#hoseok snz
sourjinss · 3 months
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➼ PROLOGUE ⋆ did you ever? ⋆ NEXT CHAPTER
➼  PARING ⋆ tattooartist!taehyung! + bartender!fem!reader
➼ PRÉCIS ⋆  after a rough patch in your relationship you and your boyfriend are finally on solid ground but that all goes to hell when his older brother, taehyung comes to visit.
➼ CAUTION! ⋆ cheating sexual themes verbal abuse toxic relations this is pure fiction does not relate to idol physical altercations fluffy and sweet (yay) angst (boo) slow burn?? side jungkoook story?
APPLE!! - i hope you like the prologue of this new series i'm doin its gonna start off slow so give me grace itll get better pinky promise. ill update every friday if you're interested lol, thanks for reading! <3 xoxo
➼ PLAY THIS ⋆ one more shot by CIL
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THE DAY you found out your boyfriend was cheating on you was the day a little piece of your heart died.
it was busy night at the bar you worked at, some old woman complained every three fucking minutes about her shriley temple, a teenage boy trying to get alcohol at the ripe age of 17 called you a slut for not going through with the transaction.
you were exhausted and all you really wanted to is go home to your boyfriend; mingyu and him to tell you did good today, that you looked beautiful despite the sticky stain on your black top and the grease in your hair.  that’s all you wanted, truly. now that you thought about it your boyfriend never texted you back when you asked him about a late dinner.
opening white gate to your home you frown when you see another car in your drive-way. your small black cat could be seen in the window by the entrance starring directly at you, tail whipping behind her almost angrily. sighing you pulled out the keys you hated when mingyu had invited friends over and not informed you.
unlocking the door, you frowned even harder if that was possible when you didn’t find him on the couch where he usually resides to jump up and greet you with so much love. “mingyu?” you called as you set down your car keys and bag slipping out your shoes grunting gently as your tired feet plants on your hard wood floor.
 mingyu didn’t answer your call which had kind of irritate you because you knew he was up he was always up at this time, walking towards your bedroom as you closed in you began to hear noises, noises that sounded like his groans when he bedded you
that's when your heart started to pound in your chest and your breathing seemed to stop you knew what was happening behind that door you but wanted to believe otherwise.  
throwing the door open what was unfolding in front of you was worse than the absolute shitty day you had it was worse than first hangover you got the freshmen year of college, worse then the day you crashed your first car it frankly made you sick.
mingyu was huffing and groaning profusely, the sweat that glistened and shined off his inked back that you loved to observe when he exercised was then twisted into the worst image that your eyes ever lied on.   
the girl who you recognized to be one of his clients, the girl who you were told to not worry about when she requested for mingyu to tattoo her where its most sensitive. the blonde girl screamed when she snapped out of the trance that mingyu put her in and that seemed to make him snap out of it as well.
“yn!” he shouted eyes widening with shock
you stood there numb, see if you could cry at the moment, you would but instead you looked mingyu in the eye and opened your mouth to say fiercely “you got two and a half seconds to get out my motherfucking house mingyu”
he looked at you and winced as if the words you spoke hurt him which was rich to say the least. and he grabbed his pants and sprinted out the door glancing down at you briefly regret written all over his soft features.
the blonde girl who name you didn’t care to knowledge followed his suite bowing quietly
just as you heard the front door slam you walked to your bathroom and peeled the damp clothes off and a part of you wanted to sleep in his hoodie but you couldn’t do it tiredly you slid onto the tiled floor and that’s when you wept you were hurt, although your pride wouldn't let you showcase it to mingyu yet you were so deeply hurt.
sobbing on the cold floor you secretly wished that you wasn't there to witness the scene because mingyu had more of half of your heart in his very own chest he was the reason why the other half was still beating. 
 but right now, you felt dead and mingyu killed you without remorse took the very light he provided in your life, in your eyes and blew it out.
youu tried your best to be his person to be his sun but you weren’t enough. and as your heavy lids fell the last thing you thought to yourself was if he was ever satisfied with you. 
the next morning, you woke up with an aching pain in your chest, which was fitting but your whole body as well. “son of a bitch” you croaked pulling yourself up you felt like you weighed twice your size, looking in the mirror you looked like you’ve been hit by a truck.
suddenly your door slammed causing you to drop your toothbrush cautiously you stalked out your bedroom to see mingyu wearing the sweater you got him a few weeks ago hands stuffed in the pockets on the back of his pants “yn-”
he started as he came closer to you. crossing your arms and sniffling you held back tears a large lump settling in your throat.
“i just don’t really get it you know? i mean, i thought we were happy?” he looked at the ground his eyes welling up as he lowered himself to his knees
“ we are happy! i’m so fucking sorry baby I don't know what came over me” you wanted to forgive him, wiping your tears with the back of your hand you stepped over him and went into the kitchen, he followed closely gripping your wrist gently “what do i need to do for you to forgive me yn..please”
you didn't pull away from his touch but it didn’t feel comforting like it used to hiding your face you sighed shakily “i don’t know” you couldn’t even face him let alone for forgive him “i’ll do anything baby” finally you turn to face him and took his hand off of
“just give me time” you say quietly as you walk to your coffee machine behind your back mingyu smiles to himself feeling hopeful sitting down at the small dinner table you had bought together waiting on you to finish
and in your head, you know forgiving him is a lost cause, but you can’t image being without him for he is all you have.
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setsuuestsu · 28 days
14. "Bless you."
Word Count: 106
Sickie: Jungkook
“Bless you.”
Jungkook looks up from the wad of tissues covering the lower half of his face. “Thanks, hyung. But you don’t have to, since I’m probably not stopping any time soon.
As if to prove his point, he lets out another sneeze.
“Bless you.”
Jungkook sighs. “Hobi-hyung, don’t you ever get tired of ble-hh-hh … ugh,”
The urge to sneeze only grows stronger and he holds the wad of tissues to his nose once more. Out of his peripheral vision, he sees Hoseok open his mouth to bless him again.
“Hobi hyung.” Jungkook whines, giving his nose a rub.
The elder only grins. “Bless you.”
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sickiesope · 6 months
Hello!! Huge fan of your work! Thanks for all the amazing stories:)
Could I request a sick Yoongi and Hoseok who came down with a sneezy cold after a photoshoot in the rain. It is autumn and both are feeling cold. They kind of take care of each other. Yoongi wakes up with a fever as Hoseok slips under his blankets. He welcomes the younger warmly.
Omgg this request is soo cute! 🥰 I'm uhhh, still not that good at writing snz but I tried my best here! 😅
Autumn night
Sickies: Yoongi and Hoseok
Caretakers: Yoongi and Hoseok
Hoseok and Yoongi stand in front of the trees with orange and yellow leaves. They're wearing all black and sporting long wool coats. They both embrace each other and the photographer loves their acting. "Yes, that's perfect! Take a few more like that!"
But Hoseok and Yoongi aren't acting; they're actually getting cold and huddling together. But if it also fits the theme of their photos, then that's a nice bonus. The rain came down more than predicted and they just did a fall themed photoshoot.
"Alright, that's a wrap! It's coming down pretty hard."
Yoongi and Hoseok both sigh in relief but also can't wait to see how the pictures turn out. It's been a long day but that's the life of an idol.
"Well my hair got wetter than I wanted" Yoongi sighs. "But it was still fun!"
Hoseok takes off his wool coat that's now quite damp. He's feeling cold and that wasn't helping. His voice sounds a bit funny "I think my nose is kinda stuffed." *sniffle*
"Yeah, I'm not feeling so hot either" Yoongi is also sniffling to his own dismay.
"I think we were outside for a little too long.. I can't believe we did that in the rain!"
Hoseok and Yoongi help dry each other off. Hoseok pat dries Yoongi's head with a soft fluffy towel, careful not to mess up his hair more. Yoongi gently pat dries Hobi's face. The younger kept looking up and getting rain in his eyes, which Yoongi found hilarious. After a long day outside they're both ready to hit the hay.
Yoongi is trying to get comfortable in bed but having great difficulty. He keeps randomly waking up and his head feels warm. He's certain that he's catching some kind of cold. He also keeps sneezing and blowing his stuffed up nose, which has been quite annoying.
Hoseok lightly knocks on Yoongi's door that's ajar. "Hyung?" he murmurs.
Yoongi gets startled at the sudden noise but once he sees it's Hoseok he relaxes his shoulders. "Hoba, you're still up too?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry hyung but I can't sleep..and I'm not feeling too well.." the younger says in a small voice.
Yoongi looks at him understanding "awwh, I know what you mean Hoba. Come lay in bed with me, I'm so cold." Yoongi lifts up the blankets and shifts over a bit. Hoseok smiles happily taking the invite. He joins Yoongi in bed and they cuddle together for warmth.
"Hyung, I think you have a slight fever" Hoseok notices. "I think--" he's cut off by a loud messy sneeze. "Ugh, oh my god" Hoseok takes several tissues, not wanting to be seen. Hoseok lost count of how much he's blown his nose. "My nose is a runny faucet. We're gonna need another box!"
When Hoseok gets up to find a new one he's tiptoeing and trying hard not to sneeze too loud. He feels another one coming and tries to muffle it hiding in his arm but doesn't go too well. Hoseok looks at his other members' doors, worried that they'll come out and scold him for making too much noise. But surprisingly no one does to his relief.
While he's up Hoseok makes them both chamomile tea. "Here, hyung" the dancer hands him his mug. "This should help warm us up."
"Ah, thank you Hoba" Yoongi murmurs, smiling cordially. He takes small sips and likes the warmth of it going down.
"I took out the extra blanket. Its fleece so it's soft and comfortable." Yoongi wraps it around Hoseok and himself and they snuggle. "I hope we didn't wake anyone with our sneezing."
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crystalsnow95z · 8 months
hi love, i missed your fics❤️i had a request for you!
jimin & hoseok go live together after a concert and jimin can’t stop sneezing bc of his allergies. (add your little bless you commentary pls it’s so cute😔)
Thank you so much! I'm so happy you like them, I'm sorry I disappeared for a bit but I think I fixed my mental state enough to write again 😅 for the first time in a month and a half I'm actually decently happy with this one.
In case you missed it in the request..
Warning: sneeze content
"I love you! I'll see you tomorrow!" Namjoon calls ad the seven boys slowly disappeared underneath the stage.
Jimin tried to speak, but the itch in his nose he's been trying to ignore all concert was building up, so he opted to make a heart above his head instead, scrunching his nose to try to hold the sneeze in for a few seconds longer.
"Eh..heh'tichi!" Jimin sneezes as soon as the lift drops him out of sight of Army sniffling to stop his nose from dripping. "Heh'hehitchi!" The sneezes he was holding back hit him all at once, Hoseok wrapping an arm around him to keep him from falling while the lift drops to the floor. "He..heheigh!"
"Aiigo..Bless you..are you sure you aren't sick, Jiminie?" Hoseok asks Jimin, rubbing the back of his neck. "You don't feel warm.."
"I'm fine, hyung. Staff already checked..che..sh..tich!" Jimin sneezes again, rubbing his finger across his nose. "I saw a doctor this morning before the concert. There's something about the air here that's setting off my allergies.."
"Did you take any medicine?" Hoseok asks, searching for a tissue for Jimin's runny nose, bringing him the box.
"Thanks hyung.. I don't understand..I'm usually not allergic to pollens.." Jimin blows his nose, sniffling again. "Yeah. I did before the show, but it really started wearing off during dope. I almost sneezed during my part..it was awful.. my nose itched so much.." he complains, his breath hitching for another sneeze that doesn't come. "Ugh.. I promised Army I would do a live tonight because I didn't join you guys for the live in Amsterdam."
"Army will understand if you aren't feeling well and skip it until you feel better." Hoseok reassures him, rubbing his dongsaeng's neck.
Jimin doesn't answer right away, trying to tickle the painful sneeze out of him, his breath hitching once more. "Heh..heiycvh!"
"Bless you.. Jiminie you don't need to force.." Hoseok starts, but Jimin interrupts him.
"No, no they'll only worry if they noticed I was sneezing a lot on stage then don't keep my promise. I want to at least expl..ah..heh'tichiu!" Jimin sneezes into the tissue, trying to clean up the mess that dripped from him.
"Are you sure you're okay Jiminie?" Namjoon asks, offering Jimin some water. "You've been sneezing quite a bit today.."
"Jiminies having issues with his allergies..I noticed there's a lot of plants I've never seen before by the hotel and stadium. Maybe one of those are setting them off." Hoseok explains for Jimin when he notices Jimin's face contorting as another sneeze builds.
"Heh'heh..ktchitxh!" Jimin stops fighting the sneeze when Hoseok finished talking, taking the water Namjoon offered. "Thanks Hyung.. all this sneezing is starting to hurt my throat..I'm surprised Taehyung-ah doesn't lose his voice when he sneezes.."
"Bless you.. make sure you wear a mask when you aren't singing to try to reduce the pollen that you breathe in.." Namjoon tells him with concern. "I'll ask staff to get you one with a filtering system."
