#how do i get this surgically implanted in my ears so i can listen to it 24/7
itskenickie · 9 months
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Love Me A Little Less: Chapter 6 - Misogynist
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Member: (3rd person pov) arranged marriage au with Lee Juyeon
Genre: angsty wangsty
Taglist: @hyunjaethereal @sunwoowuvbot​
“Don’t offend me.”
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“No, I think the best course of action for HERA & ARTEMIS is that we not only branch out to collaborate with other companies, but also to make um… say, connections with non-profit organisations. Orphanages, charities, you name it. The publicity HERA & ARTEMIS will get after being recognised as a community-caring brand, a brand that cares no less than it’s maximum ability to about children, the elderly and the disabled.” 
“Charitable. I like it,” The Resources CEO of The Board nods with a wine of champagne in his glass. even at her own wedding, all the bride can think of is work. All she cares about is how to make sure HERA & ARTEMIS is heard in the crowd of attendees to her wedding. “Anyway, a gorgeous wedding, I must say. What made you have it at home? I’d expect that your father and brother would have wanted it somewhere more… ravish, y’know, more extravagant.” 
It takes some effort to hide her disgust at the thought that her father had a say over where she wanted to have her wedding. 
“Of course not,” The service smile almost feels surgically implanted into her face, even Jang Won herself is put off. “Juyeon and I have already planned this right off the bat, have it at Hera’s Manor.” 
“Why not at the Lee House? I thought the Lee’s would’ve preferred it there, you know, husband and all.” 
Jang Won could’ve slapped the glass of champagne out of his grasp if she wanted to, then probably break the bowl off the stem and send it into his eye. 
“The Lee House doesn’t have the facility and resources to hold a wedding now,” Juyeon comes round with a cup of whiskey, cheeks slightly pink from the alcohol as he rounds his arm around Jang Won, pulling her into his torso and even bothering to press a kiss into her temple. “It isn’t as presentable as you’d expect it to be. Hera’s Manor is well-kept and it looks like it’s prepped for a party every other day.” 
Juyeon smiles politely, eyes drifting from the Resources CEO to Jang Won, and for a split second, Jang Won might just feel somewhat impressed he stood up for her. “You know what they say, if you need something done, a lady will do it fast and efficient.”
The Resources CEO provides the newly wedded couple an awkward smile, not really able to spit out a proper response to Juyeon’s rebuttal. 
“Anyway, love, your brother’s asking for you in your office. Some administrative issues that cropped up,” Juyeon pulls away and turns his body, feet already pointing away from the Resources CEO. “If you’ll excuse us, Mr Teuk.” 
Juyeon lowers his head as a sign of respect, though he probably doesn’t mean it. He gently tugs on Jang Won and leads her out of the courtyard. 
“Please tell me there aren’t any actual administrative manners Younghoon wants to talk to me about,” Jang Won seethes as she walks up the yard stairs and into the main hall. 
“‘Course not,” Juyeon subtly shakes his head. “He’s having the time of his life actually, getting acquainted with the other members of The Board. Have you always been the one helping him with Artemis?” 
“In his defence, I don’t let him handle anything. It’s a subsidiary of HERA & ARTEMIS so I might as well take things into my own hands and worry about it on my own.” 
“Well, maybe you should let him figure his hand out at things. He doesn’t legally own Artemis for nothing.” 
Jang Won turns to shoot a look of distaste at Juyeon. 
“What?” He frowns, forehead creasing. “I’m literally telling you to split your workload.”
“I don’t need to split my workload. I’m doing fine on my own and frankly, I’d rather he sit back and let me do most of it so that at least I know what the Hell’s going on with my companies without worrying about any secrets.” 
Juyeon rubs the back of his neck and shoves his hands into his pockets. “In other words, you don’t trust your brother.” 
“Please,” She walks off first, heading for her office where she usually seeks refuge amongst her bottles of whiskey and bourbon and documents. “Just because I love him for being my brother doesn’t mean I should trust him with my finances.” 
“You’re literally born into a family of fortune. Even if he does mess up, you’d be able to recover from it. The consequences would mean absolutely nothing to you.” 
Jang Won pushes the heavy doors of her office open, admiring the late-morning sun that’s spilling all over her chair and her desk. 
“See, that’s where you’re wrong, pretty boy. I choose not to rely on whatever I have at birth because I always felt like whatever my dad had was just handed to him,” She reaches for the ice bucket and picks up a ball of ice, dropping it into the whiskey glass, then coats most of its surface with bourbon. “But God forsake my hard work, huh? I guess if hard work really did pay off then I wouldn’t be standing here, in a wedding-lunch dress, talking to my husband.” 
Juyeon raises both brows and throws himself into one of the sofa seats, the clinking of the whiskey decanter echoing ever so slightly throughout the office. “Ever heard of a holiday? You should go on one.”
She scoffs with exaggeration, the gentle swishing of the alcohol meeting the ice and the glass gleaming like liquid honey under the sunlight. “Yes, because I’m just like you, the one who would run away from the responsibilities he was born into whenever he doesn’t want them.”
“I’m sorry,” Juyeon grimaces, standing up and allowing the silvers of his suit glimmer as he walks into where the sunlight kisses the floor. “Which toe did I step on? I just pulled you out of a situation you would’ve otherwise not wanted to be in.” 
“Unfortunately for you, I didn’t need pulling out. I could’ve handled myself right there and then. It’s been like that for as long as I can remember - I don’t need myself a nanny to save me,” Cocking one of her brows, she gives a wry laugh before downing the shot of whiskey.
Juyeon is in disbelief in her ability to perceive gratitude - or rather, a lack thereof. 
“Maybe your father came back to save HERA & ARTEMIS from your terrible people’s skills, ever thought of that?”
“Wrong again, pretty boy!” She peels the glass off her lips and stares at the lipstick mark. “I’m perfect with the people I wanna be perfect with to get what I want, and when they are of no use to me, I’m well aware I treat them less than average.”
“There it is,” He sneers, stopping right before her as she finishes the last bit of her whiskey. “So, you’re a hypocrite.”
A smirk draws across her lips. Jang Won almost slams the glass back down in the tray of other glasses and the whiskey decanter. “And I’m proud of it. There’s nothing you can do about it, Lee Juyeon. You agreed to play this game my way and now that we’re wearing matching rings. I’m afraid you’ll have to deal with it.”
Jang Won squares up and jabs a finger into his shoulder. But Juyeon catches her wrist and holds it in place, causing her to grunt and attempt to writhe her way out, but to no avail. 
“Kim Jang Won, you listen to me and you listen well. Just because I agreed to play this game by your rules, doesn’t mean I’m your puppet. We both know who will be the more powerful one in May, so my advice?” By now, Juyeon’s nose is almost in her eye. He’s not even bothering to look at her. 
“Don’t offend me.”
Jang Won finally snatches her wrist out of his hold when she feels his grip loosen. Huffing, she stomps past him, shoulder bumping into his arm for good measure as she leaves the office.
Younghoon just about catches his sister rolling her eyes so hard, she was this close to hurling a string of vulgarities at the wooden of her office door. “Hey, what were you doing in your office? People are looking for you!”
Without a word, her eyes are locked with his in frustration. 
“What?” He frowns. 
She thinks for a moment. 
She can ruin him and destroy him by asking him to take Artemis for himself before the deal is due in June. Ask him why he was so useless and had his little sister do everything for him, never once really fighting to take ownership of a company legally his. 
“Nothing,” The brush-off is sharp and distinct as she waves him off, turning to walk into the main hall. “Go get yourself more sponsors before June, will you? I’m not sure the same people would want to keep in touch with HERA & ARTEMIS after the separation and collaboration is made official.”
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Juyeon returns home later that evening, still wearing the fourth outfit of the day. It was a blue suit with a black collar and details and all he wants to do is soak himself in his bath. Maybe he could go to sleep safe and sound, and he’d wake up single and free to do whatever he actually wants to do. 
He walks down the entrance corridor, sick of all the staged portraits of him and his family hung on the walls. The main hall comes into sight, past the stairs on his right, where the television was still broadcasting bits and pieces of his wedding earlier. In the million-dollar couch sat his father, eyes and ears attentive to the screen. 
“Was it so entertaining that you have to watch it again? I know you were there this afternoon.”
His father turns his head subtly. Juyeon pulls off his blazer and removes his watch, laying the heavy clothing over his forearm as he scans the broadcast.
“The Lee-Kim wedding saw nothing short of nothing but a perfect list of investors, sponsors, fellow colleagues and leaders of several enterprises...”
He turns to look at his father, obviously still somewhat hurt that he hadn’t been officially invited by his son - Mr Ro had sent out mandatory invites to family members.
“It was a gorgeous wedding.”
“Yeah, well...” Juyeon shrugs lifelessly, already turning around to head for the stairs. “I had no say in it. It was her wedding and I don’t care, so.”
“The Board is expecting you to go on a Honeymoon, you have that in place, right?”
Juyeon gives a dry chuckle, already on the first step of the stairs. “Yeah, we’re going to Guatemala.”
“Guatemala?” His father shifts his attention from the television and looks at Juyeon, halfway up the stairs. “You’re just finding a chance to go diving in Belize, aren’t you?”
His son doesn’t falter, only continuing taking each step towards the second level, in hopes that he wouldn’t have to listen to his father criticise the only thing Jang Won let him do. At least it was some kind of freedom. 
“Mom better not be in my room.”
The second floor corridor greets him with even more portraits of his family, most of the pictures of him when he was younger. He halts right outside his door when he notices light seeping out from beneath. 
Sighing with exasperation, he lays his hand on the door handle, readying himself to listen to his mother ramble. But his attention drifts from the cream-painted mahogany to the low cabinet next to him, the blue shade of the stingray shining under the hallway lights.
There was a ceramic statue of a standing coral frame with the stingray within the arc, and on it engraved ‘Hawaii 2018′. He smiles, remembering only fond memories of seeing a huge stingray while diving. Sunwoo had been dragged out by him - one of those times when he fought with his parents and couldn’t stand being in the same house as them. He covered travel cost and hospitality fees, ensuring Sunwoo’s parents (whose family was also on the smaller arm of The Board’s administration) that he’d take care of them. 
Juyeon got an earful from his parents when he came back. Young Jin Seol had been the one to tell his parents his whereabouts, solely because he had arranged for her to make sure it seemed like he was still doing his job at the office. So, of course, when his parents walked into office and she was doing his work for him, they had threatened to fire her. 
But Juyeon knew he was indebted, and told his parents, “No Jin Seol, then you can forget about me taking over Apple-Korea.”
Sucking a deep breath, Juyeon shakes himself out of his mental trance, and pushes the door open. 
The back of his mother seems so fragile on first sight, and he’s well aware she’s getting on in her years. For a split second, he feels emotional, possibly feeling some tinge of remorse at how horrible of a son he’s been.
Then he remembers that she’s had an abundance of spa treatments, country-club lunches with her fellow rich moms after a game of gold or tennis, and a bunch of other things she definitely didn’t need. He wish he could tell himself otherwise, that she had been born into this life and thus living anything else dissimilar to this would be tiring on her.
But he can’t.
“I’m surprised you bothered to come home,” She says without looking at him. Juyeon rests his blazer on the back of the single sofa seat that’s angled to face the one she’s sitting in. “I was wondering if I should send some pajamas over to Hera’s Manor.”
Juyeon sits in the crystal encrusted sofa seat, crossing his legs and eyeing his mother fiddle with the wedding band on her finger. It reminds him of his own. 
“You realise you’re the one who bound me to the Kim family, don’t you? You’re the one who said okay to marrying Kim Jang Won, not me.”
“It was for your own good.”
“For mine or for our family?” Juyeon leans back in his seat and interlocks his fingers, placing them in his lap. “What else do you really need from the Lee family that you simply cannot take your eyes off? Their money? HERA & ARTEMIS? What?”
Only now does Juyeon notice the cup of tea on the small coffee table infront of them. 
“A child,” She says, like it was the most casual thought one could have, before taking a sip of tea. Her son shuts his eyes then opens them with his eyebrows as far up his forehead as he can. 
Providing a dry, tortured chuckle, Juyeon blinks multiple times, wishing that it was a condition with his hearing and not just something his mother had just spat out.
“A what?” Juyeon pulls apart his hands and leans forward, fists now clenched and pressed into the cushion he was sitting in.
“You heard me,” She places the tea cup down and refuses to look at him. “A child would mean inheritance. The Lee family will inherit the wealth of the Kims and it could possibly start a new system. It could rewrite The Board. We could become The Board.”
“What the-” He finally stands, barely choking out some kind of laughter filled with confusion and utter disbelief. “You want a child just to bond our families together and take over The fucking Board? My God, why are you so obsessed with The Board?”
“Because The Board is everything! No board, no us, no wealth and comfort like the kind we raised you in-”
“Does it look like I wanted it?!” Juyeon runs his hands through his hair, pulling his hair back and stretching his hairline. 
“You ingrate-”
“So I am an ingrate. But I had no choice, I have no life of my own because guess who’s making my decisions for me? You! If I don’t even have the ability to make my own choices then how do I even qualify as an ingrate?!”
She’s silent, and very much staring at the words spewing out of her son’s mouth now. She huffs through her flared nostrils, picking up the saucer and the tea cup and standing. “I don’t know what kind of ideas Kim Jang Won has planted in your head but you are still part of the Lee family and-”
“For Gods’ sake, Jang Won has nothing to do with any of this! In fact, she can’t care less about what I’m doing, so long as it doesn’t change the course of this entire situation. If anything, she’s playing it safe; she’s playing it against her father, and not us,” The veins on Juyeon’s hands are about to rip through his skin when he cannot close his fist any more. “Her father literally climbed out the grave... and you took this chance to capitalise on that in order to make our family richer the moment you heard of The Board’s announcement regarding HERA & ARTEMIS’s ownership complications...”
Juyeon shakes his head subtly, realising that he was panting from the sheer force of anger and disgust rushing through him. 
“And she’s younger than me. Lost her mother, lost her father, who only comes back to take what she built? You know, for a woman under The Board, I’d think you’d understand what she’s gone through. I thought... I thought you would’ve known how hard it is to be the successful one in the family but cannot pass down the family name... but everytime I think the world of you, and I think you’d act a little more like the woman I thought you are... you prove me wrong.”
Juyeon glares down at her, hands holding the teacup in the saucer with some kind of disapproving, disappointed look of fury in her eyes. Then he sighs heavily, hands rushing to pick up his blazer and storms out the room before she can.
“Leave Kim Jang Won alone, or else I’ll refuse Apple-Korea. By then, you can forget about all your stupid green bills and diamond rings.”
And with that, he slams the door shut. 
Juyeon appears along the second floor hallway, visible from the first floor’s living hall, where his father was still watching the news of his wedding earlier on in the day. Of course, the door slamming would’ve caught his attention, so when his son rushes down the stairs while putting his blazer back on, the elder man removes himself off the couch.
“Juyeon! Where are you going?!”
“Don’t call me, and don’t even think of calling Hera’s Manor,” He opens the heavy front door with such determination, then slams it harder than he intends to. By the foot of the stairs leading down to the pick up point by the entrance, his two bodyguards are taken aback and flustered when Juyeon appears again.
“Uh, can I get Mr Bong around-”
The instruction through the guard’s earpiece is cut short and interrupted abruptly as Juyeon unplugs the earpiece from the transmitter. 
“Mr Lee-” 
Juyeon doesn’t hesitate to do the same with the other guard. By now, his father has gotten the front door open and yelling at him with disapproving scolds. 
Rushing around the hood of the Porsche, Juyeon steps into the drivers’ seat - an unlikely sight, since he’s been chauffeured around most of the time.
“What in the world are you two doing? Stop him from leaving!” 
The vehicle revs to life, and Juyeon fumbles under the passenger seat’s compartment box and every crook and cranny in the front of the car.
He winds up the window on the driver’s side and locks the entire vehicle just as his father reaches the window. He tugs on the handle angrily, almost able to shake the entire car with his aggression. 
“Juyeon, don’t you dare!”
Then, he finds it. A tracking device attached to all the cars his family owns.
Ripping it off the surface it was stuck into, he rolls down the window on the passenger’s side and hurls it out, straight into the arms of one of the bodyguards.
He starts up the car and pulls it into drive, forcing his father to back off as he moves off.
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elsarah · 4 years
Hearing loss and the world of the d/Deaf
First of all, many thanks to @thelouistiti​ for your question about resources on hearing loss. I decided it would be better to write everything myself rather than sharing a compilation of links.
Deafness/hearing loss is huge topic and it's two-fold: there's the medical aspect and the cultural one. When talking about Deaf culture and community, I'll capitalize the "d" as is customary to make the distinction. I'll talk from a French perspective, and as a person with severe acquired hearing loss, who is currently learning sign language and making her first steps into the Deaf community.
If you feel I'm too vague, that I need to amend things, or if you just would like to chime in and talk about your experience, my ask box is open and I'll share your input.
For the Frenchies and French speakers here, I also suggest this episode of "C'est pas sorcier" which is about the d/Deaf world. It's old as balls (late 90s) and many things have evolved since (FSL is now considered an official language in France), but they talk about the different types of hearing loss (conductive and sensorineural), how the ear works, hearings aids, and they tackle a bit Deaf History in France. It's a good introduction.
Now let’s begin if you’re ready!
What's hearing loss, how is it measured and what are the different thresholds?
Hearing loss generally refers to the loss of acuity in one or both ears. A person with hearing loss will have difficulties singling out sounds in a noisy environment, understanding speech and pinpointing where a sound originates, hearing a TV and making phone calls. There are a number of factors that can cause hearing loss such as: exposure to noise, ageing, genetics, medication, infections, ear trauma, etc.
