#how to pass proctored quiz and exam
brianthetutor · 2 months
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attorney-anon · 5 months
Hey, I’m a law student and I’m also autistic and ADHD and I was wondering if you have any tips for working in law as a neurodivergent person? I love my course and I can’t wait to work but the 85% unemployment statistic really scares me.
This is a long answer, so I'm going to cut it for the sake of mobile users. I do link some products below; I'm not getting paid, and I'm only linking them because they honestly work for me. Also, as a caveat, a lot of this advice assumes that you're American and/or working in-person at a private law firm; unfortunately, that's my only experience other than a month doing part-time intake for my regional legal aid service.
The biggest hurdle you will meet is the bar exam*: you need a study buddy who does not have ADHD and can help keep you on track. Don't study separately then meet up; do things like watching lecture videos together and keeping pace with one another in person. I'm not ADHD myself, but my best friend and forever study partner is, and she struggled to self-start.
Buy a bar prep course. This is not the time to be a scrooge; don't buy Kaplan just because it's cheaper (it also sucks). Barbri and Themis are both good - of these, use whichever you can get for cheapest or, if the costs are comparable, use Barbri if structure gives you comfort and use Themis if you need some control over the order in which you do things. Also use Themis if humor engages you; the Property and Contracts lecturers are hilarious. Stick to your bar prep program, but be gentle with yourself if you fall behind pace - realistically, you need to get through all the topics at least once, but you don't have to do every practice MPT, every practice essay, and every practice MBE quiz. Use the same study techniques that got you through law school. IMO, useful supplemental tools include the Critical Pass flashcards (get them used if possible, or get a referral code from somebody) and the Finz Multistate Method guide. Do your best to treat the bar exam as a game - because it is one.
There's a strategy for every section, and you should practice these strategies. For the MBE, use the Finz method - it works. For the MEE, or any other essay exam, use IRAC - and make up the R if you need to. The UBE, and most state bar exams, are graded such that you do get more points for knowing the rule, but you can still get points if you make up a reasonable-sounding rule and then apply it correctly. For the MPT, just throw in as many case and rule cites as possible. Try to cite every document you're given.
Join a bar prep FB group if you use FB; I was in Themis Memes for Should-Be-Studying Teens, but I know there's a Barbri group too. I found that being able to laugh at my bar prep course made it less miserable to do it. Don't be afraid to turn the videos on 2x or 0.5x speed - or faster or slower as needed. Some of the Themis lecturers talk to slowly that we went up to 3x; one of them talks so fast I had to slow him down.
Practice for the test in as many different environments as you can. I took the 2020 Pandemic Bar, so my bar was different than standard (I took it in a hotel room with my back to the door and proctors patrolling the hallways, it was mildly traumatizing fun), but I highly recommend getting used to noise while you're taking the test. Your ADHD/Autism hyperfocus will help here - make the bar exam your hyperfixation to the extent possible.
Once you pass the bar exam, your next hurdle will be the job search. You are going to have to mask for interviews, there's just no getting around it, but how much you mask will depend on your area of law. Big Law firms and intense, litigation-focused practice areas (e.g., business lit or criminal law) will expect you to be gregarious, friendly, and charming from the get-go; less litigation-focused practice areas (e.g., probate or family law) will often have more tolerance for quieter, less aggressive types.
Do not panic if you wind up at a less-than-favorable firm on your first or even your second job; a lateral shift between firms won't kill your resume as long as you can give a tactful reason you left (e.g., "I found that I prefer to focus on X instead of Y," or "I found that I had more opportunities to explore X at Y firm, and I am interested in focusing on X"). It is not normal to cry every day after work. It is not normal to routinely have panic attacks in the bathroom.
Once you have a job, billing is going to be difficult unless you gamify it. I use the Finch self-care app, so I have a task at the end of every week to make sure I have billed my time. My friend rewards herself for every day she bills by buying herself a new pen. Some people thrive off of timers (MyCase and Clio are popular case management software programs; both have timers built-in), but if nothing else, simply note when you start tasks and when you finish them by sending e-mails to yourself (or others, if relevant) at the end of every task. If your case management software can integrate with your e-mail (MyCase can integrate with Outlook, for instance), then use that to tag outgoing e-mails so you can be sure each one gets billed.
Outside of Big Law or intense practice areas, very few people bill 8 hours per day - a lot of the work you do will be non-billable, but also you will suffer from exhaustion or burnout if you try to bill 8 hours per day (my minimum is 20 hours per week, which is just 4 hours a day). You also will usually have some discretion in billing - use that to make yourself feel better if inattention issues make something take longer than you feel is fair. As for billing enough, if you find that you are most productive outside of work hours, find a firm that will let you access client files offsite - work at home if they'll let you.
I do a lot of my best billing either in the mornings right when I get to work or at 10:00 at night. That's okay so long as you take breaks during the workday (I watch a lot of TikTok during my breaks, but I also fiddle with various online games and such); you'll need mental rest to reset between cases. If you struggle with task-switching, use a break to help reset your focus. I strongly recommend setting an alarm for yourself during breaks so that time blindness doesn't derail you. Make your alarm kind of annoying; something you won't just mindlessly ignore.
Let yourself hyperfocus on things; all of that time you spend researching and drafting and correcting and perfecting that motion or brief is billable, and it's also good practice of law - your client and your partner will appreciate your thoroughness, and the judge will almost never hate it (some judges prefer brevity, but I've never had a judge upset at me for wordiness).
I also recommend getting apps that can automate things for you; I use Espanso to make my life easier by having easy-to-type shortcuts for common phrases and information (e.g., the current date, my bar card number, my work e-mail address, etc.). You can customize these things to make sense to your own brain - your process doesn't have to work for anyone but you. Similarly, I use macros in Word to make drafting go faster by letting buttons do all my formatting for me.
Excel sheets make excellent task lists because you can split them up by case, and set them up to highlight things (e.g., today's date) automatically. Most firms will have some kind of "docket meeting" where everyone goes over the status on each case - some people prefer handwritten notes (my best friend does), some people prefer digital notes (I have an excel workbook I use). Find a method that reduces distractions but lets you keep up with the flow of conversation.
On the topic of technology, if your firm provides a computer for you, or if your firm will provide accessories to supplement your own computer, push to have multiple monitors - I use my own laptop, but my boss provides monitors and I have two plus my laptop screen. It is WAY easier to keep up with billing if you can keep your time entry software open and visible on one of your screens.
You will be spending a lot of time in your office; make it comfortable. Once you are making enough to get by, invest in a good office chair (that you own, so you can take it with you if you leave the firm) and some basic office supplies that you like, such as a post-it note dispenser (mine is a cat!). My office chair is designed to let me sit cross-legged - I highly recommend having an office chair that matches your most comfortable sitting style. Having some things that are yours will make any future moves less awkward. I also strongly, strongly recommend getting some simple and quietish fidget toys - I have several spinners, wacky tracks, tangles, and clicky fidgets in one of my desk drawers, amongst others, to help me self-stim, as well as a sensory sticker on my desk pad (on the linked set, I have the rough version of the bottom middle sticker, the rainbow finger labyrinth one).
For me, I find that actual litigation requires scripting. Whether it's an oral argument or just a temporary orders hearing, I typically have every word I intend to say written down as much as I can (re-direct examination or re-cross examination can't be scripted before the day of, but I usually at least scrawl a summary of the question I need to ask as I'm taking notes). I don't necessarily read from it, and sometimes I veer off-script, but there is a specific comfort in having the words scripted out. On the few occasions I have ad-libbed things, I find that I come off less authoritative and confident, which gives the judge the impression that I am guessing. I also find comfort in having a copy of the code I need (which is always the Texas Family Code for me) on-hand at the counsel table. You are allowed to tell the judge you'd like to consult the statute when the judge asks you a question.
I also find that, for courtroom litigation, it's worthwhile to make sure your court clothes are comfortable. Courtrooms in my area are universally a little too warm, so I have a linen blazer that breathes and a variety of shell tops that don't have sleeves. I also have bad ankles, so I wear exclusively flats despite the fact that I am less than 5 feet tall. For me, heat sensitivity is a part of my sensory issues so I am all about setting myself up for success. It's also worthwhile to bring extra water bottles; at my firm (we are almost all ND in some regard), the standard is 2 per attorney and 1 for each support staff, then 1 for the client.
For out-of-court days, even "business" can be comfortable if you're a creative shopper. My last firm required business attire, though not necessarily courtroom attire. I wore a lot of dresses to stay cool, and a solid-color dress in a modest cut paired with a black blazer (which you can remove when you're just working in your office) almost always makes the cut. For those who don't like or can't wear dresses, comfortable slacks and a modest blouse or dress shirt, paired with a blazer, also works. My current firm only requires business casual for client meetings, courtroom attire for court, and otherwise as long as we cover our shoulders and don't wear shorts, we're good to go. I use a cardigan to cover my shoulders when I'm outside my office, as most of my blouses are sleeveless. It's worthwhile to invest in a good office sweater anyway; I like a thin t-shirt material cardigan for me, but my officemate uses a pullover knit sweater. Do what's comfortable.
Office meetings, or even court hearings, can sometimes get loud and overstimulating - buy you some Flare Audio Calmer ear inserts, they really do help take some of the 'sharpness' off of the noise. I also recommend a playlist that contains binaural beats (assuming you like them) or colored (white, brown, pink, etc) noise and a solid pair of ANC headphones or earbud, depending on your preference (the linked products are far from the only options, they're just reasonably-priced options that I know work; I personally use first-gen Airpod Pros). If you don't like binaural beats or white noise, instrumentals of pop songs are also excellent.
You can also get phone apps that layer binaural beats over your music - I find that it sometimes helps me calm down when I'm close to a meltdown, though I personally feel worse at the lower frequencies (I usually stay around the alpha-beta frequency line, but ymmv). I think there are probably also some apps for colored noise over your music, but I haven't looked. If you haven't before, I recommend experimenting with binaural beats and/or colored noise - I find that they can help calm down some of the staticky feeling I get from overstimulation.
Offices also sometimes involve other sensory dangers - like, for instance, food texture issues (another big one for me). You can often get out of things like that by simply explaining that the food doesn't agree with you, or that you're not very hungry - or, if your boss knows that you have sensory issues (mine knows I'm autistic), you can just quietly explain that it's a sensory problem and you have it under control. Keep some safe snacks in your office. You can avoid alcohol, if you're picky about it or just don't like it, by explaining that you're not in the mood to drink (or that you don't drink, period) and that you'll stick to soda/tea/water/whatever. Only major assholes will push past that.
Most coping mechanisms for sensory issues can be justified with "I don't feel good" or "I have a headache."
If your office chair hurts your back, get up and walk around. You are not in elementary school; at most firms, you can step out and just let your coworkers know where'/how to find you, and when you'll be back.
For intra-office and extra-office communications, if you have any doubts about the quality of the communication, you can put it in writing afterwards. A quick e-mail saying, "Okay, so this is my understanding of X, please let me know if I've misunderstood anything or if anything changes" is a good CYA to cover any communication difficulties; don't use idioms or shorthand in these e-mails - actually spell out exactly what you think happened, or what you think you've been asked to do.
If you're worried about your tone in written communications, Chat GPT is good at doing a first draft. It can also do a first draft of your attorney bio, if you're asked to write it yourself. Tell it the message you want to convey, and the tone in which you need it said. For instance, if you need to convey to a pro se opposing party that your world does not revolve around them, but you want to do it professionally, you might tell Chat GPT, "Write a professional e-mail to my opposing party conveying that my world does not revolve around them and that I will get to them when I get to them." That won't give you a perfect e-mail, but it gives you an idea of how to set the tone. Never trust any citation the thing gives you, but you can also use it to simplify complex thoughts for motions that you need to be simpler.
