#hoxton tom
spilladabalia · 6 months
The 4 Skins - Plastic Gangster
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rm14hitman · 6 months
Cop : You're receiving a ticket for having 3 persons on one motorcycle
Hoxton : Bloody hell...
Rust : Wait, 3 ?
Cop : Yeah ?
Hoxton, under his breath : Wanker...
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what-yadoking-likes · 9 months
What the heisters do on Boxing Day:
Clover: begins shopping for Christmas Day the following year in the online sales. She meticulously tracks her purchases, money spent AND 'saved' (i.e. money off) on a comprehensive and colour-coded spreadsheet.
John Wick: walks the dog. Plays fetch with the dog. Goes on a jog with the dog. Gives the dog a bath. Naps on the sofa with the dog.
Rust: he attends one of those biker runs where they collect gifts and distribute them to needy children throughout the capitol.
Hoxton: nurses his very sore throat after carolling and karaoke-ing various Christmas Classics the night before (and the night before that, and the night before before that-).
Duke: reads various Christmas-themed stories or poems aloud. In previous years he read A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens).
Dallas: avoiding eye contact with/answering his phone to Vlad, because he always gets sent on those wacky Xmas heists for the Ukrainian and he has had it, nope, not this year, not this time - "Dallas speaking, who is i-" "MY FRIEND!!!"
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forensicated · 7 months
Smiffina Episodes - Good Cop Bad Cop
Whilst Gina is still away and Smithy is still Acting Inspector, this is obviously a huge impact on their relationship - especially at the start given how Smithy and Callum rubbed along.
The Relief have been given outstanding warrants to complete, Dan and Tony arrive to do one where the girls housemate calls her to the door, warning them that she 'got in late last night'. Lucy appears hungover and proceeds to vomit on Dan's legs before they can get her in the car. It's going to be one of those days.
In the yard, a tall, well built man is surveying the officers banter. He follows them into custody where chaos reigns with one prisoner taking another hostage with a cricket bat. The tall man throws his bag at the man holding Lucy hostage which disarms him and allows him to be arrested. Smithy grabs the man to arrest him as he thinks he's one of the suspects. The man presents his warrant card - he's Sgt Callum Stone, arriving for his first day. Bloody good job considering he walked into the yard and into custody unchallenged.
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Start as you mean to go on, boys.
Lucy fell once she was freed from the second mans grasp and is bleeding from the back of her head. Thankfully it doesn't appear it happened in the chaos but the boys admit they thought she was just drunk/hungover as she mentioned nothing and didn't lower her hood.
Smithy catches up with Callum once Lucy is on her way to St Hugh's. He apologises for the unconventional welcome after having just seen the email to tell him of Callum's posting. Callum just laughs and says he's glad it's official, he'd started to worry he was at the wrong station
Finally in place, Callum arranges Will and Diane to look into Lucy's background as a 'tom' and see if a pimp or client hurt her. He and Dan head to the hospital to see how Lucy is. She is badly concussed but the strange thing is the injury has already been stitched to professional standard but not at the hospital or others nearby. The wound is consistent with being hit by a blunt instrument or a fall. Callum has started calling Dan 'Daniel' and it's clear Dan doesn't like it. Will and Diane are able to fill in the timeline of where she was the night before - she appears to have been at a party as part of the entertainment, but the host is a former Hoxton DI. Smithy worked with the DI as a probationer on a fraud investigation. He had come across as a family man devoted to his wife. He suggests Callum take Dan to the flat to see if Donnelly can fill in the gaps without shaming him for paying for company.
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Donnelly (it's impossible to hear Donnelly without hearing the Thomas The Tank Engine theme in your head if you're from the UK.) admits Lucy was at the party and a little bit the worse for wear. He brings up that she fell and hit her head before Dan or Callum mention it. Callum asks about witnesses and Donnelly claims everyone else had gone by then. He got a retired doctor friend to 'patch her up' at Lucy's request rather than make it official because drugs had been present and Lucy didn't want official questions asking as she has a son in care she wants to get back. Callum frowns but takes photographs of the scene despite it 'all being cleaned up' and asks for the names and address of all in attendance including the doctor. The doctor insists if he'd known she was concussed that he would have insisted she went to the hospital but Donnelly had explained it in a way that made it not seem a bad fall. Callum's done some digging, far from the friendly relationship that Donnelly had made out, he'd actually gotten the doctor struck off for fraud 8 years before. The doctor dismisses it as them having 'kissed and made up' and asks to leave. Callum asks if Lucy's injuries could have been caused by anything other than a fall but the doctor refuses to speculate.
Will and Diane report Donnelly's friends are less than impressed at him being investigated as they claim he is an honourable ex-officer who is still picking up the pieces after his wife left him. At the hospital Lucy claims she was only at the party to serve the drinks but she must have drank more than she served as she slipped and banged her head outside when she went for air. Her explanation is almost word for word the same as Donnelly said, including how she asked him to fix it for her because she's trying to get her son back. Callum plays Mr Nice Guy and claims they're just glad that she's OK and asks if she's had any visitors. Lucy insists she hasn't but the flowers beside her bed didn't appear by magic. Callum checks CCTV - Donnelly visited and he's clearly told her what to say.
Callum tells Smithy he thinks Donnelly hurt Lucy and she's covering because she's scared. Donnelly arrested Lucy several years ago and suspects that he's turned a blind eye the next time in return for favours. He shows Smithy the pictures he took of the scene and points out an expensive fireside set missing the poker despite just moving in. He suggests that he hit her over the head with it and disposed of it when the bin men came that morning. Smithy sighs and considers it before allowing Callum to send 'Starsky And Hutch' (an unimpressed Will and Diane) to the tip to search for it.
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Back at the hospital Callum tries to press Lucy for the truth but she's having none of it, having a clear distrust of the police. Eventually she cracks, telling them that he'd promised to help her officially however he continued using her for information and sex. She admits he hit her when she tried to end their arrangement but refuses to co-operate. With no official statement, Callum returns to Donnelly's. He tells Dan its a fishing trip and to keep quiet and do as he says. He accuses Donnelly of forcing Lucy to keep quiet after he assaulted her. He insists the poker has been found and bagged. Donnelly smirks and looks to Dan "he's [Callum] good, he's very good..." but claims if they had real evidence they'd be arresting him. Callum simply smiles and plays along. "Can't blame me for trying." He wants a result and Donnelly smarms that results come in all shapes and sizes so what does Callum really want? Callum sends an unimpressed Dan away and tells Donnelly he knows about the relationship he and Lucy had and that the FIU will start looking into his cashflow as it's an extravagant place for a DI's pension, especially with maintenance. "You're fishing." Donnelly smirks and Callum replies. "You're hooked."