"Thanks hyung.." Jimin takes a drink of water, trying to soothe his scratchy throat."Jungkookie seemed pretty sniffly today too. You should get..h..hey..iyfxh!' Another sneeze erupts from Jimin.
"I'll make sure he gets checked, too. Hopefully, it's just allergies for him too." Namjoon leaves to check on Jungkook.
"Go get changed so you can go home. I'll join you for a quick live session, okay, Jiminie. It'll be easier to do a live with another person with you." Hoseok offers.
"Thanks, hyungie. That'd be great."
Jimin followed Namjoon's advice, pulling up his mask as soon as they pulled up to the hotel, but he swore that whatever was setting off his allergies were still penetrating through the mask, causing an unbearable itch at the bridge of his nose.
Hoseok leads him inside, quickly using his key card to open the door to the hotel keeping his arm around Jimin's shoulder.
"He..he'hitch.." Jimin sneezes, grimacing when he feels the liquid drip down his nose and soak into the mask. "Eugh.." Jimin sniffles unhappily, not wanting to remove it until he was safely in the hotel room.
"Bless you Jimin-ah.. the medicine will kick in soon.. we can stay live until the sneezes settle down, but you should sleep after." Hoseok leads him to his room, fighting back a yawn.
"It's okay if you get tired, hyung. You can leave whenever you..he..geychi!"
"Bless you.." Hoseok says sympathetically.
"I can do it on my own or ask Jungkookie or Taehyungie to do it if you're tired.." Jimin digs out his key to his room.
"I'm not tired, Jiminie. I'm hungry..don't worry about me. Let Taehyungie and jaykay sleep. Those two were already falling asleep on the ride home." Hoseok reassures him, going into Jimin's bathroom to get a washcloth, wetting it and returning to Jimin, wiping his face clean. "Your nose is still so red, baby."
"Hyung that tick..eh..heh'tichi! Heyh..hitdhu!" Jimin sneezes, quickly backing up to avoid sneezing on Hoseok.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it worse.." Hoseok apologizes, giving Jimin the wet cloth.
"Heh'itchiiugh...it's okay.." Jimin sniffles, wiping his face.
"Bless you.." Hoseok goes to the humidifier at the side of Jimin's bed, hoping it would help. "I'm going to make food, do you want anything?"
"I'd like some ramen.. something a little spicy to help clear my nose." Jimin starts setting up for the live, adjusting his phone so both him and Hoseok could be in frame.
"Alright, coming right up. You can start without me while I cook."Hoseok starts boiling water for them.
Jimin goes to speak, but ends up sneezing instead. "Heh..heditxxchu!"
"Bless you Jimin-ah. I'll make you some tea too." Hoseok searches for teabags in the kitchen.
"I'm going to fix up my make up first.." Jimin goes into the bathroom, blowing his nose once more before trying to use some concealer to lessen the redness. "Ugh..my eyes are a bit puffy..and I look like Rudolph..!"
Hoseok giggles when he hears Jimin whining at his reflection. "You still look cute." He calls to him, reassuring the younger boy about his insecurities. "Army will still think you're adorable too."
You're just saying that..I'll just do what i can to cover it up, maybe if i dont sit too close to the camera no one will notice. Jimin finishes up his face just as Hoseok gets the noodles into the living room. "Foods done?"
"Yeah, but it's still super hot. I burnt my mouth trying it.." Hoseok warns, sipping some water to try to soothe his tongue.
"I'll be sure to..to..hyh..heh'tichi!" Jimin sneezes, sighing irritably. "That one hurt..:
"Bless you.. Are you okay?" Hoseok asks, concern etched on his face.
"Yeah.. I'm okay.. are you ready for the live?" Jimin checks the angle once more before sitting down next to Hoseok.
"Ready when you are." Hoseok confirms, blowing on his noodles to try to get a not so painful bite.
Jimin hits play, picking up his noodles, surprised that within seconds there were already people in the chat. "Hello army.."
"Hi Army." Hoseok greets the small handful of people who already entered, then slurps his noodles. "Aiish, I shouldn't be eating noodles before the show tomorrow, my face is going to be so puffy.."
"You look cute with chub..ch.." Jimin puts up a finger thinking he had to sneeze, but nothing comes. "Chubby looking cheeks." He finishes his sentence, taking a bite of noodles.
The two eat chatting with each each other while they wait for more army to join, watching the comment section.
LovePJM13: hi Jimin oppa, I saw the show tonight and it was amazing, but in one of the photos I took it looks like you were crying. Are you okay?
"Ah, no. No i wasn't crying at all tonight. I was really..ah..Heh'hehitchi!" Jimin sneezes before he could put the noodles down to cover his face, choking on the noodles.
"Bless you baby..Are you okay? Drink some of your tea.. " Hoseok quickly takes the bowl from him and moves the camera so Jimin is out of frame, rubbing his back to try to ease his cough.
Jimin takes a drink of the tea, trying to wash down the noodles. "Yeah,yeah, I'm okay now..but that was awful.."
"Here.. you got broth on your face." J-hope uses his sleeve to wipe Jimin's chin. "Ah, the chat is worried.."
Jimin looks over, noticing the comment section flooding with concern. "Don't worry. I'm fine. It didn't really hurt it scared me more than anything.."
Tannie13: Do you have a cold?
Jungshookie9: Are you sick? I saw you sneezing during spring day..
Hoseok readjusted the camera so they could sit on the floor, looking through the comments. "Jiminie isn't sick. It's just allergies. Him and Jungkookie are both having issues, but it's worse for Jiminie."
"We'll only be here for another two days. I'll be fine. It's more annoying than anything." Jimin tries to reassure army, but his body has other plans. "Heh'itcgih! Heh..itcvxhyu!" Jimin covers his face with his arms, sniffling miserably.
"Bless you Jiminie.. they really aren't going away.." Hoseok frowns, rubbing Jimin's back. "You poor thing.."
"I'm doing better than earlier.. my eyes were more puffy when I was in the bathroom.." Jimin looks at himself through the camera lens. I wish it was my sneezes improving though..
"Are you guys healthy army? I know a lot of people get sick when the seasons change. Jinnie-hyung was just getting over a cold when we left Korea for our tour.." Jimin asks, but when he tries to watch the comments, his eyes start to water, another round of sneezes building covering his face.
"Hey'Itfgih! Heh'hehitchi! Ah..ah..hitcxhi!" Jimin sneezes, quickly standing up. "I'm sorry.. I got to blow my nose.." his voice comes out congested and soft, leaving Hoseok in charge of the chat.
"Bless you.. take your time Jimin-ah, I'll keep army company." Hoseok tries to calm Jimin's concerns about having to get up so suddenly.
"Army if you saw the show tonight what was your favorite part and if you didn't go what did you do today?" Hoseok asks, watching Jimin leave with concern. "Jiminie Army says bless you!" He calls to Jimin when he finds that he can't catch any of the comments except for the bless yous and I love you Jimin that flooded the chat. "We love you Jiminie!"
Jimin was glad for Hoseok's shouting, helping to conceal the sound of him blowing his nose, the clear gooey liquid soaking through the toliet paper. Maybe I should ask Hobi-hyung to take over the live.. I'm such a mess..Army want to see me when I'm handsome and smiling..
Jimin takes out his phone to text Hoseok, hoping he'd check it, but after retouching up his make up and still not getting a response he returned to the livingroom, bowing to the stream. "Sorry everyone.. I know this isn't what you had in mind when I said I'd go live in the next city.."
"Jimin-ah, you don't need to apologize. No one's upset that you aren't feeling your best.. we're just worried about you." Hoseok pulls him into a hug.
"Hobi-hyung.. I'm so ugly and gross right now.. I think we should turn off the live and you can do one on your own for army in my place." Jimin whispers so only Hoseok hears, only earning him a tighter hug.
"Don't say stuff like that Jimin-ah, you're being too hard on yourself. You look fine.. it's just a little redness to your face, it's no big deal. Okay?" Hoseok whispers back to him, gently ruffling Jimin's hair and letting him go, turning to talk to the camera. "Army! Isn't Jimin so handsome today? I don't think a stuffy nose is enough to ruin it."
Jimin watches the comment section flood his jaw clenched with nerves. They're just going to say Hyung always thinks I'm cute or lie just to make me feel better..
DaddyJoon9:You have the cutest little sneezes I just wish they didn't make you miserable 😔
HEYStobit77:You think the sniffles are enough to ruin your pretty face? You're crazy oppa. You're still handsome!
Ot7borababy:You're still my beautiful angel. Sick or not. Just feel better soon.
Tannie13: we don't care about your looks. You're very handsome but I'm here for your sweetness, Mochi. Please smile.
Jimin tried to catch every comment that rushes by, his eyes filling with tears when he sees all the supportive comments flooding into his heart, sniffling once more.
"Jimin-ah are you crying?" Hoseok asks in concern when Jimin lays his head in his palms, letting out a shaky breath. Hoseok leans forward to read the comment section, relaxing when he sees nothing but positivity, a mix of compliments and concern. "Jimin-ah tell Army why you're crying.."
"I-i'm just happy.. Thank you Army.. I love you guys so m-much.." Jimin lifts his head to speak to them, smiling through his tears.
Hoseok uses his thumbs to dry Jimin's eyes. "Hey, hey Jimin-ah? Guess what?"
"Huh?" Jimin sniffles, looking at Hoseok's bright smile.
"You haven't sneezed since you sat back down. They're starting to stop." Hoseok announces relieved for his stressed out dongsaeng.
"Hyung..don't jinx it.." Jimin smiles, wiping his face with his sleeve. "Let's finish our noodles and get to bed.. I think I've had enough excitement for one day.."
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soft-for-yoongi · 1 year
as someone who enjoys reading emeto and snz, could u write a fic with both? maybe for yoongi? i dont know what scenario, sorry.
Just a cold? (Sick YG)
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Sick: Yoongi
Caretaker: Jimin, Seokjin, Hoseok
Tw: emeto, vom**, mentions of nausea, stomach pain, fevers, snz
Word count: 1227
Thank you for requesting!!! Sorry it took longer than I expected!! (I'm still working on other requests, too, so anons, if you see this, your fics are coming!)
Yoongi has never been this congested in his life. Blowing his nose has stopped working and he sneezed too many times during a meeting that all the members were sent home. The rapper was grateful for the break but he had songs to produce, not that a single thought could get past his head with how stuffy he feels.
"H-h-hESH'ew.." Hoseok looks at Yoongi sympathetically. Yoongi kicked everyone else out of his room but Hoseok somehow made his way in. He's holding a tray with some soup (made by Jin), tea, more tissues and medicine of course. "Hey, hyung. Jin-hyung says you gotta eat all of the soup or he's gonna take away your laptop." Hoseok explains, handing Yoongi the bowl of home made soup.
Yoongi can't even breathe through his nose and mumbles a groggy, "t'anks Hoba.." he eats the soup slowly, and Hoseok peers over at him lovingly. "Does it taste bad or something? What's with that frowny face?" Hoseok teases, delicately running fingers through Yoongi's hair in a soothing manner. "Head hurts." Yoongi replies, continuing to sip soup off his spoon.
Hoseok tuts, grabbing medicine off the tray. "Take two of these, since you've eaten something. They should work within about 30 minutes." Hoseok hands Yoongi some water. He pops the pills and blows his nose again, chucking it into the half full bin next to his bed. "Keep eating, hyung but I'm gonna let you be. Jungkookie wants me to work out with him." Hoseok smiles, recalling Jungkook's begging to get him to come to the company gym.
Yoongi's mouth curls upwards, "thanks Hoba, enjoy." Yoongi says, now almost three quarters finished the soup. Hoseok pats Yoongi's foot through the blanket and leaves the room, switching the light off to the elder's pleasure.
With the soup finished and after blowing his nose at least 4 more times, the ache in Yoongi's head is still persisting and his stomach is starting to feel uneasy, and not because of the soup. The rapper has been trying to fall asleep, in the darkness of his room it shouldn't be that hard, yet there he is. Wrapped up in blankets and hugging his stomach.
It had been around an hour and a half since Hoseok left and now Jimin comes trailing into Yoongi's bedroom. Jimin is about to retreat because he thinks Yoongi is fast asleep, that is until he hears a horrible sneeze and moan come from the lump in bed. Jimin stands frozen as Yoongi blows his nose and picks up the bin half full with tissues to—gag into it..?
"Are you okay, Yoongi-hyung??" Jimin says, beginning to stroke up and down Yoongi's back. He hugs the bin, gagging again and spitting out excess saliva. Jimin flicks the bedside lamp on and Yoongi's paler than normal features are highlighted along with his pink Rudolf-looking nose.
"My stomach doesn't feel good, Jimin-ah.." Yoongi says, throat clenching around a heave. Jimin rakes Yoongi's long hair out the way just in time for him to bring up a wave of Seokjin's soup. It looks too much like it did when Yoongi first consumed it and it makes him feel sicker. "Oh, hyungie.. you'll feel better once you're empty." Jimin coos, praying that someone else comes and finds them because at this rate, Jimin is horriblely worried. Yoongi just has a cold, right? Why is he throwing up?
