#get midoriya a better hero name ffs
freehideoutpuppy · 6 months
Ok so I've briefly touched on this, and I've done some reblogging of some other people's posts about it but I've decided it's time I add my own thoughts on Midoriya using Deku as his hero name.
Personally, I think it's one of Horikoshi's biggest failures in the early part of the series. We get glimpses of Midoriya's mental health being shit throughout the series, and the name Deku and his mistreatment by his peers and even his teachers pre OFA is pretty damn bad.
So, while I do understand what Horikoshi was going for with having Midoriya claim the name Deku as something different, it still feels wrong. Especially when adding in the context of how Uraraka just bulldozed over it being an insult that his freaking bully called him to be awful. And maybe if Bakugo had actually gotten REAL consequences for his actions or moved to 1-B or something, I wouldn't have as big an issue with it. But damn Bakugo has treated Midoriya like crap in every flash back we see. And has been a constant negative presence in Midoriya's life the entire time. And that, along with Bakugo being the one to give him that awful nickname in the first place, drives me crazy. Horikoshi has had so many missed opportunities and made a lot of choices with character development that leave me scratching my head in confusion. And about 90% of those decisions have something to do with Bakugo.
But I'm getting off topic a bit. During the war arc we really see Midoriya spiral and a big part of me actually enjoyed it in some ways because it was the first time we really get to see Midoriya behave in the way that's indicative of how he and heroes have treated by society as a whole. He believes wholeheartedly that he needs to hunt down AFO and Shigaraki alone because that's how All Might has been presented, and he has to live up to that pressure. He fully believes that his life is worthless and that he's only useful if he's doing everything he can to protect others even at the cost of himself. Which all comes back to Deku. I fully believe that Midoriya still feels like as a person he's worthless, and that's why he really chose Deku. Maybe he hoped that he could change the meaning of it now that he has OFA, but I think deep down he believes otherwise. We've seen that throughout the manga and anime. He consistently broke himself when he realized someone more powerful than him or who had a quirk from childhood was in danger. At the USJ, when he tried to attack Shigaraki, who was trying to dust Tsu. When he attacked the Zero pointer during the entrance exam so it wouldn't crush Uraraka. When he launched himself at Shigaraki to protect All Might. When he and Todoroki fought in the sports festival and he irreparably damaged his hand. There are so many instances of this kid letting himself be hurt by others to protect someone else, and he has zero regard for his own life. It's pretty heartbreaking, honestly. It's a big contributor to why I stopped reading the manga at this point. Well, that and Bakugo's deus ex machina, but well, it's bakugo, and I hate him, so that shouldn't surprise anyone who has seen my rants or knows me irl.
But yeah, I both loathe and understand why Midoriya went with Deku as his hero name. That doesn't mean I agree with the decision, but I understand it.
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orionchildofhades · 1 year
BNHA ff rec
Guidance, or to Help Those In Need - orionchildofhades
ao3 link
rating: Mature | warning: Graphic Depiction of Violence
tags : traitor Izuku, villain Izuku, Support Department Izuku, Protective League of Villain,
statue: finished | part of a series
Summary :
"Meeting your idols is always a disappointment. Understanding that the people we look up to the most don’t wish for our happiness, chose to turn a blind eye on our situation. Must be painful. I’m sorry you had to go through all of this. But you see… I wouldn’t say you’re worthless. This is far from worthless if you ask me. I’d like you to think about some things. You say you’re invisible, rejected. And I wouldn’t put it past society to actually make you feel like that. But you’re not. This is a golden mine, a diamond in the rough. People just won’t recognize your talent because of who you are. Or what you’re not." — The tale of how Midoriya Izuku, whose only dream was to be a hero, ended up a villain. Who said that a 'villain' couldn't help? Most people usually forget who requires help. And Izuku will be a hero to them, because no one else will.
chapter one: it goes bad
 The day started pretty normally, as anything could when you were quirkless in a world where everybody had some sort of power.
Izuku went to school. He knew what he was getting into. The stares, the name calling. Having Kacchan telling he should jump off the roof was a new addition that the teen had been trying out for a few days now and he got really creative about it. Ending up in the pound with his notebook by his side was not very nice but all he did was stand and keep on with his day. What else was there to do?
So Izuku walked home. He took the long road, just to be sure he didn’t meet any of the bullies. From time to time they would actively seek him out to punch and kick the energy out. What could Izuku do anyway ? Once he was alone with them, he didn’t have the strength to stand up on his own.
Standing up for others though, that was nice. When he faced Kacchan, his body like a wall between the explosive boy and his new found victim, some form of pride shone in his chest, warming him up a little bit, a different kind of warmth that the hands of the boy he called a friend for a long time.
Izuku liked to help others. It was his one true goal. Everytime he looked at his computer, at his hero, his idol, and saw All Might’s smile to the camera, he felt some sort of envy. He, too, wanted to make people happy, to bring them safety, hope. So even if he had to face Kacchan’s wrath, and the punches, the burns, the hits and kicks, he would do it. Because the other kid was safe, because it was better him than someone else. Maybe, one day, someone would see him the same way he saw All Might. Okay, that was a little far fetched, he wasn’t anything like All Might. But maybe someone would be reassured he suddenly put himself between them and harm, maybe he would bring someone a flicker of hope.
That’s what he thought while he walked in some alley, alone and fidgeting with his notebook. He looked over what he wrote in the morning, about the fight and the new heroes.
Mt. Lady and her growing quirk, Kamui Wood and, well, his wood quirk. He added some notes in the margin about a detail. The new heroes seemed very keen to the media, a little bit too focused on their image. And was Kamui Wood capable of creating any kind of wood? Any density? Could he make ebony wood? It would be far more heavy and perhaps harder to break, more efficient against villains. Or not, if he couldn’t, Izuku wondered what kind of wood he could make, was it a special kind, since it was a quirk? Maybe a weird human-wood kind of thing since he seemed to be made of it.  A unique form of wood, known and created only by the power of the hero. How flammable was it? How would the hero react if he encountered…
Completely unaware of his surroundings, Izuku was knocked over by someone. He immediately scrambled up, trying to fetch his notebook and pencil while bowing to apologies.
