#the same could probably be said about shadow and his motorcycle
south-sea · 2 years
given the number of times we see metal with some kind of rocket/some other vehicle i’d like to think he unironically likes having something else do the work (flying/going fast/etc) for him sometimes
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gaylordscooter · 5 months
The Ghost Pointed at Me
He was a replacement. He knew that much. His name didn't belong to him. It was stolen. Stolen from who? He didn't know and it wasn't easy getting answers.
He was an Underswap Sans. He knew that much. He was stronger than him, kinder than him, overall a better person.
He was a shabby replacement. He would hardly be qualified to be his shadow.
And yet they called him “Blue” anyway.
He woke up earlier than normal today, slipping into his usual outfit right away. Hearts should still be in sleep mode. So he didn't have to worry about him catching him on the way out. He didn't want him questioning where he was going so early in the morning. He knows he'd want to tag along.
He quietly made his way out of the house, Dream nor Ink caught him either. They never did. Sneaking out was a skill of his. He used to do it all the time late at night when he’d go out to the lab. His brother always hated it when he worked after hours. Said it wasn't worth doing when he was just an intern.
That was one of the few memories he still had of him. He clung to it like a prized possession.
He hopped on his motorcycle that was parked right outside. It wasn't like anyone was going to steal it. Hardly anyone had access to the Doodlesphere.
He started its engine, immediately driving away towards a bucket that led to an Underswap. The noise probably alerted them now, but they'd never caught up to him by this point.
He's been visiting as many Underswap universes as he could, trying to see if any of them were off in some way. They wouldn't be missing a Sans. By the time a reset rolled around a new one would take his place.
He was mainly interested in looking at its code. From there he’d be able to find out how long the Sans of that universe has existed.
He didn't really know what his end goal with this was. Say he found the universe that belonged to the Blue before him, then what?
It's not like he’d find anything new there. Originally he was looking for a universe like his, but he gave up on that a long time ago. Being “unique” seemed impossible in the multiverse, but as it turned out his universe was one of a kind.
Because it was unstable.
And then of course the multiverse decided to throw something unexpected at him.
Error was in the universe he decided to go to.
The Snowdin of the place was on lockdown. Everyone was presumably taking refuge in Muffet’s as Error stalked around the area like a rabid animal.
Currently, he was in the “find the human” phase of his destruction, so he wasn't wiping everything out in the vicinity for now. Wiping everything out might get the human to reset which would kick any foreign code out into the void, which would be a hassle.
Except if he saw an outsider like him he’d immediately turn attention to him.
Lucky him.
He got ready to drive the hell out of here. Of course, it was now that his motorcycle’s engine decided to have problems. It sputtered, as if to mock him, when he tried revving it.
Unfortunately, his attempted escape only drew the destructor’s attention.
His mismatched eyelights landed right on him. Those unnatural, perfectly straight teeth skewed in a lopsided smile.
He felt his soul sputter just like the engine.
He got off the motorcycle and made a break for it. Of course, it was in vain. Error’s strings caught his soul immediately.
It felt like a million paper cuts littered his soul, but it didn't deal any damage. Yet.
He was a fly trapped in the spider’s web. He was as good as dead.
Maybe Ink read his script for today and already knew this was going to happen. He was going to show up any second now to save him.
He awkwardly smiled back, mostly with his eyes, at the glitchy skeleton.
Any second now.
“Wh-what are you doing here, here?” he questioned. His voice and form were unstable as usual. It took Blue a second to register what he said.
“Uhhh, I could ask the same to you! We haven't seen you go to an Underswap in a long time,” he replied.
The strings tightened around his soul causing him to yelp. A warning.
A loud static noise cut through the air as a star-shaped rift tore itself open right behind Error.
“Error, what did i say about attacking MY HOME?”
Error whipped his head around to face the new voice. “Hm, l-lemme think—Oh right, right! I don't care what you s-said.”
Blue stared wide-eyed at the two bickering. The new guy looked similar to Error with his inverted colors—or lack of colors should he say. It looked like most of his body was a black hole. The red torn-up bandana around his neck along with his pearlescent purple arms mostly covered up by his gloves and shirt sleeves looked to be in a different reality from the rest of him.
He stared back at him in turn. Suddenly all of his attention locked on him as if Error wasn't right in front of him.
Faster than Blue could blink, he was out of the rift and standing in front of him.
“Oh hey, it's you,” he said.
He ignored him. He circled around Blue, almost reaching out to touch him but stopping himself before he actually made contact. “You don’t look like me at all.”
“P-pardon?” Blue managed to breathe out.
“Oh right, we’ve never formally met.” He offered his hand for a handshake. “The name’s Blazar, but I’ve heard I used to be called Blue too.”
Blue was stunned. “Oh—uh, hi?” He reached his hand towards his, only for Blazar to yank his own away like he was about to be burnt.
“Ha-ha! I keep forgetting not to do that!” He looked at his hand as if he was scolding it and took a few steps away from him.
He internally took note of his wording “never formally met” and that he knew he was called Blue without him telling him. It was highly likely he’d watched him from a distance before. “Not to do what?”
“Contact. Physical contact,” he specified. His dead-serious expression caught him off guard.
Blue’s gaze shifted away from him and noticed the lack of Error’s presence. He probably went off to resume his human-hunting.
Blazar seemed to notice this first. He looked more annoyed than anything. He sighed, “Hang on a moment.”
He teleported away or just moved away extremely fast.
He was back a second later, dusting his gloves off as if he had just taken out the trash. “Sorry about him. He has his reasons for acting that way.”
Blue looked confused, wondering what exactly he did to Error. “Yeah, sure.”
“Anyway, so you're the new Blue!” Blazar held his hands out to him as if he was presenting him to a crowd.
Blue sucked in a breath through his teeth. “Listen, I didn't mean to take your place. Ink just—”
“Oh, I don't care about that,” he assured, waving a hand dismissively. “It's not like I can be jealous when I don't even remember what it was like, hah.”
His expression shifted to concern. “what do you mean?”
Noticing the dip in the mood, he continued to sound and look cheery to bring it back up. “I don't remember anything before…before becoming ‘Blazar’—but I don't care! Can't miss what you’ve never had!” He laughed as he said that.
Blue gave him a look of pity. He lost some of his memories of his old life too, but he couldn't imagine being so positive about it. The way he acted reminded him of Dream. He knew from personal experience that “can't miss what you've never had” didn't apply when you did have it and you just forgot you did. He knows he’s had plenty of nights stressing over his lost memories.
Did he even know that he had a brother? Did he remember his friends from his universe?
“So how’s Ink and Dream doing?” he asked, completely oblivious to Blue’s inner thoughts. As he should be.
“Oh, they're doing fine. They had a little argument recently, but they’ve gotten over it.” It was more like Dream forgave Ink and Ink forgot about it. Close enough.
“That's good. So they're doing fine without me.”
Blue’s eyelights darted to the side.
“Again, I’m not mad about that,” he assured. “Why are you so scared?” He frowned.
Blue backed up unconsciously, raising his hands in defense. “Listen, I’m sure you're a nice monster—”
“I am.”
“—but, uh, I can't help but be a bit spooked by how similar you look t—”
“I am not like Error,” his voice distorted as he said that. Despite his words, he looked just as fierce as Error when he's mad.
Blue stayed quiet, looking just about ready to flee.
Blazar calmed down, realizing that he was only scaring him more. He was about to reach out to comfort him, but ended up hugging his own arms instead. “Sorry, I’m…” he paused to take a breath, “I’m not as pleasant as I used to be. I should go.”
He disappeared before Blue could respond.
He stood there for a moment in the empty forest of Snowdin. So that’s what happened to the Blue before him. He didn't die, he became an error. A part of him died, he supposed.
How could something like that happen?
Ink should know. He should know he's alive. Maybe he forgot, and thought he did die because Dream acts like he did.
Blazar asked how Ink and Dream are doing. Why doesn't he check on them himself?
He snapped out of his thoughts when he realized that monsters were exiting Muffet’s now. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, he scrambled over to his motorcycle and hopped on.
Thankfully it worked now and he was able to drive out of there and open a rift back to the Doodlesphere.
When he got back to the house, he opened the front door and was greeted by Ink. He flinched back with a yelp.
“Were you just standing there the entire time?!”
“Of course not. I knew when you were coming back—but that's besides the point.” He grabbed Blue by the shoulders and shook him. “What were you doing in a universe that Error was in?!”
Blue spun in place to get out of Ink’s hold. “I didn't know he would be there. Also if you knew, why didn’t you help me?”
Ink crossed his arms. “Because someone else already did, right?”
“That ‘someone else’ is someone you know!”
Ink blinked. “Is it? I didn’t really pay attention to who it was.” He scratched his chin thoughtfully.
Blue facepalmed. “Buddy, it was the Blue before me that saved me.”
Ink sputtered. “Whuh, huh? That guy’s alive?”
“Don't act so nonchalant!”
“This is not me acting ‘nonchalant’. I didn't know he was alive!”
“Shouldn't you though?”
Ink gritted his teeth, looking coy. “Mmmaybe?” He shrugged.
Blue sighed, “Is Dream out? I think he should know about this.”
“Of course he's out. When is he ever in one place? I’ll tell him when I have the chance.”
“No, I want to tell you both what happened to him,” he insisted. “This is important enough to have a proper meeting about.” They didn't usually have meetings like people assumed they had. Honestly, the perception of “The Star Sanses” in general was humorously inaccurate. They weren't really the heroes of the multiverse that everyone made them out to be—well maybe Dream was, but for the most part, Ink and he weren't all that heroic. And they certainly did not plan out how to efficiently help everyone out in the multiverse, nor was that their goal in the first place.
Ink tilted his head. “Something happened to him?” Something seemed to click for him. He reached for his scarf and skimmed over the notes on it. “Oh, right.”
“So now you remember.”
Ink’s now blue-green eyelights spelled guilt. “You know my memory isn't the greatest.”
That was his way of saying “You know I didn't want to forget something like that.” If it was important enough to be written about on his scarf, that had to be true.
Blue’s expression softened, regretting his accusatory tone. “Right.”
Ink sighed, “I should get Dream.” He was already painting a portal beneath him. “I’ll be back as soon as possible.” He disappeared a second later.
“Finally, that prick’s gone,” Hearts strutted in from the hallway and approached him. He tended to avoid Ink as he did with every Sans. It was like merely looking at them made them ill. Except for Blue for some reason. Maybe it was because of trust. That sounded right. “He was watching the door like a dog waiting for its owner.”
“Was he pacing?”
“Like a caged animal.”
“You sure like comparing Ink to animals,” he remarked. “But never the right ones. He’s like an excitable ferret.” He was a thing of boundless energy and hyperactivity. But he wasn't like a dog. Dogs were loyal.
“Is that something you waste your time thinking about, darling?” he teased.
Blue suppressed his grin from widening at the meaningless pet name. “And you're like a cat abusive to its owner.”
He gasped, holding a hand to his chest like he was offended. Scratch that, not “like he was”, he was definitely offended. “Are you calling me your pet?!”
“I Did Not Say Anything of the Sort,” he said slyly, darting his eyelights to the side. He held back a laugh as Hearts scoffed. Their banter brought his mood up after his encounter with Error and Blazar, but he still dreaded the meeting to come.
Ink will probably explain some things; that was his hope, but he also feared it. It was likely he wasn't going to like what he was going to hear, but a worse-case scenario would be if Ink tried to skirt around telling him. He needed to know. Rip the bandage off, as they say.
“Are you alright, darling? I don't usually eavesdrop on your conversations with him, but it sounded serious.”
That's definitely a lie. He eavesdropped all the time, but he appreciated Hearts’s genuine concern.
Blue rubbed at his neck. “Eh, I could be worse. I’m mostly stressed, is all.”
“Glad to see you're doing the same as usual.”
“I’m joking, darling.” He noticed a puddle of paint flowing out from the ground behind Blue. “That's my cue to leave. I hope your meeting goes smoothly. I don't want to hear yelling while I’m relaxing.” He already started walking back to the hallway to get to his room.
“Seeya,” Blue said. He tried putting his hands in his lab coat’s pockets. He always did that out of habit despite said pockets being torn off along with the rest of the bottom half of it a while ago. He opted to put his hands on his hips instead. He turned around as Ink and Dream came out of the portal of paint.
Dream still had that beaming smile on his face. Of course he did. He never not smiled, which wasn't all that unusual for Sanses but even they would stop smiling when pushed too far. The point was, Dream’s expression gave nothing away as to what Ink had told him already.
“So Blue called a team meeting,” Ink explained. “That Mettaton’s not listening in, is he?” He looked around the entry room as if he was hiding in it.
“Does it matter?” Blue asked. Ink’s never showed concern for that before.
“I guess not,” he shrugged but he still looked a tad bothered.
It was because this was a personal thing, he assumed.
“Why don't we sit down before we start?” Dream suggested.
Blue took that offer immediately, sitting down on the couch by the front door. Already, his leg was bouncing.
Dream sat next to him but Ink continued to stand. Blue knew he was going to start pacing once they began talking.
“So, Blue, you wanna start us off?” Ink said.
“Oh, uh, sure.” He clapped his hands together, trying to make eye contact with Dream. Only to immediately fail and look down at the floor. “So…I called this meeting because, uh. I met this guy named Blazar.”
“Oh, a new guy!” Dream sounded excited.
Blue stretched his smile out, making it uneven. “Yep, uh, not actually ‘new’.” He really shouldn't be stretching this out that much. He should just spit it out, but he's never been good at delivering news like this. “It's…the old Blue actually.”
“He's alive!” Dream beamed. He couldn't help but stand. “You got to meet him? Did it go well? I think you two would get along great!”
Blue looked just about ready to call the meeting there instead of dousing Dream’s joy with the bad news. “It went bad, actually.”
“Oh.” He still sounded hopeful. Right, dousing Dream’s joy wasn't exactly an easy task.
“Well, not that bad? It was mostly awkward—besides the point. He's an error now.” Finally. Finally, he got it out.
Dream looked clueless. He tilted his head. “I don't believe I understand. How can one be a mistake?”
Ink pinched the bridge of his nasal bone. “No, he's an ‘error’ now. Y’know like Error. There's others like him where their code’s all messed up.”
“Well, at least he's alive.”
Ink’s eyelights flashed red for a moment. His smile was strained. Unlike other Sanses, Ink’s smile wasn't his default. It was a practiced thing and said practice would melt away at a moment’s notice.
“Did I say something wrong?” Dream asked.
Ink and Blue shared a glance.
“I’m not—I’m not mad at you, Dream,” Ink said.
“I see! Well, thank you for sharing the good news, Blue. I had no idea he was alive.”
“Dream, it's not really good news,” Blue said gently while wringing his hands together.
This was the thing with Dream. It was impossible to get him to see the bad in things. That sounded like a good trait to have but Ink and Blue knew from personal experiences that one could indeed be overly optimistic.
“But he’s alive.”
“And he's an error!” Ink snapped, throwing them both off. “I did that to him!” He stopped speaking as abruptly as he started. He covered his mouth, looking shocked at his own words.
Blue looked agape at him, while Dream merely looked surprised and sat back down.
“What do you mean, Ink?” Blue asked.
Ink’s hands scraped at his skull, staying over his mouth.
“What do you mean you did that to him?” He kept his voice surprisingly level.
Ink forced his hands down by his sides. “The day we fought Error in his Underswap we were getting reckless—He was getting reckless. I knew what was going to happen. I knew he would become an error that day. I couldn't do anything—no—I did do something. I set it up for him and I did my part in making it happen. He cornered him and I just watched—”
“Ink, slow down!” Blue got up to put a hand on his shoulder.
Ink’s gaze focused on him. His eyelights were still rapidly changing. He pushed Blue away to turn around and hack up black paint on the ground. “Eugh.” He wiped his mouth. “How much of that did you understand?” his words slurred together.
“I didn't get any of that,” Blue said.
“Good.” He paused, held a hand up, and turned around to throw up again. “Twice in the same minute, hah,” he said humorlessly. “I’m calling the end of this meeting.”
Neither Blue nor Dream objected. In fact, Dream’s gone quiet ever since Ink yelled.
Ink left without a word or explanation as to where he was going. He needed alone time, they knew that, but it was anyone's guess how long he’d be out for.
Blue was about to head over to his room to rest, but Dream spoke up first.
“Blue, can you…stay here for a bit?” He’s never asked something like that before. Something for himself.
Blue’s sockets widened. “Yeah,” he sat back down on the couch, “I can stay.”
Dream couldn't meet his gaze. He just continued staring forward, not even at a wall but at the air in front of it. “Thank you.” His expression didn't show it, but for some reason, Blue had a feeling Dream wanted to cry.
He looked happy. He acted happy, but that hunch was stubborn.
Blue wrapped an arm around him like he was comforting him as if he was crying.
Dream leaned into him, closing his eyes, smile as unfaltering as ever. He imagined that his tears would be spilling out more now that he closed it. They were golden, like leaves falling in the autumn.
That was only his imagination, of course. Dream can't cry. He can't even frown.
Blue couldn't begin to understand how it would feel to be unable to feel negative emotions. He's never said it out loud, but it was like you were half a person. Sure he had access to a good amount of the basic emotions, but most feelings were complex and were made up of both negative and positive emotions.
Of course, Dream’s brother has to deal with only feeling negative emotions. However, while it seemed like one had it worse than the other, Blue was beginning to think neither had it better than the other.
What would Dream be feeling right now if he could feel negative emotions?
Blue noticed Dream’s hand trembling  Only one, however, as if that was all he was allowed to show.
“Something's not right.” He sounded like a robot going against his coding. “I’m not feeling the right emotion.” His words contrasted his ever-gleeful tone.
“I'm sorry.” Blue didn't know what else to say.
“Sorrow, guilt. That's it.” He brought his hands together to keep his other hand still. “I’m sorry,” he replied. It was almost like a prayer.
The way he said his apologies never sounded genuine, but Blue would pretend it did for him. In the end, there was hardly a difference.
After a few more minutes, Dream stood up and opened a portal. “Thank you again, Blue. I’ll see you later.” Just like that, he went back to doing his job.
And the house was sans two Sanses once more. Although neither of them really were Sanses.
He headed over to his room.
Hearts was lounging around on his bed, a common occurrence despite him having a room of his own. This was something he tended to do when he had something to show or say to him. He gave him a smirk.
“I recorded Ink’s little spiel. I can slow it down for you if you want,” he offered.
So that's why Ink didn't want him listening, Blue thought. He shrugged. “What the heck, sure.” He sat next to him.
Hearts replayed it at a speed Blue could understand.
He had a hand covering his mouth as he listened.
Hearts was entirely unfazed by it, mainly because he didn't understand the significance of it.
Ink blamed himself for Blazar’s predicament. Ink never blamed himself, at least he never admitted so.
It was illogical for him to blame himself, and Ink was pretty logical when it came to this sort of thing. When it came to scripts. 
“I never thought the soulless guy could be such a drama queen,” Hearts remarked.
Blue learned a long time ago that soullessness has nothing to do with dramatics, but he kept that to himself. He picked up the journal he kept on his bedside counter to jot some stuff down.
Like the nosy guy he was, Hearts looked over his shoulder to watch him write.
Blue rolled his eyelights, “Read if you want but you're not going to understand any of it and I’m not explaining any of this to you.”
“I just enjoy watching you steer off-topic,” he said.
“Tough luck, I’m not writing an entry.” He wrote down directions to the specific bucket of that universe as well as the name “Blazar”. He closed it and put the journal back.
With that over, he realized how hungry he was.
“I’m going to Grillby’s,” he said. “You want anything?”
“I don't eat that garbage, darling.”
“You say that like you didn't establish your own fast-food restaurant,” Blue said.
“You don't know if I did that in my universe,” Hearts retorted.
Right, because he never told him anything about his past. Regardless, he was sure he did do that. All the other Underfell Mettatons did. There wasn't any reason for him to be an outlier.
“Sure. I’ll see you later.”
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nelkcats · 2 years
Hood Assistant
Prompt Part 1 Part 2 Next Ao3
Part 3
Loving is hard because it hurts but once you have it you don't want to let it go.
Danny left the apartment with Johnny following him behind, he sighed unwillingly wondering what the ghost was up to now, half the day had already passed, he had been forced to eat and now it seemed his new roommate didn't want to leave him alone, he was worse than Cujo.
"Johnny, stay in the apartment, I know you want to watch my back and all that but your shine and ghostiness is very noticeable, you know?" he complained.
"Oh yes, so noticeable that your parents, the professional ghost hunters and your sister didn't notice it at all when they met me" the blonde sneered, softening the "other world" feeling a bit, he didn't really have as many abilities as other ghosts but he was one of the best in camouflage, probably because he looked pale but mostly alive.
"Well, I see your point but that doesn't explain why you're following me, my friends don't know you" the halfa complained again in frustration.
"Cupcake, exactly how do you plan to get there?" the ghost questioned looking at his friend as if he was crazy.
Danny had gotten tired of arguing with him about nicknames so he ignored it and answered "Walking?"
"Are you going to walk more than 5 kilometers?" the blonde judged him.
"I don't see that you have any better ideas" he frowned.
Johnny simply cleared his throat pointing to his well-kept motorcycle that appeared on the side of the street as soon as they left the apartment "you were saying?"
"Fine, but I'm not hugging you" the halfa pointed out.
Johnny sighed and tossed his helmet at him as he started his motorcycle, Shadow melted with him in support. "I didn't know you were shy, but if you say so," with that said, he let them both get settled before driving to their destination.
On his side, Jason was making his rounds in Crime Alley when he remembered the meeting he had heard about; he had to find out if the pretty boy had connections to the city's Rogues or something similar, although knowing Bill that was unlikely.
He cursed not having put the apartment address as one of the job requirements, but at least he remembered the final address where they would meet that contact "Sara", the name brought a memory to him but he didn't know exactly what.
He managed to accelerate his motorcycle a few meters before the intended place, but all he remembered in that area were the night workers, what business would Danny have with them? Or Bill for that matter, he parked on a hidden spot and climbed on one of the roofs for better surveillance, if something happened he could always come closer.
He got to the roof just in time to see a bright green motorcycle speeding and heading towards the same meeting place he was watching, a blond looking about his age was driving it with a big smile on his face while a boy he found very familiar was clinging to his back letting out what seemed like very colorful curses.
He tried adjusting the frequency of the nearby mics but it seemed like they weren't carrying long signals or weren't working properly because the static almost hurt his eardrums. With a sigh of suffering he ended up coming down from the roof and hiding in one of the nearby alleys, he had good visibility and could hear, more or less.
"You're a fucking idiot Johnny" growled the one he now recognized as Danny as he shivered away from the boy, removing the helmet from his head, said stranger just started to laugh.
"You said you weren't going to hug me, I thought it was a dare, honey" the blond scoffed, Jason stopped himself from reacting to the nickname, there was no point in getting angry with that "Johnny" or whatever, and he shouldn't reveal his position.
"Oh, shut up and go back to the apartment" Danny didn't seem too pleased either, he felt a bit relieved, although the familiarity with which they communicated was uncomfortable for him.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, good luck with your meeting with friends and all that, tell me if you want me to take you to Robin Hood tomorrow" the blond said goodbye, he looked around for a moment before getting on his motorcycle, the vigilante felt frozen at the familiar green gaze directed his way: bright, toxic, but a few seconds later the green eyes seemed normal, a little light for his taste perhaps, but not murderous.
It seemed that it had only been part of his imagination, probably because the neon color of the vehicle reflected on the driver or something similar; he felt a little stupid for relating it in the first place, there was no need to have an attack in the middle of a mission; Jason wondered if he should follow the stranger but in the end he dismissed the idea, he was useless in his current purpose and he could investigate later.
"IS RED HOOD" the boy yelled, still frustrated as he approached the alley. A part of him was happy that he defended his name, when Danny entered the building where they were waiting for him he decided to talk to the girls about it.
"Do you know why he was here?" He questioned pointing to the place where the boy had entered, it seemed part of the resting places, it was not the bar where they brought customers so that ruled out most of the possible rogues or enemies.
"It's strange that you're interested in the boy, Hood, but he doesn't work for us" one of the managers spoke a little mockingly "but you already knew that, he's supposed to work for you"
"I like to take care of my employees, it's strange that he is here when he is not assigned to this sector" he spoke naturally, although he supposed that the voice modifier on his helmet would ruin any tone he took and make him neutral or just aggressive.
"If you say so" whispers were heard behind him, he managed to catch the word jealousy between their laughter but that didn't give him any clue "The boy is Sara's friend, he comes here from time to time to meet her" the woman shrugged "Although, you should take care of him Hood"
Jason arched an eyebrow, curious by the suggestion and forgetting that his expression wasn't reflected on the helmet. "Take care of him? Why would I do that?"
"Because if you don't, we'll steal him from you, obviously" the woman smiled "Sara offered him a job but he refused, I think you called him first; he's not ugly, if he truly consider it, he would have a guaranteed position in this place"
Jason tried to imagine it, the Danny who carried bowls of soup from place to place and confused the ingredients, who looked at him searching for his approval, his eyes twinkling when he mentioned it was edible; him interacting with many kinds of people daily, people who wouldn't care at all. He had the charisma, yes, but as much as he respected the business the boy with his heart on his sleeve didn't belong there.
He couldn't help but growl at the mere thought "Don't worry, I wont let him go", with that said he walked away from the place, he had verified that his suspect was not meeting with anyone dangerous, when he looked inside the building he simply saw Danny, Bill and a girl laughing, he felt like an idiot for following him on his day off, maybe he should make up for it later.
Of course, what Jason didn't notice was the female workers whispering that Red Hood was following the new guy, and that they weren't sure if it was jealousy over his obvious lack of communication with his boyfriend or if he was looking for a lover, these rumors didn't take long to spread, reaching Maurice who was on call that day and the information nearly made him choke on his drink.
Danny entered the place, it seemed quite spacious and similar in appearance to a living room. He found his friends lying on one of the sofas, in front of them there seemed to be a series of photos and red threads, Bill was focused on explaining something while Sara looked at him as if he had gone crazy.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asked worriedly, if it was because of the mental health of his friend or because of his boss who was the protagonist in most of the photos, it was still to be seen.
"Danny, I think we should take him to Arkham" Sara commented, she was afraid that her friend would end up falling for conspiracy theories, the next thing he would say is that Bruce Wayne is Batman when the man couldn't leave his house without being scammed.