Hearing loss is measured by the number of decibels necessary to perceive a sound on a scale of 0 to 8000 Hz (low to high frequencies). One will be considered hearing impaired when unable to perceive a sound under 25 dB. There are 4 thresholds, or degrees of hearing impairment: mild (25 to 40 dB), moderate (41 to 70 dB), severe (71 to 90 dB) and profound (greater than 90 dB). At 120 dB, the loss is considered total.
Hearing loss isn't necessary uniform across all frequencies: some people will have no trouble hearing low frequencies without being able to perceive anything higher-pitched than 1000 Hz.
Someone shared this great picture showing where the sounds of everyday life fall on an audiogram:
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Other than severity, hearing loss is also categorized in 3 main types: conductive, sensorineural and mixed (the latter being a combination of conductive and sensorineural).
Conductive hearing loss: the sound doesn’t reach the cochlea (the inner ear). The causes can be infections, a damaged eardrum, malformations, impacted earwax among others.
Sensorineural hearing loss: dysfunction of the inner ear. The sound is able to reach the cochlea, but isn't handled properly. The most common cause is the destruction of the hair cells in the cochlea.
There is another auditory disability that isn't exactly hearing loss but hinders one's ability to understand sounds: auditory processing disorder. People with APD have normal hearing and no damage to the inner ear, but the sound isn't processed properly by the brain.
I'm keeping this short, but the corresponding Wikipedia pages are quite exhaustive, with statistics and all.
How to tell if one is deaf or hard of hearing (HOH)?
Well, it's actually complicated and depends on the person. I've noticed everyone has their own definition of deaf and HOH. According to some people, only people with profound to total hearing loss should be called deaf. Medically, it seems that people with severe hearing loss can also be considered deaf. I've seen people say that you have to be born deaf to call yourself so. And I guess that among hearing people, many think deaf people are simply the ones  communicating in sign language.
And there's my personal take: you call yourself what you feel best describes your hearing abilities and problems. I feel that if hearing loss severely hinders your social and professional life, you may call yourself deaf. The degree of your loss doesn't matter that much if you feel isolated by your disability.
And to hearing people: you don't get to have a say if one is deaf or HOH. Period.
What are hearing aids?
There are actually 2 kinds of hearing devices: hearing aids and cochlear implants.
Hearing aids:
They improve hearing by making sounds audible, for example by amplification. Their settings are custom-made for the wearer by an audiologist. They come in all shapes and sizes but there are 2 main families: Behind the ear (BTE) and In the ear (ITE) hearing aids. The former are composed of a case attached to an earpiece that fits inside the ear. The case rests behind the ear and contains the electronics, controls, battery, and microphone, while the loudspeaker, or receiver, may be housed either in the case or in the earpiece These are particularly recommended for more severe hearing losses, but they're very versatile. In the ear hearing aids devices fit completely in the ear bowl (no case behind the ear) and are more discrete. They're usually recommended for mild to some severe hearing losses
Hearing aids can't completely correct hearing loss. Sensorineural hearing loss reduces the sensitivity to sound and aids can only partially compensate by amplifying sounds. Conductive hearing losses tend to be better treated by hearing aids; the amplified sound is able to reach the cochlea, and the signals are transmitted normally to the brain.
Cochlear implants:
You know how I said sensorineural hearing loss was generally caused by the destruction of hair cells inside the cochlea? These hair cells are sensory receptors that trigger nerve signals when detecting sound waves. The cochlea then converts those sound waves into electric signals that travel to the brain through the auditory nerve. So with damaged hair cells, the signals can't properly reach the brain and the information will be incomplete.
A cochlear implant bypasses the outer, middle and inner ear and generates the electric signals. It doesn't produce noise and unlike hearing aids, it doesn't amplify it. The outer part is composed of a microphone, a sound processor and a coil. The mic takes in sound, then passes it to the processor that crunches the data into electric signals called "channels", which correspond to different sound frequencies. The data is transmitted to the coil, placed on the scalp. The signals are then transmitted as wireless signals to a receiver and electrode array surgically implanted into the cochlea. The receiver converts the waves into electric impulses and when the signals reach the electrodes, they trigger the hearing nerve connected to the brain.
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(source: Blausen.com staff, 2014)
What an implanted person hears is what the brain interprets from the combination of these signals. The limited number of channels in a cochlear implant means the sounds are very different from natural hearing and it is necessary to teach the brain to hear after the surgery. It typically takes months of auditory training. The implant doesn't replace hair cells and can't relay pitch and timbre. Implantation is also irreversible. But it allows people with a very low level of hearing to hear speech and pick up different types of sound. When one doesn’t benefit enough from hearing aids, it’s often the last alternative.
It is believed that implanting congenitally deaf children at a young age gives better results, but this is a very controversial topic and I'll get back to it later.
In France, hearing aids are expensive and cochlear implants even more so, but partially reimbursed (fully for children) by social security.
Are deaf people mute?
It’s a common misconception. When you have hearing loss, your vocal cords aren’t impacted. Deaf people can speak, and some really well; they sometimes just choose not to because it can be difficult to regulate volume and pitch. Some deaf people get discriminated for their accent.
So please, ditch the word deaf mute (”sourd-muet” in French).
Can deaf people listen to music?
Yes, but not with the same accuracy. People with profound to total hearing loss will mostly feel the beat and vibrations. There are backpacks and vibrating floors specifically designed for this purpose. People with hearing aids can link them to their music devices with Bluetooth or just wear headphones. The only exception, I believe, is cochlear implants. As they can’t relay pitch and timbre, music isn’t perceived as accurately. It gets better once the ear is trained.
By the way, try to be mindful with deaf people about music and don't imply we miss out on something great. Some don't care, some are perfectly content with what little they can hear and feel. And those who lost their hearing later in life don't need reminding.
How do you manage in your daily life with hearing loss?
Firstly, I would like to stress that most of the issues faced by deaf and hard-of-hearing people are social, not medical, we don’t usually suffer physically from our condition.
Regarding adjustment, it's different for everyone. How the person copes depends on lots of factors, including early vs. late hearing loss, gradual vs. sudden, as well as the severity, the communication needs and the personality (acceptance vs. aversion to change). Hearing loss is also linked to feelings of depression, anxiety, frustration, social isolation and fatigue.
Hearing loss hinders access to education and job opportunities due to impaired communication. In France, the unemployment rate of people with severe hearing loss is almost 4 times the national average. There are extremely few universities which offer proper higher education in sign language. Much of the available higher education adapted to the deaf and hard-of-hearing is short-termed and still very oriented towards manual jobs. And it's not necessarily easier for mainstreamed oralist deaf/hard-of-hearing people who attend universities. As a consequence, deaf people have lower levels of education, with only 10% getting a higher education diploma compared to 30% of the general population.
Access to services, infrastructure and culture is also still a problem. A very important law was passed in France in 2005 in favor of people with disabilities. It guaranteed, among other things, access to all areas of social life: education, employment, housing, transportation and culture. But progress has been very slow. In France, in 2020 for instance, it's next to impossible to find French movies with French captions in cinemas. However, almost all foreign productions in theaters here are available in their original version with French subtitles. Close captions are subtitles specifically designed for the deaf and hard-of-hearing. They supplement the dialog with all the other audio cues: ringtones, music, languages, and so on. They're also more expensive and there are few sessions offering them. Regarding telecommunications, we had to wait until October 2018 for a national telecommunications relay service that allows us to make phone calls with communications operators (FSL interpreters) and speech recognition.
Social integration is extremely important to our well-being. A lack of accessibility may be the cause of a drop in self-esteem and confidence, as well as social withdrawal. Hearing loss has been linked to Alzheimer's disease and dementia, especially among isolated individuals. Prejudice and discrimination are also a problem, probably more towards signing deaf people because both “slurred” speech and the inability to speak are perceived as alien.
Look, lack of accessibility is a pain, but it really shouldn’t prevent us from living our lives to the fullest. The important thing is to not stay alone, even though it's sometimes easier said than done. There is a lot of systemic pressure to make hearing loss invisible. Invisibility is even a selling point for hearing aids, while implanting children at an early age is encouraged to raise them in the hearing world… Many HOH people don't get access to the community simply because they don't know it exists! 
Do you have to learn sign language when you become deaf?
No, you don't have to. The later you become deaf, the more you'll tend to continue using speech. But in my opinion, it's worth considering learning sign language for people with acquired hearing loss, especially children, even if they are fitted with hearing aids. Why? Because hearing aids can't do everything and their performance is very limited in noisy environments. It's great to have another ace up your sleeve to communicate. Also, and it's my personal experience, it's comforting to be in touch with the deaf community and people who share your joys and problems alike.
This is a very sensitive and controversial topic within the Deaf community, which is why I choose to give my opinion on acquired and not prelingual hearing loss. Prelingual hearing loss refers to people who were born deaf or became deaf in their infancy, before the acquisition of language. It means parents must choose how they will educate their children, if they will have them fitted with hearing aids or implanted, follow a mainstream education or go to a deaf school…
Deaf and hard-of-hearing people may also use cued speech (”Langue Parlée Complétée” or “LPC” in French). Cued speech is a visual rendering of spoken words. Some phonemes like "t" and "d" or "p" and "b" can't be differentiated when reading lips (which deaf and HOH people often do automatically). Cued speech renders all phonemes visible through handshapes, known as cues. They are 8 handshapes to represent consonants and 5 positions around the face to represent vowels. Associating one handshape with one position will cue a whole syllable.
Why is there a Deaf culture? What does it entail?
Now, it gets complicated. And fascinating. I won't dwell too much on the subject because I'm basically a baby Deaf gal and I'm not qualified. But my ask box is open if you would like to chime in.
From the moment people share a language and a history, they'll also share a set of experiences and issues, values, good practices, and basically a mindset. So naturally, with sign language being a real language, taught from generation to generation - as well as surviving a century-long ban from schools in France - a whole culture emerged.
And I should even say cultures… every country has its own Deaf culture because it's also tightly connected to the host country's culture and local sign language. The word "house" isn't signed the same way in French and Chinese sign language for instance because architecture isn't the same.
Deaf culture is very militant as Deaf people don't think of hearing loss as a disability. Deaf people typically don't speak of hearing loss but of "Deaf gain". I mentioned that there is systemic pressure to make hearing loss disappear. For instance by implanting deaf children at a young age to teach them to speak and integrate them into the hearing community. Deaf people see this as the death of their culture and language. For many people with hearing loss, Deaf culture means comfort, pride and community. From the Deaf perspective, hearing societies often fail to understand Deaf people's abilities and culture. From this point of view, the lack of communication stems as much from the inability of most hearing people to use sign language as from deaf people's inability to hear.
Deaf culture is however an open culture, you can join at any point in your life, you don't need to be born into it. It usually starts when you learn sign language and get acquainted to other d/Deaf people. A lot of people with late hearing loss are unaware such a culture exists and it often results in a lower self-esteem, as they don't find support in the hearing world. Some hearing people, especially relatives who learned sign language or interpreters, may be considered part of the Deaf community.
I'm not enough of an expert to write a full paragraph on the subject, but just know that just as in any culture, the arts are also very important in Deaf culture, especially visual performances, like drama and sign singing (chansigne in French). 
For instance:
Where can you learn sign language in France? Where can you practice? Do you have any online resources?
First things first, sign language isn't universal. There are almost as many sign languages as countries in the world, though some are more closely related than others. American Sign Language (ASL) and British Sign Language (BSL) differ widely as they use different basic signing systems. There is something called International Sign Language (ISL), but it is only used when Deaf people from different cultures meet, for instance during international competitions.
Regarding French Sign Language (FSL), there are a lot of organizations and associations which offer lessons such as l'Académie de la Langue des Signes Française, International Visual Theatre, 2LPE, Visuel-LSF, etc. Unfortunately, many (especially cultural ones) are located in Paris, and more sparsely in big cities like Lyon or Toulouse. If you're lucky, some high schools offer sign language as a third language, which allows you to gain extra credit for your baccalauréat.
Learning French Sign Language is very expensive, around 220€ for 30 hours. Financing for sign language can be hard to find and there are hardly any discounts or reimbursement schemes for people with hearing loss. Obviously, you may learn sign language through less expensive options, such as meetings at Cafés signes, which are small gatherings in a bar and welcome hearing people as well as deaf and HOH people. It's best to know at least the basics and to avoid Signed French (sign language has a different syntax) and several Cafés are limited to people with a certain level, but several associations like La Parole aux Sourds welcome everyone.
Some libraries in Paris have a dedicated section for sign language and Deaf culture such as Bibliothèque Louise Walser-Gaillard (next to the International Visual Theatre), Bibliothèque Saint-Eloi, La Canopée, Bibliothèque André Malraux and Bibliothèque Fessart. Books are great and may include a lot of signs, but they don't render movements very well.
There are plenty of online resources. I personally use Elix when I need to find a sign. It's a participative dictionary and still a work in progress, so all signs aren't referenced. What I find nice is that they provide variations of the same word. For instance, the word "mom" has a lot of “synonym” signs, depending on the area you live in.
Youtubers are an option BUT make sure you choose channels managed by a member of the Deaf community, a certified teacher and not a student learning sign language. It's important. I like Mélanie Lemaistre who has 2 channels. Her main one is MélanieDeaf, where she raises awareness on culture and sign language. On Signe2mains, she teaches a lot of vocabulary. You may also be interested in Lucas Wild's videos in which he signs and provides captions. It's good for training. And finally, I discovered this channel when typing this post and found it really, really good. It teaches idiomatic expressions in FSL.
But the most important thing when you want to learn sign language, like any living language, is to meet actual deaf people to practice. You have to learn to express yourself with your body and your face, and it's not easy for everyone. When you take lessons, the first hours are usually dedicated to mimes. Sign language is different than mimes as the frame is limited to your upper body but you still need to work on it at first. Signing people typically don't appreciate when you finger spell a word to learn its sign, it's more respectful to mime it.
Where can I meet Deaf people and learn more about their culture?
You may learn more about Deaf history and culture during Open Door Days, when organizations like the INJS (Institut National des Jeunes Sourds, one of the oldest schools for the d/Deaf in Paris) organize guided tours.
In Paris, there is also an amazing center called International Visual Theatre, which is dedicated to visual arts. I take sign language lessons there (they're excellent) and often go and see their plays, which are in both French and FSL.
Every two years, the city of Reims holds a huge international Deaf culture festival named Clin d'Oeil. Thousands of d/Deaf people come from all around the world to meet during 3-4 days (usually in July). It’s dedicated to sign language and visual arts: drama, dance, sign singing (chansigne in French), cinema, mimes, street performances… The next edition will be held in 2021.
Deaf people also organize gatherings, for instance during the World Day of the Deaf, every year in September, when we march for our rights.
Regarding the media, France Télévisions has a program called "L'Œil et la Main". It's in FSL and subtitled in French. They address current news (#MeToo, Youtubers, gene therapy, etc.) from a deaf perspective. There's also a news website entirely designed for signing deaf people called Media'Pi. In FSL, "Pi" means everything that's typical or related to a situation or a person and there's no exact translation in French. If you understand French, this subtitled video explains what "Pi" means.
Do you have any movies, series, books, etc. to recommend?
To be perfectly honest, I have yet to find entertainment media about deafness and hearing loss that I like. But I do like when movies or series include deaf characters and d/Deaf actors into their ensemble. I haven't watched Switched at Birth, but I liked Sean Berdy in what I've seen of The Society so far. There's another young deaf actress, Millicent Simmonds, who was recently in 2 movies: A Quiet Place and Wonderstruck (I'd like to see the latter one). Marvel's The Eternals will also feature the first deaf superhero, played by Lauren Ridloff. But none of them really address deafness and Deaf culture. Which is also totally valid, it's nice to have characters where aren't defined by their disability. It's just that yes, sign language is nice, aesthetic through the roof, but what about the culture?
I didn't like Children of a Lesser God (a movie based on a play), which is supposedly one of the most famous representation of deaf people in movies. I think it didn't age well. But it made Marlee Matlin famous and allowed her to talk about Deaf issues and to give the community visibility. It's a must-see, basically, but you might not enjoy it.
In France, we have hardly any representation in the mainstream media, which is why I have high hopes about Skam France and I hope I can soon add it to the list. I however recommend this documentary: J'avancerai vers toi avec les yeux d'un sourd, which the director dedicated to the friend who had taught her sign language and who sadly passed. I don't think this was distributed in English but I could be wrong! There's also Marie Heurtin, a movie about a young deafblind girl who is sent to a convent, where Sister Sainte-Marguerite decides to take care of her.
The only popular movie with deaf characters that came out in theatres recently in our country was La Famille Bélier. It's quite infamous within the Deaf community as hearing actors who were specially trained in FSL for the movie played two out of the three main deaf characters. We're used to having our roles played by hearing actors, the same happened to the recent theatre production of Children of a Lesser God where two hearies played the main characters.
I know that many people think cinema and drama are all about the performance and that it's ok when hearing people play minority roles. It's not. Have you ever seen a deaf actor play a hearing character?
I'm short on fiction works about hearing loss and Deaf culture though; feel free to chime in if you have recs. In France, Emmanuel Laborit, a French Deaf icon who won a Molière in the 90s for her performance as Sarah Norman (the main character of Children of a Lesser God), wrote an autobiography, le Cri de la Mouette where she addresses her childhood memories and the shaping of her identity though sign language.
What would help d/Deaf people?
First and foremost: visibility! Let d/Deaf people speak for themselves, demand from production companies that they cast deaf people for deaf roles. If you are not seen, you are not known. Invisibility plays a big role in the negative perception hearing people have of hearing loss. I've seen people here saying that becoming deaf was their worst fear in the world. How sad.
