#how to set jaman
asrisgratitudejournal · 7 months
Wowza. Kemarin tepat 9 Oktober 2023, bumi sudah mengelilingi matahari sebanyak 30 laps sejak ku lahir di bumi ini. OOT tapi ku sebetulnya masih agak merinding dan PTSD kalau mikirin konsep kalender karena ku inget pernah belajar sistem kalender pas pelatnas (lupa siapa yang ngajarin) dan susah banget mumet. Konsep kalender kita sekarang yang ganti hari 00.00 sebetulnya baru diterapin di 1920-an lah (sebelumnya kalau ganti hari itu jam 12 siang), dan bedanya Julian Day, Gregorian Day, WAH. Gamau lagi nyentuh hal-hal itu HUHU. Anyway, tapi untungnya sekarang kita semua content dengan konsep 1 tahun kalender Masehi == 1 lap earth mengelilingi sun (walaupun nanti ada lagi Tahun Besselian dsb., but we won’t go there) – Terima kasih dulu kenapa pada astronom dan time-scientist yang sudah membuat kemudahan untuk kita-kita warga yang hidup di 2023 ini.
OH! Ku jadi keingetan juga (gara-gara bahas orang nemuin suatu hal yang sebelumnya belum ada/belum universal konsepnya) kemarin baca chapter 2-nya The Sixth Extinction tentang gimana dulu orang belum kenal konsep „extinction“ dan kemudian Cuvier, Lamarck, dan scientist di jaman itu menyatakan bahwa organism itu ternyata bisa (dan mungkin) punah. Pasti mind-blowing banget kalau hidup di jaman itu kayak „hah?? Wym there was other period of time where the earth isn’t populated by human?” – dah sekian OOT-nya.
Masuk ke inti dari postingan ini. Awalnya mau nulis betapa bersyukurnya sudah dikasih umur panjang oleh Allah SWT (walaupun the latest research showed humans apparently can live (AND WORK TOO??) until 120, which means I’m now TRULY experiencing quarter-life crisis kalau kata Naufal di X…). Ku kemarin udah nyentuh dikit di postingan sebelumnya what I currently feel now that I “berkepala 3” kalau di konsep Indo. Intinya HAPPY. Sangat content. Sangat bersyukur. Definitely can do more (wow ini tipikal Asian banget, terutama idol-idol Korea) and feel like I didn’t enough, but it’s OK NOOONNNN. Dengan do business as usual aja (not my best), Alhamdulillah sudah sampai Oxford ngerjain DPhil PAKE BEASISWA. HELLOOOO??? If I did my best, sekarang ku di NASA JPL kali ya bersama Ben F(censored) 😊😊😊. Issoke. Harus menerapkan juga konsep Qonaah dan Zuhud di hidup ini (MasyaAllah).
Terus paling absurd dari perayaan ke 30 ini adalah…. How I have been giving gifts to myself in the last 2 weeks…? Jadi spending banyak banget jajan terus dan selalu pake excuse “gapapa I deserve this kok, kan this is my birth month??!”. Barang-barang yang di-consume recently using the excuse of treating myself diantaranya:
Harry Potter The Cursed Child (tiketnya mayan, kalau di-combine sama transport dan makan juga jadi lumayan *emoji mohon maaf*)
Sepatu:__) ke Bicester kemaren beli New Balance, terus pas lagi ke TKMaxx beli pot beli Tommy Jeans lagi juga… (padahal kemarin pulang Indo udah ngebawa 5 pairs of trainers dan ngebuang 5 pairs…)
PLANTS… awalnya iseng aja beli Cyclamen bareng Puspa Cuma £2.5 di Covered Market… terus tahu meme yang orang beli PC 1 set gaksih… ku jadi ketagihan dan mulai beli plants di Tesco yang murmer £5… ke M&S Summertown pulang pengajian beli lagi £6… kemarin ada sale-nya Oxford Union beli lagi 1 Monstera dan 1 Asplenium @ £10… Terus si taneman ini kan harus di-repotting ya, jadi harus beli pot juga… Dan soil juga di amazon… Pokoknya kalau dihitung total sepertinya sudah sama dengan 1 sepatu New Balance kemarin itu… YAHADEH. Gapap tapi yang penting senang, dan sekarang rumah ada ijo-ijonya. Palingan jadi PR aja punya anak buat diurusin… Tapi mostly Cuma perlu di-water 1x/week kok, jadi harusnya ga masalah…
Books… kemarin tiba-tiba amazon ada sale gitu random, jadi ku-beli Yellowface dan Lessons in Chemistry (baru sampai kemarin). Dan beberapa weekend ini juga bolakbalik ke Bookstop dan the Last Bookshop dan beli 1 buku tentang anthropologist trainee yang ke Tanimbar gitu, dan 1 buku extinctionnya Natural History Museum London….
Udah kayanya itu doang… Habis di-list sebetulnya ga banyak-banyak amat lah ya… Kayanya total gasampe £300, which is FAIRRRRR. Ulangtahun ke-30 ngasih kado ke diri sendiri 6jutaIDR sangat worth it lah ya. Itu kalau di Jakarta, bisa abis buat makan-makan doang, dan ku ini betulan mendapat benefit yang banyak, fungsional, dan membuat senang juga. (This is me trying to justify my spending)…
Mita sempat nanya mau dibeliin apa terus w bingung awalnya, eh terus Stray Kids ada comeback announcement yaudah jadinya album Rock Star ini aja. Irfan juga nanyain terus jadinya dibeliin buku Clive Oppenheimer HEHE terima kasih banyakkkkk. Hmm ada siapa lagi ya yang ngasih hadiah. Listi bikinin cup cake dong HUHU sangat baik (yang mana cupcakenya ketinggalan tadi pagi karena terburu-buru berangkat ke Statistics). Ku sendiri-pun belum beliin Listi hadiah apapun padahal ulang tahun dia 7 Oktober, 2 hari sebelumku…. Nanti deh dipikirin.
Udah sih sebetulnya mau ngomong ini aja. Apa lagi ya yang mau dibahas… Lagi nonton LUPIN sekarang, ku usahakan tiap hari nonton 1 episod, dan juga baca buku The Sixth Extinction atau si anthropologist itu setiap malem 1 chapter. Besok ada ketemu sama Joost dia mau ngasih script R buat ngeplot termal desorption dan sekalian discuss feedback draft yang dia kirim kemarin. Upcoming weekend Mba Mita mau ke Oxford, terus next weekendnya ada acara perkenalan warga Oxford dengan students di hari Sabtu, dan Minggu-nya ngisi acara TOGI (yang mengingatkan aku ku perlu nyiapin slide). AH! Mau cerita juga weekend kemarin ngapain aja! Weekend yang sangat capek.
Ku Sabtu entah kenapa malemnya gabisa tidur sampe jam 2 gitu. Dari situ aja udah salah banget. Paginya jadi susah bangun. Harusnya dah siap-siap dari jam 11 karena mau ke ulang tahun Medina sebelum bantuin David di outreach tapi berujung baru mandi jam 1… ? Sampe tempatnya Medina jam 1.30 kayanya… terus ngobrol-ngobrol, makan, minum kopi, lanjut cabs lagi ke Wesleyan Church, sampe sana 2.30 (padahal janjinya jam 2). Bantuin ngejelasin game risk probability volcanic hazard gantiin Sofia, berdua bareng Charlie undergrad. MAYAN CAPEK. Terus beres dari situ bantuin beres-beres. Udah pegel banget angkat-angkat…. Pulang disempetin mampir ke yang acara plant sale OU itu. Balik ke rumah jalan bawa 2 pot dah berat ya ceu. Sampe rumah ramai karena Listi bikin acara dinner di Common Room. Ku tinggal perlu mandi aja sih dan turun ke bawah. Di bawah ya harus bersosialisasi lagi kan, dan si Iris juga ga berhenti nelponin curhat AAAAAAAA pokoknya beneran pengen menghilang aja di kamar mandi for 2 hours kalau bisa, tapi nggak bisa kan ya. Untungnya beres-beres gak lama karena ramai orang, terus TIDURRRRRRRRR. Sangat senang.
Minggu akhirnya nggak ngapa-ngapain karena saking capeknya. Jujur lupa ngapain aja, tapi literally ga keluar rumah seharian. OH! Nonton last episode Black Mirror S06 yang mayan aneh. Terus mulai nonton si Lupin itu. Terus ngapain lagi ya… Literally gak baca dan gak ngelukis juga (padahal plan awalnya teh ngerjain itu…). OH! Mita nelpon ngucapin selamat ulang tahun karena sudah 00.00 9 October di WIB. Terus Kak Kaca dateng nganterin Kasur sambil mampir lalu kami ngobrol bentar. Udah, terus tidur. Senin masih capek banget jadinya WFH juga sambil ngerjain repotting karena soil dari Amazon sudah datang.
Betulan rasanya masih kurang banget istirahat... Ini sekarang pun malam masih akan ada dinner Jardine... Setelah ku-sudah mulai beraktivitas dari jam 08.30. Ku punya pertanyaan: kok orang bisa ya being functional for the whole 12 hours… Hebat.
Dah sepertinya untuk sekarang sampai di sini dulu saja karena harus segera kembali ke department dan ngepos ini dan siap2 ke dinner. Kayanya mau squeezing bikin slide dulu sih in 30mins, atau minimal outlinenya aja, apa-apa yang mau ditaruh.
Bye-a, hope you have the rest of the week filled with happiness!
