felsdumpsterfire · 5 years
Pls give us those good sweet headcanons for your fave ships
more under the cut because this is going to be a looooong post :D
Protag 1 x Duo
*Duo and Protag 1 would understand each others wants (being treated like a kid/their ages) so they’d totally act like it, they’d be relaxed and super playful with each other*There’s always an air of calm between them when it is just the two of them. *They’re always holding onto something of the others, be it a sleeve or their hand- they’ve been known to cling to the backs of each others shirts too.*The rest of the Protags are super supportive of this- Shuichi, not so much. He finally warms up to the idea when he sees how happy Duo is, but it also takes Protag 2 threatening to rip his balls off and shove them down his throat for him to look past his brother complex for all of 2.5 seconds. *Duo and Protag 1 tend to give each other cheek kisses.*Protag 1 also has a habit of kissing the tips of Duo’s fingers, and though he doesn’t show too much emotion, Duo gets extremely flustered by this.*He got Protag 1 back by giving him one of his coats. *He cried and hugged Duo the entire afternoon after that. *Duo was smiling all day the next day (Shuichi almost had a heart attack-)*It’s one of Portags 1 personal treasures*Protag 1 and Duo had never properly asked each other out, everyone just kinda assumed they were an item off the bat. *Suuuper soft with each other*Protag 1 was devastated at Duo’s betrayal(Protag 1 didn’t eat for three days afterward. Protag 3 had to ask Ded to talk to him because he wasn’t listening to anyone else. *He clung to Duo’s coat the entire time he locked himself in his room.*He’s still sad about it, but he’s working on doing better.*Duo is doing shit*He feels guilty af and shitty af*Protag 1 bought him a little charm of a Ranger and he stares at it for hours on end when he has free time. *Oso tried to tease him for it once and he almost lost an eye*Protag 1 will get random texts from random numbers with messages saying: ‘I’m sorry’, ‘your beautiful’, ‘please don’t leave me behind’ *Protag 1 cries over them from time to time because he knows who it is, but he wished he didn’t. Protag 1 x Robinson*kKJSL;EJLJ*S O F T*I headcanon that this ship cropped up after Duo, but even without that influence, they’d be so FUCKING. SOFT. FOR EACH OTHER. *Robinson and Protag 1 always hold hands. ALWAYS. *That or Robinson will wrap a friendly arm around Protag 1’s shoulders and keep him close*Protag 1 likes to go and spend his allowance on getting clothes for Robinson. *He swears he doesn’t need them but Protag 1 just gives him some puppy eyes and Robinson can’t say no.*Robinson is so whipped for Protag 1*He’s almost shot Sitri because he thought he was trying to put the moves on him. In actuality he was asking him how to ask Protag 2 out, or get her to like him- he just got too close for Robinson’s comfort. *Did shoot Ikitoshi though. He swears it was on accident. It was not. (Iki was teaching Protag 1 some defensive moves when Robinson just…. Shot him in the ass. Bathym couldn’t stop laughing for a week).*Robinson likes to take Protag 1 on little “dates” where they just walk around town while holding hands and talking about their days to each other.*Triton got Robinson a phone and the only person he texts is Protag 1.*Protag 1 is his background photo*Robinson getting excited over his first ever ice cream cone is Protag 1’s background photo. *Protag 1 has exactly 290 photos in his gallery and it’s filled with pictures of his friends and more than half of them are Robinson doing cute shit.*Robinson carries Protag 1 everywhere. Like- he just scoops him up with his little man baby muscle arms and n y o o m- he’s gone.*Robinson is not afraid of PDA. *It almost gave Protag 1 a heart attack the first time Robinson just marched up to him and planted a kiss right on his lips.*That was also their first kiss.*In front of all of the Summoners and Protags*Protag 4 still won’t let him live it down*Robinson will pick random flowers for Protag 1 *Protag 1 has books and books of pressed flowers; he’s saved every single one*Robinson and Protag 1 will lay together in the middle of Protag 1’s room and hold each other hand and simply exist. *Once in awhile they’ll giggle and whisper to each other what they adore about the other. *Robinson loves Protag 1’s giggle and Protag 1 loves Robinson’s eyes. *They are SOFT AND HEALTHY*AND IT THIS TAKES PLACE AFTER THE DUO INCIDENT. DUO IS A DEAD CHILD LDKJFLKJDELF ROBISNON IS OUT FOR BLOOD (AND SMOOCHES)
