#however what you can't deny is that for a specific type of person its a very “rewarding” place
topnotchquark · 9 months
saw u say pato is a delhi boy in spirit and literally laughed for 17 minutes!!!! also omfg did not know u were from here what are the odds
Look at Pato and tell me he doesn't look like he drives an MG hector down delhi-gurgaon expressway at full speed. This man was built to inherit a family business of lighting fixtures/washing machines/wedding clothes in Chandni chowk but due to an accident of birth he ended up open wheel racing in Mexico. I can literally see him fighting cops on Shanti Path. He is getting into road rage related hijinks and trying to flex his wealth in the argument. Literally he is partying somewhere in 36 Avenue in gurgaon on a Saturday (derogatory). He is matching with ig baddies on bumble and taking them to Khan market perch for the first date. He is bathing himself in dior sauvage everyday and he shops at the city walk H&M. He's even 5'6, which is the average delhi guy height.
Also ur right lol I didn't expect to see another delhi person on motogpblr but I suppose we are everywhere, glad to see you! (I'm not from Delhi though, I only moved here for work a few years ago). Tell me which other motorsport personality seems delhi to you, I think Jorge Martin from MotoGP also seems very gurgaon to me too lol.
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beneaththeweeping · 2 months
spotify playlist
"In the far lands of Gaffem Soddows rests Somnum, a massive weeping willow tree that sits in the center of the island. It feels as if it's almost watching over its people, with roots that dig deep into the soil.
Legend says that the 4 deore arose from this tree. First, Eoslile of beginning, health, and spring. Next, Latysus of past, harvest, and fall. Then, Heilyr of future, wildlife, and summer. Last, Wedira of end, wind, and winter.
After creating all the life and nature within Gaffem Soddows, they created an impossible maze around the tree with moving walls and large, terrifying beasts, and laid to rest within Somnum, now dead and gone.
...Though, some say that they are still alive, watching over the people of Gaffem Soddows. And if you travel through the thick Foristraum forest, get through the neverending maze and its trials and beasts, and make it to the willow tree, the deore will grant you one wish."
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This is the map of Gaffem Soddows. Two things dont have a name yet: kit's village in the Euarmar forest and then that tiny little forest near the Wellspring mountains, which is an assassin guild full of necromancers.
Beneath The Weeping is a story about grief, acceptance, and perseverance.
Quin "Kit" Knut is a 16 year old who leaves her village in the Euarmar forest and travels to Somnum, in hopes of having her wishes granted by the deore. Along the way she meets a young necromancer, Peregrine Elwood (17), and aers soulbond, Adaline (technically 17, but shes been dead for over 50 years), in Wedekind. Peregrine has aers own wish for the gods and together they make their way to multiple other cities, meeting other characters who each have their own wish for the deore.
The story is centered around Kit having to accept her father's death and her own disability. She learns to stop viewing her disability as a terrible hindrance that is only holding her back from every single thing in her life, along with accepting her father's death and goes through the stages of grief throughout the story.
Each character has their own grieving and accepting they have to do and in fact each of their wishes are something that the deore would deny. While Kit is an obvious one, Peregrine Elwood has to grieve the lack of power ae has and accept aers own skill.
Kit and Peregrine are the 2 main characters of BtW, with the others acting as side characters or antagonists. They immediately do not like each other as soon as they meet.
Kit learns of a teen in Wedekind who studies the maze and Somnum and specifically tracks aer down, however because Kit grew up in a small village and only learns things from word of mouth, she doesn't actually know a lot about necromancy. When they first meet, Kit is basically begging Peregrine to bring back her dad, assuming that's what ae can do. However, there are multiple types of necromancers and Peregrine is specifically a vivifica (aka peregrin can revive the dead, but only One Person aka aers soulbond and from one realm of Mortuorum aka the "normal guy realm" and not the "cool guy realm") so ae cannot revive Kit's dad.
Because Kit is grieving and not in the right mindset and also doesn't fully understand necromancy and obviously very upset, Kit pretty much immediately shits on everything Peregrine does and Peregrine as a person. She is like "oh, so then what is even your purpose? you're necromancer but you can't even Necromancy, what the shit. you suck." And Peregrine is incredibly insecure over aers powers and it's aers entire wish (explained later), so ae is very fucking mad that Kit just shat on aer and aers entire practice.
So they do not fucking like each other at all. But, for whatever reason that I haven't decided on yet, Peregrine does in fact go with Kit to Somnum (either because of aers parents or because of Adaline). Along the way they meet Isarn/Ithel Thorsten, a vivimancer (healing magic) apothecary; a dendromancer (plant magic) staff user; and a swordwielding poet.
In order to get to Somnum, they have to go through Volkwin. This is usually where most adventurers die, because the Volkwin guards tend to kill or arrest anyone who attemps to reach the deore. The whole reason this city is built directly in front of the entrance is because the royal family thinks they deserve and own the power the deore provide.
Here they meet one of the main antagonists in the story, Livia Loveday de Volkwin, who is a very delusioned princess who's next in line for the crown.
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Gaffem Soddows is a shitty anagram of "Meadows of Gods" with an added "f" because the word looked better that way.
All of the gods' names are ones that I liked combined with actual gods in mythology. For example Eoslilde comes from "Gislilde" and "Eostre". Heilyr comes from "Heilwig" and "Freyr".
This weird mashing of words is seen pretty much everywhere ("Morsfall", "Pantakryo", "Foristraum", etc).
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The 4 deore (aka season gods, serere meaning "to sow" and deos meaning "god") are the gods that created Gaffem Soddows and represent each season of the year: Eoslilde of spring, Heilyr of summer, Latysus of fall, and Wedira of winter. They have the power of granting one wish to whoever actually can make it to Somnum, but they're kind of really big assholes and don't actually grant you your wish. If they feel your wish is greedy or just stupid, they can and will deny it and tell you that it's a stupid wish. Though this is often left out as the myth gets passed down through generations, because that makes for a bad story. Who wants to be told "the gods will grant you a wish if you travel and survive ... but only if they want to. they can deny it after you go through all that hard work."
Peregrine is a skilled necromancer and fighter, but because of the pressure of aers parents and community, ae views aers power as "not good enough". Ae feels as if ae deserves even more power (almost like Livvy does) and has already traveled to Somnum at a very young age (~12 years old) to wish for this power, but ae was denied, being told ae is "too greedy". When ae states that ae deserves it because ae can "do good things" and is worthy of such power, the deore basically say "okay, then go do it. why do you need my power to do good?"
This also adds fire to Peregrine's and Kit's immediate hate for each other, since Kit shits on something Peregrine wants and has already been denied for and then shes asking aer to go back there.
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There 8 separate magic types and each have their own specifications and sections and culture surrounding them. I'll make a whole other post going into depth about the magic system in BW, but in short: each magic type has their own god that it "draws power from" or is used in a way of worship.
For example, Necromancers and anemomancers (wind mages) draw their power from Wedira, who controls wind and Mortuorum. This practice however can also be used as a way to worship Wedira, so instead of "Wedira gives me this power", its more of a "I do this for Wedira".
Then, there's each separate sections of certain magic types.
For example, necromancers have 3 different type of mages based off of how and where they revive the dead from:
1. the Videre (from "see the" in latin) are a type of necromancers that can only see and communicate with the dead who have yet to pass on. They have no connection with anyone to revive them.
2. the Vivifica (from "revive" in latin) are a type of necromancers that can revive the dead, but only from N/A realm of Mortuorum. So like the sections of the underworld in greek mythology, it's similar here with Mortuorum. Vivificas can typically only revive one person, which is someone they have a soulbond with. Some vivificas can have up to 5 soulbonds, but it's very rare.
3. the Donum (from "gift" in latin) are a type of necromancers that are gifted their power by the deore. Usually, in the context of hope that this person will bring greatness to Gaffem Soddoes with this power. This only happens every 4+ decades (i haven't settled on an exact date yet). Donums can revive as many people as they want, regardless of soulbonds, and from all realms of Mortuorum.
All magic types have their own specifications and types of mages.