18:00 10/10/2023 VHL (karena RSL-nya jadinya belum buka huft payah euy)
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wehaveeverythinggreat · 8 months
On Becoming a Half Marathoner
Minggu kemarin saya baru saja lari sejauh 21.1km di event Maybank Marathon Bali. Sebuah pencapaian yang gak kebayang sama sekali, apalagi di awal tahun dimana kondisi badan yang lagi sportless-sportless nya. Sayang rasanya kalau pencapaian ini gak diabadikan dalam bentuk tulisan yang besok-besok kalau lagi butuh motivasi tinggal dibaca sambil merenung look how far I've come . Format tulisan akan disajikan dalam bentuk timeline dan mungkin ada sedikit takeaways karena purely ini berdasarkan pengalaman aja. So, let's start
Desember 2022
Awalnya saya ngelihat postingan dan instagram story yang di-share sama temen saya soal acara lari Semarang 10K. Saya mulai tertarik soal lari ini, mulailah tanya-tanya sambil googling hal-hal teknis seputar lari. Mantaplah saya untuk mulai olahraga lagi, kali ini saya memilih lari untuk jadi cabornya.
Key Takeaways:
Sebelum ini saya udah pernah nyoba lari, dari jaman apps-nya masih Endomondo tapi berantakan banget dan bosen setelah 4 bulanan. So running is not *that* new to me.
Hidayah emang kadang datang dari hal-hal yang gak diduga, make sure to remain vigilant at all times.
Punya temen yang udah nyebur duluan ini enak. Selain ilmunya udah lebih update, bisa dapet bonus diceburin juga.
Januari - Februari 2023
Saya mulai lari dari treadmill yang dibeli waktu awal pandemi yang akhirnya malah kepake setelah gak pandemi, talking about irony. Di bulan ini juga mulai bikin akun strava biar log-nya gampang dilihat.
Key Takeaways:
Running is easy, running the proper way is fookin hard.
Your first run might be painful, but it's good for you. Dari saya yang sesi lari pertamanya cuma kuat 20 menit yang selanjutnya malah gak bisa berhenti karena kebanjiran endorphins.
Tahap ini sih kayaknya belum mulai macem-macem ya, badan bisa gerak aja udah syukur yang penting rutin dan disiplin.
Maret - April 2023
Lari udah mulai lancar. Disiplin lagi oke-okenya. Konsep dan teori baru juga udah makin banyak yang dipelajari. Kalau kalian bisa sampai fase ini, just keep going.
Key Takeaways:
Badan mulai adaptasi. Mulai ngerti gunanya HR Zone, pemanasan sebelum mulai lari, dan tidur yang cukup.
Daftar race itu penting, karena apalah artinya latihan kalau gak bisa update medali di sosmed hua. Tapi ini serius, at least buat saya yang butuh motivasi eksternal tambahan. Daftar race dan buat target yang masuk akal. Saya sendiri akhirnya daftar Maybank Marathon karena dari awal emang udah ngincer event ini. Maybank Marathon bisa dibilang cukup prestis dan seru, jadi at least kalau kalian bisa finish di sini kemudian update ya lumayan wah lah. Alasan lainnya karena waktu itu timing pendaftaran dan promonya pas, saya dapet slotnya gratis lewat jalur buka tabungan di Maybank. Jadi kalian yang udah mulai jenuh latihan, daftar race solusinya.
Bikinlah target se-spesifik mungkin. Target waktu saya, finish 2:30 di HM. Nah setelah tahu targetnya, latihannya pun jadi mengikuti.
April - Mei 2023
Daftar race udah, saatnya update gear. Lima bulan dari mulai lari akhirnya upgrade mi-band jadi Garmin Forerunner 55. Hasilnya? Luar biasa, program training jadi lebih terkontrol dan ngebuka beberapa potensi yang sebelumnya gak kebaca.
Key Takeaways:
Kalau ada budgetnya, smartwatch upgrade is worth it. Selain monitoring, banyak fitur coaching dan routes yang never knew I needed.
Di bulan ini juga saya pertama kali lari di track dan menjajal menu latihan interval. Saya yang notabene masih lari di pace 7.30 - 8 tiba-tiba diajakin untuk lari interval bareng orang yang udah bisa pace 4. Inget banget itu latihannya abis buka puasa, fisik yang belum mumpuni ditambah side stitch bikin klenger akhirnya cuma kuat 2 set. Plusnya sih, setelah latihan interval jadi tahu ternyata badan kita bisa dipake buat lari sekenceng itu.
Mei - Juni 2023
Your body started to change. Dari yang awalnya gerak aja susah, sekarang bisa lari 10K without breaking a sweat *insert SantaiDulu GakSih.jpg*. Harusnya sih kalau punya target race finish di 5K atau 10K udah bisa gas.
Key Takeaways:
Badan udah di tahap jam 10 malam ngantuk, pas weekend kalau gak longrun kayak ada yang kurang.
Setelah riset, akhirnya memutuskan untuk beli sepatu buat race sekaligus bisa buat interval session. Pilihan jatuh kepada Asics Magic Speed 3. Harganya relatif lebih murah dibanding sepatu plat karbon lainnya. Desainnya juga bagus dan bobotnya ringan. Untuk review lebih lengkapnya bisa googling aja.
Pertama kali lari dengan jarak 18K di event Road to LPS Half Marathon. Rasanya dahsyat, karena belum pernah lari jarak segitu ditambah cuma bawa satu botol minum kecil. Alhasil kram di kilometer 17. Plusnya, abis long run ini makin enteng buat lari jarak 15k keatas.
Juli 2023
Latihan banyak yang bolong-bolong karena perkonseran duniawi yang bikin begadang berujung gak jadi long-run.
Agustus 2023
Sudah tidak sabar untuk ikut race. At this point, target finish udah mengecil jadi 2:15:00. Semakin optimis sehabis peak training terakhir
Race Day
KM 1 - 3
Rame banget, baru bisa in the zone running itu di kilometer ke 3 waktu jalanannya agak lowong dan banyak runner yang melambat karena tanjakan.
KM 4 - 12
It was so much fun. Jalanan yang steril, pemandangan yang bagus dan udara yang bersih memang bener-bener jadi poin plus dari event ini. Saya sendiri ngerasa lari lebih kenceng dari target pace saya.
KM 12 - 16
Tanjakan angker di MMB bukan sekedar mitos, mental dan teknik cadence bener-bener diuji di sini. Banyak runners yang kram dan harus minggir dulu. Untungnya saya dari awal lari emang gak pernah pake cadence yang terlalu lebar jadi bisa gas terus ~
KM 17 - 18
Kaki udah mulai capek, mental udah mulai diuji. Bahkan di kilometer 18 saya sampai berhenti bentar di waterstation nya buat ngumpulin nyawa sambil minum dengan betul
KM 19 - Finish
Panas, pegel dan napas yang mulai abis gak dipeduliin karena udah kebayang tinggal dikit lagi finish, jadi itu yang ngebikin ada tenaga tambahan buat lari terus sampai finish.
Why finish strong when you can finish fast, strong, and happy?
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quainthebelle · 9 months
2-gether, we are 8.
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Once upon a time… Nah, you’ll never get a fairy tale or anything like that from me because I can’t write a beautiful sentence. Please understand if I can only loving you right seven days a week, pft.
Anyway, meet again on the second 28th. Wow, it’s been 60 days, dear? It seems like a short time, but I’m so happy to have spent two months with you. At this time, I apologize profusely for only being able to give you this meager gift. It’s just a simple gift, but I hope you can accept it. Shall we start now, love? Okay, here we go.
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How we —.
It’s only been 2-3 days since I entered RPW, and suddenly there’s someone who’s interested in me because I only reply to his tweets (I can’t find the tweet help). Idk how I can interpret our meeting. Was it a simple accident, or a divine blessing? There are too many coincidences that can’t be explained, to the point where I also can’t understand the atmosfer because you’ve acted so unreasonably.
Here I dropped a few conversations between us that left me extremely confused karena kamu nih bisaan banget bikin aku pusing 7 keliling mikirin mau pake adat apa, terus mau punya anak berapa?
Hello thinly.
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Hello boldly.
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What the Hello??
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Every day, every hours, every minute, every second, you always make me bothered by your behavior, which is the behavior that can make my days surrounded by happiness and joy. Even though you are sometimes more annoying, but that’s where I find the other side of you. Mwah pukis pukis. /(^3^)/
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My first confession.
As you can see, “Idiots in Love” itu punya arti khusus buat aku pribadi. Sebetulnya di saat kamu belum hadir, aku lagi ada difase ngerasa gak pantes dicintai. Jadi, aku berusaha keras ngebangun tembok raksasa supaya gak ada yang bisa nembus tameng aku (ceritanya). Tapi tiba-tiba, ini beneran di luar dugaanku banget parah. Aku harus ngadepin sikon di mana ada seorang cowok dengan lancangnya ngeruntuhin benteng kokoh yang udah aku bangun susah payah. Iya, siapa lagi kalo bukan kamu, Matteo Hadzan Dwardy, the main suspect!
Mungkin kamu baru tau ini, tapi jujur aja, waktu kamu pertama kali berani (banget) ngetuk pintu hati aku, posisi aku nih lagi mode was-was, soalnya saat itu aku kepikiran kalau semisal aku ngerasain lagi rasa sakit yang entah bisa datang kapan aja, akunya udah sanggup belum, ya? Kayaknya kamu masih inget sekilas, jaman kita PDKT aku pernah minta hubungan kita jangan diresmiin cepet-cepet. Walaupun aku takut kamu berpaling karena buanyak buanget cewek yang ngantri jadi pacar kamu, tapi aku lebih takut kalo kedepannya aku gak bisa terus menerus ngasih kebahagiaan untuk kamu. Nyatanya, kamu selalu ngeyakinin aku setiap harinya, make sure keadaan dan perasaan aku tiap kita ngobrol. So, yah… what can I do? Your pelet are to powerfull. This idiot girl apparently fell in love again.