"Don't wish me ill Sara" Bill frowned "You're just in time Danny, I'll show you the truth" he gestured at the table, obviously proud.
"I'm going to regret this so much" the halfa muttered as he took a seat next to them "Okay, what do you have?"
"Well, let's start with the latest" Bill pointed to the photo in the center of the table "Last night after our shift, our dear Jay went to meet Hood"
"I don't see how that's abnormal, he's his boss" pointed out the boy.
"Well, usually when you visit your boss you don't come out with messy hair" Bill pointed to the second picture attached to that one "and look, his lip is bitten, they were obviously kissing in there"
"Those are just assumptions Bill, people can get nervous" Sara tried to point out but she was immediately shut up by the goon.
"That's just evidence A, I have many more, and if this doesn't convince you we can follow him, obviously" Bill smiled.
"I would really prefer not to harass our boss" Danny sighed exhausted from the meeting already "Okay, next"
"Evidence B, and this is more of a recommendation. Look at the clothes Hood wears tomorrow and what Jason wears the next morning, I heard from very reliable sources that Jay stays in his safe house with him so they share most of the clothes" Bill assured confidently.
Danny walked near the table, perusing the photos it seemed that Bill was mostly correct, the difference was that Hood wore them in a slightly more military style, mostly skintight; Jason seemed to be the complete opposite, his shirts were big and loose. Although he hated to admit it and reinforce Bill's theory, if the shirts weren't originally Jason's it was no wonder they didn't fit.
It seemed that the common sense in the room would be ignored for a long time. Jason actually bought his shirts loose due to preferring to be comfortable, however the amount of weaponry and straps around his body needed he put on his clothing in a more military sense when going out as the Hood, basically shirts tucked in and lots of belts around him secured his weapons. This ended up giving the appearance that the clothes were tight even though it wasn't really the case. If you hadn't seen him undress it was very strange that you would notice.
"Evidence C, he knows things" the man stated, albeit in a very cryptic way "Things only the higher ups know, or only Hood should know"
"You know I'm on your side Bill but he's his assistant, isn't that his job?" Sarah asked amused.
"Sure, but the last time he knew the name of a mobster's daughter, one who only met with Red Hood to report his last-minute visit, most of us didn't even know that meeting had happened." Bill sighed “I know it sounds weird, but if Hood told him it wouldn't be odd."
"Well, if they were a couple it wouldn't be strange to tell those kinds of details, right?" Sara hummed, studying the pictures.
"Evidence D, they are also each other's emergency contact, isn't that suspicious?" Bill turned to Danny who had been silent for too long.
"I still think we're getting ahead of the facts, but it's a little fishy" he muttered, he knew Bill wasn't a liar but Jason and Red Hood seemed to be wrapped around each other in some strange way that even he couldn't explain.
"Besides, he knows all of his agenda by heart, that's the normal job of an assistant, but sometimes he writes things down and even though they don't see each other all day, Red Hood does them the next day" he said.
"Oh, I think I heard something about it, Jason made an appointment with the girls to ask about something and Hood showed up the next morning, but maybe he was able to inform him over the phone" Sara shrugged, still not surprised.
"Look Danny, I can keep showing you all the evidence, but you won't believe me so how about this? The next few days ask questions, watch what I told you and you'll find out for yourself, if you still don't believe me by then I'll give up" Bill decided to persuade him, he was sure his bosses were dating, he had confidence in himself.
"Fine, it's a deal" Danny decided to take Bill's hand, the evidence was spinning in his head and although he still needed real confirmation more than speculation the seed of doubt was already planted.
In the end, they ended up talking about different things, like the ice cream shop that had opened near Crime Alley and the gossip in the area; as soon as the changing of the guard happened Maurice ran in, he seemed to be in panic.
"Danny, you really have to be careful" he begged the boy with concern.
"Why?" He hadn't really done anything to deserve such an extreme reaction.
"Red Hood was here, he asked about you and he literally said he wouldn't let you go, what if he knows about Jason? He said he was going to take care of you, that's obvious code to get rid of you!" he exclaimed in a panic.
"Maybe he's just worried about his employees?" Danny murmured, his answer didn't sound so sure "he has no reason to distrust me"
"Maybe he's looking for another lover" Sara teased "I know Bill has his weird theories but I know from good sources that they've seen them kiss and fight a lot lately" she spoke confidently, the kids from the alley had gossiped.
"That kind of confirms Bill's theory, but it doesn't explain the part about the lover" said the halfa doubtfully.
"I don't like talking without proof or encouraging Arkham patients" Sara looked at Bill suspicious "But it's known that even though Hood and his assistant are very much in love they don't look at each other very often, there are rumors on the streets that they've had a fight again so, you know, maybe he got fed up and is looking for another pretty boy."
"And I'm the pretty boy?" Danny sneered "They barely know me"
"Uh, I'm just suggesting you keep your eyes open lovely boy, or you could end up in one of those weird soap opera scenes" Sara continued "and like Maurice said, be careful, broken hearts are hard to heal"
Danny had no idea how Sara knew about his little crush on Jason but decided not to ask; he needed to reevaluate his decisions, probably talk to Johnny about it, he really didn't want to become some kind of dating buster or something, but what if they really were dating? He had to find out, pay attention to Bill's observations and draw his own conclusions.
After hours of talking to his new friends and listening to Bill's increasingly ridiculous theories about one thing or another, he'd called Johnny for a ride back home, the blond looking on the brink of boredom immediately agreed. They decided not to speak until they got back to the apartment after the ghost noticed the boy falling asleep in the back seat and he spent most of the way preventing him from falling onto the road.
"That was a really long meeting" Johnny smiled when they finally entered the apartment "any news on your crush?"
"Well, I still don't know what to believe, they have many theories and photos but it feels bad" said the halfa yawning "I'm debating, but I think I'll keep an eye on it and draw my conclusions"
"Yeah, but if it really was true you could date him anyway, you know?" The ghost smiled passing him a thermos with some ectoplasm, it gave him chills to touch the damn portable prison but he had to make sacrifices for his friends.
"I don't like breaking up relationships" the boy immediately refused "even if they have a lot of fights"
"If they get separated you could sneak in, even before that" the blonde pointed out again, the halfa frowned and looked directly at the motorcyclist "there is always an opportunity"
"Johnny I don't get it, why are you so interested in my love life? And don't you dare say it's because you're my ex" Danny questioned, it wasn't normal for the ghost to be so insistent.
"I died because of love, I just don't want you to do the same" the blonde shrugged.
"That doesn't make sense, in that case you would do the opposite of supporting me" the halfa frowned.
"Same answer honey, I died loving; I want you to experience it, to feel what it is to give your soul to another, what it is to consider running away because you no longer belong to yourself, and you don't want to leave part of you behind" the ghost played with one of the pillows on the couch, he seemed doubtful "however, I don't want you to end up dying (completely) for it, that's why I recommended running" and the reason I am here, he didn't said out loud.
"Because you and Kitty ran away together and ended up together?" The half alive guy asked.
"I guess that's the best way I know of to make sure that not even death will get you" Johnny didn't want to look into another tragedy. 
"Are you scared of love and death?" The blue eyed boy asked.
"You ask hard questions" the ghost sneered "I'm scared for you, not for me, I can't be scared of it anymore; I'm just here to make sure you don't take loving too far."
Johnny was still too closed on the subject, but he was telling the truth; he feared love as much as he needed it to live, many had assumed he had a shadow core like Spectra, that his existence revolved around bad luck.
That wasn't true, both Johnny and Kitty had concept-based cores, they weren't ancients of course, but their obsession and core was love. That's why when he appeared in the Realms: scared, alone and without Kitty by his side, he had almost broken, he had never feared loneliness so much as at that moment, loving so much had destroyed him in so many ways.
Until Shadow found him, Shadow didn't talk much but he knew instinctively that he was his soulmate, a ghost born of bad luck, which was ironic because it was the best thing that had happened to him, maybe not in life but in death and was enough, Shadow was lonely too and looking for a guide, soon after their meeting both had united; when Johnny finally found Kitty and managed to satisfy his obsession he asked Shadow to stay, and Shadow decided to stay and protect him because everyone knew stupid things are done for love and even bad luck wasn't immune to that fact.
So yes, Johnny no longer had the right to fear love, the one that had killed him and brought him back to life, the one that gave him Shadow and Kitty, the one that kept him anchored to existence as much as it kept him from living; but he feared how love would treat Danny, how it would hook him in its clutches and not let go, the boy seemed so lost only with the possibilities, that he felt responsible to guide him, but no one said he was the best at it.
"You know, even though he's taller than you I think he could be the little spoon" he finally decided to say instead of making a sentimental speech, that wasn't his style.
"Johnny it's been less than a day since I admitted I had a little crush, I'm not sleeping with him for the long haul" Danny exclaimed in exasperation, though somewhat relieved to put the heavier conversation behind him.
"I was just saying" the ghost complained, he was the little spoon when he slept with Kitty after all.
"Go to sleep, I have work tomorrow so I won't wake you up" Danny yawned, he wondered internally if having Johnny in his apartment was the equivalent of adopting another pet to guard the house, he decided not to mention it.
The next morning when he got to work Danny definitely wasn't expecting Red Hood waiting for him where Jason should have been and offering him...chocolate? That was weird.
"Jason told me that you did a good job last time" the vigilante clarified "I thought that rewarding you was a good idea to welcome you, beyond phone calls"
"Oh thank you" Danny didn't really think that justified it but he wasn't going to complain "I thought I was meeting Jay today?"
"Jason is…indisposed today, he can't show up, so I'll join you in his place, he'll probably be better in the morning" the vigilante stated.
Evidence B: Jason lives in his safe house, Danny remembered Bill's comment while he was examining the chocolate
"Okay, what are we going to do today?" The boy smiled, accepting whatever had happened.
"We're going to supply the safe houses, food, medical resources and that kind of thing, it's nothing very complicated" Hood commented "not all of them course, there are some that even you shouldn't know about"
Maybe where Jason is staying, he couldn't help but wonder, maybe Bill's theories were starting to get to him.
"We're also going to check the people who are staying and see if they're okay" the crime lord assured. Every once in a while his boss would see him looking for some confirmation, Danny wondered what he was looking for.
In the end, the day had turned out pretty well, Danny had been able to put his extensive medical knowledge to use, earning him some compliments from Red Hood, and his boss had been far more relaxed than a man equipped  with so many weapons on his body had any right to be. 
He couldn't help but think the man looked so human when he bent down to bandage a little girl's knee, or when he decided to braid her hair even though it was obvious he had to go through many more places than there. Really all the rumors about how bloody and evil he was were dead wrong, he even stopped to play tag with orphans!
Red Hood took his time in each house, talking to the children, asking the victims about their health, their living conditions, and Danny couldn't stop his treacherous heart from pounding because of how sensitive the man looked, the feeling of security that lingered around him. At the end of the day his boss had even given him some pretty flowers to place in his dining room saying it was a nice welcome gift for entering the goonion.
The halfa couldn't help but smile when he saw the gifts placed on his table, sighing as he kept remembering how much fun he had had helping out on the day, his obsession humming with satisfaction, it was the same feeling that Jason had brought him.
"You're absolutely lost Twinkcito" Johnny commented nonchalantly "And you're a crush-hoe, I'm from Team Jason by the way"
"I have no idea what you're talking about" Danny rolled his eyes "my boss was just nice today and welcomed me"
"Shut up and admit that you like people who can crash you against the wall" the ghost stated "not that I can judge you, because I would absolutely love Kitty to, but I still think this is a betrayal"
"I don't like people who can crush me!" He squealed in embarrassment before reflecting on his previous romances and giving up, his history was doing him no favors "Well, maybe a little but it's not the same."
Johnny just rolled his eyes and took a sip from his ectoplasm but Danny could feel his judgment gaze "I'll see Jason tomorrow anyway" he admitted quietly, maybe the blond was right and he was starting to have double trouble, or worse…triple!
Listing his problems, everything seemed to focus on three things:
> He liked Jason
> He wanted Hood to crush him any day of the week (According to Johnny)
> Jason and Hood were dating
Life really hated him.
In the dead of night a security alert from Arkham was heard, macabre laughter rang through the desolate streets of Crime Alley as Scarecrow made his way to one of his hideouts leaving fear gas scattered in his wake, surely the next day would be a scare.
Aaand tag time, also credit to Emeralds, Clockways and Bucket for the ideas on the goons evidence! Ao3 comments helped me a lot for future plans but I will expand that later, and credit to Summers for the "Twinkcito" lmao, I love the word, hope you liked the update, I am still thinking if giving a mini Valentine special but idk! Again sorry for all the Johnny content lmao, he just invaded my thoughts and didn't leave until I wrote about him
@skulld3mort-1fan @sorryiwonnoob @idfk-man10 @avelnfear @criticaloverthinker @confusedandghostly @lunadoll36 @spidey29phangirl @suppengott @yjfk @apointlessbox @mimilikey @thegatorsgoose @jaggedheart11 @dyinggirldied @pyramaniac @akikkobara @thedragonqueen1998 @lostlightandfoundcrazy @xye-chan @saltyladynightmare @ashleysmshly @thewondersoflebanon @illusionwolfwriter24r8 @littlefeather345 @asphyxia778 @amercurio @leftmiraclechaos @dixiwoods @satoshy12 @lyra689 @meira-3919 @quietlyscared @plotwholls @kyrianclawraith @blacksea21090 @basilf1res @flowers-n-fauna @8-29pm @jaxinkh @luer-mirin @taniaundertaleau @cloriform @readerkayden @oddlydrawnpuppets @basementloser @little-green-asparagus @echoednonny @yummy-yummy-mmmbones @confusionchaos @ectoplasm024 @autumnwulf @666deaddash999 @redhoneysugarorange @blue-avis @sailor-goddess @satanicrutialspecialist
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Still into you
Part 1 : Familiarity
Part 2 : A rekindled candle
Part 3 : Is he? Isn't he?
It's been two years since you've last seen Miguel after your separation as lovers with him due to him being unable to provide you with affection and attention due to "classified" reasons that he couldn't tell you, and it made you curious on what he was hiding. Perhaps another lover? Fell out of love? Before you could even inquire for more details, he just left you alone on the floor of the living room.. and he has never shown his face to you since.
Every night, it would be that same nightmare of the past when Miguel still loved you. The only reason why you called it a 'nightmare' was because of how tears would well up in your eyes whenever you woke up.
You knew that things can’t just go back to the way it was but for some reason, your heart keeps clinging onto him. Those faint but bright memories of Miguel replaying in your mind, his voice echoing throughout your head;
"I'm sorry, but it's for your sake."
"I can't tell you.. just yet."
You've taken on a dangerous job as a spider person, along with another called Spiderman 2099. His identity was a mystery as you've only seen him once every 2 months as a coincidence during hero duties and barely spoke to each other, you'll be surprised if he even said "hi" to you or atleast waved at you. But that's what makes him so intriguing to you, every time you see him, you feel this certain tingle.. but it wasn’t your spidersense, more like your instincts itself.
"Ugh fuck" you groaned in pain as you hit your head on a metal bar as you sat on the floor fighting a literal lizard, but in a larger size that was 5 times bigger than you. Your head was spinning as you hit your head, everything was muffled but your own heartbeat. The laughter of the lizard echoed throughout your head making you even more pissed.
"Shut up, you're a pain in the ass." A forceful laugh emitted from your lips as you forced your own body to stand up and exceed your limits to buy time for all the civilians to exit from the scene.
You shot your remaining webs at the lizard to restrain it, just enough for all civilians to flee away from the scene. You knew it wasn't enough but it was all you could do, especially at the state you were in right now.
The lizard eventually got out of your webs as you just sat on the ground unable to move not one muscle. You didn't even have enough webs to make a run for it and call for backup, the villain was too strong for you to handle by yourself. Memories were replaying in your head. The cheerful, sorrowful, regretful memories.. and most of them were about Miguel.
"Is this how I meet my end?" You scoffed and laughed at pathetic you probably looked if someone were to see you, brushing it off as you just accepted your death, your blood ran cold upon feeling the lizard loom over you, casting a shadow.. Just when you thought all hope was lost, a portal opened revealing Spiderman 2099 and a woman on a motorcycle.
The lizard's attention went from you to them, it looked confused just as you are. You just looked at them unable to move a single centimeter, the woman on the bike went to your aid.
"Hey are you alright?" The woman hopped off her bike as she kneeled down in front of you taking a look at your injuries and wounds. You just nodded slightly, feeling light-headed at every second that went by.
"I guess so, I mean I'm not dead yet." You said in a joking manner despite feeling you'll be meeting your maker soon. Your attention averting to the woman taking a look at your injuries as Spiderman 2099 kept fighting the lizard in the background.
"Who are you by the way..?" You uttered out questioning who she was as you never saw her around at least once. The woman's gaze was on your face, though your mask was on.
"Jessica Drew, just call me Jess." She said with a friendly tone, both sides of her lips were forming a smile. Her smile was reassuring despite the intense fight going on in the background.
"Hey! A little hand here!?" Spiderman2099 shouted in the background making you snap back into reality. That was probably the most you've heard him talk, and it intrigues you. He sounded slightly familiar but you can't put your finger on it.
"Oh right, right!" Jess said in a slight panic tone as she stood up getting on her bike again. "Hey, hang in there." She added looking directly at you with a reassuring look before going back into the battlefield.
Their attacks and movements were so in sync, it was clear they've worked together countless times before. The way they just glance at each other and immediately connect during battle. You just watched in utter amazement as you were still sitting on the floor, you knew you'd only be a distraction to them if you were to join due to your injuries that would slow you down in the battlefield.
Shortly after, the lizard that they called an 'anomaly' was captured in this yellow transparent cage. You stood up after taking a long break trying to get back to your senses as you held onto a nearby metal bar. The moonlight seemed to be gleaming upon you and you caught Spiderman 2099's attention for a moment. Your gazes locked in with each other for the first time, however his expression lies underneath his mask.. then suddenly a yellow woman in his watch appeared making him avert his gaze away from you;
"Lyla, scan this mess." Spiderman 2099 uttered out, he didn't give you a single glance. It was like you weren't there, you just scoffed at how he was giving you a cold shoulder, though you were used to it.
"No further anomalies, canon remains intact." The AI called Lyla said in response to him. Jess then seemed to be whispering to Spiderman 2099, you could only catch a glimpse of what they were whispering about.
Spiderman 2099 sighed as he stood up from the ground, finally looking at you. He looked like he was judging you from the way he tilted his head up and down slowly. His hand went up tossing an object to you, it was the watch you saw on their wrists. "Welcome to the club." He declared with hesitancy in his tone.
A sigh got out of your lips as you noticed Spiderman 2099's hesitancy, he doesn't seem very open or fond of you. But you still found comfort in his voice, you were drawn to him. Something about him was so alluring and you couldn't figure out why. You shook your head discarding the thoughts. There were so many questions circling throughout your mind, what was this 'club' he was talking about anyways?
"Wait wait, what does this watch do? And what am I signing up for?" You looked at Jess and Miguel with a confused look, there were so many questions you wanted to ask but you were gonna stick to the important stuff.
"That is much better than a watch" Spiderman 2099 replied to you with a slight aggression and hurt in his voice, it was like you hit a sensitive spot mentioning how it was a watch.
"You'll see once we enter this portal." He added with his stern tone once again before a portal appeared before the three of you.
Spiderman 2099 threw the lizard in the portal with ease despite how big the lizard was. Jess entered the portal as well leaving you and Spiderman 2099 behind.
"Well? Are you gonna enter or just keep standing there?" He spoke to you with a frustrated tone standing by the portal waiting for you to enter. This man had some serious anger issues and it made you scoff at how arrogant he was.
"Okay okay, just chill out." You complained before walking to the portal. A sigh just left your lips by the way he was so cold all the time, but you didn't let it affect you in any way. It's not like you really care about what he thought of you, but you felt your stomach sinking a little by how cold he was. You weren't sure if he was always like that or if he actually doesn't like you.
THANKS TO @/onlymiguelohara on tiktok for this long fanfic idea, I wasnt really sure if I should post this before but for the gang I will 🧎🏻‍♀️
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
Here’s the idea thingy 👉🏻👈🏻 like, s/o is dating Paul, and he’s scared of like letting them know that he’s a vampy boy. One night they go to a drive in or any movie theatre to watch an old monster movie. S/O feels bad for the lonely monster that gets killed off in the movie and makes it known (for example, “Aw noo, why did they have to kill him?? *sad face*) And then Paul probably feel like comforted in a way??? So It makes him feel that maybe he could tell them about his true self??
Monster Pt. 1
Paul x G/n!Reader
TW: few curse words
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Never in all of Paul’s undead life has he ever been truly afraid of anything. Being the world’s most dangerous predator makes one believe that they are practically unstoppable. Well, perhaps when he would anger David with one of his pranks with Marko at times, that can be truly frightful. However, what he felt in this present moment was completely different. 
He felt terrified.
He has felt that way since meeting you one night at the boardwalk. Man, you were an absolute surprise for him to find, a pleasant surprise. Stumbling across your own mate in your territory was something most vampires dreamt about when the concept was first introduced. Now, his mate was within his own grasp and your relationship was going amazingly well for the past few months. Still, you didn’t fully know him, the real him. The monster that walks amongst shadows and stalks their prey for survival. Your reaction for when he finally confessed to the creature was always on his mind since your initial meeting for the first time. 
See, every vampire has a destined someone, someone that was made for them. Being a creature that walks the earth without the fear of dying or growing old as time passes can be incredibly lonely and whatever higher power has created these creatures granted them a chance at happiness. However, that special relationship was never guaranteed. Even though there is a special bond that connects a vampire with their mate, the pull can always be severed when either are rejected or the other dies before their initial meeting. Paul was afraid of that severed connection. He didn’t even want to risk the possibility, however it was inevitable. In order for your relationship to fully blossom, Dwayne’s words not his, he needed to be open about everything. So, during your date night to the movie theater is when he will strike. 
Hearing the revving of a motorcycle outside your window brought a smile on your face as you finished the final touches on your outfit. Walking towards the window, you looked outside and chuckled at Paul sitting on his motorcycle and giving you a goofy smile, waving down at you from below.
“Come on, babe! We got a movie to catch!” He yelled. “Don’t make me come up there!”
“Okay, okay!” You laughed, playfully flipping him off which made him laugh and do the same in return. “I’ll be right down!” You closed the window and proceeded to grab your stuff before making your way towards the front door. Checking over yourself once more in the mirror and you stepped outside, heading towards his bike. 
Paul smiled at your approaching figure, his eyes practically sparkling at the sight of you. “Hey sugar, you look stunning.” He said, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into a kiss. 
You returned the affectionate gesture, pulling away with a chuckle before he could deepen it further. “Thanks babe, and you make this one outfit you wear repeatedly look so damn good!” You said playfully, tugging on the lapels of his infamous jacket that you love so much. 
Paul laughed before tugging you onto the back of his bike and glancing over his shoulder to look at you as you wrapped your arms around his waist. “Thanks babe, I even had it pressed for ya.” He replied, turning away before speeding down the road towards the movie theater, smiling at the sound of your excited scream filling the air. 
God, he hoped things would still be the same after this. 
The movie theater was completely packed with people wanting to see the new horror movie that was recently released with Paul and you being one of them. Seats were being filled and luckily you both managed to find a secure spot in the back of the room. Set between you both was a bag of popcorn that Paul insisted that the both of you needed during the movie watch with his arm around your shoulder.  
When the monster was finally revealed in an emotional battle between the monster and the protagonist of the movie you didn’t even bother to remember. The crowd cheered as the fight continued, both sides receiving brutal injuries from one another with anguished screams and monstrous growls. Finally, the battle ended with the monster on the floor, slowly losing its life as the protagonist went to rescue their love interest. 
Paul watched the movie with profound interest, a smile tugging on his lips from the monster being slain. He glanced in your direction, however he was surprised to see the saddened look in your eyes and the frown tugging on your lips. He opened his mouth to ask you what was the matter when you suddenly spoke up, 
“Why did they have to kill him?” You muttered to yourself, fresh tears gathering in your eyes as you continued watching the scene. “He can’t help the way he is!” You rested your head on Paul’s shoulder, making him tighten his grip around your own. 
If Paul was alive and his heart was still pumping blood throughout his veins, it would have skipped a beat from your sudden compassion and sadness over the death of the monster. He couldn’t help but think that perhaps you would feel the same about him?
The walk towards his bike was in comfortable silence, your form bundled up in his jacket against the wind in order to keep you warm. Paul wondered if you ever noticed the signs that he was technically not alive. The way he was unaffected by the harsh cold weather or how he only could spend time with you at night. However, after seeing your reaction in the movie theater, he felt more confident that you would accept him for the monster that he is. 
You paused, glancing towards Paul as he slowly brought himself to a stop, his bike only a few feet away as he continued staring at the ground. 
“You’re unusually quiet…” You muttered, turning towards him in concern, “What’s the matter?” You gripped his hand, bringing yourself closer so you could gauge his reaction.
“There’s something we need to talk about.” He said, finally bringing his eyes from the ground to rest on your figure, his grip on your hand tightening slightly. “Something I’ve been hiding.”
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realperson022 · 1 year
 I’m A Fine-Tuned Supersonic Speed Machine
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A fascination had grown within Sonic from seeing the Ultimate Lifeform's most prized possession ever since a joint mission was completed. But he never saw it in action — until he did...and experienced it first-hand, too. Or, 5 times Sonic looked at his rival with his motorcycle from afar, and 1 time Shadow caught him staring.
Rated Teen
At the outskirts of White Jungle, a group of Mobians headed for the same clearing that had been their rendezvous spot before they had ventured into the thick and foggy wilderness, where an Eggman base now rested in ruins along with a myriad of destroyed bots.
"Whaaat a day, am I right?"
Sonic the Hedgehog was dropped safely to the ground by his brother, the fox coming to stand next to him after. Knuckles and the three members of Team Dark, who happened to have joined the heroes with today's mission, made their way over to where the two brothers stood.
"Tired so soon, Blue," Rouge teased, perching herself on top of one of Omega's bulky shoulders. The hero chuckled, shaking his head. "C'mon, I live for this! You do know adventure is my middle name, right? Besides, I've gotten through missions with a lot more badniks and fewer hours of sleep!"