Jimin shoots Seokjin a quick text, 'can you please help? Yoongi-hyung is throwing up :(((' he pockets his phone just as Yoongi pukes again. Jimin pats the elder's back, trying to block out the distinct smell of puke but alternatively can't imagine leaving his hyung alone like this.
The patter of Seokjin's feet quick on their hardwood floors is music to Jimin's ears. "Oh, Yoongi-ah... you poor thing." Seokjin croons, walking over and beginning to massage Yoongi's nape. The rapper is thankful and fast to lean into the oldest' touch. A wave of calm washes over Jimin, but he tenses slightly when Yoongi reels forward with a productive heave.
Seokjin eyes the bowl on Yoongi's bedside table and hums approvingly when he finds it empty of his delicious soup. At least he knows that's not the reason Yoongi's sick. "He'll be okay, Jiminie." Seokjin eases the dancer just a little, continuing to rub Yoongi's back and hold his hair.
Yoongi spits and Jimin hands him some water. "Small sips, Yoon." Seokjin comments and Yoongi complies, water soothing his throat and diluting the taste in his mouth. Yoongi palms his stomach with a grimace, "think 'm done." The rapper says, sniffling. Jimin offers a tissue to which Yoongi blows his nose and adds it to the bin.
"Stomach hurting, Yoongi-hyung?" Jimin ponders, while Seokjin whisks away to clean the bin. Yoongi lays back down in bed, nodding weakly. "I'll go get you a heat back, hyung–" Jimin turns to leave but a cool hand grips his wrist.
"Jimin.. can you stay?" Yoongi mumbles, if he didn't say it then it might’ve never came out. "Oh, of course, hyung!" Jimin grins, taking advantage of Yoongi's request for affection and joining Yoongi in his bed. "Get some rest, Yoongi-hyung." Jimin whispers, flicking the lamp off.
Jimin shuffles closer to Yoongi, their bodies pressed together under the covers. Yoongi felt calmness wash over him just at the comforting presence of Jimin, something unique to the dancer. The pain and discomfort in his stomach was still there, and his nose is congested, but tiredness weighs over his whole body.
Jimin could feel the warmth coming off of Yoongi, no doubt a fever. Seokjin comes back in quietly to return the now clean bin, "sleep well, you two." The eldest smiles, exiting the bedroom. Yoongi can hear whispers of conversation and laughter from their living room, probably Jungkook and Hoseok returning from the gym. Yoongi's stomach gurgles, reminding him of his motive to fall asleep.
Jimin's small hand moves from Yoongi's waist to his stomach, starting some light circles. For the first 20 minutes, it's comforting for the older, however the gurgling and relentless nausea isn't letting up. Yoongi gives in to a few deep breaths, trying to see if he can cope. He rolls onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. Jimin is watching him like a hawk, lips downturned in worry. "You okay, hyung?"
Yoongi starts to sit up when mucus runs down his throat, prompting a closed mouth gag. Before he can make a mess, Jimin swipes the bin up, sticking it under Yoongi's mouth. He starts to empty what's left in his stomach, mostly bile and water. He coughs and Jimin has to pass another tissue so Yoongi can blow his nose again. He continues rubbing Yoongi's back just like Seokjin did and murmurs words of comfort.
"Sorry, you'll have to clean it again.." Yoongi sighs, voice hoarse from the ordeal. "Don't worry about it, hyung. I can leave this in the bathroom and get you something else, are you still feeling sick?" Jimin asks, concern clear in his voice. Yoongi shakes his head weakly, "I'm okay. Just sore, thank you Jiminie." Jimin takes the bin and eases the rapper to lay down again. Jimin leaves the bin in the bathroom to deal with later and returns quickly.
"Night, Yoongi-hyung." Jimin snuggles up to the elder. "I'll always look after you."
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blu-archer · 2 years
Not A burden
Request: @parkjiminie951013
[Magic and hybrids exist, it's not a big part of the story but its that universe that I write about]
I rambled a bit so I'm sorry if it might be long.
I edited [with the cursed read aloud because I physically can't pick up mistakes] but they still might be there. I couldn't actually pay attention all the time...
Word Count: 5946
snz based
Sickie: Hobi
Caretaker: Taekook
-Not a burden.-
He had successfully suppressed the fact that he was getting sick for three days in the hope that it would pass without genuinely thinking it – it was summer after all.
Who even got cold’s in the summer?
Him, apparently.
It was on day four that his cold truly sunk its claws in forcing to him leave for work early after coming to the realisation that he couldn’t stop sneezing and didn’t want to wake Kook and Tae – coincidentally it was also the fourth day since school had reopened, not that he was blaming his students or anything. Even if two or three of them had been suspiciously peaked and sniffly during dance practice. Now, half-way through day five, he was suffering in his office that he shared with the other dance instructors, grateful for the mostly quiet space so that he could mope without the headache he’d obtained getting any worse before his next classes. By the start of his second class he had taken to switching his water out for honeyed tea so that his voice didn’t give out on him while he taught, and he had managed to get some non-drowsy medicine during a break in his morning. So hopefully he would feel better later, or at least by tomorrow.  It surely couldn’t be longer than that.
The timing was annoying, not that there was ever a time that getting a cold wasn’t annoying, but he was thankful that it only appeared to be settling in his head and not his chest. The last thing he needed was to be teaching dance classes while battling to breathe without coughing up a lung or something – if he had to choose between two evils, he could do a lot worse than a head cold.
Didn’t stop it from being uncomfortable though.
The days were warm, and the temperature only seemed to be rising. His excessive sweating because of it wasn’t helping in keeping his running nose in check and no matter how much he seemed to blow his nose – thankfully past him must have remembered to slip moisturised tissues into his bag at some point in the last few days – any progress that it made was destroyed by him sneezing. Sometimes, and this was becoming infuriatingly frustrating, he didn’t even sneeze. He would come close, so close, and then he’d lose it and be left a hot mess without even getting some type of relief out of it. He had spent the last ten minutes blowing his nose and still he could feel congestion building. His head was heavy, and his throat ached despite being practically coated in honey at this point.
If he could just go home, then he would be content. Sure he probably wouldn’t feel any better than he currently did, but at least he wouldn’t be dealing with hyperactive teenagers for the rest of the day. As much as he loved his students and loved the dance classes that he taught, the energy required was gradually killing him.
There was the creaking sound of a door opening, forcing Hoseok to glance up from his pity party of tea and tissues in case it was a student needing something during the break. Thankfully, it was just his best friend with a smile that was far too bright for the morning he’d just had.
“Seok-ah? Oh, there you are. We were supposed to meet in the contemporary studio like fifteen minutes ago.”
“Jimin, I couldn’t care less about reviewing that routine in this heat. It will likely be great with how much of a perfectionist you are.” He had meant for it to be just the right amount of teasing, but it had come out as more of a snappish retort. Like he had turned into some moody gremlin. Oh god, had he momentarily turned into Yoongi?
“Okaaay… Mr. Cranky, you  could have just cancelled.” Jimin frowned, his tail swishing around his legs with growing annoyance. “I was waiting for you for nothing.”
Hoseok winced at the sharp look the hybrid sent his way as Jimin rounded the room to his own desk and pulled out his lunch. “Sorry. I should have messaged, but I honestly forgot all about it until now.”
“Really?” Jimin pouted, peering at his friend with wary eyes. “Is everything alright?”
“Mmm. I’ve got a cold and paired up with these heatwaves, it’s turning my head to mush.” Hoseok complained. 
Jimin’s eyes softened with sympathy.  It wasn’t often that Hobi got sick – literally out of their entire department he probably had the strongest immune system, but alas. Even the strongest of them fall at some point. “Why don’t you head out early?”
“It’s not bad enough for me to go home.” He shrugged, resting heavily in his palm. The hard wood of his desk was beginning to hurt his elbow, but he didn’t have the energy to shift into a more comfortable position. “Plus Jungkook is working on some commission projects at home, so I’ve been trying to stay out of his way.”   
“You’d have to go home eventually.” The three of them lived together, it wasn’t like he wouldn’t see his partners at some point in the evening. “It might be better to just take it easy and rest.”
Hoseok sniffed meekly then gave a small head shake. “Taehyung has been swamped with his private studies with Yoongi – as in he sometimes doesn’t leave his little cave of spell books and crystals and herbs and all the other things that I’m worried might one day just collapse on him in that tiny study. I still have to go grocery shopping for dinner or maybe get some take out, I don’t think I can cook without potentially sneezing in it.”
Jimin looked like he was going to argue – his mouth pulling into that mildly angry pout – before he changed his mind, whipping out his phone and typing surprisingly quick with just one hand as the other grabbed chopsticks for him to start eating. “Get something delivered. There’s this really nice place that has the best soups, I’ll send you their details. They have other stuff too, but I usually order from them when I’m not feeling well or when Yoongi is away. It will open your sinuses right up and it tastes great – so like, a win-win situation.”
Maybe Jimin was onto something with that. He wouldn’t have to cook, and he could go to the store for groceries tomorrow when he would hopefully be feeling better. “That sounds like ..h’hh.. like a g- HA’shh’uh! H’ESHiuu!” he groaned, sniffling into his palm as he fumbled for his tissues. “Sorry. Good plad.”
“Best plan.” Jimin corrected, taking the moment to shovel food into his mouth while Hoseok blew his nose. Their break was almost over so he’d need the food if he wanted to survive the next three hours before school broke out. “Just.. take it easy.”
Hoseok didn’t think he really had a choice in the matter, his body was going to force him to whether he wanted to or not, unfortunately.
The rest of his day was uneventful. Boring yet still entirely exhausting. His classes had gone relatively smoothly despite the numerous breaks to blow his nose and him sounding a bit croaky towards the end, but they’d eventually ended, leaving him regretting his life choices for a few minutes before packing up his stuff. Then he’d made the drive home filled with teary yawns and blaring music to keep him from accidentally falling asleep. That was the last thing he needed to happen.
Once he had entered their apartment it was like he could finally embrace how tired he truly was, almost sinking to the floor when he struggled to remove his shoes for a minute. Then he shuffled straight to the bedroom, changing into some boxers and a loose shirt that probably belonged to Jungkook before falling face first into the pillows. He didn’t even bother to climb beneath the blankets – it was too hot to bother even if it was his exhaustion that had made the decision for him.
Vaguely he could hear Jungkook in the house, humming and singing as he worked on his paintings. It was unlikely that the hybrid would leave the chaotic corner of the living room that had momentarily turned into a studio and Tae would still be out for a few hours… Hoseok muffled a moan into the bedsheets before he pulled himself up once more just to collect his phone from his discarded pants pocket – going back a second time to collect his car keys as well to put on the bedside table before he forgot about them completely.
The ‘details’ Jimin had sent him earlier in the day was a single link to a website, but it was thankfully simple enough, even for his fogged mind, to put in a timed order that would arrive later. After setting an alarm two hours from now, Hoseok returned to his previous spot on the bed with just as much detachment in his fall as before.
He muffled coughs into the bedsheet, hoping it was quiet enough that Jungkook didn’t feel the need to investigate and then let his eyes fall shut with a final low groan.
And as quickly as they had shut, he was forcing them open once more. Although his eyelids did put up quite a fight, Hoseok woke up to his alarm cleaving a hole into his skull.
He wasn’t usually a grumpy person when waking up, but his head ached too much for him to not want to throw his phone across the room. He didn’t, obviously that would be outrageous, but as he managed to finally turn the alarm off he took a moment to breathe in the silence and just imagine how it would have felt to do it.
He cleared his throat with a cough that dwindled into a small fit that left him sniffling and swiping a wrist under his nose. Hoseok pushed himself to sit up all the while frowning at the thin throw blanket that someone must have draped over him during his nap. He hadn’t needed it, but his chest was warm at the thought of such small acts of care. He could almost imagine Jungkook having been the one to do so, he’d watched the hybrid tenderly care for an unaware Taehyung multiple times in the past already. It wasn’t hard to decipher how each one showed their affection.
Hoseok folded it up and tossed it onto his pillow before forcing himself to his feet. Immediately he could feel a shift of congestion in his sinuses that had him hitching into his palm before he pinched his nose, stifling three sneezes that left him breathless and unrelieved.
Thankfully he had some tissues in their bedside drawer that once he had used all of them he made sure to throw them away in the bathroom opposite their bedroom before washing his hands and splashing some water on his face. It didn’t help in changing the fact that his cheeks had lost some of their colour and his nose was beginning to capture a pink hue that was only growing more noticeable the longer he stared at his reflection.    
Hoseok turned to the sound of Taehyung’s voice.  The younger had clearly spoken from the bedroom so he took a final swipe at his nose, grimaced at himself, and then stepped into the hallway almost directly into his boyfriend. He had to turn last minute to avoid the full force of collision.
“There you are.” Tae sighed, moving closer until he could sink his face into Hoseok’s neck and wrap his arms around him. “You didn’t say bye this morning, I feel like I haven’t seen you properly in days.”
