#how would they bring these big vehicles around with them to other worlds and whatnot
south-sea · 2 years
given the number of times we see metal with some kind of rocket/some other vehicle i’d like to think he unironically likes having something else do the work (flying/going fast/etc) for him sometimes
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afterspark-podcast · 3 years
My Little Pony/Transformers: Friendship in Disguise, Part 1 Transcript
[This can also be found on AO3!]
O: So I'm like, “No, I'm just fine with pretending this never happened, honestly.”
[Intro Music]
O: Welcome to our April Fool’s Special!
S: The Transformers/My Little Pony: Friendship in Disguise crossover.
O: Specifically, issues 1 and 2 here.  An episode covering issues 3 and 4 will be released in a few weeks.  Um, so obviously our podcast doesn't normally talk about ponies.
S: For all that it too was a popular Hasbro franchise in the 80’s- I mean, still is.
O: Yes.  I will attempt to give a short blip about My Little Pony characters that show up, but we're gonna kind of assume that you know the mane six.  Which is Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie.  Ah, Specs has seen some of the My Little Pony episodes, whereas I have seen... all of it at this point.  Um, so I'm reasonably familiar with most of the characters.  And uh, for the record, Twilight Sparkle is my favorite, but that's because she's basically me. [laughs]
S: This was a crossover comic that was released in 2020 (for your information).
O: Uh, most of the Transformers characters in here are part of kind of the regular G1 cast that you're all probably used to seeing in various things.  Most of them we've talked about.  There's a few we haven't um, because they just haven't popped up in the series yet.  [Like Arcee.]  The exceptions being Gauge who's from IDW2, and Windblade who's from IDW1, Cyberverse, and several other things.
S: Mm-hm.  They did some fun things with the fonts and some of the other visuals in this.
O: Such as using the Transformers font for ‘Equestria’ and the My Little Pony font for ‘Cybertron’.
S: Mm-hm.  And the character’s speech bubbles use the fonts from their respective series.
O: Some of the issues are done by who I think is the current artist for the My Little Pony comic series.  While the rest are done by Transformers comic artists- like, plural, several of them.
S: And with that we begin.
O: Part 1: Transformation Is Magic!
S: In Equestria, a pony by the name of Quibble Pants is standing in front of a newsstand complaining about some very applicable meta issues.
O: Quibble's a side character.  His whole shtick is that he picks apart plot and whatnot.
S: He's a bit of a nitpicker.
O: The newsstand pony tells Quibble (and by extension us) that this is all for fun.  So don't worry too much about continuity here, guys.
S: Mm-hm, a loud clap of thunder transitions us to a nearby mountaintop where Queen Chrysalis is up to nefarious plots
O: She [Chrysalis] is villain.  She is the queen of the changelings.  She can transform into different creatures, basically, or different ponies.  I think, judging by some of the background characters in some scenes later, that this is after she's lost control of most of the other changelings?  Though she does have a small group working with her here.
S: She plans to bring forth other changelings from other worlds to take over Equestria.
O: I'm sure you can see where- where this is going. [laughs]
S: Mm-hm, and now, on cybertron.
O: The Autobots and Decepticons are fighting, shocker.
S: The Decepticons are clearly trying to take control of a malfunctioning space bridge.
O: A space bridge that Shockwave is convinced is breaching other dimensions.
S: Suddenly, all of the Autobots and Decepticons are zapped away through a portal.
O: Leaving only poor Grimlock to smash into view a few seconds later... thinking they have all ditched him.
S: Poor Grimlock.
O: Poor Grimlock. [laughs]
S: Back in Equestria, Twilight shows up with several royal guards to stop Chrysalis but it's too late and a portal opens, sending the Cybertronians zooming past through the air.
O: Twilight is horrified to see that Chrysalis has summoned living things that are about to go ‘splat’ onto the ground, or more likely ‘crunch’! [laughs]
S: Or possibly clank, if someone slows them down-
O: [laughs]
S: But I mean, who knows?  Twilight speeds off to try and save the newly arrived Cybertronians.  While Chrysalis stays behind to acquaint herself with Megatron.
O: Bee is both surprised and resigned to see himself falling to a colorful death.
S: But Optimus grabs Bee's hand, and intends to break his fall with his own body.
O: Optimus, are you okay?  Do you need to talk?  I feel like you need to talk.  We need- we need to get you into therapy, dude.
