#how many amps from a solar panel
bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
No room to grow? Join a community garden. Can't find one? Start one! Learn the lessons only taught in the soil and discover the joy of growing your own healthy produce. For you, your family, your friends, and your neighbors. Everyone is welcome at the community garden.
Learn more about this community garden: https://wmcgarden.org/
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What is community gardening?
Community gardening is a great way to get involved in your local food system and meet other gardeners. It is also a way to beautify your neighborhood and build community spirit. Community gardens can be found in urban, suburban, and rural areas across the United States. They come in all shapes and sizes, from small plots in backyards to large shared spaces in parks or on vacant land.
Community gardens are usually managed by a group of people who come together to plan, plant, and maintain the garden. This can be done informally, such as by neighbors who decide to start a garden together, or through a more formal organization, such as a community garden association or city park department.
Plots in community gardens are generally leased or rented to individual growers. The size of the plot varies depending on the size of the overall garden, but is typically around 10×10 feet.
Gardeners are responsible for planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting their own plot. Some community gardens also have common areas where everyone works together to grow crops that can be shared amongst the group, such as fruits and vegetables.
Community gardening provides many benefits to both individuals and communities. For gardeners, it is a way to get fresh air and exercise, grow healthy food, and connect with nature.
For communities, community gardens can help beautify neighborhoods, provide green space for residents to enjoy, create social cohesion, and promote sustainability.
History of community gardening
In the early 1900s, community gardens began popping up in cities across the United States as a way to provide fresh food for residents and beautify neighborhoods.
The Victory Gardens of World War II increased the popularity of home gardening, and by the 1970s, community gardens were being established in urban areas all over the world.
Today, community gardens come in all shapes and sizes, from small plots in backyards to large-scale farming operations.
They provide fresh produce for families, foster a sense of community among neighbors, and give people a chance to connect with nature.
How to start a community garden
Community gardens are a great way to get involved in your local community and to meet other like-minded people who are passionate about gardening. They are also a great way to learn new gardening techniques and to share your knowledge with others.
If you are interested in starting a community garden, the first step is to find out if there is already a garden in your area. If so, you can contact the garden coordinator to find out how you can get involved.
If there is not already a garden in your area, you can start one! The first step is to find a suitable location for the garden.
Once you have found a location, you will need to secure funding and volunteers. Once you have done this, you can start planning and planting your community garden!
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Handcrafted documentaries featuring artisans of all trades. We are filmmakers who tell the stories of creators, makers, entrepreneurs, and artists. The ones who have committed everything to their craft. From garage bakeries and mushroom farms to backyard aquaponics and innovative fabricators, these stories will take you behind the brand and show an inside look at the people who make it happen.
-Of the earth, from the plough
#communitygarden #gardening #foodforest
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toddlazarski · 2 years
“This Fool”
The A.V. Club
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Nobody “Motherfucker”’s like Michael Imperioli. The mother is draaawn out, fired with the snarl of a just-pulled lawnmower, peppered with a deep intestinal rancor, the fucker coming almost as the release, the exhale, the purr of pissed incredulity as to whichever injustice the world has placed before him. In this case, it is Richard Branson, or, the “space knight motherfucker” who cheap-skated his donation to Hugs Not Thugs, the “fifth largest gangster rehabilitation center in Los Angeles,” that was founded by Imperioli’s Minister Leonard Payne. It is a welcome introduction to his character, and a delightful reintroduction to the livewire frustration bits Imperioli cooked up as Christopher Moltisanti on The Sopranos. There he was one one of the key comedic pieces on one of the funniest comedies nobody was ever even entirely sure was a capital-C comedy.
As it happens, here he is one of the key comedic pieces on a show that leads with a much more troubling type of tone confusion. In the first two episodes of This Fool, a drive-by is played for chuckles, a gang brawl is treated with nostalgic revelry by former members slowed by time and life and sciatic nerve hangups, and “Don’t Text and Drive” displays across the screen as an epitaph with operatic flippancy.  
There’s also maybe a bigger conundrum facing the writer’s room, namely whether or not the comedy, in which Julio (Chris Estrada) counsels ex-cons, including his recently-released cousin, is actually, you know, funny. It certainly can be, as in the front-loaded first episode, where intimidating men with face tattoos perform trust falls, and Julio extolls the virtues of the place to a new arrival: “we remove more tattoos than anyone else in Los Angeles,” and offer “free legal counseling, solar panel installation classes.” Or, later, when he describes why there’s no reason he couldn’t be Bourdain: “I’ve eaten foy gray before.” To which his ex-girlfriend, Maggie, replies, “you don’t even know how to pronounce foy gray.” Imperioli, for his part, steals most every one of his scenes, especially striking an early chord on an extended lecture on failure, all wide eyes and faux wiseman profundity, his ability for humor amped by the ability to appear to take himself so stupidly serious.  
It can certainly also be, as many characters chide, repeatedly, anything seen as less than real, “corny.” A Salvadoran is irked by being called Mexican, a deceased friend nicknamed “Fatass” has, yes, “Fatass” inscribed on his urn. Vacillating between groan and cringe, Julio’s cousin, Luis (Frankie Quinones), peppers ceaseless ball-busting with “gay boy,” and the likes of “y’all talk more than the motherfucking View” or, somehow, “you need a Viagra?”  Perhaps it’s just more uneven than corny, more awkward than ha-ha, as smart as it is obvious, as oblivious as it is comfortable, taking real issues of modern L.A. — gun violence, gang culture — and setting them as backdrop thematic annoyances to be casually riffed on, as Bradley Newell might rap about the city on a Sublime track.      
Once the show settles though, finding a groove akin to the svelty Chicano Batman theme that opens each episode, and with the delightful reliance on old school Soul — Brenton Wood, Bill Withers — and palm trees and Dodgers decorum and shit-shooting around the dining room table with elderly relatives, a lived-in flow emerges, settling on a rhythm somewhere between a bilingual Modern Family and a less lesson-y Gentefied. The stakes are mostly low, it’s always sunny in South Central, even when meeting “at the park at sundown” for a brawl, and by the fourth episode even the tightest of TV reviewers may do very well to take Julio’s epiphany to heart: “how about this? I’ll stop being a little bitch.”
At that point anyone can appreciate the physical humor of, say, Julio giving his nephews fireworks to shoot off to distract the family so he can slink away from birthday engagements, or Luis putting Julio in a headlock to keep him in place while the family sings “Feliz Cumpleanos,” or an elaborate and preposterous slow-motion ball-kicking scene, an entire episode homage to Austin Powers.    
Estrada, who co-created the show and used his real life as inspiration, plays Julio with the same button-down, clean-shaven, subtly-pomaded nice guy turn that fills his standup comedian persona. He is mocked for having “lawyer hands,” is seen by his abuela as someone “always crying, just a little bit.” He is a man who sincerely and fully enjoys his pour-over coffee situation, coming off alternatively between sweet and cloying (“The life expectancy of a gangster on average is 24 years old, but the life expectancy of a punk ass bitch, 76 years old”), between big-hearted and petulant martyrdom, his use of “big dawg” renders him some varying mix of jovial and punch-worthy. As his on again, off-again ex, Michelle Ortiz breathes fire into the manic pixie ex-girlfriend template, with high-pitched outbursts turning to raunchily smitten tenderness. She steals/borrows Julio‘s Accord before berating him that the Check Engine light is on, she hits with lines like: “we’ve had sex in the backseat, it’s our car,” and interrupts‘s his date to get him to come over to help find a disappeared pet bunny, a la Annie Hall’s spider-in-the-bathroom scene, eventually trying to coax him to stay with, “I got Wendy’s.  In the obvious spirit of ying-yang buddy comedies, Luis seems overtly ex-con doltish, overplaying the easy parts, leaning brashly into the casual homophobia. It’s not 2005 anymore, as he is constantly reminded — “Tobey Maguire ain’t Spiderman no more” Julio tells him. But has he been in prison, or a coma? Were we still making Viagra jokes and asking “does that make your boyfriend jealous?” in 2005?  
Yes, it is a show about redemption. About tempering recidivism with good cupcake sales —  “people love buying cupcakes from ex-gang members, if girl scouts ever start getting face tattoos we’re fucked,” states Imperioli, in one of his many steely deadpans. And it is about family, however dumb and unfortunate they sometimes might be. So, the standard themes of any harmless Thursday night family sitcom. Of course you can watch it when you want, as one of the best back-and-forth’s, between Luis and his ex-fiance, reminds us:  
“You’re a fucking loser with a weird dick.” “Fuck you, curvy dicks are normal.” “You know Judge Judy will rule in my favor.” “Her show is over, idiot.” “She’s got a new one, idiot.” “What time? I wanna watch.” “It’s streaming so it’s available whenever.”  