"Even though, I agree and have suffered because of it--" Tails began, reaching out a hand to the cobalt speedster. Without having to say anything, Sonic already knew what his buddy wanted, sticking his hand inside his quills to pull out a small electronic device while scolding him. "I'm not torturing you, bud. I just don't want you staying up so late..."
The hedgehog gave the device to his brother, sharing a look with the genius that spoke of his caring side for him; with a sigh, the two-tailed fox smiled, grabbing his Miles Electric. "I know, I know, but if you're asking me to improve my sleeping habits, it's only fair you do it, too."
If it meant better health for his li'l bro, then why not? Sonic nodded and added his typical gesture of ruffling the youngster's bangs for fun. "You got yourself a deal!"
"Oh, how sweet~" the bat cooed from her place, watching the exchange between the two brothers before she grimaced. "So much that I can't help but feel like throwing up. Shadow, let's leave before they infect us with their gushy feelings and we start spewing the same nonsense!"
The black hedgehog grunted, already moving away from the group and toward a heap of heavy flora that had leaves meticulously overlapping each other. "You don't have to tell me twice," Shadow said, pushing the green foliage and revealing what was hidden under all that.
The sleek and shiny design, the recent paint job, and the familiar striking trademark that belonged to the last living descendant of the Black Arms - the Dark Rider was everything that defined spectacular and it represented the very thing that made Sonic's blood pump faster, his feet itch with anticipation, his face light up with excitement. Its name? Adventure. The dark vehicle was an open invitation to adventure, and the hero would be more than happy to take it one day.
"Well, I guess this is goodbye, boys," Sonic heard Rouge say somewhere in the background, probably thinking of giving Knux a personal farewell. And surely, his ears picked up on the usual bickering that came from the white bat's decision to do so, but he could care less about that. Right now, his full attention was on the bike that stood a few feet away from him, watching his striped rival climb onto the seat.
Somehow, the way how Shadow did it so gracefully - his feet fitting into the foot pegs, his hands wrapping around the handles, and his bottom meeting the arch of the seat perfectly - made it hard to believe that he was naturally aggressive when on foot. Then again, the speedster never did really know why one of the fastest hedgehogs on Mobius needed a motorcycle to go around when running got him to places faster. Still, he had never said anything on that matter because the hero had been hoping to see it in action one of these days.
Surprising considering how much time he'd been recently spending with his rival outside mission-related things.
Without taking his eyes off Shadow and his bike, the blue hedgehog hummed, tilting his ears in his brother's direction to show he was listening.
However, it didn't matter as the fox was too engrossed with his device to notice where his brother's attention was. Instead, the kid continued tapping at the screen of the Miles Electric and relayed the information he discovered about another Eggman base nearby. "According to these readings, there seems to be another base a couple of miles north from here."
"Active or empty?" Sonic asked, seeing the rest of Team Dark come into his field of vision as they approached Shadow. While they were busy chatting among themselves, the speedster kept himself entertained by how his rival managed to twist his upper body around so easily while being seated.
"Uhhh, looks like it's empty. Do you still want to check it out today or..?"
Casting a glance up at the foggy sky, he frowned. "Will it rain?"
"Let me check," Tails murmured and so, the hero went back to his staring, directing his focus to the motorcycle and widening his eyes at seeing the roaring engine come to life. The sound sent a thrill up his spine, yet it was the swift motion of the hybrid lifting off the kickstand with one foot, seeming to be so well-practiced by the looks of it, that had emerald eyes lighting up brighter than stars.
"Oh, it appears it won't! Not for another hour, at least."
Finally, the Blue Blur, doing as his title claimed, turned around instantly to face the young genius with an excited grin, letting him think it was one arising from the good news. "That's more than enough time to bust down that old place! Let's go!"
Before leaving, Sonic whipped his head around to catch one last glimpse of the Ultimate Lifeform on his famed Dark Rider...Well, maybe a bit longer than a glimpse, but no one noticed as the striped hedgehog disappeared in a green flash.
Catching his eye, Rouge saw the hero looking over in her direction, waving at him before heading off with Omega back to HQ. Sonic turned around, seeing his brother already leading the way up ahead; no big problem as he could easily catch up. Though, it had seemed that someone did catch onto his subtle staring.
Next to the cobalt speedster, the Guardian of the Master Emerald was narrowing his eyes at him, the corners of his lips turned downward. Blinking once, the hedgehog raised an eye ridge, shrugging. "What? Just wanted to make sure they were off safely..."
Knuckles didn't believe that for one second but said nothing, only shaking his head and going after the fox. "Whatever you say, hedgehog."
Guess Sonic needed to work on the subtlety part a bit more.
But like everything else, the hero of Mobius tossed the whole 'being discreet about his staring' aside, thinking that being caught by his reclusive red friend - that lacked enough social cues to not know when Rouge's bickering was blatant flirting - was a coincidence.
Besides, when an opportunity lay before you, it was only fair and smart of you to take it, right? Sonic had that opportunity and took it.
"Congratulations, guys!" Amy skipped over to the trio, the winners of the car race that had just finished a couple of minutes ago. The blue hedgehog glanced at her, seeing a newly acquired hammer in her possession, but it only lasted a second before his eyes were drifting to a certain something that stood several feet behind the pink heroine. With only a short 'thanks, Ames' in response to her words, Sonic let one of his all-known smiles set across his lips as he immersed himself in another moment to stare at Dark Rider.
And, in extension, Shadow.
Best of all, no one would notice a single thing! Because while it appeared that the Blue Blur was engaged in a conversation with his four closest friends, his focus was somewhere else, guarded behind the safety of his new favorite pair of black sunglasses that he bought off that small kiosk that weirdly popped up out of nowhere during the race.
So, there he was, nodding along to whatever was being said between Amy, Tails, and Knuckles, but mentally, he was somewhere else; his emerald eyes trailed the length of Shadow's motorcycle, the ride's polished surfaces seeming to shine brighter under today's blinding sun. Such luster, however, was a stark contrast to the aura that surrounded its owner, who leaned back against the motorcycle with his arms crossed over his chest, a stormy glare directed at Sonic.
'Ha!' The hero's idle smile lifted into a toothy grin, his rival's sour mood always bringing pure joy to him. Sonic the Hedgehog also lived to prove to the so-called Ultimate Lifeform that no superior title and all that garbage of being made to be above them all (and to think he had a big ego) was relevant when it came down to see who was the best of the two. After all, there could only be one to take the first place - today's race ended with evidence of that.
Sonic won, Shadow lost (because falling in second place was just as bad as losing in the hedgehogs' minds). As for the prize, well...the hero was taking it as of currently.
The distant voices of his friends continued in the background, still adding his nod or 'yes' into the conversation; meanwhile, his mind was deciding on how if Shadow just happened to have worn one of those leather jackets he had seen Rouge gift him, he would look the part of a gangster.
A gangster that would ride his bike around the city like a maniac, surely - skipping all those red lights, making sharp turns, speeding up to make a jaw-dropping glide over an unfinished lane or highway bridge to the other side! Just about anything that would leave Sonic exhilarated, feeling the ever-familiar sense of danger tingling under his skin; adrenaline had always been something that got his system overflowing with this buzzing excitement. And perhaps riding the motorcycle could give him that euphoric high he’d never reached with fighting Eggman and saving the day. 
Solely imagining what it would feel like to ride behind the striped hedgehog made Sonic's blood rush from wonderment. Brushing his peach chest up against the back of Shadow's leathered-clad back, securing his arms around his rival's waist, inhaling his scent as he rested his chin over one of Shadow's shoulders, whooping loudly to let him know how much he loved the sensation of the wind on his fur and making his quills dance wildly in the air as the hedgehog duo traveled at unimaginable speeds--
"--date, Sonic?"
Hearing his name, the blue hedgehog's mouth opened and answered, acting on autopilot but his wishful fantasy transferred into his tone. Without knowing, Sonic let out a dreamy sigh, "Yeah, sounds amazin'..."
"Oh my god, really?!" Amy's high-pitched squeal brought the speedster's daydream to a screeching halt. Under his shades, the hedgehog's eyes quickly turned to look at his friend's extremely happy state, the hammer-wielding fighter reaching out to grab Sonic's hand.
"Huh?" Sonic didn't know what was going on.
"I knew you would eventually start enjoying our dates!"
Dates? Oh fuck. The cobalt speedster glanced at his two friends next to him, trying to gauge what the hell he signed up for this time without paying attention. Unfortunately, Tails and Knuckles were reveling at the sight of one beaming Amy Rose thinking that her beloved hero was beginning to see her as something more when in reality, Sonic had been distracted, unknowingly accepting her request.
Even so, the Blue Blur tried to calm the bouncing female, telling her that this was a mistake (and Shadow's goddamn fault). "Look, Ames...you got this all wrong--"
Instantly, the pink hedgehog's demeanor changed, her bright smile slowly dwindling and her feet losing that upbeat skip. "Wrong?"
The hero chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head in an attempt to pull away from her grip. "You see, I was," emerald eyes flicked over to look at the black hedgehog who was mounting onto his prized possession, and all the mesmeric images of Sonic on that ride, too, came flooding back to the front of his mind.
"You were what?" Amy pushed, narrowing her eyes at him.
And not only that, but she happened to visibly shift the hammer in her hold that was now empty of her hero's gloved hand closer into his field of vision; a reminder of the repetitive story that happened between the two hedgehogs whenever things didn't end up going right.
So, not left with much of a choice, Sonic swallowed what was supposed to be his original idea and instead, smiled at his friend, fearing for his life if he didn't make it look like it was genuine - there were only so many horrible headaches and pointless games of cat and mouse he could take.
"...wondering where you'd wanna go?"
Amy's enthusiasm revived, taking Sonic by the hand again and leading him to the fancy, blur race car parked next to an almost departing Shadow the Hedgehog. Along the way, the female fighter rambled on about where they should head, but Sonic was too busy trying to see if he could catch his rival leaving on his motorcycle in a black blur like in his dream and yanked his sunglasses off.
However, it was not possible as the Resistance fighter blocked the hero's sight by startling him with a kiss on his cheek, winking at him afterward, and skipping over to hop onto the passenger's seat of his racecar; by the time he looked at the place where Shadow had been, there was nothing left but a billowing cloud of dust.
Maybe Sonic had won the race, but he didn't get his well-deserved prize in the end.
At this point, if people knew of his interest when it came to the intimidating vehicle, they would have come up to the hero asking what exactly made him become fascinated with such a thing, especially when he wasn't one to prefer something over his feet. Was it the need to experience a ride? If that was the case, then Sonic could have simply gotten over it by testing any motorcycle at a local shop in Station Square's downtown area. Easy and quick.
Except it wasn't just about any motorcycle, the hero wanted to specifically take the Dark Rider around Mobius until he exhausted every last drop of fuel in its tank. For that to happen, Sonic knew he would most likely have to end up pestering his rival to use it, or perhaps, stealing it without permission would be better - the sparring challenge that would come after Shadow tracked him down only encouraged him to do it rather than stand here and think about it.
Well, he had been ready to act on it, the ongoing celebration of Tails' birthday party the ideal environment to pursue his one-step plan, but as he had walked past the crowd of close friends and spotted familiar black quills near one of the snack tables by the workshop's garage closed doors, he paused. The mischievous grin he had been sporting while trying to close in on his target faded away, a confused frown taking its place because right next to the Ultimate Lifeform and his precious bike stood the lavender feline princess.
Now what?
Honestly, her being there wasn't enough to refrain the blue hedgehog from doing something reckless around Shadow, considering that there was always someone present to see the shenanigans the hero got himself into by messing around with the one person that found him utterly annoying. So what exactly was stopping him?
He pondered the question while standing there, at a safe distance from the two most introverted people he knew at this party having a casual conversation. Luckily, someone was willing to offer an answer.
"Jealousy is not a nice look on you, Blue."
At hearing Rouge's voice, the speedster quickly shifted his attention away from his rival and the princess, exchanging his frown for a smirk. The bat had walked up to stand next to the hero, nonchalantly sipping at her red solo cup.
"Rouge, likin' the party so far?"
She snorted, shuffling closer to rest her elbow over one of his shoulders. "I am, but are you?"
Sonic gave her a weird look. "Why wouldn't I be?"
"Ohhh, so we're gonna play dumb," the agent drawled with a roll of her eyes, finishing her drink before clearing her throat. "Look, sugar, as Shadow's 'friend'," she added air quotes around the term, "I should be telling you to get your ass as far away as possible from him."
Rouge gestured over to where her partner-in-arms stood. "When was the last time you saw him interact with someone apart from Omega, you, and I?"
The silence that followed gave away the answer.
"Exactly, so let him have this. Besides," her tone became suggestive, "you never know, those two could hit it off..."
"The man has a soft spot for kitties - the princess has an advantage already over you--"
"Psssh! Nice one, Rouge." The hero couldn't help but laugh at what she was saying, bending over to exaggerate the ridiculousness of the situation she was describing. Yet, uprighting himself, he noticed how the bat was not mirroring his behavior, the first sign that showed she wasn't joking, and her crossed arms only made him stop in an instant.
"You're serious?"
The cobalt speedster scoffed, picking at his ear with his gloved pinkie. "Sorry, Rouge, but I ain't looking for the Faker to have a soft spot for me."
"Then explain the ugly scowl you were clearly directing at your fiery gal."
Sonic stared at the GUN agent, holding his gaze steady before her, but after knowing how she wouldn't let this be and bring it up again at an inopportune time, he surrendered...somewhat.
"Okay, you caught me!" Sonic threw his arms wide open as if to show that she was right. "I'm jealous--"
"Ha!" she cheered, smirking. But her victory didn't last long as the hero raised a finger to cut her off, mirroring her smirk. "Of the fact that Blaze's welcomed to get close to Dark Rider without so much of a complaint on Shadow's part."
The bat took a moment to process the words, varying expressions flashing across her face to the Blue Blur's amusement and mild fear. He hoped she didn't think more of the situation because the woman tended to read between the lines when there wasn't any in-between to be looking through in the first place!
"The bike, huh?" she asked, turning around to observe the black hedgehog and princess in the distance, studying the way her teammate pointed at certain parts of his GUN-assigned vehicle while explaining something to the Guardian of the Sol Emeralds. Shadow and Blaze were certainly not close, yet it would be possible for the two to get along the most outside their small group of acquaintances. So to see how the two Mobians were interacting, Rouge had only wished to poke fun at the hero about no longer receiving Shadow's full attention, regardless of it being rude and aggressive.
But after hearing Knuckles' comment the other day about what he saw at White Jungle, this curiosity Sonic had toward the motorcycle wasn't what it meant in a literal manner. The Dark Rider was a substitute for something--no, someone that the hero of Mobius had yet to accept to feel something for.
"Well, good thing you got me as your friend, too," Rouge remarked, a plan formulating in her head unbeknownst to the hero, who ended up even more confused by her comment. Instead of elaborating, the agent patted Sonic's shoulder and smiled. "Let's fix you up a date with that hot ride."
"Date?" Sonic repeated, becoming flustered. "I told you, Rouge, I'm not interested in Shadow--"
"I meant the motorcycle, Blue..."
Oh, indeed. Rouge chuckled, walking away from the embarrassed male, and wondered why all hedgehogs were so stubborn when it came to these things about feelings and attraction. Well, she guessed she could add one particular red echidna to the list, too.
Sonic soon learned what Rouge had meant that evening at Tails' birthday party. The answer came in the form of the two elite agents standing at the doorstep of the fox's workshop one week later. 
“So what happened again?” Tails glanced up from where he was busy taking in the damage done to the motorcycle’s engine. 
Shadow relayed the details, himself occupied with looking over the rest of his bike. “We had a mission over at Mazuri—”
“You guys went to Mazuri and didn’t invite me!” Sonic butted in as he came walking through the workshop’s entrance with a takeout bag in one hand. Passing Rouge on his way to put the bag on an empty counter, the hero gave her a knowing look to which she winked in response. “Hey, Big Blue. Aaaand you know we would have—"
Shadow scoffed, glancing up at the bat when she said that. “Never in a million years.”
Rouge rolled her eyes, “Okay, I would have sent you a message if I could, but it was a classified kind of gig. No outsiders allowed."
"Ah, I see," Sonic wandered toward where his brother and his rival were huddled around the motorcycle. The two talked and pointed at several parts from where the engine had been removed to take a thorough scan of the bike's interior. Already, the hero was closer to the motorcycle than he'd ever been before; unfortunately, this time there were dents, serious scrapes, and once sleek black colors now showing signs of rust. 
But what was a little adventure if not getting a few scratches here and there?
All that mattered to Sonic was being close to the bike, caring any less for how it looked now because appearances were only one thing. He stepped over to stand on the side where Shadow was crouching, staring at where ungloved hands were delicately propped on the bike. Sonic couldn't help himself from his indulging staring again, admiring the long and bold red stripe that slithered down Shadow's arm to his hand, splitting into two thinner lines that led to his middle finger and pinkie only. Even then, the middle finger's crimson stripe followed straight down to neatly trimmed black claws while the Pinkie's stripe curled around the smaller digit twice to reach an identical claw. 
Sonic always knew his rival was different, being half hedgehog and half Black Arms, but whereas the reminder of his bloodline often disturbed other people, it simply made the agent more attractive to the hero. Everything he thought was pleasing to look at for Shadow seemed like a threat to others; the sharp, striped quills, his much pointier fangs, and strong, powerful muscles.
Though, Shadow's bright, red rubies were Sonic's favorite. 
They reminded him of sunsets, of cherries on top of sundaes, of the molten lava surrounding the volcanic area in Red Mountain. 
Red had always been a meaningful color to the speedster, and to see his rival have it as a trademark trait of his without acknowledging Sonic's original intent already - like, hello, red shoes! - made Sonic chuckle.
It caught Shadow's attention, who glanced up at the blue hero hovering over him with a frown.
"What's so funny, hedgehog?"
Sonic shrugged, wearing a goofy smile that only seemed to make the striped hedgehog's eyes narrow further. 
"Nothin', just...noticed something, that's all."
"Noticed what?" Shadow asked, his tone suggesting the hero be careful about how he went about this.
Sonic gestured at the barely eligible insignia the Dark Rider usually had beautifully painted over on the side. "You went for red as your brand."
The agent looked at his scratched bike's insignia, staring at it with knitted brows. The little pout Shadow unknowingly made when thinking hard about something brought out another chuckle from the hero. 
"So?" Shadow huffed, not knowing what had his rival laughing at him beginning to annoy him.
A cocky grin slipped across fawn lips and emerald eyes lit up.
"Well, not to brag or anything, buuuut red's been my kind of thing since the start. I mean have you seen how many pairs of red shoes I own?" 
"He actually has a whole line of shoes and accessories made by him for that brand - Swift Speed," the fox genius piped in from the other side, where he was writing down notes about what parts to order to fix the motorcycle.
"Oh yeah! Forgot 'bout that, I really don't tell others, though..."
"Swift Speed?" Rouge grinned, catching Sonic's attention. "Oh my god..." Her teal eyes were glued to the dark hedgehog who was standing back up.
"Rouge, don't," came the simple warning, but the bat was too excited to share her discovery. "Shadow only ever uses that brand for when he wants to give his air shoes a break!" 
"Oh really..." Sonic grinned, turning back to stare at his embarrassed rival.
"Rouge, stop."
"You have like what? Two or three pairs of running shoes for each color they have," she snickered, making her friend groan in annoyance. "Something about the maker having good taste in style and comfort."
Meanwhile, Sonic was reveling in this new information, pushing this whole thing a step further by shuffling closer to his striped rival and bumping his hip with Shadow's.
"I guess we all know what that means, right?" Sonic teased, slinging an arm freely over ebony shoulders. Regardless of what Rouge just put him through, Shadow was still brave enough to look the hero in the eye and mutter. "No...what?"
"That you should be the starring model for my shoe line! Think about it...you could pose even with this bad boy," Sonic released the agent to turn around and place both his hands on the Dark Rider. And once he couldn't believe he was actually touching the motorcycle, he took the biggest step so far he could with Shadow's property. He swiftly swung a leg over it and posed for his dark counterpart with a smirk. 
"And if you need help, I'm always down to show you some poses," Sonic let his eyelids droop, becoming half-lidded and suggestive. 
"Get off my bike."
"Oh, c'mon, Shads! I'll take good care of you both," the hero winked, his flirtations leaving the dark hedgehog with an angered look by the way his face was burning brighter than the pretty red on his stripes. To further prove it, the hero's eyes widened as Shadow came at him with a menacing snarl. Quickly, Sonic scrambled off the bike and fled the workshop, offering a quick word of gratitude toward Rouge for trying on his way out with a hot-tempered striped hedgehog on his tail.
Rouge just watched the boys leave, the sounds of the fox tinkering filling the background. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at Sonic's blatant stubbornness, having found the smile on his face as he left running with Shadow after him bigger than the one he wore when he finally touched the motorcycle he desperately wanted. 
It was always one step forward, and two steps back with Shadow.
Whatever chances he'd gained from last week through Rouge's help were nothing when the striped hedgehog simply ripped them away from Sonic's hands in the next moment. And because he couldn't figure it out yet, the hero blamed it all on his rival, and his outright rude intentions of ignoring him today of all days.
It was the World Grand Prix, and it was down to the last section for riders to use their boards to race through Mazuri's savannah and through exotic smaller towns around the citadel.
Sonic and his pals never missed a chance to show up and enjoy the fun with thousands of others that followed the races across the world; it also didn't stop the blue hedgehog from "accidentally" bumping into an old green-feathered friend and shaking things up with their nostalgic rivalry. And though Jet came off as the same self-centered jerk and remained to bruise Sonic's ego any way he could, deep down the hedgehog knew the hawk was more than happy to have a worthy challenge to look forward to racing with.
But, of course, no one could beat Sonic's best rival - Shadow the Hedgehog.
He was the only one that could test the hero in all the ways others dreamed of or tried and failed. No one could rise to the challenge like the Ultimate Lifeform, and that was something Sonic would rather take to his grave than reveal to anybody lest he want to endure the rest of his life with Shadow constantly reminding him.
Actually, right about now, Sonic wouldn't mind, still standing in the contestants' lane waiting for the announcer to call out the time to head over for the last part of the race. All the wins he had accumulated over the race meant nothing to Sonic right now as he continued to glare at where Jet and Shadow stood, sharing conversation.
Team Dark had arrived halfway through the Grand Prix, and they seemed to have no intention of participating this time around. It'd been a shame since it would've turned the competition a lot fiercer, action-packed...a lot more of Shadow to butt heads with. While Jet gave Sonic adrenaline to beat him at his own game, having Shadow around would have done wonders for the hero's excitement.
Heck, the blue hedgehog would have been delighted to have his striped rival witness first-hand how he beat the green hawk on the track.
Instead, Shadow didn't even acknowledge him! Not even a simple glance in his direction. The agent gave Sonic nothing, and only made the hero's mood worsen as the race progressed by voluntarily going up with Rouge to talk to the Rogues, both GUN agents engaging in civilized talk with the birds— well, Rouge more or so flirted with the purple swallow. But that was the last thing the hero cared about, his attention narrowed down to the green Extreme Gear racer and the Ultimate Lifeform.
"Oh no, here we go again," a familiar voice spoke up from Sonic's side.
He glanced over to find Knuckles coming to stand next to him with Tails at his other side.
"What do you mean?" The young genius asked, cocking his head to the side in curiosity.
The echidna pointed at the group standing across the lane, chatting comfortably with each other. "Sonic's jealous that Jet is striking up a conversation with Shadow because you see our friend here," Knuckles smugly swung an arm over Sonic's stiff shoulders. "He's got this little crush on the Ultimate Lifeform—"
"No," Sonic growled, shrugging off his friend's arm. "I'm not jealous because I don't have a crush on Shadow!"
"Say it any louder and he just might think so."
The hero huffed, ignoring the odd looks he was receiving from the other racers, and though he wish for his striped rival to not have heard him, a little part of him did just to get his attention.
"Look, let's just go get ready to win this race, okay?"
Because he'd rather stand under Mazuri's hot sun by the tracks than see another second of this preposterous scene before him, his friends also seemed to notice as they shared a look of amusement and followed the hero out from the sheltered lane.
Everything went downhill when Sonic saw Shadow approach Jet because he nor his team ended up winning the final race, earning second place on the scoreboard to the hedgehog's dismay. Still, he congratulated his friends and high-fived them as they walked back to the contestants' lane to get some water. Sure, the defeat wasn't what Sonic had planned, but he took the blame for that with his mind having been distracted on the race track, especially with Jet at his side taunting him and all.
It kind of got to his head, but he was ready to move on from today, suggesting to his brother and friend about celebrating with a good dinner. So, the trio headed into the citadel, walking the crowded streets and pointing out new things since they last visited Mazuri until they arrived at a local restaurant with the best meals served fresh.
They took their seats outside, chilling under the welcoming shade of the table's thatch canopy and sharing their thoughts on the Grand Prix. The crowds along the main road thrived with lively conversations, local sellers pulled in tourists to buy exotic tokens, and a small band was playing at one of the corners of the main road's intersection. It was all going well, perfectly well, but leave it up to Shadow to keep ruining the hero's day.
Sonic had been in the middle of telling his friends about the cool move he pulled off in the first leg of today's race when a roaring engine cut through the buzzing streets and lively music. Heads turned in the direction of where the sound was coming from; a handful of excited gasps and chirps of acknowledgment went around the other tables by Sonic's.
He figured out why pretty soon.
An eye-catching ride pulled up to the same street where Sonic and the others were sitting out to enjoy their dinner. The two riders on the motorcycle found themselves at the center of attention, the Dark Rider itself having attracted plenty enough, but with the two well-known Mobians climbing off the bike it doubled the spectators' awe.
"Seriously," the blue hedgehog scoffed, ticked off that of all the places in Mazuri this had to be the one they would come to. And that wasn't even the half of Sonic's problem, eyeing his green feathery rival with open envy as he stepped away from the motorcycle and its owner.
Unfortunately, his staring didn't go unnoticed by the hawk, azure eyes making contact with an unyielding emerald gaze.
"Well, well, well, look who do we have here," the cocky hawk sauntered over to the hedgehog's table, receiving two scowls apart from the hero's. "Celebrating your second-place win?"
"Until your ugly face ruined it, yeah pretty much," Sonic snapped rudely, crossing his arms over his chest.
Jet snorted. "Awful comeback, must be a side effect from losing."
"We didn't lose! It was just a choice of heart to let you win this time around."
