andrewtheprophet · 10 months
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The China Horn’s Nuclear Triad: Daniel 7 https://andrewtheprophetcom.wordpress.com/2023/08/05/the-china-horns-nuclear-triad-daniel-7/
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dertaglichedan · 10 months
Wang Houbin was named head of the People's Liberation Army Rocket Force
Xu Xisheng will take over as new political commissar in biggest purge in decade
Duo replaces Li Yuchao and Lui Guangbin who have not been seen for months
Chinese President Xi Jinping has tightened his grip on power after appointing a new leader of the country's nuclear missile force.
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sao24net · 2 years
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とっても小さな白悠宝瓶を使ってみた I have used small and flat Houhin (shibo) φ95 H45mm 30ml とてもオタクな世界に入り込んだ感は有るが、煎茶をじっくり味わい堪能出来る。そして3-4煎と煎が点ち、茶葉の持つ味わいが滲み出て来るように感じる。 There is a feeling that you have entered a very maniac world, but you can thoroughly enjoy the sencha. And 3-4 roasting are on, and it feels like the taste of tea leaves is exuding. 茶葉/leaf 2.5g 湯量/water 25-30ml pic 2.3 一煎目/1st pic 4.5 二煎目/2nd pic 6 三煎目/3rd. #teapot #kyusu #houhin #shiboridashi #shibo #shigarakiclay #houbin #asamiya #smallteapot #gyokuro #sencha #20mlkyusu #thicktaste #lessthan30ml #sao24 #茶注 #急須 #宝瓶 #泡瓶 #茶壺 #茶器 #絞り出し #大西左朗 #朝宮煎茶 #小さな急須 #朝宮茶 #25mlteapot #是非手に取って #玉露 #ちっちゃな宝瓶 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd2BvaXrsc8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tezumi · 4 years
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The houhin (宝瓶 - houhin/houbin) is like the kyusu's handleless cousin. Its name means "treasure bottle" in Japanese as it is primarily used for higher grade teas like kabusecha, gyokuro, and competition grade sencha. Today we're using this Hagi-yaki houhin to brew a delicious gyokuro. https://instagr.am/p/CDbvcCVALYK/
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 5 years
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“UN DISCOURS QUI VAUT A L’INCULPE DE SUBIR UN PROCES AU CRIMINEL,” La Presse. June 19, 1919. Page 11.   --- L’enquête dans l’affaire de Gaston Pilon, accusé d’avoir proféré des propos séditieux,  a eu lieu cet avant midi, devant le juge Cusson. --- CE QU’ON PEUT LIRE DANS LE CODE --- Gaston Pilon accusé d’avoir, le 6 avril dernier, proféré des propos séditieux contre le roi Georges et Borden, lors d’une assemblée tenue au théâtre des Nouveautés, rue Cadieux,  a comparu, ce matin, pour enquête devant le juge Cusson. 
Le procureur de la poursuit était Me Bernard Rose et la défense était représentée par Me Dan McAvoy.
Deux témoins seulement ont été entendus, après quoi il y eut discussion entre les avocats sur ce qui peut constituer des propos séditieux: finalement, le président du tribunal a décidé que Pilon devait subir son examen volontaire, qui a été fixé au 27 du courant.
Le premier témoin a été l'agent Antoine Houbin, de la police fédérale.  Il était présent à l’assemblée du 6 avril et il a entendu prononcer les paroles suivantes sur l'estrade, par l’accusé, devant une foule de plusieurs centaines de personnes: 
“Allons, ouvriers, unissons-nous et débarrassons-nous du roi George et de Borden. Prenons les rénes dans nos propres mains et plaçons un Trotsky et un Lenine à la place de ces, b............. , le roi et Borden.” L’autre témoin, l’agent Henry Schpiner, répète la mème chose.
Après avoir entendu la déclaration, Houbin et lui sont sortis de la salle, ont inscrit les mots sur leur calepin et sont allés faire rapport à leur chef,
En rendant sa décision, le Juge Cusson a déclaré que si l'on consulte le code, on voit que les paroles tendant à jeter du mépris sur la personne du roi constituent quelque chose de séditieux, et que pour lui il croyait avoir assez de preuve pour ordonner l'examen volontaire, comme nous le disons plus haut.