Protag 2 x Kengo *THESE TWO ARE THE CHAOTIC DUO OF THE DAMN CENTURY.*They love each other so much and it is sickening*Ken isn’t necessarily lovey-dovey; he actually gets super embarrassed about it, even in private*bUT PROTAG 2 HAS SO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE THAT SHE’LL JUST,,, STARE AT HIM WITH THESE EYES FULL OF LOVE AS SHE HOLDS HIS HAND AND EVERYONE AROUND THEM ARE LIKE “GET A FUCKING ROOM YOU DISGUSTING LITTLE SHITS.”*Protag 2 has slammed a man to the ground for Kengo because the dumbass thought it would be a good idea to try and steal from Ken. Either way he would’ve been fucked, but Protag 2 is merciless when it comes to loves ones*Ken likes when she compliments his muscles or when she runs her fingers over his arms*Ken actually has a possessive streak*He’ll just pick her up if she’s paying too much attention to someone and walk off (Shiro’s about killed him every time he’s done this in his presence)*Protag 2 loves it*If Oniwaka is in any vicinity near Protag 2 he knows. No one knows how, but he just gets a weird feeling in his gut.*Actually gets waaaaaaay more into PDA when Oniwaka is there. *Has shoved his tongue down Protag 2’s throat in front of everyone when Oniwaka was trying to have a genuine conversation with. She almost passed out*20/10 would do it again despite getting his ass pulverised by Shiro for public indecency*He likes to take her on sparring dates and they just train together the entire time.*Surprisingly good at bra picking, so Protag 2 will drag him to go and pick bras. *He almost flipped when she dragged him into Victoria Secrets.*She likes to tease the ever loving SHIT out of him*He has a very, very big love/hate relationship with it*The first time they did the do Kengo about had an aneurysm because, woah. You have bigger boobs than I thought you did.   *And Protag 2 almost died because she was laughing so damn hard because omg, Ken, you did not just say that out loud. *They almost got caught in the Janitors closet they were in.*And yes they did the dirty for the first time in a damn janitors closet. They’re both impulsive and chaotic bastards, of course they would*Very supportive of each other*Kengo was the first to say “I love you” to Protag 2 because he almost came too late when she was being ganged up on by a group of app users. She almost missed it because she blacked out right afterwards.*She woke up staring at Ken bewildered as he sobbed, and the first thing she asked was: “Did you say you loved me???”*He kissed the fuck out of her because Omg, I thought I was the dumbass in this relationshipOniwaka x Protag 2*Oniwaka swears he’s getting grey hairs because of her. *She straight up tried to fight someone three times her size for him and he almost screamed. *He always gets matching keychains for them, or just keychains that remind him or her.*Protag 2 has taken to buying him plushes and he saves every single one.*She was the one to ask him out and he turned so red. *Then he fainted and Protag 2 started crying because she thought she killed him. *He was the one to initiate the first kiss tho*He set it up so nicely too, peaceful time on the town and ending it with a beautiful picnic under the moonlight; and Protag 2 holds that memory so close to her heart. *Protag 2 will jump on Oniwaka’s back randomly. *At first it freaked him out*But he’s so numb to it now*Called her babe in public once and no one lets him live it down*He was so ready to kill Bathym when he started cackling*Ryota is their biggest shipper*He will go down this ship. Fuck you*So, like, reverse uno from Kengo’s headcanons because Oniwaka is just as bad with PDA when Kengo is around.*The only difference here is that Ken will throw a bitch fit with no hesitation, also Oniwaka is a little more subtle about it*He’ll wrap on arm around her waist and pull her real close, once in a while, if she’s wearing jeans, he’ll slip his hand into her back pocket*Ken just stares at him with all the contempt in the world*Oniwaka has this tendency to step in between Protag 2 and new peopleaBOUT BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF SURTUR WHEN HE SAW HIM AGAIN*“YOU’RE THE ASSWIPE WHO HURT THE LOVE OF MY LIFE YOU HUGE HAIRY BITCH.”*They would both 10/10 kill for each other.
Protag 3 x Shinya*OK, OK, OK, OK. THIS IS A CUTE AF SHIP OK??????*YOU CAN PRY THIS ONE FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS*Shinya  and Protag 3 are so soft for each other*They hold hands, and will touch their foreheads together and just*Bask in each other’s presence*Scarily attuned to each other*They don’t even have to say anything. They just know what each other want off the bat*Shinya is a jelly baby (you can also rip this from my cold dead hands)*Shinya will get pouty if Protag 3 is paying attention to someone for too long, or if someone is trying to put the moves on them, he’ll just,,, slide up to Protag 3 and cling to his arm, bat his eyelashes at him, and whisper: “I’m tired…”*He has Protag 3 wrapped around his finger and he KNOWS IT *But he loves him so much that he would never, ever, ever take advantage of their heart or willingness*Cupid loves Protag 3 to death and Shinya has gotten jealous about it because Cupid is not afraid to ask for some smooches ok?*Shinya gets kisses too when this happens*Protag 3 doesn’t get jealous?? Like?????? Ever???????*And Shinya really wished he did because he wants to see alright?? It’d be terrifying or cute as hell ok?*Protag 3 always gets something for Shinya before they go and meet with him.*Protag 3 would D I E for Shinya*The first time they had the intercoarse, Protag 3 couldn’t stop babbling about how beautiful Shinya was and that turned into a bout of passionate love make*This seems like a good time to state that I am a firm believer that they are switches*Shinya made a special drink named after Protag 3*Every Saturday, they go over the the other’s house and watch movies all night*They have fairly moderate PDA*They’re always touching each other in some way*Cheek and hand kisses are extremely common between them *They are very much in love and very much soft with each other*I LOVE THIS SHIP SO MUCH ;-;