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falsebooles123 · 8 months
B-Sides of a Recovering Genre-Phobic: Court Cases and Album Covers
NOTE: This following section discusses a small modern controversy over the album cover. It touches briefly on the themes of CSA. Please skip to the next section if such discussing might be differcult for you.
Some interest is in the album cover, as in 2021 the model of the cover, Spencer Elden, is sueing Nirvana for Child Pornagraphy. To clarify the main argument is that the image cover, of him as a four month baby floating in a pool, constitutes said CP Materials. This case has been promptly denied for what I would think are obvious reasons. If the logic was followed to its inevitable conclusion then Anne Geddes would be in prison forever. I think there is a good conversation to be had over consent of child models and the ways that innocous nudity can cross the line through context. I can't find the specifics but there was a controversy a few years back where an OF creator posted a Home Video with a suggested caption. The paywalled video was revealed to be her as a child playing in a kiddy pool. I need to be clear that there should be a honest discussion on how Elden image is used and that if he doens't want his dick out on the most well known album cover ever that should be discussed by the people invovled.
I don't want to invalidate peoples feeling but at the same time I feel like this is a false equivilancy to the actually type of explotation that happens to children. The Additional Tortes of the case, the idea that he has no privacy because everyone saw what his dick looked like as a baby, and that it has prevented him from opportunities due to same kind of discrimination or infamy are near laughable. I find it hard to believe that a starbucks manager isn't going to give you a job because you were a proto-meme in the 90s.
I do want to consider his claims that this cover is 'lechiavious' and 'shocking'. The notion that the mere image of a baby not wearing cloths is somehow vulger or lewd is troubling. right? I feel like any person who could find something suggestive about this image already is the type of person that shouldn't be let around child in the first place.
However the phrase shocking is rather interesting because this art is shocking just not because of, at least not only because of, the nudity.
Weirdly enough its the dollar.
A baby is innocent, it doesn't understand any of the subtext of the world it exists purely within the realm of the physical and sensate. It doesn't understand what money is, the value of it, the hedgenomic pressures to perform for the dollar, the conspicious consumption of wealth. It does not want the dollar for metaphysical constructed reasons. He wants the dollar because its pretty, because it is aestetical pleasing.
The pool water acting as embryonic fluid and the nudity of the baby reads into this symbolism of the innocent and unborn. Somebody who hasn't been hurt by the world yet. and the dollar is a trap.
Its literally on a fish-hook a cartoonish way of luring somebody to there doom and looking at this image its poignant. Its almost religious like the original sin, like watching eve about to bite into the apple. This baby is striving for something that will ultimately ruin it without realizing the danger its in.
So yes I agree that the cover is shocking. Its a very poetic piece of art and a step above most album covers. Its probably why a lot of people like it.
I feel that I have perhaps been rather harsh on Elden, I do want to sympathize with him, to understand how it could be differcult for so many people to have seen a picture of you from before you could remember. But its also hard to contend with his past perspective on the relationship he has to the photo. For the first 25 years of his life he was rather proud of the connection doing reshoots of the image multiple times. I can understand changing ones mind about such a thing but the way that his court case has gone about it. Framing the situration explicitely as CSA calling this image pornagraphic feels sensationalist. It feels very much like a hail mary of relevency. I hope Elden finds a situration thats equitable to him but I also don't care for the way that he has watered down the meaning of what he is accusing nirvana of.
Anyway Whores that was my own two thoughts on the subject and I am happy to here your perspective. Thank you for letting me scream into the void and by an apologist like a terrible person.
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astrojoy · 3 years
Astrovations #10
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🌙 NN in the 10th doesn't always achieve success, if it is in bad conditions then effects will totally do the opposite. Someone close to me has this, even at a leo degree, however the affects of the other aspecting planets were good enough to create anything but what you'd want. However people with this aspect I have commonly seen be really hardworking. Especially if it's in Virgo (virgo rules the 6th) or Capricorn (capricorn rules the 10th). Probably Aries as well? Using up a lot of themeselves and their own energy in their work 👀 please take a break every once in awhile and treat yourself right to some peace if you can! 🥺🙏
🌙 The degree/house of your POF will have influence as to how you earn your POF. For instance, I have my POF in cancer, but its degree (8°), a scorpio degree in the 9th house. It was recently activated, and in this way. I nurtured or brought clarity- (a type of comfort) and in a scorpionic way, like the occult, more specifically, tarot, and it was a foreigner from another country (9th house) also pay attention to transits as this activates it. My transit that day was my venus (in the natal its in my first house at 8° in scorpio) and it was ontop of my POF that day. The person I brought clarity was a female who has a venusaian sweet and caring charm! 🥺
🌙 Asteroid Child Persona Chart can actually give info on how things will go in the household or how you will raise them. (EX - Saturn in 4th = traditional household (maybe sometimes strict) // Venus in the 1st = sweet, well mannered, and good looking kids)
🌙 More often than not. No matter how many conjunctions between major or inner planets, north node closely conjunct north node or south node conjunct north node in synastry is the most common I've seen between people being super close or meeting even. A definite soulmate connection is seen here
🌙 In synastry, Person A's saturn conjunct person B's ascendant can indicate person B viewing person A as really mature or serious. Sometimes cold as well. In relationships, sometimes this can seem as a restricted relationship, where person B feels held down in some way
🌙 Uranus in the 9th can indicate unconventional beliefs. If it's conjunct saturn then these might be stiffled by others who don't agree or the effect might not be as great as it would be if Uranus was alone
🌙 I've seen a lot of Pisces placements get sicker/injured easier. If you were to ask me I wouldn't have a clear answer. Idk why man 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️
🌙 Sun as atmakaraka in vedic astrology can play out in 2 scenarios from what I've seen and experienced. Either the person grows up super insecure with a dad (or some type of authority figure, like teachers-) that is/are egotistical or narcissistic. Or the person grows up with an inflated ego and is overly confident in themeselves, they could have had a dad who wasn't this way or their dad helped boost their ego. The 2nd option doesn't like to admit it either from what I've seen in someone with this placement. But that was just one person 🤔
🌙 I refer to Geminis and Sagittariuns as the peanut gallary. They can be hilarious from what I've seen
🌙 Capricorns can have a quirky side to them that alot of people don't get to see unless you're friends with them. I have 2 silly capricorn dominant friends with this lmfao 😂 one of them has been a best friend for life. I love all you guys
🌙 Venus in the 1st ideal partner has to definitely look good whether they like to admit it or not. This is especially strong if libra or venus rules the 7th
🌙 Fire mercuries I've seen have been very charismatic. Sounds quite stereotypical to the fire but I can't deny what happens
🌙 Fire in the 2nd/3rd can have an easier time eating spicy food. Meanwhile I've noticed more water signs in these houses commonly can't handle it as well. Water in the 2nd could get a runny nose or get watery eyes
🌙 Libra in the 12th is gonna have karma in relationships in some way. It can range from major to minor. Whatever planets in this house are, can tie into this. (Ex - Sun in libra = Ego issues, possibly feeling insecure in love or relationships / Mercury in Libra = Communication problems or feeling awkward at times. May not speak as much or may feel cautious about what they say etc..)
