#hopefully i can post another fic by tonight hehe
rabbitenn · 10 months
everyone, do you use tumblr on mobile or desktop more?
is a desktop theme for my blog something that would make navigation easier for all of you? let me know if that’s something you’d like <3
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juicezone · 3 months
Hello I am here to tell you a little bit about my day and hopefully, maybe, cheer you up from all that boring reading :D
So currently going to go out shopping which I didn’t want to do, I just wanted to just stay home and maybe regress :< But hey what can ya do?
Might go pick up some sushi as a treat later this week as I haven’t had any in forever. We got an ad for a store nearby with these really sweet looking desserts cups that I also want to try. No idea if they will be good but hey it’s worth a shot!
Working on a fanfic that started as a silly little idea I found on tumblr and now has 3,000 words of mostly angst. I don’t know how to do this to myself when I specifically sat down to finish writing an older, half finished fic. Me with all my wips as though I need to start yet another fic (sigh) Going to go bug one of my friends who has no idea who the characters are to go and read it though hehe >:3
I also started a new manga series called Yona of the Dawn. It’s pretty good so far. I found the books at my library too which is a huge plus! That’s really about it for me.
You got this civics work in the bag! I am over here rooting for you! 🎉👏💜🩷🩵 Other than that how’s your weekend been? Anything fun or exciting to share? Mkay bye! Love ya lots <3<3<3
bleh going out for unplanned shopping is so BLEH! I support getting the sushi treat and trying those desert cups >:) if i get as far as i want in my course tonight, im thinking maybe ill get myself a treat too :P
and omg i totally get it with the fic! one time i gave juice an off handed prompt and then next thing i knoew she hands me 10k words and im like WHERE DID THIS COME FROMMMMMM
also 10000000% down to read your fics that i have no idea whats going on i swear not being on so much means that i miss out when you and aerie post fic/ficlets and im like (BITES PHONE)
mostly studying for me! i went and scheduled my final this sunday to make myself have a deadline, but GUH. the government is so stupid and annoying and confusing </3 long as i pass im good tho!!
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butterbeeryuta · 4 years
chapter 3: first fights and an omelette
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A perfect world doesn’t exist, and what’s a better way to express it than our afterlife being filled with things that is terrible for our own eyes? Clearly, Hell 127, or whoever the fuck runs this place, knows that themselves. We were all in our pyjamas, or clothes I guess since Yuna was wearing a Balenciaga shirt. Maybe she died from finding out one of her Nike shoes was fake. If I have to be honest, that’s one impressive way to die. All of us were sitting in silence, obviously unsure of how to deal with the ongoing situation of our rooms. Donghyuck was biting his nails, while Ryujin still maintained to keep her aura as earlier, almost as if nothing scared her. If there was anyone who was clearly traumatised, it was Mark. The poor guy had to be carried out by Johnny cause he just could not deal with the pictures of bugs.
‘So… the rooms are clearly everything we hate’ I quietly said, breaking the ice in the room. Everyone turned their heads towards me, processing the obvious words I just spoke. Taeil, the man who laughed at his own death, just nodded at me. My eyes scanned the room, trying to see if anyone had anything to say, because my people-reading skills are just that good. And just like how any teacher would see their students after asking a question, everyone was avoiding eye contact with you. Sighing, I decided to do the most embarrassing thing so far since nothing can beat choking on a goddamn muffin.
‘Okay kids! Let’s all put our thinking caps on and hold our brush— actually don’t hold anything. Instead of just sitting in silence, let’s all work together as a group to find different solutions to our problem—‘
‘What the fuck are you doing?’ Yuta interrupted, visibly disliking my approach to get shit solved from the his tone and raise of his eyebrows.
‘Okay redhead, you died from running into a wall cause you were a criminal so you don’t have any say in this.’ I retorted, refusing to take any sort of crap from this man who is just sitting idly.
‘As if you’re any better babe, we’re both in this place for eternity and you’ve got to get used to me hun. Perhaps I can shows you a few skills of mine that I’ve picked up over the years, and trust me, you’ll surely like me the moment I—‘
‘Oh my god ew, why are men like this?’ Rosé disgustingly, and thankfully, interferes. Although she has been one of the quieter people in this group, I already love her.
‘Hey! Not all of us are like him. He just hasn’t been laid for a bit and get the suck of his afterlife’ Jaemin answers with his sneaky yet attractive smirk of his. Mark was already turning red from all the sexual references, and it was cute and funny. He was probably the only valid person in this friend group. And Rosé. Maybe I have a crush on Rosé. More and more people began to comment on each other’s opinion, and well, our first fight begun.
‘You’re such a child! You’ve been doing nothing but cowering yourself, and now that I talk about why watermelons suck you put your big boy pants on?’ Momo questioned Mark.
‘Well of course I will! Watermelons are light and tasty and refreshing, how can you not like it? It’s one of god’s best creations.’ He responds nonchalantly, keeping his chin up to prove to the woman that he is confident in his words.