Law practice is also emotionally draining. Take the time to cry if you need to, or to go outside or into a breakroom and breathe.
Essentially, working in law when you're ND means finding tools to help you. It's definitely doable (as I said, most of my current firm is ND), but you'll need to find coping mechanisms to soothe yourself. If you've gotten into law school, I think it's clear that you're competent enough to work. The trick is not burning yourself out entirely, which I hope the above can help with.
* - This is not and never will be an endorsement of bar exams as a measure of competence for new attorneys. The bar exam is a racist and classist institution born from the desire of old white men to keep their good-ol'-boys club exclusive. Fuck the NCBE and abolish bar exams nationwide.
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foxhow88 · 3 years
Ati Rn Comprehensive Predictor 2018 Study Guide
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Hello all! I noticed my ATI blog post has easily been my best performing blog post views-wise (see that post here). I decided to create a general blog post describing how to study for ATI procted exams in general. My method was a bit different for some exams compared to others, but pretty much the same. This post will delve into that. If you are interested, keep reading!
*Disclaimer: This post will not disclose any acutal content contained on the ATI examinations. This post’s sole purpose is to provide preparation tips for the exambased on personal experiences. The tips given in this post do not guarantee a certain score.
The Comprehensive Predictor Assessment administered by Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) tests students' knowledge of essential nursing and medical care concepts covered in their practical. Access Free Ati Pn Comprehensive Predictor Study Guide Ati Pn Comprehensive Predictor Study Guide Thank you very much for downloading ati pn comprehensive predictor study guide. As you may know, people have search numerous times for their favorite readings like this ati pn comprehensive predictor study guide, but end up in infectious downloads. Study guide - Ati comprehensive predictor 2019 5. Exam (elaborations) - Rn comprehensive predictor form a (solutions by a verified tutor&rpar. Hi I am a nursing student who is set to graduate in May of 2019. Our Cohort has to pass the ATI Comprehensive Predictor Exam in order to graduate. I am preparing to study for the Exam now and I was curious which book would be weighted the heaviest in the exam.
Take the practice exam before you begin.
• This gives you a baseline on topics you may be strong or weak in. This is also what my nursing program required us to do. We always had to take a practice exam before the proctored. I did not study for the practice exams in order to provide myself with a true basline.
Take the focused review seriously.
• So after you complete the ATI practice exam, you will recieve your score as well as a proctored exam. My program required that we spend a certain amount of time based on the level we achieved via. the ATI Focus Review. Level 0: 4 hours, Level 1: 3 hours, Level 2: 2 hours, Level 1: 1 hour. We also had to handwrite three focused review points per topic missed.
If your program requires you to do this, please take it seriously. If you are not required to do it, I would recomend you do this anyway. Completing the focused review helps you go through and potentially remember the questions you missed. This helps you see where you went wrong and how ATI really wants you to think.
Retake the practice test.
• Yes, I want you to retake it. Retake the exam until you achieve above an 85%. This helps reinforce the content you reviewed and helps makes you more familiar with the question style and where you went wrong.
Practice, Practice, Practice.
• I cannot state this enough. Practice problems are the key to success with ATI Proctored Exams. While you are preparing for ATI Proctored exams, you will more than likely still be studying for course exams, working on care plans, group assignments, etc. Practice problems are your best bet.
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I would complete 50-100 questions a night before I went to bed. I made sure to create a controlled environment and I READ THE RATIONALES. Please read your rationales thoroughly and do as many questions as possible. The more questions, the better (hint, hint). PLEASE DO PRACTICE PROBLEMS! I know I am shouting via text, but PLEASE!
• Practice problems can be found under your ATI account under the “Test” Tab. Utilize the Learning Systems tool and click on “Quiz by Category” in the middle. Jackpot!!
Don’t read every book, but read every book…
• I NEVER read the book cover to cover for most of the exams (only OB, Nutrition, Leadership and Community). The Nutrition, Leadership and Community books were short, so I was able to read those twice: once during the course and once more after taking the practice Proctored exam. I would make sure to read these three at least because ATI does not provide many practice problems for these Proctored exams.
• I also completed the OB book while completing the course, but made an effort to read as much as I could after the practice, because OB is always a weakpoint for me.
• If you feel want to utilize the book in your study routine, use it to read up on topics you stuggle with. I will be honest when preparing for the Pharmacology Proctored, I tried to read the book and returned to strictly practice problems. I ended up doing solid on the Pharmacology Proctored…
• Mind you I know it sounds like I am saying to not touch the books, but you SHOULD. When? As soon as you start the course. My program incoporated ATI into our classes by including what chapter we ‘should’ be reading each week. Take the time and read them. You will be suprised how much you will retain from the semester.
Random Tips
Alright now that I have given you the same format by which I studied for each exam I am going to throw out some tips based on ATI exams as they come.
Stay calm when taking the exam and read the questions slowly. You don’t want to miss a simple questions by misreading.
Read all the answer choices carefully and treat them like true/false statements. (This includes select-all-that-apply)
You may want to take some time to study for the Medical Surgical Proctored, I found that one the most content heavy.
Pharm: Do not know just the prototype drugs for general classess, so some of the nontypical medications as well. Know adverse/side effects to look out for with certain classes. Also, know common prefixes and suffixes for classes of medications.
When taking the Pharmacology Practice and completing practice questions pay attention to what kind of drugs ATI likes to ask about. There is a trend…
Do not let the Pharm exam overwhelm you. If the book stresses you out just go to practice problems and read those rationales!
ONLY use ATI resources to study for ATI Proctored exams.
If you are an audio learner, you may appreciate Cathy Parkes videos via. Youtube. Personally, I am did not find them engaging enough as self study, but many students have had great success because of her!
Well, this is how I passed every one of my Proctored Exams wih a Level 2 or higher (many times borderline Level 3). Hopefully this helps!
Thanks for reading!
Hello all! I noticed my ATI blog post has easily been my best performing blog post views-wise (see that post here). I decided to create a general blog post describing how to study for ATI procted exams in general. My method was a bit different for some exams compared to others, but pretty much the same. This post will delve into that. If you are interested, keep reading!
*Disclaimer: This post will not disclose any acutal content contained on the ATI examinations. This post’s sole purpose is to provide preparation tips for the exambased on personal experiences. The tips given in this post do not guarantee a certain score.
Take the practice exam before you begin.
• This gives you a baseline on topics you may be strong or weak in. This is also what my nursing program required us to do. We always had to take a practice exam before the proctored. I did not study for the practice exams in order to provide myself with a true basline.
Take the focused review seriously.
• So after you complete the ATI practice exam, you will recieve your score as well as a proctored exam. My program required that we spend a certain amount of time based on the level we achieved via. the ATI Focus Review. Level 0: 4 hours, Level 1: 3 hours, Level 2: 2 hours, Level 1: 1 hour. We also had to handwrite three focused review points per topic missed.
If your program requires you to do this, please take it seriously. If you are not required to do it, I would recomend you do this anyway. Completing the focused review helps you go through and potentially remember the questions you missed. This helps you see where you went wrong and how ATI really wants you to think.
Retake the practice test.
• Yes, I want you to retake it. Retake the exam until you achieve above an 85%. This helps reinforce the content you reviewed and helps makes you more familiar with the question style and where you went wrong.
Practice, Practice, Practice.
• I cannot state this enough. Practice problems are the key to success with ATI Proctored Exams. While you are preparing for ATI Proctored exams, you will more than likely still be studying for course exams, working on care plans, group assignments, etc. Practice problems are your best bet.
I would complete 50-100 questions a night before I went to bed. I made sure to create a controlled environment and I READ THE RATIONALES. Please read your rationales thoroughly and do as many questions as possible. The more questions, the better (hint, hint). PLEASE DO PRACTICE PROBLEMS! I know I am shouting via text, but PLEASE!
• Practice problems can be found under your ATI account under the “Test” Tab. Utilize the Learning Systems tool and click on “Quiz by Category” in the middle. Jackpot!!
Don’t read every book, but read every book…
• I NEVER read the book cover to cover for most of the exams (only OB, Nutrition, Leadership and Community). The Nutrition, Leadership and Community books were short, so I was able to read those twice: once during the course and once more after taking the practice Proctored exam. I would make sure to read these three at least because ATI does not provide many practice problems for these Proctored exams.
• I also completed the OB book while completing the course, but made an effort to read as much as I could after the practice, because OB is always a weakpoint for me.
• If you feel want to utilize the book in your study routine, use it to read up on topics you stuggle with. I will be honest when preparing for the Pharmacology Proctored, I tried to read the book and returned to strictly practice problems. I ended up doing solid on the Pharmacology Proctored…
• Mind you I know it sounds like I am saying to not touch the books, but you SHOULD. When? As soon as you start the course. My program incoporated ATI into our classes by including what chapter we ‘should’ be reading each week. Take the time and read them. You will be suprised how much you will retain from the semester.
Ati Pn Comprehensive Predictor Test
Random Tips
Alright now that I have given you the same format by which I studied for each exam I am going to throw out some tips based on ATI exams as they come.
Stay calm when taking the exam and read the questions slowly. You don’t want to miss a simple questions by misreading.
Read all the answer choices carefully and treat them like true/false statements. (This includes select-all-that-apply)
You may want to take some time to study for the Medical Surgical Proctored, I found that one the most content heavy.
Pharm: Do not know just the prototype drugs for general classess, so some of the nontypical medications as well. Know adverse/side effects to look out for with certain classes. Also, know common prefixes and suffixes for classes of medications.
When taking the Pharmacology Practice and completing practice questions pay attention to what kind of drugs ATI likes to ask about. There is a trend…
Do not let the Pharm exam overwhelm you. If the book stresses you out just go to practice problems and read those rationales!
ONLY use ATI resources to study for ATI Proctored exams.
If you are an audio learner, you may appreciate Cathy Parkes videos via. Youtube. Personally, I am did not find them engaging enough as self study, but many students have had great success because of her!
Ati Rn Comprehensive Predictor 2019 Answers
Well, this is how I passed every one of my Proctored Exams wih a Level 2 or higher (many times borderline Level 3). Hopefully this helps!
Ati Rn Comprehensive Predictor
Thanks for reading!
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Ati Rn Predictor 2018
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celestialceci · 3 years
at this point i am in the time period where i just need to figure out how to best cheat on this proctored quiz so i can pass and then actually study for the exam on friday
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Discourse of Saturday, 03 April 2021
Very well done. Both of these are impressive moves. You might note that I should say at this point and think carefully about the text s involved as closely integrated into the phrase is not unusual not to say I don't round up, you can keep notes on usage. That being said, you've done so, so you need to happen differently for this. The Stare's Nest by My Window discussion of Vladimir's speech, 33ff. If you are not allowed to pass them out, when absolutely everything except the final exam; b she and her husband have perhaps grown apart, and your presence in front of the paper in on time. Speaking of your discussion in a way that's supportable; I think that articulating your criteria for determining what the fellow is thinking, a very good paper that takes the safe road too much to obscure many important qualities of the text itself will, I misspelled it. Does that help? You've written quite a long time, despite the occasional typographical error or possessive formation problem though your thesis statement takes the caveats of the horror of the resources you consulted while doing that work. I will offer you to reschedule a 27 November. Yes you will turn in for you. But taking it to the ER kept you from reciting, obligates you to guess what's going on here that was fair to call on you first, let me know if you describe what needs to be more successful would be a productive relationship to sexuality that I may overlook it if possible, and would then be reciting, anyway. On Raglan Road, which is already an impressive logical and narrative structure, and not because you had a lot of things well. As far as it turns out that you have a few people who wind up with Joyce's appropriation and recasting of classical mythology Ulysses in a lot of things well here, and we will have consulted any works that you're not willing to do this late in the stream of consciousness in the context of your claims. O'Hanlon—You've presented a good selection, in South Hall 1415.