🌙 Sun in the 12th need sleep more often to rejuvenate/heal their soul. Sleep is an Energizer in a way
🌙 Moon in the 12th rejuvenates their emotional/mental health by sleeping or doing yoga/meditating
🌙 If anyone bullies someone else it's normally about the topic of the house where the victims chiron is placed unfortunately. The chiron during this day might be activated as well
🌙 Venus in the 1st I've commonly witnessed being teacher pets -not seeking attention- but always being on their best behavior and trying to stay on their absolute good side. If they're a scorpio/cancer/capricorn/pisces rising then I've seen that they won't go out of their way to do it, instead they will wait until they are called on by the teacher or they have to talk to them about classwork etc. I've heard Sagittarius risings be both ways tho
🌙 Looking at your usual natal chart, find your 10th house ruler and where it's placed, then look at your vedic D10 chart and where that same planet is placed. This will help get a better idea attaining to career. I'd check the same zodiac as well ❤
🌙 I've seen a lot of Uranus in the 1st look really pretty tbh
🌙 Neptune retrograde in the 1st will probably have instances of stalkers more often in their lives or younger years unfortunately, just from what I've seen and heard sadly 😕
🌙 Moon in harsh aspects to chiron can indicate wounds created by the mother. Maybe an abusive mother verbally or physically 😔
🌙 Uranus in the 12th indicates hidden enemies online
🌙 I never thought about this until now, but people who have their MC planet in the 12th, I heard that they may be behind the scenes moreover, however for people with their MC planet conjunct ascendant this might lessen the affect, since the ascendant is how we are presented to the world and what others see. In some cases this might mean being behind the scenes at first then bursting out of the scenes at some point because this planet conjuncting the ascendant is the planet popping into view
🌙 Uranus/Aquarius/Aquarius degree in the 10th can indicate a career based around technology or humanitarian things. Technology could be as simple as working on a computer for the job and as big as making a phone brand 🥳
🌙 Moon opposite Mars in synastry shows arguments. Especially if one of the planets is placed in the 3rd house (this is also true in the Juno chart so this might be on a new list about juno)
🌙 In the Juno persona chart Uranus in the 5th can indicate unconventional way of the partners having fun. Or the spouse might really enjoy technology. Play video games etc.
🌙 In the Juno persona chart, if a planet is in the 5th and it's ruling zodiac is in the 8th, sex could be a source of fun and might happen often 👀
🌙 Pisces/Neptune in the 6th can get sick randomly because of unknown things or sudden injuries, this is because pisces rules the 12th house, also indicating hidden enemies. My older brother has this and has gotten bitten randomly by a poisonous spider (a hidden enemy 😩)
🌙 Mars in the 4th can show more energy at home, or aggression, and be non-aggressive in public. Also either an aggressive mom or dad
🌙 Mars in the 3rd has a possiblity of a person having hyper siblings or aggresive siblings. Arguments could be often 🤷‍♀️
🌙 Cancer Moons or Pisces Mars are possibly the type of people to feel bad after teasing someone. It's not like 100% but rather, I hope I didn't hurt their feelings 😔❤
🌙 Speaking of Cancer Moon, when they grow up a bit more in childhood, they tend to be quite nurturing and protective of their siblings and family. Since moon indicated the mom, there could be a specific protectiveness over the mother or if their is a younger sibling then it's them. The younger sibling because cancer moons nurture often, it's a mothering tendency for the guys/gals, they can't help it and when they see someone younger their heart becomes that way and goes in to caring mode
🌙 Mars conjunct Uranus or in Aquarius is passionate about defending others and doing whats right. Biiigg humanitarians here. They can also really value freedom and they actually can't live without it or it can take a bad toll on them. These were the teens who wanted freedom from the restraints of their parents. They hated being overprotected if they were and wanted to do whatever
🌙 Mars conjunct Uranus, if gamers, can be extremely competitive in them. They may even win often? Also first person shooter or games like mortal combat could seem particularly fun
🌙 UGH Virgo moons are so sweet oml don't even get me started. You guys just have a big heart 🥺
🌙 Gemini Moons probably have a knack for writing!
🌙 Mercury conjunct Venus/Venus in 3rd/Venus in Gemini-Virgo can possibly indicate pretty/beautiful handwriting
🌙 Also I've seen Gemini Moons be so playful! They are chatty as well but definitely when they find something they really enjoy to talk about. Even if it's a gemini moon in the 12th house, still talketive but just might have a lot of thoughts running across their mind often
🌙 Libra placements enjoy cuddles a lot. Hugs feel amazing and are really a healing factor
🌙 North Node is immature wherever it is. It's discovering it's area in your chart. It doesn't understand it yet
🌙 I have been seeing some re-occuring themes, sure during transits conjunctions are important, however when a transit planet passes over a natal planet, at the exact same degree, then the natal planet is activated by the other and there is an amazing transfer of their energies, it will be felt way more than just a normal conjunction (EX - Venus at 2'21° and Mars at 2'36° both at 2 degrees)
🌙 Transit Jupiter on the degree of your natal Mars can make you have more energy that day! (Had this happen yesterday and I was hyper af)
🌙 My little brother is an Aries Mars and for some reason I've always noticed but people seem to get so agitated near him when he isn't even doing anything. You know that feeling when you get annoyed or irritated so you sigh or huff? It's like that? Weird right? Idk why at all? It's specifically my mom who does and she's an Aries Sun? Who knows man- 🏃‍♀️
🌙 OH ALSO speaking of Aries Mars. I've noticed when they get mad they tend to need to take their anger out on something through energy? Whether it's playing games, art, etc. My little brother has this in the 6th, he tends to get physically aggressive so he needs to be able to take his energy out on a punching bag or by cooling off ya know? Some people have different ways of handling anger. Also as a cancer sun he can get petty in arguments lmao but hes a chill dude overall
🌙 Gemini/Virgo/Mercury in the 12th probably think a ton. Always thoughts running in their mind or they just think on their alone time. This can lead to periods of self reflection too! Very creative people. You guys should write fantasy books or something, your imagination is so amazing 🌻
🌙 Planets in the 12th indicate a knack at using their intuition. They probably use it a lot in making decisions or while doing day to day things. This placement can also indicate spirit guides and it may be that each planet represents some main one(s)? Also when we see these planets it can give a high chance of receiving hidden messages from them. Most likely in dreams or other 12th house ways 😉
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mrstsung · 2 years
Raiden NSFW abcs 💙⚡
Ok y'all come get your food.
Here's some spicy raiden. Tried to make it x reader friendly. But its very self indulgent too. Because i fucking love raiden.
CW: its smut. You know the drill. 18+ only
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex): raiden i hc to be cuddly afterwords. He values the closeness. This is kinda important and special for him. He's also the type to take a hot bath afterwards. Unless it was really that good. Then well he falls asleep in your arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): he loves all of his partner. He favors not one thing more than the other. (Tho i hc he does love my booty and thighs. And my eyes and smile too. Because raiden's a softie cutie) but for himself? Dunno,he takes good care of himself. And he's not generally the type to feel that way about his physical looks as he is a god. But he does love it when you compliment his eyes and his strong arms. But most of all,when yoy gently run your fingers through his hair or brush it out of his face. (Rai, you Romantic you! Uwu)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically): ok look raiden has to have some good coom ok? Aint no way he dont. And he cums big loads. Because thats mostly due to pent up feels. But oh boy when he do,you're gonna need a towel.....or two. He apologizes afterwards but you dont mind. He can go all night but he cuts it to two rounds at most. Its only fair. Heehee
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): ok you can't tell me he hasn't stared. Like he'd eye you up n down. But you'd never know,or he'll deny it. He's a soft tsundere. He hates thinking about you this way,especially if it's at an inappropriate time. But he can't help but think of how beautiful you are. And how gracefully you move. Even if you arent a graceful person. He still get heartstruck whenever he looks at you. Its not dirty per say but for raiden? Subtle is better. But for something really dirty? He fantasizes about you strip teasing with his staff. Because let's be honest....that would be hot af.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?): he's a god,and been around for a long ass time. What do you think?! Like come on. Of course he knows. Tho he may not know specifically how to please you. He knows how to please in general.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying): mating press,any kama sutra sex. Or any position he can see your face. But sometimes he'll do doggy or laying you on your stomach if he really wants to be rough. Its rare he is ever rough,however don't underestimate him. He can get heavy and dirty if he so happens to be in the mood for it. But he'd never pressure you. (Ok look rough and angry sex with raiden is delicious. Yes plz)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.): depends on the mood but he tries to be serious but sometimes things happen. And he's ok with that.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.): he keeps himself well groomed. And its slightly darker grey than his hair on his head. (But i hc his hair to change colors depending on how calm or not he is. I.e. if he's pissed tf off he hair can turn pitch black. And if he is super calm and relaxed its white. It glows when he's summoning a storm or his lightning. So this means all of his hair. Lol)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect): he's very romantic. And very gentle n sweet. And even when he's rough,he's still sweet. He'll kiss all the sore spots and tenderly caress you and tend to your every need. And he loves if you do the same. (Look rai is fucking husband and hella comfort character for me so dont at me bro. I have a lotta love for gods of thunder n storms ok?!)
