#how long until grandpa iroh and aunt azula also have turtle duck stuffies
captainkirkk · 1 year
Concept: Druk keeps stealing Izumi's favourite turtle-duck stuffie because it's soft and smells like family, and it makes baby Izumi FURIOUS. Zuko refuses to get between a toddler and dragon's argument, so he buys Druk his own turtle-duck stuffie.
Zuko explains to her that Druk was stealing her toy because he was jealous and sad he didn't have his own stuffie, not because he was being mean. Izumi's toddler brain equates lack of stuffies with sadness, and now she's terrified that her dad will be lonely because he doesn't have a stuffie :((( Zuko is one of the most powerful people on the planet, but he knows he has no hope of winning an argument with a toddler.
And that's how the Fire Lord and his dragon ends up with matching turtle duck stuffies
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