Instead, his eyes met with some creature, a mutant type very likely, and immediately after his mouth was filled.
His eyes watered, he tasted sewage water and trash and throwing up sounded like a great idea all of the sudden but his mouth was full and he started choking as the thing, person, something filled his airway little by little.
He was barely aware of hearing a voice, a muted “Thank you, you’re my hero, I didn’t know he was in town.”
Panic clouded his mind. After everything he went through on an everyday basis, after all the pain and insults, all the loneliness and disgust, he would die like this. He couldn’t even breathe. His head hurt, and his vision darkened.
And maybe that was really it.
Then he vaguely felt knocked over once again. He breathed. Or he thought he did. He hoped he still remembered how to. He wanted to cough, to spit out everything, to have his throat to himself again. Was it still there?
A voice was talking.
It became clearer and clearer, the black spots stopped dancing in front of him.
He was on the floor, lying on the street he didn’t remember exactly where, his bag was somewhere on his left, his notebook near him with the pencil inside. His throat hurt and he was a little out of breath.
And All Might was staring at him from his incredible high, wearing his famous costume and…
All Might.
Staring at him.
Izuku jumped up, almost falling right back down and somehow managing to stay on his feet.
“Oh my god, All Might, I’m such-”
“Ah, yes. Glad to know you’re alright. I thought I lost you here for a second. I must go.”
Wait- no. Izuku had to ask him. He needed to know. It was All Might, he would tell him the truth. If anyone would believe in him, it would be the Number One hero, the symbol of peace. If anyone knew the hardships of hero life, but what made a true hero, it would be him.
“Wait, please, All Might, sir.” He took his notebook off the ground, not caring a second about the pages still wet from earlier before shoving it as high as he could need the hero. “I need to know sir…”
“Ah, yes,” he took the notebook and the pencil, signing it with practiced motions before closing it and giving it back to Izuku. “Now I must leave, young boy. Stay careful and fear not, for I Am Here.”
The hero turned to leave. Izuku’s eyes darted between his idol and his bag. A plastic bottle was dangling from the pocket of the hero, murderous eyes moving inside it. But Izuku didn’t pay it any attention and went for his bag, grabbing it as quickly as he could. He then literally jumped on his idol, holding on for dear life on his leg as the floor went from right beneath his feet, to hundreds of meters under him. The wind was slapping his face, his eyes painful. He heard All Might complain, asking him to let go of him. He vaguely answered that it wouldn’t be a good idea while his mind circled around one thought. Or perhaps two.
The floor was way too far from him and he would very much like to feel its safety very very soon.
And he needed to know.
Could he be a hero?
His one and only dream filled his head, his desire to prove himself, to help, to see people’s eyes clouded by hope instead of fear, of pain. Sure, Kacchan, (and also the rest of the world), told him he couldn’t do it. It was a stupid dream, a useless deku like him couldn’t do much to anything, so being a hero was nothing but laughable. Or pitiful. He could still see it in his mother’s eyes whenever he rambled about it. But if anyone would know, it would be All Might.
Because he was a hero. The hero. He should know better than Kacchan, than Mom, than Ito, or his teachers, than the other students. If Izuku had the slightest chance of ever being a hero, All Might would know.
They landed on a rooftop. Izuku felt so weak he almost fell right on his knee. He still kind of wanted to throw up from whatever slime person slash villain tried to make a house in his lungs. And this impromptu flight surely did not help.
Instead of that, he bowed. He stamered an apology, realizing how stupid his decision had been.
But he had to know.
“I’m- I don’t have a quirk, but I always wanted to help… People keep telling me to give up and… Do you think I can be a hero?” He finally screamed, eyes screwed shut and heart beating in his chest like it wanted to leave.
He stood up straight again, his question right on his lips. Instead, he screamed.
Here was a man, an actual skeleton, his eyes hollowed and a far too large shirt hanging from bony shoulders. Blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth. It was honestly quite concerning.
“Where is All Might? And who are you?” Izuku asked. A cold sensation washed over him. His idol didn’t even bother listening to him.
And who was this man? Was it his quirk that made him look so sickly? Was he okay? Perhaps Izuku should call an ambulance, maybe it was some sort of cancer or the effect of a quirk. Dehydration…
“That would be me.” Izuku’s thoughts shut down. “I know this is quite confusing. I’m All Might, symbol of peace and justice, number one hero and, well this.”
“What happened to you?” This was very much not what he saw of All Might everyday. Maybe this was just some sort of joke. Kacchan really outdid himself if it was the case, what a cruel joke, to meet your idol, or a fake, to just end up with… this?
“Five years ago, I fought a villain.” The man lifted his shirt and Izuku saw a painful looking scar cover the left side of the chest.
“Was it Venomous Chainsaw?” Izuku wondered out loud. Dread filled his entire body. Who, no scratch that, what could be strong enough to do that to All Might?
“No, hum, I managed to keep the media out of it, and out of the injury until now. But it became more and more serious and I slowly turned into this.” He vaguely gestured to all of himself. “I can only stay in my muscle form, and do my hero work, around three hours a day anymore.” The silence was heavy, All Might gently touched his wound as Izuku was panicking in his head. Why would the hero even say that to him, did he put him in danger, was it…
“Without a quirk… Being a hero is hard, you put the lives of others on your shoulders. You have to fight off evils of all kinds, you put yourself between others and harm-ways. Without a quirk… No, I cannot tell you you’d have a chance of being a hero,” His voice rang in Izuku’s ears.
He vaguely saw the hero stand up, listing a few other possibilities for a person such as him.
But all he could hear were the words ‘No, you can’t be a hero’
All Might didn’t think he could be a hero. Even with the best intention, Izuku’s quirklessness was too much to overcome. He was weak and couldn’t help anyone.
It was just like Kacchan said, like the other said. He couldn’t do anything. There was no way civilians could rely on him. He couldn’t help them.