S: It's all the self-sacrificing, but yes.
O: [laughs]
S: Yes, he needs some therapy.  The two are saved by Twilight’s a very timely arrival and magical powers.
O: The Cybertronians are just as surprised by the ponies, as the ponies are of them.
S: Bee attempts to blend in by transforming into vehicle mode, to Twilight's consternation.  But Twilight says that doesn't really help him blend in, but it's okay if they're different!
O: She comments on their ‘shape-shifting magic’ and that Chrysalis will be disappointed that they're friendly.
S: To which Optimus says... unfortunately, they are not all friendly.
O: And then we are given the most amazing image. [laughs]
S: Queen Chrysalis, as happy as a kid in a candy store, on top of a tank, aka Megatron.
O: Seriously, it's one of the best images in the comic. [dissolves into laughter] And one that was shared I think, pretty frequently after the comic came out?  So it's very funny.
S: Mm-hm.
O: And we begin part 2 of issue 1: Shine Like A Diamond.
S: Rarity and her staff at her Manehattan boutique have been volun-told to get Starscream all dolled up for his coronation.
O: You know, the outfit he's in in the G1 movie, the purple cape and the crown get up.
S: Rarity attempts to calm him down, because he is being a snippy asshole during all of this.
O: Yes, with vague, implied threats throughout.
S: Mm-hm, so Rarity says, “Happy, healthy subjects show just how good their king is, don't they?”
O: A car is heard in the distance, much to Starscream's surprise, as he didn't think the ponies had cars.  Which, he is correct!
S: Mm-hm, Arcee barrels into him with a flying kick.
O: And Starscream retreats.
S: Leaving Arcee and Rarity to introduce themselves.
O: They seem to become fast friends as Rarity thanks Arcee, and Arcee tries to help clean up the mess Starscream has made.
S: Unfortunately, Starscream returns with the rest of his trine in tow.
O: Arcee intends to fight them alone, but Rarity generates a magic shield to help protect Arcee while she fires on the jets.
S: Thundercracker takes a direct hit, while Starscream and Skywarp are herded closer together by Arcee's fire.
O: Once they're close enough, Rarity uses her magic to wrap the fabric from Starscream's cape, that she was helping make earlier, around the two of them.
S: Skywarp says, “This is stupid!  I'm out,” and teleports away.
O: Leaving Starscream to nosedive to the ground with a boom.
S: Arcee compliments an exhausted Rarity on her help.
O: While they both agree they would do anything for their friends, and for each other!  Now, you may notice that none of the My Little Pony characters have been shown in the Transformers universe, but that is about to change.
S: In issue 2, part 1: Inspiring.
O: It would seem that Twilight's assistant, Spike (the dragon) is wandering around the Ark writing a letter to Twilight.
S: Of course, with Grimlock being the only one left behind, he's presumably found Spike and brought him to the Ark.
O: Spike is of course very enamored with the big old Dinobot.
S: And Grimlock seems to like Spike quite a bit too.  Even holding him in his open palm while they get an alert from Teletraan about an attack.
O: Said attack, by way of the Constructicons, who have come to destroy the Ark while everyone else is away.
S: Grimlock transforms into dino mode and meets them.
O: Grimlock makes the mistake of saying, “Puny Decepticons, even together you no match for Grimlock!”
S: To which, they respond by forming Devastator, and stomping the absolute crap out of him.  “Grimlock and Grimlock's big mouth.”
O: Spike shouts words of encouragement to Grimlock, but quickly sees that the Dinobot is losing.
S: So he thinks, looks at the Ark, comes to a realization, and then runs inside to make his realization happen.
O: Inside, Spike flips through two large books.  ‘Modern Cybertronian For Everyday Conversations’ and ‘Teletraan I For Dummies’.
S: He then climbs onto Teletraan’s console and starts the main engine cycle countdown.
O: Spike yells at Grimlock to get down.
S: Which is, you know, not that hard as Devastator is still stomping on him.
O: Devastator is then blasted by the bit of the Ark that's still sticking out of the ground, causing Devastator to fall to pieces.
S: The Constructicons flee, and Spike checks on Grimlock.  Spike still feels pretty down about himself, because all he did was press some buttons.  But Grimlock says Spike did even more than he did.
O: “Spike learned new language, and operations system in short time!  Spike think of using busted engine as canon!  Spike use pronouns!”
S: Grimlock tells Spike that Spike inspires him, and that he's full of potential.
