#hopefully it smooths out later TwT
sailor-moon39 · 4 months
my ping for wuthering waves is well above 300ms.
even though i'm in america and playing on NA.
i don't get it-
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jjba-hell · 4 years
Fate and Fortune
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Part 6
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,
Ya’ll gonna have to excuse this piece- it’s not my best work but I publish regardless TwT, I promise we’ll be back to our regular scheduled writing soon )^o^(
Content warning is REALLY mild like I can literally think of nothing in particular other than a painfully flirtatious Noriaki (yes, I do see him a bit more suave and intelligent, not very innocent)
For the moots @risottoneroo (hope you’re doing well) @fyre23 and @risottosplug (hi, I don’t know why you followed me but thank you, i appreciate (⌒▽⌒) and sorry this is the first piece you got tagged in, seriously the previously linked shit it better)
A/N: I’d love to keep things fresh on the blog- lemme know what chracaters ya’ll would like to see me write
“It feels like the only time you’re near me is when you’re healing me.” Kakyoin laughed as she hovered Fortune’s fingers in front of his mouth.
She chuckled quietly, “And whose fault is that?”
“Oh, you misunderstand. I’m most certainly not blaming you.” His hand wrapped lightly around the wrist closest to him. “I’m asking if I could get to know you a bit better than ‘Vera, the stand fever survivor’.”
She looked down at his hand around her wrist, feeling a moment of girlish glee until she shook it off and with smirk spreading over her lips, she looked into those amethyst eyes. “If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were flirting with me, Noriaki.”
With a smooth slip of her fingers out of his hand she was standing straight, looking down at him as he remained seated on the bench outside the payphone.
Noriaki rose up and in the process, reminded her that she was the shortest one in the group. “Well since you know better, what is that you think I’m doing- exactly?”
Vera’s eyebrow shot up as a grin slowly spread over her lips. “Digging for information, of course... albeit a bit more charismatically than most. How’s your mouth feel?”
“It feels good as new.” He bowed his head at her in thanks as they approached the open payphone door to where Mr Joestar was standing.
Noriaki Kakyoin was most certainly a smooth talker, whether he was polite or sly, Vera couldn’t quite distinguish but obviously speaking to the charming redhead was certainly much easier than trying to talk to Jotaro.
“We’ll talk our next steps at the restaurant.” Mr Joestar had announced. Vera reached down for the duffel bag she had thrown together in the airport bathroom in Japan.
“I could have sworn I saw you traveling with a suitcase.” Noriaki remarked, the expected suave smile following. It was him looping her duffel bag handles into his hand that came as a surprise to her.
“Well, they promised me a ticket to Hong Kong if I could travel by hand luggage- had to leave half my suitcase behind I’m afraid.”
“My condolences.” Was all he said as she fell in line with him toward the restaurant- Jotaro’s broad back being the only thing she could see in front of her all the way there.
“Laying it on a bit thick, aren’t you Kakyoin?” She nudged into his side gently. “I suppose I am in your debt for carrying my bag for me. So... I’ll be generous and offer three answers.”
Kakyoin hummed on contemplation. “My, my... what could I possibly ask?”
She shrugged, “Ask and find out for yourself.”
“Very well... where were you born?”
The snort of laughter she had to keep in was the most undignified thing she let slip in front of the charmer. “In the sky.”
The smile left Kakyoin’s face as he turned his head to see if she was joking. Up front Avdol was snickering as well.
“How is that possible?”
“That would be the second question...” she warned.
“Nonsense! You can’t be so vague in your answers!”
“And I suppose you’ll be the judge of that?”
Kakyoin gave just the tiniest pout before caving. “The curiosity would kill me, do explain.”
“My parents were flying to Egypt when I was born- yes, I was born on an airplane between Britain and Egypt.”
Kakyoin took a moment to laugh with her as they entered the restaurant and hid the bag away for a moment. “Well, if not for my own shock- I might have showered you in jokes of your angelic nature.”
When Jotaro gave an audible snort of laughter as he sat down at the table, she couldn’t help but smile politely back at Noriaki. “Goodness, you want more answers- am I that fascinating to you?” She slid into the chair Noriaki held for her.
The question hanging over Kakyoin’s head this time suddenly made his cheeks dust a rosy shade. “I suppose you are, I do find you and your stand fascinating.”
She smiled gently at him, purposefully placing a hand atop his own on the table- enjoying the blush spreading over his whole face a bit too much.
While letting Mr Joestar help the Frenchman that had arrived at the table, Vera left for a quick smoke break outside the restaurant- enjoying her choice of oversized jean jacket on her back.
Not much longer, Jotaro joined her around the corner in the alleyway beside the restaurant. For a moment he seemed to glare at her from below his cap yet again, and yet again- her gaze unchanging.
Then with another disinterested scoff he looked away. “Angelic, my ass.” He mumbled, turning to face the exit of the alleyway.