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon): oh he most certainly thinks about you when he masturbates. Whenever,if ever. He has time. You bet your sweet ass he has moaned your name. All the heavens probably know. But in the moment? He doesn't give a damn. All he can think about is you,how you feel. How you smell. Your kiss. Your hands,wandering. You just embracing him. Where he can just melt away and all is just bliss and peace. But afterwards?....WALK OF SHAME. LMFAO. Jk. Kinda. Look he gets flustered easy. But he does try to keep his composure.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks): shibari. Maybe eating sushi off his beloved. Thats kinda hit ngl. Maybe fucking in nature? He has probably a praise kink,giving and receiving. He is tender ok? Like he can get kinky definitely. But raiden is primarily a tender lover. He'd never degrade you. Ever. Even if you are into that. Thats probably a hard no. Mostly because he genuinely doesn't believe in that kinda talk to his lover. Kink or not. He's more sassy or teasing if anything,but never ever EVER degrading.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do): his bed. His gardens. Maybe his hot spring. The comfort of the sky temple. But as long as its secluded and private thats fine with him. He's a one on one type guy.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going): ok look the last thing you want is to tease the God of thunder. He may not show it right away but he'll get back at you most definitely. But a sure fire way i think is the subtle things.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): again heavy degradation. Anything super dangerous or harmful. But he's down as long as its nothing super harmful.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.): giving. He's very generous. Like he's never gonna say no to a BJ. But tbh raiden is a gentleman. And definitely loves eating you out. He likes to take his time too.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.): most of the time slow,soft,sensual. But like i mentioned,he can get rough if you want. But he won't hold back. So be prepared. But he'd never hurt you and would back off if it genuinely did hurt. But again. Play in a thunderstorm,you gonna get wet and it may be a bit rough honey.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.): He'd rather take his time. He can do quickies but he doesn't enjoy them much. Unless its sprinkled throughout the day.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.): depends. But he tries to keep his sex life private.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?): he can go all night like i said. But two rounds is fair and average.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?): well he doesn't use them. No need. But he'll have a few for you to use. Just in case he can't,you know. Be there to please. But sometimes he'll watch you use them.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): he teases a fair amount. But never pushy.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.): depends on how good it is. Sometimes he's a roaring storm. Other times he's gentle as can be. He mostly loves to hear you than anything.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character): raiden has the sexiest fucking sleepy morning voice. Unf thunder fucking take me! 😫💖💙⚡
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes): he's big. Fight me. 8-9inch. Thick. Big,smooth,balls. Like its fucking immaculate. All gods are packing and gorgeous. Fucking fight me bro!
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?): higher than you'd think. Keeps it under lock n key well. You'd never know. But he can easily get hot under the collar as he can calm himself. But that build up is not to be fooled with.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): depends on how good it was. But he can sleep better if he knows you're satisfied. Thats all that matters most to him.
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demytasse · 4 years
Which sin do you think Izaya would be? I was thinking Envy or Pride, but I can't decide which :/
Ohohoho~ you've come to the right person! One who shakes off their drowsy, morning fog upon reading a prompt such as this and speaks to the void in absence of the opinion seeker, "ah yes, this aligns with my interest—to feverishly research what will back or deny my instinct, and humour my guilty pleasure to gain or refine my knowledge, that of a topic that I'm no guru." To whom will immediately dash to the keys, gulp down their coffee, and pay no mind to the outside world in order to fulfil the request and voice the following (as well the preceding to the priorly proffered following, and seemingly the proceeding to the original intent of the initial following)...
*ahem* Let's disregard my caffeine-induced wordplay.
     Envy—would be the quickest assessment of Izaya as he has a proclivity to be envious of others. Specifically, he’s coloured green by what Shinra had at a young age, a life-defining and adamantly sought after goal while he was aimless; of what Shizuo gained over time, the world’s acceptance of his dirty soul, and furthermore he’s jealous of the sentimental bonds that other acquaintances have. Greedily, without cognisance, he wants what others have: acceptance and a connection to humankind even though he wants to believe that he doesn’t desire to have it.
Though all in all, Pride covers his entire character.
Pride is the most serious of the seven sins and with it brings the highest punishment; it’s believed that the devil himself was wrapped so tightly with pride that it transformed him into his namesake. It’s the definition of selfishness and egocentric ideals—a perversion from seeing oneself as part of humanity, one of a community, at level with thy neighbour and equal to one’s peers. Simply, sinners of Pride don’t consider themselves average but superior to others as a god. Right out of the gate, those aspects can be connected to Izaya, and to set a keen visual to his prideful air is the ever-so-poignant scene—of him looming above his chessboard while he’s setting the stage and circumstances for the Raira trio and defining the roles of other people in his game. I would stick a screenshot here, but I’ve already used it for a long-ago analysis, and with the internet’s prevalent use of it, if you don’t know exactly what I’m talking about, assuredly you can type ‘Izaya’ into Google and it would show up on the first page...I didn’t check that claim, I’m not going to check...so let’s not quote my joke... Anyhoo! Back to the point of Pride: those who are defined by the sin tend to put themselves and their desires above all others, therefore anything they do in pursuit of whatever they want is paramount; any sacrifice is warranted and easily brushed aside as justifiable.
And Izaya acts all according to his will. He steps on others and sacrifices people in order to reach his achievement—or enlightenment as he would say. Perhaps it’s his claim that human observation is an innocent hobby, but it’s not simply as such. Ultimately his playful deeds are what other people might define as acts of evil and with that, he’s their villain. Rather explicitly he doesn’t see himself as a sinner for his hobby, just an indulgent, admittedly narrow-minded and focused. Though that matters little in this case, as he tends to ignore the immoral aspect of what he does, and it’s not even a thought in his mind that he should atone for how he negatively affects others—individually or as a whole—and that isn’t exactly something admirable, more so narcissistic.
Even so, it’s an echoed fandom assessment that Izaya is mentally weak, in spite of that he’s intelligently strong, unrelentingly foolish, and stupidly purposes his cunning and wit—he’s his own foil that destroys himself; it’s a sinner of Pride whom constantly puts themselves on the chopping block as a slave of their will just as outside parties are.
(I nod at Wikipedia ingratitude of the following quotes, not to say I only referenced the site, ahaha...seriously.)
“What the weak head with strongest bias rules, Is pride, the never-failing vice of fools.”
"(The proud man) is like a partridge in its cage acting as a decoy; like a spy,he watches for your weaknesses. He changes good things into evil, he lays his traps. Just as a spark sets coals on fire, the wicked man prepares his snares in order to draw blood. Beware of the wicked man for he is planning evil."
     Now, it’s a common defence of Izaya that he’s not evil, and overall that’s true of his character. However, to properly pin him a sin it’s important to consider how others perceive him as vanity is innately tied to society and he very much cares of his image—it’s that intense focus of how one is positively or negatively viewed that’s a direct attribute of Pride. So while Izaya’s intent and furthermore actions are self-indulgent and not specifically to toy with others, it’s how others feel themselves to be victims, tangled in intricately set up traps that make his deeds seem ill-conceived and make him evil to the public eye. Really, who’s to blame them? Izaya’s not exactly innocent, I’m sorry (not sorry) to say. And finally, in acknowledgement of hubris; overconfidence and arrogance—prideful behaviours that are driven by ego are foolish challenges to the gods, acts committed in order to be seen as worthy beings of prestige and high regard. To which this should go without saying: that pomp and circumstance, that flamboyant charade and dance is exactly Izaya’s purpose of his trials, it’s inexplicably what rules his character arc, as he desperately flounders to gain worthy attention of a certain valkyrie to seek admittance into Valhalla. What a fool he was to head in that direction. It’s alright to say that I overuse that pun.
     So yeah, to sum it up, Izaya’s a greedy little ball of envy, but he shades himself with an umbrella of Pride.
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defdaily · 4 years
[TRANSLATION] Praew Magazine April 2019 issue x JUS2: time for 2
Ahgase! Right here!
