#send me delhi related asks
topnotchquark · 5 months
saw u say pato is a delhi boy in spirit and literally laughed for 17 minutes!!!! also omfg did not know u were from here what are the odds
Look at Pato and tell me he doesn't look like he drives an MG hector down delhi-gurgaon expressway at full speed. This man was built to inherit a family business of lighting fixtures/washing machines/wedding clothes in Chandni chowk but due to an accident of birth he ended up open wheel racing in Mexico. I can literally see him fighting cops on Shanti Path. He is getting into road rage related hijinks and trying to flex his wealth in the argument. Literally he is partying somewhere in 36 Avenue in gurgaon on a Saturday (derogatory). He is matching with ig baddies on bumble and taking them to Khan market perch for the first date. He is bathing himself in dior sauvage everyday and he shops at the city walk H&M. He's even 5'6, which is the average delhi guy height.
Also ur right lol I didn't expect to see another delhi person on motogpblr but I suppose we are everywhere, glad to see you! (I'm not from Delhi though, I only moved here for work a few years ago). Tell me which other motorsport personality seems delhi to you, I think Jorge Martin from MotoGP also seems very gurgaon to me too lol.
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ramcharantitties · 25 days
Chapter 5: Police Police
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"Huzoor, there is a police officer to meet you"
Phatto didn't raise her head to see, she didn't wish to meet Waheeda's fate. Mallika's eyes trailed to Zulfikar. Didn't they finally buried the case? Zulfikar sits up and nods at the younger woman, who makes her way to see the officer.
"We've got a phone call from Delhi, asking about Kainat. Do you want us to tell them the truth?"
Delhi? Mallika wasn't expecting Kainat to be there of all places. She thought hard about it. Kainat's nawab did come back, asking where she is. But Mallika was able to manipulate and send them back saying that the girl is theirs now, doesn't matter what she does. Kainat managed to escape from this hellhole, and as much as Mallika hated her, she didn't want Kainat to come back to Heeramandi. Also because Mallika didn't want Kainat to probe the Rehana's death scene. Mallika knew Fareedan and Kainat were close.
"No, she's happy where she is. She has no relations with Heeramandi whatsoever"
Waheeda stayed rooted to her spot, salty tears burning the newly made wound on her cheek. It should have been her.
"Police?" Akhtar was amused.
"You never know, what if she is only faking and using you?"
"You need to start believing people"
"Akhtar, do you really think I was going to trust just anyone?"
"She's just a young girl who escaped from her toxic family. What if they found she's here and will take her back?"
When the dinner was being served, Kainat saw Ram and Akhtar in a deep conversation, as of Ram broke their sacred knot. Not wanting to interrupt, Kainat waited until the dinner was served. As Ram and Akhtar made their way to the dining area, Kainat pulled Akhtar in a corner, showing a bracelet to him.
"What is this?"
Kainat places the yellow band, adorned with orange and red designs in Akhtar's palm. A doe eyes Akhtar showed plain confusion on his face. Kainat giggled, showing a matching band on her wrist too. "I got us matching bands as a token of appreciation. Akhtar bhaiya, if I wouldn't have met you that day, I'd probably be dead by now" Kainat's words melted Akhtar like ghee on flame. He cupped her cheek, taking the band from her.
A call from Ammi broke Akhtar and Kainat from their intimacy, hurrying them for dinner. Everyone sat down, passing and serving dishes.
"I am thinking of starting a dance class to earn money." Kainat announced, earning voices of appreciation. "Do you know how to dance?" It was only Ram, with a question hooked like fish on his tongue. "I do, in fact, my sisters has taught me ever since I was a child" Kainat amused. The same anxiety came back in her gut when thinking about Rehana.
"She's such a nice girl, so cultured and educated, such sincere. And you were calling Lahore, asking the polic-" a tight grip on Akhtar's bicep stopped him from saying further. A pin drop silence casted on familiar faces, staring at the young men. "Police?" Kainat's words fainted.
"Uh, well we had to confirm if-"
"I'm lying or not?" Kainat's tone was justified. "I wouldn't have mind if you did this weeks ago when we met, Mr. Ramaraju. But now? What's the point of it?" Ram sighed. "And you knew?" Kainat turned to Akhtar now. "I just got to know, I asked the same thing" Akhtar's voice faulted- whom to choose? His Anna or sister? Ram gave him a side eye for not defending him, but Akhtar wasn't entirely to blame. "We were just cautious since there are so many revolutionaries and-"
"Fine, go on. But Lahore? You called Lahore? What if my family finds out and comes back?" Akhtar's head whipped at Ram at super speed. Ram gaped and didn't say anything. Kainat didn't want to ruin everyone's dinner. She stood up from her seat, followed by Akhtar, who whispered a faint "I told you so". Before leaving, she turned around one last time, tears welling in her eyes. "Even if I was a delinquent, what if I wanted to change my whole life and that's why I came here? Would you have let me live with my new found family if you found I have an ill past?"
Ram stayed rooted on his seat, silent like soil. Meanwhile, Akhtar's parents exchanged looks. Police? Ram should have at least talked to someone first before doing this. Kainat stormed off that night, not eating her dinner.
The next morning, Ram visits the police station again, searching for his answer. He has seen various kind of criminals- stubborn, rude, kind and even innocent. And some manipulative. Ram believed Kainat was one of those, who has wrapped her amarbel around Akhtar's family so she could flourish. No matter how many emotional dramas she does, Ram was set to find the truth.
Ram stepped in the police station, making his way to the same constable. Upon seeing Ram's face, the constable pulled out a sheet of paper- that concluded the talk he had with Lahore police. Ram's eyes skimmed over the conversation, and for some reason, his face fell. Did he want her to have a bad past?
"They said that she has no criminal record, and is not related to Heeramandi either". Ram's eyebrows furrowed at the last statement. "Not related to Heeramandi?" He asked, giving the sheet back to the constable. The old constable nodded. "Heeramandi is a bazaar where tawaifs live, it's pretty well known. Seems like the woman you're after, she's a clean chit." Ram nodded, and left the police station. He has some mending to do.
Ram met Akhtar after leaving the police station. He told Akhtar about it, only to receive silent glares from him. "Go and apologize to her" Akhtar said, skipping a stone in the lake. "I didn't do anything wrong" Ram skipped another stone. It drowned on the second skip. "She didn't say it was wrong to do her background check. She said you didn't trust her for so long. And that you called Lahore" Akhtar skipped another stone. 5 skips. Ram held the flat stone in his hand, and looked up at Akhtar.
Tagging: @ramayantika @vijayasena @jkdaddy01 @yehsahihai @lilliebeingdelulu @definitelyhim @starlight-1010 @panikk-attackkk @multifandom-boss-bitch @jeniniie
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spnfanficpond · 1 year
Manta Ray in the discord server!
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Coming soon, one of our Manta Rays, @thoughtslikeaminefield, will be in the discord server, just hanging out!
What time will it be for you:
Los Angeles - Wednesday 5pm
New York - Wednesday 8pm
London - Wed/Thurs midnight
New Delhi - Thursday 5:30am
Melbourne - Thursday 11am
Our Manta Rays hang out like this in an effort to foster the mentoring side of the community, where more experienced members help the newbies with anything and everything Tumblr- and writing-related. This is your chance to get advice and feedback from people who have been there and done that!
(We also like to just chat with you guys and see how you’re doing as people, so don’t feel like you need to bring only writing problems into the chat. Writing is life, and we welcome all parts of life! Be that writer stuff, personal stuff, or really personal stuff like sex, periods, and poop.)
You must be a Pond member to participate. (Joining is easy! Send us an ASK!)
No hate. Everyone’s opinions must be respected. (Ship and let ship!)
No NSFW images or text, as some Pond members are under the age of 18 and we want all members to be welcome. (If chat turns NSFW, we have a whole separate channel we can move to!)
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(I searched for "spn talk" and some weird gifs came up. They all made me giggle, so have a giggle, since it totally doesn't make sense!)
So, bring your frustrations, your problems, your lack of inspiration, and let’s see if we can help you work it all out!
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4, 11, 19, 34 for the ask game!! 💖 i hope you feel better, sending you all my love
hi jyu!!!!! thank you so much, i am feeling a lot better, i slept for like 10 hours and ate and it was all good skskksks. your bed friend learn the alphabet is living in my mind RENT FREE and even though i haven't seen the last ep yet your gif makes me want to leave all work and watch it asap
for the ask game:
4. which cryptyd being do you believe in?
please i literally had to google what that means so i guess none? i did have a fear of the monkey man when i was a kid but that was the general fear of landing in delhi as a kid lol
11. favorite extracurricular activity?
literally any sports. i am not even remotely good at any of them but i do like playing casually, especially net based sports like volleyball, table tennis, badminton!
19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
not only would i paint your nails i would try to make pretty designs even though i have no clue how to hehe 🥰
34. is there a song you know every word to by heart?
there's this quote "there are more songs living inside my head than leaves on a tree" which i relate to on a fundamental level because there are simply so many songs i know word-by-word, especially peak bollywood songs (atif aslam, kk, shreya ghoshal etc.) and also sam smith & taylor swift songs
i hope you're having a good day!!! ❤️
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freepressjournals · 5 months
When PM Modi Declined Imran Khan's Midnight Call After Balakot Strikes
In the aftermath of India’s Balakot strikes, several countries offered to send special envoys and China too suggested that it could send its deputy minister to both countries to seek de-escalation but New Delhi declined the offer, says former diplomat Ajay Bisaria.
In his upcoming book, Mr Bisaria, who was serving as Indian High Commissioner to Islamabad in that period, also writes that India was willing to send an aircraft of the Indian Air Force to Pakistan to bring back Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, but the Pakistani government refused permission.
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Varthaman (now Group Captain) downed a Pakistani jet on February 27, 2019, before his MiG 21 Bison jet was hit in a dogfight.
Pakistan had launched the retaliation for the Balakot airstrikes a day before. Varthaman was captured by the Pakistani Army and was released two days later.
“We were willing to send an Indian Air Force aircraft to pick him up but Pakistan refused permission; the optics of an Indian Air Force plane landing in Islamabad after all that had happened over the previous three days, was, of course, not acceptable to Pakistan,” Mr Bisaria writes.
