#hoshi of the girls garden
brighteyesredfire · 4 months
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Onna no Sono no Hoshi (OAV) (2023) - Hoshi & Kobayashi
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luckytwenny · 3 months
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Onna no Sono no Hoshi by Wayama Yama
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cavillaca · 9 months
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While I was walking, I caught sight of a weird sticker and took a long, hard look at it. Then I went to pachinko and won ¥120,000. I don't know what it is, but I feel like I've gained power. Thank you, stag beetle boy.
Reblog Stag Beetle Boy🪲for good luck🍀
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kahixxi · 1 year
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My fav slice of life manga: 
What a Wonderful World! (Inio Asano) My Broken Mariko (Waka Hirako) Dead Dead Demon's Dededededestruction (Inio Asano) The Gods Lie. (Kaori Ozaki) Blue Flag (KAITO) Solanin (Inio Asano) Hoshi of Girls' Garden (Yama Wayama) With You and the Rain (Kou Nikaidou) Our Happy Hours (Sumomo Yumeka)
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spirit-of-anime · 6 months
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Kobayashi-sensei...(in the kitchen).
Meanwhile, Nakamura-sensei and his beloved cat shaped roomba 🥲
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~ Some of the teachers of Hoshi of Girls' Garden 😘
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fmet · 7 months
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Wayama Yama, Onna no Sono no Hoshi / The Star of Girl’s Garden / 女の園の星
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yuripoll · 10 months
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NOTE: Himitsu no Hanazono contains depictions of bullying, homophobia, and maternal abuse.
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animemakeblog · 2 years
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“Onna no Sono no Hoshi” The Manga For Bundles OVA
According to an announcement made by publishing house Shodensha, the Onna no Sono no Hoshi (Hoshi of Girls' Garden) josei manga will be adapted into an original video animation. On December 8, the third limited edition volume with the Blu-ray disc will be available for purchase.
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newsintheshell · 2 years
ANIME RECAP: una montagna di nuovi trailer
Arrivati anche date e periodi di debutto assieme ai video!
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Tanto per citare il meme di Boris: così, de botto, senza senso. Sul serio, ragazzi, non ho più l’età per le raffiche improvvise di news e di trailer, in questo caso. Nel nuovo riassuntone, che ormai penso diventerà quasi periodico, vi porto ben nove nuovi video, tutti freschi di oggi, a parte l’ultimo che ho deciso di recuperare e proporre qua, per comodità. Buona visione!
L’originale serie animata, diretta da Hiroshi Ikehata (TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You, Kiratto Pri☆Chan) e prodotta presso BIBURY ANIMATION STUDIO (The Quintessential Quintuplets 2, Azur Lane, Grisaia: Phantom Trigger), arriverà nel corso del 2023.
Il concept alla base dell’anime nasce da un’idea di Jun Inagawa, illustratore, dj e designer, conosciuto in ambito underground anche per aver collaborato con marchi di abbigliamento e musicisti.
L’OAV, basato sul premiato manga firmato da Yama Wayama, uscirà in Giappone l’8 dicembre.
La storia segue la vita quotidiana del professor Hoshi, fatta di lezioni, scambi con le sue studentesse e uscite con i colleghi.
L’episodio è diretto da Shinichi Omata (Kaguya-sama: Love is War, Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju) e prodotto dallo studio LAPIN TRACK (I'm Kodama Kawashiri).
La serie animata, tratta dall’adventure fantasy comedy di Kazutomo Ichitomo, debutterà sule tv giapponesi a gennaio 2023.
L’adattamento è prodotto dallo studio C2C (Tsukimichi -Moonlit Fantasy-, Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu) ed è diretto da Toshiyuki Kubooka (Berserk - L'epoca d'oro, Wandering Witch: The Journey of Elaina).
La serie animata, basata sulla commedia sentimentale di Yuki Kanamaru, comincerà ad andare in onda a partire dal 9 ottobre.
Al terzo anno di scuole superiori ha il via il corso obbligatorio di “Pratica di Coppia”, durante il quale gli studenti devono dimostrare di avere le competenze necessarie per vivere in armonia con un potenziale partner, il tutto valutato con una costante videosorveglianza.
Jiro Yakuin sperava di fare coppia con Shiori Sakurazaka, ma viene abbinato con l’esuberante Akari Watanabe, che invece sperava di finire con Minami Tenjin.