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tmnotizie · 5 years
MACERATA – Macerata-Zhaoqing, prove tecniche di amicizia per un nuovo ponte internazionale con la Cina. È stata ricevuta dal sindaco Romano Carancini in Comune una delegazione istituzionale della città-prefettura di Zhaoqing. La delegazione guidata dalla vice sindaco Chen Xuanqun e composta dai direttori dei dipartimenti degli Affari Esteri, dell’Educazione, di Statistica e dalla direttrice per la Cooperazione e gli Scambi internazionali dell’Università di Zhaoqing Zhong Houbin è stata accolta dal primo cittadino e dall’assessore alla Cultura Stefania Monteverde nella sede del Comune a Palazzo Conventati.
Al centro del summit – che fa seguito ad una serie di visite già avvenute negli anni precedenti – la definizione degli ambiti di scambio in vista del prossimo viaggio in Cina, da parte di una delegazione maceratese, volto a gettare le basi di progetti di cooperazione in tema di giovani e start up, università e accademia, turismo, impresa e applicazioni medico-terapeutiche. Ad agevolare l’iter diplomatico per l’avvio della collaborazione tra Macerata e Zhaoqing l’amicizia tra il sindaco Carancini e la console italiana a Canton Lucia Pasqualini che ha “partecipato” al summit grazie ad una telefonata in diretta del primo cittadino.
“Siamo onorati e felici di avervi nella nostra città – ha detto il sindaco – Vogliamo allargare il ponte con la Cina costruito negli anni anche attraverso i continui scambi con la città di Taicang, aggiungendo un nuovo importante rapporto di amicizia in occasione della ricorrenza dei 50 anni di relazioni internazionali tra Italia e Cina che cade nel 2020. Solo qualche giorno fa ho incontrato il delegato culturale dell’Ambasciata Cinese in Italia con cui abbiamo scambiato accordi per costruire ulteriori sviluppi in tema di cooperazione tra i nostri due Paesi”.
Figura chiave nel nascente rapporto tra le due città è Padre Matteo Ricci che nel suo viaggio in Cina fece tappa proprio a Zhaoqing e qui soggiornò. “Siamo onorati di essere a Macerata – ha detto la vice sindaco Chen Xuanchun – e vi ringraziamo per la vostra ospitalità. Abbiamo assistito allo spettacolo allo Sferisterio e ne siamo rimasti molto colpiti. Vogliamo conoscere bene la città perché la consideriamo vicina e simile a Zhaoqing, con una ricca storia e piena di cultura.
Li Madou ha portato da noi la prima chiesa cattolica, la prima biblioteca occidentale e il primo orologio a cucú. Il governo ora vuole costituire il primo centro culturale dedicato a Padre Matteo Ricci. In questo vogliamo imparare da Macerata sulla tutela e la valorizzazione della storia e dei beni culturali unite all’innovazione, perché voi avete gestito molto bene l’integrazione di questi aspetti”.
Dal 28 al 31 ottobre una delegazione maceratese partirà alla volta di Zhaoqing, considerata dal governo cinese tra le 9 più importanti  città del sud-ovest del Paese, al fine di partecipare ai tavoli istituzionali e dare avvio ai progetti di scambio. “L’obiettivo è darsi un’agenda precisa con 3/4 temi specifici ha spiegato il sindaco – Se questi temi dovessero prendere corpo e concretizzarsi saranno le basi di un rapporto di amicizia su cui si potrà costruire un legame che durerà nel tempo”.
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lostmaniac-blog · 6 years
Rear admiral Wang Houbin, chief of the South China Sea fleet, was transferred to the deputy chief of staff of the Navy.
Personnel changes of PLA General admirals have been disclosed.
The surging journalists have learned from the authoritative channel that major general Wang Houbin, the former chief of staff of the naval South China Sea fleet, has been transferred to the post of deputy chief of staff of the Navy.