Donnelly insists he's checked into Callum and he's not exactly whiter than white himself. "My record is clean." "So's mine..." Donnelly smiles before asking Callum how the situation go away. Outside Dan is unimpressed and even thrusts Callum against the car. Callum tells him simply he threatened Donnelly and he simply laughed at him. He tells him not to mention it to Smithy and sends Dan, Diane and Will for refs, saying he's just going to make some calls. Dan seems suss about his new Sergeant. He brings it up in the canteen and Reg says he's heard dark whispers about Callum whilst Tony says he's heard the opposite. Dan admits he seems OK but there's something odd about the case and Stone's dealings with it. Will suggests it'll all get sorted out when they get forensics back on the poker.
In the property room, Callum has signed the poker out as a 'mix up to be returned to its owner', telling the PC he'll sort it with Smithy. He hides it in his bag and tells Smithy that the poker was covered in so much crap that forensics couldn't get any clear prints and as Lucy won't give a statement there's nothing they can do about it. He takes the poker out, telling Dan he's nipping out and to cover to him. Dan tries to bring up what he thinks about the case and refuses to lie to Smithy. Callum says it's not lying and just covering and calls him Daniel again - making Dan snap at him that he doesn't like being called Daniel. Suspicious, Dan takes his thoughts to Smithy. Smithy tells Dan he was just about to come and find him for the same thing. Smithy tells him Stone told him that forensics told him there were no prints but Will has told him the poker never got that far so Dan tells him exactly what he knows happened - including getting sent out of the flat. Smithy and Dan track Stone down to a cafe where he and Donnelly are meeting to discuss handing it over. Donnelly tries to flee and Callum again gets restrained by Smithy too under suspicion of being bent - however it turns out it was a covert sting to catch Donnelly trying to bribe Callum for the poker and confessing what he did to Lucy - including skimming from her earnings to afford his fancy new lifestyle - set up before Callum left the station. Smithy is Not. Impressed. and he walks off in frustration.
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At the station Smithy clearly is not happy with Callum for going over his head to arrange the sting and for treating everyone else 'as extras in The Callum Stone Show'. Callum explains it as it being his first day at Sun Hill and him not knowing who he could trust as Donnelley had been in the force for a long time and who knew who his friends were - especially as Smithy had said he knew him. Smithy growls that if he knew the first thing about him he'd know how ridiculous that was - and Callum points it out that exactly - he doesn't know him so doesn't know what he's about. Smithy clips his wings, telling him to run everything by him in future at Sun Hill follow procedure and they work as a team. He then asks why he chose to come specifically to Sun Hill. "Personality clash." Callum shrugs. "My inspector didn't like me flying solo."
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At the end of the shift, Callum finds the relief in the pub - and overhears them talking about him, telling Will in answer to his statement that 'it might seem that he hadn't tried to get to know them during the day but it's not true. He'd done his homework before arriving. He knows Reg and Tony have been asking questions about him, he knows that "PC Casper is a bit unsubtle at times but he's strong, that Will has a big future ahead of him and a big head to match it given he doesn't think he has anything to learn. He then tells Will he can prove to him how good he is by taking up a spot on the FLO course that has opened up. "What about me, Sarge?" Diane asks. Callum looks thoughtful and tells her that he's learnt Diane "doesn't like being ignored." Dan apologises to Callum before he leaves for going to Smithy and Callum tells him it's absolutely fine - and finally calls him Dan. He then attends hospital and tells Lucy that he'll talk to social services for her and tell them she's a model citizen if she'll inform on Donnelly and give up the drugs and booze. He then asks her to become a snout for him instead - officially and above board and he'll pay her for it and be straight with her if she's straight with him. She agrees and tells him he's not like other cops.
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starr-finn · 1 year
Payday 2 high school AU!
I did not make this on my own, so thank you to everyone that started this, I just put this here so you guys can see what we have worked on together! I'm so happy to have made these with the amazing people in our discord server, I'm sorry I don't have your @s rn, let me know if you want me to update this with your blogs
ALSO! this does include OCs! anyone that doesn't sound familiar is most likely an OC
Payday 2 high school AU, Real names, ages and grades
Joy, Joy locke, 15, Sophomore, computer based clubs
Houston, Derek Steele, 15, Freshman, Technical club
Dallas, Nathan Steele, 18, Senior, student council
Bain, Brendan Leach, 19, Senior, computer based clubs
Jacket is just jacket, 17, Junior, cooking club, OR theater kid
Bodhi is probably just Bodhi, 17, Junior
Hoxton, 16, Sophomore, choirs club, Rich asf, transfer student
Wolf, 17, Junior, Technical club, transfer student
Sydney, 16, Sophomore, Art club
Sokol, 16, Sophomore, Hockey team
Atlas, Finnley Reese, 16, Sophomore, Art, music, and creative writing clubs
Lucky, Blaire white, 15, Freshman, she's on the soccer team
Hackerwhacker, Axel Edmund, 16, Sophomore, Computer based clubs
Kaia, Akia, 15, Freshman, Creative writing Winters,
Neville Winters, 18, Senior, also the student council president
Bulldozer, Erik Barker, 18, Senior
Cloaker, Zachary Leach, 18, Senior
Medic, Dalton Blackburn, 15, Sophmore, He volunteers in the nurses office
Shield, Fritz Adkins, 17, Junior
Sniper, Christian White, 17, junior
Taser, Maxwell Meyer, 15, sophomore
Barbie, 18, Senior on the dance team
Shady, 18, senior, football player Koko, 15, freshman, cheerleader
switch, Heather cook, 16, junior
cloud-nine, Jessica Powell, 18, senior
heat-x, Blake Burke, 17, junior
snow-x, Alaska Burke, 17, Junior
Rece, Ellie Jones, 18, senior
Olympia, Riley Jenkins, 16, sophomore
bun-bun, Alto Whitlocke, 16, freshman
Chi, 15, freshman Melanie Lullaby, 16, sophomore
Bon, Bonnie tompson, 15, sophomore
Cynthia, sophomore, 16, either badminton of volleyball
Jack, junior, 16, Plays Hockey
Jeremy, 17, junior
Charlie, junior, 17, likes chemistry
Rust, Tom bishop, 61, Workshop teacher and PE coach
Jiro, 52, History
Duke, August Lindenhurst, 50s, Art teacher
John wick, 40, English teacher
Dragan, 45, PE coach
Bonnie, 43, Math teacher
Mrs. Spindle, 68, Maria Alcantara,
Viktor, some kinda history, Mr. Simon
Severn Mcmillan, 27, Science, Mr. Mcmillan
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dbenfordworks · 2 years
Performances & other incidents
See also: http://douglasbenford.org.uk
Sound gallery: http://douglassoundgallery.tumblr.com
Bandcamp: https://dbenford.bandcamp.com/music
Further links at bottom of page
- Performance as part of a trio with Mirei Ya and Chris Hill at the Frank Chickens’ Merry Mini Ura Matsuri, St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performance as part of a trio with Chris Hill and James O’Sullivan at Matt Atkins’ 50th birthday event, Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Trio performance with Iris Colomb and Tom Ward at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Faradina Afifi, Charlotte Keeffe, Julien Woods and George Garford at Longfield Hall, Camberwell, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show on Resonance FM this month had two programmes with pieces involving Douglas Benford aired. Firstly, a performance by Maggie Nicols, Isidora Edwards, Alex Paxton, Hyelim Kim and Douglas Benford, and then also a piece by Mandhira De Sara, John Edwards, Hannah Marshall and Douglas Benford from their bandcamp album, see links below.
