#how bout somethin' creepyyyyyy
shyneanon · 4 years
So I know almost nothing about Nightmare Sans but I decided I wanted to write something on the creepier side, so yeah! That’s what this is, something on the creepier side. I guess it’s technically “x reader” but it’s not particularly romantic....
You were in a marsh.
At least, that was what you thought at first. You were almost knee deep in what you had first assumed was water, and you could see trees. But when you attempted to move your legs, you discovered that the water was more like tar. Almost like there’d been some awful spill, so bad that the entire marsh was just filled with oil now. You looked around. Everything seemed very black; you could only assume it was nighttime.
Where am I? It looked almost like an empty void save for the trees and tar. You saw no night sky.
A dream, probably.
Well, nothing was really happening, so you began to wade through the marsh. It was gross, and very quickly you found yourself struggling to move. Not like quicksand, it just took a lot of effort to move and you were getting tired. You weren’t sure why but you were starting to get eerie vibes from this place.
Maybe it was the fact that there was no sound at all.
You hadn’t noticed that before. It was just… dead silence, besides the sound of you sloshing (or attempting to slosh) around in the tar. There didn’t appear to be any signs of life, despite this being presumably a marsh.
Just darkness, trees, and oil.
Nothing more.
Silence bothered you, so you observed, “There’s nobody here,” in an attempt to calm your nerves.
“I’m here.”
You froze in place and then looked around. It was a soft, polyphonic voice. You couldn’t pinpoint a single direction from which it could be coming.
“There’s no need to be afraid.”
Having the other voice talking at you made you feel a little helpless, so you decided to respond, but the best thing you could think of was, “Are you sure?”
“I mean I was hoping for a longer answer,” you said. “Who are you?”
The voice answered with, “A friend.”
“A bit too vague for my liking, friend.” You looked down and observed just how difficult it was for you to move in the sticky black substance flooding the marsh, and you began to move towards a tree. If your new friend wasn’t really so friendly you could try climbing the tree to get away.
“Do you want a name?”
“I mean, I guess a name would be nice.” It was taking you ages to get to the tree.
“Tell me your name.”
Uh… sure, why not?
“My name’s (y/n),” you said as you finally got to the tree. You reached out to grab it--
The tree suddenly formed a ghastly face with sharp teeth that bit down into your hand.
And it hurt.
It was so painful you let out a yell. Instinctively, you tried to tug away from it but its teeth only sank harder into your hand. You swore. Why is the pain so real? Why does it hurt so much?!
You managed to yank your hand away but at the expense of the teeth raking through your hand. You looked at what it had left behind; you could see bone and muscle. The flesh was completely ripped off in some places. You looked back at the tree and saw that it was devouring what it had torn off of you. Looking back at your hand, you noticed there was blood… So much blood…. Horrified, you stumbled backward…
And fell back into the tar. The sensation stung your mauled hand, and while you writhed to get out, its consistency was too thick, too sticky. Where was the bottom of the tar pit? You had been wading through it before but now it felt like you were sinking…
There was the feeling of a hand grabbing your uninjured arm and pulling you up from the tar as if it were mere water. When you surfaced, you doubled over and started to cough; you could feel some of the tar still clinging to you. Eventually you were able to look up from the ground to see who had rescued you, and if they looked like they were just here to inflict more pain.
It… looked like a person, someone about your height. Sort of. The shape did, anyway. They were wearing some… kind of hoodie, you thought? And shorts. And their head appeared to be round, but they were coated in that tar you were wading in. And they had these four massive tentacles coming from their back, that also looked like they were covered in the tar. Or were they made of tar? You weren’t sure. Thankfully, seeing as this was a dream and you were confused and frightened, seeing tentacles didn’t bring to your mind anything humorous.
Or maybe that’s a bad thing. At least if you had been laughing at the thought of hentai you wouldn’t have been feeling the stinging, piercing pain on the hand of yours that had been torn apart.
For some reason, you weren’t really afraid of the stranger. He had a bizarre appearance, yeah, but he had just saved you from drowning, he wasn’t attacking you, and… and you weren’t sure. You just felt really calm around him. More than anything, you were curious. Your eyes were drawn to this one teal eye he had.