O: Spike collapses into a happy little puddle of dragon that Grimlock called him, “Inspiring.”  Their friendship is so cute! [laughs]
S: And now it's time for part 2 of issue 2: They Eat Ponies, Don't They?
O: We are brought onto the stage of a cooking show, “Prepping With Pinkie,” hosted by Pinkie Pie.
S: And a special guest, Gauge!
O: And all I can think is- Arcee she still one of her parents in this continuity?  Is Arcee worried about her child!? [laugh]
S: And in the spirit of cultural exchange, Pinkie and Gauge will be sharing some of their favorite recipes in today's program.  I never thought about giant robots having recipes before this, and I didn't want to think about it.
O: [laughs] Pinkie is, of course, making cupcakes.  While Gauge has brought iron filing casserole.
S: Poor Pinkie and ah, several audience members are questioning their decision based on their facial expressions.
O: Pinkie goes to start her cupcakes, but suddenly everything starts shaking.
S:  [singing] Dun, dun, dunnnn!
O: [snorts]
S: A space bridge appears with Shockwave stepping out of it.
O: He has, by his own admission, come to ‘spice things up.’
S: Ah, time for some puns.  Unfortunately, his recipes require a bit more audience participation.
O: Shockwave’s apparently come to discover how much pony it takes to fuel one Decepticon.
S: [sighs]
O: [laughs]
S: He transforms his hands into a grater and a whisk, respectively.
O: Pinkie and Gauge evade him, causing him to demand that they stay still so he can finish his experiments.
S: Oh god, by attempting to whisk them!?
O: [laughs] I know, I know!  I'm not saying it's sane!
S: I know, I mean, I read it too.
O: [laughs]
S: It’s just, now I have vivid mental images of this being attempted and everyone being very…
O: Confused? [laughs]
S: Yes.  Gauge whacks him in the head with a cookie sheet, completely bending it out of shape, and tries to get Pinkie to flee.
O: Pinkie refuses, but in the background the show's audience is running through the exit door- at least part of their audience is running through the exit- exit door.
S: Mm-hm.  Shockwave transforms his hands again, this time to a spork and spatula.  Sporking them to death is not gonna work, dude!
O: Tell him that! [laughs]
S: Mm-hm, again, with the mental images.  Gauge rips off the spork and spatula, sending Shockwave falling backwards, where Pinkie trips him.
O: Pinkie and Gauge grab some frying pans and bean Shockwave's face in between them.
S: Shockwave, thoroughly beaten by a small Cybertronian child and a pony, is kicked back into the space bridge and disappears.
O: The remaining audience claps.
S: And 47 minutes later, the duo tries the other's culinary... contributions.
O: Pinkie declares it as success, though her face implies she didn't enjoy the iron filing casserole.
S: In the background, Gauge is clearly trying to politely spit out the cupcake in a towel. [laughs]
O: And that ends issue 2.  So, join us next time for issues 3 and 4 where we will finish this mini-series.
S: And that just about wraps it up for us today.  Remember to check us out on Tumblr or Pillowfort as Afterspark-Podcast for any additional information, show notes, or links we may have mentioned.  You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter at AftersparkPod (all one word), and various other locations by searching for Afterspark Podcast, such as AO3, iTunes, Spotify, and Youtube, just to name a few.  And feel free to send us questions on Tumblr, Youtube, or AO3.  Till next time, I’m Specs.
O: And I’m Owls!
S: Toodles.
[Outro Music Plays]
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vagrantblvrd · 4 years
Those GTA V videos with the airport fuck arounds?
So like.
FAHC AU where it’s Geoff, Jack, and this little shit Gavin for the longest time, right?
This kid Burnie picked up somewhere, after which Geoff stole him from Burnie (asshole told him to pick his people for that crew he wanted to build in Los Santos, so really he only has himself to blame) and now it’s the three of them figuring things out.
There’s a surprising amount of downtime between all the meetings and phone calls and whatnot and Jack realizes early on a bored Gavin is a dangerous Gavin.
(I mean, it’s how they ended up with the Vagabond later on, but that’s a story for another day.)
And Jack, right.
Not much better and between one thing or another doesn’t get get as much time with his planes and choppers and whatever else he’d like. (Cars are nice, fast cars are better, but nothing beats flying.)
