#however theres a delay of about 4 days rn so im sorry for the wait!
dailyfigures · 2 years
if you've sent me an ask please don't think i'm ignoring you! my ask box is just a little clogged up but i'll get to it!!!
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etheriaaly · 3 years
Hello, do you still do requests? If so, could I get a cc!SBI x GN!Reader (platonic ofc) at TwitchCon? If requests aren't open feel free to ignore btw
Thank you, and remember to drink water and eat something!
a/n: hiii!! sorry for the long wait and delay, I forgot to post this a month ago😭😅. school is just making me busy but requests are open <3  also im pretty sure theres a similar fanfic plot w this but imma hope mine has a bit of twist and difference to it 😭. Another thing, I have no idea how TwitchCon works or what it looks like from the inside so please bare with the lack of TwitchCon knowledge in this fanfic. Anyways,  i hope u enjoy this short one :))
P.S. Sorry if u live in the USA or near it, the location where the reader lives is for plot purposes :))
READER PRONOUNS: They/them (Gender neutral)
TwitchCon is coming in a few days and [Y/N] is beyond excited. Not only it was their first-ever TwitchCon, but they also get to finally meet Tommy, Wilbur, Phil, and Techno.
However, those 4 don't know [Y/N] will be joining TwitchCon in San Diego since [Y/N] literally lives on the other side of the world and the SBI thinks their parents didn't allow them to travel just for TwitchCon.
But [Y/N]'s parents literally said yes once they told them about TwitchCon💀
Even though telling the SBI beforehand would be a great start to plan the things they would do and have fun but then again, where's the thrill and excitement into seeing their shocked faces once they see [Y/N].
They are currently anxious at the moment, tapping their feet on and on. What if one of them sees [Y/N] on the airport or on the way to the TwitchCon?? That will definitely ruin the surprise.
[Y/N] hopes that the Marvel disguise, which consist of the cap and a sunglasses, will work.
As soon as they finally landed at the San Diego Internationally Airport, they received a text message from the group chat.
orphan obliterator: at the hotel rn
wilby: tommy, im literally beside you
cawcaw man: ^
big man child: WISH U WERE HERE [N/N]!!
[n/n]: also dw abt it theres always next time ig 😩
orphan obliterator: want me to convince the government to let you fly here for free???
[n/n]: thanks for the thought, Techno but im prettyyyy sure ur way of convincing isn't in a peaceful way🤪
big man child: really sucks uR NOT HERE
wilby: I'm pretty sure [Y/N] is a lucky gal or else they will have to endure your presence Tommy
big man child: WHAT THE FUCK WILBUR
orphan obliterator: GO GO ! GHOSTBUR IN REAL LIFE LETS GO
wilby: I'm calling my lawyer on you guys
[Y/N] quietly laughed and placed their phone back in their bag. They better hurry back to the hotel and get ready to surprise the four of them.
A few hours later, they have finally gotten ready for TwitchCon in which will start in like an hour and the excitement is increasing.
[Y/N] have gotten over the plan once again: use the MCU disguise, pull a You Joe Goldberg, snap a picture of the SBI together from afar and watch the four of them freak out. [Y/N] chuckled evilly and looked for a ride to the TwitchCon.
On the way to the TwitchCon, they decided to open up Twitter to see if any other CCs or fans posted a tweet or a picture about TwitchCon already. So far, many people have tagged [Y/N] saying they’re sad that [Y/N] isn’t able to come. 
At last, they have set foot to the entryway of TwitchCon, they can feel their anticipation and eagerness increasing. Luckily, it’s a bit crowded so if the four are already there, they will have a hard time accidentally spotting [Y/N]. 
Right before entering the building, they sent a small message of, “Have fun guys ;)” to the group chat and turned off their phone. 
Although being in a crowd will have higher chance of getting not recognized, they still feel somewhat uneasy in such a big crowd. Just the amount of people being in the same room as them makes [Y/N] anxious. But they made sure they’d try to overcome the fear of crowds for now because this prank plan only happens once in a lifetime. 
‘Ohno, I didn’t get to ask where they are,’ [Y/N] thought as they observe the crowd. ‘But, that will make me suspicious.’ 
Now getting lost in the convention, they immediately tried to find a way to know where they are until a group of girls near [Y/N] age slowly passed by, seemingly talking about Tommy, Wilbur, Techno and Phil. 
“Ohhh, I can’t wait to see them in real life,” said one girl. 
“They’re just in their booths far away right?” 
“Yep! Do you guys want to solo picture with each of them or a group picture?” The other girl in a Dream merch asked. 
The conversation of the group of girls gradually died down as they are now away from where [Y/N] is just standing from. ‘Jackpot! I’ll just follow them and I hope they can lead me to where those boys are’ 
[Y/N] hurriedly tried to run after the group of girls because they almost lost track of where they are heading due to the dozens of people walking past and across.
Although they did lost track of the group of girls, they tiredly sighed. But, it was immediately turned into a lopsided grin once they heard a familiar loud-ass person they know.
"Didn't know this place is full of Americans!"
"Tommy, we're literally in America. What do you expect?"