Within such ping-pong banter is where This Fool finds its pocket. Like when Imperioli, uber-stoic, over-intense, gets asked about his documentary, “Game Set Hope,” a chronicle of an actual ping-pong tournament on “skid row.” A tag line at the bottom of the poster for the film that hangs in his office declares: “A film you might soon forget, but shouldn’t.” So it feels things might go here. While we seem past the peak of standup’s getting TV spots, this is the type to be lost in a sea of professionally funny shows. Once rhythm is achieved though, This Fool is joyously, even exceptionally hilarious because of what it is really about: who will watch your shitty documentary, even though they think there’s too much flute in the soundtrack; who cares enough to steal you toilet paper from work, even if it is single-ply; who makes you your favorite Tres Leches cake, even though you hate your birthday; who shows up for you, even if a “homegirl” stole their Honda; and it is about being there for your cousin, even when he won’t stop quoting Austin Powers.
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Choosing and Maintaining a Power Outage Generator:
Multifuel (hybrid) Generators are capable of running on Gasoline, Kerosene, LPG/CNG/Bio-Gas fuels. Fossil fuel [only] generators will not be practical when fossil fuel resources become scarce. A generator (3000 watts or more) with AC (Inverter) outlets for critical electrical appliances can help during a power outage, especially during the summer to help keep refrigerators and freezers running for extended periods of time. SOLAR GENERATORS: Diversification is a trait of a true prepper who doesn't rely on a single type of resources. That's why even a hybrid [fuel] generator may not be the only power solution for a prepper. That's when a "Solar Generator" can be used to fill the gap. This type of generator runs appliances using only rechargeable [car size] batteries and an inverter to convert DC power to AC power for appliances. An electric source (usually solar panels) recharges the batteries but it can be recharges from an electrical outlet, wind turbine or water turbine. There are many commercial models on the market but can also be DIY with the correct knowledge. Use this link for further research on Solar Generators. It is recommended that the selected Solar Generator be able to daisy-chain to exterior batteries to extend the duration of the power (not, usually, the power output/wattage). In other words, additional connected batteries will increase how long power lasts (1 hour to 2 hours) but will not increase the wattage of the output (1200 (+/-) watts to 1500 (+/-) watts). Additionally, daisy-chaining exterior batteries will be cheaper than daisy-chaining multiple Solar Generators. Calculate the appropriate sized generator, necessary to run critical AC electrical applicances and medical equipment, by adding together your appliance wattage (amps X volts = watts) requirements. SAMPLE: Refrigerator = 800 watts (6.7 amps X 120 volts) Microwave = 700 watts (5.8 amps X 120 volts) ------------------------- TOTAL = 1500 Watts (a 2000 Watts generator) Additionally, understand that some appliances require a surge of power before they reach their continuous power usage. For example; a refrigerator needs to run on a surge of electric for its compressor before it reaches its designated temperature setting. It may require 800 watts of surge power until it reaches its designated temperature setting and then drop down to about 600 watts. So, for this particular appliance, a 1000 watt generator will power the refrigerator. It's alway best to acquire a generator that produces more power than you think you may need. Keep this in mind if using a power inverter as the same rule applies. The more devices plugged in to the generator, the less time it will run. Know its fuel/battery capacity and how long it will run on a full tank/charge. Keep enough fuel on hand to fill it several times (possibly for as long as a week). Keep in mind that a Solar Generator can be recharged by a fuel generator so both types can be used in an emergency to extend your power capability, and save fuel, during an outage. When the Solar Generator dies, start up the Fuel Generator to run appliances and recharge the Solar Generator. Then switch back to the Solar Generator to save your fuel supplies. Test run the generator at least every 6 months with at least one appliance (refrigerator, portable heater, etc.) attached as a power-outage simulation. Refer to our Post on Generators. Ground the Generator: Quick Guide to Grounding Portable Power Generators When the generator has completed its mission and it's unused until the next mission, turn off the generator's fuel switch, and run it until it dies (runs out of fuel in the line) to remove fuel from the fuel line to reduce the chance of generator fuel line clogging, freezing or damage. Then turn off the power switch. Use Fuel Stabilizer (STA-BIL, etc.) in the fuel storage container (gas can), appropriate to the type of fuel being used, to further reduce the chance of generator fuel line clogging or damage. It's best to use pure fuel (no Ethanol). Change generator oil at least once a year; more if used frequently. Reference Link Related Resources: Solar Powered Gadgets for Emergencies Portable Fuel Generator Noise Reduction Setting Up Off-Grid Cabin Power Coping With Fuel/Gas Shortages
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jasmelon · 5 months
How To Prepare Your Household Or Business For The Solar Installation
As solar power demand increases, more homeowners and businesses take the initiative to switch to solar. Successful prepping of the property guarantees a flawless and hassle-free installation process. Continue reading to learn some tips to prepare your house before your first solar installation.
Evaluating Your Roof
The roof is the most important area for implementing the solar energy system. Hence, it becomes essential to examine its current condition and capability. Check the age, material and integrity of your roof. Asphalt, metal and tile roofs are suitable for solar rooftops. Angles and obstructions can be, sometimes, complicated and require custom mountings.
In addition to that, experts also encourage assessing your roof's direction and slope. South-facing roofs with a pitch angle between 15-40 degrees provide the best exposure to the sun. With advanced technology, we are still able to get considerable savings even with less-than-perfect conditions.
Upgrading Your Electrical System
Your solar energy company will take an evaluation and will suggest some improvements to make room for solar. Take into account your current electrical usage, panel size, and whether you have proper wiring and circuit breakers.
Many older homes may have panels with 100-amp breakers that cannot handle a solar array. Go for an upgrade which is having a 200-amp service. It provides enough room for your system and future needs. Your Solar Leasing Company in Pakistan or UAE can do a survey and help with any required wiring work.
Solar panels produce DC (direct current) electricity which is subsequently converted to AC (alternating current). This conversion powers your house or company. Talk to your installer about inverter variants and placement.
Improving Energy Efficiency
Before you install solar panels on your property, improving the overall efficiency of your property should be your priority. This, thereby, lessens the load on electric power and enables a smaller, more economical solar set-up.
Critical efficiency enhancements include sealing air leaks, upgrading lighting and appliances, improving insulation, and utilization of smart technologies. This further upgrade enables receiving additional rebates and incentives as well.
Clearing Potential Obstructions
Inspect your roof and property for any obstructions that could impact solar panel performance, such as:
● Shades from trees, buildings, or other structures protect us from hot sun rays.
● Smoke chimneys, exhausts, above-the-roof skylights or machinery on the roof.
Exploring Financing Options
Initially buying solar panels can be high, but further options for financing do exist. A solar lease company enables you to start a solar energy system with a low down payment. You would instead pay a monthly fixed rate for the generated electricity.
The outright purchase is another option, where tax credits, rebates, and other incentives balance off the initial expenditure. A majority of solar providers provide funding alternatives, for instance, no-interest loans and leases.
Research every option available and run a long-term savings calculator to be able to pick out the best option.
Before you start working with solar power, you need to pass inspections and receive permits from the local authorities. Your solar panel company should guide you through this process, which often includes. You need good preparation to be able to succeed in your solar project.
Appraisal of your roof condition, increasing efficiency, and investigating financing options is a good starting point. You can make the transition to renewable energy smooth. Contact a trusted solar provider to begin.
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dorleco · 8 months
What is Bidirectional EV charging and How Does It Help Electric Vehicle Owners?
February 5, 2024
 by dorleco
with no comment
 Autonomous Vehicle Technology
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To reduce the risk of wildfires, millions of Californians have been without electricity during power safety shutdowns. The inability to use the electricity in their car batteries to power their houses or other essential loads has irritated a lot of electric vehicle (EV) owners. Even though their EV batteries could store energy, they could only use the electricity to run their car and not benefit from Bidirectional EV charging.
More and more EV users can power important loads from their automobiles or by acquiring a wall box unit. Systems for bidirectional charging have many advantages for both homes and utility corporations. When prospective solar consumers have inquiries, it’s important to comprehend what bidirectional chargers are and how they operate. Without depending on a battery, Bidirectional EV charging is a great way to have emergency power during blackouts.
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Bidirectional EV charging: What Is It?
Bidirectional EV charging, as the name implies, is EV charging that uses two sources of energy: the grid for battery charging and the battery for delivering electricity for other loads when needed. By adopting bidirectional charging, an EV can assist in powering a residence, place of business, the utility grid, another vehicle, or particular loads.
