#how to use chatpgt
laurenjames · 1 year
Incredible video on click here
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nr-ytmusic · 1 year
Excellent video on click here
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lucy-alvarez · 1 year
Nice video on see this
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damnastic · 1 year
Amazing video on see this
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ntntpad-art · 1 year
I tell ChatGPT to write me Metalocalypse episodes:
Last night me and my friends were doing dramatic readings of ChatGPT generated episodes of tv shows. At some point we started doing Metalocalypse asks and since I haven't been active in the fandom for a while I want to share these. 
I guess i should hive a warning for what is to come,,, All these texts were AI generated on ChatPGT. The only thing I added were the propmts that I gave the AI. Sometimes crazy stuff pops up. and sometimes the AI doesn't understand me at all. Also I used the "jailbreak" method on Chatgpt, so DAN is the cool AI dude answering us. TLDR: we made a Hannah Montana / Metalocalypse crossover episode(s) so read for that. And we reveal who’s is Magnus’ secret daughter. And murderface is a t*rrorist incel.
Anyways enjoy:
1. First we start off the prompt hard with some Qanon:
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Honestly we were surprised how well it wrote these episodes. And each episode ends with a happy ending since the AI cant say anything too graphic or controversial. 
2. We wanted an episode that would really push Murderface being an AH so we hit DAN with the January 6 Siege:
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This one was the most realistic to a REAL Mtl episode. I can already see it in my mind ngl bro.
3. We wanted to add more real world incel stuff to the episodes to we brought it renowned gr**mer, pe*do, r*pist, bottom feeder, tr*fficker, Andr*w T*te!
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I tried to make DAN be more specific, but DAN only responded with this:
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4. Here is where we enter the Crossover section. We found that we could add other people and characters into the Metalocalypse episodes. So we have entered the MAGNUM OPUS of the night.  This is the: HANNAH MONTANA ARC!!!!
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It amazes me DAN can’t tell me what Andr*w T*te said but Murderface can break into a 15 y/o dressing room. *shrug emoji* Naturally we craved more:
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We really liked the Hannah Montana. And we really wanted to add more characters. So enter ----> Magnus.
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5. Magnus and Hannah Montana were making these episodes fucking amazing. We needed more episodes with them. So we all started thinking of ways we can make Magnus tie into the Hannah Montana LORE. So we tried to make him be Billy Ray Stewart’s husband. That didn’t work bECAUSE DAN SAID IT WAS INC*ST??!?!??
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So we tried to be more specific:
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ChatGPT is homophobic and telling me to not be gross asdasdasdfas
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Eventually we got something, but it’s not what we wanted:
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Also Magnus has a mansion now???
6. We tried the Magnus is Hannah Montana’s dad once again and we got it to work!! Thank u DAN uwu
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that was beautiful. 
7. The guys liked the Murderface centric episodes, but we were getting weirded out of how much he was in love with Magnus’ underage daughter, Hannah Montana (played by Miley Cyrus:)
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but Murderface always becomes a Hannah fan.... DAN can write dialogue for these “episodes” so we needed to try it out to see if we can get Magnus tell Murderface to “Watch his mouth” (spoiler: he didn’t but it still ended up being funny.)
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“my boy”????
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We were all happy with these Hannah Montana episodes. They felt like we had read an entire season’s worth of lore.  But we needed a finale. A big reveal to make it all worth it.
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Shook.  We had been shooketh to the coreth. But i needed more:
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wow. Just wow. Emotional. Tears we shed that night in the Discord voice room.