The public information showed that Wang Houbin was the deputy chief of the East China Sea fleet and the deputy commander of the Zhoushan base. In July 2016, he was appointed the chief of th from https://www.waonews.com/news/19053-Rear_admiral_Wang_Houbin_chief_of_the_South_China_Sea_fleet_was_transferred_to_the_deputy_chief_of_staff_of_the_Navy.html
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class-computing · 6 years
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Fév. 2018 (5 jours) Avec Charles Lenay ESAD (Amiens) + UTC (Compiègne) › Master 2 Invités : Thierry Chancogne, Dominique Boutet et Pascale Houbin
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robert-hou · 7 years
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Rewritable card,  it can save your money
vb (tr)
1. to write (written material) again, esp changing the words or form
Rewrite, re-write or re write? However you spell it, it still does exactly what it says – it allows you to rewrite a previously printed ID card or name badge.
How does rewrite work?
The revolutionary rewrite technology doesn’t require any fancy inks or ribbons, but simply uses heat to change the colour of the surface of the card, thus printing any text and images (in monochrome only) – including photographs - on to the surface of the card. Reapplication of heat will then remove the ‘printing’ leaving the card blank and ready to be used again.
This allows you to temporarily print on the surface of the card – wiping it clean again when it’s no longer needed. The only way to ‘wipe off’ the print is by running it through the printer again and for a specific temperature to be applied so you don’t need to worry about the image or text fading or disappearing before you’re ready!
Saves money and the environment
A special thermo-sensitive rewrite card is needed and these start at $1.28 per card for a plain white card. However as each card can be used up to 500 times, the cost per card is just $0.0026 each, plus there are no printer ribbons to buy. Compare this to a basic white card at$0.075, which also requires printer ribbons, and you can see how the savings could quickly add up.
With rewrite you’re not only saving money but also the environment as the cards are being reused instead of ending up in the bin, and there are no ribbons or cartridges to dispose of. Today’s rewrite printers are also energy efficient so you’ll save money on your energy costs too!
Personalise the look of your cards
Rewrite cards are available in blue or black thermo-sensitive material so you can choose the finished look of your card. The rewrite is typically on one side of the card only but if you require the rewrite functionality on both sides then we can arrange these as a special order item.
If you’d like a full colour design on your card, then we can design and pre-print the cards for you – leaving you to just add the personalisation using rewrite as and when the cards are needed. Our pre-printing would include anything that you want to feature permanently on the cards such as company logo, address and contact details and also information that you want to be easily accessible to the card holders for example emergency evacuation procedures.
Can I get Smart rewrite cards?
Absolutely! Whether you need cards for access control, print release, cashless catering or another function that’s fine as rewrite cards also come in MIFARE®, Proximity and Mag stripe options.
Is rewrite right for me?
Rewrite is ideal for establishments, companies and businesses that use temporary membership, ID and visitor cards, but also has lots of other applications – see below for some suggestions!
Cruise ship passes – include passenger details including photos, cabin details and excursion dates
Ski passes –include photos, competency levels and emergency contact information
Kids clubs and activity centres – photos for added security, allergy or medical information and parent/carer contact details
Day visitors – do away with hand written paper passes – include your visitors name and any important information they may need about your site, such as a map and emergency evacuation plan!
Salons, Spas and Hairdressers – make your customers feel valued – give them a personalised card and include their next appointment reminder. You can reprint the card with a new appointment each time.
Loyalty cards – as well as an appointment reminder card, turn it in to a loyalty card and reprint it each time with their new points value or add a new special offer
Retail pricing – especially food and flowers where prices can change daily – simply run the card back through the printer to wipe the old prince and then again to print the new price and you’ve updated your labels in seconds – without extra cost or mess. Using plastic cards as pricing labels is also extremely hygienic and food safe approved.
Do I need any specialist equipment?
You will need an ID card printer with rewrite functionality and some rewrite cards – and that’s it!
With printers starting from under $485 rewrite is a very affordable option for all businesses and establishments.
