#how do you do a built too šŸ’€ mine doesnā€™t look like anyone
fantomette22 Ā· 1 year
Elden Ring is a really cool game :3
After Stormveil and La Siofra itā€™s Raya Lucaria time !
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gay-dorito-dust Ā· 1 year
But that's why it's so fun though. There's definitely the surface level canon story.
It's fun to think, what if? Especially with easter eggs or vague elements showing the tiniest connection to another. Someone had to create that, so maybe they had an idea the viewer would too. If so, then what would the story look like if this connection is canon. Bonus points if it is canon and theres tiny nuggets all over the place. Im looking at you, eldren ring šŸ˜˜šŸ‘…. Overall, it expands the story and adds depth, and who doesn't like that. (Trick question: NO ONE)
Lmao YOU KNOW he was waiting!! The pan away shot was so the audience couldn't see the filthy smirk on his face after saying that. Leon is totally a "fun guy" at heart *snaps finger guns*. Definitely loves to crack jokes. It's just given his surroundings and the situation he usually in, it's totally not called for. Especially his type of...humor, which already isn't that funny in a normal environment. Then when he says it, it's a double "Oh hell no." for me, dawg.
AHHHHH lmaooo you like his jokes! You're more whipped me than! šŸ¤£ I'm shriveling up. A chocolate eclair šŸ’€ we gotta build that up! (I can't talk mine is as tough as extra firm tofu)
Fr I totally understand. I'd feel bad especially since he's trying to lighten the environment, plus I know he hates this more than I do. Replace me with Ashley and all I hear are gunshots, goreish noises, and foreign yelling 24/7...šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘ I'm listening to "Leon's jokes on a 10 hour loop" (some of them). I'd have to scrape up the courage to think of jokes and not hyper fixating on my environment and future death or Leon's back šŸ˜‰.
I'd either beg Leon for a mercy kill or do it myself. I'm not built for that world. Also if Leon actually said that, he'd get 1 good noodle star, cuz that actually made me laugh.šŸ¤”
I'm hollering!! I was thinking the same thing but couldn't find the meme!!! Thank you!!šŸ„¹
Leon is a frat party and a Bang energy drink (the only option) with a plate of hooters wings away from being the "you're not that guy pal". Maybe the trauma was worth it.
(Again sorry for any grammar mistake. I can't read or write)
I love a game with little nuggets that subtly connect to one another to weave an story beneath the common storyline. It just gives you more insight toā€¦well everything! Itā€™s one of my favourites that the game developers are like ā€˜weā€™re gonna give long time players a treat and new time players a fun thing to unravel.ā€™
Ngl, Leon would single-handedly give me brain rot so bad that I start doing crappy, half asses one liners.
Itā€™s a disease and heā€™s the cause.
It ainā€™t my fault that Leon is so unbelievably pretty! My kryptonite is pretty boys and unfortunately Leon is on-top of the list for prettiest boys!
All heā€™d have to do if flash me a smile and Iā€™d be like; šŸ˜© šŸ˜³šŸ˜–šŸ„µšŸ¤¤šŸ« 
The trauma Leon has been through had altered him so much so that his coping mechanisms are to make shitty one liners to EVERYTHING.
He thinks heā€™s a cool kid at heart, we know that ainā€™t true. Heā€™s a dorky dork that thinks his humour is the shit.
Me: Leon go to therapy, youā€™re obviously not okay.
Leon: Therapy is for losers and I am no loseršŸ˜Ž
Me: youā€™ve missed 6 appointments, the jokes got to stop-
In all fairness he probs doesnā€™t think therapy would work out for him at all and also over works himself to the bone. I remember someone saying that the reasons for Leon being jacked as all hell in re4 is so he doesnā€™t get taken by surprise anymore.
My baby needs a hug but heā€™d probably be so on edge and alert that I wouldnā€™t be able to without triggering his fight or flight responses.
Iā€™d get too distracted by Leonā€™s ass and have a deep debate within myself whether or not itā€™s be inappropriate to slap it. Also Leon doesnā€™t skip leg day. Heā€™s got nice thighs, and armsā€¦and backā€¦nice titsā€¦
Leon probably would drink bang energy in means of staying up at night. How he finds out about bang is anyones guess.