Without thinking, you reached up to touch him, and then noticed your mangled hand. Seeing the gore startled you enough for you to yell and almost fall over backwards again, but the stranger grabbed your uninjured arm like before.
“It’s alright. You don’t need to be scared.”
It was the voice from before. This was its owner?
“I mean,” you said, “my hand has been destroyed, so…”
“I can heal it,” he said.
One of his tentacles slowly reached out, but not for your hand. It was aiming for your forehead. You didn’t pull away, just watched. You had the feeling you were both curious about each other, right?
This was going to be one of those awesome-in-hindsight dreams, wasn’t it?
The tentacle eventually touched you. It was gooey but you still couldn’t tell if it was made of tar or just covered in it.
It then turned itself around and slowly ran down your face. You blinked a little at the sensation-- it was still covered in goop, so ew, kinda-- but it wasn’t all that bad.
You saw a smile play at the stranger’s features. The smile was very toothy, and as he cocked his head, exposing more of his neck, you realized why he didn’t look quite normal.
Well, there were a lot of reasons why he didn’t look normal. But why his human-like figure didn’t seem quite like any other person’s.
You could see the vertebrae of his neck.
A skeleton.
You lifted your uninjured hand a little. “Can I touch you?” you asked.
He looked at your hand.
“Of course.”
You reached out with your hand and touched his cheek. All of him felt gooey. Man, your brain came up with the weirdest things, didn’t it?
You felt two of his tentacles take your injured hand and the stinging sensation faded. When you looked back at it, it was completely healed, as if nothing had ever happened to it.
Well, this wasn’t really such a nightmare, it had its upsides.
You smiled at the stranger. “Thank y--”
There was a sloshing sound from behind you and you turned to see a harrowing figure of tar rising up from behind you. Before you could do so much as let out a sound it tackled you so that you were back in the tar, though this time you could feel a bottom.
You quickly wished there was no bottom.
Instead of drowning you felt the sensation of the figure’s hand tearing straight through your chest, shattering your ribs and tearing apart your insides.
It was agonizing.
You screamed (or, attempted to) and began to writhe in pain as you suddenly felt like you’d been stabbed in the stomach. Before you knew it you felt like your whole body was getting torn into pieces. Why does it feel so real? This is a dream! It shouldn’t feel so real!
Eventually the pain grew so overwhelming that your consciousness(? In a dream?) began to fade, and eventually everything went black.
You didn’t wake up.
Nightmare listened to the sounds of your screaming as the entities he’d summoned tore you to bits and pieces. They ripped your heart out, tore holes in your lungs, took off your limbs…. Nightmare closed his eyes.
Her screams are beautiful….
When you stopped screaming, and he realized you had passed out, he held out his hand and the figures melted back into the tar where they’d come from. He reached down and hauled you out of the tar before making his way to a tree. Unlike with you, the tree made no move to injure him, and he used his four extra limbs to climb up to the top with no problem.
He then began to heal you.
You barely resembled yourself after what the creatures in the tar had done to you. It pained Nightmare to see it. They had torn apart your beautiful face…
But he’d needed to feed. And besides… your screams… He let out a shuddering breath.
And in a few minutes, it would all be worth it.
It took a while before your body was able to reform and put itself back into place, but once it did, Nightmare smiled, taking you in his tentacles.
“So pretty,” he murmured to himself. He wasn’t used to… enjoying the sight of people. Usually his emotions didn’t leave much room for positive thinking. But he supposed you fulfilled certain criteria that fit his… personal tastes.
One tentacle curled around you possessively.
“M… Mine….”
He knew he couldn’t actually keep you here. While he was virtually godlike in his realm (if he weren’t, you would be dead from all that maiming earlier), keeping you here wasn’t feasible.
Right now, at least.
He waited for you to wake up, lovingly stroking you with his tentacles and watching your soft features.
To think he had come up with a perfect plan so quickly…
You eventually woke up.
Well, not really, it appeared you were still in the dream. Had you been having a nightmare in the dream? Was this a dream within a dream?