In his book, ‘Anger Management: The Troubled Diplomatic Relationship Between India and Pakistan’, he also says several countries had offered to send special envoys over to the subcontinent but this was no longer necessary.
“Even China, not to be left behind, had suggested that it could send its deputy minister to both countries to seek de-escalation. India had politely declined the offer,” he says.
In the book published by Rupa, Mr Bisaria, who had a distinguished diplomatic career spanning 35 years, delves into various aspects of India-Pakistan relations since Independence.
The ties between India and Pakistan came under severe strain after India’s warplanes pounded a Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist training camp in Balakot in Pakistan on February 26, 2019, in response to the Pulwama terror attack.
Mr Bisaria says that the day after India’s air strikes at Balakot, the ambassadors of the US, UK, and France were informed during a briefing by the then Pakistan foreign secretary Tehmina Janjua about a message she received from the Pakistan Army.
The message said that “nine missiles from India had been pointed towards Pakistan, to be launched any time that day”.
“The foreign secretary requested the envoys to report this intelligence to their capitals and ask India not to escalate the situation. The diplomats promptly reported these developments, leading to a flurry of diplomatic activity in Islamabad, P5 capitals, and in New Delhi that night,” Mr Bisaria writes.
The permanent members of the UN Security Council, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States, China and France are known as P5 nations.
“One of them recommended to her that Pakistan should convey its concerns directly to India,” says Mr Bisaria.
Mr Bisaria also writes that then Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan wanted to talk to his Indian counterpart.
“At around midnight I got a call in Delhi from Pakistani High Commissioner Sohail Mahmood, now in Islamabad, who said that PM Imran Khan was keen to talk to Prime Minister Modi,” he says.
“I checked upstairs and responded that our prime minister was not available at this hour but in case Imran Khan had any urgent message to convey he could, of course, convey it to me. I got no call back that night,” he recounts.
“The US and UK envoys in Delhi got back overnight to India’s foreign secretary to claim that Pakistan was now ready to de-escalate the situation, to act on India’s dossier, and to seriously address the issue of terrorism,” he says.
Mr Bisaria says “Pakistan’s PM would himself make these announcements and the pilot would be returned to India the next day.
He says India’s “coercive diplomacy” had been effective, its expectations of Pakistan and of the world had been clear, backed by a credible resolve to escalate the crisis.
“Prime Minister Modi would later say in a campaign speech that, ‘Fortunately, Pakistan announced that the pilot would be sent back to India. Else, it would have been qatal ki raat, a night of bloodshed’”.
On overall regional geopolitics, Mr Bisaria writes that Pakistan Prime Minister, Imran Khan conveyed to China that it should support Islamabad since the United States decided to back India against China, but Chinese President Xi Jinping “declared that China would not be propping up Pakistan against India”.
“I also learnt that Khan had told the Chinese that they should support Pakistan since the US had decided to support India against China. President Xi Jinping apparently responded sharply to Imran Khan for this simplistic geopolitical assessment and declared that China would not be propping up Pakistan against India,” he says.
“He had advised Khan that it was the US that could help Pakistan in its India relationship and it would be in Pakistan’s interest to make up with the US as well as with Afghanistan,” Mr Bisaria writes.
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qalma-e-azadi · 3 years
hi hello welcome to another i cri session today i'm gonna talk about a topic that is overshadowed or just dulled by now which is Afghans in india. some of you may be shocked some of you are haa pata tha ki there are Afghans in india but how many? and where?
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yes. that's a lot of Afghans. now let me open up a history lesson. from the early nineteenth century Afghans have had good relations with the Indian subcontinent which is maybe because the delhi sultanate and the mughals came from these areas and beyond. Afghan merchants often visited coastal trading cities like Calcutta (now kolkata) for sweet sweet trade deals. rich afghans visited india (after independence) as a summer stay. and the trading went on too. that all changed when their royal king Zahir Shah was overthrown in a coup by his cousin, Daoud Khan on 17 July, 1973, thus abolishing the monarchy. after the coup (which landed some gunshots and violence but was without bloodshed) life went on in Afghanistan as usual but Afghans would soon know this to be "the start of the fall". in the December of 1979, the Soviet union invaded Afghanistan. this war stretched out for at least ten years. this was when the Afghans lost their land became fugitives and many ran, to save their children, to save their women, to save their men and mostly to save what shred of Afghanistan that the soviet union had left, and became refugees in u.s.a, pakistan, Iran, Europe and india. mind you this war was bloody, soviet soldiers raped children and women constantly, people were trapped in their own homes and it was very disgusting i hate you for this Soviet union. so after this assholerry when the roussis (Russians) were gone and the Taliban had taken over, people were overjoyed. the war was over Taliban are muslim we're going to be okay. but that meant bad news for hazaras the servant caste who were shi'as not sunnis like the rich pashtuns that were their masters (much like the dalit-brahmin thing). taliban massacred, raped, killed hazaras here and there you know what for? for being there. existing. being so dirty and disgusting while they just be humans. unacceptable to the Taliban! also unacceptable to the Taliban? adultery, music, women, kite flying, women talking loud, education, drinking booze, dancing, flying kites, leaving the house without a full burqa and your abusive man who keeps beating you. and the punishment if you did any of this? cutting your hand off, chopping your feet off, hitting your thighs with a baton, your nails being pulled out of your nailbeds, being gunned in your leg, kicking your stomach till you spit out blood. and the worse was for adulterers. they were led to a stadium. they were buried in soil till their necks. then their heads would be hit repeatedly either witha foot or a bat until their neck cracked. there was always an audience. of course none of these thing mattered if you were the Taliban yourself! you want sex? do it with a little boy! you want music and dancing? make the little boy do it! you want women? make the little boy dress up as one! the Taliban made Afghans run faster, to the countries they had run to before just trying to live to hold on.
now you may ask how is this torturous and triggering paragraph relevant to india? lemme tell you, these battered bruised mentally/physically tortured people are hated here. after what they went through. who hates them? modi does. like he hates every other minority sab bhaad me jaaye. his supporters call them illegal (a living breathing person is illegal wow), jihadi, talibani, meat eating bastards and the one i hate the most, "go back to your country" you're going to seriously say that to a guy who saw his mother and his sister get raped in front of his eyes, his father being shot in his chest eight times, his fiancee being dragged by her hair to who knows where? you're going to say "go back to your country" to this guy? for fuck's sake do you think that he doesn't want to return to the Afghanistan of his childhood? where people had kite flying festivals in winter? where pakoras fumed the streets? where women wore henna on their wedding day? where children complained about homework? don't you ever stop and think about how much he has to forget and remove from his memory just because they hurt too much to go back to? don't you have a heart you asshole. now again the CAA and nrc the bills we hate with our life and soul were going to send these people to internment camps (possibly back to Afghanistan) (p.s. some of these people very poor of them don't even have an aadhar card), specifically because after seeing the Taliban kill off most of his family he needs to come to India legally like a gentleman and not flee the country the first and fastest chance he gets because dude manners. and for that fuck the modi administration
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Medical Courses in India
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
April 25, 2019
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
Pursuing a medical courses in India is far tougher than taking a decision to become a doctor. But, hats off to those who pursue their studies with as much as interest as when they were dreaming to become a doctor. Also, the zeal to serve others, the passion to think of other people’s wellness and the drive to come out of comfort zone and look what best you can do for others, so that people can feel every beat of life and make most of it;  is not a small thing to have in one’s mind. Similarly when youth is going behind technology, there are few who understand the price of one’s life and opt medical. Because no matter how much wealth a person hoards, it’s just incomparable to health.
Furthermore, the Medical Council of India is the regulatory authority which has laid down rules and regulations to medical education, so that good education standard can be attained by every medical student.  There are various medical courses in India that have been running from long, everyone have their own importance, you can choose according to your area of interest. Have a look:
Top 5 Medical Courses in India:
It is one of the most popular medical courses in India. It’s full form is bachelor of masters and bachelor of surgery. Medical entrance exams are conducted on a National Level and State Level to select suitable medical students for undergraduate medical programs. The MBBS degree holder can run their practice as a physician because they possess good knowledge for every right disease. While the total MBBS duration is 4.5 years academic education + 1 year mandatory internship.  Some of the popular entrance exams for MBBS are given below:
AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences): Most prestigious entrance exam
AIPMT (All India Pre medical Test): Conducted by CBSE
Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore: Minority run  private & research institute
Armed Force Medical College (AFMC): Manages by Indian Armed Forces
2. BDS:
BDS is the only educational and professional program of dental surgery in India. It offers knowledge and skills related to general dental anatomy. The full form of this medical course in India is Bachelor of Dental surgery. BDS includes the treatment as well as prevention of a wide range of diseases of the mouth. Certainly, the main objective of the dentistry program is to produce a dentist who is socially acceptable and is able to work safely & effectively on patients in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and oral diseases. The duration of BDS degree ranges from 3 years to 5 years.
Popular BDS entrance exams are:
Banaras Hindu University  Medical Entrance Exam
Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical Entrance Exam
Christian Medical College Entrance Exam
Delhi University Medical/Dental Entrance Exam
All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Test
Amrita University Medical Entrance Exam
Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges Exam
3. BHMS:
BHMS stands for Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery. BHMS is an undergraduate degree program in medical field. Furthermore, this medical course in India treats patients with the help of heavily diluted preparations of chemicals. While, it is an ancient medicine form originated from Germany. Also, it works on the principle of stimulating body’s immunity to heal oneself by giving small doses of highly diluted substances. BHMS course is of 5½ year duration including an internship. The best homeopathy colleges in India are:
National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkata
Shivaji University, South Maharashtra
Motiwala Homeopathic Medical College, Gangapur
Rajasthan Vidyapeeth Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital
4. BAMS:
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) is an integrated Indian Degree in the medical field. This degree program is conferred to those students who have studied the modern medicines and traditional Ayurveda. Ayurvedic science is one of the ancient medical systems of the world. It traces its roots to the Vedic period. Also, BAMS is 5 and a half years course. Best ayurveda colleges in India are:
Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar
JB Roy State Medical College, Kolkata
Ayurvedic Medical College, Kolhapur
5. MD/MS:
MD is a post graduation degree, stands for masters in medicines and MS is a post graduation degree stands for masters in surgery. Both of them are a 3 years course for medical Graduates (MBBS) that deal with the branches which do not require surgical skills. MD is awarded in both non-clinical as well as clinical branches.
