#horikoshi cant write redemption arcs to save his life
freehideoutpuppy · 6 months
Ok so I've briefly touched on this, and I've done some reblogging of some other people's posts about it but I've decided it's time I add my own thoughts on Midoriya using Deku as his hero name.
Personally, I think it's one of Horikoshi's biggest failures in the early part of the series. We get glimpses of Midoriya's mental health being shit throughout the series, and the name Deku and his mistreatment by his peers and even his teachers pre OFA is pretty damn bad.
So, while I do understand what Horikoshi was going for with having Midoriya claim the name Deku as something different, it still feels wrong. Especially when adding in the context of how Uraraka just bulldozed over it being an insult that his freaking bully called him to be awful. And maybe if Bakugo had actually gotten REAL consequences for his actions or moved to 1-B or something, I wouldn't have as big an issue with it. But damn Bakugo has treated Midoriya like crap in every flash back we see. And has been a constant negative presence in Midoriya's life the entire time. And that, along with Bakugo being the one to give him that awful nickname in the first place, drives me crazy. Horikoshi has had so many missed opportunities and made a lot of choices with character development that leave me scratching my head in confusion. And about 90% of those decisions have something to do with Bakugo.
But I'm getting off topic a bit. During the war arc we really see Midoriya spiral and a big part of me actually enjoyed it in some ways because it was the first time we really get to see Midoriya behave in the way that's indicative of how he and heroes have treated by society as a whole. He believes wholeheartedly that he needs to hunt down AFO and Shigaraki alone because that's how All Might has been presented, and he has to live up to that pressure. He fully believes that his life is worthless and that he's only useful if he's doing everything he can to protect others even at the cost of himself. Which all comes back to Deku. I fully believe that Midoriya still feels like as a person he's worthless, and that's why he really chose Deku. Maybe he hoped that he could change the meaning of it now that he has OFA, but I think deep down he believes otherwise. We've seen that throughout the manga and anime. He consistently broke himself when he realized someone more powerful than him or who had a quirk from childhood was in danger. At the USJ, when he tried to attack Shigaraki, who was trying to dust Tsu. When he attacked the Zero pointer during the entrance exam so it wouldn't crush Uraraka. When he launched himself at Shigaraki to protect All Might. When he and Todoroki fought in the sports festival and he irreparably damaged his hand. There are so many instances of this kid letting himself be hurt by others to protect someone else, and he has zero regard for his own life. It's pretty heartbreaking, honestly. It's a big contributor to why I stopped reading the manga at this point. Well, that and Bakugo's deus ex machina, but well, it's bakugo, and I hate him, so that shouldn't surprise anyone who has seen my rants or knows me irl.
But yeah, I both loathe and understand why Midoriya went with Deku as his hero name. That doesn't mean I agree with the decision, but I understand it.
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freehideoutpuppy · 4 months
I've been seeing the spoilers for the bnha manga, and at this point, I'm absolutely disgusted with Horikoshi. He treats Midoriya like a joke at best and like his own personal punching bag at worst. It's no wonder Bakugo gets all the attention. He's using Bakugo as a stand-in for himself so he can continue beating Midoriya down. I hate it so much I'm not even willing to watch the series or buy anything official anymore. Horikoshi is a shit writer, and taking away OFA from Midoriya after how hard he's worked to make it his own was awful. That's not even mentioning how badly he's treated other characters, either. I think the dude has an abuse fetish or something because at this point, I can't fathom another reason for him to give the abusers so much attention when their victims are blamed or treated terribly for no good reason.
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freehideoutpuppy · 6 months
On my topic of finding Bakugo shitty! I have more problems with his! Let's start with his "take a swan dive off the roof and pray for a quirk in your next life" speech, shall we? So, first off, with the way Japanese schools are scheduled, Bakugo would've been 15 years old when canon was started. And as far as I'm aware, it's pretty universally known that most kids by 15 know right from wrong, yes? So that excuse that so many give of Bakugo being a child and not meaning it? Yeah, that's bullshit. Not a single thing about his behavior after that signifies he didn't mean it. He routinely tries to assault Midoriya on several occasions after his speech. And while some might argue that he wasn't trying to kill him during the quirk assessment test or the battle trials, I don't really think whether or not he was attempting murder makes a difference. Heck, in the MHA verse, a villain is someone who uses their quirk illegally to do almost anything. The very act of using a quirk when you don't have a license to do so is illegal. It's excused in Bakugo's case during the slime villain incident because he was the victim, but every other case? If Midoriya was even slightly less forgiving, Bakugo probably would've been imprisoned due to his volatile nature and his quirk use. And yet, all he ever gets is a slap on the wrist.
Even if we excuse his past behavior as part of his upbringing and treatment at his past schools, it doesn't excuse his actions. He's a menace to society at best. And let's not forget the worst ever punishments he received were failing the provisional licensing exam, which Horikoshi cushioned by having Todoroki fail as well. Which was another bullshit decision Horikoshi made that I'm still salty about FYI. And the aftermath of Deku vs. Kacchan part 2, where Bakugo got four days of in dorm suspension while Midoriya got three. Which was also bullshit! Midoriya didn't start that fight he didn't want to be there and yet he's still punished harshly because Bakugo is a piece of shit human being who can't handle his emotions like a normal person and has to be violent instead.
I've already touched on the bs apology, so I won't talk about that at this time, but ugh, I just feel like Bakugo has had everyone kiss his ass both in canon and irl and it grinds my gears. He's awful, and he hasn't really grown at all since every time he does get some good development, he immediately back slides, and all the development is gone. Could he have been a good character? Yes. Is he a good character in canon? Absolutely not.
Anyway, that's all I've got for now. Thanks for reading my rant!
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