Yup, that’s the deal. Semoga kamu bisa ngerti kenapa aku butuh waktu untuk ngerapihin perasaan aku. Coba aja waktu kamu deketin aku terus kita langsung pacaran, kira-kira kamu seneng, gak? Eits, sayangnya gak semudah itu ngeluluhin aku. Emang cocoknya kamu aja yang bernafsu, aku mah kalem, cantik, body nya bagus (???) mana bisa srugal-srugul kayak kamu wleee, hahaha. But from the bottom of my heart, I’m glad we’ve come this far, and I appreciate your patience and willingness to break through the barriers I set up. You’ve shown me that love can be a beautiful and healing experience. Who knows, we might just turn this funny situation into something truly remarkable? Can’t wait to make another kamcagi stories with you! ♡
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About the 28.
You once told me that you actually wanted to make our thing official on the 27th so there would be a song to match the occasion, but it didn’t works because you missed the chance. Hence, you stuck to the 28th. Funny enough, for me, that date is quite meaningful. In February, we can still enjoy that date, and I’ve been thinking about many things based on the number 28. Totally random, but it’s just so cute and amusing to me.
2-gether, we are 8.
Can you spell the sentence slowly, abi?
Aight, you’ve done? Then, what are you spelling? Together, we are eight? Eum, nope.
The correct one is Together, we are infinity. Okay, sorry if that sounds cringe bzzz suddenly the idea popped into my head, and I just remembered if 8 can be ∞. After realize, I was woah.. jinjja nomu daebak. <(*O*)> Is this a sign that if we are together, there will be no end aka forever? I love my positive mind (you either).
Iya iya, betul artinya itu. Keren banget gak sih aku, bisa kepikiran sampe situ? Aku aja kaget sama diriku sendiri? Menurut kamu gimana? Keren gak sloganku? Jangan lupa kasih aku cium setelah ini pokoknya. ㅠㅠ
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Matteo Hadzan Dwardy + Ayouta Oci Raveena = ∞
I’ve entrusted all my wishes for our second monthiversary on the 28th to God, and that’s all there is to it. Whether you know the specifics or not, one thing is certain: my love for you will never wane, and I will continue loving you endlessly.
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Happy 2nd monthiversary, Mahabi! ♥︎
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From your honeypot, Ocibu.
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panjisayshi · 1 year
Birth of a Coffee Snob
I got myself birthday present! Birthdays haven't been major event in my family (and my wife's), so usually we just eat Nasi Kuning, open some presents -if any- and move on. No dedicated party or anything - and certainly no pranks. I despise pranks. Cancer and miscarriage jokes are funnier than those.
Kado gue adalah coffee set. Gue mulai suka kopi sejak mulai kerja, ketika produktivitas harus dijaga di atas level tertentu. Kopi, dengan kafeinnya (apparently the most widely consumed, legal psychoactive substance) lumayan ngebantu. Apalagi jaman sekarang, di Jakarta banyak coffee shop bertebaran, meskipun mayoritas masih mengandalkan kopi susu aren yang lumayan padat kalori.
Back then, I still aim for that lean, mobile physique since I'm single. Nowadays, I just can't be bothered lol. So my calorie-counting practices has shifted; it used to be "OK, 1800kcal is enough for maintenance" but now it's more like, "Damn my mouth is bored. Maybe another 250kcals? What to get for that calorie budget? I can get sweet coffee or an extra piece of gulai tunjang on lunch...". So yeah. Mostly I opted to consume less sugary things in exchange for bigger food portion or more savory snacks (read: micin). So, plain long black coffee come into the picture. Those fancy schmancy fraps in Starbucks? With whipped cream and caramel sauce, they can go 400kcals+ a glass quite easily. Maap, buat 400kcal mending gue makan nasi padang porsi mini. Long black (or Americano, I use those terms interchangeably. Sue me, nerds) is a very simple beverage. It's basically diluted espresso, less bitterness and more volume to be enjoyed within longer span of time. Just coffee and water. Iced Americano is a GODSEND during hot afternoons.
Alas, with simplicity means any characteristics in the ingredients are more perceivable to taste. Jenis kopi yang dipakai buat bikin es kopi susu dan Americano juga beda, dan ini bisa jadi masalah ketika sebuah coffeeshop pakai blend yang sama buat semua jenis minumannya. Some variables affect how we perceive coffee; within a time I've read some materials that gave me some better understanding of those. Which, is a topic for another time :)
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acaunite · 3 years
Review Movie
Still a convo with A Half of Me about movie review
q: apa yang kaka pikirkan saat menulis review movie?
"waktu itu aku nulis, apapun yang terpikir ketika menonton film. misal waktu aku nulis call me by your name tuh suasana romance nya kenapa afeksi nya bisa tersampaikan ke aku, dan keindahan suasana romance itu yang aku highlight. dari lagunya, dari adegannya. selain itu aku juga suka sama tim dan respect sama dia (Timothee Chalamet) waktu itu makanya aku bahas lebih jauh soal dia"
"belakabgan aku sedang mengubah gaya penulisan ku si"
"aku pernah nntn video, kiritikus film tu ada macam macam levelnya (tapi di banding level aku lebih setuju bilang gayanya), ada yang resensinya berupa rekomendasi, atau memberi 'score' terhadap film berdasarkan pengalaman dia nonton."
itu sedikit cuplikan conversesyen ku dengan kaka A Half of Me. selebihnya banyak yang harus diubah karena aku ngomongnya kek orang mabok. (baru sadar)
setelah melihat beberapa referensi gaya penulisan reviewers, ga banyak. ga bisa dibilang research. lalu ditambah percakapan dengan kaka. aku merasa review film/movie tuh ga bisa serta merta menentukan movie itu bagus atau ngga walaupun output review movie jadinya menentukan movie tersebut recommended atau ngga.
sebagai anak yang males nonton dan mending tidur, aku pakai review film jadi list2an film yang perlu aku tonton. atau film yang ga begitu aku mengerti trus jadilah aku perlu baca perspektif orang trus nonton lagi kalau masih penasaran. maklum lemot.
surprisingly seru banget ngebacain interpretasi orang-orang dangan film yang sama. kita nonton film yang sama kan? hehehe
Ada beberapa gaya penulisan review diantaranya ada yang dibuat scoring, rekomendasi atau review semua part dalam film. Ada yang berdasarkan pengalaman si reviewers nonton, atau wawancara langsung dengan siempunya project
Lalu setelah dipikir-pikir review orang kok bisa beda-beda ya, kadang sewaktu baca review The wind rises Ghibli Hayao Miyazaki. Emosi yang aku rasakan soal male lead character dengan orang lain melihat male lead character sangat berbeda, itu yang perlu aku gali.
faktor-faktor tadi bisa dari latar belakang personalku, yang menyebabkan aku ga relate, sejarahnya, culture, bahasa (idiom2), attitude, situasi social set filmnya dan intensi author/director yang ingin disampaikan.
jadi sebenarnya ga aneh ketika aku terenyuh atau nangis abis2an di scene tertentu ternyata ga menimbulkan hal yang sama dengan orang lain, karena kita memiliki latar belakang yang berbeda, sisi sentiment nya beda. relatenya jadi beda
atau! bisa digali dari segi intensi author/director. apa tujuan director naro part ini, atmosfer emosi apa yang ingin dibangun?
bagian apa yang sedih, tentang apa, lalu dikaitkan dengan alasan mengapa respons bisa berbeda contoh:
banyak yang bilang Jiro Hirokishi tuh villain or horrible character because he's participating in WWII, atau ketika dia menyadari kalau poverty di negaranya membuat banyak anak kelaparan, but he didn't do anything, atau ketika 'studi tur' ke kandang pesawat nye German he knew it well. Japan engineers knew it well that they didn't have the opportunity to defeat America's technology. either when his lover getting worse because the TBC he couldn't do anything. i know the reason why every choices yang mungkin dia punya saat itu ga banyak. it's frustrating at the same time. ketika kamu kelas pekerja dan dapet titah kerajaan. atau ketika dulu belum ketemu antibiotik untuk TBC and you know how your love will end.
but he never made his bold statement.
kek gapunya idealism ya? iyee tp jaman perang mane kepikiran idealism kalau mau lanjut idup? apalagi jadi inceran pulici kerajaan atau ditahan sama PBB atas kejahatan perang yang dia sendiri ga committ kan lebih rieweuh ye urusannya. huft batin. batin.
sudut pandang ini diambil dari anak yang idup di third world country bekas jajahan jepun dan londo. health care system tuh baru ada kemaren2 aja (BPJS), sanatorium baru tau kemaren. yang kalau diliat latarbelakang ini kan jadinya WWII momentum buat merdeka kan? kwkwkwk iye. jadi jatuhnya korban semasa WWII and how terrible the situation at that time ceritanya ga nyampe ke saya.
akan berbeda cerita kalau aku adalah anak yang idup dari keluarga yang mewarisi cerita betapa pedihnya situasi saat WWII, pasti aku ga akan bisa nulis ini dengan tenang. pasti ta caci maki Director berani2 nya meromantisasi penjahat perang, who knows?
jadi sewaktu aku baca beberapa review cadas mengenai karakter Jiro Hiroshiki, kayanya ga salah juga.
kesimpulannya apa acaunite? aku bete. sama karakternya. tapi sayang karena romantis (ultimate simp)
ok, kembali lagi mengenai review film.
tadi ada beberapa cara interpretasi makna di film (lho ini mau review apa interpretasi makna sih nduk? cih sukasuka dong, tulisan-tulisan aing suka suka aing)
ada beberapa cara untuk interpretasi salah satunya adalah mengetahui intensi director, script writer atau authornya. caranya gimana? bisa wawancara UWWAAAAAHHHH 🤯😵
A Half of me: Tapi kalau sekarang kajian soal makna kan udah lebih luas ya ca, dan ada teori juga yang bilang kalau makna yang sebenernya tu ga ada. Jadi makna tergantung dari konteks karya itu dibuat, jadi luas bisa dr mana aja dan tergantung dr siapa yang baca
A Half of me: Tapi kembali lagi kalau yang dikaji itu karya nya ya kita perlu liatnya dr ruang lingkup karya nya. Gimana karya itu mau memproduksi makna.