The Nissan Leaf can now charge in both directions, but to use this electricity for domestic purposes, a power supply center needs to be installed in the house. A home’s electrical panel can receive 9.6 kW of power from the Ford 150 Lightning for a few days. A 100-amp circuit and Ford’s Charge Station Pro are needed for this setup. In addition, the Hyundai Ioniq 5 and 6 have 3.6 kW of electrical capacity.
How does it operate?
In contrast to standard unidirectional EV chargers that charge using AC, a bidirectional charger is a sophisticated EV charger that can charge in both directions. While this may seem fairly straightforward, it involves a complex power conversion process from AC (alternating current) to DC (direct current).
Bidirectional EV charging functions similarly to an inverter, transforming AC to DC while charging and the other way around when discharging, in contrast to conventional EV chargers. Nevertheless, only automobiles that are capable of two-way DC charging can be used with bidirectional chargers. Regretfully, only a very limited number of EVs are available at this time that can charge in both directions; the most well-known example is the Nissan Leaf from later models. Since bidirectional chargers use sophisticated power conversion devices to regulate the energy flow to and from the car, they are also significantly more expensive than standard EV chargers due to their increased sophistication.
Bidirectional EV chargers include technology to control loads and separate a residence from the grid during an outage, a process known as an island, in addition to providing power to a dwelling. Bidirectional inverters, which have been utilized for backup power in residential battery storage systems for more than ten years, and bidirectional EV chargers have a very similar core operating concept.
What Is the Process of Bidirectional EV charging?
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While the car is charging, direct current (DC) voltage is created from alternating current (AC) power from the grid. After that, electric vehicle (EV) drivers can use the battery’s energy to power a house or replenish the electrical grid. The electricity must be transformed from DC to AC for this to occur. This is done by a converter in the car or in the charger itself.
One such item is the Wallbox Quasar, a household bidirectional DC charger. It has an app with some energy management functions and a CHAdeMO or CCS Type 1 connector.
When available, V2G capabilities allow EV batteries to be charged using renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. Next, when not in use, the EV uses its batteries to supplement the grid’s power supply, thereby lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
Vehicle To Home (V2H)
Using this method, an electric automobile can use its electrical panel to supply electricity to a house or business; this is particularly useful in the event of a power outage. Additionally, by utilizing their EV battery during periods of high energy demand and charging it during periods of cheaper electricity rates, households that pay time-of-use rates could save money.
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Vehicle To Load (V2L)
A regular power outlet and an integrated DC-to-AC converter are features of vehicles equipped with V2L capability. It allows users to use the battery’s power by plugging in their loads. The Tesla Cybertruck, Hyundai Ioniq, Ford F150 Lightning, Kia EV6, and Rivian R1T are EVs that have these features.
Vehicle To Vehicle (V2V)
Sadly, the range of EVs limits how far they can go between charges. The range of the car is affected by the EV battery’s capacity, the vehicle’s efficiency, and the outside temperature. Because V2V charging allows one EV to supply some power to another, it can help alleviate range anxiety.
While several automakers are working on this functionality, it is currently limited to the Ford F150 Lightning and Lucid Air.
What Advantages Does Bidirectional Charging Offer?
Utility firms as well as EV drivers can benefit greatly from the ability to use the EV battery for other purposes. In reality, EVs may someday play a significant role in the decarbonization of the grid.
Possible Savings on Utility Bills
Should the nearby utility provide time-of-use rates, the cost of power varies throughout the day in response to demand. Energy costs are usually lowest in the middle of the night and greatest on weekday afternoons and early nights during the summer. Therefore, it is more cost-effective to supply power during periods of high demand and to charge during off-peak hours using solar panels or the grid.
Reserve Power for Outages
In the past year or so, there have been a few significant power outages, such as the Texas Power Crisis in 2021 and the public safety power shutdowns in California that left millions of people without power. During a utility outage, a complete home can be powered by EVs equipped with V2H capabilities. How many loads and how long an electric vehicle (EV) can power a home depends on its battery’s capacity and state of charge.
Energy Not Found in the Grid
EVs with V2L capabilities can plug into an outlet and power designated loads. When camping or in a place without utility electricity, this option might be quite helpful. On job sites, for instance, craftsmen can use power tools.
What Drawbacks Do Bidirectional EV Chargers Have?
Bidirectional EV charging has certain drawbacks in addition to its many benefits. Ongoing research can assist in overcoming these obstacles, though.
How EV Batteries Degrade:
Bidirectional EV charging’s frequent cycles of charge and discharge might hasten battery deterioration and shorten the batteries’ total life in electric vehicles.
The Price and Complexity:
Bidirectional EV charging adds complexity and expense to both the electric car and the charging station since it necessitates certain equipment and infrastructure.
Limited Interoperability of Vehicles:
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Grid Stability Concerns:
The electric grid is more unpredictable when vehicles are charging in both directions since they can draw or return electricity at any time. Grid operators may find it difficult to maintain stability and dependability as a result.
Regulatory and Standardization Issues:
The broad adoption of electric vehicles may be slowed down by a lack of established protocols and standards for bidirectional charging, which can impair interoperability across various charging stations.
Energy Dissipations:
There are energy losses during the conversion and transfer of energy between the electric vehicle and the grid. When compared to unidirectional charging, this lowers the overall efficiency of bidirectional charging.
Which Electric Vehicles Can Be Charged Both Ways?
Bidirectional EV charging is a characteristic that only a tiny number of EVs on the US market offer; vehicle-to-grid is the most common. These cars are equipped with two-way charging:
Ford Lightning (models V2G, V2H, and V2V)
Genesis GV60 (V2L)
V2L Hyundai Ioniq 5
V2L Hyundai Ioniq 6
Kia EV6 (V2L)
Kia Niro (V2L)
Air Lucid (V2V)
The V2L Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV
Leaf from Nissan (V2H, V2G)
V2L Tesla Cybertruck
VW ID.4 (V2H)
FAQs Regarding Two-Way Charging
Discover the answers to some of the most frequently asked concerns concerning EV two-way charging by reading on.
What are the advantages for EV drivers of bi-directional charging?
Owners of electric vehicles gain power from bidirectional charging, which transforms their cars into adaptable energy sources. Beyond traditional charging, this technology allows owners to sell excess energy back to the grid, providing potential revenue. Bidirectional EV charging also makes it possible for electric cars to temporarily powerhouses or other EVs during emergencies.
Are bi-directional EV chargers installed in all-electric cars?
No, not every electric car on the road today has a Bidirectional EV charging capability. The design of the car and whether or not it has the required hardware and software for two-way energy transfer determine compatibility.
What problems do EV batteries have with bi-directional charging?
Because bidirectional charging increases the frequency of charge and discharge cycles, it may shorten the overall lifespan of batteries used in electric vehicles by accelerating battery degradation. The longevity of an EV battery will only be significantly impacted by heavy, frequent use, while battery degradation is negligible otherwise.
Can solar batteries be replaced by bi-directional EV chargers?
Although bidirectional charging gives electric cars a way to store extra energy for use at home, solar batteries are still necessary in some situations. The vehicle’s battery is the main component used in bidirectional charging, and it might not have enough capacity for large-scale energy storage. Because they are made to be stationary, solar batteries have greater storage capacity and are therefore more appropriate for storing solar panel energy to provide a steady and dependable power source. Additionally, because it can reduce their mobility, EV drivers might be reluctant to fully drain their batteries during blackouts.
Regarding bidirectional charging, what is true?
Bidirectional EV chargers allow power to flow in two directions, in contrast to standard EV charging systems, which only allow power to flow from a power source to the vehicle’s battery. It makes it possible for electric cars to transmit and receive energy, sharing electricity with other gadgets or even the utility grid.
Two-way Charging Could Revolutionize the Clean Energy Sector
The ability of electric vehicles to transfer excess energy to the grid, other vehicles, or residences could bring about a radical change in how energy is used. The interplay between electric vehicles and the energy ecosystem presents a dynamic and decentralized approach that can enhance grid management efficiency, increase resilience in the event of an outage, and potentially utilize electric vehicles as distributed energy resources, thereby contributing to the development of a more sustainable and adaptable energy landscape.
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mustnotmeanbutbe · 8 months
What Mom was Up To
When Brian was two he was taken to stay at Grandma and Grandpa’s while his parents took a long backpacking trip. His father picked him up alone. His mother had moved out while he was gone. Brian and his dad would visit her every weekend and spend the night though. She lived in a small house in the country with no wires attached to it. Sometimes his dad would do some heavy work and sometimes they’d just play games or go swimming. His mother sometimes worked picking strawberries. This made her tired, but she had learned a lot of Spanish doing that.