The laugh that left Vera’s lips was almost offensive. She held her side in pain as she laughed, other hand supporting her against the wall.
Jotaro only looked behind his shoulder at her in further distaste. “You laugh like a fucking hyena.”
Her breath came back a few gasps later and while wiping tears out of her eyes she walked up to stand beside him. “Aw, are you jealous Jotaro?”
He nearly whipped his whole body to face her, the reaction she was gauging from him being all she need to maintain that petty little smirk on her lips.
“What are you getting at, woman?”
She only shrugged, bringing her cigarette to her lips for a drag- maintaining eye contact with him through the blue white smoke. “I can’t think of any other reason you’d stare me down and invalidate a compliment intended for me.” She answered after letting the smoke dribble out of her mouth.
“You’re disgusting.” He grumbled.
“Well, Kakyoin is a disgusting flirt, I’ll give you that but don’t get angry just because I can flirt back.”
The frustrated groan and toss of his cigarette in the alleyway was more than enough evidence she needed. He didn’t like her banter with Noriaki but... he was gonna have to learn to open his mouth and say something to her if he was that painfully jealous.
She returned to the restaurant in absolute shambles- a table on fire and the Frenchman Mr Joestar was helping displaying his stand.
This time it was Vera’s turn to give an audibly obnoxious sigh and pull one of the abandoned chairs closer for her to sit down at. “Fucking hell, I only had some hot cola from a vendor today- I was looking forward to the beef chop suey just now.”
All eyes were on her as she sat down in the chair, crossed one leg over the other and dug inside her jean jacket pocket. Fortune had already phased the Frenchman’s passport into her pocket and was currently phasing his earrings into her other pocket.
With a dramatic flourish and an arm over the backrest of her chair she looked the gray-haired man up and down then looked at the open passport in her hand. “Jean Pierre Polnareff- that’s hopefully correct?”
Jean seemed to immensely tense at her casual display of her own ability but nonetheless, he brought the tip of the rapier closer to her face. “Mademoiselle, I’d rather not lay an unnecessary hand on you, if possible.”
She tipped her head back and forth for a moment, admiring her reflection in the stand’s silver armor- driving the point home by getting up and closing the distance- reaching in her pocket to hold his earrings to her ears.
“I think these suit me better, don’t you think monsiour?”
The realization dawned on his face and soon Polnareff was swatting at his neck like the earrings was supposed to be there.
“Let me guess- another sworn allegiance puppet for dio, perhaps money? What is it?”
“Vera, stop provoking him- his qualm is with me.” Avdol interjected, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.
Vera calmly looked back at her guardian, a slight frown to her face. “Not to seem childish, but do you see me as incapable, Avdol?”
The calm smile spreading his lips was all she really needed. She knew him well enough to know it was simply because he had a handle on his opponent.
At the Tiger Balm Garden- Vera sat atop a tiger statue’s back, near the entrance of their little chosen battlefield. Admittedly, holding back from jumping in and healing was more difficult than intended but Avdol had never been a victim of anything.
After the fight she hopped off as Avdol walked away from Polnareff’s flaming corpse- Fortune’d dials moving to help the healing process from the stand attack wounds.
“You’re not gonna let him burn to death, are you?” She asked, knowing that full well he wasn’t exactly listening to her but instead the mumblings of the burning man behind them.
With a snap of his finger, Avdol’s flames extinguished themselves and unsurprisingly- the flesh blood made itself known.
Fortune and Star Platinum followed to rid the world of another fleshbud. Vera had Fortune heal the unconscious man before following after the others to the docks.
Polnareff showing up was probably the last thing Vera had expected for their Hong Kong detour, but regardless Avdol and Jotaro refused the Frenchman’s thanks but Vera took hers with the smuggest smirk allowed.
The sight of Mr Joestar’s mechanical hand both fascinated and disgusted her- watching as he slipped his white glove back on as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
“And for what reason do you need to find someone with two right hands?”
Cherie’s story was truly tragic but it seemed to have been completely forgotten as Polnareff went to snap a few pictures of the two tourists girls that tried to get near Jotaro.
“What a perv.” She muttered, more to herself but it got a chuckle from Mr Joestar. Just aside from Jean’s leg was a coul of rope- first tied onto the deck. Fortune moved out of her body and phased the coil of rope around Polnareff’s foot and then slipped the loop of rope from the deck off manually. The wind ad picked up just enough to tie around the Frenchman’s leg and watch as he he was frantically dragged off the deck and into the water.
“Hmmmm justice is best served cold.” She muttered, passing Avdol only to have her foot break through the wooden deck below her feet.
Avdol laughed openly, holding a hand to help her out with her knee stuck in the wood. “What we’re you saying about justice again?”
“Hey! This was for healing you guys! This was correlation! Not causation!”
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