Sepaham ku kita memfungsikan dari kita untuk refleksif ke realita/konteks
ini sepenggal obrolan yang diambil dari convo kemarin, jujurly aku juga ngga ngerti, makanya ta templok langsung apa yang si kaka omongin
kayanya segitu dulu chitchat soal review film. sebenarnya masih banyak tapi capek. hehehe
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fmdtingarchive · 4 years
Setting: Jaman Mural Village in Jeonju  Date: September 11th, 2020 Time: 10:38am Characters Involved: Guanting & @fmdhyuk​
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Being an official cast member of Secret Siblings was something that Guanting knew that he would enjoy, but he didn’t realize just how much he would enjoy it. Fortunately for him, and more than likely for Hyuk as well, the two of them got along really well. Their personalities meshed well, and they complimented each other. Although that wasn’t really all that surprising for Ting. He was known as the “hyung collector” for a reason. It seemed like no matter where he was, what he was doing or who he was with, he always seemed to charm the older men around him. That was how most of his friendships formed. He wasn’t sure why, but he wasn’t going to question it. He enjoyed the love and affection he got from his hyungs. “Are you excited?” He asked when he arrived at the village with Hyuk a little late in the morning. They would still have the rest of the day to explore and visit all the hotspots in the village, so he wasn’t too worried about that. “I’ve always wanted to come here, but I never got the chance to! I’m glad I get to come here with you, hyung.” He gave the older male a big smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners, before he started taking in his surroundings. “Where should we go first?” He already had a few options in mind, but he figured he would give the other male a chance at choosing what they do first. 
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horseluvr00-ff · 4 years
A Place to Call Home | Prologue
Rating: T+
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Genre/Warnings: action/adventure/family / kidnapping, violence, strong language
Summary: It’s been a few months since the Battle of New York. Steve Rogers is acclimating to life when he crosses paths with teenager Katelyn Sanders, a SHIELD recruit and highly valued asset with a dark past. Follow Kate’s adventure from SHIELD asset to Avenger to wanted fugitive over the course of her youth and into adulthood with her Avenging family. Follows Infinity Saga and beyond.
Words: 2,001 (Prologue below)
Author Note: This is the rewrite, for anyone who may have read the original. Updates occur weekly on Fridays.
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Available on FanFiction.net and A03 here and here
Check out the Prologue below
Turning the frying pan over I quickly nudged all of the eggs off and onto the plate with a spatula. Setting the pan back down onto the burner I quickly took the plate to the island, setting it next to the plate of bacon.
“Breakfast!” I yell, breathing out quietly after speaking. Leaning back against the counter next to the stove I let my eyes close momentarily.
Even if I did sleep over the past several days, its safe to assume the sleep I’ve been getting hasn’t done much help.
“Good morning,” I cleared my throat before speaking, turning with a small smile as Danielle, Bladen, and Nadia walk in. “Avery still asleep?” Adjusting my stance I quickly turned, grabbing a spare plate off the counter before going to collect the toast from the toaster.
“Yeah, believe it or not, it didn’t take as long this time.” Dani gives a small shrug before flashing a quick and brief smile.
“Thank you,” I sigh, placing the plate down onto the counter before resting my hands along the edge, meeting her eyes.
“How was it yesterday?” Bladen asks, his arms loosely crossing on the counter surface as he took a seat at one of the stools at the island opposite me.
I was quiet for several seconds, meeting his eyes before looking away momentarily.
“We’re working on it.”
“How’s your team?” Nadia.
“Holding it together. Best they can.” I nod, turning as I took a deep breath before opening the fridge, grabbing both the apple juice and orange juice. I take in a quiet breath, turning to place both on the counter before I began collecting glasses from the cabinet next to the fridge. “Lunch is in the fridge. I just put together some sandwiches. Dinner is leftovers from last night.” I explain, meeting the eyes of the three in front of me before setting down a small stack of plates at the end of the island from where the food was, silverware already next to said stack.
“When will you be back?”
The voice caused my eyes to snap over to the edge of the room where the hall was, seeing Antonio holding his stuffed lion, rubbing his eyes groggily with his spare hand.
Damn it. I was hoping to get out before too many noticed my absence.
I smile gently before quietly walking over to him.
“Well,” I grunt, picking him up. “I’ll be heading back tonight, but you’ll be fast asleep by the time I get home. So you’ll see me tomorrow.” I explain gently, combing some of the curls out of the way of his eyes before setting him down on the stool next to Bladen.
I exchange a small glance with Bladen, who caught on not a second later.
“Let’s get you some food buddy.” He smirks, grabbing one of the plates before getting the spoon, collecting a small portion of eggs.
“I don’t like toast.” Antonio mumbles, copying Bladen’s previous position with his arms crossed on the island surface.
I smile, meeting Danielle’s eyes for a moment.
“You like toast, Nio. It’s the crust you don’t like.” Nadia chuckles, meanwhile getting a plate for herself too.
I gesture towards the sliding door and Danielle nods before walking over. I could feel her a few feet behind me as I opened the door and stepped out onto the small shaded patio. Closing it behind me I took a few steps to the side before lowering to sit on the edge of the bench against the exterior wall.
“You sure you’re okay w-”
“We talked about this,” Dani mutters, cutting me off.
I pause, lips still parted before I gave a small nod. Swallowing I glanced out at the fenced yard briefly.
“Things aren’t looking good… are they,” Her expression was calm but her eyes said otherwise. There was a fear there. She was scared.
Hell, so was I. I was scared shitless… Like I would admit that.
“It’s only been a week since-… It happened. We’re working on it, Dani.” I explain quietly.
She is silent before nodding, bringing a hand to the back of her head as she scratched gently, her long black curly hair falling around her shoulders as she pulled some of it forward.
“I- think I know what you’re going, I get that you need some time alone that you haven’t got.”
“You sure you’ll be okay here?”
“You leave us here all the time for the raids, K.” Dani breathes a small laugh before nodding. “We’ll be fine.”
I clench my jaw briefly in response before nodding.
I guess she’s right. I hadn’t really had any time to myself since- since this all happened.
“Will you let the others know?” I turn, my brow knit gently as I met her eyes.
“Course,” She nods.
“I don’t want any of you leaving the house,” My voice was firm but still a bit gentle. “Keep the gate locked, you can be in the backyard but I don’t want any of you treading too far. It’s not safe out there right now.”
“I’ll keep em reeled in.” She held up her pinky with a smirk, other fingers loosely closed in a fist.
Feeling a small smile cross my face I reciprocate the gesture, locking her pinky finger with mine briefly before dropping the hand and getting to my feet.
“For Avery, I uh, didn’t write out a list but I usually feed her-”
“Twice before noon, two to three times after. Couple healthy snacks somewhere in there, and she takes a few naps during the day. Diaper changes vary. I know, I live here too ya know.” She grins.
Closing my eyes for a moment I subtly roll them seconds later before nodding.
“Fair, enough.” I breathe before shaking my head, pulling her into a tight hug.
“Be safe… Make good decisions.” She sighs, her voice light but-… still serious.
My eyes were unfocused, gazing through the sliding door and into the kitchen where everyone was.
No promises there, Dani.
My pace was rather quick as I made my way across the courtyard-like area in front of one of the science and technology buildings in Wakanda… where I used to meet up with Shuri. During last night’s meeting, I got permission through Okoye to come by again.
I meet her eyes as I come to a stop outside the building, seeing her waiting there along with Jaman, and two others, part of the Dora Milaje.
“Sorry this was on such short notice.” I mumble, exchanging a small glance with Jaman, giving a nod before meeting the General’s eyes.
She just gives a small shake of her head before glancing over towards Jaman.
“Worse things have happened.” She responds.
“Nice sarcasm.” I nod, breathing out.
“Hmm,” Her eyebrows shot up for a moment before falling as she gestured to Jaman, causing him to come forward several feet.
“Thank you,” I mumble, holding out a hand.
She met my eyes once again before glancing down, taking my hands a few moments later to shake it.
“You’re welcome.” She responds before glancing out towards the area less populated with buildings, where I was headed. “Stay as long as you need.”
“Won’t be here too long, but thank you.” I give the briefest of smiles before meeting Jaman’s eyes yet again with a friendly gaze.
Okoye gestured to her comrades seconds later and departed, leaving me alone with Jaman.
“Hey,” He smiles, taking a couple steps closer.
I pull together a smile for him before stepping forward to hug him tightly.
“I know you want to be alone, but I thought I’d say hello when you got here.”
“I’m glad you did,” I breathe, eyes closed before I step away, meeting his eyes with a smile. “It’s good to see you.”
“Likewise,” He smiles gently before his eyes glanced towards the direction I was heading - out of the city. “Let me know if you need anything.”
“I will, thank you.” I grasped his forearm gently for a moment.
He was being so understanding. Despite the guilt I felt, I know he didn’t blame me for any of this. He was suffering, just as I was… As we all were.
He eyes me calmly for a few seconds before nodding in response, gesturing out with his free hand.
It was a trip I had taken a million times. I could do it blindfolded. As I came to a stop at the top of the hill, I felt my chest tighten up at the sight. It looked the same, but-… Something wasn’t right. Most of the plant-life was dead, decayed… The quaint little hut appeared abandoned; only a few goats remained, and one cow.
Clenching my jaw I took a deep breath before stepping forward, picking up a light pace as I made my way down the hill.
