#hq kurrro
summerlovingbaby · 1 month
the love you deserve
Kuroo really didn’t deserve her. He had quite possibly one of the worst days in his life and just wanted to crawl in a cave in die. Kenma was out of the country and didn’t have a phone that could pick up reception from another country, so he couldn’t even call his best friend to tell him about the crappy day that he had.
He was gonna get home way later that normal, witch meant that Y/N would probably be asleep or trapped in her office working way past midnight and wouldn’t want to be disturbed. He assumed that the house was a mess because the pair of them made a mess the night before  and made no attempt to clean it up, and he knew that Y/N had a busy day and had no time to clean so he now had a crappy day, and now had to clean a mess because he promised Y/N that he would when he got home. He also had no clean shirts for work so he would have to do a load of laundry.
But when he got home the house smelled oddly clean, for 2 day old dishes in the sink and weeks of his dirty gym socks in the hamper.
“ My love,... is that you?” he heard you call from the bedroom.
“ Yeah it’s me princess.” he replied. He walked through the door and dropped his bag off at the door and ditched his coat on the floor in front of it, not even bothering to pick it up.
The living room was... clean. The coffee table was dusted and the floor was swept and it smelled like lemons. Y/N came out of the bedroom wearing one of his t- shirts and a pair of his old boxer shorts.  The kitchen looked clean. there were no dishes in the sink, and there was a pot on the stove. 
“ I washed your clothes, if you don’t mind hanging them up.” she smiled.              “ Dinner’s on the stove if you’re hungry”, she brushed the hair out of her face and fiddled with the shirt she was wearing. “ I can heat it up for you, while you get cleaned up.”
“ The house is clean?” he stated. 
“ Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t finish the laundry. I had a lot of work to do today.” she wiped her tears sadly.
“ You cleaned the house.” his voice was shaking a bit. He didn’t usually cry a lot, but he had a bad day, and a stressful week. “ Why?”
“ Well the house was dirty soo..” she said. “ Are you okay?” she asked looking at him. He was hiding his face.
“ I know but yesterday I said I would clean up when I got home, because you had a lot of stuff on your to-do list today.”
“ I did... I mean I do have a lot to do, but I know that you’ve had a long a week, and I assumed it was a bad day because you didn’t text me today-” she stated.
“ I’m sorry-”
“ Hey baby, it’s okay, I’m not mad. I just know that you don’t like going to bed with the house not clean, so I cleaned it.”
He really didn’t deserve her. Her stupid smile that lit up a room, a laugh that could make anybody happy. She made him feel like she built the sun for him in a toolshed.
“ You cooked?”
“ Yeah... you’re favorite.... my love is something the matter?”
“ I just had a really crappy day.” he said.
“ It’s okay... c’mere.” she opened her arms and he melted into her. She was his sun.
“ I really don’t deserve you.” she spoke into her shoulder.
“ You deserve the world.”
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summerlovingbaby · 1 month
bad day
Class was a drag, it was neary finals and everyone was stressed and nervous cramming for exams and dragging themselves through term papers before christmas break. Kurro was finished with classes for the day, and went back to his dorm to find his girlfriend splayed out on his bed.
His roommate was gone for the week and spent most nights at his girlfriends, so Y/N spent the night more often than she didn’t. It was Tuesday, and they both had classes basically all day, with minimal breaks in between, with the way their schedules were made they didn’t spare themselves more than 15 minutes for lunch. Y/N’s last class ended at 4:15 and his class ended at 5, so he gave her his key.
She was lying on her back, arms stiff at her side, as she stared at some fixed point on the popcorn ceiling, not even looking up when the door closed, and Kurro announced his presence with a loud hello. He ditched his bag on his desk and walked to his bed, which was lofted high enough off the ground for him to rest his chin on the mattress without having to bed at an uncomfortable angle. 
“ Bad day?” 
She responded with a low grunt, that he took for a yes. Today she took 4 exams and had a 6,000 word term paper due at midnight, and based on the panic text message he got from her after her 2nd exam she didn’t do as well as she hoped. She studied, but what she studied wasn’t on the test at all. She was exhausted, she couldn’t sleep from the nerves of taking the exam, so spent the night cramming and studying. She skipped breakfast out of fear of being late for her first exam, and there was no time for lunch. By the time of her last class she felt so awful she schelped back to Kuroos dorm  to sulk.
“ Did you eat?”
She shook her head, and grunted with annoyance.
“ Do you want to talk about it?” 
She shook her head.
“ Do you want to be left alone?” he asked quietly, surprised when she shook her head.
“How can I help you, princess?” he asked sweetly.
“ Will you just sit with me?” she asked so softly, it almost made Kuroo shatter. He nodded and put his palms on the comforter, and pushed himself on the bed with hardly any effort, and made himself comfortable sitting by her head.
That apparently wasn’t  close enough because Y/N shifted closer to him, getting as close as she could without being on top of him.
“ Can I lie on you?” he asked, rubbing her lower stomach.
He liked laying on her stomach or chest, he liked being close to her, as close as possible, close enough to feel her heartbeat run through his body. Its something she didn’t let him do alot, she was always horribly insecure about the weight on her stomach, and was always hesitant to let him touch her, but he always made her feel loved. She nodded.
He moved, and placed her cheek on her lower stomach, and wrapped his arms underneath her, his forearms resting underneath her lower back. She let her hands fall into the top of his hair, rubbing at his scalp. Kurro had quite the long day too, while it wasn’t as upsetting it certainly was draining, and he relished in the time he spent with her.
“ Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it? It might help,” he offered once more.
“ No, I don’t,” he clucked impatient at her, he hated the helpless feeling that he often felt when it came to her. “ But you being here, it helps, I like to be close to you.”
@ lucyheartfilias-wife @esposadomd
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summerlovingbaby · 2 years
forever and always
Tw: mentions of parental abuse
(Sorry I forgot to put it earlier)
“ Can you read it to me?” she asks, continuing to chop at a orange bell pepper.
She had her hand wrist deep in chopped veggies and half cooked pasta. Her phone had been blowing up for the last few minutes, so she asked her boyfriend to help her answer the phone for her.
“ Actually it’s from your mom, its just in a group chat with your sister.” he says, his eyes skimming the phone.
“ Oh.” she drops the knife and it clatters on the counter.
“ She wants you to come to family dinner next week, and she wants to know of you need a plus one.” he smiled. He wanted to get to know  her family, her brothers and sisters that she talked so much about, her grandparents, her baby cousins that she bought those little blue baby booties for.
Most importantly he wanted to ask her dad if he could marry her. He wanted to do things the right way, he wanted to have a house with a white picket fence, and a golden retriever and a big back yard so they could have pool parties. He wanted the whole damn thing with her.
“ Can you text her back for me?” she sighed. She hated involving him in this
“ Yeah.” he smiled.
“ Tell her I’ll be there, but I don’t need a plus one.”
“ Yeah you do.” he said looking up from the phone. He noticed how tense she got and how hard he was gripping the knife in her hand. “ What about me?”
“ You’re not going.” she said, dumping the bell peppers in a pot of boiling water.
“ Why not?” he asked setting the phone down on the counter.
“ Its a bad idea.” she said. “ Do you wanna watch a movie?’“ she tried to change the subject.
“ Why is it a bad idea?” he asked again, growing more frustrated. 
She had never brought up meeting her parents, at first he thought it was because she never really thought about it, but now she seemed like she was very against the idea. And that bothered him, was she ashamed of him? Embarrassed to bring him around her family?
“ Just trust me, it is.” she snapped, turning off the stove. She had a bad gut feeling and wanted nothing more to get out of the kitchen.
“ Are you embarrased of me?” he yelled, he didn’t mean to, but all his emotions boiled to the surface.
“ Of course not.” she snapped.
“ Well then why don’t you want me to go?” he snapped.
“ I don’t want to talk about this.” she started to leave the kitchen.
She always did that when things got tense, and he hated it. He hated how she would always run away from their problems or just apologize without getting to the root of the actual problem.
“ Don’t walk away from me.” he yelled after her grabbing her by the wrist.
The next thing she can rember that she is on the floor, surrounded by bits of broken glass from her favorite cassarole dish, that must have fell from the counter. She was holding tiny glass shards in her hands, and she was crying. Tears fell down her face and dropped on her knees.
Kurro was holding her by the wrists so she couldn’t grab anymore peices, and trying to  talk to her, she could barely hear him over the sound of her own heartbeat. Kurro could feel her pulse in her finger tips. 
“ Y/N stop it you’ll hurt yourself.” he pleaded.
“I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at me.” she whimpered, finally looking up with eyes full of tears. 
“ Put the glass down you’re bleeding.” he begged. 
She dropped the glass and it shattered into even smaller peices when it hit the floor. She kept apologizing over and over again, her voice was so frail it made Kurros ears bleed. He told her that he wasn’t mad over and over agian, but she still kept begging him not to be mad, and saying how sorry she was.
He dragged her to the to the bathroom, so he could bandage her bloody fingertips. The cold water seemed to snap her back to reality because she finally stopped aplogizing and just stared at the sink, watching her blood fall down the drain.
“ I’m sorry.” she finally whispered.
“ Please, stop apologizing.” he begged. “ Please.” he begged.
She didn’t even know what happened, she just assumed it was her fault, it was always her fault, at least that what her parents told her, so it had to be true, right?
“ I didn’t mean to knock the glass over.” she whispered.
“ That’s not what happened.” he said, looking at her, his face growing even more puzzled. “ I knocked it over when I was reaching for a napkin.” he added. “ You don’t remeber?”
“ Not really.” she whispered. “ I just blinked and I was on the floor. That happens sometimes when I get scarred,” He dabbed alcholol on the cuts on her fingertips and she hissed and pulled them away.
“ I didn’t mean to scare you.” he whispered. 
“ It wasn’t your fault.” she whispered. 
The air fell silent for a seccond before she realized that she should tell him the truth. Because here he was helping her banage her fingertips, in the bathroom of that they shared, because she loved him and he loved her. And if she couldn’t trust him with the truth, then she couldn’t trust anyone.
“ I don’t want you to meet my parents because they abused me.” she whispered. “ And the only reason I still talk to them is to make sure my little brother is okay.” she added. “ And I didn’t want you to meet them, because then you would know how horrible they were, and think less of me.”
“ I would never think less of you.” he said. ““ Never. Not ever.” he added. He gently brushed her cheek. She felt herself starting to cry, but he wiped the tears away.
“ I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” she spoke. “ It’s just a bit embarrassing.” she shrugged.
“ You have no reason to be embarrassed.” he spoke. “ Now about that movie?”
“ What about the dinner.”
“ We can order take out or something.” he spoke. “Nothing that has ever happened to you will  ever change the way I think about you. You know I love you, right?” 
“ Yeah, I love you too.”
@ lucyheartfilias-wife @esposadomd
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