#a guide of somesort
soft-for-yoongi · 1 year
Introduction & Masterlist~
What I write: ✅️
- emeto (some variation of it is in all of my stories)
- nausea
- any stomach illness/bug
- food poisoning
- motion sickness
- passing out/fainting
- overexertion paired with emeto
- over eating
- Indigestion
- sympathy sickness
- burping (only as a minor detail)
- panic attacks (only mildly)
- snz if paired with emeto
- fevers, coughs, chills, dizziness, fainting etc
- mpreg (I am still not sure, I'd probably be shit at it)
- morning sickness
What I don't write (no hard feelings!): ❌️
- age regression
- forced sickness
- severe illnesses
- hospitals
- public illness
- x reader
- hard core angst
- scat
- stuffing
- nsfw/smut
- violence/non-accidental injuries
- groups other than bts
If anything isn't listed and you're curious, send me an ask!! I'm happy to clarify!!
All of my fanfics are listed under the hastag: #soft-for-yoongi writes
My stories range from 500 - 4000 words and I don't do multiple part stories
I only write for bts, but I may post little bits from other groups!!!
MASTERLIST (ongoing)
5+1 Story - 1469 words Emoji Sequence - 795 words Emoji Sequence - 524 words Fake Sick - 1969 words Midnight Queasies - 1102 words Work Out Problems - 806 words Weak Link - 1966 words Mpreg - 593 words But... Sightseeing? - 1142 words Studio Sickness - 1957 words Shower Sickness - 710 words ON Accident - 1538 words Drunken Vlive - 1199 words More Than a Funny Tummy - 3716 words Sick On Stage - 1133 words Stomach Bug - 1887 words
Fire Noodle Mistakes - 1604 words Sick Tae-bear - 885 words Fever Dreams, Hyung's Don't Leave - 1744 words Emoji Sequence - 525 words Emoji Sequence - 479 words
Dizzy Jiminie - 742 words Weight of Perfection - 1496 words Jin + Min - 694 words Sick Minie - 1403 words
Ahgi Namjoon - 1775 words
Hobi-hyung? - 870 words
Just a Cold? - 1227 words
* Currently, no fics for Seokjin 😭😭 ik I should really write some, but he is a very frequent caretaker 🥺
Links for videos/clips and such:
Jungkook feeling nauseous Bam throwing up on Jungkook Jungkook hiccup/burp Jungkook rubbing his stomach Jungkook chicken (vomiting?) Noises Jungkook tummy Yoongi asking Jungkook if he is throwing up cuddly Jinkook during vlive anxious Yoongi - beyond the story Jungkook burping on vlive seasick Straykids Jimin talking about indigestion Jimin on suchwita Jungkook chugging water at an award show Jimin sneeze vlive Kai rubbing Soobin's tummy Jungkook eating 3 icecreams Jimin with the hiccups Jungkook having indigestion on vlive Yeonjun saying he feels sick Jimin thought Jungkook was throwing up
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lucllle · 2 years
Chief Alchemist
You had traveled to Dragonspine to work under Albedo as an assistant, since his official assistant was not available at the moment. You were already confident in your abilities when it came to alchemy, but decided that it would be beneficial twork under the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius. You were still amazed at the fact that Albedo had given you the opportunity to work with him, but you definitely weren’t gonna sit on your ass the entire time, that’s for sure. 
You knew dragonspine was gonna be cold, but you didn’t realize just how cold. Luckily, you had brought your own homemade potions that were specifically made to warm the human body. That way, your outfit didn’t need to be covered up by a huge fur coat. You still had one in your suitcase, though, just in case. You used your map to guide you, making sure to be quick on your feet so as to not attract attention from monsters. Soon enough, you were close enough to see his camp, quickening your pace. 
Once you were finally at the site, you couldn’t help but stare in amazement. There were bits of research everywhere around you, valuable information there at your disposal. Albedo was writing things down on his clipboard before turning to look at you. 
“ Oh, you’ve arrived. You’re dressed rather lighty. Would you like a fur coat? “ He put the clipboard down on the table he was close to. 
“ No, that won’t be necessary. I brought my own potions to help with the cold. “ 
“ Potions? Do you specialize in them? “ His eyes widened curiously. You felt that if he were a dog or cat of somesort, his tail and ears would have perked up. 
“ Yeah, I’ve been studying it ever since I had the resources. Where can I put my things? “ 
“ That very dedication must’ve been what brought us together today, then. You can put your things inside of my tent, it isn’t very far from here. You’ll be staying there with me for the next few  days. “ 
You nodded, placing your suitcase near a chalkboard. “ I’ll leave my things here for right now then. I’ve heard your research has recently been revolving around ways to affect the human body, yes? “ 
“ Yes, I’ll inform you about what I need you to do. Are there any tools here you aren’t familiar with? “ He gestured to a small table on wheels with various tools, but you were familiar with them. 