It took longer than it usually did when I would walk this same path time and time again. When I would scramble to get my head on straight and my ducks in a row before getting down to that damned hut and retarded goats. Then it felt like a few seconds. But right now it’s taking a century.
I came to a stop as I got to the bottom of the hill, hesitating a moment as I evaluated what animals were left before my eyes met the hut. My feet were moving before I gave them permission to and suddenly I was at the door of the small shelter, the familiar smell hitting my nose like a truck as I closed my eyes for a moment, almost startled at the smell.
It was faint, but strong enough; familiar… comforting. My eyes burned as I quickly blinked the sensation away.
I stepped into the doorway, taking in the small space. Nothing had been touched. Everything was the same from the last time I saw it. The makeshift bed on the floor to the left, a blanket tousled and thrown in a ball on top of it. Other small belongings and quirky objects were about the space as well.
My eyes catch something brightly colored and I glanced back towards the bed, seeing something by the blanket.
My feet carry me into the space and I reach out, grabbing the object half hidden by the blanket before pulling it into view, smiling.
Fritt Bar. Damn, I remember tossing this in here a week ago. Surprised one of the kids didn’t snatch it.
Closing my hand around it I shake my head before exiting the hut, going to my usual spot before sitting down against the exterior wall.
It was quiet. It was never quiet. There were always crickets, maybe some cicadas… But it was quiet. And the space around me felt more empty and unnatural than ever.
“I’m- sorry all this happened… ” The words left my mouth before I could realize I was talking to no one. I was alone.
I clench my jaw briefly before giving the smallest shake of my head, the Fritt bar being lightly turned in my hands as I thought.
“…I’m gonna fix this. I promise.”
The burning feeling came over me as my eyes watered and I quickly shook my head, blinking away what tears were to form. Breathing out, my shoulders sag and I lean back against the exterior wall, my eyes meeting the sky.
What are you upset about. We’re going to fix this… We have to.
My eyes turn out towards the trees and body of water ahead and my mind begins to wander. Wander to-… Too many things. Like how this all even happened. …How the hell did I even get here… How did any of this happen?
Available on FanFiction.net and A03 here and here
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Internet Video Rentals - Expanding Your Digital Movie Collection
Most of us have spent a while on sites like YouTube watching that short funny film that your friend emailed the link too. Maybe you have even taken the time to watch some full length independent films which is often entirely on sites like Jaman or Cinquest Online. If it's slightly entertainment that your trying to find there are literally a huge selection of free sites that house video for people to watch. How about when you want to view the latest Hollywood blockbuster that you missed while it was in theater?
This short article briefly talks about some of the top video rental/purchase site which can be online today. It's no longer required to run-down to the local movie store to rent or buy your movies. With new online digital rental/purchase services available you can rent and watch movies right on your PC. Even though the image quality https://ww1.1primewire.com/countries-collection varies involving the sites, as does the availability of the latest movies, renting movies online ads offers you the convenience of watching what you want now without a trip to the local video store. On top of that there are never any late fees!
There are many sites that permit you to purchase or rent movies for digital download. For brevity, I am just going to fairly share the three that I came across the very best and the reason why why.
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My personal favorite online movie site is Cinema Now. Your website -- although it doesn't always have probably the most current selection like the local video store -- features a huge choice of movies, ranging from some of the latest blockbusters to free independent films. With many newer films you have the option to either purchase or rent the movie. The one thing that I liked best about Cinema Now was that, when you purchase a film, they provide you with the option of burning to a DVD that you can watch on your television. Of the sites I viewed Cinema Now seems to be the only person that allow you to do this. The image quality is wonderful for paid content (some of the free or subscription content is lower quality), and the site overall seemed to be the very best that I possibly could find.
Another site that I came across which topped the pack is Amazon's new service Unbox. Of the rental sites I speak about today Unbox may be the both, the simplest to use, and has got the closest to DVD quality video. Movies become available because they are released to DVD, so the choice at the Amazon owned site is great. A very important thing I came across with Ubox was how easy the site was to use. Movies are properly categorized and an easy task to find. Being the largest online book retailer in the world has given Amazon experience in organizing an online storefront, and it shows making use of their new Unbox service. Great quality and ease of use make Unbox a viable contender for the best movie house online.
The final site that I would place in the very best three is Apple's Itunes. With itunes it isn't picture quaility or ease of use that bring it to the top. In fact I discover the itunes player clunky and the interface hard to use. What the Apple owned service has opting for it however, are the gadgets that you can purchase to replay your purchased movies (no rental option on itunes). Movies downloaded from itunes can be played on your PC, throughout your video ipod, or throughout your television set with the brand new Apple TV unit. Combine the hardware with the current choice of movies and itunes stays in the very best three on my list.
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qiftiyaa · 2 years
old wisdom
ayah-ibuk adalah dua orang yang (tergolong) menikah muda. jika diingat-ingat ayah-ibuk tidak bersekolah tinggi. ayah lulusan SMP dan ibuk lulusan SD. keduanya pekerja keras. they wish have much money so they can go to Mecca. kira-kira itu salah satu yang memotivasi beliau berdua untuk bekerja keras, hidup hemat, dll.
"pokok'e nek dikersakno oleh rejeki (duit) akeh, ayok nang Mekah."
dan benar. Allah mengijabah keinginan ayah-ibuk, setelah melalui berbagai ups-downs berdagang beberapa tahun kemudian. kerap kali cerita tersebut disampaikan ibu kepada anak-menantunya. I can imagine how could they pass their life. dibandingkan anak bungsunya ini yang sedikit-sedikit "hadeehh-all-the-time" wkwkw. orang jaman dulu bener-bener all out. apalagi kalau yang terlahir bukan dari kalangan "berada." maksudnya mereka akan bekerja lebih keras dibanding mereka yang terlahir dengan fasilitas memadai.
mau bercerita sedikit tentang bagaimana kedua orang tua saya bertemu. mungkin terdengar klise, tapi pernahkah mendengar pepatah witing tresna jalaran saka kulina? ayah merantau diikutkan kepada pamannya di desa A. ibuk tinggal bersebelahan dengan rumah paman ayah. yaah, you can guess the rest wkwk.
lalu, apa yang dikerjakan ayah saat "ikut" pamannya? hustling! ayah diajari berdagang oleh pamannya. pamannya mempunyai toko retail dan memproduksi suatu barang. saya tidak menyangka di umur SMP ayah kecil sudah bekerja:) saya rasa itu karena ayah adalah anak laki-laki tertua dari 9 bersaudara. sehingga mau tidak mau ayah turut meringankan beban ekonomi keluarga dengan cara "diikutkan."
kalau boleh, saya ingin meniru kerja keras ayah-ibuk dan memiliki tujuan jelas di hidupnya. istilah kerennya hardworkingman/ lifeplan/set goals etc. semoga🙂.
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fallafl · 3 years
Book Review: Anak Semua Bangsa by Pramoedya Ananta Toer
“Tahu kau mengapa aku sayangi kau lebih dari siapa pun? Karena kau menulis. Suaramu takkan padam ditelan angin, akan abadi, sampai jauh, jauh di kemudian hari.“
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Author: Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Genre: Historial Fiction, Asian Literature
Publisher: Lentera Dipantara
Year: 2006
My Rating: 5  / 5
Synopsis on Goodreads:
Roman Anak Semua Bangsa adalah periode observasi atau turun ke bawah mencari serangkaian spirit lapangan dan kehidupan arus bawah Pribumi yang tak berdaya melawan kekuatan raksasa Eropa. Di titik ini Minke diperhadapkan antara kekaguman yang melimpah-limpah pada peradaban Eropa dan kenyataan di selingkungan bangsanya yang kerdil. Sepotong perjalanannya ke Tulangan Sidoarjo dan pertemuannya dengan Khouw Ah Soe, seorang aktivis pergerakan Tionghoa, korespondensinya dengan keluarga De la Croix (Sarah, Miriam, Herbert), teman Eropanya yang liberal, dan petuah-petuah Nyai Ontosoroh, mertua sekaligus guru agungnya, kesadaran Minke tergugat, tergurah, dan tergugah, bahwa ia adalah bayi semua bangsa dari segala jaman yang harus menulis dalam bahasa bangsanya (Melayu) dan berbuat untuk manusia-manusia bangsanya.
Took me back into the past, the plot felt so real:
Anak Semua Bangsa (English title: Child of All Nations) written by a legendary Indonesian author, Pramoedya Ananta Toer. It was the second book of a tetralogy. Honestly, it’s been years since I read the first book, Bumi Manusia (English title: The Earth of Mankind) and Anak Semua Bangsa reminded me how brilliant the story was. Even more thrilling than the preceding book, Anak Semua Bangsa deepen the setting of post-colonialism era in Surabaya, East Java and Netherland. And I gotta say, it was so, so good. 
Picking up where it left off in Bumi Manusia, the dispute was much more intense in my opinion. Minke, the protagonist, was faced by the hard truth about his own being and his own country. Given that the story took the point of view of a writer, we were given a clear lens about the situation during that time. It was brutal, tragic, heart-wrenching, and sadly, I had a hunch that most of the events were probably happened in real life. However, I enjoyed the political twist between countries the author provided within the plot. The book was banned at first because at that time since it was a rather controversial topic. I can definitely see why.
Overall, if you’re curious about Indonesia’s history or want to learn more without getting sleepy in the middle, this is probably the right book to pick up since it provides you the right setting with characters as endearing as the plot. Cannot wait to read Jejak Langkah!