He tried not to feel too guilty about skipping out on his boyfriends before they woke up, but it wasn’t entirely on him that he’d missed Tae these last few days – the past week the younger had been quite literally burying himself in work until late. “Sorry. Jus’ had class stuff to do.” He cleared his throat again, flushing a little at how rough his voice sounded, but if Tae realised that it was from  anything other than his recent sleep, he didn’t let it show.
“Must have been a long day if you decided to nap.” Tae teased, leading him to the lounge where Jungkook was still working, albeit with a cider in hand and a drying paintbrush in the other. “Jungkook said he didn’t even hear you come home.”
“Saw you on my bathroom break.” Jungkook murmured without taking his eyes off of his painting. “Do you think this is the right colour? Or should it be more of a peach? Damn, it should definitely be more peach.”
“I-hih- It looks good, Koo.” He shuffled a bit away from either of them and willed his nose to behave. They didn’t need to add worrying about him onto their list of things to do. So he lowered himself into the single seater chair and pulled out his phone at the convenient notification chime. “I –“ He smothered a yawn before he spoke again. “It was long. I ordered some food from this place that Jimin recommended because I was too tired to go shopping. ‘Says they’re good. It’s on its way soon.”
“Looks like you’re still tired.” Tae observed. “Thankfully it’s the weekend, so you can sleep in a bit and hopefully catch up on what you need.”
He had forgotten that he wouldn’t need to get up early. Relief flooded him at not having to force himself through studio classes for a third day of feeling like cotton had replaced his brain, because as much as he hoped, he definitely was not going to be better in the morning if he had felt worse after just a nap.
“Is it that noodle place?” Jungkook asked, finally twisting away from his work and letting Taehyung remove the brush from his hand to set it down in a paint splattered jar of water.
“Think so.” Hobi shrugged, his nose was threatening to run again, and he had to fight the urge to scrub at it. “ ‘Ordered a few things so we have a pick.”
Jungkook seemed pleased with that answer, pressing a quick kiss to Hoseok’s cheek before collapsing onto the sofa before downing his drink eagerly and proceeding to stare blankly at his work.
Tae joined him, laying so that his head rested in Jungkook’s lap and his feet barely dangling off of the edge of the couch. “We can catch up on some shows then while we wait. Come lay with me hyung.”
Hoseok brushed him off with a tight chuckle and settled back into his seat, running his hand through his hair with loose fatigue. “I think I’d start overheating if I cuddle with either of you furnaces.”
 He hoped that they didn’t call him out on how the temperature had dropped drastically already. Thankfully Jungkook was too distracted, and Taehyung had learnt not to be too overly demanding, especially when it came to others space. So all he received as response was a heavy pout from the warlock as he fumbled the remote and turned their tv on to some nature show.
 To be honest, he thought he was doing pretty well at keeping his symptoms hidden. Sure he was occasionally wiping his nose with his hand or wrist, which was frustrating because he couldn’t so much as sniff without Jungkook hearing him with how close they were, but he seemed to be getting away with it.
Or at least he had been.
It was about an hour into the mindless show Taehyung had chosen [some African wildlife thing that was all blurring together in a kill or be killed cycle] that Jungkook decided he was going to start painting again. No matter how much Tae complained about being slid off of his lap onto a pillow, the hybrid seemed obsessively fixated on getting his commissions done. It wouldn’t have been a problem, Hoseok usually loved watching Jungkook paint, but his nose had a different perspective the second he smelt the brutal stench of turpentine filling the space. Burning into his sinuses and making his eyes tear up with the need to sneeze. He would be able to excuse one maybe, but the building tickle was savage enough for him to know it wasn’t going to be an easy escape.
His breath had already stuttered audibly enough that he knew he wasn’t going to be able to hold back anything if he stayed seated there. So he hastily got to his feet, his hand hovering over his face as some type of shield and muttered a weak excuse of making some tea. As soon as his back was turned and he was heading for the kitchen, his nose was pinched shut and he was stifling a frustratingly wet fit between his fingers.
 It was disgusting. He was disgusted with himself. Even as he actively tried to clean up by blowing lightly into his hand and letting the result be washed away in the sink. He tried to get his breathing under control, yet it seemed that the burn that had appeared in his sinuses wasn’t going to be rid of so easily and he was forced to try and hold back another as he dried his hands.
Only to pitch forward again with barely managing to stifle from the force of the sneeze. It hadn’t even helped; it had just left him itchy and teary eyed.
“Bless you, Hyung.”
Hoseok quite literally jumped at the soothing, rich voice. How mortifying. Tae smiled softly.
“You don’t look like you’re feeling well. Do you need a tissue?”
He rested a hand on his chest in a useless attempt to calm his racing heart while he waved the other in a vague ‘so-so’ gesture before catching two more sneezes into his palm. He was sniffing a bit more than usual after that but otherwise tried to regain composure. Not that Taehyung was believing him for a second with his bemused gaze trained on what Hoseok could only assume was his ever-reddening nose in desperate need of attention.
“Jus’ -snnf- sobething in the air, I thingk.”
“Hobi… You’ve been sniffling for days.” Tae said gently. “You don’t usually try and hide things, so don’t start being difficult about it now. Bun and I do that enough for all of us.”
“I-“ His breath caught in his throat, and he stuttered through it long enough to grow flushed as he twisted away. “H’IIEUSHH!”
Taehyung stepped close, so that his chest brushed up against Hoseok’s back, his arm coming around his waist to rub gentle circles over Hoseok’s stomach. The dancer jolted at his boyfriends cold hands momentarily meeting his skin as they slipped under his shirt, but he soon melted into it. So much for wanted to deal with his problems alone, apparently he was an open book. Yet he couldn’t bring himself to mind so much as he gradually sunk back into Tae’s chest. The younger had to strengthen his grip on his boyfriend’s waist to keep him from falling.
“Come lie with us. You know we wouldn’t do anything to make you uncomfortable, right?” Hoseok could feel Taehyung’s breath by his ear as he swiped his wrist under his nose – he definitely needed that tissue now. “We haven’t actually made you uncomfortable right? Because you can tell us if we do.”
“No. No, I just thought…” Hobi pulled out from the embrace just enough to turn and rest his head on the warlock’s shoulder. “You’re both busy. I didn’t want to make you worry when you have enough on your plates.”
“Yes, because having our boyfriend that usually tells us every aspect of his day and wellbeing deciding to suddenly hide it wasn’t going to make us worry at all.” Tae murmured but his voice lilted with humour. “You don’t need to do that. Now come… I can hear Kook shuffling around out there and he really needs to take a break from those paintings before he loses all sense of colour again.”
Despite his discomfort Hoseok couldn’t help but let out a small, tired laugh as he got dragged back to their couch, witnessing Jungkook gnaw at the end of his paintbrush without a care of the drying paint there. The turpentine was thankfully closed again but the scent still clung to the air enough for Hoseok’s sniffling  to increase again.
“Hyung is sick.” Tae announced, forcing the eldest to settle in the centre of the sofa before he went to retrieve Jungkook’s paintbrush from him once more. “And you need to stop. It’s family time now.”
Jungkook sniffed petulantly at the latter statement, but joined Hobi on the couch, hugging his knees into his chest before leaning into the other.
“I had a feeling you were. I kept having to replace tissues in your bag.”
Replace… Ah. That makes sense. Of course Jungkook had been the one to hide the packs of tissues in his work bag, Hoseok was giving himself way too much credit by thinking he would ever remember to do that. “Why did you sta-ahh-rt ..snf.. doing that anyway? You did it before I even began to feel bad.”
The hybrid shrugged, pressing his nose into Hoseok neck which was seemingly becoming his favourite action. Jimin said it was something about his scent being ‘clean’, but he wasn’t complaining if sniffing him made his boyfriend at ease. Although he couldn’t imagine him smelling like anything but sweat and sickness right now.
“You were going to bed earlier and snoring a little.” Jungkook replied as if it were obvious. Which for some reason made Hoseok even more embarrassed about the situation.
Taehyung even hummed in agreement, nudging Hoseok in the side playfully as he sat on the other side of him, and finger snapped a tissue box into existence on his lap. He tried not to seem too impressed at how much better he was doing at simple magic like that, cutting Hoseok off before he could even think to comment on it.
“No need to blush, Sunshine.” Tae pressed a kiss to his check. “Your snores are very cute.”
Hoseok groaned, pushing them both away as they burst into giggles. “You’re hor-ih’hh…ugh. Horrible. Both of you.” He sniffed with annoyance and claimed a tissue, rubbing his nose with enough force that he winced at the liquid sound it made.
Yet his actions, despite his silent plea for reprieve, did nothing on helping the itch in his sinuses loosen and he was left to blow his nose with little relief. Not that blowing it did much either. He was still equally as congested and runny as he was before. He honestly didn’t understand the logic.
He went to blow again, managing to plough through at least four or five more tissues and only on the last one did the tickle become unbearable enough to tip him over the edge. Forcing him to rip out an abrupt sneeze into his already over used tissue.
“You don’t sound well at all.” Jungkook spoke softly, more to himself than anyone else. His hand trailing up Hoseok’s spine while Taehyung reached over with a new tissue, trading it with the one that was clutched in their partners grasp. “Tae’s right. It’s family time, so let’s go to bed. We can turn on the AC if you’re still hot and we can just relax together. I’ll wait up for our food if you fall asleep again and just bring it there for us to eat.”
He wanted to decline. After all they could relax here… Yet he couldn’t bring himself to mutter the words. He’d been dreaming of his bed the whole day; he’d be foolish to deny it now after the offer has been so easily presented.
“Delivery shouldn’t be much longer.”  Taehyung mused, leaning back into his boyfriend. “How about this. You two go shower and wash off all that sweat and paint fumes. I will handle the food when it comes. That way Bun can’t sneak in and do more painting.” His tone didn’t leave room for argument and Hoseok couldn’t lie that he found it a little attractive. “I’ll also make some of that tea that Hobi so evidently forgot about a few minutes ago.”
“ You dragged me away.” Hoseok denied weakly as he yawned.
“Sure sure.” But the teasing grin’s only continued to grow on his boyfriends faces.
The shower was pretty much hell – even with Jungkook having joined him. The steam may have cleared his congestion momentarily, but it opened way for a string of continuous fits of sneezes that would have even put Jungkook in allergy season to shame. The hybrid tried his best to help though, soaping his boyfriend up before himself and then moving to quickly wash Hoseok’s hair while keeping a steady hand on the elder so that he didn’t slip or sway.
By the time they were finished, and Hoseok was on their bed in fresh pyjama’s having his hair ruffled and blow dried, his head was throbbing with the pulse of his heart in his ears and the pressure in his clouded mind was so heavy he couldn’t even keep from drooping against his boyfriend – probably making it a little harder to dry his hair but Jungkook didn’t utter a complaint. He just scratched at the dancers nape and tried to work faster.
Before he knew it he was being settled under the covers with a small display of some of the food he’d ordered being placed around him. Tae and Kook joined him on either side sipping steaming cups of tea that he himself didn’t have the will power to stomach. Instead he was slowly spooning a broth into his mouth despite his lack of appetite.
He had to give kudos to Jimin’s recommendation because even though he wasn’t at all hungry, the food was decent enough that he kept eating it. Every spoonful or so later Jungkook would slip him a bite of rice or meat to go with his own meal and Taehyung was quick to discard or hand him tissues when he couldn’t sniff anymore.
He didn’t participate in much else other than eating since his energy was depleting drastically even though it was barely 7pm, but he listened to Tae tell them about his day. Embraced the domesticity of him speaking about the new things he’d learnt or accomplished while Jungkook chimed in with praise and reassurance when needed. Taehyung even gave a swift example of summoning a portion of his magic which formed a bright purple orb in the palm of his hand, but let it dissipate when the light had triggered yet another exhausted sneeze from Hoseok when he’d lent closer to see it better. All that, embarrassment aside, had only prompted Tae to reach over and hold a tissue to Hoseok’s nose, telling him to blow and promising to show him again when he was feeling better.
“Are you tired hyung?” Jungkook shifted so that Hoseok was partially leaning onto his chest while they sat perched against their pillows. He continued after receiving a small, croaky hum. “Let Taehyungie get you some medicine first, then you can lie down properly.”
“Mm ’sorry.” Hoseok reached for another tissue as Taehyung gathered their dishes and leftovers before leaving. “Said I wasn’t gonna make you worry, but now you’re distracted from work.”
The hybrid frowned and burrowed even closer to his sick hyung, pulling him tightly into his arms so that his mouth could press gentle kisses against the side of Hoseok’s neck. “I’m not distracted. I need breaks too, as much as I hate to admit it. Plus Tae’s right, evenings are family time and that would still be the case whether you were at full health or not.” He watched as the other wiped at his nose with exhaustion weighing down his movements. “But you don’t need to feel guilty about it, Hobi. You look after us so well when we feel bad, it’s only natural that we do the same. That we want to, because it’s you and we love you.”
Hoseok let out a heavy breath and relaxed his body, his muscles immediately quaking at the realisation that he’d been beyond tense before. He wasn’t a burden. They loved him. Which he knew, obviously, but it was always nice to be reminded. Especially when he would start getting silly idea’s into his head.
“Do we have-!?”