“ I can’t say I’ve used everything here before, but I know all their uses. I hope that won’t be any trouble for you. “ He adjusted his gloves, grabbing his clipboard and pencil. 
“ Don’t worry, it won’t be much of a problem. I’ll bring you up to speed; I’ve been studying the human genitalia, both male and female. This experiment is mostly for monetary purposes, since I’m cooperating with an organization that deals with escorts legally. In short, I’m making both lubricant and potions designed to make humans sensitive to sexual pleasure and more aroused. “ He stared down at his clipboard, then back up at you. “ I believe that your knowledge of potions and how they’re capable of affecting the human body will be of use for this experiment. “
You were taken aback at first, especially since this was the last thing you had expected the experiment to be about. “ Hm… Well, I think it shouldn’t be very hard. “ You walked up to the chalkboard, where Albedo had sketched out a male and female body, including the reproductive organs. You didn’t plan on doing this sort of thing when you got here, but you figured you could learn a thing or two. “ For the sensitivity aspect, I think we should study the most sensitive parts of the genitalia… And how we can replicate that sensitivity for the rest of the genital. “ You turned back to look at him. “ Judging by the fact that you aren’t writing anything, you’ve come to this conclusion already. Have you looked into the matter? “ 
“ Yes, I have. I didn’t pursue it for very long, though. Since the reason for the clitoris and head of the penis’ sensitivity is because of the number of nerve endings it has, we can’t replicate that through lubricant or potions at all. What we can do, however, is study what sensations the human body is specifically sensitive to, like the cold. “ 
“ I assumed that’d be the case. For lubricant, I feel as if something that is hot or cold will be sufficient depending on what the user prefers. We could harvest whopperflowers and manipulate it as an ingredient so it won’t be too hot or cold as to harm the user, but instead to make them sensitive to the foreign sensation. I know of a few people who have farms specifically made to attract these creatures so that they can not only be harvested, but also reproduced, along with other monsters. “ 
“ Hm… yes, this does sound favorable. I actually have the remains of a cryo whopperflower stored away somewhere. We could use that for the test runs. “ 
“ Alright then. How would we change those parts to control the intensity, though? Perhaps some numbing medication mixed in could work, no? “ 
“ We’ll have to be cautious about the amount we add. Temperature does indeed have an affect on the male genitalia, I’ve run multiple experiments to test that theory. I’ll need to find a female subject to test as well, though. “ He tapped his pencil onto his clipboard. “ Perhaps the Adventurer’s Guild could arrange that for me. “ 
“ That won’t be necessary. I’d be willing to test out your theory during my stay here. I feel that I could explain symptoms in a way you could understand as well. “ You looked at the chalkboard, then back at him. “ I have numbing medication in my case. One type is oral, the other would be applied to a wound in case of emergency. “ 
“ There’s no need for that, I have some stored away. I wouldn’t want you to use your personal items for this, anyway. You said you were willing to test it out, yeah? “ He put his clipboard and pencil aside again. 
“ Yes, you just need to tell me when. “ 
“ Would… right now be suitable? I came up with a lubricant an hour or two before you got here. It worked well on me, but my female counterpart is not only away, but probably wouldn’t be willing to be experimented on under any circumstances, so I wasn’t sure how it’d affect the female body. “ He walked over to one of his shelves, taking a labeled bottle that had a container similar to that of a shampoo bottle. 
You knew that he worked fast, but you never suspected that he’d be this quick with his work. 
“ Of course I can test it. Not here, though… Isn’t there somewhere a little less, how do I put it… Open? “ 
“ Would the tent be sufficient? I imagine that’s also one of the only places in Dragonspine where one could properly pleasure themselves. I prepared accordingly. “ 
“ Yeah, the tent is just fine… I’m assuming you’ll have to be present. “ Your cheeks flushed at the idea of Albedo watching you while you played with yourself. 
“ Naturally. Not only to record symptoms, but also to be there if anything wrong occurs. That isn’t very likely, though. Don’t worry too much about it. Come, I’ll take you to the tent. “ 
You nodded, grabbing your things and following after Albedo. He made sure to take a few sheets of paper to jot down the results. 
It didn’t take too long to get to the tent. It was nearby, just as Albedo had told you. You walked in, surprised to see how nice it was inside. There was a bed and a couch inside, as well as a drawer and carpet among many other things. You imagined this is where Albedo slept, since most things seemed untouched. You put your suitcase down while Albedo turned to look at you. 
“ Please make yourself at home. I need you to be comfortable for the best results, afterall. “ He smiled at you, sitting down on the couch. 
“ Hm… I feel like the bed would be most comfortable for me. Is that okay? “ 
“ Of course. “ He watched you closely as you walked over to the bed, but stopped in front of it. 