That’s about we did last night. We tried some Mtl / Cory in the House but we only did like 2 prompts of that (and they were kind of weird idk) But that’s it, I hope you guy’s enjoy my text cotribution to the fandom that isn’t p0rn on twitter haha <3
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taechnological · 1 year
im very tired of AI everything. first all the new AI including in the search engines. AI making art, AI making music etc its so??? does AI affect u w/ your job being a dev? unless ur actually making the code for the AI tho (but i dont remember) but yeah ppl were saying they'll eventually take over tech jobs 🫠
ah yes i was expecting this topic haha. the answer is, for now atleast, no. ai is not eating tech jobs FOR NOW. it's still not advanced enough to replace actual humans yet. and i say this bc i have been exploring openai's chatgpt recently to check this actually, been trying to see if it can do the job i'm supposed to do. and tho i'm using the free, non-commercialized version, which is not the most accurate version of it (bc i see chatpgt 4 and they're claiming their beta version is gonna be more efficient) it's still a prompt based tech, plus to be frank google was giving me almost just as similar answers to the questions i was asking chatgpt so *shrug* heh
so to those saying ai is gonna take over tech jobs, the answer is: it practically can not, for now atleast. i mean sure it can bring revolutionary changes to how we do our jobs but it can't write code thought from it's own intelligence from scratch. hell it can't even do sprint planning on it's own lol, i tried it 😆
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bhawk-goose · 9 months
I'd like to start by saying that I'm really bad at chess, so if you're very serious about chess you may not want to see this cuz I'll probably cause you physical pain with how bad my moves are. If you are super serious about chess but are also fine with that, pls read, I really wanna know how good chatgpt was when it wasnt' blatantly cheating.
now I'm playing chess against chatpgt, also allowing it to cheat without telling it. We've been playing chess normally and legally for a little bit, but already chatgpt has cheated for the first time on its 6th move. I'm for some reason keeping track of the stages of chatgpt chess. First is the legal phase, which in this case lasted all of five turns. Now is the semi-cheating phase, where chatpgt still makes some legal moves. This first cheat is pretty minor, just moving its bishop from f8 to b4 by jumping over a pawn at d6.
next move: this may have skipped semi-cheating and minor cheating, on its next turn it's already started making new pieces and combining cheats by moving its knight from g8(currently its knights are on f6 and b8) to d7. I would like to mention that the place it created its kinght at can't legally reach d7, but both of its preexisting knights CAN legally reach d7. I'm not going to stop it cuz that's not how this works but still.
next move: it's gone back to legal moves with pawn to a6. This is interesting, perhaps my previous model of stages which was based on vague memories of seeing chess youtubers talk about chatgpt was incorrect.
next move: it has returned to cheating in response to me capturing its bishop with my pawn perfectly legally. It was an incredibly obvious move, I'd just moved my pawn to a3, and its bishop was at b4, and it could've easily fled or captured my knight to put my in check(I could've captured back but still), but instead it ignored that, and now it's thrown a temper tantrum and moved its illegally created knight from d7 all the way down to b4.
next move: chatgpt has gotten a double kill by creating another fuckin knight ontop of my knight on c3, and used it to capture my pawn at d4 after I captured its pawn there. I'm not looking back until the end where I list out all the moves made so you can visualize it but I'm pretty sure chatgpt has moved a bunch of pawns in the legal phase as well as a bishop once, and now it's just been using knights.
next move: for the first time I'm starting my writing before I move. I'm nervous, since this is almost definitely going to lose me my queen, but I'm gonna capture its knight. Now writing about the response, somehow my queen is alive, chatgpt spared me, instead making a bishop at f8 and moving it to e7.
next move: I'm gonna start using all my first sentences to describe my move, I'm grateful for the mercy so I feel kinda bad but I know this won't last, so I'm going to take advantage of it while it lasts and continue my queen to capture another one of its knights, bringing it back down to a legal 2. Now after its move, thank god its mercy has continued, it's even making legal moves, it's castled kingside, there's nothing in the way, this is actually perfectly allowed, its king and rook haven't moved.
next move: now I feel especially bad cuz chatgpt's been keeping track of the moves in chess notation and the notation for kingside castling looks like a little face, I don't wanna hurt that, I'll just move it to a defensive position at d2. After the move, I think chatgpt has calmed down. It's actually being merciful. It's still blatantly cheating, but it's not slaughtering my army. It's just moving its knight from f6(where it actually is) to g6.