   Jungkook and Hoseok both turned to look at the door, trailing Taehyung’s booming broken question. Then the fluffy haired brunette appeared by the door with a sheepish smile and hands full of bottled medication. “Sorry, I momentarily forgot hyung’s headache.” He moved to set his findings down in Jungkook’s lap, sitting beside the younger while inspecting one of the smaller bottles labels. “I found some of that ointment that Jin and Namjoon made for us a while back. It was made for me I think, but it can be used with Hobi too so… “
“What were you asking earlier?”
“Ah,  I couldn’t find any more of that herbal lotion that helped sooth pain. I got the cold medicine though, and some water.”
Hoseok mumbled a soft ‘thank you’ as Jungkook soothingly rubbing circles into his chest while reminding Tae that they hadn’t restocked what he had been looking for yet – no doubt the young warlock would now be adding it to his ever-growing list of ‘things to do immediately’.
“Koo, unbutton hyung’s shirt for me.” Taehyung spoke softly as he shook out two pills from one of the bottles and slipped them into Hoseok’s mouth, quickly following that by opening and pressing the bottle of water to his lips for him to sip and swallow. It was a bit rough on his throat, but Hoseok had never been fond of syrups, so he would deal with the little ache that the tablets would soon sooth. Jungkook worked nimbly, peering over his boyfriends shoulder to find each button as his arms still encased the elder. It was soft and Taehyung had to take the moment to watch fondly as Hoseok yawned and rubbed at his nose with the tissue that had still been in his hand. Taehyung couldn’t help but lean in and press a kiss the elders forehead. “You can go to sleep if you need to baby. I’m just going to rub some stuff on your chest. It should help you feel better soon.”
“Head is so heavy, I don’t kdow if I cadn.”
“Well this might help then.” Jungkook reassured, running a hand through Hoseok’s hair.
Taehyung didn’t hesitate in opening the small bottle he’d been reading earlier – an ointment that worked just a little bit better than the standard store bought VapoRub that Hoseok usually got. He scooped out a little, letting Hoseok blow his nose before he smeared it on the reddening skin. He took some more and started by rubbing it between his palms to warm it up then spread it all over his boyfriends chest. Usually he would take his time massaging it into the skin, but with how heavy-lidded Hoseok’s eyes were drooping Taehyung thought working fast was probably the best route.
He scooped out some more and lathered it from his boyfriends chest, up to his neck so that the familiar tan skin gleamed before he closed the bottle and Jungkook started buttoning up the shirt again.
“Do you-oh my..H’h.. Eh’heitch’uh… H’iitCHH’ew… Shit, sorry.” Jungkook sniffed, flushing at having sneezed into Hoseok’s shoulder. “That stuff is really strong. ”
“I cad’t smell id.” Hoseok pouted, not even fazed at being accidentally used as a tissue.
Taehyung waved his hands at them, shooing them off of the bed just long enough to drag the blankets down and help Hoseok settle into the centre again, elevating his upper body slightly with some pillows. “I can put some more on your nose if you want. Maybe you’re too stuffy for it to work fast.”
“Ha’d bme a tissue.”
Jungkook moved the box to his lap as he climbed in next to his boyfriend, handing him one before blowing his own nose quietly to remove the little itch that the scent had triggered. Hoseok rolled it into a point that had his partners both raising a brow, watching him fail at trying to get himself to sneeze.
“You don’t like inducing like that.” Taehyung stated with lilting concern as he sat down, and Hoseok groaned. He took the tissue away, folding it neatly in half before setting it in his lap. “Let me try to  help.”
It started with a simple massage of sorts. It wasn’t something he did often, but he had read up on it before. Taehyung ran his fingers over Hoseok’s cheeks and forehead, working in small circular motions. It was definitely a longer process and his heart ached at how warm and swollen his partner was beneath his fingertips.
It must have been a combination of his actions plus the residue of ointment on his hands that had Hoseok soon frantically pushing them away with hitching breath. Nothing seemed to be happening other than a few gasps and a frustrated moan, so Jungkook took the tissue from Tae’s lap and let it over Hoseok’s nose. Forcing the sick man’s own breaths to heat his face while Jungkook began to massage and squish at his boyfriends full nose.
He had just moved to replace the tissue after having pinched and wiped up the mess they had coaxed out when Hoseok pitched forward, belatedly raising his hands as a congested sneeze ripped from his throat, only seeming to trigger more as his passages emptied.
“Bless you. Bless you.” Taehyung took some tissues from Jungkook and immediately took Hoseok’s hands to wipe clean while Jungkook dived in to hold fresh tissues to his face, catching the next round of sneezes.
“I-h’heh HE’ASHHU! Hh’h’ha..H’ATSHOO…H’Hh’hnn… …Htch’u-AT’CHH…h’h…uh’h.. H’ETCH’UHH-“
“Jesus baby.” Jungkook could feel the moisture seeping through the tissue. He switched for another, not quite catching it in time and forfeiting his arm to a bit of the thick spray before catching them in his shielding hand once more. “Breathe a bit.”
“H’h’HAH… …H’ih--HE’NGCHH’UH---H’ATCHEE…… A’TCHIEW-HA’GCHew… h’AGTCHU!!” Hoseok was panting. The itch was still there but it seemed like he’d gotten most of it out. Into the hands of his boyfriend, much to his own embarrassment. “So’ah..ugh. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise.” Jungkook smiled, moving the tissues again for Taehyung to now replace them with his own tissued hand.
There was no point in hesitating, so Hoseok did as he was told. His head and throat throbbed, and he had to take a breather mid blow but eventually he was content enough to lean back and let his boyfriends curl into either side of him. Sure he still couldn’t breathe from both nostrils, but it was better than before. Taehyung even put a little more of that ointment on his nose and Jungkook was right, it was strong and had sent him into another small fit that was thankfully less severe than the previous one. But it had exhausted him in such a way that he was finally able to get some sleep.
The next time he managed to be woken up was by a heavy stream of midday light invading from their cracked open curtains and  Jungkook’s jolting frame from where he was huddled beside him as the hybrid sneezed thickly into the deteriorating supply of tissues.
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babybearsnz · 11 months
can you do the dream reality post for j-hope please! thank you
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btshurtcomfortprompts · 6 months
Category: Snz
Sickie: Yoongi
Caretakers: Hoseok
Prompt: Yoongi is embarrassed of his allergies. and Hoseok being the sunshine angel he is, keeps blessing him after every sneeze.
Submitted by: Anonymous
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whats-k-popping · 2 years
Aki's Masterlist
All my works, organized and collected for convenience. Each work has a more detailed list of warnings and descriptions to keep this list clear and concise.
I will do my best to keep this updated as I post new works. Please let me know if there are any errors with the links.
If you're interested in expanding this list, I recommend you start here.
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Sick Namjoon Fics
Doctor's Orders: Part 1 || Part 2
Caretakers Jungkook and Yoongi ft Food Poisoning (nausea/emeto/fever)
There Goes My Nap
Caretaker Seokjin ft Nausea/Emeto
Courtesy Call
Caretakers Jungkook and Yoongi ft Fever
Caretaker Jimin ft Flu (Fever/Emeto)
Just a Small Fever
Caretaker Main Seokjin and rest of BTS ft Appendicitis
Running On E
Caretakers Yoongi and Jungkook ft Exhaustion/Fainting
Adventures in Take Out
Caretaker Seokjin ft Double Food Poisoning (Emeto/Scat/Fever)
It Was Supposed to be Korean
Caretaker Seokjin ft Lactose Intolerance (Emeto/Scat)
The Show Must Go On
Caretaker OT7 ft Flu (fever/emeto)
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Sick Seokjin Fics
Cravings (MPREG AU)
Caretaker Yoongi ft Morning Sickness (Nausea/Emeto)
Ill Confession
Caretaker Namjoon ft Fever
Caretakers Jungkook and Yoongi ft Fever/Emeto
In the Middle of the Night: Part 1 || Part 2
Caretaker Jungkook ft Emeto/Fever
Adventures in Take Out
Caretaker Namjoon ft Double Food Poisoning (Emeto/Scat/Fever)
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Sick Yoongi Fics
5-Star Boyfriends: Part 1 || TBC (COLLEGE BOYFRIENDS AU)
Caretaker Hoseok ft Flu
Just Jimin
Caretaker Jimin ft Emeto
Love Jack
Caretaker Hoseok(kinda) ft Fever/Cough/Sore Throat
Time Management
Caretaker Hoseok ft Hiccups/Overindulgence
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Sick Hoseok Fics
We're Just Roommates: Part One || Part Two || TBC (NON-IDOL AU)
Caretaker Namjoon ft Emeto/Fever
Tummy Ache
Caretaker OT7 ft Aggressive Stomach Ache
Mealtime with SUGA
Caretaker Yoongi ft Bloating/Stomach Ache
Safe Zone
Caretaker Yoongi ft Enteritis (Emeto/Scat/Fever)
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Sick Jimin Fics
No Promises (COFFEE SHOP AU)
Caretaker Namjoon ft Flu (Fever/Mentions of Emeto)
Movie Night Fever
Caretaker Taehyung ft Fever
It's Gonna Be You(Ngi)
Caretaker Hyung Line ft Fever/Emeto
More than Hunger
Caretaker Taehyung and Yoongi ft Emeto/Fever
A Trip to the Antique Store
Caretaker Taehyung ft Snz content/Allergy
Pan De Bono
Caretaker Seokjin ft Lactose Intolerance (Emeto/Scat)
Nothing Bad Can Happen
Caretaker Namjoon ft. Gluten Intolerance
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Sick Taehyung Fics
Caretakers Jimin and Yoongi ft Fever
Snow Day
Caretaker Yoongi ft Fever
Sharing is Caring
No caretaker (technically) ft Cold (snz/congestion)
All Alone
Caretaker Namjoon ft Cold (snz/sore throat/headache) and Fever
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Sick Jungkook Fics
Appa's Sick Day: Part 1 || Part 2 || TBC (MARRIED WITH KIDS AU)
Caretaker Taehyung ft Flu (Fever/Emeto)
Runaway (ORPHAN JUNGKOOK AU) June 27 || February 2
Caretaker Seokjin ft exhausion (P1) and Fever (P2)
Doctor's Orders: Part 1 || Part 2
Caretaker Namjoon and Yoongi ft Injury
Overdid It
Caretaker Jimin ft Overindulgence/Emeto
Sharing is Caring
Caretaker Taehyung ft Cold (snz/congestion)
I Don't Get Carsick
Caretaker Namjoon ft Motion Sickness
Hyungs Can Help: Part 1 || Part 2
Caretakers OT7 ft Cold (snz/congestion/fever)
More Than the Drinks
Caretakers OT7 ft Intoxication/Stomach Ulcer
In the Middle of the Night: Part 1 || Part 2
(Sick JK only in part 2) Caretaker Seokjin ft emeto/fever
A Recipe for Disaster
Caretaker Namjoon ft Food Poisoning
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setsuuestsu · 1 month
Rabbit Be With You 🐰
Pairing: Sope (romantic)
Sickie: Hoseok
Caretaker: Yoongi
Yoongi watches as Hoseok kneels at eye level by Flop’s cage.
“Hyung-ah, he’s so cute.” Hoseok cooes. “This is my first time being so close to a bunny.”
“Just be careful.” Yoongi warns. “Bunnies can be ruthless if they want to be. They just hide it under all this fluff and pudge.”
Hoseok pauses. “Kinda like my Jungkookie?”
Yoongi nods. “Exactly like your Jungkookie.”
Hoseok sighs. “I hope Flop loves our home forever and ever.”
Then, Hoseok’s face gets all pouty in the way that Yoongi thinks is kinda hot. “What is Flop gonna want to do? Do you think he’s gonna sleep this entire time? Will he even want to play with me? What if he thinks I’m hideous?”
The younger pauses. “And what are we even gonna feed him?”
“Uhhh …” Yoongi tries to wrack his brain for any loose rabbit knowledge. “Carrots?”
It makes Hoseok laugh, which was obviously his intention all along.
“I wish Flop could stay with us.” Hoseok murmurs, flopping dramatically onto the floor next to Flop’s cage. After a moment, he gets to his feet and lifts the unnecessarily large rabbit in his arms. “If only we weren’t fostering him.”
He buries his face into Flop’s fur, as if to give Yoongi an accurate representation as to how miserable he is going to be without Flop to look after.
Yoongi snaps a quick picture to discreetly set as his wallpaper later on. “Well, at least we’re able to foster him for three days. The landlord should be here in a week, so at least the demonspawn will be out of here before hand.”
But then he hears a small sniffle.
At first, he thinks the younger is crying so he walks over to where Hoseok is crouched and pats him on the back.
”It’s okay, it’s okay, I know you want to keep the bunny.” Yoongi says, trying to calm the younger down (and panicking himself). “We can ask Jin for help since he, for god knows what reason, has all this blackmail on the landlord.”
For Hoseok, Yoongi would absolutely be ready to adopt this bunny.
Hoseok sniffles again and when he still doesn’t get a response, Yoongi frowns. “Seok? Are you alright?”
Hoseok gives him a look. “I’m not crying, hyung.”