“ That… means you’ll be watching me the entire time, doesn’t it? “ 
“ Not unless it affects your performance negatively. If you’d like, I could turn around and rely on audible cues, but it might make the results a bit more… unreliable, per say. “ 
“ It’s okay, I wouldn’t want to slow down the process. “ You began undressing, but paused when Albedo started walking over. He handed you the lubricant. 
“ You’re allowed to back out of this at any time, please don’t force yourself. “ You gave him a reassuring smile before he handed you the lubricant. “ Here you go. I’ll try not to get in the way. “ 
You placed the lubricant onto the night stand beside the bed before you continued undressing. You heard the bedsheets move while Albedo sat down. He needed to observe you closely, after all. You stayed with your back turned to him, starting by taking your shirt off teasingly slowly. You didn’t know why, but you didn’t want to be the only one getting aroused during this experiment.  You let your shirt fall to the ground, then slid your thumb underneath the hem of your pants, pulling them down to the floor and stepping out of them. You reached behind your back to unclasp your bra, letting the straps fall down your shoulders before letting it fall to the ground.  You slowly pulled down your panties, your face flushing a little. You couldn’t tell how Albedo was reacting to all of this, but your heart still skipped a beat with excitement at the thought that he was watching your every move. 
You turned around and reached for the lubricant before sitting down on the bed near the headboard, while Albedo was resting against the footboard. You spread your legs completely, making sure he could see everything. 
“ You need a view of everything, right? Does this work? “ 
“ Yes, that works just fine. I’m glad to see you’re taking your time. If you require my assistance, simply call out my name. “ You couldn’t help but smile at his statement, but you had to keep your eyes on the prize. 
You reached your hand down, sliding one of your fingers between your folds to reach your clit. You started off with small, quick circles. Your breathing started to fasten, but you weren’t exactly close yet. You planned on applying the lubricant once you were actually going to put your fingers inside, but you wanted to get in the mood first. It was growing increasingly difficult, though. You couldn’t help but notice his blue eyes as they stared at your figure, carefully examining every aspect of your actions and body.
The two of you made eye contact, but you quickly closed your eyes instead to play it off. You couldn’t help but imagine what it was like to feel his skin against yours. What would it feel like to have him above you, while he “assisted” you? Would he stare at you the same way? You opened your eyes again, grabbing the bottle of lubricant. You spread your lips before pouring it on your arousal, shivering at the harsh coldness. You put the bottle aside and reached back down, spreading the lube around your pussy evenly. You had never felt so sensitive to your own touch before, and while you touched yourself the only thing in your mind was Albedo. You felt so lewd about it, but you couldn’t help but wonder how exactly he tried the lubricant out himself. 
You put a finger inside you, covering your mouth to muffle your moans. Your eyes blurred for a moment, but when you regained focus, Albedo was right beside you. 
“ Please don’t hold back your voice, Y/N. My data won’t be accurate if you do so. “
You looked up at him while he reached out to move your hand. “ Oh, please don’t let me interrupt you. “ You could feel your face flush while you continued to finger yourself, slightly closing your thighs. Your eyes widened when you felt Albedo caress your thigh before pulling it toward him, spreading your thighs apart. 
“ Remember, I need to see all of you, okay? “ You couldn’t help but let out a quiet moan when you felt his touch. He patted your head, caressing the side of your cheek. “ Good job, you’re doing great. “
Somehow, you mindlessly moaned out for Albedo, and didn’t even realize it until you saw him lean close to you. 
“ Yes? Do you need my help? “ You shivered as you felt his hand trace down your back.
“ I-... I want you to hold me, please… “ He seemed surprised at this, but he didn’t hesitate. He scooted you forward by the small of your back before sitting behind you. He pulled you closer, making you sit between his legs. He wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin in the crook of your neck. 
“ Is this sufficient? “ You simply laid back against his chest, obeying his orders from before and continuing to finger yourself. You felt his hand trace down your stomach, which he rubbed ever so lovingly. 
“ Hm… are you sure there aren’t any other ways to help you? “ He rested his hand on your folds, smiling against the flesh of your neck. You took your other hand to lay on top of his, applying some pressure to push his fingers between your folds. He didn’t move his fingers, though, and simply watched you closely. 
“ Stop teasing me, ‘bedo… “ You rolled back your head to look at him, to which he smiled at you. 
“ I’m not teasing. If you want me to do something to you, I’ll need you to tell me what to do to you… Where to touch, how to touch you… I’m no magician, I can’t tell what’s on your mind. “ 
“ Just… Touch me damn it. I’m- I’m yours. Do what you want. “ 
“ Okay, I’ll be gentle with you. I have birth control in the lab, you’ll have to take some later. “ He kissed your neck, and soon began rubbing his fingers against your clit. He seemed dissatisfied, though, and pulled away from you, which earned him a whimper. He took off his gloves, putting them on the nightstand. He wrapped his left arm around your waist, using his right arm to touch your clit again. He made small, slow circles. It almost felt sensual. He soon pulled away from you again to stand up on the floor. He started undressing at a similar pace you had before. 