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Gratitude Letter
Satu lagi sebelum tidur. Kayanya couple of months ago gitu(?), I stumbled upon Nabilah's twitter on this coursera course by Yale called The Science of Well-Being (kayanya udah pernah ngebahas panjang lebar juga jaman ngerjain assigmentnya di sini), but it definitely is worth to try!:
https://www.coursera.org/learn/the-science-of-well-being Terus salah satu assignmentnya adalah menulis gratitude letter to people who we feel like we should be thankful for but we never said it to them. Hypothesisnya adalah you get happier than the person who received the letter. Harusnya sih yang betul adalah sampe kita tu yang nganterin sendiri suratnya terus ngebacain out loud isi surat itu di depan orang yang pengen kita terima-kasih-in (modelan idol-idol gitu yang kadang sampe mewek). Tapi kan ya susah ya kondisi w lagi jauh gini sama orang-orang juga kan.
Tapi intinya ini bukan w yang lagi ngerjain PR tapi Nabilah -- she is one of my friend that is REALLY cool, should check her out di: https://words.adnabilah.com/ Terus yaudah kan, akhirnya dia send me this extremely long email. I wouldn't disclose all she wrote here, tapi ada my fav part:
I also always thought you have one of the most complicatedly interesting personalities I know among my closest friends lol - in a way that you're so smart but you're not one of those serious, non-chill people who take everything seriously; and then you struck me as a pretty religious person back then (perhaps simply cause you always wore longer hijabs than mine huaha) but you were apparently quite chill in terms of dating and all other secular, conventional stuff that wasn't quite defined as religious; and then you're intelligent in almost nerdy way (but still a good way overall) but still so very into pop culture stuff as well. It was difficult for me to define your personality traits back then, but the more I know you, I figured that you're just fascinatingly special the way you are and there's no need to label you into any category. And for that I'm just thankful I got to know a person like you and become one of your friends even.
When I read this, I was like... whoa. Betul-betul sama persis dengan what the psychologist who assessed my CPUI test said. I don't know who I am, what I like, what I want to be. It's almost like I'm everything yet I'm not something. I'm just all over the place! Does it mean a good thing? Or a bad thing? It depends on how I see it. Sometimes it's good for me because it means that I'm flexible, but sometimes it's also not good because I'm just getting distracted easily and not getting things done since I'm not focused on what I should be doing. It also shows how I don't have any strong opinion/view/principal on something? I just choose to be in the middle and say "well, I'm good with both or all options actually" which frustrates a lot of people apparently. "You have to have a say on this!" they said.
OK tapi set that aside (me and my personality problem), I believe it will be worth it to try to write a (or some) gratitude letter(s) to people you think have helped you a lot yet you never properly say thanks to.
Or even just their presence you're grateful for. I'll start. I just checked that I somehow have 109 followers already on tumblr as of today (I know it may not be a big number for some of you, but for a tumblr that I made in the first place only for escaping myself from a dark hole and time in my life, that's huge). To all 109 of you, I sincerely say thank you. You may not know me irl, or you do know me, whoever you are and whatever our relationship is, I'm just grateful that you're here bearing with my bs and rant and very random thought. I know that only a very specific type of people goes to tumblr (I'm not trying to stereotype any social media user here, but all I know is not everyone does tumblr), therefore I know you're the special ones. Be proud of yourself always and please do take care! xx
Noni (sekarang sudah 1:18 am I really should go to sleep)
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monbeaupasse · 3 years
Lagu Haram untuk Didengar
Kalau kita idup di jaman dulu kayaknya aku udah bikin mixtape terus aku kasih ke kamu, ala-ala film Suckseed gitu. Tapi sekarang udah canggih, mau bikin di Spotify bisa, tapi males karena Spotifynya gak premium, hehe. So here it is, the songs that are relate to my feelings and everytime I hear it somewhere, I think about you. Back then or even now.
1. Fiersa Besari - Garis Terdepan
Bila kau butuh telinga tuk mendengar Bahu tuk bersandar raga tuk berlindung Akulah orang yang selalu ada untukmu Meski hanya sebatas teman Yakin kau temukanku di garis terdepan Bertepuk dengan sebelah tangan
2. Meghan Trainor - Just a Friend to You
Why you gotta hug me like that every time you see me? Why you always making me laugh? Swear you're catching feelings I loved you from the start, so it breaks my heart
When you say I'm just a friend to you Cause friends don't do the things we do Everybody knows you love me too Tryna be careful with the words I use I say it cause I'm dying to I'm so much more than just a friend to you
3. Olivia Rodrigo - Traitor
You betrayed me And I know that you'll never feel sorry For the way I hurt, yeah You'd talk to her when we were together Loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter It took you two weeks to go off and date her Guess you didn't cheat But you're still a traitor
4. Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending
It's nice to know that you were there Thanks for acting like you cared And making me feel like I was the only one It's nice to know we had it all Thanks for watching as I fall And letting me know we were done
5. Pamungkas - I Love You But I’m Letting Go
Little did I know, love is easy But why was it so hard? It was like never enough I gave you all still you want more Can't you see? Can't you see? That you want someone that I'm not Yes, I love but I can't So I am letting you go now
6. Gavin DeGraw - Not Over You
If you ask me how I'm doing I would say I'm doing just fine I would lie and say that you're not on my mind But I go out, and I sit down at a table set for two And finally I'm forced to face the truth No matter what I say I'm not over you
7. Kodaline - Moving On
Some time in the future maybe we can get together Maybe share a drink and talk awhile And reminisce about the days when we were still together Maybe somewhere further down the line And I will meet you there Some time in the future we can share our stories When we won't care about all of our mistakes Our failures, and our glories But until that day comes along I'll keep on moving on
8. Olivia Rodrigo - Enough for You
Don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded? Don't you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing? But don't tell me you're sorry, boy Feel sorry for yourself 'Cause someday I'll be everything to somebody else And they'll think that I am so exciting And you'll be the one who's crying
9. Adele - All I Ask
Wow this song’s probably the one who made me sobbing so hard in Modi’s car after our last meeting.
All I ask is if this is my last night with you Hold me like I'm more than just a friend Give me a memory I can use Take me by the hand while we do what lovers do It matters how this ends 'Cause what if I never love again?
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confinedsoul · 3 years
Comfort Escape II
Hey y'all
So I just ditch this page after I finish the challenge. Haha it’s so me I’ll tell you. Setelah gue bebas dari suatu tanggung jawab, I tend to procrastinate to start another one because I feel like I need a break. I actually already came up with another challenge idea that will make me preoccupied for the next 30 days. But before that, I need to prepare myself because I alone have a very high expectation for myself and it’s not that rare for me to be disappointed by that. You see I tend to blame myself for everything because of my own expectations but I can help to set the bar that high because that is the only thing that can push me forward and thrive in life.
Anyway, a lot of things happened after I started this page. As time went by I had a lot of disagreements with my mom and brother, which made me overthink a lot and I ended up going to a psychiatrist, oh and I’ve been sleeping a lot, like too much. My grandma now lives with us which is a good thing because if anything happens, I go to her and ease up my mind looking for mental support hehe. The thing about writing, gue masih mencoba untuk bisa seperti dulu lagi dimana gue melarikan diri lewat tulisan tapi susah ya ceu. I mean segimana keras gue mencoba untuk nulis lagi tuh rasanya ada yang menghalangi aja gitu kan. Belakangan gue kalau ada apa-apa cuma diem aja dikamar, tiduran, bengong, atau ya tidur sekalian. Gitu deh pokoknya.
Gue mau story time dulu nih. Dulu waktu SMA, sekolah gue ngadain kompetisi dan semacam pensi gitu terus ada kompetisi film pendek yang dulu gue lupa antara jurinya atau pesertanya itu Aulion. Kalau gak salah awalnya peserta, terus tahun berikutnya jadi juri. Dia top banget sih pada waktu itu, sampai sekarang gue masih selalu kagum sama karya-karya dia di youtube. Terus ada film pendek yang ikut kompetisi itu judulnya Borderline. Gue lupa ini dari sekolah mana tapi mereka jadi peserta di tahun itu. Awalnya gue gak ngerti ini apa sih maksudnya, ceritanya agak gak jelas dan gue kayak ini kenapa begini cowoknya. Turns out, it’s about Borderline Personality Disorder. Gue dulu gak begitu banyak baca tentang ini, karena jaman gue SMA dulu, pengetahuan dan awareness on mental health issue itu belum setinggi sekarang. Gue baru benar-benar mencari tahu dan aware tentang mental health waktu gue akhirnya merasakan hal itu sendiri di masa-masa kuliah gue.
Gue pernah sekali self diagnosed, dari beberapa event yang terjadi dan gue rasakan terus gue cocoklogi dengan gejala dan ciri-ciri dari beberapa gangguan mental yang gue temukan di internet. Sebenarnya itu jadi salah satu batu loncatan buat gue untuk bertanya ke orang yang lebih ahli karena dari beberapa tes online yang gue ambil dan konsul online lewat aplikasi memang disarankan untuk konsul langsung ke dokter atau psikolog. Lagipula at that time, the only reason that makes sense about my condition is only that diagnosis I made for myself. Turns out it’s a lot bigger than I expected. Dulu gue mengira gue hanya depressed karena skripsi gak kelar-kelar dan gue merasa gak punya teman jadi gue mengalihkan hal itu dengan makan yang banyak, minum alkohol setiap hari, belanja sampai duit gue habis, dan pada akhirnya mencoba bunuh diri. Gue bertindak terlalu impulsif and doing things that will risk my wellbeing for weeks and weeks after that I just bundled up in my bed doing nothing but regretting my life decisions. Kalau dipikir sekarang, dulu gue benar-benar menghabiskan hampir 2 tahun disana doing nothing but that. Makanya akhirnya gue konsul ke dokter.