Thailand's summer heat wouldn't be able to compete with hotness from the duo brothers, "JB & Yugyeom of GOT7. In the newfound unit, JUS2, they released a new single- "FoCus On Me- that makes the fans scream with interest to add this new single to their collection. In this issue, Praew took a flight to South Korea to collect photos of these 2 hotties for you before we took the chance to have a chat with them. Chatting with them in South Korea is really something. JB took the seat at the head of the table, followed by Yugyeom who greeted Praew staff around the table in Thai style with Wai and the word "Sawaddee Krub"
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First of all, we would like to ask you how the leader of GOT7 and the youngest brother of the group form this new unit (a special Korean song project created by specific members), JUS2, together.
“In concerts, the two of us often sing together. So, we often talk about which kind of unit we would form next. In parties after concerts, the higher-ups would often talk about this idea as well and they thought having the two of us work together on a new song would be fun. So, the idea was developed from that point and became this duo unit today." JB replied.
"We also share similar favorite song genres, and we want to represent our characters with the music style which is totally different from GOT7. So, we took part in the production of every song in this project. We created some of the songs together, and created the others separately. For the promo song, we got help from a song writer named Cosmic Boy. We hope that everyone would love our songs." Yugyeom explained.
Can the fans expect something special from this unit?
"The first special thing that the fans can expect from us is stage performance. The second thing is the music which is going to be something that the fans have never seen from GOT7. We try to focus more on expressing emotions through the music in this unit, and we tried our best to present our characters through the MVs and the music style." JB answered.
You mentioned that you share similar favorite song genres. Which genre are they?
“I like R&B and Hip-Hop. So, I tend to go with these music styles when I write a new song. I mostly go for R&B, and mix Trap beats into the song sometimes. Do you know Trap music? It's a type of Hip-Hop which we can mix it with R&B. If you ask me who is my favorite singer, I’d say Chris Brown (R&B singer) and Travis Scott, a Hip-Hop singer" (smile). Yugyeom answered first.
“For me, I don't particularly fond of any genre. If it's a good song, then I like it. Same goes for when I sing. If I like the song and it's the song that can express my feelings with good music, then I can sing it regardless of its genre. If I have to pick my favorite singer, I'd say D'Angelo is my idol. It doesn't mean that I want to make my songs like his though (smile). I also like to listen to Toro y Moi and Kaytranada's songs lately." JB shared his thoughts.
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What are the secrets or tips you use to write a song that can impress everyone?
"There's no secret in my work process. It just needs a lot of thought. I mostly find inspiration from my own experience or the stories I can find around me such as movies, songs, or books. I also have my past like everyone, my love experience or others, which I can take to present in my song. It's the same as making a movie (Scenario)." JB replied immediately
“I also get new inspiration from my surroundings as well, from my point of view on different things in my daily life. For example, when I saw a couple on the other side of the road, I would imagine what they're talking about, how happy they are. Or when I saw people living their life, I would ask myself what is their happiness, where do they find it, maybe their happiness is family or children at home."
“For me, Hmm...I don't think I do anything special. I just want to have fun with it. I may put my life experience and my imagination into the lyrics, but I mostly just create a good result if I enjoy the process and are happy with it." Yugyeom shared his thoughts.
It seems your processes are quite different.
"Actually, we share the same trait which is that we both like to work freely and have fun with it. The difference might be our standpoint. Yugyeom wouldn't think too much and tend to be easy-going, but I would focus on the point. If we have to make a decision, I make a clear decision while Yugyeom is struggled to choose" (smile). JB denied our mention.
Yugyeom gave JB a dirty look. "I’m not like that anymore! Like JB said, and as we mentioned about the way we work, you'd see that our thoughts are quite different (smile). However, this difference is what makes JB a good consultant since he can point out something I couldn't think of which is a great help to me.
"Another difference would be our preference for food. We aren't picky, but JB would prefer Korean or seafood dishes. He also likes Thai food as well. ("Tom Yum Kung is my favorite, and I also love Gaeng Keow Wan Gai" JB mentioned.) However, I would prefer western dishes and red meat. For Thai food, ld say Khao Pad is the best."
Since you've been working together for a long time, have you had any conflict?
“Never. We do have our different thoughts, but if it's my responsibility, Yugyeom would respect my decision. And if it's his responsibility, I would respect his decision as well. In terms of group decision, we mostly agree with each other. I think he has grown up. Looking at how he conducts himself nowadays, I can say that he has become more responsible. I can't tell you the detail since it's his private life though" (smile). JB said with confidence.
So, has the big brother JB done anything that makes him look like a kid?
Yugyeom looked at JB before bursting a laugh. "Sure! Everyone would say that he's like a very naughty kid when he pulls a prank."
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Since you are in this industry for 7-8 years already, do you remember the goal you had on the first day you entered this industry? And how far is your progress toward it now?
"My dream is still the same, which is to be a dance singer. To this day, I still have a long way to go, for both dancing, singing, and stage performance. I think I could keep getting better if I keep practicing." Yugyeom answered clearly.
“I’ve never had a goal. I used to be a b-boy dancer and I want to have a full experience with b-boy and Hip-Hop culture, but I have never set a goal to become a famous singer. If I get famous, that's good for me. I just want to dance the way I like and write songs freely. I didn't do it to get famous. All I want is just to give my all to make good songs." JB said.
“I still think that I need to produce more quality songs. Further than that, I want to keep working on it every day. Not to repeat the same thing over and over, but to explore something new to improve myself and widen my world with the new lessons and discoveries I could find along the way."
Looks like you two have come so far. What makes you become who you are today?
"I think it's diligence. As time passes by, I grow more diligent because I often think of the past which makes me feel that I could do things better but I didn't. That makes me try my best to keep getting better at my work so that I have no regret. It's to the point that everyone sees me as a very diligent and determined person." JB replied immediately. Yugyeom agreed to JB. "Like what he said, we just try our best and keep it up every day."
Have you ever been depressed or struggled because of your work? And how do you deal with it?
"Generally, it's my physical condition like when I'm tired or lack of sleep. Sometimes, I sit alone on a sofa and ask myself, what am I doing or why do I have to do it, which I believe that everyone has moments like this no matter what kind of job they do. However, I'm quite optimistic and easy to forget. When I start asking those questions, I'd just ask them and stop thinking further (laugh). Yugyeom shares his experience.
"My problem is that I think too much. I would overthink things over and over until it sinks into my heart which makes me feel very bad to the point that I can't sleep sometimes So, I normally try to sleep it off. If I feel very down, I will go out and meet my friends so that I can forget about it. When I have something on my mind,I will not tell the others. I usually try to figure it out myself. I may tell my parents about the problem on my mind, but that's only when they ask. If they don't ask, I don't talk" JB told us seriously. “But if we talk about physical tiredness like when I’m tired from work, I will think of when we released the song Never Ever. It was very cold back then. The time we finished our work and got into a warm place was the best. This memory could help me Cure my tiredness.”
Yugyeom took this chance to conclude. "I think we just need to be positive because no matter what's the problem, we can go through it"
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What about the good time? Is there any good memory you get from work?
"I love to perform on the stage. Doing concerts is the best time in my working life." Yugyeom answered first.
"I do like to do concerts like him and I like the time we release a new album as well, but I would be happier when I get good feedback from my work. When GOT7 returned from the Eyes On You World Tour and received a lot of praise from the company or when I wrote You Are and got a praise message directly from the company's president at night, I was very happy. It makes me feel like every effort I put into my work pays off the good result." JB shared his memories
May you give some advice to the people who dream to be a popular and successful singer like you please?
"First of all, you must understand yourselves the most you can. Ask yourselves if this is really the job you want. You need to think carefully because you might regret and lose your way if this job turns out different from what you expect, but if you're sure about it, then you must give it your all to make a success of your dream. Do your best every day, and don't cower before any obstacle." JB, as the group leader, gave his advice
You have visited Thailand so many times and you will pay a visit again in the near future. Is there anything in Thailand that impresses you?