“Why do you live here? Why don’t you live at our house?” he asked when he was five.
“You’ll understand when you’re older, little dragon,” she said.
She’d cook them dinner, which was carnitas tacos with mole sauce and Chile Rellenos. She said that she talked about food a lot with the other people who picked strawberries with her. She had a little garden with tomatoes, different kinds of peppers, and avocados. He'd bit a hot pepper once and it felt like fire.
His dad didn't like her picking strawberries. He was afraid she'd hurt her back bending over like that.
"I like to socialize and it's something that's real I can do away from wires,” his mom said. Brian wanted attention. He understood that his parents needed to talk to each other, but he wanted to say something. He looked up at the light, a chandelier with bulbs that were made to look like the kind with wire filaments people used a long time ago.
“How does the light work with no wires and no solar panels?” Brian asked. He knew his mom's refrigerator and stove worked from propane, so he didn't ask about them. Both his parents looked at him.
“There’s a battery in the garage,” his mother said.
“How does it get charged?”
“I’ll tell you when you’re older. It’s actually important,” his mother said.
While they were driving back, Brian asked his dad if his mom had left because they were too messy.
“You’re making me feel guilty. I’ve got so many tubes and electrodoodads, but the last time that I restored an amp was three years ago. I’ve worried that my hoarding would affect you, but that’s not the reason,” his dad said.
When Brian was ten, his friend Joe started to complain about feminists. How they wanted special privileges from being female but didn't respect the dangerous things like being soldiers that men did.
“I bet your mom left because she’s a feminist and didn’t want to do housework and cooking,” Joe said.
Brian didn’t think that was right. He wished his mom would stay and take care of him, but she did like cooking.
During dinner, he asked his dad again why she left.
“It wasn’t that she left. It was me. I didn’t want to follow her. The kind of life she was comfortable with wasn’t one I wanted to live. I like fridges and washing machines and computers and she needs to be away from those things.”
The next day at school there was something called field day where they were supposed to be outside and do exercises. Brian looked over and saw the special ed teacher and teacher’s aide leading their students to the short bus. A fire engine and ambulance drove by. One of the special ed kids started screaming and hit his head on the ground. The teacher picked him up and held him tightly. The aide took a thin fleece blanket out of her backpack and wrapped the boy up like one of Brian’s mom’s soft tacos. After a while, the kid stopped screaming though he still made weird noises.
“What’s a matter with him? Is he gonna be okay?” Brian asked the teacher.
“Yes, he’ll be okay. With some autistic people like Eddy, it’s like their brains are tuned differently. Things that would just bother neurotypical people a little, like those sirens, actually hurt them. He’ll get better in time.”
Something hit Brian from behind. He turned. Joe had thrown a ball at him. Brian picked it up and went after Joe.
When Brian was thirteen and bored he when through the closet that his mother had used when she still lived at home. He found a box with some framed printouts of photos in it. One was of his mother with some guy that was not his father. They were both in bathing suits and stood on a beach. He wondered if he should tell his father. He took the printout out of its frame. There was writing on the back, “Cabo San Lucas 2015.” He relaxed, his parents had gotten married in 2018. It was weird to see his mom with someone else but she was allowed.
“Whatcha doing in there, messing with your mother’s stuff?” his father called.
“I’ll put everything back,” Brian said. He put the printout back in the frame. When he put it back in the box he touched something. By the light of his phone, he saw a miniature blue and green shield with a red lightning bolt across it. Reverently, he replaced it in the box.
“Did you know Mom was seeing an army special forces guy?” he asked his dad over pizza that night.
“Yes, I did.” His father seemed to have difficulty getting the words out.
“Sorry,” Brian said. Did his Mom still see him on the weekdays? Was that why she wanted to live apart from them. If that was so, why did his dad accept that from her?
“He’s dead. I just wish she didn’t have Lasker’s syndrome and could live like a normal person. He should have been more careful, she got it from him. You have it too, vertical transmission. I’m glad you asked, we should have told you sooner. We just wanted you to live like a normal teenager for as long as it was possible.”
“I am normal.”
“It hasn’t kicked in yet.”
“Did he die from it? Does it make technology dangerous for people?”
“No. He died in an accident. Technology doesn’t kill them, it's just stressful. When she was here her head hurt all the time. She didn’t realize why until we took that hike on the Pacific Crest Trail. She felt better than she had in years. That’s why she never came home after that.”
“So one day, I’ll wake up and be like her.”
“Maybe. You could have it better than she does or you could have it worse. Most of them aren’t badly off the way she is or they wouldn’t give it to soldiers.”
“They give it to soldiers? It sounds like a psychological issue.”
“Oh, it’s more than that. The battery in her garage, she charges it by thinking about it.”
“Dad, I went to physics camp. That’s not possible, it violates the first law of thermodynamics.”
“Good, so you know how strange things are. When I heard about Lasker’s syndrome it was like the earth dropped out from under me.”
“You’re not joking?”
“I ain’t.”
Brian did his homework and then drew. Pretty girls with bows and swords. Some had pointy elven ears. He wasn’t that good but he’d gotten a few bucks from members of the D&D club in exchange for character sketches. That wasn’t his thing though, he was more into basketball than that kind of nerdy stuff.
It was bizarre that his mom was fooling his dad like that. He must really love her not see that she absolutely had to be dicking with him. Lasker’s syndrome, his ass, his dad was a cuckold who couldn’t see what was right in front of his eyes. He wished he could blow the whole thing open, pull the bandaid off the skin. However, would that be truly right? His parents had lived like that for eleven years. His dad was being wronged and he wanted justice to be served but it might not be better in the end.
The weekend came. Brian climbed into the car. He had a plan. He’d get his mom alone and make her confess what she was doing. His dad might not have justice, that could come later, but Brian himself would have closure. It would hurt. No doubt his mom would cry and the guilt about causing that would sting like getting acid on a cut, but he had to do it.
They parked in front of his mom’s small house and she came out with cookies. Brian ate two and then suggested that they go down to the seashore together. His mom loved finding different kinds of invertebrates in the tide pools. She’d taken biology in college, a bit of education she was completely wasting. As Brian hoped, his father, who found sea anemones creepy, declined to come.
They passed by a rock. It held two warring colonies of sea anemones with a clear line between them. As the tide was out the anemones had withdrawn their flower-like tentacles inside themselves and looked like flaccid dark green members growing from the rock.
His mother ignored them and ranged over the rocks with a look of intense concentration. She paused at a large, reddish-gray lump and made a small grunt as she lifted it off the pitted rock. The underside with yellow-orange and fleshy. As she held it, it curled, concealing a bit of the orange part
“What’s that?” Brian asked.
“It’s a gumboot chiton. They're mollusks though they don't look it,” his mother said.
"You love that stuff. Do you love my dad too or are you using him so you can live here and see other people when he's not around?" Brian was surprised at how easy the words had been to say. His mom put the chiton down. A muscle in her cheek twitched.
"You don't know what you are talking about, my cub, my egg. Many men wouldn't have wanted to be with me at all. He knows what I became and still loves me. You think you are big enough to be his protector? You don't have your fire yet."
The dragon metaphors insulted him, he was a teenager, not a little boy. He felt like he was pushing against something that wouldn't budge. And then something did. Painful and bright, a light enveloped him. He fell onto the jagged rock.
His mother knelt beside him, her hands over his right arm and leg. There were spots before his eyes.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have provoked you. I could tell you were getting close, but I ignored it because you upset me. That was so wrong," she said.
"What happened?" he asked. He knew he had done something to himself. How? Would it happen again?
"You shocked yourself but you'll be okay. You didn't break anything. Your nerves seem normal, so you probably didn't clot the blood in your veins. We're lucky. That's not the worst it gets. I'll help you stand."
He tried to speak as his mother pulled him upright, but became distracted by the chiton that lay between them uncurling its body and flattening it against the rock. Inside it, he saw, felt, heard, something faint. He rubbed his eyes. That was useless, he wasn’t seeing with his eyes. The same thing was inside his hands and hidden in the crevices of the rocks. It was very weak but fascinating in its rhythms.
“Close your eyes and put your hands in front of them,” she said.
He saw a flash of light through his closed lids as an arc, summoned by his mother from nothing, crackled over the beach. The electricity felt hard and sharp like a knife made of steel. He copied her, enthralled.
“You are my son,” she said. There was nothing he could think of to reply.
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tdgsolar · 10 months
Cost of 120 Watt Solar Panels | 120 Watt Solar Panel Price
120 Watt Solar Panel Price  - Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular as many people look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save on energy costs. If you’re thinking about making the switch to solar, you’re probably wondering what the 120 watt solar panel price is. This article will provide you with all the information you need to know about 120-watt solar panels, including their cost and what you can power with them.