Likewise, the future prospects of MD and MS as medical courses in India are generally same. An individual who completes MS becomes a surgeon whereas the one who takes up MD is a physician. Finally, a surgeon can work in place of a physician with more study of medicine while a physician cannot be a surgeon. In contrast, financially, a surgeon can earn a lot more money than a physician, if he or she is skilled.
The Popular specializations in MS and MD are:
The obstetrics & Gynecology, Endocrinology, Orthopaedics, Neurology and the Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Paediatric, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radio diagnosis and the Pathology.
Pediatric surgery, plastic surgery, cardio-thoracic surgery, Urology, Cardiac surgery, Cosmetic surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Obstetrics and the orthopedics.
So, usually it takes three years to complete the MD or MS but for s super specialization the student needs two years more after MD or MS.
Furthermore, some of the best Medical Courses in India & colleges offering post graduation in surgery/medicine are given below:
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi
Armed Forces Medical College(AFMC), Pune
Christian Medical College(CMC), Vellore
Maulana Azad Medical College(MAMC), Delhi
University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital , Delhi
Sri Ramchandra Medical College and Research Institute(SRMC), Chennai
Seth G S Medical College, Mumbai
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (AMU), Aligarh
Certainly, apart from them, there are few other medical courses in India which are also gaining popularity these days, some of them are:
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Bachelor in Unani medicine and surgery
Bachelor in Science in Nursing
Most noteworthy, medical is a noble profession, no matter which course you opt, but study with full of interest and practice your profession with full honestly, because with medical degrees, you are asked not to work with objects, stationery but with Human body, the most precious wealth of one’s life.
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Medical Courses in India
Popular BDS entrance exams
Popular specializations in MS and MD
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
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4 thoughts on “Top 5 Medical Courses in India”
[…] Now #Latest on Finance courses #Medical Courses in India #Engineering Degree #UPSC Exams #India National sports #Sports updates #Top School for Masters in […]
Nice post. …..I have geography, nutrition, biology and chemistry in my hs. ….what is the best career option for me?
MEWAugust 2, 2020 at 2:31 pmReply
Hi, as you have asked for the opportunities of pursuing a career after 12, we are giving few options that you may pursue according to your interest
1. Pursue B.Sc/B. A Nutrition or B.Sc Food Technology. It is a 3-year course focusing on a wide variety of topics, such as human physiology, basics of nutrition, food biotechnology, health, weight-loss strategies, human physiology, etc. The degree not only focuses on general health but also provides expertise in areas such as public health, maternal and child nutrition, etc. 2.B.Sc. Food Technology: It is a 3-year course that focuses on the safe use of food. Food technology is the process in which various principles of food science are applied to the selection, preservation, packaging and safe distribution of food. class 12th with any stream (Science with Biology is preferred).
3.D. Pharm (Ayurvedic Siddha Medicine) it’s a 2 years course
4.BOT (bachelor of occupational therapy • deal with physically, mentally, morally, and mentally challenged people. • manage the dysfunctions caused due to social, biological, and economic reasons.
5.Careers after a bachelor degree in Geography The careers for bachelor’s degree holders in Geography can include Geography teacher, Research assistant/associate in projects related to the environment, sustainability and social development, jobs related to Corporate Social Responsibility etc.
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optimisticanchornut · 3 years
Medical Courses in India
Medical Courses in India
April 25, 2019
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
Pursuing a medical courses in India is far tougher than taking a decision to become a doctor. But, hats off to those who pursue their studies with as much as interest as when they were dreaming to become a doctor. Also, the zeal to serve others, the passion to think of other people’s wellness and the drive to come out of comfort zone and look what best you can do for others, so that people can feel every beat of life and make most of it;  is not a small thing to have in one’s mind. Similarly when youth is going behind technology, there are few who understand the price of one’s life and opt medical. Because no matter how much wealth a person hoards, it’s just incomparable to health.
Furthermore, the Medical Council of India is the regulatory authority which has laid down rules and regulations to medical education, so that good education standard can be attained by every medical student.  There are various medical courses in India that have been running from long, everyone have their own importance, you can choose according to your area of interest. Have a look:
Medical Courses in India:
It is one of the most popular medical courses in India. It’s full form is bachelor of masters and bachelor of surgery. Medical entrance exams are conducted on a National Level and State Level to select suitable medical students for undergraduate medical programs. The MBBS degree holder can run their practice as a physician because they possess good knowledge for every right disease. While the total MBBS duration is 4.5 years academic education + 1 year mandatory internship.  Some of the popular entrance exams for MBBS are given below:
AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences): Most prestigious entrance exam
AIPMT (All India Pre medical Test): Conducted by CBSE
Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore: Minority run  private & research institute
Armed Force Medical College (AFMC): Manages by Indian Armed Forces
2. BDS:
BDS is the only educational and professional program of dental surgery in India. It offers knowledge and skills related to general dental anatomy. The full form of this medical course in India is Bachelor of Dental surgery. BDS includes the treatment as well as prevention of a wide range of diseases of the mouth. Certainly, the main objective of the dentistry program is to produce a dentist who is socially acceptable and is able to work safely & effectively on patients in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and oral diseases. The duration of BDS degree ranges from 3 years to 5 years.
Popular BDS entrance exams are:
Banaras Hindu University  Medical Entrance Exam
Bharati Vidyapeeth University Medical Entrance Exam
Christian Medical College Entrance Exam
Delhi University Medical/Dental Entrance Exam
All India Post Graduate Dental Entrance Test
Amrita University Medical Entrance Exam
Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges Exam
3. BHMS:
BHMS stands for Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery. BHMS is an undergraduate degree program in medical field. Furthermore, this medical course in India treats patients with the help of heavily diluted preparations of chemicals. While, it is an ancient medicine form originated from Germany. Also, it works on the principle of stimulating body’s immunity to heal oneself by giving small doses of highly diluted substances. BHMS course is of 5½ year duration including an internship. The best homeopathy colleges in India are:
National Institute of Homeopathy, Kolkata
Shivaji University, South Maharashtra
Motiwala Homeopathic Medical College, Gangapur
Rajasthan Vidyapeeth Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital
4. BAMS:
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) is an integrated Indian Degree in the medical field. This degree program is conferred to those students who have studied the modern medicines and traditional Ayurveda. Ayurvedic science is one of the ancient medical systems of the world. It traces its roots to the Vedic period. Also, BAMS is 5 and a half years course. Best ayurveda colleges in India are:
Shri Dhanwantri Ayurvedic College, Chandigarh
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore
Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar
JB Roy State Medical College, Kolkata
Ayurvedic Medical College, Kolhapur
5. MD/MS:
MD is a post graduation degree, stands for masters in medicines and MS is a post graduation degree stands for masters in surgery. Both of them are a 3 years course for medical Graduates (MBBS) that deal with the branches which do not require surgical skills. MD is awarded in both non-clinical as well as clinical branches.
Likewise, the future prospects of MD and MS as medical courses in India are generally same. An individual who completes MS becomes a surgeon whereas the one who takes up MD is a physician. Finally, a surgeon can work in place of a physician with more study of medicine while a physician cannot be a surgeon. In contrast, financially, a surgeon can earn a lot more money than a physician, if he or she is skilled.
The Popular specializations in MS and MD are:
The obstetrics & Gynecology, Endocrinology, Orthopaedics, Neurology and the Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Internal Medicine, Paediatric, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Radio diagnosis and the Pathology.
Pediatric surgery, plastic surgery, cardio-thoracic surgery, Urology, Cardiac surgery, Cosmetic surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology, Gynecology, Obstetrics and the orthopedics.
So, usually it takes three years to complete the MD or MS but for s super specialization the student needs two years more after MD or MS.
Furthermore, some of the best Medical Courses in India & colleges offering post graduation in surgery/medicine are given below:
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Delhi
Armed Forces Medical College(AFMC), Pune
Christian Medical College(CMC), Vellore
Maulana Azad Medical College(MAMC), Delhi
University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital , Delhi
Sri Ramchandra Medical College and Research Institute(SRMC), Chennai
Seth G S Medical College, Mumbai
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (AMU), Aligarh
Certainly, apart from them, there are few other medical courses in India which are also gaining popularity these days, some of them are:
Bachelor of Physiotherapy
Bachelor in Unani medicine and surgery
Bachelor in Science in Nursing
Most noteworthy, medical is a noble profession, no matter which course you opt, but study with full of interest and practice your profession with full honestly, because with medical degrees, you are asked not to work with objects, stationery but with Human body, the most precious wealth of one’s life.
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Medical Courses in India
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Popular specializations in MS and MD
Top 5 Medical Courses in India
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4 thoughts on “Medical Courses in India”
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Nice post. …..I have geography, nutrition, biology and chemistry in my hs. ….what is the best career option for me?
MEWAugust 2, 2020 at 2:31 pmReply
Hi, as you have asked for the opportunities of pursuing a career after 12, we are giving few options that you may pursue according to your interest
1. Pursue B.Sc/B. A Nutrition or B.Sc Food Technology. It is a 3-year course focusing on a wide variety of topics, such as human physiology, basics of nutrition, food biotechnology, health, weight-loss strategies, human physiology, etc. The degree not only focuses on general health but also provides expertise in areas such as public health, maternal and child nutrition, etc. 2.B.Sc. Food Technology: It is a 3-year course that focuses on the safe use of food. Food technology is the process in which various principles of food science are applied to the selection, preservation, packaging and safe distribution of food. class 12th with any stream (Science with Biology is preferred).
3.D. Pharm (Ayurvedic Siddha Medicine) it’s a 2 years course
4.BOT (bachelor of occupational therapy • deal with physically, mentally, morally, and mentally challenged people. • manage the dysfunctions caused due to social, biological, and economic reasons.
5.Careers after a bachelor degree in Geography The careers for bachelor’s degree holders in Geography can include Geography teacher, Research assistant/associate in projects related to the environment, sustainability and social development, jobs related to Corporate Social Responsibility etc.
