#how did this space get so tucking uninviting and toxic
artemiseamoon · 9 months
I will never understand why people feel the need to write weird/rude comments on things. I have no patience anymore. This will result in an instant block.
The community vibe, mutual support and overall support in fanfic spaces like this is already dead. Or mostly dead. At least it seems to be. Minus the few angels still making it worthwhile to stay. Unless you’re a big/popular account, they seem to still have some of that going.
This issue, plus ppl not reblogging anymore, and lots of readers being difficult already caused me to share less and step away. To update less cause screw it. And I know what I want to happen in my fic so why not take my damn sweet time.
Dumb ass comments? make me want to share even less.
Not everything is for everyone, that is fine. I’ve come across plenty of work not for me. Or say details that don’t make sense to me - but that is not the authors fault, it’s just not a good fit for me. I just exit fic and move on. Easy enough. I don’t comment something rude. I don’t complain. I leave the author alone.
Or if the person clearly has an au timeline, or tags something not canon, I’m not gonna complain how it’s different from canon, or how the timeline has changed, that’s the point, it’s an au 🙄
Anyway, I block faster than ever now. And this whole sharing work with an entitled greedy audience who just makes demands and wants updates immediately , who can’t even reblog or interact in a positive way (minus the few good ones left) make me really tempted to make all my shit private and keep it to my damn self.
To those not being brats, bullies or assholes, thank you 💚 to those who are decent humans and share and support, thank you 💚 you add some light to this otherwise very depressing and uninspiring space.
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