#this is about hsmtmts btw
rosesradio · 2 years
the more little bits i see on cast drama, the more relieved i am that i don’t involve myself in cast drama
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oceanwithinsblog · 3 months
not sure i've said this in the past few days but i'm rewatching hsmtmts and it's just so wholesome and dramatic and light and fun to watch ㅠㅠ i missed these wildcats ngl
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starrrbakerrr · 8 months
i love when a rina moment randomly pops in my head because i just feel so at peace, happy and content. we really won that against every off. and against the fans of two more popular ships that constantly invalidated rina and us. all we had was s2 delusions and tim’s vague words. trusting a showrunner is terrifying because 90% of the time they managed to mess up something and i can say rina is the first tv ship that didn’t disappoint me at all.
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dykrophone · 1 year
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steampunkedemon · 2 years
caswen || story of another us
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favroitecrime · 2 years
i'm sorry y'all can take your fake nini hate and go somewhere else with that and idc how you feel about her in general but I just KNOW you'd be lying to yourself if you don't admit S4 is not gonna be great soundtrack wise without her. look at s3 lmao.
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mbat · 5 months
i still think about how the owl house came out with their first episode and just went insane with it tbh
like they did not hold back lol the protagonist was quickly shown to be a bit weird, and then she goes into a world where fairys want to eat her, people eat their own eyes, and middle aged womens body parts just fall off
and the first message was that weirdos stick together! and they made it very clear!
and i remember catching this episode on one of its first airings the night it aired because i didnt have a computer or laptop at the time so i was watching tv a lot back then. and despite it only being the first episode, it caught my attention immediately! i mean, most shows take me a few episodes, but that show only took 22 minutes.
i remember even thinking something along the lines of 'you say that but would you have queer characters? i doubt it, disney' AND THEN THEY PROVED ME WRONG!!!! and then proved me right by shortening the show but anyway
just. what a fucking great show. genuinely one of a kind and it was so screwed by being on disney, when it probably wouldve had better luck on nick or CN, but we will never know that now. gonna miss it forever.
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talknerdytome18 · 4 months
I've been thinking about AGGGTM ships again. This series isn't meant to be ship heavy (as it should be, because I barely survived the shipping madness from HSMTMTS) but I love writing about both the canon + non-canon couples. So I've decided to talk about ships I've seen for AGGGTM in this post because I have uni assigments due and I wanna procrastinate.
Disclaimer: These are just ships I've seen on Instagram or Twitter. My opinion is my opinion and if you don't like it, then just move on. This is only gonna be non-canon pairings so don't expect PipRavi or JamieNat here (because I ship those and this is only about non-canon pairings).
Pippa Fitz-Amobi/Connor Reynolds: eh... I can kind of see it. I see it in the sense of them being childhood crushes that fade in a week. Connor did canonically have a crush on Pip in book 1 that faded after book 1 (it wasn't mentioned again). They wouldn't have anything long-term as they're better off friends.
Jamie Reynolds/Stanley Forbes: This ship has four fics on AO3 and I've actually enjoyed them. I'm personally more of a JamieNat shipper but this one is pretty cute. I see it as Stanley being Jamie's bi awakening (I hc Jamie as being bi). They'd be cute if you know... Stanley didn't die.
Ant Lowe/Connor Reynolds: UH NO FUCKING WAY. Even if we're going based off book 1, they'd still be awful because of how Ant acted in the series. He was so disrespectful towards Connor when he pulled that prank in Kill Joy, knowing that they were running on limited time. He's also so nasty towards Connor in Good Girl, Bad Blood when Jamie went missing. I can't even imagine these two working out in an alternate timeline because I fucking despise Ant Lowe. Fuck Ant Lowe I hope Jamie beat his ass when he found out about how he treated Pip and Connor during his disappearance.
Cara Ward/Lauren Gibson: I really like this ship! I'm still not Lauren's biggest fan (she reminds me of a former friend), but I think the show might change that since Ant's not there. Asha and Yali have lovely chemistry from what we've seen in their posts. I also feel like Lauren having a sapphic arc would be better than that Ant/Lauren nonsense. Seriously, wtf was that???
Zach Chen/Connor Reynolds: YES YES YES YES. If you follow me, then you know how much I love this ship (I created their AO3 tag btw). They would be so cute together! I kinda feel like Connor had a little crush on Zach in the book (he was acting pretty secretive about where he was after the memorial in ggbb. Like dude, nobody cares if you were playing Fortnite with Zach. Is there something else you're not telling us???). I would love for them to make them canon in the show (especially since Zach is there... and why would you add him but cut Ant?), but it's unlikely.