‘Sweetie, there’s no god we’re all in hell.’ She comments rather quickly, having Mark to doubt himself. She did have a good point though.
‘We’re going out of hand here, we need to talk about solutions to the rooms—‘
‘And I am 99% sure that more than half of your followers are creepy old men, and that is nothing to brag about babe’ the other girl spat back, which did not help at all cause more begin to fight with another.
‘ENOUGH! SIT YOUR ASSES DOWN AND GET OVER YOURSELF. You opinion isn’t better than anyone else’s, so deal with it and be a whole fucking adult’ I shouted, which effectively led to the group shutting up for once, and they slowly took a seat on the couch. Maybe I should’ve been a teacher for teenagers and young adults. I cleared my throat once more, and began to speak.
‘So… rooms? I don’t know how we all began to fight, but we need to get it sorted tonight so that we can sleep in peace and have a better morning tomorrow’ you said, hoping all of them were listening to your every word.
‘I remember how we fought…’ Yuta whispered, but it was loud enough for me to hear. I gave him a sour smile, not wanting to spark another fight between all of us. Before I could pitch out more ideas and thoughts to hopefully encourage the others to speak up, sweet baby watermelon-protector Mark cleared his throat.
‘How ‘bout if we switch rooms? You know, rooms where none of us will be freaked out in our sleep?’ He suggested. Oh. Oh wow. Why didn’t I think of that?
‘I’m sleeping in my own room’ Ryujin said without hesitation. I wanted to ask her if she was okay with it, but she probably didn’t want anyone to know her fear. Or perhaps there’s a deeper reason behind everything she does that forms this mysterious atmosphere around her, or that could probably just be me.
‘So we going ahead with Mark’s idea?’
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So, we didn’t go ahead with Mark’s idea because well… we ended up arguing with who gets which room. People were fighting for mine since it was the ‘least disturbing,’ but I personally found Yuna’s the easiest to live in; it was just a lot of dots and circles. If you were smart enough, you can just connect the dots with a marker and create another form of art. She was probably trypophobic. Instead, we ended up bringing our mattresses downstairs and spreading all 13 from the living room to the kitchen. Love that for us.
‘OH MY GOD JAEMIN OUT ON SOME PANTS’ Rosé screams covering her eyes immediately with her blanket. And like an idiot, I turned towards him and… he was just in his boxers. Huh.
‘Looking good Jaems’ Yuta said, which was soon followed by a loud smack on the butt. Ouch. Ignoring everything, I tucked myself under the sheets, not wanting to be bothered.
‘Hey _________?’ Well I was wrong. Thanks Mark. Removing myself from the sheets, my eyes met with Mark’s pretty eyes, causing me to startle for a second. He looked lost. Almost in need of help if I may add. ‘Sorry for disturbing you but, can you help me c-cook something? I’m in the mood for an omelette but I just don’t know how to make one’ Mark quietly requests as he looked down at his socks-covered toes. So, Mark Lee decides to get me to move out of my bed because he doesn’t know how to make an omelette. What am I going to do with this kid? And because I’m a weak bitch, of course I chose to help him.
a/n: IM SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY!!!! i lost so much motivation, and i was honestly considering of scrapping this fic cause i felt like i couldn’t execute what i wanted to write properly. i think i tried to write this chapter a good 6 times(?) but it just wasn’t good enough for me. i also don’t think what i wrote not is great either, but it definitely helps me to write a better upcoming chapter for a better development between the reader and mark. i’m thinking just 4 more parts and this short fic will come to an end hehe. so yes, IM SO SO SO SO SORRY HUHUHUHUHU. i’ll try my best to write better and post more quicker. i completely understand if you are unhappy w my progress.
taglist: @lelenoir @murasakillmepls @neolights @anothermessedupbitch @miyayassy​ @lavellanfriendliness​
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drawlfoy · 3 years
hey there! do you have an estimated time of when will the finale be posted? not trying to push you or anything i appreciate all of your hard work! but please keep us up to date, thanks!
hey hey hey!! first off dw about asking at all--i know how it feels to really want to know what's going on lol. i've been on a trip with my family for the past few days so i haven't been able to have access to my notebook to outline and figure out what tf is happening, but i'm planning on outlining like mad tonight. hopefully after that i can plan what's happening/what's getting posted (it's really hard for me to tell right now as i'm not even sure how much time i want to cover--whether i want it to be up until like ~may of half blood prince or just throughout the entire wizarding war). if you guys are interested, i can share some of the deleted scenes that i was going to add after i outline and decide that they aren't spoilers ?
sorry for the fact that i don't have many answers for you rn 😭 i promise that once i figure things out i will post about it! for now enjoy a playlist i made for detention retention (it's called lavender & quills hehe) and just hang tight!! this chapter is just kicking my ass i always hate writing endings
(one thing i can tell you though is that this fic is 100% going to be finished by aug 29th as i don't want to have to worry about another WIP while i'm heading back to school ;)
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