What is the 120-watt solar panels?
120-watt solar panels are solar panels that produce 120 watts of electricity when exposed to sunlight. They are typically used as part of a photovoltaic (PV) system to generate electricity for homes, businesses, or other applications. They are available in a variety of sizes and shapes and can be used for both off-grid and grid-tied systems.
Reasons for Investing in 120 Watt Solar Panels
Increased Energy Efficiency - Installing a 120-watt solar panel system can help to increase the efficiency of your energy production, as the system is designed to absorb more energy from the sun than a standard 60-watt panel.
Cost Savings - Investing in a 120-watt solar panel system can save you money in the long run as you will not have to pay for electricity from the grid.
Environmental Benefits - Solar energy does not produce any harmful emissions or pollutants, making it an environmentally friendly way of producing energy.
Increased Power Output - 120-watt solar panels can generate more electricity than traditional 60-watt panels, allowing you to generate more energy for your home or business.
Long-Term Investment - Investing in a 120-watt solar panel system is an investment that will pay off for years to come, as the system will remain operational for a long time with minimal maintenance.
Cost of 120 Watt Solar Panels | 120 Watt Solar Panel Price
For top performance and high efficiency with an unimaginable feel, you should consider monocrystalline 120-watt solar panels that don’t cost much. For extra versatile and adaptable arrangements that combine style and lighting schemes, think about polycrystalline or thin-film cells.
The cost of 120-watt solar panel can range from around $5000 to $10000. The cost will depend on the type of panel you choose, as well as the wattage rating and size. Monocrystalline solar panels are generally more expensive than polycrystalline or thin-film panels, but they are also more efficient and have a longer life span. 
Where Can You Buy The Best Quality Solar Panels? 
At TDG SOLAR, you can find the best quality and reliable panels that meet the sudden increase in demand for photovoltaic, monocrystalline silicon, or polycrystalline silicon cells, designed to convey reliable strength and prevailing performance. To make it easier to find the perfect panel, you can use multiple channels to narrow your choices. From best match to the number of requests or price, you can track down the best 120 Watt Solar Panels on TDG SOLAR. 
Frequently Asked Questions 
Q - How many volts does a 120-watt solar panel produce? 
Most 120W solar panels have an ostensible rating of 12 volts, although this can draw in 18 volts over the course of a single charge. We can sort amps by separating watts from volts. A 120-watt solar panel at 18 volts produces 6.6 amps per hour under normal conditions. 
Q - Can You Connect the Solar Panel Directly to the Battery?
Yes, you can connect the solar panel directly to the battery. However, it is recommended that you use a solar charge controller in order to make sure the battery is charged efficiently. This will also help to protect the battery from overcharging or any other damage that might be caused by the solar panel. 
Q - Can I connect the solar panel directly to the battery? 
Yes, the solar panel can be directly connected to the battery. However, for an efficient and safe connection, a Solar Charge Controller is an essential need to charge your solar panel battery. 
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eazy-group · 1 year
Off-the-grid in remote locations! Solar Products For Camping!
New Post has been published on https://eazycamping.net/off-the-grid-in-remote-locations-solar-products-for-camping/
Off-the-grid in remote locations! Solar Products For Camping!
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The best camping gear works whenever and wherever you want to camp. Harness the free, clean and never-ending power of the sun to operate these awesome solar gadgets for camping.
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Psst we’re compensated…see our disclosures.
Where Solar Powered Camping Gear Is Needed
Many of our camping trips are temporary escapes from our crazy-paced modern society. They often consist of an off-grid adventure in the great outdoors in remote locations.
You may also be “dry camping” in a campground with no power outlet, or, backpacking in the backcountry.
When RVing, some call it dispersed camping, others call it boondocking. Whatever you call it, it is off-the-grid and you need to bring your own water and power, and that’s where solar equipment for camping comes in to play.
Camping Solar Panel Kits
Converting daytime solar power into nighttime amps! If you need to recharge your batteries including your car, RV or a 12-volt powerpack, a camping solar panel kit will do the trick.
We like kits that are portable, easy to pack and reposition in order to track the sun as it moves throughout the day. 
You’ll Probably Want An Inverter Too
Remember, your RV’s battery system only provides 12-volt DC power (direct current).
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It is perfect for operating the items that are protected by fuses located in your RV’s fuse box, like:
house lights
cigarette lighter outlets
USB ports
cooling fans
water pumps
stereo systems
circuit boards for your propane refrigerator and hot water heater
If you plug anything into an RV 110 wall outlet, it won’t work because those outlets need AC power (alternating current).
If you want to operate AC appliances or electronics, you’ll need to install an inverter to run off of your rig’s batteries.
The inverter will allow you to operate home-comfort items like:
coffee pots
standard electric blankets
personal electronic devices, smartphones, laptops, cameras etc.
You can have an inverter professionally installed or you can do an easy, no-frills, DIY job. See how to install an inverter in an RV.
Even if your system is large enough, short days during winter trips or extended cloudy days may not be sufficient to meet your needs. We carry external pocket battery packs to help fill the gap. But, in some instances, our solar-powered camping gear falls short. During those infrequent events, we power our rig and recharge our batteries with our small generator. Here’s our top picks of the best quiet generators for camping.
Solar Generators
This Goal Zero Yeti 6000X Portable Power Station includes 400 Watt or 600 Watt solar panels.
Portable Solar Phone Charger & Solar Panel Backpacks
We encourage “unplugging” but it’s still a good idea to keep your smartphones fully charged in case you need them.
This Solar Charger Backpack allows you to charge your devices while you hike.
If you are going  to be hanging out at the campsite, this Foldable Solar Panel Charger can be placed on a table and can charge two devices at the same time.
If you need power after the sun goes down, this Solar Charger Power Bank is great because it stores power in its internal battery; that means you can charge it during sunlight hours and the battery stores it until you are ready to use it.
There are so many cool ways to keep your phone charged when you are camping which includes more than just solar options!
Check out these CRAZY COOL gadgets in our How To Charge Your Phone Without Electricity While Camping post!
Lanterns, Flashlights & String Lights
We love gadgets that have multiple uses like this Solar Lantern which can also charge personal electronic devices through a USB port.
We have two of these LuminAID PackLite Hero 2-In-1 Supercharger Portable Solar Phone Charger And Lanterns. We love that they can charge our phones while hanging on our backpacks during hikes. You can get them in 150 or 300 lumens. The built-in snap strap makes them easy to hang on almost anything!
LuminAID PackLite Hero 2-in-1 Supercharger | Portable Solar Phone Charger & Lantern
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  The Inflatable Solar Light is kinda like a mini beach ball, just blow it up, turn it on and it shines bright for hours;  it only weighs 4.4 ounces! We have several of these inflatable solar lanterns because the built-in lithium-ion rechargeable 1000 mAh battery produces a whopping 75 lumens and deflates to a really compact size for storage.
This Solar Powered/Hand Crank Flashlight can be charged by the sun or by cranking for a few minutes; it also has a carabiner clip. It’s nice to have a hand crank option in case you have too many overcast days to fully charge a solar flashlight.
Solar string lights are a great way to gently light your campsite. This MPOWERD Luci Solar String Lights + Charger has a 2000 mAh Lithium-ion battery that can fully recharge via solar with 16 hours of direct sunlight. If you want to quick charge, you can do that in 6-8 hours with USB. 100 lumens stretch across an 18 ft cord and will stay lit for up to 20 hours on a single charge. See our entire list of the best camping stringed lights.
MPOWERD Luci Solar String Lights + Charger
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  Thinking you might want some lighting options that include battery-powered and rechargeable lights in addition to solar lights? You’ll love our Best Camping Lights For Lighting Your Campsite post!
Keeping your campsite well lit is just one way to keep your family safe on your outdoor adventures. Check out our Camping Safety Tips For Families post for more ways to easily protect kids and adults on camping trips!
Solar Powered Portable Radios
Emergency solar powered portable radios are great for AM/FM listening; many of them receive other frequency bands and even have the capability of charging mobile devices. 
The iRonsnow Solar/Hand Crank is an inexpensive lightweight AM/FM/NOAA emergency radio that has the capability of charging from its small solar panel.
The Kaito is a little more sophisticated adding a shortwave band, tiltable solar panel and an LED light that can be used as a flashlight or red flashing emergency signal.
Staying in touch when camping in the wilderness is essential for keeping our family safe. Check out our Camping In National Forests post which includes Rules For Camping In National Forests and more tips!