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artist-blogger-9 · 3 years
The Planning Of The First Solo Exhibition – From The Ground Up
The first solo exhibition is a very significant step in the journey of an artist. Curating and planning your solo art exhibition takes a bit of doing in the courage department. Brushing aside those doubts and fears about negative feedback can be quite daunting. Once you have dealt with your fears and misgivings and know that your artwork is show-worthy, you are good to go. It is a risk worth taking for emerging and established artists, as exhibiting your paintings at a public venue takes your art to a wider audience and gives you the exposure you need as an artist.
When preparing for your exhibition, the first point to consider is the context of your show – should it have a theme or be non-thematic. I prefer not to be stuck with a theme – I create artwork in series of four, three or even two. The average time an artist will need is two to three years to come up with enough artwork for a solo exhibition.
Holding your solo art exhibition is a great way to build up your artist profile, an opportunity to collaborate and interact with people from the world of visual art and sell your work directly to collectors. It is an investment in yourself so ensure that you have a budget that covers all your costs. Many well-known artists have self-organised solo exhibitions to generate interest in their work. Having organised and curated several group shows and solo shows, let me walk you through the process and steps involved in setting up a successful exhibition.
Assuming that your artworks are complete and titled, the first step is to scout around for a venue. Try to find an art gallery that is a part of a cultural hub where plays are staged, music gigs are held and one which is home to good restaurants and cafes. That way you can leverage the crowd coming in to eat or watch a theatre production. Block dates that coincide with other important cultural or shopping events that are taking place around the art gallery. Check with the gallery authorities if they provide or allow press coverage and the traditional wine and cheese party on the evening of the inauguration.
Get an estimate of the cost of labour for the installation of the paintings and check on the availability of hooks and fish-thread to hang your paintings. Find out if the gallery will make the arrangements for the inaugural event (cocktail evening et al ). If not, then tap a wine company that will sponsor the wine for the cocktail event in return for publicity through your event. Most galleries are connected to caterers who arrange the food and tenting for gallery events. Discuss the cost of all of this.
Getting a printout of a floor plan of the gallery will enable you to plan the display of your paintings. Check with the gallery if they could share contacts of art collectors and art galleries for you to invite to your exhibition – if not, then scour the pages of Google and prepare a list of invitees and zero-in on a chief guest. It is always preferable to have a celebrity from the world of art (visual art or performing art) or a socialite to cut the ribbon and light that lamp.
Give your intended chief guest a complete heads-up on your exhibition, a couple of months ahead of the event, so that he/she can block the date and be available.
Collaborate with an NGO and share a percentage of the sales with the NGO.
It is important for your customers to know that a part of the money they spend on buying your work, will support a social cause.
Market and publicize your exhibition. If you are like me, and the thought of marketing makes you want to curl up in a fetal position and eat popcorn, a good way to start is to get in touch with a public relations company and set up a publicity campaign tailored to your budget. If your budget does not permit you to hire a public relations consultant, don’t fret – there is plenty that you can do to promote yourself. Most weekend newspapers feature upcoming art events, free of cost. Look out for such articles a few months ahead of your exhibition. Make a note of the feature and the contact details of the journalist. Email the publication with complete details of your exhibition along with a few images of your artworks – if your previous exhibitions have been covered by media, attach those media clippings as well. Follow up this email with calls to the and (gentle) reminders closer to the date of the show. Gentle persuasion always works.
Apart from this, advertise your upcoming exhibition widely on all social media forums. Draw up a list of your contacts and send out social media invitations, asking them to save the date. List out the people you would want to send the printed invite to – remember to include your sponsors!
Arrange to get your event listed on the events page on the day of the exhibition by letting the newspaper know a week ahead of your show – you will need to follow this up with (gentle) reminders. This is a service that most newspapers provide free of cost.
If you have the funds, set aside a budget for media coverage of the inaugural event, (assuming that the gallery permits an inaugural event). If the cost of publicity in a mainstream daily is too high, harness the power of social media and make your event go viral – to this end, you can enlist your friends, family, your childrens’ friends – the list is endless. Remember to hire a photographer and ensure that the photographer reaches the venue at least an hour before the inauguration.
One of the most important items that you need to get hold of, is a credit card swipe machine. You can do this by opening a current account in a bank and requesting your bank manager for a credit card terminal. This vital if want walk-in sales.
Printed publicity material.
The printing of catalogues, invites and envelopes, standees, posters, painting tags, price tags, visiting cards needs to be done at least two weeks ahead of your exhibition. You can save yourself some money by using free templates available online for the invites and can design your logo and visiting cards on applications like Canva etc. Ensure that your publicity campaign, online and offline, has the logo of any sponsors and charitable organisation or NGO that you may have collaborated with.
The printing press would have samples of artist catalogues which you can alter to your taste.
It usually takes a day or two to brainstorm with the people from the printing press before you finalize your publicity material.
Inviting people.
Once the printed matter is with you, call up all the people you intend to invite before you send them the invitation. Close to the exhibition, put up posters at strategic locations and keep the social media publicity going. Please invest in a visitors book and a small giveaway for the chief guest.
Send out the printed invitation a week before the inaugural event so that the invitees receive them three to four days before the date of the exhibition.
Installation of paintings. On the eve of the inauguration, go to the venue with your paintings and have them installed and tagged to your satisfaction. Place standees at vantage points at the venue, arrange catalogues, visiting cards and the visitors’ book on your table. Ensure that catering and other arrangements are on track. Go home and have a restful sleep.
Bring on that charm and put on your best smile when you attend to visitors and invitees. Share the inspiration behind your work and the picture story behind each paintings. Receive your guests and chief guest and make a short welcome note/speech after the lamp is lit and the ribbon is cut. Remember to thank your sponsors, the media team and promote the charitable institution you have collaborated with. Lastly, enjoy the party!
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newstfionline · 4 years
Where reopening is working (NYT) Across much of the United States and Europe, the coronavirus has been spreading less rapidly than many people feared. Over the past six weeks—as communities have started to reopen, Americans have flocked to beaches and lakes and European schools have reopened—but the number of new cases has continued falling in many places. Across the Northeast and Midwest of the U.S., they’re down more than 50 percent, and often much more, since May 1. Nationwide, weekly deaths have fallen for six weeks in a row. And Europe “seems to have turned a corner,” Caitlin Rivers of Johns Hopkins University says. How could this be? Public health experts gave two main answers. One, the virus spreads much less easily outdoors than indoors. “Summer—being outside, warmer weather, humidity—seems to help, and we may have underestimated how much it’s helped,” Ashish Jha, the incoming dean of Brown University School of Public Health, told me. Two, many people are taking more precautions than they were in February and March. They’re wearing masks, remaining six feet apart and being careful about what they touch. The combination appears to have eliminated most “superspreader events,” like parties, concerts and restaurant meals, where multiple people get sick. Such events may account for 80 percent of all transmissions, research suggests.
Beleaguered and besieged, police try to come to grips with a nation’s anger (Washington Post) The crowds have thinned and the smoke has cleared, with more than a week of nationwide protests leaving in their wake a nation increasingly resolved to change a broken law enforcement system. But they also have left police officers badly shaken, and in some cases physically bruised. Nationwide, police leaders say the rank and file are struggling to come to grips with the level of animus they encountered on the streets, as epithets, bricks and bottles all came hurtling their way. Police have been targets of protest many times before, of course. But never quite like this. “I’ve had members say they feel like a Vietnam veteran returning home to a country that hates them,” said Robert Harris, a Los Angeles police officer and director of the force’s police union. “It’s not that our members expect thank-yous. It’s the difficulty in knowing that the protesters want to be treated with equality and fairness and respect, and what they’re protesting for isn’t afforded to the officers themselves.” “The morale is low,” he said. “They’ve taken quite a beating.”
Federal Debt Tops $26 Trillion for First Time; Jumps $2 Trillion in Just 63 Days (CNS News) The debt of the federal government topped $26 trillion for the first time on Tuesday, when it climbed from $25,960,547,920,986.11 to $26,003,751,512,344.91, according to data released today by the Treasury Department. The federal debt had topped $24 trillion for the first time on April 7, 2020.
A Single Session of Exercise Alters 9,815 Molecules in Our Blood (NYT) When we exercise, the levels of thousands of substances in our bloodstream rise and drop, according to an eye-opening new study of the immediate, interior impacts of working out. The study is the most comprehensive cataloging to date of the molecular changes that occur during and after exercise and underscores how consequential activity—and inactivity—may be for our bodies and health. Over all, the researchers were taken aback by the magnitude of the changes in people’s molecular profiles after exercise, according to Dr. Michael Snyder, the chair of the genetics department at Stanford University and senior author of the study. “I had thought, it’s only about nine minutes of exercise, how much is going to change? A lot, as it turns out.”
United will require passengers to complete health assessments before they fly (Washington Post) United Airlines on Wednesday became at least the second U.S. carrier to ask travelers to answer questions about their health status before they fly, part of a strategy to ease the minds of travelers concerned about flying in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. United’s “Ready-to-Fly” checklist will ask travelers to confirm that they have not experienced any coronavirus-related symptoms in the 14 previous days or been in close contact with any individual who has tested positive during the same time period. It also will require passengers to verify that they are aware of the airline’s policy requiring face coverings when aboard an airplane.
Are religious communities reviving the revival? Outdoor worship is a US tradition (Religion News Service) Religious communities have been forced to find alternative ways to worship together during the coronavirus pandemic. For some that has meant going online, but others have turned to a distinctly non-digital practice steeped in this history of the American religious experience: outdoor worship. Prayer sessions in parking lots and services in green spaces formed part of an improvised response to the lockdown by religious leaders and they may now be part of the plan as the United States emerges from the crisis. Indeed, a team of clergy and scientists have issued a new guide suggesting, among other recommendations, that baptisms could take place in “flowing streams, lakes or in beach settings.” So are brick-and-mortar houses of worship essential? It is a question that states and courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court, have asked in considering the extent to which states can or should place restrictions on meetings in religious buildings. Religious communities, too, have reflected on whether the term “church” describes a building or a community. While white evangelical Protestants have been some of the more vocal protesters of government restrictions on houses of worship during the pandemic, they actually have a long history of embracing outdoor worship in services and revivals.