"Whatever," the green hawk shrugged, still wearing his smug grin to the speedster's bother. "I think it was high time someone humbled you, and you should be thanking me really."
Sonic gawked, "Thank you? For what?"
"That it was me you lost to and not Shadow—hey!" Suddenly, the hawk leaned over and his azure gaze grew mischievous. "Did you know he bet on you winning? The poor guy came up to me before the race to settle a little deal only to be disappointed by your loss."
Sonic paled, the hawk snickering at his reaction. "I can't wait to tell him it was a choice of heart that made him lose our bet."
Jet was about to go off and do whatever he came here to do, but before he could, Sonic blurted out something. "What was the bet?"
Glancing over his shoulder at the hero, Jet smirked, motioning at where Shadow was busy talking to someone on his phone. "See that nice bike? Well, let's just say you aren't the first rival to get a cool ride on it...see you around, Sonic."
Off the Extreme Gear rider went, heading into the restaurant and disappearing among the crowd standing in line waiting for their orders. Meanwhile, the hero slumped back into his chair, stunned and annoyed by what Jet had revealed; Knuckles had been ready to poke fun at Sonic again, but a harsh nudge and silent glare from the fox stopped him from doing it. The two left their blue friend to figure out his thoughts alone and in silence, both already knowing why Jet's confession disturbed Sonic so much.
And it had nothing to do with the bike, but that was for the hero to figure out on his own.
They half expected him to head over and talk to Shadow first-hand, but they were simply witnesses to their friend's obvious staring. Sonic kept his gaze on the dark hedgehog by the street, who remained oblivious to what just happened and the eyes that were on him.
While Tails and Knuckles continued with their meal, checking on Sonic every other moment, the hero himself was dissecting his thoughts one by one, glancing between his rival and the Dark Rider. There were questions about why would Shadow bring his bike back to Mazuri when it had gotten damaged here in the first place, and why would Team Dark not want to participate in the Grand Prix this year. Alas, these questions were smaller in importance when compared to why would Shadow bet on Sonic winning and getting his most prized possession involved in the mix. Did the agent really think Sonic would win?
Sonic's eyes widened, is that why he was here...to see him win?
The thought of the hybrid solely coming to the races to watch Sonic made his cheeks warm, shifting in his seat at thinking about bright rubies following his every move from the moment he stepped out of the contestants' lane to the tracks. Sonic wasn't going to lie to himself; the mere idea of having Shadow's attention was satisfying, but knowing he believed Sonic to win, it was a lot more than satisfying.
It meant Shadow respected him, acknowledged his abilities, and perhaps, admired him. On some level. An equal level for sure if Jet's words were anything to go by, but it made the hero wonder if that were the case, then why treat him as if he were less?
"Why won't you let me ride with you?" Sonic asked, whispering under his breath.
"What was that?"
Startled by Tails' voice, the blue hedgehog looked over at his brother and smiled, shaking his head. "Nothing! Just thinking about what to order for dessert."
The fox slowly nodded, amused by his behavior. "Okaaay..."
Avoiding his brother's curious gaze, the hero went back to staring at Shadow and his motorcycle, finally noticing that it looked way better than it had been over a week ago. It got its shine back, a new paint job, and tires, too. Now seeing the bike sporting its usual attractiveness, Sonic couldn't help but think about the deal Shadow and Jet made a little more, recalling that the hawk only explained what he won because of the bet.
Though what would have happened if Sonic won the race leaving Shadow to take his side of the bet?
A what-if the hero would not know unless he asked Jet - definitely not - or Shadow - also not a chance. He let out a dejected sigh figuring he would never know the answer, and all because he got distracted by Shadow and Jet talking to each other as if they were best buds—oh, that asshole.
Of course, what an idiot he was!
Sonic was right; it was always one step forward, and two steps back with the Ultimate Lifeform.
At least now he knew that Shadow knew he was the winner before the race even began, smirking at seeing his feathery rival walk back out of the restaurant and flashing the hero another cocky grin. Sonic saw Jet reunite with Shadow at his motorcycle, saying something to each other before the dark hedgehog offered the hawk a helping hand.
Sure, it made Sonic's jaw tick, but the giddiness he was suddenly feeling surpassed the hotness he felt in his chest at seeing Shadow leave with someone that wasn't him on his precious bike. Because at the end of the day, all that mattered was that Shadow knew Sonic was his best rival, the only worthwhile to come to see and play an easy deal for to just end up fooling everyone else.
Well, he didn't fool Sonic.
It was a month after the incident at the World Grand Prix when Sonic saw his rival again.
The spontaneous visit could have gone perfectly great if it weren't for the awful timing to end up with an injury after Eggman's attack. Luckily, with the additional help of Team Dark, the Doctor was easily defeated, cursing at the hero and his friends for ruining his plans once again. The one that didn't walk away from the battle so lucky was Sonic, sporting a sprained ankle.
So, now here he sat on the ground, bearing the same old argument Tails and Amy had each time the speedster was injured. It upset him for the most part because he felt embarrassed to be treated like a child. In front of his rival nonetheless! But he kept quiet, blocking out whatever his brother and Amy were discussing, and glanced over to where Shadow and Rouge were checking up on Omega. It appeared the destruction-loving robot took a pretty nasty hit during the fight and had some damage done to his core battery.
But by the looks of it, nothing serious was done as Rouge patted her teammate on his bulky arm while Shadow rolled his eyes rather playfully. Not long after, the dark hedgehog headed for an overgrown bush, parting tree branches and thick leaves to reveal where he had hidden his bike this time around.
Sonic perked up at the sight of it, curiously watching how attentive Shadow was being as he made sure his motorcycle didn't get scratched. It was kind of cute, the hero thought. He'd never seen his rival take care of something so much to the point where it looked like the Dark Rider meant everything to him.
Maybe it did, Sonic smirked, guiding his gaze over the bike's comfy seat and the insignia's outline. The symbol's red color reminded him of his owner with ruby eyes and striking striped quills, and he couldn't help himself to a soft laugh at remembering how he proved to Shadow that he'd been wearing Sonic's signature color all these years.
Something about red looked perfect against black.
The thought made the hero's chest swell up with warmth, risking a chance to look at his dark rival. He saw him looking over his bike, passing his gloved hands over the handles and shiny surfaces—those same hands ran along Sonic's sides, pressing gently into blue hips—holy fuck, Sonic's eyes widened, feeling his breath taken away at realizing where his thoughts were going. Where the hell did that even come from?
Feeling even more embarrassed, the speedster shifted, readjusting his sitting position on the ground and making sure that neither Amy nor Tails were looking at him. Damn it, the last thing he needed was for his brother to point out his blushing face that sure enough he felt crawling down his neck too. Amy would surely give him hell about it, demanding to know what evoked this sort of reaction from him.
He knew the only way to calm down was to avert his eyes from Shadow and the motorcycle, but...the temptation was irresistible; just a small peek, he reasoned with himself.
Emerald eyes steadily retraced their way back to the hybrid standing by the Dark Rider, starting from familiar air shoes, going up the length of striped feet, stopping to momentarily admire the athletic muscles, and continuing up to a strongly built chest until...crimson eyes were staring back at him.
"Fuck," Sonic whispered, mortified at being caught and quickly, ripping his gaze away from Shadow.
He didn't dare to look back and see if Shadow's eyes were still on him, instead struggling to breathe properly; however, this caught his brother's attention to the blue hedgehog's dismay.
"Sonic, are you feeling okay?" The young fox knelt, scanning Sonic's face and pressing a hand to his forehead.
Tails frowned, "You're burning up and shaking..."
These observations devastatingly attracted everyone else's attention, too, making the hero squirm even more under curious eyes. Least of all, now Shadow standing within arm's distance and staring down at Sonic with a knowing smirk. Another flush of redness swarmed the hero's face as he made eye contact with his rival, and to his even greater displeasure, had Amy fret over his health, too.
"Oh! I think he has a fever! We need to take him back to the workshop before it gets worse!" The pink hedgehog crowded the hero's space and glanced over to Tails with an irked expression. "C'mon, Tails! We can't waste any more time!"
"If I take him, the height will just make it worse. He could end up feeling nauseous."
Amy glared at the fox, crossing her arms over her chest. "Then what are we going to do? He can't walk with his sprained ankle—"
"I'll take him."
All eyes landed on Shadow.
"Uh, n-no, that's okay—I'm sure we can figure something else out," Sonic stuttered, staring at anything but the agent.
"Yeah, we don't want to impose on you," Amy added, her jade eyes narrowing at seeing how the dark hedgehog was looking at Sonic. "Besides, carrying him back to the workshop is equally as dangerous as Tails taking him over."
Shadow's smirk remained, casting the pink hedgehog a mirthful look. "We can take my bike."
Rouge nodded, "He's a natural on that thing, so there are no chances of anything bad happening."
"But what about—" Amy started, finding another excuse but was cut off by the hybrid.
"We'll get there before any of you do unless..." Shadow was now blatantly challenging the pink hedgehog. "You want to wait here and come up with another solution while Sonic's condition gets worse."
Offended, Amy rose to her feet. "No! Of course not! I just—I just want to make sure Sonic's in good hands."
Having remained a silent spectator of the discussion, Sonic would have thanked Amy for her care, but all that his mind was feeding him was thoughts of Shadow's hands again - caressing his fawn chest and fingers running through his blue quills. Oh god, Sonic was doomed.
So, so doomed as Omega caught onto how his face continued to redden, almost matching the color of his shoes.
"You heard the guy. Let's get Big Blue moving," Rouge snapped her fingers and nodded for Shadow to take the injured hero away.
That was all the striped hedgehog needed to crouch low on the ground, reaching out and wrapping his arms around Sonic. With their faces only being only a few inches apart, the hero was afraid to say anything to him, avoiding his rival's gaze. Although, it was difficult doing so when the very same thoughts he was having about Shadow's hands were nearing the possibility of happening in real life as he felt gloved hands slide delicately across his back and hook an arm under his knees.
This would haunt his dreams in the middle of the night if the feeling of being pressed up against the hybrid's sturdy chest wasn't already awakening even more confusing reactions from the blue hedgehog.
Sonic bit back the whimper that fought to free itself from his lips, roughly swallowing the thickness lodged in his throat.
"Okay, we'll meet you back at the workshop," Rouge walked after the dark hedgehog carrying his blue rival to the Dark Rider. She observed in delight as Shadow settled the hero carefully on the seat, deliberately touching his shoulders and waist while explaining to Sonic he wanted to make sure he was secured.
Shadow was then climbing onto the bike, too, and glancing at Sonic over his shoulder. "Hold onto me or you'll fall off."
"Wait, what?"
Huffing, the bat turned to Rose who was in earshot of hearing Shadow's advice as she walked up to them. "He was joking. Sonic's not gonna fall off, buuuut..." Rouge sauntered over to stand before Sonic, a mischievous smile making the hero nervous. "It won't hurt to make the ride a little safer."
Sonic blushed, hesitantly circling his hands around Shadow's waist. "Um, can we go now?"
"Get him outta here, Shadow before he grows any more impatient!" The bat winked at the cobalt speedster, backing off to let the hybrid start the engine. "You're in good hands with the Ultimate Lifeform, Big Blue—oh!"
She gestured for Shadow to wait for a second, her eyes still on the flustered hedgehog behind him. "Before I forget, you owe me."
Sonic frowned, confused. "Owe you? For what?"
Rouge rolled her eyes. "Oh, don't act stupid, Blue. You know what I mean, but in case you don't, Shadow will tell once you get home."
With that being said, Shadow took Rouge's wave as his cue to leave, grinning as he sped across the field with now a gasping Sonic the Hedgehog behind him. The hero hadn't expected the motorcycle to reach these kinds of speeds, seeming to almost match Shadow's and his natural pace when running. But as the shock gradually resided, exhilaration took over and made Sonic forget about his previous awkward state.
He had waited too long for this and it was everything he had hoped for.
Sonic let out a laugh, enjoying the whipping wind hitting his face as Shadow made a turn to head for the city's limits. "Whoa! Hey, aren't we going to the workshop?"
The dark hedgehog shot the hero a quick glance, grinning. "We are, but if we're going to beat them there, we might as well take a little detour."
Finding this playful side of his usually grumpy rival amusing, Sonic chuckled, relaxing into his place against Shadow's back. "Since when are you the fun type?"
The hero saw the agent shrug, guiding them into the first street at the road signs' speed which was a little slower than what Sonic liked but loved the rumbling vibration coming from the engine.
"Maybe you're rubbing off on me."
Sonic smirked, "So I guess my work is finally paying off."
"What?!" Shadow yelled out as he increased the speed, skillfully driving between the lanes and using any openings to push through the rest of the cars and building traffic.
They were approaching the heart of the city, but Sonic let out another cheerful laugh as Shadow dodged the incoming traffic, shocking the hero when he ran a red light.
"Did you just do what I think you did?!"
"Can't hear you! Speak up, hedgehog!"
Grunting, the speedster scooted closer, pressing his chest right against Shadow's back, and leaned over to let his mouth hover closely at the hybrid's left side of his face.
"I said you ran a red light—"
Sonic's words died on his tongue as Shadow quickly turned his face to press a soft kiss to unsuspecting lips, breaking away with a smile at seeing the hero's shocked face. Shadow chuckled, his ruby eyes twinkling now under the evening sun. It took the blue hedgehog a full sixty seconds to realize what just happened, staring at the agent with wide eyes, flushed cheeks, and mouth agape. It was only after Shadow saw the hero blink that he laughed, nudging Sonic's muzzle with his own to regain his focus.
"See, told you you're rubbing off on me," Shadow purred, shifting his attention back to the road sadly, but he felt Sonic finally react.
"You...you kissed me?" Sonic didn't know what to do. This was all so unexpected, but...he liked it. After all, surprises were his favorite thing. Still, he needed to make sure this was what he thought and not some funny joke Shadow decided to pull on him—"It's not April Fools' today is it?!"
Shadow snorted, shaking his head. "No, you idiot!"
"Then why did you kiss me?!" Sonic shouted over the bustling noise of other cars and honking.
"Because I can!"
"I'm serious!" Sonic rolled his eyes, squeezing Shadow's waist for emphasis.
"Fine! I'll tell you...after this!"
In a practiced maneuver, the agent was pushing the pace higher, switching lanes to the farthest left before making a graceful turn. He was leading them to the highway entrance ramp, not slowing down as his swift speed scared away other drivers and let him onto the highway. Without having to worry about any highway patrol at this hour, Shadow took advantage and really made Sonic's first ride worth all the time in the world.
Sonic felt the air being punched out of his lungs in the best way possible as he held on tighter to Shadow, not holding back his loud whooping as they broke every highway speed rule by worming their way between cars and angry drivers. Shadow joined him in his bout of joy, feeling the vibrations of the agent's laughter against his chest and grinning even wider when Shadow's shoulders shook with every laugh as well.
"Get ready!"
That was all the hero got before his rival was tilting the bike toward the right, gliding across the three lanes to get to the edge where a sign Sonic caught a fleeting glance of signaled that a bridge was coming up in a few miles. He was about to ask Shadow about it until he saw another three massive signs alerting drivers that the bridge was under reconstruction, leaving a shiver to run down Sonic's spine.
That was it; the tingling sensation he'd been dreaming about these past few months.
This was what Sonic craved ever since he felt the desire to ride this very motorcycle with his rival and run it for as long as it let them.
"Oh, this going to be so fucking cool!" Sonic's eyes widen as the bridge's ramp leading to the higher ground came into view.
The unfinished bridge was approaching quickly at the speed they were going, a wide space empty of any structure to lead to the other side; the hero's blood pumped faster under his skin, his emerald eyes lighting up with the dangerous glint a daredevil always wore in the face of something life-risking. Sure, they could easily miss the other ledge and fall to their potential deaths, but unlike all those times when Sonic was fighting Eggman or another huge badnik or a wrathful god, this time everything felt safe somehow. No matter how dangerous this was Sonic knew he was going to be safe.
As long as he had Shadow at his side, nothing bad would ever happen to the hero.
So, Sonic surprised the dark hedgehog with a share of his own kiss to a tan muzzle, leaning into Shadow's body as much as he could, and confidently gave his answer.
"More than I will ever be."
The two hedgehogs were then feeling the rush of air against their quills, taking in the view under them as the bike reached its highest speed and the first tire left the ground. Shadow grinned, feeling Sonic's grip around his waist tightening but hearing the hero let out an excited scream; it echoed in the air as they glided over the space between the bridge's ledges, immediately marking it as a memorable moment in Shadow's life.
As predicted, the striped hedgehog and his bike made their landing perfectly, bouncing once as the tires made contact with the ground again.
"Holy shit! That was so awesome!" Sonic giggled, bracing his forehead on an ebony shoulderblade as he fully embraced the euphoric high he just experienced.
His rival let him enjoy it in silence as he drove them to the workshop for real this time, slowing down as they exited the highway at the next ramp and turned onto a street that let out of the city. During the ride, Sonic's forehead gesture turned into full-on nuzzling, practically hugging the striped hedgehog and purring at feeling Shadow's warmth.
When they arrived at the workshop, they found themselves alone, the agent kicking out the stand to stabilize the motorcycle. He tapped Sonic's hands to let him know they were here, making the hero's eyes flutter open and the smile he'd been wearing falter. Reluctantly, the blue hedgehog dropped his arms from Shadow's waist, suddenly nervous again now that they were face-to-face again.
"Got you here first as promised," the hybrid teased, noticing his rival's avoidance of eye contact. "Is something wrong? Did I hurt you—"
"No! M'okay!" Sonic blurted out, meeting Shadow's worried gaze instantly.
It knocked the breath out of him, again. He was starting to like this feeling a little too much.
"Just..." the hero rubbed the back of his neck, nervous. "You said you were gonna tell me why you...kissed me."
Relieved to know it had nothing to do with his sprained ankle, the agent relaxed and smiled. "Is that all?"
"Is that all?" Sonic repeated, incredulously. "Uh. Hello, how are you so calm after—that?"
"The ride or the kiss? I can't tell when you seemed to have loved both," Shadow smirked, entertained by how easy it was to fluster his blue rival.
It seemed the roles were switched today.
The hero glared at the other hedgehog, growling. "If you aren't gonna take me seriously, I'm leavin'."
Swinging his leg over the seat, Sonic winced as he placed both his feet on the ground, prepared to walk away when in his first step, he was assaulted with a sharp pain shooting up his injured leg. He whimpered, forgetting the whole point of this ride was to have him take off weight from his sprained ankle. Unfortunately, Shadow was there to remind him as well, surprising the blue hedgehog again by grabbing out to him.
"Hey! What are you doing—?" Sonic gasped as he was swept off his feet, feeling up Shadow's comforting warmth again against his side that was pressed to the hybrid's chest. Annoyed and embarrassed, Sonic huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't need to be carried, Shadow."
"Are you always this stubborn?" The agent remarked, not letting go of the hero and taking him to the house attached to the workshop.
"So funny," Sonic grumbled, looking away from his rival and to the front porch instead.
The dark hedgehog climbed the steps and gently sat the speedster on the top one, being extra cautious of the injured ankle. He settled himself next to the hero after, leaving only an inch of space between them. Sonic would have scooted away, he would have but...the temptation was going at it again, stronger in its magnetic pull. So, he remained where he was and waited for the others to arrive with Shadow.
And for a long quiet minute, Sonic thought this was all there was to this day, unanswered questions and foolish emotions storming his mind.
But Shadow broke the silence, admitting to Sonic something quite shocking.
"I kissed you because I've been wanting to for a while now."
To say the least, the hero was stunned to hear this. It was kind of hard to tell this was what Shadow's been wanting to do when all their interactions ended with petty competitions over a round of racing or sparring.
"Since when?"
Shadow glanced at the blue hedgehog, answering confidently. "After the race car competition a few months back."
Sonic's jaw dropped, remembering that race as it was the beginning of his phase where all he paid attention to was the Dark Rider. Now that he recalled the memory, thoroughly going through each thing Sonic had studied with great curiosity and realizing his gaze somehow had gone from the bike to the rider.
"But you always pushed me away..." Sonic also didn't forget about everything that happened after that day. "You spent all your time with Blaze at Tails' birthday party, you wanted to beat me up when you brought in your bike, and you ignored me all day during the Grand Prix!"
With every new thing Sonic listed, the more confused he became, comparing Shadow's behavior in the past weeks to the present. "Hell, you even paraded Jet around Mazuri on your motorcycle afterward."
This caught the Ultimate Lifeform's attention, leaning forward with hooded eyes. "What? Did that make you jealous?"
"No!" The cobalt speedster scowled, feeling his cheeks burn hot under Shadow's pretty—stop it, you! "I just don't know why you waste your time with others when it's clear that I'm the best you got—I mean as a rival!"
The striped hedgehog chuckled, "You're so cute when you get mad."
"What? It's true!" The agent reached for Sonic's face, cradling his cheek sweetly. "And you're right, red's definitely your signature color."
Sonic groaned, glaring at the other. "I swear I'm gonna—"
The hero's vocal threat never came as Shadow pressed another kiss to his peach lips, savoring his time with this one. He brought his other hand to gently grasp the back of Sonic's upper neck, angling his neck to deepen the kiss. Shadow felt his rival shakingly plant his hands on his white chest fur, tangling his fingers in the soft strands. The hero rubbed at the hybrid's chest, pulling soothing purrs from there, too, and felt the vibrations along where they touched.
For the second time that day, Sonic the Hedgehog felt himself riding a delirious wave, up and up and up until he no longer could think straight; his head became empty of any thought except for the feel of Shadow's lips on his, moaning softly as the hybrid's tongue teased him with a dip and caress against Sonic's teeth and tongue, too.
The Dark Rider may have given a taste of adrenaline and excitement like no other adventure, but kissing Shadow...topped even the best moments in Sonic's life, new and amazing. It was fulfilling. It made his blood rush like rapid currents and burn hotter than molten lava. It made him feel like he was airborne, gliding over that same bridge's gap without the need of the Dark Rider. All he needed was a kiss to feel like he could fly far, far above till he reached the stars in the sky.
"Kissing you feels like making that jump over the bridge and still feeling that exciting rush under my skin," Shadow whispered, breaking away to look at Sonic's blissful face.
"You've read my mind."
The dark hedgehog chuckled, finding Sonic's dreamy sigh adorable.
"You were right, too."
Humming, the hero pressed another kiss to Shadow's lips, sighing in pleasure before asking what the hybrid meant.
"Right about what?"
"You're the best I got, and I want you to know that."
"You mean..." Sonic gazed at Shadow, his heartbeat stuttering as the dark hedgehog caressed his muzzle.
"Will you let me be the best you got, too?"
Sonic smiled, "You've always been, Shads."
With confessions made, the two hedgehogs embraced each other into another kiss, slower and tender. Even so, it didn't take away that beautiful and wonderful feeling they felt as they coasted the city's streets to glide over the bridge. Well, not quite. This - being together - felt a lot better; the best feeling actually.
They broke apart once they heard the familiar voices of their friends in the distance, and as they waved over to the two hedgehogs, Shadow glanced down at Sonic's sprained ankle, quickly cradling it in both hands. To the hero's surprise, the agent was able to heal it, seeing the hybrid smirking back at him.
"You healed it...with your emerald." Sonic discovered his rival's secret, "You had one all along. Why didn't you just do that from the beginning?"
Shadow gestured at the incoming group with his head. "How else was I supposed to get you all to myself?"
"I dunno, ask like a normal person," Sonic teased, tugging for the agent to sit back down with him on the porch steps.
Seeing the hero wiggle his now-healed foot, Shadow leaned over to whisper something into his ear just in time as the pink hedgehog reached them. Sonic laughed at whatever was said, making Amy frown as she stared at how close the two rivals were sitting next to each other.
"What's so funny?"
Sonic smiled at her, sneakily squeezing Shadow's hand closest to him. "Nothing, Ames, just finding out how good of a jokester Shadow is."
"I'm full of surprises, hedgehog."
Yes, he was, Sonic thought, the tingling sensation still lingering on his lips.
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darlingshane · 2 years
when you call me darling
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Swaino x F!Reader
Rating: 18+ Warnings: Explicit. Sex Work. Cam Girl. Smut. Fingering. Vaginal Sex. Panty Kink. Edgeplay.
WC: 5,6k
Summary: You're meeting Swaino for the first time face to face. It should be simple except for the fact that you work as a cam girl, and he's one of your most loyal clients.
-- Read below or at AO3.
A/N: This is fiction. Please stay safe and don't do this if you're a cam sex worker, unless that's your thing. // Fair warning: I use the word darling 18 times in here. And I gave reader a fake name for her online profile.
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 You've totally lost your mind…
The words of your friend echo over and over in your head, minutes away from meeting Swaino. Maybe you have really lost it by agreeing to meet one of your members in person, but you're safe here. You picked this pub that Bridget owns exclusively because she's there behind the bar in case this whole thing is a bust. It eases you up knowing that she's close by. The thing that worries you the most is when he realizes you're not the same girl from the website. She's part of you, and looks like you, sure, but she's bolder and sexier and less scared in front of a camera than in real life. You should probably call it, he's going to see immediately through the veil of smoke. Your posture alone; you're so anxious right now that you can't hold yourself as poised as you do in all your pictures and videos.
All your interactions so far have been virtually ever since Swaino came upon your profile on Kinky Fans about three months ago. He started purchasing a handful of pictures and videos of Sweet Lexi, your online persona, before signing up for a full membership to access all your content. He went further and bought one of the priciest perks you offered, and one of those was an exclusive video made just for him where you get off in a pair of panties, and then you'd send said-pair-of-underwear to the buyer. After that, he even got two more in the following weeks. He claimed he was not a panty sniffer, and that you had awoken something on him, he couldn't truly explain. He was completely infatuated with you, that's for sure, and part of you loved that someone was getting off to the smell of you somewhere not too far away. You sent all those to a town in New Hampshire, roughly 50 miles away from your home city, Boston.
A month later or so, you accepted his request to face cam privately. It was one of those things you've only done a handful of times, cause live interactions and streams have always stressed you out. Swaino seemed sweet in his messages and wasn't demanding or degrading like any other you got constantly, so you decided to give him a chance.
By his profile picture, you couldn’t tell shit about how he looked, since it was just a snapshot of a red motorcycle. When he popped out on your screen during your call, you could only see his top half, but he was surprisingly good-looking at first glance. He didn't have the same quality webcam or the lighting set-up that you had strategically placed to highlight your best features and make yourself look better; but you could tell he had a handsome face with strong angles, held on broad shoulders and a thick neck.