“ You know, it’s funny that you said I was teasing you. Especially considering the fact that you were trying to strip tease me earlier. “ He turned around so his back was facing you, looking over his shoulder. “ Like this, yeah? I won’t lie, though, I enjoyed watching you. I think I’ll enjoy being up close and personal more, though. “ He finally got his pants and boxers off and turned to look at you, finally naked. He crawled onto the bed, pulling you closer to him by your thighs. He pushed you onto your side, which confused you. 
“ Your thighs… put them together tightly, okay? “ 
“ Mm… okay? “ You obeyed, putting your thighs together tightly. Albedo grabbed the bottle of lube, pouring some onto his cock. He shivered, letting out a shaky breath while he started to jerk himself off to spread it. Once he thought he had spread it enough, he scooted closer to you on the bed. He lifted your leg, pulling you closer to sandwich his cock between your thighs. He held you in pace while he began pulling back, then thrusting. You occasionally let out quiet moans when you felt his length rub against your clit. Albedo reached down to grasp the bedsheets on either side of your head, leaning down to kiss your collarbone. Instead, he bit down when he felt your hand reach down to caress his tip when it went past your thighs. 
“ Your body is so soft and plush, I can’t wait to be inside of you. “ Your face went red at this, your thighs squeezing together. He began quickening his thrusts, sucking on your neck while doing so. He quickly turned you over to lay on your back, spreading your legs. He sat up and watched you carefully while he jerked himself off, letting out a hitched moan and cumming on your stomach. You wiped some of it off your stomach, licking it off your fingers while you made eye contact with Albedo. He turned red, his length still hard. 
“ I suppose… This is a more efficient way to test how well the lubricant works. “ He spread the lube against your arousal with his tip, making sure it was evenly coated. He saw the excitement in your face and pulled away. 
“ Hey! That isn’t- That isn’t fair. “ You frowned at him, but he simply smiled at you before laying on his stomach, his head between your thighs. 
“ I thought it’d be better if you came before I put it in… I’d like to see how you taste, too. “ He moved his arms, locking them around your thighs. He dragged you closer to him, which surprised you. 
“ ‘Bedo… I’m starting to think this is more than something just for the project. “ You decided to tease him a little, sliding your hand between his locks. He kissed your clit, making you both jump and moan in surprise. He held you in place, though. 
“ Oh, don’t be too much of a downer… Judging by just how wet you are, you don’t mind that this isn’t entirely for research, hm?” You sighed, simply looking around the room out of embarrassment. He wasn’t wrong whatsoever- You were enjoying every bit of this. 
You squirmed when you felt him sucking on your clit directly, but he simply gripped your thighs and held you in place. He kissed your clit before pulling his face away, looking up at you. 
“ Stop squirming or I won’t touch you at all… “ He leaned toward your inner thigh, littering kisses and hickeys on them. “ And that wouldn’t be very pleasurable for either of us, now would it? “ 
“ ‘M sorry… “ You caught your breath, reaching out to touch his hair again. He leaned against your touch, and then turned to kiss your hand. “ It’s okay. Just be good for me, alright? “ 
“ I’ll be good, I swear. Just… touch me, please. “ You heard Albedo let out a soft laugh before he kissed your clit somewhat sensually. He let go of your legs, one of his hands moving to put two of his fingers inside you. You let out a sigh of relief, glad that he was finally touching you. He put his other arm under you, his hand spread across the small of your back. 
He looked up at you, most likely to make sure you were okay, then started moving his fingers in and out of you at a slow, steady pace. You let out occasional moans, but you were mostly breathing heavily. You felt Albedo curl his fingers, hitting just the right spot. You wrapped your legs around his neck so that you wouldn’t squirm very much, but it was getting increasingly difficult. Then, it happened. You screamed out for Albedo as he started thrusting his fingers into you at a brutal pace, nibbling on your clit. You pulled on his hair, which made you surprised to hear him moan at this. He reached out to your other hand, continuing his abuse of your pussy. You could hear your wetness combined with the lube slapping against the rest of his hands and your folds. 
“ How lewd… You’re sopping wet. I can’t imagine the state you’ll be in when I… nevermind, you’ll find out soon enough. “ He cut himself off, making you curious about what he planned on saying. You didn’t have much time to think about it though, especially when you felt him set a faster pace. You reached to grab his wrist, but he swatted your hand away. He lapped at and sucked your clit again, making you cry out his name. 
“ Albedo, Albedo- wait- I’m gonna cum- “ Albedo didn’t show any mercy, continuing to attack your clit. You arched your back, pulling on his hair. He stared up at your face while he continued to finger you, even going out of his way to hit your g-spot after you came. 