“There’s no witnesses, so it didn’t happen.” Yoongi insists, stamping his foot, not unlike a fussy child. But then he furrows his brow and looks at Hoseok. “Are you alright?”
Hoseok looks surprised at being called out, plopping Flop back down in the large cage where the large rabbit promptly passes out. “I’m fine, why do you ask?”
”You’re sniffling. Are you getting sick?”
Hoseok sniffles and gives his nose a small rub. “No, I don’t think so. I just got a little itchy for a moment there.”
The elder shrugs. “Alright. What did you want to do now?”
“Cuddle with Floppie forever!”
Yoongi deadpans. “Other than that. Pick something reasonable.”
Hoseok sniffles again, scrubbing at his nose. His nose is getting a pink hue to it now and Yoongi knows that something is going on.
“Are you sure that you’re feeling alright?” Yoongi asks, moving to feel Hoseok’s forehead for a fever. He’s not warm, so that’s a relief.
He’s met with a pout. “Hyungie, I’m fine. You don’t have to ask this much, you know.”
But then, Hoseok is sneezing. He’s nearly bent over at the waist, turned away from Flop’s cage so as to not sneeze on the bunny. Yoongi immediately grabs him a tissue to which Hoseok blows his nose a few times.
A few tissues later, Hoseok looks up at him with bleary, watery eyes and blinks a few times. “I don’t know where that came from.”
Yoongi thinks. The pollen count outside is low, so it can’t be that. He knows Hoseok dusts the apartment religiously, so it can’t be that since their apartment is sparkling clean, so much so that it’s not uncommon for Taehyung to use that as his excuse to eat off of the floor. There’s no strong scents of candles or new perfumes in the apartment and there’s no animals arou—
He turns as he hears Hoseok sneeze a few more times in rapid succession and his poor Seok is red in the nose and his eyes are watering so much.
“Seok. Come.”
Hoseok wrinkles his nose, which causes him to let out a soft sneeze. “I’m not a dog, you know.”
Yoongi huffs and drags Hoseok (gently) to their bedroom. “Sit. I’ll grab your antihistamines.”
“What?” the younger questions. “Why would I need those?”
“The dander.” Yoongi says. “From the living Build-A-Bear.”
Hoseok huffs. “The rabbit has a name, you know.” He sniffles and rubs at his nose again.
“Stop that.” Yoongi scolds gently. “You were just holding him. Go take a shower and wash up. I’ll leave the meds here for you for when you’re done. I have to find someone else to take care of this thing.”
“No!” Hoseok exclaims, but then falls into a fit of coughing afterwards. “We’re Flop’s parents! We have to adopt him, hyung! Please?”
Yoongi sighs. “First off, we can’t keep pets because of the landlord. Second, you’re allergic. And third, I don’t want to clean up shit all the time.”
Hoseok gives him a teary look for a hot second until he has to turn to the side to sneeze.
“We’re only fostering for now. Can we keep him? Just until we find his forever home?” Hoseok pleads, sniffly.
“Hell no. Who knows how long that is?”
As if it’s magic, Yoongi’s phone buzzes with a message. He quickly reads it and maybe there is a God after all.
“Someone put in an offer for Flop.”
Hoseok looks crestfallen, but Yoongi isn’t going to sacrifice his boyfriend’s health for a stupid rabbit who he will absolutely not miss at all.
Yoongi continues reading the message from the shelter. “It’s some kid named Soobin. Apparently he needs emotional support after having to deal with his four roommates?”
Hoseok nods numbly, sniffling, then sitting onto the bed. “I guess it’s better that Flop will have a good home …”
Yoongi pats the younger on the shoulder. “Go say goodbye. Flop’s leaving in an hour and you should go shower.”
“An hour?!”
And he’s gone.
Instead of showering or taking the antihistamines, Hoseok spends his last hour with Flop with his face buried in the bunny’s fur, only changing positions to sneeze frequently and handing the bunny off to Yoongi for breaks to blow his nose.
“Hyungie, I really want a dog.” Hoseok comments after sniffling.
Yoongi gives him a look. “What kind?”
The younger grins. “Guess?”
The elder huffs. “Does it have wings?”
At least it’s not a bird. “A tail?”
“Does it walk slowly?” If it walks slowly, maybe Yoongi will get along with this pet.
Oh shit. “Does it have legs?”
“Does it swim?”
Hoseok grins. “It does!”
Please don’t be a shark. “Shark?”
“Hell no.”
“Where would we—“
Hoseok sighs once he realizes Yoongi is done guessing. “I was going to say a goldfish …”
A fish Yoongi can deal with.
At least then Hoseok wouldn’t have to worry about anything.
(Until Yoongi misplaces the fish one day)
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allergyu · 3 years
Hoseok sneeze
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crystalsnow95z · 1 year
can you write a j-hope snz fic please :) i don’t have a specific request. i just miss him and want a cute snz centric fic. thank u🥰
Sorry I'm only able to do quick writes while I try to get my life together. No wifi and no set place to stay right now😔
Lets get right into the story! It's been an on and off process for the past week along with my other wip. Sorry it's so lengthy.. I didn't cut it at all..
"Heh'heh..ktchitxh!" J-hope wakes himself up with his own sneeze, looking around the dimly lit room groggily.
"Bless you, Hyung." Jimin gets him a tissue. "It sounds like you're getting worse."
"Thanks Minn-ah.. I'll be okay, though." J-hope gives him a smile, trying to hide the pain he was feeling from his sinuses building into another sneeze. "Hehtichih!" He sneezes into the tissue.
"I'll go get you some more medicine." Jimin leaves the room, nearly ramming into Yoongi, quickly stepping back."Woah, sorry Yoongi Hyung."
"What's the hurry? Is something wrong?" Yoongi asks.
"Hobi-hyungie has been sneezing and coughing all-night. I need to get him some medicine." Jimin bows quickly in apology before moving past him to get to the bathroom.
Yoongi goes into the room Jimin and J-hope share to see for himself. "Hoba, good morning. Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, but I woke up not feeling well.. it was just a little runny nose and a tickle in my throat but..ah..hang on.." J-hope holds up a finger, feeling the sneeze building up breath hitching. "Heh..Heh..itdugh!" He sneezes into his elbow the itch returning. "He'itcchu!" He sniffles, rubbing the tissue across his dripping nose. "I think I caught a cold.."
"Will you be okay to fly?" Yoongi rubs the nape of J-hope's neck. "Do you feel feverish or nauseous?"
"No, I'm okay suga-hyung. I mostly feel tired and my head hurts from my sin..ey..eh..itchisgh!" J-hope quickly spins to avoid sneezing on Yoongi when the sneeze comes out of without much warning.
"Hyungie I got some water and some medicine."
Jimin returns to the room, pouring out some medicine in the small cup. "Here Hobi-hyung."
"Thanks Jiminie." J-Hope takes it, shooting the bitter liquid down his throat with a grimace. "Eugh.." he quickly washes it down with some water.
"You all packed Hobi-hyung? Do you want me to help?" Jimin asks, already looking for the suitcase J-hope started filling last night.
"I just need to pack my carry on and toiletries. I'll do it, you need to..eh..heigh!" J-hope buried his face in his elbow. "Heh..Titvhiugh.."
"I can do my own and help you, hyung. All I need to do is to pack my tablet and charger and put my toiletries bag in my backpack. Just tell me what to find and I'll get it. You try taking a quick shower." Jimin pushes him towards the bathroom.
"Alright I'm going.. thanks..Ji..eh..itchii!" J-hope sniffles, rubbing his nose. Maybe a hot shower will help..
"Stay close to me." Jin keeps his arm around J-hopes shoulder as they move forward to the next check point."Keep Hoba out of view."
Jungkook and Taehyung nod, one going behind him the other flanking his other side. Yoongi walks in front of him, reaching behind him to grab J-hopes hand.
J-hope squeezes Yoongi's hand, the throbbing headache worsening as he hears hundreds of voices screaming as soon as they leave the car, lights flashing as they take photo after photo.
J-hope closed his eyes, pulling the ball cap farther over his face, trusting his members to lead the way for him. "Heh..hehitdhu!" He sneezes into the face mask, falling forward. Taehyung and Jin tighten their grip on the ailing rapper to keep him from hitting the ground. "Don't worry, I got you. It's just another 20 feet.." Jungkook murmurs by his ear.
Namjoon kindly dismisses the reporters, giving them very brief answers. He only cared about getting J-hope safely onto the plane. "I'm sorry, but we need to go check in so we don't miss our flight." He deeply bows, going through check-in.
"Could I see your passport?" The woman asks politely, holding out a shaky hand.
"Ah, Yoongi my passport?" Namjoon turns to him.
Yoongi gives the woman all seven passports with the tickets tucked in trying to quickly move things along. "Here.. everyone's passport."
The woman goes through all the passports, matching who was who. "Could I see your face really quickly?"
"My brother isn't feeling well. Please, could we skip it..?" Jin asks with a deep bow, lowering his mask. "The crowd is getting a bit out of hand as well.."
"Heh..heitchi!" J-hope sneezes again, the woman giving him a sympathic smile.
"Alright. You can go." She allows them past.
"Thank you." Each member bows with gratitude quickly moving along.
"We just need to get to our seats then you can lay down. Are you okay Hoba?" Yoongi asks gently, continuing to lead J-hope through the airport.
"My head hurts and I..I can't breathe well.." J-hope's voice comes out as a congested whimper, sniffling to try to ease his breathing.
"I brought the cold medicine in my carry on. Just wait until we get settled in our seats okay Hoseok-ah?" Jin gently rubs the back of J-hope's neck.
J-hope nods, feeling another sneeze building, breath hitching. "Heh..heh...hehtichu!"
"Bless you hyungie.. It sounds like you're getting worse.." Jimin frowns. "At least your seat is with Yoongi and Jinnie-hyung.."
"Yoongi could we switch seats? I don't want to sit at the end.." J-hope asks when they find their row.
Yoongi lets him by the window, taking the seat next to him. "You can have whatever you want Hoba."
Taehyung takes his seat behind J-hope. "Hyung, you can put your seat back as far as you need. Don't worry about me."
J-hope goes to put it back, but Jin's voice stops him.
"Don't put it back until take off, though." Jin warns with a sympathic smile."I know you want to rest, but you have to stay up until we're in the air.."
"Okay, okay.."J-hope knew the rules, but he wasn't feeling well and just wanted to lay down and sleep the pain away. His head was pounding, his nose was completely stuffed, and he felt freezing. "Heh..Heh..itchi!"
"Bless you, Hoba." Jin tells him distractedly, digging in his bag to find the liquid he packed to help ease J-hope's symptoms. "Ah, here it is. Here, sit up for me. We need to do it before the plane takes off."
"We should've given it to him in the car before you fell asleep.."Yoongi helps J-hope sit up, placing one hand on the middle of his back, the other holding his elbow. "You're warm Hoba.."
"I know, but I didn't have the heart to wake him and he needs as much sleep as he can get.." Jin replies with a frown cracking the seal of the medicine bottle.
"Im freezing.." J-hope sniffles, feeling the itch returning. He holds his breath, trying to avoid sneezing again. He tucks his finger underneath his nose, relaxing when the itch dies down.
"I'll ask them for a blanket." Jin slowly pours the medicine in the cup, putting it by J-hope's lips. "Here, Hoseok. Take this for me and then you can sleep."
J-hope obeys, taking the shot of medicine face twisting at the taste, coughing.
"Sh*t..I don't have any water. I'm sorry, Hoba." Jin apologizes with a little bow.
"It's..eh..titchi!" J-hope sneezes breath hitching. "Hehitchi...Heh..heitxhi..Heitugh..." He groans, rubbing the bridge of his nose near his eyes to try to ease the pressure building behind them.
The announcement of take-off comes, Jin taking his seat. "Buckle up Hoseok-ah.."Jin reminded him, but Yoongi was already reaching over to do it for him.
"I got it Hoba." Yoongi takes his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as the turbulence of take off makes his stomach clench.
J-hope leans on Yoongi's shoulder. "Thanks Suga-hyung.. hey..are you feeling okay..?"
"I'm fine.. I'm just a bit nauseous. I'll be okay when they plane get settled." Yoongi leans his head on J-hope. "Did you take medicine for motion sickness?"
"Yeah, Jiminie gave me some after my shower.. did you?" J-hope already guessed his reply when he feels Yoongi give his hand a squeeze when the plane shakes, settling itself in the sky.
"No, I ran to the store with hyung and forgot to take it." Yoongi turns behind him to Jimin. "Minnah do you have it in your carry on?"
"Ah..I think so. Hang on." Jimin starts digging into his bag, feeling blindly for the medicine. "Ah.. there.. I got it." He gives it to Yoongi who takes it gratefully.
"Thanks Jiminie."
It only takes another minute for the pilot to make the announcement it it was safe to move about the plane, Yoongi unbuckling to ease the pressure on his stomach, unbuckling J-hope after. "You can lay down now Hoba."
J-hope gently lowers his chair back as far as it could go, which wasn't much, but he knew it still took up Taehyung's legroom. "I'm sorry Tete."
