#horse hair mattress for sale
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The Most Comfortable Luxury Mattress by Pranasleep is crafted with premium materials, offering plush comfort and support for a peaceful night's sleep. It features advanced pressure relief technology for rejuvenating rest. Have a look in our website.
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Get a great and natural wool mattress to experience healthy sleep in all seasons. It has a temperature regulating property. Shop to get the right mattress.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What Rhymes With “ATE”?
1. What’s the last thing you ate? Ramen.
2. Do you have a gate to your backyard? Yeah.
3. Who’s your best mate? My mom.
4. How often do you mate? Have sex? Never have.
5. What would you use as bait on a fishing hook? I wouldn’t even go fishing let’s be real, but fine if I did I’d use worms or whatever I guess alkjfklfjklf. I wouldn’t be the one to put it on, though!
6. What do you bate your breath with? Any anxious situation. 
7. What’s the last thing you got in a crate? I don’t get things in crates.
8. When’s the last time you went on a date? Where did you go? Almost 5 years ago. It was a cute coffee and bookstore date with Ty. That was our favorite thing to do.
9. Do you believe in fate? No.
10. Have you ever seen a freight train in person before? Yeah.
11. Do you like grated cheese? Yesss.
12. Do you have an awkward gait? As a paraplegic, no I do not. Everything else about me is awkward, though.
13. When’s the last time you truly felt great? When I was a kid.
14. Who do you hate? Besides myself, no one.
15. Do you know of anyone named Kate or Nate? No.
16. When’s the last time you were late for something? I don’t recall. I’m big on being punctual.
17. Do you know how to plait hair? I haven’t heard it called that, but yes.
18. Do you have a favorite plate? Paper plates, ha.
19. Would rather ice skate or roller skate? I can’t do either one.
20. How would you rate this survey so far? I’ve enjoyed all your surveys!
21. Do you ever just wish for a clean slate? Yesssss.
22. What state do you live in? (if you’re American) California.
23. What is your current state of mind? Blah.
24. Are you straight? Yes.
25. Are you straight-laced? Straight-edged? No, because apparently you can’t have caffeine or narcotics to be considered straightedge, both of which I have.
26. Have you ever visited a strait? No.
27. What’s your best personality trait? Sense of humor.
28. How long will you wait for someone/something? I don’t know? 
29. What is your weight? I’m not exactly sure, but I think mid to low 70lbs. 
30. Are you awaiting anything special? No.
31. Do you berate anyone? Nooo.
32. Is there anyone you’d like to castrate? Uh, no!
33. Are you a cheapskate? Lol I have my moments, but I also can overspend. Just depends, really.
34. When was the last time you collated papers? I don’t recall.
35. Last thing you created? Uhhh.
36. What was your last debate about? I really try and avoid those.
37. Last time you inflated something? Or deflated? I don’t recall.
38. Do you dictate what other people can do? No.
39. Have your pupils ever dilated before? When I go to the eye doctor. 
40. When’s the last time you donated something? A few months ago when I got rid of some clothes.
41. The last time you felt elated? My Disneyland trip earlier this year.
42. Have you ever been to an estate sale? No.
43. What are you fixated on? Health related stuff.
44. How often do your floodgates open? I cry often.
45. Last thing you equated? Hmm.
46. Last time you felt frustrated? The last few days. I feel that way quite often.
47. Do you remember to stay hydrated? Yeah.
48. Do you live upstate? No.
49. How often do you post status updates? I very rarely post status updates on Facebook anymore, I just share things now and then. I tweet a lot, though.
50. How often do you use Google Translate? Not often, but sometimes. I actually did a couple days ago.
51. Who is a classmate that you are still friends with?
52. Have you ever had a teammate before? No.
53. Have you ever tailgated? No.
54. Have you ever reached a stalemate? That’s how I’ve felt the past few years.
55. Have you ever been sedated? Yeah, several times.
56. Do you rotate your mattress? No.
57. Last time you got a rebate? It’s been awhile, but I used to use Ebates (called Rakuten now). I keep forgetting to use it for some reason, which is dumb.