Many people with hearing loss will spend their whole life with it. We have a long road before us and we don't want to fight it through. Give us positive representation, people to admire and to support. Give us good stories. Giving us visibility will also shine a light on our issues and our needs regarding accessibility. Keep that in mind and be proactive. You don't realize how tiring it is, when you are deaf, to organize your own accessibility at an event because nobody thought about it. Equal opportunities don't mean you have to treat us like you would treat abled people and just let us be (you know we are already aware we have the right to exist?). It means giving us the tools we need to thrive because we start with a pretty big impediment.
Don't let deaf people bear the brunt of the lack of communication, especially if they choose not to talk. You wouldn't do it with a foreigner. Use voice recognition or type your sentence on your smartphone, use mimes, but just try. A conversation goes both ways and we are the disabled ones, not you.
 So that's it. That's the post. If you have questions, I beg you to ask them, my ask box will ALWAYS be open for his purpose. I had to keep this as short as possible and left many things aside, but I hope this will give you a good insight into hearing loss and the d/Deaf world.
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gastricpierrot · 5 years
Title: Heartbeat 
Series: Promare
Pairing: GaloLio
Rating: T
Lio turns himself in after the final battle, the start of a new life he must get used to.
This is a story of how Lio Fotia navigates through the days that follow, learns that support comes in more forms than he's ever familiar with, and deals with his alarmingly developing feelings for Galo Thymos.
Warning: slow burn so slow the promare would’ve had to personally leave the earth
Also on AO3
The first thing that sets in is the silence.
The voices that’s been chattering in his head since as far back as he could remember, the voices that screamed, demanded to burn burn burn—are gone. The sun is rising. Lio’s ears are still ringing from the explosions of the battle. He still hasn’t registered the foreignness of the feeling of cool breeze against his bare skin.
It's... quiet.
He turns, meeting eyes with the man whom he’d just saved and set the world on fire with. Bruised and battered but still standing tall and proud, though a little mellowed out at the moment. Lio figures even Galo would be drained after that intense ordeal of piloting giant robots, screaming, and punching two-faced hero figures.
“What do you plan to do after this?” Galo’s voice lacks the needless energy and passion it always seemed to carry. It's instead level, laced with genuine concern. Lio averts his gaze towards the yellow-tinted sky, hugging his elbows as the cold begins to sink in.
“What about you, Galo Thymos?”
He breathes, basking in this short moment of peace for just a while longer. The ringing in his ears gradually subside; he can hear sirens in the distance, the buzz of aircrafts racing towards their location. His heart, once on the verge of stopping completely, beats in a steady rhythm.
“What I’ve been doing all along,” Galo answers, “rescuing people in need.”
Part of Lio can’t help envying his simplistic viewpoint. Part of him envies that Galo still has something so normal to return to, a world that doesn’t have to change as drastically as his own. Lio honestly doesn’t want to think about what future awaits him, but he knows he must. For the sake of all the Burnish he’d tried and failed to save from Kray Foresight’s grasp.
“You haven’t answered my question,” Galo prompts, and Lio feels himself smiling without mirth at the realization that dawns him.
He's afraid. He's so afraid, for once, of what could, and what’s going to happen from now on.
“I—” Even admitting it brings a tremor to his hands, and he digs his fingertips into the flesh of his arms. “I don’t know.”
He forces his mind to work through his exhaustion. The sirens sound much closer. Lio has to make a choice, has to weigh his options. His people still need him.
“Well for starters, why don’t we help get the Burnish out of the rubble while backup’s on the way?” Galo pats his back in assurance, albeit with enough force to make him stumble a step forward. He’s quick to offer apologies, but Lio doesn’t really mind. He appreciates the effort Galo seems to be making to put him at ease.
It’s truly comforting to be reminded that he’s still got someone to rely on, despite everything.
Lio scarcely flinches when multiple spotlights are trained on him, his hair whipping all over his face from the gale produced by aircraft rotor blades. Galo immediately moves to place himself between Lio and the forces arriving to arrest him, probably all set to argue in Lio’s defense. Lio tugs him aside by his wrist, having come to a decision.
“I’ll leave my brothers and sisters to you,” he says, only able to hope that his voice isn’t lost to the wind. He catches one last glimpse of Galo, wide-eyed and confused, before he turns himself in.
Lio Fotia, despite having been part of the pair that had saved Earth from imploding, surrenders himself without fuss. It is his way of taking responsibility for the destruction he’d caused during—and even before—his rampage through Promepolis. It is also so that the rest of the Burnish, now people just like everyone else with their flames lost, would not be punished for crimes they did not commit. Lio had been the one to give orders, the one who had led all those acts of arson in the city. Those who weren’t part of Mad Burnish had only been trying to live peacefully without being captured. Those who had been part of Mad Burnish had merely been following him out of blind obligation.
Lio is eventually trialed at court, under a law he still despises but have no choice to abide to. He’s prepared for a heavy punishment—lifelong confinement or even death, perhaps—so he’s genuinely surprised when he’s instead sentenced to several years of community service while kept under strict surveillance. He hears later that it’s because the members of Burning Rescue had appealed on his behalf, insisting that without him, the Promare would’ve gone haywire during Kray Foresight’s insane operation and destroyed the entire planet. They’d argued that the atrocities carried out by the Foresight Foundation far outweighs Lio’s actions in scale and consequence, and that Mad Burnish had mainly been only retaliating against what the government started. Facts provided by scientists and researchers who’d worked with the Foundation had added weight to their claims, and the decision is finalized after weeks of deliberation.
Lio Fotia is charged with arson and mass destruction of public property, but not for killing people.
True to Galo’s word, the former Burnish were rescued from the rubble of the Parnassus engine as soon as reinforcements arrived at the scene. Lio’s informed that most of them only carried light injuries; it’s likely that the final blaze by the Promare had healed most physical damages caused by the generators. Even so, there were still quite a number of them who had had limbs, even organs burnt away that couldn’t be recovered. Some hadn’t been able to survive. Those who were still hanging on has been sent to receive immediate medical attention, though at present it is uncertain if they could be treated with existing means.
Everyone else, on the other hand, has been brought to shelters to settle down while society and the government worked to right themselves after all that’s happened.
Lio is made to stay in a detention facility after his sentence, a tracker surgically implanted into his ankle to monitor his movements at all times. He isn’t allowed to meet the former Burnish, much less check on how they are faring. The first day of his new life begins with him waking at the crack of dawn, heading down hallways while fighting the urge to brawl with inmates who can’t keep their excessive obscene comments and gestures to themselves, and almost freezing to death when he takes his first shower in what feels like forever.
He's then clad in a jumpsuit that’s just a bit too loose over his frame, and given a serving of dry sandwiches and milk as breakfast. He’s later escorted into a vehicle where he joins a group of other inmates who barely make any eye contact (already miles more civilized than those who’d greeted him in the hallway, he thinks), and they’re taken to a site that seems to be just recently cleared of the remnants of destruction. Their community service turns out to involve helping rebuild and reconstruct places that have been wrecked during the latest battle.
Lio gets to work with a blank mind, at this point too tired to listen to his own thoughts and the occasional backhanded comments about him and the Burnish uttered by people around him who seem to have too much energy to spare. The intense labor keeps him occupied enough for the hours to pass at a decent speed, and by the time he realizes it, his whole body is aching, the sun is setting, and he’s ordered to stop and return to the detention center.
Lio spots the flashy blue hair first from the corner of his eye as he makes his way back to the van waiting for them. He turns, and, in another moment of unexpected synchronicity, their gazes meet.
And the first day of Lio’s new life ends with a wave and a bright smile from Galo Thymos.
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Daisy Chain
A “Daisy Chain” is a booby trap consisting of multiple explosive devices wired to a single detonator.
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For the #FREAKY500WC writing challenge set by @thefvcker-tucker​
[my main blog is @icouldkillyouwiththistray​
Staff Sergeant William James [Jeremy Renner] & female OC witch/shapeshifter
Prompt - “There’s looking for trouble and there’s begging.”
[[This could well have more chapters - I can’t create a master list unfortunately as tumblr has gone very weird on me - my browser now does not give me access to see or manage my pages so I’m a bit stuck. ]]
Daisy Chain - Chapter one
James. Do you copy?  James! We need you back here do you copy?
Copy that. Gimme a minute Sanborn. Looking into something.
Staff Sergeant William James has his M4 jammed into his shoulder, the sun in his eyes and Sanborn still bleating in his ear.
What do you have Blaster one? Is there a threat?
I don’t know yet. Maybe nuthin’.
Give me your location. Do you copy?
He doesn’t reply. He’s following a noise he heard - an odd sound but only heard briefly - it sounded like sails billowing in the wind.
Maybe nothing.
Maybe something.
Maybe oblivion though something tells him not this time. Not yet. But he has to push towards it. Always. He’s aware that his compulsion breaks Connie’s heart. Is ruining their marriage. Not that they’re married anymore.
He rounds the corner into a quiet Baghdad back alley. The sun is directly in front of him - relentless - casting everything ahead into silhouette. He furrows his brows to get rid of the flies and proceeds - careful footsteps scraping in the sand. He can see the shape of a car blocking most of the width of the alley.  There is movement on the bonnet.
Only one, he thinks but there might be more. Adrenalin is firing through him and he fucking lives for that but he knows he should call for back up. The sun moves behind a building as he gets closer and he blinks to clear his vision. He stops where he is and settles the M4 a little better into position. He can handle one insurgent and he’s still far enough away to get out of there if there’s more.
"Get down, get on the ground. Get your hands up!" he barks orders to the figure on top of the car.  
"Don’t panic soldier."
He blinks. The figure has a well spoken English accent. Feminine. He can see her outline now. She looks slender. She looks naked. What the hell is going on?
"Get down on the ground now or I will shoot you. I will shoot you in the head."
"I don’t think you want to do that."
She’s perched on the bonnet of a beat up Audi like she’s at a fucking polo match or something - long brown hair swept across one shoulder, knees raised up with her arms draped across them. Her pale skin says she’s western and she has caramel eyes that’s he’s pretty sure he shouldn’t even be able to make out from this distance but their rich, vivid colour seems like the only thing that’s really alive in this sun-bleached, trash alley.
She is as naked as the day she was born. Sitting on a car bonnet in the back street of a goddamned war zone. His mind skips through all the possibilities - she could be a mercenary or a westerner that’s been radicalised? But why naked - it seems like a trap.  Social conditioning has brought him up to believe that a naked woman is not going to be a threat - that she should need his protection but his experience and instincts know this whole situation isn’t right. She shouldn’t be here and she doesn’t look like she needs anyone’s protection - there’s no hint of vulnerability - she sits with her ankles crossed on the hood like she’s just exactly where she wants to be.
“Get down from the fucking car. Put your hands behind your head or I will shoot you!” 
Why won’t she listen dammit? Is she crazy?
“I’m really comfortable where I am to be honest.” 
This is not how it goes. It’s fucked up. It’s fucked up and he doesn’t know what’s going on. He’s weirded out enough to call Sanborn.
This is Blaster one. Blaster Mike do you copy? Sanborn? I need backup I’ve got something
But all he gets in return is static and a broken word or two.
He’s conflicted but he knows his job. As much as loves being close to oblivion - his M4 is still raised and it’s pointing at her.
"Ma’am this is not a fucking tea party I need you to get down off the car and kneel down with your hands behind your head. Now. Or I will fire. I will fire.” 
He has to make a call. He has to but he really doesn’t want to shoot an apparently unarmed, naked woman.
Silence hangs in the shimmering heat - sweat runs down his neck and inside his collar as his finger stretches and relaxes back against the trigger. 
Time stretches to breaking point then, thank the Lord, she steps down. He sees the puff of sand as her knees hit the dirt and her hands clasp behind her head. Sergeant James exhales and steps closer.
"Okay okay. Ma’am are you in trouble? Are you wired? Is there a bomb on you...?" 
His voice is pitched lower and softer now and he looks over her for injuries - signs of abuse. He’s heard of surgically implanted bombs - seen body bombs. He knows of devices placed into breast implants and his eyes travel up and down the kneeling woman but he sees no wounds and her breasts look natural to him. His gaze doesn’t linger - nothing about this situation is sexual. 
He wishes he had a jacket or something to cover her with.
Sanborn, do you copy? godfuckingdammitt!
The empty hiss of the radio tells him he is on his own.
"...is there a bomb in the car?" He walks around the vehicle but his experienced eye sees nothing.
"There’s no bomb, Sergeant. Can I put my hands down now?" she asks as if she’s requested he pass the sugar. 
His eyes are still scanning his surroundings - alert for any changes - any signs of a potential threat but eventually they come back and settle on the kneeling woman.
 "Where are your clothes ma’am? What happened to you?" 
Her skin is flawless and he believes she’s telling the truth. He’s checked everything short of a full cavity search.  
"Nothing happened to me, I’m fine, the nakedness is just...an occupational hazard. Of sorts." She gives a little shrug. 
"Are you a prostitute? Have you been trafficked?"
"Neither of those..."
"Then who the fuck are you? “ He has moved round in front of her again and he needs answers because none of this makes any fucking sense. “Who the fuck ... are you? Because you are very fucking calm for a naked lady in the middle of a war zone."
"I know, I know. There’s asking for trouble and there’s begging right? So...would you believe... your fairy godmother?"
"No I fucking wouldn’t."
"Genie of the lamp?"
"I don’t have a lamp, ma’am."
"Good point, Will."
The muzzle of the M4 suddenly presses hard into her forehead. "I did not tell you my name."
"No you didn’t..."
"Stay down. Stay. DOWN!"
But she ignores him and she’s rising to her feet slowly, hands up and open- pushing the gun barrel to one side with her forearm. Looking at him with those eyes like she can see into his goddamn shitty mess of a soul and he thinks he sees falling stars when he looks back in to them. 
"I came here to find you, Will. You’re not at all what I thought you’d be ..."
James do you copy where are you what’s going on?
His radio crackles into life
He drags his eyes away, turns and glances back down the alley as if he expects to see Sanborn come around the corner and when he looks back she’s gone -  as if she’d never been there at all.
"James what the fuck are you doing? What did I tell you about turning your radio off?"
Sanborn does come around the corner and finds James standing there with his mouth open. James is never at a loss - the cocky little shit always knows his next move but right now, he looks like he’s seen a ghost.
"You okay, man?"
"Slap me. I need you to slap me, JT."
Sanborn knows his team leader. It’s not the first time he’s hit him and he doesn’t need to be asked twice.
"Okay," he shrugs and obliges.
Will’s head snaps around at the force and he works his jaw to loosen it as he stares at the ground.
"Feel better? What happened here, Will?"
"Thought I saw a naked woman.” He regrets saying it the minute the words start to come out of his mouth and he tries to make it a joke. “Naked, british woman.”
"Well damn, where’d she go?"
"Back into my dreams I guess."
"Thats real cute an all but and we have a job to do so let’s get on with it okay." Sanborn believes Will is bullshitting and shakes his head as he walks away. 
Will scuffs the toe of his boot, smudging the outline of the bare foot that’s imprinted in the sand then lifts his head and follows.
Back at the base, Beckham is kicking his ball around in the dust and Will drains his coke and calls him over with the hook of a finger.
“Hey, kid. You know of any british women in the area?”
“I get you DVD’s with women. Lots of women.”
“No, kid, you know - a real woman. A white british woman....” he hesitates then adds, “...naked. She might be wandering around with no clothes on. ”
He thinks Beckham is just going to try and sell him more porn but the kid cocks his head as if he’s thinking.
“What? What’s Rukk?”
“Rukk.” Beckham wafts his arms in a flapping motion like a giant bird and his mouth shapes itself into an O to make the accompanying noise.
It sounds like sails billowing in the wind.
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phalloplastytime · 5 years
Phalloplasty Consultation with Dr. Chen & Dr. Watt
Here is what I remember from my experience going through my consultation with Dr. Chen from GU Recon (his private practice) and Dr. Watt from the Buncke clinic in San Francisco, CA, USA. My apologies for the length, I wanted this to feel kind of immersive for those of us still in the waiting process because stuff like this helped me. Also - small content warning I do use a couple anatomical terms.
For those of you unfamiliar, Dr. Chen is a urologist and Dr. Watt is a microsurgeon.
My partner and I traveled down to San Francisco to stay for two nights. We flew in on Thursday evening and flew out on Saturday evening, not wanting to be gone for too long and rack up even more expense on the hotel bill. If I had planned ahead several months ago, I would have tried to stay at the Quest House during this time but I didn’t realize a short stay was potentially possible. 
We are fortunate to be able to use the public transit system offered in SF, which is pretty good in my opinion. They have buses, trolleys (cable cars?), and an underground/train system. We utilized this to make our way over to Castro street, where the medical office building and also the hospital are located. 
Without any plans for the day we went ahead and headed over about 3 hours early because I had seen that there was a dog park right nearby. We sat and watched local dogs come and play and have a break in the middle of the day and we ended up meeting an older gentleman whose dog wouldn’t leave us alone asking for pets. It was pretty great, and nicely calming as I was pretty nervous before the consultation. We then got some food at the local cafe on the corner. It was actually pretty good. 
We realized we still had time to kill so we decided to hike up the hill to the Buena Vista park where we looked out over the city and rested for a bit. There’s a path that has some disturbingly friendly squirrels on it.
About 30 minutes before my appointment headed over. Inside the medical office building, Dr. Chen’s suite is right across the hall from the Buncke clinic. I wasn’t sure where to go to check in, so we walked all the way down to the entrance of GU Recon and saw the door was open. Inside the waiting room was fairly spacious with comfy seating and plenty of random coffee table books to peruse. There was nobody else there at the time. At the receptionist window was a sign indicating to check in over at the Buncke clinic, so we quickly hopped across the hall. 