At some point, All Might left.
Why would he stay, he already did more than his job. He saved Izuku, poor little Izuku who couldn’t even save himself. He brought him here, answered his questions. He might have shattered his dreams but hey, that was just life wasn’t it. It had never been quite on his side since the beginning. Being born quirkless was not fun. Being born quirkless in a world where everyone had powers was even less so. So if All Might, The Hero, thought he couldn’t be a hero, then it must mean he didn’t.
Tears fell down his face. He felt rather hollow. He had been filled his entire life by this dream. What was he without it? He wasn’t strong, he didn’t have a power to use to balance his weakness. People did not like him. Not even his mother believed in his dream. What could he possibly do now?
Sitting lamely on the roof, his backpack abandoned by his side, Izuku emptied his tears, all the water in his body coming out in heavy salty streaks down his cheeks.
When he felt like he did not have one single tear left in his body, he decided to stand up. Going home. Yes. What else could he do?
As he walked to the door, his vision darkened and he felt himself fall.
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purpleswans1 · 5 years
The Father was Replaced by a Villain
Here’s day 8, again using my Villain!Izuku AU. I’m using the whumptober prompt this time, which is “stab wound.” Content warning for graphic violence, blood, character death, and kidnapping.
Read also on FF and AO3
Izuku couldn’t stop shaking. Where was dad taking him? Why didn’t he let Izuku stay with mom? What about the fire in the apartment?
Dad stopped in front of a warehouse. The place looked empty, so Izuku couldn’t figure out why they were stopping here of all places. Dad opened the door, so at least it wasn’t locked.
Gently, Dad guided Izuku through the door into the building. Without any light it was impossible to tell if it was truly empty or not, or even how big the room was.
“Hello? Is Kurogiri here?” Dad called into the void.
“This is Kurogiri. I assume you are Hisashi Midoriya?”
The voice seemed to speak from the blackness, but when Izuku squinted his eyes he could just make out a metal collar surrounded by mist. The metal collar came closer, revealing that the mist was actually the black, semi-corporal form of some being. Most likely the effect of a quirk.
Dad squeezed Izuku’s hand. “I am. This is my son, Izuku. I presume you are here to bring us to the man who can give quirks?”
“Yes. I and my master have heard of your situation, and should be able to help.” A piece of the black mist detached itself from the main body and swirled into a misty mass larger than Izuku’s dad. “Please, step through this and it will bring you to the master.”
Izuku still couldn’t stop shaking. Something about this situation seemed completely wrong and would end badly, but he couldn’t make his voice work to tell Dad.
And so, father and son simply walked through the large, black mass into another room.
This new room was lit better than the warehouse, but only just barely. A single lamp illuminated a small space on the opposite side of the room. Within the sphere of light, a tall man in a business suit sat behind an ornate desk.
Izuku’s dad approached the desk, and the man behind it stood up to greet him.
“Ah! Mr. Midoriya, it’s good to finally meet you. You can call me All for One.” The mysterious man introduced himself.
That’s an odd name, Izuku thought. More like a hero or villain name.
“It’s a pleasure,” Izuku’s dad said. “Are you the person who can give Izuku a quirk?”
“Yes, I am.” All for One said with a friendly smile. “I’m sorry to cut to the chase, but I would like to discuss payment.”
“Oh! Yes! I have quite a bit of money in savings, and if it’s not enough I can sell or refinance my car…”
All or One continued to smile. “You misunderstand. I have no need for your money, and would much rather you do a favor for me.”
“Well, in that case I’ll see what I can do.”
“Wonderful!” All for One reached inside his desk and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Izuku’s dad.
“Tell me, Hisashi Midoriya, do you recognize this new hero?”
Izuku crept forward and looked at what was in his Dad’s hand. Hisashi was squinting his eyes and biting his lip, clearly lost as to what he was looking at. However, Izuku recognized the hero at a glance.
“That’s Kamui Woods,” Izuku said. “His quirk, Arbor, lets him control the wood of his body. He can extend branches from his body and wrap it around people. This lets him capture villains with a solid body easily. He can also use the branches to move people he’s rescuing. It’s most effective as a long-range quirk, but can be used against short-range enemies as well…”
All for One laughed. “My, Izuku, you really know a lot about heroes.” He gave Izuku a calculating look. “Tell me, do you have any idea what his quirk’s weaknesses might be?”
Izuku frowned. He’d figured it out easily and wrote all this in his notebook, but he wasn’t sure why All for One was interested in that specific information. “Well, his wood is only so strong. The branches can be broken easily so long as he doesn’t get the chance to make them thicker. Also, he’s weak to fire and explosions since his wood is flammable.”
“That’s right, Izuku. Kamui Woods is weak to fire-based quirks, such as your father’s fire breathing.” All For One looked back at Izuku’s dad. “Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Dad dropped the picture. “You’re not… you don’t mean…”
“If you need assistance, I’d be more than happy to provide resources, gear, and other men, but you will still have to be the one responsible for the finishing blow…”
“NO! No, I can’t… Your price is too high.” Dad grabbed Izuku’s hand again. “Izuku, turns out this man can’t help us. We’re leaving.”
Izuku didn’t fully understand, but let dad lead him away. He didn’t like how this place felt anyway.
All For One sighed. “Such a shame. I had hoped to make more use of you and your quirk Mr. Midoriya.”
Izuku was facing away from All For One, so he didn’t notice his next movement. What he did notice, was how Dad suddenly stopped and his hand started shaking, grasping Izuku’s with more force. And so, Izuku turned to see what made dad stop like that and screamed in horror.
All For One had stabbed his hand through Dad’s upper torso. The tips of his fingers -- deformed to razor-sharp tips due to some quirk -- were sticking out of Dad’s chest where his heart should be. Blood was leaking between the fingers, and stained the edge of Dad’s mouth as he coughed.
“Izuku... Run…” Dad said weakly.
Izuku immediately dropped his father’s hand, turned around, and ran. He had no idea where the exit to this room was, but just knew that he had to get way from this monster, this murderer, this villain.
