldn’t hear him, he made a dig at Mihawk’s character.
“A secret island?” Only when she asked the question did he realize that he never told her where he was for the two years they were all apart. It actually astonished Zoro that he never shared any details about his training with her before. In all fairness, he knew nothing of her time away from the crew either. Still, he genuinely thought that it was obvious where he had been, given the question Kuma had posed.
“Mihawk lives on this island called Kuraigana. It’s dark and full of monsters.” explained the swordsman, recalling his days training there in a flash.
“Sounds like it suits you perfectly.” He thought he heard her say.
“Huh!?” Zoro challenged.
Avoiding his fury entirely, Nami pressed on. “So you’re going to travel the world and fight every swordsman you see? That’s going to be no different from now.” 
That one remark gave him an idea, and Zoro could see the solution to whatever dreary thoughts she had been thinking. In an instant, he felt charged by the words he planned to say next because he truly believed that he had discovered the answer to any worries she may have had. “Yeah. I’ll essentially be a swordsman for hire, if you can afford me.”
Nami couldn’t hide the surprise on her face when she heard his declaration. Only, instead of applauding his sly suggestion, she concocted yet another fiendish way to take advantage of him. Smirking from ear to ear, she decreed, “Once you have that title, you’ll be able to work your debt off to me! Your rate would help you pay it off in at least, what, maybe ten or twenty years”
“What the hell!?” Her calculations sounded absolutely absurd! Zoro couldn’t begin to imagine a situation in which Mihawk was being exploited the way that he was by Nami the Cat Burglar, the Straw Hat’s navigator, the most difficult person he’d ever met!
Ignorant of his plight, she carried on with her ecstatic predictions. “It’ll be great! I’ll be making my map and you’ll be there to protect me, while also showing yourself off to any opponent you meet. We’ll make quite the team. Plus, we both know you can’t go anywhere without me.”
“I was away from you for two years and I was fine!” Zoro shouted his point so loudly, he noticed that Venus was eyeing them from across the bar. 
Nami must have noticed his darting eyes, as she looked over her shoulder towards the bartender who started the mess of the conversation they were having, then happily cheered, “Venus! Another round here, please! We’ve got something else to celebrate!”
“You got it.” complied the older woman, her wrinkles on display as she smiled at the two of them.
Zoro scowled at both of them. “Sure we do.” He said sarcastically. Flippant and irritated, he made it clear that he wasn’t on board with her plans with not only his voice, but his reclining body posture too. 
But as usual, Nami had her mind set on her ideal plan and she refused to see beyond it. Her sigh this time was indeed a happy one, preceding her proclamation, “Imagine - I’ll be even farther along with making a map of the world, and you’ll be the world’s greatest swordsman. It’ll be perfect.”
“Oh yeah,” he mocked her as their drinks placed down in front of them. Lifting his mug high as a fake toast, Zoro’s frown sunk into his jawline when she still clicked her glass against his, making him tack on an insincere, “It’ll be paradise.”
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yoshi4sushi · 6 years
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (gocha!) (coo!) (coo!)
 Happy Monday, minna-san! I hope everyone had a good weekend. As for us, we are bracing for the typhoon that’s passing by Japan so we are making sure we stay safe and healthy. Hope it won’t last the whole day. However, it won’t stop us announcing our news and all so you know the drill. First off, last week’s chapter was just confusing and shocking. We first start off seeing Tama enjoying a very good meal in a while. Luffy asks Speed to take her back home so hopefully she’ll have the heart to not tell on them. In the Flower capital, a beastly lady is teaching horrible things about the Kozuki clan, and that they are responsible for the downfall of Wano kingdom, and that Orochi Kurozumi, the current shogun, brought peace to the country. We then move to a money exchange shop where we meet some hustler name Kishiro Inemuri. Robin is on undercover as a geisha to get the intel of Wano kingdom. So she overhears from Kishiro about the deaths of Kozuki clan. He goes saying that the 9 fallen samurai that protected the Kozuki clan will curse anyone at night since they all perished inside the castle 20 years ago believing it was the only way to rid the curse. So Luffy and the others finally made it to the ruins of Oden castle. He sees the graves of Oden, Kinemon, Raizou, Momo, and Kanjuro. He couldn’t believe what he saw, and demanded Law to explain the situation. So he says that everyone is in hiding. Then Kinemon appears, but in pain from a case of diarrhea. Could be from the poison water. O-kiku frolics and hugs Kinemon, happy to see him again after a while. Momo also appears and happy to see Luffy and Nami and the others finally showed up. They were at bay lost and looking for him. At the end, they all went inside an old shed to talk in secret, and Kinemon confessed to everyone about an unbelievable truth about them. He says that he, Raizou, Kanjuro, Momo, & O-kiku hail from the past exactly 20 years ago. That there is very confusing. They’re from the past, and yet how did they travel from the future? What more secrets does the Kozuki clan have? Guess we’ll see this