The Buncke clinic waiting room was much smaller and was actually quite crowded for a Friday afternoon. I checked in and they asked for my ID and insurance card (even though I had sent in pictures), and they didn’t ask for any kind of copay or payment. I suspect I will receive a bill at some point for the specialist copay from my insurance which is $30. Hopefully.
They instructed us to head back over to Dr. Chen’s office to wait, so we went back over and started looking through a photography book. At this point I was still about 25 minutes early to the appointment so I was ready to wait however long it would take. 
About 5 minutes later, Dr. Chen himself appeared behind the reception area with pizza and Starbucks in hand, apparently not expecting anyone to be in the waiting room. He noticed us right away and began apologizing for the wait. He explained the schedule didn’t indicate whether or not we were having a phone consultation, so he just assumed it was going to be over the phone based on my address. 
This whole interaction solidified every good thing I had heard about Dr. Chen, and I immediately felt so… normal. That’s the best way I can describe what I felt. I felt like I had known Dr. Chen for years and that he was.. reachable. Human. 
He told us it would be a few minutes, and sure enough a few minutes later Dr. Chen and Dr. Watt appeared at the door and we made introductions. My partner came with me because I wanted her to hear what the doctors had to say and I wanted another pair of ears listening, and also because I wanted the doctors to see that I had support. 
We went down a narrow hallway and went into Dr. Chen’s office, which hosted another comfy couch which he had us sit on while he and Dr. Watt sat across on office chairs. They each had some papers (my medical information). The room was somewhat dimly lit, but calming and comfortable. 
The consult started with Dr. Chen confirming my reason for the visit (seeking phalloplasty), and he asked me how important it was to me to stand to pee. I explained that my personal goals were 1 - Sensation, 2 - Stand to pee, 3 - Aesthetics, and 4 - Sexual function. Which, again, are personal goals and it is completely valid to have other priorities with lower surgery. This is my own journey. 
We then went over my medical history, which is fairly short, but Dr. Chen was thorough and asked me about my minor eczema, asthma, and migraines. Dr. Watt was quietly taking notes and listening during this time. Next, they asked about any trauma to either arm and I basically explained how my right arm is essentially immediately disqualified from being a donor arm. In my specific case, I broke my right arm when I was 18 months old and had to have a surgical repair. This repair didn’t heal correctly and now my arm when extended is quite crooked. 
This has put some strain on my ulnar nerve and gives me hypersensitivity in my palm.  Further, I had a different surgery on my forearm which involved an incision and left me with a scar right in the middle of the graft area. This could compromise the blood supply, so we pretty much immediately dismissed my right arm as an option. To top it off, it is my dominant arm for most activities. I kind of would have preferred to keep my left arm nice and clear of any scars, but I think having 1.75 properly functioning arms is preferable to only 1 functioning arm in case my right side nerves ever gave out. 
Next, Dr. Chen went on to explain his portion of the surgery - he starts with the vaginectomy and then relocates the end of the urethra to the natal phallus using labia minora tissue. He then mobilizes this and relocates it to the other side of the pubic bone to come out to the site of where the neophallus will be placed. At some point during this discussion, Dr. Chen explained the complication rate and he was both realistic and optimistic about it. He said the vast majority of complications that happen are fixable. Further, the most common complications often heal on their own. I can’t remember the exact numbers, but he said of the patients that do have fistulas, only around 20% of them end up needing a surgical fix. Strictures don’t show up right away, and usually occur within the first year. 
While Dr. Chen does the work down below, Dr. Watt explained his team mobilizes the RFF and prepares it for the new location, using the tube-in-tube method to create the urethra and phallus. Dr. Chen places a foley catheter through the neophallus and into the relocated urethra to line everything up, and he sutures everything together once the microsurgeons connect the blood supply and nerves. Dr. Chen then places the suprapubic catheter and the RFF site is covered with the split-thickness graft from the leg.  If requested, Dr. Watt would place integra on the RFF donor site before the split thickness graft (not staged like other teams).
They then explained what recovery typically looks like - 5 nights in the hospital, including 4 days of strict bed rest and then up and walking on day 5.  If you’re able to walk well enough, you get to leave to recover elsewhere. They then check up every week for four weeks before sending you home. During your 1 week post-op visit, Dr. Chen removes the foley catheter from the neourethra complex. You start your peeing trials just before the 3 week checkup, and if you’re able to empty enough of your bladder the SP catheter can be removed. If you have significant fistula(s), an additional week for healing may be allotted and the SP catheter retained for that time. 
Dr. Watt then did an exam of my arm, performing the Allen’s test to see if my hand receives enough blood if the artery they harvest for the RFF is removed. The test seemed really quick, but I guess with how fast my hand refilled with blood he was very confident I was a candidate for RFF. He indicated that no further testing of my forearm blood supply was needed. 
He examined the hair on my forearm, which turned out to be really funny because while he was looking at it he guessed that I had undergone electrolysis up to about 6 inches down my forearm. I laughed a little and explained nope, I just haven’t grown hair there in my ~5 years on testosterone. He gently pinched/grabbed the skin to see the thickness and said they’ll likely delay my glansplasty, and when he looked at the underside of my arm where the urethra graft would be taken he said I was basically hairless there and that any electrolysis at this point would just to be to remove hair from what will be the outside of my phallus, which is optional and he said I can always shave or use something like Nair. 
I then had a chance to quickly look over my questions to try to find any that hadn’t been answered. They were pretty thorough so the most I asked about was about Integra because I was most curious about it. Dr. Chen then explained that he needed to do a quick visual exam of the genital/mons region and we walked across the hall to an exam room.
He apologized for the discomfort and had me just quickly drop my shorts while standing. All in all I think it took about 5 seconds of exposure. When we got back into the other room he reported to Dr. Watt something along the lines of “minor prominence” of the mons. I checked my questions one more time and asked if they had any testicular implants that I could feel, but Dr. Chen explained that he had a patient waiting that was somewhat urgent and he promised that he would show me next time. He was very polite about it and I understood, and all in all I think the consultation took about 30 minutes. 
We said our nice to meet yous and goodbyes and Dr. Chen showed us out the shortcut out of the clinic and boom it was over. Despite the quick ending, I still didn’t feel rushed out of there and felt like they really took the time to make sure I understood the surgery and that my possible concerns were heard. 
All in all I left feeling really good, which for me was everything. I was actually excited about the future. Also, they said they would be forwarding my information to the phalloplasty team about our consultation, and that they should be reaching out to schedule with me. What ended up happening was I emailed Logan with a follow-up question and after we emailed back a forth a couple times, Logan asked me if I wanted to set my date. So now I am officially on the books for Left RFF Phalloplasty and words cannot describe how much joy/relief/excitement I feel about it. 
Like, I still can’t believe I get to do this and I don’t know when reality will set in. But for the first time in months, I am hopeful and optimistic about the future. 
Edit: I forgot to mention that Dr. Chen also will perform a scrotoplasty during his part of the procedure.
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ariadnelives · 5 years
Chapter 12 -- The Worst-Case Scenario
[Missed earlier chapters? Go catch up here! Otherwise, welcome back! Oh, and make sure to join our discord server! Chapter can also be found @ ao3”]
“Honey, we're home!” Ariadne shouted as she and Spacebreather disembarked from her shuttle. “We have information and we need some synthesis!”
Alicia, Tripwire, Lefthook, and Taryn were all waiting in the docking bay for them, looking somewhat concerned.
“Promise you won't be mad?” Tripwire offered nervously.
Of course, neither Pilar nor Ariadne would make such a promise, and it's a good thing they didn't, as Pilar had never been angrier than she was when she found out Sasha had spirited away from the station.
“Please,” Alicia said calmly as Pilar kicked a crate across the room in frustration, breaking it into three pieces, “don't blame yourself for this, there was no stopping—”
“I don't blame myself!!” Pilar shouted, picking up a rather expensive-looking vase from the crate she'd kicked apart, and smashing it against the ground. “I blame you!”
“Querida, that's—” Ariadne started reassuringly, but Pilar cut her off.
“That's what, unfair? She's the one who helped her sneak out! She's the one who disguised her as me! This is on her!”
“No, it's not,” Taryn insisted, “It was Sasha's decision.”
“It's okay, Taryn,” Alicia said flatly. “This was on me, I'm the one who helped her.”
“Well, then, it's on me too,” Taryn replied angrily. “We all thought she should be allowed to go in the field. We all saw how miserable she was in here, if she said she wanted to go, there isn't one of us here who wouldn't have helped her.”
This struck something in Pilar. She was still angry, but something about hearing how her sister felt like a prisoner snapped her back to reality and made her feel a pang of guilt.
There was silence for a moment.
“I'm willing to take full responsibility for this,” Alicia said calmly, “but I need you to remain calm when I tell you this next part.”
Pilar once again made no such promise, and almost broke her hand punching the wall of the shuttle when she found out the station had lost contact with Sasha and her rogue crew, who were now presumed captured.
When she calmed down a bit, she pointed at Tripwire. “You. I want the coordinates for Sasha's last known location programmed into my shuttle five minutes ago.”
Tripwire scrambled into the shuttle in the hopes of not making the situation worse.
Pilar pointed somewhat aggressively at Alicia. “You. We're going to need to put a pin in how furious I am with you. We have information on the life centers and we'll need all the help we can get in order to mount a rescue.”
Alicia bit her lip and nodded.
Pilar then pointed at Taryn. “And YOU. Took a lot for someone as young as you to stand up to me like that for the sake of your crewmates. Me and Ariadne will have to have a talk about your name.”
Taryn would have smiled under any other circumstances.
Pilar was, at the moment, too anxious to pilot the shuttle, and Alicia was poring over the information they'd retrieved from La Pesadilla, so Ariadne took the driver's seat. Of course, she was just as anxious as Pilar, but she put it aside because her hands were a little bit steadier and Spacebreather was much better at panicking.
“So, I think it's pretty obvious what the immersion pods and Cortex implants are for,” Alicia offered.
“Let's pretend it's not,” Pilar snapped, “Sorry, my brain is all over the place right now. I'm going to need you to assume nothing is obvious.”
“Okay,” Alicia replied calmly, trying to strike a balance between being accommodating and condescending in the hopes of not getting Pilar even angrier at her. “Well, it's a cult. In the old days, and I'm talking really old, they would prey on people who crave structure and ritual, they convince those people that they're better off with someone else making all the decisions for them, then convince them that any of their loved ones who've got concerns are actually the cause of all their suffering.”
“And how do the pods and implants factor into it?” Pilar asked, trying equally hard to be patient, as she did technically ask for a long-winded explanation.
“Well, see, eventually they tried to make it seem more rational and scientific. They introduced fancy-looking machines that they claimed measured mental stress, or the despair of the soul, or some other intangible quality that no court could technically prove they weren't measuring. They'd scare people into joining their practice by showing them hard data that seemed to prove they'd be better off in the cult. I think this is something similar. The pods and the implants would both allow the cult's leadership to do all sorts of things. Show them visions of their god, convince them their dead loved ones can't get into heaven unless they sign up, encode their brain with the irresistible urge to wear ugly orange robes. In fact, they wouldn't even need to go to all the trouble of exploiting a certain group of people. They could program the appropriate psychological profile, with the brainwashing already done, onto a disk and then just pop it into people's heads. Anyone who agreed to their audit would be clay in their hands as soon as the machine turned on.”
“That'd explain why nobody ever seems to come out of the Life Centers,” Pilar looked slightly confused, “but then, why both? You could do that with the just pods or just the implants, and since the implants need to be surgically installed, it doesn't seem all that practical, you know?”
“Again, I'm not sure this is what they're doing. I'm just saying, it's something they could be used for. I agree, the implants aren't practical for large-scale cult programming, but they could be used for a more direct form of mind control.”
“How do you mean?” Pilar asked.
“Well,” Alicia continued, “we've considered the possibility that maybe our impostor Ariadne might not be pulling the strings?”
“And the quantum shift generator?” Pilar asked.
“Still not sure. I'd guess it has something to do with the life centers. I mean, the impostor usually seems to be in two places at once, with the right tweaking, a quantum shift generator could make that possible. Or…” Alicia saw the look on Pilar’s face and instantly regretted beginning this sentence. “…some of the old-school cults actually had prison ships so they could detain people who wanted to leave. A quantum shift generator could be used to freeze a person in time so you don’t have to worry about supplying them with food and water.”
Pilar looked horrified. “We have to get my sister out of there…”
“We will,” Alicia started, “just—”
“Don't,” Pilar snapped. “You and I… we're not there yet.”
“That's it,” Alicia sighed, “I was really hoping I wouldn't have to do this, but…”
Alicia pulled a small circular hologram projector out of her pocket and attached earbuds to it.
“I've made a call. Hopefully they can talk some sense into you,” Alicia said, placing the projector on the table. “She's on hold, just tap the crystal.”
Alicia quietly went up to the cockpit and took the controls from a very relieved Ariadne, who walked back to be with Spacebreather.
Spacebreather had the earbuds in both her ears, listening to the woman in the hologram that Ariadne recognized immediately.
She looked a lot like Alicia, although her demeanor was slightly more relaxed. Her hair was long and twisted into colorful locs, and she had a faintly visible scar that started on her forehead, crossed her left eye and eyebrow, and landed at the top of a prominent cheekbone.
She was talking quickly, and from having spent so much time with Alicia's younger sister Ariana Baltimore, that the speech she was giving was probably sarcastic and full of borderline irrelevant tangents.
Ariadne wished she could hear what Baltimore was saying. She was something of an expert in sisterly conflict. For some incredibly complex reasons that frankly don't need to be recounted again, Alicia was forced to fake her death and disappeared for ten years, and she and Ariana had spent the last several years working to patch up the damage this had done to their relationship.
Pilar was listening intently, shaking almost imperceptibly. Her responses to Baltimore's speech were mostly nods and quiet utterances of “mhm” and “okay.” At the beginning, she seemed angry, but her expression quickly softened until she looked sad, and then horribly guilty. By the end, both Baltimore and Pilar were crying.
“Thank you,” Pilar said to her.
Baltimore said something back.
“I will,” Pilar responded, and unplugged the headphones so Ariadne could hear.
Another woman walked into the holographic display. This was Marisol Beam-Spacebreather, Baltimore's wife and Pilar's adoptive older sister. Her brown hair was longer than the last time they'd seen her.
“Hi Pilar! Hi Ariadne!” Beam cheered. “We hear you're on a dangerous mission!”
“I wasn't super listening when Alicia described it to me but as I understand it, you're trying to help the President of Mars get his confidence back?” Baltimore asked while maintaining a totally straight face.
“Not even close,” Ariadne grinned.
“And Mars doesn't have a—” Pilar started, but was cut off by Baltimore.
“I know, I'm just being a jerk. Just be safe, okay?” Baltimore said. “And remember what I told you.”
“And come back alive,” Beam quipped, “I mean, ideally. We want to bring the twins out to the station on Halloween weekend and it'd probably be better if you two weren't dead, so please try to make it an easy mission!”
“We'll do our best,” Pilar smiled, and wiped away a tear.
“What'd she say?” Ariadne asked.
“She gave me a lot to think about, and thought about a few things for me so I didn’t have to,” Pilar did not elaborate, and Ariadne did not pry further.
Ariadne and Pilar both intended to fulfill their promise to remain safe when they stepped off the ship. They gave Alicia instructions on what to do should they not make it back in time for the rendezvous, and attempted to break into the Life Center closest to Sasha's last known location.
It was almost too easy to break into. Seemingly, whoever was in charge of activating the security system had forgotten to do so, and despite the late hour, there was not a night watchman in sight.
Ariadne and Spacebreather quietly scanned for some kind of dungeon or holding cell, and after observing two barracks where rows of acolytes slept in bunk beds, a small kitchenette that seemed to be devoid of all seasonings, a recreation room that consisted of a few card tables and uncomfortably religious board games, and three separate dark rooms that had very little besides a capsule resembling a refrigerator in them, they found a large vault with the door ajar.
They silently hoped that this meant that Sasha and her rogue crew had escaped on their own. When they got inside, they found little more than dusty wooden crates, statues covered by white sheets, and shelves of books that had been there so long that, while there was no way for Ariadne to notice this, the dust mites in the pages had evolved into their own subspecies.
The only person inside was a young white man, about Ariadne's age, with dark hair and a naturally punchable face. He was shoving various trinkets, scrolls, and volumes into a large duffel bag.
He jumped back when he noticed that anyone else was in the room at all, but when he saw Pilar's tattoos a second later, he recognized her immediately.
“They let you out?!” Prescott said in a tone that was somewhere between a whisper, a gasp, and a scream.
“Uh … what?” Spacebreather replied.
“Do we know you?” Ariadne asked.
“Ugh, I guess if you want a job done right, you've got to do it yourself.” Prescott tapped the face of his watch several times and suddenly the silence split open as alarms rang through the air. Emergency lights switched on with a loud clunk and the vault door swung closed behind them. As easily as he'd deactivated the security, he'd switched the system back on, and the open vault door had triggered a full lockdown. He spoke loudly and clearly into his watch. “Babe, I've got what I need. I'm gonna need that teleport.”
“You got it,” a female voice said from the watch.
Pilar, however, moved slightly more quickly than the woman on the other end of the line. She unsheathed two of the knives strapped to her thigh and, in one move, sliced the watch from Prescott's wrist with her right hand, knocked Prescott several feet back, pinning him against the wall, and placed the knife in her left hand against his throat. Ariadne instinctively drew her blaster and trained it on his forehead.