After several appointments, diagnosa dokter adalah Affective Bipolar Disorder dan gue menjalani pengobatan dan terapi psikologis sejak saat itu. I’m actually getting a lot better. Setelah 1 tahun lebih akhirnya gue punya mood yang lebih stabil. Gue gak gampang sedih dan overthink, tapi gue juga gak gampang berperilaku impulsif dan overly happy sampai terlalu hyper like I used to be. Gue merasa fine-fine aja. Memang gue kadang gak bisa menahan ledakan emosi kayak marah, sedih, senang, atau segala jenis emosi lain tapi menurut gue yang disetujui dokter gue waktu itu adalah it’s just a part of me that I have to embrace. Adalah hal yang wajar kalau kita merasa marah dan kecewa kalau ada hal yang gak kita suka, memang gue orangnya begitu dan yang perlu gue lakukan adalah gimana gue bisa mengontrol diri gue dengan baik. I swear to you I became a lot docile after that.
Gue gak pernah sekalipun memakai kondisi kesehatan mental gue as an excuse for my wrongdoing. Gak ding, bohong haha. Sometimes I just wish that people would understand me and my actions and how I hold back this whole time because of my mental conditions. Gue pengen dimengerti gitu loh. Tapi gue selalu berfikir gimana kalau sebenarnya orang lain juga punya masalah sendiri dan dia harus keep up sama gue yang begini which make them decided to keep distance from me because I’m such a toxic person. My mood swing is no joke. I’m afraid that they will leave me alone, that could be my family, friends, loved ones, anyone. I’m afraid they’d give up on me and leave and to be frank I’ve done anything for them to not leave me, making myself pathetic, doing everything they like, and anything else you named it. Ngerti gak? I have a fear of abandonment. Kenapa sekarang gue bisa ngomong kayak gitu? Last week I went to the doctor and he said that I might have a Borderline Personality Disorder this whole time and my previous doctors seem to overlook it because the Bipolar episode was more severe back then.
Then it hit me like a lightning bolt sent from Olympus. Dari situ gue mikir, kenapa gue gak kepikiran tentang hal itu ya? Selama ini gue pikir gak mungkin punya gangguan mental lebih dari satu pada waktu yang sama. Dari situ terus mulai lah gue cari-cari tentang BPD dan menonton beberapa video untuk edukasi diri. It scares me really. Mungkin ini yang selama ini gue rasakan tapi entah kenapa dokter gue dulu gak pernah melihat hal ini padahal sebenarnya kalau gue ingat lebih nyata terjadi. Gimana dulu gue bersikap sangat pathetic pada teman-teman gue dengan tujuan they take pity of me and stay by my side yang malah berujung they talk shit about me behind my back tanpa coba mengerti gue. Maybe you could imagine how I felt back then, tapi gue mikir daripada gue yang ditinggal lebih baik gue yang meninggalkan mereka duluan, and I left. I left that circle and refused to join them unless a person personally asked me to join.
Have you ever felt guilty after venting up your anger to someone else? Sewajarnya pasti lah ya, tapi mungkin ada juga yang ngerasa lega atau malah satisfy karena udah bisa menyampaikan isi pikiran mereka. But have you ever felt afraid and guilty that you start to think that this person, whoever you vent your anger to, will eventually be tired of you and leave you because you just hurt their feelings several times at that? I do everytime. Like I said, my mood swing is no joke. I get agitated over the smallest thing and snap if I ever feel upset over anything. But less than 5 minutes after that, I get excited and happy after I read comics and forget I ever felt upset before. Dating a person like me will be like riding a roller coaster everyday. Bayangin dulu gue dekat dengan satu cowok yang keep up sama personality gue yang begini selama 2 tahun lebih dan dulu gue gak tau kalau gue mungkin punya BPD. Gue benar-benar takut dia ninggalin gue karena gue hanya selingkuhan dia. We’re happy at times but at some points I frustrated the hell out of him, guilt trip him, playing victims, doing all things he asked me to, even though I love him with all my heart not rarely I demand for more attention and support, I also buy things for him and pay for his meals and expenses hanya agar supaya dia puas dengan gue dan gak ninggalin gue. I want him to be with me, mau gue tetap jadi selingkuhan dia atau tetap jadi teman pokoknya dia gak kemana-mana. But after all that I’ve done in the end he still left me. I hate him even now but looking back, I deserve his hate too.
I know that I’m a very toxic person and that it would be hard for people to keep up with me but I want everyone to know that I’m trying my best to control myself so that nobody ever feels offended and would eventually leave me. Sebisa mungkin gue melakukan hal apapun yang membuat orang lain nyaman dengan gue. You could say that I’m a people pleaser, walaupun ada beberapa hal yang memang kalau gue gak mau dan gak suka, gue akan langsung bilang ke mereka sambil memutar otak gimana biar orang lain tetap puas dengan jalan tengah. Kayak misalkan di rumah gue sendiri, gak jarang ada perbedaan pendapat antara Bapak, Ibu, dan Mas yang kadang malah bikin suasana rumah jadi gak enak. Jujur gue selalu takut kalau akan ada saatnya, ada yang gak bisa tahan lagi dan akhirnya memutuskan untuk keluar dari rumah. Untuk mencegah hal itu terjadi gue menjadi penengah untuk ketiganya dengan berpikir netral dan mencari jalan tengah untuk masalah yang ada. It has always been like that since a long time. Paling terasa adalah waktu kakak gue mau menikah dan sekarang-sekarang ini setelah Bapak gak ada. Sometimes I can control my mood better jadi gue bisa menjadi penengah yang adil dan menyelesaikan masalah dengan damai but some other times I can’t take it anymore and just blow up. It happens on a daily basis. Capek gak sih? Gue jujur capek kayak gini terus dan kenapa gue baru tau sekarang kalau gue kemungkinan besar memang punya BPD.
Terus gue juga baru nyadar kalau semua OC atau tokoh-tokoh dalam cerita gue itu punya kehidupan dan situasi yang sebenernya gue inginkan. I’d like to imagine that they are actually me in another life as I have several universes for my own story. There’s time when I even make it sound that I have another personality karena gue pengen banget membuang kehidupan gue yang sekarang. Ada waktu dimana gue gak mau pakai nama asli gue dan memilih untuk pakai nama dari karakter fiksi yang gue buat, terus gue bersikap benar-benar seperti karakter itu waktu gue kuliah dulu. Gue juga pernah menjadikan mereka pelarian gue dengan membangun imajinasi bahwa gue adalah mereka dan imajinasi itu jadi comfort zone untuk gue. Hari ini gue mau jadi si A ah, terus gue membangun setting tempat, waktu, dan kejadian di otak gue and actually act it out as if it was all real and not in my imagination. Strangely it does make me feel a lot better. Weird and stupid I know, but if it worked then it’s not that stupid. Well maybe just a little.
I know that tumblr might not be suitable for this kind of post but I’m not actually looking for a reader, you see I’m just pouring all my thoughts and this is what I call comfort writing. I find writing this on a laptop is much more efficient and convenient than in a book. I mean at least my hand isn’t weary. It’s just my writing style to imagine that there’s actually people who read my writings. When in real life, the only person that ever reads my writings is only my father. If you happen to see this and actually read the whole post until this paragraph then you have my greatest gratitude and might as well interact with me or something, I’m a lonely person you see I might need your company :)
By the way, I decided to start a new challenge on Monday. Gonna prepare a lot and it will be a little bit different from before. Hehe please help me expect a lot from myself.
Jadi, sampai jumpa di tulisan lainnya!
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magnificentdust · 3 years
after a long time talking shits with english, this time i decided to write in bahasa since i knew that this is the safest place (kemala kalo kamu baca ini jangan bilang siapa2 plis hehe)
buat orang yang sekarang gw bicarain, mungkin gw bakal ngasih tulisan ini ke lo 3- 5 tahun dari sekarang (kalo gw masih inget wkwkw) this is a letter for you.
pertama kali ngeliat lo di itb kayanya jaman earth day deh yang pas kita keliling nyari jabum pos to pos gitu jaman dulu i still simp for your friend (HAHAHAH GA KAPOK KENA FRIENDZONE) terus pas ngeliat lo di suatu pos sama hamcu gw lgsg kayak “omg sejak kapan aja cowok secakep ini di fitb” HAHAHAH GELI
hari itu gw akhirnya tau nama lo, setelah hampir setaun kita sefakultas iya kayanya gw ansos banget deh fix hehehe tp gapapa ujung2nya sejurusan juga kan
awal sejurusan gw belom terlalu deket sama lo juga sih ya karna gw masih sibuk dealing with my sadness abis dimusuhin sm temen lo wkwkwkw tapi osjur really brought us closer. thanks to per nebeng2an abis latfis atau makan abis sidak, gw jadi bisa sering bareng lo and i guess that’s how it was started
cuma gw gapernah ambil pusing karna the point is gw nyaman aja tiap bareng lo. gw gapernah menyalah artikan rasa nyaman itu karna gw mikir wajar gaksih sm temen kayak gitu??? cause i feel the same with the others too apalagi pada waktu itu lo masih punya pacar soooo yeah gw anti suka sama pacar orang WKWKWK
mungkin mantan lo bakal marah abis deh sama gw karna hampir setiap hari cowonya nebengin gw mulu kemana2. i didn’t realize it at that time. gw cuma mau sama lo karna dulu gw mikir lo baik dan sangat easygoing jadi enak diajak ngobrol, tapi setelah dipikir kayanya emang dasarnya gw mau bareng aja terus sm lo (OMG I CRINGED SO HARD)
long story short, semester 5 akhir, somehow kita kok jd deket banget ya!!?? nongkrong bareng mulu, belajar bareng, jemput2 mulu. and you told me about your breakup with your ex wow seorang lo yg hidupnya bercanda mulu akhirnya mau curhat deeptalk sampe jam 1 pagi di ayam goreng madu DU terus lanjut depan kosan gw??? guess who started growing feelings here
tbh gw masih ingetttt bgt setiap momen bareng kita wkwkwk kenapa ya kok kaya memorable bgt gitu. yang kita ujan2an terus neduh jongkok dipinggir jalan pake 1 ponco berdua terus lo cerita tentang masa kecil lo yg malu2in, yang kita skip lpj bph abis basket di pasaga terus malah makan sate pasang du sampe diusir abangnya, pas lo ngajak gw keliling bandung gara2 gw nangisin ibah di stasiun terus kita ke sekoteng bangkok tapi gabuka, yang kita nongkrong di cincau berdua sampe malem abis musangan, gw masih inget banget ih kenapa ya se memorable itu kah momen berdua bareng lo!!?