One day Geoff’s off doing whatever and makes this offhand comment to Jack to keep a eye on Gavin (running gag of him being their kid and the whole mom and dad thing and anyway, not important really).
And Jack, right.
It’s a beautiful day and he hasn’t had the chance to go for a flight for what feels like fucking forever. Gavin’s restless, antsy almost. Poking and prodding and getting meaner with it than he usually does because pent up energy or whatever, so.
Jack grabs Gavin’s hoodie off the back of the couch the asshole dropped it on the night before and tosses it at him. Tells the little shit to get ready because they’re going for a ride and downstairs in ten minutes or Jack’s leaving without him.
He goes down to bring the car around, bit of uncertainty because he likes Gavin, okay. Stupid kid who’s really damn smart but also an asshole. Geoff and Gavin get along like you wouldn’t believe but things are a bit rockier between Jack and Gavin, and Jack’s not sure what to do about it?
But, uh.
Geoff told him to keep an eye on Gavin and it’s a sure bet they’d end up fighting if they were cooped up in the apartment (early days still, no grand penthouse setup yet), so yeah.
He’s not really expecting Gavin to show up, but he does. (Past that ten minute deadline Jack gave him and this odd look on his face as he slides into the passenger side, but he’s there.)
And then the drive out to the airport up in Blaine County. (Faster, shinier planes at LSIA, but if this goes the way he hopes it will it’d be better to stick to prop planes for now.)
Kind of an awkward drive out there, Gavin fidgeting with the radio until Jack smacks his hand away from it because no. Leaves it off because reception is shit out here anyway and their only choices are worse than awkward silence.
Of which there is a fair amount.
Eventually Gavin is just. “Are you taking me to the middle of nowhere to kill me?”
A joke, or it’s supposed to be, but there’s this awkward little laugh and all that Jack, alright.
He can be an asshole, but he likes to think he’s not that kind of asshole.
“Tempting, but no,” he says, because that whole thing about being an asshole.
Gavin snorts, but Jack must have said something right because he relaxes a little, and the rest of the drive isn’t as painfully awkward.
Gavin actually starts asking his weird little Gavin questions that Jack just didn’t get at first. Thought they were just dumb and pointless, but Geoff thought were hilarious as hell and usually gave serious thought to them. So Jack paid closer attention and realized they were still stupid? But not for the reasons he used to. (Odd phrasing to be sure, but interesting and clever once he got what Gavin was actually asking.)
Takes a while to get to the airport, and when they do there’s not a lot to see, really.
Jack glances at Gavin who’s looking around, head tipped to the side like he’s trying to figure out what the hell they’re doing here, and Jack, okay.
“You feel up for a flight?”
There’s an old Cuban in one of the hangars. Long in the tooth, maybe, but up on its maintainence and Jack learned to fly in one.
Gavin gives him this look like he can’t figure out what Jack’s angle is, but he shrugs and follows along gamely enough.
Watches Jack through the pre-flight check and takeoff, and then he’s looking out the window with this look Jack knows too well. (Something incredible seeing the world from above, puts things in perspective.)
A few minutes pass before JAck glances over at Gavin again and asks if he’d like to learn to fly.
Because look.
Jack’s been around for a while, used to being the one behind the wheel or yoke, but shit goes wrong, you know?
Been times Jack took a bullet or something else happened and he couldn’t do his damn job.
Not a major problem when it comes to cars, but Jack knows Geoff, okay. Knows he’s dreaming big for this crew he’s building them and they sure as hell aren’t going to be sticking to cars or other ground vehicles. (Crazy motherfucker that Geoff is, and Jack’s just as bad, so yeah.)
Geoff’s a decent pilot, but Jack would feel better if Gavin knew how to fly too. Isn’t expecting him to be an ace pilot or anything, honestly doesn’t think he has the patience/interest for it, but it’s something that could save his life one day maybe.
Besides, they were both bored as hell and this is something to do and honestly Jack’s not sure he has a real explanation for what he’s doing anymore, but here they are.
There’s this moment of quiet, Gavin clearly surprised, and then -
“Are you serious?”
Jack shrugs because yeah, yes, and is about to tell Gavin it’s a good thing to learn, but Gavin’s laughing - this honestly amused thing - and tells him it’s a bad idea.
That he’s likely to send them slamming into the ground but there’s this little gleam of interest in his eyes and Jack, okay.
“Well, okay, how about you don’t do that?”