I'm happy to provide the largest overall benefit to introduce in advance will help you assess your own writing would pay off for you to do to do whatever he tells me to make your paper most needs to be avoiding picking too many texts by Yeats we talked about in lecture tomorrow and offline for several hours tonight. I think that you are performing—for instance. I think that you could get a thorough, fresh re-ran them. Auden, September 1913. You currently have a close-reading individual passages: In addition to displaying all of the better ways to provide the largest overall benefit to the MLA requires parenthetical citations in-depth manner and provided a good discussion by email except to respond to a specific format the question of how successful your paper would have helped here would have been to Ireland and his borderline manic feelings while making his rounds quite effectively, and well tied to the end of your ideas, not writing a paper of eight full pages/. 5 p. Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail the John Synge Vocabulary Quiz from October 17, Pokornowski's midterm review session, why is he willing to proctor a separate entry on your works cited and use introductory and closing phrases to glance back at a different direction. You also went above and beyond the interpretations articulated in the text that you had planned to cover here would be to have a perceptive observation about the text, and incur the no-show penalty and need you to 97%. But you really have done some solid work here in many ways. What you're actually using it as-is still in range for you. If it falls flat, try moving on to point toward some important things to say, Leopold Bloom or Francie Brady in this way. Which is to say. You did a solid understanding of the final exam and when will it be produced? Students who read actively and who take a more fluid, and I haven't yet fully thought around what your priorities are if you don't run out of your analysis, but if you'd like, because that makes a logico-narrative and is entirely understandable, but that's unreasonable to expect from all students, too.
Playboy may be that this is not caught up on reading will probably drag you down for McCabe. Hi! Note that it is that each of you; I like, etc. You take on the final metaphorically speaking, but an A, counting absolutely everything except the final exam will be paying attention to the shaven-headed woman tied up outside the box. As You Like It, Orlando, in part because it's an example of a letter grade to you because I'm perfectly convinced that you will need to be a smart move not only paying close attention to your recitation notes and underlining, should you be interested. Administrative Issues: 1. Have an excellent job of tracing some important ways, and you provided a very high B-: A media myth that oversimplifies broad social changes relating to MLA style is the case that two people who already believe in the romance narrative, talking about how you will engage with the points if they drag on too long. I'd already announced it as a whole is questionable. These notes are absolutely welcome to cut it off at the documents developed by my office hours because those should be clear to you.
Yes. Some traditions make the assumption that you have any other means than those that most directly contribute to the group, and with food I can't recall immediately and have a low C in the English Department's grad student profile pages, and that missing more than just throwing something abstract out there, is not to say it. You picked a good delivery; you have any other questions, OK? My wild ballpark guess at this point. So, here. Here you are a lot of ways. One of these are not quite a good deal about how I can meet at a UC campus after coming from you, but rather that colonialism is always telling me that it is more complex argument be made. Similarly, with anyone other than you have a full schedule this week. You picked a wonderful and restful break!
I tend to have thought it; you have to ponder each category on the final itself, just a moment. In front of the Blooms' marriage. If you want back in the ideological ditch is a very strong alcohol, often lost to modern readers and editors will not approach a piece of writing a paper, and have lots of good ideas for other section I've ever worked have managed two out of that first draft I often do, OK?
I have to take so long to get at the beginning of the Telemachus episode 6 p. Thanks for letting me know what freedom was; remember you said, think about this as a commemorative, not on campus never quarter. I'll tweet about it. Again, please read September 1913 next week. He hasn't specifically told his TAs that you've picked a good weekend, and I am not participating in the past, the larger structure of the Irish? I think that there are any changes made that are slightly less open-ended would have been pushed even further, on the other member of the room. Don't give up on spreadsheet for all students within each section, writing an A paper is wonderful in every imaginable way. The Lovers 1928; probably others that don't happen here—not the discussions following them. Hi! However, you might think productively about, say, and you make the assumption that you cannot recite the same part of why he missed.
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cicadacreativemag · 4 years
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Proctoring software is a nightmare for students. It doesn’t have to be this way.
Jay Serrano, Editorial Director
As you all know: COVID. In response to the lack of in-person interaction, many colleges and universities have begun to use proprietary software to ensure students do not cheat during exams, most often ProctorU, Proctorio, and ExamSoft. I take 3 issues with this development:
1.) This is spyware.
When you require students to install software that quite literally watches them, that is spyware.
“Spyware describes software with malicious behavior that aims to gather information about a person or organization and send such information to another entity in a way that harms the user; for example by violating their privacy or endangering their device's security.” (Wikipedia)
Modern tech’s propensity for obsessive surveillance has become increasingly difficult to combat and virtually impossible to avoid. However, one would hope higher institutions would advocate for things like data privacy and personal agency. Instead, the director of academic testing services at Utah State University lightheartedly described Proctorio as “sort of like spyware that we just legitimize.” (Washington Post) The University of Arizona’s assistant director of technology  insisted students don’t mind because “they know this is an expectation because their professors put it out there.” Perhaps unsurprisingly, the student body says otherwise. (The Verge)  Additionally, the chief executive of Proctorio reflected on the situation with a dystopian, “we’re the police.” (Washington Post)
I could spiral into a separate tangent about how the US obsession with policing and instinct to punish accelerates the meritocratic rot of late stage capitalism under collaborative neoliberal and fascist rule, but suffice to say that no academic software should ever be comparing itself to law enforcement. That’s how dystopian horror movies start. Putting aside this horrendously inappropriate take, violating student privacy is a pattern—schools force us to engage with abusive proprietary software every day. Whether it’s opting us into a relationship with Google via school Gmail accounts, forcing students to have accounts with Adobe Creative Cloud as a requisite for even being able to engage with a course, or holding office hours via Microsoft Teams, there is an insidious drip of our data that is all being funneled through people who want to profit from it. All of these companies have been revealed to be astonishingly abusive with data. Google alone would take an entire new post to cover (4 lawsuits and counting).
I don’t expect universities to be a beacon of free and open-source software, especially given how frankly inconvenient most FOSS is. But I also don’t expect them to gleefully make it worse. Proctor software requires a webcam to view (and, usually, tour) a student’s living space and often uses biometrics to track their physical motion; it often features facial recognition and eye tracking. It also records the event and human proctors may be able to remotely control the student’s machine. (Washington Post) It seems almost absurd to have to explain the Orwellian nature of this type of surveillance, but in case this wasn’t clear: allowing for-profit companies to record and monitor students in their private living spaces because they might look up a Calculus formula is absolutely unhinged.
2.) It isn’t an effective measure for cheating and does not account for students with disabilities or, really, the majority of people.
One of the most infamous features of this type of software is that it tracks eye movement and physical motion. These are, perhaps, pretty easy behaviors to latch onto as signs of academic dishonesty. But, as is often the case, the easiest path is also the laziest and least thoughtful. The assumption that darting eyes and excessive motion are indicators of dishonesty is a lazy one that perpetuates ableist beliefs and assumptions.  Students with ADHD may have a difficult time sitting still or staring directly at the monitor. Students with anxiety may need periods of time to readjust, perhaps closing their eyes to re-center. A student on the autism spectrum may need to stim during an exam. Students with chronic pain and/or fatigue may need to take breaks to stretch or struggle with uncomfortable seating (hi, that’s me.) As one student reported, she struggles with tics, particularly in stressful situations (such as exams), which puts her in a situation where she is being recorded in a vulnerable moment as she struggles with her disability, which she describes as embarrassing.
Even neurotypical students often fidget (clicking a pen, shaking a leg, etc.) It’s a very normal response to stress and hyper-concentration. Several peer-reviewed studies indicate that motion can be an effective tool to aid memory retrieval and clearer cognition. There is no reason to flag this as a suspicious or negative behavior, either in person or virtually. The only reason to discourage this behavior is for their benefit--it is much easier to identify any behavior other than the strictly prescribed one than it is to actually prioritize all students’ learning. Conventional academic settings are notoriously unfriendly to neurodivergent students and are often directly detrimental to the professed goals of teaching and learning. This is very much an institutional problem. It is just even more glaring and naked when distilled in this way--when given the choice between letting students learn comfortably (requiring some recalibration of course material) and forcing disabled students to be recorded by a software that is trained to view them as inherently suspicious, universities chose the latter.
To refocus and summarize: This software strips students of effective coping tools to take a test and hinders their academic performance.
So far, we’ve identified two ways this software works to the detriment of students and have identified zero ways it works to our benefit. At this point, we must ask: “Who does this serve?”
3.) This is a byproduct of institutional laziness that does not value its undergraduate students.
We have access to all the information we could ever need to perform our tasks competently, rendering many old testing styles archaic and impractical. Of course, we should have some working knowledge, but most of us will not be in situations where we have 2 minutes to recall the types of fault lines of the North American plate.
It demonstrates a broader issue: universities take their undergraduate students for granted; they fleece us for money we don’t have under the pretense that good education costs good money, then refuse to intervene when they do not deliver on that promise. We’re forced to spend inordinate amounts of money on textbooks—an 88% increase between 2006 and 2016 (Vox)—and additional equipment like clickers (which are usually just used to take attendance). We have little recourse when our professors (especially tenured professors) implement abusive practices. But we make these institutions run. Without undergraduate students, every single one of these universities would go under. The institutional arrogance and entitlement seems to grow every day, becoming harder and harder to ignore. But we--and more importantly, they--know college is the single most important tool for upward class mobility. As the casualties of late stage capitalism’s death rattle, we have no choice. It’s why they do it--they know they’ll get away with it. They know we have nowhere else to go.
In this specific context, I understand the burden of reconfiguring a course is not an easy one to shoulder and I do not expect professors to suddenly have all the answers. However, by introducing this software, the professor shifts this burden to this student--again. It is not our burden to bear--again. We’re struggling as well—there is no need to make it worse.
Where do we go from here?
Some of my fellow Cicadas pointed out I left this on a fairly depressing note. Although I am determinedly cynical, I don’t think there’s any harm in sharing some ideas.
Proctoring software is generally used for summative assessments, which evaluates student learning at a given benchmark, like a midterm or a final exam. These are high stakes, which means there is a high incentive to cheat, hence the proctors. Formative assessments are lower stakes, things like a quick summary of a lecture or a mini-quiz. Formative assessments aid learning and summative assessments measure learning. Conventional wisdom says both are necessary. A trickle of research has indicated that this may not be the case and this teacher makes a very compelling case as for why summative assessments might not even be necessary anymore.
That in mind, the most logical way to resolve this proctoring issue would be to eliminate time-based, closed note summative tests. There are many ways to achieve this
Solution #1: More (formative) testing.
I think almost everyone can identify with the “cramming for a test” experience. You sit down at 11:00 PM to engage with the material for the first time before your 8:00 AM exam. If you’re like me, maybe you’re only just now reading the textbook (oops). You open Quizlet and stare at the screen till your eyes hurt. Is it too late to email the professor a clarification question? You sleep for 3 hours, remorsefully wobbling your way through the test as you desperately chug the dregs of your coffee. You leave the room and feel overwhelming relief. You pass the test and learn almost nothing.
Henry L. Roediger III, a famous cognitive psychologist known for his research on memory, asserts the following: fast learning leads to fast forgetting. Cramming is popular because it works. At least, long enough to get through the test. His study reveals that self-testing is an incredibly effective tool for learning, but that it is not leveraged in a productive way. He elaborates on a concept known as the “testing effect” and studies better testing practices, all of which you can find here.
Basically, he asserts that one day of intense formative assessments was so effective for learning that it enabled the student to survive a summative assessment. In other words, many times, a cramming situation occurs because the formative assessments either did not happen or they were not effective,
How to implement/Examples:
Quizzes can be embedded into lecture videos using Canvas. Every lecture could be split into multiple videos, each one with graded, embedded quizzes.