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starlooove Ā· 1 year
Saw a vid about supersons and Minecraft and it was so stupid and wrong what in the world makes you think Damian would be killing everything even in peaceful mode like wtf. Anyways here are some TRUE SUPERSONS MINECRAFT FACTS NOT CLICKBAIT 100% REAL (plus Colin bc heā€™s my son now)
-They argue about what mode they should be in: Damian argued for hard mode bc theyā€™re built like that and jon agreed but he just wanted to fight smh. Colin was the only with common sense bc he knows theyā€™ve never played Minecraft before and starting in hard mode would not only be difficult but boring if they won. They go normal
- Jon is the miner, Colin gathers the food, Damian builds the house
-Damian gets lost because he refuses to pull up coordinates and his memory SHOULD help him but he is so entirely laser focused on collecting materials that by the time heā€™s done he doesnā€™t even remember what biome he just came from šŸ’€
- Damian goes above and beyond for the house ok; he will only mine for that, and Jon hates it bc Damian finds veins of like 8 diamonds and will only take enough for his pickaxe and axe. He will NOT share bc he needs a backup
-Jon spends DAYS in cave systems and heā€™s actually much better at finding mineshafts than anybody should be. He finds dungeons and dies immediately bc he turns the player around to inform Colin and Damian as if theyā€™re all physically there
-Colin thinks itā€™s fair to keep inventory or go creative to get special loot back, Jon thinks itā€™s not. Damian didnā€™t care until he realized turning creative or cheats on means no achievements. The option is never considered again.
-Colin kills the sheep for the beds and a few chickens then immediately begins to set up the most intricate and complicated farm youā€™ve ever seen. Yes heā€™s a redstone guy. Understands it deeply in a way Damian and Jon are too scared to ask about. They always mine any redstone they see for him.
-Colin likes Diamond the most, Damian Iron, and Jon Gold (Damian tells him heā€™s stupid bc it provides 0 protection and Jon is like ā€œbut I look so good thoā€ and Colin calls him tacky
- Love villages and villagers and trading all of them
-Damian tames an iron golem. Nobody knows how and an investigation should be launched bc thatā€™s not a game mechanic but whenever anyone asks Damian shrugs and the other two say ā€œit could sense his gentle nature :3ā€
-They never actually defeat the Ender Dragon whenever it gets too close to that they find an excuse to create a new world and start all over bc they donā€™t rlly wanna finish it (they say theyā€™re saving that achievement for a special occasion)
-Jon is Steve, Damian is Alex, Colin has a new skin everyweek.
-They find servers based off of cities and will pretend to be the cities heroes šŸ˜­
-Got kicked out of the Gotham server for calling their portrayal of spoiler inaccurate and refusing to change their skins (they were the birds of prey)
-DamiĆ”n is currently building a whole BludHaven since there wasnā€™t one available. Hes going to leave it open where Dick can see so he doesnā€™t have to do something gross and mushy like go up and tell him about it
-Damianā€™s aim is TRASH in game and he canā€™t survive a single night. Not bc he canā€™t figure it out he just wants to have fun man he does not care about these mobs; if the house is already built and heā€™s just sprucing up the farm he will get killed over and over he doesnā€™t care
-try to go to bed at night but Jon is in the caves and forgot his bed, Colin died and lost all his shit before setting spawn so he has to find them now, and Damian doesnā€™t really feel like it bc Patricia (the chicken) is far more Interesting than a bed right now.
-Damianā€™s favorite mob is the spider and his least favorite is the creeper. Colinā€™s least favorite is the Zombie and his favorite is the Skeleton. Jon says his favorite is the creeper but itā€™s actually the Enderman, his least fave is the skeleton bc they ALWAYS kill him since he refuses to make a shield.
-Colin turned too fast and thought Jon outta the corner of his eye was herobrine. They abandoned that server immediately.