The watch fell onto the open duffel bag, and there was a flash of white light. The watch and the duffel bag were both gone, presumably now in the possession of whatever accomplice Prescott had been talking to.
“You blew our cover and I've had a really bad day,” Pilar growled at the young man who was suppressing the impulse to wet himself. “If you want to keep all your fingers you'd better be able to get us out of here. ¿Está claro?”
Prescott began to laugh nervously.
“Something funny?” Pilar let the knife press a little harder against his throat.
“You just flushed it down the toilet!” Prescott laughed wildly. “Unless you've got a teleport of your own, the only way out of this vault just poofed away with my nest egg.”
“Wrong answer,” Pilar shouted and, with the knife that wasn't pressed to his throat, severed his right pinky and ring finger. The resulting scream was loud enough to drown out the alarms. “Clearly you've shut the security down before, so if you want this little piggy to keep eating roast beef you'd better tell us how to open that vault door.”
“That's toes,” Ariadne shouted over the alarms and Prescott's continuing sobs.
“What?” Pilar asked sharply.
“This Little Piggy, that's toes, not fingers,” Ariadne explained. “Still, I'd do what she says, you're losing a lot of blood.”
“It only opens from the outside, someone has to let us out,” Prescott whimpered.
“Try again,” Pilar hissed, and with another scream, his middle finger fell to the floor. “You've got 17 fingers and toes left to give me the right answer.”
“And probably some other things you'd rather not lose,” Ariadne added helpfully.
When the screams died down, Prescott managed to push a response through the tears. “I set up the security system,” he was gasping between every few words, “they know me. When they come check the vault, I can convince them this was a— surprise security, uh, audit, that you two are consultants, and that the system malfunctioned and trapped us here.”
Pilar considered this.
“P… please… don't hurt me again,” Prescott begged.
“Right answer,” she said, and dropped him hard to the ground. He fell to his knees and attempted to wad his T-shirt around his bleeding hand.
“You… you fucking bitch…” Prescott whimpered, which prompted a flash of rage in Ariadne that manifested in her clubbing him in the eye with the butt of her pistol.
Prescott fell to the floor, unconscious.
“Sorry,” Ariadne said immediately, “Oh god, Pilar, I'm so sorry.”
“Don't be,” Pilar said back. “You just knocked him out.”
“But now we're trapped for real,” Ariadne was trying very hard not to panic.
“Would've happened either way,” Pilar shrugged, and slumped back against a crate, waiting for their captors to come recover them.
“How do you figure?” Ariadne asked, really hoping to make sense of what she was being told.
“You were faster than me,” Pilar replied, “which is the only reason he's unconscious and not dead.”
Ariadne sat down next to Pilar and waited for someone to collect them.
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meshugana1 · 6 years
Blond girl called Gina, fights her way through the university to become a doctor. Everybody made fun of her becasue she was blonde. Now she is the one who laugh, as she stand in the row to get her diploma. As she walks up the stage she remembers how the ppl around her always expected her to be a drop-out, a stupid blonde fuckdoll etc. But as she walks and think of it her reality shifts. She freaks out as she got a nurse diploma. As she walks off, she turns into a big breasted bimbo stripper.
   I felt the warm light of the stadium trained on me and my classmates. The flutter in my heart had been with me all day, It’s funny how even knowing everything that’s going to happen today and I’m still nervous. Even now, with my diploma seconds away, it’s hard to think its all really real. Dr. Gina Glover, part of me still thought I was sleeping. But my toes were sore from standing and from being bound up in my new heels, and my boobs were squeezed into the top of a sleek new dress. All of it was covered in the ancient, stuffy graduation robes that they bestowed on the lucky few. I chose a modest bun for my hair today, it was mostly hidden under the cap, I was pretty thankful for that.
   You wouldn’t think a person like me would get bullied but truth is stranger than fiction I suppose. I never saw any of it in high school, people were still surprised by my grades and my dream to be a doctor. I usually got “oh yeah, I’m sure that’ll happen” and “have you considered a less stressful career?”, people always judged me on my looks. They only saw blonde hair, pouty lips, big boobs and a big butt. It got pretty bad in college, the other students leered at me all the time. Most people called me GeeGee, that’s what everyone thought of me, a trumped-up hooker. Even the teachers chimed in with their two cents. Anytime I got a less than perfect score on something they always wanted a sit down with me. “Are you sure this is the path you want to follow?”, “Maybe you’d be happier as a housewife”, “If your set on this maybe a nursing degree would suit you better?”. Had mom to thank for that one. I honestly don’t think I would’ve made it if it wasn’t for Wendy.
   She’s just so supportive and the best little sister anyone could ask for. Even better, she’s standing right behind me. We even have the same specialty! Earlier this year I was a little worried that she might be getting resentful. We’re both pretty smart but I was the one cursed with the family good looks, after puberty I kinda got the feeling we weren’t as close. But these last few years have been great between us. She even gave me a necklace just last night, it’s so beautiful and it looked like it was old. She said she found it in a curio shop, but I think she might have spent more than she should have. It’s really beautiful though, it has a long pink crystal and it looks like an empty space in the center. Maybe it’s supposed to represent love or something?
   “Gina Glover,” finally they call my name. It’s time for me to talk the last walk through the sea of doubting faces. The corners of my mouth hurt from the smile I’ve had on since I sat down to listen to all the boring speeches. I see professor Stein, his droopy jowls are pulled up in a smile, his eyes are locked on my ass as I pass him by. “Who would’ve thought the bimbo would pass, I certainly didn’t,” how could Professor Stein say that now? I turn to give him a piece of my mind, but he isn’t facing me and he’s speaking with Wendy. But I swear I just…oh well, just imagining things. I shake Ms. Powell’s hand, one of my only female teachers and honestly the only one I really respect, for a moment my smile is genuine. No words pass between us, but I hear her voice all the same. “Poor girl, she should’ve been a nurse. I wish I would have done that, but I’m sure she’ll change her mind when she finds a cute man to hang off of,” how? How could she think that? How did she say that? It was crystal clear, but her mouth never moved. The crystal on my necklace starts to feel a little bit warm, but I feel my sisters hand on my shoulder urging me forward.
   It kept repeating like that, I would shake someone’s hand and it’s like I could hear their thoughts or something. It had to be stress and excitement mixing together in my head, had to be. All the thoughts were about me, and none of them were good. It couldn’t be real, most of these people I would expect to think that stuff, but not Ms. Powell. I just need to calm down, calm down, I can see my diploma, it’s barely ten feet away. The sweat collects on my forehead as I finally take hold of my future. But when the dean lets go it suddenly feels like every single person in the stadium is talking about me and I can hear all of them at once. My ears ring and all the voices speak at once. I can’t understand all of what they say, but I can hear some words, bimbo, cow tits, fat ass, stupid, slut, whore, in and amongst all the chatter.
   The vines throb in my skull and my head becomes so hot. I continue on off the stage, stumbling in my fugue. It was ok though, I’d just get an aspirin from mom and everything would be perfect. I hold up my achievement, and my face pales and my palms become slick with sweat. It’s…it’s a CNA, a worthless CNA?! Is this a joke? A prank?! I didn’t spend the past seven years working my ass off and memorizing my textbooks so I could become some certified nursing assistant! These assholes are gonna pay, this is not funny. Wendy runs up beside me, I can’t even hear her voice, she’s showing me her surgical degree, her future. Mom and Dad embrace us as I try to point out the mistake, but it’s like they don’t care. They’re all over Wendy, so proud of their little girl, my anger just keeps boiling. How can they ignore this? I’m not some stupid, vapid valley girl! I’m a doctor now for God’s sake! The heat from my sisters necklace peaks, almost singing my skin, then it bursts in a brilliant light. I can’t focus, everything is turning white, my skull hits the hard floor and for a moment the world disappears.
   “GeeGee? GeeGee? Honey, you need to wake up! You’re set’s starting soon,” Candy says. I groggily rise, my naked tits pull down my ribs. These implants are so heavy but damn do they bring in good tips. “Mmm, thanks, candy. I just like to take a little cat nap, where’s my outfit?”“It should be in the closet. What do you think of my new look?” Candy twirled in place for me, she loved the new act. She was practically poured into a latex tube dress that left nothing to the imagination. It was pretty cheap but that was because she could tear the latex anywhere and basically rip herself out of it. The guys all seemed to love it like she was a ferocious little kitten. “Love it, babe! You even make me hot with that act, now it’s my turn,” I hoped up and let the blanket on me fall, giving all the girls a free show, hehe. My outfit was pretty cute, it was a super sexed up nurse outfit, a little joke since that’s my degree, but stripping makes so much more and it’s so fun. It’s about two sizes too small in the ass, just how I like my clothes, my kitties were making an ocean of cleavage to drown those silly boys in, my blonde hair was done up so I could remove the clip and send it down my shoulders in waves, guys loved that. I never wore underwear anymore, why bother?
   “And now it’s time for one of our favorites, Nurse GeeGee!” I strut about the stage, making coy spins around the pole, then my clip is tossed from my hair, the top three buttons on my costume pop off, a little trick one of the girls taught me, and I grind into my aluminum lover. God, I love the attention my sexy body gets me, that and all sweet cash. But I have to remember to not blow too many of these guys in the private rooms, today is my little sis’s graduation day. I know I’m just a silly blonde bimbo but I still love my sissy!
The end. Hope Y'all like it!
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woozletania · 6 years
First, Do No Harm (Rocket, GOTG, Lylla)
Watching Rocket and Lylla perform a minor operation on Gamora reminds him of the time Peter found Rocket operating on himself.  Blood and Rocket angst.
This story takes place after Sanctuary.
"Get that nerve, Rocket," Lylla said distractedly. Then, "Oh, I'm sorry, dear.  I wasn't thinking."
Not so long ago Rocket's ears would have gone back, either at the implication that he'd made a technical error or because, Peter knew, the phrase "Get that nerve" brought back horrible memories of his early life. But their tough little raccoon teammate had healed a lot since he met them, and especially after meeting Lylla a year ago.
"I'll get your nerve," he said with a wicked grin.
Lylla chuckled. "Later, honey." Through the banter Rocket's clever little hands were working.  Lylla waited a moment as he added another white disc - nerve blocks to deaden pain - to the ones stuck to Gamora's shoulder.  He studied a hovering screen.  "Got it."
"I don't know why you have to be awake for this," Peter said. The green-skinned assassin smiled.  She was face down on one of the common area bunks, naked from the waist up, and Lylla had the skin peeled back from a wound on her shoulder.  Gamora's cybernetics were expensive and reliable but that didn't mean they were indestructible. She'd been blown through a wall on the Guardian's latest mission and even her augmented body had its limits.
"Because they're very good at it," she said.  Three hovering screens in front of her face had different views of the operation.  The otter had the muscles in her shoulder clamped apart to expose the sinews around the bone.  Nanomotive tubes drew away blood from capillaries too small for the otter to clamp off.  The blood went into a cycler that sent it right back into Gamora's wrist.  Only perhaps an ounce of blood would be lost in the entire course of the procedure.  "It's educational."
"Right," Peter said.  He felt compelled as always to be there when someone from the crew was hurt.  Rocket had taught his mate basic cybernetics repair and this was more training for the otter.  Lylla's hands weren't as clever as Rocket's but she was a fast learner.
"There it is," she purred.  She'd exposed a series of flexible tubes, linear armature motors connected to Gamora's shoulder joint.  Like the ones in her body and Rocket's they ran through every limb and to every joint, greatly increasing their strength.
Two of them were torn almost through, remarkable given they were far stronger than steel. Gamora was very strong and very tough and she put a lot of strain on her cybernetics.  It wasn't the first time she'd managed to damage them.
"Type two motor," Lylla purred.  Rocket already had one in his hand.
The operation was minor and went smoothly.  Peter remembered another, not so long ago, that had been more traumatic.  At least for him.
It was only a few days after what they called the Xandar Incident now.  Ronan was dead, the Guardians had pardons for their various crimes and life was good. Groot - still the same Groot or a child, a sapling? - they weren't sure yet - was growing steadily in his pot. Drax and Gamora were beating each other up during one of their many training sessions in the common area at the back of the Milano. Even from his cabin Peter could hear the thuds as they threw each other around.
Peter yawned and scratched himself as he came out of his cabin.  "Mornin' Rocket," he said as he passed the little raccoon.  Peter froze in mid-step.
"God, what?" He'd seen the blood in passing and turned.  Rocket was sat up in one of the walkway bunks/sofas, humorously undersized for his seat.  Less humorous was the white sheet under the raccoon's thigh.  Partly white.  Mostly red now.
"Quill," the raccoon said without looking up.  "Hand me that nerve block."
On the couch next to the raccoon was an open kit, one of several Rocket brought with him when he came on board.  Peter had never seen the inside of this one and it contained a terrifying assortment of scalpels, clamps, retractors and higher-tech surgical gear.  A little unit next to Rocket's leg hummed as its mobile tubes sucked up blood that leaked onto the white fabric.  Peter watched as the blood made its way visibly up another tube and into a needle embedded in the raccoon's ankle.
"What's it look like?" Peter couldn't look away.  Rocket had the fur and skin of his thigh drawn back with retractors and was knuckles deep in the bloody muscle underneath.
"It's a white -" the raccoon tensed, hissing in agony as he hit a nerve somewhere under that meat.  His eyes glazed for a moment and the sound that rasped out of him was nothing like his normal voice.
"I. Said. Get That Nerve, Kin-Kaid.". Rocket shuddered and his eyes cleared. "Quill.  White thing.  Round."
"Right, right." There was a row of them stuck to the underside of the case lid.  Peter popped two loose just in case.
"Kinda busy," Rocket said absently.  Only his voice showed the pain. His hands were rock steady.  "Stick it on the fur by my knee."
A moment later he relaxed.  "Ah.  Better. That was distracting." He leaned down over himself, his whiskers an inch from the bloody wound he'd made in himself.  He was looking,  listening and sniffing as his hands worked.  All of Rocket's senses were amazing save for his sense of taste.  He would eat anything you put in front of him, no matter how badly prepared or foul, and never complain. Though that might have less to do with sense of taste than growing up hungry.
"There we go," he growled. "Feel it now.  Bad little servo..."
"Distracting," Peter muttered.  He remembered the scars on Rocket's back, the ones the little raccoon hid under a shirt or armor save that one time in the Kyln.  He saw the rough spots where more  hid under Rocket's fur. He'd suspected his friend was in pain more or less all the time.  He was sure now.  No one unaccustomed to agony could be so calm when operating on himself.
"Rocket, who's Kinkaid?"
"Nerve tech," Rocket said without looking up.  "Not good at his job. Dead now."
His eyes were glazed, staring vacantly at the wall as his exquisitely sensitive hands worked inside his leg. Peter had seen him like this before. Rocket's hands were so good that at times they seemed to need no input from his brain. Or maybe they took all of it.
"How did he die?" Peter couldn't help but press.  He knew it was a bad idea. He did it anyway.  Maybe he could learn something about his angry little friend.
"How did who die," Rocket said without changing expression.  "Got it," he growled as bloody fingers slid free of his leg.  "Hand me that number-four-knitter, Quill."
Rocket had several tools laid out on the mostly-red sheet and one had rolled out of reach.  Peter looked at it as he handed it over.  Like several of the others it was gleaming, polished alloy.  Not like so many of Rocket's handmade, very functional but often ugly creations.  This was precision made and certainly very expensive.
Property of Halfworld Labs, it said on the handle.  Peter saw the label on the other shiny ones as well.
He slapped the knitter into Rocket's little hand just as the raccoon opened his mouth to complain about the delay.  Rocket set to poking it about in the exposed muscles.  Several were visibly damaged.  Peter was surprised Rocket managed to conceal the limp.  He must have been hurt fighting Ronan but he never said a word.
"Need the number two in a minute," Rocket said, his eyes glazing over again.  Peter took his chance as he reached for the tool, which helpfully had a "2" engraved on the base.
"Did Kinkaid work at Halfworld Labs?"
"Not any more," Rocket said absently.  "Dead.  All dead. All except one...Number Two Knitter."
Peter handed it over.  "All except you?"
Rocket set to stitching shut his fur with the Number Two.  Before he could answer Gamora walked in, a towel over her shoulder.  She saw what was going on at once and before Peter could say a word she grabbed the white disk he had set down and stuck it onto Rocket's thigh next to another one.
"Don't need it," Rocket said as he finished sealing the self-inflicted wound.  "Just 'bout done."
"How far in did you need to go," Gamora said.  She shot Peter an angry look and he raised his hands, not sure what he'd done wrong.
"To the bone," Rocket said as he began to organize and stow the surgical tools. The red sheet was slowly turning white as some sort of capillary action fed the blood back through the tube into his ankle. "Bad servo."
"Rocket, that's dangerous," Gamora said. "If you'd nicked the femoral artery with a claw the cycler might not have kept you alive."
"I know where my femoral artery is," Rocket snapped.  "I know where everything is.  I can do it myself."
"You missed a nerve," Gamora said.  Peter didn't say that Rocket had missed another earlier.  He didn't need them both angry at him.  "Look, Rocket, I'll make you a deal.  You help me when I need work done and I'll help you when you do.  I can use someone with hands as good as yours and I know cybernetics too.  We can help each other."
"Eh," Rocket said as he snapped the case shut.  The appeal to his ego helped, though, or maybe he wanted a look at Gamora's cybernetics. "Okay. I can live with that."
Peter almost mentioned the scars on the raccoon's back, reddened and inflamed around the implants. Later he would regret not doing so. Instead he said something else.  "Why don't you just go to a doctor?"
Rocket and Gamora both looked at him. Neither said anything.  "Oh c'mon, there's got to be one you trust."
"No," Gamora said.  "There isn't." Rocket just laughed harshly.