“I really love Thai food, especially seafood with a lot of shrimps. For traveling, I like Phuket the most. I saw a lot of advertising about Phuket, then I travelled there and found that it's a really great place. (Yugyeom nodded and agreed with JB. "Exactly, Phuket is the best. ") Oh! There's another place I want to visit. It’s Phi Phi Islands which I heard that we need to take a boat from Phuket to go there." JB answered with a smile.
"If we talk about Thailand, I would think of Thai fans. Every time we visit Thailand, Ahgases would treat us very well. The event that impressed me the most would be during the Eyes On You World Tour in Bangkok. The fans on the 3rd floor arranged pink glow signs to form the word GOT7 Saranghae (We love GOT7)" Yugyeom answered excitedly.
"That's right. I remember that Bambam would report the number of audiences to us before the concert excitedly. He said, You know that this is Thailand, right? All the 12,000 seats are packed full, you know? (laugh) Our Thai fans treat us very warmly. If it's American or westerner fans, they would enjoy the concert with us, but Thai fans would give us their all." JB confirmed Yugyeom's opinion.
Is there anything you want to say to Thai fans? JB pleaded with the fans first. "We are JUS2, the special unit from GOT7. We hope that you would like and enjoy our new release, Focus On Me. We put our feelings into this song. And I want to thank everyone for supporting us all this time. Thailand would be really hot right now. So, please take care of your health" (smile)
"Everyone would have been waiting for us for so long. I do want to meet everyone soon as well. Please support us in unit JUS2. We made the song and created new moves for this unit ourselves and we hope that you would love it." Yugyeom pleaded the fans with cuter tone. “Rak na…“ (love you.)
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Scans by ‪coconutverbena‬
For more pictures check out: https://twitter.com/coconutverbena/status/1113992114176528384
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
The Dark Prince: Chapter Four: Believe In Him
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"So you what you are saying is that you came from the future because something happened in our time that causes your future's destruction?"
"Yes! That's exactly what I am saying!"
Amy and Shadow looked at each other and then at the white boy in front of them. Excitement on his to eyes to finally have found someone who took interest in his mission.
"Sorry to inform you boy, but you are a few days too late," Shadow confirmed.
"What do mean?"
"G.U.N's Commander was found dead a few days ago. I was the one who found him."
"No, that's not possible. The Phamton Ruby sent me here on a specific time in which I can stop the tragedy. If he was dead, I would have been sent back to another time to try again...are you sure he is dead?"
"Are you calling me a liar?"
Amy felt Shadow's anger raise up as she found his voice more annoyed than usual. "Well, have you thought that maybe the dead of G.U.N's Commander is not really the cause of your future' destruction?", Amy jumped into the middle of the two boys to prevent anything else from happening.
"Well...it could be a possibility." Silver looked into the flames in front of him. Fire, the thing that reminded him the most about his future. Destruction, annihilation, fear. But this place wasn't like anything that reminded him of that.
"Silver...are you alright?"
"Yes... it's just that, this place is so quiet. It's been a long time."
"What happens in the future? , if I may ask."
"Everything was going well until a weird diseased began to spread. It was spread by touch, and whoever had it would become kinda like a zombie. They would only follow orders from the Superior."
"The Superior?" Shadow asked this time as he calmed down.
"Yes, he controls everyone but nobody knows how he or she looks like. He wears a mask whenever he shows up to do his "Public Speeches." Silver looked up to the stars above him and he wonders when was the last time he had seen a clear sky.
"How come you are the only one here then?"
"The Rebellion* of the future decided I was the best candidate to travel back in time... I am their last hope."
Shadow stood up from his place and walked around Silver's space. Silver knew what he was doing and so Amy. He was inspecting him as if to try and see if he was worthy.
"Really? You were their last hope?"
"You don't know what I am cable of", Silver reply as he stood up, he had gone through a lot of things and he wasn't gonna let anybody doubt him of his capabilities.
"One on one... just you and me on a fair fight."
Amy knew that Shadow wasn't the type to pick up fights just because. That was more like a thing Sonic would do but she knew that you can learn a lot from a person just by fighting with them. Shadow didn't want to know how strong he was, but if he was worthy of his trust.
Silver took a moment to look at Shadow, up and down and he just sighed as he went back to his seat next to Amy. "Sorry I don't fight with old people."
Shadow was ready to smack that kid on the head right then and there. But Amy's sudden comment interrupted his action.
"Oh, well technically Shadow is more 50 years old!"
"That explains why he is so grumpy."
"I was time frozen! I didn't develop-mentally nor physically! I am still young!"
Amy has never seen Shadow fume so bad as to this moment. And to be honest it was actually kinda funny.
"That explains why you are so short then."
Ouch, that hurt.
Silver had won Amy's respect. She had to admit that he was pretty optimistic for someone whose future was destroyed. It must be horrible to live in a future where you see your friends being zombified and can't do anything about it.
Wait a second.
"Hey Silver...did the ones who have a diseased in your future... did they looked, I don't know... kinda metallic for you?" Amy interrupted the boys. Silver took a moment to look at her. "Yes... how did you know that?"
"Years ago, during the time of the Resistance, Dr. Eggman created a biological weapon. It was a disease that just by contact with it, the subject would be "zombified" on the moment. Their most stand out characteristic was their metallic fur."
"That's probably it then! I just have to find it the substance and destroy it!" Silver said with relieve in his voice as his course of the route was finally taken the right place.
"It's not as easy as that." Amy began. "We tried everything to destroy it, but nothing worked. We couldn't even find an antidote. So we decided to hide all the substance we found in a remote place. Somewhere no one knows about but...Tails."
"Tails? That fox boy?." Shadow said but he turned around to face a bush. He could swear he had heard something coming.
"Wait a moment. Tails? Fox? You are not talking about Tails Miles Prower right?" Silver looked at Amy then at Shadow who was still looking toward the woods.
"Yes, that one."
"I can't believe it, he is a legend! I would like to meet him very much!" Silver grabbed Amy's hand as to beg her, he looked like a small child which Amy found extremely cute.
"So as to right now, we should look for Tails and ask him where the substance is. I am almost sure that whoever wants to find it, is also somehow invoked with the death of the Commander, Amy."
"Wait, Amy?-" Silver wanted to continue but was terribly interrupted by an explosion on their bonfire.
Just like that, the three hedgehogs were surrounded by more than 15 G.U.N agents, all ready to take them out. Shadow was sure that he could recognize most of them if it wasn't that everyone was wearing something to cover their faces. Shadow was never really found to do that. All though if his supervisors would ask him to, due to safety reasons, he always denies it. But right now it wasn't the time to think about the past. If they decided to become his enemy, then he will fight like he always has.
Silver noticed how Amy made a hammer appeared out of thin air and he almost lost it. The inner fanboy in him took over.
And that when everyone attack.
"Wow the future really does like to blow out everything out of portions" that's what Amy wanted to say but was more worried about the G.U.N who was in front of him.
And then he wasn't.
He had flown out of the scene, landing on a three. Amy turned around to find Silver hold three soldiers on the air.
"WHAT KIND OF POWER IS THAT, ARE YOU CRAZY? PUT THEM DOWN!" Amy screamed at him as she rubbed towards him.
"Yes man!" Silver saluted Amy in a militia manner and as he did, he left all three soldiers land on each other, hurting themselves more than their target.
"We got no time for this!" Shadow grabbed Amy and picked her up. "Follow me!" He said to Silver and in a flash, Shadow was out of sight to him.
"WAIT I AM NOT AS FAST!!!" Silver used his psychokinesis on him to try and fly faster and although he could spot a black figure in the distance, it was still really hard to keep up, especially during night time.
If there was one thing Silver hated the most, was to be left behind.
Now what? They had ended up in somewhere that Shadow knew about. They had been running all night, for Shadow it wasn't a problem but he was starting to get worried as he hasn't seen any white figure following from behind. He stopped for a little to let Amy stretch her legs as well.
"Where are we heading to now?". Amy asked as she stretched.
"Pavlopetri. G.U.N's elite Mechanics team resides there. No doubt that fox boy is there."