Watch kids near water (NYT) This year, with outings to the community pool, day camps and pool parties still on hold, kids cooped up at home will be eager to get in the water as the weather warms. Experts worry that parents are stretched too thin to provide the required supervision, leading to an increase in child drownings this summer. As of mid-May, both Florida and Texas—the top two states for child drownings in pools and spas—are already seeing higher numbers than last year. If you have toddlers and you think you don’t have to worry because you don’t have a real pool—just one of those little plastic or inflatable baby pools—you still have a hazard sitting in your yard. Little kids can drown in less than two inches of water. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, drowning is the leading cause of injury death in children ages 1 to 4, and nearly 70 percent of the time, it happens when children aren’t supposed to be in the pool.
Zoom censors video talks on Hong Kong and Tiananmen, drawing criticism (Washington Post) Several prominent critics of the Chinese government, including protest leaders in Hong Kong and pro-democracy activists in the United States, have accused Zoom of shutting their accounts and severing live events in recent weeks under pressure from Beijing. The three incidents are reviving concerns about the fast-growing Silicon Valley company’s susceptibility to Chinese government influence weeks after the firm began facing scrutiny over security, including its routing of data through China. Coming in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the episode also highlights the world’s dependency on services such as Zoom and their ability to control speech. Zoom on Thursday acknowledged that “a few recent meetings” related to China have been disrupted. In each instance, event organizers told The Washington Post that they relied on Zoom in lieu of in-person events because of social distancing and travel restrictions. And each of the Zoom accounts and events was created and hosted outside mainland China but appeared to be quashed under Chinese government pressure after publicly advertised.
EU pushes back on Beijing (Foreign Policy) China’s aggressive diplomacy in Europe is now causing serious pushback. The European Union, normally reluctant to speak out against Beijing, has accused the government of running “targeted influence operations and disinformation campaigns in the EU, its neighborhood, and globally,” along with Russia. The move may be a response to earlier criticism that the EU softened a report on the same topic. Meanwhile, Britain’s swerve away from China has been fast, with Prime Minister Boris Johnson proposing a D-10 alliance of democracies—the existing G-7, plus South Korea, India, and Australia—to build 5G networks free of Chinese influence. The Hong Kong crisis has further soured U.K.-Chinese relations, with Beijing warning that it may pull out a British nuclear power construction deal. Since the original nuclear deal was widely seen as a disaster in the U.K., this doesn’t give Beijing much leverage.
Poland troop plan falters (Foreign Policy) After U.S. President Donald Trump said he would remove 9,500 troops from Germany, plans to relocate troops further east in Poland have fallen into disarray, Reuters reports. A plan announced in June of last year to send 1,000 U.S. troops to Poland permanently has been held up over disputes over how much of the bill Poland would cover, where to station the troops, and whether they would gain legal immunity while stationed there.
Lack of beds slows Delhi’s virus fight (AP) In New Delhi, a sprawling capital region of 46 million and home to some of India’s highest concentration of hospitals, a pregnant woman’s death after a frantic hunt for a sickbed was a worrying sign about the country’s ability to cope with a wave of new coronavirus cases. “She kept begging us to save her life, but we couldn’t do anything,” Shailendra Kumar said, after driving his sister-in-law, Neelam, and her husband for hours, only to be turned away at eight public and private hospitals. Two and a half months of nationwide lockdown kept numbers of infections relatively low in India. But with restrictions easing in recent weeks, cases have shot up, rising by a record of nearly 10,000 on Thursday, raising questions about whether authorities have done enough to avert catastrophe. Half of Delhi’s 8,200 hospital beds dedicated to COVID-19 patients are already full and officials are projecting more than half a million cases in the city alone by July 31.
Chinese recovery (Foreign Policy) Some data indicates that the speed of economic recovery in China may be faster than feared, with oil use already back to 90 percent of pre-coronavirus levels. Domestic demand for consumer goods is strong, but a lack of global demand is hamstringing Chinese manufacturers: Reopened factories are struggling to find customers.
Floyd killing finds echoes of abuse in South Africa, Kenya (AP) Collins Khosa was killed by law enforcement officers in a poor township in Johannesburg over a cup of beer left in his yard. The 40-year-old black man was choked, slammed against a wall, beaten, kicked and hit with the butt of a rifle by the soldiers as police watched, his family says. Two months later, South Africans staged a march against police brutality. But it was mostly about the killing of George Floyd in the United States, with the case of Khosa, who died on April 10, raised only briefly. Despite racial reconciliation that emerged after the end of the apartheid system, poor and black South Africans still fall victim to security forces that now are mostly black. The country is plagued by violent crime, and police often are accused of resorting to heavy-handed tactics. Journalist Daneel Knoetze, who looked into police brutality in South Africa between 2012 and 2019, found that there were more than 42,000 criminal complaints against police, which included more than 2,800 killings—more than one a day. There were more than 27,000 cases of alleged assault by police, many classified as torture, and victims were “overwhelmingly” poor and black, he said. And in Kenya, the police force has for two decades been ranked the country’s most corrupt institution. It’s also Kenya’s most deadly, killing far more people than criminals do, according to human rights groups.
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spnfanficpond · 3 years
Manta Ray in the discord server TODAY!
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MARIE!!! For her birthday, she has decided to have a party in the discord server!!
What time will it be for you:
Los Angeles - Tuesday 4PM
New York - Tuesday 7PM
London - Tuesday midnight
New Delhi - Wednesday 4:30AM
Melbourne - Wednesday 9AM
Our Manta Rays hang out like this in an effort to foster the mentoring side of the community, where more experienced members help the newbies with anything and everything Tumblr- and writing-related. This is your chance to get advice and feedback from people who have been there and done that!
(We also like to just chat with you guys and see how you’re doing as people, so don’t feel like you need to bring only writing problems into the chat. Writing is life, and we welcome all parts of life! Be that writer stuff, personal stuff, or really personal stuff like sex, periods, and poop.)
You must be a Pond member to participate. (Joining is easy! Send us an ASK!)
No hate. Everyone’s opinions must be respected. (Ship and let ship!)
No NSFW images or text, as some Pond members are under the age of 18 and we want all members to be welcome. (If chat turns NSFW, we have a whole separate channel we can move to!)
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(Sounds like a fabulous birthday to me, right? LOL!)
So, bring your frustrations, your problems, your lack of inspiration, and let’s see if we can help you work it all out!
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About Syedna Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi r.a.
His Holiness was born in the Indian Sub-continent on the 25th of November 1941 in the small village of Gohar Shah in the district of Rawalpindi. His mother is “Fatimi” a descendant of the Prophet Mohammed’s daughter Fatima. She is of Sa’daat lineage (descendant of the Prophet Mohammed) as she was the daughter of one of the (paternal) grandsons of Syed Gohar Ali Shah. The father of His Holiness is the descendant of one of the (maternal) grandsons of Syed Gohar Ali Shah and his grandfather was linked to the Mughal family. From an early age His Holiness was attracted towards tombs of Saints. The father of His Holiness states that from the age of five or six years His Holiness used to disappear and after searching for him, he used to be found sitting at the tomb of the Saint Nizam-Uddin Auliya (in Delhi). His father further states that he felt as though His Holiness (at that age) was talking to the Saint Nizam-Uddin Auliya. This was at a time when the father of His Holiness was settled in Delhi due to his work. In March of 1997 Gohar Shahi visited India and (during his visit) he went to the tomb of the Saint Nizam-Uddin Auliya. On the direction (spiritual) of the Saint Nizam-Uddin Auliya the attendant of the tomb, Islam-Uddin Nizami (a descendant of the Saint Nizam-Uddin Auliya) honoured His Holiness by placing a “turban of honour” on his head, close to the head side of the (tomb of the) resting Saint. From a very early age whatever His Holiness uttered would happen and for this reason his father would fulfil every request and demand of His Holiness. His father says “Gohar Shahi, as is the custom, comes into the lawn every morning and upon his arrival I stand up, out of respect for him.” He states that Gohar Shahi gets upset at this and says that as he is my son, he is embarrassed by this and that I should not stand up in this way. I say to him on every occasion that “it is not due to you, but because of God who lives inside you that I stand up out of respect.”
The headmaster of the primary school in the village of Nuri says “I was known in the area as being a strict teacher and I used to chastise unruly children.” He (Gohar Shahi) would arrive at school late and whenever I was angry and wanted to punish him, I felt as though someone had taken hold of my stick and in this way I would start smiling. Comments made by the family and friends of Gohar Shahi
“We have never seen him fighting, arguing with any person or beating any person and if ever a friend would be angry with him and come to attack him he would just laugh.”
The wife of His Holiness states
“In the first instance he is never angry and if he is angry it is very extreme and this is usually in relation to some obscene matter.” In relation to the generosity of His Holiness she says, “In the morning when he goes to the lawn his pockets are full (with money) and when he returns his pockets are empty.” He gives all the money to the needy and when I need some money he makes a face and this upsets me. Then she looks at his innocent face and reads the poem:
“He is very generous of heart, he sits having given away everything.”
The sons of His Holiness Gohar Shahi and their views about him
“Our father loves us dearly and takes good care of us but whenever we ask for money he gives us a very small amount and says that we will waste it. It is then that we ask him to make sages (ascetics) of us too, or to give us some money.”
The mother of His Holiness Gohar Shahi and her views
As a child if he did not go to school or (later in life) if he suffered a loss in his business I would criticize him but he would never raise his head in reply. A Saint, Kakka Mian from the village of Shams would say, “Don’t curse Riaz, whatever I see inside him you are unaware of it.” His love for humanity is such that when he used to hear that a bus had broken down eight or ten miles away he would have food prepared for those people and take it to them on his bicycle.
A close friend of His Holiness Gohar Shahi, Mohammed Iqbal of Fazoliyanh
Mohammed Iqbal states that in the rainy season they (His Holiness and Iqbal) would sometimes walk across the farmland and notice that a vast number of ants would be passing on the path. He would walk on the path ignoring the ants when (His Holiness) would walk in the mud to ensure that the ants came to no harm. When His Holiness was accused of murder, Qudoos Sheikh of the crime branch came to investigate. The locals told him that in their view Gohar Shahi would never have killed a mosquito let alone the murder of a human being.