week. Don’t miss it! Next, this past weekend’s episode is turning more violent. Luffy is hanging on as much as he can to defeat Katakuri, and yet he’s getting more aggravated by Luffy dodging his blows. Both fighters are feeling the frustration. Meanwhile, back at the castle, Mont’Dor is making sure that their plan to rid of the gang goes swell with the help of their critter hiding underwater. We then see Capone fending off Custard, the 6th daughter, and he sure is keeping them away with his strong ship. At the end, Katakuri unleashes his awakening to finish Luffy by suffocating him with loads of mochi. Next time, Katakuri attends to his so-called “snack-ritual” that no one is allowed to see. Will Luffy free himself? Don’t miss it! Now on with the goods. Due to the aftermath typhoon, our friend Tongari-san stayed at home, but he sent us a telegram. So he says that the tower is getting lively with more fun Halloween events. Remember if you visit the tower wearing a cosplay, you’ll be given a free sticker of any of the Straw Hats. Also, guests for the Halloween costume contest have been announced. Oct. 13th & 20th, voice actors of Brook and Franky, aka Cho-san and Yao-san, will be judging. Oct.27th, the children’s contest, will be judge once again by the lovely voice actress of Nami, Akemi-san.  Bring your “A” game! Neat prizes will be given away to runner ups and winners. Next, the tower finally reveals Marco’s birthday button and acrylic keychain. Cheerful with a pineapple. Totally him. It will be available on Oct.5th. Also, if you buy goods over 3000 yen, you’ll be given free birthday poster of Marco and Law. You can only choose one. Moreover, the 5th Log Gallery theme has been revealed. This time, its titled, “Smile.” Details of released date will be announced later. Next, the café also reveals the birthday meals they’ll serve. For Law’s dish, they’ll serve “We are the Heart pirates captain hat” spicy jambalaya omelet.” It’s wrapped in egg whites with some spices. For Marco’s dish, they’ll serve his blue flame healing noodles. It has some flower petals with a bit of shred purple cabbage with the Whitebeard jolly roger made from dry seaweed served with some warm soup. If you order either dishes, you’ll be given a free birthday card. Scrumptious! Boys! Can the drool! Next, Figurines! New ones! First, this new POP bikini figurine of Jewelry Bonney. It will come with her hat. A bit sensual, but it’s all good. Anyway, Megahobby will take reservation orders this week. Check your local Straw Hat stores to see if they will take reservation as well. She will be released in February. Next, this POP Neo DX figurine of Akainu will be available in March. Website should also have that available I think. Moving on, Megahobby will also be accepting reservations for these special straps of Luffy. Each one is partnered with Law, Sanji, Zoro, Ace, and ASL bros. Reservations start Oct.4th. To purchase, you must have an account so when you reserve it, you’ll be instructed to make an account. Next, new straps! This time, kids! It will have Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ussop, Nami, Hancock, Law, Ace, Sabo, and Shirahoshi. The Straw Hat store will have a special strap of Luffy, Jump Shops will have a special strap of Ace, and Chara Ani website will have special strap of Sabo. They will be released in December. Next, Jump Shops, Straw Hat stores, and the Tower are selling these button set of the Vinsmoke family. Next, another new birthday of Law will be in stock this Saturday. This lovely tote bag. Good for groceries or personal goods. Next, stores are selling these shiny rhinestone jolly roger straps of Luffy, Shanks, and Law. Next, all Straw Hat stores will be selling original goods from the Hello! One Piece exhibition. They’ll sell shirts, button set, small ticket folders, clear files, and acrylic straps of the gang. Only thing not sold are the mugs. Tokyo Tower also has it in stock. Next, this awesome folder and long towel of various characters are in stock as well. Next, Jump shops will stock these limited ed. goods from the Jump exhibition such as this towel, water bottle, ticket folder, art coasters, mini acrylic stand, pouches, and much more. Next, stores will be selling these OP Waffle cookies of “Our Memories.” It will have special cards of different characters. All colorful and wonderful. Next, China will be holding Hello! One Piece exhibition as well. It will start from Nov.3rd to Jan.15th. It will be held at Shenzen. I’ll leave a link for anyone interested of going. All in Chinese. No English I guess. Moving on, here’s the new cover of vol.4 of the OP magazine. It will include a wanted poster of Law and will have his novel story as well. It will be in stock on Oct.19th. Next, here is a sneak peek of the new DVD cover of the special episode of Skypiea. If you order this from Amazon, you’ll get a free original projection pen. It will be released on Nov.23rd. Last, but not least, it has been announced last week that the lucky group to perform the 21st opening of OP will be long-time idol group, V6. They are known for their songs of Inuyasha such as Change the World & Brand New World. Title of the song is “Super Powers!” They commented that they are thrilled to be able to provide song of their fave anime. It will premiere this Saturday. POWER UP! Phew! I think we covered everything. That’s all we got for now, tune in next week for more news and goods. Boys! Let’s call it quits. Well done.
 Exhibition: http://hello-onepiece.cn/
Figurines & straps: https://t.co/vi4blcnwiA
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