- Trio performance with Verity Lane and N.O. Moore at Soundhunt (part of Cambridge Jazz Festival), Thrive cafe, Cambridge, UK
- Attended and performed at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Nathan Moore, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Jessica St Bruno, Chris Hill, Ed Lucas and Romuald Wadych.
- Performances as part of a quintet with Maggie Nicols, Alex Paxton, Hyelim Kim and Isidora Edwards at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Faradina Afifi (with poetry by Bettina Schroeder & Roger Huddle), Sue Lynch, Jonny Martin and Benjy Sandler at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Duo performance with Dee Byrne at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Attended and performed at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Nathan Moore, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, John Eyles, Gina Fergione, Jessica St Bruno, Ian Wadley, and Mirei Ya
- Performances as part of a quartet with Emily Shapiro, Sofia Vaisman-Maturana, Abe Mamet, Maya Leigh-Rosenwasser at The Intimate Space, St Mary’s Tower, Hornsey Village, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show on Resonance FM airs an excerpt of ‘Cascade Study Team’ from the Bandcamp album by Douglas Benford, Emily Shapiro, N.O. Moore and Clive Bell - https://www.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-15-oct-2023/
- Performances as part of a quartet with Sue Lynch, Dave Fowler and Noah Berrie at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as part of a trio with Verity Lane and Eddie Prevost at Ad Lib, Open Ealing, Ealing, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Chris Killick, Olga Ksendzovska, Aurelie Freoua and Martin Hackett at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performances as part of a trio with Lucy Strauss and Alan Wilkinson at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Attended and performed three times this month at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Nathan Moore, Tilly Coulton, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, John Eyles, Tony Hardy-Bick, Tansy Spinks, Chris Hill, Verity Lane, Noah Berrie, Soeine, Samuele Albani, Alan Newcombe, James O’Sullivan, Ed Shipsey, Ross Lambert, Keisuke Matsui, Ian Wadley, Benjy Sandler, Andrea Bolzoni and Mirei Ya
- Performances as part of quartet with Ariséma Tekle, Robert Finegan & James O’Sullivan at Finch Cafe, London Fields, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Charlotte Keeffe, Olga Ksendzovska, Dee Byrne, Gustavia Clayton Marucci and Phil Minton at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Attended and performed twice this month at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Nathan Moore, Noah Berrie, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Tony Hardy-Bick, Ian Wadley, Chris Hill, Tansy Spinks, Alan Newcombe, Keisuke Matsui, Will Clark, Mirie Ya and Ross Lambert
- Duo performance with Pascal Marzan at a private party celebrating Sylvia Hallet’s birthday
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra, with conductions by Steve Beresford, Charlotte Keefe, Noel Taylor, Julian Woods, Ashley Wales, Maggie Nicols, Faradina Afifi, Aurelie Freoua, Rowland Sutherland, Orphy Robinson at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Performances as a part of a quartet with Caroline Kraabel, Julia Doyle and Tom Ward at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Keyboard contribution to Jackson Burton & Ash Reid’s performance at an Associates pop group dedication event, Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Trio performance with Charlotte Keeffe and Tom Jackson at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Faradena Afifi, Olga Ksendzovska, Martin Hackett and Dave Tucker at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- A trailer for a documentary film on artist Calum Storrie, to be released later in 2023, is released, featuring co-compositions and performances by Douglas Benford - https://youtu.be/wRHhQ6ojaT4
- Performances as a part of a quartet with Jamie Coleman, Florence Uniacke and Daniel Thompson at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as part of Confront Recordings’ The Seen twentieth anniversary alongside Regan Bowering, Phil Durrant, Graham MacKeachan, Paul Khimasia Morgan, Cath Roberts, Matt Atkins, Bill Thompson, David Toop and Mark Wastell at Hundred Years gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Attended and performed at the London Improvisation Workshop three times this month at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Keisuke Matsui, Noah Berrie, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Paul Margree, Tony Hardy-Bick, Chris Hill, Alan Newcombe, Tansy Spinks, Ian Wadley and Tom Mills.
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show on Resonance FM airs the piece ‘Smashed Dimensions’ by Douglas Benford, Otto Willberg and Phil Durrant (from the bandcamp ‘Stolen Embers’) - https://www.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-11-june-2023/
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford/Faradena Afifi, Adrian Northover, Ashley Wales w. Iris Colomb, Dee Byrne and Julian Woods w. George Garford at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performance as a member of Multiple Melodicas alongside Steve Beresford, David Grundy and Georgina Brett at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Performances at a celebration of Emily Shapiro's birthday with Emily Suzanne Shapiro, Devon Osamu Tipp, Jo De Hulsters, Sofia Vaisman Maturana and Laura Beardsmore at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances with Marks Sanders and Verity Lane as part of ‘Drawn Into Sound’, with graphic scores by Calum Storrie and Livia Garcia at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Performances as a part of a quartet with Sylvia Hallett, Ecka Mordecai and Roland Ramanan at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Attended and performed this month with the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Tony Hardy-Bick, Lucy Strauss, Chris Hill, Ross Lambert, Verity Lane, Regan Bowering, James O’Sullivan, Mirie Ya, Andrew Ciccone, Noah Berrie and N. O. Moore
- Recording session at the Hundred Years gallery, Hoxton, London, UK with Graham MacKeacham, Keisuke Matsui and Regan Bowering
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford, Faradena Afifi, Adrian Northover, Ashley Wales, Olga Ksendzovska, Philip Wachsmann and Aurelie Freoua at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performance with Chris Hill, Iris Colomb, Crystal Ma and others at Babble & Squeak, Hundred Years gallery, Hoxton, UK
- Performances of Phil Morton’s 50:50 timer project alongside Phil Morton & the Oxford Improvisers (inc Mark Browne, Martin Hackett and others), and London-based improvisers Chris Hill, John Eyles, Iris Colomb, Pat Moochy, Lucky Liguori, Alan Newcombe and others at South Oxford Community Centre, Oxford, UK
- Attended and performed on two occasions this month with the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, David Grundy, John Eyles, Oscar Leyens, Tony Hardy-Bick, Tom Mills, Jordan Muscatello, Lucy Strauss, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Armin Sturm, Chris Hill, Ross Lambert, Ed Shipsey, Alex Dalchecco, Tansy Spinks, Angus Paget, Faidon Pap, Helen Dimos, Sacha Kahirand and N. O. Moore