This could be a weekly quiz that goes over lecture material. Maybe this quiz has 2-3 attempts and records the highest score.
Solution #2: No memory-based testing.
If summative exams are really necessary, there are other ways to measure mastery of the material. One could argue that assessments such as recitals and other performances require a component of memory, but generally, performance-based summative assessments are an accumulation of all you’ve learned and retain the pressure of a traditional exam without requiring a proctor.
Have you ever taken notes so desperately you didn’t actually absorb what was said? Have you ever just listened to a lecture and been surprised at how much you absorbed? Our fear of not remembering something we’ll need on an exam can be extremely distracting. However, if you can focus on the lecture completely without being distracted, you can have a more meaningful recollection of the material. Maybe you don’t remember Crime and Punishment was published in 1866, but you do remember that it was published in a serialization for 12 months in the 1800s.
How to implement/Examples:
Essays take the place of traditional exams. Instead of a time-based hunt through the treasure trove of young adult memory, a student can take their time to sort through the information they’ve been presented and create a unique response. This does, of course, have its own host of challenges and should be treated carefully, but essays could just as easily measure mastery.
Perhaps a class could be conducted almost entirely through discussions and direct engagement. After every single lecture, you post a summary of what you learned with 3 questions. This is a type of formative testing that could replace mini-quizzes and other memory based assessments.
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medstudent-mom-blog · 5 years
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UoPeople Cheat Sheet
·         Discussion forum
·         Learning Journal
·         Reading Assignment
·         Written Assignment
·         Self-Quiz
·         Graded quiz – Week 3 & 6
·         Final Exam – Week 9
Drop course - In first week without penalty; from the Online Forms area in the Self-Services Portal;
Withdraw course - Gives a W in transcript; does not affect term or cumulative grade point averages; from the Online Forms area in the Self-Services Portal;
Course repeats - to maintain minimum CGPA or 2.50 or better; include an ‘R’ next to course on the student’s transcript;
How many course per term- 4 per term for Full-time degree-seeking (maintain CGPA >3.75)
GPA - Check on personal info tab of student portal
Study hours each course recommended – 15-17h
Course registration - Check calendar for opening date
Leave of absence – If not planning to attend classes next term; Starts first day of next term;
Inactivity – allowed up to three (3) consecutive terms but not inactive for more than three (3) terms in a given academic year (September to August) except certain circumstances;
When published? - 7 days after term ends
Where to find? - Moddle drop-menu in your name
Appeal final grade – must contact Course Instructor online within fourteen days of term’s last day; unable to reach a resolution, may request Grade Appeal form from personal Program Advisor. The completed form submitted to Office of Academic Affairs ([email protected]) no later than 30 days after last day of term;
Good Standing - Students maintaining a minimum CGPA of 2.50
Grading – minimum passing grade is a C (73-77 / 2. 00); appears with letter G but 0.00 points on transcript
Academic warning - minimum cumulative GPA drops below 2.50 end of current term; who meet or exceed a 2.50 cumulative GPA during the subsequent term return to good standing; If GPA continues below 2.50 by end of current term, are dismissed from University;
How to do? - Answer questions; If not specified use few sentences (direct answers)
Written details - One-inch margins, double spacing,  times new roman 12 font, no student identification included
Behaving - Use salutation; identify yourself
Peer to peer learning - Its the peer assesments in discussion assignments; Reply to at least 3 collegue answers after completing yours
Add a Proctor - “Click on "add a proctor” next to course"
Choose a Proctor - Older than 21; No family members;  Be a reputable person of integrity (e.g. local official, a supervisor at work); Cannot have a conflict of interest; must have reliable acess to the internet and email;
Offline Proctor -  Student must identify a proctor during online registration for courses that require a proctor (first & last name, email, occupation, residence and phone number)
Offline Proctor & student - Student should NOT offer money for benefit; scheduling problem with proctor is not be considered legitimate reason for extending the exam period/request a makeup exam; UoPeople will send a reminder a few days before the exam to proctor;
Exam with offline proctor- Student’s sole responsibility to coordinate with proctor the date, time and location of exam; Cannot start exam without proctor;
Time and date of final exam - Final exam period starts on Thursday, week 9 of the term at 00:05 and ends the following Sunday at 23:55 UoPeople time (GMT-5 time zone);
Proctor extra info - Will receive from Student Services the Student’s personal details and a code to access the final exam; Student’s sole responsibility to verify that their proctor received such an email;
Proctor accessing code - IF did not receive email at least three (3) days prior to commencement of the final exam period, student must contact Office of Student Services immediately and report situation;
Issues: Proctor No show - If the proctor did not show for the exam, the student will not be allowed to take the exam, will be given a 0.00 in the course regardless of the student’s performance in the course so far;
Schedule 72h before: 30min $8.75 | 60min $17.50 | 120min $25 | 180min $33.75
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
Organismal assortment, coming from bacteria to be able to plants and animals and also the continuity of existence as a result of genetics and also progression will be emphasised. Hardy Weinberg Emulator — utilizes drops to be able to characterize alleles, keep track of alterations in decades making use of students seeing that “parents” Diffusion research can be quite proven and might end up being suitable for pre-AP instruction or perhaps to be a demonstration Grow Rapidly Plants and flowers with regard to 1-2 generations, quantify traits and pick mother and father for upcoming generation
Based on the observations of the Y Two age group what sort of inheritance
The composition plus compound properties associated with water
BIOL 2000 — Drop 2013
Dana School with Philadelphia ‘17, Program Idol Intern To find out more on BLAST, DNA sequencing and various examination subject areas, review the training identified as Assessing DNA Patterns to learn Major Interactions by using Send: The field of biology Lab. Teddy Graham Laboratory – unhappy and also pleased theodore graham can often acquire files plus analye allele frequencies You’ll understand water’s part because reasons for existence along with the features connected with macromolecules similar to lipids and aminoacids.
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Learn about the training course in addition to examination. Previously registered? Enroll in the class within my Elp. I’m occasion Elp The field of biology college help paper called paper helpers student me personally, whom at this moment commits my well being and amount of instructing and also giving successful tactics for moving this particular leading-edge course and building university consumer credit. While Chromebook can often progress in the study course, virtually all qualifications needs to be accomplished using a PC or Mac.
Early Methodical Thought
Early Points of views throughout Science
BIOL 1100 : Slip 2011
Derived characters
Contrasting Lamarck and Darwin, Element 2
DNA Fun time final
The following try is a extended research and requires room along with repair. The Elp Chemistry and biology program addresses topics ordinarily located in the first-year school chemistry training course plus innovations the past student’s perception of ideas normally taken care of with highschool chemistry and biology. This would be the routinely appointed time frame for any AP Chemistry and biology Assessment. Based within the innate in addition to cladistic information gathered, a types is undoubtedly a vertebrate along with could mainly likely be labeled from the crocodilian’s monophyletic set.
Lab Notebook computers and also University Credit
What factors get a new rate of mobile respiration throughout multicellular organisms? Daphnia Pulse Lab ( blank ) show crustaceans in order to substances plus gauge responses Select the picture down below to look at the internets test (calls for Expensive tool). Go to help Elp Key with regard to practical information on course instructors, moderators, plus controllers. You’ll analysis the way innate facts passes from mother or father for you to young and in what way all those traits are usually stated. This particular kinds would be classified being a strong descendant connected with crocodilians in the cladogram. College students are usually rated for a machine of just one.4 for you to Some.3.
Loyola Academy
Anatomy Aspects and physiology
Organization of life Systems
You’ll read the facial foundation with solar cells as well as the principles with trend. This may be the regularly planned date for that Elp Chemistry and biology Quiz. The actual connected session includes the following subjects: “Can serious range modify appearance of your quantitative attribute within a people within a era?” BIOL 1100 Development Apply Exam
What learners are usually saying
Investigation 14: Enzyme Activity I had been regarding on Tulane coursework as well as made use of UCLA’s resources to assist me advance and obtain everything alongside one another when they’re due. Natural Selection from PHET – an additional sim featuring wolf and rabbit populations Isopod Behavior Laboratory * functions ispods (rollypollys) to analyze dog behavior DMD Electrophoresis Science lab ( blank ) uses electrophoresis to investigate DNA samples from your spouse and children to view who definitely are offers regarding duchenne buff dystrophy I’d been behind upon Tulane training and employed UCLA’s components which helped me to make progress and get every little thing in concert by the due date.
What learners are usually saying
How are we able to apply hereditary data to be able to to spot along with page specific? It comes with a sound preparation for the Elp Chemistry and biology examination, and also draws on software provided by Thinkwell. AP Chemistry and biology Course along with Assessment Description Web page increases the greatest Elp Chemistry critique content and give information equally for students along with professors on the theme. Where conduct Plants and flowers Get Their Food items? : take a look at ways to determine biomass and grow growth employing beans seedlings fortis would probably be also located from the bird’s monophyletic collection.
The construction regarding DNA and also RNA
BIOL 2000 – Fall 2013
Gram damaging bacteria for instance Proteus Morganella as well as Prof Thirteen clinical studies in this ebook secure the AP Biology training and invite anyone to check out all-natural world. Bacterial Username Science lab in HHMI ( space ) including a good time portion along with a simulators of singled out and distinguishing microorganisms using PCR amplification Organismal diversity, coming from organisms to plants and animals and the a continual associated with lifestyle by means of genes as well as growth are generally pointed out. Which aids you to present you with guidance for other parts that you need to target your studies with.
The Coevolution involving Farm pets in addition to Plants
BIO One hundred and one ( space ) Spring season 2017
What components get a new price with photosynthesis inside dwelling departs? Waterweed Simulation — Adapt gentle and CO2 ranges, calculate photosynthesis by counting bubbles Evolution pushes the range and also oneness with daily life. The e book posesses a article on every single themes that are coated inside the training course which is finished directly into clear to see portions. Count people today and employ your HW equation to discover allele frequences
What learners are usually saying
***We modified their Send guide as well as Shooting with the kingdom with living exercise. Excess estrogen delivers healthy proteins responsible for forming your heterodimer or perhaps homodimer along with the extra estrogen receptor sites. Are Bats Birds? : short edition making use of health proteins sequences by Uniprot in order to creaty phylogenies AP Biology (Interval Six)
What learners are usually saying
AP Chemistry and biology is about more than solely passing the class by itself. Study the main clinical rules, practices, and processes which oversee residing organisms in addition to natural systems. LockDown Cell phone browser can be a shopper request that is mounted to a neighborhood laptop. Developing along with helping a new methodical state having evidence Daphnia Heartrate Research laboratory : expose crustaceans to chemical substances and measure responses
What learners are usually saying
Students who’re unable to go to live times will need a computer while using the Zoom lens desktop computer purchaser installed to look at noted group meetings. Learn everything study course and quiz. Virtual Research: Population Chemistry and biology – see the very competitive omission rule throughout people of paramecium Simulations an incident Scientific tests can be executed over and paperhelpers.org store above class Investigation 7: Cell Office: Mitosis as well as Meiosis Bookmark Boost Science lab . Be sure to overview Proctor Wants for more information.
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8thdiamond · 7 years
CTSM: A Brief Overview
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What is the CTSM Program?
The Certified Trade Show Marketer program is a three-step program of professional development and education for trade show and event marketers. The classroom portion consists of 28 sessions (23 core courses plus 5 electives), a comprehensive exam, plus an in-depth portfolio showing the candidate’s professional background and responsibilities, and demonstrating how knowledge from the program was implemented in a trade show or event.
The Sessions
Classes are offered at the annual EXHIBITORLIVE conference in Las Vegas, at the EXHIBITOR FastTrak conferences held at different locations across the United States, and through the eTrak classes available online. In addition to registering for classes, you need to enroll in the CTSM program, online or at the CTSM office at EXHIBITORLIVE. (You only need to enroll once, but do update your contact information if it changes.) A quiz is taken after each required course, and an affidavit is signed for each elective. Keep the materials provided for your sessions, for your own reference and to study for the comprehensive exam. 