Shadow then felt a presence coming. "Talking about boys." He turned around and there he was, Silver giving his last push to keep up with the black hedgehog.
"Don't ever. Do that. AGAIN." Silver threaten as he landed on his knees, he would kill for a cup of water and some food right now.
"If you can't keep up, then don't tag along. Don't worry we will save your future." Shadow walked away as he kept an eye on Amy who was helping Shadow to get up.
"No! I must do it myself!"
Silver stood by himself, refusing Amy's aid. Shadow had to admit that his boy reminded him of someone. He sighed, "We are 30 minutes away from Pavlopetri. If you still want the hero's job well...it waits for you over there."
Pavlopetri was one of the biggest city in Mobius. With more than 7 million in population, it was no wonder why G.U.N had decided to put one of their biggest team in the city. It was going to hard to get into the tower and the three hedgehogs knew that. Before going into the city they needed to make a plan. However, the best they could at the moment was to sit down on the outskirts of the city.
"I am going in," Shadow said as he stood up from the grass. The strong wind coming their way.
"But Shadow-"
"I am the only who knows how their system works. I am the best spy G.U.N has ever had. I am sure I can a couple of minutes to talk to Tails."
"But I want to meet him!", Silver whined. "Besides we are a team! We have to stick together."
"I run better solo." Shadow turned around and looked at Silver. At this point, Shadow wasn't playing any games.
"Well, I won't stay here and do nothing! I am coming with you whether you like it or not!" Silver stood up and smiled at Shadow, but what he got instead was a dark look.
"If complications happen, I might not be able to take care of you."
"I can take care of myself."
"I had many trained agents tell me those same words...must of them are dead now." Shadow looked at Silver's disappointed face and continued. "Your time to shine would come, don't pressure it."
"Its alright Silver, you can stay with me! Actually, I think I have an idea on how to keep us busy while Shadow is gone!", Amy said as she comforted him.
"So," Silver looked at Shadow one more time, "I have to stay and take care of Amy, uh?"
"No," Shadow gave him an empathetic look. "Amy is gonna stay here and take care of you."
"Wait, what?"
"Don't misunderstand the situation kid. I am not taking Amy with me because she is staying to take care of you."
Silver thought that that was more like it. Even if there was no clear record of what happened 200 years ago, the orphanage and the friends he made there would always talk about the Resistance Heros. Amy Rose, Resistance Captain, one the strongest. Rumors have it that her hammer is so powerful that her enemies would fear for their eyes whenever they encountered her. Of course, there were others like Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails Miles Prower, Knuckles the Edquina and Shadow the Hedgehog who later on would become the-
"Anyways, I should get going. I'll ask for information and leave as soon as I can. If I don't come back in two hours, then leave this place as soon as you can. Look for Rouge or Omega."
This time, Shadow looked at Amy. Wind blowing on through her quills, the lights of the city shining on her head. "Will you wait for me?"
Shadow smiled and was about to take in for a run but stopped as soon as he felt Amy grabbed onto his arm. "Thank you, Mr. Angry."
"Don't thank me yet, Mrs. Angry.", Shadow smirked, and gently removed his arm out of her grasp.
"Um... am I interrupting something.?"
It had been ten minutes and Silver and Amy were only appreciating the fact that Shadow had left. "Well, I think we should start looking for some provisions, or something." Silver turned around and began to look at his surroundings.
"No, we are gonna do something better," Amy said.
"What do mean?"
"We are stealing a Chaos Emerald."
"Didn't your friend said to stay on the outskirts of the city?"
"If we get this Chaos Emerald, then it will be easier to travel around and for us to defend ourselves." Amy and Silver were currently on the air conducts of a top security area. Last time Amy checked, all seven Chaos Emeralds were placed in different locations around the world. One of them and the only one she knew its whereabouts was the green emerald that lied securely on the northern outskirts of the city of Pavlopetri. How did she know? During the time period of the war with Eggman when Sonic was presumed dead, Amy decided to embark on a solo adventure to find the Chaos Emeralds to help revive Sonic somehow. She found three and after the war, she gave them to G.U.N. to take care of them. As a thank you, G.U.N. gave her the location of them.
"I can't believe that the Chaos Emeralds are real. I would only hear stories about them when I was a kid." Silver added.
"How come you came back to the future if not by the Chaos Emeralds?" Amy asked as she tried to talk as low as she could.
"We used something my people called the Phantom Ruby... We inserted that into an old time machine, we didn't it was going to work. But it did and here I am."
Amy noticed a bright light coming from the end of the air conduct and headed towards it.
"Anyways, I don't see the point in getting the Chaos Emerald. Legend says that only descendants of the Dark King are able to control the power of Chaos. And of course Sonic the Hedgehog but he is just a children story."
Alright, Amy had to stop Silver on his tracks. " Does the future ever say anything accurate about the past?"
"Don't blame me! Before I was born, there was a period of time in which the Superior declared all history records as illegal and they were all burned into ashes. Teachers aren't even allowed to teach history." Silver whispered in hopes that Amy would be able to hear his voice.
"That sounds horrible...who ruled before the Superior took over?" Amy asked as she looked back to him. She was right in front of the ventilation door but waited for the last guard to leave the room.
"We don't know for sure. But people say that out the first ruler was The Dark King and after that, his descendants took over. Some say that the Superior killed all of his descendants during the Great War. But honestly, the only thing my people have ever know is as 'Leader' is The Superior."
Amy could see how Silver's voice had changed on perspective. She felt sorry for the boy, she held his hand to try and give him some type of comfort. "We will fix this Silver. I promise."
"You know," Silver began. "My people have the hope that one day, one of the descendants of the Dark King will come back and claim his rightful place as the King and with that, bring a new era of peace. I used to believe that when I was a kid, but eventually I lost hope on that ever happening. Instead, I wanted to become a hero and take the matter into my own hands."
"We won't fail."
Amy then opened the ventilation door with a kick. and landed softly thanks to Silver's psychokinesis.
"Oh, but by the way, "Amy added quickly as she walked towards the Chaos Emerald. You were right, Sonic the Hedgehog can use the power of the Chaos Emeralds. But so, can Shadow."
With that, the alarms went on. Amy didn't think much, as she was fast to break the glass in which the Green Chaos Emerald was inside of with her hammer.
"You really need to learn how to control yourself, you know that!"
Silver had to admit that she was right. But he couldn't control it, hearing that his childhood heroes were alive and actually real was too much for him to handle. He smiled as they both began to climb up the air conduct again.
What a great time to be alive.
It was pretty easy to enter the base. He had to admit that the lasers in the air conduit system was a nice touch but he honestly expected more of the 'elite' Mechanic Team. Maybe he was just getting too good on this.
But one thing Shadow couldn't do was to know where everything was. He knocked down one the G.U.N agents and took his uniform to go by unseen. After all, there was a lot of security cameras and if one of the officers were to see a black hedgehog with red stripes on the building, well... it will be pretty much end game for him.
"This new project we are working on is killing me." Shadow heard an employee say as he walked onto the employees' dining room. Firstly, to get information about the whereabouts of the yellow fox and secondly, to get a small cup of coffee.
"Tell me about it. I don't know what Mr.Prower is thinking to do what that travel machine." Said the employee to his coworker who was eating as well.
Shadow grabbed a plastic cup from the dispenser and waited for his black coffee to come out of the machine.
"You gotta admire him tho, spending all day on the F-5 must be a pain in the butt. I mean come on, he is the Mechanic's Team main director! You have a nice office on F-7, use it!"
Sometimes Shadow thought that his job was way too easy.
The black coffee came out of the machine successfully and he didn't hesitate even a second to take a big gulp out of the still boiling liquid. Just how he liked it.
He was about to walk out of the room but the two friends caught his attention. "Hey, you!"
Shadow turned around, hoping that he was covered enough to not show any indication that he was Shadow the Hedgehog.
"This is the dining room for the Mechanic's Team members ONLY... Agents are on F-2"
Shadow took a moment to look at the black wolf in front of him. His attire similar to the one Tails was so known for. Googles, boots, a belt around his waist that contained every key possible and of course that dirty look.
