#horrorrune kris
mintyiron · 1 month
Some art and sprites of my take on Horrorrune kris
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lancerious · 6 months
Recently I've been getting into the Horrorrune AU more. It was always sorta on my radar but I never paid much attention to it, except now it piques my interest
I don't know how much is established in the AU's story--I'd need to do some digging to find that out--but boy howdy, I have ideas! Even if my ideas differ from what is considered "correct", I'd still love to throw in my spin on things, a different interpretation. There's so much potential in Horrorrune tbh
Me possibly talking about Horrorrune more in the future is also good because it gives me a chance to yak about something similar but different to Deltarune. I still love Deltarune & all, but having other interests is good too! I want to broaden the subject matter on here to things outside of just Deltarune, because--shocker--I like other things besides Deltarune, believe it or not :P
But yea, Horrorrune is cool! I've slowly gotten used to the character designs, mostly of Spade King & Lancer, those two designs used to freak me out I won't lie T-T. Now I think they're pretty cool though--even if I stumble across posts that creep me out sometimes T-T--said designs give a nice twist on their "regular" Deltarune selves. Other character designs are also nice! I love Kris's a lot personally
Anyway the jist of this post is expect more Horrorrune posts & other, unrelated media on here! As time goes on I may even write some fanfic for Horrorrune, who knows :)
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Horrorrune by: ???
Inspired of my friend @leneb-odagled
Horrorrune Aliza by Leneb
(I still ship Aliza x Horror, I just want DRAMAAA and JEALOUSYYYY)
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echodelta36 · 5 years
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I drew a Horrorrune Kris a few weeks ago.
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remigei · 2 years
deltarune doodles
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rosepetalwings · 4 years
okay, looks like people are interested in my AU dessertrune so..... please enjoy the upcoming jumble of words i've strung together to explain this au!
(TRIGGER WARNING - This is a horror AU and will deal with dark and disturbing topics, including gore, murder, and even cannibalism, intended to disturb the viewer. The post will be tagged with the appropriate tags to warn for such things but please do not read if such things will affect you negatively. Please stay safe and enjoy something else that may bring you joy, for you are worth it. 🖤)
There's giggly chattering amongst the more naive and imaginative students of Hometown's school of a world in the shadows made of saccharine enchantment and wonder... Taffy trees and frosted fields and sweet smiles from the saccharine people that inhabit this magical land. How terrible it is to know that their innocent dreams are but sugar coated nightmares.
But all is not lost.
For you see, Legend tells of 3 brave young heroes from the Light banishing the Angel’s Confections from the land which promise to bring ruin to them all. To rid the Dark of its extra Fountain and the curious candies that have sprung up in ostentatious billboards and flashy, loud ads all through the Dark World is the Heroes’ Quest; a quest that may consume them whole.
Light World
Everything in the Light World is mostly untouched, save for the bunker which sports an odd little sticker for some strange candy... Curious when you consider the sticker's brightness and newness against the bunker's weathered and dilapidated age. Probably just some kid with new stickers wandering where they shouldn't have been.
Dark World
????? - Dark and haunting, this muted pink area sports rock candy jewels that glint strangely in the shadows that bathe the area. Best to keep moving along, judging by the strange iridescent sludge that pool around everywhere here and open mouthed grinning puzzles that seem to giggle quietly at you specifically...
Castle Town - A break from the burnt bubblegum-pink, there is an empty town that surrounds a lonely castle. It is dark, and so very quiet, but completely untouched by the sludge from before. Abandoned? Or, perhaps it is so lonely a location, everyone overlooks it.
Field - A long field of pastel purple grass and luscious strawberry pink-red trees with tall buildings off in the horizon... There’s an overwhelming scent of fruit punch on the breeze and- oh! It seems a “Lancer” has left up signage everywhere, warning others in a childish scrawl to not eat from the candy stalls that advertise so loudly and brightly on every path... "The taste of happiness!" the wrapper proclaims. Upon meeting him, there’s a sense that he is perhaps not the most upstanding child with how much he loves to call himself a villain... But- perhaps he has a point, with how the candy seems to beckon the observer with its bright, happy colors... Would you believe this mischievous young lad?
The Scarlet Forest - The smell of sweet fruit punch fades out into spicy cinnamon as the crimson trees seem to grow brighter. A few fallen leaves float on by with the wind as their vehicle, and the stalls from before disappear... Smaller strip malls and buildings abound here... Though there is a large store that calls to each Darkner that approaches with bright neon signs. “Come and see the new line of Halberd Inc. treats!” the dark-circled greeter cries out with a smile so big it looks like it aches, "New improved formula! 150% more sweetness packed in!!" and the huge line of much too eager Darkners that queue up for a taste of the reformulated sweets cheer cacophonously...
Great Board - The smell of licorice envelopes the air in the Great Board, which in and of itself, is filled to the brim with billboards and bright lights and neon signs and weathered posters out the wazoo. It is a smog ridden area, lit only by the blinding neon lights that guide the way up to the castle. There's a small maze of a city here, before the Factory. It's gritty, and dingy, and it smells like a burning dumpster fire there but it is a small bit of respite before trekking elsewhere... Perhaps one could stop at the Boardway Theater, where there's a quaint little horror musical about a killer barber. Song about having "a little ponman", the Halberd Inc. papers last said.