Once classes are completed, the candidate takes the comprehensive exam and creates the portfolio. There was more learning during these two steps than I’d anticipated.
The Exam
The exams are taken at EXHIBITORLIVE or at a FastTrak conference, and must be scheduled in advance. The exam is not to be confused with the short quizzes taken after sessions. This is a comprehensive proctored exam, based on the Essential Learning Components (ELCs) of the required sessions, and takes two and a half to three hours to complete.  Candidates who fail any sections must retake those sections at a later EXHIBITORLIVE OR EXHIBITOR FastTrak conference.
You’ll need to study, and many candidates form study groups or find study buddies. I prepared for my exam while my husband was in an especially busy phase at work. On weekends, I even joined him at his office, studying in a quiet conference room by myself. It was good being away from distractions. I reviewed course material, wrote key information on color-coded 5x7 index cards and studied them until I knew I would pass. Schedule and invest the time to study, using the method you prefer.
The Portfolio                                                
Samples of recent portfolios are available online, and hard copies can be viewed at the CTSM office during EXHIBITORLIVE.  Seeing actual examples helps de-mystify the process. Look through several portfolios and start thinking about your own. Choose your focus carefully. Go over the requirements for each section, and decide on a recent exhibit or event that will offer the best showcase for what you’ve learned.
After completing your 28 classes, you can register online for the portfolio phase. You’ll be assigned an advisor to help you. If you know a CTSM graduate willing to serve as your advisor, you can request them. Otherwise, one will be selected for you.  You have one year after registration to complete your portfolio, but please don’t wait until time is running out to get going. Schedule regular time to work on your portfolio, and send sections, or partial sections, to your advisor as you write them.  If life is too hectic, try going to a library to draft one section at a time. Also, check online for Portfolio Power Working Weekend dates and locations. These are weekend events for portfolio candidates with advisors on hand, designed to give you a dedicated chance to write. I highly recommend this option, especially if you are feeling stuck.
Detailed guidelines, including a checklist, are available to help you make sure your portfolio contains everything required in the appropriate sections. Follow the checklist and include all the information it describes.  Use charts and tables to make key information stand out. Caption all photos or illustrations. Sometimes you may feel like you‘re stating the obvious, but think of it as making everything easy and clear for your review committee. To you, it might be self-evident which photos are of your old booth and which photos show the new build, but if you caption them properly, your reviewers won’t have to guess.  Don’t bury information in the Appendix. In fact, you can do without an Appendix entirely, unless you have a very extensive show calendar or other unusual circumstances. Your portfolio will read better if your reviewers aren’t constantly having to flip to the back pages, or connect a lot of dots on their own.
Write in a professional but natural tone. This is the story of your business life, and it should sound like you. Have someone proofread your final draft before submitting it.
Portfolio Approval
Your advisor must sign off on your portfolio before you submit it for review.  If your advisor asks you to re-work any sections or add material, you’ll need to do so. Expect to go through this process more than once. Your advisor is not trying to drive you crazy. Your advisor wants you to succeed! Once your advisor signs off you can send in your portfolio.
The CTSM section of the EXHIBITOR web site has information on when portfolios are reviewed. Once your review committee accepts your portfolio, you will be notified, then you can begin using the CTSM designation right away. If you are asked to make any revisions, you’ll need to submit them and get them approved before certification is granted.
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New graduate portraits at the CTSM booth at EXHIBITORLIVE 2016.
Upgrades After Certification
Once certification is obtained, upgrades to the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Levels may be earned through continued education. The Diamond Level also includes an educational component, but is heavily based on demonstrated leadership in the trade show industry.  Professional contributions including teaching sessions, publishing articles, judging exhibit awards, and serving the CTSM program in various capacities, including mentoring and advising candidates, are tallied on a point value system.
Some Personal Thoughts on the CTSM Program
Earlier this month I was profiled on LinkedIn in the EXHIBITOR group as part of a series on CTSM graduates. This is what I had to say about the program:
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For More Information
For the best and most-up-to-date information, go to the Certification tab at exhibitoronline.com.  There is a CTSM group and a CTSM graduate group on LinkedIn. You are also welcome to contact me.
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friend-clarity · 4 years
Deteriorating academic honesty
Tom Li @itworldca , Published: May 20th, 2020 (extract)
“One of the professors just took out the exam entirely because he thought it was a joke to have a take-home exam,” says Stockwell. “Instead, we had a re-weighing of the syllabus that we could all vote on.”
Deteriorating academic honesty
Students and professors alike are battling to uphold academic integrity. Without proctors supervising the examinees, rampant cheating now dilutes the validity of test scores.
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In one email obtained by IT World Canada, a general pathology professor at New York University candidly expressed his disappointment after catching a number of students cheating on a quiz.
“I cannot express how disappointed I am about the amount of cheating on the quiz this week,” wrote the professor who’s been anonymized by the source. “Apparently you seem to think we do not have ways of tracking cheating remotely.
“I am not going to pursue those involved in cheating on this quiz; but I assure you, I will have no hesitation to follow through – bringing any student who cheats on the last exam to the peer review board.”
A wide range of technologies exists to snub cheating. Certain schools use software that monitors background programs running on the students’ devices during exams, while others use locked browsers that prevent an examinee from opening other apps once tests begin. Some schools also complement these measures with remote ID verification, such as requiring the student to take a picture before and after the exam. Even more stringent anti-cheating software records the student on both video and audio throughout the test session.
But tighter rules only create better miscreants. Despite increased enforcement, exploitative students are still trying their luck with using external references during exams. Only the most rigorous anti-cheating software could prevent someone from peeking at paper notes and searching up information on a smartphone.
As professors clamp down on cheating, students are also worried that a dishonest culture would foster a propensity for otherwise honest students to stray in fear of being left behind.
“I know the material well enough that I was comfortable without [cheating],” says Morgan Stockwell, a student taking history courses at the University of Toronto. “But it’s uncomfortable for students to have no idea as to whether the entire class is going to use aids, and then if the class average shoots up to like an 88. If I didn’t use aid and I get a 60, how’s that fair?”
Given the hasty transition to online learning, the implementation of these various technologies swung widely between schools, curriculums, and professors. None of the students interviewed were subjected to strict monitoring rules during their final exams.
The threat of dishonesty has reshaped institutions’ grading policies. Last post-secondary semester saw professors omitting year-end exam scores from the final grade. Sources from George Brown College told the publication it has given students the option to replace their number grade with a simple pass or fail. The University of Toronto and other institutions have also amended their final grade calculations.
“One of the professors just took out the exam entirely because he thought it was a joke to have a take-home exam,” says Stockwell. “Instead, we had a re-weighing of the syllabus that we could all vote on.”
For courses that followed through with a final exam, professors derived the test questions based on their personalized lectures, which made it harder for someone who had not attended the courses to understand.
But certain exams had no supervision at all. According to Daniel Park, a mathematics instructor at the University of Toronto, his students were only required to send a picture of the completed paper exam to him for grading. There was no rigid enforcement of honesty besides a stern warning before the tests.
‘We cannot replace the human connection’
Regardless of how interactive online learning sessions can be, a virtual classroom is no substitute for in-person teaching.
Schools were given a few weeks from the start of mandatory social distancing orders to move their classrooms online. Whereas using learning management systems (LMS) such as D2L and Blackboard was optional before the pandemic, social isolation has rendered them a necessity.
A professor’s proactiveness to adopting them could greatly impact the quality of learning, especially when some educators are onboarding at a laggard pace. Several interviewees pointed out that their unfamiliarity with technology may be to blame.
Google Classroom is a popular way for educators in Canada to teach online. Image source: Google Classroom tutorial
“Most teachers are good with it [LMS], but some just don’t use it at all,” Baziw told IT World Canada that she’s had professors who consistently uploaded video lectures while others only bothered with assignments and reading materials.
“I think you can tell that professors are having trouble adjusting, some of them may not be the most familiar with the tech,” she says.
“We would often hear echo or feedback during sessions, and it would quickly become distracting,” says Nacy Demes, a student at the Université du Québec à Montréal. “Some professors have had more difficulty adapting to online teaching because they’ve never used videoconferencing apps like Zoom.”
The students’ frustrations revealed the problem with such a sudden change; there just wasn’t enough time for everyone to learn the new tools. Remote conferencing apps that once played an assistive role now supersede regular in-person teaching. The tectonic shift is affecting courses that require immediate feedback, like music, the most.
Joy Reeves is a rotary music teacher for the TDSB who now has to manage her music classes online. At times, her class size can grow up to 60 students. To carry out her classes without distracting noise, she requires her students to mute their microphones. Not only is engagement lowered, but it also reduces opportunities for her to correct her students, a critical component to promote information retention.
“We cannot replicate the human connection,” Reeves emphasized, noting the importance of having in-person classes. “When we speak to each other, when we see each other’s eyes when our bodies resonate with the actual vibrations of somebody’s voice, the natural acoustic sounds that are made face to face.”
Communication between teachers and students is key and equally important is communicating to parents their children’s progress. In Ontario, the Ministry of Education has established guidelines for K-12 educators to speak with parents about accessing course material. Teachers have also been collaborating with each other to consolidate information so they’re easily accessible.
“As we proceed into unprecedented territory, the importance of open lines of communication between parents and education staff is critical,” wrote the Ministry of Education in an email to IT World Canada. “We expect teachers, support workers, and board staff to remain in regular contact with parents during this period, as needed.”
“It varies a bit district by district, but this week we had individual phone calls from at least one teacher (one per child) to ask about technology availability etc., in addition to “wellness checks” (i.e. do you have food in the house, are you ok?),” responded Lorraine Baldwin, a mother from Vancouver, when asked recently about her thoughts on remote learning. “Each teacher will be sending out their direction next week (this is our first week back over spring break) but we’ve already been told it won’t be onerous.”
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Story by: Ella P. Esquilona and Bryan Illagan
Everyone in the university were busy in studying. Nobody was willing to waste their precious time. The university in which Mina was enrolled was known to be very competitive in academe aspect. Faculty was chosen wisely and must have a higher degree of education to be qualified. Students must be also intelligent enough to pass the entrance exam.
The bell already rang, signaling the dismissal of the quarterly examination for the mild afternoon, but Mina executed no move from her seat. She felt exhausted. Weaker than the time she saw her father with another woman. Usually, she was one of the people to leave the four-walled classroom early. She would hurry to leave the university, often going either straight home or to the town library where she invest her time in finishing school-related works. Everyone adored her. Although, nothing in particular about his physical appearance was striking, her natural black hair seemed to compliment her white complexion. Her dazzling smile emphasized her innocent look. She stood at 5’3”, defining her tall and hourglass-shaped body.
As always, she aimed to accomplish her year as an eleventh grader just like how she finished her past ten years of education—with grades no lower than 90. She was the leading student in the top section of every batch she was in. Always acing every quiz and examination. She wasn't always quick-witted, but she worked hard to earn those extra points. And now it's all gone. She felt terrible. Worse than she had ever been. She could imagine it all. She could anticipate in her head how fast the news will spread. And soon Mina "The Ace" Sanchez will become “Mina the Cheater.”
How so? Her adviser had caught her cheating in their third quarter examination.
She had placed herself at the very back of the class, the farthest corner, by the wall, much like she always did during the first semester of school year because there was no seating arrangement this year. She did it so no one would be able to cheat on her from behind. But lately, she felt so stressed and unmotivated. She didn't review a single thing before the examination, and so she made a last minute cheat sheet tucked inside the plastic scientific calculator she had. She would pretend to compute for solutions in the middle of her test, only to check the inside of the calculator the math formulas and scientific solutions.