-Colinā€™s inventory is always overflowing bc he always thinks he might need literally anything heā€™s ever seen. Damian WOULD be the same way but he just has an entire chest room where he hoards everything. Jon does not care he will throw away a diamond pickaxe if the endurance bar is less than half bc it ruins the aesthetic. Never has what he needs when he needs it.
-none of them like going underwater but Damian and the only one who likes the desert is Jon. The only one who will go into the nether first is Colin (as in the other two will only go after Colin has torches, pathways, any signs of life in there. Matter of fact most of the time they refuse to go unless Colinā€™s found a fortress and made it easily accessible). They line up anything they need to get from these areas so theyā€™re all branched off at the same time.
-Colin has an actual diary in game that he updates as if itā€™s real. Damian has one in Colins chest just in case someone else enters the server.
-Jon has 50 dogs and calls the cats too difficult and annoying to tame. Damian kills him. Colin has like 20 cats and is always begging Damian to get him more fish. Damian actually only has a few select animals as he prefers to let them roam around the yards he builds (catered to their home environments ofc.) noticeable ones include: Richard the Golem, Duke the bumblebee, Patricia the chicken and her mate Penelope, Joshua the horse, and Cassandra the parrot. (He has so many parrots guys itā€™s insane)
-none of them have the actual game sounds on they hate the music and it gives them all headaches. (Not projecting at all) They all listen to Lofi while playing or some shit. They have never gone a session without getting killed by a creeper at least twice.
-they tried to play hunger games once and they just got bored. Now bedwars and speedrun? Thatā€™s their shit. DO NOT play against them in hide and seek bruh they get together and start revolutions to kill the seekers theyā€™re so annoying šŸ˜­ theyā€™ve gotten banned so many times but they ask Barbara, and then Vic when she gets tired of it, to unban them.
Thatā€™s kinda it idk
Family bonus:
-They have one server where they donā€™t do much for friends and family to play. Nobody else is really all that interested in Minecraft but they see the kids playing and wanna fuck with em so šŸ˜•
-Jasonā€™s a flower collector, he gets privileges bc he knows exactly which flowers Damian wants in front of the house and acts accordingly. Cass is this way when It comes to woods and Duke when it comes to carpets and paintings.
-Damian wants to let Dick play but heā€™s wary bc dick has been killed by Duke the bee so many times and his final straw was when Dick hit Richard the golem on accident and killed it instead of letting it kill him. Heā€™s banned. Richard II was then tamed.
-Tim isnt banned but he doesnā€™t play bc he saw Colins redstone minecart rollercoaster thing when he was first starting and offered suggestions until Colin got fed up and chewed him out so bad he quit.
-Duke adds something new to the mansion (built by Damian and Steph who apparently has an eye for decor) everytime he goes and it always fits in seamlessly. He is the only sibling allowed on one of Damianā€™s servers thatā€™s not the family one. He cherishes this. Dick could have the privilege but Damian still hasnā€™t forgiven him for Richard I.
-Cass doesnā€™t play often but when she does she LOOOOVES enchanting. She will do it for hours and get the best ones for their main armor and weapons and then really specific convoluted shit for fun. Her goal is to have one sword/chestplate/etc. for each enchantment available on item frames in the manor.
-Steph doesnā€™t fuck with Minecraft but she goes in to dye the sheep and change the names of everything. Damian bans her. She bribed Babs to let her back in. Damian names a cat after Barbara and snitches when Steph changes the name. Steph mentions that the cat wasnā€™t taken care of and was used for this purpose. They are at a standstill.
-Kon likes to blow everything up and he banned himself after he made Jon cry. He only goes into the server to fight mobs and give loot as a peace offering. Damian has forgiven him, Colin hasnā€™t.
- Clark and Bruce go in once and speedrun the entire game, defeat the ender dragon get every achievement etc. worst mistake bc the server is now creative friendly. There is nothing friendly about it.
-Every single person will get on Colinā€™s roller coaster and go ā€œweeee!ā€ The entire way. Heā€™s flattered.
-The death count on that server is astronomical. Almost all of them are accidents.
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