His eyes were kind and playful, and his lips were sexy as hell, framed by a beard, in the shape of a goatee. You weren't particularly fond of that style, but it suited him.
Most guys you had interacted with live like this never show themselves on cam, they would stay in the shadows behind a random profile picture, watching and asking you to do this and that while they masturbated. Swaino was different, he wanted that connection and went the extra mile of giving you the opportunity to see his face.
He was plainly wearing a black hoodie, half opened, with no visible shirt underneath, just two gold necklaces hanging around his neck.
You, however, were laying sideways on your bed, showing your whole figure dressed in provocative red, lacy lingerie set of bustier and panties.
Within the first three minutes, you fell for the Swaino of it all. He’s a talker, which works great, cause firstly you weren't good at first impressions. Secondly, the longer he'd stay on the line, the more money you'd get. And thirdly, it gave you the opportunity to meet someone genuine that didn't want you just to take off your clothes right off the bat. He needed to seduce you, and he absolutely did.
It was shocking, though, to find someone different for a change, you almost felt sorry for collecting his money.
He asked how was your day going to break the ice, and then a series of mundane questions that eased you up into performing for him. Being behind a screen was very liberating. You felt sexy seeing him react to the way you moved, and how you took off your underwear, touching yourself teasingly over the fabric, and wetting that fourth pair that you'd sent to him the next day. Though he had seen it all already, he looked transfixed as if it was the first time he ever set his eyes on you.
It went on like that for weeks. Some days he only wanted to talk about everything and anything going on in your lives, and you did so for hours until you learned almost everything about each other. He was incredibly funny, sort of douche-bag sometimes for the stories he told about his friends and work, but it was part of his charm, and you couldn’t deny being a little attracted to it all. It made you crazy enough to agree to meet in person.
Preparing yourself for a face to face meet, you poked around his socials and saw for yourself if he was the guy he said. He didn't have much presence online. Only Facebook and Instagram accounts that were basically ghost towns. He had only a few pictures with friends and family, a dog, and that red bike you got used to seeing whenever he interacted with you, or indirectly with your profile.
And now, here you are, at Bridget's pub, downing a soda while you wait. He’s fifteen minutes late. He probably hit traffic on the way in, or maybe he got cold feet and decided not to show up at all. You check your phone and there’s nothing. Would it be bad to be a little disappointed if he doesn't come? Probably. One thing everyone said to you when you went looking for advice at the beginning of your career at Kinky Fans was never to meet in person subscribers and such. If they pay, they might feel entitled to something else, and could get really ugly really fast, they said. You’ve made it clear that this isn’t part of what you do online. This is just two people meeting. Nothing else, nothing more.
“Still late?” Bridget interrupts your train of thought, “what’s it been, half an hour?”
“Uh, yeah. He must be close,” you glance at her, “don’t look at me like that. He said he’d come.”
“You really like him, don't you?”
“Not really…” crossing your arms on the edge of the table, you let out a long sigh,“I like some things about him. And I wanted to see if there was something more, you know? But maybe you were right. Maybe this was a bad idea.”
“He'll show up if he knows what's good.”
He has to show up, right? You start to doubt everything he’s ever told you as Bridget goes back to work. And just as you start thinking that you’re being stood up, you see him walk past the window. You recognize him by his signature goatee and perfect hair before he steps inside the bar.
Without being too eager, you draw some air and wait a couple of seconds, as he scans the crowd, before rising from your chair and putting your hand up midair.
His eyes land on you, and you put your hand down. He quickly nods and walks in your direction. You notice he's carrying a small bouquet as he gets closer.
When he stops and stands in front of you, you both open your mouths simultaneously to greet the other.
 “Hey.”  “Hi.”
“I'm sorry, I'm late. I got stuck at work, and then I stopped to get these…”  he apologizes, smiling nervously, showing you the flowers in his hand, “I know you said—”
“It's okay,” you cut him off, “I'm just glad you came. Dahlias, huh?”
“Your favorite flower,” he swallows, holding the bouquet out, “here.”
“Thanks,” nodding shyly, you brush his fingers as you take the flowers from his hand.
You sit back down on your chair, and place the dahlias on the table. He takes off his jacket and sits across from you.
Swaino stares at you for a long moment with those big brown eyes of his that seem naughtier up close before exhaling with longing, “you're even prettier than I thought.”
“You're cuter than I thought,” you smirk, propping an elbow on the table, holding your chin on your palm.
“Ah, c'mon, don't give me cute,” he whines comically, leaning back on his chair, “puppies are cute.”
You shrug, amused, “you kinda look like a big puppy in a hoodie.”
He scoffs, and hangs his head down.
“Alright, you're very handsome, Mr. Swaino. That better?”
“Did you say very?” gazing at you bashfully, a strand of his hair moves across the side of his forehead, “I wasn't fishing for that, but I'll take it.”
“You're also very humble.”
And you thought meeting him would be awkward. It surprises you how quickly you ease up. Screen or no screen, you fall into your usual banter the way that you’ve been used to for the last  few weeks. Talking to him always felt very easy, it shouldn't be different face-to-face, unless he turns out to be an asshole. Which you haven't ruled out yet.
“Do you want a drink?” you ask.
“Uh, sure.”
You wave at one of the waiters, but it's Bridget that comes to take your order.
“Flowers? God, you're easy,” Bridget sighs dramatically.
“Don't tell him that.”
“Right, cause axe murderers care if you're easy or not.”
“Actually, I'm a… a strangler,” Swaino quips between your conversation, “guitar strings are my usual go-to, but I can use anything at hand.”
“That's not funny.”
“Can you just take his order without harassing him?”
“That's not gonna happen. I need to see your ID first,” she says without an ounce of amusement, staring at him.
“What?” his brow knits in confusion, “do I look like I'm underage?”
“Won't get served until you do.”
“Just show it to her.”
He scoffs and reaches for his wallet in his jean's pocket to produce his ID, and hands it to your friend.
“Okay, Mr. Terrance Swaino, if that's your real name, from Manchester, New Hampshire,” she announces a little over the top, scanning his ID thoroughly.
“That is my real name,” he utters, a tad intimidated.
“If something happens to her, I know where you live now.” Bridget continues, handing his ID back, throwing him a menacing look, “And I have a gun. We could all end up on Dateline if you dare to touch one of her hairs. Got it?”
“Yes, ma'am. Can I get a beer now?”
“I'm sorry,” you say after she's gone, “she can be a little intense.”
“Nah, that's fine, darling. She's just looking out for you. I get it.”
A smile lightens up your face, hearing him call you the usual pet name he picked out for you.
   That's right, darling.  
   You're so beautiful like that, darling.  
   I wanna suck your tits, darling.  
   You make me so hard, darling.  
   Come for me, darling.  
Those are his usual chants when he's watching you pleasuring yourself. It sends fire to your core seeing that falling from his plush lips every damn time. Including now, you feel that sweet tingle at your crux, and you press your thighs together, hoping he doesn't notice the effect he has on you.
“You okay?” he questions. He must have seen it in your face, that grows hotter by the second.
“Mm-hmm,” you take a long sip of your drink as one of the waiters brings his beer.
Swaino leans back against his chair and tilts his glass up to his lips. Without taking his eyes off you, he downs almost half of it before opening his mouth again.
“Are you going to tell me your real name?”
Your head turns to the side, and you glance out the window for a beat.
“What? You know mine,” he scoffs, “I can call you Sweet Lexi in public if you prefer, but something tells me you don't wanna.”
“Shhh, no, don't call me that,” you hesitate, and pause, “I guess it's fair to tell you, since I know yours… just promise to keep it to yourself. I can't have people online figuring out my real name, you know?”
“Okay, promise.”
You clear your throat and utter your actual name, watching his lips curve up as you do.
“See, that suits you better.”
“Yeah?” you fold your arms on the table, lean forwards, and confess openly, “I… I like it when you call me darling.”
With a grin plastered on his face, he swipes his tongue across his bottom lip, and mirrors your position, leaning even further, so his face is just a couple of inches away from yours, as a flaming electricity is held in the air between you and him.
“I like when you call me baby,” he hushes.
“Oh, I know.”
“Do you call that to every guy or just me?
“Why? Would it make you feel special if I did?”
He simply shrugs.
“I don’t talk to guys the way I talk to you, but sometimes I have… I…” you pause, clear your throat, and glance around before uttering, “most guys are older than you and prefer other terms.”
His brow knits, “like what? Daddy?”
You nod.
“Would you call me daddy if I asked you to?”
“Client’s choice, baby. I probably wouldn’t like it, but I’d do it.”
“Say, what else do you like about me, darling?” He circles back.
“I like your nose.”
“This nose?” the tip of his nose strokes yours, side to side, “what else?”
“I like your lips.”
“Hmm, do you want me to kiss you?”
Your chip dips, “are you going to?”
“I would, but I’m afraid your friend will shoot me if I do.”
“She won't,” a soft laugh bares your teeth.
“Either way, it'd be worth it, right?” he purrs, and licks his lips, arming himself with valor.
He unfolds one of his arms to trace your jaw with his index finger, ever so subtly, as your eyelashes flutter. This fingertip stops beneath your chin, and slightly tilts your head up, so he can capture your mouth.
His beard tickles your skin as his lips slowly bounce against yours, pressing a few tender kisses.
“Are you really that easy?” he stops kissing you, but his lips remain painfully close to yours, wrapped in a raw intimacy of hushed words between both mouths.
“I guess… only when I want to. Would you think less of me if I told you that I wanna take you to my place already?”
“Oh, baby. I'd never think less of you. You're a fucking dream come true. I respect a woman that quickly makes up her mind like that.”
“I've never done this before. You know… meeting a client.”
“I know.”
“That's not what I do,” you point out again, in case you haven't made it clear yet.
“I know, darling. I'm just surprised that you wanted to meet me at all. Are you trying to decide if you should take me home or not?”
“Kinda,” you bite your bottom lip, questioning yourself if you should. “I like you, Swaino. You just have to promise you'll be nice.”
“I will. I swear,” he exhales with urgency, “I fucking promise, I won't hurt you.”
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He brought his car for the trip. You climb into the passenger seat, and guide him a few blocks away, where your apartment's settled. It's brand new, you've been living here for less than a year. When your profile took off, and you started making big bucks, it gave you the opportunity to move to a bigger, industrial apartment. It's a three bedroom/two bathroom. Big open space and arched windows. One of the bedrooms is where you work. You keep that door closed for now.
After all the formalities of showing him inside, dropping your keys on its tray, taking off your winter layers, and having another drink to soothe yourself smoothly into the whole thing, you take him to your bedroom at the end of the hallway, and slip out of your shoes.
With a little trepidation, you sit on the edge of the bed and watch him step out of his Nikes.
“Take off your hoodie,” you utter, and he obeys with no question, slowly unzipping his hoodie. He wants to show himself as much as he wants to see you.
“See anything you like, darling?” he grins, tossing the hoodie to the chair in the corner, as you find yourself staring like an idiot at his muscled-broad chest.
“Mm-hmm,” it’s not enough to express how much you want him right now.
You draw a long breath, and gingerly remove your sweater under the shadow of his dark eyes. Afterwards, you unclasp your bra at the front to release your tits.
“You're fucking perfect, darling,” he hushes under his breath.
“C'mere, baby,” you pull at his belt, and scoot backwards on the mattress, pulling him along till he ends up on top of you.
One of his legs ends up wedged between your knees, as he props himself on his forearms. He inhales and seals your lips, as your arms curl around his torso. Taking it slowly, you make out as you get comfortable into the whole ordeal of having him here, in your home, in your room, in your bed. It's hard to let go of that thought. His tongue swiping past your lips makes it easier. He's firm, unpredictable, and sloppy at first. But maybe he's just trying to figure out your mouth. It doesn't feel bad, though. No sir. Not once he's found the best way to make you hum at the swirling of his kiss. Makes you giddy and relaxed every passing second.
The lock of your legs open, and you nudge him to have him nestle in between.
His body feels amazingly against your chest and palms. Your fingers glide up his spine, and you catch his skin turning into goosebumps as his hips start waving against yours. There are two layers of thick denim between his erection and your slicked folds, but you can definitely feel him swelling.
And all of a sudden, you can feel your core anxiously throbbing at the desperate grinding of his hardness.
He breaks the kiss, and angles himself to the side to make room for his fingers that trail down your body to undo the buttons of your jeans. He tugs them down to your knees before letting his hand sneak beneath the elastic of your panties without hesitation.
He doesn't ask verbally, but nods at you as a warning that he's going straight for the cake. You nod back and close your eyes when his fingers reach your slit.
“Fuck, darling,” he exhales, soaking his fingers in your arousal.
Your eyes flick open, locking with his bloodlust browns that are ready to scorch the earth with just one gaze. He starts with your core, though. His touch, as good as it feels having your clit to play with, doesn't have the same effect as the way he looks at you right now. It's probably you've grown used to having him watch you masturbate. It's always been enticing from the get-go to allow his eyes to witness the way you undress and pleasure yourself for him behind a camera.
He has a front seat now that comes with VIP access to your body like no other member has ever had. It looks like that's what he desires, to watch you come by his hand that anxiously rubs harder to make you lose the little control you had until that point.
You rotate your hips involuntarily and ball the sheets as his fingers poke and slip at your entrance. He keeps them in, massaging the roof, as the vicious pressure of his thumb meeting your clit repeatedly drags you to the edge.
“Do you think about me touching your pussy like this?” Asks Swaino.
“Sometimes,” your breathing falters over his mouth.
“Yeah? Wanna come for me, darling?”
“Go on, beautiful,” he purrs, kissing your lips, “don't be shy.”
Letting him take you to ecstasy, you bring one hand to hold onto his neck, as our legs start trembling near that crucial point. A few strokes after, you let a strangled moan, and clasp your knees together, trapping his hand between your thighs when you come undone.
“Good girl,” he praises, and peppers your face and neck with kisses, feeling your opening contracting around his fingers before pulling them out, “can I kiss your pussy?”
You huff a laugh in between pants, “later, I… I can’t right now, baby.”
“Just a quick kiss. I swear, I just wanna get a taste of you.”
“Alright, go ahead,” you breathe out and part your legs further, as your body relaxes.
Swaino licks his lips and ducks his head towards your crotch. With a finger, he gently strokes one side of your outer labia before pressing a small but lingering kiss. He stays there for a moment, humming softly, smelling, and savoring your taste without even stimulating your tenderness.
Basking in the afterglow, you lace your fingers in his hair until he comes back to you.
“I’d eat you all up if I could,” he prints a wet kiss in between your breasts as he climbs back up.
“I wouldn’t mind if you did.”
“You’re a fucking dream,” he reiterates.
“You already said that.”
“Bears repeating,” he cups your jaw.
“You’re sweet.”
“I’m a sweet puppy, I know,” he scoffs.
“Are you always like this with all your conquests?”
“Truth?” his brow raises, and you nod, “no, I’m not always like this. You’re special.”
“Me or Lexi?”
“You sweetheart, you. I mean… Yes, I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t think about her… but it’s you, she’s partly you, and you move like her, sound like her, and come like her… It’s…”
“It’s complicated.”
“Yes… but I want you. I swear.”
“Good. Come here, puppy,” you frame his face and pull him into a kiss. Now that you’ve recovered fully, as you play with his tongue, you use your feet to push your bottom layers that were still wrapped around your ankles. Then, in return, you start undoing his pants and see that he’s still hard as you palm him over his boxers.
He’s shown you his cock a couple of times. Pictures are always tricky, he looked big from the angle you saw. And he feels just as big in your fist as your fingers tuck around his hardness.
“Wanna fuck me now, baby?” You hush, pulling away from his delicious lips, and he grunts when you jerk him a little harder, “look at you, you’re so desperate for a fuck, are you?”
“God, you’re gonna kill me,” he grumbles. You know he likes it when you talk to him like that. A few times you’ve played with orgasm control, either him controlling you or the other way around. It’s very enjoyable to see him struggling when you have the power.
“What if I tell you that you can fuck me as hard as you want?” it’s then that you slide your fingers under the fabric and feel his aching erection, throbbing in your fist, wet at the tip.
“I’d say there’s a pretty good chance that I’ll come before my cock touches your pussy if you keep talking to me like that, darling.”
“Yeah?” you laugh softly, and release him, “go on, take off your pants and put on a condom.”
He obeys and once he’s stripped down and wrapped his dick, he kneels between your legs, extends your arms over your head, as his lips drag up from navel up to your neck. He kisses your tits on the way up, flattening his tongue over your hardened nipples and giving them a good licks and little sucks.
You can feel his length tapping your pussy as he bathes you with kisses, spit, and the scrape of his beard that feels amazing on your skin. It makes you ache for more, and you reach with your hand to guide him inside you.
“Look, who is desperate for a fuck now,” he parts from your chest and props himself to his hands, gazing down to see your hand sheathing him in the sweet confinement of your walls.
A shiver runs up his spine, and he thrusts on reflex at the sensation of your opening pressing around him.
“Fuck yeah,” he grunts, “like that, darling?”
“Yeah,” you grip at his waist, looking down at the same point where your sexes meet, and pull him harder against you. He gazes with hunger at your wobbly boobs, dancing with every thrust, and he sends one of his giant paws to clutch one of them. He stays propped on the other, as the pace of his driving grows more sharp and erratic.
You can tell he’s not going to last soon by the way he twitches inside you, so you use your fingers to rub your clit.
“That a girl, come with me,” he urges, as his face contours, and the hand on your tit moves to hold your face. His thumb nears the corner of your mouth, and you stick your tongue out to suck it between your lips and watch him struggle close to the end.
“You’re fucking mean, too. I swear. You're killing me,” he groans, and you smile around his finger.
You suck on harder, and rub yourself faster until he inevitably falls on top of you when the orgasm claims his body, taking him to cloud nine. It takes you a moment to be there with him, but eventually you do too.
His nose is buried in your neck, and his length is still semi hard inside you, as you catch your breath.
“My goodness, you smell amazing.”
You fit one hand to his nape, smiling to yourself as you come down from your high.
“That was… fucking great, baby,” you utter gruffly and clear your throat.
“Yeah? You’re glad that I came?” He lifts his head to look at you.
“I do. Yeah.”
“Wanna go for seconds later?” he sweetly brushes away the hair strand sticking to your forehead.
“How are you even real, darling?”
“Maybe I’m not… maybe you’re dreaming.”
“Nah, I don’t think so. You feel pretty real,” he tilts his head and captures your lips ever so gently.
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It’s later than you order dinner and hang out on that same bed, just watching TV and feasting like kings and queens without any worries in the world, as if you’d have done it many times before. The longer you’re with him, the more obvious the chemistry between you two becomes. It’s palpable in the way you laugh and talk with each other.
“Can I ask you something?” he mumbles, having his arm wrapped around you, cuddled against the headboard while you watch a movie.
“Sure,” you half glance at him, as you play with his fingers.
“You don’t gotta answer if you don’t wanna, but I’m just curious why you show your face in your pics and videos.”
“Hmm, I don’t know. I used to crop it at the beginning, but I… I guess I like being watched. All of me. Not just my body. I felt…” you pause, seeing him listening closely, “I used to have very low self-esteem and when I put myself out there the first time it was just for fun. One day I got all these comments, telling me how sexy I was, and that made me feel good… and eventually I just didn't care about showing my face. I don’t know if that makes sense. The Internet is filled with porn now. I’m not worried that someone will find me. My closest friends know what I do, and I don’t think my family will ever figure it out. “
“Yeah, it makes perfect sense, darling.”
“Can I ask you something now?”
“Go ahead.”
“What do you do with my panties?”
He scoffs and looks to the other side for a beat, “you don’t wanna know.”
“C’mon, I wanna know,” you insist, amused, and cup his chin to guide his eyes back to you.
“I uh…” he struggles to get the words out, as his ears turn red, “don’t judge me.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
“I ruined two pairs. I wanted to… and I just rubbed a couple using them, you know? Made me feel closer to you or whatever. I washed them, but it's not the same anymore.”
“What about the other two?”
“I just like smelling them sometimes. Do you think that’s weird?”
“Swaino…. Why would I think it’s weird? It’s flattering, actually.”
“Yeah? Makes you feel sexy and special?”
“Can I…” his lips pull up on a lopsided smile.
“Can I see where you work?”
“I just want to see where I met you. Can I? C'mon, I know you wanna show me,” the cocky bastard insists, and you fold and take him to the other room.
“See? It's just a room,” you give him the full tour of it. There's a queen bed with a metal-framed headboard and a side table.  A desk parallel to the end of the bed with your computer and a light pointing towards your stage. A dresser filled with toys, and a mirror on top and makeup case on the surface. A chair in the corner, and a closet.
“Turn on the fancy lights, would you?”
There's nothing fancy about the LED lights that illuminate the back of your bed. You set them on a dark shade of blue, and then switch off the ceiling light.
“It's so weird,” he utters from behind the desk.
“I told you.”
“No, not like that. It just gives me…. What's the word? Dejuju?”
“You mean déjà vu?”
“Yeah, I'm having one of those right now. I feel like I’ve been here before,” he walks around the desk and sits at the end of the mattress.
He kinda has. Multiple times.
You sigh and get on the bed, crawling at his back, curling your arms around his neck.
“That’s where I see you,” you point at the reflection in the shiny surface of the black screen in front of you.
“I figured.”
“You wanna fuck me here, don’t you?” you whisper in his ear and nibble playfully his earlobe.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Baby… every guy wants to fuck me here.”
“So, I’m not that special.”
“You’re here, aren't you? You wouldn't be if you weren't. What do you wanna do with me?” As much as you want to keep this space separate, you can’t stop yourself from wanting to please him right now. You’re having so much fun that it really doesn’t matter if he fucks you here or anywhere.
“Yeah, seriously. Tell me your fantasy.”
“I uh… I don't really have a fantasy,” his brow knits, as he gives it a thought.
“What's your favorite video of mine?”
His lips automatically curve up at your question, “I mean besides the ones you've made for me? I guess… the one you did with Scary Mary was pretty good.”
Of course, he likes that one. You've done a couple of collaborations with two other girls, and your most popular video yet in your channel is one you did last year with your friend Mary. It was titled– Brat learns manners feat. Scary Mary. She's one of the top tier stars in Kinky Fans, and the majority of her content is BDSM related. You're into some aspects of it, but you haven't really explored further than some light bondage and impact play.
“Well, I'm not doing that with you.”
“It's okay, darling. I guess my only fantasy was getting to fuck you. I didn't have an elaborate plan… just plain ol' fucking.”
“That was a great fuck, baby. We could do what we usually do. You tell me what you want from me and I do it… within reason.”
“Hmm, that simple?”
“That simple. What’s it going to be?”
Even simpler, he just chooses to remove your shirt, and have you sit naked on his lap. Facing that screen that remains switched off, he uses the reflection and asks you to look at yourself while he pushes your legs apart and touches your pussy. He tugs at your lips and grazes every inch of your vulva before tucking two fingers inside you. His opposite hand moves up to your face and slips another two fingers into your mouth at the same time. He wants to control your orgasm, and you let him. The effect he has on you is scary and thrilling.
You keep grinding against his cock with your ass, desperate for a release the longer he draws it out. He viciously edges your orgasm three times, making a mess out of you, until he finally lets you come.
The cherry on top is when he fucks you again. He places you down on your front and spreads your cheeks to see his cock fully disappearing into your opening over and over. He makes you beg for an orgasm once again, and you comply with a lot of whining and drooling over the sheets until he finally allows you to.
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myymi · 1 year
You could write a about shadow seeing a ghost/image of maria in tails. Like their hanging out and tails like does something that maybe Maria would do too. Or he just looks into tail eyes and just see an expression she did once like tails is in pain or happy.
word count-781 ------------------
Shadow knew he’d never see her again. He knew he’d never hear her stories of Mobius, never hear her laugh or whisper goodnight to him. He’d never get to see those bright blue eyes shimmer with that were framed by that beautiful gold. Or; That’s what Shadow thought. “Hey, Shadow!” Tails chirped, waving after the door had opened. The hedgehog forgot the kid was coming over today. “Hi.” He greeted, stepping to the side so the younger could walk inside. If he was being honest, Shadow wasn’t all that sure why he enjoyed the kid’s presence. He wasn’t the biggest fan of being around people, especially children. Most kids don’t understand personal space, they hardly ever stop talking, and they always ask the dumbest questions. But Tails was different. Sure, the kid still talked like crazy, but it never seemed to annoy the hedgehog. He didn’t understand why, but he welcomed the younger’s rants. “I brought the tools you asked for,” Tails smiled and shrugged off his yellow backpack, unzipping it to show the older its contents. Sure enough, there were all kinds of different tools stuffed inside it. Shadow nodded and nodded his head to the garage, “Come on.” He said before walking off, leaving the fox to scamper after him. “What’s going on with the Dark Rider, anyway?” The younger asked as they entered the garage, the motorcycle in question leaned against the far wall. “Something with its engine,” The hedgehog grumbled, leaning against the wall as the kit went over to the bike, setting his bag on the floor, “I can’t figure it out.” Tails hummed as he pulled the Dark Rider off the wall, carefully flipping it onto its back. He pulled a screwdriver out of his bag, quickly taking off the panel that hid the engine. Shadow kept quiet, content to just watch as the fox dissected his motorcycle. “Hey,” The kit mumbled about 5 minutes later, “can you tell me what was happening when you realized it wasn’t working?” He asked, peeking his head over the bike. “Well,” The teen sighed, “it sounded normal, but it kept spinning without doing anything.” “Then the issue isn’t your engine,” Tails said, sitting back on his knees, “it’s your fuse.” “The fuse?” Shadow raised a brow.” “A wire is probably in the wrong place,” The younger shrugged, ducking his head back into the motorcycle while using his communicator as a flashlight to check the main fuse. The hedgehog tsked, looking to the floor. He guesses he’s buying a new fuse today. “Yeah, that’s blown,” Tails grumbled, pulling his head out before getting to his feet as he brushed off his gloves, “easy fix. I’ll just need to run back to my workshop to grab a multimeter and circuit breaker.” Shadow gestured to the workbench he kept, “there’s some in there.” The kit smiled but waved it off, “Mine are custom built to help make the process faster, plus I’ll need a new fuse first. The Dark Rider seems to use twenty-nine amps, which I think I’m out of. I do have a shipment coming in tomorrow, if you don’t mind waiting?” The teen gave a curt nod, “That’s fine.” “Great!” The fox beamed, his tails gently wagging and the older could’ve sworn his eyes shined a little brighter. And, at that moment, Shadow could no longer see the fox. Instead, he saw those same bright blue eyes, framed by that familiar gold. The hedgehog could feel his breath stop for a half a second. Because, finally, it all made so much sense. She was why he let the fox in. She was why he listened to the fox. She was why he liked the fox. It was all her. “Shadow?” The teen blinked, his brow furrowing at the gloved paw that was suddenly waving in his face, “oh, sorry–” Tails quickly retreated his hand, taking a few steps back. “Sorry,” Shadow coughed out an apology, taking a deep breath, when will the shipment arrive tomorrow?” The kit studied him for a few seconds longer before answering, “Should be early afternoon.” The hedgehog nodded, “I’ll leave the door open. Let yourself in.” He grumbled before walking out of the room, leaving a very confused fox behind.