[Y/N] tried to contain themselves from jumping into them out of nowhere because they can feel themselves being giddy and excited.
This is it. The moment they've been waiting and planning for.
[Y/N] took out their phone and immediately snapped a photo of Philza's back head. They are so lucky that the disguise worked and those 4 idiots are really convinced [Y/N] is not there with them.
As soon as they snapped the photo, they sent it to the group chat. Looking away from their phone, they can see Wilbur pulling out their phone and immediately typing on the phone. [Y/N] giggled.
[n/n]: (sent a photo)
wilby: WHAT?! HOW?
They looked again at where the SBI is standing. Wilbur hurriedly tapped on Philza's shoulder and showed him the photo.
Philza's jaw dropped and exclaimed, "[Y/N] is here!?" Tommy's and Techno's heads whipped towards Philza and went towards the two of them.
"[Y/N]??? Here? Since when??" Tehcno asked.
"They sent a photo of my head!"
"That's impossible," Tommy said, crossing their arms. "They can't be here. Their parents didn't allow them to come remember? Maybe they asked a fan to take a photo of Phil's back head."
[Y/N] tried to contain their laughter as they just watch the four go chaos. They unlocked their phone again and opened the group chat. 
orphan obliterator: explain
cawcaw man: you could've at least took a better shot at me
[n/n]: ;)
While Tommy, Techno, Phil and Wilbur are in shambles and busy texting in the groupchat. [Y/N] saw a perfect opportunity.
Still not removing any of their disguise, they hurriedly yet sneakily walked towards theme. Good thing the boys had their backs turned and they can't see [Y/N] sneaking behind them.
They kept hearing continuous text notifications as it kept buzzing in their hands.
"They just sent a winky face and never replied!"
"I swear to god, they're just probably scaring us—"
"TOMMY!" [Y/N] screamed loudly at the ear of Tommy as managed to tackle the entire group causing the five of them to fall to the ground. The five of them got startled and screamed. Tommy's scream was the loudest.
Other people looked at their direction due to how loud they all screamed. [Y/N] laughed and put their hand to their belly, trying to find support due to too much laughter. They just decided to continue laying on the floor because they're still busy laughing.
Wilbur immediately went to stand up and exclaimed, "[Y/N]?! You're really here?!"
"Holy shit." Phil laughed as he help Techno stand up from the ground. Tommy and [Y/N] are still the ones on the floor.
[Y/N] is too busy laughing while Tommy is in bewilderment and shock. "Careful, Tommy you're gonna catch a fly." Techno joked.
"His jaw dropped too hard." Tommy continued to stare at [Y/N] until he attacked and engulfed them in a big hug.
"Tommy you're crushing me."
"I don't care," Tommy replied, hugging [Y/N] even harder. "YOU FUCKER ARE REALLY HERE."
"Come up, child. It's now our turn to hug [Y/N]." Techno said as he tried to separate Tommy from them.
It took a while until Tommy got tired of hugging [Y/N] too hard so the two of them finally got the chance to stand up with the help of Phil, Wilbur and Techno. As soon as [Y/N] stood up, they were immediately greeted with Wilbur's and Philza's hug.
"You guys are really trying to crush and kill me, huh?"
“Move, it’s my turn.” Techno pushed Phil and Wilbur away and crushed poor [Y/N] as well. 
“I’m now very convinced all of you are plotting my death.” They said in between of the hugging. Techno let go and everyone’s adrenaline is still rushing. “YOOO!”
After finally getting accustomed to [Y/N] being with them, they all settled down and took a deep breath. "Man, I still can't believe you're really here, you sly motherfucker." Tommy stated.
"Yeah, me too."
Suddenly, Phil slightly nudged [Y/N]'s side and said, "Look you're number 1 trending already on Twitter."
[Y/N] let out a surprised gasp and immediately opened up Twitter. They scrolled down to see some tweets and oh boy, they really were trending that fast.
Pictures of [Y/N] sneaking behind the SBI, another one where [Y/N] tackles them to the ground, more pictures of them that just happened minutes ago.
How are people so fast????
It was a long day of meeting, greeting, signing and socializing with fans. The five of them might be tired but hey, it was an awesome day. Not only they get to go to TwitchCon and meet fans, but they also get to finally hang out in real life.
They are currently packing up their things from TwitchCon and heading out to eat dinner together. However, Tommy has other plans.
"Can you buy the cotton candy that I saw outside pleaseee??" Tommy pleaded to Techno.
He then went towards Phil but was already cutted off before Tommy even says anything. "We're going to eat dinner, save the sweets for later."
"But, PHILLLLLL." Tommy groaned.
[Y/N] laughed and sped walked beside Tommy. "Watch and learn bitch boy."
They then went towards Techno first and asked, "Can you buy that cotton candy for me?"
Tommy's jaw dropped. What the fuck ???
"That's so unfair!"
The rest of the night was spent goofing around, eating dinner together, strolling around and bullying Tommy (hj).
This was one of the best days they ever had. Wishing this all won't be over anytime soon.
Time may fly by so fast but you have to cherish and remember all the fun memories you had made.
Afterall, there are many more opportunities in which the five of you will meet up again. Who knows?
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