Izuku ran into the blackness, barely registering the dim wall several feet in front of him. His view became clouded by a dark mist, but Izuku just continued to run.
Two steps later, a hand on his shirt stop him in his tracks. Izuku tried wiggling out of the hold, but the hand held tight. He turned to see the hand holding him and figure out a way to break their hold only to realize… It was All For One. He was right back next to All For One who was holding him with one hand and taking his other hand out of Dad’s chest.
How had he....
“Thank you, Kurogiri.”
Right. The person who’d originally brought him here. His quirk must give him the ability to move people instantaneously, either through some warping mechanism or wormholes…
Izuku shook his head. Get out now, theorize about quirks later.
“Let me go!” he shouted. “Please!”
“Now now, Izuku. Don’t you still want a quirk of your own?” All for One sounded genuinely concerned for Izuku. He might have been convincing if he wasn’t actively shaking Dad’s blood off his hand.
Tears welled up in Izuku's eyes. “Not like this! You’re a murderer! A villain! I’m going to become a Hero just like All Might and DEFEAT YOU!”
All For One laughed. “Oh child. You really don’t understand a thing about how the world works. I’ll look forward to teaching you.”
Big fat tears fell from Izuku’s eyes as the reality of his situation sunk in. Please, All Might, Kachan, somebody, save me!
Izuku was in the hands of a villain, and there was no chance of escaping on his own.
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np-c · 6 years
Fanon as canon
(sry for bad writing, that’s gonna be some gramatic wrong shit but i NEED to say this -aahhh this is hard, sorry)
That’s not a message to antis (fuck them) but massage to pro-shippers. In our fandom we have some weird shit that we all agreed is canon? Its all because bakudeku started as enemies..? rivals? definetly not friends? Because Bakugo told Deku to go to kill himself.
That was a first episode; we didn’t know a shit except we need to protect Izuku at all costs bc he’s so adorable and just need protection. But then there is started some weird west shit where people completly ignoring what’s going on on the screen cuz no one noticed Izuku’s reaction on these words.
Well, you see, I came in fandom after wonderful villain!deku au’s and now i think its the dumbest thing fandom ever made so i was low-key shipping bakudeku. And one of the reasons why i started to watch this show was ‘cuz I wanted to see how really abusive this ship is. I wanted a proof. For my favorite kind fo AU and for my probably OTP.
But then I finally saw that scene, goddamn I laughed so fucking hard OMG. Pls rewatch it, PLEASE REWATCH IT WITH YOUR OPENED EYES.
Was it just me or Izuku’s first reaction was a desire to say “well fuck you too”???
Was he upset? Obviously, his notebook was thrown into window. But what else? He was angry. He wasn’t scared before Katsuki glared at him. He wasn’t crying (his usual reaction at everything). After that, he just said that Katchan was stupid to say that.
That was the moment when villain!deku died to me. But so did a big part of bakudeku fandom cuz they are so good people who can’t do anything wrong so when they do, they need to apologise и этот момент во всех фанфиках написан как по методичке And so need Bakugo BECAUSE HE BULLIED MIDORIYA FOR TEN YEARS or something like that apparently (funny thing but i figured that russian just doesn’t have an equal translation; well we have a lot of childish nouns and a lot of verbs so we can translate ‘he was bullied’ but we can’t translate ‘that guy is bully’ without it sounded stupid and childish THE FUNNIER THING: the closiest that i heard used is ‘provoker’ :D i just found that very hillarious dontmindme)
Well, the question is: was Midoriya really get bullied? I saw enough animes to think it was not the case. Or it was nothing really serious and just words. And look me in the eyes and tell me that this guy gave fuck about what people told him. Especially in middle school. He was one with his dreams against the world, even against his own mother (and i need to write another post why i hate Inko Midoriya and probably why I’ll never be accepted in your world of saints). He was quirkless and people laughed at his dreams. His mother didn’t believe in him. But Katsuki? He just wanted get rid of him.
Big bad Katsuki, right? Because you never ever in your lives met people who you thought was weird, who made you feel weird. That could be your friends sometimes or your friend’s friend or just that one classmate - you have never been in such a situation, right? I’m not saying his actions are fine - nah, he was an asshole kid, but i can understand why. Actually, if you read manga, it was said literally: Katsuki doesn’t see a problem in a bit of violence. He was raised that way, he’s angry kid, with not so family-friendly quirk (probably). But he knows when to step back, he follows rules, he’s a good student and he wouldn’t let his ‘friends’ smoke nearby bc he doesn’t want to get into trouble. His dreams (plans) are too big, he works so hard for them to happen. He might be an asshole but he’s responsible asshole за то и любим
So, some stupid kid who thinks he’s better then Katsuki (btw go rewatch their first fight but without this ‘we need to protect Deku’ bullshit in your mind and listen to their dialog - it’s a gold of comedy misunderstandings honestly) that kid thinks that he’s, being a loser (he WAS loser, smart ofc but still yeah it’s not good call him that but ffs), quirkless, can achive something for what Katsuki worked so hard. Most of you would’ve hate this kid too, don’t lie to yourselves.
But would he risk his dreams to hurt him?
Yeah, there’re moments from times when they were what? four? that frame where ‘he became bad after he got his quirk’? i honestly think it was a plothole but just imho :D Asshole violent little brat but i really would’ve love to know the whole story bc wtf. It’s probably my problem after being here too long so i automatically looking for bad things and it’s not like kids never fight. I don’t believe it was something drastically and IT IS the most drastic thing that i found in their history.
And after all... intresting point: Deku still thinks that Katsuki is amazing (even when he’s an asshole) and don’t you fucking dare call him a masochist ‘cuz he’s not. He would fight him.
He wanted to fight him when Katchan said that stupid thing (that you all so love to overthink). He fought him when they were little. He fought him in villain vs heroes lesson without that much of a second thought. Yeah, he’s nervous around him at first bc Katsuki is loud and literally explosive and yeah, from that all you can think he’s scared of him, but is he? Izuku is nervous kid in general. He always was just a nobody for his classmates and it’s not like he was naturally talanted at anything (quite opposite) and his only parental figure is Inko (she’s wonderful woman, okay? but not the greatest mother and also nervous wreck). It was his first days in UA, Class 1-A was just introduced, we didn’t know anybody, and it’s some new test already - ofc he would be nervious.