He just needed time alone. Just long enough so he could figure out how he feels about the similarities between the fox and his lost sister. They were far too alike one another. But.. maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe this is a second chance. A second opportunity to keep his promise. He’s not her, sure, but Shadow thinks he doesn’t mind. He’s rather fond of Tails, even without connecting him to Maria.
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pinksirensong · 2 years
Chapter Seven
WARNINGS: very >very< depressive chapter, angst, depressive thoughts, starvation, hallucinations, blood, self harm (NOT suicidal)
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At the end of the day it would've been better if Y/N could say she heard and understood their reasons, but the truth was that both Daniel and Owen who were actually Morpheus and Orpheus just keep talking and talking at the same time trying to raise their voices to be louder than the other. It was impossible to understand what they really meant, but as far as she was concerned they both lied for selfish reasons.
Her apartment…no, not her apartment, it was Orpheus' and it was suffocating her slowly. She had to get out and so she did. Y/N drove away on her motorcycle until the scenery became unknown. The screams of both men begging her to come back, probably to give some lame excuse for their actions. All this knowledge led her to remember things she wasn't supposed to, the dreams that were long forgotten except for her unfinished art from pieces of her memory. Morpheus. Dream of the Endless. She knew him way before he showed up as Daniel, all this time the shadow lurking at her dreams was right there in plain sight and she couldn't see it. It was Dream, but right now he was more like a nightmare for her.
It was night, there were many texts and missed calls from her supposed best friend and even Hob. Hob who probably knew how they were making a fool out of her and did nothing to warn the poor girl. Everyone in her life that mattered stabbed her on the back…betrayal tasted as bitter as poison. Worst part was realizing she had nowhere to go, all those years she counted too much on Owen to even have a plan B in case they ever fought. At each passing second she felt more and more of a fool, too dumb to not see things clearly.
She also had no clothes, getting out of there so rushed meant that all she had was her clothes, her phone and her motorcycle. Y/N though perhaps not having a place to sleep wasn't that bad, if that Morpheus guy was inside her dreams the only way she would be safe was not sleeping. It couldn't be that hard, when her body wouldn't resist it she could always take a quick nap to trick her brain, but without the danger of letting any of them close to her.
The biggest regret was not having any paint with her, the rest wasn't essential, but with some colors she could put it all out somewhere, perhaps a wall or even the floor. Art, only art could save her now. Y/N finally understood that the only constant in her life was her art and the love she held for it. Since she was just a child there was the wish and love for art, seeing the beauty, capturing its essence and putting it on canvas was magical and special.
Now, Y/N was far from a person born with talent, she had passion but at the beginning, when still a child, nothing was truly good. But as Bob Ross once said Talent is a pursued interest. In other words, anything that you're willing to practice, you can do, and she was always ready to practice and learn from her mistakes. Passion and persistence got her at her dream program at her dream college. It was all she had and maybe it would be what she would always have.
Since Y/N was just a child and started to talk passionately about art her parents, as well as all the other members of her family, tried to stop her. You will starve to death, they said many times. But she fought back and won, everything else could be wrong and fucked up, but she was sure of her choice of persuading her dream.
Dream…suddenly she felt sick. She gave him her body and soul, told him everything while he lied again and again. Y/N imagined a life with him, but he only wanted to use her. She felt dirty and violated in so many ways that all she wanted was to take a long shower to scrub all of his touches out of her body. The painter knew where to go now, how she could get rid of all of these feelings.
At the end of their first year, the art students transformed the abandoned room at their building into a refuge for them, usually it was when one got inspiration for something so they could use the supplies there to put it out. The paints, canvas and other materials were all brought by them, it wasn't mandatory to collaborate and yet all artists were always welcomed there. Y/N was thankful for never telling either Morpheus or Orpheus of that place. She was safe...for now.
Not sleeping wasn't easy, but once again one of her colleagues saved her life. Pietro, an older student who liked to go wild, left some Modafinil** if anyone would ever need it and she took one as well as some an energetic drink at their fridge. In a few minutes she felt like just waking up from an 8 hour sleep, like she could go a lifetime without ever going to bed again.
Unlike what happened with her dreams, now she wasn't struggling to put on her canvas what was inside her head. Everything was clear to her, it was easy to paint the feelings when they were so ugly and dark. Happiness was always harder to externalize than sadness and anger. At that moment she had hoped that maybe it would not take long to pass, but she was wrong.
Everything became automatic since then, the days after she avoided her old place and Orpheus like a plague, thanking whoever was up there for not putting Dream on her path. She was mastering the art of not sleeping, in fact she could go days with only very little hours from a nap, the supply of Modafinil from Pietro helped her a lot, the excuse of having night terrors was enough for him to offer his help. Everyone knew something was wrong with Y/N and her friend Owen, the two would always stay together and now she was always alone.
Her art, once cheerful and full of light and hope, now turned out to be gloomy and dark. She always had these tired eyes, her skin getting paler by each passing day. One day Y/N just couldn't eat, it was like her stomach wasn't accepting any kind of food and adding to her sleepless state and bad mental health at the end of the day her vision started to become funny. She saw shadows on the corner of the room and a second later there was nothing, like they moved too fast for her. With the information now she had about father and son, the young artists thought that perhaps she was now losing her mind. She should've known they would be her downfall…
Yet it was far from that, after a quick research to make sure she was still sane, Y/N found out that it was all due to her condition and even more: some artists did that on purpose. The longer she didn't eat or sleep well the visions would get more realistic, they would be very real hallucinations. Y/N couldn't let an opportunity like this pass, they ruined her soul and destroyed the little trust she had on people, but they – much like her parents – couldn't take her art from her. Her passion for it was stronger than anything else.
It indeed became more real, it was like having a nightmare while awake and yet she had to hide it from everyone so they wouldn't call her crazy and send her away somewhere. Y/N was fine, everything was fine.
"Beauty is everywhere." she whispered the words of the man that inspired her from the beginning. Beauty was not only in the happy and pretty things, nightmares for example were as beautiful as any dream. Maybe it was her artistic aura, the one that captured this sort of thing and did something even more beautiful.
"Bob Ross, right?" the unknown voice startled her, making her jump a little. "Sorry, should've made more noise."
"No no, it's okay. Yeah, right, it's him. Hm…" she eyed him up and down. "No offense, but who are you and what are you doing here? I'm friends with all art students so I know you're not one of them."
"You do know me." as he stepped closer, she indeed thought he was familiar. Blonde hair, tall with a muscular boy…she wasn't sure, but his eyes had to be bright blue. "You're right about me not being an artist. Can't draw shit, much less do the rest…but I'm at the basketball team. Austin Myers, from the med course."
"I remember you! Doc, you stitched up my leg when that newbie let me fall last semester!"
"Did it scar?" by now they were sitting side by side at the couch, she was now having a break from her current work.
"Yeah, but it was because I kept scratching it."
"I told you not to!"
"I know! It's my child complex, sorry!" they laughed, for her it was like something she haven't done in ages. Her friends pitied her situation, they brought her some clothes from her old place and got her a temporary dorm room for her to sleep until she could fix her life. Talking with an almost stranger that didn't know about the situation, someone who was easy to talk to, it made her feel better.
"I'm friends with Pietro, that's why I'm here. He talks all the time about this place and how it's a refuge and I just…"
"Needed it?" with a sight he agreeded with her statement. "I get it, really. And since you're such a nice guy, I won't be snitch."
"Thank you, to show you my gratitude you can count on me when some crazy girl purposely let you fall." his eyes moved from her face to her canvas. The painting of an open surface coming from a feral scratch and in the background of it a decaying city burning to the ground. She needed to add some red, but it as yet to found the best shade. "It looks intense. Not that I really understand it." he smiled at her apologetic.
"Yeah… It's kind of supposed to show the internal pain we had, our daily struggles and how only we can see how much destruction it brings. It's not finished yet."
"Well, I would love to see it when it is." she kept him company until he was ready to leave, with the promise of coming back to see her painting ready.
Why was something always missing? Y/N just couldn't put her finger on how would be the perfect shade of red. It always looked like too unlike what the rest of the picture wanted to say. As hours went by and the moon took the sun's place the tests started.
Too maroon. No, this looks like mahogany. Sangria and Barn Red also didn't mix well with the rest. Her arm was looking like a child's work with so many shades of red and none were right.
"Perhaps…" Y/N talked with herself. It wasn't the craziest idea nor was it original, many painters did it before. She eyes the artistic spatula, used mainly by her and a girl from the first semester. Y/N used the sharpest part to cut the skin of her arm that was and her blood quickly mixed with the various colors there. Maybe it was because her mind was starting to get blurry again, the darkness once more surrounding the young woman, or maybe because of the drug that the pain didn't bother her at all.
Perfection. The combination of it with the maroon and a tiny bit of carmine was exactly what her mind was thinking of and once more she just couldn't thank enough whoever god that helped the artists. An outsider would think she was crazy, but the ones that shared her passion would understand it. She got a little bowl and spilled inside the rest of the maroon paint cutting her clean arm deep enough so she wouldn't have to do it again, she filled the rest of the bown with her blood and started mixing it.
After it was done, Y/N started painting the rest of her canvas and it was like she went to another world. Nothing could be heard, she wouldn't even be able to sense if someone else was there too, this was how deep she was now. It was impossible for things to not get bad, the blood kept running and this adding to almost nonexistent protein substance on her body and also the Modafinil acting to keep her awake were slowly leading to her downfall.
The whispers on her ear, when there was no one there, the darkness now getting a shape and growing closer. It was over. The painting was finished and it was perfect. Her mind could have her now, she was done.
The brush fell on the ground before her body did, a new painting being born on the floor of the room with only the color of her blood.
a/n: I'm far far faaaaaar away from being an artist, no idea about colors and all of that so it's obviously me going crazy here so…
*Carus is dear or beloved in Latin (source: google)
**Modafinil is a drug used to keep someone awake (source: google)
tag list: @jesllianaquilesrolon @reallystressedhoneybee @waitingformysandman @mypsychoticlove @igotanidea @mrdarcyifhewere21stcentury
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leeahqueen · 1 year
The Remaining Dust Trio (CER-08)
Huzi: It's done. I made everything clear, but I only told my acquaintances about how you defeated that bastard.
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Noctis: Why? Isn't this a great achievement?
Huzi: People talk a lot but... it's hard to say whether there are any of his cronies here.
Huzi: They will add gasoline for you later, and it will be full tank. Although the gasoline is very old, it will definitely be enough for you to drive to the next supply point.
Huzi climbed on the car door and said to the Cerberus trio in the car.
After arriving in the town, Huzi did fulfill his promise, explained the origin of the Cerberus to the town residents, and obtained help from the residents.
Vera: Thank you.
Huzi: It was nothing. Hey, let's all watch a movie later.
No.21: Movie?
Huzi: After all, this is my 'job'.
Huzi patted the movie camera and film box that had never left his body, and gave a wry smile.
Noctis: Okay, there's no rush anyway.
No.21: Where's captain?
Vera: ...
Vera: Hey, okay.
Vera: Anyway, there is still a while before the mission deadline.
Vera sighed helplessly.
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In this way, time passed little by little, and night enveloped the wasteland again, but today it was no longer as cold as before, nor as dark as before.
No.21 and Noctis seemed to be very happy helping Huzi decorate the movie venue, but of course there was a bit of chaos.
When the movie machine finally started to rotate slowly, black and white light and shadow were cast on the screen, Noctis and No.21 were also sitting in the crowd, and the only sound of the movie could be heard in the small town.
It's just that Vera didn't sit next to them and watch the movie together, but leaned against the movie machine a little further away.
Vera: I never thought there were people like you in such a desolate place.
Huzi: From here, three hundred kilometers ahead and three hundred kilometers back, there is a vast expanse of uninhabited land.
Huzi: Accompanying the people here are only sand, sunshine, and intermittent wheat and barley day after day.
Huzi: There is also wine made from these barley and wheat. This is all people living here have.
Huzi raised the wine bottle in his hand, gestured towards the crowd sitting in front if the curtain not far away, and took a big sip, as if he had drank a lot.
Huzi: So what else? It's always good to watch some movies.
Vera: How long have you been doing this?
Huzi: I can't remember the specific time.
Vera: It's crazy to be limping around and riding a motorcycle in a place like this.
Huzi: That so? Aren't you also crazy and fighting on the highway?
Suddenly, the crowd not far away burst into exclamations, including Noctis and No.21, who were sitting taller and shorter in the crowd.
In the video playing on the curtain, the madman-like man riding on the horseback of the sculpture suddenly caught fire, but fell under the sculpture without saying a word.
Almost at the same moment, symphonic music that was completely inconsistent with the picture came from the speakers connected to the movie machine.
Huzi: Actually... to be honest, looking at you, I think of my previous companions.
Huzi: Probably for this reason, I am willing to trust you in such a deserted place.
Vera: Do you have any companions?
Vera: I thought you were the only one here showing them movies.
Huzi: It's really just me. It's just that a long time ago, I was acting in other places with my companions.
Huzi: Later... for some reasons, only me and another old guy were left.
Huzi was a little drunk and patted the movie machine that was flashing around him and Vera, but his eyes flashed with something similar on the screen. But it is more soft and glorious.
Huzi: Ha... if he were still here, it wouldn't be me doing the work, but that idiot...
Huzi: These films are also what he left behind--
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Vera: Then live well!
Vera: In a place like this, if you encounter an accident or a few people with ill intentions, your life will be lost.
Vera: Don't talk about what others left behind. It's yours now, do you understand?
Huzi said no more, just smiled and nodded.
Huzi: You are right, my life... in not just my own.
Huzi: In fact, now I have begun to like movies, and occasionally I shoot some myself.
Huzi: But mainly to help another friend of mine find his daughter... burp.
Vera: How could you find his lost daughter in a place like this...
Huzi: He wants to believe that she is still alive, and I want to believe that and help him.
???: Umm, Huzi and this lady...
Vera: Vera.
Tavern keeper: Oh, Miss Vera. Do you two want anything else? The pub is about to close, so I'll bring you two.
Huzi: Me? I'm a little hungry...
Tavern Keeper: OK, let me get you some bread.
Tavern keeper: This Miss Vera... is a construct, right? Is there anything you need?
Vera: Hmm... Do you charge for asking for information?
Tavern keeper: Tsk, you really understand. In such a lawless place, it's not that easy to ask questions.
Tavern keeper: People often come to me and talk nonsense, so I must know something about it... after all.
The tavern keeper smiled apologetically, crossed his lips with his fingers, and pushed his lips.
Vera: Huh, sure enough...
Vera: So even if people form the Sky Garden come to your place, they have to follow the Roman customs?
Vera mocked the tavern keeper contemptuously, but he didn't seem to think it was a mockery.
Tavern keeper: Pretty much, after all, there is one heaven and one earth.
Huzi: This, this!
Huzi gave the wine in his hand to the tavern keeper.
Huzi: Haven't you always wanted it? Here you go, take it.
Huzi: Just ask what you need to ask, just say what you need to say, there is so much nonsense.
Vera: Huh? What's wrong with you?
Huzi: I hate owing others favors. This is the reward for saving my life just now.
Huzi: Now we owe nothing to each other. And you... have wanted my wine for a long time, right?
Huzi: This is the best vodka we have in the north, you owe me some!
Tavern keeper: Yes, yes, oh, this... Miss Vera, do you have anything to ask?
Another exclamation came from the crowd not far away, but this exclamation did not end quickly, but turned into a scream--
Crowd: Infected body! Infected body! Monster!
Vera immediately tightened her grip on the flag gun that she had not put down for a moment, stood on the bench where she had just been sitting and chatting, and looked around.
On the way Vera and the others came from the small town, the all-too-familiar red light flashed intermittently.
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Vera: Three o'clock! There is an infection!
Vera: Everyone, get out of here!
Vera's loud voice clearly reached the ears of every town resident, calming the panic screams.
Noctis: Hey! Captain!
On the other side of the crowd, Noctis and No.21 were submerged in the crowd. Only the tall Noctis could be seen raising his hand in the direction of Vera.
Vera: Noctis and No.21, protect the crowd and move out! Then come and gather!
Noctis: Okay! Hey... don't squeeze! 21, put your tail away so you don't get stepped on!
No.21: This way, go this way...
After making arrangements immediately, Vera stopped that tavern keeper who was about to run away.
Vera: Hey, wait a minute.
Vera: Follow him and put away this pile of things first, take away the movie machine and film and so on.
Vera: After cleaning up, follow the crowd. Let's break it up.
Tavern keeper: Okay, okay...
Huzi: I can do it myself, but it's better to take it away quickly.
Vera: If you accept tips from others, you have to put them to some use, right?
The red light dancing not far away was getting closer, reflected in Vera's redder eyes, and became brighter in the night.
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READ: CER-07 | CER-08 | CER-11
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morallygreysimp · 2 years
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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of anxiety, heights and dangerous and violent actions
Never in his entire life had Oliver witnessed such a quiet Starling City. He was certain that even when he was on the island there hadn't been a single night that silent. That calm. There weren't cars speeding down the streets. There weren't men dressed in black hiding in the shadows. There weren't drunk boys trying to pick a fight or harass some poor girls. Felicity was strangely quiet, no news about a robbery, a murder, a deal; nothing. It was almost scary. Or maybe it wasn't. Maybe what was actually scary was the nauseating feeling that had settled in his stomach at the beginning of the night. A feeling that by the sunrise was making him hyperventilate. If the city was so serene, then what was the reason of his anxiety?
He called once. Then another time. Then another. She was probably asleep on her desk. Oliver shook his head. He dropped off the roof he was on. One specific roof. As he was on the edge of it he smiled to himself. He subconsciously turned his head around to look at the empty dove he was about to leave behind. His mind replayed what had happened a year prior.
"I'm not sure if I can be like you, some vigilante"
The younger man had said, a despondent, no disappointed expression painted on his face.
He had responded.
"You can be better. You can be something I could never, an inspiration, a hero. You can watch over the city like a guardian angel, and save them. In a flash"
He had said to him, in a almost desperate attempt to erase the sadness from the other man's heart. The feeling of great happiness that invaded his heart when he saw Barry's smile was possibly the most amount of happiness he had ever felt in his entire life. In that moment Oliver had found himself incapable of control his reactions, so he let a small smile slip. A smile that could only grow at the sight of his dimples. What was happening? Why was he unable to restrain himself and his reactions? How was Barry capable of having such an impact on him? Oliver lowered his head and slightly chuckled.
"And take your own advice, wear a mask"
He said, then took what was probably the only moment of sanity since the start of the conversation and walked away. As he was about the jump from the edge of the roof, the same voice that had distracted him just a few minutes before, spoke again.
"You'll help me, right?"
Barry's voice was shaky, as if he had let his anxiety take control over him once again.
"I'll be there, every step of the way"
A breath of wind brought Oliver back to reality. An exasperated sigh escaped his lips as his eyes made contact with the street. He took his hood off and run his hands through his hair. What was happening? Why was he feeling so preoccupied? He run his hands over his face sighing again. He took his bow in his left hand, clenched it around the metal. His right one searched for an arrow in the quiver attached to his back. He shot. He jumped. As his feet touched the ground he let out another breath. His head swirled with thousands of different possible explanations. He went through every single one of those thoughts and neither one of them seem remotely reasonable. His mind wandered to Barry. Bartholomew Henry Allen. His Bear. His. Oliver didn't even remember when he started calling Barry his. Or how for all it matters. It just happened. That spark they felt when Barry infiltrated into Queens Consolidate grew. It became a flame, then a bonfire, then huge fire. A fire either of them had intention to extinguish.
Oliver let himself smile as he turned his motorcycle on. He hopped on and turned right, then left. The foundry grew closer and closer, every mile brought up a different memory: Barry saving his life, their first "crossover" as Barry had addressed as, the late night calls, the late night runs, their first date. Oliver found himself thinking about their first date.
"How about we start tomorrow"
A strange wave of courage had washed over him. He had hesitated to jump off the roof. He didn't know why tho. He didn't understand why. He just stopped on the edge. Stopped and started talking. It felt like he was watching himself from above. As if someone had taken possession of his body.
"Like starting to train?"
Barry's voice was light, filled with confusion.
"You have woken up from a coma what? Six, seven hours ago? I was thinking more about a meeting?"
"A date"
Said Barry. And Oliver went completely quiet. Was that what he meant? Did Barry want it to be a date? Did Oliver himself want it to be a date? Again as if he was watching somebody else answer for him, he opened his mouth and said
"Exactly like a date"
The two of them felt that little spark grow a bit bigger, a sense of warmth and tranquility spread in both their chests and they smiled at each other. Oliver jumped. Barry run. They left each other behind, but not for long.
The ride to the foundry was as smooth as the night Oliver had just spent jumping from a roof to another. As he entered the warehouse Felicity jumped from her chair, adjusting her glasses and her blouse. Oliver quietly chuckled and shook his head. Felicity sent him a poisonous look and flipped him off, while she stretched her legs and sat back down on her chair. Oliver slowly undressed himself, set his quiver and his bow aside and placed his mask on its stand. His mask. The mask Barry had made. For him. Oliver had a very long time to get to know Barry Allen. He now knew his quirks, his virtues, his flaws, his darkness and his light. However he still couldn't understand why would he take time and effort to make him a gift after he had tried to kill him. He was grateful non the less.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by a loud ring. He jumped and looked around, searching for the source of such loud noise.
"It's your phone"
Felicity said with a scratchy, tired voice. When Oliver picked it up from the desk a new, fresh wave of anxiety hit him like a tsunami. Iris. Iris never texted. Iris never called. Why would she reach out at 6:47 in the morning? Was she the answer to the nervousness he had felt all night? Was the source of said nervousness Barry? He answered.
Her voice was shaky, Oliver could picture her puffy, red eyes and her wet cheeks.
She said. That's all she needed to say. Oliver ended the call. He took his jacket and helmet and hopped on his bike once again. However this time he was sure the ride was going to be way much longer.
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deathfavor · 4 months
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@ofcrossroads said: ‘ Is something wrong and you’re not telling me.? ’ (Chifuyu to Kazutora)
dark matter sentence starters
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    Nicotine offers comfort in its familiarity as it floods his lungs. Kazutora knows he should quit; he’s heard plenty of comments on cigarettes taking years off people’s lives. But it’s not like he’s addicted. Hanma had smoked way more and considering his appearance in the pet shop, he seemed to be doing just fine. Kazutora only has them now and then, so he highly doubts it’ll do anything. He closes his eyes and rolls his shoulders back, grimacing at the ache it pulls from his muscles. Maybe he should get a massage. That might just be a waste of money though considering the tension would probably just be back in a day or two.
   Chifuyu’s voice startles him and his eyes snap open, turning towards the apartment building doors. It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust from the darkness where he leaned against his motorcycle to looking at the lights by the doors. Sure enough, there’s Chifuyu watching him with a concerned look. It makes him feel uncomfortable in his skin; mostly from guilt from making Chifuyu worry, and a smaller part because there's still that scared side that wants to snarl like the wounded animal Kazutora’s always been, which only adds to his guilt. He wonders what drove Chifuyu to ask. Was it the weeklong nightmares that have left Kazutora shaking and sweating, voice rough from panic and dark eyebags? Was it occasional random late nights out? Had he seen Kazutora take off in the dead of night going far too fast to be obeying the law? Or was it something as simple as the cigarette?  He stares almost accusingly at the glowing end of his cigarette before he comes back to it and lifts it to his lips.
   He tries not to think about how that message might apply to a lot of his life.
   “ No. “  Kazutora answers dismissively, rubbing his thumb along the side of the cigarette as he taps the ash from the end. Even if there was, Kazutora doubts Chifuyu would be able to understand the problems. Which is good, it means Chifuyu is normal. “ You worry too much. “ He teases as if he doesn’t know that the concern is well-placed because he’s…him. The tiger taps the toe of his boot against the asphalt as a subtle outlet for stress, for the restlessness in his chest.  “ Just one of those weeks I guess. It happens. Or at least to me, as far back as I can remember. “ Nights of relentless nightmares that often turned into a week of them.
   He glances back to Chifuyu with a sapped smile. “ Unfortunately, can’t say I have any good ways to deal with it. I used to cry when it was just me. Then when I met Baji, he’d drag us out to go start shit; fights, fires, or just run around the town till I could barely walk and too exhausted to dream. Same thing after I got out, though sometimes I went to Hanma. Similar things, stole cars, fights, street races. Sometimes food. So not exactly good ways.” He laughs quietly, smoke spilling past his lips. He speaks before anything can be asked. “ I promise I have not done any of those things. “ Speeding yes, but not a race. “ And yes, I tried warm tea and movies and all that but it doesn’t help. Need to physically tire myself out or have the adrenaline drop.”
  He checks his phone and grimaces at the 2 am time shining up at him before he looks back to Chifuyu. “ You should go back to bed. Don’t worry, I’ll be at work like always regardless of my sleep. I’ve been there all week so far, right? I won’t flake on you. “ He offers a smile to Chifuyu before he turns his head back to the shadows.  "  Sorry to worry you. I'll head inside in a little bit. "
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bizkitsnuggets · 6 months
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The girl sat on her designated seat, letting her bag hang onto the hanger beside her table. Awaiting for class to finally begin. She took out her notebook and pencil case from her bag, sketching out what seems to be like a type of fish you'd see commonly in Japan.
This fish was a bluefin tuna.