Le loro speranze sono doppiamente infrante quando proprio Shiori e Minami sono assegnati insieme. Così, a malincuore, decidono di cooperare per raggiungere la top ten della graduatoria, il che darebbe loro il diritto di scambiarsi i partner, se entrambe le coppie sono d'accordo. Dopo il primo bacio fra Jiro e Akari, però, le cose si fanno un po’ più complicate…
L’adattamento, targato STUDIO MOTHER (Arifureta: From a Detour to the World’s Strongest - Stagione 2), è diretto da Junichi Yamamoto (Armor Shop for Ladies & Gentlemen), dietro però la supervisione da parte di Takao Kato (To LOVE-Ru, Triage X).
La serie animata, basata sulla serie di videogiochi fantasy Mana (Seiken Densetsu in originale) di Square Enix, debutterà sulle tv giapponesi il 7 ottobre.
L’anime è diretto da Masato Jinbo (Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya 2wei Herz!, Restaurant to Another World) ed è in lavorazione presso studi GRAPHINICA (Record of Ragnarok, Hello World) e YOKOHAMA ANIMATION LAB (Magatsu Wahrheit: Zuerst, Lapis Re:LiGHTs), che hanno già realizzato il video di apertura per l’edizione rimasterizzata del primo storico capitolo della serie.
La serie animata, tratta dalla light novel fantasy slice of life di Yuka Tachibana, tornerà nel corso del 2023.
Sei, un’impiegata di 20 anni, viene trasportata improvvisamente in un mondo completamente nuovo. Il rituale che l'ha convocata aveva il fine di evocare una “Santa” che bandisse la magia nera, ma qualcosa è andato storto e sono comparse due persone invece di una. Tutti preferiscono la seconda ragazza a Sei, ma questo le sta bene. Lasciato il palazzo, decide di mettere in uso le proprie nuove capacità magiche aprendo un negozio di pozioni e cosmetici. Gli affari vanno a gonfie vele e questa nuova vita le piace, dopo tutto… presto però la sua presunta santità tornerà a perseguitarla.
Le nuove puntate saranno sempre dirette da Shota Ibata (Girlish Number, Domestic Girlfriend), presso DIOMEDEA (Ahiru no Sora, Chio’s School Road). 
La prima stagione di 12 episodi è già disponibile in streaming su Crunchyroll.
EDENS ZERO - Stagione 2
La serie animata, tratta dal nuovo manga di Hiro Mashima (Fairy Tail), tornerà in tv con la seconda stagione da aprile 2023.
La prima stagione di 25 episodi è disponibile in streaming su Netflix, anche doppiata in italiano.  
Il giovane Shiki vive sul pianeta Granbell insieme ai robot che animano un vastissimo parco a tema. Un giorno arrivano due visitatori, i primi a mettere piede su Granbell da circa un secolo: Rebecca, una giovane creatrice di contenuti digitali, e il suo gatto blu Happy. I tre vanno subito d’accordo e diventano amici… Ancora non sanno che questo incontro cambierà i loro destini!
L’adattamento targato studio J.C. STAFF (DanMachi, Hi Score Girl, A Certain Scientific Railgun), è stato supervisionato da Shinji Ishihara (Fairy Tail, Log Horizon) e diretto da Yushi Suzuki.
Il regista, purtroppo, è deceduto poco prima della conclusione della trasmissione della serie e, al momento, non sappiamo chi verrà incaricato di sostituirlo nella realizzazione della seconda stagione.
La seconda stagione della serie animata, tratta dalla light novel fantasy slice of life di Roy, arriverà da gennaio 2023.
Ryoma Takebayashi è un impiegato di mezza età, non è mai stato molto fortunato e finisce per lasciare questo mondo in modo improvviso e deludente. Con grande sorpresa, però, tre grandi divinità decidono di graziarlo con il dono di una nuova vita, reincarnandolo in un mondo pieno di magia e creature fantastiche! Trovandosi di nuovo bambino, Ryoma sceglie di vivere la propria vita in tutta tranquillità nella foresta, dedicandosi alla caccia e alla magia, oltre che alla sua nuova grande passione: addomesticare e allevare gli slime!
La prima stagione di 12 episodi è stata diretta da Takeyuki Yanase (In Another World With My Smartphone, If It’s for My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord), presso lo studio MAHO FILM (I’m standing on 1,000,000 lives, If it’s for My Daughter I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord).
La sceneggiatura della nuova stagione sarà curata da Yuka Yamada (Slow Loop, Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid), che andrà a sostituire Kazuyuki Fudeyasu (Black Clover, Recovery of an MMO Junkie).
La commedia ecchi fantasy, tratta dall’omonimo manga di Taichi Kawazoe, andrà in onda dal 5 ottobre. 
Kikuru Madan è un abile cacciatore di mostri, che però ha intenzione di ritirarsi per paura di sprecare la propria gioventù. Un giorno, un membro dello staff della sua gilda gli suggerisce di andare in missione con una nuova artista marziale di nome Hitamu Kyan. C’è un problema, tuttavia: la ragazza continua ad essere sconfitta e a trovarsi in situazioni assurde e compromettenti!