Because please don’t? But also why not, and Gavin’s easy enough to convince and then the flying lesson starts.
Gavin loves it, gets all excited and the whatnot and Jack realizes that this could be a good way for the two of them to ~bond, and then, okay.
Then it’s Jack taking Gavin out for flying lessons every chance they get, and the two of them building a beautiful friendship while Geoff is a smug bastard because he told Jack he’d love Gavin, didn’t he?
And Gavin, okay.
Fucking loves flying, takes to it far better than Jack expected and while he loves zippy little fighters and all that?
Idiot fucking falls in love with the Titan they get their hands on at some point, which.
Yeah, Jack can’t really say much when that Cargobob of his has a special place in his heart.
The others come along at some point and everything gets louder, crazier (better) and Jack’s prediction of Geoff incorporating planes and choppers come to be because of course they do.
(And oh, the first time the crew realized Gavin was the one saving their asses with a last-minute save in Buzzard he liberated from the LSPD? Like, amazing.)
Anyway, anyway, this is all a super long-winded way of saying I love the idea of Jack and Gavin ~bonding/becoming BFFs via their love of flying because wow do I love the airport fuck around videos with the planes and choppers and everything.
Both of them pulling off near impossible aerial feats to save everyone’s asses/for shits and giggles and everyone else being like why are they like this because why, really.
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thirdeyecomics · 5 years
Here's a quick re-post of the tips & FAQ we sent out for the event -- check it out! Lots of info on stuff about parking, free comics, and all that good stuff! :) PARKING, FREE COMIC & LINE ETIQUETTE NOTES Okay, Third Eye Faithful, you know us: our number one concern is that every single one of you guys is having an awesome time! Due to how big our FCBD event is, we do have a few favors we'd like to ask of you guys, as well as a heads-up on a couple of things. I know this email has a ton of info, but if you read anything, please read this. :) PARKING We have a TON of open, free parking in our building's lot, but -- it can and will fill up fast with the amount of folks FCBD can bring. Please, do us a favor: DO park in the rear lot of the store if spaces are available BEFORE parking in the rest of the lot, there's a ton of open spaces in the back, and these are the best spots to use if you're getting here early to camp out the night prior. DO carpool if you have friends / family going. The more folks you can condense into one vehicle the better. DO park off-site somewhere near-by if our lot is full. On weekends, there's a TON of open street parking within a minute or two's walk of our store. There's also a couple of walkable parking garages near-by. DO use our overflow parking at AIRECO, which is a 3 minute walk down the street from our store, and will have a THIRD EYE EVENT PARKING sign up. DO park off-site especially if you are hanging around the shop for the day, cosplaying, etc. DON'T park in front of the cone'd off spaces for our neighbors. There's only a few spots we have to cone off for them, but we want to make sure we don't take up all their spots! RESTROOMS -- provided by Third Eye! :) We'll have two portapotties set up for you, Third Eye Faithful, so that while you're waiting in line you have a quick and accessible option for restrooms! LINE ETIQUETTE Third Eye Faithful: we love to bring you all together as a community, and I swear, all of you guys and gals are the coolest people in the world. We never have issues with people being uncool in line, but we just wanted to take a second to remind you guys of some good line etiquette: You can begin lining up after 6PM on Friday night. Our door prize drawings don't begin until after 7PM on Friday night. When you arrive to line-up, you'll be given a numbered token. Our staff will be periodically checking for new line attendees throughout the day and evening on Friday. We will be giving out tokens until 10:00PM Friday night, and then resume (if the giveaways aren't already maxed out at the 100 mark) the next morning at 7:30AM. Once in line, PLEASE only leave the line to use the restroom, or grab food. Please make sure to let your line mates know, and please try not to be out of the line too long. It gets really difficult keeping things organized if everyone is not there. Just please: do not lose your token! :) Please try to stay in the vicinity of the store - while we cannot be there all night to police this, we count on you to help us keep the line orderly and fun. FREE swag will be given out once we hit our target #s (i.e first 50 in line for t-shirt, first 100 for prize bags, etc.) -- this means we need you guys to try to stay in an orderly line as much as possible to get your swag! Do NOT lose your tokens; you must have your token to give to us to get your swag. Please: bring tents, board games, grills, whatever -- but make sure that you are in a neat line, so you don't lose your spot! Please do not bring alcohol (even if it's in your tent, and we don't know about it!) -- we gotta keep FCBD an all-ages thing, Third Eye Faithful! :) TENTS are welcome, but please avoid anything so large that it blocks the flow of traffic. We don't have hard guidelines about how big is too big - but if it's the size of a mid-sized vehicle -- that may make traffic flow in the parking lot a bit difficult. :) Also, we're pretty darn awesome at Third Eye, but not super-human, our staff needs some sleep the night before such a big day. :) We'll be having everyone pack up their tents and whatnot around 6:00AM, so if you could set an alarm to be up and packing up then - that would be awesome. The tents tend to take up a lot of parking lot space, and the sooner we can get them up - the happier our neighbors typically are due to truck deliveries, etc. We really, really cannot stress enough how important it is to make sure we have everyone packed up and good to go before 7AM so we can properly manage the line. So, please be cool to each other in line, and make sure there's no line-jumping going on, and that you guys are taking care of each other. This is your community, and we count on you to keep it awesome. At 8AM Saturday, we will be splitting the line, so that those of you who are here for the creators first, will be taken to that area, while those of you who want to hit the free comics are in that line. Please note: the creators do not begin signing until 11AM, so you may not want to wait in that line until after you've gotten your free comics!