It has a streamlined body with a metallic-blue like color on the upper side and a silver-white color on the lower side.
The girl wasn't too fond of this fish, it wasn't all that special to her.
There's more fishes in the sea.
She'd thought to herself every time she saw this fish in popular seafood restaurants around her area. But somehow, it was alluring. Making her interested when in her mind she couldn't give a fuck less about it.
It didn't have pretty colors, it looked boring, and it's not even a rare fish. There's cooler ones out there.
Yet, why…
“Everybody quiet down!" The teacher barged into the room, making his way to the middle of class. “Good morning everybody! Glad to see you all again." He gave the class a big grin.
The students didn't respond as they didn't have the energy to. It was seven in the morning and they had just finished their summer break, could you really expect them to be energetic this early?
The teacher visibly sweated at this but chose to ignore it. “Alright then! Let's start with role calls shall we? Amajiki-san?”
He called out names after names when he finally got to her. “[L/N]-san?”
The girl looked around the class, finally taking in the fact that all her classmates are here. In a few months, they'll all be graduating. Most of them probably won't pass though.
Especially that Kujo Jotaro.
He's a delinquent that skips almost every class. If you'd see even his shadow in the classroom, you'd be called lucky.
What the hell? He actually attended class huh? I guess cause it's the first day.
He looks like he was held back for two years, his voice sounds raspy because of all those cigarettes he smoked while skipping class. [Y/N] was bewildered by the fact that he even passed his second year.
But even with an attitude like that, he's still admired by the many girls in the school. [Y/N] had no idea why. It could be because those girls just fantasize about falling in love with a ‘bad boy’. But Kujo Jotaro? Really? Anyone could see that he's bad news.
To everyone's relief, it was finally time for the first lunch break. Most of the people headed out to the 7/11 that was near the school, and some others stayed back to eat their packed lunch.
[Y/N] was one of the people who couldn't care less about bringing her own lunch. It was a nuisance, especially in the morning where she has to get ready for school and on top of that do all the housework at the same time. She's gotten used to it by now though, but still, packing her own lunch wasn't all that important to her.
She got out of the classroom and made her way to the store. Taking a shortcut so she wouldn't have to wait in line to pay. But as she was nearing it, she saw a trail of smoke from the alley way she was about to go in.
Oh, who would've guessed.
Let's play a quick trivia. Who was out there smoking his ass off at lunch?
A. The Principal
B. A talking turtle
C. A motorcycle that needed a break
I'll give you three seconds to guess.
Three seconds is up. The answer is…
None of them, you moron. It was obviously Kujo Jotaro.
[Y/N] stood straight as she proceeded her walk into the alley way. Normal people would've shat their pants going in, but not [Y/N]. Jotaro wouldn't hurt a girl in broad daylight. And as long as she doesn't provoke him in any way, she's safe.
The girl walked in, not gaining a reaction from said boy. She made eye contact with him, observing his stance. Even if she was almost ninety nine percent positive that this man wouldn't hurt her, she still needed to be careful.
Their stare at each other felt longer than it needed to be. His deep spring green eyes stared back at her [E/C] ones.
After that intense stare off, the girl succeeded in escaping his piercing gaze. Not long after, she arrived at her destination.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Solo: A Star Wars Story - Exclusive Darth Maul Clip" on YouTube
We decided this person or creature we sighted him it is Mr Parker Ray parks that is and not Mr Parker and he was actually tell me if not Tommy Allen and he's known to be running the museum. And he is evil as you can see and he's also asking for things for nothing no you see how it works he's forcing them into it and we think it was out there at the pond racing area and he was raising and going very fast and we did see why earlier today became racing by the laundromat in order to see what our son was doing now he wants to see if he could go in there very fast to sabotage the place and to escape so he went by very fast to see if anybody would pay attention he's going to try a second run and he got blocked and he went by in about 120 and on a motorcycle and it's special motorcycle and he had hard gear on and we missed it and he has a computer to calculate telemetry so we need to watch out for that
My side of the story is the imitated me and it's to push something and I went out there on the motorcycle to threaten them not to do it again and he says that I'm dumb as a dope addict and enthusing them and enticing them more and I do see that and I do see what I'm saying but that's probably what it really is
Tommy f
I accept the challenge
Ankin Skywalker
I accept the challenge too
Count Doku
I accept the challenge willingly and I'll beat you and I'll beat all of you because I have to be Darth maul
Qui Gon
We need to get this straight we're going to accept your challenge too
Bobb Fet
I accept the challenge and I know what character I am I'm usually in the background and I'm not Vader and I'm not the emperor you'll see me occasionally
Phantom menace
Very funny Chris I changed that or something to something what though nobody knows only the shadow
I got to be kidding me we know a character is don't we not really the case is a fat guy oh that's a worm movie same genre more or less same place at least. And no I'm not the constant Gardener and that's not him. No there's some things going on but we're going to accept the challenge too
Huge guy you see in the beginning of one of the Star wars episode movies and the main movie series yes I'm going to the wookies and we're with thrim
I'm going to I'm going to accept the challenge I got a real fast speeder if you don't show up it's us winning by default whoever wins Darth maul. And you'll actually hear me and know my character is real simple
Wookie leader
I'm accepting the challenge I have a really fast speeder
Han Solo
I'm in the movie and I'm not in disguise but I do have a very fast speeder and it's very fine
I'm going to race and I'm not going to be a mutant and I do have a character and I'm a rebel and I look like myself it's a different name but he doesn't know the name for some reason
Jason says I'm very famous from a few battles and it's true and I look more Italian and I look more like Tommy f and I get away with stuff that's why
I'm going to cut you all down you're going to lose very badly
Tommy f
And you forgot us
Lord sidious
I'm probably one of the faster racers in a motivated by today cuz I heard him going off just removing that piece of crap off the property so it didn't get shut down and they said to do it someone up there and I pulled it off with a tow truck I got permission from the girls and it's gone and he said to do it now he's mad
Luke Skywalker
I'm saying this for a friend he says welcome Luke Skywalker and I hope the Force is with you and he says back bless you. Appeared to him in the mall and he's very serious about it this guy is a fanatic and it's not as much as us probably not but he's fairly into it okay if you gave him some cosplay you wouldn't be able to tell it who he was and his damn good at it and I've heard him say stuff and sometimes I don't know who it is when I play it back without knowing from the tape cover here it is I'm going to raise you down tomorrow and I'm going to defeat you I'm beating your master your brother and I can beat you
Obi Won Kenobi
Well against you Darth maul but some of us are on your side but have to accept the challenge
Savage opress it's my full name and they say their version are two people and it's true it's very strange but with me it's one name and I am the yellow guy with the thorny crown and those are things that grow out of your head when you're doping a certain way and yes you have to start it off because they say their Karlov and it's their cracking version and you can really tell later on I'm going to beat you Darth maul and I'll become the leader
You know become the leader because you beat me to race but you will earn respect but not this time
Darth maul
We have a lot of tie fighters that want to do it but they're not pod racers and I don't suggest they do
We're going to do this race I'm going to do it shortly he says he's going to send some sponsors and it's people who make parts for speeders and lubricants that are his companies and they're going to sponsor the race for a pot and to set it up and we're going to sponsor it too with the same
Uh oh no I have to sponsor it too and we can have a pot and we're going to put stuff in the pot like speeders from each of our companies
Darth maul
I'm into this there's going to be a couple of us I'll be in disguise and have a pseudonym but that's going to work for everybody
Darth Maul
I'm into it too and you can't get away from me and somebody imitates me later and that's in Grafton Massachusetts and nearby at the chasm and I'm going to win and beat everybody I'm going to use my mom's technique and she's my mother
Darth Talon
We're going to be in the race too sweetie you'd like to let you win but we have to prove that people have to keep up usually wins but I'm going to give him a run for his money and it's not the big race but there are races that will come before and after it and that one is televised to everyone although we probably are in it we're going to be in disguise and incognito and Star wars characters and they're known as Padres and they win a lot of them and yeah they look Italian like Jason and we have very fast speeders unfortunately his is the fastest
Lisa and John Skywalker and yes we're one of the skywalkers and we're slightly related
He's related by a bloodline and she's related by marriage and it is appropriate but I am him and I'm going to win
In this case you're wrong Luke and you must listen to your elders
Obi-Wan Kenobi
I suppose this should be said this is going to go on forever and our friend says we should move it up to Disneyland where they have the appropriate facility and turn it into a bar and we're probably going to do that
Olympus this rocks and it's on and it's going to be races out there and they want to raise other stuff
0 notes
cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s Car Repair Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 修车之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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[ This was released on 13 August 2021 ]
Beneath the blue skies and white clouds, the meandering road stretches towards the mountaintop, and the roar of the engine is incessant.
A light-hearted melody flows slowly within the car. Since we’ve already heard this song many times, Gavin and I find ourselves humming along to the music softly. 
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Gavin: Are you tired? I could drive next.
Sitting on the front passenger seat, Gavin turns his head to look at me.
MC: I’m not tired. I’m filled with energy right now~
I shake my head, gripping the steering wheel while my gaze focuses on the front.
Gavin and I had originally planned to go on a vacation in a neighbouring city today. However, sudden changes at work caused my vacation to shrink to half a day...
As such, Gavin suggested that we should change our plans to a drive, and that he’d take me to this mountain route he often drives on.
MC: I’ve already watched you driving down this road a couple of times. I’m more or less familiar with this route.
The corners of my lips curl upwards slightly, feeling the fresh breeze brushing my cheeks, along with the comforting and pleasant sensation it brings.
MC: I can now understand why you like going on a spin here. The feeling of rushing among the mountains feels really carefree.
Hearing this, Gavin’s lips hook into a smile.
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Gavin: If you like it, we could come here often next time.
MC: Sure. But I’ll be the one to drive you, okay?
I speak with a teasing tone, and Gavin chuckles softly.
Gavin: Why not?
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While we’re talking and laughing, a strange sound abruptly drifts to our ears. My brows furrow. Gavin also senses the problem.
Gavin: Let’s stop the car.
I nod, bringing the car to the side before stopping.
Gavin walks over to the front of the car, then opens the hood. Bits of sunlight filter through the leaves, casting a mix of light and shadows on his face.
MC: Should I call the insurance company?
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Gavin: No need.
Gavin purses his lips slightly, then waves casually.
Gavin: The spark plug just needs to be replaced. This car’s pretty old, and it hasn’t been maintained much. It’s a good time to give it a thorough check.
MC: I see...
I glance at the long mountain road. Even if we were to head down the mountain now, there’s still a great distance between us and the city...
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Gavin: It’s fine, there’s no need to worry.
As though seeing through my thoughts, he gives me a smile.
Gavin: There happens to be a shop I’m familiar with nearby. Since we’ve been driving for such a long time, we could head there for a short break too.
Gavin places his warm palm on the top of my head, rubbing it gently.
Gavin: In short, it isn’t a huge problem and we can continue driving. Let’s get in.
Halfway up this secluded mountain, Gavin stations the car outside a shop which looks pretty old. After getting off, what enters our vision is a tightly shut roll-up door.
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Gavin: The boss might have headed out.
Gavin calls out the boss’ name several times, but doesn’t receive a response. Instead, the sound of barking drifts over.
MC: This is...
Gavin: It belongs to the boss.
Gavin takes out his phone and dials a number. At the same time, he strides towards a flowerpot at the side, retrieving a key from underneath.
Gavin: I’ve told the boss about our situation. He says we could head into the shop to repair the car ourselves.
MC: Ourselves?
I mumble in slight confusion, watching as Gavin lifts the roll-up door.
Before I can get a clear glimpse of the shop’s interior, a figure leaps out.
??: Woof woof!
A brown puppy circles around Gavin excitedly, nuzzling against him affectionately.
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Gavin (voice clip here): Long time no see, Bean Bun.
Gavin squats down, patting its head. Then, he points at me.
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Gavin: This is Big Sis MC. Say hello to her.
MC: Nice to meet you, Bean Bun~
I bend down. When Bean Bun sees me, the affectionate energy disappears instantly, and it hides behind Gavin timidly.
MC: ...I’m feeling a sense of déjà vu. Why are these dogs only close to you?
I pout, my tone laced with envy. Gavin chuckles softly.
Gavin: It’s just a little afraid of strangers. Once it familiarises itself with you, it’d naturally stick to you.
Watching as Gavin carries the puppy up with ease, I can’t help but ask curiously.
MC: Do you come here often?
Gavin: I guess so. I often go on drives on the mountain, and got to know the boss here. I’d drop by occasionally to modify cars with him.
Gavin places Bean Bun down, then gives me a slight smile.
Gavin: That’s why I’m more familiar with this puppy.
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After saying this, he gets up and drives the car into the shop. I scan my surroundings in curiosity.
All of a sudden, a few photographs on the horizontally striped wall draw my attention-
The photographs feature customers of the shop with their beloved cars. Stepping closer, I find one figure particularly familiar...
MC: !
MC: Gavin, your photo is here too!
Pleasantly surprised, I point at that photograph. The Gavin in the photograph is even more youthful than he is right now. He’s leaning against the car, his amber eyes filled with unruliness.
This isn’t the only photograph. Next to it, there are several photographs of Gavin checking or fixing cars. However, they appear to be candid shots.
There are occasionally photographs of him looking directly into the camera. His brows are always furrowed slightly, reluctance written all over his face.
Thinking of the reasons why he was forced to have such photos taken, I find myself bursting into laughter.
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Gavin: Cough...
An unnatural cough drifts to my ears softly. Without realising it, Gavin has come over to stand behind me.
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Gavin: I once learnt how to repair cars from this boss.
He follows my line of sight, sweeping a glance at the photographs while explaining.
Gavin: But he’s very strange. He didn’t ask for fees, but just wanted to take some photographs of me to stick on the wall of the shop... he said that his business would be better this way.
Hearing this, the smile on my face grows even wider.
MC: Looks like this boss has pretty good taste. He knows that he can’t let this dashing “model” slip by~ If only I had such photographs of you...
I say this enviously while scrutinising the photographs on the wall. Gavin stares at the photographs of the youthful version of himself, and seems to understand my words differently.
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Gavin: “Such” photographs?
MC: Mm!
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Gavin: You could take a few photos later.
In a nonchalant manner, Gavin shifts to stand in front of me, and just so happens to block my line of sight.
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Gavin: Stop looking. My skills from back then are far different from what they’re like now.
He arches his brows slightly, taking my hand in his.
While looking at the person in front of me, I find myself laughing aloud. A sudden realisation strikes me.
MC: Wait. You mentioned “car repair skills”... So other than motorcycles, you can repair cars too?
My eyes widen in astonishment.
In these photographs, Gavin is always driving a car. Even though I already knew that he can modify and repair motorcycles, I never thought that four-wheeled vehicles were an easy feat for him too.
Probably due to my exaggerated expression and tone, Gavin chuckles.
Gavin: Why are you so surprised? I had an interest in it, so I tried learning a little. It isn’t anything serious. Although cars and motorcycles are two different types of vehicles, the principles behind repairing them are more or less the same.
Gavin says this calmly while retrieving spare parts for the replacement from a cupboard at the side. I support my chin with a hand, eyes focused on him.
MC: You seem to know everything.
Gavin: That’s an exaggeration. It’s just a hobby.
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With a faint smile, he walks towards the car while carrying the tools. When he walks past me, he taps on my cap gently.
Gavin: It won’t take long. It’d be fixed really soon. You can sit at the side and take a break for now.
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After saying this, Gavin rolls his sleeves up to his elbows, revealing his contoured arm as he uses the tools seriously.
I watch on fixedly, realising that I rarely see this version of him. As such, I smile while shaking my head, moving a chair over and sitting down next to him.
MC: I just want to stay here. This is the first time I’m watching you repair a car for real. I want to protect this best observation spot~
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Gavin chuckles softly, and doesn’t insist otherwise.
In the next second, something seems to occur to him. He stops in the midst of opening the hood of the car, then casts a glance at me.
MC: Hm? What’s wrong?
The corners of his lips hook upwards slightly, a gentle light overflowing in his eyes.
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Gavin: Erm, MC. Could you help me out?
Hearing Gavin’s suggestion, I nod hurriedly.
MC: Of course I can. How can I help?
Gavin tilts his head crookedly and ponders over this.
Gavin: Could you hand me tools?
MC: Only handing you tools...?
Seeing that I’m slightly disappointed in this task which doesn’t require much skill, Gavin smiles as he grabs a clean apron from the rack and ties it on me.
Gavin: It’s inevitable to get grease on you when repairing cars. You’re dressed really nicely today, so don’t get yourself dirty.
The sudden closeness in proximity causes me to soften my breathing. I cooperate by lifting my hands, then sneak a peek at Gavin from my peripheral vision.
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His eyes are lowered, and his expression is serious as he ties the ribbon of the apron into a knot. His warm breaths gently brush against my ear.
I blink and nod, my voice turning soft.
MC: Understood. In that case, I’ll be Officer Gavin’s little assistant today~
I say this with anticipation, and very soon grow accustomed to this new role.
While Gavin changes into his work clothes, I purchase two bottles of iced water from a nearby stall. After returning, the both of us take out the necessary spare parts and tools from a work cabinet.
Just as everything is going smoothly, a crisp sound drifts from the side, as though something has fallen to the ground.
Twisting our heads to look, we realise that Bean Bun, who had been drinking water obediently at the side earlier, has moved over to the car, pawing at the tools on the floor.
Gavin: A spare part probably fell underneath the car.
As though punishing it, Gavin rubs Bean Bun’s head. Then, he leans over to look below the car. He supports himself on the body of the car with one hand, attempting to reach for the spare part which rolled underneath the car.
Looking at his tall frame and the amount of effort he’s exerting, I can’t help but chuckle.
MC: I’ll do it.
Without waiting for Gavin’s response, I squat down, reaching out to feel underneath the car.
Gavin: ...do it slowly.
A large hand is lifted up, carefully protecting my head. 
After feeling around the darkness beneath the car, my fingertips suddenly bump into something icy cold. 
MC: Got it!
Seeing how happy I look, the corners of Gavin’s lips lift into a smile.
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Gavin: Looks like having an ‘assistant’ around is much more convenient.
He takes the spare part from my hand.
Gavin: I’ll have to trouble you again later.
MC: Mm, leave it to me!
Gavin removes his cap. After using a hoisting jack to prop the car up, his movements are nimble as he burrows underneath the car.
In the meanwhile, I tidy up the tools that Bean Bun had messed up earlier. Occasionally, the crisp sound of clanking metal can be heard.
Bean Bun: Woof!
After a moment, I hear a sudden sound.
Turning my head over, I spot Bean Bun wagging its tail, running towards the car.
MC: Wait, Bean Bun!
Worried that it’d disturb Gavin while he’s repairing the car, I attempt to pick it up. However, Bean Bun manages to evade me nimbly again and again.
In the blink of an eye, it slips underneath the car. I hurriedly bend down, looking underneath.
MC: Bean Bun, come here...
My voice abruptly halts, and my line of sight is involuntarily drawn to the image before me-
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Gavin is lying on the ground, his gaze focused as he makes replacements to the car.
His head is tilted upwards, revealing his sculpted lower jaw. A droplet of sweat slides off his face, plunging into the collar of his slightly open shirt.
Despite the grease and dirt on Gavin’s face, it does not minimise his dashing spirit at all.
Bean Bun: Woo...
Bean Bun’s bark returns me to my senses. It’s currently lying at the side, looking at Gavin a little pitifully. It’s as though it wants Gavin to play with it.
I wave at Bean Bun, pretending to look stern.
MC: Bean Bun, come here. I’ll give you delicious, delicious food!
Bean Bun: Woo woo...
Gavin: [laughs] It’s okay, he won’t disturb me.
Following the sound and looking over, I realise that Gavin had stopped his work at some point of time, and is currently looking at me with a shining gaze.
My face flushes, and I avert my eyes while using this opportunity to pick Bean Bun up, who is stuck to his side.
MC: Reporting to Officer Gavin - I’ve successfully kept this Little Rascal under control!
My dead seriousness tickles Gavin to laughter. He plays with Bean Bun while it’s in my arms.
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Gavin: Mm, not bad. My assistant is indeed competent. 
After this, he continues with the work on hand, just that the smile at the corners of his lips curls at a greater angle than before.
Gavin: MC, stay here and talk to me.
MC: Mm, sure~
I blink, then retrieve a small electronic fan from my bag at the side. I point it towards Gavin, wanting him to feel a little more comfortable. 
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Gavin: Come to think of it, do you know why I wanted to learn how to repair cars?
I look at him with curiosity, and Gavin continues.
Gavin: When driving, I’m the first person who can understand the overall situation of the car. To me, fixing the car myself is most convenient. Also, I can make detailed adjustments based on my own preferences. It takes a little more time, but the process is very interesting.
Gavin’s tone is gentle as he speaks, the corners of his lips lifting involuntarily.
Seeing the bright lights in his eyes, I feel a certain part of my heart being stirred.
MC: So that’s the reason why you like modifying and adding new coats of paint to vehicles? I know how that feels.
I nod while chuckling softly.
MC: Whenever I finished my handcrafts in the past, I’d draw all sorts of doodles on them... It was akin to leaving a mark belonging exclusively to me on the things that I liked.
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I mumble to myself, not noticing that Gavin has paused in his movements. After a moment, he slides out smoothly from underneath the car.
Warm yellow sunlight lands on Gavin’s face, smoothening his sharp edges.
My heart stirs slightly. Supporting my hands on my kneecaps, I bend over to ask him a question.
MC: Are you done repairing it?
Beneath the mottled light, Gavin lifts his eyes to look at me, arching his brows.
Gavin: Not yet. There’s still the final step. I’ll need your help.
He pulls me over to him. Amid the hot and dry air in the surroundings, Gavin’s scent and the smell of engine oil blend together.
Gavin places a tool in my hand. Together, we screw the spare part I had picked up earlier.
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Gavin: Done.
His scorching breaths land on the nape of my neck. I turn my head, watching as a large patch of sunlight spills on Gavin’s back.
Scattered dust floats in the air, reminiscent of mayflies as they land on the car, which has already been covered with a layer of dust.
The person in front of me has a bright and clear smile which is even more dazzling than sunlight. I blink gently, tugging on Gavin’s hand and swinging it to and fro.
MC: Gavin, there’s something else I might be able to help you with.
I retrieve a towel from the pail, leaning over and meticulously wiping the car which has already been rinsed once.
In the next moment, Gavin stands behind me, grabbing my hand.
Gavin: It’s best to start from the roof of the car. That way, we wouldn’t have to wipe and wash it again. Like this.
MC: Mm...
I cooperate, standing on my tiptoes. Due to our difference in height, I find it a little strenuous.
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Gavin: [laughs] Let me do it.
While saying this, Gavin takes the towel from my hand.
I nod and turn around. Only then do I realise that we’re only a finger away from each other.
Stray hairs on his forehead sweep against the tip of my nose, and I can see each one of his eyelashes distinctly.
Warmth climbs up my cheeks gradually. Just as I plan to slip out of this tiny space, my wrist is suddenly tugged on. 
MC: A-aren’t you washing the roof of the car...
Lifting my head, I see an imperceptible smile flashing past his eyes.
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Gavin: Before washing it, I have to ask for a “reward” from my little assistant.
After saying this, he leans down, cupping a hand against my ear.
Then, he leaves a gentle kiss on my lips.
I hold my breath. The only thing I can feel is my slightly increased heart rate.
On this scorching summer afternoon, the whirring fan moves continuously, and the sunlight along the horizon turns from a dazzling gold into a warm yellow.
Without even realising it, we’ve already wiped off all the soap bubbles on the car, and the body of the car is as shiny as the surface of a mirror.
MC: Done! Is Officer Gavin satisfied with this little assistant’s performance?
I turn my head towards Gavin excitedly. When I see the white soap bubbles on his face, I laugh aloud.
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Gavin: What is it?
Under Gavin’s confused gaze, I turn the sprinkler to the lowest level, then head over to Gavin.
MC: Don’t move.
I dab some water on my hand, wanting to brush off the soap bubbles on his face.
MC: Gavin, squat down a little.
Gavin: Mm, okay.
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Gavin nods in understanding. Following my instructions, he bends down. In an instant, his sculpted face draws close to me.
Beneath the gem-like and dazzling sunlight, the beads of sweat on his skin reflect light, causing me to be slightly engrossed in the sight.
I brush off the soap bubbles on his face gently. A damp yet soft sensation drifts from my fingertips. Gavin’s eyelashes quiver slightly at the touch.
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Gavin: ...are you done?
I turn my head, realising that the tips of Gavin’s ears have turned an unnatural red.
MC: ...nope. There’s still a little bit on your nose.
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Suppressing my laughter, I continue caressing his outline, deliberately leaning in closer.
Gavin’s breathing seems to become heavier. His eyelashes quiver slightly, before his eyes open right in front of me.
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Gavin: [breathing noises] ...
Our breaths mingle with the heat waves of midsummer, and our eyes reflect each other’s faces clearly.
After a short while, Gavin seems to react. His lips move, as though he’s about to say something. However, two crisp barks interrupt him.
Bean Bun: Woof! Woof!
Bean Bun, who has been neglected by us, releases unhappy sounds of protest. It hops up continuously, pawing against Gavin’s leg.
MC: Sorry sorry, we seem to keep forgetting you today.
Lowering my head, I pat Bean Bun’s head.
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Gavin: [sighs] ...
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As though not wanting my attention to continue getting diverted by the puppy, Gavin suddenly carries me in one swoop, placing me on the car as he looks directly at me.
Gavin: I haven’t answered your question from earlier.
MC: Huh?
Gavin leans in close. I have a clear view of the smile overflowing in his amber eyes...
Gavin: I’m very satisfied with the “little assistant’s” performance today.
The faint scent of sweat and the fragrance of soap meld into my breaths. Only after listening to him do I recall the question which was interrupted earlier.
Despite the smile surfacing on my face, I pretend to be dissatisfied while speaking.
MC: Is that all? Officer Gavin’s assessment seems a little superficial.
Gavin laughs. He lowers his head to nuzzle the tip of my nose while he continues.
Gavin: This is how satisfied I am.
After a long while, he draws away from me slightly. With an upward tilt of his lips, he reaches out to leave white soap bubbles on the tip of my nose.
Gavin: [laughs] ...there you go. Now, the both of us have soap bubbles on our faces.
Watching as the smile deepens on his lips, I’m in a daze for a few seconds. Then, I recall how I had toyed with him earlier.