Cool Solar Gadgets
Your needs for power change a bit if you are camping in an RV or a tent so we’ve included cool solar gadgets for both scenarios.
Solar Shower
A freezing cold shower in the wilderness is not necessary! This is one of the best solar powered camping gadgets so tent campers can take the chill out of their showers.
These camping solar shower bags heat the water surprisingly well, even in indirect sunlight.
The water temperature can actually get too hot if you leave the bags in direct sunlight for long periods of time (trust me on this, I’m speaking from experience … ouch!).
The size of your camping group and the length of their showers will determine the capacity you need for your camping solar shower.
They come in 5-Gallon and 10-Gallon sizes. Some styles come with a temperature gauge right on the bag which is very helpful so you don’t scald yourself.
Solar Powered Ovens
Let’s eat! Using a solar oven is an easy way to avoid the need for charcoal or propane to cook your food while dispersed camping.
There are lots of locations to do wilderness remote camping.  
When asked where we like to go, our answer: Camping In National Forests! 
We have more tips in our How To Camp When Camping Fire Restrictions Are Activated post if you are dispersed camping in super dry conditions.
You’ll also find more boondocking tips in our Boondocking: How And Where To Go Dispersed Camping post.
FREE Printable Trip Planner
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robert-sangi · 1 year
Top 3 Benefits of Using a Solar Generator for your RV Adventures
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When it comes to RV adventures, having a reliable source of power is crucial. One of the best ways to power your RV is through a solar generator. Not only is it environmentally friendly, it is also reliable and cost-effective. In this article, we will explore the top 3 benefits of using a solar generator for your RV adventures.
1. Independence from the Grid
With a traditional RV power system, you are limited to the power that is available from an electrical outlet or generator. This means that you may be stuck in one location if you run out of power. A solar generator, on the other hand, allows you to be completely independent from the grid. With the power of the sun, you can recharge your batteries anywhere you go, giving you the freedom to travel and explore without limits.
According to a study conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, a 100-watt solar panel can produce up to 30-40 amp hours of electricity per day. This is enough to power a TV, lights, and other small appliances, making it perfect for RV adventures.
2. Cost-Effective
Using a solar generator for your RV adventures can save you money in the long run. Traditional power sources, such as gas generators or plugging in to an electrical outlet, can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year. A solar generator, on the other hand, requires little to no maintenance and has no fuel costs. Once you have made the initial investment, you can enjoy free power for years to come.
In addition to cost savings, using a solar generator is also environmentally friendly. According to the Solar Energy Industries Association, a 10-kilowatt solar panel system can reduce carbon emissions by up to 15,000 pounds per year. By using a solar generator for your RV adventures, you are doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint.
3. Reliability
Unlike traditional power sources, a solar generator is very reliable. It does not rely on fuel or moving parts, which means there is little to no maintenance required. Additionally, a solar generator does not emit harmful fumes or make noise, making it perfect for use in any environment.
In case of emergencies or power outages, a solar generator can also be a life-saver. It can provide clean and reliable power to keep your essentials running, such as lights, phone chargers, and even medical equipment.
A solar generator is a great investment for your RV adventures. Not only is it environmentally friendly and cost-effective, it also provides reliable power anywhere you go. By using a solar generator, you can enjoy the true freedom and joy of RV living.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2012). RV Solar Electric Systems. Retrieved from https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy12osti/54259.pdf
Solar Energy Industries Association. (n.d.). How Much Do Solar Panels Save the Environment? Retrieved from https://www.seia.org/initiatives/how-much-do-solar-panels-save-environment
Written by None. In this article, we'll explore the many facets of it, including its history, current state, and potential future rv solar generator.
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avalonrv325 · 1 year
How to Size Your RV Solar System: A Step-by-step Guide for Calculating Your Energy Needs
Embarking on a journey of installing solar panels on your RV starts with a fundamental comprehension of RV solar systems. This entails a combination of solar panels, a battery bank & charge controller.  Oftentimes it also includes an inverter. These systems convert sunlight into electricity, store it, and convert it to a usable form for your RV's needs. The benefits are amazing, from cost savings to environmental conservation. Here are some points in detail:
The Importance of Sizing Your Solar System Correctly
Efficient sizing of your solar system is the key to energy sufficiency in your RV. It's a meticulous balancing act between cost-effectiveness and meeting your energy demands. Undersizing might lead to frequent power shortages, while oversizing could result in unwarranted upfront costs. Thus, understanding your energy needs is the first critical step in the process.
Calculating Your Daily Energy Consumption
Quantifying your daily energy consumption involves listing all your RV appliances and devices, and their individual power ratings (in watts). Next, estimate the number of hours each appliance is in use daily. By multiplying the power rating by the usage hours, you'll get the daily energy consumption in watt-hours (Wh). Sum up the energy consumption for all appliances to get the total daily energy consumption.  Divide this number by 12 & you now have the number of Amp Hours needed for a 24 hour period.  EXAMPLE:  936Wh / 12 = 78Amp Hours (Ah). 
Understanding Solar Panels and Their Power Output
Solar panels come in varying power outputs, typically expressed in watts. A solar panel's output is subject to several factors, including sunlight intensity and panel efficiency. Monocrystalline panels, for instance, boast higher efficiency than their polycrystalline counterparts. Therefore, by understanding the power output of different panels, you can make an informed choice when installing solar panels on your RV.
RV Solar Installers in the San Francisco Bay Area
Are you based in the SF Bay Area or nearby?  There are a few RV solar installers in the area who can help.  These shops can help with installation, maintenance, and offer advice tailored to your unique energy needs. They can help with installation and transition to solar energy.
How Many Solar Panels Do You Need?
Now that you've determined your daily energy consumption and you understand solar panel output, it's time to calculate how many panels you need.  Taking the 78Ah example you will want to add a little more power so there is some room for extra power.  100Ah gives a good cushion with a little bit more.  For this example one 100Ah Lithium battery could work.  For a Flooded Lead Acid (FLA) or Sealed Lead Acid (AGM) you will need twice the Amp Hours (Ah) stated.  EXAMPLE: 105Ah AGM x 2 = 210Ah.  Only 50% of FLA & AGM batteries should be used in order to get the most time & power out of them.   For our example 50% is 105Ah.
To determine how much solar is needed:  Lithium Ah x 2 =  Solar Wattage Needed.  AGM or FLA Total Ah x 1.5 = Solar Wattage Needed.  Cable, Fuse & Controller Size are very important for the system to perform optimally.
Considering Additional Equipment for Your RV Solar System
Aside from the solar panels, your RV solar system may need other crucial components. An inverter, for instance, converts the stored 12vDC power into 120vAC power usable by your RV 120vAC appliances such as the Microwave & wall outlets. A charge controller regulates the voltage and current coming from the solar panels going to the battery. And, of course, batteries store the converted solar energy. These components are vital for the efficient functioning of your RV solar system.
Maintaining Your RV Solar System for Optimum Efficiency
Finally, maintaining your solar system ensures peak efficiency and longevity. This includes regular cleaning of the panels, checking the FLA battery water level, and ensuring the system's wiring is in good condition. Regular maintenance checks by a reputable RV solar installer can also help keep your system running optimally.
Factoring in the Sunlight Availability
While calculating your solar needs, it's imperative to consider the amount of sunlight your panels will receive. This is largely dependent on your geographical location and the time of year. For instance, you'll get more sunlight hours in summer than in winter. Likewise, if you're a habitual traveler, consider the average sunlight hours of your typical destinations. This information will help you calculate how much energy your panels can generate per day, and if necessary, adjust the number of panels needed.
Managing Energy Consumption in Your RV
While it's essential to size your solar system correctly, it's equally important to manage your energy consumption wisely. You can do this by replacing high-consumption appliances with energy-efficient alternatives or using appliances during peak sunlight hours. Additionally, monitoring your energy usage can help identify areas where you can save energy.  This can be done using a Shunt Based Battery Monitor.  It can keep track of power being used, how full the batteries are, when power will run out & alert you when the battery bank is getting low.
Legal and Safety Considerations When Installing Solar Panels on Your RV
Before you commence the process of installing solar panels on your RV, it's crucial to understand the legal and safety implications. Some states have specific regulations about the installation and use of solar energy. Also, proper installation is necessary to prevent electrical hazards. This is where an RV Solar Expert Installer can be incredibly valuable, ensuring your installation meets all safety and legal standards.
Conclusion: The Benefits of a Well-Sized RV Solar System
A well-sized solar system for your RV means energy independence, cost savings, and a reduced carbon footprint. With the knowledge you've gained in this guide, you're now ready to embark on the journey of harnessing the sun's power for your RV. Enjoy the adventure!