Protag 4 x Toji*No one knows how they got together*NO ONE*NOT EVEN TOJI*In actuality Protag 4 just kinda built up to it, got Toji where he wanted him and B O O M. They’re dating now*Toji is easily flustered and Protag 4 thrives off of this *Protag 4 is quite protective of Toji*This leads to some arguments, but they never really have big, relationship-threatening arguments.*Which is surprising*Protag 4 is prone to showering Toji is gifts*Toji treasures them all, but this is a simplistic boi and too much stuff makes his head reel*Protag 4 is terrified that Toji is going to ask where he got all that money from *Toji doesn’t because Toji is kinda dense some times*They like to talk about books together*They’re dates consist of going to the library, reading books, going to a cafe and then discussing them*Protag 4 loves to play with Toji’s hair*Sometimes they’ll just go to Protag 4’s room and listen to his playlist that he had saved from his previous life and close their eyes and maybe fall asleep*Very relaxed around each other*Toji also likes to play with Protag 4’s hair in return and will do so when Protag 4 lays his head on Toji’s lap while he’s reading a book or reports*Protag 4 and Toji don’t actually have a lot of PDA in their relationship*Sometimes Protag 4 will text Toji in the middle of the night because the feeling of wandering hand is on his skin again and he feels like he’s on the verge of a mental break down*Drags Toji to try on clothes*Toji almost choked when Protag 4 came out in a form fitting dress*They had sex while Protag 4 wore that dress.*Toji is still embarrassed to this day when he sees that dress*They love each other a lot they just don’t say it*A surprisingly relaxed relationshipProtag 4 x Ophion*Protag 4 is a PRINCESS OK?*Ophion and him will go for flies through the night sky and Protag 4 loves it*He wears every single thing that Ophion gets him*His closet is fucking full of clothes and he is L I V I N G*Him and Ophion have a shit ton of intelligent and philosophical conversations*Ophion rubs it in the other Tycoons’ faces that him and Protag 4 are together*Ophion aslo fucking PREENS when Protag 4 gets into one of his moods where he just showers him in compliments and runs his hands up and down Ophion’s waist and chest. *Protag 4 has cried in front of Ophion and Ophion held him and whispered sweet nothings to him and Protag 4 couldn’t help but whisper that he loved him and *Ophion just smiled and hugged him closer to his chest**Slams fists on table* OPHION AND PROTAG 4 ROLEPLAY. THEY ROLEPLAY A DRAGON WHO KIDNAPPED A PRINCESS AND THEY DO IT W E L L.*Ophion will buy Protag 4 anything he wants in a blink of an eye with no hesitation*Protag 4 actually feel super secure with Ophion and it genuinely scares him*But he loves him so he’s going to try*Ophion will wait a lifetime and more for Protag 4*Very soft and pompous relationship right here. They’re so fucking in love you might as well barf
Protag 5 x Zao*This is another GOOD ONE OK?*They both love hiking and the outdoors and they’re both socially awkward and they’re both in love*Fucking perfect*Zao likes to carry Protag 5 and they get super flustered about it*Protag 5 will make sure that Zao doesn’t go too far into the mountains and reminds him about school that they still go to*Zao likes to pick up pretty stones for Protag 5 and give them to them*They have a whole ass collection of them at this point*Protag 5 holds onto Zao’s hand when they get nervous*Zao would beat a whole man’s skull in if they even breathed near Protag 5*Zao and Protag 5 nerd out of different plants and animals*Protag 5 has a camera that they take with them when they go hiking*Zao is so, so, so gentle with Portag 5 when they go out on dates*Like, no matter where they go Zao is happy to be with Protag 5*Protag 5 kissed Zao’s cheek for the first time and Zao almost imploded*They both ended up on the floor covering their faces with their hands and were beet red *Protag 5 and Zao go to this little run down cafe tucked away in the corner of the street and they’ll sit there for hours just talking and laughing quietly to each other all while holding each other’s hand across the table, their palms sweaty, but do they care? NO*THEY’RE IN LOVE OF COURSE THEY DON’T CARE*Zao almost murdered a couple of punk ass thugs because they were being a dick to Protag 5 and he was not having it*They were lucky Protag 5 was there otherwise they would be dead.*Sometimes Zao stares at Protag with stars in his eyes, amazed because they’re together. He always thought that he only loved the mountains. And then Protag 5 came around and blew it out of the water*Zao was the first to tell them that he loved themIt was a quiet night, just staring up at the stars, when Zao took their hand and squeezed. He looked at them with a soft smile, “I love you so much, my mountain.”*Protagonist 5 started crying and chaos ensued *WHOLESOME SHIP, OK?????? WHOLESOME
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frozentears01 · 2 years
Shadow mc time!
EDIT: after looking at the previous design i have simply decided it was ugly and needed to be changed.
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