So, anyway, if Katsuki didn’t abuse him physically, he obviously did that emotionally bc... we need a scape goat and we already hate Bakugo and he told Izuku to kill himself so that’s enough. Or bc he’s the only guy from Izuku’s chilhood who’s name we know, so we can blame him - he’s important to story, right? probably bc every story need an almost-villain so we can hate him altogether. Or maybe bc it was not Bakugo, but a whole atmosphere: his classmates, teachers, his ‘I’m sorry, I’m so sorry’ mother. First of all, probably genes.
Second of all, ask yourself a question: can one stupid Izuku’s words Bakugo Katsuki break Midoriya Izuku? To the point where we call that’s a trauma, where Katsuki’s usual harsh vocabulary becomes a crime, where we write suicidal fanfics and they don’t sound stupid?
Except they does because Izuku isn’t suicidal, not even fucking close. He doesn’t have a trauma. He is just a nervous kid and - actually - he isn’t fucking weak (strong in spirit or smth like that). Funny thing: when i first watch their exam right before summer camp arc, when they started talking that great speak about impassable wall, I actually thought that can be said about Izuku :D He’s not easy to break and he easily ignores people’s opinions when he needs.  He’s self-destractive, not suicidal. Different things, guys. I’m pretty sure even if he did thought about that ‘way out’, he never made this an option. Yeah, you actually can seriosly consider this as your ‘way out’ and then think that nope, not for you.
So, after all this FUCKING TEXT WALL OMYGOD, let’s get back to the point that I didn’t even stated in first place.
Why Katsuki need to apologise? 
I’m sure at some point Katsuki hated Deku (bc Deku looked down at him whatever it was or wasn’t thruth - for Katsuki it was) and at some point Deku couldn’t leave him alone. He called him names (name ‘Deku’ was made before Deku happened to be quirkless, some people forget about that), but so did everyone and don’t make Katsuki the most evil one - unlike most, he had reasons and he’s an angry kid and Izuku was a bad guy in Katsuki’s story who wanted to destroy him while hiding behind his innocence smile - what a fucking story with a plot-twist it could’ve been, if it was Katsuki’s POV- 
Katsuki didn’t ruin Izuku’s life, not even close. You can say, he ruined his childhood, but I would risk to say that was mutual (Greetings, Inferiority Complex!). Really, can I start to say that Izuku need to apologise to Katsuki bc he didn’t even try to understant his friend?
So, Bakugo is a bully bc we never saw an angry teenager and bc Izuku is innocent and it’s just them two in the world and Izuku is the only one who was hurt no, really, no jokes here, I think Katsuki is a lot more emotionally damaged then Izuku ever was and because we have a really dumb headcanons that we forgot were just our thought ебаное слово, вечно забываю как пишется and interpretations.
So we agreed that Katsuki beat Izuku bc he was quirkless and helpless (seems like EXACTLY THE REASON WHY HE WOULD DO THIS R I G H T) and called him names (definitely not bc he felt threatened by someone who’s supposed to be just a nobody). 
Okay, that sounds bad so I rephrase it:
Why Katsuki should apologise to someone who he saw as a threat when he for so much reasons shouldn’t?
Not so simple anymore, hah?
Can sound dumb but ambivalent feelings is a thing. And that’s the only reason I can find to explain why Katsuki was the only one of the whole class who didn’t laughed when they’ve been told Deku’s trying get into UA. Because shitty nerd had a chance? Because shitty nerd thought that he stand the same ground as Bakugo and it wasn’t funny anymore? Because stop looking down at me?
Bakugo Katsuki is the best fucking character I’ve ever met. He’s so real. So complex.
And when you picture him as a bully or just a bad guy or abusive, you’re killing him as a character. I don’t like saying that 16y.o. are just kids, but he is AND he’s trying his best. He doesn’t understand all things and he has never met a proper rivals before and he’s definitely not a social person (and nope, you can’t change a character so deal with it and learn to see through this). And let him learn.
He may or may not look back one day and see what a little piece of shit he was, but I don’t think he would say something. He’s a man of action after all.
And I definitely think that would be unnecessary and would look forced bc Izuku doesn’t need this. Izuku isn’t a victim, and when you picture him as one, you’re killing him as a character.
(it should’ve been ended right after ‘OMG TEXT WALL’ but here we fucking are; does someone read this?
i really hope this shit is readable; if not, it’s not about my shitty english that much, but my writing, ehh)
You have headcanons - good. You figured them in a way to fill a gap in the story - great. But for the love of characters, don’t fucking pretend them to be a canon.
But really, is it just me or does first chapter look weird? It’s fctually just funny how so many people seems stuck in FIRST CHAPTER when we are close to second hundred. I’m not saying ‘heeeey character development’. I’m asking: is first chapter a really good reason to make assumptions?
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purpleswans1 · 5 years
Playing Games with a New Brother
Another addition to Villain Month and my Villain!Izuku AU. We’re back to Shigaraki & Izuku fluff. Despite the fact that my outline says they usually hate each other. Oh well, I plan on doing a massive edit/rewrite anyway.
Read also on FF and AO3
Izuku cried himself to sleep the night his father died. Kurogiri -- the villain with a warping quirk -- took him to another location and guided him to a nondescript room with a bed. Izuku probably should have tried to get out, but after the day he’d had, he just wanted to curl up and cry.
He woke up the next morning to the sound of a fantasy action game’s theme song.
Where’s that coming from? Izuku wondered.
Quietly he slid out of bed and tip-toed across the room to the door. He turned the handle -- slightly surprised to see it was unlocked -- and pushed. The hinges creaked, but it wasn’t loud enough to drown out the electronic game music. Izuku cautiously poked his head out the door and looked to the left, where the music was coming from.