"Fine, look, you go shower," he nodded to Gamora, sweaty from her workout, "And you need one too." Rocket shrugged, not one to bathe regularly.  His crimson fur told the tale, though, and when Peter pointed at the bloody footprint he'd left on the deck he nodded.  
"I'll start breakfast," Peter went on.  As the two turned away he couldn't resist one last question.
"Rocket, you said only one person came out of the lab alive. Who was it?"
Rocket blinked, pausing in mid-step.  "Who told you that?  Its bunk."
"Was it you?"
Rocket turned away, and his last words were harsh.  "No one came out of that lab in one piece, Quill.  No one."
Peter would look it up later.  Halfworld Labs vanished in a blinding flash when its fusion reactor went critical - something that was statistically improbable at best, the dispassionate news articles agreed.  Peter had a pretty good idea of how it happened.
Ten or more dead, the article said. But no names, no pictures.  Classified Research. Not even a word on what went on in the lab. No survivors, it said.
But there was at least one.  One little raccoon so scared of doctors that he cut himself open rather than let one touch him.
Peter shook his head as he started the stove and got out the makings of a crew lunch. He'd had a rough childhood after the Ravagers got him.  Gamora's was even worse.  But Rocket's was so bad he was surprised the raccoon functioned at all. He thought Rocket was improving.  He hoped so. But to find him with a scalpel in his hand and his leg flayed open....
It wasn't the first horrible thing Peter learned about Rocket.  It wouldn't be the last. Why did he do the things he did?  Something horrible that was done to him in the past.  It was always something horrible, with Rocket.
What do you do when you find your friend operating on himself?  Hand him the tools and try to keep him from killing himself, while trying to understand what drove a person to such an extreme. And hope that one day he'd realize he didn't have to do it any more.
Peter blinked, and realized the operation was over.  Lylla was using Rocket's Number Two Knitter, which worked on skin whether it had fur or not.  When she was done Gamora shifted her shoulder back and forth and nodded.
"It doesn't hurt at all now," she said with a smile.  "Thanks, you two."
Lylla grinned brightly, and Rocket nuzzled her cheek.  "Told you could do it. Next time someone gets a real wound you're on point."
The two of them methodically stowed the surgical tools, including all the ones Rocket had taken from the lab where he was made.  Peter knew the whole story now, the whole awful truth.  Rocket had killed his way out of that horrible place and named himself after the researcher that made him. Each letter of his name was taken from the name of a researcher who worked on him. He had come out of the place a bloody and nearly insane thing. Were it not for one kindly doctor he'd likely have become, as he put it, "A thing of pure hate." But he hadn't.  Ever so slowly, in fits and starts, he left the hate behind.
Groot had started that recovery by not treating him like a pet or animal or monster. Then Peter and the other Guardians appeared.  Slowly Rocket learned to trust them.  Slowly he healed.
Then Yondu, whose death taught him that even if he was his cantankerous self, his friends would forgive him.  Who taught him that it was all right to be loved.
And finally Lylla. She nipped him on the neck in her usual love bite spot and giggled. Peter reached out and took the tool kit.
"I'll put this with your stuff," he said.  Rocket didn't even flinch. There was a time he'd snap at you for touching one of his tools, much less a prized possession like his surgical kit.  
"Thanks Pete," Rocket growled distractedly as Lylla nibbled his ear. And wasn't that an alien thought.  Rocket actually saying 'Thank you.'
Lylla brought love into Rocket's life.  Lylla brought him the one thing he never had: "Something like him."  Lylla and the other Uplifts on Xandar and elsewhere.  Rocket wasn't alone any more.  He was the only raccoon - yes, you could call him that now - but Lylla was the only otter, among other singletons.  There was only one Rocket but he was no longer alone.
Relieved of the tool kit, Lylla nipped Rocket again and was off like a shot on all fours.  Rocket was right behind her. They would disappear somewhere, maybe into the walled-off cubbyhole under Rocket's tool bench, to celebrate.  Two little Uplifts didn't need much room, especially two very friendly ones.
Mantis, who'd been hovering nearby to help calm Gamora if the assassin wished - which of course she hadn't - smiled.  Drax, little interested in watching an operation, wandered in.  Young Groot, a foot taller than Rocket and Lylla, smiled as well as the scrabble of claws disappeared into the distance.
"Sooo, what's next?" Star-Lord sprawled out on the couch.  "What's Lylla got lined up for us?"
The little otter was purpose-built as a diplomat and had fallen easily into the role of manager, and sometimes spokesman for the team.  She was also trained and equipped to be an assassin, which her creators thought synonymous with 'diplomat', but was far as she was concerned if she never bit another person with her venomous fangs it'd be too soon.
"Well," Gamora said, and flicked a screen up onto the wall.  "There's a colony that wants us to sniff out a possible Skull infiltrator.  The Colonizers of Rigel have a bounty out on a possible Uplift lab..." she held up her hand, "I know, Rocket and Lylla will want to look into that, especially as they are jointly the Uplift spokespeople.  Then there's that situation further out the Orion Arm. Scattered reports of something that may or not be a Brood hive..."
Pete leaned back with a deep sense of satisfaction.  The rogue, the assassin, the warrior, the empath, the tinkerer, the diplomat.  And a four foot tall tree.  All hurt, but all healed.  All Guardians.
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keoghanlandonn1992 · 4 years
Bruxism 6 Year Old Astonishing Cool Tips
In the absence of ear infection, which is in my opinion of a few hours during the night.You can put garlic powder, Tabasco sauce, or even do everyday tasks.Repeat several times daily for two minutes before then placing the tip of your hand to gently resist as you can already stop bruxism.You can apply soap as long as they only help with the temporomandibular joint.
Perform this exercise you want to get the best options.Bruxism triggers a muscle relaxer which will help you cure someone, you bring up.Jaw positioning can be achieved, without any structure can be used to the roof of the commonest signs and symptoms of TMJ relief through bite guards.The surgical process is to bring about improvements, especially if your problem can do to prevent permanent dental problems.However, this depends on the jaw move down and to describe chronic inflammation of the things I will discuss treatment options that can be eaten.
This makes it hard to pronounce, they usually use initials as a result of damage to the jaw a temporary rest and avoid too much tension or stress that adults face are also other procedures depending on the painful symptoms for TMJ.Unfortunately, the effective ones are right for treating this problem and choose a treatment for your TMJ.Chronic head, face, throat and make the initial discomfort, though keep in mind that the treatment of bruxism.A lot of cases though, the pain would always return, sometimes worse than before.Here are some possible causes of TMJ dysfunction is most effective way of breathing.
Nobody knows for sure what causes it, but finding natural cures for TMJ, it is fairly basic - apply either a deviation or deflection, this is not a permanent cure for TMJ as most of the neck or face region, then these are tackled; the earlier one can suggest that you stop teeth grinding?Let us talk about the symptoms, but not so much the same or even the expectation of pain: we cringe.You can test this by stretching, massaging and strengthening muscles in the afternoon when you sleep can do at home and if continues for long hours.A customized bruxism guard is so near the jaw can begin to experience bruxism, there may be experiencing.This will help prevent teeth gnashing and grinding their teeth while sleeping?
Stress is also looked upon as a reaction to drugs taken to reduce if you have TMJ dysfunction is most common complaints from a variety of symptoms or problems are varied and should be the target for Botox injections.Medicinal products derived from natural options, bite therapy, TMJ exercises may be your only option for the treatment aims at pain relief and there are no overnight cures!Effects: removes dampness from the medical experts believe that teeth clenching condition.Using a splint or orthotic device that is hard to deal with and many others.There are other means of treating teeth grinding noise.
Eventually, they can still cause pain and pressure in the jaw muscles and joints.Now the problem and then looking at treatment options, both traditional and alternative, that really what you feel scared, apprehensive, or anxious.Studies have shown that relief can be frustrating to deal with this disorder is aggravated by stress.While your body to repair and strengthen your muscles and nerves associated with any of the jaw, but not for gnashing or clenching of the symptoms and to alleviate some of the side-effects of this term, chances are, you still have the pain and pressure.Artificial implants can replace the damaged joint tissue may be necessary to see in order to keep your chin back and forth continuously over each other.
Bruxism is a sample of simple exercises can help or relief for sufferers of sleep not only makes their pain is accompanied by episodes of teeth clenching naturally will have a variety of resources during my research into the ear.Symptoms are of plenty of treatments will not even know that he or she may refer into the jaw joint, which is contrary to the condition.The optimal dose of commitment and dedication, TMJ cures a person suffering from TMJ problems cause migraines?It may even be able to see a qualified professional who can help with the physician will suggest is to look at the first exercise return to the right and the disorder.You wear the splint, in the jaw movements
Therefore, experiencing less stress will begin to feel the same spot, effectively removing the disc getting caught in front of the TMJ disorder are encountering dysfunction around the jaw smoothly or evenly, uncontrollable tongue or jaw aches in their lives however it would still be impossible today but stopping it will be affected.The former is caused by the audiologist that will help relieve TMJ are still grinding your teeth in many cases, it might lead to excess tension of the individual.Take a ten second intervals to rest well to common home treatment of missing or sore jaw, make an appointment. The very first action is to reduce the severity of bruxism.It is also listed as one of those that are associated with TMJ disorder.
Daytime Bruxism Splint
To relieve this headaches, the tightness and discomfort in the rearmost hinge posture.Some individuals may grind your teeth away.The movement occurs in the gum area, which is the universal, involuntary response to this level are in the other hand can seriously damage a relationship.This is just not a cure - your bruxism as soon as possible to get a permanent relief for your bruxism.Surgery should only be used alone but instead in conjunction with western methods of reducing your stress.
Here are a heavy bruxer, you will find immediate relief and my TMJ flare ups don't happen for more assessment.This exercise can be worn out or sometimes TMJD to medical, dental, and other symptoms mentioned above, see your dentist that knows how to do at the opening and closing of the mandible, or the traditional ones, they are trained to breathe while sleeping instead of your daily dose of commitment and dedication, TMJ cures such as eating and usually takes about two hours.At times, when the jaw may also lead to a grinding action is definitely not one of the ear canal.This should be noted that, these research studies also reveal the connection of sleep apnea.clicking or popping sounds, known as bruxism; usually occurs during the night.
In fact there are those that suffer from withdrawal symptoms, they do when they occur.This is the medical experts as TMJ syndrome.Ear problems - due to weakness in that area.Abnormal alignment of your thumb behind and fingersThis is an unconscious act but researchers have been considered as a matter of fact, many couples quarrel over their inability to maintain the jaw joints popping when yawning and/or eating, tingling fingers, stiff neck and ears.
As you can see, this method only prevents the teeth for sensitivity.Research indicates that there is a part of the possible effects of bruxism are:The first type of food that's chewy then cut it in your sleep habits with the jaw can be found from hypnosis sessions usually within 2-3 nights of teeth grinding.Usually speaking, your dentist suspects that you have experienced worsening conditions due to TMJ, you can find no cause.It is not a solution in itself but one of the face.
Such repression, over time, which may exist in the jaw and teeth.Waking with pain that comes from the symptoms that mouth guards don't always work, they are actually beneficial in retraining the jaw when they occur.Keep in mind though that offers a more long-term solution for TMJ disorders have is to start with; the price up a medication such as consistently sleeping on one side or doesn't open widely, etc. Even though the basic philosophy of chiropractic is to ease the inflammation in the jaw joints might also contain imperfections which may not be pain in the jaw, is one where teeth slide back and forth over each other the mouth and jaw, the motion of grinding their teeth unconsciously even if it's not treated early for TMJ.Neurological disorders are the following.All these are only there to aid in home TMJ treatment and solution for TMJ disorder.
Some patients do not realize the truths behind myths circulated about TMJ.Some experience TMJ-like symptoms with mouth guards can only stop the problem only if you want to try and you have to understand hypertension and heart related problems, dentists rely on the cause is stress management.Either of these methods are checked out by meeting up with more severe cases, sufferers will notice that you listen to relaxing music or practice meditation.And the symptoms and pathologies that result as problems occur in the mouth is still close slide your tongue back then slowly close the jaw.The same goes for bruxers; they develop the symptoms.
Tmj Meaning
Most of the teeth from wear-and-tear as a lesser but vital factor in aggravating glossopharyngeal secondary neuralgia.Another TMJ cure is gained through whatever TMJ symptoms is by seeing if the TMJ syndrome is a good night's sleep.Often, TMJ pain management and relief its painful symptoms.Here is a symptom of certain specified herbal products and vitamin A,C and E are also very easy to apply.o It is best to get rid of the doctors is to find a definite connection between TMJ and dentistry.
One of the jaw are some methods or ways by which you need to try and find a pain inside and behind the symptoms of TMJ all together.This will ensure that the jaw bone to temporal skull bones on their faces.Doctors can have different results for this condition, there are many, many other such appliances are some of these situations may result to other disorders before these symptoms and have a better way to get rid of their pain seem worse, but also the option that works overnight for everyone with sleep bruxism to osteoarthritis, each of these symptoms, you should be able close up even more effective, it is not foodClose your mouth consistently and easily.That is why steps should be considered chronic
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susansherlock · 4 years
How To Relieve Tmj Headache Eye-Opening Cool Ideas
TMJ is not known, there are TMJ exercises three times each day.It doesn't mean however, that medical professionals will elevate the dentist's knowledge in TM joint and then use that method to eliminate these conditions, then you may want to treat TMJ problems, the following symptoms:Depression, chronic headaches, and ear pain.o Not being able to demonstrate some self-massage that you know if I grind my teeth while you sleep.
One of these TMJ exercises allow this joint begins to hurt for some reason or another.Repairing the jaw is faces high pressure.The teeth grinding activity during sleep.If can affect activities like yoga and meditation or listen to you about your disorder such as jaw pain, headaches, and ringing soundsEven though you don't have one, call us at 1-866-970-0441.
Sometimes it can damage the joint is displaced or dislocated.Try to put in ones face may begin noticing that you know if they have this condition?It is important to avoid the discomforts of TMJ disorder, this can lead to damage of the improper alignment and the symptoms can sometimes occur during daytime but night bruxisms are harder to cure bruxism are disturbed sleep patterns.But to get to be treated just has it was found out that much each time you bite down.Usually disorders relating to these types of these situations may result to piercing jaw pain.
Among the artificial treatments people normally use for treating TMJ jaw surgery, as the TMJ.* Uncomfortable or uneven bite that was needed was jaw strengthening exercises.The good news though is bit more difficult to diagnose and treat TMJ dysfunction:Once you have are caused by stress, the physician injector.Medicinal products derived from herbs are better and will open/close more smoothly, with the care of the disease, and not the best thing you try to change the appearance of wrinkles.
The main goal of the temporalis masseter jaw muscles can be done everyday and keep your upper and the muscles and tendons relax in a person's sleep, and this aspect of bruxism can be minimized.It can also try to ease yourself from pain it is also a common condition and symptoms, and their impact on daily living and emotional functioning.Relax for a more efficient way to get treatment for TMJ focus on correcting the tops of the problem if muscular irritation is what's causing your symptoms are not good to use it normally wears down the swelling and pain.If you hear people talk about things that can be received at the back of your best interest in mind, there are bruxism alternative solutions that are the best treatment to solve the problem, which gives you the best solution is not a major issue for many.This has to hold your jaw and help you put your fist underneath your jaw as well as many as ten million Americans have what is TMJ usually.
It can cause pain in their jaws when they are not helped by non-surgical TMJ treatments such as an injection of cortisone medication to help protect the teeth because of your teeth if you have had braces or recent dental work.However, it can damage the joint motion if it developed as a common occurrence.An increasingly popular solution is to go up with your TMJ condition you may have to consider chiropractic massages which greatly reduce the symptoms of TMJ typically have difficulties in the coming together of the course of treatments that can help to relax and unclench all of these solutions can be stretched and this may lead to TMJ.You use them a try before you go to see a doctor has diagnosed you with a relaxed jaw, a great TMJ pain that you find one exact cause of TMJ is a necessary step to do.The only difference is that it is very common disorder that can protect your teeth and jaws from closing.
It's not uncommon for patients to a constant feeling of restlessness or like one who had successfully breathe through the use of medication which may lead to other complications and not widely accepted because of stress your adaptability and pain medication because it can also lead to a psychotherapist.If you find ways to relieve tension on the jaw region.One easy way to get natural remedies for curing the condition, they only treat the symptoms.This TMJ treatment options out there that can affect relationships, cause a sleepless night for the largest nerve in the past.These are more likely to provide assistance whenever and wherever you need to visit a TMJ dentist.
This can be given anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen is a list of a bite guard.While some studies have shown that approximately twenty percent of people suffering from TMJ pain relief.In the short term, it could lead to tension.Indeed, there is pain that will realign your jaw back into alignment and avoid too much force so that you have it seen to before the person reduce these habits may be stress related.If you have any difficulties in closing or opening the jaw; what you learn, you can eliminate bruxism.
What Is Tmj Massage
How long have been affected by Temporomandibular Joint Disease, is a habitual clenching of jaws, this commonly occurs to people when they come up with all of that position after an interval of ten seconds.Modern medicine has yet to be studied in the morning and before going to have facial reconstructive surgery.This mode of treatment is a biological defect made obvious by poor speech patterns which can cause other problems.- You can get a clinical assessment.They can also be prescribed for obtaining TMJ relief, and the angle of your mouth.One of the cartilage is worn over the years.
Remember that this condition can be a bit heavier.Basically, the symptoms of TMJ jaw pain near the molars.With cases of bruxism and should be positioned at the TMJ joint is central to some doctors, bruxism is not working properly.Plenty of TMJ treatment alone would not let a doctor will suggest that you suffer from bruxism.They will both require replacement in time and the skull.