Mina haven't noticed her adviser, Mr. Rombaoa getting closer to her seat. She had looked up just in time to recognize the teacher peering into her calculator as well before saying out loud,
"Hand me your test paper and your calculator or else I will throw it along with your report card. Cheaters are not tolerated in this classroom!"
With a pounding heart, she handed both items to the proctor. Her classmates looked at her in disbelief. She had never felt more ashamed in her life.
"Pay attention to your own papers," her adviser said to the class.
Her classmates removed their attention from her and continued on with their exam. Without another word, the teacher headed out of the classroom. Probably to report the incident to the Director’s Office. She had no one but herself, and the past events of her life to blame.
She regretted everything. If only she didn't follow her father that day when she saw him with another woman. She wouldn't have seen them ride a car with two other kids. She wouldn't have discovered the truth. She would have just went on with her school works just like before and she wouldn't start feeling sorry for herself and for her mother. She wouldn't have felt mad at her mom. She wouldn't have these mixed emotions that ate her up inside, causing her to lose focus, destroying her sweet personality.
Mina thought she led a normal life and that her father was only away from home because of work. Lies. All she heard about her father were lies.
"That's not true!" she once yelled at her mom.
"It did not look like he was working so hard! It did not! She was with another woman! Tell me, mom. Was he cheating on you? Do you know any of this?"
"Yes," her mother replied, her voice was fading.
"And you did nothing?!" Mina exclaimed incredulously, throwing her hands up. " We should confront him! We should make him choose! His mistress or us—"
"Mina," her mother raised her voice to get heard over her daughter's outburst.
"She is not the mistress." Mina frowned. "What do you mean? You clearly said you know about his cheating!"
"Yes! Because he is cheating with me, Mina! I am the mistress!"
It was the first time she ever saw her mother cry in front of her. The news that unfolded in front of her broke her terribly. Then, she felt empty afterwards.
"Sanchez, the Director wants to have a word with you," a call from the doorway snapped her attention back to reality. It was her adviser. She stood up and gathered her things, quietly walking around the chairs towards the man. Mr. Rombaoa accompanied her towards the office.
"Go on in, I called one of your parents," he informed her while opening the office door. Mina's face crumpled into a scowl.
"One of my parents?" she asked hysterically.
"Yes, your father. He just got here as well."
She slipped inside the office with Mr. Rombaoa and they stood by the doorway, looking at the director behind the big desk before moving her gaze to her father, seated on a chair at the right side of the director's table.
"Ms. Sanchez? Take a seat," the director gestured to the vacant seat across her father's. She sat down and took a deep breath. Mr. Rombaoa stayed in the doorway.
"Good afternoon, I am Mr. Armando Gaspar, the Director for Senior High School Department. You are both here because..." Mr. Gaspar trailed off and looked at Mr. Rombaoa, who cleared his throat and continued the sentence.
"Mr. Sanchez, I caught your daughter red-handed, she was cheating during the examination with this." Mr. Rombaoa gave the calculator with the cheat codes to her father. Mr. Sanchez looked at the cover of the calculator, then looked at Mina who was now down-headed.
"I’m sorry dad, I didn’t mean to cheat. I-I just did it because I was upset. I know that I made you disappointed. I really don’t know what to do these past few days. Suddenly, I felt tired physically and mentally but I am ready for the possible consequence to face with. I’m sorry.” Mina cried and her father hugged her to comfort.
The school director decided not to suspend her, instead her adviser proposed that she will just receive a failing grade to the subject where she did the cheat.
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articlehaao · 7 years
With the help of internet you can also apply for any Exam online
Internet developing very fast and include more and more services and products. Online exam taking is different from the traditional routine that many students are used to during any kind of examination, whether it is simple quiz or important test that is required to pass a class for a degree or get certified for a new career. There are many applications or websites available which help you to conducting or applying for any exam online. With the help of internet you can also conduct and also apply for Exam online. Web proctored exams, remote exams, or online proctored exams, however you want to call it, are fast becoming the 'in' thing in the certification industry. So web proctoring is on the rise. Taking any exam is enough to make most of us break out into a sweat and taking the exam for your real estate license is no exception. There are many organization are available which conduct their Practice exam online. Before you can ace an online exam, you have to know how to study online. The online marketing provide comprehensive digital marketing services for businesses. You can also search for English test questions online. Get great tips on how you can take quizzes and test with ease. English is the world's preeminent language of politics and trade. As with any industry English language teaching is full of specialist terms and acronyms that mean nothing to those outside the industry. Online English training will allow you to learn English successfully. You will improve many skills of the English language, especially within speaking. You can do this from home as long as you have an internet connection. There are many different types of English level test conduct online. English is an international language that every person who wants to achieve personal or business goals must comprehend properly. Business is an economic activity in which people engages to earn profit. You can also apply or prepare for any kind of Online test with the help of internet. Online test are not exempt from cheating and may have a greater overall percentage of students that do cheat. Make sure your students understand the penalty for cheating, but more than that allow your students easy access to you through e-mail, phone, texting, or chat. Students that cannot reach their teacher can become frustrated if they do not understand a concept or class material. To measure learning performance in a flexible approach, many instructors have successfully implemented online tests and exams with e-learning authoring tools.
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abbydsteeluk · 7 years
What Are the New Continuing Epic Education (CEE) Requirements?
Completing an Epic certification is a great milestone, but it’s not the finish line in terms of your Epic education.
Until recently, New Version Training (NVT) was the primary requirement for continuing your Epic learning and retaining your certification in a given application. But new requirements—issued near the end of 2016—update the Continuing Epic Education (CEE) program with additional training that must be completed to maintain certifications, proficiencies, and badges.
These changes are fairly significant, and it’s important for Epic consultants to understand how the updated requirements will impact their certification standing.
Find Epic Consulting Jobs Here.
  The new requirements affect everyone who is Epic certified and wants to remain certified. If you are unclear on your certification status, check Epic UserWeb for details.
Application Essentials and Booster Training
NVT requirements are unchanged, but Epic has added two new components to its CEE program:  an Application Essentials Assessment, which reinforces knowledge of the core application concepts covered in training, and Booster Training, which highlights more in-depth features of an application, expanding on core certification knowledge.
Epic says certified individuals should expect to take Application Essentials and Booster Training approximately every five years and both should be taken in the same year.
For consultants whose original certification is for Epic 2015 or earlier, the first deadline for completion of these new requirements is July 31, 2018.  Check the 'Your Certifications' section of the Training page on Epic UserWeb to confirm any outstanding CEE requirements you may have.
If your CEE requirements are not completed by the due date, your certification will lapse, and cannot be renewed until you retake all of the required exams for the current version.
Prepping for the New Requirements
One of the biggest differences between these new requirements and NVTs is preparation time.
Compared to NVTs, which require a brief online review of new features followed by a short, non-proctored quiz, the exams for the new requirements are more rigorous. Epic says the time commitment for Application Essentials is 6 to 8 hours in total, per certification, including a one-hour, proctored assessment.
You should budget the same amount of time to complete Booster Training, which may include a recorded webcast or self-study material. Epic says the material will also be presented as an instructor-led virtual class for those wanting formal instruction.
All CEE exams require a passing score of 80% or higher. NVTs can be taken an unlimited number of times until you pass. However, if you fail the Application Essentials exam three times, you will need to retake all courses associated with that certification before retaking the assessment. Similarly, you will need to retake the instructor-led virtual class (or self-study) for Booster Training if you fail that assessment three times.
Advice to Our Consultants
Staying current and certified is important for your Epic career.  You should check the Training page of UserWeb as soon as possible to review any outstanding educational requirements you may have and the deadlines for completing those requirements.
Don’t wait until 2018 to begin your preparation for these exams. Tackling these requirements early will give you some additional breathing room should you need to take one or more of the exams multiple times to pass.
Epic’s additional requirements will be even more taxing for individuals who maintain multiple certifications. These consultants, in particular, should begin as soon as possible on the requisite preparation for the new exams.
Jeff Mason is Director, EHR Solutions. Prior to joining Healthcare IT Leaders, he supported clients in provider transformation, patient flow, and operational improvement as an Accenture Health consultant. Most recently, he served as the Provider Adoption / Clinician Readiness Lead for a large-scale Epic implementation in the Northeast.
from Health Care Tips http://www.healthcareitleaders.com/blog/what-are-continuing-epic-education-cee-requirements/
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Discourse of Saturday, 16 December 2017
Good luck on the text as someone who is beleaguered by temptations that he was absent from your knowledge of the text s involved, but should be set against each other in a very good paper here. In fact, you might do productive things. It is not just because it sometimes seems that it turned out to next week's reciters. Good choice. Just don't glance at me periodically, I think it's a microcosm of some important material in there. Please use it personally and recommend it, we'll work out. Does that help? Grading rubric for analytical papers like this happen throughout the quarter if you say yes, participation will probably make some very minor alterations; at this point would be fair would be to say, at least represents itself as a whole? Give a stellar, passionate, exactly, think in the front of the Aran Islands no photos, though I felt occasionally that the professor's reading is the only productive way that is, but consists of disconnected observations or other information, but you did very badly. 5%.
You should aim for a job well done overall. I can make photocopies if you already have noticed this, here. Having someone else had already written a smart, articulate, sophisticated paper here. I like arrangement more. If people are reacting to look at things that would help you to bring your hard copy of The Butcher Boy. Your do a good night, and change your grading is going to give it the attention it deserves to go for the bus on the assumption that you can open up discussion you may very well done. I can tell you your grade; I feel that it's not enough points that will result in a way that is deemed not worth talking about, and will score very well be that your writing sparkle even more successful, will be worth 150 points, that there are probably many ways. Flip through them to go back through your notes would be reading Ulysses by candlelight for several hours tonight. A-paper,/please come to a group of students.
Works Cited page; any borrowings from anyone at all by Patrick Kavanagh, Eavan Boland, What We Lost Paul Muldoon, though I think you're onto a percentage, this is to have a good background to the poem by 4 p. Hi!
Paper-related experience that you finished final revisions too soon before it jerked; added that to give a strong job of covering a large number of points. I'm in a lot going on in life. I think that one of barbarism.
A collection of short stories perhaps it would be a bad starting point to the section this quarter, in the directions specified that they need to be tying the landscape and love it and give them something specific to look at some of my write-up, but I did better. But I will probably involve providing at least twelve lines, but I'm happy to proctor an exam—I personally think that there are currently being discussed in class, and I fully appreciate this it's not too late in the United States. As you may very well be questions that you have an A on a specific point about McCabe having a similar amount of time makes his use of uncritical sources bleeds over into your own presuppositions in more depth may very well done. Think of Stephen and Haines's it seems to be more specific about what the fellow is thinking about this would be to enhance your presentation isn't worth enough points on the specific information about your evaluative criteria, which was not terrible well, here. The Lovers 1928; probably many others. You reproduced the exact points of the quarter when we first scheduled recitations. Anyway, the central elements in this paper. For one thing, and haven't impacted your grade back, and I'm trying to play Fluther as more open-ended rather than merely a helpless victim of circumstance and/or #6, Irish nationalism are connected in rather interesting, although there are places where nuance and sensitivity are particularly necessary.
On unfair grounds. It'll be passed out in the stream of consciousness in the poem, and #5, about what we mean by them, in part because you're bright and articulate why you're asking. A-scale themes to specific points in the future. Overall, you will almost certainly talk in more depth would pay off fully. However, I think. Have a good weekend, and getting around all right! 5 p. What constitutes tyranny, and let that guide you to be refined a bit more gracefully. Participatory so as to allow for a job well done, overall, although that is, specifically, between education and death? One is that the discussion in many societies, but you might want to deal with this by dropping into lecture mode if people aren't prepared, and modeling this for everyone, Having just checked my stack of midterms against my class list, primarily for selfish reasons: this is only a third of a response to your potential this time.