Pippa Fitz-Amobi/Max Hastings: EWWW DISGUSTING. IF YOU FUCKING SHIP THIS GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU WEIRDO 🤮 (Yes, this is a real ship I've seen when looking through the ship tags on ao3 😭).
That's all I can think of. Some of these were fine... except Ant/Connor and Pip/Max. Anyways bye! - Em <333
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daphnebowen · 10 months
hsmtmts headcanons :)? also what show would you have them do if there were a s5 :D
oh my goodness yes hsmtmts headcanons! I have some that I’ve been thinking about so apologies if this is a horrific mess that jumps all over the place :) also this is going to be very very long so apologies 🥰
after the whole “Romeo and Juliet announcement” for Christmas they get twin golden retriever puppies, one for each of them, and name them Romeo and Juliet. Juliet belongs to Ricky and Romeo belongs to Gina. Romeo is affectionately known as ro or romey and Juliet is affectionately known as ju or juju. (pretty sure this one has been said by people already but I LOVE the idea of it and i had to add Juliet)
furthermore on the Romeo and Juliet topic after Mack leaves Quinn asks Ricky to step in 😍
this is more down the line but I have a vision for in the future when Ashlyn and Maddox want kids. they want to adopt though, and as soon as they find the perfect little red haired munchkin Maddox immediately goes to the hardware store and buys tons of paint and they redo an entire room in their cute little cottage for their kid. idk why but that just came to me in the middle of the night, I had an image in my head of Maddie FaceTiming jet covered in paint laughing/crying as they finish up the room.
jet asks Kourtney out at the big New Year’s Eve party at Ashlyn’s. Enough said. she giggles and accepts and the two become a power couple and a force to be reckoned with.
ricky and Gina continue to meet in the secret stairwell and he continues to climb up through her window even after their relationship goes public
We don’t know what ej is majoring in (at least I don’t remember) so during the middle of his freshmen year he switches it to education. he becomes a teacher and goes somewhere else (somewhere in the Midwest maybe?) to teach middle school sports.
ricky pursues music through college and ends up becoming a famous singer/songwriter/music producer similar to nini but he ends up writing a lot of the songs and soundtracks for Gina’s movies.
Gina pursues her acting career and ends up becoming a total rockstar but she never changed her values and who she is. her and Ricky attend every premiere together
when Dewey gets too old to run camp shallow lake anymore, guess who he asks to take over? Maddox. she happily accepts and moves her and Ashlyn and their red haired baby (ash and Maddie are not married yet btw - can you adopt and still not be married? Dumb question maybe lol) over to California. and one day as they’re going through each of the cabins seeing what shape everything is in, they stop by the honeycomb bunk. Lo and behold as they walk in is a magnificent beautiful romantic picture before Maddox, with a huge framed picture of her and Ashlyn and tons of wild flowers and all her favorite guitars and things. She turns around… and there’s ash with a ring. Ashlyn doesn’t even get to pop the question until Maddox screams and tackles her, laughing and saying “I have to show you something!” She pulls ash behind her over to the theater barn and there is almost an identical setup on the stage, except all of Ashlyn’s favorite things. and now Maddox has a ring. You can guess how it ends. (sorry this one was super long but once I got started I couldn’t stop)
ricky has always enjoyed doing public things for Gina, as we’ve seen. He’s always shouting about his love for her in public, serenading her randomly as they walk through town, etc. well his proposal is exactly the same. They’re on the red carpet for a movie Gina had been kicking butt in (literally, it’s an action movie). (like everyone else has said, they got married young. You decide what age you want specifically) Ricky had been acting a bit nervous and Gina didn’t know why. once they got on the red carpet, in the very center of all those cameras and fans, Ricky took her hand and got down on one knee. Gina’s jaw dropped as Ricky gave the most beautiful profound speech in the world since “I love you forever” and immediately Gina started crying as she said “yes yes infinity times yes!” and everyone cheered and Ricky gave her the biggest hug of his life and spun her around did not let go of her for the rest of the night. *side note: when a reporter asked Ricky if he was nervous about proposing to Gina since it’s very public and what if she says no, Ricky replied with a “that’s not why I was nervous at all. No, I wasn’t nervous that Gina would reject me. We’ve been dating for so long, it’s just- we just get each other. We complete each other. I promised her forever and I’m never going back on that promise. because I do love her forever. No, the only reason I was nervous is because it’s so loud here and I didn’t know if she would hear the things I was saying. I was speaking from the heart! and because I’m on tv being recorded, obviously, what if I mess up and do something stupid? but no, I wasn’t worried at all that Gina would say no.” 🩷 (this one was also extremely long sorry!)
