furrynightsoul · 6 years
Dealing with stress or falling behind
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Lately i am having a really hard time at school but things are getting better, they always will. I even thought about taking the year off, not graduating or finding another school but today, i can feel that things are getting better. School is hard, there may be some days or even months when you want to give up but everything will get better - there is no other way.
Do not get me wrong, taking a year off is sometimes the best way, but before deciding that, we need to slow down for a while. 
1. Did you do a list? - making a list of things that needs to be done is so important. Sometimes the list isn’t as long as your brain made you believe. Sometimes it is even longer but seeing all of it in front of you is the first step.
2. What do you have to do first? Is there a due day coming soon? Do you have to read papers for your thesis? Maybe you can talk to some of your teachers and ask some more time to catch up.
3. Slow down - slowing down when you are busy? Yes, slow down, take care of yourself! Go to the moves at the end of the day, take your neighbours dog for a walk, go have a cup of coffee! If you get sick then you can do nothing, so take care of yourself, eat, drink, dress to impress. I realized that dressing like i am going out helped me focus, i felt like studying is literally my job that needs to be done. 
4. Find your own time when you function the best. Is it in the morning or when it is already dark outside? For me, early mornings are the best - at seven or eight, i make myself a cup of tea and start with the work. The world is still somehow asleep then, there isn’t as much energy flowing around and it is easier to keep focus.
5. Everything will be alright sooner or later. You do not have to race with others, at the end of the day, it is your own personal life. 
How do you cope with school stress?
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