The bedroom was in a narrow hallway, along with a couple other doors. The hallway ended a few feet away, with both walls dropping off to a large, poorly-lit room. The right side of the room, at least by what Izuku could see, consisted of a kitchen area with marble countertops and beige cabinet doors. The left side of the room was mostly obstructed from Izuku’s view, but he noticed a flickering light source in that direction which could be a TV or a failing lightbulb.
Izuku crept towards the larger room. When he reached the corner he leaned out peaked at the left side of the room.
The only light source currently in the room was a TV, showing an action game, the one he recognized the theme song from. Across from the TV was a two-person couch, an armchair, and a coffee table. The table had a granola bar wrapper and coke bottle on one side. A blue-haired boy, probably around 11 or 12, was sitting on the couch with a Playstation 10 controller. Another door was on the other side of the room.
Izuku looked around, including back down the dark hallway, but didn’t see the villains from yesterday. It was just him and the blue-haired boy.
Sure that nobody would be able to stop him from running to the police (like mom told him to if he was ever in trouble) or a hero, Izuku ran across the room to the door.
“What the..” The blue-haired boy said, noticing Izuku’s presence.
Izuku tackled the doorknob and tried to turn it. It didn’t budge.
The door was locked.
A firm hand made Izuku turn around. It was a blue-haired boy, though this was the first chance Izuku had gotten to see his face. With cracked lips, a wild hairdo, and bloodshot eyes he was creepier than the villains Izuku met yesterday.
“What are you doing here brat?” the blue-haired boy asked.
Creepy or not, this new boy was older and now that he’d noticed Izuku he might be able to help. Izuku grasped his arms and said, “Please! You have to help me! I’ve been taken by villains."
The older boy just looked at Izuku with confusion. “What are you talking about? Who are you?”
Tears were building up in Izuku's eyes. “My name is Izuku Midoriya. My dad took me to someone who would be able to give me a quirk, but turns out he was actually a villain and he killed my dad and took me to a new place that I don’t recognize and I just woke up and I need to get home to my mom so please help me get to the police or something.”
“...Okay, I didn’t understand most of that. You shouldn’t mumble when you’re talking to people,” the older boy said. “You said your name was Izuku Midoriya? Well, mine is Tomura Shigaraki.”
“Well, can you help me Tomura?”
“Help you with what?”
“Getting away from the villains! The door is locked…”
With that last statement, Tomura scowled. He pushed Izuku so hard he fell over.
Izuku sat up, tears tears really falling down his face now. “Wha-What was that for?”
Tomura just turned around and walked back to the couch. “You don’t know anything, brat.”
Izuku stood and tried the doorknob again, hoping it would work this time. It didn’t. When Izuku had to face the fact that the doorknob wasn’t going to budge, he walked over to the armchair to try talking to Tomura more.
Tomura was engrossed in the game. Izuku didn’t play video games very much and didn’t know the fantasy adventure game except by reputation, but he could tell that Tomura was good. He was all the way up to level 13 and frequently used super moves against the enemies. Still, the number of enemies he had to overcome this level was overwhelming. Tomura would occasionally grunt and wince with frustration.
Suddenly, the controller dissolve into dust before their eyes.
“SHIT!” Tomura swore. Onscreen, his character died and the Game Over screen played.
Izuku jumped. “Why- What- Is that your quirk?”
Tomura got up and walked to a cabinet next to the TV. “Yeah. Anytime I touch something with all five fingers it’s destroyed.” The cabinet was filled with at least 10 new controllers. Tomura grabbed one and settled back on the couch.
Izuku continued to watch Toumura play. He hadn’t noticed it before, but Tomura held the controller strangely. Both if his pinky fingers were raised, undoubtedly to keep his quirk from activating. Izuku also noticed that whenever Tomura was frustrated, the pinkies would start to curl around the controller, like he was unconsciously trying to grip it harder.
As time went on, Izuku noticed the pinkies got dangerously close to touching the controller. “Your pinkies!” he shouted.
Tomura stiffened, his pinkies flying out straight again, but otherwise continued focusing on the game.
Once the level was done, Tomura turned to look at Izuku curiously.
“Thanks, I guess,” Tomura said. “It would be a pain to restart that level again.”
Izuku smiled. “No problem.”
“Mind letting me know when I’m about the destroy the controller again?”
Izuku nodded. As Tomura started preparing for the next level in the game, Izuku cautiously asked, “Hey, do you know where we are?”
“Sensei’s house.”
Izuku frowned. “Who’s Sensei?”
“He’s the one who took me in when nobody else did.”
That didn’t really answer Izuku’s question, but by that point Tomura was engrossed in the game again. They continued like that for a while -- Tomura playing the game, Izuku warning him when he was about the destroy the controller -- until a scratching noise started coming from the locked door.
Tomura paused the game and jumped up. “Is that you Sensei?”
Izuku turned in the chair, looking towards the door as well.
The doorknob finally turned, the door opened, and All For One walked in.
Izuku sucked in a sharp breath. He ran over to Tomura and tried to hide behind the older boy. He may not be sure about Tomura, but the older boy was certainly better than the man who’d killed Dad.
“You’re back early, Sensei,” Tomura said.
“I have some stuff I need to get done over here, Tomura Shigaraki,” All For One replied.
Izuku trembled in fear. He is Tomura’s Sensei?
All For One noticed Izuku from his poor hiding place. “Ah, I can see you’ve already met young Izuku Midoriya.”
“Yeah,” Tomura said. “What’s the brat doing here?”
All For One smiled creepily. “He came to me wanting a favor, but I don’t intend to give to him for free. He’s going to be staying with us for a while. I hope you two will get along.”
“He said he wanted to get away from us.”
“Ah, well Izuku has unfortunately grown up around people who admire heroes and hasn’t yet learned how the world works. I’m sure he’ll adjust in time, especially if you help him. You’ll need reliable allies in the future, and once Izuku gets his quirk he’ll be a very useful to you.”