Saw some other rina headcanons (sorry this post might be a lot about them bc I’m in love with them so yeah) but one of them was Ricky gets Gina mystery childcare’s every Valentine’s Day and she literally knows who they’re from but plays along anyway because he’s adorable
Carlos and Seb continue to be a little on again off again through college but eventually settle down in a far-style version of glamping with a huge fancy central house and then a rusty old barn for Seb to do this thing with the cows and such
they have both boys and girls and Carlos insists on having a quince for every one of them (I’m thinking big family…)
all of the respective couples when they have kids name miss Jenn as the godmother 🥹
kourtney is a cat person. idk why. but you cannot change my mind. she’s gonna be a crazy old fashionista grandma with tons of cats telling her grandkids stories while her is half asleep next to her waking up every so often to say “and then I…” and then falling back to sleep
speaking of jetney, jet needs 60 million pep talks before he proposes to kourt - it takes a LOOOOOOOONNGGGG time
i imagine their proposal to be somewhere like iconic. idk I don’t have any ideas where - maybe somewhere overseas?? Kourtney makes her Sharpay dreams come true
Kourtney becomes a world renowned fashion designer and jet is just along for the ride. they have twin boys and a girl and he raises them while working some boring 9-5 job but he loves raising his kids and teaching them all about music and their mama since she’s gone a lot. But they FaceTime every day after school whenever Kourtney’s away for her job, it’s the best part of any day
jenn and mazzy love New Zealand so much that they end up moving there once miss Jenn retires (don’t worry, it’s not for a long time) and when everyone goes for a big reunion party to celebrate the 25th anniversary of hsm4
mike and Lynn don’t actually get back together… do they actually get back together in canon? Or are they just like more friendly towards each other and not so standoffish? Because I dunno, a divorce is very final and then getting back together just offsets the whole change thing Ricky’s gone through. But anyways, that’s just me
nini goes on tour Ricky and Kourtney’s freshmen year in college and Kourtney comes back from Lewis to see her perform in Salt Lake City. nini gets everyone prime seating - even Emmy and jet and Ricky - and they all go and have the best time ever. Ricky and nini don’t kill each other on sight and turns out nini is the biggest die hard rina fan ever and ends up writing a song for them on their wedding day. her and Ricky go back to being better friends and things aren’t so tense after they have a huge raging private concert between them too where they sing all of the thoughts they’ve ever had about each other and just let it all out. It’s very therapeutic for them and helps them understand each other a bit more (same vibe as portwells lil thing in season four where Gina apologizes to ej)
and I’m out of characters soooo more hc and what show they do on the way!! Hope you enjoy!
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okay watched rise of red yesterday, here are some final thoughts/questions/and just standout thoughts
okay i'm gonna preface this with two things. 1. i was gonna live blog the movie but (obviously) didn't and just wrote notes in my personal notes app as i watched instead (so if i refer to "my notes" that's what i'm talking about). and 2. i did not hate this movie nor did i love this movie but (to me) it still belongs at the table with the original trilogy
i full on thought that ella was the prankster/let the prank happen, which is apparently not an original thought as i've seen a couple of people say this (like multiple times in my notes i talk about a possible misdirect but alas no)
i also thought that red and chloe would go back to the present and the coup would still happen/the queen of hearts would be even more evil and it would end on a cliffhanger (i guess it semi-did due to uma's narration at the end)
there were too many talking breaks in the songs, to the point where i didn't exactly know whether or not the song ended
^speaking of the songs, i rated them as i watched btw check it out :), there was way too much rapping/talk singing. i'm usually a big disney rapping defender but in almost every song? would it have killed them to give me singing verses?