58. Have you ever felt like you could relate to someone? Yeah, many times.
59. Favorite primate? I don’t have one.
60. Do you have something ornate? Uhh. I don’t really have anything fancy.
61. Has an action ever negated the effect of your efforts? Yes.
62. Could you be described as a lightweight? Ha, yeah. For sure.
63. Would you like to visit Kuwait? I haven’t thought about it.
64. Last person that gyrated near you? No one.
65. Do you know someone who is irate or innate? Hmm.
66. Do you know of any inmates? Yes.
67. How long does it take you to acclimate? I struggle with change.
68. Last time you activated something? Not too long ago.
69. What do you advocate for? Stuff.
70. Last time you felt agitated or aggravated? Recently.
71. Last time you had to annotate something? Recently during my Bible study.
72. Have you ever felt alienated before? Yes.
73. What was the last caffeinated beverage you consumed? Starbucks Doubleshot energy drink.
74. Do you like carbonated drinks? Yeah.
75. What captivates you? Staring out at the ocean and listening to the waves crash in and out.
76. What do you allocate a lot of your hours towards? Watching YouTube videos and checking my social medias.
77. Last event you celebrated? 4th of July. Well, we just went out and watched fireworks from the driveway.
78. Last time you were compensated for something? I don’t recall.
79. Do you tend to make things complicated? Yepppp. :/  “Why you gotta go and make things so complicated?”
80. Do you find it hard to concentrate at times? Yes.
81. Have you ever had anything confiscated? No.
82. Last place you congregated at? I haven’t been around a large crowd of people since my Disneyland trip earlier this year. I won’t be again for a very long time given the current state of things.
83. How long are you with someone before you consummate the relationship? I’m a virgin.
84. Last time you had to conjugate a verb? I did that recently when I was helping my mom with her Duolingo Spanish lesson. It amazes me how much I still remember considering I haven’t taken a Spanish class or even really practiced it in almost 10 years. :O I mean, I’ll occasionally try and speak it or if I hear or see it somewhere I’ll try to translate it, but it’s not very often, so I’m surprised I’m still able to at all.
85. Last time you were constipated? I don’t recall.
86. How often do you contemplate life? Often.
87. Are you hard to cooperate with? No, I don’t think so.
88. Do you know anyone who cultivates land? No.
89. Would you want to be cremated? Yes.
90. Do you have any issues with your prostate? I don’t have a prostate. 
91. Have you ever decimated someone’s character before? No.
92. Do you decorate your home for the holidays? Yesss. Well, for Christmas. I used to for Halloween, but I haven’t the past few years. I should do that this year.
93. Who would you dedicate a book you wrote to? My mom.
94. Are you good at delegating group projects? I felt like I always had to take lead in group projects and make sure everything was getting done. I hated doing them, they stressed me out even more.
95. Do you know how to demonstrate things in order to show someone how to do something? I do feel like I suck at trying to explain things to others for the most part, but I guess it depends on the thing. 
96. In what ways do you deviate from “the norm”? I’m soon to be 31 years old and I still live at home with my parents, with no plans to move out anytime soon. I don’t have a job. I don’t have much, basically none, relationship experience. I’m a virgin. I’m just not a functioning adult.
97. How long after you take a painkiller does the pain start to dissipate? It typically takes about 30 minutes, but on really bad pain/flare up days it can take an hour or so and sometimes not until I have the next dose.
98. Do you feel the need to dominate in conversations? Nooo. I’m much more of a listener and I’ll throw the convo back to the other person.
99. Would you ever domesticate a wild animal? Why or why not? No.
100. Who is the last person you congratulated? For what? I don’t remember.
101. Would you like to decapitate anyone? Who, and why? Uh, no!
102. Do you ever think that you could duplicate something you’ve tried before?   Uhh, like what?
103. What do you feel you could educate others about? I don’t know. Remember before how I said I suck at explaining things to others?
104. What elevates your stress level? My heath, my life (including things related to my loved ones in my life, such as their health issues and things they’re dealing with/going through), and just...life in general, man. There’s a lot going on this year alone.
105. Do you have a tendency to make situations escalate? In my mind cause I jump to the worst conclusions. My natural reaction is to freak out.
106.  How good are you at estimating? Uhh, depends what I’m estimating.
107. Do you fabricate your stories? No. 
108. What is something that fascinates you? Psychology.
109. How long does it take you to formulate a game plan? Hmm. Depends.
110. What tends to make your blood pressure fluctuate? Stress and anxiety.
111. How do you generate enough energy to get through your day? What energy? I’m seriously lacking.
112. When did you graduate? I graduated UC back in 2015.
113. When you’re in a department store, which section do you gravitate towards most often? The clothes.
114. How often do you hesitate before doing or saying something? Often.
115. Do you ever wish that you could just hibernate? Yes.
116. Does anyone try to imitate you? Does it get on your nerves? No, but that would most definitely get on my nerves.
117. Do you like to instigate others? Nooo. I’m not an instigator.
118. Could you illustrate a children’s book? I couldn’t illustrate anything, I’m an artist at all.
119. Do you marinate your meats? I don’t cook.
120. Do you masturbate? No. What a way to end, ha.
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