- Performances of Phil Morton’s 50:50 timer project alongside Phil Morton, Chris Hill, John Eyles, Ed Shipsey, Iris Colomb, Kostas Chondros, Pat Moochy, Martin Hackett, Lucky Liguori, Theo Finkel, James O’Sullivan, Hywel Jones and Matt Atkins at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as a part of a quartet with David Toop, Regan Bowering and Andrea Bolzoni at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performance as a member of Multiple Melodicas alongside Steve Beresford, Martin Hackett, David Grundy and Georgina Brett at Water Into Beer, Brockley, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford, Olga Ksendzovska, Faradena Afifi, Ashley Wales, Martin Hackett and Aurelie Freoua at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Attended and performed with the London Improvisation Workshop three times this month at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Alan Newcombe, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, David Grundy, Chris Hill, Regan Bowering, Jamie Coleman, Ed Shipsey, Lydia Swift, Mirei Ya, Theo Wigens, Helen Dimos, Florence Uniacke, John Eyles, Andrew Ciccone, Noah Berrie, Pat Moonchy, Ian Wradley, Lucky Liguori, Ross Lambert, Tony Hardie-Bick, Oscar Leyens, Jordan Muscatello, Jack Dove, Tansy Spinks, Crystal Ma and Keisuke Matsui
- Performances as a trio with Marjolaine Charbin & Dominic Lash at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show airs the Hundred Years gallery event celebrating Maggie Nicols 75th Birthday including a group piece with Douglas Benford - [see the link above for the complete progamme]
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford (w. text by Brian Eley), Faradena Afifi, Dee Byrne, Ashley Wales, Loz Speyer and Aurelie Freoua at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Lengthy review of three releases (‘Plays LemonMelons’, ‘Taking A Quiet Road’ and a Lonely Impulse Collective piece) by Douglas Benford in the March 2023 issue of the Wire magazine, print edition, by Brian Morton. “Benford quite deliberately goes anywhere…quietly rapt….comfortably absorbed and absorbing”
- Duo performance with Benedict Taylor and group performance with Adrian Northover, Sue Lynch, Adam Bohman, Benedict Taylor, Georgina Brett, Daniel Thompson and Vid Drasler at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Performances as a quartet with Steve Noble, Adam Bohman & Dee Byrne at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performance at Maggie Nichols’ 75th Birthday event and gallery fundraiser with Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Nicky Heinen, Caroline Kraabel, Mark Wastell and Phil Durrant at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK (see YouTube clip above)
- Performances of Phil Morton’s 50:50 timer project alongside Phil Morton, Chris Hill, John Eyles, Regan Bowering, David Grundy, Ed Shipsey, Tom Mills, Kostas Chondros, Pat Moochy, James Malone, Alan Newcombe and others at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show airs the piece ‘Ramparts’ by Douglas Benford, Isadora Edwards and Adrian Northover (from the bandcamp album by them) - [link above for whole radio show]
- Duo performance with Cath Roberts at Boat-Ting, Embankment/Temple, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by David Leahy, Adrian Northover, Dee Byrne, Ashley Wales and Martin Hackett at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Attended and performed with the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, James O’Sullivan, Tom Mills, Nathan Moore, Ross Lambert, Chris Hill, Alan Newcombe, Emmanuelle Waeckerle and Kostas Chondros
- Performance as a trio with Isidora Edwards and Adrian Northover at the Horse Impro Club, The Glitch, Waterloo, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show had two different programmes featuring firstly most of the Mopomoso Xmas event included the duo by Andrea Bolzoni and Douglas Benford - https://www.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-15-jan-2023/ - and secondly most of the Hundred Years gallery winter solstice event including the duo of Verity Lane and Douglas Benford - https://www.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-22-jan-2023/
- Performances as a quartet with Emily Shapiro, N. O. Moore & Clive Bell at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Recording session at the Hundred Years gallery, Hoxton, London, UK with Graham MacKeacham and Regan Bowering
Continued below…
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myfavebandfizz · 1 year
Music Week- June 16, 2023
Decca signs FIZZ featuring chart stars Dodie and Orla Gartland
by Andre Paine
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Decca Records has signed FIZZ, a new band comprised of friends and musicians Dodie, Orla Gartland, Greta Isaac and Martin Luke Brown.
Both Dodie and Orla Gartland released debut albums in 2021. Dodie’s Build A Problem (Doddleoddle/The Orchard) peaked at No.3 and has sales to date of 23,342 (Official Charts Company). Meanwhile, Orla Gartland’s Woman On The Internet (New Friends/The Orchard) peaked at No.10 and has sales to date of 11,275.
Greta Isaac has released music on Made Records, while  Martin Luke Brown was previously signed to Parlophone and has more recently partnered with Kartel Music Group.
According to the announcement, FIZZ came together in “a whirlwind of pure joy and escapism, inverting everything each artist knew about making music to produce an album with fun and a love of the craft at its core”. 
FIZZ’s debut album, The Secret To Life, will be released on September 15 via Decca Records. It was recorded at Middle Farm Studios last summer with Pete Miles. 
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For FIZZ’s first visit to Decca, senior head of A&R Rachel Holmberg transformed the whole office into a village fete, in line with the band’s vision and creative for the campaign ahead. 
Tom Lewis, co-president of Decca Label Group, said: “Rachel Holmberg introduced Fizz to Decca right at the beginning of the year. It was love at first sight for us all. Their album makes everything feel warmer, brighter, more colourful and more thrilling. It’s a dose of much-needed optimism. And, most of all, you can feel the power of the band’s extraordinary friendship within every single note.”
After teasing on socials and with outdoor marketing in the city, FIZZ revealed themselves with a surprise show at Brighton’s The Great Escape festival last month. They will play their first official headline show next week at London’s Hoxton Hall (June 21). They will also appear at a number of festivals this summer, including Latitude and Barn On The Farm. 
The band have just dropped the album’s first single, High In Brighton, which is described as a “maximalist, technicolor dream of escaping everyday life”. 
In a statement, FIZZ said: “Real life is boring. High In Brighton is a psychedelic yearning to escape to a fantasised seaside town complete with a key change, honky tonk piano, high speed drums and even a clarinet solo.”
Back row (L-R): Grace Emmett, Campaign Manager, Decca, Joshua Edwards, FIZZ co-manager, Silencio, Laura Monks, Co-President of Decca Label Group, Claire Kilcourse, FIZZ co-manager, Big Life Management, Rachel Holmberg, Senior Head of A&R, Decca, George Baker, FIZZ co-manager, North Pole Management, Holli Sullivan, Marketing Director, Decca.