^there was also a lot of autotune, which is fine but again, in every song? like the songs sometimes sounded very over-produced at times which is just peak disney+ original
all of the young versions of the characters were mad overhyped and over-promoted for most of them to do almost nothing (fay, jasmine, aladdin, hades, maleficent, and ESPECIALLY ZELLIE/MEADOW, i'm looking at you)
even though i knew that queen of hearts's name was bridget before the movie came out, it took me until love ain't it to realize that it's because bridge is a card game (i've literally been wondering why they chose bridget as her name since it was announced I'M A FOOL)
i have quite literally never cared about any interpretation of captain hook until this movie. joshua just makes it work and his VOICE (the deep. the accent. sickening)
malia's wig definitely kept changing in volume and length and it slightly bothered me the whole time
can't tell if i love that chad was acknowledged or not. like you're telling me that cinderella and charming just let their son be a bully
it will forever bother me that vk's are supposed to be the only ones with natural unnatural hair colors but in rise of red they have multiple non-villains with unnatural hair colors (chloe, cinderella, charming = blue hair, zellie/meadow = rainbow streaks but that could be dyed hair)
these characters have such queer energy
kinda wish we had more of a conclusion song instead of just a reprise and remix of life is sweeter but since this movie is a part 1(???), i guess i'll give it a pass
does hook just have the hook for aesthetic or am i supposed to live with the fact that a teenager got his hand cut off and fed to a crocodile?? (he literally goes "for a hand, find a golden hook"...DID THIS TEENAGER GET HIS HAND CUT OFF AND FED TO A CROCODILE???)
i know that because the merlin academy's students haven't played their stories out so there's no "oh i'm the daughter/son of..." but why is no one questioning red and chloe or asking for their full names?? like have chloe try to explain why her last name is charming or have red say she's from wonderland and have bridget be confused
and uma never mentioned her aunt why??? (also side note: i love the casting of data being related to china because multiple times while listening to hsmtmts songs, dara will sound like china to me)
if the book froze uliana and her gang then how did they pull of the prank before in the original timeline???
^speaking of the prank, i'm kind of upset that they had queen of hearts explain what the prank did to her in the present instead of red and chloe finding out naturally
^speaking of the prank pt.2, it seems more like the prank brought bridget to her breaking point, than it magically transformed her personality. i know that somewhere in the prank she "turned into a monster" but i'm sticking with what i said anyways
also insane how we know that captain hook's name is james and yet the movie is acting like hook (HIS LAST NAME) is his first name
^SAME FOR CHARMING. how is it his first name(???) if chad and chloe's last names are charming
whoever said that the title should've stayed the pocketwatch, you're so right
^speaking of the pocketwatch, kinda irked that the white rabbit was just never mentioned
i like that chloe was wearing pants and boots, so basically appropriate clothes for fighting/walking around/running away from things instead of a frilly dress and heels (not that i don't believe chloe could still kick someone's ass in such an outfit)
^however, though i get the sentiment, i do not like the implication that chloe was just going through the movie in GLASS BOOTS
and finally, if this movie takes place 10 years after the events of the first movie, why is chad still in college??? (then again he could've flunked school multiple times and then got into college later in life)
also just re-rated the songs as i was typing this up so check that out too :)
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rosesradio · 1 year
btw “end of the night” on the new hot freaks album was written exclusively for portwell at the camp prom & i’m unwell about it
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shuffleoflove · 1 year
btw nothing in the high school musical 4 of the hsmtmts universe is actually canon to the high school musical series. the show is by disney and has the hsm branding slapped onto it, but the hsm 4 within hsmtmts is still a fictional movie within a fictional universe. troy and gabriella are not canonically in couples therapy no matter how many times a tiktoker says "i'm about to ruin your childhood!!" and shows the same popcrave tweet. ryan is still gay though that's not up for debate
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jcforsapphics · 1 year
Hsmtmts 4x08:
Ok last episode I am so so scared but I'm so glad it's an hour longg
Good on EJ for being on his last play but babygirl what happened to your face
"Btw, who the fuck are you guys?" LMAO RICKY IS SO REAL
"Are you asking as my son or as my brother?"
I'm loving all the Kourtney appreciation because she desreve that so much
Troyella are getting very personal to rina right now
Jet being the biggest madlyn shipper!!
"I have every feeling for you" THEY ARE HAPPENING
"I feel like I don't deserve to be as happy as you make me" so I'm getting called out by every character this season, huh?
They are so not staying just friends who are they lying to
Plot twist Ricky and Mack ends up together
Joshoua Bassest you have the voice of an angel
Full disclosure I actually hate public declarations of love and would not like it at all if he'll confess in front of everyone I'll probably have to skip it I can't handle second hand embarrassments
Hey I better get a fic expanding on Ricky feeling like he didn't deserve to get into college because??
Big Red and Ricky hug!!
Everyone singing together might have made me tear up a bit haha I don't want to actually cry I already cried last night when I prepared myself mentally (I'm attracted to this show in a very autistic and not at all healthy way and my therapist told me she's genuinely worried about me and about what will happen if rina won't end up together)
"My dad knew I was gay since I was two!" Seb I think everyone knew
Ms Jen I'm sorry to tell you this but Gina always looks like a star
I don't have words for Ricky's speech because how dare he
Gina talking about every single person and crying I can't I can't :((
"I really wish the world was as pure as you see it" is actually such a good line
Not Gina calling Jet out on his feelings for Kourtney in front of everyoneee
The camara not finding EJ when Gina is trying to talk to him??
