#however like last year or so I really liked watching those 'hsmtmts being chaotic for eight minutes' type videos on youtube
fiendslothful · 2 years
Sometimes it's hard being this correct 😎
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I hppe you feel better soon.
So, l remember yiu once said that you have seen HSMTMTS so woil you mind giving me an overview of your thoughts on the series, favorite ships, and the upcoming S3 and stuff
I used this show as an example in my final year project in school, comparing it to the show Glee, though I haven't thought about it a lot for a year haha.
But I thought the series was very chaotic right off the bat. I never felt like I could take anything seriously, but that was also very charming about it.
I really liked S1 and especially the penultimate episode, with the "Stick to the status quo" performance. In S2, I also loved "A dancer's heart", and these two songs I still listen to every now and then.
However, I thought the last episode of S2 was incredibly weird. It was so short, it was so rushed... it just ended like that. I gotta say I sat there feeling like "ok wtf just happened".
Though, season 3 looks really interesting this far! I've always loved when characters are at a camp - an enclosed space where they have to be with each other 24/7... relationships and bonds you form there are so deep. I went to a 3 week confirmation camp when I was 14 and like, you can just imagine, being 14 and hanging out with 25 other 14yos all the time... I don't really have contact with any of them anymore except for following them on social medias, but like... even if I didn't know any of them super well, we got pretty tight during those weeks since... well, we only hung out with each other all the time. Plus, when you're at that age... feelings and hormones and everything just are all over the place... and you can change as a person - one of my childhood bullies went to the same confirmation camp as me and I felt pretty awkward about that, but he TOTALLY CHANGED because he fell in love with a girl at camp and they legit snuck out every night and... well, I don't know what they were doing but they sat on the porch or by the lake a lot and cuddled. She calmed him down a lot and suddenly it was like the boy who when we were 8 threatened to murder me because I missed to capture a ball in gym class was all gone.
And the kids in HSMTMTS aren't 14 - they are all around 16-18. And when you're at camp at that age, feelings and hormones and all that are taken to the NEXT level when you're in an enclosed space with people around the same age as you. Of course, this is a Disney show so idk how far they would go with that, but also I have watched Siempre Fui Yo and that show really dared to do things many disney shows didn't (though, granted, all the characters in that show were like 22, but still). Though, I wouldn't be surprised if there are some intimate conversations between characters when they are alone in someone's cabin or by the fire place alone. I also don't think it would be unlikely if characters who haven't interacted much before get much closer at camp.
Now, ships: I don't have big opinions on any ship. I think most of them are fine, but I really don't care very much. Sometimes it feels like Ashlyn has a crush on Gina, but I feel like the fandom sees them more as sisters - and I remember getting some vibes from Nini and Gina from the final episode in s2. Though, that's only non-canon ships and I really am just happy if they get some nice scenes in s3, it does not matter to me if they would actually date or not (since they most likely, won't). But the main, canon ships? I don't have much of an opinion on them. They're cute but I don't have much to add.
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