“ Ah, wait- waitwaitwait- Please, Albedo- “ Your body stayed tense. You didn’t get the opportunity to come down from your high, especially when he continued to finger you mercilessly. It didn’t take very long for you to cum all over again. You let out a small sob of pleasure. You’ve overstimulated yourself on your own before, but your heightened sensitivity along with Albedo’s touch was a completely different experience. He pulled away from you, sitting up while he hooked your legs around his waist. 
“ Hm… It really does seem as if the lube makes you more sensitive. Or perhaps you’re just a little bit of a slut. That’s alright, though… I don’t mind. “ Your face went red at his statement. You felt humiliated, but part of that was what turned you on. 
“ I’m… I’m not a slut. If I’m a slut, you’re a fuckboy. “ Albedo’s eyes widened for a moment. He stared down at you, but he soon laughed. 
“ Don’t worry. I’ll make sure that I’ll live up to your expectations. “ Albedo grabbed his length, positioning the tip at your entrance before pushing himself inside of you. He leaned down toward you, placing his hands on either side of your head, smirking down at you when he noticed the pleasure in your expression. He started with slow, hard thrusts that pushed you into the bed every time he bottomed out inside of you. You hadn’t been expecting it to feel like this, but you weren’t gonna complain. “ I’ll make you my slut. I want to be the only one to see you in such a vulgar state. “ You just nodded, as if agreeing to his proposal. He soon started to speed up, letting out moans and whimpers himself. You clawed at his back restlessly, arching your back slightly. In response, Albedo angled himself so that he’d hit as deep as possible, then held you in place while he hammered into you. He brought one of his hands to your lower stomach, using his thumb to caress your clit. You were getting so close, and Albedo showed no signs of stopping again. 
“ Albedo- I’m… I’m close- “ Albedo brought his face away from your neck, licking and kissing your body until he got to one of your nipplies. He promptly proceeded to ravage your boob, licking and biting your nipple. Eventually, the pleasure was too much for you, and you were brought to your peak again. Albedo didn’t stop, though. Instead, he lifted his head to look at you when you sobbed out that “it was too much”. He paused, which confused you. 
“ Wait, no, no- I didn’t want you to stop… “ You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing his cheeks, almost as if to make amends. He let out a sigh of relief. 
“ Just hang in there until I finish, okay? Be good for me. I know you can take it. “ He kissed you before pulling away to suck on your breast again, then started thrusting. His pace began slow and gentle, but it escalated back to the pace he had before. Your walls clenched around him, making him moan whenever you did so. He bit down onto your nipple, speeding up the pace of his thrusts before being completely still inside of you. He let out an unruly, long moan while he finally reached his release balls deep inside of you. Your thighs trembled and your back arched even more, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. He eventually let go of you, letting you fall onto the bed. He pulled out of you, watching his cum seep out of your hole when you clenched around nothing. You tried to desperately catch your breath, trying to relax. Something about this view just turned Albedo on, and you were surprised to see him jerking off his semi-hard cock to get it to full length again.
“ Wait- “ 
“ You’re so good for me, Y/N. You can take more, right? “ He caressed your inner thighs, making you shiver while he glared down at you. “ Tell me you can take more of me. “ 
“ I-... I can take more of you, Albedo. I promise… I promise I’ll be good, ‘kay? “ He smiled at this, hooking his hands under your legs and bringing them to your chest. He leaned onto your legs, making you bend awkwardly. You weren’t sure why he seemed to like this pose- Not until he thrusted inside of you, that is. Both you and him noticed just how deep inside of you he could get in this position, which was a pleasant surprise for Albedo. 
“ Hold onto your legs with your arms. Keep them in place for me, hm? “ You didn’t hesitate to obey, hooking your own hands under your legs to bring them closer to your body while he let go of them. You let your lower legs rest on his shoulders, looking at Albedo while he placed his hands at either side of your head. “ Good… You’re so good for me, Y/N. I’ll make sure you get your reward. “ Your head was fuzzy with pleasure, but you were still able to make out his praise. He started thrusting into you slowly, seeming to show you at least some sort of mercy. He stared down at you, smiling while he leaned down to kiss you. You didn’t resist at all, but you did bite down onto his lower lip when he suddenly went back to his monstrous pace all over again. You could tell that it was gonna be a few more rounds before he cut you some slack, especially when he came inside you and pulled out just to move you onto your stomach. You let out a weak moan when he pushed himself inside you again, his throbbing girth being ever so unforgiving. 
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volturisecretary · 7 years
Thoughts on Vladimir and Stefan?
Vladimir and Stefan are almost as bitter as me and I love it.
More seriously, I really enjoyed them as characters, especially because they were some of the only characters not ~completely enchanted by Renesmee (Amun being the other). They didn’t care if Carlisle/the Cullens broke any of the Volturi’s rules; they just wanted to fight the Volturi, which is honestly relateable.