Izuku's whole body was shaking. He wanted to say something, to yell at All For One and say he understood enough about the world, that he wouldn’t be useful to a villain, that he’d get away and a hero like All Might would save him. But Izuku couldn’t say anything in the face of such an overwhelming villain with absolute power over him.
Tomura considered All For One’s words for a while. “So, he’s going to be like a brother? Or my Player 2?”
All For One laughed. “Both, most likely.”
“Okay, cool.”
All For One nodded. “We’ll speak more later, but if you need anything I’ll be in my office downstairs. I’m leaving the front door locked so Izuku won’t try to run again, so let me know if you need Kurogiri to get anything. Same goes for you, Izuku.”
Izuku squeaked. He didn't like that All For One speaking to him.
All For One just walked away, into the hallway. Tomura stepped away from Izuku and turned around, giving the younger boy a calculating look. Izuku squirmed under his gaze.
“Hey, you ever play Quirkless Battle Exodus?” Tomura asked.
Izuku looked up. “Um, no?”
“It’s an American MMORPG that lets you fight with pre-quirk era weaponry, like guns, grenades, and knives. It’s an attempt to bring back the old shooting game genre, but with less shaky camera work.”
Izuku nodded. He didn’t understand this stuff, but it sounded pretty interesting.
“It’s got this unique feature where not only can you team up with other players through the internet, but you can also get bonuses if you’re using local multiplayer.”
“What’s local multiplayer?” Izuku asked.
“It’s when two people are playing the same game on the same console with different controllers.”
“Oh, okay.” Izuku quickly realized what Tomura was talking about. “So, if we were to play together it would be local multiplayer?”
Tomura smiled. “You got it. I’ll finally be able to find out what those bonuses are. So, are you game?”
Izuku smiled. “Sure!” He still wasn’t sure about Tomura since he seemed to actually like All For One, but it would be fun to play together.
Tomura walked over another cabinet under the TV. “I’d recommend you select sniper when you chose your character’s stats. It’s supposedly the easiest for beginning players. Plus, you’ll be able to pick off all those assholes who attack me from out of my range…”
Izuku touched his tummy. He hadn’t noticed until now, but he was really hungry. He thought back to when he’d last eaten, and realized it had been lunchtime yesterday. He and Dad had left before Mom could serve dinner.
Tomura laughed. “Well, I guess we can press pause until you get a chance to eat. Want me to show you how to make cup ramen?”
Izuku nodded. He already knew how to make ramen, but Tomura didn’t need to know that.
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purpleswans1 · 5 years
The Split a Long Time Coming
Here’s @villainmonth​‘s 10th prompt, “Betrayal.” I had to edit this in a hurry, and am still not happy with how it turned out. Feel free to give me constructive criticism.
Read also on FF and AO3
“You want me to help you capture WHO????”
Tomura blinked. “I want you to come up with a plan to capture Katsuki Bakugo. Probably at the UA hero course’s summer training camp, since they won’t expect us then.”
Izuku stared at Tomura. “Why? What possible goal would it serve?”
“Recruitment,” Tomura explained. “You saw how he acted in the sports festival. He’s a kindred spirit, and his quirk would be useful to the league.”
Izuku still couldn’t couldn't comprehend Tomura's plan. “Throwing a tantrum for not winning a competition the way they wanted to doesn’t mean that person will join your League of Villains. Ka- Bakugo joined the hero course for a reason. He’s not going to willingly join people he knows are villains!”
“We’ll convince him once we have him. After all, Sensei and I have done it before.”
Izuku clenched his fist. He didn't need a reminder of how he joined the League. “That took 8 years, Tomura. There’s no way you’ll be able to keep Kachan that long. Even if he isn’t able to break out on his own, the heroes will be actively looking for him.” He was so angry, Izuku didn’t even notice he’d accidentally called Bakugo by his childhood nickname.
“We can handle any heroes that get close enough. And what does this Kachan person have to do with anything? Wasn’t that the name of your childhood bully?” Tomura said.
Izuku took a deep breath. He’d been terrified by the thought of Kachan coming after him when he was a kid, so of course Tomura had picked up on that. “Kachan is what I called Bakugo when we were kids. They’re one in the same. That's why I wanted to handle him myself during our USJ attack.”
Tomura gave Izuku a calculating look. They were both in the bar area, so several of the other members were watching their exchange. The whole room was silent, except for running water from Kurogiri cleaning dishes.
Tomura shrugged. “Well, whatever. You need to get over it anyway. I’m sure you’ll work it out once you start working together.”
Wow, you're a huge hypocrite. Tomura was still holding a grudge against the society that hadn’t helped him twelve years ago, and he was telling Izuku to just “get over it?” Then again, he rarely took Izuku’s feelings or needs into account.
Enough is enough.
“I won’t do it.”
Tomura narrowed his eyes. “What did you say?”
“I won’t help you capture Kachan. And if you do, I won’t work with him. If you intend to bring Katsuki Bakugo into the League of Villains, then I’ll leave.”
“You wouldn’t dare. You have nowhere else to go. Sensei has been providing for you all this time.”
“Doesn’t matter. I won’t be your puppet anymore.”
Tomura lunged at Izuku, hands ready to strike. “You little…”
On a normal day, Izuku would have flinched, backed away, and groveled. If Izuku hadn’t been able to get away in time, Kurogiri would have opened portals where Toura’s hands were to stop the fight. But today, Izuku realized he didn’t have to grovel. He’d spent years watching how Tomura fought and he knew the best way to stop Tomura’s quirk.
Izuku pulled out a pen from his notebook -- there were always two attached to it, in case one ran out of ink -- and held it firmly by one end. Careful to keep his body parts out of Tomura’s immediate reach, he threaded the tip of the pen through Tomura’s thumb and index finger. In the same motion, he threaded the pen tip out through the middle and ring fingers. This not only allowed Izuku to block Tomura’s hand, but also kept the index and middle fingers from wrapping around the same thing as the rest of his hand.
Someone gasped on the other side of the room.
Tomura was clearly angry at this, and continued to attack with his other hand. Izuku simply used his other pen to repeat the block.
