kahananui · 5 years
hi  all  !  im  so  excited  to  b  here  w  u  all  n  cannot  wait  to  get  this  show  on  the  road  !  i’m  ruby  ,  i  go  by  she  her  pronouns  and  below  is  my  big  bubbly  hawaiian  boi  iz  !
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paging  doctor  𝐢𝐬𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐥  𝐤𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐢    (  jason  momoa ) ,  the  𝑝𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐  𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑦  𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔  !  they  are  forty-one  years  old  and  are  originally  from  honolulu ,  hawaii .  they  are  known  to  be  very  𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒓-𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒅 ,  but  they  can  also  be  𝒈𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 .  (ooc  ruby,  18+,  she/her  )
basically  giant  6’4  smile  w  pigtails
he’s  the  middle  sibling  of  5  kids  who  grew  up  in  a  pretty  poor  area  of  honolulu  .  his  parents  turned  everything  into  an  adventure  tho  so  they  never  saw  it  as  something  detrimental  .  just  a  ‘lifestyle’  lmao
throughout  his  life  he  was  always  the  carefree  guy  ,  mellow  n  everyone’s  friend  .  the  go-to  guy  for  a  pick  me  up  tbh  he’s  just  always  been  this  ray  of  sunshine
he  was  a  big  buff  guy  but  never  really  fucked  much  w  sports  other  than  surfing  ,  was  really  passionate  abt  marine  biology  which  translated  into  a  general  love  of  the  sciences  that  went  really  well  with  the  unyielding  determination  he  has
ended  up  doin  REAL  well  in  school  and  stayed  local  for  university  ,  got  a  bunch  of  internships  at  local  medical  centers  n  the  honolulu  medical  research  institute  which  means  he  YEETED  into  med  school  real  easily  !
his  20’s  were  spent  in  school  and  his  residency  was  completed  at  the  maui  children’s  hospital  ,  where  he  also  worked  to  establish  a  clinic  that  went  out  and  did  pop  up  services  for  kids  in  run-down  areas  at  a  more  affordable  rate  bc  that’s  a  cause  close  to  his  heart  !
basically  everything  was  goin  well  until  his  eldest  brother  had  an  accident  on  a  construction  site  that  left  him  unable  to  work  .  with  several  of  his  nieces  and  nephews  now  left  without  a  source  of  income  ,  iz  decided  to  step  up  to  the  plate  for  his  family  ,  as  he’d  always  done  ,  and  accept  an  offer  from  seattle  grace  to  come  work  for  their  pediatric  department  ,  as  it  was  a  huge  pay  raise  with  significant  resources
he’s  been  at  sg  for  a  few  years  now  and  the  ritzy  glam  of  the  city  has  been  a  huge  change  of  pace  for  him  to  get  used  to  ,  but  he  loves  his  job  and  is  super  grateful  to  make  enough  to  send  back  home  to  his  brother’s  fam  to  help  support  them  !
somewhere  along  the  line  about  4  years  ago  ,  he  had  a  fling  that  resulted  in  the  birth  of  his  daughter  ,  a  gorg  little  girl  named  kalani  who  is  the  absolute  light  of  his  life  and  brings  out  the  responsible  side  in  him  ,  even  if  the  whole  situation  w  his  baby  mama  might  be  a  bit  messy  lmao
* 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚
basically  all  u  need  to  know  is  that  each  holiday  season  iz  spray  paints  his  beard  white  and  parades  as  santa  thru  the  peds  ward  n  it’s  the  thing  he  looks  forward  to  most
that  basically  sums  him  up
KSJDKSJD  i  kid  ,  but  on  the  real  israel  is  adored  throughout  the  years  of  his  work  for  being  just  such  a  friendly  ,  amicable  guy  .  he  loves  making  people  smile  more  than  anything  and  ppl  could  swear  he  doesn’t  have  a  mean  bone  in  his  body
he  also  doesn’t  have  a  thinking  bone  in  his  body  but  .  .  ..  we’ll  talk  abt  that  later  sdjfsdhfs
just  a  generally  kind  person  ,  ppl  would  say  he’s  soft  n  he’d  be  like  yer  darn  tootin  i’m  soft  lmao  he’s  not  at  all  ashamed  nor  embarrassed  to  be  such  a  big  teddy  bear
on  that  note  ,  any  complaints  he  receives  would  be  from  the  staff  that  he  can  be  a  bit  unprofessional  ,  bc  he  puts  his  heart  first  and  tends  to  think  later  .  he’s  cost  the  hospital  QUITE  some  money  in  experimental  treatments  and  failed  trials  bc  he’s  just  so  passionate  abt  saving  these  lives  he  sometimes  forgets  to  stop  for  a  moment  and  just  think
he’s  been  solid  as  an  attending  but  has  been  rejected  for  the  few  times  he’s  applied  to  the  head  of  peds  openings  since  he’s  worked  at  sg  bc  he’s  good  at  what  he  does  ,  just  not  very  reliable  to  be  good  at  the  technical  side  of  things
also  has  a  tough  time  being  serious  n  doesn’t  like  to  let  his  mood  go down  .  ..  .  when  things  go  wrong  w  a  patient  ,  the  whole  floor  can  feel  the  energy  change  bc  israel  internalizes  EVERYTHING  and  takes  each  failure  as  a  personal  attack  ,  often  sending  him  into  moods  that  make  him  rather  difficult  to  work  with
also  can  be  50/50  as  a  friend  ,  he’s  either  amazing  or  will  flake  on  u  bc  he  literally  forgot  y’all  were  hanging  out  n  for  some  reason  he  thinks  all  will  be  forgiven  as  long  as  he  hugs  u  real  tight  ?