By following this step-by-step guide, you'll not only be able to size and install your RV Solar system correctly, but you'll also be able to enjoy the countless benefits that come with it. From cost savings to being environmentally friendly, the advantages of harnessing solar energy are endless. Safe travels and enjoy the power of the sun!
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william-maxfield · 1 year
How to Choose the Best Battery Power Station for Your Home or Outdoor Adventures
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When it comes to portable power, a battery power station is the ultimate solution. Whether you're camping, going on a road trip, or just need backup power for your home, a battery power station provides the convenience and reliability you need. However, with so many options available, choosing the right one can be challenging. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of selecting the best battery power station for your needs.
Understanding Your Power Needs
The first step in choosing a battery power station is to understand your power needs. You'll need to calculate how much power you need to run the devices you plan to use with the power station. To do this, you'll need to know the wattage of each device and the duration of use.
Calculating Wattage
Most devices have a label that indicates the wattage they consume. If your device doesn't have a label, you can usually find the wattage information in the manual or on the manufacturer's website. To calculate the total wattage of all the devices you plan to use with the power station, add up the wattage of each device.
Determining Duration of Use
After you've determined the total wattage of your devices, you'll need to figure out how long you plan to use them. For example, if you plan to use a device that consumes 50 watts for 4 hours, that's 200 watt-hours of power.
Choosing the Right Capacity
Once you know how much power you need, you'll need to select a battery power station with the appropriate capacity. Capacity is usually measured in watt-hours (Wh) or amp-hours (Ah). The higher the capacity, the more power the battery power station can provide.
Consider Your Environment
When choosing a battery power station, it's important to consider the environment in which you'll be using it. If you're going on a camping trip or hiking excursion, you'll want a power station that is lightweight and compact. On the other hand, if you're looking for backup power for your home, you'll want a larger, more powerful unit.
Look for Features
Most battery power stations come with a variety of features. These may include USB ports, AC outlets, LCD displays, and built-in solar panels. Consider the features you'll need to power your devices and select a unit that meets your requirements.
Choosing the Right Brand
When it comes to battery power stations, there are many brands to choose from. To ensure you're getting a reliable and high-quality product, it's important to choose a reputable brand. Look for brands that have a proven track record of providing reliable and long-lasting battery power stations. Additionally, check customer reviews and ratings to get an idea of how well the product has performed for others.
Don't Overpay
While quality is important, you don't want to overpay for a battery power station. Before making a purchase, compare prices and features of different brands to ensure you're getting the best value for your money.
Choosing the right battery power station can be a daunting task, but with a little research, you can select the best one for your needs. Remember to consider your power needs, choose the appropriate capacity, and select a reputable brand. With the right battery power station, you'll have the power you need for your next adventure or backup power outage.
Source: None
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casey-riley · 1 year
Easy Access to Electricity: Comparing the Top-Rated Portable Battery Packs on the Market Today
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As the world becomes increasingly digital and mobile, access to electricity has become more essential than ever. From camping trips to technology-dependent jobs, there are countless situations where having a reliable power source is a must. Fortunately, portable battery packs have made it easier than ever to stay connected on the go. Among the top-rated brands on the market today is None, which offers innovative and versatile products for a variety of needs.
The Basics of Portable Power Stations
Portable power stations, also known as battery packs, power banks, or portable chargers, are devices that store electrical energy for later use. These typically come in a compact and portable form, making them ideal for travel and outdoor activities where access to an electrical outlet may be limited.
Choosing the Right Portable Power Station for You
When it comes to selecting a portable power station, the options can seem overwhelming. To make the decision easier, it is important to consider your specific needs. Here are some key factors to consider:
The capacity of a portable power station refers to how much electrical energy it can store and how long it can provide power. This is typically measured in watt-hours (Wh) or amp-hours (Ah). The higher the capacity, the more energy it can store and the longer it can provide power. Keep in mind that larger capacity generally means larger and heavier products.
Portability is a crucial factor for those who plan to use the portable power station for outdoor activities. Consider the weight and size of the product and if it is easy to carry and transport. Some products also come with built-in handles or wheels to make transportation more convenient.
Make sure that the portable power station is compatible with your devices and appliances. Check the charging ports and voltage compatibility to see if it can charge your phone, tablet, laptop, camera, or other electronics and appliances.
Additional Features
Some portable power stations come with additional features, such as built-in lights, solar panel compatibility, or wireless charging. These can be helpful for those who plan to use the product in different scenarios.
Top-Rated Portable Power Stations: None
When it comes to choosing a portable power station, the None brand offers some of the best products on the market. Their products are known for their high-quality materials, innovative design, and versatile features.
None Portable Power Station 1000
The None Portable Power Station 1000 is a great option for those who need a powerful and efficient source of energy. It has a capacity of 1000Wh and can provide power for up to 7 hours for a laptop or 14 hours for a mini-fridge. It is also equipped with multiple charging ports, including USB-C, USB-A, DC, and AC outlets, making it compatible with many devices and appliances.
None Portable Power Station 500
For those who need a more compact and lightweight product, the None Portable Power Station 500 is a great choice. It has a capacity of 500Wh and can provide power for up to 3 hours for a laptop or 7 hours for a mini-fridge. It also has multiple charging ports, including USB-C, USB-A, DC, and AC outlets.
None Portable Power Station Solar Panel
The None Portable Power Station Solar Panel is a great addition to any None portable power station. It is equipped with high-efficiency solar panels that can provide up to 100W of power. It is also lightweight and easy to transport, making it great for outdoor activities such as camping and hiking.
Having a reliable source of energy on the go is essential for many people. Portable power stations offer a convenient and efficient way to stay connected, even in remote or outdoor locations. None offers some of the best portable power stations on the market, with innovative design, high-quality materials, and versatile features. When considering a portable power station, be sure to consider your specific needs and choose a product that meets those needs.
Sources: Nomad Power Bank, Goal Zero
Article Written by None
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watchco · 1 year
Why a Lithium RV House Battery is Worth the Investment
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Are you tired of constantly worrying about your RV battery dying in the middle of a trip? Or you're looking for a more efficient and reliable way to power up your RV appliances without relying too much on traditional sources such as generators or shore power. If so, then it's time to invest in a lithium RV house battery! With its advanced technology and long-lasting performance, this type of battery is becoming increasingly popular among avid travelers and outdoor enthusiasts. In this article, we'll explore what makes a lithium RV house battery stand out from other types of batteries and why it's worth investing in one for your next adventure on the road.
What is a lithium RV house battery?
A lithium RV house battery is a deep-cycle battery explicitly designed for recreational vehicles. Unlike traditional lead-acid batteries, which use heavy and bulky plates to store energy, lithium batteries utilize lightweight, compact cells that can hold more power in less space. 
These batteries are also known for their high energy density, meaning they can store more energy per unit of weight or volume than other types of batteries. This translates into a longer run time and fewer recharges needed during travel. 
In addition to their efficiency,deep cycle rv battery house batteries are also known for their durability. They have a longer lifespan compared to lead-acid batteries and require minimal maintenance over the years. Plus, they're safer since they don't emit toxic gases during charging or discharge as lead-acid batteries do. 
With all these benefits in mind, it's no surprise that many RV enthusiasts invest in a reliable lithium RV house battery as part of their camping gear. It's an investment that enhances your travel experience and saves you money in the long run by reducing the need for frequent replacements or repairs.
How do lithium-ion RV house batteries work?
Lithium-ion RV house batteries utilize lithium-ion chemistry to store and release electrical energy. Unlike traditional lead-acid batteries, which rely on a chemical reaction between lead plates and sulfuric acid to create an electrical charge, lithium-ion batteries use a combination of graphite, cobalt oxide, and lithium ions. 
The positively charged lithium ions move from the cathode to the anode through an electrolyte solution when the battery is charged. This process reverses when power is needed for your RV appliances or devices as the lithium ions flow back to the cathode while releasing electrons that create electricity. 
One benefit of using a lithium-ion battery in your RV is its ability to maintain a consistent voltage level throughout discharge compared with traditional lead-acid batteries. This means you can use more of its total capacity without risking damage or reducing its lifespan. Additionally, since they are lighter and smaller than most deep-cycle lead-acid options but offer equal or greater storage capacity, 
Understanding how these advanced systems function will guide you through picking out suitable products based on technical specifications such as amp hours (Ah), voltage rating (V), charging current rate (C), etc.
The benefits of investing in a lithium RV house battery
Investing in a lithium RV house battery can bring numerous benefits for your travels. Firstly, these batteries are lighter and more compact than traditional lead-acid batteries, freeing up space inside your RV. Additionally, they have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance, saving you money in the long run. 