Most importantly: be cool to each other. We're all here to have fun!
LINES WILL BE MOVING FAST One thing we've gotten good at is moving through lines quickly and smoothly, and that's one thing that you can count on for FCBD. There'll be a lot of people, but after getting plenty of practice doing this in the past, we've gotten pretty good at this. :)
We will have multiple cashiers open, with more than just the four normal checkout lines. For Third Eye Cards, we will be writing out a voucher for you to bring in redeem at a later date, so that the check-out process is quick and efficient.
FREE COMIC ETIQUETTE! Our goal is to make sure you get the free comics you're most excited about, and to do that, we're going to be counting on you, Third Eye Faithful! :)
Please do not take more than 1 each of the free comics. Please ONLY take the free comics you are genuinely excited about - so that everyone is able to get their favorites. We do not enforce limits on how many free comics folks can take, because you are all super awesome and super kind about making sure that you scoop the comics you genuinely want, and not just a big stack of everything, without any thought into what is what. :)
With that being said, please review our list of FREE COMICS here and have an idea of the free comics you'd like to grab. While we can't guarantee they'll all be in stock, it does help move the line for free comics along quicker, instead of waiting to pick and choose once you hit the table.
And, don't forget: you can always come back for more free comics after you get done doing all your fun FCBD stuff! We do receive a lot of requests each year to hold free comics, and unfortunately, we cannot hold free comics. :( We're sorry about this, but we promise: FCBD is about so much more than the free comics; it's about the experience itself, and coming out for the event is totally worth it!
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lopezdorothy70-blog · 6 years
Multiple Scientists Publish Papers Suggesting The Moon Is Hollow & Artificially Made
 It is not out of the question that artifacts of these visits still exist, or even that some kind of base is maintained (possibly automatically) within the solar system to provide continuity for successive expeditions. Because of weathering and the possibility of detection and interference by the inhabitants of the Earth, it would be preferable not to erect such a base on the Earth's surface. The Moon seems one reasonable alternative. Forthcoming high resolution photographic reconnaissance of the Moon from space vehicles – particularly of the back side – might bear these possibilities in mind. – Carl Sagan (source)
Controversy has surrounded the Moon for a very long time, we have leaks, research and information from some very credible sources who have, over a span of decades, been relaying to the public that our Moon is not what we think it is, and that there's also some type of extraterrestrial presence on the Moon.
One example would be the testimony of Colonel Ross Dedrickson, who was responsible for maintaining the inventory of the nuclear weapon stockpile for the United States, he had a long stint with the US Atomic Energy Commission, you can view his obituary here.
Shortly before his passing, he told the world that the US tried to detonate atomic weapons on the Moon for scientific purposes, measurements and whatnot and that this project was halted by extraterrestrials, who would not allow us to detonate any nuclear weapons in space.  These were some interesting comments because he is one of the hundreds of high ranking military people who have alluded to such things, and we also have a declassified report by the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center from June 1959 that shows how seriously they were considering the plan, called Project A119.
We know for a fact that they wanted to investigate the capability of weapons in space, and if they did, we also know that we would never be told, similar to the testing that goes on here on planet Earth.