Front row (L-R): Dodie Clark, Orla Gartland, Martin Luke Brown, Greta Isaac
PHOTO CREDIT: Carsten Windhorst
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briefnewschannel · 2 years
Open enrollment for 2023 health coverage through exchange ends Sunday
Open enrollment for 2023 health coverage through exchange ends Sunday
Hoxton/Tom Merton | Hoxton | Getty Images If you don’t have health insurance for 2023, you may still be able to get it through the public marketplace. Open enrollment for the federal health-care exchange ends Sunday, with coverage taking effect Feb. 1. If your state operates its own exchange, you may have more time. Most marketplace enrollees — 13 million of 14.5 million in 2022 — qualify for…
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rnewspost · 2 years
Open enrollment for 2023 health coverage through exchange ends Sunday
Open enrollment for 2023 health coverage through exchange ends Sunday
Hoxton/Tom Merton | Hoxton | Getty Images If you don’t have health insurance for 2023, you may still be able to get it through the public marketplace. Open enrollment for the federal health-care exchange ends Sunday, with coverage taking effect Feb. 1. If your state operates its own exchange, you may have more time. Most marketplace enrollees — 13 million of 14.5 million in 2022 — qualify for…
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chadstjames · 2 years
The Stag’s Head Hoxton has been my home for the last seven days.
I really have had the UK experience living on top of the pub. It’s been great getting to know both the staff and locals. Also the food they serve is on point. Strongly recommend it.
Interesting tidbit. Not only did Tom Hardy film some of ‘Legend’ there. But Harry Styles used my room between takes while filming a scene for ‘My Policeman.’ So that means I slept with Harry Styles right? 😝
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Will definitely be dropping in for a visit before I fly back home.
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Sailors and Mental Health
Please note: This post is about mental health, attempts at treatment and accommodation, self-harm and suicide. If you are affected by what you have read or have current problems that you cannot deal with on your own, please contact a mental health helpline.
Do not suffer in silence.
Another type of disease affected the men as much as any other type of disease. But it was either not recognised at all or only with difficulty. We are talking about mental illnesses.
References to mental illness and their treatment can be found as early as 5000 BC with skulls showing evidence of trepanation. Texts from Ancient Egypt, China, Ancient Greece and the Romans also indicate an awareness of different types of mental illness dating from 1500 BC to 200 AD. After the fall of the Roman Empire theories of mental illness, including different personality types and temperaments (Theophrastus) and 'rational explanations' (Hippocrates), largelyreverted back to the belief in demons and other supernatural causes. It took nearly 1000 years before the first hospital for the mentally ill in Europe, Bethlem Royal Hospital, admitted its first patients in the 1300s. Key theories and ideologies emerged over the next 300 years largely driven by the Renaissance period that swept through Europe. Descartes' 'theory of mind' and Burton's 'Anatomy of Melancholy' are examples of influential works from this period.
This post, however, is mainly about an insight into the treatment and care of sick Sailors of the 18th and 19th century of the Royal Navy.
By the end of the 18th century the Surgeons had noticed an increase in the number of Sailors being admitted to one of London's Asylums due to mental breakdown, especially after major battles. Sir Gilbert Blane (1749-1843), Physician of the Fleet, quickly realised that during the war the number of such men had increased sevenfold and the wings for such cases in the Royal Navy Hospitals were expanded during the 19th century. He recognised that the men often suffered from severe anxiety, depression and trauma. However, he did not see it as such as it is today. He only recognised the symptoms, such as partial paralysis, sleep disturbances, dysesthesia, delusions and more. As was the case with soldiers in the army, these illnesses were attributed to the war.
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Most of Bethlehem Hospital by William Henry Toms for William Maitland - William Maitland's History of London, published 1739 (x)
This was also partly the case, but the other circumstances such as malnutrition, trauma through violence and mistreatment among each other were not seen. French physician François Boissier de Sauvages de Lacroix, however, described something he had noticed in the Sailors in their normal everyday lives. He called it brain fever. The patients were restless, had severe insomnia and delusions, and their moods could go from happy to sorrowful in a short time. Despite the lack of sleep, the men were overactive and yet powerless at the same time. What he found there were the first documented cases of biopolar disturbances. Although he tried to treat them like a fever, he often had to watch the patients injure themselves or even jump into the sea.
The symptomatic treatment of such diseases was a fundamental problem. No one really knew how to deal with these men, so schizophrenia was treated like malaria or depression was dismissed as melancholic mood, which was treated with sea air, sun bathing and walks. People hoped for help in the asylums of the cities. The Admiralty sent its men to Hoxton House. Between 1794 and 1818, 1289 men were treated there, of whom 364 were discharged as recovered. 272 died as a result of the treatment and 52 simply disappeared. The more serious cases, 494, were transferred to Bethlem. There they were considered incurable. The Bethlem in London was an asylum with a terrible reputation. It had been run under inhumane conditions since the 14th century.
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The hospital may have looked like a palace, but treatment of patients was hardly ideal, as shown in this etching of William Norris in 1814 (x)
106 Sailors and 20 Prisoners of War had to share two rooms 7.9m long and 4.9m wide. Basic equipment such as tables, chairs, some beds, plates and cutlery were forbidden. Sanitary facilities were almost non-existent and men were left like cattle in their own filth. The diet, which typically consisted of: 450g (16oz) red meat, 450g (16oz) vegetables, 55g (2oz) cheese, 570ml (1 pint) broth, 1 litre (2 pints) tea, and 2 litres (4 pints) 'small beer' per day. There were no medicines, fresh clothes or even fresh air. Ultimately, the men were left to fend for themselves. Officers were therefore often placed in private institutions such as Bath, where they were given a cure to restore their health.
However, unlike really physically recognisable illnesses, mental illnesses had a stickma attached to them and many hid their problems in order to avoid social problems. Or they were not taken seriously and so depression was perceived as a mood or a woman's problem. Sailors, who were considered to be masculine and tough, did not have such illnesses (people with mental illnesses were also called lunatics) according to society. However, the opposite was the case. The Navy had a major problem with depression, which was exacerbated by pressure and expectations in the officer ranks. Especially in the Expedition service in the early to mid-19th century, this pressure was exacerbated by the demand for results in a short time, the poor prospects for quick promotions and the desperate position some found themselves in. What pushed some to suicide, that' s what happened to the two captains of HMS Beagle. On their first expedition, Captain Pringle Stokes shot himself and the later Vice Admiral Robert FitzRoy took his own life with a razor. 
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Patients in Bethlem, also called Bedlam, in the fresh air, by K.H. Merz 1834 (x)
The cases became more frequent and many an officer was taken out of service with serious self-inflicted injuries and placed in one of the naval asylums. At the beginning of the 1820s, as the conditions of the wounded in the hospitals changed, so did those of the mentally ill. The diets were changed and the accommodation became more comfortable. And labour therapy was tried, although not entirely successful, because the men who seemed physically healthy could then work in the gardens for fresh vegetables, which saved money and labour. (Only after WWI did these treatments intensify and show some success). In addition, medicines were now being tested for the benefit of mental health and experimental operations were also being carried out. But also questionable water and cage therapies were tried. 