An Aunt of His Holiness Gohar Shahi
At the time I was a pupil in the 8th class. One day my Aunt who was religious and a keen worshipper (who possessed envy and desire which is commonly found amongst the religious and the worshipers) said that everything else was right about me except that I did not say my prayers. I said to my Aunt that prayer was a gift sent to God and I did not want to adulterate my prayer with stinginess, arrogance, envy and grudge and send it to God. I told her that I would pray when my prayer was proper and right (unadulterated) unlike people like her who say their prayers and at the same time commit grave sins like back-biting, slander and falsely accuse others.
His Holiness Gohar Shahi talks about his childhood
From the age of ten and twelve I used to talk to God whilst in the dream state and I was able to see the realm of communication and commandments but I was unaware of its reality. After the completion of my spiritual seclusion when the same communication, visions and sights came again, their reality became clear. I had an Uncle in the army who used to visit brothels. As his family would object to this, on one occasion he took me with him so as his family would not suspect (his intentions). I had no understanding of brothels and prostitutes, he would give me some tea and biscuits (leave me waiting) and would go inside the brothel himself. He would tell me, “this is an office for women.” A few days later my heart was upset due to this place, when my Uncle said to me, “these are women and God made them for this purpose,” in other words he tried to involve me also. I was disturbed by my Uncle’s words and by my “self” (ego) in such a way that I was unable to sleep, then suddenly I fell asleep.
I then saw a large round elevated stage and I was standing under it. From above it I heard a rough voice saying, bring him forth and I noticed that two men who had hold of my Uncle brought him forward. They pointed towards him and indicated that he was the one. The voice was heard again and said beat him with the metal bars, upon which the men started beating him. He then screamed and wailed and continued to scream when eventually his face turned into that of a swine. The voice then said, “if you became involved with him then you would be treated in the same way.” I then repent, seek forgiveness after which I awake with these words on my tongue, “my lord I repent, my Lord I repent” and the effects of this dream remained with me for many years.
The next day I was travelling towards my village on a bus when I noticed that some thieves were attempting to take a cassette player from a taxi. The driver shouted at them as a result of which they took out their knives attacked and killed him. Our bus witnessed this scene and stopped. The thieves then saw us and escaped. The driver died in agony before our eyes. I thought in my mind that life cannot be trusted (is very short.) I slept that night and heard this poem echoing inside me: “Forgive all my errors, I have come and fallen at your (Holy) Court.” The whole night passed in weeping. Some time after this event I renounced the material world and went to the tomb of the Saint Jaam Dataar. I did not find any station (my goal) there and my brother-in-law brought me back to the material world (home.)
At the age of thirty four the Saint Bari Imam appeared in front me and said, now was the time for my return to the jungle. After three years of spiritual seclusion (austerities) when I achieved something I returned to the tomb of the Saint Jaam Dataar. The Saint (came out of his tomb) and appeared in front of me. I said to him that if he had accepted me (initiated me) when I first came to him I would have been spared the material life (that I had lived before I went to the jungle.) The Saint replied, “it was not your time then.” Sheikh Nizam-Uddin, Maryland, U.S.A “By God! I too am from amongst those people on whose hearts the Name Allah is beautifully written and shining.”
A few facts about the spiritual personality of His Holiness Gohar Shahi
At the age of 19 the spiritual entity of God-head Jussa-e-Tofiq-e-Ilahi was attached (to His Holiness.) It remained for a year and due to its effect (His Holiness) tore away his clothes wrapped a piece of cloth around his waist and went to the jungle of Jaam Dataar. The spiritual entity of God-head was given for a temporary period of time. It (spiritual entity of God-head) disappeared for fourteen years and then it was this spiritual entity that was responsible for the return (His Holiness) to the jungle, of Laal Bagh in 1975.
At the age of 25 the “spiritual entity of Gohar shahi” was exalted and made the Commander-in-Chief of the spiritual forces as a result of which His Holiness was protected from the mischief of the forces of Satan and worldly Satans. The spiritual entity of God-head and the spiritual entity Tifl-e-Nuri are spiritual entities which are very special and far superior to the souls, angels and (ordinary) spiritual entities. The former like the angels have a direct connection with God and their station is the realm of the Essence of God.
At the age of 35 on the fifteenth night of the month of fasting in 1976 a spiritual seed (entity) of light, was placed in the Qalb of His Holiness. Sometime later for education and training (His Holiness) was called to many different realms and spheres. On the fifteenth night of the month of fasting in 1985, that spiritual seed of light transformed into the spiritual entity Tifl-e-Nuri and it was completely handed over (to His Holiness) as a result of which His Holiness was honoured in the highest and most superior “gathering of the Prophets” and the crown of glory was placed on his head.
Reasons for celebrating the days of “Appointment and Ordination” of His Holiness Gohar Shahi
On the 15th of the fasting month in 1977 the process of special inspiration (communication) from God started. The promise of Razia-Marzia was made by God (acceptance of each others will) and His Holiness was exalted.
In 1978 His Holiness came to Hyderabad and the process of guidance and teaching started and before our eyes this message spread all over the world. The hearts of thousands of individuals are meditating with the Name of God Allah and thousands of individuals had the Name Allah inscribed on their hearts and they were able to see the Name written on their hearts. Thousands of individuals achieved (illumination) “vision of the graves” (whereby they were able to see into graves) and “vision of the Prophets gatherings” (whereby they were able to attend the most superior Prophetic gathering.) Thousands of people with terminal diseases have been cured (by His Holiness). People from all religions every nationality and race after receiving teachings and guidance from His Holiness Gohar Shahi started to find the Love of God and started to reach the Essence of God.
Syedna Gohar Shahi  also authored valuable books on spiritualism including the book on Sufi poetry known as Turyaaq-e-Qulb means Cure for hearts. The other books written by Gohar Shahi are as under
Rohani Safar (Spiritual Journey) Minara-E-Noor (Source Of Divine) Roshnash (acquaintance) (Introduction) Tuhfa-Tul-Majalis ( Gift of Sittings) Deen-e-Illahi (The Religion Of God)
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pvrislynn · 6 years
How to do SEO
which you can see in Google Analytics    under referrals you can figure out    whether if you move the website you need    to redirect all the URLs so it really    depends what your goal is as well if     once one web site is the corporation and    the other website is the brand that    sells the products then maybe it makes    sense to send investors to the    corporation and customers to the brand I    really don't know what your goal is it    really depends on what the business goal    is but if it's split for no real reason    and you're confusing your audience then    you're better off consolidating to the    most powerful website and redirecting    all the links and copying that content    across to one website    so that's the best answer I can give    without knowing your companies but if    you want to write me an email I can have    a quick look and let you know what the    best option is there because it's    usually pretty quick to give you an     answer yeah and one more a very related    question from David David what are the    pros and cons of changing your domain    name yeah I mean this is a similar thing    if you are killing one website or moving    websites you need to really think about  seo service tech support delhi  whether you have significant SEO power    domain Authority on the existing    websites why are you moving domains I    had a guy on Facebook asking me this the    other day he said I want to move domains    because I want to use my domain for    something else on another project and    his domain had almost zero links so his    SEO power was zero so it didn't matter     that he moved all his content to a new    website    but if your website is doing well in    Google as traffic relevant traffic
I    mean you've got to think - well I'm    getting a thousand visitors a month on     the topic of knitting but now I'm    selling tiles well ok it doesn't matter    that you're ranking for knitting because    you're not selling knitting products so    forget about it so if you're getting     relevant traffic you have relevant links    from relevant websites then moving    domains is possible but it can be a    little bit dangerous you have to    redirect all your links through all the    new content every one page for page has    to be pointing with a 301 redirect and   you will lose a little bit of SEO not a    huge amount but you will lose some I    know I think it was miles didn't    recently they were they called before    Mars SEO also they changed their name a     majestic just changed their name too so    you can you can change your name you can    redirect all your stuff but it's a lot    of work and you will lose some power and    you need to make sure you do it properly    and don't lose any links because you    might regret it worse    one last one is how many links for a    follow a nofollow should a new website    get per week in order to gain high power seo company in Delhi   to reach top 5 in search man that's a    big question how many follow no follow    and what was the other comment I should    should a links should then you said yet    per week in order to gain high power    reach to reach top 5 in search well    firstly if you're brand new I'd be    really careful about throwing dozens of    links at your website because you'll    will be like huh how did you go from    nothing to 500 links that doesn't make    any sense so first of all be careful of    the velocity at which you add links to    your website as I said start off slowly    with your social media profiles some    basic directories but not crappy spammy    directories it's completely pointless  
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the-sinful-tom-blog · 6 years
Swab Drug Test—What You Should Know
There are many patients who ask how prescription drugs lead to abuse and addiction. While strain by itself does not lead to acid reflux, it can boost the chance that you will engage in activities that do, this kind of as overeating, smoking, and drinking. Research and development requirements are in place to reduce cost and implement faster delivery of medical services while increasing the quality of care. Designing a marketing product representative of a business’s expertise and send it out to companies that may have a use for their services or products used to be pretty easy. The best feature of the product is that, the product remains waterproof for 30 days and each application provides a full month of protection. It is the best test if you want to do a random drug test such as on a football team. The best time to block access is at night. This online consultation with doctor stands every much helpful when you live in a remote area away from town and nearby no hospitals are available, at this point of time online physician stands as a genuine help for the patient. Your "Dream Vacation" would not be complete without the cash to spare on souvenirs, accommodations and having a good time. There is good bacteria and bad bacteria- in brewing as in production of other foods. There is a solution - you can purchase pet medications online, through the mail or over the phone. Without the drugs there could be no benefits, but with the drugs there are many risks. A very disturbing trend in India is that much online health related and medicine/pharmaceuticals e-commerce portals, especially those operating in New Delhi and NCR, are openly violating laws of India. Before a health care coder can come to be a CPC, he or she have to full a calendar year as a Licensed Skilled Coder Apprentice (CPC-A). There's no point in jeopardizing your pet's health to save a few dollars. One of the reasons a government regulates production and distribution of controlled substances such as prescription drugs is because these drugs can be abused. Narcotic painkillers have trapped thousands of people in prescription drug addiction, but numerous other commonly prescribed psychoactive drugs, such as antianxiety medications and stimulants, are also controlled substances because they are also commonly abused and cause widespread harm. Drink milk with empty stomach: When people drink milk with empty stomach, a large number of proteins are often consumed as heat, but stomach will form a saturated phenomenon to affect food intake. Zippered dust-proof covers, which are made from Dacron or other synthetic fiber, should be used to cover your pillows and mattresses. “The persistence of this issue shouldn’t have been here if they have gotten security in the first place”, says Nicole Parker, head pharmacist and member of The Peterson Group, a non-profit organization campaigning against the proliferation of counterfeit medicine. First let's look at some traditional herbs that have been used to bring natural hemorrhoid relief. I don't have her recepie so I don't know if she used yeast but I sure remember the raisin part. 1. Overloading your vehicle can cause trouble, canadian pharmaceuticals online so be sure you know your vehicle's weight limit and towing limit. 3. Be sure all baggage placed on top of the vehicle is secure and protected. But because of its eminence, some pet medicine producers try to coin the genuine products of Frontline. The article will guide the readers regarding the benefits of buying over the counter pet medicines at online shops. If you let this continue to sit with the air leaking out will probably be a flat tasting rootbeer. We will learn about this in detail along with where it stands in comparison to other generic flea and tick control for dogs and cats. I arranged with a friendly DO to give them B12 shots and I got about half of them to report the results to me by phone. Availability of various analgesic drugs in online, owing to increasing number of online pharmacies, is driving the OTC analgesics market.