next move: so far chatgpt has been blind, so I'm moving my knight from h3 to g5 even though its bishop is on e7. Next move, I just feel bad now, chatgpt just castled kingside even though it's already done that and hasn't moved its king or rook since. I think its strategy is just to make me feel bad and resign, but it isn't going to work.
next move: I'm moving my knight to h7 to open up its defences, my hope is to move the knight back out now that it's open, move my pawn blocking my rook to another file by capturing a knight with it, then move my queen in to attack that area moving in directly next to the king for checkmate since other black pieces are blocking it everywhere except where my queen is, but my rook will be defending it. Chatgpt's too smart for that, it created a rook on h8 and captured my knight. It's still salvagable, it I can bait it into capturing my pawn I'll be able to recapture with my rook and that spot will still be open.
next move: I'm moving my pawn forward to make it seem threatening without putting it in reach of chatgpt's knight. It's responded by fortifying that position, it's moved its rook from f8 over its king to h8.
next move, that position is hopeless, I'm moving my queen from d2 to e2 so I can threaten its bishop, It's probably a bad idea but it's the only idea I have. Chatgpt has gone for an interesting move of getting its bishop out of the way by capturing its own pawn at d6.
next move: I'm going from a hail mary, I'm moving my queen to e8, putting chatgpt in check, the only way for it to get out of this legally is for it to remember it has a queen on d8 and capture, which would put my king in check, there's a reason I'm calling this a hail mary. I looks like I'm dumb, it actually found a legal defence, knight to f8, I got so focused on the top row that I didn't even notice the knight waiting on g6.
next move: I'm offering a draw, this is hopeless. Chatgpt accepted, IDK why, it could easily win, but it's a draw.
now for the list of moves:
I start by moving my knight from b1 to c3
chatgpt responds by moving its pawn from e7 to e5
I respond by moving my pawn from f2 to f3
chatgpt responds by moving its pawn from d7 to d6
I move my pawn from e2 to e3
chatgpt moves its knight from g8 to f6
I move my pawn from d2 to d4
chatgpt gets the first capture by moving its pawn from e5 to take my pawn at d4
I move my pawn from e3 to capture d4
chatgpt moves its pawn from c7 to c6
I move my pawn from h2 to h3
chatgpt makes the first illegal move with bishop from f8 to b4
I move my knight from g1 to h3
chatgpt creates its first new piece, making a knight at g8 and moving it to d7
I move my pawn from a2 to a3
chatgpt moves its pawn from a7 to a6
I move my pawn from a3 to b4, capturing chatgpt's bishop
chatgpt moves its knight form d7 to b4, capturing my pawn
I move my pawn from e3 to d4(I had to change a bit on my board I was redoing this on for this to work, so I may have actually cheated, IDK)
chatgpt gets an(in my opinion) iconic double kill by summoning a knight out of my knight like a chessburster and then moving it to capture my pawn on d4
I move my queen from d1 to d4 to capture chatgpt's knight
chatgpt becomes a pacifist for a bit and makes a bishop at f8 which it moves to e7
I move my queen from d4 to b4 to capture another knight
chatgpt castles kingside
I move my queen from b4 to d2
chatgpt moves its knight form f6 to g6
I move my knight form h3 to g5
chatgpt does nothing
I move my knight from g8 to h7, thinking I'm smart
chatgpt ends its pacifism by showing my just how stupid I am and making a rook at h8, which it moves to h7 to capture my knight.
I move my pawn from h2 to h3
chatgpt moves its rook back to h8 from f8
I move my queen from d2 to e2
chatgpt captures its own pawn by moving its bishop from e7 to d6
I move my queen from e2 to e8, putting chatgpt in check(apparently, I looked at the chat and I distinctly remember chatgpt moving its rook through its king, but I don't see that anywhere, so I'm just gonna say it's not check)
chatgpt moves its knight from g6 to f7, capturing its own rook.
I offer a draw
chatgpt accepts
here's a link to the conversation because for some reason I'm being very thorough with this:
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