La serie animata è diretta da Takuya Asaoka (Redo of Healer) e prodotta presso lo studio TNK (Senran Kagura: Shinovi Master, Redo of Healer).
Autore: SilenziO)))
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fairyhaos · 6 months
how seventeen react to their s/o's grandma hobbies
requested by anon!
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my man goes bird watching with you. does he get a little embarrassed when you deck out in full bird-watching gear and peer through your binoculars at the trees while making fascinated noises? yeah, but he also finds it rather endearing. knows nothing about birds, and doesn't even try learning bc he knows he'll be hopeless at it anyway, so he's sitting next to you for hours with no clue what's going on. but at the end of it, you're packing up with a bright beam on your face, delighted that cheol came with you, and honestly it makes it all so, so worth it
see, here's the thing. he's not allowed to tease you for your countless puzzles, and you're not allowed to tease him for his countless lego sets. it's a mutual agreement. sometimes, you'll have days where you both sit down with your respective crafts, poring over them individually, sometimes with music on, often in silence. and then jeonghan will bring up some interesting thing he heard the other day, and the both of you will start gossiping like old ladies (or teenage girls?) the entire time, and honestly, those times are the highlights of your day
he's banned from using your yarn or your knitting needles for anything ever, because one time he somehow stabbed your couch cushions and shredded them to bits. (you're still now sure how that happened. he won't tell you.) but sometimes, he'll see you knitting in bed and smile, before slipping off somewhere and returning with his guitar, and those are the softest nights that remain ingrained in your memory, where you knit stupidly tiny socks for joshua and he serenades you with 'sunday morning' on loop
honestly, he's just utterly fascinated. several of your cross-stitching projects are stored in the fancy glass cabinet in your living room, and sometimes you'll catch him staring at them when he thinks you're in your room, wide-eyed in wonder. he saw you making all of these pieces, saw you make every single one of those stitches, but he's still so amazed at how beautiful the end product is. you gifted him an intricate piece of a moon and flowers for his birthday, and he still calls it the most precious thing he owns
this man takes your collection of tiny european spoons very seriously. seungkwan teases him, saying that you've turned him into a grandma too, but he ignores the younger guy because your spoons are important to you, so they're important to him too. polishes them for you when you're away. asks for updates on your spoons while he's away on tour. helps name each and every spoon, and when he comes back from going abroad, he greets you with a grin and a kiss and a new spoon for your collection
??? he's so confused bc your gardening hobby does Not sound very grandma-ish to him, no matter what you say. you were initially rather awkward, very shy when telling him that you really loved gardening, but he supports u and thinks that it's such a nice hobby. wonwoo has very un-green fingers, so he always watches you tend to your garden from a good few feet away, but he can't help but smile at how earnestly you work, beaming so brightly the entire time and it's so obvious how much you love gardening
he never sees you do sudokus unless you're sitting on the couch in his studio, biting your nail and waiting for him to finish up so you can go home together. he just thinks it's really sweet, actually, and the idea of you doing the sudoku while he's agonising over his latest composition is something that he can't think of for too long because then he gets distracted by how adorable he thinks that is. you've fallen asleep over your sudoku too many times to count, and when you wake up, woozi feigns innocence to how your latest grid has suddenly magically filled itself
drinking tea isn't a fucking grandma hobby, kwon soonyoung, it's called being educated. both of you like drinking tea, going through tea ceremonies when you're both exhausted, taste testing different types of tea and commenting on the different notes and fragrances you can taste from them. he met you while on a tea tour around asia, and since then, the two of you just clicked so well, and he loves sipping sakura tea in the evenings and reminiscing on your first meeting, all those years ago
fucking!! loves!! everything you knit for him!! the socks you knitted for him are his fluffiest sleeping socks. he Only wears the scarf you knitted for him during the winter months. one time, you gifted him a knitted sweater for his birthday and it instantly became his statement piece that he wore everywhere until it finally grew too threadbare and you had to make him a new one. the gentle clacking of your knitting needles on a saturday evening is the most relaxing sound in the world, and he's fallen asleep on your shoulder while you knit countless times
he has, admittedly, fallen asleep more than a handful of times while sitting next to you on the sofa as you indulge in your guilty pleasure: tv shows on antiques. he understands that it's something you find very fascinating and very interesting, but ten minutes in his eyes are getting droopy but nonono baby he's not falling asleep! he's just gonna… rest… his eyes… but then he eventually ends up dozing on your shoulder. he likes listening to you talk about your favourite episodes, though, the fondness colouring his lips as you gesture animatedly, eyes bright
the highlight of his sunday morning is sitting at the table with two cups of coffee ready, twiddling his thumbs and staring out of the window, waiting for you to burst in through the front door, coming back from your daily walk with the newspaper in your hands and slamming the crossword down in front of him. he loves poring over them with you, and sure, maybe he teases you about this very grandma-like hobby, but you tease him back because he's literally here doing them with you, isn't he? 