You noticed that you were being held by something odd, and as your vision focused you could see that it was the stranger from earlier holding you.
“You’re awake,” he said. This was the first time you’d seen him frowning. “I was worried I’d lost you….”
You looked at your hands, then felt your body. It was like nothing had touched you. “How…”
“I healed you again, after driving the creature off.”
You looked up at him in shock. “You could heal me from that?” You weren’t sure why you were questioning the logic of a dream, but here you were.
“This forest is a very dangerous place. If I didn’t have these capabilities, I would be dead. There is no one here to heal me.”
“So you’re stuck here? All by yourself?”
A nod.
“That’s… horrible,” you told him.
“It’s alright.” He smiled. “You being here… makes it much less lonely.”
Your face warmed up. Why was it warming up? “Oh…. Thanks.” You smiled apologetically. “I can’t… stay here forever, though.”
“I know.”
One of his tentacles brushed aside some of your hair. You seemed to be held in two of them.
Huh. You didn’t see so many tree trunks. Were you still in the marsh?
You looked down and then instantly jumped, clinging to his neck. So high up we’re so high up--
The stranger let out a soft laugh. “Don’t worry. I won’t let you fall.”
Well, he’d saved you from death twice now, so you’d trust him on that. You nodded. “Thanks… for saving me.”
He cupped your cheek with one hand.
“I have never seen anything as beautiful as you,” he said.
Your face got hot.
He pressed his teeth to your lips.
At first, you just didn’t know what to do. This was a little bit shocking. What was this dream?
But you felt so calm near him, and he was lonely, and he had saved your life… and it was just a dream, so...
You kissed back.
Nightmare felt a surge of emotion that he hadn’t felt in a long time as your lips returned his kiss.
Mine…. She loves me….
His tentacles wrapped firmly around you and he deepened the kiss. You reciprocated.
I’m her hero….
One of his tentacles stroked your thigh and he opened his one functioning eye, watching as your face flushed pink.
If only you were a being of darkness like him, able to withstand immense amounts of pain… How he could tear you apart, spill your blood, make you beg for mercy…
Only to have you beg for more….
He growled into the kiss and you seemed to pay no mind. In fact, you shifted in his hold so that it was easier to kiss you.
He wondered… was it possible to change a human into something like him…? He would have to look into that.
The things that he would do to you….
As he thought of it his tentacles began to encroach on slightly more sensitive areas of your body, and he raised a hand, bringing out your soul. He hoped you wouldn’t notice, and at first you didn’t, but when it began to shine brightly enough, you opened one eye and then broke the kiss.
“Wh… what’s that?”
“It is your soul,” Nightmare explained, hoping you wouldn’t ask how it got here. “The entirety of you, embodied in one small object.”
Curious, you blinked and reached out, tapping it.
“It’s warm,” you observed.
“It is.”
So warm…. So soft….
He gently ran a finger along it, watching your face.
You flushed red.
The things he would do….
He suddenly came to the realization that it was almost time for you to wake up.
Not fair….
But that was how things were. So he gently returned your soul (much to his dismay) and kissed your lips.
“I hope that I can see you again,” he told you.
You seemed to be aware that you were dreaming, so you probably thought you wouldn’t be seeing him again. Still, you responded, “I hope so too. Especially if I end up back here. I’m gonna need you around or I’ll die.”
His plan had worked out so perfectly. He was unused to playing the hero, but it had worked out so well….
He would keep being the hero for you.
“If you end up here I promise I’ll find you.”
You nodded.
And then you dissipated as you were awoken by the sound of your alarm.
Nightmare glared at the empty space where you’d been.
It’s not fair.
It’s not. Fair.
His brother had people who cared about him while Nightmare was stuck on his own. You were the only person who wanted him and now you were gone until the nighttime. Until you went to sleep. He clenched his fists.
No. No. There’s no need to be angry.
This was good. The fact that you were gone was good. During the time you were gone, he would eventually find a way to keep you here.
Not just keep you, but change you. So that he wouldn’t be alone.
He would make you into something cold and dark, like him.
And how he’d hurt you….
Such beautiful screams.
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