I do agree with them at the end of Breaking Dawn when they said they should have went after the Volturi because 1) ‘they will never forget what happened here’ and 2) now they would have time to prepare for Bella’s shield or divide up the witness and take them out. On the other hand though, they did enslave humans. So, I’m glad SM didn’t write the Volturi falling because some people would take advantage of this period of collapse, which would be bad for humans and vampires. But, I’m sure there would have been some sort of Cullens + friends council put into place and I would have been very salty about it to say the least. 
They are partially the reason I believe vampires can move on from losing their mates and/or close friends. I’m sure they have ~done things to annoy the Volturi (@jessicanjpa​ has written some playful drabbles about them pranking the Volturi I believe), but they haven’t pulled a Victoria (i.e.: released a large batch of newborns into Volterra during a major festival) or anything. It helps me justify that vampires can move on from their mates; it just depends on their personality (like Edward and Marcus aren’t going to full ever get over that sort of thing).
Sidebar: I really want to know what the Romanian Guards cloaks/outfits looked like compared to the other ruling Covens’ outfits. I’m assuming the Egyptian, Romanians, and Volturi all had some sort of crest or symbol to identify themselves, so it be cool to see that. Or perhaps the Volturi was the first group to do that. I could potentially see someone impersonating a guard in that case though. 
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cynettic · 3 years
I just thought of a really cool idea for a fanfic- but imagine Y/n being a tour guide for adventurers in Inazuma? Done behind the Raiden Shogun’s back of course, because Y/n manages to break them past the foreigner town. Being the badass they are, they can protect their clients and secure there safety, showing them the goods and bads about the islands, going on mini adventures with them. ( They would be super close with Thoma, Kazuha, and Beidou. And probably somesort of special relationship with Ayaka ). I could totally see them mocking Sara and all the other vision decree people, siding with Gorou and Kokomi whenever they need help. 
But their main occupation is showing people around, showing them the beauty of Inazuma but offering insight and close ups to islands with abnormalities or wrongdoings. The fanfic could grow into a nice concept if the clients were people we knew of in the game, ( Some people from Monstadt or Liyue coming in a group to come see the situation. On that note I can see Zhongli or Venti coming with a team of people from their selective region ).
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cbk1000 · 4 years
do you have somesort of comprehensive guide to why carina sucks, i know she was kinda bitchy about TO, but what did she do in particular
Basically, she was just a raging unprofessional asshole. I thought she was a terrible writer anyway and that her TO episodes were literally some of the worst, most incomprehensible TV I’d ever seen, but she was a shitshow on twitter. When Julie & Co. decided the KC fandom was The Enemy, Carina was pretty much leading the charge in encouraging other parts of the TVD/TO fandom to turn on them. She also did the same thing to @hellsbellschime because Hilary (rightfully) criticized the show for being inconsistent, generally terribly written, and specifically terribly written in its approach to women and race. It was all very Mean Girls. If you poke around Carina’s tag on her blog, you’ll probably find a lot of specific examples. There are so many over the years that I honestly don’t remember a lot of details; it all sort of blurred together into one shitty blob.
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the-faculty · 7 years
Hi!! Me and my boyfriend want to get into dd/lg but don't know how to. If you can, can you list down somesort of guidelines. Or what are the basics and whatnot? Thanks alot!!
Hi there Anon. 
The structure of DD/lg for me is pretty much the same as any of the other dynamics. Rules, tasks, rewards and punishments are needed to help you care for your little one and see that she evolves the ways you wish her to. 
Three Types of Rules For Littles
1. Rules That Establish Dominance and encourage Deeper Submission and Intimacy:
These are the fun rules, and the ones that reinforce who is boss. Asking for permission to cum and letting Daddy pick out your panties each day are good examples.
2. Rules That Guide Health:
These help with physical and mental health. Eating breakfast each day, a required walk, journal writing, and required self play (good for burning calories and raising endorphins) are good examples.
3. Rules That Help With Goals:
These help make her that very best version of herself that she wants to be. Keeping her room tidy, working toward healthy eating habits, putting away money in the bank each week, and required time for studying are good examples.
Let the subjective rules you create for your specific little girl guide your tasks. If you have a rule that states that the Princess must have a clean room at all times, broken down individual tasks that keep her on track to achieve that goal weekly should be created. If the rule is that she is to achieve certain grades in her college courses, tasks should be created to make sure she sets aside time for homework and studying. 
Rewards and Punishments
When she is keeping within the rules, and getting her tasks done in a satisfactory manner, rewarding her to reinforce her hard work and good behavior should be given. For littles this can be things like stickers daily, or buying her a new stuffy at the end of a prolonged period of good behavior. Rewards should be anything your little one gets excited about. Don’t forget that the biggest reward you can give her is your own voiced positive feedback. Nothing goes further than telling her she is being “a good girl”. 