MC: Gavin, you did that on purpose, didn’t you?
Gavin: Mm, this is a counterattack.
Gavin admits it with ease.
MC: I didn’t expect Officer Gavin to launch such a childish counterattack.
I can’t help but laugh. Gavin looks at me, happy warmth reflecting in his clean and clear eyes.
He lowers his head, leaning his forehead against mine affectionately.
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Gavin: MC, what you said earlier was very accurate. When there’s something I like, I’d want to leave my exclusive mark on it.
With his gaze, Gavin traces the contours of my face. Along with the warm breeze, his tender words land in my ears clearly.
Gavin: Which is why, over here...
He tilts my chin upwards gently, his voice softening.
Gavin: Let me leave a mark.
The scent belonging exclusively to Gavin wafts over. A soft sensation seals my lips shut.
MC: Mm...
Without giving me any time to react, Gavin rolls my breaths in between my lips and teeth in an overbearing manner.
The sound of disordered breaths dissipate at my ears. I support myself weakly on Gavin’s arms, feeling as though the temperature of my surroundings is rising.
After an unknown period of time, Gavin releases his hold on me. His arms remain tightly wrapped around my waist.
I pant slightly, allowing my breathing to regain some composure. As though I’m unwilling to admit defeat, I lean over towards him, giving him a light peck on his chin.
MC: ...Gavin, me too.
I stare at Gavin, my fingers caressing his outline before sliding down slowly, stopping at his chest.
MC: On you and your heart... I want to leave even more marks belonging exclusively to me.
The light in Gavin’s eyes stir for a moment. Then, he brushes aside the hairs on my face, pressing his lips to my forehead.
Gavin: MC.
I hear him calling my name.
Gavin: Actually, you already did that since a very long time ago. You did it effortlessly.
Reminiscent of a gust of summer breeze, his voice brushes my heart, filling it with a sweet emotion.
I wrap my arms around his neck, feeling the mingling of our interlaced breaths as they melt into the rapidly increasing temperature of the surroundings...
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Gavin’s Post: The breeze on the mountain is really comfortable. Next time, I’ll bring Sparky here.
MC: I want to learn how to ride a motorcycle from Officer Gavin!
Gavin: Sure. MC’s private lessons will begin next week.
Minor: Bro Gavin, can I tag along?
Gavin’s Post: The breeze on the mountain is really comfortable. Next time, I’ll bring Sparky here.
MC: Can we drive down different routes next time?
Gavin: Sure. Until you have your heart’s content.
Minor: Bro Gavin, can I tag along?
Gavin’s Post: The breeze on the mountain is really comfortable. Next time, I’ll bring Sparky here.
MC: Sparky: I’ve fallen out of favour.jpg
Gavin: It’s okay, I’ll coax it when we get back.
Minor: Bro Gavin, can I tag along?
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💧 Phone calls: First l Second
💧 Translated comic based on this date: here
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starlessea · 3 years
Here Comes the Sun: XIV. Jailhouse Rock (Daryl Dixon/Reader)
Series Masterlist: Here Comes the Sun
Summary: Daryl Dixon scares the hell out of you climbing out of that damn creek. It takes hauling his ass halfway across Georgia and taking a bullet for him to realise that you're not half bad. He slowly starts to come around, despite grumbling about how much he doesn't like your singing, or that you can't use a gun for shit - and don't get him started on that ugly yellow tent of yours. It takes him a while before he starts to see for himself that he's found a best friend for life, and that he doesn't actually mind the colour yellow that much, after all.
Words: 5378
Chapter Warnings: Language, Injury, Slight canon divergence.
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You threaded the bandage carefully from hand to hand, around the man's leg where he sat. It was tight, like he'd instructed, but you still worked tentatively in case you hurt him. Hershel watched appreciatively as you bound it, covering the stump where his leg had been amputated - just below the knee. It was looking a lot better recently, having been almost a week since the incident. It no longer oozed different colours or looked like it was rotting. The antibiotics from the infirmary had really helped you out there.
Once you had finished, you threw away the previous bandages and rolled down the older man's trouser leg. Beth had cut one shorter than the other, so that the excess material wouldn't trail on the floor when her father walked. The ends were a little jagged and frayed, but the intention had been pure. Hershel let you tend to him without a single complaint. Not once did he wince or look uncomfortable - he hadn't done since the initial injury. He was a fighter, you'd all realised. There was not a thing left in this world that would stop him from spending every last second he could with his daughters.
He gave you a nod and offered you a small smile as you lent him your arm. He gripped it tightly, using his other hand to press down onto the mattress and push himself up. He wobbled a bit as he did so, but you remained steady, supporting him. Once he was upright, he held onto the metal frame of the top bunk, and you let go to retrieve the crutches resting against the wall. You threaded each one under the man's arms and watched as he began to take unsteady steps with them.
It was slow, and you stayed close to him in case he fell. Though, after a few minutes he seemed to get the hang of it, pacing back and forth the small cell. You couldn't help but smile as you watched him.
"Just like riding a bike." You teased, rubbing your palm over his shoulder.
He'd asked you to bring him the crutches that morning, finally feeling up to trying them out. He said that he wanted to surprise his daughters, since he'd felt guilty about making them worry so much.
"I'm ready." He replied with a determined look, and the two of you made your way out slowly to the courtyard.
It had been nearly a week since it happened, but you remembered it vividly. Even as he was recovering, almost every time you closed your eyes you could see the man's face contort in pain. The day after you'd all secured the yard, your plan was put into action to tackle the prison. It had been a success at first, as you set up base in the C Block - but that false peace soon shattered as you delved deeper into the heart of the prison.
Rick took the front, guiding you all with a flashlight as you trailed behind in a line. You were directly behind him, followed by Daryl, then Glenn, and finally Hershel at the rear. The place was like a maze, each corridor leading into two others - like a hydra splitting its heads. Everything was dark save for the single stream of torchlight, and you could hear the occasional drips of water seeping through the cracks of the ceiling, splashing onto your boots when you walked. Corpses littered the floor as you all navigated your way through them, and even more walkers came out from the shadows to greet you.
Rick took the brunt of the assault, sinking his blade into the skulls of any that got too close. You all stuck in a tight formation as you continued on, alert for any more undead. All of a sudden, the atmosphere changed. The tension was cut with a startled yell, accompanied by a familiar groaning sound. You immediately whipped your head back to find the source of the noise, only to see Hershel with his leg caught in the jaws of a walker slumped against a wall. You'd all thought it was dead when you stepped over it - as in actually dead. Yet, now it had its teeth sunk into Hershel's ankle, tearing away the skin there to expose the tendons beneath.
Everyone sprung into action. Glenn immediately drove his machete through the walker's skull and Rick came to pry Hershel's leg from its mouth. He and Daryl then picked up the older man by his arms, as Glenn took his legs. You all ran together in search of the nearest safe area, as you took the front of the formation to clear a path. You'd had to take down two walkers on the way, and everyone started to yell - not caring to keep quiet anymore. Rick was shouting about how Hershel was losing blood, and Daryl pointed to some double doors with the words 'cafeteria' above them.
Glenn placed Hershel's legs down when they got closer, wedging his knife between the crack of the door to pry it open. After a few seconds, you heard the bolt give in, and he kicked it harshly before it flung open. Hershel was carried inside immediately, and placed on the floor. You saw his eyes roll back into his head, as he struggled to stay conscious. Rick wasted no time removing his belt and tying tightly just below the other man's knee. The action alone made you feel sick to your stomach, as you prepared for what you knew would happen next.
Hershel's face was coated in a sheen of sweat, as he lay on the cold concrete. His eyes were cloudy as he met yours, and you couldn't conceal the tears that welled up there. In your peripheral, you saw Rick take Glenn's machete from him - as it was the biggest and sharpest blade you had among you. Daryl quickly moved over to Hershel's left side, opposite from you, and held his shoulder down where he lay. You swallowed thickly and followed his lead, taking one of the older man's hands in your own.
He looked at you, choking on air as he inhaled too quickly. You could see the panic in his eyes, even as he struggled to keep them open. You clenched his hand tightly, feeling him grip onto you with all of his strength. Meeting his vacant stare, you looked into his eyes with intent - trying to reassure him that he'd be okay.
"Hershel." You whispered, looking down at his clammy face.
You remembered how he'd been there for you when you needed him most, at the bar shootout, telling you to keep your eyes on him and focus. You needed to do the same for him now.
"Do you want to go home?" You asked, repeating his question from that time.
You saw a single tear run onto his cheek as he nodded, before his pupils rolled back. Daryl tensed, preparing to hold the man down. You did the same. Then, Rick swung the blade.
You led the way as you and Hershel made for the courtyard, where the others were all gathered. You took small deliberate steps so that he could follow at his own pace. When you stood outside, the sun was so bright that it made you squint your eyes. It was such a contrast from the dark and shady prison. You shuffled out of the doorway of C Block and opened the lattice cage leading out onto the concrete yard - holding the door open for the man behind you.
The sky was a clear blue, completely cloudless, and when you stared out at the field it almost felt like home. You guided Hershel a few more steps before the others began to notice him. Daryl was one of the first. He'd been lying with his back to the concrete, fiddling with the underside of his motorcycle. He had his bandana tied around his mouth and nose to protect him from the fumes, but what was visible of his face was covered in black grease - as were his exposed arms. Once he caught your eye, and saw the man near you, he immediately sat up and pulled the cloth down from his mouth to show his smile.
"Yer one tough ol' bastard!" He called out, causing the others to look in your direction.
Maggie and Beth quickly stopped what they were doing, dropping their shovels to run over and greet their father. You took a step away from the man, letting his daughters embrace him. You could see how proud they were, as Maggie shot you a grateful smile and Beth's eyes welled up with tears. The whole scene gave you hope. Hershel gave you hope. You wondered what you would have done in his position. You would like to think that you would have soldiered on, just as he had, but in reality you probably would have given up. Though when you looked at him, looking at his girls, you understood why he didn't.
Hershel gave you one more curt nod as you left to give them some privacy, and you offered him a small smile in return. You made your way over to Daryl, who leant against his bike waiting for you to come see him. He was wiping his hands in his bandana, like it was a rag, trying to get rid of the dirt on his palms before he dared touch you.
"Hey, stranger." You called out to him with a smile. "Is there a man underneath all that grease?" You teased, making a point of looking him up and down.
"'M not sure." He grumbled, scratching the back of his neck as he squinted from the low sun.
You walked closer to him, reaching up so that you were on your tip-toes, and your face was close to his. You furrowed your eyebrows, now seeing the grease stains that smeared his cheeks - from where he'd rubbed the backs of his hands against them. You pulled his bandana out from his back jean pocket, where he'd shoved it only a few moments ago. Then, you used it to wipe away some of the marks on his face, holding your hand under his chin as you did so.
He grumbled at that, trying to bat your hand away half-heartedly. You just held his jaw more firmly, and continued to scrub the stubborn grease off. You got one cheek relatively clean before giving him his bandana back, not bothering with the other side of his face. Then, you stepped on your tip-toes again to leave a quick kiss there.
"Much better." You smirked at him, only for the man to rub his thumb down over your own cheek in one swift motion - smearing a line of grease over it in return.
You laughed and reached over to smack his chest, causing him to step backwards to avoid it. You tried again to punch his arm, but he caught your wrist - leaving a black handprint around it. Squealing slightly, you tried to pull out of his grip, but his other hand grabbed hold of your free arm and painted it black, too.
"Get your hands off me!" You cried, laughing as you did so. "You're filthy!"
You giggled some more, running away from the man, before the two of you formed a sort of truce and settled back down. You leant against the bike together to watch Hershel make his small laps of the courtyard. Your vest was covered in handprints that looked like they'd been pressed on with oil paint, and you knew you'd have to scrub your skin with cold water later, too.
Maggie had one of her father's arms over her shoulder, as he used a crutch in the other. Beth walked alongside them and you could hear their muffled chatter in the distance. His appearance alone was enough to raise the spirits of the whole group.
"Ya did a good job lookin' after him." Daryl said, eyeing the man who seemed content just to be with his daughters.
You shook your head, crossing your arms over your grease-smudged shirt. "I didn't do much besides staying with him." You admitted. "This is all Hershel."
"He's one stubborn son of a bitch." The archer agreed, muttering below his breath.
You let out a laugh, giving him a side-eye glance and one of your best lopsided smiles.
"Says you, Dixon."
Watching the Greenes made you realise how far you'd all come in just a matter of days. That incident felt almost a world away from you now. In truth, it had been one of the most traumatic things you'd experienced in this new world. That night, after the initial panic of trying to save Hershel's life, you were granted a few brief minutes to go and sit with Daryl. You immediately felt your legs buckle beneath you as you sank down onto his mattress. You were entirely exposed on the upper catwalk of the cell block, since he'd refused to stay in one of the 'cages' - as he put it. At that point, however, you didn't care.
The images of Rick hacking away at bone replayed in your mind as you cried into Daryl's neck, feeling him stroke your hair to try and calm you. You honestly had thought that the older man was going to die, leaving his daughters behind without a father. You'd felt so much guilt, holding his hand and watching the light fade from his eyes. The thought of having to tell Maggie and Beth that you'd failed him was just too much.
You didn't stay long with Daryl, wiping your eyes and collecting yourself not even moments after you'd sat down. You took a deep breath and waved the man who'd comforted you goodbye. Then, you returned to Hershel's cell - where you stayed for days on end until he woke up.
"I'll leave you to your bike." You said, pulling yourself out of your thoughts.
Daryl nodded, wiping his palms over his jeans. You gave him a soft smile before going on.
"You still have to teach me to ride that thing one day." You noted, looking over at the intimidating hunk of metal like you were trying to convince yourself rather than him. "You promised."
The man chuckled lowly under his breath, turning to face the bike. "One day, Sunshine."
You flitted around the courtyard doing odd jobs while waiting for Hershel to finish up his walk. Carol and T-Dog were cleaning some of the guns and Rick had sent Glenn to go check if there was a breach in the back of prison - letting him use one of the vehicles to do so. You sat on one of the rusted metal benches, sharpening your knife which had become dull. You barely noticed when a man approached you, taking a seat next to you quietly.
You looked up, raising an eyebrow at him. It was one of the prisoners you'd encountered a few days ago. Him and the other man, Oscar you thought his name was, had been allowed to stay with you provisionally as you all decided whether to trust them or not. They weren't in the same cell block yet, but you sometimes saw them around the yard. Rick had been skeptical at first, but allowed this much when you'd all insisted on showing kindness to the men.
He gave you a wiry smile as you looked at him. The man was small and scrawny, with long ash hair and a handlebar moustache to match. He was still dressed in his blue prison jumpsuit, and you thought he was lucky not to get shot on that first day of clearing the prison - when those jumpsuits had been your targets.
"I hope you don't mind me sayin', but you're mighty pretty." He remarked, unprompted. He had a Southern twang to his accent, but it rang out a lot more grateingly than the ones you were used to.
You gave him a curt smile, looking back down at your hands as you continued sharpening the knife. "Thanks." You said.
"Like, really pretty." He went on, looking you up and down as though it were flattering. "The rest of the women here are fine, too. But you're just on another level, sweetheart." He smiled, much too warmly, and rested a hand over your thigh before giving it a squeeze.
Your eyes flickered to the palm pressed on your jeans and then back at your knife. He must have seen you do it, because he quickly pulled away and let out a strained laugh. You looked over at Daryl, who watched the exchange with a scowl. He was a few feet away, and you didn't know if he could make out exactly what the man was saying, but he was definitely close enough to get the gist. You shot him a warning look, as you had a feeling he might come over and cause trouble if you didn't.
"Look, Axel?" You questioned, still unsure of the man's name. He nodded, and you went on. "I appreciate you giving me compliments and all, but I know someone who wouldn't."
Axel was sitting with his back to Daryl, oblivious of the way the archer tensed when watching the two of you. You thought that it was for the best that he couldn't see him, and you met Axel's stare in a way that made you hope he would take the hint.
He squinted at you, leaning back against the bench. "You with one of these folks?" He asked.
You nodded, letting your eyes purposefully look over his shoulder.
"The one glaring daggers at the back of your head." You explained, and he immediately whipped around to see.
Axel quickly stood up, throwing his hands in the air defensively when he met Daryl's gaze. He took a few steps in his direction, before becoming intimidated and deciding to stay where he was, instead.
"Sorry, brother!" He called out, giving a quick glance back to you. "I swear I didn't know she was taken."
You scoffed, despising the way he looked at you like you were an object to be claimed. Daryl scowled right back, throwing his rag over the seat of his bike.
"I ain't yer brother." He growled, just loud enough for you to hear it. He then shot Axel a look before skulking away to the other gate.
You didn't have a chance to say anything back, as suddenly an alarm started blaring. It was so loud that you thought it was coming from inside your head. Before you could comprehend what was going on, you heard screams coming from the other part of the yard, and saw the group running for the inner gate.
The next moments were entirely chaotic, as you were reminded of the fall of the farm once again. Walkers poured in through the broken section of the fence, as you all scurried for the inner part of the prison. The alarm continued to whirr, as you stood unable to tell where it was coming from. You dashed towards Hershel and Beth, who'd become separated from the others, and urged them to safety as you locked yourselves up in one of the small lattice cages that connected to the watchtowers. Then, you waited.
With no weapon, all you could do was comfort Beth and offer a shoulder to Hershel for support. The three of you watched as some other members of the group tried to close the gap in the gate, putting down the walkers that had gotten through it. You heard Rick yelling, and everyone followed him to the prison's interior - presumably to find the source of the alarm.
It felt like hours before it was shut off. Even then, the high-pitched noise still rang in your ears for a good few minutes after that. You all remained silent where you stood, enclosed in your metal cage. You didn't know how long you'd been there, but the adrenaline hadn't settled down in your chest yet. Your mind filled with thoughts you couldn't control, as you prayed that Daryl and the others were safe. You'd barely been able to see anything through the mayhem. The group had been split, that you were certain of, but you didn't know who went where, exactly.
After a few more minutes, you saw Rick emerge from the C Block entrance, followed by Glenn and Daryl. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding as you met his gaze, slipping your fingers through the gaps in the metal like you were trying to reach out to him. They quickly came over to you, unlocking the door so that you could all leave the small space. You instantly flung your arms around Daryl, not caring in the least about the grease and bloodstains on his skin this time.
You barely got to exchange a few words with each other before you noticed Carl and Maggie exiting the prison from another doorway. Rick ran over to his son, pulling him into his chest when he got to him. Though, you didn't miss the look on Carl's face, as he stared straight through his father. What you did miss, however, was the newborn baby bundled up in Maggie's arms.
You instantly felt your face fall, as you stood back from Daryl's arms to look at your friend. She let out a sob, shaking her head at Rick when the man finally noticed her. The officer stood in silence for a few seconds, before he finally comprehended what she meant. He let out a yell, so deep that it sounded like it came from his core, and started to pace back and forth whilst running his hands through his hair. He shook his head, not once looking towards the newborn. Instead, he retrieved his hatchet and walked straight past Maggie, back inside the prison. And all you could do was watch.
The baby cried and cried in your arms as you huddled her close to your chest, trying to soothe her. She was hungry, you knew, but all you could do was wait for Daryl to return with some formula - if he had the luck of finding any. After Rick had left the group, the rest of you got Maggie and Carl back to C Block - where they explained everything that had happened. They both trembled as they spoke, obviously traumatised. You could remember the look on Carl's face when he'd told you about shooting his mother, and you didn't waste any time pulling him into your chest and holding him tight.
Glenn left with Maggie to go back to their cell, since she looked like she needed some comfort. Daryl went to go and search for Rick, but ended up coming back to the block with Carol in his arms instead. She'd seemed so pale when he brought her in, and Hershel had told you all that it was shock once he looked over her. Later, she'd come around enough to tell you about T-Dog, too, and how he sacrificed himself so that she could get back. In one day, you'd lost two members of the group and gained one more. Though, baby Grimes was living on borrowed time. You all knew that she wouldn't survive for long if you didn't get her some formula.
Daryl had left almost immediately after that. You pleaded for him to stay with you, trembling in his arms as you did so, but you knew that he had no other choice. He'd be able to get there and back the fastest on his bike - wherever 'there' may be. So, you sent him off with a sad expression, watching the motorcycle leave through the gates and listening to its signature low rumble. He left his poncho behind, and you'd used it to swaddle baby Grimes when she was handed to you - and you hadn't let go of her since.
You tried to hush her, rocking on the balls of your feet gently from side to side. She wailed in response, and you felt your heart breaking. You unintentionally started to pace around your cell, suddenly feeling like a single mother much too young to take care of the life bundled in your arms. The rest of the group were tending to Carol, Maggie and Carl, so you were left to look after the baby in the meantime. You thought that you could do it, initially. Though, seeing how much she looked like her mother, even as young as she was, made you crumble.
She howled and spluttered against your grubby vest, hiccuping on her own tears as you tried to lull her to sleep. You had no experience with babies, and you felt like you were torturing her by making her starve so soon after she'd come into this world.
"Come on baby girl." You whispered to her, feeling her cheek press up against the skin by your neck.
Her little mouth quivered against you, and you thought you could feel her whole body tremble even through the material you had her wrapped in. She choked out another cry and you felt completely useless. You didn't know what else to do. So, you swayed her gently and began singing.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." You smiled down at her, trying to compete with her broken wails.
"You make me happy when skies are grey." She spluttered a little, and you rubbed her back gently with your palm.
"You'll never know dear, how much I love you." You stopped swaying as she started to quieten down.
"Please don't take my sunshine away."
The little girl in your arms opened her mouth slightly, but didn't let out a cry. Instead, it almost seemed like a yawn as she offered a couple more whimpers before drifting off against your chest. You looked down at her in disbelief, wondering how something so pure could be born into a world so cruel. Then, you noticed Carol standing in the doorway, watching you.
You immediately opened your mouth to explain yourself, but she just brought a finger to her lips - reminding you to keep quiet. She had a warm look on her face, as she glanced over at the baby in your arms, and approached you with the practiced silent footsteps that only a mother could have.
Wordlessly, Carol readjusted the baby in your hold, so that she was better supported. Then, she gently tugged at the corners of Daryl's poncho, wrapping the swaddle securely - in a way much more experienced than you had done. You watched in awe as she seemed to know exactly what to do. After a few seconds, you glanced down, and then back at Carol, offering for her to hold the baby. She shook her head politely and you nodded.
"The song worked." You whispered to her, and she leant her head on your shoulder to look down at the newborn in your arms.
"I know." She replied.
Not long after that, you both heard the familiar sound of the metal keychain unlocking the cell block door, and made your way out into the main area. Daryl walked through, shrugging off his backpack and letting it fall heavily to the floor. He didn't say anything, crouching down and unzipping it to pull out a bottle and a number of formula boxes. You let out a sigh of relief as the group started to praise him, going to collect the supplies. Hershel clapped a hand over his back and gave him a small nod, but Daryl just continued to make up a bottle in silence.
You walked over to him with the baby in your arms, and saw the softness of his expression when he recognised his poncho as her swaddle. You rested your head in the crook of his neck in a half-hug, as baby Grimes rested between both of your chests - starting to rouse from her nap. You thanked Daryl, and helped him take the baby from your arms.
You watched as he brought her in close and held her nearly as well as Carol had taught you. Everyone seemed surprised, too, as he started feeding her the bottle with a soft look in his eyes. You had to admit, you never would have expected him to be as natural as he was with her. The baby sucked on the bottle contentedly, as Daryl tried not to let her take too much at once. She'd been waiting for her first meal all day, and she spluttered a bit on the milk as she drank too quickly.
"There ya go. Must've been hungry, right?" Daryl questioned, looking down at her little face poking out from the thick poncho.
She gurgled a little, which made your heart melt. "You like that, lil' Ass Kicker?" He asked, and you all laughed.
You crossed your arms, shaking your head at him in disbelief. Only Daryl could nickname a baby as adorable as her Ass Kicker.
"What?" He grumbled half-heartedly, looking up at the group who watched him. "It's a good name, ain't it?"
Carol nodded beside you, and had a smile on her face as she looked over at the baby resting against Daryl's bare arms.
"Ass kicker." She said, trying out the name on her tongue. "I think it suits her."
The others mumbled in agreement, and you felt pride at how Daryl had managed to change the atmosphere in a single instance. You watched as he cradled the baby, holding her like he'd never let any harm come to her.
"What do you think, Carl?" You asked, pulling the young boy into you by his shoulder. "You think she'll grow up to be a force to be reckoned with?" You gave him a warm smile, and he nodded in return.
"She'll be just like mom." He said, and you couldn't help but agree.
Daryl walked you back to your cell that night, after you'd all eaten and taken it in turns to coo over lil' Ass Kicker some more. The two of you took quiet steps as you went, as not to wake any of the others who'd already turned in. You felt exhausted, and could tell by his face that he did, too. So much had happened in the span of a single day. So much had reminded you that this place wasn't actually safe yet. You wondered if you were fooling yourself all along - holding onto the idea that the prison could be a home.
You bit your lip as you got lost in your thoughts. You decided that you had no other option; this place needed to be your home. This baby needed a safe place to grow up, and this had to be it. Somehow, you all had to make it work - for her.
"We've got to protect her, Daryl." You whispered, feeling the words slip from your mouth before you even considered saying them. You looked over to meet his eyes as you approached your cell.
"Yeah, I know." He replied, with a thousand yard stare. He seemed equally as caught up in his own thoughts, too.
"For Lori." You clarified, and he nodded. "And until Rick gets through whatever he needs to get through."
The man stopped once you reached your cell, pulling you into his chest for a few seconds. You allowed yourself to be taken in by his warmth, and feel his heartbeat against your cheek as you stayed there. Though, he soon pulled back. You were almost glad he did, fearing that you wouldn't have been able to let go if he'd stayed any longer. He gave the top of your head a brief kiss before telling you to get some rest, and turning to leave.
You eyed his mattress at the end of the catwalk, just lying on the floor where you'd all had to occasionally step over him some nights.
"Daryl." You called out softly, before he could get far.
He glanced back to look at you, and you opened your cell door further so that he could see inside.
"Stay with me, please?" You asked, and for the first night he did.
A/N As if my 3am writing session last night wasn't enough, I thought 'fuck it, what's one more?' I LIVE for the idea of Teach and Daryl almost being like Judith's godparents at this point - taking care of her until Rick can.
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