 For example, William Kemp was given mercury treatment in 1830. He had been taken to the Haslar Hospital for conspicuous behaviour, violence towards crew members. William Kemp inflicted, who was brought to Haslar in 1830 for his violent and noisy behaviour and, when a mercury cure failed to cure him, was treated as follows: 'Since the commencement of his present illness his bowels have been kept open by the compound rhubarb pill, the compound aloetic pill, and small doses of sulphate of magnesia and antimontartrate. A blister was placed on his head without benefit, but the cold infusion had the effect of quieting him and making him less noisy.'
William Kiddall, a sailor who was admitted to Haslar with mania in 1826, fared differently. Six years later, on 17 August 1832 at 11.30am, he was 'observed yawning'. As he was "unable to account for his sensations", he was put to bed, and at 2 p.m. "vomiting and purging" began on the order of the orderlies. The report continues: He was then placed in a warm bath and given brandy, aromatic ammonia [i.e. smelling salts] and opium tincture to awaken the vital forces, which were obviously very low; but there was no reaction. At 4 p.m. he was again placed in a bath and a venisection [bloodletting] was performed on both arms and on the internal carotid artery, but hardly any blood came out, and what little was found was viscous and extremely dark in colour. Then a branch of the temporal artery was opened and about a drop of blood with the same appearance was obtained. At 9.30 p.m. he was dead.  
As you can see from these two examples, it was more a pure symptom treatment but not a real help. None of the men really recovered and they often died, either as a result of the treatment itself, see above, or they took their own lives. Dealing with these diseases only happened in the 20th century and during the great world wars, but for everyone before that it was often a pure torture.
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acuorleggero · 7 years
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Kids like me and you.
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withmychainzon · 2 years
Burning Shadows Extras
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One time I spent like three hours naming Eris’s hounds for Burning Shadows and now I don’t even know if I’ll ever use them all. So I’m gonna share them here. They’re all named after popular (according to the internet, at least) British Cocktails and Gin.
Evie - female
Vesper - male
(Tom) Collins - female
Derby - female
Moloko (plus) - male
(Smoking) Bishop - male
Pimm - female
Bramble - male
Hendricks - female
Opihr - female
Fizz - male
Hoxton (75) - male
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jacket-enjoyer-69 · 3 years
Chapters: 38/? Fandom: PAYDAY (Video Games), Hotline Miami (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Jacket/Reader Characters: Rust | Tom Bishop (Payday), Joy (Payday), Hoxton | James "Jim" Hoxworth, Reader, Sydney | Kelli King (Payday), Dallas (Payday), Jacket (Hotline Miami), Dragan (Payday), Sokol (Payday), Bodhi (Payday), Wolf (Payday), Chains (Payday), Duke (Payday), Jimmy (Payday), Bonnie McGee (Payday), Jiro (Payday), Sangres (Payday), payday - Character, Mercury OC, Bain (Payday) Additional Tags: Self-Insertish, stealth - Freeform, i'll add more tags as we go on, Payday 2, Bank, Heist, Explosives, Sneaking, Breaking and Entering, Theft, Loner, zip-tie, binding, not in the sexy way, don't you get ideas that's in the other fic, Gun Fire, Questioning, Drugs, Pain, Broken Bones, Violence, Guns, Blood, heisting happened finally, Smoking, Fighting, Training, here's your training montage, knife, Stabbing, Wounds, Torture, Survival, pain meds, Pain Killers, high, Kissing, Romance, Gentle, Bandaging, Recovery, Choking, Strangling, Nightclub, Mel Brooks - Freeform, because why the fuck not at this point, Grenades, grenade, Explosions, Hospital, Friend's OC, Mercury - Freeform, they are cool, ilu Rex Series: Part 1 of The Contractor Summary:
You're a contractor hired for a strangely well paying job, while you have a good plan things go wrong when the payday gang shows up to heist the vault you're already stealing from.
See, I was working. <3
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dbenfordworks · 9 months
Performances & other incidents
See also: http://douglasbenford.org.uk
Sound gallery: http://douglassoundgallery.tumblr.com
Bandcamp: https://dbenford.bandcamp.com/music
Further links at bottom of page
- Performances as part of a quartet with Ecka Moredecai, Emily Shapiro & Tom Jackson at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford, Ashley Wales, Martin Hackett, Teresa Hackel, Julien Woods, Aurelie Freoua and Olga Ksendzovska at Ad Lib, Open Ealing, Ealing, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford, Ashley Wales, Martin Hackett and Faradena Afifi at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Trio performance with Iris Colomb & Tom Ward - as ‘Small Print Drama’ - at Zen Jerk, The Endeavour, Deptford, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford, Olga Ksendzovska, Ashley Wales, Martin Hackett, Ivor Kallin and Chris Killick at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performances as part of a trio with Hannah Marshall and John Bissett, and of a quintet of John Edwards, Daniel Thompson, Hannah Marshall and John Bissett at Ad Lib, Open Ealing, Ealing, London, UK
- Performances as part of Blank Canvas Tentet London using System 50:50 at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK, with Alan Newcombe, Chris Hill, James Malone, James O`Sullivan, Martin Hackett, Phil Morton, Keisuke Matsui, Jonathan Griff and Dariusz Blaszczak.
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra, with conductions by Julia Brüssel, Adam Bohman/Adrian Northover, Loz Speyer, Steve Beresford, Charlotte Keeffe, Olga Ksendzovska and Ashley Wales at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Performances as part of a quartet with Rachel Musson, Phil Durrant & Roland Ramanan at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Steve Beresford, Oliver Jarvis, Julian Woods, Gina Fergione, Ashley Wales, George Garford and Faradena Afifi at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Two trio performances with Mirei Ya & Adam Bohman, and Martin Hackett & Georgina Brett (short melodica trio) at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Attended and performed at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Chris Hill, Ross Lambert, Tony Hardie Bick, James Malone, Jame O’Sullivan, Keisuke Matsui, Peter McPartlan, John Macedo, Ed Shipsey, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Alan Newcombe and Mirei Ya
- Performances of Phil Morton’s 50:50 timer project alongside Alan Newcombe, Chris Hill, Martin Hackett, Andy Rowe, Phil Morton, Levente Dudás, Kostas Chrondas, Darius Blaszeck, Helena Paul, John Eyles at Open Ealing art space, Ealing, London, UK
- Performances as part of a quartet with Catherine Pluygers, Sue Lynch & Benedict Taylor at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Olga Ksendzovska, Steve Beresford, Faradina Afifi, Martin Hackett, Lox Speyer and Kristjan Kannukene at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show on Resonance FM airs an piece from ‘Melting Frames’ - the Bandcamp album by Douglas Benford, Julie Pickard, Yoni Silver and Ross Lambert, listen here (37 mins in): https://m.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-19-may-2024/
- Performances as part of a quartet with Alan Newcombe, Iris Colomb & Tom Mills at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Jerry Wigens, Julia Bruessel and Pascal Marzan at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Quartet recording live session at Antenna studio, Crystal Palace, London with N. O. Moore, Tansy Spinks and Clive Bell
- Trio performance with Iris Colomb & Tom Ward at BRAK, Water Into Beer, Brockley, London, UK
- Attended and performed at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Paul Margree, Chris Hill, Keisuke Matsui, Ross Lambert, Helena Paul, Kostas Chondros and Regan Bowering.