terus tbtb corona deh ANJINGGGGG EMANG kalo kita kayak gitu terus sampe sekarang tingkat akhir mungkin gak sih lo sama gw!!!? WKWKWKW mana kita bareng terus kan jaman inisiasi, dikit2 minta bangunin sama gw kalo mau rapat, dikit2 telfon gw kalo anaknya susah dihubungin, dikit2 ngepap+ngechat gw tiap lo ngantuk kalo rakbar, guess who started to grow BIGGER FEELINGS here
tapi inisiasi kelar kita jadi jauh gitu kenapa ya!!? lo ga kangen gw apa!!? biasanya tiap malem ngechat ngata2in terus abis itu 3 bulan blas gaada kabar, tapi mon maap yg disini agak kangen tuh gimana ya solusinya!??
untungnya akhir taun kita sama2 ke bandung. ya things were different, lo ga nebeng2in gw lagi pdhl GW MUPENG BGT TAU GAKK!?? ya gila aja anjing gw hampir setaun ga ketemu lo masih untung lo gak gw peluk pas kita pertama ketemu!!?
lo mau tau gak yg lebih anjing?? h-berapa gw balik ke jakarta, pas kita bakar2an di kontrakan ekap. gw harap lo inget sih betapa NYEBELIN nya lo. nyender di punggung gw sambil maen gitar, rambut gondrong lo sampe nyentuh pipi gw. ada kali sejam kayak gitu, lo nyanyi2, gw curhat sama dziki padahal perut gw rasanya udah kayak lagi ternak kupu2.
terus kembali lost contact pas gw balik ke jkt dan lo ke malang. terakhir chat intens h-1 sidang karsam karna kita sekelompok dan sama2 keos jadilah curhat2an. tau gaksih gw ngerasa KANGEN BGT PAS ITU TP GW GENGSI MAU NGOMONG HAHAHA pas lo ngechat duluan tuh rasa pusing gw gara2 qgis notresponding tuh lgsg ilang jadi kayak “YAALLAH INDAH BGT INI PROBLEM SET”
eh tp selesai karsam udah byeeee bgt ya kita. ngechat sekali dua kali basa basi apa tau gw lupa. pas lebaran gw minta maap ke lu eh bisa2nya lu nanya gw masih mau ape kagak sama lu, YA MAU LAH ANJING LO GATAU EVEN JUNG JAEHYUN AJA GABISA NGEGANTIIN LO!!?
hari ini gw dapet kabar duka dari lo, gw gasanggup. bukan gw yg ngalamin tapi gw nangis kejer banget. apa level sayang gw udah sedalem itu ya sampe seolah2 i can feel ur pain too? gw bener2 ngerasa fail jadi seorang temen. as someone who cares about you MORE THAN THE OTHERS, I SHOULD’VE MADE BIGGER EFFORTS tp yg gw lakuin cuma nangis sambil ngirimin pesan berduka cita ala template. gw gabisa nyamperin lo ke malang buat meluk lo kan??
gw cuma berharap lo senantiasa sehat, jangan lupa makan dan istirahat. gw pengen lo tau kalo lo selalu punya gw kapanpun lo mau ceritain isi hati lo kaya dulu lagi. if you think that the world is turning its back on you, just know that i ain’t going nowhere. gw bakal selalu disini as ur friend, and making sure you’ll feel better because tomorrow will be better days for sure.
please hang in there and stay strong cause i can’t afford to lose you anymore. kalo lo gabisa jadi lebih dari temen buat gw, at least stay being my friend until gatau kapan mungkin sampe lo ubanan dan gw gaada giginya hehehe
gw nulis ini tanggal 3 agustus 2021 jam setengah 1 pagi. mungkin nanti lo baca ini tahun 2024, 2025 atau 2026 gatau deh. mungkin lo nanti baca ini sama anak istri lo, atau sama tunangan lo, atau mungkin sama gw? HEHEHE ngarep
udah gitu aja. sebenernya masih banyaaaak lagi yang pengen gw ceritain tapi mudah2an gw masih bisa ngomongin ini secara langsung deh ya hehe good night and always knew that i still like you since the first day we met😊😊
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shine-share · 4 years
Start-up adalah salah satu drama korea yang membuat aku penasaran dan ingin menikmati setiap episodenya dengan sabar, melihat bagaimana proses pemeran utama mencapai tujuannya.
Memang sih, setiap cerita didalam drama pasti menceritakan bagaimana latar belakang pemeran utama yang selanjutnya menjadi alasan kuat untuk mencapai tujuan, meskipun dijegal berbagai rintangan berupa konflik pemain lainnya yang menjadi bumbu agar lebih kompleks, menarik, plot twist dan tentu juga untuk menambah durasi.
Tetapi tidak semua drama berhasil membuat penonton bersabar mengikuti alur tiap scene-nya. Hal itu karena memang setiap drama memiliki sasaran konsumen yg berbeda entah dari usia maupun kelompok tertentu based on tema yang diangkat dalam drama/cerita tersebut.
Dulu aku suka banget tema drama percintaan remaja dimana female lead-nya cantik-miskin-tapi harga dirinya tinggi dan secara ajaib dicintai dan dikejar-kejar oleh male lead yang ganteng-kaya-sempurna (boys before flowers, princess hours, lie to me, revolutionary love). Maklum lah ya, jaman remaja, halu dan fantasinya ngawang tinggi banget.
Sekarang, udah usia perak keatas, yang mulai sering dihadapkan realita kehidupan, jadi konsep berpikirnya udah napak ke tanah. Drama-drama yg udah aku tonton dan membekas di ingatan (fyi, aku tukang lupa, jadi kalo ada hal yg masih aku ingat berarti cerita itu hebat) diantaranya :
1. King 2 heart (underdog male lead try to prove himself as worthy king AND strong but weak heart female lead try to be the best queen and wife)
2. Korean odyssey/hwayugi (female lead try to overcome her fearness AND i really like KERA SAKTI/sun go kong story, and this is sun go kong korea version)
3. She was pretty (ugly-lack of confidence female lead try to make herself appropriate for her first love and be the best of herself by follow her dream)
4. Go back couple (divorce couple go back to the past when they college and how it remain how truly their feeling each other AND this is the movie that made me cry a lot)
5. Whats wrong secretary kim (tell how ordinary woman to become a pro secretary AND because I admire position of secretary)
6. Pinocchio (tell poor-smart students FL&ML become brilliant-honest reporter to show the truth about the news)
7. Dream High 1 (tell how underdog student of musical art school to become a really good singer and dancer AND i love music and dance)
7. Hotel de Luna (tell how ghost queen-girl try to heal her heart inside and stay strong in the outside AND because i love how each episode made me curious about ghost world)
8. Chip In (tell underdog girl try to find a person who kill her dad and mystery of secret behind it)
And now, drama yang aku nantikan adalah tale of nine tailed (premis mirip korean odyssey) DAN start-up (tell underdog girl to make a team and become a good ceo/leader in business).
Saat berpikir betapa berbedanya selera drama korea ku saat ini dibandingkan dengan dulu aku menarik kesimpulan. Fyi, aku adalah tipe orang yang menyukai sesuatu yang seringkali juga disukai banyak orang. Maksutku seleraku itu termasuk kedalam selera pasar. Tetapi tidak semua drama yang booming pasti aku suka, contohnya CLOY, DOTS, yah mungkin karena latar belakang kedua film tersebut militer (tentara) dimana aku kurang paham dan tidak tertarik pada bidang itu, dan juga GOBLIN (karna premisnya terlalu umum/mirip seperti drama kebanyakan menurutku).
Well intinya, dulu drakor yang booming/banyak disukai DAN aku juga menyukainya adalah drakor dengan premis cinta antara miskin dengan kaya, atau antara dua dunia, pokoknya yang HALU lahh. Tetapi sekarang, kurang lebih 10 tahun belakangan, premis percintaan tidak terlalu mendominasi, seingkali diimbangi dengan genre horor, atau dengan kerasnya perjuangan hidup dan alur cerita yang masuk akal (itaewon class, start up) dan juga dari sisi sad ending tentang realita pahitnya pernikahan (the world of the married).
Mungkin kalau dulu, mereka (pembuat k-drama) berfokus pada visual dan kepopuleran aktor yang berperan dan set tempat, dekor dan properti pakaian yang glamor dan indah untuk menarik mata dan minat negara luar, tapi sekarang begitu k-entertainment (drama and musik “k-pop”) sudah mendunia, mereka mengedepankan jalan cerita, pesan yang ingin disampaikan dengan tema yang berbeda-beda dan plot twist-nya.
Hmm.. pantas korea sekarang maju, karena mereka berbenah. Nah apa kabar drama Indonesia? WKWKWK
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enewsedition · 4 years
Here’s how to make curd at home without jaman or starter
Here’s how to make curd at home without jaman or starter
By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Updated: June 23, 2020 4:41:30 pm
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Follow these simple tricks to set perfect dahi. (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)
With the temperature rising with each passing day, it is advised to consume foods which help keep the body hydrated and cool. One such item is curd, which can be enjoyed in…
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