When rules are broken it is important that punishment is doled out to help correct the behavior. Punishments should fit the crime as best as you can, and should be things your submissive does not enjoy. Spankings are often mistaken as suitable punishments for masochistic little girls. This only encourages your submissive to act out to receive them, and does not serve to correct bad behavior. Ignoring your little girl should NEVER be used as a punishment. 
There is your basic structure Anon. Beyond that, encourage and foster her little side. The more safe and secure she feels under your dominant watch, the more she will be able to let go of her day to day and find and explore being little and enjoying littlespace. 
Feel free to come to me (or us) as things come up that you want advice with. There are a lot of experienced Dominants here on kinky Tumblr who are happy to help younger and new dominants find their way. Never feel like you’re in over your head, and can’t get help. Best of luck to both of you. 
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Had a dream, where my school was on a field trip to some spankin' brand new cutting edge sckence lab, or some shit. Me and a buddy who suspiciously looks like the kid from Godzilla vs Kong, also known as the kid from Deadpool 2, the one who shoved a pen up his ass. Yeah he was there, and my buddy apparently. Andyways we's got to skip zhe line because we are specifically asked by the Members of The Board of this super important company, the one who finances the lab. So ueah, we got to skip the long ass line and yall peasants stay out, peace! We had to be there on time and we had like a fucking roomba as our assistant to guide around and ahit make sure we get there on time, ya know. We had to bring the roomba at the gate before the timer hits zero cuz then we'd be fucked and be scolded. Not really fucked as in sex, but more of fuck we's in trouble now, boyz. Anyway, the timer is already to two and the gate thing is still so far awayz so Pen-up-his-ass kid from deadpool 2, throws the roomba, and it reachea just in time because when it landed the timer was on fhcucking zero but it was just about to alert our handler that we're late or somethin, thankfully as the handler turned round the corner we made it. And we were fu king dying cuz we sprinted from the entrance to the gate which was like 20 meters, and then since i was late cuz i had to do something I was runnin waaayyy before that.
Anyayz handler is like "Playin' I' close ar' ya? " and weze were like fuck off mate, go suck an ass. And he slapped us in the back of our heads, like tha ass hes is, and he guided us to the head honcho scientist. Which suspiciously looks liek Doc Oct from the spiderman ps4 game.
Change SCENE fuckkerssss
To some Idris Elba lookin dude doing bench presses or someshit in leik a dark room and therez camerass and then a screen pops out. Not like a flat screen tv more liek a holographic screen. And the screen waz talking of course there were people ans they were talking but eh, think of it as a zoom call but tony starkian eh? Anuwauz they waz questioining this dood, liek "You have destroyed an experimental tank, forsaken your mission, AND ALMOST GOT YOUR TEAM AND YOURSELF KILLED! What in god's name do you have to say for yourself?"
And Idris Elba is liek "I did what I had to do. " all coolzy like. And he basically ignorin his bosses and he still doing bench presses.
Then the head honcho boss is like "Pull up the stats. "
And this dood, "Feiry red-hair flowe-" then the lady beside him is leik "YOUR READING THE WRONG THING! " and grabs the tablet he was readin off of, and switches the windows or something to that equivalent, and just smiles all cheery like, "Thank you" and she retreats back jn her seat with her chin restin in her hand, "Just read it right, dork" and she blusshiinnnnnnnn.
Anyway doods reads the right thing this time. "A turrent, model number 63412007, was found detached from it's tank. Bullets that are found to be a match to the turrent are found within the tank shields and surrounding areas. Indicating that the said turrent was used to assualt team members with the probable intent to kill. "
And the guy, Idris Elba, flashbacks, and he suddenly back in camo, in a tank, behind a turrent. And suddenly something movea behind the tall dry grass of this sandy deserted place. And shots are fired, he goes down, shot by something. And back to the present, he's back bench pressin, and the camera pans down revealing a mechanical leg.
And the boss lady is like "And who manned that turrent? You. Now tell me, one good reason, why I shouldn't have you executed for treason, desertment, murder, and assault.
And he deadass says "Cuz im the best chance you've got."
And then back to me and pen-up-his-ass kid, who I shall shorten to, PUHA. And wese in this dope ass lab but as dope as it mau be it also messy as fuck. Papers are scattered everywhere, weird ass test tubes with liquids are spewed in places. The works. Anyways the handler goes "Here they are, sir. " and me and Puha goes explorin the lab, goin like "Ooh, whatcha think that is, bro? "
"Ooohh, weird ass liquid starting to bubble. "
"Woah man, look at this!"
Until the headhoncho tells us to settle down, and we goez near him cuz like woah, he talks! And like, his shiny ass head is reflecting the light and was stiflin a laugh, and put my hand over my mouth. Turns out that was bad idea, cuz i accidentally touch somefucking spore. And i was like "Oh no, this is the plot." and the head honcho science guy is like "No! " then he goes to an exposition about the spore. And suddenly it's a race against time to find somesort of mcguffin to heal me. Also we had superpowers btw, that's why we skipped line and also why the Members of the board specifically requested us.