The Factory - Halberd Inc.'s core production facility. Every facet of it is highly secured, contained, and protected. It employs almost every Darkner in the area, in some form or another. If they do not work in the production line, they work in transportation of the products. If they do not transport Halberd Inc. products, they sell the products. Or advertise. Halberd Inc. is inescapable. Halberd Inc. loves you. Halberd Inc. provides for you. Working for Halberd Inc. is happiness. Don't you want to be happy? Feel all sweet inside? The cagey silver-haired assistant hugging his clipboard a little too tightly too his chest doesn't seem all that happy. Maybe if one presses the stressed man, he'll give up the dark secret of this sordid manufacturer... And, quickly, do inform him of where his adopted(?) son has tarried off to.
Kris - The hero of our tale. A quiet kid, normally. Though, normally not so quiet as when they enter the Dark World. They enter a world of sweets and yet their mouth is taken from them, replaced only with a thin, red smile against the purple of their mixed berry gummy flesh. They have no mouth and they must scream.
Susie - A rude girl that's about as tough as leather. ...Makes sense as to why her hide becomes fruit leather, in the Dark World. About as sweet too, deep down. Hard to convince her away from not just absolutely wolfing down all the free food around her though. But... she does listen to Lancer's warnings, thankfully.
Noelle, Asriel, Alphys, Undyne, Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus - Unchanged. Speculate on what you'd like with them. Though I have thoughts here and there for "sweets" versions of them.
Ralsei - A fluffy boy that smells like toothpaste. He'll correct you that it's spearmint that you're picking up and then offer you some sugar free gum. Or an apple. Or some celery. As a healthy snack.
Lancer - The bad guy! ...Or so he says, as he continues to help you through this strange, saccharine world. Just kind of seems like a little kid that means well... A little, jawbreaker-looking kid, with how round he is and the paint splatters from all the signs he makes all over his clothes. ...Are those meant to be there or not?
Seam - The local shopkeep. This purple rock candy feline knows much about this old world and how very terribly the world has been corrupted since the rise of Halberd Inc. Stay a while to keep out from the not-so-fresh air and ask about all the nitty-gritty details, Seam certainly won't mind.
Rouxls - Rex Halberd's right hand man, a frigid blue raspberry slushie of a Kaard and a yes man if ever there was one. Though, only to keep the peace and his life. He only trusts the CEO of Halberd Inc. as far as he can throw him, now that he knows what the candy contains. (He almost throws up every time he thinks about it.) He wants to see the company crash and burn and run away with Lancer to build anew but he's powerless to do so. Rex owns just about everything Rouxls knows... And if Rex doesn't own it yet, he will. A little help or direction for this hopeless assistant would be appreciated.
Jevil - Must be quite the sucker to have searched this far down in the Factory. This swirling lollipop man with a harlequin smile only laughs uncontrollably as you near the bloodied vat of... candy(?) within the room. He was locked in here a while ago and forgotten for the crime of upsetting the CEO with silly games. He wishes to open your mind, see the real truth of this world... Or kill you in the process. Either or.
King - The Rex Halberd. CEO. Father. Friend. Leader. And the most awful person alive. He has more money than most would ever see in 100 lifetimes. He would dangle his own son off of the roof of his factory building. And he would more than happily consume his own products because, just like his workers and his family, the Darkners' bodies used to create his sweets are nothing more than something for him to use and discard when they have become worthless. Kick this dude's fucking ass.
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lorelikesfood · 4 years
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Horrorrune(reboot) Kris
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underruneworld · 5 years
HorrorRune x UnderRune World crossover
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HorrorRune belongs to - ImToxicWaste UnderRuneWorld belongs to- me
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scisces · 6 years
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Kris and Susie in HorrorRune~ before the dark world of course~ -Mod Light
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To Susie, kris, ralsei, lancer, jevil, seam, roulxs and the spade king: what do you guys think of your au selves, more specifically horrorrune?
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mintyiron · 9 months
Dive into the twisted world of Horrorrune with this haunting concept art of Cursed Gold Susie. Her hands bear a warning, and the torn shirt and Regular-sized pants That looks like shorts reveal her enormous size take an uncanny turn, while a blood-stained belt hints at untold horrors. Explore the enigmatic presence of Susie in this chilling AU.
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deltaruneaskblog · 3 years
To Susie, kris, ralsei, lancer, jevil, seam, roulxs and the spade king: what do you guys think of your au selves, more specifically horrorrune?
(wow!! I didn't execpt that, I currently have a lot of things to work on rn!!, I'll answer like this for a while, hope that's okay))
Kris:. Depressing, I don't know how to feel about them
Susie: annoying as hell, specially fell Version of me
Ralsei: horror me had a really tragic backstory! I feel bad, , their nice I guess but personality swap was very..rude, and vulgar,
Lancer: Their all me right!! So they have to be as cool as me ! >:D!!
Jevil: I am who I am even if Is from a alternative Universe!! the only one who is the best is yourself!! Yourself! Hehe!
Seam: No opinion,, They are me, just with different looks :)
Roulx: RIDICULOUS one tried to spit on my face!!!
"Chaos king gave you a death stare, he didn't seem to care"
(I'm sorry if it's inaccurate, feeling tired!<3),
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mintyiron · 9 months
Explore the unsettling side of Kris in this Horrorrune AU concept art. The mangled hair speaks of neglect and the eerie concept design of Kris. The descriptions hint at their growing secrets. Suspenders struggle to hold up oversized pants, creating a peculiar silhouette. Despite their disdain for the sweater, it's a necessity in this cursed world. in Horrorrune Cursed Gold.
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