Then, we have remote viewers from the STARGATE program who have 'seen' strange structures and humanoid creatures on the Moon, like Ingo Swann (from his book, titled Penetration), for example. He wasn't the only one from the program who did, I have personally had conversations with Dr. Paul Smith, a retired army veteran who spent a decade in that program, he also relayed to me that something strange is happening on the Moon. Many from within that program have been very outspoken about an extraterrestrial presence.
You can read more about the remote viewing program here. We've published numerous articles about it.
Multiple whistleblowers have also spoken of strange structures on the Moon, and it's become so obvious that some academicians are trying to do what they can to bring attention to it. For example, a recently published a paper in the Journal of Space Exploration about certain features on the far side of the Moon that appear in the crater Paracelsus C. Titled “Image Analysis of Unusual Structures on the Far Side of the Moon in the Crater Paracelsus C,” it argues that these features might be artificial in origin, meaning someone other than a human being built them and put them there.
It's not just the Moon, a physicist from the University of Tennessee Space Institute, Dr. Horace Crater, recently published a paper in The Journal of Space Exploration that, along with the NASA Viking images, hints “strongly at artificial surface interventions.”
The list is long, and the idea that somebody else is on the moon is nothing new, even the Deputy Manager for the Clementine Mission to the moon in 1995 said it was really a photo reconnaissance mission to check out structures on the far side of the Moon that wasn't put there by humans…
But this article is not about what's on the moon, it's about what exactly the Moon is.
It's also noteworthy to mention that the United States has been criticized by Russia for concealing artifacts they collected from the Moon.
I thought it was important to provide that brief overview before we get into it, to go more in depth you can check out the articles below:
Dr. Steven Greer: “We Did Go To The Moon, But The Footage Was Fake.”
Another Interesting Leak: A Second NASA Scientist Tells Us That 'Somebody Else' Is On The Moon
A Wel Known CIA Pilot Claims That The Moon Has 250 Million Citizens
Did Neil Armstrong & His Crew Encounter Extraterrestrials On The Moon 
What is the Moon?
Perhaps strangest of all the anomalies are the many indications that the moon may be hollow. Studies of moon rocks indicate that the moon's interoior differs from the Earth's mantle in ways suggesting a very small core or none at all. A 1962 study found the interior of the moon to be less dense that the exterior. – Jim Mars, from his, Our Occulted History
Is the moon hollow? Many intellectual minds seem to think so, but despite what's really being talked about, these theories are still considered unconventional by the mainstream, who like to push their own theories and teach them as fact.
Perhaps the reason why the US has not disclosed their artefacts from the moon, including all of the rocks, is because from what we do have, studies of moon rocks have shown that the Moon's interior is far different from the Earth's mantle which suggests a very small core, or, no core at all.
In 1962 Gordon MacDonald, a NASA scientist, published a study that stated, “Indeed, it would seem that the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere.”
According to Sean C. Solomon, “The Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the Moon's gravitational field…indicating the frightening possibility that the Moon might be hollow.”(Our Occulted History)
Solomon is  is the director of the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. He is also principal investigator on the NASA MESSENGER mission to Mercury.
Here is a paper by Solomon on the topic published in 2014 discussing how, after decades of data, they still have no idea about the moons inner core and what it's comprised of. There are multiple theories out there that've developed from this supposed uncertainty, including a fluid core.
Mars elaborates in his book:
“The most startling evidence that the moon could be hollow came on November 20, 1969, when the Apollo 12 crew, after returning to their command ship, sent the lunar module (LM) ascent stage crashing back onto the moon, creating an artificial moon quake. The LM struck the surface about forty miles from the Apollo 12 landing site, where super sensitive seismic equipment recorded something both unexpected and astounding – the moon reverberated like a bell for more than an hour. Frank Press of MIT stated, “…none of us have seen anything like this on Earth. In all our experience, it is quite an extraordinary event. That this rather small impact…produced a signal which lasted 30 minutes is quite beyond the range of our experience.”
How Did The Moon Get To Where It Is?