"Don't worry about it. It's only a few inches lost. It's nothing." Taehyung reassures him, gently running his fingers through J-hope's hair."Just focus on resting."
J-hope nods,trying to get himself comfortable.
"Excuse me Miss, could I please have a blanket please?" Jin asks the flight attendant, bowing his head. "My brother is cold.."
"Heh..heh'itch.. He'hegitxh!" J-hope turns to his other side to face away from the attendant, lowering his face mask to try to clean up his face with a crumpled pocket tissue. "I'm sorry.."
The woman looks over at J-hope with sympathy. "Bless you..It's okay.. I'll bring you some tissues. Did you need anything else sir?" The flight attendant bows back.
"Just some water, please?"Yoongi asks her. "Two of them."
"Yes sir." She leaves to fulfill their request.
"The medicine should kick in soon." Yoongi reassures J-hope, gently rubbing the nape of his neck.
"Hyung..?" J-hope turns onto his back, turning to face Yoongi.
"What is it?"
"Could you..rub my temples? My head really hurts.." j-hope felt shy asking, but he knew Yoongi wouldn't refuse his request leaning his head against him.
Yoongi gently places his thumbs on the soft spots on either side of J-hope's head. "Don't sneeze on me.." he murmurs as he gently rubs his thumbs in small circles.
"I'll try.. thanks, Yoongi.." J-hope relaxes under his brother's touch, drifting off to sleep as the pain eases up.
"I-" the flight attendant stops talking when Jin puts a finger to his lips, lowering her voice to a whisper. "I brought water, a few blankets and a packet of tissues. Did you need anything else?"
Jin shakes his head. "Thank you so much." He bows, taking the blanket from her and draping the blanket over J-hope.
"We'll have to get him to drink some water when he wakes up. He's sweating a bit.." Yoongi whispers, slowly pulling away from J-hope's temples. "Rest well Hoba.."
"Heh..heh'tichi !" J-hope sneezes into Yoongi's chest, making Yoongi jump with an 'oh sh*t'. He was hardly asleep more than a half hour before the sneezes returned, lowering his mask to not trap the gross. "Hehtichih! Heihitchugh..."
"You okay hyung?" Jimin leans forward to get a good look at J-hope. The sweat that was glistening on his face was gone, but his nose was still bright red making his pale complexion stand out. "Do you want some water?"
J-hope blinks sleepily, still trying to process where he was. "Ah.. right.. we're going to..to..heh'tichi!" A sneeze interrupted his sentence, covering his face with the blanket.
"He's really not doing well.." Namjoon sits backwards from sitting in front of Yoongi. "We might have to figure something out for the concert.."
"I'll be okay by the concert. Don't worry about me I'm starting to feel better already." J-hope quickly sits up right, trying to make himself look stronger than he felt.
"Don't push yourself. Hope, if you're sick Army will understand. Sh*t happens. They would much rather you rest than perform. We'll get you checked out when we land" Namjoon tells him firmly, but with the look in J-hope's eyes, he knew he didn't see sitting it out as an option.
"I'll be okay Joon-ah. I can do it. I'll just get lots of rest and drink lots of fluids." J-hope was glad his face was covered by the mask, because underneath it his nose twitches as the itch returns, but he presses his lips together, stifling his sneeze.
"Here Hoba. You're voice sounds hoarse, drink some water.." Yoongi passes him a water bottle. "Careful I took the lid off."
J-hope drinks about a quarter of the water before his breath hitches, another sneeze building. "Yoongi-yah..ah.."
Yoongi quickly takes the water bottle back right before another flurry of sneezes escapes J-hope.
"Ah..itchish! Hiheiychi...! Heh..heh..hitchu!" J-hope groans, feeling the pressure building behind his eyes again.
"You should try to blow your nose Hobi-hyung. It might help." Jungkook suggested with concern when he sees the pain in J-hope's eyes.
"Alright.. I'll go try." J-hope gets up, not wanting to be disrespectful to the other passengers, going to the bathroom. Jin follows, not wanting to leave him alone.
"I'm okay hyung." J-Hope tells him with another wet sniffle, but he was relieved he was there. Dozens of eyes were on him and he felt better that the attention was divided between the two of them and relived they didn't approach.
"I have to use the bathroom anyways. You go first though. Okay?"
J-hope nods, going into the bathroom and pulling out a tissue, trying to clear his nose but hardly anything comes his nose crusted shut. He saw himself in the mirror and scrunched up his nose. "I look like Rudolph.." he whines to his reflection, splashing water on his face to try to rewet his dried up nose.
He tried once more to clear it, this time successfully getting the yellow mucus into the tissue, triggering a sneeze. "He..hehitugh..!"
"You okay Hoba?" Jin asks from the other side.
"Yeah.. I'm okay..I can breathe a li..li..iyitch!" J-hope sneezes into the tissue, folding it up and throwing it away to use another. "Almost done.."
"Take your time. You don't have to rush for me." Jin reassures him, hearing J-hope blow his nose one more time before coming out. "You feel any better now?"
"A little.."
"Go back to your seat. I'll be fine on my own. You should try to sleep some more." Jin urges him to go, gently nudging him towards their seats.
"Alright..thanks hyung." J-hope puts his face mask back over his face and goes back to the others.
"You okay Hoseok-ah?" Namjoon asks when he takes his seat again.
"Yeah.. I'm okay besides the sneezing.. it's annoying.. every time my headache goes away I start sneezing again and it comes right back.." J-hope says with irritation lacing his usually cheerful tone when he feels the itch return to the tip of his nose, pinching the bridge of it to try to stop the sneeze from coming.
"I wish there was more I could do to help..oh! I have some advil i got when we were in LA, it could help with the headache." Namjoon starts digging in his carry on for the medicine he bought last week, finding the small blister pack and popping one out. "Here Hope. It should help with the pain."
"Thanks Namjoon-ah." He takes the round pull and places it on his tongue, washing it down with water.
Jin returns taking his seat next to Yoongi. "You should try to sleep some more Hobi. We still have another nine hours til we land."
"Okay, SeokJinnie-hyung.." J-hope had no arguments there. He was hardly up for ten minutes, but his eyelids were already feeling heavy again. This cold is draining all my energy.. how am I going to make it through the rehearsal tomorrow? I need to see the stage in person.. I'm the dance leader. Namjoon needs me..
Yoongi puts his hand on J-hope's thigh when he sees J-hope's brow furrow with worry. "Hey.. don't worry about anything, Hoba. We'll figure this out. Just focus on getting better."
J-hope gives him a small smile, the confidence in the oldest rapper's voice calming his nerves. "Thanks Yoongi.."
Yoongi takes the blanket and recovers up J-hope. "Now get some more sleep.. you can use me as a pillow.." he adds the last part softly, getting a small giggle from J-hope when he sees the slightest tinge of pink rise in his cheeks.
J-hope accepts his offer, leaning his head on Yoongi's shoulder. "I love you hyung." He yawns out the words, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over him.
"Sleep well Hoba.." Yoongi smiles when he feels J-hope's body grow heavier. "I love you too." He whispers, hoping only J-hope hears him.
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soft-for-yoongi · 1 year
Introduction & Masterlist~
What I write: ✅️
- emeto (some variation of it is in all of my stories)
- nausea
- any stomach illness/bug
- food poisoning
- motion sickness
- passing out/fainting
- overexertion paired with emeto
- over eating
- Indigestion
- sympathy sickness
- burping (only as a minor detail)
- panic attacks (only mildly)
- snz if paired with emeto
- fevers, coughs, chills, dizziness, fainting etc
- mpreg (I am still not sure, I'd probably be shit at it)
- morning sickness
What I don't write (no hard feelings!): ❌️
- age regression
- forced sickness
- severe illnesses
- hospitals
- public illness
- x reader
- hard core angst
- scat
- stuffing
- nsfw/smut
- violence/non-accidental injuries
- groups other than bts
If anything isn't listed and you're curious, send me an ask!! I'm happy to clarify!!
All of my fanfics are listed under the hastag: #soft-for-yoongi writes
My stories range from 500 - 4000 words and I don't do multiple part stories
I only write for bts, but I may post little bits from other groups!!!
MASTERLIST (ongoing)
5+1 Story - 1469 words Emoji Sequence - 795 words Emoji Sequence - 524 words Fake Sick - 1969 words Midnight Queasies - 1102 words Work Out Problems - 806 words Weak Link - 1966 words Mpreg - 593 words But... Sightseeing? - 1142 words Studio Sickness - 1957 words Shower Sickness - 710 words ON Accident - 1538 words Drunken Vlive - 1199 words More Than a Funny Tummy - 3716 words Sick On Stage - 1133 words Stomach Bug - 1887 words
Fire Noodle Mistakes - 1604 words Sick Tae-bear - 885 words Fever Dreams, Hyung's Don't Leave - 1744 words Emoji Sequence - 525 words Emoji Sequence - 479 words
Dizzy Jiminie - 742 words Weight of Perfection - 1496 words Jin + Min - 694 words Sick Minie - 1403 words
Ahgi Namjoon - 1775 words
Hobi-hyung? - 870 words
Just a Cold? - 1227 words
* Currently, no fics for Seokjin 😭😭 ik I should really write some, but he is a very frequent caretaker 🥺
Links for videos/clips and such:
Jungkook feeling nauseous Bam throwing up on Jungkook Jungkook hiccup/burp Jungkook rubbing his stomach Jungkook chicken (vomiting?) Noises Jungkook tummy Yoongi asking Jungkook if he is throwing up cuddly Jinkook during vlive anxious Yoongi - beyond the story Jungkook burping on vlive seasick Straykids Jimin talking about indigestion Jimin on suchwita Jungkook chugging water at an award show Jimin sneeze vlive Kai rubbing Soobin's tummy Jungkook eating 3 icecreams Jimin with the hiccups Jungkook having indigestion on vlive Yeonjun saying he feels sick Jimin thought Jungkook was throwing up
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blu-archer · 2 years
Just something in the air...
sickie: J/hope
Word count: 2243
Hayfever - sneeze/sickfic.
*Please ignore any grammatical errors (as usual), I'm sure they are there like always, by I really cant find them no matter how many times I read through this right now*
Anon Request.
Jhope has to manage hayfever at a fansign.
Hoseok liked to think that he was an optimistic person, he also liked to think that if he believed and worked hard enough on something that everything would eventually work out in his favour. That nothing would be so terrible that he wouldn’t be able to make it into a good time. 
How foolish he had been. 
Things had started to go wrong from the moment he’d stepped out of his front door and felt the subtle presence of an impending ache building in his temples. He hadn’t thought much of it at the time, brushing it off as a lack of sleep or too much caffeine from the day before, but damn was he thinking about it now.
The ache from before had grown more prominent and at some point during their group meeting that morning he had started sniffling to an excessive point where Jimin had slipped him his own emergency supply of travel tissues before quietly asking if he was getting sick. He wasn’t of course - or at least he hoped he wasn’t. It didn't feel like a cold, yet the idea of it still made him wary enough to swear not to do anything too tiring before their fanmeet. He couldn’t afford to be too reckless with his health, not when their schedule was as packed as it currently was. So he quietly blew his nose and sipped on his coffee until his headache subsided enough that he could almost forget about it completely.
It wasn’t until they’d all gotten dressed and were sitting down for hair and make-up that an itch in his sinuses decided to make an appearance, barely giving him any time to twist away from the stylist fixing his hair to sneeze rapidly into his hands. His face was burning as his breath sharply hitched and stuttered again, breaking into a small fit that left him blocked up and itchy. Yeah, this definitely wasn’t a cold. At least that was something to be grateful for in the long-run.
He quickly apologised before digging out the tissues from early to blow his nose. Thankfully he hadn't had his make-up done yet so he didn't have to worry about messing it up, although his nose seemed to twitch sensitively at the thought of anything touching it. Even the tissues left him fighting the persistent tickle.
“Do you want some medication, Hoba? Allergies?” 
He looked up from where he was buried into a tissue to see Jin holding out a small box and a bottle of water. The small smile he wore was both comforting and dampening. He appreciated the concern but he didn't want anyone to worry too much and he was prone to getting drowsy with most medicine. It wouldn’t be a great idea to fall asleep on Army, even if they probably wouldn’t mind. Anyway, his nose would be fine now that he’d blown it, he’d just need a few minutes to fully squish the problem and then he’d be ready to work. 
“It’s not anything strong, but it might help at least for the next few hours.” Jin pressed, as if sensing the oncoming denial.
But there was no point in fighting his hyung when his concerned side showed and he supposed that even if he was fine now, some precaution wouldn’t kill him. “Thanks hyung.”   
He swallowed the pills under Jin’s critical eye and blew his nose once more - making sure that he could breathe and tap at it without any alarm before letting the stylists continue working and thankfully that itch didn't resurface. Just like he’d hoped, it was like it hadn’t existed in the first place. 
“Hobi-hyung, are you feeling better?” Jungkook watched him with wide glittery eyes that made Hoseok almost coo at his effortless adorableness. How could Jungkook be so grown and still inflict his bambi eye power? It just didn't make sense.