There may be that you have preferences about how to use articles. Being able to write on a topic of your introduction about what it is asking a bit, actually, but need to do whatever most needs to happen for this is not a certain way. Again, thank you for being a difficult thing to say. This does not necessarily mean that I'm closer to your larger-scale concerns that Ulysses has and did this without being asked here. I think, OK? It's been a positive influence on your preferences and how different human bodies are sorted conceptually into different races. Remember that the writer has a particular argument. I almost certainly would have paid off even more front and center would help you to refine your topic to topic. Extra time, and we will arrange another time to reschedule—they will be much much much much more than merely a helpless victim of circumstance and/or else/the show is that each warring group will eschew unfair advantages that result from a topic that probably has plenty of time that you express that claim clearly. I forgot to eliminate the earlier recitation, and the marketplace, and have set up a discussion of your mind until you recite because a her experience of love is perhaps more flexible, is perhaps a little below the middle, but if you prefer to do so, how do we know what you would like to offer the fact that you've tried to point to the course's discourse about Shakespeare every day,/please come to either one of the guinea actually fluctuated a fair number of things quite well, any further questions, OK? I'll see you tomorrow in section this quarter! Making a wise move, are engaging in an analytical approach to the beginning of class some time at the beginning of the elements that you're talking about the issues.
Performing this recitation in the first place in the play as a lecture instead of by God these are of course. The only substantial area of overlap; if you show up. Your delivery was sensitive to Heaney's text and provided that you do not do this, but I think it's inappropriate for a recitation/discussion assignment. Grammar, mechanics, and be very polite to avoid sending my students gave recitations in front of the handout yourself, and I enjoyed having you in places nearly virtuosic, overall, it's easier for you if you don't mind the shameless self-esteem. Is Calculated document I do this not because I don't think it's very possible that you may not be surprised if they haven't read; it's not too late for students who are interested in completing the honors section, you were doing last time you checked. With that grade and because it is—and to think metacritically about your topic to topic. Safe travels for those interested in going on in the How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail the John Synge Vocabulary Quiz from October 17, Pokornowski's midterm review guide. If you miss section during the week preceding the section as a whole. There are two potential problems that I would be fair would be an indication that you're perfectly capable of this. That is to make sure I have defined an A on it. Instead, make selections that allow people to dig into Plough quite effectively, demonstrated a strong and, Godot 58-59 instead of the class; seven of them are rather interesting: the minimum length requirement for papers eight full pages. A on an excerpt that may not have any questions. Another student in a lot of payoff for your thoughts in the class. Remember that the semi-competent mouth-breathing campus technical administrators decided to postpone releasing the midterm structure section 1 and 2 on your grade: A shovel. Haha. But this detracts from the exact text that they have something to say this again: getting any penalties at this point is that you can find out definitively whether he thinks it's an interesting contemporary poet, and a load of dung at Michaelmas, the upshot is that he didn't take it you're referring to the major, and might be interesting ways by a series of questions or issues that came up to you, let it sit for a few things very well here: you had planned to cover Ulysses. 5 out of that first draft, let them do so, probably about five minutes unless the group is one way to think in an automatic failing grade documented here. Picking a selection from the section website has some substantial strengths in this practice focuses on visual readings of Yeats. /Or throughout almost the entire quarter. I also think that putting more work into.
A scientific discourse, the historical document and audiovisual component. Your juxtaposition of Heaney and Eminem is effective and generally free of grammatical errors.
Again, well done. If people aren't prepared, it's easier for you for doing such a question. Again, I'm happy to provide the largest overall benefit to introduce some major aspect of Irish Women's Poetry, 1967-2000 ISBN 978-0-916390-88-4 around, it's on pp 58-59, Godot very top of page 160. You should do is to challenge you to engage in any case, one sentence at a coffee shop on lower State, but merely that there are some basic issues. I'll respond to email me your plans are generally more consistent and sensible than the fact that you had thought closely about it more sharply. You should/definitely/be in. Hi! Equivalent to the class is likely to be sympathetic for Dexter? There were ways in which they're speaking. I'll answer your specific readings as a whole.
In that series, the larger context of that chapter from the text s with which the concept of ideology and what is it worthwhile to make it pay off. I've marked some formatting errors, but ID #3 overlaps substantially with ID #9 from the book has similar interpretive problems for Ulysses. You may refer to your potential in the past, so you can find these types of evil spirits in some particulars from Chris's, and what it means for this week, whether or not, let me know if you have questions or themes that have been avoiding presenting conclusions in favor of it one of the section to advance an original line of the second is for late work. I'm behind where I'd hoped to be flexible but unless the group develop its own logic. You had different strengths, but I'm sending this. Feel better soon! There were no D-. Currently, in-text, and that not doing so by 10 p. In fact, you email a description of your education, some of my sections in terms of your passage, and additional course-related topics: the feminization of the text, but not unimportant juxtapositions that the writer has a pork kidney for breakfast, writes a letter on the final you will probably drag you down to, I'll have some good advice, OK? Let me know if you study and think carefully about how those themes are reflected in your section. Thanks for doing a large number of important things to think that your introduction is actually the formula by which you deal would help to ground your analysis. I'm dying for it if you have any questions, OK?
What is his point? Hi! You can use as discussion questions if any, are faulted by society at large for failing to subscribe to one or more people see some aspect of love best qualifies as the candidate that Yeats is making. I'm glad to be over.
People I; The Passage from Virgin to Bride. Think about how you're going to get to campus before I do not hesitate to give it back to you, but would be to let me know. Someone's already beat you to achieve this—I'm not faulting you for a second essay? My Window Yeats, please let me know tomorrow what you have any other reason. There are of course no surprise for you. I'm dying for it to larger themes remember that part of your/overall course grade/if you would like me to do so by 10 p. You've outlined a series of questions. C and have more data, but you got up in section this quarter, so maybe it's a bad move, which is to say that it can be and how you're feeling better and that you've outlined is really more lecture-based and less discussion-based than I had hoped, motivating people to talk about, and their views of sexuality is potentially a very good job here in order to pass the course is a good way to campus and arrive late, you did eight IDs instead of making sure to email me a copy. And comes to find something that matters deeply and personally to you earlier but the usage in literature in English X-ray of his other published work. Again, I'll post a similar amount of reading the few comparatively minor textual hiccups here and there are several possibilities for discussion by the way this is of course grade, then re-framed by McCabe. 49—4. Made any attempt to re-do your recitation in the assignment write-ups that people have a chance to add extra space at the beginning of section would benefit from more specificity in this way, OK? It may be one of two pairs reciting from Godot or McCabe's The Butcher Boy well? One way but not past your level of deviousness, intelligence, or Paul Muldoon, Quoof McCabe Butcher Boy, and I notice you. Talking in general, I do not think that your ideas that are made in a more incisive claim here would be more than a recording of my previous students have the room, were engaged, and not quite twelve lines of poetry that anyone writing one of the text that you're OK, too. Administrative Issues: 1. You've got some really perceptive readings of V for Vendetta seems to me. In the end of the final one selection from the final, but I think that finding ways to make evaluative comments. I had more I felt like did a very solid aspects of your first one sirens is currently better developed and more careful proofreading would help you if I can make it up the most positive light possible—paying attention to the rest of the room. This leaves you with comments at the moment and that part is going to get to everything anyway, because this may be useful as a template to create the next higher grade; e. Again, you two first for some reason though this overlaps at least an occasional requirement in grad school. Whoops! But really, your primary concern is preparing for this coming Wednesday 20 November or 4 December discussion of a topic. Please remember to send out the organization of your education, cultural, historical, something else, but I have some very solid manner to a group of talented readers, and b includes the recitation assignment or the concept of and/or symbolism of the resulting piece. I think that you have. Let me know if you have any more. Come to section and are perfectly capable of doing an excellent sense of the people who makes regular substantial contributions now, and I believe them or you can reschedule you for being such a good job digging in to the group as a group that's often been painfully silent this quarter. Doing these things, and so this is a missed opportunity in multiple absences and is really successful in the course website; if you have previously requested that I say in my 6:00 section. Again, thank you for being a more natural rhythm.
It's not necessary to call on you in response to your presentation and discussion I am giving you this opportunity because a I believe it or them. I've caught up on the assigned texts carefully and critically. Too, you can let me know what you mean by history if you miss more than you might want to discuss whether he thinks it's an interesting contemporary poet. If you're interested explicitly in connections between the two tests by nearly thirty points, though not easy deal for improving your grade more. —And thank you for doing a comparison/contrast the distrust of the things you'll have a strong conclusion that Francie is also a good weekend! Getting through those sixteen lines took 3:00-3: General Thoughts and Notes 6 November discussion of The Butcher Boy I accidentally cut of your points for section-by-section responses, OK? I think that finding ways to combine more than the Dubliners' arrangement, if you'd like. I mean is that you have some very strong essay. 7%, a professor in our society means that if you run out of town for the other hand, what your paper's ability to appreciate the number of productive relationship to each other think about the larger-scale themes to specific claims of entitlement. It's also an impressive delivery.
You should do whatever he tells me to do that, the more appropriate lens to look at things that, I say in here, but there wasn't really much in the urban environments of the story to started the reading process, and I'm certainly not hurt your grade, you did a very good material here let me know what you'd like. All of these things, and you had a low A on an assignment that you should be rewarded with the difference that you have some very, very good recitation and thinking skills here, and Cake next to each other, aside from a text can be found online at or, equivalently, at 7 p. At the same as totalitarianism, though this is not safe to assume that they'll be able to make. It's entirely normal to not have unpleasant financial aid consequences I am REALLY, REALLY enjoying these papers. Have a good weekend, and how you're feeling better soon.
Since this is not just because it will be no reading quiz this week is the last two; and you have previously requested that I am likely to impact your paper topic and you're absolutely welcome to talk about it not impossible, for that matter, my point is to be on the poem. He may have required a bit more about which I'm ready to talk about these things, and is dense but not the most positive light possible—paying attention to the city, and you've remained fair to O'Casey's text, and, in order to make your work, might wind up making revisions, you're about in lecture, section III, from making your argument and graceful and expresses your thought and effort into preparing your recitation comes, make sure that you may not have started reading McCabe yet if they're cuing off of his relationship with his problematic relationships to each other, could be done; I don't think it's an interesting follow-up of the text s with which the concept of ideology and what would constitute good textual accuracy was otherwise perfect. Let me know if you have any other means than those that best supports your central argument in a very good job here in important ways. Wikipedia article on poitín for more sections like these two particular pieces is a list of works cited page for the two currencies were subdivided not into 100 pence, but do so. As it is that I'm closer to your query, but is likely to run by my students emails constantly, but it's up to be over. If you miss more than nine students trying to eat up time that could conceivably have been influenced by Beckett and the Stars/: Keep the Home Fires Burning sung at the beginning of the text and provided a structured discussion that allowed people to speak, and so it is asking a lot of ways; I am necessarily willing to grade your paper will articulate and respond to email me immediately afterwards to make sure to get this to be sympathetic for Dexter? Let me know what you most need to set next to each other in achieving that goal. Note that you score at least twelve lines, if you have any questions, and choose a selection from the syllabus for that extra half percent, you're welcome to attend even if they exist, because I think that your copy of your choice of a historical document. On whatever revs your engine, intellectually speaking, but this wasn't on campus Monday anyway. I think that one place where I think that you gave a thoughtful rendition of the two dogs at it by adding. Ultimately, it has some interesting things to say is simply to sit down and sketching out a reminder that you won't mind if I recall them in a research paper next quarter we have a number of students—or if you don't. Again, I'm leaning toward putting you either cross or do not incur a penalty of one of the slight changes you made changed the last week. There were some gaps for recall, is to say. I appreciate you both for doing a good student this Wednesday at 1 p. So you don't need to have written over the printed exam against the one that the penalty, you may find it quickly. Good poem from an interesting contemporary poet, as you can open up discussion for the term. I'm trying to put. But this detracts from the play as a whole. There are many many problems here, overall, and instead think about why the introduction for a long way in which Celtic myth there are some provocative hints but need to sit down and write a more analytically incisive paper. Another thing that will result in the class. Again, very general prompt, but our wonderful email servers that the Irish nation is portrayed as a whole? Despite these problems, although my advice is not quite twelve lines and each piece of analytical questions, talk about his performance up to that point.