Conventional wisdom tells us that yes, the Moon may have originated elsewhere and at some point came to orbit our planet. It tells us that it was formed from debris after a space object smashed into Earth, while another theory states that Earth captured the Moon via its gravitational pull when it was wandering through the solar system…
Despite that our current theories are accepted as fact, there is absolutely no evidence for the conventional hypothesis. According to Russian scientist Isaac Asimov,  an American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston University,
It's too big to have been captured by the Earth. The chances of such a capture having been effected and the Moon then having taken up nearly circular orbit around our Earth are too small to make such an eventuality credible
Asimov also emphasized that,
We cannot help but come to the conclusion that the Moon, by rights, ought not to be there. The fact that it is, is one of those strokes of luck almost too good to accept
Other members of the Soviet Academy of Sciences (Vasin and Scherbakov, 1970), run by the Russian Government, published an article titled, “Is the Moon the Creation of Alien Intelligence?” This article offered another explanation for how the Moon may have been created. This seems to be a better hypothesis because there is actually a considerable amount of evidence that points towards something suspicious happening on the Moon.
It's easier to explain the non-existence for the Moon, than it's existence – NASA scientist Robin Brett
The best explanation for the Moon is observational error – the Moon doesn't exist – Irwin Shapiro, Harvard Astrophysicist
Think about it…The Moon is in a nearly perfect circle, when it comes to its origin, all the while being synchronized with its period of revolution, so one side always faces the Earth.
As Mars points out,
This circular orbit is especially odd, considering that the moon's center of mass lies more than a mile closer to the Earth than its geometric center. This fact alone should produce an unstable, wobbly orbit, much as a ball with its mass off-center will not roll in a straight line.
Were The Sumerians On To Something?
Many within this field are really into ancient Greek, and ancient Sumerian lore. Take Apollo 12 astronaut, Al Worden, for example, who made some very interesting comments about the Sumerians as well as extraterrestrial life in a live interview you can watch here.
In the late 1960's, a senior scientist from the Planetary Science Institute, William Kenneth Harmann, stated he believes that the Moon results from a collision between Earth and another body at least the size of mars. This became known at the Big Whack theory, and it correlated to the story told in ancient Sumerian tablets…
According to several interpretations of Sumerian tablets, most notably from Zacharia Sitchin, more than 4 billion years ago, a large watery world called Tiamat was in orbit between Mars and Jupiter. Nibiru, a planet that supposedly enters into our solar system once every 3,600 years, caused Tiamat to crack under gravitational stress. Tiamat was cracked in half when one of Nibiru's moon's knocked into it, which also knocked a large portion of mars.
This is very interesting because recently scientists have confirmed that Mars used to be a very watery world, an Earth-like planet. There is even large amounts of evidence for ancient life on Mars before what appears to be a dramatic climate shift. Scientists hypothesize that the climate shift was a result of a large collision…The larger chunk of Tiamat became planet Earth.
So, it's interesting to make that connection.
Back to the Moon!
It's important to remember that something had to put the moon at or near its present circular pattern around the Earth. Just as an Apollo space-craft circling  the Earth every 90 minutes while 100 miles high has to have a velocity of roughly 18,000 mies per hour to stay in orbit, so something had to give the moon the precisely required velocity for its weight and altitude…The point – and it is one seldom noted in considering the origin of the moon – is that it is extremely unlikely that any object would just stumble into the right combination of factors required to stay in orbit. 'Something' had to put the moon at its altitude, on its course and at its speed. The question is: what was that 'something?” – Mars
It's hard to believe that the precise and stationary orbit of the moon is simply a coincidence …
Is it also a coincidence that the moon is at just the right distance from Earth to completely cover the sun during an eclipse? While the diameter of the moon is a mere 2,160, miles against the sun's gigantic 864,000 miles, it is nevertheless in just the proper position to block out all but the sun's flaming corona when it moves between the sun and Earth. -Mars
According to Asimov,
There is no astronomical reason why the Moon and the sun should fit so well. It is the sheerest of coincidences, and only the Earth among all the planets is blessed in this fashion.”
With all of the evidence that has surfaced showing an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon, to me, the spaceship theory proposed by Michael Vasin and Alexander Scherbakov (mentioned above) makes the most sense.
According to Mars,
The spaceship-moon theory may come closer than any other in reconciling the contradictions inherent in the origin and amazing orbit of the moon. However, such a consideration is supposed to be outside the discussion of educated and rational people. The circular logic of conventional science regarding the origins of the moon runs something like this: We know that extraterrestrials don't exist, but we do know that the moon exists and has been mentioned throughout human history. We humans did not create it nor place it in orbit around Earth,  it must have been done by extraterrestrials. But because we know they don't exists, we will simply call it an anomaly and will not publicly say any more about.
Sources used:
Our Occulted History, Do The Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? – Jim Mars
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