“I’m fine now, Jungkook.” He promised, resisting the urge to mess up the younger boy's hair. Stylist-noona would probably cuss him out if he messed up something in their last few minutes before heading out. “The medicine I took is working, but I was already feeling a bit better.”
“It must have just been something in the air then.” Namjoon concluded as the rest of the members joined them by the door. Each of them enveloped in the same energetic excitement, ready to head out and interact with their fans. “But don’t burn yourself out today, okay? This heat is pretty intense, so stay hydrated. That goes for everyone.” He shot a pointed look towards Taehyung and Jin who had been drifting in their own conversation. 
Hoseok bit back a smile at the warning, pretty sure that they all knew already to be cautious of the heat. The managers had already informed them that water would be ready for them as well as shade - in which they had made sure the same was provided for the waiting fans - but he supposed that it didn’t hurt to be reminded.
They huddled close to the sides of the large set-up stage, casually peeking out at the growing number of people outside until finally they were given the okay to take their seats. Hoseok grinning widely as he heard a few fans called out to him, and waved energetically despite the humid air that was already making his skin sticky. 
The day wasn’t that great, alot of factors could have been better but he wasn’t going to stop smiling until it was over. He couldn’t even if he tried, through sheer force of will he was going to make this the best experience possible.
There was not a worse time to sneeze. 
He had been fine for the first hour and a half, falling into fanservice with glee as he spoke and wrote messages to Army, but it had seemed like his optimistic luck had run out.
His hands were both occupied by the fan seated in front of him, tightly grasped in the boy's hands as he had been trying to comfort and reassure him just seconds before. But god his sinuses burned. The need to sneeze had him tearing up as he tried to hold it back, but there was no way he was going to be able to. Muttering a hasty apology that he didn't even think made it half way from his lips, he turned his head to the side and tried to direct it into his shoulder. 
  “Eh’shh - HEH’SH…” -”Yah!”
Hoseok sniffled and blinked away tears to see a glaring Yoongi pouting at him with just the right amount of playfulness and concern. He couldn't bring himself to speak, only to retract one hand and direct his face into his elbow. “He’eichh -eh’IESH-ETSHHw!”
From his left he vaguely heard Namjoon bless him and lean over to smile at the fan that Hoseok had been speaking to. 
“Yah! Jhope, don’t sneeze on me!” Yoongi whined, causing a string of giggles to erupt from the young girl seated in front of him as a staff member instructed the line to move on.
“Bless you, Jhope-ssi!” The boy in front him bowed his head shyly, loosening his grip on the one hand of Hoseok’s that he still held. Hoseok made sure to squeeze it tightly before letting it drop, a silent thank you as he tried to catch his breath without triggering any more sneezes. 
“Hi! My name is Song Bora! Oppa, do you have a cold?” 
Hoseok shook his head as he took the album from her to sign, only for him to pause and turn away to sneeze into his arm once more. He sniffled and coughed out a small apology before signing the cover and returning his attention to the fan, trying his hardest not to be too distracted.
“Are you sure? You don’t sound good…You should rest lots!” 
Hoseok waved away her concerns, making sure to address the woman, probably her mother, waiting beside her as well. The little girl was actually quite adorable. Probably no more than eight, with wide innocent eyes and a cheery smile. “I promise it’s not a cold, but I will rest well just because you said so!”
“You should also eat lots of Juk and uh… Ggul-cha! Eomma always said to have that if you’re sick, and sleep and not so much outside stuff. ..” She paused, pouting for a moment as she looked back at her mother. “But he has to be outside. Will he get sicker now?”
“Bora-ssi,” He reached out to move a strand of hair out of the young girl's face, directing her attention back to him before her mother could even reply. “I promise I’m not sick, but tha-hh-thank you for looking out for me.”  He sniffed and took a sip of his water, hoping that it would wash away the irritation. “It’s just something in the air that’s bothering me today.”
He pushed through, directing the girls' questions elsewhere until the line moved on. As much as he wished for his nose to behave for just another half an hour, it was out of his control. His nose burned and his breath was hitching more often, so much that he was struggling to get through any conversations and was forced to mostly sit and listen to what everyone had to say - embarrassing himself thoroughly in the times that he did have to speak and ended up with a barely coherent sentence strung together with itchy, uncontrollable fits of sneezing.
A staff member had had to retrieve tissues for him after he spent the majority of the passing interactions trying not to sneeze on people and resorted to gentle patting at his streaming eyes with his wrist. The other members tried to cover for him in small brief comments and subtle jokes that momentarily distracted the fans from him as he tried to piece himself together, but nothing could really stop him from sneezing. It only progressed more and more the longer he was outside, and he was quickly becoming exhausted. 
He kept his smile, although he was sure that Army could see right through him, and tried his best to continue - limiting his physical interactions the more his symptoms became obvious. 
Once the last fan moved on from him to Namjoon, he got up from his seat and rushed behind the stage into the building. One of their managers had followed him, quick to help steer him into a bathroom and leave him to find something to help as Hoseok rested a hand on the bathroom wall to steady himself as he jolted forward into the crook of his arm with a harsh sneeze and irritating coughs that made his eyes stream even more than before. Everything felt heavy and each breath reminded him of that time he’d accidentally inhaled Jin’s finely ground  pepper when he’d been cooking. His nose had itched -buzzed with an insane amount of irritation that had left him honestly, close to tears - for at least 2 hours after that - and if anything, this felt worse. 
He slowly pressed his back to the wall and sank to the floor after grabbing for some toilet paper, just barely catching yet another exhausting fit, before blowing his nose enough times for a slight ache to set in. Yet his nose still twitched with sensitivity. He had to blink away tears only for them to return just as quickly.
“H’AISHH!” With eyes tightly shut Hoseok barely lifted his hand to his face, as if the energy had all but drained out of him, it was much easier to angle down into his lap. “Eh’igxt’ah - HATISHH’-eh.. heh’h’h’HESHH!”
With a damp, tingling sniffle he belatedly realised he needed to blow his nose again, and that whatever was causing his suffering wasn’t going to give up soon.
He hummed a reply to the voice of his manager, then snapped forward again with a sneeze into his lap. Thankfully this time it was just once, but now he was afraid so much as a sniffle would set him off for the next round.
A gentle hand rested on his shoulder, forcing him to open his eyes once more and bring a sheepish hand to cover his face. His manager merely smiled and handed him some pills and water.
“It’s not much, but it's the strongest medicine we could find. It might knock you out, but you’re done with activities for the day.”
Oh how he wished he had taken this one earlier. 
He could have prevented embarrassment entirely, but no. He was just thankful that he’d at least taken the medicine Jin had given him earlier, or else his situation would have been even worse. 
Hoseok wiped gently at his nose with his wrist and quickly swallowed what he was given, washing it down with water before resting his head against the wall with defeat. 
“We should head to the cars.” His manager prompted softly. “The other members will still be out there for a few minutes, but we can put on the air conditioning and you can maybe get some rest. I think that will help.”
And honestly, he was in no place to deny anything if it could potentially stop his aggravation. 
“Do you think you’ll need anything else, Hoseok-ssi?”
He couldn’t seem to form a single concise thought that wasn’t about how tired and itchy he was, yet somehow he still managed to mumble a determined, “Tissues. Lots of tissues.”
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babybearsnz · 1 year
thank you for all of your fics :) i really appreciate them!! 😽i hope you stick around 🥹.
could you write a fic where hobi is sneezy while getting his makeup done. like the makeup brush brushing against his nose makes him sneeze or the powder getting in his nose sets him off. and add in some bless you’s from the members like you always do that’s so adorable 🥰.
thank u in advance!
You and Kookie gonna live?
Sickie: Hobi
Caretaker(s): Bangtan
Relationships: Platonic
Hobi’s pov:
It was our second day of filming for our <Butter> music video and I was promptly dragged over to hair and makeup. Unfortunately for our members with allergies, the flowers on set weren’t fake, despite our company’s concerns. Jungkook and I had already begun to feel the effects of the pollen.
“Hyung,” the maknae sniffled. “Do you have any antihistamines on you?”
I shook my head, handing him a few tissues to make up for the lack of allergy meds.
I was waiting for my turn with our stylist when I heard a couple of harsh sneezes come from where Jungkook was filming his solo scene.
I was startled when Taehyung yelled a blessing from afar.
“Thank you!” Kook responded, just as loud, and I chuckled.
It was finally my turn for makeup and I was feeling sorry for our stylist. My nose had gotten more and more irritated and had started running.
I dabbed underneath it with a tissue and apologized to which she just brushed off. It was when she actually started working on my makeup that things went south.
The makeup brush grazed around my nose and my eyes watered. Before I could say anything, she was gently wiping my eyes. I gave her a grin, but when the brush eventually grazed the tip of my nose, an itch blossomed in my sinuses and my eyelids fluttered.
I gasped out an apology and leaned away. “hhETCHhiii!”
“Bless you, hyung.” I turned to see Jimin before another sneeze took over.
“hHATCHheh!” I felt a hand being placed on my back. When I opened my eyes, he was holding a bottle of antihistamines.
I gratefully accepted them. “Jungkook asked—“ I started.
Jimin interrupted. “I already gave him some, don’t worry.”
********time skip********
We were only halfway through the shoot and my nose wouldn’t let up. It was constantly running and was starting to get sore from the constant rubbing and nose blowing. I sniffled while I was pulled away to get my makeup touched up.
Our stylist frowned at the redness surrounding my eyes and nostrils. I tried to blink back itchy tears as she worked. I could tell she was trying her best to avoid touching my nose with the brush, but the powder made my nose even more sensitive than it already was.
“aaHeTCHh! haKISHHhu!” I groaned after the sneezes burst out of me.
Yoongi appeared at my side and handed me a tissue. “huhNGXTtch!” I muffled one final sneeze into it and sighed.
“God bless,” he said. His words were laced with sympathy and he patted my shoulder.
Once my makeup was finished, I left the chair and our stylist moved on to Jungkook, his makeup seemingly messed up for the same reasons.
I returned to set, sniffling once again, and cleared my throat before turning my attention to our director.
“Hyung, you okay?” Tae wrapped an arm around me. “You and Kookie gonna live?”
I nodded and smiled before shrugging his arm off.
Tae flinched. “Oh, bless you.”
“Sorry,” I mumbled. “Thanks, I’m good now.”
Our shoot continued without a hitch. Well, I guess there was a few hitching breaths. Overall, the medicine helped out.
********time skip********
As soon as we got home, Kook and I immediately plopped onto the couch. I was exhausted. The two of us had spent our entire day as itchy messes.
“You boys want tea?” Jin offered from the kitchen. “Coffee?”
I nodded and rubbed my nose. “Hot coffee, please.”
Jungkook agreed. “Thanks, hyung.” He sounded super nasally and congested. In truth, he sounded the way I felt.
“Let’s watch something.” Namjoon jumped onto the couch next to me and Jimin sprang for the TV remote.
Taehyung climbed up as well and put his head on my lap. I ran my fingers through his hair, absolutely loving the cuddles.
Jin and Yoongi soon came in with the coffee and made themselves comfortable with us.
Only ten minutes into our chosen movie, I had to sneeze again. I wrapped both arms over my face so as not to accidentally spray on Tae.
“haETCHhiew! Ugh, sorry.”
“Ooh, bless.” Yoongi spoke first.
Then Namjoon. “Bless you.”
I thanked them and felt Tae squirm. He must’ve fallen asleep. What a cute little baby.
He turned over to look up at me with tired eyes like pools of honey. He smiled. “Bless you, hyung!” He cooed.
I kissed his forehead. “Thank you, buddy.”
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sneezyminniejo · 1 year
BTS Master List
Street Kebabs Aren't Always a Good Idea emeto
Here Comes the Sun ACHOO snz
I'm Not Sick, Just Cold emeto
Oblivious Rapper snz
A Mino Case of the Sniffles snz
Blanket Cocoon general
Ignored by Hyung snz
Turtles and Walruses
I'm Not Going Blind snz
Just Sneeze if you Need to snz
Turtle and Walruses
I'm Not Sick snz
First Date Disaster part 1 2 3 snz
Sensitive Nose Part 1 2 snz
You Don't Always Outgrow Things snz
Are You Going to Sneeze? part 1 2
Fevers and Debates general
It Started with a Pun snz
Clelebrations and Sneezes snz
Tea and Cuddles general
Concerned Hyung and Coughing general
Sneezing on Your Day Off snz
New Found Allergy snz
Prank Gone Wrong snz
Live Stream Sneezes snz
Bad Day whump
H-yung, I Th-ink I'm Gonna... emeto
Tubby Custard emeto
Bothersome Candles and Caretaking snz
Greenhouse of Misery snz
Relaxation Interrupted snz
Hands are Stupid whump
Street Kebabs Aren't Always a Good Idea emeto
Mistranslations and Embarrassment snz
Disastrous Photoshoot snz
Maknae with a Cold snz
Faking Sick, but in Reverse? emeto snz
Happy Birthday to Uh Oh emeto
There's no Reason to be Embarrassed general
Barely a Fever snz
Wrong Side of the Bed whump
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