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fdhfjdafdajfa · 6 years
PLEASE SIGNAL BOOST: I need to raise money for myself and a friend, both currently homeless.
-I am in India without access to my money due to a pickpocketing and bank-related technicalities.
-I am without housing due to repeated, egregious, explicit discrimination. This has depleted most of my funds and I relocated to Calcutta due to air quality, low cost of living, and beef.
-At the same time, a close friend and her partner (located in Delhi and Paris, respectively) have brought to my attention a friend of theirs who is literally being physically restrained in an abusive marriage. We are talking black eyes and bruises. It's a horrific situation but I need her also because she speaks Bengali. So the house hunting process is stalled until she escapes.
-I am staying at an airbnb very close to her place. Even after we manage to get her physically removed there'a more stuff we have to do like filing a police report etc. The airbnb is expensive by Calcutta standards, but it's cheaper than rent anywhere I've lived in the USA.
-I need money for two reasons: to pay the deposit on our flat, and to keep me alive until I can sort things out with the bank, which may not be possible until after I move into a permanent place.
-Idiot foreigner and victim of ongoing battering need rescue funds so we don't die.
Paypal here.
Further details under cut.
-I was pickpocketed in the market about two months ago. That's life. It happens. Welcome to India. Some idiot got like 200 rupees so that's great for them but I had to cancel all my bank cards. Not really much I could do. I just got home and realised my wallet wasn't there anymore.
-Delhi does not have a functional mailing system at all. This means that the banks were more or less at a loss for how to get the cards at me. This is part of why I relocated to Calcutta. That's Bank Account A. The easy one, but also the far smaller one.
-But as for the larger and more consequential Bank Account B, which contains easily enough money for me to live off of in Calcutta for quite some time, they do not have any kind of policy for what to do in the event that someone ever manages to escape the land of the free and the home of the brave. This is the one tied to my social security payments, and is where all my money lives.
-So when I called Social Security they did that thing they do where they try to play gotcha with inconsistencies in your story. In my case I had already tried to get a replacement card weeks earlier, for reasons unrelated. "If it didn't get there weeks ago, wouldn't you have called weeks ago?" "What the fuck? No, I didn't solve any of the problems so why would I have called again and wasted my fucking time on this fucking phone line for no reason, again?" This was after a good 15 mins or so of this kind of grilling, which I find especially grating now after almost a year of living in countries where nobody can lie for shit and so there'a no point in every single fucking person pretending they're a TV detective whose purpose in life is to stop Moriarty from abusing welfare benefits. "If you're going to raise your voice at me, what I'm going to do is I'm going to place a security hold on your account and you'll need to verify your identity." Let me reiterate that she stated explicitly that this was in retaliation for raising my voice and not due to any real suspicion about my identity. In later calls to Social Security it would be revealed that she could
have easily seen on her computer that the card never got to me. That is information very easily verifiable by the World's Greatest Goddamn Detective over there.
-So the next person I called sent me on a wild goose chase to the American Embassy to pick up a form called a Memorandum of Understanding. Judging that the very limited funds I'd had stockpiled in my dresser was not best spent on an auto ride, I walked nearly an hour from the metro station to the embassy. There was a dust storm in this period and I read later that over a hundred people fucking died in it, but I just kept walking towards it because that's where the embassy was. Also I'd never seen a dust storm in my life and had no idea what it was or why the sky was pink.
-When I got there they told me straight up that 1. they don't do mail pickup, which is why the card hadn't gotten to me, and 2. they don't do memorandums of understanding. They offered to send me a different form for 50 USD. "Can't you borrow it?" they asked. "That's not a reasonable thing to say to someone who lives in India," I said straight up. "That's not a real amount of money that people in India have." That's American for "fuck off". So they wrote me a different letter in an attempt to verify my identity. I send this in with my only other forms of identification: my passport and an expired driver's license from Washington state. Waited 3 business days as instructed.
-They told me they can't use these because of issues relating to my legal name change a couple years ago. Social Security had not been updated as regards the change. "I have my birth certificate and my court certification for the name change, and I can fax those in."
-"What you'll have to do is go to you social security office in person--" "Look, I'm gonna cut you off there. You can see my current address right? Read that off to me. What city is that in." "New Delhi." "That's right, New Delhi. What country is that in? Great. So can, can you tell me where my local Social Security office is here in India?" She could not tell me where my local social security office was in India. There aren't any. That's why she couldn't tell me that. But again, no protocol for this situation and if an American bureaucrat breaks their protocol I'm 90% sure Obama's legally allowed to kill them.
-What I'll need to do is a complicated process involving appointing Americans to act as proxies to go in and file paperwork on my behalf. There are other ideas, but none of them are more sure or less complicated, and they all require me to have a permanent address.
-Those close to me know that I have had a hell of a time finding housing in India. It's not all that bad for an Indian to find housing and when my Indian friends have tried they've consistently been able to find me something in a few hours. But that something is living alone. Which 1. is depressing and 2. is tactically disadvantageous when you don't speak the language of a country because how you will tell the food panda guy where to go...
-So I moved in with an Indian girl who seemed nice enough, and her sister who seemed if anything even nicer. This was about a week before I was pickpocketed as described above.
-In India there's this big thing about vegetarianism where it's a highly important in determining one's role in caste hierarchy. Unfortunately for me I do not give a shit and think the caste system is dumb and scrambled myself some eggs. The disgust my caste Hindu roommates displayed towards me from that point on was palpable. Within another week they were asking me to leave. They got the landlord on their side fairly easily because that's how the caste system works and I was given less than a week to vacate. (To my knowledge there is no law like in USA saying they can't do that.) (Also if you're going to try to argue with me about how caste works shut up, I don't care, not the time.)
-The next day I would eat a straight-up poisoned "cheeseburger" and be sick for the following two weeks.
-Regardless of this I managed to miraculously line up a living arrangement with a Muslim roommate who expressed her approval of my award-winning omelettes and stated a willingness to go with me on beef crawls. (It's technically illegal in Delhi but if you know where to get it you can.)
-But it took about two weeks for the landlord to run my papers. I'm not sure why. Previous landlords had it done in 20 minutes. Most of my information about the landlord comes from this roommate, who is not a reliable narrator for reasons which will be explored shortly.
-During this period of 2 weeks, I, with alarming competence, managed to collect money from various friends and places to pay the deposit. I left my boxes of things at the old apartment and couch surfed around Delhi for like a week and a half while this was pending.
-To be honest I don't know what the fuck this roommate's problem was. She was just not a good person. She'd previously agreed to help me cash the contents of my paypal account through having it transferred to her bank, but now she was saying that if she stepped outside even for a second in this heat due to fasting.
-"Then you should not be fasting," I said, matter-of-factly. Look. Islamic law is my literal, actual field of study. You can't really pull one over on me as regards it. This is the ruling accepted by everyone who's not a goddamn lunatic. She didn't buy it though. Because she was lying. The next day she went to her cousin's house and somehow managed not to perish in the heat. Also, she'd previously explained to me how you can call the bankers to your house in India and do work that way. Then she tells me I am paying rent for the entire month despite moving in on like the 20th. "That's how it works everywhere in India," she told me. Wrong again, because this was literally the fifth house I'd moved into and none of them were like that.
-I now believe that this was something she made up on the spot because everything she would say for the remainder of our relationship would be.
-At this point my sense of stranger danger is going fucking haywire and I know I don't want to live with this person. I announce that I will leave in a matter of days. This was a GOOD decision.
-Citing "feeling unsafe" because I had raised my voice in an earlier argument, she invited her brother's sister-in-law(?) basically to troll me on etiquette because "people do not yell in India" which I actually laughed at because, not to claim expertise in a foreign culture, but ya-huh. "Not us," she clarified, "we are women from good families." Ah. A gender and caste thing. "What do you mean good families? My dad's in jail," I said, a statement about 20% likely to be true; I don't fucking know. I'd already agreed to vacate anyway. Anyway then she looked at me like I stabbed a cat in front of her.
-For the record, I didn't stab anything. But that night my roommate (Abaa) would invite her ex-boyfriend to stay the night. The next day he'd investigate a few of the claims Abaa had made.
-"Don't you agree this is a little threatening? Throwing boxes at her..." "What?" I asked. "Throwing boxes?" "She said you threw that box at her," he said, pointing to a container made of thin tin or aluminum which had been full of popcorn when I bought it. The tin drum was sitting on my desk, undented, full of medications and things. "I didn't do that," I said, truthfully. "She also said you grabbed a kitchen knife and tried to stab her." "What? And you believe this?" "She is my friend. I have to believe her." God bless this guy but he was not regarding me as one would regard someone who had just tried to STAB a friend of his. Also the kitchen knives sucked and would not have been practical stabbing implements; if I were going to attack someone surely the better choice would be the brass punchers I carry on my person at all times.