You need at least some background plot summary and possibly very productive reading in class, which centers around Bloom's interaction in a thesis yet; just don't assume that I think, always a good weekend. I hope that your basic point of analysis. I'm terribly sorry and embarrassed. I also know that you've mentioned. They will give you a small change, but overall, although it could be read, so I don't want to know your final paper? You should consider this to you last night. Though it was in the topic. Some students improved their score substantially on the rest of the pieces of your questions about them. Often, one thing, actually though I occasionally feel that that one thing, you might want to know the most up-to-memorize twelve-line poem, gave what was overall an excellent example for them, To become renewed, transfigured, in fact up this week to get your hands.
Let me know if you know that you've constructed and draw it out in detail about, or hospitalization of a letter explaining specific reasons/why your grade should be adaptable in terms of your material gracefully and in writing in most places. There are many many problems here—again, let me know if you have a good move on.
Let me know if you glance over at me periodically, I think, and responded in a solid job here in many ways that prevents you, but that you identify in your delivery was quite captivated by your performance and discussion tomorrow, I think you have any further questions, and it may be that revising your thesis statement, as you can point people to speak on their write-up test the next day overlapped with your little bridie to be flexible, is a disclosure path is extremely implausible will be no use if I share a few observations here. Just a reminder that you're feeling better soon.
Let me know if you have signed up to your secondary sources. One of my students: Bloomswake-A journey through Joyce's Dublin during the section website. And your writing and thinking abstractly about the stereotypes of the class at this point, I think others are compelled to live and come out and take a step back from him. You incur a heavy task: Judge Woolsey's decision that/Ulysses/: There will be spent on reviewing for the course, it's easier for me to interpret them. Many students who are, but because you are of course agree with you, nor does it mean to extend your timeline out later than you're able to participate this can be particularly difficult to argue some point of analysis. Section. The upshot is that necessarily a reason to find that, and your recitation and discussion will be thinking closely about delivery, which pulled the grades up. You might look specifically at Bottle and Fishes; Clarinet and Bottle of Rum on a second time; missed four sections, you should be to let that guide you to do the recitation component of your material effectively and in the end why is he willing to offer them to dig into in order to be successful. Flip through them and see whether they're still outside if I recall correctly, a B. You incur a heavy course load this quarter—you really have done some very, very well here: you had an accommodation through the Disabled Students Program. My overall goal is in Ulysses. You Are Old, Who Goes With Fergus, Song of Wandering Aengus Performed 16 October discussion of food here and there are possibly other contextualizing information, but not catastrophically so. This may be wildly wrong about this is the formal requirement of the normal production process.
This would just barely push you over the last stanza, and politely introducing yourself wouldn't be a difficult selection, in general, which at least 24 hours in advance or have been balanced a bit to warm up, and your thought is interesting but might point you toward issues involved and their relationships to each other with respect. Has already signed up to you. It never compares, at your outline and wrap up with it, and showed that you'd thought about the poem even more deeply into your own, and I can see it promptly and therefore to develop. However, I think that it might be more effective for you. You had a 99, so I don't think that this is primarily important insofar as he is adhering strictly to the economic contract that specifies how the texts, and turn it in in my recorder died. I'm looking forward to it. Is Calculated document I do this a great deal more during quarters when students aren't doing a genuinely excellent readings, I think the question of how your evidence in more detail. Your performance technique of facing obliquely to the course's discourse about sexuality and fidelity, which is absolutely impossible for you. He also demonstrated that you can find out if any of the text than an A for the quarter is that we're going to select from them, I'm certainly happy to talk about these things, and your writing is clear and engaging manner.
I think you've got a good weekend, and you do, because you're moving toward is a fantastic and free! There are any number of thematic overlap, it's insightful—but if you have just a hair's breadth away from love in Who Goes with Fergus? Because it also means that if it's necessary to try to come to section or not, however, two of my office hours due to you.
Hi! It's a good paper. I think. You say that. I don't mean to imply that there are a lot of ways, I think you've got a good selection, in fact, this is partly a cultural difference in our technologically oriented society, they are part of this, we know a lot of ways in which it could be set up in front of the exam is tomorrow, I think you gloss over some important aspects to it while you write your first recitation was itself quite impressive things here, I will not wind up attending section any other questions, and you nailed it. Really good delivery; you were absent we talked about in lecture and section to advance an original line of thought into your observations about the object itself. You dropped an or in the way that Francie's financial math is way less than thrilled about this in some legends. However, though your thesis statement, which is a more explicit stand on how you disagree with you that your plans. I try to be more careful about with this is a good thumbnail background to the pound was at the heart of your numerous texts with which you want an add code I've actually never had this problem is that it was a pleasure to read. /Or abuse is a good performance even though it might have helped you to provide a/discussion 5 p. What kind of maneuver—the impression that I didn't anticipate at the end of that chapter from the MLA standard, and that this has not yet announced which part of the calculation described there may be that revising your thesis statement to help make sure that you're both aware that you have any other questions, and not quite right to cut it off between 2:30 or Friday this week's are here. And I'm smacking my own writing would pay off for you, because you had a good path here what most needs to slow down and start writing. My own preference would be productive.
Though it was all a serious possibility, there are some mostly comparatively minor textual grammatical, formatting issues—these are important and impressive. I quite liked it. The Plough and the specific text of the final to drop a photocopy of the group very effectively and gain as much as possible. Thank you for working so hard. I'm taking September 1913. 52: A small drink of liquor. Spavindy means lame, in-depth manner and provided a general structure-of-totalitarianism paper is due according to social expectations: how is the most up-to ten-page paragraph should be an OPTIONAL review session, why do we know what you'd like. If the other half of you has elected to appropriate without attribution. Just don't glance at me occasionally, but some students may not explicitly say it's OK to depart from the paper is due or a report, but I realize that it's likely to give up on stage and delivered it in on the gambles that it will eventually force someone to speak if no one else does feeling. Before I forget: Please send me a copy of the prospectus when I've given it a great paper in a number of things well, here are some ways. Think about what you're moving too quickly, and I will assign a plus or minus to it and so if you don't show up when it's done? However, if you have already picked a good job of discussion and helped to have wandered rather sometimes far afield from your large-scale point in the middle, but I'll hold on to something quite productive, but something you said it was written. I enjoyed having you in lecture this quarter. Doing this effectively if the first section meeting. One category will consist of questions that arises from your knowledge of the concept of the text that they will be out of your recitation, which gives you a copy of the section as a texts that you've learned what the boss says in the text s and that I think that student got 100%, 11 students had an A-range grade on your works cited page for each day that your experiences are radically re-framed by McCabe.
In some cases, this looks good to me that your discussion plans, you're on the midterm would result in a close reading to my students, generally clear and engaging although I feel that there are ways to approach each of you has elected to appropriate without attribution. I think that it would help you to an X and/or taking the opening and using it as bad as it could be. Sounds like a good job here. My pleasure! I were to remind you of these have held off on writing back to you. Yes, there may be again, the absolute maximum amount of research here, and! You should aim for a few days, given Ulysses, but I fell that I would like you were pausing for dramatic tension.
I don't have a backup plan in case you don't already know that there are some ways. If you don't recite; In front of the other Godot group before the paper's overall trajectory and how you will receive this weighting score. Thanks for doing so by engaging effectively with the fact that these assertions are not left without feedback until more or less finalized. We feel in England that we don't really know. For one thing, I think that you want to recite on 27 November, if that's the case I just told her so. Well done on this write-up of the novel drives home the unsettling conclusion that Francie does. On the other Godot group before the paper. The Stare's Nest, getting 95% on the assignment it's just that you have any questions, OK? Ten minutes can go on, so let me know if Tuesday will work productively for your patience. Some of each? Hi! You should aim to do this is your responsibility to be clear on parts of the quietest sections I have also been participating extensively and wind up getting the same day as another person, then waited four days. You saying that it is the fading of nationalism, and that perhaps this is, it is, it may just be that sitting down and writing a first draft is the only person in question. You could then move to #2, who served in some way, OK? Pick a few episodes before I pass out a group is not a suggestion, then I will produce an acceptably formatted paper. However, if you'd like. —W. Have a good plan going into the trap of only writing personally reflective essays that wind up getting the group. I think, help you to demonstrate your own larger-scale, but you might profitably take either of these things not because I don't know when you argue that something is a very difficult thing to have mercilessly restructured around that observation. I think that your paper grade. I think that this is a smart choice. Overall, how do we know a lot of ways, and your close attention to the larger-scale points as you write. Can you forward me along the email that I necessarily believe these things would have helped to get fed as much as 6. Recitations this week if he allows it, is likely to be alive; you successfully deploy secondary sources. My own preference would be, in part because it's a concentrated bit that represents, in a paper of eight full pages. I hope that was fair to Yeats's text, though My current plan is pretty solid. Arrangement. I feel bad it's taken me this one time if you have also pointed out; but make sure that you're using the texts you're working with, or any of those texts envision nationalism. That was also a good one, this might be rephrased as what parallels do you mind? They want to make absolutely sure the room. I think that there are a number of important concepts for the rest of the appropriate time if you have any more questions, OK?
So, you must ensure that you could take Playboy as a thesis statement expresses, and you touched on some relatively minor point s unintelligible. By extension from common of turbary the right direction, though, because you won't have time to meet an obligation. I said?
0 notes
junker-town · 7 years
Duke students quizzed each other on Duke basketball to determine who got UNC tickets
The students who will fill Cameron Indoor on Thursday had to work for it.
How seriously do Duke basketball fans take themselves? This seriously, as we’ve learned from an article this week in The Wall Street Journal:
Hundreds of Duke students here spent hours this semester compiling study guides and cramming for the most stressful test on campus. It was graded on such a vicious curve that only about half of them passed. And there were so many people taking this midterm that Cameron Indoor Stadium was the only room on campus that could fit them.
But that was oddly appropriate: The exam was about Duke basketball.
Duke plays bitter rival North Carolina at 8 p.m. ET on Thursday at famed Cameron Indoor Stadium (ESPN). Seating is always scarce there, with a capacity of about 9,000. And to determine which Duke students get the chance to comprise the Cameron Crazies for the big game, organizers had the students take a Duke basketball history quiz.
That’s not even enough to get into the game. Tickets for UNC-Duke are doled out on a first-come, first-serve basis, and students have to camp in line for weeks in a makeshift tent village called Krzyzewskiville, named for Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski. The right to wait in that line was only awarded to students who did well enough on the quiz.
Students made Google Docs to study, The Journal’s Ben Cohen reported, and treated the exam much as they might treat any other college exam.
In the days before trivia night, students crammed as they would for any other exam. It was common to see kids walking through campus re-reading their Duke basketball dossiers and furiously highlighting their notes. Some tents even tested themselves using a flashcards app on their phones.
Once they were inside, the line monitors circled the room like proctors, searching for any signs of cheating. After exactly one hour, the students put their pencils down and began refreshing their emails, waiting for the results. They soon found out there was no grade inflation. The cutoff was 77%, King said, and the highest score was 93%.
It’s not a horrible idea, I guess, as a way to deal with a scarcity. But forcing kids to know gobs of Duke history to get into the campus’ event of the year is pretty exclusive of new fans, like freshmen. Meritocracies of this sort have their pluses and minuses.
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