"I am sorry I just got transferred, I'll leave now." Shadow turned around to face the door just to once again to be interrupted on the act. "Transfer from where?"
"Capital Mobius."
"You are from the Capital? Oh, have you met Shadow the Hedgehog? I heard he is located there, he was the top spy until he switched sides and helped that pink hedgehog kill G.U.N
He wanted to just nod and keep going on his day. However, it had been a while since he had heard any news about G.U.N's current stance. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to make a little bit of conversation about the topic.
"I saw him a couple of times, he was always busy so I never talked to him."
"Maybe it was better that way, I always thought he was too edgy. Now it turns out he is crazy too...Don't surprise me too much actually."
This was going to be a long talk.
And it was.
Strangely enough, Shadow had made two friends that day. And he learned two important things. G.U.N had ordered all intelligence theme to work on a new project, a Time Machine and experiment a new-found rock, which they did not know anything about.
Also that Amy and he were now topping the list of the most wanted criminals by G.U.N.
But he already knew that.
Shadow jumped into the elevator and pressed F-5. While the elevator was going up, he thought of the first thing he would say to Tails. He knew that they didn't have the best relationship.
Right now, the best bet he could get is that the Rabbit girl had told him about their situation already. With that, earn his trust enough so he tells Shadow the information he needed.
He stepped out of the elevator and walked himself around the hallway. He looked left to right, trying to spot behind the glass doors the famous two tail boy. Weirdly enough, there were no other workers passing by the hallway. Shadow didn't give too much thought about and kept looking. A few minutes passed and finally, he found what was looking for.
Tails was looking diligently on something that Shadow couldn't tell what it was. Moving back and forth, reading papers, screwing nails again and again just to unscrew them and start again. He didn't notice Shadow's presence until he made himself known.
"We need to talk."
"I already have enough trouble as it is... now you are asking me to give the location of a biological weapon that doesn't exist?"
Tails closed with the key the door to the lab and went back to his seat, where he began writing again on a piece of paper.
"I know it's too much to ask, but you have to believe me when I say this is all for Amy." Shadow placed both of his hands down on the table, mask down to his chin to show that he was being serious about all of it.
"Your worst mistake has always been underestimating your enemy."
Tails then pointed at his ears and that when Shadow knew it. It was already odd enough that they didn't have security cameras around the room nor the halls, but one thing they had for sure was mini microphones, hidden in all over the building probably.
"I think I know how far I can go." Shadow tried playing it cool, as he saw Tails passing down the paper he was previously writing on before. A clear note was written on it:
"I pressed the button that's under the table to call G.U.N agents to come to this floor already. You have less than 2 minutes to get out. Sorry that I am not able to help you directly, but they have Cream, and I must finish this time machine as soon as possible so they can release her. If you really with Amy then tell her this:
"There's nothing we can do but watch"
Shadow looked up to Tails to let him known that he had understood. He folded the paper and made his personal mission to deliver it to Amy as soon as possible.
The only thing now was to get out of that place as soon as possible.
Piece of cake.
Shadow looked around and panicked as he didn't see a clue of Amy and Silver. Just where were they? He was close to starting screaming their names but soon approaching footsteps followed.
"Shadow! You are back!"
Amy run towards him and wanted to hug him but decided that right now it wasn't the time. They were being followed by G.U.N for stealing the Chaos Emerald and she still didn't know how to tell Shadow without him getting angry.
"Tails gave me this, he said you would know by reading this."
He handed over the letter to Amy and he gave a look to Silver. Who shakes nervously at the sight of him staring.
"I can't believe it! They have Cream!."
"We have to hurry up and decider who's behind all of this if you want her free. So remember, what did the fox boy meant by "There's nothing we can do but watch."
Amy handed over the paper to Silver who began reading while Amy was in deep thought. It was one of these days that he wished he had paid attention to ancient literature. Although he could understand Amy and her black friend, the writing system and grammar were a bit different from the one in the future. He thankfully could understand the message within.
"I got it!"
Silver and Shadow turned to face Amy as they waited for an answer.
"Tails told me that the first time I saw him after Sonic 'died'. It must be there somewhere."
"Well I don't remember exactly, it's been a long time but we have the Chaos Emerald! That should work right?"
"You have what?" Shadow said surprised.
"I'll explain later, we have to leave. I'll think of the place on my mind, Shadow you conduct the Chaos Control."
Amy could have sworn that she heard Silver's neck break in two at how hard he looked at Shadow.
"All right, everyone grab into me," Shadow said as Amy handed him the green Chaos Emerald. Amy held his hand and Silver's as well.
"Chaos Control!"
The place was dusty and rusty, just liked Amy remember but older. The three hedgehogs successfully tele-transported to the place Amy was thinking of.
"This was Tails' first laboratory after we thought Sonic was dead, I came here to see how he was doing. Eggman had begun his attack on us and Tails just told me "There's nothing we can do but watch."
Shadow walked towards the big containers. And saw them carefully being stored and labeled as "extremely dangerous."
"So you began the resistance?" Silver asked still admiring the pink hedgehog. "Well, me and a red echidna I know."
"I found it, track Communication system, I'll be waiting."
Amy and Silver looked at each other then at Shadow, confused.
"Shadow, to who are you talking to?"
Amy's voice began to break, she didn't want to believe what her eyes were seeing.
"I think it is obvious enough...Chaos Control!"
Amy and Silver had lost track of time. The last thing they can remember was being knocked out by Shadow's Chaos Control.
Amy saw blurry at first, and let a few seconds pass to let her eyes adjust to the present darkness. Everything was just like before, but Shadow who was looking at the now tied up couple in front of them.
"So everything was a lie?"
Amy turned her head to look at Shadow, still not believing that the black hedgehog had indeed betrayed her.
"G.U.N needed the location of this forgotten biological weapon. We were aware that Tails was the only one who had that information, but we couldn't falsely accuse a G.U.N member of good reputation of murder. People would lose faith in us. So we trusted that in the right circumstances, Tails would eventually speak up about the location to someone he trusted...that's when you come into place."
Shadow then laid his back on the coldness of the metal wall, very close to the containers that had that very dangerous liquid inside of them.
"So, everything...from the very beginning...you wanting to help me, your kindness, everything was a lie?"
"I had a mission to complete, I am just doing my job."
"So, even the murder of the G.U.N's Commander...you planned everything,"
"Absolutely, all of that was fake...he is actually on his way over here to claim the containers."
Amy felt her throat going dry as all the tears were begging to let out. But right now it wasn't the time, she looked at Silver and checked if he had any serious injuries. He was breathing, his head down, at least the fact that he was alright made her feel calm.
"If you start crying, I'll end you."
Amy looked one more time at Shadow, she breathed and maybe right now it wasn't the perfect time to say it, but she did.
"I like you Shadow."
Shadow's eyes widen in surprise at the sudden confession. He waited for Amy to continue and she did.
"You kind acts, the way you worry about others, the way you make me feel when I am around you...All of that made me fall in love with you...but everything was a lie. And so, my love for you as well."
Shadow relaxed his hands and very confidently began to walk towards the pink hedgehog. For the first time in her life, Amy was afraid of Shadow.
He bent down in one knee and forcefully grabbed Amy's cheeks, making her look directly at his eyes. Her skin shivered by the contact, and Amy really thought that Shadow was about to steal a kiss from him. She closed her eyes waiting for it to happen...but it never did.
Instead, a dash of blue flew across the room. Amy could recognize those green eyes anywhere, and if looks could kill, Shadow would be dead by now.
There he was, the known world hero, the old blue friend...
Sonic the Hedgehog.
Next Chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/185967108465/the-dark-prince-chapter-five-fake-it-until-you
The Dark Prince: Chapter Five: Fake It Until You Make It
Previous Chapter: https://another-sonic-blog.tumblr.com/post/185966895240/let-amy-go-shadow-it-was-raining-heavily-in
The Dark Prince: Chapter Three: My Old Blue Friend
*The Rebellion is a group of people who haven't been "zombi-fed" in the future. They try their best to keep themselves isolated while they try to raise up an army to overthrow the Superior.  
A/N: wow almost 5K words!
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