-She also called the police on me twice. I don't know what she was claiming, it was never explained to me. But both times they basically told her to chill, this isn't an ethno-state.
-Even on the way to the train station to Calcutta she's calling my cab driver trying to get him to turn around so she can yell at me over misplacing the key to the apartment. She texts me this:
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In her defence, I had accidentally taken the key, but still, not done, man. She blocked me after saying that so I couldn't arrange a way to get the key back. I guess she wasn't from such a great family after all.
-Rent in Calcutta is about a quarter as expensive as in Delhi. Also, Delhi is kind of an overcrowded polluted place where people go to be slaves to capital and die of smoke inhalation and indigestion. The "cheeseburger" gave me my worst case but I pretty much never didn't have indigestion there. Also it's like 45 degrees every day with an Air Quality Index of like 350. So I felt pretty good about going to Calcutta where beef is legal and there's an active art scene and I have almost as many friends as in Delhi and AQI rarely tops 50 and everybody's a communist.
-On the train ride over, a very close friend and her boyfriend (who live in Delhi and Paris, respectively) alert me to a friend of theirs who is in a physically abusive marriage. She needs help escaping. After that, the two of us should get a flat together. They think it'll be good for her to live with me because I'm an abuse survivor who is strong and independent and has experience in DV counseling. Truthfully, they're right. And I didn't stop needing an Indian roommate or anything. So I enthusiastically agree.
-The place that had agreed to host me for my first stretch in Calcutta until I get a permanent place has two complications. One, to get to where my new roommate lives, I need to pay 500 rupees for a 1 hour uber ride, or I can ride the train for 3 hours. Secondly, and perhaps more pressingly, the family I was staying with were forced to vacate because the father's debtors had threatened to kidnap his daughter.
-So I get an airbnb about a block from where my new roommate lives so that she can head over easily when she gets the chance. That is where I am now. It's a little over ₹600 a night. I'm pretty much stuck here until she manages to escape and we manage to get a place, although I have other people working on it as well. Frankly this suits me fine. I'm tired. I've had basically no downtime in like two months. The food here'a fucking fantastic. If I can spend a few days just stuffing my face with ₹40 beef biryani and momos and gain back the weight I lost by having indigestion for six straight months then fuck me up.
Compounding issues is the fact that my computer broke. Fortunately it's under warranty but I had to type this on an mp3 player and it took two hours good night.
I need some. If I raise €50, I'll be fine. If I raise €100, I'll be comfortable. Assuming the Apple store doesn't blindside me tomorrow. I'm really hoping for €60 or more.
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Why is Filing Income Tax Return Important?
Have you ever wondered why does an individual file his Income Tax Return? Simply, people earn some income during a particular year and generally make couple of investments in various schemes and undertake several expenses related to their business or profession. On such income earned by the individuals, they need to pay some amount of tax to the government. Hence, in order to declare the income and make such payment of tax, the Income Tax Return is filed.
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 However, it’s not that you can file the Income Tax Return only if you have to pay taxes. You can voluntarily file it, rather, you should voluntarily file it as there are numerous benefits attached to the same. Let's have a look at the conversation between Arun, Tax Consultant (Fictional Character) and Rohit, a businessman (Fictional Character) to have a better understanding on the basics and importance of filing ITR.
 Rohit:      Arun, what is an ITR?
 Arun:   Income Tax Return, i.e. ITR, is a form that a person has to submit to the Income Tax Department. It contains information about a person’s income and the taxes to be paid on it during the year. Information fed in ITR should pertain to a particular financial year, i.e. beginning on 1st April and closing on 31st March of the following year.
 Rohit:   Okay, who all individuals need to file ITR?
 Arun:   Rohit, firstly you need to know who is referred to as an individual as per the Income Tax Act. Individual refers to the natural human being, whether male or female, minor or major. An individual's gross total income comprises wages, salaries, dividends, interest, business income, and any other income he earns throughout the year.
 It is obligatory to file income tax returns for all resident individuals of India whose total income is above Rs. 2.5 lakh after eligible deductions and are below 60 years of age. Individuals of the age of 60 and 80 or above are required to file their ITR if their net income is more than Rs. 3 lakhs and Rs. 5 lakhs, respectively. Individuals having income below the basic exemption limit are not required to file ITR by law.
 Rohit:  Oh! Is filing ITR important only for declaring income to the Income Tax Department or there are some other benefits too.
 Arun:  The filing of income tax return is not only for the purpose of declaring earnings to the Income Tax Department and paying taxes, but it allows you to avail other benefits too, that can be advantageous for you in the short and long-term.
 Rohit:  All right! Can you sum up some advantages of filing ITR?
 Arun:  Sure Rohit!
 Some of the benefits of filing income tax return are:
 ITR receipt acts as a very important document
ITR receipt acts as a proof of Income of a person and of payment of taxes. It is much more detailed than Form 16. It contains details of the total income, including details of income from respective sources.
 Ease in claiming tax refunds
 It is very important to note that one can claim a tax refund only if he is filing an income tax return after claiming all the eligible deductions for that financial year. Therefore, if you are a salaried person who is getting salary after deduction of TDS, or if TDS is getting deducted on interest income of your fixed deposits, or TDS is getting deducted in any other way, it is essential to file your ITR to claim a refund of the tax deducted, if any, which is reflected in your Form 26AS.
 Ease in getting loan approvals
 Filing ITR helps individuals when they have to apply for a vehicle loan, house loan, etc. The majority of banks ask for the copy of income tax returns of last couple of years as proof of income statement of a person. This serves as a mandatory document for the loan approval.
 Adjustment of losses of previous years
 Filing ITR on or before the due date enables the individual to carry forward losses to subsequent years, which ultimately get set off against the income of subsequent years. This means deduction of certain losses from the relevant income helps the individual reduce his future income tax liability. This is only possible if one files his ITR.
 Quick processing of VISA
 Many embassies require an individual to furnish copies of his tax returns for the past few years at the time of the application for a visa. These are amongst mandatorily required documents and hence it is always advisable to timely file your ITR.
 Saves from Penalty and Prosecution
 Evasion of taxes and late filing of ITR carry penalties around the world, including India. Therefore, filing income tax returns and doing so on time save an individual from unnecessary difficult situations with the Income Tax Department.
 Rohit:   Oh, so many benefits! See, I want to file my ITRs for all the earlier years for which I have missed so that I can also avail all these benefits. Please let me know the procedure for the same.
 Arun:   No Rohit, now you cannot file your ITR for earlier years. Now, you can file your return only for last year as a belated return. The due date for filing a belated return is 31st December following the relevant financial year.
Rohit:  Okay, tell me one more thing Arun, my wife is a homemaker. Does she also need to file the ITR?
 Arun:   See, if she is earning income from any source and such income during the financial year is more than the basic exemption limit applicable to her, then she has to file the ITR. But, if she is not having any income or her income is less than the basic exemption limit, then it is not mandatory for her to file the return. However, as I mentioned, it would be beneficial for her if she voluntarily files the same.
 Rohit:   Okay Arun, please let me know, what are the documents required to file ITR?
 Arun:   Rohit, generally, the following documents are required to file an income tax return:
 PAN Card
Aadhaar Number
Income Tax Login credentials
Bank Statement
Investment proof for claiming deductions
TDS certificates (Form 16 or 16A)
Records of Sale or Purchase of Assets/Investments
Proof of payment of insurance premium, PPF, purchase of NSCs, Mutual funds, donations etc.
 Rohit:   What is e-verification of ITR, and how is an ITR e-verified?
 Arun:    An ITR is e-verified through an e-verification code. Electronic Verification Code (EVC) is a code sent to the registered mobile number of the tax filers while filing their returns online. It helps to verify the identity of the tax filers. An EVC can be generated through the e-filing portal of Income Tax Department.
 After successful e-verification of ITR, a taxpayer is not required to send physical ITR-V to Bangalore for further processing. Your ITR can be verified electronically through any of the following means:
 Via Aadhaar OTP
Via net banking
Via EVC on the Income Tax website
 Rohit:   Are any proofs required to be attached while filing the ITR?
 Arun:   No, taxpayers are not required to attach any documents while filing an income tax return. However, the taxpayers should keep it carefully to provide to the department if needed in case of scrutiny or any assessment.
 Rohit:   What are the due dates of filing ITR?
 Arun:   Since, you are an individual, let me tell you the due date applicable to you. The last date of filing Income Tax Return is generally 31st July following the relevant financial year. However, for financial year 2020-21, CBDT has extended the due date to file the Income Tax Return of the Individual Taxpayer to 30th September, 2021.
 Rohit:  Okay Arun, now I have understood the basics of ITR filing. Any other point you want to add?
 Arun:   So, Rohit, let me summarize why you should timely file your ITR. You must file your return and pay due taxes to the government to be a responsible citizen of India. Also, if you are liable to file ITR, then in order to save yourself from any penalty proceedings to be initiated against you, you must file your return within due date. In case you are not liable to file ITR, then also you should file your return to avail the benefits that I mentioned earlier.
 Rohit:  All right Arun! Thank you so much for clarifying my doubts…
 Note: The due dates mentioned in the article are according to the Income Tax Act, 1961. However,    these are subject to change as per the notifications and circulars issued by CBDT from time to time.
 Authored by CA Rahul Pareva, assisted by Kriti Agrawal
For any queries or suggestions, email at [email protected]
 About the Author and Firm
 CA Rahul Pareva possesses experience in litigation and advisory matters. He has been representing various clients before Tax Authorities. He is associated with Manish Anil Gupta & Co., CA in District Centre. MAG is renowned tax and *audit firm in Delhi* where clients complexities are transformed into solutions
 Disclaimer! This article is meant purely for knowledge and educational purposes. It contains only general information and references to legal content. It is not legal advice, and should not be treated as such..
 Source: https://www.manishanilgupta.com/blog-details/why-is-filing-income-tax-return-important
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