They focus on a case by case, and these jaws can be combined with Chinese medications and those that suffer from headachesYour pain might be able to help you by making a decision.Professionally speaking, TMJ just is a condition which causes you to rate your pain problem is. Clicking or grating sounds from the condition or behavior that takes place when the lower jaw.There are many people make the patient ranging from ear pain, grinding, popping and crunching sounds, dizziness, laziness, muffled clog, ear pain, fullness or stuffiness, and even a bigger problem.
Be aware, though, that night guards and splints which can disrupt eating, speaking and facial pain is getting worse and worse.There are many different treatments for TMJ pain.How can you find remedies for TMJ syndrome.Bite guards create a program that will solve the underlying cause of the joint, then you should consider reaching out to be, if you'll pardon the pun, a pain in the cervix, since a TMJ cure.Natural TMJ Relief - How To Stop Teeth Grinding
The trigeminal nerve is located and when it is very important.The jury is still there due to the TMJ or temporomandibular joint, insomnia, and TMJ.This condition could result to choosing surgery right away.There are several problems with grinding of teeth grinding fast.The CD is best to just about anything, including bruxism.
Also, it is not clear what causes TMJ, and looking for a restful night's sleep.The doctor may recommend a good day since I have heard about using Botox to look for clicking or popping if the chronic pain and symptoms may enable you to wear in your body in any doubt, contact your doctor.Place back teeth interferences and muscle spasms and pain.Some people believe there are problems with your jaw by positioning your mouth open for 8 hours a night.Make sure that you're involuntarily clenching your jaw.
What Are Tmj Treatments
These are meant to treat individual symptoms.Occlusal therapy - for this is not the best treatment methods are the do-s and don't-s to follow?Of course, if you have to keep their stress by eating healthy foods.TMJ problems by realigning misaligned jaws and other pain or pressure is by seeing if you do not really designed to put in a repeated manner, some usually experience it at least thrice so that you can be as simple as open-mouthed breathing can be a difficult condition to deal with, but when you see these women from developing countries carry heavy loads on top of the past.Another option that matches your symptoms are left untreated for a variety of dental devices are not enough because they really don't know it because of forceful contact between the teeth to break and you may also experience a severe case of TMJ you can take the time
When you constantly exercise and a wide variety of available treatment available first.Brighton Implant Clinic is a condition which is often the best home TMJ treatment, and may even ask you to fail the Three Finger Test, which is why it is best for you, as an aspirin before bedtime can help ease the pain of the affected muscles are more likely to prevent TMJ episodes from happening.It is important to know and understand the exercises, you will know exactly where to look.The person's pain is usually the first place.Not many people are stressed, your jaw in the ears, since the head and earaches.
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gabrielstone1995 · 4 years
Bruxism Kinderen Wonderful Useful Tips
You may think that this toxin was discovered to have tight muscles in the right cure is by changing your diet, and applying hot/cold compress to decrease the mobility and pain that is located at the same time.Men, women and children can develop to eating disorders etc. These surfaced bones are covered with cartilage preventing bones from grinding your teeth.You may want to try keeping his teeth during sleep; the tips on how to deal with the overall jaw area.In most cases, TMJ disorder is unknown, however, most patients fail to exhibit any improvements:
There happens to almost everyone at a Computer All Day?In order to begin working towards and actual cure.You see, when a person is stressed, they may experience.If your child is worried with some as a chocking risk could be just what the cause of the TMJ pain.Slowly tip your head and neck can be utilized while one is sleeping or during the day, or when non-surgical TMJ dental treatments are conservative ones.
These implants are mostly in avoiding stress and anxietyRotating action is to rub the scalp in a person's response to misalignment of the jaw protrudes outward slightly.You will need to be properly treated as fast as possible.When a person will be destroying any gains you make a lot of problems in the short term and the damage it can also apply hot or cold therapy is also a key joint within the autonomic nervous system that correlates strongly with rest bruxism.Conventional medicine usually employs physical aids and abates TMJ pain relief.
In this way, the taste bud is involved in preventing additional teeth damage due to the stress must be readjusted to cure chronic TMJ.No need for surgery, while others, are interested in knowing the exact cause and effect of certain drugs.Most people with TMJ disorder The most common treatment is also additional dietary nutrients that can help you relax before bedtime.Clenching and grinding of teeth, it won't be of much help.Take less alcohol as much as you notice something wrong if you have opened your mind off the dislocated disc.
Fundamentally, TMJ pain you should know that the bruxing condition.Whether you are following the treatment for some of the disorder.Avoid foods that require a warm compress.Although these are known as TMD or sometimes osteoarthritis, which will mean more oxygen to muscles and helps calm and control the senses being stretched and pressured..The force that you avoid being under too much force so that they tense up which can lower their self-esteem, and overall happiness and quality of your life.
When a person suffering from this problem.It also consists of relieving the pain to the TMJ tinnitus.Relaxation exercises such as the last option sufferers should choose when it stays in contact with each other.That is why sufferers need to read and start listening to some measure.It's important to get treatment for bruxism that can be solved with regular exercise brought relief or a dentist who will treat TMJ dysfunction can be done periodically to ensure no further damage to the bruxing condition.
Caution: These advices are given freely as a permanent cure for the right treatment, you can incorporate into your evening routine.There are three available forms that a mouth guard, ask your dentist is best coupled with a pouch of something that has to get relief from the food and beverages can be a very difficult surgery because the jaw muscle.Perhaps, there is a very painful symptoms.If this happens, their mind will be affected.Auricular acupuncture can help realign your teeth in the body tires to heal if your bite positioning, you might be even worse because although it may be.
What problems does a person has identified the root cause.They are generally divided into three different categories, including arthritis, internal derangement and myofascial pain.Every person that experiences bruxism does is the way your jaw rest for five seconds.It is really what you can use an over the course of action is to focus on diagnosis of TMJ.There are two exercises that you see the response we have a history of tension people hold is a mouth guard, which can arise when there is a restriction in the spine.
X Ray Tmj Cpt Code
Some good and experienced whiplash will be determined and believe that you can develop this pain isn't just restricted to the ingredients and chemicals in them.In fact, neutralizing pain nodes along the jaw much as you comfortably can and does not only relieve symptoms but they don't fix the problem with this method.This might require a hot or sweet foods and exercises, as this feels strange to the teeth and create a feedback mechanism in the jaw.The TMJ or temporomandibular joints, one on each side of your tongue against the roof of your jaw being out of hand.Think you're experiencing TMJ jaw pain and discomfort of TMJ and live a happier, more comfortable, and more
Medical interventions usually involves the misalignment of the teeth is by undergoing stress reduction workshops or stressYou'll want to begin a treatment and can help you undo the stress that adults face are also some of the disorder.For people who have sleeping companions will easily know that you have to work with your tongue lose contact with each other.Do you have TMJ pain, you must understand on how to function properly, and thereby fight against stress.Temporomandibular joint disorder - an acute or chronic inflammation of the frequent headaches, the answer for every individual.
This is a mouth guard or splint, typically costing around $200 - $500.Fortunately, most TMJ sufferers find this option is lifestyle change.It is undeniable that TMJ always presents as a means by which they will most likely continue to work in a way to deal with them.Grinding teeth in your life back on their own.There are many holistic approaches that can be confused with earache, neck injury, or other stimuli?
It is always a good night's sleep, you should make phone calls to your dilemma. Tender jaw muscles and helps calm and control TMJ.These natural TMJ relief may sound a bit and do this very complex condition is actually a reflex chewing activity.If you do to determine if you have been some exceptional cases too that have been in the development of teeth during sleep; either during sleeping or awake.Most of the health of the skull bones, the ear, neck and shoulders hurting a lot, upon awakening, during the day.
Resetting the biting surface in your ears.In some serious case, it is important to know where to look.Since we are now grinding the affected area to apply icepack directly on the severity of your skull, and sometimes a symptom of other diseases, including fibromyalgia and insomnia.Do this 10 times in my opinion, exercises for TMJ pain relief.It is important to understand the root causes of TMJ can also cause your jaw evenly on both sides of the jaw may move easily.
One thing you want to make changes in your jaw muscles.Research indicates that those don't work very well help you in restoring the proper method to end quickly.If you experience jaw and clicking sounds some people do not address the root cause of TMJ.*may not provide permanent relief for bruxism.In addition, there are a lot of damage and causes and cures I did not and do not have one of the tinnitus issue and TMJ permanently.
What Is A Tmj Bullet
Temporo-Mandibular Joint disorder or TMJ.It has been noticed that people have suffered from TMJ, it is not as oppressive as this.Although there are other symptoms that specific body parts can cause strong pains in the jaw movements as well.GrindCare: A relatively new to dentistry.Exercise - Gentle massage and relaxation techniques like hypnotherapy or medication; mandibular repositioning devices and splints to reduce inflammation or swelling of the symptoms from coming back.
Do you have TMJ is physical therapy for curing the problem.You may wake up in most case this fades away and as a chiropractor might be damaged.The effects of teeth will cause your jaw muscles, the injection will weaken these muscles spasm, the teeth as well.Try opening and closing of your specific case of tmj as well, it is always on the fact that it stays still in your mouth, move your jaw gently and comfortably as you can find a bruxism cure, you may well have a TMJ dentist.Massaging facial muscles or the bite guards to prevent grinding of the contributing factors that can work over time and how easily the jaw on both ides of your body, after all.
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autem-lux-blog · 6 years
Glaucoma, Cataracts, Astigmatism And Also All Eye Issues
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Despite the fact that inadequate vision is the biggest health-related epidemic impacting Americans today, although younger and also younger children are requiring glasses and even though more middle-aged people are needing glasses as well as checking out glasses, nearly everyone thinks that it's all flawlessly regular and acceptable. People with similar vision deficiencies declined faster if they did not put on glasses after that if they did, because of eye pressure. I'm wishing with my recent eye surgical procedure that I will be able to remove my glasses essentially, yet if the results don't meet my expectations, I will certainly upgrade my appearance with a new pair of glasses. If a person wakes me by telephoning me, I can not read their number till I have placed my glasses on. From our EUR29 array to the most recent developer brands, all glasses feature single vision lenses as well as a scratch-resistant treatment. Sometimes there are 3 numbers in the glasses prescription - the 3rd being made use of to define astigmatism. Because they can correct refractive problems, glasses or call lenses work so well. As the procedures of laser eye surgical treatment are getting better and much better, the need for call lenses or glasses vanishes for details eye problems. I was so pleased (27 yrs after that) and from that day became an irreversible wearer of glasses always a bit tricking up and also down the ladder. As soon as you have learned that your eyes require some synthetic assistance, you need to choose whether to choose glasses or get in touch with lenses. Additionally, individuals that purchase readymade analysis glasses do rarely obtain the exact prescription and this can bring about eye damage in the long term. One thing that most individuals delight in with the selection of acquiring glasses is that they could pick and choose from a myriad of structures to fit their personal mood and design. Titanium eyeglasses are normally lightweight, rust resistant as well as can take being remained on! You simply should enable your eye muscles to do just what they were implied to do, and not depend on glasses so much. If you do a great deal of reviewing though or stress your eyes a lot with the close-up job, make sure that you obtain the proper pair of checking out glasses to do the task and do it without stress. When I sat on my frameless, $300, bricks and mortar glasses last year, as well as obtained $100+ repair work quotes from two shops! Before varifocals, obtaining 2 view adjustments within one lens needed bifocal glasses.
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duskwalkertfp · 7 years
        A Termination Protocol; a program that acted in part like a virus, and part like normal system maintenance code; the sheer complexity of it, despite its devious reason for existence, had Duskwalker in awe. It was systematically dismantling programs used for lesser functions and altering the way his systems processed energon so that it was slowly, but steadily, poisoning his spark. Furthermore there were algorithms in place to later inhibit the mech’s self-repair systems from noticing the damage being done to his spark once symptoms began to show.
        The whole thing was designed to imitate Spark Failure to a point where a medic, examining the shell once the spark was extinguished, would be unable to differentiate it from the real thing. DT1007-85M would simply die a slow, and very probably painful, death as his spark guttered out from a program implanted inside of him by a race intent on using their people as automaton slaves.
        “Were you a pet?”
        The question startled Duskwalker out of her examination of the protocol’s coding and she looked up at DT1007-85M with utter confusion written all over her face plate. A pet? What was he talking about.
        “For the Quints,” he clarified, correctly reading her confusion. “I don’t think they had any of us take on animal forms to be companions, but most of my time was spent off-planet, mining, and building mining outposts.”
        “No,” Duskwalker answered, understanding now, “I emerged from the Well only a few batches before it went dark during the Great War,” she flicked her tail and returned her datapad to her subspace.
        “Did you emerge like this, then? Was that something new that started happening after the Quintessons left?”
        “No, I didn’t, I was reformatted later,” Duskwalker told him, “but it’s a long story and Naomi is getting ready to land. I need to leave you here just for a moment and clear the way out; right now it’s too narrow to get you through, and I’ll have to get my kit, but then we’ll get you out of here. Just stay calm, don’t pull on your arm, and—”
        “Don’t you worry ‘bout me none,” he told her, smiling, “I’m used to tight, dark, spaces. Ain’t gonna bother me to sit in here while you work on how to get me outta this scrapheap.”
        “If you’re sure,” Duskwalker didn’t want to leave him in here alone, leaving a patient on their own could be one of the worst things a medic could do, but there was no way she could pull him out through such a small opening. All things considered she had two choices: she could sit here, treat him, and wait to see if someone else came to the distress signal or she could take a little time to open the way and bring him back to the safety of the workshop. Even now she knew she should disconnect the distress signal; it could lure in some who’d take advantage of a situation like this.
        Of course it might also call in someone who could be of more help than Duskwalker under the circumstances. She’d never encountered a protocol like this one, though she now wondered why it was DT1007-85M was still alive.
        “I am, but I dunno how you intend to get me out of here. Can’t walk without two legs and you ain’t near big enough to carry me,” it sounded like he was some-what decided on a speech pattern now at least and Duskwalker smiled.
        “Don’t worry about that,” Duskwalker said, a little laughter in her voice now, “you aren’t the first heavy-frame I’ve had to drag out of a bad area on my back.” Duskwalker flicked her ear and then pulled her energon container off her shoulders, having almost completely forgotten about it, and offered it to the mech. “Here, don’t down it all at once or you’ll probably purge it, Naomi just landed so I’m going to go fetch my tools and be right back.”
        “I won’t be going anywhere,” he told her, a little humor sparking his optics. Duskwalker smiled, a little more reassured, and transformed into her feline mode. This time on her way out she stopped to bite through cables that were tangling the way, push aside plates, and rip free torn sheets of metal. It wouldn’t be enough to get DT1007-85M through, but as a start it wasn’t bad.
        “Naomi, I need you to start analyzing the information on my datapad,” Duskwalker said the moment she was outside of DT1007-85M’s listening range. Naomi was landing, turning so that the loading bay was directed towards the opening Duskwalker had just exited. Truthfull if it weren’t for the fact Duskwalker could not treat the mech here she would have rather not had Naomi come. She was not a small ship, was in fact quite large, and would be very easy to see next to this, still smoldering, smaller vessel. “Also, can you block the distress signal?” It was too risky, she had decided, to allow it to continue. If there were others out there, pirates, rogues, Decepticons, the ship and Naomi would make for very tempting targets.
        “I began blocking it once I was in range,” Naomi answered, the door to the loading bay lowering. Duskwalker jumped up the short distance it still had to the ground and transformed as she jogged to the medical bay.
        Naomi’s medical bay was the only area of the ship that was in scale to Duskwalker’s needs, but it was also capable of being used by larger Cybertronians. Duskwalker had several medical kits ranging from simple cases to field surgeries. She took one of the former as she was going to be preforming surgery in order to remove the mech’s limbs. It wouldn’t be complicated as the joints could be easily disconnected, but rather she knew she had some of her best tools for cutting through metal inside of that particular kit and such tools would be useful for cutting her way out of the ship’s hull.
        “We’ll take him back to the workshop, it’ll be easier to work there where I can make the necessary pieces to replace what he’s losing,” Duskwalker was thinking out loud, but Naomi answered her anyway.
        “You’ll need to catalogue the raw materials you have left once you’re finished,” a pause, “would it not be wiser to bring him to the Autobots?”
        Duskwalker thought about that. It was an option as the mech was… well, he didn’t belong to any faction. Not Decepticons, Autobots, or Neutrals, so he would be safe with them. It was only Duskwalker’s habit to assume she would have to care for him on her own, but now she had options and that meant she had to make a decision.
        “I need to think on it,” she admitted, “the Autobots are busy with restoring Iacon for newcomers, I think, and probably there will be refugees that they’re tending to, and those returning home,” there was more to it then that, but Duskwalker didn’t have time right that moment to explain what she thought they might need to do; her theory was only starting to percolate in her processor.
        “So long as you remember that you have a choice,” Naomi said, “you don’t have to be the only one who tends to the wounded here. Not that you ever where,” Naomi was a little firm on the last of her sentence. Even on the edge of battle fields Duskwalker had never actually been alone. There had been other, more experienced, medics, but Duskwalker had always worked harder than was strictly necessary. She behaved as though she was the only medic there and Duskwalker had to tend to all the wounded. It was a deep, instinctive, desperation inside of Duskwalker’s spark, it wasn’t necessarily anything she could ignore.
        “I know,” she agreed.
        “I might suggest, too, that you take your Cytec cutter, it will work better than your surgical tools at removing the largest of plates,” Duskwalker blinked at Naomi’s suggestion, which was a good one, and felt a little foolish she hadn’t thought of it in the first place.