big  golden  retriever  energy  but  sometimes  we  h8  him  kJDKSDS
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lucktm · 5 years
paging  DR.  FELIX  ZHENG  (  lucy liu  )  , the  chief  of  cardiothoracic  surgery  !!  they  are  forty  -  seven  years  old  and  are  originally  from  new  haven  ,   CONNECTICUT.  they  are  known  to  be  very  motherly  ,  but  they  can  also  be  s e v e r e. 
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hi hehe im jo !! its v nice to meet ya !! quarantine has got me freed up so ... um ... this is me , a whole ass simp for lucy liu. if u wanna plot , feel free to add me on discord @ dumb binch alert#4421 , but if that’s not ur jam we can totally plot something out here too  (-:  i don’t discriminate 
growing up ( which was so many years ago now ) , felix spent her days serving at her parents’ restaurant while studying in a corner booth while things were dead. with her work ethic and brain , they always hoped she’d go to yale. it was next door , after all. but , after visiting duke , she fell in love with the campus and decided that there was no way in hell she wasn’t going. 
now , crazy and wild and super rare , while she was there , she met a boy !! who didn’t care that she was always studying !! and that she never slept !! and so she forced him to marry her because that was a steal of a deal. anyway , his name was william vega and you can read about him when mia posts her intro ( if she posts an intro , that is ). but , they had a daughter named paris and they were very , very happy for a very long time. 
until they weren’t. obviously. the divorce happened around the time that felix was promoted to chief of cardio ( which , was a long time coming if you ask her ). it triggered a string of events that culminated in a very expensive trip to the salon after their daughter decided to bleach her entire head blonde in their bathroom.
it’s been four years now and life is fine. it’s fine. her days are filled with the hospital and trying to bond with their tiktok famous daughter ( her greatest hits include “ my parents are divorced check , ” doing the renegade before it blew up , and “ hot mom check ” )
around the hospital , she’s been known to be very nice to others. very sweet. motherly. but also ? passive aggressive. a little pointed. very strict. loves the rules. if she had the time and wasn’t so absentee bc of her career , she would have been a tiger mom
anyway , working with her ex-husband isn’t going to be GREAT for her.  like ... it won’t be. because they left it on a weird note. anyway. it’s fine. really , it’s fine. probably. 
tl;dr felix is chief of cardio. her ex-husband is dr. will vega , trauma attending. their daughter is tiktok famous. 
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daysnumbcred · 5 years
paging doctor nate kennedy ( chris evans ), the trauma surgery attending ! they are thirty four years old and are originally from boston, massachusetts. they are known to be very responsible, but they can also be reserved. 
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hey hey i’m lexi, let me introduce you to this golden retriever puppy of a dork nathaniel declan kennedy. tw: death and war
nate’s an only child, raised by a single mother in boston, mass. his mom is the sweetest, a waitress who worked her ass off to care for her little boy who was the light of her life. she taught him to be a hard worker and to be loyal, two things which nate basically formed his entire personality around. 
his mom had always really wanted to go to nursing school before she got pregnant with nate, a one night stand gone entirely wrong, and she never had enough money or time afterwards to devote herself to a career change. that was where nate picked up the idea of becoming a doctor at a young age, and he was never really able to let go of it. 
he did well enough in school, though his grades were nothing exceptional. nate was captain of his high school football team. he considered trying to go pro for a few years, though he was never really good enough for that kind of thing. really he just preferred the action, the high intensity environment, the team of like minded people all working towards one goal. 
that was what lead him into the navy. it slightly diverged from what had always been his original life plan, but serving helped him get through school and still get a leg up in the medical field. 
he was deployed for a few years and saw a lot of action. while he can never regret signing up, nate definitely witnessed more than he was ready for, and he doesn’t always carry that weight particularly well. he’s still very haunted by the men he lost during his time at a corpsman.
the high intensity of serving translated well into his work as a trauma surgeon. he keeps a cool head and 
(listen i googled it and you can’t actually transfer accreditation from being a corpsman into civilian life which is not ideal but here we are and we’re sticking with this logic ok? i’m sorry)
your basic tragic exes plot because i’m unoriginal trash
friends with benefits
close friends
drinking buddies
workout buddies
etc, like this and i’ll plot with you!
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