For the first time, Izuku and Tomura were on equal footing in a fight. Izuku may not be able to do anything to attack, but neither could Tomura. He’d forced a deadlock.
Tomura grit his teeth. “You quirkless brat…”
“I’m not a brat anymore,” Izuku replied.
A scratchy voice interrupted from the TV. “Izuku Midoriya, you know that Tomura Shigaraki is meant to be the leader of the League of Villains. It’s your duty to do as he asks.”
“So, Sensei finally decides to intercede.” Izuku said with a slight laugh. “Always happy to remind me where my place is, but never willing to correct Tomura’s behaviour.”
“Izuku, if you continue to rebel like this, you’ll never recieve a quirk of your own.” All For One reminded him.
That made Izuku stop and think. Tomura took this opportunity to get out of Izuku’s block, but didn’t try to attack again. Clearly he thought Izuku had been cowed by All For One.
In reality, Izuku had been anything but cowed. Hearing All For One’s constant offer once again made him think about his reasons for staying. At first, it was because he had no choice. All For One was an all-powerful god-villain, and a quirless kid couldn’t do anything but follow him. As time went on, All For One continued to remind Izuku that he had the power to give Izuku a quirk, but that he wouldn’t do it until Izuku had fulfilled some arbitrary requirement.
But now, Izuku knew better. All For One isn’t all-powerful. He isn't even nearby. I'm not a kid anymore, and have proven himself more than capable of doing my own thing.
And he finally realized that he’d never do enough to deserve a quirk in All For One’s eyes.
Izuku grit his teeth. “Screw that! I don’t need a quirk. I’ve always wanted one, but after years of learning to fight with weapons and managing your criminal empire, I don’t need it. I don’t need you. And I definitely don’t need to continue living in Tomura’s shadow.”
Izuku grabbed his notebook and started walking out the door. “I’m going to make my own path. It may not be ‘good’ or ‘righteous’ by society’s standards, but at least it will be my own choice.”
And so, Izuku walked out the door without even looking back. He half expected to see a black portal blocking his way, but for some reason nobody - not even Kurogiri - made any effort to stop him.
Once Izuku was out of that bar, his thoughts cleared and he was able to think rationally. He didn’t have anything except for two pens, a notebook, and the clothes off his back. He may have made a show of leaving on the spot, but he really should have grabbed some of his supplies. Especially his gun and knife.
Izuku also realized that he was being followed.
He turned around. “If you’re here to make me come back, you can forget it.”
Dabi, one of the two who were following him, said, “Fuck no. I never liked handjob.”
Toga, Izuku’s other shadow, just giggled. “Silly Izuku! Can’t you tell we want to go with you?”
Izuku looked at them in confusion. “Go with me? But -- I mean -- Honestly, I don’t have a plan for what to do now.”
Dabi rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well your improv is probably a lot better than whatever Shigaraki comes up with. I may not have done anything with him yet, but I can already tell that.”
“Izukun, Dabi and I joined the league because we wanted to follow Stainy’s ideology.” Toga explained. “We heard from Uraraka that Stain liked you but didn’t get along with Shigy. So, it makes that we should stick by you!”
Izuku blinked. What Toga was saying made sense. He’d always felt like Shigaraki was a fraud for mooching off Stain’s reputation when he didn’t believe in the man’s ideals. Stain had wanted to fix society and their heroes. Shigaraki just wanted to destroy everything.
Izuku would much rather fix society than just mindly destroy it.
“Are you sure about this?” Izuku asked them. “I’m not trying to dissuade you, but right now we don’t have any resources. There’s only three of us, and I don’t even have my usual weapons.”
Toga looked up and smiled. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
Izuku turned around. It was Uraraka, a few feet above his head, slowly floating down to the ground, holding several backpacks filled to the brim.
“Hey Deku!” Uraraka said, smiling at Izuku.
“Uraraka!” Izuku gasped. “Wha-What are you doing here?”
“Obviously, I came to join you along with Toga and Dabi,” she explained as she touched down. “By the way, Spinner is coming too. He’s just grabbing some final things before crawling down the walls.”
“Bu-But what about your debt to Sensei? Your mom?” Izuku asked.
“Honestly, I’ve already done plenty for All For One.” Uraraka shrugged. “I gave up my future as a hero or ordinary citizen and have been working for him for about a year now. I told my mom to go into hiding as soon as I started working as a villain, so he won’t be able to touch her. I want to choose from now on, and I chose you Deku.”
Izuku could feel happy tears welling up in his eyes. “You guys…”
“Oh, and I grabbed as much of your stuff as I could. Same for Dabi and Toga.” Uraraka held out the backpacks for each of them to take. “I couldn't get your notebooks, but I did get your laptop and weapons.”
Izuku checked in his backpack. It was better than he’d hoped. Not only did Uraraka get his laptop and knife, but she got his gun and two boxes of bullets. The notebooks weren't a big deal; he knew them by heart.
“Yay! Bestie got my blood-sucking machine!” Toga cheered, tackling Uraraka with a hug.
Dabi didn’t comment on the contents of his backpack, but he didn’t really have much gear.
Spinner came crawling along the wall towards them. “Do you mind if I join?”
“Spinner!” Izuku said. “Of course, you’re welcome.”
Once he was close enough to the ground, Spinner jumped down from the wall and handed a piece of paper to Izuku. “I don’t know what this is or if it’s a trap, but Kurogiri told me to give this to you before he let me leave.”
Izuku frowned as he took the paper. Kurogiri was fiercely loyal to All For One. He may have given Izuku some of his attention, but Izuku was sure he’d always choose Tomura over Izuku. Still, he read the writing on the paper.
There’s an empty warehouse at the following address. The Master doesn’t use it anymore because he has no business in that area, but it may be a suitable place to stay until you get your feet on the ground. The key is hidden in the bushes next to the front door.
Underneath it was an address near Musutafu.
Izuku smirked. It wasn’t much, but it was something he could start with. If he got more successful he’d probably try to find another hideout, but at least now they had a place to stay.
“Come on guys. We have work to do.”
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