- Performances as part of a trio with Benjy Sandler & Julian Woods at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances and conduction as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Faradena Afifi, Gina Fergione, Olga Ksendzovska and a joint one by Douglas Benford & Aurelie Freoua at St Mary’s New Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Trio performance with Nat Catchpole & Dominic Lash at Ad Lib, Open Ealing, Ealing, London, UK
- Duo performance with Sue Lynch at a Lion Heart production event, The Royal Albert pub, New Cross, London, UK
- Performances as part of a quartet with Tilly Coulton, Caius Williams & Jamie Coleman at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- The BBC Radio 3 Freeness radio show airs an excerpt of ‘Glancing Blows’ from the Bandcamp album by Douglas Benford, Cath Roberts, Sylvia Hallett and Dominic Lash
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Faradena Afifi/Ivor Kallin, Theo Finkel, Oliver Jarvis and Martin Hackett at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Attended and performed at the London Improvisation Workshop at the Welsh Chapel, Borough, London, UK. Other performers: Eddie Prevost, Nathan Moore, Emmanuelle Waeckerle, Jessica St Bruno, Kostas Chondros, Ross Lambert, James O’Sullivan, Alan Newcombe, Tom Mills, Helena Paul, Chris Hill and John Bissett.
- The Ambrosia Rasputin radio show on Resonance FM airs an excerpt of ‘Glancing Blows’ from the Bandcamp album by Douglas Benford, Cath Roberts, Sylvia Hallett and Dominic Lash, listen here: https://www.mixcloud.com/Resonance/the-ambrosia-rasputin-show-11-feb-2024/
- Performances as part of a duo with Mirei Ya and Multiple Melodicas (w. Steve Beresford, Georgina Brett, Martin Hackett & David Grundy) at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Steve Beresford, Loz Speyer, George Garford, Jonny Martin and Martin Hackett at St Mary’s Old Church, Stoke Newington, London, UK
- Performances as part of a trio with Angharad Davies and Sofia Vaisman-Maturana at Ad Lib, Open Ealing, Ealing, London, UK
- Performances as a member of London Improvisers Orchestra with conductions by Ashley Wales, Maggie Nicols, Philipp Wachsmann and Terry Day as part of the tribute to Martin Davidson event at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Public screening of documentary on artist Calum Storrie - ‘Drawing, etc’ - with music by Douglas Benford on the soundtrack, at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK. This documentary is also available for streaming / rental here. This film has also been screened at Tokyo International short festival 2024.
- Performance as part of a quartet with Ecka Mordecai, Sylvia Hallett & Roland Ramanan at Mopomoso, the Vortex, London, UK
- Performed on 3 pieces with the Charlotte Keeffe Quartet Right Here Right Now at Cafe Oto, Dalston, London, UK
- Performances as part of a quartet with Emily Shapiro, N. O. Moore & Clive Bell at Hundred Years Gallery, Hoxton, London, UK
- Performance with Clive Bell at the Horse Improvisation Club & Shrike Records takeover event at Iklectik, Waterloo, London, UK
Continued below…
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ashyton1 · 5 years
People I've seen live
- [ ] Ed Sheeran at the O2 Area on the 12th of October 2014 with Saint Raymond supporting
- [ ] All time low the at Wembley arena on the 20th of March 2015 with neck deep and real friends supporting
- [ ] Gabrielle Aplin at Wilton's Music hall on the 9th of July 2015 with Jack Morris supporting
- [ ] Ed Sheeran at Wembley Stadium on the 10th of July 2015, with Foy Vance and One Republic supporting
- [ ] Roxette at the O2 Arena in London on the 13th of July 2015, with some act not even worth mentioning supporting
- [ ] Shannon Saunders on the 26th of October 2015 at the Hoxton bar and kitchen
- [ ] BMTH at Alexandra Palace on the 28th of November 2015 with Pvris and Neck Deep supporting
- [ ] Gabrielle Aplin at the O2 forum on the 8th of February 2016 (Was supposed to be Shepherds Bush but it was broken) with Hannah Grace and Lewis Watson supporting
- [ ] James Bay at the Apollo in London on the 30th of March 2016 with Francis supporting
- [ ] Moose Blood at O2 Academy Islington on the 15th of April 2016 with The Winter Passing and Gray Wind supporting
- [ ] Ratboy at the Waterfront in Norwich on the 4th of March 2016 with some blues dude and Skaters supporting
- [ ] Real Friends at the Hippodrome in Kingston on the 27th of March 2016 with Boston Manor supporting
- [ ] Passenger busking on Southbank outside Tate modern on the 18th of June 2016
- [ ] Moose Blood at The Anvil in Bournemouth on the 28th of July 2016 with The Lion and the Wolf and Weatherstate supporting
- [ ] 28th again with Moose Blood at The Winchester in Bournemouth with The Lion and the Wolf, Dead! and Sad Blood supporting
- [ ] Moose blood, again, at the Rose Theatre in Kingston, London 4th of August 2016
- [ ] Moose Blood at HMV Oxford Street on the 5th of August 2016
- [ ] Modern Baseball at Kamio in Shoreditch, London, August 25th 2016 with Youth Club, and The winter passing supporting
- [ ] The 1975 at the Roundhouse in Camden, London, September 19th 2016 with Christine and the queen supporting
- [ ] Passenger at Bush Hall in Shepherd's Bush, London, September 23rd 2016
- [ ] Dodie Clark at The Social in London, September 26th 2016, with Grafton Ash, Robbie Cavanagh and sonny supporting
- [ ] Moose Blood at Koko in Camden, London, October 7th, 2016, with Boston Manor and Turnover supporting
- [ ] Kings of Leon at 229 in Regent's Park, London, October 18th 2016
- [ ] Passenger in Kingston Upon Thame, London, November 17th 2016, with Gai supporting
- [ ] Dodie Clark at The Google Youtube Space in London, November 19th 2016
- [ ] Dodie Clark at Bush Hall in Shepherds Bush, London, December 4th 2016 with Orla Gartland supporting