The lithium batteries for rv also offer faster charging times and higher energy efficiency than their counterparts. With quick recharging capabilities, you can power up your battery quickly and efficiently with solar panels or generators while on the road. 
Another advantage of investing in a lithium RV house battery is that they provide consistent power output throughout its charge cycle. There's no need to worry about voltage drops or fluctuations during peak usage times, like when running air conditioning or other high-powered devices. 
Not only are these batteries better for the environment due to their lower carbon footprint, but they also provide peace of mind knowing you won't have to monitor them while traveling constantly. Investing in a lithium RV house battery provides numerous advantages, making it an excellent choice for any avid traveler looking for reliable and efficient power sources!
How to choose the correct lithium RV house battery
Choosing the correct lithium RV house battery can take a lot of work, but it's essential to ensure you get the most out of your money. The first thing you need to consider is the capacity of the battery. Choose a lithium RV house battery with enough power to run all your appliances and electronics without running out of juice quickly. 
Next, consider its voltage output. Choose a 12V or 24V lithium RV house battery, depending on your needs. Higher voltages will require fewer batteries and be more efficient in energy consumption. 
Another factor to keep in mind is weight and size since these can impact your rig's performance and handling. A lighter and smaller lithium RV house battery means less load on your vehicle's suspension system. 
You should also pay attention to the brand's reputation and customer reviews from other users who have purchased similar products. This feedback can give you insight into how reliable a particular model is. 
Consider additional features like built-in protection against overcharging or short-circuiting, protecting your devices and vehicle from potential damage caused by faulty charging systems.
How to install a lithium RV house battery
Installing a lithium RV house battery may seem daunting, but it can be done quickly with the right tools and instructions. The first step is to choose the right location for your battery. It should be in a well-ventilated area and protected from extreme temperatures. 
Next, you'll need to gather all the necessary tools, such as wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers, and cable cutters. Make sure to read through the installation manual carefully before starting. 
Once you have everything ready, disconnect all power sources from your RV and remove any old batteries or wiring no longer needed. Then connect the positive lead of your new lithium RV house battery to the positive terminal on your RV's electrical system, then connect the negative leads. 
Afterward, check for any loose connections or wires that might cause safety problems in future usage of an electricity source in case there was an unexpected unconnected wire left over during the installation process that could make contact with metal edges inside RV walls or floors so double-check everything thoroughly! 
Finally, fasten down any brackets holding up this new addition to your vehicle's undercarriage using the bolts included in the kit installation package!
To improve your rv battery experience, you should buy a lithium RV house battery. These batteries offer incredible performance and durability compared to traditional lead-acid batteries and provide safer operation, a longer lifespan, and are more eco-friendly. 
When choosing the correct lithium RV house battery for your needs, consider factors such as capacity, voltage compatibility with other components of your RV system, brand reputation, and warranty. Once you have selected the perfect battery for your rig, remember that proper installation using quality materials and following manufacturer instructions can make all the difference in its longevity. 
With a top-quality lithium RV house battery installed on board and solar panels or generators specifically designed for use within an RV setting, you can enjoy long-lasting power wherever life takes you! So why wait? Upgrade today and start enjoying all the benefits of having the best possible power source at your fingertips when exploring this beautiful planet!
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zhcsolar · 2 years
How Many Watts Can a 30 Amp Solar Controller Handle?
The amount of solar power you get from solar power depends on many factors, including the type of solar panel system you have, the weather conditions in your area, and how much energy your solar panel system is producing and converting. Fortunately, solar charge controllers play an important role in ensuring that your battery can store energy and deliver it when needed. These devices regulate…
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scrumptioussonglove · 2 years
Double Tapped Circuit Breakers - The Way To Correct
If wholly idea what service lugs are, after that you shouldn't be doing anything within your electrical panel aside from resetting tripped circuit breakers. If you are aware that the big screw terminals securing there isn't a cables are classified as service lugs, then it's also advisable to be conscious of they are always energized even though the main breakers are shut offline. Naturally, these large cables should be prevented at all times.
With other major electrical panels tripped breakers will either be all method in the off position (which is easy to distinguish and standard wouldn't be reading this document now) far more commonly, within a "tripped position" neither on or off, but floating in the center. It's this position that gives must homeowners a problem because the breaker looks as if it's on. Here's how you test for this: Simply go top to bottom your panel trying to push each breaker your market "on" opportunity. There should be practically no play and since the breaker has already been on. As soon as you come of the emp.lk tripped breaker there will be a involving excess consideration. Now you're ready for your next appropriate slot.
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Are electricians lazy? Well, to be honest, is actually why very dubious. There are building codes and electrical codes and laws of physics which electricians will need to adhere. But, none of those codes points to the wiring or rewiring job is not finished up until switch box is properly and accurately labeled. Or, do these items?
If you're going to be employing a 15 amp GFI an individual also are for you to be less than 80 feet away from the electrical panel however use 14 gauge electrical wires. Again this possibly be a general rule of thumb device electrical house wiring.
When you hear an country homestead living there's lots of grid, it usually means they've got solar panels charging a giant bank of batteries that store the DC power until needed - like at evening hours for headlights. It probable also means that they heat their apartment with a wood burning stove. Electrical panels in many cases do not produce enough power to a central heat.
Depending inside the size from the roof along with the panels you want to invest in, maintaining these alternative sources of electricity is just as easy as possible. Solar panels relatively need no pesky and sophisticated maintenance at all. It's just another extension for your house. There are even some models arrive as plug-n-play. This literally just means what it says - get your, place it on your roof, then plug it. You're then good to go, getting prime power from the sun straight incorrect.
Hope your a little more knowledgeable about solar arrays, solar panels, and inverters and I hope you will get the chance to have your very own solar array someday. Appreciate your stopping by Detect Energy, come back soon, having said that i won't leave the lights on for you.
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solarsafariau · 2 years
Choosing a Company to Install 12v Solar Panels
There are many factors to consider when choosing a company to install 12v Solar Panels. These include the cost, quality, and experience of the solar panel installation company. You should also consider the size of the solar panels before you make a decision. Here are some tips to help you choose the best 12v solar panels installation company in Sydney:
Cost of Solar Power Systems In Sydney
Cost of 12v solar power systems in Sydney varies depending on the type of solar panels used and the solar inverter. A quality system will cost at least $5,000. In order to lower the price, consider purchasing a Chinese-made solar panel. However, it is still best to do your research to ensure that you are getting a good quality system.
To reduce the cost of your solar system, you should opt for a high-efficiency model. A good-quality system with eight kW of capacity can save you as much as $3400 per year. For this price range, you will get high-quality panels, inverter, and standard installation.
Size of Solar Panels
There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing the size of a 12V solar panel. For one thing, you do not want to buy a small solar panel that is too large. In general, the size of a solar panel should be around 1.7m x 1m. It should also be able to generate at least six kilowatts (kW) of electricity on a sunny day.
You need to take into consideration the power rating of the appliances you want to power. For example, a 120W panel can generate up to 7.5A on a sunny day and a maximum of six Amps at night. However, you will only benefit from this panel's efficiency for about one-third of the day, which means that it will have to run at 2.75A all day long.
Choosing a Solar Panel Company in Sydney
Choosing a solar panel company in Sydney can be a tricky proposition. You may not know who to trust, or have had issues with a previous installer. Fortunately, the popularity of solar panels for homes is growing, and more people are realising how beneficial they can be.
When choosing a solar panel company, it's important to choose one that offers the best quality and service. Reputable solar companies will work with you to match the right equipment and energy requirements to your home. You should avoid shady companies that might mislead you into purchasing a system that doesn't work well for your home.
Finding a Solar Panel Installer in Sydney
When choosing a solar panel installer, make sure they are accredited. This means that they have a high level of training and expertise, and that they have insurance against accidents and damages. You may also be able to obtain a discount if you choose an accredited installer. The installer you choose should also have a good reputation, and at least a few years of experience in the solar industry. Read real customer reviews and ask for independent verification to ensure that the company will meet your expectations.
The power output of a solar panel system depends on several factors, including the angle of the roof, the slope of the rooftop, the shade of trees and the direction the panels face. A standard 6.6KW system is capable of producing up to 30kWh of electricity a day, which is usually enough to meet the electricity needs of a typical home. Ideally, a solar panel system should be installed on a north-facing roof, as this area receives the highest amounts of sunlight.
Solar Safari are Sydney based Clean Energy Council Approved Solar Retailer, focused on tailoring solutions to meet your residential or commercial requirements. Our team of dedicated and experienced professionals have in-depth knowledge about Sydney’s Solar conditions and will design a system to suit your specific needs.
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