supports you in your dream to own all of the most grandma-style cardigans in the entire world. that's it. he has no other opinion. he's pretty chill with it, and don't listen to what minghao says,babe, 'cause he personally thinks that the purple and orange zigzag cardigan with aquamarine dots is the most stylish cardigan of your entire collection. sometimes unironically steals your cardigans to wear himself, because they're all so soft and so comfy and they smell like you so when he's at work, he can feel like you're there with him too <3
you swear, your tomato plants love your boyfriend more than they love you, their actual owner. ever since you admitted to your boyfriend that you have a part of an allotment where you grow various fruits and veg, he's come to visit your babies and honestly, you've never seen your tomatoes flourishing as much as they are right now. does he think you're like an elderly person for tending so solemnly to some plants? yeah. but he can't exactly talk, because he loves your plants, and you two literally have skits where you pretend to be an elderly couple literally every day, so it's nothing out of the ordinary at all
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Event: Ghoul School Reunion
*You get a text message from Shaggy.*
Shaggy: "Hey pal. Like get this, me and Scoob just got an invite to a class reunion for Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Girls. The invite said we can invite anyone we want. So I thought we could invite you to come with us. It could be fun. What do you say?"
@excitement-to-consumption @everybxdy-dies @the-aikido-master @the-princess-of-novoselic @fabled-fauna @maki-the-assassin @oddblogfullofoddmuses @warriors-of-no-hope @ichi-peachy @dranother-memory @mikado-sannoji @thepersonaking56 @hoshi-neko-hikari @ask-ruruka-ando @kokichi-and-co @sweet-programmer @sweetened-lies-and-bitter-truths @edens-garden-au @gori--demora--skellydemora @youtvb3 @y0u-f4il3d-m3
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mangojournals · 1 month
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Read yama wayama mangas for a good night's sleep
Muchuu sa kimi ni (captivated by you)
Karaoke iko! (Let's go Karaoke!)
Onno na sono no hoshi ( the star of girl's garden)
Famiresu iko (let's go to the family restaurant)
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luckytwenny · 3 months
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Onna no Sono no Hoshi by Wayama Yama
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atrirose · 29 days
what do your moots remind you of!!
omg i have done this before for a event it was so much fun OMG LOVE U FOR ASKING ME THIS MWAH
@odxrilove : peachy pink colour, miffy, long voice notes, hamsters, lilies, bows, hoshi, purple skies, foam on coffee, perfumes, doves, perfect outfits, soft hums, moon, bonfires.
@hoonvrs : the colour black, cats, pretty eyes, poetry, khol, watches, milk bread, candid pictures, musk, sunghoon, honey, vinyls, silver lines.
@boyfhee : blue, coffee dates, long and deep conversation, lipgloss, early sunrise view, cute stationery, jay, lily of the valley.
@lilacnini : baby blue, refreshing water, iced coffee, long walks, thrift shopping, daisies, nayeon, raspberries, line art, starry nights, muji pens.
@isoobie : dark red, yunjin, smoothies, curls, jasmines, cherries, chai lattes, heeseung, chocolate chips, evening strolls, autum air, silk robes.
@okwonyo : reddish pink, pilates princess, dupe lip glow, matcha latte, highlighters, wonyoung, pink orchids, sugar, vanilla, laces
@bywons : beige, brownies, coffee beans, late night calls, stars, jungwon, ysl, apple bloom, music notes, leopard, jhumaks, love letters.
@wonryllis : black swans, jungkook, cyber punk, watermelons, jellies, mini skirts, blueberry muffins, handwritten notes, anklets, oreo.
@goldenhypen : light blue and beige combination, golden retrievers, jake, hot chocolate, messy keys, milk tea, high ponytails, fireflies, magnolia, a flower crown, hallway crushes.
@jangwonie : sage green, fairies, hydrangeas, matcha, italy, pistachio ice cream, garden walks, sunoo (esp blonde), sun kissed, glitter, california, sundress, sticky notes.
@junityy : pink, peonies, miss dior, nostalgia, glowing stream of water, green smoothies, dainty jewelry, pocky, scented candles, jake, fresh flowers, pretty mugs, cozy days, gossip girls.
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kahixxi · 13 days
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Onna no Sono no Hoshi
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spirit-of-anime · 5 months
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No context Onna no Sono no Hoshi ✨
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