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unleashthemidnight · 6 years
Health updates after visiting the doctor today;
I need to take new EKG (the heart film thing) because my pulse was way too high/tense to doctor even to read it properly, or see certain things. I knew it was high (I took blood pressure and pulse after the blood and heart film tests at the health clinic at their “self-measure corner”) and I usually have higher numbers at those places versus home tests but this time it just caused non-readable results.
I have no idea how the hell we can help my pulse to be more down and have readable test results. Should we leave me just laying down with all the things attached for 15 minutes before the test and maybe listen some meditation and relaxing music?? o___o Do I just say that when calling/ordering the time and mention it again at the clinic? How one does that, how we can be sure about it being low enough?? I had little bit of anxiety that time and it was first time when doing that test but I just tried to focus on my breathing and it was more of the normal nervousness than high anxiety. Should I take my anxiety med next time, would that help? So many questions to asks the person when calling for the test.
Medication stuff and other things relating to these things
I got a recipe for new meds but I can’t start eating them before the new heart film has been taken and looked over that there isn’t anything wrong. Haven’t brought them yet because of that reason.
We also discussed about new medication, the one that I will start (if there isnt anything wrong with my heart) is well-tolerated and it goes from 25mg to 800mg so there’s room to find the balance. It’s also possible that we start another daily medication (she used the one med as example that I’m kinda scared of for certain reasons that the medical guides/infos says about it’s active substance/agent x___x) on top of that to balance the worst highs or downs, can’t remember which, or do something else. I had question list with me and it wasn’t the main point at the time so it kinda slipped from my mind already.
The doctor will also try to find someone to do a differential diagnosis, as wikipedia says; distinguishing of a particular disease or condition from others that present similar clinical features. What I have understanded, the method/test/interview/analysis will look over more in depth of the mental disorders and personality disorders and then something something and let’s see what happens then and how my treatment will continue. Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s something else too that hasn’t come up as a topic tbh. I don’t know when all that will happen but it’s a thing.
Otherwise, over 10 days without daily meds. Not feeling great or close to normal. Kinda more awake than with meds but my level of understanding things and focusin on the conversations is causing pain.
The doctor said that I looked and behaved properly and talked about things/answered questions well and so on, but as it always is in outpatient treatments, half of the truths can be easily hidden. Yeah, well, I had jeans, just little bit oversized Crowley t-shirt (didn’t feel tight and one of the few clean ones that I had), ponytail, I can’t remember the last time I showered, my stomach decided to have its own mental breakdown before leaving the house and I also mentioned how it’s sometimes hard to talk and learn about things as patient and not as the community pedagog student. Also the whole time in school they wanted self reflecting things in basically every course and with couple years of that, it’s not easy to shut it especially when it colored negatively with all of this.
Kinda wanted to cry inside and thank the doctor with a hug when she mentioned that if I ever feel that I just can’t and speaking and showing the pain to mom or friends is too much, I can get referral from her in couple of days to the mental health ward so they can take me in and do the things with medication etc. And if it is acute, then going to the Akuutti24 (akuutti = acute) is option to the phone calls, it’s also in the same place/next building to the ward. I had just last week wrote a kind of a breakdown message about my mental situation to my friends and mentioned that sometimes the ward sounds so much better than just being. I have been friends with few of them over 10 years and they know less of my breakdowns than tumblr in this last year. It just kinda felt like timing with those thoughts and her mentioning that was way too good, like “hi, hey, it’s good, ward is a thing that you can go even if you are just at home not doing anything if it gets too much, I heard you mentioning it, here’s the confirmation about it”.
I also want to paint but thinking of doing that causes me thinking of the unpleasant smell of the paint and for some reasons the taste of paint (I haven’t ever eaten paint that I can recall... o__o) in my mouth so just thinking of painting and getting that back from my brain causes ill feels and not wanting to go near the paints. So that’s fun. It still didn’t stop me of buying things to paint and wanting to buy more canvases or other stuff to paint.
But also something positive, let’s knock on the wood, I have actually felt hunger and need to eat something like actual food few days straight. More than just the one time at night when not eating anything in the whole day and it being just something that I manage to find or make with the energy that I had at the time. Sometimes there’s a thing that could be called breakfast, warm food like lunch or dinner and eating something at the evening, all in the same day. I have eaten somesort of breakfast (at noon but still...) and warm food (kebab...) today at the city and it’s now 9.50pm and I think I might eat something later on too. There’s also a thing when I get somesort of symptoms and ill feeling after eating not always but way too often but yeah, still, food, eating, actually eating. I haven’t noticed that any certain kinds of foods would cause certain symptoms so idk. Maybe there’s something more wrong with me and my body or just weird side effects and withdrawal still going on.
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