This whole speech is really making me feel like I missed with my horrible theatre group I wish we had what they do
"I feel so seen and so understood and so known" I LOVE YOU GINA PORTER
This is literally the most unserious show in the world
This song is so going on my playlist
I genuinely love this song very much but I need an actual spoken confession for the edits
She did not tell him she loves him way back in season one and we didn't know??
"It's been there all along?" "Just like me." You don't know how much they mean to me
Honestly Quinn deserve such a rise after this
I can't believe the show is over :((
Definitely a few things I would change about this season but more on that on a later post! (Mostly the fact there was no chocolate theory reveal obviously)
Overall I'm so so happy with how the show ended but still going to ignore it and pretend it'll go on forever
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Ok. Final HSMTMTS season review by a random nerdy girl with weird thoughts and ideas
They really did not give a single fuck anymore
No like so many bleeped swear words ??
I feel like they did want to do more with this show and I am guessing a lot of their ”we give no more fucks” attitude this season has something to do with that
They made some odd choices with some characters lol
The amount of times I thought ”this reminds me of glee”, ”it’s giving glee vibes” people who wanna watch something after this show watch Glee it’s on D+ now too because Disney bought Fox
In the end I am happy and satisfied with the season and I am glad to see it all at once rather than wait for eps. Waiting for eps is fun too but I like variety
Now Spoiler Time😌
I need to talk about the most important thing first according to me.
ASHLYN!! ASH!!! *squeals*
I don’t know if the fandom has treated her as roughly this season but I have not forgiven you how you treated her last season and she is the baby girl ever
Maddox and Jet are the siblings ever I love how they just sibling-tease each other all the time while always being friends. And I am happy they have each other considering their home life seems to be… oof.
A LOT of things seemed to happen off screen that I’d like to see… on screen?
Like a big part of the Seb stuff… his whole dad thing was just very rushed and kinda like ”btw we are adding this random thing” and ??
And the CHEATING. Biggest plot twist of the show. I WAS NOT PREPARED. I WAS NOT PREPARED.
Big Red and Ashlyn’s breakup was actually very nice though. No drama… I also found it hilarious that she was more mad for Carlos’ sake than her own didjdkdkgidoslf
Ricky is such a sweet boy honestly
Good on them for confirming Ryan is gay
Why is Maddox such a gay mess I love her
It feels like their story is not over yet and a lot of loose threads are still up. I wish we could have seen their graduation
MADDOX AND ASH WERE MAKING OUT. Like when this show started it was ”a little peck” at most with Carlos and Seb and now there is this.
Also their kissing scene and Carlos walking in 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m happy things are going good for Gina and her mom is finally present
I seem to have forgotten when/if Kourtney broke up with Howie or not?? Did she? Did I not remember that?
Emmy is so funny I can’t
I loved to see everyone’s origin stories how they got to the theatre in the first place. Like Ash feeling like she was in EJ’s shadow?? Ricky not even doing the audition if he hadn’t spoken to Gina? Carlos being bullied like that??? SEB WITH A GIRL?!
Mack just has this large former child actor energy going on I can’t explain it ??
Also them highkey wanting to reference Dog with a blog here
Every time they do a show I am always prepared something will go wrong. Like S1 scarred me now I think something always will happen and even when it goes good I am still like ”aaaaany time now…”
I know I will have more stuff to say about this show. But that’s all for tonight. It was a wild ride with the Wildcats.
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soursfilms · 1 year
hello there! hoping this reaches the hsmtmts and rina audience. *fingers crossed* since hsmtmts is coming to an end i decided i will be here more often to talk about the show. i will be posting a lot more of my thoughts and analysis i have had on my mind for a while and never shared while we wait for season four. the reception on my last post was so nice btw. i know i am months late, but thank you! if you see this, feel free to ask me anything regarding the show, characters, or ships please. i will be here all month before the show ends, and a little after that to discuss season four. i want to enjoy every last bit of this show before moving on and saying goodbye.
hoping to follow rinas and hsmtmts fans!
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2ndstringloser · 1 year
btw as always inbox always open for all hsmtmts discussion and ranting (except no character/actor/crew hate obvi) i specialize in ej but i love talking about the whole show so if you wanna chat come on in
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