For more details, Please visit our wesite:
or connect with me at :Email
or WeChat/Whatsapp:+86-13823761799
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andrewtheprophet · 10 months
The China Horn's Nuclear Triad: Daniel 7
Chinese President Xi Jinping, center, poses for a photo with the new commander of China’s rocket force Gen. Wang Houbin, top left, and its political commissar Gen. Xu Xisheng, top right, in Beijing, July 31, 2023. (Li Gang/Xinhua via AP) Analysts Say Shakeup at China’s Rocket Force Suggests Strategy Shift Toward ‘Nuclear Triad’ August 02, 2023 2:22 PM Joyce Huang TAIPEI, TAIWAN —  Chinese…
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sao24net · 2 years
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とっても小さな白悠宝瓶  clear glaze, small and flat Houhin(Shiboridashi) 20-30ml about φ95 H45mm 「宝瓶」と「絞り出し」いつ誰がそんな区別をするようになったのか? "Houhin" and "Shiboridashi" When and who came to make such a distinction? 明らかに出自が違うように感じる。 江戸後期以降の文人趣味として漢文風の銘名と、機能を描写して、とってつけたような和風な命名と。 「絞り出し」は誰が付けたのか? 最近とても気になる。。 I feel that the origin is obviously different. ‘’Houhin’’ is a literary hobby since the latter half of the Edo period, it has a Chinese-style inscription.The other ‘’shiboridashi’’is a Japanese-style name that describes its functions. Who started to call "shiboridashi"? I'm very curious recently. #teapot #kyusu #houhin #shiboridashi #shibo #shigarakiclay #houbin #sidehandleteapot #smallteapot #gyokuro #sencha #20mlkyusu #thicktaste #lessthan30ml #sao24 #茶注 #急須 #宝瓶 #泡瓶 #茶壺 #茶器 #絞り出し #大西左朗 #煎茶 #小さな急須 #信楽急須 #25ml宝瓶 #是非手に取って #玉露 #ちっちゃな宝瓶 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdhao1dLGio/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sao24net · 6 years
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houhin:white 60ml (front) houhin:dark scarlet 40ml (middle) 宝瓶 泡瓶、湯冷 #houhin #teapot #shigaraki #kyusu #shigarakiclay #asamiyatea #houbin #sao24 #gyokuro #satokionishi #朝宮茶 #茶壺 #宝瓶 #泡瓶 #茶器 #信楽土 #茶海 #急須 #大西左朗 #蓋瓶 #湯冷 #ギャラリー龍 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bom0iRxAxx3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=60kz6e38tkq4
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robert-hou · 7 years
Magnetic Stripe Card
Magnetic Stripe Card
Any type of card that contains data embedded in a strip composed of iron particles in plastic film. The front of the card contains identifying information, such as the cardholder’s name and the issuing company’s name, while the magnetic stripe resides on the back. These cards are usually a little larger than 2 inches by 3 inches and made of plastic or durable paper. Types of magnetic stripe cards include driver’s licenses, credit cards, employee ID cards, gift cards and public transit cards.
BREAKING DOWN 'Magnetic Stripe Card’
When a magnetic stripe card is swiped through a magnetic stripe reader, the reader decodes the data in the magnetic stripe to enable a transaction to go through. The transaction might allow an employee to access a building or a customer to pay a merchant by credit card. If the magnetic stripe becomes dirty, scratched or demagnetized, the card may not work.
The magnetic stripe on a credit card contains three horizontally stacked tracks, each of which stretches across the full width of the card and occupies a portion of the magnetic stripe. Each track is capable of holding a different amount and type of data. These tracks contain the credit card account number, name, expiration date, service code and card verification code. Credit cards primarily or exclusively use the first two tracks. The third one sometimes contains additional information, such as a country code or currency code. Other types of magnetic stripe cards use all three tracks.
The EMV microchip, or chip-and-PIN, credit card is replacing magnetic stripe credit cards to improve credit card security. The problem with magnetic stripe cards is that they are easy to counterfeit and use fraudulently. Microchip cards use a superior technology: a unique, single-use encrypted digital signature that is harder to copy. Chip-and-pin cards can also require cardholders to enter a personal identification number at the point of sale to provide an extra level of security.
For more details, Please visit our wesite:
or connect with me at :Email
or WeChat/Whatsapp:+86-13823761799
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