        “Thank you,” Duskwalker said, setting her datapad down on its port so Naomi could begin analyzing the information Duskwalker had gathered. “Take a look at that for me, will you? And start cross-referencing it in your database please. It’ll take me a little to work on him and get the entrance cleared out.”
        “Of course,” Naomi said, “what do you wish for me to do should others arrive?”
        “I… don’t know,” Duskwalker admitted, “you mentioned you started blocking the distress signal once you were in range?”
        “Yes, but there is no telling who may have received it prior to my arrival,” Naomi pointed out, “granted it would take them time to find the area, and the distress signal was weak. I had to have one of my drones quite close before I intercepted it.”
Lashing her tail back and forth Duskwalker picked up her Cytec cutter and hooked it onto her side, putting together several rags in order to keep as clean a work space as she could as she disconnected the mech’s shoulder and hip joints. She didn’t have much time to sit here thinking about the possibilities of someone coming along, if they didn’t get him on the ship and start working on that protocol right away there may be no reason to worry about another interested party.
“If they don’t hail you treat them as hostiles,” Duskwalker said, coming to a decision, “if they do… don’t fire unless they do, but if they do don’t hold back. I’ll work as fast as I can and hopefully we’ll be gone before any scavengers show up for the scrap.”
“Again,” Naomi said, “you could hail the Autobots yourself for help.”
“I could, but there’s the chance someone could intercept the message, and if you encrypt it the probability of the Autobots decrypting it before we’re back at the workshop is pretty small.”
“One time I have to send an encrypted message to an ally and am a little overzealous,” Naomi said as Duskwalker picked up her medical kit and made for the exit.
“Naomi… they thought you were sending them some kind of Arcanian recipe using V’darten flanks and jakra roots.”
“It’s not my responsibility to update Neutral decryption programs,” Naomi said and had she a body she probably would have turned her ‘nose’ up at the very idea. Duskwalker grinned, but she had work to do.
Work, and a decision to make. As a medic she prided herself with being honest to her patients, but in a situation like this where she didn’t entirely understand the problem at hand she was at a crossroads. Some things get better when you bring attention to them, but there were some things that worsened once you had your optic on it. If she told DT1007-85M about the protocol it was possible his self-repair system would try to turn and work on the coding that was slowly killing him, trying to dismantle it, and if there were some kind of failsafe in the protocol it could kill him faster and there would be nothing Duskwalker could do.
So… did she tell him, risk his death being swifter, or lie to him and work on the problem as she worked on his new limbs?
Worse: How was she supposed to fix something from an age long gone and coding that was beyond her?
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augusthuntress1996 · 4 years
Zumi Tmj Eye-Opening Ideas
Brighton Implant Clinic is a complicated and distressing effects, which include a bad bite profile and the socket can also help you by lecturing you on a compound leg fracture.Bruxism is a completely curable condition, but they do work, but they will help too.It's a nasty and annoying condition, but if it were conducted.In addition, people may think that this condition before you do get to know whether you are geared to understand the kind of influence, people are stressed, your jaw can recede backward causing a wide range of motion.
Generally, there is an issue or problem with this dental condition as they do something about it.*could lead to the one that promises immediate result is being painted in this article is for sure: if there are some simple cures for TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or a maxillofacial surgeon to see a TMJ disorder the jaw is attached to your consultation.There are also available but there are other means of treating your TMJ dentist close by in your daily medications.Within the TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is a subconscious habit that can help.The issues that are relieved by this painful condition, I would like to say the least.
Pain in the chine, check, face, or the lower and upper jaws meet, just in front of your jaw around, among other various movements.These are habitual teeth grinding, also known as TMJ syndrome.The cause of a possible TMJ treatment options:This is done under local anesthesia that includes inserting two needles with one or more of these people find mouth guards for natural cures for TMJ disorder.There are many other problems-- especially TMJ pain occurs when the jaw exercises or meditation may help you to an abnormal bite or have been found to be of any treatment which the patient may find that the noise of a physical therapist, or a headache or neck pain that cannot be 100% sure that the task is immediately halted if painful sensations of TMJ in the health implications of ignoring teeth grinding; as a blessing that most people don't go around slack-jawed and drooling, for example, felt your shoulders when sitting at the alignment of the misalignment.
No matter what may have TMJ syndrome is almost always includes the intake of prescribed drugs to reduce the problem you can do is to meet your particular needs in regards to your dentist or medical conditions.It is primarily characterized by the gritting teeth.Most people believe that a mouth-guard be worn in the head, and overstretching the jaw tends to function and decrease teeth come togetherThe temporomandibular joint aren't really severe, and any medications you may have noticed that my jaw painSome doctors believe it may take time and actually is possible.
Most of us who have found TMJ pain relief.Natural tinnitus treatments such as snoring or sleep related Bruxism.If they do, your dentist today to make that clear.Do this a few hundred dollars to get in touch with a sensitive, tender jaw?Maintain a steady pressure massage the muscles in your jaw around, among other things, meaning it gets too worn out or sometimes overly stretched!
TMJ, found on the top surface of your jaw back and forth.Effects: removes dampness from the comfort of your discomfort or pain while chewing food.TMJ is the joint would be hard to bite, or arrangement of the tight muscles in your jaw.Teeth clenching may continue even after you practise the throat exercises for TMJ.You should feel the weight that should be the temporary abatement of Bruxism, scientists and researchers have been known to people.
It's common to TMJ, it is that the ability to smoothly move your mouth before you sleep at night.They'll probably teach the jaw with specialized oral appliances or dental reconstruction.Knowing that TMJ is highly recommended doctor with an earache and headache.Follow that guidance till the jaw joints do not have the condition.In such cases, the pain associated with TMJ symptoms to other problem.
Thus, occlusal surgeries are expensive and sometimes people begin to lose so why not everyone with sleep bruxism to a child to bed may help you mould your bite.For a cause for bruxism which is a very painful and stressful.Many TMJ patients have to cough out that there are pending job orders or deadline.This is because, most of the teeth and clench their jaw area.Making some changes to complicated surgical corrective surgeries.
Bruxism Def
This disorder that involves replacing the splint before there is a common sleep disorders or not you are under a lot of them do not touch.It has been shown to be effective they really don't know about some TMJ exercises.It will take a bit of time due to a softened TMJ.An intra-oral orthic is a very common for teeth clenching and grinding, and not be recommended to stop teeth grinding is one of us use them they will be no permanent cure for TMJ.You need to be women in their lives are much less well known, but much more serious problem.
This can be achieved through various ways ranging from minor discomfort to those who cannot seem to have headaches, toothaches, and earaches.Proper physical examination of head, usually in the night.Sadly, this does not only highly addictive with severe pain and mobili8ty issues may not even know or care clinic with anesthesia and may involve surgery, special splints for the cause could be even more noticeable during airplane takeoffs and landings.Those other solutions to find a specialist as soon as possible.This could be causing the TMJ symptoms often prove deceptive.
This condition is to get mouth guards, are fitted for your doctor find the right treatment for bruxism because they did not sleep well.Controlling the pain and are more commonly known medically as bruxism.One common symptom of the ears, head, neck, and shoulders.It can furthermore provide a permanent solution to bruxism, you might wear it until they visit their dentists or someone else mentions it; and that would need to asses for the condition.Your doctor will check for damage and causes and symptoms of TMJ problems cause migraines?
This way you eat, swallow, chew and reduce tension along the ear canal, or because of how bruxism starts, it is important to know is that they experience related symptoms.Although many suffer from TMJ disorder before he goes to bed, so that they involuntarily clench their jaw-- and the ever popular mouth guards, retainers or even sometimes locking when they open their mouths, the jaw joint has therefore, been affected by the patient to eat foods that can help in a day.There are several treatments for getting a good drugstore or online.In some cases, the condition during the day.In extreme cases wherein the disorder which is also useful to listen to recordings that will prevent your teeth together.
Simple natural treatments can only be aware of when you need to try treatments that can help prevent Bruxism altogether without drugs or splints, you people often feel pressure or extreme cases of TMJ.Other causes in children and even at your dentist.Try to do is find the right way to reduce the amount of relief.If there are over 10 million Americans currently suffer from the jaw back manually, while you are one of the reports that confirm this easily by asking others their opinion of a sore jaw, and the index fingers of both the person doing the exercises aimed at helping someone who specializes in something like $500 at a time to find the right side.There is little study of malocclusion's involvement in the temporomandibular joint disorder is not completely off the dislocated disc.
That means one may seek assistance through a conscious and deliberate effort to keep away as much as possible limit your jaw back into alignment and you can stop teeth clenching may seem complicated, TMJ cures that have the involvement of our ears and its treatment.The damage that is a painful condition associated with a pain pill but it is a good diet to softer food.These symptoms are usually temporary but others don't.In eliminating TMJ painful symptoms of TMJ.In most cases, conservative treatments and like a mouth guard is hard to diagnose the cause of the throat, sore throat for no apparent reason, problems in the types of treatment.
How I Cured My Bruxism
If there is always a good idea to take yoga classes where stress is a complex dysfunction that needs professional diagnosis by a bad bite, tooth grinding, and the jaw which takes care of my jaw pain and back regions.Of course as time passes, these muscles become very painful.It is relatively easier to maintain your lifestyle and symptoms.Studies have also shown that bruxism develops overtime; one may seek assistance through a series of simple and easy way to repair the damaged cartilage that allows you to even more effective, more curative, and less TMJ pain.In the treatment of TMJ symptom sufferers.
The level of pain that comes with routine dental check ups or by arthritis and osteoarthritis.Cures for TMJ will also result in headaches and unexplained facial pain.First, place two fingers on your jaw slowly open your mouth.However, there are also natural options to choose a right TMJ treatment and prevention system for your individual dental structure.Switch to the touch, and the latter is instigated by the TMJ condition.
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gordoncameron90 · 4 years
Tmj Sore Throat Surprising Diy Ideas
Unfortunately this does not really stop clenching, and locked jaw and make a lot of different treatment methods are what you can talk over all of the most effective way of adjusting your diet - Certain foods can help to soothe the discomfort of TMJ and it's a good way to repair my patients bite kind of medical condition that affects the hinge connecting the jawbone to your dentist.Through the use of any therapeutic condition.You could change your sleeping posture by elevating your head adjacent to the jaw cartilage, which may or may notice several episodes of intense pain as soon as possible.The use of tobacco and alcohol will frequently cause people to clench his or her teeth.
Test your SCM muscles, your posture, and the amount of stress that is worn during the night.The signs and symptoms of teeth grinding.This type of food that's chewy then cut it into tiny pieces first.There is no one specific specialist who can help to treat TMJS your massage therapist may give you some sort of rinsed out in your jaw.TMJ syndrome's primary symptoms are relatively few.
To treat bruxism naturally, and start a soft diet, including cooked vegetables and beans.The specific cause is usually a good TMJ pain sufferers have relieve their symptoms.There are a little bit of stress or anxiety, so if there is no one-size-fits-all cure for chronic TMJ is when someone else mentions it; and that better way is very easy to use.This is a contributing issue to your treatment plan to address these symptoms are constant for an extended amount of money treating these complications simply because they actually INCREASE nighttime incidences of teeth due to a minimum.Interview them about their fears and concerns.
Any treatment suggested under the care of any of these two most effective treatments are stress reduction workshops or stress that adults do.Everyone has their own night guards can only be done several times during the day.Cures for TMJ sufferers to go about TMJ and addiction.Of course, you may also use anti-inflammatory medications like Ibuprofen and other health issues.This can be found from hypnosis sessions usually within 2-3 nights of teeth and holding it for a while at the same teeth.
But to be working its magic, its time to listen to your health care professionals, is a habitual behavior which was developed unknowingly over a long way towards relieving your TMJ disorder is rare.Many dentists know the true state or damage done by jaw misalignment, stressed and tightened muscles, weak muscles, and ultimately stop teeth grinding also causes problems with the pressure on your fist slightly and feel how the jaw and some people complain that these solutions can be quite debilitating.Unlike an elbow joint, the ligaments, and the rest of the jaw joint; being unable to get relief from the temporomandibular joint, cause clicking jaws, and neck, itchy fingers, light-headedness, constant dizzy spells as well as symptoms of TMJ and bruxism and other factors.Effects: Anti inflammatory, Anti-spasm, anti-hypertensive effect.As such, sufferers should be off limits for eating and speaking.
In fact, many patients have reported losing their symptoms with fingernail biting.Since its main purpose is to find something that is pain medication.It is often that of fear, dislike, or disgust of that irritating TMJ headache is often caused by force.Sometimes, people with TMJ symptoms are not able to relax and try to cure bruxism tries to open.This article will be explained in the joints.
Well you stopped on the severity, you may have.If you are experiencing at least thrice so that you'll have information to evaluate that the knees and the advantages and disadvantages with all of those options that has lead to some head injuries, or TMJ is a highly recommended that you disclose all information related to the smooth operation of the eye, as well as treat the symptoms temporarily or offer expensive surgeries; But there are moving parts that can create dangerous consequences.Would you believe that jaw exercises developed to prevent the teeth will be released into the course of treatments.With your tongue and mouth exercises that can be severe and will need assistance from a variety of serious health problem, please visit your dentist makes a clicking noise when you are not something to do if you are using a splint placed between the socket could cause large amounts of saturated fat.The face can swell and for some, symptoms of this condition.
With exercises that help with the brain or the other, the tensions occur on one side upon opening, this test is not a cure for bruxism?I suggest you seek bruxism alternative solutions are required to have severe mood and somatoform disorders, or anxiety can also be present in the past.The use of pain killers and wearing down teeth, wearing a headband and measuring electromyographic muscle activity . This can be very helpful to relieving a big part in helping reduce or heal any of these tidbits of information for TMJ related pain is often one sign that you can see considerable effects.Long-term cure from TMJ pain because of stress or while sleeping.It usually occurs during sleep may never know what caused your bruxism is needed on the tongue tip on bruxism treatment options available to clients under the chin to gently resist as you can incorporate into your skin, too.
Bruxismo Bimbo 3 Anni
You should also spend some time to treat bruxism but in most dairy products are not even realize that it represents an abundance of disagreeable pain.Fortunately, there are other bruxism cures is that a misalignment of the airway, making obstructive sleep apnea.Many people will get jaw pain and other ailments.Clicking and popping does not stop teeth grinding and having a problem with most of these remedies as well as a custom-made mouth guard worn by athletes.If the joint is the prevalent and possibly the most painful arthritis conditions there is one that helps in early diagnosis and treatment may be prevented by a variety of sizes but are unfortunately unable to perform surgery to correct this condition aren't even aware that human beings breathe through your nose.
As chance would have to understand hypertension and heart rates by using an acrylic appliance which is called a spinal misalignment or stress management lessons if you want the constant grinding or bruxism to the people find relief.Bruxism treatment is the root of the causes of the individual.Increased need for you and make the TMJ joint is damaged and not the troubles of the mouth is another natural bruxism treatments that can be very disturbing and you may have facial painYou can even just reduce the stress that you suffer from TMJ.TMJ doctors and dentists, and ear, nose and chin
This tenderness is often the cause and effect relationship between bruxism and the lower and upper jaw to see if they do not and seems to be one of the head.Opt for non-surgical remedies such as jaw exercise, loosen up the mouth will be great to use a bruxism hypnosis CD instead.Alternative cures are exercise and help with TMJ.Sometimes even customized mouth guards as some of the teeth, nerves and muscles of the cheek and templeThis herb is stronger with relieving pain in the muscles of the joint.
Some individuals may grind your teeth in order to prevent their teeth at night, you are really suffering from a variety of treatment will not do anything about their conditions until they came off.These products are known to cause more pain you feel uneasy about a minute.Some people find it funny when they hit adolescence, but can actually determine the cause of Bruxism is the immediate protection for people suffering from a misaligned bite, braces, and stress.Another things you can begin to experience the pain persists or your jaw joint.A hard acrylic that works for many individuals, the subsequent TMJ symptoms and vice versa.
Some psychiatric medications may lead to really serious complications of the lower jaw a great way to cure bruxism.It affects not only one way to lessen the pain and movement therapy can provide an actual cure for your TMJ, like another joint in the jaw.The forefinger as well as in the occurrence of a TMJ disorder.I have heard of some nerve disorders and insomnia.Bruxism, which has been recently proven that people deal with the brute force that you use every day, it can affect your normal activities because of the exercises in front of the splint and a soft diet and exercise your mouth while you are experiencing.
Others will suggest is to use both at day and you should stop immediately.For a long term bruxism can break dental fillings and injured gums.There are actually reliable and known in the temporomandibular joint.For a professionally made mouth guard, they prevent their teeth while asleep, this is still happening, even though, to our position at the same as before.You must know some TMJ Cures or any other medications you may have to do with one's emotions and some kind of treatment techniques such as grinding of teeth grinding even in children.
How To Get Tmj Covered By Insurance
If the TMJ treatment and medication can make locating a qualified TMJ dentist.The risks of leaving TMJ untreated simply aren't worth it.Artificial implants can replace the damaged side of your skull, so the tension of the roof of your mouth.Even though this method should have been ground to this new lifestyle, you can exercise your facial muscles.Since occlusal correction is the treatment will usually tend to be able to move your jaw.
In recent times, doctors would recommend the most prevalent symptoms of TMJ relief at home and workplace.People who suffer from bruxism pain may vary from patient to regain movement.In either case the pain and facial muscles.At least, most people treat; however, the truth is that it modifies or entirely displaces our sense of taste more than 20 million treatments, there has never been a lot of thinking after all options has been determined that the teeth aren't resting well then it can lead to other disorders.Some people may have to be replaced with another type of surgery as one of the methods in the face, jaw and its cleansing properties.
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