- [ ] Biffy Clyro at The O2 Arena in London, December 8th 2016 with Brand New supporting
- [ ] The 1975 at the O2 Arena in London, December 15th 2016 with The Japanese House supporting
- [ ] A Day to Remember at Wembley stadium, January 27th 2017 with Moose Blood, Neck Deep and New Found Glory supporting
- [ ] Hippo campus at Dingwalls in Camden Market, London, February 1st 2017 with Fake Laugh and Marsicans supporting
- [ ] Devlin at Oslo, March 7th 2017
- [ ] The XX at Brixton, London, March 15th 2017, with Gillies Peterson and Floating Points supporting
- [ ] dodie at O2 Academy Islington, March 18th 2017, with ??? Supporting
- [ ] Ed Sheeran at The Royal Albert Hall, March 28th 2017, with Busted supporting
- [ ] Lewis Watson at The Portland arms in Cambridge, April 2nd 2017, with Slowlights supporting
- [ ] Ed Sheeran at The O2 Arena, May 3rd 2017, with Ryan Mclarry and Anne Marie supporting
- [ ] Royal Blood at the Corn Exchange in Cambridge, May 17th 2017, with Black Honey supporting
- [ ] Knuckle Puck at The Old Blue Last in London, June 7th 2017, with Wallflower supporting
- [ ] Knuckle Puck at The Fighting Cocks in Kingston, June 9th 2017 with Wallflower supporting
- [ ] Alt-j at The O2 Arena in London, June 16th 2017, with Blaenavon supporting
- [ ] A Blaze of Feather at The Princess Pavillion in Falmouth, July 2nd 2017, with Tender Central supporting
- [ ] A Blaze of Feather at Guildhall in St Ives, July 3rd 2017, with Tender Central supporting
- [ ] A Blaze Of Feather at The Phoenix in Exeter, July 5th 2017, with Tender Central supporting
- [ ] A Blaze Of Feather at House of Vans in London, July 6th 2017, with Tender Central Supporting
- [ ] Neck Deep at The UEA in Norwich, October 11th, 2017, with Woes, Real Friends and As It Is supporting
- [ ] Hippo Campus at KOKO in Camden, London, October 12th 2017, with Marsicans and Toothless supporting
- [ ] Marsicans, Jerry Williams, Busty and the Bass, Clean Cut Kid, The xcrts, Jaws, Wstr, Peace and Circa Waves at 2Q Festival in Lincoln, October 28th, 2017
- [ ] dodie at The Waterfront in Norwich, October 29th, 2017, with Declan Jay Donovan Supporting
- [ ] Mac Demarco at The Coronet Theatre in London, with Montero, Scouting for Girls and the LCR in Norwich, with Ben McKelvey supporting
- [ ] George Ezra at the Union Chapel in London, December 8th, 2017, with Jocie long, tim Tom, Billie Martin, Luke Prichard, and The Kooks supporting
- [ ] Fall Out Boy At Electric in Brixton, London, January 11th, 2018
- [ ] Paramore at The O2 Arena in London, January 12th, 2018, with mewithoutyou supporting
- [ ] The Wombats at HMV in Oxford Street, February 9th, 2018
- [ ] The Wombats at The Hippodrome in Kingston, February 15th, 2018
- [ ] Ed Sheeran at Indigo at The O2, February 19th, 2018, with Mahalia supporting
- [ ] Bon Iver at the Apollo, London, February 21st, 2018
- [ ] Bon Iver at the Apollo, London, February 27th, 2018
- [ ] Moose Blood at HMV in Oxford Street, London, March 11th, 2018
- [ ] Moose Blood at The Roundhouse in London, March 11th, 2018, with Honey Lung and The Dangerous Summer Supporting
- [ ] James Bay at Electric in Brixton, March 15th, 2018, with Luna vardon???? Supporting
- [ ] Fickle Friends at The Platform, Lincoln, March 16th, 2018, with Healyum and swimming girls supporting
- [ ] The Wombats at the LCR in Norwich, March 25th, 2018, with Bloxx and The Night Cafe Supporting
- [ ] dodie at Shepherds Bush Empire, London, April 1st 2018
- [ ] The Wonder Years at O2 Academy Islington, London, April 11th, 2018, with AW (covering Sorority Noise) Supporting
- [ ] Turnover at The Norwich Arts Centre, May 24th, 2018, with Marigolds and CC Honeymoon supporting
- [ ] James Bay at The Hippodrome in Kingston, May 25th, 2018
- [ ] Ben Howard at Salle Pleyle, Paris, June 11th, 2018, with The Dead Tongues supporting
- [ ] Foo Fighters at London Stadium, June 22nd, 2018, with Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes and Wolf Alice supporting
- [ ] Ben Howard at The Eden Project in Cornwall, June 30th, 2018, with Gwenno supporting
- [ ] Ben Howard at Theatres Romains, Lyon, July 3rd, 2018, with Tamino supporting
- [ ] Hippo Campus at Omeara, London, August 23rd, 2018, with Orchards supporting
- [ ] Hozier at Koko, London, September 11th, 2018, with Saint Sister supporting
- [ ] Sundara Karma at Omeara, London, October 24th, 2018
- [ ] Tiger Warsaw, Faith in Casinos, Vigilantes, Sheafs, The Surrenders, Beans on Toast, King No-one, Little Comets, at 2Q Festival in Lincoln, November 3rd, 2018
- [ ] Ben Howard at BBC Introducing Live at the Tobacco Docks, London, November 8th, 2018, with Marina Hackman and Matt Maltese supporting
- [ ] Easy Life at Moth Club, London, November 21st, 2018, with Kofi Stone supporting
- [ ] Ex:Re at Hoxton Hall, London, November 28th, 2018, with Bryde supporting
- [ ] Ben Howard at Brixton Academy, London, January 16th, 2019, with Ex:Re Supporting
- [ ] Enter Shikari at The Dome, London, February 13th, 2019, with Hot Milk supporting
- [ ] Busted at The Fighting Cocks, Kingston, London, February 17th, 2019
- [ ] Hozier at All Saints Church, Kingston, London, February 17th, 2019
- [ ] Hippo Campus at Shepherds Bush Empire, London, February 21st, 2019, with Lauren Hibberd Supporting
- [ ] Circa Wave at ‘The Circa Waves Tavern’ The Monarch in Camden, London, with Theo from Wolf Alice supporting as DJ, March 19th, 2019
- [ ] Easy Life at Scala in London with Che Lingo Supporting, March 28th, 2019
- [ ] Marsicans at Dingwalls in London, with Only Sun and Lucia supporting, April 5th, 2019
- [ ] Lauran Hibberd at The Lexington in London, with Organ Morgan & Devin supporting, May 23rd 2019
- [ ] All Points East with Bon Iver, Mac Demarco & Julien Baker, June 2nd, 2019
87 gigs
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